Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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. .i. .. -
Lack of Change Makes Early Trading
Quite Dull.
Snappy Ailrr Arromyllkr4
Ferelasr aborts So Cower aad
Additional llayla Glvee
OMAHA. Bept. 10. 1908.
Early trad In was characteristic for Ha
dullness, owing to la. k of any material
cnsnge In the Crop situation and a total
lack of news to stimulate the market.
Later a snappy advance was accomplished
on forctr-ar suurts to cover, and all addi
tional buying gave values better strength.
There ws a stiff demand for all cash
Train on I he bulge. -
Wheat was dull at tbe opening- and little
news was open.
Later values we're sent up on coverlnf
by snorts ana a strong spurt or buying
inferlrga wer scarce and the advance was
steady until the -alone. September wheal
opened at 94 c and closed at 9(c.
Corn strong on general buying and in
sympathy Wlih wheat.
Cash corn sold strong- and offerings were
quickly taken. Trading became very
active and excitement was strong anion
floor operators.
September corn opened at 73o and closed
at 7S-v.
' Primary ''wheat receipts were 1.366.000
bushels and shipments were 633,000 bushels,
sga'nst receipts last year of S41.0U) bushels
and shipments of 663.1M) bushels.
Corn receipts were CM.OiK) bushels and
shipments were lt9.'0 bushels, against re
ceipts last year nf 641 .090 bushels and ship
ments of 394, (.mO bushel".
Clearances were l.Ouj bushels of corn,
none of oa:s, and, wheat and flour equal
to 4'.M bushels.
Liverpool closed d higher on wheat and
unchanged to d higher on corn.
Seaboard reported 200,000 bushels of wheat
taken for export.
Local rang or option:
A retries. Open. High.) low. Close. Yes'dy
Sept. ..
60 i
63 I
51 : ww
94 S3-
73J 73
64 i 63
47' 47
60 60
- -t .
Omaha rash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 92?9:lc; No. 3
hard, HMV; No. 4 hard, NvJfyc; No. i
spring. 9315060.
CORN -No. I, 74f,74o; No. 3, 744r74c;
No. 4. 78(374c; No. a yellow, 74VH'74c; No.
3 yellow, 74&74c; No. 2 while, 74c; No.
S white, 7414c.
OATS No. 8 mixed, 47a471e: No. 2
whits, 47'8'47c; No. 3 white, 4e!'48c; No.
4 white. 47fc'94e; standard, 48'y.
RYE NO, 2. 7hf7V4c; No. 3. 733'75c.
to-rlog Receipt.
. " " Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago 69 243 194
Minn.apolU ........302
Omaha 44 42 si
Duluth ...412
1 1 '
CHICAOO ORAIJf su rnovisio.s
Feat a res of turn Trading; and Closing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Sept. 10.-Bulls scored a de-
clsive victory In the wheat market today
and succeeded in forcing prices more than
1 cent above yesterday's close, final quota
tions showing ret gain of l'Ac In all de
liveries. 1 Corn, oats ,and previsions also
closed strong, ,
The. wheat market wa atrong from siart
lo finish and closed at the highest point.
. Despite Inwer cables and continued liberal
rsoelpU In the northwest the market opened
firm, with prices a sbade lower lo 2
higher. Within a few minutes prices had
"advanced about He on buying by shorts
and bull leaders. Demand continued brisk
' throughout' the entire 'session and the mar
ket steadily gained In strength. The buy-
Ing tvaa based chiefly on the urgent de
mand for" caslwwheat at nearly all markets
In this country .and on the large sales of
fiour being made in the northwest. On
autltroltv claimed that, last week s flour
output at Minneapolis was the largest slncj
earl last spring. JMIIlera iwere active btd
niUera lor bash t4ice'4iMre and In iUe west.,
the premium being :th snnie aa yesterday.
. The cash situation In the soulUwst. was
equally as bullich, one report asserting that
a Kansas City concern had bousht tack
cash Wet sold to Chicago interests some-
. time .No. export business was trans
acted lii'io, and. according to a local ex
rortGf. none la now In sight owing to day's
advance, effectually shutting off all fotvljtn
demand. Thin -flew, however, was not sus
tained by a dispatch from New York, which
reported sttttt-en hximkMad worked there
for export. Another factor that uumenud
enthusiasm ' was a report of a Portluml.
Ore., trade' 1ournal, which estimated the
tital crop of Oregon, Washington f.nd Idaho
at 19.wn.oWi bushels'' loss than Ian year's
yield. The -market .whs also affected by
dry weather In M10 wlnl.-r wheat b-li. w.ileh
is delaying fall sowlnit. Clearances of
wheat and flour (completed figuro were
' ei.ual to i6.Jtu bushuls. Prlmai-y receipts
were l.SiiS.o.'O bushnl, compared with Hl,
000 bushels last year. Minneapolis, Duluth
and Chicago, reported -recelpta of i't cars,
against 81 last week and 4i last year
The corn market also displayed decided
bullishness and the new crop months estab
lished new high record msiks for the per
son. December touching- 69c and May
7c. The trade is rapidly becoming- con
vinced that the situation In the corn belt
growing out of 4 he Continued drouth Is
assuming an alarming aspect and that
great damage will result unless the dry
spell Is soon broken. Demand was active
all day and offerings were not forthcom
ing In sufficient quantity to supply the
neids. Shippers . were active bidders for
cash corn and prlcea at the sample tables
were H-elo higher. The market clorel
strong at the highest point of the dHy at
' net gains of 1W1C Local receipts, 213
cars, with 73 contract.
The-actlvft y. mnaJfistert In the, wheat ana
corn pits detracted interest from the oats
market and consequently trade In thai pit
was quiet. Bentrnent, however, waa hull-
lsh all day owing to the strength of other
grain. Cash oats was In moderate demand
nv shippers at aa advance of Vc. The
close was firm at net gains of tfVc.
Ln, recMpis, 201 cars.
Th provisions market was helped ma
terially by the st length of corn, a firm
vtone prevailing al) day. There was cun-
. sidrU- Ulua ul October delivery and
kuuin. f Juniiurv. which caused the Jan-
i imrv oiitkms to rule strong. A decrease
of about-i 1 pas cent In hog receipts et
western- packing" -centers, compared with
the orrpodui9 day a year ago, was
also a bullish factor. The market closed
firm, will ptfeen .unchanged . to JO-fji'-"
higher. !
Estimated- receipts Tor tomorrow: wheat,
88 csrs; cum, 199 cars; oats,, 2oS cars; hogs.
14. 0.0 bead.. .;'..
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open. High. I Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat I. .1
Fept. t '9T
l 1
97l 96t 7U
!i!97fi 96'-V
1 0 II 01V I x to
79! 80! 7
c.svs9n 68'i
6u 67! w'j
1 01'
Deo .
... May.
11 o J7, i-l
Sept '9
69 V.
87 l
' I
) K i -is
I 1
49' 49
fee. iwtu'ti
50:&.11! F0
a2D2fci u24lh
Pork---j '
1 1 -
Sept. Ill 6T 14 62 I 14 16 I 14 60 14 60
ei4 fr mi &!
Sept. Jan.-,.
1-4 B7V M 1i
16 45 '16 62
14 66
16 6
14 76'
16 :
I lb 66'
14 67
16 J7
i6 1
o I
82! 9 72
9 D
9 77
( 60
9 :!
. 65
1 is'
9 Sort?
1 17
9 t
9 22
9 22'
9 17'9 22 ,
I 9 251
S 90 I 8 67;
t (0
No.. 2."
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Firm; winter patents. S4 lvs? 4 :
Straights, II HtVoi-JO: - spring pa'en'a
1 76; straights. t4.Oofc5.20; bakers. S2.7,j4.1o.
W'HKAT No. t soring. 9U&H.06. No.
red, 97S9e.
t'ORN-No. ?, 8Hfl81c; No. 3 yellow, 81
fric ,
OATS-l-No. 8 white, 4851.
, RYE-Nq. J, 75tj76v. m .
BAR LE Y Good 'ed!ng, 0jJ2c J fair to
' cliou-e ms4tlpgtfc.
BE1D3 Flat; No. 1 northwestern. St V.
' rr!m timothy. SJ 60.
PROVISIONS fehort ribs, sides rlrose,
S"uti.t7.. Mesa p rk. per bl., S14.6o'14 66.
lrl, per l' lbs.. 18:. Short clear sides
- rocxdi. f9
2t W
s ao
' 'S24.SO
Flour, bbla
Wheat," b".,.
Corn, bu. ....
....1 69.600
bJS 7
. . .. l.'.us)
Oats. bu.
Barley, bu 190.SO0 27.200
n lh 1 rodiire exchange today the but
ter market was steady, creameries, l(e
2i ; dlri.e-. lT'q!". Fgs. firm: at mark,
h a l;i luded. 16i18c; firsts. 21c; prime
firsts, it:. Cheese, steady; "llH-ailc.
(saotatlone of the Hay on Varloas
I ommodltles,
NEW YORK. PepI, 10 FI'JfR Receipts.
34 Ml hhls.; exporls, IS. WO bbls. ; snles, H.Tbo
bbls. ; market quiet and firmly held. Mln
nesoia iaients. $b.3.,ti5.7fi: winter straights,
S4.lu4i4.lo; Minnesota bakers. S4 2'.u4.;
winter extra. S3 3 ; w inter patents,
S4.MHf4.7fi; winter low grade, S.19'Bn70. Rye
flour, steady; fair M good. S4 lf'54.60;
iholce to fancy, 4. .TP'S 1.70.
I'OHN M KAI Kirm ; fin white and yel
low, SI T.vfi l.0; coarse. SI. 70; kiln dried S4.26.
RYK Dull; No. 4 western, M1-; f. o. b..
New ork.
HARLKY Pteady; malting, 67370c c. I. f.
Rufflo; malting. M571o c. I. f. New York.
WHEAT Receipts, ll'.8-X bushels: ex
perts. !6.46 bushels; sales. 2.M0.0OO bushels,
futures. Spot market firm; No. 2 red. SI. 04
ii 0.1. elevator, snd SI 05. f. o. b , afloe.t;
No. i northern Duluth. SI 10. f. o. b.,
afloat; No. I hard winter. Sl.OJ1, f. o. b,
Bl'loHt. There was a strong advsnco In
wheat today to about the high point of the
week based on lighter northwest receipts,
a gnod cash demand and dry weather In
the soulhwes.. Trade was unusually active.
Final prices showed 11c net rise. (Sep
tember closed at SI 06; December. Sl-OiX
1 . closed SI. 08; May, S1.06V1.0S. closed
'ORN Receipts, 1.075 bushels; exports,
J. 030 bushels; sales 1.000,000 bushels, futures.
Mpot market firm; No. 2. Hie nominal, and
9',4o nominal, delivered. The option marko'
was also strong and decidedly higher on
unfavorable crop news, closing H'oVHo
Hbove Vt'ednesdav. Sentemhre closed at 9ik::
Ieceniber, SOftPeHc, closed 80c; May, 7i't
OATS lUelpla gT.OOO bushels; snot mar
ket steady; mixed i683J pounds. 62'tc;
natural wlillp. i6tf31 pounds. 54t(66c; i-lip-ped
white, SL'fH'J pounds, Wig2c.
FEKl) Steady ; spring bran, S-G.10; mid
dlings, Siti.lo; city, S.W.
HAY .Steady; shipping, 60&ffic; good to
choice 7M;80c.
IIOH3 Ouiet; state common to choice
1907 , 41i7e; 191KJ, ytc;- Pacific coast, 1907,
b'p 7c; WA. 3fi5c.
HJDEtf-Wniet; Bogota, lRVV9'lHc; Central
America. 2"o.
LKATHFR-FIrm: acid.' iftSc.
rHOVISIONS-Reef. firm, iamlly, $16 60
Ifdin-i; mess. Sll.oin lo .6"; beef hams.
l.w.OO-oTil.C"; packet. Sla.OfKcrifi Ofl; cut meats,
firm; pickled bellies. SlO.di'-fl 11.00; pickled
hams. llMi:;o. Iird, firm: western, SlO.lnfc
10.26; refined, steady : continent S10 50; South
AinerltM, II compound. 7?i7c. Potk.
firm; family, J18.6a 19.00; short clear,
Slx.Cixai9.Sn: mess. Ifl.TMit 17.25.
TAI.1X3W Firm; city S2 per packagai.
5c: country, packages free. 6Wir6c.
RICE yulet; domestic, fair to extra, 3
7c; Japan, nominal.
POI ' I, TRY Alive, stead v; spring chick
ens. 14c: fowls, 12Vkc; turkeys, 13c; dressed
Irregular; western spring chickens, U'ffISc;
fowls. 12."q'14c; spring turkeys, "JOS '-'5c;
spring turkeys, old,
t'HKESK Firm; state full cream, spe
clals, l'.',rai3V4c; atats, small colored or
white, fancy, 12Hi; state, large colored or
white, fancy, llc; state, good to prime,
Uftllc: state, common to fair, 9Vfcgllc;
stale skims. I'vuac.
Bl'TTER Firm; creamery specials, 243"
21V: extras, 23Mi'!f23c; thirds to firsts. 18
tr-.'i"; state auiry, common to iinesi, in
22c; procesB, common to specials, 15-S21c;
western factory, firsts. 19c; western Imita
tion creamery, firsts. 19H(a29c.
. EOOS Steady; state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected, white, 29:i0c; state
fair to choice. 24ii2Ac: brown and mixed
fancy. 2Bc: brown and mixed, fair to choice.
2341 loc; western firsts, 21tf32c; seconds, 20
Fair Friday vrlth Kot Mark Chance
in Temperatore.
OMAHA, Sept. 10, 1908.
The cool wave noted In the northwest
Wednesday morning spread down over the
upper Missouri and Mississippi valley and
southern Rocky mountain slope last night,
but the change In temperature waa not very
great In the sections named. The weather
la much warmer in the northwest and on
the Pacific alone. No . Important .change
in temperature la indicated tor this vicinity
tonight or Friday. Generally fair weather
prevails In all portion, except that rains
nave continued in ine gun stales, me iau
being very heavy In northern Florida. A
fall of 6.18 Inches occurred at Jacksonville
during the Isst twenty-four hours.
Omaha, record of temperature and ore-
elpltailon compared with the corresponding
nay or trie last tnree yesrs:
1908. 1907. 19041. 1C05.
Minimum temperature ... 66 61 72 60
Precipitation .00 .07 .0J .00
Normal temoerature for todav. 68 degrees
Deficiency In precipitation since March 1,
1.07 inches.
Deficiency corresponding period in 1907,
6.69 inches.
Deficiency corresponding period in 1906, incites.
L. A. 'WELSH, Local Forecaster,
Corn and Wheat Regloa BalleHla.
For the twenty-four hours ending at 8
a. m., iSth meridian time, Thursday, Sep
tember lo, l9f-8:
Temp. Rain-.
Fiatlons. Max. Min. fall. Sky.
Ashland, Neh.,.. 9'j 63 .00 Clear
Auburn, Neb 94 66 .0) Clear
broken Row. Neb. 90 61 , .Oft Clear
Columbus. Neb.. 97 61 .00 Clear
Culhertson, Neb.. 90 63 ' .00 Clear
Fab-hury, Neb... 17 62 .00 Clear
Fairmont, Neb...H6 63 .4 Clear
Gr. Island, Neb.. 96 6$ .00 Clear
JHartington, Neb. 94 67' 00 ' Clear
Hastings. Neb.... m 66 .00 Clear
Holdrege, Nfb... 97 67. .00 Clear
Oakdale, Neb.... 91 67 T Clear
Omaha. Neb 91 66 .01 Clear
Tekamah, Neh... 94 61 .0 Clear
Alia. Ia 89 62 .ro Clear
Carroll, Ja 93 6e .Oil Clear
Clarlnda, Ia 92 61 .00 Clear
Plhley, Ia W4 61 .00 Clear .
Sioux City, Ia.. 92 66 .00 pt. cloudy
I Received late, not Included In averaxres.
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. in.
No. of Tenin. Ttain.
central. otations.
Mat. Mln. Inches.
Chicago, 111 26
Columbus. O.......IT'
Des Moines, Ia.... IS
Indianapolis, Ind.. 12
Kantas City, Mo.. 21
l.ulsville. Ky 19
Minneapolis. Minn. 31 '
Omaha, rseb
Sf? Loula, Mo...
18 92 60 T
12 90 68 .00
The weather Is
cooler throughout the
western and central portions of the corn
and wheat region. Very light showers oc
curred In the Minneapolis district.
L. A. vt tLSH. Local Forecaster.
M. Loala General Market.
ST. I.OI.IS, Sept. lO.-WHEAT-Higher;
track. No. 2 red cash. Sl.OO-hl.111; No. 2
hard. 97c$1.02; December. 9Sic; May,
CORN-Hlgherr track. No. 2 cash. 09
Snc; No. 2 white, 8u5rMc; December,
65ViC; May, Kfc
OATS Higher; track. No. 2 cash, (We;
No. 2 white, 52c; December, 60c; May.
D2c. .
RYE Dull at 79c.
HAY 1 nchanged;
prairie, S-U1! 10. 00.
BRA N-Cnchanged-SI.
074t.l t.
timothy, S10.00t314.60;
sacked, east track,
FI.Ol'R-Steady ; red winter patents. S4 40
4.75; extra fancy and straight, 83 904.36;
clear. S3.164t3.6V.
SEBI"H Timothy, steadv; S2 t03.4O.
t'ORNMBAL-Steady; 43.aV.
BRAN Unchanged;-- sacked, eaat track.
PROVISIONS Pork. steady; jobbing,
8)6 o. Ijird,- higher, prime ateam, S9.60na.tD.
Dry aalt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts,
SI0 37; clear ribs, S10.26; short clears,
110.37. Bacon, shade lower; boxed extra
snorts. 111 Jo. clear-, ribs, Si 1.1; snort
cleara. SU 25.
POl'LTRY Steady ; 1 turkey. - wanted;
chickens. 8c; springs. 12c; turkeys, 17c;
ducks 7W7e: be.
Bl'TTER Firm; creamery, 192Jc.
EGGS Firm at 173, case count.
Keceipts. Shipments.
10.000 18.000
78,0' 79,(X
SUM) 68.0W1
....U8.0O 137.000
Flour, bbls...
Wheat, bu...
Corn, bu
Oat, bu
Philadelphia) Prod ace Market.
S'esdy; er -eem creamery, 26c;
nearby print, S7c.
LOG 8 One rent hiarher; Pennsylvania and
other nearby firats, f re caaea, IWc at mark;
current receipt, in returnable easea 23c at
mark; western firsts,, free case, 24c at
mark; current receipts, , free -csjea 23c at
CHEESE) Hlg-lwn Kw Tctrlc full cream,
cholea, uysuc; fair Aa good, lijUHo.
LIvergMtal Qrala Market.
firm; No. S red weatern winter, 7a 6d; No.
1 California, 7 U4l future, teady; Sep
tember, 7s 6d; December. Ta 6d.
COKN Spot, steady; American mixed. 7s
64; futures, quiet, aVptember, 6s td; Octo
ber. 6g sd. ,.; 1., i 1 i '
. , 56
88 62
88 ; 58
W - 66
: 92 60
" S8 5S
92 60
90 68
Day's DerelopmenU Hats Effect of
TJuMttlioz Tales.
Effect of Setting- Aside Commodities
Claase of llepbnrn Art Had Al
ready Been Discounted
by Speealators.
NEW YORK. Pent. 10. There were de
velopments with resl and Important bear
ing on values today, compared wltn the
unsubstantial fabric of tips and rumors
which hsve msde up the Influences In the
stock market for some time past. The
effect was to throw the market Into a
stale of seeming unsettlement, reflected
In constant and feverish fluctuations and
a final sharp break in prices. Feeding
out of stocks, which have been the favor
ite medium of speculators during much of
the recent rise, was clearly perceptible as
shown by the constant range below last
night's level of the Harrtmans and trans
continental stocks and Erie. Even the ex
cited movement in Reading was not able to
detach Erie from the prevailing tendency
in tne itarriman group, aitnough Balti
more A Ohio got the benefit of this di
version. Illinois Central also moved In
sympathy with the southern group and
span from the other Harnmans.
The most Influential incidents of the day
were the decision of a I'nlted States cir
cuit Court against the constitutionality of
the commodities clause of the Hepburn law.
ine pnssing or the American Locomotive
dividend and a rise In call money rates to
a higher figure than had been touched
since early In March. A a speculative
factor the Hepburn law decision has been
assumed for many weeks and has been
the active factor In the Reading specula
tion during all that time. Its delivery to
day wss earlier than Wall street Informa
tion had given reason to expect, but Its
tenor was In accord with expectations.
The Importance to the anthracite carriers
of relief from the provisions of this en
actment are unquestlonshle. To the loss
of the advantage of centering control of
anthracite production In the railroad car
riers would be added the embarrassment
Of disassociating the companies owning the
large Issues of capital secured In common
by mortgages on the railroad and coal
properties. The speculative contingent drew
isrge Inferences also of the hearing of the
decision on possible checks by the courts
on the attempta to control and punish cor
porations. Whatever the bearing on values
of this decision, the disposition to realise
speculative profits today In the stock mar
ket gave warning that much has been dlb
counted. The Americsn Locomotive divi
dend omission or possible reduction was
not unexpected. The violent break In the
stock showed, however, that the financial
exhibition of the company which neces
sitated this action was worse thtan. ex
pected. Of even more effect on sentiment
was the rather gloomy forecast by the
corporatlon'a president of prospects for re
sumption of demand for the company's out
put. This Incident was unfavorable In Its
effect on speculation, based as It Is on
confident assumptions of an early return
to normal business activity.
The sharp upturn In call loan rates can
hardly be attributed to near approach of
exhaustion of loanable funds, considering
the banking surplus of neatly S60,0uo,000 In
last Saturday's statement of condition. The
slock market requirements due to the
feverish price movements of the day may
have Induced some precipitate bidding for
funds. Foreign exchange dealers were -Inclined
to allege some manipulation of the
money rate with the purpose of checking
the rise In foreign exchange rates, which
reached near the gold export point. Re
mittances for redemption of New York
revenue bonds falling due In London on
November 1 were a factor In the strength
of foreign exchanges. There was some
renewal of discussion abroad of the Moroc
can tension and preparations seem to be
uncompleted for the forthcoming Russian
loan. Foreign holdings of American se
curities are coming home to market at the
recently attractive level of prices. These
are contributory. If not main causes, of the
sustained strength of the foreign exchange
market. Copper was lower In London
Bonds were Irregular. Total aales, par
value, S4.772.000. I'nlted States bonds Were
unchanged on call.'
Closing quotations on stocks were as fol
lows; eaten. Hlh. Low. Clow.
Amalgamated Copper r..-
Am. C. A y
Am. C. A f. pfd
Am. Cotton! Oil
Am. H. A L. pfd
Am. Ice Hacurltlea
Am. Llnared OH
Am. Locomntlva
Am. LoLOmotlvs pfd
Am. 8. A R
Am. 8. A R. pfd
Am. Sugar Refining
Am. Toliacce pfd
American Woolen
Anacunda Mining Co....
Atchtaon pfd
Atlantic Cuaat Line
tlaltlmore A Ohm
Bal. t Ohio ptd
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific
Central leather
Central Leather pfd
Central of Now Jeraey...
Cheaapeaka A Ohio
Chicago Ot. W
Chicago A N. W
C, M. A 8t. P
C C, C. A St. L
Colorado A Southern. ...
Colo. A So. lat ptd
Colo. A So. Id pfd
Conaolidated (las
Corn Products
Delaware A Hudaon
Panvcr A Rio Hranda...
D. A R. O pfd
Dlatillera' Bccuritlca ....
Kris lat pfd
Erl 2d pd
General Elactrle
Ureal Northern pfd
Ot. Northern Ore cits...
Illinois Central
interborougn Mat. ......
Int. Mot. pfd
International Paper ....
Int. Paper pfd
International Pump
Iowa Cantral
Kanaaa City Bo
K. c. aV. pfd
Loulavllls A N
Mexican Central
Minn. A St. L
M . St. P. A 8. 8. M...
Miatourl Pacific
M., K. A T
M.. K. A T. pfd
National Lead
New York central
N. V.. O. A W
Norfolk A W
North American
Northarn Paclflo
Pacific Mali
Peopla'a tiaa
P., C. C. A Bt. It
Preaaad Steal car
Pullman Palace Car
Railway Stool Spring...
tl.sno 7 774 Tl
:, 4
ins if
;) nit' Mi " an
- B)
900 28- tISi i)
:. ...... w
72.110 hi 4 4a
&( 104 104 103
:4,4V W . U
4) 1H U luj
l 1S4 132 ' 1311 .
4"0 MV, 6 Si4
I.KIO 47 4H 4
i:.WM 1 0
1 . 4.-0 f lt 91
iot 100 HM
5.2'IS W (3H
t. JIB 1J 174.1
2.100 28S 2"
lil 7 T
4o so9 im :iiii,
i.euo 4i' 43 U', s ' O'.i
fO im n ip: i
:20 144S IS Ki-i
200 3.:. 65 bi
8,7n 37 S 37 7
M S.S' tii ti
ino nil r is
1.I 154 161 - 160
ii '.1114 1914
Hon 174 WH 171 14
7i 274 -.;, j;j,
4i s; n n wi-j
600 34t as1 Jit,
i.4ai si :. 9",
7.000 44 441 lo
1.200 18 15 SI "4
iu.300 iau 1JV4
300 M ko'4
21.1'") 14 1V 141
1.400 1144 114 lli
;.3'"l 34t ti o
40O Kit, n lvs
100 liM tat
lul 24
loo I7"i 17 .1
3.)0 . 2 '.,
1.XI 634 2 2
J.ioo nt'n 1094 ioi".
129 123
20J i4
4.WHI (ax.
2 4
1,400 i4 i-s i'lo-i
444- '-i4
764 7e
. 81. 0 146 W 1434
. 1.oo '.X4 24
. 11,111 1IS4 124 1244
. i.OOO 7S ' x4
800 16 (44 844
500 t 41 41
.t34.&() 113 124 13
40 t3 234 234
100 tl 81 tux
, 4.("i us it its
, 4.300 t4 sn ...i
, ) US 5,1
5l IS 174 174
too 444 "'I
too U4 4.14 ba
, 46,700 lt V Ma44
tu) 114 119 1194
, 11.400 33 2'JS '-'4
. I.7O0 M 534 &4
20J 3 3l4 UK-4
. l.CK) it 2f.S 24
httc as C'4
f) 74 !
Rapublm Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Rock Itland Co
Rock laland Co. ptd
St. L. A 8. r. Id pfd..
St. Louis S. V.
St. L. S. W. pfd
Sloea-Shsffleld 8.
Southern Pacific
A 1.
80. Pacific pfd
Southern Railway ....
So. Railway ptd
Tenneaaoo Copper ....
Texas A Pacific
T., Ht. L. A W
T.. St. L. A W. pfd
Union Pacific
Union Pacific pfd. ..
V. S. Rubber
f. S. RuMn-r lat pfd.
IT. Steel....- 1.
I 8. Steel pfd
Utah Copper
Vs. -Carolina Chemical
vs. -faro. Chern. ptd..
Wanaah pfd
Weuinghouaa Elocirlc
Waatarn Union
Wheeling A L E
n-iM-nnalii Central ...
.IJO.100 ! 1M4 IM ,
i,f1 M
loo 1004 l4 1004
,1.600 414 464, 4KS
.,Mfci 1114 110S HOI,
4S 444 444
600 284 2 .1
, 1
XrO II 12 rs
4. too 7'4 144 Vi
77 7S It
S.700 (1
im 44 4
24 74
Total aalea for the dy. I,(t4,4r anares.
New York MlalaaT Stocka.
NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Closing quotation
on mining tocks were:
Moa Lesdvllla Cos
. s
. 8
.. 8
.. '
. 46
Little Chief
Brunawlck Cos
Com. Ttinnol atoek... tl
Cam. Tunael bonds. 17
Con. Cal. A Vs '
Horn ilver
Iron Sliver i4
Small Hopes ..
Yellow Jacket
Forelga Flaaaelal,
LONDON, Sept. 10. Money was In liberal
supply on the market today and discounts
were firm. On the stock exchange atten
tion waa attracted principally to the settle
ment. Business for neev account wss nt so
brisk, and Irregularly divrloped In places,
Paris as well as the local traders taking
their profit from Kaffir and Copper
hare. Home rail received better atten
tion and consols strengthened on the good
bank returns. American securities opened
steady, with the Harrlmao Issues and Erie
as features, but they became lrrtgular
around l.oon under profit-taking. Later
the market moved erratically New
sent higher prices, especially or CauaJUn
Faclric, Rsltimnre 4 Ohio sml 1h lnw
priced issues, but offered Its favTlts.
lter Ihe buying subsided and the markei
finished dull.
RKHI.IN. Sep'. 10.-On the Hurse today
government securities and Baltimore A
Ohio were strong, but othrwle ths mar
ket was rather wesk.
PARIS. Fept. 10. On the Btiutse todiy the
weakness was accentuated bv the tone 01
the German press regarding th situation
In Morocco.
ee York Money Market.
NEW YORK, tfept. lO-MONEY-On call,
strong at I'ni't per cent; ruling rste, u
per cent; closing hid. llk per cent; offered
at 2 per cent.
TIME LOANS Closed strnnner; sixtv
rtsys. .a2V per Cent; ninety las. ;fi-
per cent; six months. Jitt re.- cent.
per cent.
actual business In bsnkers' hills at 84 4
(048 490 for sixty-day bills and at S4.'Vf
4 .P6o for demand; commercial bills, 4 84V
4 84',.
MLVF.R Bar. 61c; Mexlcsr dollars. 45c.
Bt IN LS Government, steady; ral'rcad.
Closing quotations on New York bonds
were as follows:
V. 6. rf. Ja. reg....rftM4lnt. Mt.
do couson
104 L. A N. unl. 4a
. "4
. .r
, n
. 17
. so
. 8.-.
a M4
. 92
. "4
. 444
. as
I 8. . ret
do coupon
V. 8. 4t, rf....
do coupon
Am. Tnbacfo 4s.,
AtrhlKnn sen. 4t.
..lei Man. c. 4a
..101 M Tentral 4a
..1 do lat Ine
..19IM. A St. L. 4...
.. 74kM , K. A T. 4a...
..!, 00 la
..10t tf. R. R of M. c.
.. !4 N. V. C. . S'a....
.. 74)N. J. 1:. t 6
..104iNo. Pacific 4a.
.. MS do la
..10l'4jN. A W. c 4a
.4 W O. S. L. rM. 4a..,
.. V7 Peon. c. 34a UI5.
do adj. 4a
do rv. 4t
do rT. 5i
Atlantic r. L. U ...
Bm. Ohio 4
do Sl .-. ..
Brk. R. T. CT. 4a ...
ntral r us. 6a..
..l" a do con. 4"
.. 4o Reading sen. ta...
. .10t4 'Rep. or Cuba. 5a
do 3d Inc
. W4
rhen A Ohio 44a...
Chlcafn A A. ma...
O., B. A Q. n. 4s....
. 12
.. T n. L. A I. M. c la tl-1
.. 99 St. L. A 8. F. ff. 4a 70'4
.. 74 St. L. 8. W. c. 4a.. 7.S,
.. ' Sboard A. L. 4a... 9
C . R. I. A P. 4a
do col. 6a
do rid. 4a
r4 8o. Ps.-lflc 4a. W14
S do 1t 4a 36Vi
CCC. a St. b. g. 4a
Polo. Ind 6a
. 76 so. Railway 6 1
Colo. Mid. 4a
. w Tma a p. is..
. 3T.. t. L. A W.
Colo. A So. ta.
4a.. 1
r-l. H. cv. 4a 1S2
Lnlon Fu nic 4a. .
D. A R. O. 4a..
ti do ct. 4a
Irtki V. . tJ id 6a.
7:4,Wabali la
1W Wfaiern Md. 4a..
M W. A L. E.
t' 'l. cantral 4a. .
lion .
Erie p. I, 4a
.. I
.. 77
.. 7i
do sen. 4a
Hork. Val. 44a..
Japan 4s
do 4i,a
do 2d nerlea.....
Bid. orrrd.
Rostoa Stocks and Bonds.
ROSTON. Sent. 10 Money, call loans. 2W
3 per cent; time loans. 314,15414 per cent.
tJirieiai closing on stocks and bonds
Atchleon adj. 4s
'1 Atlantle
.. i:-
. . M;
.. :l
.. 77
.". 1"1
.. 2. -4
.. 14
.. 70
.. !1
. . 27
.. 1
.. I." 4
.. I
.. ,S
. . 104
. . il
.. -14
.. 46 ,
.. 5
.. a
.. 8o4
.. i'4
.. W
. . f.o
.. ii
.. 114
on 4a
Mex. Central 4a ...
Atchltop R. R
do pfd
Boat on A Albany...
Roaton A Main....
Fnmon Rlevatod ...
Cltchburs ptd
Mexican Central ...
N. Y., N; H. A H.
Union Pacific
Am. Arse. Chf m . .
do pfd
Am. Pneu. Tuba....
Amrr. Sugar
do pfd
Am. T. & T
Am. Woolen
do pfd
Dominion I. A A...
Edlaon Elec. lilu. ..
Oenaral Electrlo ..t
Maaa. Electric
do pfd
Maaa. Gaa
l.nltad Fruit
United 8. M
do pfd
U. 8. Steel
do pfd ...
. Blniham
. , rl A Heola....
,. 9"cantcnnlal
. W4 Copper Range . .
.US Paly Waal
. -lVi Franklin
. i-13 Oranby
..U-- Isle Rovale
.. lJH Mana. Mining ...
,.14J Michigan
,.IM'l Mont. '. A C...
,. S l riomlhlon ...
. 'j' oaccols
,. t parrot
, .132lt Qu!ncr
. .U3 Shannon
..12J4 Tamarack
.. 2i Trinity
.. Si'il td Cj.nper ,.
.. 17 U. S. Mining ...
..JJ'l U. 8. Oil
,.1 Ulan
.. Victoria
.. 47 -Winona
.. s Wolvarlns
. .13 Nnrlh Rutte
. . .iS'i Butt Coalition .
.. iH't, Nevada
. . 4S Mlu-hall
..lDHCal. A Arltona..
.. 4 Arizona Com. ...
. . M Greane cananes
.. 77 H
London Closing- Stacks.
LONDON. Sept. 10 American securities
opened steady and about unchanged from
yesterday's New York closing. Later
Amalgamated Copper and Baltimore A Ohio
advanced . but the rest of the list do
cllned. At noon the -tone was Irregular
and prices ranged from' below to above
parltv. . ,
London closing stocks
Coneola. money -,
do acount
ALchleon ,
do pfd
Baltlmts-e A Ohio
Canadian Pacific .
Mm. Kan. A Texas.. 34
H. '14 Hew York Central. . .iOD
.. S Norfolk A Waal em.. i74
.. "4 so pro.
. . M . rnMrlo A U aatarn
..10, 14 pannavlvaols
. (1
. 4414
. ns
. n
. 11
. a
. 134
. W
Cheeapeak A Ohio.
14 Itsaaisg
Chi. Oreal Weatern. 4J Southern Railway
int.. mil a st. r. iw'i do pfd
Le uaers ......
betirer A Rio O
do pfd .,
do lat pfd....
do 2d ptd
Grand Trunk ..
Hkmaera TScific
2a 4 lauia ,fattlo.
t8 do pfd
aivo. Wl
4i -so pld ........
374abah .v
H do pfd
142 Sosoiah 4a .-
Illlnola Central
Loulavllla A Nh...lit Amal. Copper
SILVER Bar, steady at 23 13-16d
MuA'EY-per oeni.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is 17-16i61 per cent; for
three months' bills, 1 per cent.
Treasnry Statement.
WASHINGTON, Sept 10. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the S160.O0O.0tO gild
reserve, shows: Available cash ha anc;,
8187.533,246: gold coin and bullion, $.36,1,8,6:0;
gold certificates, 89,918.400.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA, Sept. 10. Bank clearings for to
day were S-,168,448.7o and for the corre
sponding date last year S2 ,059, 764. 96.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Sept. 10. AVOOL The local de
mand for wool continues light desp.te
easier prices in all lines. Only a few trans
actions have been over 100.COO pounds, th
heaviest being a sale of Nevada half-blond
at 60c. Fine territory staple is lovi-er. with
few dealings, and Ohio was In hut little de
mand. The eastern quotations range as
follows: Kentucky, Inni tna and Missouri,
three-eighths blood, 3o'rj2oc; ono-quartor
blood. 2T24o. Scoured values, Texas fine
twelve months, 12al3c; from six t i elehl
months, 430417c; fine fnll, 4.'f( 13c; Callft,
northern, 42(ff1Sc; mllddle count as, 3Vrili.c,
southern, 87ijj38c; fall, free, ,kVJi37c. Oregon,
easaern. No. 1 staple, 679 68c; casicn, No.
1 clothlnar. 47t!60c; valley. No. 1, 45nl6 Ter
ritory, fine ataple. S7ti.i8c; fine m-dlnm,
staple. Eoff-Mc; fine olnthing. 4.Vi4c; flno
medium clothing. 424)450; one-hnlf blood,
50fJ.Vic; three-eighths blcod, 494yo'ic; one
quarter blood. 4ci5c. Pulled extra, 56'rjfi7c;
fine, A 6n352c: A suiifers, 4'?(('45c.
BT. LOUIS. Spt. lO.-VVOOI-l nclnngcd:
medium grades combing and clothing. 19 if
20c; light fine. 16'&l6c; heavy fine. Ilfcl2c;
tub washed, iOSJc.
Metal Market.
NF.W TORK. Sept. 10.-METAL8-The
Ixmdon tin market waa lower today, with
spot quoted at 11 10a. and futures at 131
U 6(1. The liK-al market was weak and
lower, with spot at Sa.l6i?f28.45. Copper de
clined 2s 6d to 60 17s 6d for SDOt and 61
I 12s 6d for futures In London. The local
inarKet was dull and unchanged, with lake
rjuo;ed at SlC.5oal3.75: electrolytic, SI3.37V&'
13. 62; casting. S13.1.'Vol38;. Lead ad
vanced to 13 2a 6d In London. The local
market was easy and a shade lower on
the average at S4.5(Vft4.67. Spelter was un
changed ut 19 7s 6d In london. Locally
the market was steady at S4.75ih4 80.
The English iron market wss lower, with
stsndard foundry quoted at 61s and Clove
land warrants at 62s 4d. Locally no
change was reported. No. 1 foundry north
ern. Sit .5(11717.26; No. 2. 816.UOJJ 16.75: No. 1
southern and No. 1 southern soft, S16.75
ST. IXU'IS. Sept. 10. METALS Lead,
firm at 84.464.50. Spelter, firm at S4.67.
Cotton Markei.
NF.W TORK, Sept. 10r-COTTON-Fu-tures
opened stesdy; October. 8.91c; No
vember. 8.70c; December. 8.72c; Jsnuary,
8 62c; February, S.5c. bid; March, 8.66c;
Mav, 8.74c. asked.
Spot cotton closed quiet at ' a 11 points
advance; middling uplands, 9.50c; miudiing
guir. 100. Bales, none.
at 94c.
Spot market firm; low ordinary, 4 U-16-,
nominal; ordinary. 6V romlna'; good or
dinary, 73-16c; low middling. 8 7-16c; mi I
dltng, S-16c; good middling. 9c; mid
dling fair, loc; fair. 1ic, nominal. 8xles,
'l.iiO bales; receipts, 1.537 bales; slock, 29
644 bales.
ST. LOIIS, Sept. 10.-COTTON Dull:
middling. 9c. Sales, none; receipts. i3
bales; snlpments, IS baits: stock, i.'i bales.
agar and Molasaea.
NEW TORK. Sept. 10.-BCOAR-Steady ;
fair refining, 2.4or; centrifugal. 96 teat.
8 9oc; molasses sugar. 3.16c; refined, quiet;
No. 7, 4 66c; No. 8. 4 c; No. , 4 ace: No. In,
4 45c; No. 11, 4 c; No. 12. 4.3Ac; No 1L
4oc; No. 14, 425: confectioners A, 4.65c;
cut loaf. k.Jcc; cruahei. 6.80c; rowdered.
t.Soc: granulated. 6 10c; cubes. 6.S3-.
MOLASe Kti Quiet ; New Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice. l&yCc.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Sept. 10-CORN-Hlgher; No. 3
whit. 80c; No. 1 yellow. 80c; No. S yel
low. 80c; No. Z, 80c; No. 4. 79c.
OATS Firm; No. White. tPgc; No. 4
White. 48c.
Ko Very Noteworthy Chang-e in Cattle
of Any Kind.
Sheep In Moderate Kopplj aad Aetlra
aad Steady l.ambs ery Active
at Prlcea gtroasj to Tea
teats Hlaber.
SOUTH OMAHA, Sert. 10, 1!1S.
Receipts were:
Official Monday ....
Official Tuesday ...
Offirlal Wednesday
Estimate 1 hursday
Cattle. Hoja. bheep.
6 149
Four flsy this week. . .!4 r95 10.766 82.471
Same davs last week . . . ,?;,12i :l.9si 9.1"2
Same davs 2 weeks ago. .;..n76 19 i97 ol.SrJ
same ds 3 weeks ao. .21.1.6 21. ISO 47.1.15
fame oaya 4 Weeks ago..l8.)6l 29 463 42.13
Same days last year 31,064 ;9&s3 7.', 236
The following table shows ths receipts ot
csttle. hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, compared wltn lat
year: 1908.
Cattle 6J6.162
Hogs I.VS2.5.TI
Sheep 1.148.7H6
The following table
1.7!.420 63.111
1.1&.e94 9,90!
snows the average
pries of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1908. 1j7. ,le6. ,19-. ,1904. 1J3.1902.
Aug. SO.,
Aug SI. .
Bept. 1...
Sept. 3...
Sept. S...
Sept. 4...
Kept. 6...
Sept. 6..,
Sept. 7...
Sept. 8...
Sept. S...
Sept. 10..
I 5 71! 6.661 6 T7 & 271 I 7 Hi
$ 53 6 73: 6 781 i 72, I 18; S 33
t 44 I 5 86 I 62 1 b U. 6 i2 7 SS
t 61
6 8.1 I 0 4 1 1 6 -M 0 2i I 4i
6 661 6 il I 6 Jil 6 301 7 S 1
6 69, 6 761 6 46 6 42, 1 33
5 7,. 1 6 t7 6 2J t 2i 5 46 1 m
6 811 6 761 S S7, 6 3 I 7 46
I &)!
6 8S1 5 88 6 18, 5 .2, 4S
I 6 9oi o 36, 6 6 6l 7 46
6 8? 5 38 , 6.39, 6 64
6 t4
6 68 I 6 63, 6 93 0 44 6 66 , 7 46
The official number of cars of slock
bruught In today t,y each road was:
Cattle. Hog. Sheep. HT I
C. M. & St. P. Hy.... 81
M.aanurt faclflc A
Cnlor. Pacific 22
C. ci N. W. (cast 1 4
C. N. W. tw.s'l.... 3-i
C Ht. P., M. cc O
C, B. Ac Q (casti.... M
C, H. i j. (ivcf'.i..., M'
C, R. I. & P. (eaMti.. 3
C, K. 1. ct I. (Mat).. ..
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Ot. WcFlern ..
Total recelpta 177
The disposition of the day's receipt was
as follows, each buyer j.Uicnaslng the num
ber ot head inukaieu;
Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 7'i6
Swift and Company 427
Cudahy Packing Cu 9J4
Armour &. Co bS3
Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. C-. 6oi
Schwaitzchild & Sulsb'ger ...
Vansant & Co Ih6
Cany & Renton 175
W. I. Stephen 4
Hill A Son 1W
F. P. Lewis 1
J. R. Root A Co 9j
J. H. Bulla HI
L. F. Husz hi
MeCreary A Carey, 141
Sam Werthlmer ..' 69
H. F. Hamilton 84
M. Hagerty A Co 61
F, O. Inghram 1
Sullivan Hroa 127
Lehmer Bros 30
I. ayton A Co
Smith A Bosley 66
Other buyers 409
, 9u4
. 1,2(4
Totals '. 5.697
CATTLE Receipt of cattle this morning
numbered l'.b earn, a against ioi car one
week aao. For the four nay thi week tne
total amount to 24,69o, as against it,i-B
tor the corresDondltik Oays last week and
31,164 for the corresponolng oays of last
tear. Tne arrival today consisted largely
or rarute steers, tnere not belnar. so 11, any
corn-fens nor sucn good ones aa were horo
Fetnltr buyer were the first .to get down
to a trading, basis, tb demand Ipi-.goou
fiesny cattle beltiB Unite Tirlsk. Su,H tatjtl
a met the ietiuliemnt"of the tiaue sold
qjit freely at prices tnat weie generally
a.eauy witn yesterday. The less desirable
kinus and cattle on the trashy oraer Were
a Hula now, feeder speculators announcing
tight at tne uuiset that they had been
paying too much lor tnat kind ot cat.lo
in. week, with the result that the tendency
was lower.
Uuod range beeves were again in demand
at tuny steady pticea whlcu means ludjloc
higher tnan laat weeks close. On to
oiuer liana corn-fed steers, which havj
been comma more freely tne laat two days,
tmd Which are a good deal lower at eastern
points were again slow and weak. Tnvy
are safely lttaloc lower than last week.
Wnilu mere weie no cuttlu Here to compa.o
with the 87.60 beeves ot yesterday, mere
were some, atood eiiounh to bring So.tsa.
Cows and heifer were active sellers at
good strong prices, the offerings being all
cleaned up in very good season In Ida
morning. Aa la tne case with range beeves
thev i- Knhl5c hlcher than last week
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
corn-ted ateers, 6.4u'O'7.C0; fair to gooi ituKta. Ja.dIKu6.40: common to fait'
corn-red steers. S4.00g6.6o; good to choice
range steers, 44. 7jBi.6u; fair to good range
steers, 4.2o4.76, common to fair iane
sie rs, S3.bttrj4.2ot good to choice oow and
h..,fAru,n4 (alt 10 aood cows anj
heifers, iL-Octu.ttu; common 10 talr cow and
heifers, -.2(jias."0i good to cno.oti tucxen
and fi edtrs, 4.2k34ru; ialr to good tocker
and feeders, 3.6o4(4.2o; common to fair
stocktrs and feeders, S2.76i.uo; stock heif
ers, .'.75'8a.2fj.
Keprcser.tallv e sales:
BtlEr eil'EERS.
Av. Pr. No. t
116 4 ' It
. ! '-t
. 4j
. HSb
. 7
. tu
2 ( 4
I in 27
810 I on
isi 8 10
ou 3 10
10,6 8 i
kKt 8 a
t 5) J.
1 ) 1
2 oj 4.
2 76 4
I 7j 2.
I 10
8 JO
I .15
1 lo
S w 1 no
3 26 1 1W
4 Ja
t s 1 ltso
2 ti 1 '.419
. 1M
. 4,.o
. Ti
6 00
4 14
I 75
. . .1aj0
K4 2 34
747 3 14 11 5 '
440 3 to 4 1046 4 00
71 steers.
3 40
4u ueliers... n53
.1 bull 12i0
JI calves. .. o32
71 cows r57
29 feeders.. .21
2 feeder.. WiO
31 calves... ibi
S 06
2 to
4 10
2 iX)
3 4)
3 HI
4 10
3 (0
5 75 .
3 00
2 cO
3 30
4 00
5 50
s 00
3 15
S oO
4 15
2 75
3 9i
5 30
4 10
3 65
2 w
2 bulls..
1 bull...
36 tows..
26 lows. .
.. 5
.. ell
2 05
2 ;.i
3 26
3 20
4 01
2 .SO
8 10
3 2
2 tO
2 60
3 00
1 i
2 xa
1 r5
3 10
3 10
3 30
2 75
5 75
4 II
3 :)
4 )
2 c8
2 h
3 0
4 feeders.. 12ii
1 boll lto
19 calves.
16 costs...
1 bull....
Jl cows...
6 calves.
5 caives.
6 steers.
17 cows..,
11 cow..,
s cows. . ,
lu cov, s. . ,
vi timi.. .
. K3
.. 9
.. 917
. 241
. M
.. fe.4
.. M
., Ii4
.. 9o6
.. ct5
it calves.,
2 caives. .
2 leeder.
y tOws....
12 cows....
Is stters...
10 cows..,
6 cows...
16 cows. .,
19 COMS..,
.. 910
.. 6o
.. 937
16 feeders.. t,4u
S cows 10.0
1 bull HOJ
;: h. ifeis... 30
4 caives... uTJ
7 cows 106
10 heifeis... 3t5
2 bulls l:i0
4 heifers... 6:0
1 cows 1j"6
10 calves... Dug
tj7 cows 910
19 cows K.6
15 steers.. ..1130
1 bull MM
9 leaders.. 941
i feeders.. 661
16 calves... S.S9
4 calves... 3'
3 hulls 13'
1 bull 4 to
Is cows 9j&
1 talf 1,0
2 t-Hlvrs... 105
Bucheler Neb.
:6 cows 1040
1' turns 8-17
5 76
3 30
4 t
6 i.0
3 3i
2 (0
4 &
4 20
1 66
2 00
4 16
3 45
i Oo
ti ralves.,. 16
5 :5
6 calve. .. 215
O. Shaw Nth.
3 feeder.. 610 S 40 6 feeder. .11:1
3 cows 3 10 1 bull 15n0
11 corns 93 3t5 2 cows 1130
J. Fredericks Neb.
30 feeders . bh6 3 46 1 feeder. . 480
Milldale Cattle t o. r'eo.
77 feeders.
897 4 25
914 2 M
MK 3 lo
12 feeders.. 814
t 10
4 26
5 40
4 40
5 20
4 50
5 76
S 40
7 feeders.
6 cows....
4 cows 977
2 calves... 2,5
It cows I'ftS
IS feeders.. 1171 4 55
17 steers.. . .1.167
8 feedars..H47
I bull 15o0
4 cows ,t
6 60 2 feeders.. H7j
4 10 2 cows o75
i 80 feeder. .1111
S 40 2 feeders.. 9T
4 60 S cows hwi
1 leeders
11 40
X steel s .
II feeders
6 cows...
S cows...
4 15 10 feeiers..li70 4 fO
4 60 11 f.tier..le7 4 85
3 11 4 cows 116)
3 00 8 feeder .11 13
36 7 cows 1'32
4 3j 4 steer.. ..1312
4 So 3 cows lo i
(fl 2 steers. ... 12T
5 60 4 feeders . 1M7
S 40
4 25
5 86
S 26
S 60
4 30
i n
S feeders.. 10V
14 feeders... -2
16 feeders . I'
14 feeders.. 1153
cows 96
8 steers ..1' H
U helter ... 9M
I ( 7 steerj. ...I 41
I vuw 1060 I JO
i ,Li . -
T fe4ver!i..104O 4 V t cm- K1J
( rvta-l w J70 f -1ers. . I 7 :
t M J I O 1 ton I"'
I Iee,le-..1o IX (ulti M4
t feeders. .14 4' Sftet.lK4
i cow lO. J TO
Fred Gray-s. D.
5 cows 10'0 S 66 1 cow ""0
1 cow 030 rt rt te.Ts....l'M
R. (Irady 9. I).
S 41
I 7)
4 Hi
S 01
4 S
3 fr..l .. M6 8 76 10 steers. ...11.
4 (A
4 01
i steer.
S COW'S. .
4 (4)
5 60
I steer 1260
Ostrander 8. D.
l'i feed rs. 671
14 f. edera..197
3 60
4 30
1 fe, dnr... 671
S tO
1 ,vl
i 01
S 00
4 70
1 feeder. ..U97
JS he'f-rs... 7
6 calves... 304
21 ster....12i0
7 feeder. .1IKS
4 SO
3 Si
3 75
3 3S
17 cow s 8r7
15 cahes...
26 Cow !'5$
7 steer... .1196
J ci ws 1115
4 steers. ...1335
4 60 1
8 60 1
4 6
-fl. n.
! steer.
3 6i
4 60
Penn Bros. fl. D.
10 feeders.. 1210 4 fO 4 rows loan
S 61
4 6)
1 bull 10 3 40 steer.. ..1.166
3 s.eei. ... too S SO
W. R. Clanton S. D.
19 c hs. M 3 15 17 1 owb 996
17 feeders . 1170 4 60 14 steer ...1312
3 M
4 66
O. Irwin Gilbert S. n,
12 rows 90 3 36 7 feeders.
434 I 26
3 steer.. ..1138 4 S6
A. Oray 8. D.
10 cows 976 i 60 12 steers..,
24 :er....ll63 4 70 2 cows...,
,. 94.1
.. 84S
,. 940
4 IS
5 60
3 61
2 80
S cows 602 S 25 JO cows
IS calves... :"!0 4 26 cows
feeder.. 963 i 65
F. Benton Colo.
87 feeder.. 1103 4 30 S feeders.. 1100
S 60
4 cows SSO S 80
Msnsfteld A R. Wrf),
S3 feeders.. 698 S 96 S feeders.
. 698
. Ml
3 25
S 15
S 60
S feeders.
S 9ft .18 cows....
s ro :ocow....
Nlelson Wyo.
4 76 6 cost.. . .
5 60 14 calve..
12 heifer..
16 steers...
2! feeders.
S 60
4 26
4 20
4 cows. ...
5 steers...
J. Snow Wyo.
115S 4 fO 62 feeder.. 1050
J. Irvine Wyo.
616 S 80
J. Frohnen Wyo.
41 feeder..
87 feeder.. H51 4 Pfi Scow..
.1062 t
1 cow 12M 4 10
11 calves... 1.3 0,0 IS cows..
S 65
3 6J
9 cows..,.. 88 3 35 Scows..
Scows 766 S 36 17 cow..
nous Hogs on sn average were
stronger again tills morning and selected
hesvy hogs sold as high aa 86.90, the high
est prlco of the year to date. Still the
market was uneven and sniitle some kinds
were higher, others were no more thsn
steady and omo possibly weak. There has
been a good deal of sameness from day to
day In that the trade haa been rather sinw
and of an Indifferent character, still prices
have been gradually firming up. The bulk
of the hogs today sold at K6.V(i6.70. . It was
sbout where they sold yesterdsy, but the
average market Is 7fl10c higher than the
doae of last week. While the trade was
not netlve, pre-t'.y much everything changed
hands In gond season.
Rtprrsenlative sales:
No. At.
: m
6a lia
73 174
1 t.l
81 t.J
12 2T.
hs 274
10 !48
M 1134
70 2JS
J so
6S 426
63. .......8.0
74 05
74 m .
34 14J
86 3 JO
77 231
74 234
70 fS
(1 221
101 lag
81 2K
86 11,6
14 240
8k. Pr. No. Av. Sb. Pr.
... 4 TS 2 40 4
... I 21 4 :V 240 4 44
40 4 4') Ml 14 40 4 47V4
110 4 l 43 :.. SI 8 47
SO 4 41 H 207 40 6Tij
240 4 CO 47 224 ISO 4 47,
40 4 Hl4 42 1M ... 4 47Vt
... 6 ."! Kl 811 44 4 70
... 4 ., 47 2,14 120 4 70
0 4 2'4 10 Je-1 so 6 70
1WI 4 3i ' ! 4 11 8 70
40 4 4S 17.-. Hi II) .4 to
130 6.1 SO 2;i2 1W 4 70
... 4 S 62 124 ... 4 10
8l 4 S6 lf is: 40 6 TtU
40 4 5 41 ... 75
It) 4 44 II 214 40 4 74
loo 4 i (H CL'.'i 240 4 76
10 6 61 . 14 197 ... 4 IIS
140 4 tr, 40 207 120 4 77'n
HO 4 44 ft) t-i ID M
80 4 74 2.-4 So 4 30
ll 4 66 t 1H0 ... 6 45
110 4 06 24 lit ... 4 SO
... 4 44
-For the first three days this
week 69.471 sheep and lambs arrived at this
point, ss against 17.1S9 head during ihu
corresponding period of Jasi week. While
receipts were not as large aa tor the cor
responding time last week, int-y wero,
nevertheless very liberal, but nt'tie too
mucli so to men the vi,p- . xttllcrit de
mand that has prevailed all the week. By
midday yesterday or very shortly afttr
everything had been cleaned up, showing
the activity of the trade. More than thai
prices on all kinds of sheep, both feeders
and killers, were fully steady, not 0111
for tho day hut for the week. Lambs broke
l'J16c on Monday, but the trade "was
active at the decline, feeder buyer' espe
cially taking large numbers. 1
This . morning fifty-one additional cars
arrived, aa agalnat seventy-live cars uii
Thursday ef last week. As buyer began
to realise that receipts this week were
running considerably behind- -laat week a
record, they seemed 40 wake up to the fact
that If they got anything they would have
to go after it in a hurry. Tne result was
that feede- buyera were out In the yards
early In the morning and they proceeded to
buy everything In alght as fast as they
could get to It. Feeding sheep communded
good steady to strong prlcos, fully
as much as they nld for at the close of
last week. Feeder lambs on the other hand
were strong to 10c higher than yesterday,
buvers being in a big hurry to get them
even at the advance, so much so that
pretty much everything changed hands
early In the morning and a good deal faster
than It could be weighed up.
Fat sheep were 1n good demand and they
loo brought good steady prices at least.
While fat lambs were not as active- sellers
as feeders, packers were forced to get
busy or aee the feeders take everything,
wltii the result that desirable lambs gen
erally commanded steady to stronger prices.
Quotations on rsnge or grass sheep and
lambs: Uood to choice lambs, S5.15i,.:j;
fair to good lambs, S5.0tiji6.16: feeding
lambs, S4 506.1O; good to choice Ugnt
yearlings, $4.16(34.36; good to choice heavy
yearlings, S3.9CiM.10;- feeding yesrling, i.iuit
4.15; good to choice wethers, SS.6Vya4.UC; fslr
to good wethers, S3.4nf.3 60; feeding welhers,
3 4061-3.76; good to choice ewes. S3.35fj3.h0;
fair to good ewes. 33.0f93.35: feeding ewes.
S2.2u(fi3.O0; culls and bucks, 81-6O&2.50.
Representative sales:
No. - -
16 rtah ewes, feeders, culls
85 western ewes
Av. Pr.
96 1 60
Ox S 26
.74 6 10
1 ;3 4 10
18 i fO
6H 4 90
58 4 91
67 4 fO
,101 4 15
8:1 2 2S
,87 2 75
,90 2 70
88 2 70
it 3 25
, r6 4 10
, rfi 4 10
,61 5 15
, fO 5 CO
.64 4 70
, 64 4 70
, K 3 75
, 102 2 6
, . toi 2 ri
. 6 15
,67 4 85
.46 I 25
. ! 04 4 00
.111 S 51
.90 3 &
, 1'5 2 75
. V 2 76
. 103 2 6r.
. 107 2 90
.98 2 25
82 western lambs
11 western wethers
175 Nebraska lambs.
325 Nebraska lambs.
164 Nebraska 4amhs,
326 Nebraska lamb,),
feeders. . . .
feeders. . . ,
feeders. . . .
6'8 Nebraska
93 Wyoming
141 Wyortilng
16 Wyoming
114 Wyoming
146 Wyo. y rfgs nd ewes, culls.
248 Wyoming yearlings, feeders..
848 Wyoming yearlings, feeder..
351 rtah lambs
60 I'tah lamb
? I'tah lambs, feeders
137 I'tah lambs, feeders
36 I'tah lambs, feeders, culls...
772 I'tHh ewes, feeders
68 I'tah - lambs, feeders, culls..
874 rtah lambs
761 I'tah lambs, feeder
78 T"tah ewes, culls, feeder
43 I'tah yearlings and wethers,
192 I'tah ewes
14 I'tah ewea
548 I'tah ewes,
feeders. . .
ltiO rtah
4; t'tah
10(1 I'tah
li L'Uh
I.oala Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 6.600 head. Including S.700 Texans;
market for natives steady; Texana 5
10c lower; native shlrplng and export
steers 84 .501.60: dreiied beef and
outcher steers. S3 00it6.75; steers under
1.000 pounds. 83.00GS50; stockers and
feeders S3. 00 4.00; cows and heifers,
82 6043.6.00; canners. S2.flOt2.36: IviIIh.
S2 76I1T4 25; calve. 94 007.00: Texas and
Indian steers. S.'.75fi5.40; cows and heif
ers. S 1.50ft 3.75.
HOOS Receipts. 7.300 head: market
stead v; pigs and llthts. S3 50fi'6 50; pack
ers 86 65i8 6.90; bptchcrg and best heavy.
.7.0047 20. '
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,900
head: market at em! v. native muttons.
S4 00'2 4.75: Iambi. 35. 40 5.76: rolls an 1
bucks SS oOS'4 00; Blockers. 83.00 4 60.
Kansas City l ive Stock Market.
Keceints. 8.000 head. Including 2.(i0
southerns; market for steers steady to
10c lower: cows strong;: choice export and
dressed beef stseri. $6. 26$ 7.60; flr 10
Sood, 34.60(6 6.10; western steers. S3R54f
.40: stocksrs and feeders. 8-I-75 i 5.05 ;
southern steers. S3 20&42O; southern
cowa, S2.00&3.4O: native tun. 82-164
4 35: native heifers. 82 60115.50; bull-,
S2 264.00: calves, S1&04j6;S
HOOri Receipts, 8.000 head: market i?
higher; closed weak; top. 37.06; bulk of
sales. S6.767 00; heavy. 86 93 7 06;
packers and butchers, S6 757.0S, light,
$6.50 3' 7. 00; pig. $4 008 6.25.
SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts. 7 .000
head; market weak; lambs. S4 0O4J5.60;
ewes and yearlings, $3 76 44.16: western
rearllngs. $3 904) 4 28; western' sheep.
3 69&4 10; Blockers and feeders, SSOOti
St. Javnrpk I.lva Sterk Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Sept. 10. -CATTLE Re
celpta 8.000 head; market steady; ateers,
$4i7.2; cow and heifers, $2 266 00;
calves. S3 On 26.
UOaay-Rcupu. 7.000 head; market
strong t S ntthet; 1"p. T: bulk of t) n,
SUKF.! AM' I.AMnS. Reclpts. J.'OS
hed; market S!!jr,t k ; laribs, VI : .
l llll '.(IO Tt H 84I1KKT
4'altle JMmelTj ' llegs pirnnc, Sheep
ston.'r i-y l.rtrcer.
CIlli-AOO fep'.. 10 C TTI.F Tte
telpi , n;'Vl T . iKttd, m.rkel steady;
tcer. Sl-oO'f 7.80. nur. 8 4 0 J J ; .S ,
licit era. 6.; t'Oel 6.2; - bill... $ -' 1 "' 4 61 ;
vle ' ,"1 ( 8 2?; steH-H.,'1-' and feeders.
S' r.0p 4.6 V
HOtiS--Receipts. about 16.000 head;
market si 14 1 it hot, lnvi vy shipping,
; f ( . ,1 J j ill, ; 'lull I'evs. ST 01 tT 7 15; light
mixed. 86 K'1, 6 0; choice lluhl, S8S5TJP
7 nil; prickle. S66)i 6 .: plus, 83 761
S.OO: hoik of .aty .00 ti ,:.
SHEEP AMI 1. VMl.-4 - llevctpM. ahout
Sl.oml head; maikei fo- choice lu'nbs and
sheep atcidvt nllnTu I0o lowtr; fheep,
S3 60 irt 4 50; lambs, $4 2,'.i I.. 75. rlllig,
Slooa 4'ltw S.lse Mock. Market.
Siru'X CITY. ,Si '. ;t.-tSpet lal Tele
gram ) CATTI.K - Reel! t s. 1.:1 head;
msrket s:eadv: Veeveo.',f7 ,; cow-s and
heifers, 84. 0 16A1; feeders S3 .1X1 9 4 60; calves
and 82. 76V 3. HI
HtiOS Rectlpis. .ili'O liesd, market
stes-l : range, 16 40tj6.75; "hulk of sales.
gtork In Slant.
Receipts of
clrol western
live Mock at the six
markets yesleiday:
Cutllsii C.(R(.
PI ili
South Omaha
bloux Cit . , .
St. Joseph . . .
Kansas City.
St.- Louis. . . .
Chlcugo . ...
Totals . . .
J..04 -.
. . . .1 OOn
' f'.ooo
' 8.000 '
7. 500
.was 6ist
. . . . 7,000
, I"29.00 46.200 49.400
Condition of Truile and tXnotatlona on
tnijla and Fancy Prodnca.
Bl'TTER Creamery, No. 1 delivered to
retail trade In cartons. 13c; No. 1, In gMb.
tubs, rc; No. 1. In e6-lb tubs, :3c; N'X,
t In 6U-lb. tubs, '204(rc; No '2, "ut u0-lb. tubs.
Sic; No. 2, In 1-lh. oartoni CI; No. 1. In
carload lots. 21o; No. 2. In carload lots.
Iai9c; couhtiy, funcy. tubs, 17c: cum
non, 16c.
EGOS- Fresh candled. 19o per doien.'
CHEESE-Flmst W(sconsui full cream,
twins, 14 c; young Americas,, 4 in hiK,p,
15c; favoille, S in liofip", lic; daisies, 2l In
hoop, 16c; creani' Urlek. full case, 13. ;
half case, Uc; half doson bricks, 14o, No
tjuotatlons on Swiss nor limborger until
after October. ' - '
BEEF CUTS No. 1 rib. 17c; NO. 9 rb,
11c; No. 3 rib. 7c; Nj. 1 loin, 18ct No.
loin 12c; No. 3 loin, 9c; No. 1 chuck. 6c;
No. 3 chuck. 4C; No. S chuck, 4c; No. 1
totind, c: No. 2 round, 60; No. 8 round.
c; No. 1 plate, oc; Nt, 2 jdate, 4;
Ho. 3 plats. 3c.
VEOETAHLES-Celery. Michigan, par
dog., 26e. Bean, nt w wax and taring, one
third bu basket, ;. IV, navy par bu-. No. 1,
82.70; lima, 6c per lb. Cabbage. 2c per lb.
Potatoes, new, per bu., Ji.IO. Tomatoes,
per 4-baHktt urate, 90c, .Watermelons, ibj
Sec. (Jantalopes, Calilurnia.. ti .6O03.uO pot
crste. Asparagus, per Out., 40c. Cucum
bers, per doit., uoc. Onions, Bermuila. Sl.t.0
Ltr crate; Texas yellow, 41 Jir cr,4.
MJahioonis. cuiilvaUid, per lb 60c. Let
tuce, per dog., Sc. Peppers, southern, SI
Vr crate.
Jb RESil FR CITS-Apples. S2 7t73 00 per
bu. box. Lemons, 4. 6v'i4(5.(JO. granges, V4.0J
fati.bO. xiui'aiias, 4c per iu. P'.ums, 41.25 per
4-uaaket crate. Peaciie - California, 70--0
per box; Tuxas, 4-bfit. crate, notftioc
i'uurt, ll.iTO per 4-baskel crate. Blackber
ries, 84.00 per crate. Raspberrie. S4.0U per
cialc. Cherries, 82.26. Cut rants, Si.00 pr
crate. Uooneucrrii;, S2,0o .per crate.
tSCGAli Cuitmo gianulaied, 6.60c; tint
granulated, 6.70c: cubes, 6 600; powtleiea,
.Ulc per lb. .
LHErifsED POULTRV-elquab, S2.2
per dosen. . ,,,
L1VK POULTRY-Hen, 9cl spring, 13c;
roosters, lie; ducks, young, be; old, ?c;
gcestt, ic; iurktys, 1 14c; pigeons, 66c per
dozen; squabs, 'A psi- dosen.
DR1KD KRi. l I S RaUlns, loos Muctel,
o; iuncy seeded, 1-ib.' carton, ' 10c. Cur
rnnts, uucleniicd. c; Heaned, Se carton,.
c per lb. Pruiitrs, 40iio0c per sack-, -7VJ
per lb. Apricots., 25-lo. uoxes, 80 per ib.
Peaches, California cholcs, 9Ci fancy boxes,
lie per lb. rears, Ctiltionila. llo. : Date,
PcrrUn, 8ici. Fig, layer. - cholea, 10c.
Citron, 10- Lunion peel,,, tiv. , Orange
peel, 33c. . , .
113H Haliljut, 8c; trout, He: pcierel, 11c;
pike, 14c; bullheads, skinned and dresaed.
13o ; whit putcli, fe, Willis .bMS. 17ok black
bass, 26c; trapplts, 16c; white efkslt, 13c;
red snapper. 14c; .flounders, 12c; mackerel,
17c; codfish, fresh 'frozen,' 13c; shad roe, 46c;
Smelts, 13c; frog lefre. i6c; green sea turtle
meat. ?8c; catfish, 1 hie; eel, per ;lb.,' Mo.
HIDKS Quotntlons by J. S. Smith 4k, Co t
Qreen sslted No. 1. 10c; No. 2. c; bull
hides, No. 1. 8c; 'No.- 2. 7cr horse hides.
S2.60; sheep pelts, 26o -to 81.60;. dry- pelts, loo
to 12c per lb.; dry. flint .butcher Hides, uc;
dry fallen hides. He; dry salt4d .hld.ea. 9c
Kanaaa 'City Grain nneS Prawlslons.
chaiine.i to 1c hiuhfir; ' Hcidenibetv 9"-"4c;
December. 92Vc; May, !5itN Ch: No. 2
hard, H6-09.V; No. 3 hurd. ,.'5'ij97c; No. 2 red,
9ri".c: No. 3 red, PRC.
CORN t-ifit-c; ScptoiubM', 76c ; Dc-
rrmber, 'asc; M11.V, 62'. Ca-h: No. 2 mixed.
7fic; No. 3 mixed, 74 c; No. 2 white, ihc;
Nri 3 white, .
OATS I ' nchn naed t'j , higher: NO. 2
white, 60ih5;c; No. 2 mixed, 4;4i49c
RYR 784t8ic.
HAY-Stcadv; chol p timothy, S9.5tV( lo.oo;
choice, prairie, J.':5'i(.5o. ' '
Rl'TTER Steady ; crcanierj'.- 2.1c; pack
ing slocks, 16c.
EOOf Steady ; fresh, extras, KcT'fcuvront
receipts, lfic.
Wheat, bu
, .173.000
,. 18.000
, . 15,000
1 8:1,0110
Corn, bu .-;
Oata. bu
Kansas City optlonn
Open. Hlgfi. ' Low.
Wheat . .
September 9J 92. , 91
December ,....9V 95fiV4 , 94ii
Mav 96 B . - 61 60?
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta.
APPLES Market continues nulet, with
fancy Uoted at 9,'1oc: choice, 7'fi'.'c;
prime. 6V4ij6c: common to fair, 6ifi6c.
DRIED FHCITS Prunes are In limited
Jobbing demand for Spot supplies, but there
Is verv little bush-iess doing: for forward
shipment from the coast, tjuotatlona on
spot rsnge from 4r lo 13e for California.
Arrlccus are rather easy in' tone, except
for fancy fruit, with choice quoted at RVtf
6c; extra choice, 9n'J4,c; fancy, ( lie.
peachea are dull and nninlnally undhanged,
with choh'e quoted at 7Vtr'7r: extra c hoice,
7 41 He; fancy. Kc;j9r!. Raisins are njuiet,
with traders holding off pending develop
ments on the coast. Loos muscatels are
quoted at 4r6',4c: choice to fancy seeded,
6oj7's,o: seedless, - 4'fi6c; London layers,
Minneapolis 4iraln MarkenSe
MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. W.-WHEAT-Sep-teuiber,
H9c; December, $1 .Oi'8 1 .00 ; Msy,
$1.O401.O4; caali, No. 1 hard, $1.03tM 03;
No. 1 northern, $1,024(1.02: No. 2 northern,
t'9c'd J1.C0; No. 3 northern, 977719c.
RRAN-In bulk, ilfi.30ffll9.00. .
FLOl'R First patents, -to.t5'H5.76; serord
patents. 85.5(r-g5.fi5. first clears. $4.3oQ i.46;
second clears. $11.503.60.
Mlltvankee 4. rain Market.
MILWAUKEE. Sept. 10. WHEAT No. 1
northern, i 1 07 a Mh ; No. i northern,
$1.04t 1.06: December. 97c.
PYlv-No. 1. 75tf75c.
CORN December. 69 c bid; cash,, 79 0
79 c.
BARLEY Standard, 66c; sample, tlty
Dnluth lirala Market,
DI LI TH. Sept. 10. WHEAT No. 1 hard.
$102; No. 1 northern, $1.01; No. 2 northern,
Htc: September, $1.00; December, 9941.-; May,
K'lren Ihrraten Port Artkor.
PORT ARTIU'R, Ont., Sept. JO. All last
night furt-st fires' threatened a number of
houses on the outskirts of the city In dif
ferent directions, which resulted In the call
ing out of the whole fire br'gada, which
succeeded In checking tile dinger. A
conflagration was ' threatened within, tho
city when a fire sturted at the Commercial
hotel, but the blase waa extlngUlahed with
chemical engli'i . , A liK fliv could be seen
all night burning on Th,4iur t.,ip, eightee n
mile distant: It threaten the deserted
village of filler's Isle, whlcfi has been a
summer resort lr, augpenslur, of min
ing operation there a cjuarter jf a century
ago. No one in there now 10 fight the
flame except f.he caretaker of the mine and
bl family.
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homea of those you ax txrUxg ta mactk