12 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TTITTRSDAY, SETTEirBEIt 10, 1908. f AW nrvr on Mnc nrvj tai I roans V WV ' - Im.ii th. wnmmk nf HnMha Vta , J " - . - - W . l ruuty to Tlrv nie sxm Dranunu array 125 wirrw rU Millinery a WMtm store Two Very Special Offers items MS These New Arrivals Comprise the Smartest and Most Fashionable Suits Ever Sold at a Moderate Prioe. I' We offer special for Thnrs day ft splendid group of th neweat up-to-date tailored suits for fall. Every one is the latest modeL The Dew plain colors, pastel shades and black new lout? fitted and seml-fltted coata plainly, tailored or smartly trimmed. The newest of skirt features a fine chance to bajr a new volt specially priced, at Ta 2& 1 UK W 1 I Extra Special !4 Stunning Fall Suits at $19 This group comprises long coat suits. In the newest shades of brown, blue, etc., including misses' sizes made of broad cloths and cheviots, latest Btyle features many smart Invisible plaid worsteds, at- Extra Special All Silk Ribbons Sc-lOc yd :k and all colors, on Bargain 5c40cyd Great lots of Ribbons in black and all colors, on Bargain Square widths up to 100, worth as high as 25c yard, at Women's and Men's Handkerchiefs at 5c Embroidered, lace and plain hemstitched handkerchiefs, all sizes, and worth up to 25c, special Thursday 5 c CHOCOLATE DAY at "SWEETLAND" Brandels East Arcade Out Popular Club House Brand A large assortment, in cluding nut tops, nougat, dipped caramels sot and fruit flavored cream centers all at one J? price Thursday, chocolate day, pound , rt KJ? s These are positively our regular 40c lb. Chocolates English Wilton Rugs These rugs are the famous real English "Wiltons," 9x12, all seamless and made in the rich, soft Per sian patterns that add so much beauty to any room. Other stores would ask '$53.00 to $60.00 special at $39 BARTLE WILL LEAVE OMAHA Assistant Pastor of First Methodist Charrai Will' Areept lade . rdrat Call. Rev. 8. D. 3rU.. assistant paator of tha First MeLhodlat' Chttreh. will not continue In that position sfUii the close of the pres ent conference year, ' which la September Xi. ' He has received throe calls to inde pendent pulpits and will accept one of these. But he will bot . know which one until the meeting of the conference at Stan ton, September 23. The conference will be conducted by Bishop Robert Mclntyre. Mr. Bertie has been In Omaha a year, coming here from Iowa. Hla work has been regarded aa quite successful and ha has made hosts of cordial friends In and out of that church. During the absenoe of Dr. LoveUnd, the pastor, he has filled the pul- .'VVTe Recommend - la. 11 V LUIJ The Beer You like Cases 2 dozen C3 Ofi Large Bottles P3eVU Case's 3 dozen OA Small Bottles frOzJJ Aa allowance of It 10 will be msde upoa return to us of the empty est, aod all of the empty boiuea in good order. Oi tiers will be taken for Luxus i let ta cat lot at the follow ing price; $2.00 per doz. Large Bottles $1.33 per doz. Small Bottles Gladstone Bros. 1308.10 Deugtaa Street AUTO. AJJIl DOUGLAS tit pit and has done so with satisfaction to tho congregation. lie ia a young man and ho consldera his experience in Omaha has been valuable to him. Rev. Mr. Bartle haji traveled extensively, devoting much timu to the Holy Land, and he has made good use of this experience In the way of lec tures to his church people. The official board of the First Metho dist church will meet probably Thursday to decide on the matter of selecting a suc cessor to Mr. Bartle. Children's and Misses' Shoes Just a little talk on children's and misses' footwear the kind that give growing feet the right opportunity to grow as nature Intended. We make a study of shoes and feet that's why our rep utation for perfect fitting is generally known by the public Our styles are the latest put In real quality shoes so Hhat yon are sure of satisfaction from every point of view when you have our children's and misses' shoes. CHILDREN'S, sizes 8 ' to 11... MISSES', sizes lltt to 2. . . YOUNG "WOMEN'S, Sizes 2 to 6 ... . $1.50 ..$2.00 .$2.50 Too know we are above the average in the ratal 1 shoe bus Drexel Shoe Co. 3410 PAKNAM STREET. If TVTrxTTTarn lfTjlMMli ) I 1 Vf ( U. QUARTMLLT ITTU BOOK rt f I j I Vhit Wmrlit la oonneotloar wlta any ISo -- I I SI . . hr XrfUHaa Ion Journal Fatsera. I V w It's Quite Easy... at the proper time to give teeth ur gent care, viz., when decay first makes its appearance. Not to know the ex periences that bad teeth cause, is not to allow a decay to grow and become larger. JC9T THAT FILLING that Is needed now is easily put in, and the expense is comparatively small. Fillings that I put in, give patients pride in their teeth. It will be a pleasure to tell you the ex act condition of your teeth' as well as their real needs. Taft's Dental Room 1517 Douglas Street. The Big Camp Meeting At OMAHA. NEB. From Sept. 3 to Sept. 24 or longor. Rev. J. W. Edwards and Re"- A. Ami poker will have charge. Many able and expel lenced workers will be present. To be held In Klvervlew Vark, Omaha. Neb., handy to Farnam, Harney and 12 th street car lines, good shade; mall de livered to tho grounds twice each day. Take South Tenth atrest car from the Union Depot, get off at Bancroft street Three services each day, with a Bible School for workers and those who wish to become acquainted with the Bible. The Tabernacle will be pitched at the entrance of the Rlvervlew Park at Sev enth and Bancroft streets, easy for all to reach from any y.art of the city. Tents can be rented by writing to Rev. A. Ami poker, 147 South Eleventh Street, Omaha, Nebraska. . Good water and all conveniences for a profitable time. $t T Buys a Tailored Suit $1 C iiJ of latest models, worth $5 more lLJr You'll not be surprised why we are selling such quantities of Fall Suits once you come in here., You don't find exor bitant prices at Bennett's, but you get quality, variety and the most authentic styles at uncommonly moderate figures. These suits at $15.00 are a striking illus tration. Fine tailored broadcloth models, either severely plain or trimmed with satin bands, 36-inch length coats, pleated skirts, all the best shadings; every size; . value, $20.00 s FIFTEEN DOLLARS Cool Evenings Are Coming Don't You Need a Light Jacket? Here's a lot of about one hundred fall coats, tan coverts, black broadcloth and black silk taffeta, all best styles of course; values are $8.00, $10.00 to $12.00. gtt "" The buyer got them at a low price and Thursday puts them out the same way; fy j Only iaa Fine Black Taffeta Dress Skirts Exquisite Fall Models of best grades of Taffeta, positively good $20.00 and $22.50 garments. Some have velvet bands, some self folds and straps, some are beautifully embroidered In silk with eyelet effects, others are tailored flare and pleated styles. Thurs day on sale at 9 Black Lawn Waists Closing Those who must have black waists get a real bargain here. New styles, with elaborate lace and medallion yokes or beautiful em broidered fronts, values $2.50, for Bath Kobes for women, of heavy Jacquard blanket robes or plain eiderdowns with girdle, (y QfcC values to $5.00 mdJ 79c Thursday Is Hosiery Day Women's seamless fast black Cotton hose, double sole, 17c val- ttL ties, for. , IaJC Hand embroidered black llnle hose, 60c lines, broken sizes, Thurs- "C dav Children's 17c fine ribbed stockings, regularly sell for 17c; spe- 171 clal Misses' fine gauge medium and lla'ht weight ribbed stockings, i6o iu. mii tv. Tnrm .. ity, lorm. Boys' heavy weight 25c' school hose, pair for lBc RTfT CJATTi ?TTTT?TJ N'alt for the big sale Men's Shirts rtejtt Sat MnxAVXki urday RlgRest bargains shown this season. Large sample line from eastern manufacturers. See Friday evening's papers. Two Thursday Shoe Bargains T5T Designs, particularly of machinery, should be cor rectly drawn. We have artists, who can make cor rect drawing, of any ma chine or contrivance. Let us know what jou need. BAKER BROS. ENGRAVING CO. iiarker Block, Omaha, Neb. Boys' Casco Calf Shoes, guaranteed to be al(, solid leather inner soles, outer soles and counters heavy .double soles, ail sizes up Xlf In. KU. a. vrv. riurahlM shoe at a special low a price Tor xne aay, pair... ,.LV r - Nurses' lared shoes or for all women with tender feet; they have rubber heels and hand turned soles. Most comfortable shoes made and worth f 2.60 the pair, Thursday for 1 39 BENNETT'S THURSDAY GROCERY SPECIALS if 'In' addition to the lowest prices good groceries ever sell for, we offer extra special Inducements In S. & H. Green Stamps. Pays to watch our daily grocery quotations. Save the stamps and get the premiums. Not one cent of extra cost to you. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per pound 880 And 20 Green Stamps JOS. TETLET'B I IT D LA. AKS CETLOH TEAR. Sunflower, Blend, pound can 70c And B0 Green Stamps Sunflower blend, H pound can..... 3So And 25 Green Stamps Hunflower Blend. pound can 18o And 10 Green Stamps Gaillard's Olive Oil, imported, bottle 3So Anil 20 Green Stamps French Cut Loaf, Sugar U&c And 10 Green titami.s Rex Lye, three cans for 850 And 10 Green Stamps Beauty Asparagus, can 850 And 10 Green Stumps Lipton's Jelly, assorted, two pkgs ...SOo And 10 Green Stamps Snider's Hoik and Beans, two cans .800 And 10 Green Stamps Soda Crackers, four 6c packages for ISO And 10 Green Stamps Pure Fruit Jellies and Jams. .. .12aO Victory Pineapple, grated lOo Raisins, large, two pounds lia Sheet Gelatine, pound 300 TtTTHJTTT'IF TAPTOfiA Two hundred and fifty packages only, usual lULli Ulli IftflVUit prlce 10c Thursday and for one day only QAp Three Packages JKj Bennett's Capitol Sweet Wrinkled Peas 3 cans for flSo Queen Olives, large. 08c bottle reduced to 70o 25o bottle Grape Juice, pure and unfermented 16o RENT This word is a terror to some people, but did you over stop to consider the conveniences you receive in FOUR BABES IN YEAR PLUS South Omaha Woatatt Becomes Mother of Uuartet of Children Im fourteen Months. Anton Machal, 20U P street. South Omaha, and his wife are firm believers in the anti-race suicide campaign. April 10, 1U07, triplets were born into tills home and fourteen months later a fourta child, a boy, came. The triplets lived but three months, however, all of them dying with the whooping cough. The fourth baby Is a husky lad and Dr. Kalal, the family physician, says it will take more than the whooping cough to tear down his natural strength. Mrs. Machal is 39 years of age. Her. hus band is employed in the Omaha Packing company's (!ant at South Omaha. The record of births and deaths for the day iu: Births William C Matthews, 1901 Miami street, girl; Ward M. Burgess. 12! South Twenty-second street,' girl; Louis Hansen, 21 ui Mauderson street, boy; William Bo trand. 4u8 Bancroft street, girl; Lovell Durin, 1121 South Twenty-eighth street, boy; I. T. Flegle, SS02 North Thirty-fourth street, boy. Deaths Catherine Barden, Omaha Gen eral hoapltsl, 24; Hans A. Hellesrom, Omaha oeneral hospital, it. A A Fortuuatu Teaan. t H. W. Goodloe, Dallas, Tex., found a sure cur for malaria and biliousness in Dr. King's New Life Pills. Ac. Beaton Drug Co. i Croolay Wall (Imu so C will keep you In the memory of your trade for an entire year. Several ' sises and styles. Writs today for samples and price. Greeley Fritter, fit Louis, Big Horn Country Special Excursion Sept. 15 A pesonally conducted ex cursion of Laudseekers will leave Omaha and Lincoln the night of Sept. 15 to inspect n large tract of irrigated land along the Big Horn River near Worland and Basin that recently has been thrown on the mar ket at low prices an on easy terms; this section Of the Basin is bidding strongly for a sugar beet factorj; there are many well cultivated irrigated farms in this vicinity. There is no failure of water in the. Big Horn Basin; the supply from the Shoshone, the Greybull j and Big Horn rivers is sufficient to irrigate 1,000,000 additional acres of laitd. Write at once for details. D. CLEM DEAVER, G. A., Xaadaskra Information Bares a 10TX AID rASVAJC, Omaha, Nebraska. modern office building when you locate your business there! Janitor service, electric light, water and the comforts of a well kept building. For $10.00 you can rent enough space for one or two desks and suffi cient rooin so that your clients will not be crowded while waiting.for your attention. The good OFFICE space in Omaha is limited and we would suggest if you con template opening an o'ffice for. professional or commercial enterprise IN the near future that you call and see the 6pace we have to offer. You will make no mistake by locating in THE BEE BUILDING Apply W. BAKER, Supt. Room 105 R A Wedding Ring purchased at our store would be the proper lliing. W have the Tiffany Ring which is the right kind these days. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. , . S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler ltl OOUOLAS ITllIT Unusual Bargain Opportunities Thursday Furnishing ' Goods From the Big Railroad Purchase.' InlAWEInis THE RELIABLE STORE , Dress Goods, Wa3h Goods and Domestics TVnm trtft Rlnr Railroad Purchase. A iftg Shipment of Winter Merchandise, consisting of Furnish ing Goods, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Domestics and Blankets, was wrecked in transit and on account of the cases being in bad condition was refused by the consignee. We secured the entire shipment from the Railroad Company at less than 50 cents on the dollar. ENTIRE SHIPMENT GOES ON SALE THURSDAY AT ABOUT HALF MANUFACTURER'S COST. FURNISHING GOODS From the Great Railroad Purchase All Men's Womcn'j and Children's I'ndorwcar Heavy fleeced, ribbed or wool garments, values AA. to $1.00, choice UUC Men's HeaTy Flowed Vnderwear Regular 50c values, 29C Ladies' and Children's Underwear Fall and winter weights, regular 3"Jc values, at Ladles' and Children' Combination . Suits, worth 76c, am 3UC Men's and Boys' Suspenders Worth two lots, at . 25c and 15c 15c 20c -Regular Men's and Boys' Work Shirts values, all sizes on sale, choice Men's Madras Dress Shirts values to $1.00; all the new ftll V1. ...... 50c and 25c Men's 811k . Neckwear i-AU styles, reg ular values to 10c, IA. choice IUG Men's, Women's and Children's Hoee Heavy winter weight, all sizes, Srv'!r.'..;....5cand 10c Men's and Boys' Sweaters Worth to $2.00, many fine wool garments, .T 25c, 50c and 60c Piece Goods From the Wrecked Stock 10 bales of 8c unbleached fine muslin at, a yard 4 8 bales of bleached muslin, sold st 7 Vic, 8V4c and 10c yard, all at 5 5 cases of Simpson's prints, black and white, silver greys an.: Mues, worth 7 Vic all at 4V4 5 cases of towels, worth from 10c to 15c evch, all at 7 He, Of. 3 He, 1 case pf wool dress goods, fine new fall styles, goods worth from 75c to $2.00 yard, will go at f l.OO, 75c, 50c and 30 8 cases cotton blankets, worth from $1.50 to $2.60 per, pair, all will go on sale at, per pair $1.00, 75c, GOt 5 rases of all woof , blankets, worth from $2.50 to $5.00 pair, all will go on sale at, pair 92.08, $2.50, 2.oo, $1.50 and .v$1.25 12 cases of Arnold's fleeced lined goods, worth 15c yard, all at one price 7 Other sales of goods too numerous to mention. A Magnificent Array of Charming Styles We feel proud, and believe justly so, of our splendid showing of exclusive gar ment styles for Fall and Winter 1908-'09, materials are selected by ourselves, the gar ments made expressly for us and under our supervision, and every garment must be up to the highest standard of excellence be fore it is offered for your inspection. ' Crown Jewel Suits Over 100 new ones just received, the most beautiful designs yet offered, fully the equal of many $35.00 Suits on 0 C 11 A the market, at choice 4UaUIJ NOBBY TAILOR SUITS made to Bell at $20.00, made of fine all wool materials," in all colors, special for 1 A Q r Thursday, at each. ITbUu SILK WAIST FREE to each purchaser of one of our stylish Voile or Panama Dress Skirts shown Thursday, 4 nr at each iiJJu Come in all colors and black. $5.00 SILK UNDERSKIRT FREE to every purchaser of 'one of those fine French Voile Dress Skirts, well worth "f flE I.iJJ $10.00, on sale Thursday, at each. BEAUTIFUL CHIFFON PAXAM DRESSES All colors, on sale Thurs day at $19.90 NEW FALL JACKETS Fancy coverts and blacks, special Thursday $4.05 Women's $2.60 Heatherbloom Under- ' skirts on sale $1.45 SILK RUBBERIZED AUTO and BAIN COATS All colors, valuojj up to $20, Thursday ..... .812.75 Women's $1.25 Percale Wrappers, all sizes, on sale at G9? Big sale of Infants' wear, Bab) Bazar on Second Floor. : Beautiful Fall r.Tillinory At Less An Immense Showing of the New Fall Styles in both Trimmed and Untrimmed most at tractively priced. AS A THURSDAY SPECIAL! We offer choice of 500 elegant Trimmed Tlata in silk velvet, satin, . or felt, regular $8.00 Vk values, at Paint Your House How Now Is the time to do your, painting. Oak Brand is the name of the paint you want to use, a paint we have sold here for twenty years; our price is only $1.25 a gallon and warranted for five. years. Sells everywhere for $1.86 a gallon. 60c size Liquid Veneer, the famous polish 39 15c, can Electric Wall Paper Cleanr, at7 8'' Skirts Made to Measure We have secured the service of a first class ladles' tailor in connection with our Drees Goods Department and will make to your measure any stylo iklrt you desire. Perfect fit guaran teed or money refunded. Prices $3.60, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50. Samples and pamphlets sent to out of town customers upon REQUEST. ANOTHER BIG SALE THURSDAY Bee Want Ads-Business Boosters On Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Groceries, Butter, Cheese, Crackers. Bushel boxes extra fancy No. 1 Bart lett Tears for canning, jmt box 91.75 GRAPES FOR JELLY. The best pure Cane Granulated Sugar at less than Jobbers' cost. 10 bars best Laundry Soap 2.V Zest Breakfast Food, pkg ;c The best Domestic Maccaronl pkg Hic The best Corn Meal, per Buck 13c 6 lbs. Japan Rice 2;ic 011 or Mustard Sardines, per cau. .4c Fancy Full Cream Cbefse, per lb. 13c Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 10c The best Tea Sittings, per lb 15c Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb.. 15c Put your Peaches and Pears up now. We have two more car loads on track. One car of Peaches and one of Pears. The Peaches are extra fancy California freestone, always the finest flavored Peach for canning. Tomorrow per case 85 Large baskets fancy Concord Grapes for Jelly, per basket 17 FRESH VEGETABLE PRICES FOB THmsUAYo Funcy Wax cr Gren Ue;fns, lb. .2H 5 beads Freeh Leaf Lettuce He The best Sweet Corn, per doz. . . .8 He Fancy 8weet Potatoes, per lb . .S)tc 2 heads Fresh Cabbage ...Be Fancy Cauliflower, per lb loo Large Egg Plant, each 5c, 7Hc 2 Heads Celery 5c Ire Market Baskets Fancy R1d Tomatoes for canning. EX HAY DEN'S UMH IT'S THE BEST PLACE IM THE CITY SOo Noon Day Lunch Grill Room FROM ia TO a Tf TT -vl I""" -w -k Hlxteenlh and nUltil A. HIV, Jackson tt.