THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: nSETTEMBTTR 6, 1905. i i BRIGHT FOOT BALL 0DIL00K Great College Game Proraiiei Fine Sport for Season. SCHEDULES OF IMPORTANT GAMES Karty Start Will Lea V t Keaalaa Trmmi Tarlasj Lata Octaher a a Karly (KT ): "W- Knox, Carriiie Technnlnry; W. j not coach Wsst Point this year. It la x U Andrn. IVlytechnlc Preparatory, ( pooled that "Tommy" Fennel! of Elmtra, Brooklyn, and J. A. Mnorhad. Wftem coach of the Pennsylvania, state team, will NEW TOEK, Bept. 8. A scrutiny of the playing date of the more Important foot ball teama of tha east, west and . aouth Shows that Saturdays of October and No vember fairly bristle with games that will keep the Intereat of foot ball fans on de ' from week to week until the aeaaon closes ', in Philadelphia on November 2. with the teama of the United States Naval and Military academies rinsing- down . the cur ' tain for another twelve months. . Although tha first contests of the fall are i to be played on September It, there will be j little of moment 'In gridiron circles until the month of Octobar. It will' not be until the closing Saturday of September arrives 1 that the majority of tha big teama awing ' Into line and play their first games. Even these are llttla mora than practice affairs arranged by the managera In order that the coaches may be able to detect and rec ' tify In actual play faults that would spell the undoing of the teama a month later. No better evidenoe of the caliber of these contests need be cited than the fact that ' the big teams play two games a week hi many caaes, Wednesdays and Baturdaya i being the most popular daya for the prac tice struggles with the smaller college com , Start of tha Blar Oamea. , The second tsge of the season may be i said to open this fait on October 3, when ' Princeton university plays the Springfield Training school at Princeton and the team , of Syracuse university travels to New ! Haven to test the early autumn metal of j the Bulldog. A week later the games grow trifle more important and from the long I list of contests scheduled the Princeton , Lafayette,. Syracuse-Carlisle Indian, Wll : llama-Harvard, Yale-Holy Croaa and the 1 Pennsylvania State against University of Pennsylvania games stand out as features. I The middle of the month brings still other struggles which will Interest ' followers of the sport In all parts of tha country. On . October 17 the Yale eleven will go to West .Point to meet In annual gridiron battle the army foot ball players. On tha same day Cornell and 'Colgate meet at Ithaca, tha Virginia Polytechnic Institute team Invades the lair of the Tiger at Princeton, Penn aylvanla and Brown are scheduled for Franklin Field and In the middle west the ' representatives of the University of Chicago and Illinois will mingle on Marshall field These are the topllnera of the day, but some idea of the popularity of. the game may be gathered from tha fact that on the aame afternoon there are no less than 104 -other contests between college and unlver slty teams, and were the games between high schools and academies counted the total number of matches In all parts of the country would pass tha WO mark. '.The list two8aturdays of October begin to give a taste of the foot ball feast to come. On October 24 Colgate will play at West Point, Lafayette visits Brown at Providence, Dartmouth will be the guest of Holy Cross at . Worcester, Syracuse after playing. Princeton will be able to make comparisons ' between the strength of the Ells and the Tiger, while the Quakers will attempt to down their old and formidable rivals, . the Carlisle Indiana, on Franklin field, Philadelphia. Just seven days later It will , be Princeton's turn to tackle the army -on the soldiers' plateau overlooking trie Hudson. The aame day Brown will In vade Cambridge In an attempt to overthrow the Harvardltes. Dartmouth and Amherst will meet at Andover, Cornell and Penn sylvania State at Ithaca,' Syracuse and Williams at Syracuse, Chicago and Minne sota at Chicago. Michigan and Vanderbllt at , Ann Arbor, Pennsylvania and Swarth more at Philadelphia, with 109 other games of, minor caliber being fought out all over the country Real Season Comes. With the dawn of November the real championship contests approach. Novem ber 7 sues the final tryouta. In some cases previous to the big gamea of the season. Yale will face Brown at New Haven, aa it the custom a week previous to the Prince ton contest. The Tigers, with Dartmouth aa the opposing team, will demonstrate to the coachea their fltnesa to meet the Blue eleven weeks later. Harvard will try to retain Its scalp with one hand and defeat the Carllale red men with the other, and among the long list of gamea for the day the Syracuse-Colgste, Wisconsin-Minnesota, Pennsylvania-Lafayette, lowa-IUin-ols, Pennsylvania State-Bucknell aamea stand out prominently. The following Saturday, November 14,, marks the height of the foot ba'll aeaaon. On that day Yale and Princeton play their annual game at Princeton. Dartmouth and Harvard meet In the Imposing -stadium on Soldiers' field nt Cambridge, and the elevens of Cornell and Pennsylvania will uphold the prestige of eastern foot ball In the two greateat in tersection atrugglea of the year, meeting Chicago and Michigan, respectively. Of aecondard Interest on the ssme day will be tha gamea between Brown and Vermont, Syracuse and Tufta and Virginia and Georgetown. The struggle between Harvard and Yale at New Haven on November ?1 marks the waning of foot ball for another year, both in the east and the weat. The gamea bet gin to diminish In number even on thla date, and few have the Importance of thoae of the preceding week. Among those that stand out prominently, aside from the meeting of the Crimson and the Blue, are the gamea between Chicago and Wlsconaln, Michigan and Syracuse, Williams and Am herst. Washington and Vanderbllt. and the Navy and Virginia Polytechnic. Thanksgtv ing day, which some years ago msrked the climax of each gridiron season, has but few big gamea to boast of this autumn Pennsylvania and Cornell will meet In their annual struggle In Philadelphia, the Carlisle Indians tackle the eleven of St. Louis university -despite the fact that two days previous the red men will have faced the Unlveraity of Minneaota at Minne polta. With a lapse of but twenty-four bourse Franklin 'field will again be the scene of a foot7 ball game, thla one the cloaing contest of the . seaaon, when the Army and tha Navy tea an line up for their yearly foot ball battle before the thous and of spectators that gather annually to w1tnaa the stirring' struggle between the two academy elevens. Makers at Cesrkn, Yals and the Unlveraity of Chicago are tied aa tha largest providers of coachea, each having furnlahed nine of thla sea son's list, not- Including former, players coaching their own college elevens. It Is significant, too, that Alonso Stagg, the coach of Chicago, who has had a hand In the instruction of tha majority of the Maroon graduates now coaching, la a Yale man, although It cannot be said that Stagg ' follows Yale methods entirely. At the present time Yale la represented . in tha coaching field by the following men ! Alonso A. Stsgg, University of Chicago Aobert Forbes, University of Oregon; How ard Jones. Syracuse university; H. P. Ol f eott. City College of New York; Graham .Foster. Beloil; R T. Hlnton, Georgetown University of Pennsylvania. Following precedent, Yale also has one ef Its-own graduates for the head coach of the Blue eleven, L. H. Blalow holding the position this fall, and others will help at Weat Point and Annipolls later In the season. Next In point of numbers In the east are the University of Pennsylvania and Dart mouth college, each of which lias sent out seven coaches for this fall, not Including their graduates, who are coaching at their respective alma maters. Pennsylvania s men are George Levene, University of Ten nessee; E. Green, University of North Car olina; E. R. Wlngard. Louisiana Slate; B. W. Dickson, Lehigh; J. C. Hollenback. Franklin and Marshall; G. W. Weede. Washburn, and Fred C. Vail, Earlham, lnd. Dartmouth's representatives are W. H. Bullock. Howard, D. C; M. W. Bullock, Massachusetts Agricultural; D. 8. Austin, Middlebury, Vt.; John Qlaae. Phillips Ex eter academy; E. A. Herr. University of Vermont; R. R. Brown, Washington and Lee, and G. N. Bankhart, Colby. Ontpnt of Smaller Schools. .The other three eastern collegoa, although well up In playing the game Itself, have not done so well for the coach supply. Cornell has sent out but three men E. R. Bweetland. at 1 Colgate; W. S. Newman. Georgetown university (D. C), an F. J. Furman, Mississippi Agricultural and Me chanical. Princeton has but one graduate among outside coaches Fred Smith, at Fordham university and Harvard haa H. Snyder at Oberlin. In the weat Chicago tops the list. Mark Catlln la at the University of Iowa; Hugo Bezdck at the University of Arkansas, Fred M. Walker, Utah Agricultural; J. M. Sheldon, Unlverrity of Indiana; L. L. Lar spn, Agricultural and Mechanical of Texas; Jesse C. Harper, Alma; J. B. Craig. Ge neva, Pa., and John F. Tobln, All Hallows, Utah. The University of Wisconsin has the next best representation, with six men out on the field J. G. Fogg, Caae school; J. R. Richards, University of Colo rado; A. G. Flndlay,' University of Mon tana; E. B. Cochems, St. Louis university; C. L. Brewer, Michigan Agricultural, and William Juneau, Marquette. The Univer sity of' Michigan has Its most Important graduate coach at Vanderbllt university In the person of Dan McGugln. The others are A.' E. Herrnsteln, Ohio State; F. S. Norcross, Oregon Agricultural, and F. C. Longman, University of Wooster. Harvard, urged by alumni and under graduates alike, haa made advances toward recalling Bill Reld, who ' was head coach at Cambridge In 1906. Reid at present holds a responsible position ' in the Belmont Military academy, California. be here for some time, besides taking part In the general management of affairs, through the executive committee. "Ed" Alexander and "Cllns." Wyckoff will both be seen back here this fall. MIDDIES TO GATHER THIS MONTH !Savy Foot Ball Tram Will Start oa Srptrmbrr 114. ANNAPOLIS. Aid., Sept. 5. Twenty-si midshipmen, comprising the pick of the championship foot ball team of the United States Naval academy, are now on leave of absence and at their homos awaiting the call that will bring them back to the academy about the 24th Instant. -The mem bers of the foot ball team have been al lowed to go to their homes a week In ad vance of the other midshipmen as they hove to return to the academy one week earlier than their classmates, so as to get to work on the gridiron. It has been the custom for years for the foot ball players to return In advance of their fellow mid dles, thereby curtailing; their vacation. This year, however, the authorities have made it up hy allowing them a week at the beginning of the vacation period. The twenty-six midshipmen are In splen did condition. With the number are Percy W. Northcroft, the huge tackle, whose home Is Pautucket, R. I., and all the other members of last year's squad except those who have graduated, and Max B. De Mott of Nlles, Mich., end on the eleven of last year, who had to be left at Newport, R. I., on account of an attack of typhoid fever. It la doubtful whether or not De Mott will be able to play foot ball during the coming season. If he does not, the loss will be severely felt, aa Dague, the other end, haa graduated. This will give the coaches the task of developing) two. ends, and it will not be an easy one. However, there Is much good material and the job will probably fall to Douglass Howard, captain of the eleven of 1905, who will be one of the coaching staff. Howard was one of the best ends who ever played at the academy. WHAT FAIR HARVARD OFFERS Enthusiasts Begin to Wonder What Sort of Team Is Coming;. CAMBRIDGE, Maes., Sept. 6.-Foot ball enthusiasts are wondering - what sort of an eleven will represent the Crimson this year. The candidates will be summoned for practice September 15, and then thlnga will be on the move till the end of the season. - Of the men who faced old El'i last Novem ber, none of the regulars have graduated and two of the substitutes are gone. Of the "H" men eligible this year there are Captain T. R. Burr, '09; H. Finn. Jr., '10; Hoar. '09; G. G. Browne. '10, and V P. Kennard, 09. Burr will very likely con tinue at tackle unless there Is a scarcity of good guards, when he will be shifted to his old place. Of the second eleven Fish. Kennard, Roblnso.s IlJilen, Phllliphar and Comstock will come out for the vacant tackle posi tions. The' fight for tackle this year promises to be unusually bitter, and the winning men won't be known for weeks after the ball begins to be passed. Guards are scarce. Burr most likely at tackle, leaving the fight to come among Hoar Frockhelmer of last year's second team, and Dunlap and Maguire of the freshmen.. Every year there are a number of lightweight men trying for guard, but have to be dropped on that account. End are plentiful this year. G. G. Browne and Houston look the best at this stage of the year. Pierce and Foster of last year's squad will also be out for work this month. There are also Cooper of the second team and Crowley. Corbett, Harding and Rogers of the freshmen. R. C. Brown, captain of the freshmen last yeur until his Illness will Jsy for a place on the varsity eleven. Cutting will have the call for the vacant place at quarter. Toward the end of last season' he was playing a good game and may be the varsity choice thla season. Cate and Galattl will also be tried and G G. Browne may be worked out there by' Coach Percy Haughton. Grant's place at center will very , likely go to Hourse, substitute last season. Smith of the freshmen and Dore of the second team will put up a struggle for the place, however. W. H. Brown, formerly of Exeter and Ineligible luxt season, will be formidable candidate for full back. However, Water- bury and Plumer of laat year's substi tutes will be out for the pUce In the center of the back field. White and Gray, out last year with, the second team, and Cutler and Mlnot of the freshmen will try for the back field, and ought to make tha choice & hard one. Ullbert and Graydon, out for full back last year, will most likely be shifted to half back this season, and the Crimson will have a strong, hard-running powerful back field. coach Haughton will take personal charge of the punters, and Harvard will nave some good kickers when he gets through with them. Captalrj Burr will do ine punting tor the team. SCHEDULE FOR THE QUAKER TEAM Two Months of Hard Work Is Laid Out (or Them. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 5. -The revised football schedule of the University of Penn sylvania shows that the Quakers will play twelve games this fall, all of which are to be contested on Franklin Field, this city, xcept one. On November 14 the annual game with Michigan will be played at Ann Arbor, the same as last year. The Quakers' season opens September 26, with a game at home against the University of West Virginia and closes on Thanksgiving Day, November 26, against Cornell, at Franklin Field. The revised schedule follows: September 26 West Virginia, Franklin Field. September 30 Urslnus. Franklin Field. October 9 Eucknell, Franklin Field. October 7 Vlllanovs, - Franklin Field. October 10 State college, Franklin Field. October 14 Gettysburg. Franklin Field. October 17 Brown, Franklin Field. October 24 Indians, Franklin Field. October 31 Open. November 7 Lafayette, Franklin Field. November 14 Michigan, Ann Arbor. November 26 Cornell, Franklin Field. TENNIS SHARPS FROM ENGLAND Ritchie and Parke, Who Are Coming to Play for the Davis tup. LONDON, Sept. 5. The English Lawn Tennia association has decided to accept he invitation of the American Lawn Tennis association to play the preliminary round for the Davis cup In the United States. M. J. G. Ritchie, the Olympic champion and J. C. Parke, the Irish champion, have been chosen to represent Great Britain and they sailed for New York on the Lucania on August 19. Both men are new to America, though Ritchie haa met practically every Ameri can player who has visited England and J. C. PARKE. knows the play of Seals Wright and W. A. Larned thoroughly. He is a Londonerer. At present he holds - two championships He won the doubles championship Wlm- beldr this summer, with A. F. Wilding of New Zealand aa his partner, and later carried off the Olympic singles. He plays lawn , tennis practically all the year round, for when the English season is over he viBlts the continent to play in all the leadlnsj competitions there, besides car . .. . l.rr - - t.-f W .T . vTv Jr i V Hit IK All Ml "II s H Ml I 111 1U1 W t U I I I II I ! i. w. i -i )! i -rt i n n ri i e 1 1 i.i iiiu u n i an i i , iiii .i i p - . - i , - i k . m im it mi in lit ib i M ii if ! i in j s ii iLjr-tt in u I li I iiiiiiibiiii i lwr iSili ill fi i s t - i j.-i j s ss: jr . tj a a .si tujw - a. -a w s. - w. x .w. saw . 111 i iiii i . n f 1 1 v tm frS i , m uim-m j- fjP paigr mi L ! sf stnssa sjsi sgaj I lllslsaBgaagajlTTn ' I 1 " ,JI 11 i Han isgl H.i III itVTH1MB i. t I fjl.l I pl"sTl sasnfls nil ssTTsj I . I I TT Pioneers off flhe Barley Bel fought many a hard battle to defend-their homes and farm land against the brave and wily red man. Among the early pioneers of Northern Wisconsin came John Gund, a German brew-master, who was attracted by the barley-growing lands about La Crosse. . At once he built a brewery of logs and estab lished his famous brew This all happened more than 50 years ago, and "Peerless" Deer today, brewed in a model 20th century brewery, is famed throughout America to lovers of barley malt, and hop brew. "Peerless0 is to be had at all first-class places and is the first choice of the discriminating. Order a case for your home today. ' It is an exhilarating and healthful beverage. JOHN GUND BREWING CO. LA CROSSE. WIS. W. C. HEYDEN, Mgr. Omaha Branch, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Douglas 2344, Independent A2344. and 1908. Last year he also beat Ritchie In the European championship at Dublin. He would probably have made a big show in this year's English championship had he entered. He and (Ritchie should make a strong pair. Ritchie is a base line player of the Beals Wright order, always keeping a good length and never getting rattled. Parke, on the other hand, rn,akes up In dash what he lacks In steadiness. His style and methods are similar to those of W. A. Larned. He has an effective awrvlce, a powerful drive, plenty of stamina, and Is deadly at the net. Mr. Parka is studying at the Irish bar. i '. t FIGHT TRUST FOR MILWAUKEE Combine to Control Boalna; Matches In Schlltsvllle. NEW YORK, Bept. B- Milwaukee may soon be the scene of operations of anothei fight trust, not of course on aa large a scale as that In San Francisco, but. of scope enough to handle the boxing proposition ir. that section of the country. The would-be magnates propose that the offlcera of the three- clubs in the city get together and arrange dales satisfactory to all, besides determining the maximum percentage tj be paid star boxers. Such a combination is a wise plan for It is almost a certainty thut If the three clubs do not combine forces and work in harmony their squabbles will sound the knell of boxing in Milwaukee. Aeronautic Aeronef is a French general term foi CORNELL MASSES ITS CONTROL All Athletics to Be Handled by 0 Body. ITHACA. N. Y.. Sept. 6 What may be an important step toward the centralisa tion of all athletics at Cornell will go Into effect this fall, when the minor sports as sociation will establish beudejuarters In the offices of the Athletic association on 'Tioga street. The books of the minor as sociation will be brought down the hill and be subject to the supervision and regu lation of the graduate manager. Within a few weeks the gridiron at Percy field will be In shape for practice for the coming aeaaon. Men are now work ing at the field removing base ball diamond and, laying out the foot ball field. The grandstands are being repaired and the big ateel stand will be put up shortly. Although the -regular date for foot ball practice has been set for September 21, a week later than last year, it is considered probable that there will be a number of men working out there before that time. Morris S. Halliday Is at present the only foot ball coach In the city. No definite list of the men who will be back to coach this fall can yet b. ob tained. Secretary W. J. Norton of the Cornell Foot Ball Alumni association, who lives in New York, Is In correspondence with all of the old foot ball men. and it la reported that a schedule of coaches and coaching dates has been prepared. Cornell will miss Lieutenant "Joe" Beacham this year. It Is possible that he may be able to get back for a day or two. but most of his time will be spent at West Point, where he Is to be one of the two cosches In sole charge of the army. Forbes of Yale will : . a ' i i : aeronautic apparatus embraced under the head of "helicopters," "aeroplanes" and "ornlthopters." Crown Prince Frederick William has be come one of the most ardent aeronauts In Germany as a result of his ascension in a military dirigible machine. What might be called an all-Italian dirlg- Ihla balloon of the capacity of 2,60u meters la being built for the Italian army, all parts naving oven mane in Italy. The English people are likely soon to have an opportunity of witnessing: the flights of the Wright brothers on the aero plane, the Motor club having Invited them to Decojne Its guests. Now that the Baldwin dirigible balloon has been accepted, government officials are directing attention toward getting from congress as large an appropriation us possi ble, not less than SKxi.uuu, to buy a fleet of dirigible airships. With the exception of the third Belgian pilot the aeronauts who will compete In the tniernHtionai oatioon contest, wnicn starts from Berlin In October, have been choben. More than sixty balloons, large and small are now expected to start. M. Franclseo Antnnettl has made a gift t-i the Aero club of France of $200 for prizes to he awarded to pilots who are members of the Aero club of France and who shail steer bHlloons of the first class in a distance competition without landing. Preliminary steps hsve been taken for the formation of an aero club In Washing ton. A comniniee or four, urtgartier Uen eral Allen, Augustus Post, secretary of the Aero club; Ir. Zahm of the Catholic I'ni- verslty of America and a newspaper man have been appointed to form the club. I In the opinion of Lieutenant F. 8. Laiim ' mistakes made bv the management ot ; Henry Farman's recent exhibition In thr I I'nlted Blates were responsible tor the ! financial f a ill re. Me cannot understand I why the American svndlcate did not choose a western clly for some preliminary flight instead or the neighborhood or rew oik. France Is to possess a fourth military air ship, the "Libertine." the construction of which will soon be started. The length of the gas bag is to be sixty-spven meters and it will be propelled bv a nlnetv-horse power motor. The French aerial fleet at present consists of the Lebaudy, Vllle de Paris and Repuhllnue. Believing tha' this country surpasses all others in the manufacture of balloons. A. Holland Forres, one of the American com petitors for the Coupe International des Aeronautes. In Berlin on October in, has had the big globe which he will ui con structed in the I'nlted States. Mr. Forbes' "The Conqueror" will he the only Amer-Ican-made balloon in the race. M. J. G. RITCHIE, rying off premier honors at Ca'nnes, Nice, Monte Carlo and other pleasure resorts at various times. Mr. Ritchie has won the championship of Germany five times in the last six years. He has also beaten H. L. Doherfy. He Is 38, has a houseboat on the river for the leading Thames regattas and takes a holiday from lawn ternis by sculling. Only a few weeks ago he gH Into the final ot the Walton regatta and was only beaten by half a length by a much younger opponent. J. C, Parke first made his name known as a Rugby football International player. but when he took up lawn tennis he quickly drew to the front at the game. Though only 3s. h haa already won the Irish lawn tennis championship three times. In 1904, 190$ i - i Pffii for Yon "JTTWERY day the best positions are listed inthe want JJ-J columns of The Omaha Bee. The best positions as clerks, bookkeepers, managers, salesmen and private secretaries can be obtained through The Bee Want Ads. If you are out of a position, don't roam the streets looking for a sign, or waste your time any other way; but just turn and read the Bee Want Ads. The best firms in Omaha advertise daily in The Bee for all kinds of help. They want your services. They will pay you well. Get in touch with them today. Start 'reading The Jke Want Ads. It will always pay you well. BALL VINTON STREET PARK OMAHA DENVER September A-0, 7-7 9 ranri Sunday 1st called 2: SO 3 games Monday 1st called 2:30 A luncheon is more complete, an evening call more enjoyable by a bottle of Gold Top. Pure barley malt, choicest grade hops, pure spring water, combined by the most perfect brewer's art. Develops your appetite and your energy. Promotes your comfort and health. Produces profound and refreshing sleep. Jelter Craving Company Telephone No. 8. South Omaha. Omaha headquarters, Hugo F. Blla, ilth and and Douglas, Tel. Doug. 1542; Council Bluffs bead quarter, Lm Mitchell. 1013 Main St., Tel. mt. UK. v. r