THE UM AHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 6. IPOS. rlth Oelghtnn ar.d only few of the s!u dtnta saw the 'm nh' tiers In action on a Mrelgn field. A smn'l hunh went to renrs and a miic'.i htis!!t r-nwd to Minne apolis for the ft ml;', j f:.i;d In tiiose :!. 'lth the Amis Kuril hi Omaha (Ills fall the Ncbrsaks sapiiixteis will lime an up pnitunlty to witness rnnti-jt an ay from home. Mure Interest l( Inken In that game than in any oiher on the Cnrnhuikfr ichedule with the exception of the Gopher contest, and there will he very few of the Nebraska rooter anij follower of the. local tsam who will remain away from Omaha On that day. Even Ihls early students arc dclaring their Intention of making the trip with the team. All of them believe It wlil be the greatest struggle in the Missouri valley dar ing the season and none of them will miss - It If it Is possible for him to get to Omaha. C a proa taaln on Oopher Tram. Humors circulating from Minneapolis to the affect, that Quarterback Capron will probably be In the Gopher lineup again this fall is Uken at Nebraska to Indicate that Coach Williams Is working on Capron ti get him to change his mind about going to West Point. Capron defeated Nebraska wKn his toe work last fall, and Is much feared by the Cornhuskers and other west ern teams on account of his ability to boot the ball between the goal posts on drop kicks. It was his toe work also that helped to defeat Ames nnd tied up the score in the Wisconsin game last season, when the Badgers had It nearly won. Last spring he became delinquent In lila studies and quit the Gopher Institution, declaring that he would not plsy foot ball In the west any longer, but wuld be at West Point next season. I'nder all scholarship require ments Capron Is Ineligible for the Minnesota eleven this fall, but a Duluth paper says thit the delinquency In his studies will hoi fixed up by considering him as not having registered for the spring semester last year. This will make things very nice for Min nesota and will practically assure them a iTt team for this fall., but will be hard on Nebraska and the othr elevena which the Gophers meet. Coach Williams ia de termined to regain the weslerni champion ship which Chicago wrested away from his pupils last fall and he is letting nothing stand In the way of the accompllehment of that end. He wants Capron again and will get him. Capron will not be big enough t maka him a winning team. He will need other strong players whom he did not have last spring and by the time the Uopher training season opens they will be ready to answer to his call. The Cornhuskers have been deceiving themselves by believing that Minnesota would be weak this season. Coaah Williams has never put out a weak eleven since he has been at' the head of the Gophers and there is little probability that thia fall will see him make a failure. , The Cornhuskers will be up against the same stiff proposition In October that they have faced in the last years. A victory for them over the Gophers Is a possibility, but If t' comes It will have to be won by tlie same hard, persistent play that con quered Minnesota in 1002. Western League Averages rir.i.niNo averaom. n.rrrr. F. A B. Wenaar Linen's 11 t 0 Slleraiinrter. I t"tses t IS S lji-r, f)- Molnn ?-4 M 4 U'hui. rianver t:l 1 Loveit, fvrr J '4 Auira), ninths 11" ft We?. Soul ntv... ft Ss 14 !r. ta Molnea II" 1" ' StnSara. nmiha It J Hetar, Sliwii Otjr W I Fhaa. Sloul Cllv 4 tl 14 Thnmaa. I.lni-oln 11 V7 3 (itren. S'nul C UT I 1 Smith. Pu bio M SI 12 Zlnram. Lincoln 4-l I'M 14 Toj. Llti'Olo S34 24 Henrv. Llni-oln 4'-4 1 IT 2iuli. twnvf- U T JS fimphell, Sinus t'lljr 1" 7 frnnrtlnj. Omaha 44 4T II Wlri1i. Llnrolo 174 41 Mine. Pueolo V It ( lark. Puhlo W37 LaRrand. Omint .. . i'4 Bohannnn. Iienrer Tt tl Hnklnsar, tin Moines 81 17 Rn. Omaha 1" W VKar. Sioux Tltv H )1T M'Dnnoush, r"nvr ' a vinton. Unrola 2" T Jul. Lincoln U limn. Puahln 5 S Matilrka. Puehle J5 W Weii-h. Omaha T tl (awailr, tlanrer 3' 24 p.!on, Penvar "S 1W Walron, Denver 21 H Domar. Pa Molnai 2' M riaher. Omaha 12T i Hollenbek. (Hnaha I1) it Johneon. Llnroln i Aiama, Denrer 2 Cholvanara. Pea Molnaa i 10 Aailreaa. Sioux City Ml M Pailftrfon, Puhlo S7 27R fiaanler, Lincoln IS M Wllharup. lira Mntnea 4 HI kmt Omaha S2n 2!i Flourrov. Dea Motnea t MS A Bnmar. De Moln"! M Krufer, Denver 4 Sonno, Lincoln Spencer, Pueblo 2W Starr. Sloui City T forhett. Denvr IT Jonta, Lincoln 1" Uanon, Lincoln 2 flHoVn, Omaha I9 Irwin, Denver .. 14 Murphy. Lincoln M Holmcf. Sioua City Is' Prltchett. Lincoln 12 Olmiicai. lien Molnaa 12 r;lptno, PifMo IT Granville. Sioux City ' 2" Austin. Omaha 211 Fracmtn. Sioux City ' H inl.a. PttrMn I OlmMead. Denver 1 Franrk, Omaha Wt Cnrhan. Pueblo ! rlciiever, Puablo 1S Flupatrli k, Dea Molnaa 31" Nlehoft. Dja Molnea ITT Vittvhne- Sioux Clly.... S Well h. Sioux I'lty U B4 Hall. Omaha " Omen. Puahlo Hendrlx. Llnioln I KltiaeraM. Pueblo 21 JacVaon. Denver Kelly. Dea Molnea J fthoadea, Omrtha I Nelson, Dea Molnci '7 Miller. Pueblo Klnneallr. Denver 11 en 44 SO 11 I 2 14 1 1 9 16 221 37 7 I 4 Tin 5 2S 4T HI M 72 21 tt f 17 27. 1S1 21 II H 1J lj 314 1"4 Ava l."l) 1 t 5 s-1 . .77 .7T .17 .V, .irn .. .U"4 f"t .S7J .si .Si-7 . .fla.'t .S5 'V .fnn .!. .P.7 .!'.-.7 ..S .UM .Hi! .SSI .ie.ii .l .! . Ml X .Hit .US 4 .1144 .HO .ml Mi) .It. I .m .9.17 .037 .., .? .'i .- t'S .? .! .;' li.S .2 .M; .:n .ti .m .tis . .7 .04 .S' ,HI .Si .M .SS4 .kij .-. .RliJ .lit Pohannon. Dea ver 142 ?1 Kox. Lincoln 4S4 S4 .inile. Lincoln 4..T To Ploitmov. Dea Molnea aso 71 (HmMcail. fiea Molnea 42 4 Ocean. Sioux City 2H 4 Hoarlerer. Pueblo 4na 77 Miillika, Pueblo 4; S2 Holmea. 8loux Clly 417 1 Wacd. gloux City 4J5 fit Spencer. Pu"blo 4SS tl Irwin. Denver 4S flaraoa. Pueblo f H Pllipatrlik. Pen Molnea 44S M Murphy, Lincoln St tl Pnmir, Dea Moinea 13t 14 Campbell. Sioux city tit 9 Finaerald, Pueblo lrt7 17 Thomas. Lincoln 4SS T2 Miller. Pueblo 2SI S Oranvllle. Slogx City 4i 4S Balden, Omaha t. ..4-1S M Corhan. Pueblo 4HI 4J W.-Kh. Sioux Clly , J-.1 49 White. Sioux City 3.2 fi4 ZaluaVv. Denver Adama. Denver ... Kinncally. Denver Andreaa, Sioux City. . .24 4 S7 14 M4 (2 411 M Kl.hT. Omaha 274 tl Davidaon. Omaha 4S1 M Auatln, Omaha ... 4tt. ai Henry. Llnroln 24S 24 Olmatead, Denver tl 11 Krueer. Denrar HT IT , Franck. Omaha 445 tl Prltchett. Llnroln S ' Lovetl. Denver 1 It Hollenhech. Omaha Dexter. Dea Molnea 5SS IS Oianler. Lincoln 51 M Mehoft. Dea Molnea 4"5 M Hendrlx. Lincoln 2 I Shea. Sioux Cltv 24 1 Kallv. Pea Moines 154 II Waldron. Denver 517 McKay. Slout city 1" Wltherup, Dea Molnea 1'2 7 Oondtna. Omaha 2t LeRrand. Omaha 11 21 rorbett. Denver 105 1 Mine. Pueblo 5"- 27 Fttrchner. Slnut Clly... 1!4 Cholvanard, Des Moines ss Zlnratn. Lincoln es H'a'ar. Sioux city 114 Oalasno. Pueblo H" 41 14 HI lt 12 01 IIS Ut lit r 124 : lit it ti 2t 1!2 77 1 n 104 to 4 tl 22 S3 ins 7 127 lit tt 11 7 102 to ) tl 111 M It 1 141 22 24 t! M J 43 23 1! u 2 It 17 15 11 I 17 12 I n t 11 ti ( 7 1 1 t .JS m .37 .1X7 .t .2 .2! ,rso .27t .274 Hawk, and will play Graham brothers, winners rf last year, tomorrow for the atate championship In doublea. .27 .9i. .2f. .;! 2s .i-7 .2M .3-41 .2SS .2.V1 T.J .2.4 .244 ,2lt .2411 .243 .241 .24a 231 .711 . 229 '.it .224 .JS .217 .215 .tl 114 .113 .J'l) .t', 2"4 .117 .l5 ,1't .ISO .its .in .ll ,17 .177 .17. M .IfS .1M .14 .l.'.J . 14 .147 .144 .131 .133 111 .lot. .IIS3 .ftTl .033 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES la'lanapolU ta Oat Iwls-ille Bad Take the r One Palat. LoriSVlLLE. Ky., Sept. I. Indianapolis won the opening game of the series here today from lulsvllle In a pitcher's bat tle between Mails and ".elver. The victory gives Indianapolis a lead ef one point In the race for the pennant. The visitor made the winning score In the fifth Inning on singles by Williams, Hopke and Bush, and Petver's sacrifice. Another record crowd witnessed the contest. The race In the American association ia now drawing to a close, and with but nine of the games to play, la the closest in the history of the organisation. But 78 points separate the first and fourth teams. Score: Players. McPonoush. Denver .. Aiuray. Omaha Ciahady, Danvor N. Imi, Dea Moinea... V.elih. Omaha Balden. Denver Pwyer, Pen Molnea.... Kins. Omaha Paiteraon. Puablo .... Clark. Pueblo Smith, Pueblo BATTING AVERAGES. AR, R. 244 4t 4M l 44 71 .51 4 4) l 4i 77 4M t 47 ai 7t ., 4lt 57 344 (4 H. H lit 100 Ave. .333 .ESt .ilt .314 It . .JOS .2SS .297 .292 .230 Raaan. Omaba Sanders. Omaha t2 Starr. Sioux City Hecklner. Dea Molnea 52 Weisjardt. Lincoln 112 Jackaon, Denver 54 x'aaaoii, Lincoln 14 W'enfer. Llnroln 41 Jonea, Llntoln 112 Hall. Omaha s ,'ohnron. Lincoln Bonno, Lincoln Vp Jamea. Pueblo '4 Freeman. Sioux City Blerailorfer. D'a Molnea 12 Honaka. Pueblo 14 Rhoarie. Omaha 30 STOLES BASKS.' Spencer. Puahlo 1 Davidaon. Ltntolo Austin. Omaha t! Campbell. Sioux City. ox. Llnroln 47i Hoarlevcr. Pueblo... Hnlmex. Sioux City.... 45 Balden. Denver Mattlcka. Pueblo Flournoy, Des Molnea. Andreaa. Eioux City .4 No other player hat to exceed 21. SACR1F1CB- HITS. Belden, Denver 4, Casaady, Denrar Oagnler. Lincoln Jl! Andreaa, Sioux City... Davidaon, Llncola ....UlFoi, Lincoln Auatln, Omaha 31 Franrk. Omaha Kins. Omaha Mi Belden, Omaha Thomaa. Lincoln Wi Clark. Pueblo All other players have leas than 2. Team Batt Ins Denver, .27: Pueblo, .7; Omaha, .250; Dea Molnea, .245; Sioux city, .544; Lincoln, .230. Team Fielding Lincoln. .5t; Sioux City. .M; Omaha. .Ml; Dea Molnea. .; Pueblo, .Ml; Den rer. .440. Sacrifice Hlia Denver, 155: Lincoln, ltt; Omaha. iu Puahlo l.M: Sioux City. 154: Dea Molnea, 111. stolea Bases Pueblo. 7; Sioux CUT. 141; Omaha, 223: Lincoln, 1M; Dea Molnea, 117; Denver, 171. fcACINO DATES F0H CUBAN TEACK Wlstar Meet at Havana to Last Two Maaths. s HAVANA. Sept. 5.-The datea set by the Cubans Racing association for the winter meeting are from December 1 to January Jl. After this date the horses can be shipped to Tampa, Fla., for a meeting there. j Special stakes will be announced as soon as the amount of the appropriation of -the Havana city council for this year is known, although $2fl.o la expected from this source, making"' a total of $9),0Co in purses, takes and handicaps during the meeting. The management of the Cuban Racing as sociation has always - been very liberal In the matter of purses in extending accom modation to horsemen for transportation of horse and in attending to their welfare while In Havana. - The track is one mile and an eighth and ISO feet In width, with beautiful wide atretchea. The track la about six miles from tha center of the city, easily reached by trolley cars in half an hour. A syndi cate is being formed to purchase a good table 'Of race horses, Including several tars, to capture the purses given to Cuban owned horses. .' Applications for stable room (for which there Is no charge) must be made early to the secretary, Arturo Hernandes Mejla, apartado 625. Havana.' Cuba, as stalls must be assigned snd prepared in ample time; otherwise late arrivals will have to. take the best there Is left. The freight rates Arranged from New Tork will be very low( provided concerted shipments can be made OMAHA WINS WITH RHODES (Continued from First Fage.) Bomar, p Totals McDonald out Lincoln Dea Moinea Two-base hit ver. Double Thomas. Left ou bases: Lincoln, 6; Des Molms. 7. Stolen bases: Heniy, W agner. Sacrifice hits: Jude, Thomas, Bomar. Struck out: By Johnson, i. Base on bal's: Off Johnson. S; off Bomar, !. Wild pitch: Eomer. Umpire: Graves. Time: 2:00. At tendance: SCO. ALFRED SKRTJBB THE BIG CARD Caledoataa Clab Will Have Field Meet oa Labor Day. NEW YORK. Bept. 8. Wfcih Alfred ghrubb, he distance champion of the world, entered in Its future event, the New Tork Caledonian club will hold Its flfty-seoood annua games on Monday, September 7, at Washington park, L. I. The Caledonian Club ha arranged to have the unbeaten professional long distance runner compete la the three and four mile events la which are entered every other professional of note. 3 1 14 33 3 8 24 hit by tatted ball. 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 Gafnier, McDonald, Dw play: Fox, Gagnler to Hnnai bain hall commission today an nounced the decision to that effect. Two shall be named from the national and two from the Amer can league stair or um Tires and their service Is to be subject to tne direction OI ine cnairmmi ui me tum mission. CUBS SHUT OUT PRATES (Continued from First Page.) INDIANAPOLIS. An. HO. A. E. Bush 4 Davlrlaon. cf. 4 Navden. rf... 4 Care, lb t Cook. If 4 LWInsaton. e t Williams. :t. a Hooka, lb.... I Salver, p 1 4 0 Perrlne. b Woodruff, If. tS'anlev. rf... 1 tl Sullivan, lb.. 0 Burke. Sb. . . I Swaclna. rf.. LOl'ISVILLB. AB H O.A.B 1 OQulnlan, as. .'I I 0 Pelta. c 1 1 1 Halls. B t 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 14 1 1 1 I 1 4 0 0 Toiala 30 7 7 14 I Totala SS 5 14 TiOiilavllle 00000000 00 Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Sacrifice hit: Selver. Two base hit Burke. Three bsse hit: Fwaolns. Double plays: Williams to (arr: Llvinaion to Wil liams; Hopke to Williams to "arr; Hopke to Carr. Struck out: By Haling 3: by Seiver. 8. Bases nn bells: Off Selver. J. Left on bases: Louisville, 4: Indianapolis. 4. Time: 1:50, Umpires: Blerhalter and Owerts. TOLEDO DEFEATS COLUMBUS rnaanplon Lose Closely Coa tested Game. COLfMEtTS. O., Sept. 5. Batting by Od well, Abbott end Hlnchman featured close gsme that Tolido won from Colum bus through the effectiveness of West when bases were twice full of runners. Score: TOLEDO. COLl'MtU'S. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A. gOCT3RDl I s w w kt K'SBEN on H A IM A h m . mm mm DAY PARXDE-'SEPt 29 i I1IV2I I lilIai.aaii.; JJT FIREWORKS OCT IVY C0R0NATI0NIBALL OCT 2? CHILDRENS! BALL OCT 3? Ftssasaexjaf Bsrhean. as. . i Hlnchman, 2b 4 Armh'ater, rf. I Hlrkmas. if.. 4 Abbott .0 4 Elarsrt. Ib.... I McCarthy, cf. 4 Lieter, lb.... 4 Wot, 4 CFrlel, b.. lOdarell. cf. Kmsar. If. 4 Cnnsalton, 0 Jamea. c. .. ftalfly, at.. SKahl. ra ... "Klhm. lb. 4 t 4 rf. I ... 4 ... 1 ... I 1 0 0 u S o 1 0 1 1 e t t o o o Wrlaler. Sb.. 4 Ooodwln, p. .. 4 l ota ia it u n u i Totala It t 17 19 ! Columbus 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 A 0 2 Toledo 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 03 Stolen bases: Odwell, Barbeau, Abbott. Sacrifice hit. Armbruster. Sacrifice fly hit: Armbruster. Bases on balls: Off Goodwin, 1; off West. 2. Two-base hits: Odwell 2), McCarthy. Double play: Klhm to Goodwin. Hit by pitched ball: Odwell. Struck out: By Goodwin, 2; by West, 6. Time: 1:36. Um pire: Kane. DENVER NO TROUBLE TO SIOUX lorhett Hit All Over the Lot aad He Haa - Poor . Support. 80U1X CITY, Ia., Sept. 6. Denver today put up another burleaque on base ball, and the statisticians figured out fourteen scores for the Stouv to on for the visitors. Cor- bett was hit hard in neearly every inning. and the men behind him made little effort to play the game. Freeman pitched shutout ball, except afin the seventh Inning, when he eased up and allowed the visitors to bunch three hits, Corbett ' Jeeading eff with a two-bagger. Score: SIOUX CITT. AB. It. II. O. A. IS. 6 1 8 0 0 0 12 15 2 0 S 1 2 1 0 0 4 3 3 8 0 1 1 1 0 S S 0 4 1 2 8 0 0 5 2 4 2 8 0 4 10 5 10 4 1 2 0 2 0 Campbell. If Andreas, 2b Green, rf .... Weed, lb ... Granville, ss Crum, cf .... Welch, 8b ... Shea, c Freeman, p Totals 87 14 18 27 U DENVER. AB. R. plays: McLean and Lobert; Charles, Mor ris and Konetchy. Struck out: By Spade, 6 by Higgins, 8. Baaes on balls: Off Spade; 4; off HlRBlns, 1; off Bailee. 4. Wild pitch: Hlggtrji. Hits: Off Higgins, 7 in fice Innings, off Bailee, 2 In three in nings. Time: 1:65. Umpire: Rigler. RED CLOUD TAKES TWO GAMES Wins from Oxford Indians, On Fourteen-lmalna; Contest. RED CLOUD. Neb.. Sept. 5. (Special.) Red Cloud took both games from the Ox ford Indians Wednesday and Thursday. It took fourteen Innings to decide Wednes day's game, with a score of i to 3. Hock enfaerrv, for the Indiana, was touched up for fourteen hits, but kept them pretty well scattered. Cleftg pitched a steady game for Red Cloud, allowing seven hits. Score: s line. Oxford 0 010000100000 0-8 7 i Red Cloud 0 1101000U0001I 14 14 4 Two-base lilts: Schoonover, Brad, Cor nelius. Bases on balls: Of Clegg. 2; off Hockenberry. 6. Struck out: By Cleifg, 10; bv Hockenberry, 14. Batteriea: For Oxford, Hockenberry and Nunamaker; for Red Cloud, Clegg and Crittenden. In the second game Red Cloud hit Cal bert all over the lot, gathering In twelve hlngles. Masters pitched a good game for Red Cloud, giving them but six hits. Score: R.H.E. Oxford 0 0010000 0-1 88 Red Cloud 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 12 3 Two-base hits: Schoonover, Cooke, Nun amaker. Base on balls: Off Calbert, 1. Struck out: Bv Calbert. 12: by Masters. 7. Batteries: For Oxford Indians, Calbert and Nunamaker; for lied Cloud, Masters and Crittenden. BREWERS BUNCH THEIR HITS Mllvraakee Wins from St. Paul by Score of Five to Fonr, MILWAUKEE. Sept. 5.-MlIwaukee bunched Its hits off Theobald today, while Schnelberg kept his scattered. The feature of the game was Ueler's batting. Score: MILWAUKEE. 8T. PACL. AB.H.O.A.E. AB H O A 1 Bateman. Sb.. t It; 0 Oaler. If 4 4 2 0 0 7 0 B Meyers, cf 4 1 1 O'Brien. 2b.. 4 4 9 Davis, rf 4 1 1 tLauKhltn. c. I 2 4 Tlemyer, ab.. 4 t S I Ne. aa 4 Sl Hall, lb 4 0 i tTneobold. p.. I -J. Merer....! it I Z7 14 0 Totala li 12 !4 16 1 Batted for Theobald In ninth. Milwaukee 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 6 St. Paul 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 14 Two-base hltsr B. Mevera. Glr. Thr... bsse hits. Brown, Davis, Bateman. Home run: Randall. Stolen base: Niee. Left on baes: Milwaukee. 7; St. Paul, 7. Bases oa balls: Off Schnelbera. 3: off TheohnlH 4. Struck out: By Schnelberg. : by Theo- oxua, a, na pucn: cnneiterg. Time: l:o5. Umpire: Kerln. Waldron, cf ,. Belden, 2b Cassady, If .... White, lb Irwin, 3b Bohannon, rf Klnneally, ss 4 Zalusky, o Corbeu, p . H. 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 81 5 St 4 4 1 0 0 1 A. E. 0 4 0 0 3 0 8 2 6 17 1 -14 0 0- 1 Sioux City .' 0 2 11 Denver 0 0 0 0 Two-base hits: Welch 2, Campbell. Weed, T.'orbett, Clum. Sacrifice hits: Granville til. Cassady. Stolen bases: Shea. Bohannon. Bases on balls: Off Corbett, 2; off Freeman. 4. 6truck out: By Freeman, 8. Hit with pitohed ball: Bohannon. Time: 1:50. Umpires: BreMian and Haskell. At tendance; 1,800. "School lime" heralds the season of chilly evenings cool mornings occasional cemifrigid days and an ever-recurring memory-jog that you ought to order that Fall Suit. If tho actual bet-(or-the-prlce U your aim, if true fashion Is your goal, if distinctly different fabrtcb aro what you wish to gain, then a uggUon that you Be) what wo have to offer you la all three essential 1 really a favor to you. Confidently we walt your visit of Inspection. 611TS and OVERCOATS to Order $25.00 o 550.00 rerfect Fit Guaranteed. MacCarlhy-Wilson .Tailoring Co. S04-SO4 8. 10th St.. aTstvr m. W. Ooz. loth ana ramus Bis. BROWNS WIN IN THE. TENTH (Continued from First Page.) hit: Spade. Stolen base: Kane. Double Stolen bases: Stovail. Jones (-'), Dougherty, Isbell. Double plays: Walsh, Parent and label); Perrtns; and Stovail. Left on base: Off Walsh. 8; off Joss. 1; off Falkenburg, 8. Struck out: By Walsh, 8; by Joss, s; by FaJkenburf. 8. Passed ball: Shaw. Wild pitch: Joes. Time: 146. Umpires: Sheridan tni Faarw ' ATHLETICS WIN AT BOSTON Hons Rons hy Hartsell aad McCoa nell Arc Feat ares. BOSTON. 8yt. .-Philadelphia won from Boston todsy, 3 to 2, In an exciting fame. Hartael's home run and singles by Barry and Powers following a base en balls and a sacrifice gave the visitors three runs. Boston scored one on Oessler's two-baao hit and CHdrlng's error. The other came on McConnell's home run. 8-ore: FHILADEI.FH1A. AB.H.O.A K. Hartael. If nidrms. cf... Hairs, tb St ton. rf .. 'via, lb Mar.uarh. tb.. Nu-hula, Sa. . . rowers, r Coombs, p.... Totala. II 4 17 4 4 KMTnnnell t Lord. Is at ravalh. 11.. SGraalar. rf... SSiaSI. Ik (I W agner, aa. . Sullivan, if. ti Poijabua. c. NII ' Sieale. s 1 SArellaa-a . B08TOV AB.H.O.A.E tb t ...4 11 ROl'KKB BUYS MAIIVV1LLE MAN Omaha Reesret Mamma, Blgr Left Ctelder aad Starter. By way of St. iouls information has reached town that Preaident Rourke of the Omaha club has bought Kdgar Summa. of the semi-professional team of Maryvuie, Mo., which was recently In Omaha and anllt even with tha Uee-Olass-Andreesen Originals. After the news was received by the round-about-route It was possible to get a confirmation of It d'own at the Smoke house, where the secret haa been treeaured with several others for a couDle of weeks Summa is a big strong fellow, whose chief element of strength Is supposed to be his batting. He la also a fair fielder ana President Rourke believes will prove a valuable addition to the team. He certainly will be If he can bat. The lists of drafts shows that big Ous Thompson, whom Pa swapped to Aberdeen for that sold brick. Householder, haa been drafted by Boston Americans. It also shows that Harry Corns, another young man who once -esaycd to pitch for Omaha, haa been. drafted bv Detroit from Fort Wayne. MoUllvray. once with Denver and Des Moines of the Western lesgue and bought by Milwaukee and half a dozen other teams of the Cantillon and Tebeau syndicates, lias been recalled by Cincinnati. Cincl bought him laat year and farmed, him out to Har- risourg. Two Games wlla Deaver Saaday. Bargain day base ball will be dished up for two days at Vinton atreet part, wnen the Mountaineers come for double-headers Sunday snd Monday, which Is labor Pay Pueblo liaa been no reaiHscter of the feel inga of the Omaha fana, who are pulling ao hard fur Omaha to win the pennant again thia year, and haa taken gamea away from the Rourke family that were soreiy needed. The big catchers, Zalusky and McDonouKh. who look good to Omaha fans will be in their places, and McDonough will arab his bat In the middle and try to knock the ball out of the lot. as he slwaya doea. Pa's lot haa been taxed on aeveraj occasions this year, and It la a safe bet that the welkin will ring from crowded Blends on both rargsin diys. The games will be called at - w each day. Trie Itur-up Jl 10 0 0 0-8 1 1-2 Totala Batted for Donahue In ninth. Batted fr Steele In ninth. Philadelphia o ft 9 0 Boston 0 6 0 Two-nase hit: Gessler. Three-bass hit: Sullivan. Home runs: Hartael. MoConnell. 6crifiie hits: Loid. Seyboid. Stclen base: Manudh. Ixft on base: Philant lphla, S. Boston, f. Bases on balls: Off Coombs. 4; off Stel, i. First bsse on error: Boston, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Coombs. Mc Connell. Struck out: By Steele, 4; by Coombs, . Time: 1:47. Umpire; Connolly. Faar Umpires for Bis Games. CINCINNATI. O.' Sept. .-For the world's charrpionahip baa ball gamea there wiil hereafter be four auuyirea. 1 us ba- Omaha. Autre) King Austin f ranck Flfchi-r Welch Belden (iondiig IeBraid.... Sanders Hall Regan Hollenbeck. Rhodes Position First .... ....Hecuid . ....Third .. ....Short ... ....Left .... Center . Right ... ... .Catcher Catcher .... Pitcher . Pitcher ....Piicber . .... Pitcher . ....Pitcher Brown, lb t MChftner. If 4 Randall, cf... 2 Manuach. rf.. I FIvnQ. as I McCorm'k. Sb t Bevllla. e.... 4 Bchneibers, p i Totala. 1 a i a o t 2 1 II 1 0 0 MILLERS WIN FROM BUTCHERS Minneapolis Team Makes Five Hans la First Iaalng;. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 5. Kansas City was beaten 1 nthe first inning, when five hits and two errors netted Minneapolis rive runs. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. KANSAS CITT. AB.H.O.A.E. aa u n a m Oyler. ss-.... i 12 4 1 Hallman. ef.. 4 0 t il uuimu, ii. ..a wan Bevlev. lb.. I lit Whaeler, 2b.. 4 81 0 Neighbors, rf 4 2 t O'Nell, cf....S 1 1 Snraehear. 2b. 4 2 1 flew, P 4 1 0 1 n Croaa. as I 0 1 KerwlD. rf...t 1 I Ocarllala. If... 8 S I Block, t 4 1 2 l (iBrnwn. a a n a Smith. tb....8 I 0 Doarnle, Jb... 4 I ClarVe, lb.... 2 8 It 1 leaner, a 1 s a Totals M 11 27 14 2 Totsls M s M u t Minneapolis S n o o o n i n n s .snat iii ....(.. .o 0 0 0 6 2 1 0 0 X Earned runs: Kansas Cltv. 2- Uinnun. oils, 8. Two-base hits: Ovler. fWki.v Home run: Neighbors R nn hii.: Off Flene, 8: off Carter. 2. trtn.k out-' By Flene, 2; by Carter. 2. Hit.': Off riene, o in nine Innings; off Carter. 11 In nine Innings. Left on bases: Mlnne Smlth to Clarke; Braahear to Berkley to Cross to Brown. Stolen base: Wheeler. Sacrifice hits: Qulllin, Wheeler, Clarke. Passed ball: Block. Baas on errors: Kansas City, 1: Minneapolis, 4. flit by pitched ball: Cross. Time: 2:00. Um pire: Hayes. , nd the race; Bill Bailey second. Beat time: CREICflTON'S NEW COACHES (Continued frrtm First Page.) striven to restrict the latitude of the for ward pass. To make It a successful play now, great accuracy Is demanded, since the rule limits the recovery of the ball In case of a fumble to the one who first touched it. Jack Schneider's ability to use, thia fam ous gainer is beyond question, ann ir ne can discover a few large hands among the Crelghton squad, this plsy will be propml nent In the fall games. Both coaches are armed with able tragetlc tactics and can use the -old straight foot ball with a ufficlent variety of the unexpected to keep all opponents guessing; both understand how to develop attack and master defense and as both are track men of unquestionable ability they should be able to condition properly the material st their disposal. Of course the results are still problematic, but with such able men at the helm and a goodly supply of real material the out look for the foot ball season seems east In rosy hues. The schedule arranged will prove the worth of the team representing Crelghton and the lovers of the game can rest assured that the real, genuine, un alloyed foot ball will be witnessed In Omaha this year. BOWLING SEASON DRAWS NEAR Alleys Will goon Be the Places of Central Interest In Sports.' Bowling will soon be the center of atVac- tlon in Omaha as the season for leaving the outdoor games approaches. At the an nual meeting of the Commercial Bowling league Friday night arrangements were made for the opening night of the season. which will be Monday, September 14. That the event may be carried off with eclat It Is arranged to have speeches, music flowers and refreshments. Prises this year will be restricted to Individuals. It Is tr ranged that between fifty and sixty cash and mercantile prises will be awarded thus giving a majority of the bowlers i chance at the prises. " Three sets of cash prises will be awarded during the progress of the season. After each round of gamea a cash, first, second and third prize will LEGAL NOTICE. Defeats Hamphrey. Neb., Sept. 5. (8peoln) Dodge HOWELLS Dodge and Humphrey played an exciting flame of ball here today. Score: dge 1 0 5 o 4) 0 0 0 0 ( Humphrey 0 0 0 0 0 8.0 8 0 6 Batteries: Lutes snd Todenhorft. Black and Coatee. Hits: Humphrey. 12; Dodge, 6. Errors: Humphrey, 7; Dodge, 4. Struck out! By Lutes, 8; by Black, t. Base on balls: Off Lutes, 1; off Black. 2. Hit by pitched ball; By Black, 1. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Dvorak and Myers. SUNDAY BASE f4ALL IN OMAHA BONDS FOR SALK. SCHOOL DI8TRICT of Omaha Sealed bids wlil be received by the undtrfclgned until September IS, liSM, at 2 o'clock p. in-, for the purchase of school district bonds In the sum of two hundred fifty thousands l$26O.O00 dollars of the de nomination of one tribusand (.81.000) dollars each. Interest at four and one-half per tent per annum, seriu-annuai, payaoie Jan uary 1 at the Nebraska fiwal agency In the City of New York. Honda dated July 1. 1S0S, to run iwemy years Wlinout option. lilda muBt be accompanied by a certified or caahier'a check on a national bank of Omaha for two per cent of the amount of bonds bid upon ana sunmiiiea with a view of having lue oonns delivered as follows, at the option of the bidder, viz.: EMther the entire lasue to be delivered October i.v Haiti, or 81UO.000 on that date. 2i0u.0ia nn November lb, lis., and 60,0ij0 on December 1, 1W, plua accrued lnlereat from July 1 to date of delivery. The Board of Educa tion rescrvea the right to reject any or all bids submitted. Complete abstract of pro ceedings regarding the Issue of these bonds mailed on application. Indorse on envelope "Bid lor School Bonds." J. F. Burgeas Secre'.ary Board of Education, E05 City ifalij Omana, Neb. S-'dit be awarded to the bowlers getting high three games and high single game score during each round of twenty-seven games. Special prises will be secured" flnting the eason, which will be hung up for epeclsl events, such as may later be determined by the board of directors. The league starts out with ten full teams and the" officers of the league are Sam Boord, president; Richard Grotte, vice president; C. Prl- meau, treasurer, and Oust. Solomon, sec retary. The teams are Omaha Bicycles, Brodearaard Crowns. Chahot Shoe company, Birmingham Steel Range company, Dre.lhua Candy company, Cole-McKenna, Luxus, Postofflce. Kelly oV Heyden and Husle's Acorns. IDEAL CONDITIONS FOR SHOOT Competition Keen for Costly Trophy of Senator Brlgara. SB A GIRT. N. J., Sept. 6.-Ideal condi tions for shooting prevailed today, the second day of the big Sea Girt shooting tournament. One of the most Important events of the tournament, the Interstate regimental team match for the costly trophy presented by United States Senator Brlgga of New Jersey, was Inaugurated to day. It was open to teams of six men each from the army and marine corps of the Military and Naval academies and the National Guard. Each man fired ten shots each at 800, 600 and l.Ono yards. In addition to the trophy, the winning team will receive 860 and medals for the members. The sec ond prise Is 826, the third prise $15 and the fourth prize $10. At the conclusion of the second stage, 600 yards, of the Interstate regimental match, the four leaders were: First, Marine Corps, first team, E!9; sec ond. Seventh New Tork, first teem. 527; third. Twelfth New Tork, 525; fourth. Marine Corps, second team, 523. The off-hand match, an individual com petition, In which f;here were forty-seven competitors, was won by Sergeant P. Lund, Marine Corps, with a total of forty-seven. out of a possible fifty. First prize was $20. Good Price for Colt. SHKEPSHEAD BAT. N. T., Sept. 6. At the sale of yearlings belonging to the Klnareton, Larchmont, Maplehurst snd Midstream studs at Sheepshead Bay to day remarkably good prices were realized. The largest crowd of the year attended the sales, representing many of the big owners. The stock offered was fine. The otsr sale wss a chestnut colt by li-.irorir Meddler, out of Homespun. Il th- s , to A. J. .Toyner. acting for 11. II. V. : i ney. for $10,700. GRAND PRIZE RACE AT SAVANNAH Aatomoblle Clan of America Tlans to RlTal laaderhllt t'np. NEW YORK. Sept. . The Au'.om Club of America, which has planned t.. rival the Vanderhllt cup races with Hi. grand prize race at Savannah on Tliankx giving day, has not progressed so far, al though, of course, tliey have a movi more for preparation. In fact, his t oi -ganlzatton appears to be giving the gieaic part of Its attention to the light cer r.u of 200 miles which Is planned for the d preceding the grand prize. Without n doubt this contest for the little follows st ih have Its benefit and will not he larking in excltment; but It Is the big race that li.e automoblling public has the real In'cre' In nd up to the present time nrxt li nothing of the race except eulogies rf ih beautiful southern course has been to!.! hy Athletic Club of America. It has hem vehemently stated that a large number of American cars will compete In grand pri' agalnst the foreign cars which have h. on named to start, but no formal entry of domestic manufacture has yet been an nounced and it will be Interesting to loam which of the American manufacturers will be first to take a stand with the Athlnl Club of America In the Interclub strife. AL KAUFMAN AFTER TOM BURNS Big German Feels He Has n t hanee for t'bamplonihlp. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 8. "Tommy" Burns, when he returns to these shores, will have another formidable challenger In "Al" Kaufman, who has been held In re serve by "Billy" Delaney for some months, so clearly outclassed Flynn in his match laat week that he must be classed with t'.ie stars of the heavyweights. Delaney mada "Jim" Corbett a world's champion and then took up "Jim" Jeffries and made a champion of the boiler-maker. This, In itself, must make fighting enthusiasts tak "some atock" in what Delaney says. Delaney declares Kaufman is the he; hesvyweight working today, and with -a little more experience he is going to he (lie world's champion. Burns will be compelled to give him a match and if they ever me.t Kaufman will show his superiority. Wben the blood i8 pure and healthy, the skin will be soft, smooth, and free from .... . . . . ' . , : 1 u J i.t... 4n at,., i reti 1 a t i nn all blemishes ana eruptions ; dui wocb soiut suu umuui .v ... en Denver. Whit. Belden Irwin Klnneally Lovett Waldron Caaaady Zalusky ..McDonough olmatead ....Bohannon Adania Corbett Jackson Marker Wlas Teaala Flaals. PBSVER, Bert. S Ion Harker defeated J. W. Morey in the finals of the tennis tournament singles at the Denver Country club this afternoon. Morey won the first set 8-2- and had Harker 8-8 In the second set before the latter began work. Then Harker took eight atratgnt gamea, riving storey such a hard chase that the re mainder sat comparatively easy. Monday Harker Will play C. A. Graham winner last year, for the state championship. In the doubles Morey and Hugnee won the deciding set i-e trout liaxkea and Felice Will Hear Cemplalat Monday Evening;. The Boaid of Fire and Police Commis sioners has received a complaint from the pas'ors of the Baptist church at Tenth and Arbor, the Presbyterian church at Six teenth and Casteilar, and the German church at Eleventh and Center atreeta, that they are disturbed by the playing of Sun day ball at the Virion street park. Tne board has set Monday evening as a time for hearing the complaint, and haa notified Preaident Rourke of the complaint and asked him to be present at the hearing. It is quite likely that the hearing will be attended by a large number of persons In terested In Sundsy ball. Quite a number of represeentatlve men, who enjoy the sport, have signified their intention of be ing present to listen to the proceedings. It was thought that when the governor re fused to listen to the complaints made against the members of the fire and police board that the matter waa ended, but the agitators are persistent. Some of the base ball men wonder how the services at either of the churches can possibly be disturbed by a ball game played many blocks away, and at an hour when no service is being heard. The church at Eleventh and Center ia 2.7J feet away from the ball park, and neither of the three is near enough to be seriously Inconvenienced, even if the game was pluyed while services were in prog ress. The cheers that follow a home run might be faintly heard at the Casteilar PrtMbyterlan church, but the dlaturbance Is questionable. Amateur ball players are especially In terested In this matter, and expect to be present at tha hearing in force. MINNESOTA STATE FAIR RACES Minor Heir Paces Mile la SiOO 1.4 la Attempt ta Lawer Track Reeord. ST. PAUL. Minn.. Sept. a Minor Hetr paced a mile in 2:UVa at the Minnesota, stve fair today In aa attempt to lower the record of Dan Patch, which paced the mile, unpcd and without a wind ahield. In 2.00 fiat. Brace Girdle won the Minneapolis 8 21 trot, purse li.OOD. getting two firsts and two seconds; Somalia second. Best time: J:UV Mary Mac captured the first two heats nd the race 1n the I U trot, purse 81, um, Western Oirl second. Best time: l.63'-j. The IOO pace, puree ll.OuO. Governor Bearlea captured the second and third heals NOTICE BEALED BIDS WILL BE Re ceived until 7 p. m. September 15, 1908, for $12,000 school bonds Issued by Joint High School District No. El, Dawson county, and No. Ill Frontier county, Nebraska, under date September 1, 1906, due 4.0no In ten years, 84.000 In fifteen years and 84,(00 In twenty years from date. Bonds draw e per cent from date. Blda must be for all or part. Bids must be for not less than par and muat state amount of premium and ac crued laterest to date of delivery. AssesHed valuation of 1olnt districts. $i),0"0. which is one-fifth of actual value. History of bonds will be furnished on application. Certified checks for 6 per cent uf smount of bonds bid for must accompany bids, to be forfeited If bonds awarded are not a ex cepted by bidder. Checks of unsuccessful bidders to be returned upon opening of bids. Board reserves right to reject any or all bids. Address James L. Rector, Prea. ; W. R. Filch, Sec y, Farnam, Dawson County, Nebraska. AM 8 OrFlCB OF THE BIOUX CITY AND Wl-JSTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Omaba, Nebraska, August 8, 18ms. Tii the Slokholders; Notice Is Lereby ajlven, that r&e annual meeting of the storsholders of a'ne Sioux City and Western Railway company will be held at the office of the company in South Sioux City, Nebraska, at leu Ut o'clock a. m., on Thursday. October 13, nutt, to elect directora for the ensuing year auj to act upon the question of veiling the railivad property and franchiae of Una com-l-any to the Chicago, Burlington it yuiricy Railroad company, tha railroad and prop erty aforessld being cow under lease to said company, and for the transaction of such other business as may legally com before the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. W. P. DLKIvEE, Secretary. Akl Sol NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Siaied proposals for the construction of a VxTJ wooden tank on en ho-fuot steel tower will be received by the city of Ged des, Chsrlea Mix county. South Dakota, until 8 o'clock p. m. September 10. 1V0M, at which time tl ey will be publicly upenej and read. A certified check for 8.VI0, mada payable to the order of l he clly of Ueddea, Soutn Dakota, must accompany each pro posal, as a guarantee that the contract will be executed, and bond filed, aa pro vided In the spsclfiratlons. Plans and specifications are on file at the office of the undersigned, where they may be ex amined and forma for proposals obtained. The right is expressly reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated al (Jeddes, 8. D., (his lth day of August, 13.. L. I DA via, City Auditor. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-Sealed bids will lie received up to 9 o'clock p. m., September 18. 1W. at the Snyder State bank In Snyder. Neb., for the erection of a brick school building in Snyder, Neb., for district No. 39. Dodge county. Nebraska, according to plans and specifications now on file at the above mentlonoed Snyder State bank, and also at the office of A. H Dyer A Co., architeote, Fremor-t. Nob. All bids muat be accompanied with certified check aa provided for in the notice to con. tractors. Included in specifications. The right is reserved to reject sny and all bids. By order of School Board, District J, Dvde county, Nebraska. Bn-U CURES heal irhei its presence is quickly manifested by some form of skin disease. The skin receives its necessary nourishment and strength from the blood. When, however, this viUl a..iA a tieimnr.laHen stream, it can no lontrer Dfeserve the hefilthy, natural appearance of the skin, but by its acrid, Impure nature continually irritates and inflames the delicate tissues and fibres and keeps the cuticle in a diseased and disfigured condi tion. External applications cannot reach the blood, and therefore are beneficial only for their ability to reduce inflammation, end assist in keeping the parts clean. To cure ,i.; aKi h lAnA mmi h nuriried of the humors that ere causinar the trouble. S. & S. drives out the humors from the blood so that the skin, infetead of being lrnteted nd diseased, Is nourished by a healthy, cooling stream. S. S. a goes down into the circulation and removes every particle of impure matter, nil acids and humors, an.l restores the blood to its normal, condition, thereby etiring every form of skm disease or affection. Book on skin diseases snd anv medical advice free, disease or anecuon. 2xxk c SWjpp SpECIFIC CO. . ATLANTA. GIL rHsisfSi mm f$H Agjfc froi IR? """fry nn mMHf pa If you are menaced with disease and have not consulted us or secured proper medical attention, don't think you are not faying fur It. You are and perhapa many Imes over. If you procrssttnate and post pone treatment from day to day, week to week and month to month, or experiment Willi uncertain, dangerous or unreliable treatment, sooner or later you must pay the penalty. If you do not heed our admo nition you will then more forcibly appreci ate our advice that the least expense would be Incurred throufc-h the earlv employment of genuine professional skill. Commence an active and energetic course of treatment at nnce.a and avoid suffering, anxiety and remorse. We treat atts only aad cure promptly, safely and thoroughly aad at the lowest cost BBOXCXXTIS, OATA1KE, VKKT OV DZBELXTY, BLOOD FOISOZT, BKIaT DIgEASEg, KIDVBY and BLADDEB SIB EASES and all Special Diseases aad their complications. ' V,' - 't. V H, -----l v : - i',f ,r"H,.vS,, H V, . V'-V'" ' 1 - - C ri' v 'Ceitsltstios ! EuaUaatiea. Office Hours i a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. If you cannot call, write. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. PILES OR. C. R. TARRY. 224 Dee Duildlng, Omaha. NeU CURED WITHOUT TUB KHIF1. Ail Rectal DHeeiet treated upon potltlM guaiar.tes. Ne money te be paid till Oursd. A mild treatment. Without ths ue of Chloroform. Eihar ar alhar vanarai aiwuSuilir. Bj.min.iiu L-urs si. -iw-uKi ior rrts aeea aa neeiai uiseases with Testimonials.