Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Coroner'i Jury SUmpi Crime on
Slayer of Edna Kennett. ' -
Wllltoa Witt Follow Parent Bark
to Lincoln wltk Corpse at tilrl
II TVa ta Hava
Thiit Krtna Kennett came to hef dth
a the result of gun hot woundi Inflicted
Friday evening in front of 614 North Fif
teenth street, by on. Van Qoodfll, with
murderous Intent and recommend that he
held to the district court, on tha charge of
The above verdict vn returned by the
coroner- jury at the Inquest held Satur
day afternoon at 4 o'clock, on the death of
Mlai Edna Kennett, who wai wontonly
murdered Friday evtnlng by Van GoodelJ,
a laborer, because abe waa engaged to
marry another man.
Several eye-witnesses to the shooting tia
tlfled that Ooodell and the girl had atond
talking for a few momenta on tha aide
walk, and that, finally, aha started to leave
hJm, when he grabbed her arm. 8h broke
away and started to run. but had gone but
a few pacea wren Ooodell whipped out a
revolver and fired at her. She wheeled
half way around and he approached her
and throwing one arm around hur shoulder,
placed the revolver to her forehead . and
fired twice more.- before turning the re
volver on himself. .- .
. Oobderi waa not . present at the Inquest,
being detained at tho city Jail with hla
Two Interested spectator were .William
Witt, the girl's fiance, and A. B. Carper,
an uncla of Miss Kennett, who Uvea, on a
farm near Eagle. Neb. The girl's parents
arrived in Omaha Saturday morning and
left for home In the afternoon, after view
ing the body at the Lincoln home, at 2
p. m. today. The body will be taken to
Lincoln this morning by Witt and, Carpor.
Murderer tries In Jail.
Van Goodell of Florence, wno shot and
killed Mlas Edna Kenntt Friday evening
because aha waa to marry' William Witt,
was taken to the police station Saturday
morning, whcie County Attorney English
and Captain of Poltca Savage held a long
Interview with him, securing a statement
which they refused to dlvulg. No official
action will be taken in hia case 'until after
the Inquest over the young woman.
When seen at the police station Saturday
morning Goodell was lying on a cot in a
cell' with his eyea covered by hia artnsT
and when aroused and questioned, he said:
"I havo nothing to say at present."
He appeared rather cool and said ha was
laat employed as a laborer by. the Kingman
Implement company. Me left there two
weeks ago ari asked for hla Job back Fri
day, but did not get It
When he emorged from Captain Savage's
office, following his talk with the county
attorney, Goodell was on the verge of col
lapse and had to be assisted back to his
.cell, sobbing like a child.
A post-mortem, examination of the body
-of the girl was held by Coroner's Physician
Dr. Lavender Saturday morning and dis
closed the fact that the bullet, which en
tered under, the left arm pit, penetrated
both lungs, and the other . bullet, which
entered uvur the .right eye, was lodged in
the brain. Either wound waa almost In
BtantlyVfataL ' Being' Informed that Goodell had-. written
'threatening 'letters to Mies Kennett pi
vkuB to the' shooting, the police secured a
''numbeY'of letters-to the girl, but noae was
' discovered that bore Ooodtli's signature.
" William' Witt, the murdered girl's fiance,
- appeared at the police station Saturday
niurr Jng to lend his assistance to the poiloe.
Ho said nothing regarding the shooting ex
' cept that lie was to have been married to
1 Mlm Kennett early this fall. '
K Father and Fiance View Scene.
William Witt was .at the Hotel Loyal
Saturday In company with Mr. ahd Mrs.
''Kennett of Lincoln.
"I( was all a mistake to think that I was
out of town )at night," said Mr. Wilt.
"I returned home about 10 o'clock and waa
told of tho tragedy- This, morning I went
to the police station to see if they wanted
tu ak me ajiy questions. 1 had never
seen this man . Uouilclt until this mouilng,
.y hen I went to the hospital, Miss Kennett,
however, had often (spoken of him 'to me,
and. I knew he had for no reason threat
ened her on several ot-casfons. They be
cane aequa nted in Florence, I think, where
she uaed tu wolk In a lunch room, and she
went o.ut with him eeveral times, but they
veie never engaged, and 1 am sure that
a s'.ie had uo affection tor lilni. She went to
tevcjal dunces with hiui and that was all.
"She had frequently spoken to ma of
threats he had made to her, but I did not
at that time consider them serious. About
ten days ago he wrote her letter, in
which he asked fur an Interview, and
stated that ah need fear no harm, but she
paid no attention to 1t."
Clcirlesennelt, father of tho murdered
girl, is an employe ot the Capital City Ice
company in Lincoln. 'They have 'three
otlu-r children, two girls and' one boy, all
of them younger than Miss Edna. Mr. ahd
' Mrs. Kennett came to Omaha Saturday
' morning and viewed the poena of the
'tragedy 1n company with - Mr. Witt and
1 were overcome with grief. Mr. Kennett
broke down completely in the Hotel Loyal,
' where he and hia wife are the gueats of
Manager Taggart and could scarcely speak
' st all of hi daughter's death.
"We hav never seen this man Qoodell
but once," said Mr. Kennett. "That was
at our home in Lincoln. We knew that he
waa acquainted ' with our daughter, but
knew very little about hla' character. .We
cam to Omaha thla morning and have
. sen tha plac of the shooting." .
They were not taken to see Hie corpse
until Ute In the afternoon because of their
extreme grief and excited condition.
By using the various department of The
Hee Want Ad Page you get; best' result
at least expert.
the figure:
"Oh that this too. too solid flesh would
melt!" cry the ladles nowaday aa they
try to squirm Into a prince froca. How
inuoh. would the too generously propor
tioned dame nui ive up tor fujr Inch
less in the line as she compare her
self with the more fortunate one hundred
and . twenty-five . pound sister. Various
Uevlce are suggested to arraat the flesh
producing tenuenry and keep the figure
trim. Including exurcUn, walking and diet
ing a well as numerou patent remedies,
but there are objection to ail of -the..
Exercising I hard work and . takes up
precious time; dieting I dintastef u.1 and a
real punishment, and moat of the patent
remedies are dangeroua to health.
' The very beat thing for th overfat,
whether mala or female, I a aunpl hom
receipt: ounca Marmola; V o fluid
Extract Caacarra Aromatic, IVs-ci Pep
perailnl Water, which can be talnad
of any druggist at ama.ll coat. This
should b taken a teaapoooful at a time
after meals and at bedtUme, and results
.will be both speedy and certain. Thla la
a harmless mixture that cannot bring i
any atomach trouble nor cause the di-l-up
wrinkled appearance of those who
trv or tk "patent reducers" to get
thin. On th contrary, although It often
' take the fat of at th rat of pound a
day,- It la really very beneficial to .th
yatam, Imuid( ta biuud ad causing
the comrlextion t become fair and beau
tiful. The cost c the three I Dg cedent
t a mere bagatelle, and one may. If they
refer, get them separately and mix them
athg M Bom.
Kara oot Frist n.
Diamond, Sdaolm, JwlT.
atndolph T. Vwoboda, rabUo-AeeetiDtaB.'
Itwmu, 117 N. 1. Eougla ho. It t.
Fa atourk for Quality cigar 111 S. 15th.
Xlnsaart, photographer, llth Faruam.
Baaitabl. Life Policies, sight drafts at
maturity. H. D. Neely, manager, Omaha.
SargM-4)rsna Co., 1611 Howard t
Gas. electric fixtures, electric wiring and
repair. Resldene electric fans, $10.&'.L
High gcbool Plana Approved Th plans
for the proposed south wing to the High
school aa prepared by Architect Lateuser
were approved by the Board of Education
In special session Baturday noon. A propo
sition to advertise for bids for the construc
tion of the new wing was referred to the
next general meeting of the board.
Burglar Xap Tno Returning
home at 6:10 Friday afternoon, a niemb.T
of the family of C. B. Young, 131 North
Forty-third ' street, was Just In time to
see a young man leap the back fence,
dropping a silk skirt as he did so. An
Investigation revealed the fact that th;
hurdling stranger had entered the house
through a rear window and hxd stolen, a
gold watch and a 110 gold piece.
Chur Sanghtar Inharit Money Mrs.'
Catherine Donahue, daughter-in-law of
Chief Donahue, is beneficiary, to the extent
of between 16,000 and I7.0CO lii the estate' oi
her grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Duggan,
whose will has been filed with the. county,
judge. The wilt gives th entire rual and
personal estate to Mrs.' Donahue and, ap
points her and her husband, John J. Dona
hue, Jr., executrix and executor respectively
of the will. -i i
andAy School Athlstio Field . Say St
Maryjs Avenue Congregational church and
Sunday school had . an, athletic Field .day
at Miller park Snturdny afternoon and
evening. The program. Which was ar
ranged by 8. P. Bostwlck, superintendent
of the Sunday n hdol,'. included two ball
games, a golf match between the (ats and
the leans, four bg potato races for b6y
and girls and a number' of 'other :athle.tic
contests. Basket lunch was eaten after the
events. It waa arranged to have cars leave
Twenty-seventh and Leavenworth ; at 1:1)
Saturday afternoon.' and . the party was
taken to the west side of th park.
A Beaatlfnl Place- for Building; a
Horn wltk Si Ootlar ' '
Hardly. .
Messr. Orovrr A Layman announce to
day the opening of . their beautiful new
Belmon,t pla't on Fifty-second street, a
short distance north of Krug's Park cor
ner. Th location is one of the most de
sirable in or about Omaha, being high and
ightly land, with a splendid outlook in
all directions. The neighborhood . .one
of high clasa bomes, occupied by a most
substantial class or citizens. , Tfio, same
original terms which have enabled Grover
A Layman to sell six large plata in
Omaha the past few months entirely out
will be maintained at Belmont, payments
being only One Dollar down per lot, then BO
cents per week thereafter without interest,
taxes or extras, and with no payments
required in event of the buyer's illness.
All the lots are 40x133 ft. each, fronting
broad 50 ft., graded streets, with 15 ft.
alleys in the rear. Th prices range from
ISO to trre, with a few lots slightly higher.
These lots are almost certain to Increase
rapidly in value by reason of the fact that
Fifty-second street Is being paved directly
past- Belmont with a IS foot cement road
way without; any expense whatever to the
lot purchasers. This will give an Im
proved street all of the way to the busi
ness center of Omaha. The lots In Bel
mont addition are limited n . number, and
Judging from the Immense demand for
every plat placed on the market by Grover
& Layman, -every lot In Belmont will be
sold in short order. The terms are so
easy and simple as to he within the reach
of everybody, and wage earners have an
opportunity to get the start of a home by
buying on this plan, which la most . at
tractive. To give all who are .mployed
during the week an opportunity to buy a
largely Increased force of salesmen will
be on the addition all day today, Sunday,
and with pleasant weather a record break
ing crowd Is anticipated. To reach Bel
mont take the Benson electric car line or
any car: line going weat or north, and
transfer to Benon car line, get off at
Krug's Park' comer, walk north on Fifty-
second street six minutes, and you are at
Belmotit, which is plainly indicated by a
large sign which cannot be missed.
l.aat Formal - Exercise Friday Night
Fror to Be a Brilliant
With a grand bazar and carnival that
attracted hundred of friends of the ju
veniles and rivaled In excitement and Im
portanceso far as the youthful cltlxens
were concerned the annual "blowouts" cf
his majesty. King Ak-Sar-Ben, the last for
mal night of th public playgrounds waa
observed Friday evening. The grounds
will be open today for the last time thla
Besides the. big arc lights, a large num
ber of Japanese lanterns in and about
several booth made the little city appear
In holiday trim, and too, races, speaking
and the eale of ice cream, lemonade and
fancy work made by the girls gave th
place a real carnival aspect. Th pro
ceeds of the ales were announced to go
toward defraying the running expenses of
t,he playgrounds, so many dimes ware pro
duced and handed over to Industrious girl
in' return for dishes of ice cream that
ordinarily ll for five ce.nts.
Director Ben Cherrlngton will be in the
city thl fall and winter as instructor of
athletics and debating at the high school,
to. which plac. he was elected by the
school board some time agp. It 1 under
stood that Miss Mattle Bliss, the assistant
director, wl!) be engaged In teaching.
star Voice ApprecttAloa of City and
lata of Oat pouring at
tha Fair.
That the people of Lincoln appreciated
th glorious outpouring of Omaha cltlxens
on Omaha day at the state fair, when
fully I.W0 people went from the metropolis
to th state capital to attend the fair and
to attest . of the renewed friendship be
tween Omaha and Lincoln, la shown by the
following editorial In the Lincoln Evening
Star, which voices the sentiment of the
people of Lincoln. Tho OmaJia, visitors at
the fair wer given royal treatment and
the glad hand of welcome wa extended
to all who wor'th badge of King Ak-Sar-Ben.
Th thank of th people of Lincoln, who
r directly Interested in th fair, and of
th state, who own the fair, are due th
poopl of Omaha for the magnificent show
ing mad by that cltv on the day set apart
for It. Nearly I.OO Omaha peopl came to
town, with colors flying and voices giving
forth notes of good rhter. It was a good
luoklng. good-natured crowd, representing
th beat eilisenahlp of Omana-and ringing
true with loyalty for Nebracka and en
thusiasm for all of th Mat' Interest.
The pop!e of Lincoln must not forget
that Omaha la to hav It merry time a
little later on. Th fin showing made by
th Ak-Sar-Hen city at th state fair should
t duplicated by the pot0e of Lincoln dur
lug Samson a reign of I.
.. 1EI0OT LdDT9 51
We have enabled hundreds of thrifty people in Omaha to secure homes by our
original plan of One Dollar Down, then 50 cents a week, without interest, taxes
or extras. Every lot in Ellistone park, Lenox, Kenwood, Fairfax, Roanoke and Drexel
additions were sold within a few hours' time, and hundreds who came too late
were disappointed. Don't be too late this time, at the opening of magnificent
Splendid Big
At the Very
A Very Few Lots
The best lots, in the best location, on the best terms, in the best city.
W. P. Adkins Tenderi His Eesignation
as Member of Police Board.
George Strang-, a Brake man, Haa Lea;
Broken and Narrowly MIsaea
Oolnar L'nder Wheel In Col
lision at Stock Yards.
W. P. ' Adkins, the r-puilican nominee
for the state senate, went to Lincoln yester
day morning (or tho purpose ot resigning
his position .as a member of the Board of
Firo and Polk commissioners. He does
this In the belief that it is the proper
thing to do in the light of hi nomination.
It 1 possible that the governor may hold
a different view ot tho necessity.
Orr Wanted la Cincinnati.
John Orr was arrested yesterday after
noon by Detective P. H. Shields and is
being held by the South Omaha police for
Cincinnati, O. Orr la wanted there for
horse stealing, according to advices held
by tha police. The detective knew of Orr's
former residence in Omaha and that he had
a wife living at 222 Howuid street. He went
there yesterday afternoon and found his
man. Orr has not been In Omaha for some
tinie, but has been a horse trader through
th western country for years. The Ohio
authorities will arrive within a few days
to take charge of him.
In making this arrest within a few hours
of receiving the advice the South Omaha
department again haa demonstrated it ef
ficiency. Brlda of Few Month Die.
Mrs. Qui ttcebbert, aged 21, whose resi
dence was at Twenty-first and W street,
dted yesterday of typhoid fever at the
South Orn&ha hospital. She haa, been an In
mate of the hospital for nearly four weeks.
She was seriously 111 from the disease when
received and was - never able to battle
agaitnst 11 successfully. Her death is a sad
blow to the young husband. She had been
married oply five months and the couple
were newly entabllshed in their home. The
deceased had numeroua frienda and aeveral
brothers and sisters. The 'funeral will be
held at I p. nr. Sunday from tha Church
of the Assumption. Iturial will be in St.
Mary's eemetry.
Slight Collision la Yard.
A slight smash occurred between freight
cara In tha South Omaha yard early
yesterday morning. One of the engine waa
pushing a lot of car down the track from
Cudahy's atoward th chut house, when
they took the wrong switch and at nick a
train which waa being unloaded at .the
chutes. The force waa enough to 1 partly
demolish a coup l of car. Oeorg Strong,
on of the brakemen on the moving train,
waa thrown off the top by the Impact and
fell between the car breaking hla leg.
Realising hi danger from the wheel. In
plte of th. broken limb, he rolled off th
rail in time to save hla life. Th ahave
waa so close that th flange tor hla
shoe off his feet." He wa taken to the
Exchange building and later taken home,
160 South Twentieth street. Fred tiger, the
" "ATFTn Fnmmig 52d St., only 7 minutes easy walk north fromKrug park corner.
V quickly reached by the Benson car line. Work Is now under way on the
Y Improvement of the roadway of 52d St. with cement without expense to
1 u L buyers, giving a paved street directly to the business center of Omaha.
Lots, 40x132 FcctFrontino Filly-Foot Graded Streets, With
low Price ol
Slightly Higher.
Open Every Evening.
fireman of the train, was Injured by flying
coal from the tender. He was also taken
to. his home at 270 South Twenty-third
Croquet Contest at Country Clnb.
Yesterday, today and Sunday will see tho
finish of tha eleventh round of the South
Omaha Country club croquet tournament.
There are twenty-four contestants and
each player has to play each of the other
twenty-three. The winner of the mot
games will be . tlw winner of the tourna
ment. The score of the tournament up to
yesterday afternoon's games is as follows:
Won. Lost. Won. Lost.
Anderson ..... 8 S Lambert 8 3
Ashe 8 3 Lord 8 S
Bryson 3 8 Lott 2 8
Creasey 3 .. SMelcher 2 8
Cheek 6 61Krdock 6 6
Caugiiey 6 5 Meyers S 6
French 6 Morton 6 5
Farrar 6 SMinmhaw 5 g
Gibson ' 7 4 Robert 8 3
Hunter 7 4 Sears 8 3
Holmea 4 7 Watklns 3 8
Jaamer , 4 7Van8ant 3 8
Magic City Gossip.
Mrs. Oeorge Humphrey is visiting in
Sioux City.
Ralph Smith, has been visiting in Lin
coln durmg the lair week.
The Methodist church will observe tha
holy communion Sunday morning.
James Ctrroll is reported sliuhtly Im
proved after an illness of several inuntan.
Mrs. Richard Raven entertained a com
pany of young people last Thursday evea
ing. Frank Vosacek's father arrived yester
day from South Uakuta to pay him a long
The South Omaha churches will resume
the Sunday evening services Septem
ber .
Mr. and Mrs. John Riches are enter
taining Mr. and Mrs. John Slobodney of
Law ton, Okl.
Frank Henry is expected home today
from Iowa, where he has spent the lust
three months.
Th last quarterly conference of the
year was onserved at the Methodist
church yesterday.
Ralph Ford was fined J10 and coMs or
inn risonnient for fifteen days fur dis
turbing the peace yesterday. He went tu
The Happy Hollow club will play on
the local links of the South Umaha Coun
try club ttits afternoon. A great game is
The' South Omaha Country club has a
baa; bull game scheduled for llila after
simple It r elite that Will Soften and
Whiten th Bkln.
Summer's sun is trying to every com
plexion, for the softer- and more delicate
the akin, the more difficult it Is to keep it
from becoming rough, burned or tanned
during the hot season. Every woman will
welcome -the re-print Ing of the recipe for
this old and time-tried harmless prepara
tion, for It never falls to tone up the skin
and produces a pcifect complexion. Ep
potone protects Utie skin against the sun,
prevents or removes freckles, tan and sun
burn. It -contains no artificial coloring,
but restores the natural , -complexion of
youth.. and .Its-une cannot be detected,
for It will not rub off or show. Your
druggist will or II you the articles neces
sary ru make this preparation at home.
Just get 4 ouuer of Lpputone (akin foodi,
one o.ince of Cologne Spirits and 2 ounce
of Rose- Water. put the Kppotone In a
pint of hK-water not boiliug) and after
dissolved strain and let cool, the.i add th
Rose Water and Cologne Spirits. Apply
dally. The recelpe is good enough tu cut
out and past, la your scrap book.
Mo Interest!
No Taxes!
No Payment Required
During Illness.,
Take a car marked "Benson" or
Benson car, get oil at Krug's Park corner and walk north to 52nd street to
Pratt street, where you will see our big sign on Belmont. You cannot miss it.
noon. Several rounds of the tennis tour
nament will be played off also.
"The Apostolic Church" Is the topic of
Rev. George Van Winkle's Sunday morn
ing xermou. "The Advantage of Being a
Christian" Is the evening theme.
A fair attendance greeted the first of
the South Omaha Sunday school insti
tutes. The meeting wan at the South
Omaha gymnasium of the Young Men's
ChrlHiian association.
Fred Foy was fined for beg King on the
streets. He is a negro and says he just
arrived from Louisiana. He waa ar
rested by Officer I). I) Ringer a-i he uas
making the residence district of the north
Joseph Kllma died at the county hos
pital Friday morning. The funeral will
be held Saturday morning from the un
dertaking parlors of Gentleman & Larkln.
The procesMlon will move from there to
the Church of the Assumption, arriving
at 9 a. in. Interment will be In St. Mary s
Connate for Kach Separate Ootdoor
Sport I Entirely I'n
neceaaary. The 'girl who plays tennis, rquash and
golf, handles red at d reel, goes out with
the guns, loves yachting or fails n m:ill
boat, rides and drlxea do'-s riot consider
It r cesnary. nowadays to have a striking
and Individual costume for e.ich neparate
spcrt. Her riding habit and motor cos
tume are In the nature of things of In
dividual characters. it Is quite pcssible
to have, smart outing clothes which will
fill the requirements of almost any other
outdoor rp rt without being txtravagant
or conspic uous.
Appropriation, which means comfort,
durability and convenience, Is the essential
feature of spoiling attire. Add to this as
much of the beautiful and becoming us Is
consistent with the basic requirement and
you have what may be called correct
sporting drees. The moment a woman
dons for any outdoor exercise or amue
nitfut a costume Inappropriate for tha
exercise, time and place tiiat moment he
is badly dressed, no matter how becoming
or beautiful In it own way her costume
may be.
For general out of door use a stout suit
of serte, cheviot or oilier woult n Is the best
all round custume, varied of course ty
pretty blouses, sweaters, etc. In making
this statement it is not meant to Imply
that such a suit will answer all outing pur
posses, that having Buch a suit one will be
Invariably well dressed for out of door
siorts, but It Is true thit for the girl who
does go in for ruth bports nnd has a very
limited dre.-s allowance a suit of this type
la tin; one indlsp--ns:ble tiiii'n and will go
further toward appropriate Irua than any
oilier one frock.
Bricklayer, Notice.
All members of No. 1 Nebraska must
meet at Labor Temple on Monday morn
ing, September 7, 100. at :30 o'clock
sharp, to march In Labor day parade. By
order of president.
Potato Maflln.
Pare three like aised potatoes, boil until
tender, and mash well; add teaspoon of
salt, one tablespoonful of lard, one cup of
sweet milk, one-half cake of vompressd
yeast, flour enough to make stiff dough;
set to rise. Then kneed out and set to rls
and finish; bake In a hot oven,
On Our Same wonderfully easy
payments Only One Dollar
Down, then
5(01 CENTS
A Week Until Paid.
any car going north or
Neville Blk.. 2nd
M. Clarey of Des Moines Comes to
Protect Daughter.
thief of Police Says Nothing Nrir
Haa Developed In the II a tin
Tragedy to Solve the
A. M. Clarey of Dea Moines, father of
Lcona Bunnell, or Mrs. A. Rice, who is
detained at the police Btatlon aa a witness
at the Inquest Tuesday In the case of Dr.
Frederick T. Rustin, arrived In Omaha Sat
urday and lad an Interview with his daugh
ter at the Jail. He came to Omaha with
letters of introduction to tho local police
from the police department of the Iowa
The police permitted Mr. Clarey to con
verse with his daughter at length, but no;h-
ing of the interview was made public.
Chief of I"olice Donahue sulci Mr. Clarey
brought no possibility or lulimutlun of a
clue or threw any light on lb -J mystery ho
Is trying to solve. The father is simply
In the city to protect the Interests of his
daughter, if such protection be called for.
"There is positively nothing of Interest to
the pubi c In Mr. CTarcy't vltlt or unythlng
he has said," asserted the chief. This
statement was made with emphasis in' an
swer to a question if there was any truth
In a certain report quoting the father us
naming a possible theory of the Rustin
' None In the least," added the chief.
Mr. Clarey say RUe, the liukband of his
daughter, is a soldier In Cuba whose term
of service will soon expire. So far as Mr.
Clarey or the woman knows. Rice U in
Cuba today,
Mr. Clarey la a constable in Des Moines
and is accompunltd to Omaha by an tx
detectlve. t'lilel Donahue naid he had his men still
at work in the Rustin case, but had not
unearthed anything new. He proposes tu
prosecute the Investigation to the last.
Advertise in The me goes' Into th
homes of thus you are trying to nah.
Observation proves that the firm which uses
the best printed matter has the best reputation
' . .
' ' t
A. L Root. laearaoraUd, 1I10-121S Howard Street, Omaha
15-Foot Alleys
west and transier to
It Fills Valuable Place In Spite ol
the Reflection that Have ,
Been Cast 1'iion It.
Few people realize the value of lemons
which cannot be overestimated; in case's .of
fever, sore throat or torpid liver tha med
icinal qualities are unexcelled: '
1. Two or three slices of lemons In a 'cup;
of strong tea will cure a nervous headacho.
2. A teaspoonful of Juice In q, small cup
of black coffee will relieve a bljious head
ache. .
3. The Juice of half a lemon in a cup Pi
hot water taken on awakening In the morn
lng is an excellent liver corrective and suc
cessful substitute for calomel ahd .other. Al
terative drugs. , " . .
4. A dash ,of lemon Julo- In plain water
makes a cleansing tooth wash, not only, re
moving the tartar, but sweetening tke
5. A lotion of lemon Juice and rose waWi
will remove tan and whiten the skin. ,- .
6. Lemon Juice with olive oil la far su
perior to vinegar for a salad .dressings
equal parts used for blending. . ,
7. Lemon Juice and loaf sugar is good for
8. Outward application of the Juice allays
Irritation caused by insect bites. .
9. A refreshing drink la made by adding
a freshly beaten egg to lemonade, and,
10. The same mixture when frozen make
a delicious Ic e.
11. If when boiling sago or rfc a tea
spoonful of lemon Juice ls(added the kernels
will be whiter and a delicate flavor la Im
parted. 12. An old-fashioned remedy for Croup wo
remember Is honey, alum and lemon Juiofe,
13. We all know tho value 'of salt fend
lemon Juice for removing rust stain fwm
white goods.
14. After the Juice is extracted the rlrtd
dipped In salt cleanses brass beautlf ally and
15. It also removes unsightly stain from
the hands. . -
16. For flavoring cookery lemon Juice-' 4s
unexcelled. -
17. After the pulp Is removed the-skin
make dainty receptacles for serving naladv.
Ices, etc. ,
IS. Tough meal can be made tender hy
adding a tttaxpoouful of lemon Juice to th
water in which it is boiled. - -