.THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1008. T2 CflUHCIHUFFS t o AUTO COLLISION IS FATAL Mrs. Samuel Woodward Has Frac tured Skull and Cannot Survive. Ladies' Wew Fall Suits, $15 Saturday we will offer an unusual assortment of ladles high-grade new A fall suits. This assortment embraces all the leading models shown. A Our stock is very complete, and we offer you big vari, A 4 r eties of patterns to choose from. Our regular $22.50 J) g J.U( X ladies suit3, specially priced f6r Saturday's selling, at " SEVERAL OTHERS ARE INJURED Machine Driven by F. 9. Everest, In Ti-rlna; to rass, Strikes Tno Boar glcs and Occnpante Are All Throw a Oat. Mmmtmmmmmm :Mmm,im I,.,,, , . , i j,L.i.y..i. n.i ii ' ! i MU. i-i - ' ! O -i&T FAMWAM ST . j . i - 1 j i -r - ....ii msss,,h,i'1iiii i " ' "Iiwi A S A An automobile accident occurred last night which likely will prove fatal to Mm. Samuel Woodward, 100S Avenue I, and In which several others were mora or less bruised. The accident happened at Twenty-first street and Broadway. Mrs. Pearl Wright, Sixth avenue and Twcnf y-s-venth street, with her 4-months-old baby, was driving west on HroBdway. Samuel Woodward, wife and 1-month-old baby were also driving west whin Woodward started to pas the Wright rg. Jurt at this time an tomoblie owned and being driven Frank 3. Everest was coming west Broaihvay. He attempted to pass au- by on be- tween the two buggies, with the result that the automobile collided with both of them. Both buggies were overturned and the occupants thrown out. The automobile passed over the body of Wright, but for tunately he was not dangerously hurt. Mrs. Wright ond Mr. Woodward were severely bruised, but It Is not thought their Injuries are serious. The two babies were not Injured In the leaxt. Mrs. Woodward was the most seriously Injured. Her skull was fractured by the loncus.-lon and it is not thought she can live unlll morning. All tho Injured were taken to the Ed mundinn Memorial hospital where they are being cared for. Kverest and tin; three men who were With hint In the automobile were takm t.i the police station, but after securing the names of the members of the party all were released. V! FARIMHRS HKI.P . rilE AUDITORIUM Plan to tit It for a Stock Sales Pa vilion and Market House. The fund for the proposed auditorium and stock sales building has now passed the $20,1)00 murk. The two committees which canvussed the country adjacent to tl. city Wednesday si-cured subscriptions aggregating ovnr $2,000. Tho commit tee, headed by Paul C. DoVoi, ohtaiucd $1,450, wlillo that headed by Dr. Ii. B. Jennings secured $1,200. The committee In charge propose to raise $25,000 as a ftarler and when this amount is subscribed It is the Intention to go ahead with the details of the build ing. Architect F. E. Cox stated yesterday that the Inns for the building, with the exception of a few minor detail.?, were practically complete. He was walling, he explained, for tho building and grounds committee to get together and decide upon a few of thu unsettled points before flu tshlrg the plans. In order to get these p.oll.iilnarles settled a meeting of the bull. ling and grounds committee has, been called lor this evening at the rooms of the Commercial club, ' The farmers in the territory adjacent to Council Bluffs appear to be much en thused over the proposed building, which will furnl-.h ihem a market for their pro- (luce and enable them to hold stock sales llsht at home. "Every man we talked . with (,.Ud he felt sure that the auditorium .and hl'ii'k sales pavilion was going to be a i;i'ett thing for Council Bluffs," said Mr. DeVol. "They all declared that they were ready and willing to bring their r-tock und produce to market here If the city had the proi er facilities to handle them. I fc"! sure that we are "how going to have the proper place for them to show and sell their goods in. When the build ing Is erected we will get a large number cf furniers into Council Bluffs who here tofore have been marketing their stuff In t!m;ih.i or come other place. We should Inn r til. 1 i i i;...; i .; fell . i I'll i lace many years rro, ton lute to mend. The ;.i:n snd stork sales pa ;. most important r;akpn by tho bust (iiy. and we all naturally ll will b; Huectssfully :i!':ri of (111 , iroj.l ti.ut carried out." THOIBI.KS PIMXi IP OX POI.LAHU Court Pines Him (or Contempt and Poasdnisnlrr Hai Hint Arrated. The cuso usalnst Albert Jackson, tho as sistant poundii)Uler, rhargfd with assault and battery on Waiter Pollurd, was dis missed hy Justice Greene yesterday. Pol lard, who took exception to the ruling of tho justice, expressed himself in language whkh Justice Ureenc held was In contempt of hU court and lie promptly fined Pollard 110 and costs. Tl:e trouble between Jackson and Pollard . started over a fow which Jackson asserted : he fund browsing on the publiu thorough fare. A fight between the poundmaster and the owner of the cow ensued. Tho evidence In the case was heard Wednesday by Justice Orecno and there being a con- filet in the testimony aa to where the -. trouble actually occurred Justice Orrwne ; visited the scene before handing down his . decision. The court satisfied himself that the fight occurred In the street and not on Pollard's private premises, as the lat- ter alleged. When the court announced his decision, dismissing the case. Pollard exclaimed: i "That Is a nice thing, I must say. Any ' body that would do thut ought to be In 'Jail himself." The words were bardly out of Pollard's mouth when Justice Greene stepped over to '. him, placed hia hand on his shoulder and Informed him that he was under arrest , Juatlce Greene then prepared an informa tion, charging Pollard with being In con- tempt of court and promptly assessed him Sit and costs. Pollard was so completely nonplussed by the turn affairs had taken inai ns was union speecyiess. tit was unable to pay the fine and was committed to the county Jail. tter in the day Assistant Poundmaster ; Jackson added to Pollard's grief by Ming .an Information, charging him with interfer. 'lng with the municipal poundmaster In the discharge of his duties. Democratic Clab Formed. ' All voters of the county believing In the principle and tha platform adopted by the democratic uaiioaai convention in Denver are eligible to membership In the Potta wattamie County Bryan and Kern club, which was formally launched last night at a. meeting held la the democratic head quarters on First avenue and Pearl street. Some thirty aigned the membership roll. The constitution which had been pre pared by the committee, consisting of E. Tintey, Oscar Younsterman, Dr. 8. D. Tobey, J. J. Hughes and F. Shoemaker, was adopted. The election of officers was xMttponad until next Wednesday evening. W. H. 8c nun. vice chairman for Council Bluffa of the democratic county committee, ti resided, and speeches wre made by Em- 3 met Ttnley, J. T. MuKjUPpn, iarry u. Robertson, L. L. Evans Hnd Warrerj Hough of Crescent. FISMBAKE PROVES CHEAT SUCCESS Klka Have a Great Time at Their Out ing In Walnut Grove. , The fish bake held by Council ' Bluffs' lodge. Benevolent and Protective Order of Ulks, in the walnut grove at the foot of Canning cut. Just east of the city limits, yesterday afternoon and evening was a glorious success. Png Morrison of the antertalnment committee and his corps of assistants were the recipients of many compliments and congratulations on the success of the affair, the prepara tions for which Involved a large amount' of labor. In all probability about 250 members of the order participated in and enjoyed the fish bake. Mayor Dalilman of Omaha headed a delegation of about fifty from that city, w"hile Shenandoah . was repre sented by a delegation of about the saipe number, which arrived in the morning in a special car attached to' the local pas senger train on the Wabash. County Treasurer Jfmes W. Mitchell presided over the culsihe as heud chef and sustained his reputation as a cooker of fish a la backwoods style, in addi tion to 000 channel catfish there was roast beef galore, sucking pig in ample Quantities with side dishes of Irish spuds boiled with their jackets on, roasting ears of corn and other products of the vege table kingdom. Coffee for the blue rib honors and plenty cf the goods which madu Milwaukee famous served to assuage the thirst of the merrymakers. While Chef Mitchell and his "kitchen me chanics" were preparing the royal feast which, by tho way, was no sinecure In view of the fact that the thermometer was registering close to the century mark and several big campflres, over which the flshi and other edibles were being cooked, were getting their good work in, a program of rports and an alleged base bull game ware pulled off. Ike Miner, secretary of the Omaha lodge, was unanimously awarded the prize for being the homeliest (aftd this la putting It mildly) Elk on the grounds. The judges de clared, and there was no one to contest their aay so, that Miner won the prise ban. Is down. W. 6. Stephens of Sidney, la.. a member of the Council Bluffs lodge, who is a perfect Adonis in both feature and form, carried off the prise for the hand somest Eik at the fishbake. As a result of capturing this much coveted priie Mr. Stephens expects to be besieged by adver tisers of patent medicines for his picture. Miner's friends Insisted that he has now an excellent chance of appearing in soma of the comic supplements along with Happy Hooligan and other well known celebrities. Deeiuer to Talft Ions History. At a meeting of the program committee of the Pottawattamie County Historical society lust evening at the public library building, It was decided to Invite Judge H. E. Deemer of Red Oak to address a meeting of the society on some night be fore September 32. "Iowa'a Port In Form ing the Territorial Government of Ne braska," will be the subject upon which Judge Deemer will address the society. A plan of work for the winter season was discussed, but nothing definite was de cided upon. The question of marking the Oregon trail in this vicinity was also dis cussed, but nothing definite determined upon. Members of the committee present were: Charles M. IJarl, Preside! John M. Galvin, Secretary W. J. Leverett and Mrs. C. M. Harl, the historian of the society. - Real Estate transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee September 10 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Oeorge W. B. W'esterdhal, single, to Mary A. Allen, undivided of 52 feet oft north side of lot 3, of sub division of lot 48. in original plat of Council Bluffs, w. d 1 Ida K. Rounds and husband to K. Pearl Schnepel, lot 16, in block 11. In town of McClelland, w. d 1 J. E. Beam and wile to Nettie Pike. lot 18, in block U. in Railroad ad dition to Council Blurts, w. d Mary L. Kverett, widow, to Joseph Thompson, lots 1. t. S, 4. 6, . 7. 8, t. 1 and 11. all In Uock 10. in Rail--rued addition to Council Bluffs, s. w. d Sebastian Zerwas, single, to Catherine Vanderloo, lots and 7, In block 111. also 10 feet off south side of lot . in block 111, Crescent City, la., w. d. 200 no 1.S0O Total, five transfers . 1.111 Rasla at Hlaa Sehool. At the Instance of the parents of some of the victims tha police department is Investigating recent hsxing of freshmen at the high school by students of the senior NEW TAILORED ARRIVALS' IN LADIES SUITS AT Hundreds of new suits just arriving and will be shown for the first time Saturday. These are all the very latest models selected by Mrs. E. Kosters, who has just returned from New York. These suits are the greatest values offered in Omaha. All wool materials, superbly tailored in the correct styles and lined with Skinner's satin. Novelty Suits at $45 tq $75 Adherant's of custom tailoring will find it to their advantage to inspect the beautiful suits at the "Elite". Styles are absolutely settled. Garments for fall are beautiful in outline and trimming. Hundreds of suits widely different at these prices Tailored Silk Waists at $5 A large shipment of handsome tailored taf feta waists with the new style sleeve "tight-fitting" just in and will be paced on sale Saturday, at class. The boys who. were hazed had to submit to having their hair shorn acroRs the top of the head with ft clipper, necessi tating a visit to the barber to have the rest of the head shorn close. Detective Weir and Deputy Marshal Crum are making the Investigation, but it is not known whether they have succeeded in learning the names of the students who did the haaing. Principal Thomas of the high school said yesterday that the officers had not ,been called by him or the directors of the school" district. He understood, he said, that com- i plaints had been filed with the police de partment by the parents of some of the hoys who were victims of the hating. He expressed the hope that the investigation would be thorough. MINOR MEN TIOW Davis, drugs. Stockert 'sells carpets. Ed Rogers. Tony Faust beer. School Supplies, Alexander's, 333 B'way. Lewis Cutler, funerul director, 'Phone 37. Woodring Undertaking company. Tei 333. See great hunting display at Petersen & Schoenlng Co.'s Main St. windows. Everything in the Jewelry line at reason able prices. All goods guaranteed. O. Mauthe, 238 Broadway. BIGGEST LINK OF FINE RANGES IN THE CITY AT PKICES THAT .DEFY COMPETITION. PEEEKSEN & SCHOE NING CO. A building permit was Issued yesterday to Paul Van Order ,for a one-story frame cottnsu on Avenue" C near Twenty-third street to cost $1,600. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to F. L. Priest, aged 33, and Philomena Erdelt, aged 20, both of Omaha. They were married by justice cooper Mis. Chrlstensen, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kruse, corner of Pierce and Nicholas streets, fell while alighting from a street car on Pierce street last eve ning. She received a bad cut on the back of the head Palm Grove No. 11 will meet in regular session tills evening. Members of the staff and officers are requested to report at 7:30 o'clock. Following the bustnens session and initiation of new members refreshments will be served and a social session held. S. H. Evts, the Lewis township gardener wno whs tnrown irmn nts wagon on pearl street Wednesday alter not n during a run away, was fined $5 and costs In police court yesterday morning for having too much liquor aboard at tne time of the ac cident. . The body of Claude Lldgett, who was drowned at Clearmont, Wyo., arrived yes terday afternoon accompanied by the father, Joseph Lldgett. The funeral will be held this afternoon from the family resi dence on East Broadway and burial will be in Walnut Hill cemetery. A swarm of bees took possession of the trolley wire on Pearl street opposite the office of the Western Union Telegraph company yesterday morning. An employo of the street railway company finally climbed a ladder and captured the queen bee. She was placed in a box hive and It was not long before the whole swarm was corahed. Mrs. Harriet J. Fuller, aged 76 years, died yesterday morning at the home of her daughter. Mis. J. H. Miller, 1114 High street. The body will be taken today to Clarksville, la., for burial. Deceas! Is survived by her daughter, a sister living at Clarksville and two brothers, one resid ing In Waterloo, la., and the other In Chi cago. The delivery automobile owned by the John Beno company caught fire yesterday morning on Eighth street and Avenue M. The chemical engine from No. 3 fire station was culled to the scene. Th fireman found It necessary to tear the body of the ma chine to pieces in order to get at the bias ing gasoline. The machine was practically wrecaea. While Mrs. C. C. Larsen of Hazel street was cleaning one of the bedrooms at her home yesterday afternoon, a mattress in some manner caught fire. Mrs. Larsen succeeded in extinguishing the flames with a bucket of water, but being in delicate health, the excitement proved too much for her, and when she had the blase extin guished she collapsed. Victor E. Bender, as trustee of the fund, turned over to City Treasurer True yes terday, the sum of ts.OOO, remaining from the profits of the street fair and carnival held in lwti. This sum Is to be applied on the cost of the paving of Lower Broadway, it having been set aside for this purposo by the Council Bluffs Street Fair and Car nival e inptuiy and the Council Bluifs Commercial club. E. A. Stewart, the real estate agent who a few days ago, after a hearing before the tommisioners on a charge of being Insane was discharged, was sent to the county jail yesterday by Police Judge Snyder for ten days. Btewari was rounu Dy tne police late Wednesday night sitting In one of Goodrich's automobiles, which was stand ing lit front of the owner's hotel on Broad way. Stewart had started the engine, but fortunately had failed to throw the clutcn. As Stewart waa evidently under the Influ ence of morphine, some of the drug being found In his pockets, he waa locked up. ' Mrs. Hilda C. O. Hansen filed suit yester day In tbe district court for divorce from William Hansen to whom aha was mar rled'May . 1HU0 In Wahoo, Neb. She al leges cruel and Inhuman treatment. In addition to the divorce Mrs. Hansen asked to be given the homestead, to the purchase of which, she says, she contributed .H of her own money, 12. UO altinooy and $t0 a month for their two children until they ai of full age. She also auks the court to awaid brr the cu'tody of the two children. Mrs. Hansen alleges that her husband has practically abandoned her and only al lowed her 510 a mcnth for the support of herself and the children. Mrs. Fannie Plnkard. a colored woman llvinfr at Hich street, against whom an Information chargli.g her with being men tally deranged was filed a few duys ago, was taken into custody yesterday on her return from Sioux City, where she had been to visit a sick relative. She was placed in St. Bernard's hospital over night and will have a hearing before the commis sioners this morning. Mrs. Plnkard was very Indignant over her arrest. WHITE WILL, TOl It THE STATE Democratic Candidate for Governor to Make Trip. FORT DODGE, la., Sept. 10. (Speclal.)- It was armounced here today that Fred E. White, the democratic candidate for gov ernor, will make a tour of the northern part of the state In tiie latter part of this montli. The speeches will formally open the cam paign lni the places where Mr. White ap pears. The Bryan and Kern county clubs are prosecuting the campaign vigorously, the one in this county Increasing rapidly In membership. The following are the places Mr. White will visit on the dates named: Boone Monday afternoon, September 14. Jefferson Monday evening, September 14. Denlson Tuesday afternoon, September 15, Carroll Tuesday evening, September 15. Humboldt, Wednesday afternoon, Septem ber 16. Fort Dodge Wednesday-Evening, ber 16. A)goi.a Thursday afternoon, ber 17. Emmetsburg Thursday evening, ber 17. Rockwell City Friday evening, bar 18. Septem Septem-Scptem- Septem Highest Bridge In Iowa. MARSHALLTOWN, la., Sept. ll.-(Spe clal.j What is to be the highest bridi;e hi the state, even exceeding In height th famous Northwestern bridge near Boone, which spans the Des Moines river at a height of 200 feet, Is to be built by tin Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad be tween Woodward and Madrid. The bridge will span the Des Molr.es river, and It wll be built from the bluffs on one side to the bluffs on the other. At its highest point it will be approximately 2S0 feet above the water. It Is to be a part of the new line ol the Milwaukee which Is to be run out of Woodward, it being built for the purpose of straightening the old line. Barglars Rob Austrian. BOONB, la., Sept. 11. (Special Telegram.) Robbers broke into the home at Coal Valley occupied by five Austriana, broke open the strong boxes and took every cent of money In the house. The men are em ployed In the mines and on the section. There is no clue to the robbers. Iowa tni JNotes. MARSHALLTOWN A. janney. a pioneer settler and one of the city s oldest retal merchants, Is lying at the point of death It is thought that he cannot live. CRBSTON A new Methodist church has been begun at Corning to cost $-,inV. Ar ehltect Hoagland of Clarinda having charge of Its construction. It is to be mod ern throughout. ATLANTIC Fred Tismer, who was sen to the penstentiary from this county lo serve a sentence of eighteen months fo incest, has been released, having served his time with sixty days off for good be navior. CRESTON Harvey Frank, a farmer liv ing near Murray, while attempting to cros tne uuriingion tracks at thut plat- Wednesday was struck by a fast Ira.n running at the rate of fifty miles an hou and his team was Instantly killed and th wagon torn to pieces. CRESTON The old soldiers' reunion now being held at Afton Is attracting larg crowds every uay, fine weather being factor in making the meet a success. To oay i.oninaiiy i, Iowa National Guurd. this place Is conducting a ahum hauls there to me delight vf the old vet s heart. CRESTON The Second regiment of United States cavalry Is expected In this city October 4 and will encamp at McKln ley park during their slay here. This 1 the regiment that made such a good lni pression here on their overland trip las year and Creston will be glad to enter lain tnem again. GRINNELL M. A. Sears, senior Dartnc of the Seurs Implement company of thl city, and a resident of this county fv, many years, died at his residence here ut 6 o clock this mornlrkg, after an lllneas four weeks of stomach trouble. He was years old, and had been In business here for the last seven years. Funeral on Fr day. ATLANTIC The Cass county fair will open next Monday at the fair grounds here ana wis ucsi isir in years is promised tne weatner is goou. Aside from the ex hibita. which ase always of the best, sum II. M) ) been hung up in purses for th speed program. The two SDeclai days of th lair w III La f hildrrn's day and Old Soldiers uay. MARSHALLTOWN John E. Boormrshln of Tiffin. O., was ordained and install pastor of the Grace Reform church ol Liscomb at a special meeting of the low classic cf the church, held at Llscom Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Buome Is pecial Sale Better buv your suit now there is a goou uem iu mvut w buying and more to say about the quality of our- goodstlieir de pendability and low prices. Tomorrow we win piace yn P-Tl sale a large assortment of men's high class new fall suits, II specially priced at ipis.uu, ipio.uv huu t MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS t In all the new patterns fall. Prices range from $1.50 on down to 50c A HEW STYLES, HEW GOODS, HEW CREDIT SYSTEM shine succeeds Rev. Mr. Loucks, who re ined ear v n the summer, ne win uegui his pastorate October 1. MARSHALLTOWN Dr. Daniel A. coiii- son, a well known aentisi i mi cuy. Miss Edna A. Uullford of piattevuie, wis., re to be married in tne cainouc ciiuieo f Platteville about the middle of October. he date has not yet oeen nxeu. ui- -.".- son s horns is in carron, oui " practicing In this city for several years. Ills bride-to-be formerly taught school here. During the last two years sne u teaching in the schools of Seattle, Wash., nd Madlsom, Wis. GLEN WOOD D. A. Moore, administrator r n.a lain nt Thomas R. Lour, has be- bun suit In the Mills county district court against C C. Knight of Silver cuy ror damages In the sum of $10,000. Knight is a armer living near ouver ny ra t, was a solicitor Icr tne council uiun non pareil. The petition claims that on the 18th of last July a dog belonging to Knight at tacked Long and injured mm to such o xtent that dtatli resuiteu on uie i.ui ui ulv. S. B. Wadswortn or council iiiuiis uppeara for the administrator. ATLANTIC The Board of Directors of the Young Men's Christian association held its meeting last nigni ana A. a. lnurmnii of Helena, Mo., was chosen as secretary for the local association, rne association haa been without a secretary for some time, Mr. brown having served In that capacity. The directors also discussed the building of a home of Its own for the asso ciation and Secretary Jones moved that they- take the 15,000 already on hand and build a one-story building and add to It as possible. This met with the favor of he board and it is thought this will be cone. ATLANTIC By the will of the late Mrs. Elisabeth Rankin, who died In this city last week, and which has been filed in the nice ot tho county clerk, she leaves the United Presbyterian church property valued at about 4,0oo. She bequeathed various sums to her survivors, ending with tha bequest to the cnurch. This properly Is her old home, and where she died, and being situated on South Chestnut ctreet is vuluable piece oi real estate ior tne church, the trustees of which are granted the right to use, control, lease or sell aa they think best. GRINNEL1 A. F. Swaney of this city, who yesterday attended a meeting of tiie rectors of ute Waterloo, peua 6c aouin- western railroad at Pella, report that everything Is reudy for beginning work on the part o: trie line extending irom ine ues Moines rlvtr to the Tama county line, and the work is divided into six-mile sections. wi'h contractors ready to take hold of euch of such section. 1 he bridge con struction on the entire line is to go to a Kansas City company with abundant re sources. Arrauaements are said to ha'e been made with the Wabash for the use of their bridge over the Des Moines river. IOWA FALLS Steven M. Jones, one of the founders of the first paper ever pub lished In Franklin county, uled at Hampton the first of the week, aged 71 years. He was born in Essex county. New Kork, In IKU and came to Johnson couivty In 1845. He learned the printer s traoo on tne Progressive Era, which was then pub lihiil in Cedar Rauids. Later he waa em ployed on the Vinton Eagle. In lsos, in company with a man named Bowman, he. moved to franmin county nu iuuuw the Record at Hampton. The paper is .mi niihlished. the name being the Franklin County Recorder, published by L. B. Hay- nond and L L. Stuart. Bowman later sold nut o Jones arid returned to Vinton. Jones tlr,i,..rl t.- mihllsh the Record uutil 1862, when he suspended on account oi me out break of the civil war. in is-po ne soia tut outfit to J. C. Whitnew, ana in jsh was snnointed postmaster ai nampiun, uoiumg t,i misitlnn for fifteen years. He had served his town as councilman elerk several terms. and town RECEIVER FOR FISH FIRM Federal tonrt la Chicago Takes thirst of Affairs ot A. Booth A Co. CHICAGO, Sept. ll.-The fish and oys ter firm of A. Uooth &. Co. was placed in the hands of a receiver by Judge Betlua In the federal district court yester day. Tho Linen Thread company of New Voik and Alfred E. Booth of Baltimore were the complainants named in the pe tition, and on their plea W. J. Chalmers, president of the Commercial National De posits was appointed receiver. His bonds were fixed at SO.O00 and he was placed in charge of the firm's affairs at once. The petition asserts that the liabilities of the company are $5,600,000 and place the assets at 18,000.000. The troubles of the company ara alleged to be due In a large measure to an Inadequacy of cap ital, coupled with the financial depreaslon at last fall. The bill asserts that the company Is unable to meet its obliga tions. Coincident with the receivership pro ceedings an attaihiiient for the funds of (be company was secured today by an attorney representing the Glrard National bank of Philadelphia on a claim for $13, 000. This amount Is alleged to have been obtained from the bank by means of fraudulent misrepresentations. In a state ment made by W, V. Booth, president of the company, the receivership is de clared to have been rendered necessary because, Instead of mortgaging the prop erty, the company has relied for .funds upon the sale of Its short-time commercial paper, som of which it h beta unable to renew. Wo also carry a comploto lino of Ladies' Skirts. Silk Potticoais, Waists. Furs. r1illinory, Coats. Etc. Etc. Men's Fall Suit MEN'S FALL HAJS In all the most approved stylas shown this fall, In both oft and stirt Bhapes. Prices range irom 13.50 on down to UNION OUTFITTING CO. I3IS-IT-I9 FAR NAM ST. er BB SURE AID COME TO TUB K.IOHT BTOBJ3 "1 CANNON ANSWERS COMPERS Speaker Opens His Campaign for Re election at His Home Town. LAB0B ISSUES ARE DISCUSSED Attention of I'nion Men Called to Dlf fereuce In Labor Liiti in Dem ocratic and Hesnbllcan Statea. DANVILLE, 111.. Sept. 11.-Speaker J. G. Cannon last night opened the campaign for re-election to congress In his home town. Almost his entire address of nearly two hours was devoted to the labor ques tion. He paid hia respects to Samuel Go pi pers, president of the American Federation of Labor, who spoke here on Labor day and attacked Mr. Cannon, inviting union workingmen to vote against him. Mr. Cannon plainly said he would never vote In congress for tha boycott and some other things demanded by Gompers, in eluding an anti-Injunction law that would make fish of one and fowl of another. Mr. Cannon waa greeted by an audience of 6,000. He was escorted from his home to the theater by the Cannon Escort club, an organisation that has taken an active part In every campaign here for twenty years. Speaker Cannon said In part: I appeal from Mx. OomDers" sttemniaH domination of myself and others In con gress. Especially, I appeal to that great body of fair-minded men, unionised for tne bettering or tnelr condition, who would scorn to ask legislation for themselves dif ferent from that which applies to all other cuiiena. Mr. Qompers haa heretofore waged his war against indlvlduls. but now ha seeks virtue of his reat enwer over the non partisan organisation of which he Is head to place Ha membership in the attitude of voting ror ana supporting Mr. Bryan, against Air. rait, ana, in tne event of Mr, Gompers success, the republic Is to be brought uroder the domination of Mr. Byan's policies, which I believe to be de structive to the best Interests of the Ameri can people. , Mr. Cannon then referred to his opponent Mr. Bell, and noticed that Mr. Bell ap proved Mr. Gompers in order to gain the labor leader's support. Mr. Cannon then turned to hia support of the especial friends of labor. He pointed out that John Sharp Williams had said that a party's record consisted not alone of its platform declare. tlons, but of Its actions. Mr. Cannon asked what the democratic party had done for labor. He said that of the statutes for the benefit of- labor, the most had been jstssed when the republicans were in control, lie cited mar.y labor laws passed by the i publicans. Look to the Record. If the working man wants ii further lilustruUou, said Mr. Cannon, tus to where liihor laws nave ueen enucted let him go over laDor legislation or our slates. He will rind tnem must errective where re publlcuns have been In control. It fit from the south that some of the com plaints of convict labor conflicting with tree laDor, or peonage, or tack or laws fjr laborers, or long uours for tha laborer, will-out regulation, and also of child la bor. If the democratic party snotild come into control of the federal govern ment It would be the members from the south who would control the democratic rarly In the huune and senate. Just as since the civil war. There has not been for many years a democratic speaker who did not coiau from the soutu and there will not be a democratic epesker In the near future vliuae election will not bo dictated from the south. This Is not said for the purpose of drawing lectional lines, but to show that a demo cratic congress wlil leKislate in harmony with the views of the majority in ma jority caucus and that majority from the lOUtll. Organized labor has Its strength In thu north and west and it has secured legis lation an already enacted by the repuoil ean party, nation and state. If organ ised labor ucceptsd the profeosed friend ship of the democratic party as genuine It will need appeal to democrats In con gress, who give much heed to the ap peals of labor at home in the south where irganlxed labor has never been Influential enough to procure satisfactory laws. Ilryaa and His Heirship. Mr. Cannon then took up the claim of Mr. Bryan to the heirship to the political republican administration. Hu was amaxed that Mr. Bryan could find any similarity between himself and President Roosevelt. He went on to point out the various great and good tilings that Roose velt had stalled or finished during hi administration and pointed out that Bryan had been opposed to Mr. Roosevelt j on every issue that had arisen In this coun try. He said that Mr. Roosevelt had ever been distinguished by hlj nervous energy la doing things, while Mr. Bryan had fought the dragons of his own hallucina tion as valiantly as any knight of olj and been aa devoted a crusader as Don Quixote, but he had never shown any in herited qualities that would justify bis i? . r s I THE TERMS ARE MADE TO SUIT YOUR COHVEIIIEHCE claim to be the heir of the direct and Indomitable Theodore RooHevelt or to the practical business administration ot tha republican party. FORAKRR CALLS TPOIV TAFT Senator and Jsdgt Dlacvsa Flans fop j Ca,ntpiern. CINCINNATI, Sept. 11, The oall of Sena tor Foraker to the offices of Judge Taft In the Slnton hotel, the half hour conference which followed and tha statements of cordiality by each party to the conference, constituted the new feature of the day at Taft headquarters. "We had a very pleas. ant personal talk," said Senator Foraker, on leaving at lo'clock. "Yes, wa talked about politics, about nothing but politics, you might say." "There Is nothing to say, except that we repeated what we said at Toledo," was Judge Taft'a comment. He added: "We discussed the general aspects of the campaign. Senator Foraker said ho wanted to do all he could to bring about republi can success and that when I needed him I could call upon him. The senator Is to take an active part In the campaign." Mr. Taft expressed the desire that re ports of the Interview should contain no reference to a "peace pact" as ho laugh ingly remarked there had never boen any Interruption of peace personally between himself and Senator Foraker. One thous and cltlsens of Greenfield,' Ind., will be addressed here next Tuesday by Judge Taft, and on Saturday night, the 19th In stant, he will meet the Norwood Republi can club In the assembly hall of the Slnton hotel. Norwood is an industrial suburb ot Cincinnati. The candidate had another busy day with local callers, and Important matters which he conducted through the telephone, tele graph and mall. In the afternoon he at tended the funeral of the lata John G. Emery, a long-time resident of Cincinnati and an old friend. W. 8. Taylor, president of the Ohio so ciety of Philadelphia, extended a formal Invitation in person to Judge Taft today to be the gueet of honor at the annual ban quet of the society In January. Mr. Taylor Incidentally had this political view to pre sent to Judge Taft: "As far as I can understand the political situation, republican success is endangered by a feeling of cocksureness that seems to have pervaded even the so-called doubtful states." COLORADO DEMOCRATS AT WORK John F. fhafroth of Denver la ITona laated for Governor. Pl'EBLO, Colo.. Sept. 11. The demo cratic state convention progressed slowly with the work of nominating a ticket yes terday and at midnight was still engaged In this work. The ticket as far as completed follows: Supreme Court Judges S. H. White of Pueblo, W. A. Hill of M-irgun county, Mor ton F. Bailey of Fremont county, George Mustier of El Paso county. Governor John F. Shafroth of Denver. Congressman-at-Large E. E. Taylor of Carfield county. Secretary of Slate J. B. Pearce of Otero county. BORGLUW SEEKS CONTRACT Nebraska Sculptor Wvsld Design Lln rola Statue for Capital of Ills Heme State. (From a Stuff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. tHx-clal Tele, gram.) Gutson Borchim furmeily of Omuha, and now of New Yo;k, who de signed and created an equestrian statu of Gem ral Phil Shoridan was In Washing ton today. Mr. Boisluin will be In the lift of sculptors competing for the work ot designing the statue of Abruham Lincoln, which It !s propped to erect ;it IJncoln, Neb. Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes: Greenfield, route Nj 1. M. V. Baird, car rier. Walter L. liut.el. substitute; Relnbeck, route No. 1, Joep!i I!. tSlu'-'rt, carrier, John A. Watson, eubitt'tutc. . SEA SERPENT OFF IRELAND Kialirriuiiu Shoots Monster Thirty Feet Lous, With Fan-Like Tall and Head Lite Seal. BELFAST. Sept. 11. A message received here from the ("opeland Islands, a email group tiff County Down, say that a local fisherman yesterday shot a anakellke sea monster and secured the body. It Is thirty feet long and six feet in circumference and has a fan-shaped tall and a bead like a seal. Many photograph of It have been taken, w t A5' i