THE OMAHA SUNDAY. BEE: SEPTEMBER 6, 1903. MONDAY Our Great Fall Stocks Are Ready Anticipating a most prosperous Fall season, wf have made every preparation for a heavy trade. Every one of our departments1 ia ready with bright new Fall and Winter mer ehandise, complete in every detail. Wearables ready to wear, arid materials of which to make them if preferred. Strictly new and worthy merchandise shown in a daylight store at our usual low prices. Come and enjoy the bright new goods in your own way. Women's Gloves for Fall. Special Opening of our Fall stock of women-! Glove, with an extensive and exceptional lln of staples and novelties. In selecting these gloves we have considered quality, style and fit, as well as price, and are ready to show you a complete assort ment of correct and refined handwear. Ask to see them. Main Floor. September Saving Sale of Blankets Not a few numbers at fictitious prices, but our entire stock is included iu this great saving sale. Come and secure a real bargain. Our $5.00 fine grey or white wool New Bre men blanket, at pair. $4.29 Our 18 50 white wool Blankets $2.G pair. Our 18.00 Oregon whlte Blan kets 16.90 pair. Our 15.00 plaid all wool Blan-. kets $3.98 pair. Cotton crib Blankets at 10c ech. See our beautiful display In windows. Don't wait until the last day. New Wearing Apparel for Well Dressed Women The new things have been arriving daily for the past three weeks and early buyers will find much that is worth while in the stocks presented for Monday. There" are New Suits, New Skirts, New Coats, New Petticoats, New Sweaters. . We always start the season with Hew goods. No left-overs tolerated here. Come and choose you new Fall garments in a bright daylight department. Our prices are always lowest for good merchandise. Bargain Square in Basement. Remnant sale of Flannellettes, Outing Flannel, .Ginghams, and Percales, values up to lot yard, on sale Monday, at yard 5c "Preparation" The care of an Infant begins before its birth, as far as pre paration for its needs are concerned. The' range between necessi ties and luxuries for a layette is so wide that a list of the roost necessary articles only is mentioned, and the mother must decide upon the quality and number of each of the garments..- Bands, shirts, pinning blankets, flannel skirts, night-dresses, flannel or cashmere wrappers, dresses, blankets, bootees, diapers, bibs and cambric or nainsook skirts are the essential article for an outfit.'. I'pon the quantity and quality of these. garments and' the additional bits of daintiness which every mother longs to add to her baby's belonrlnm. will depend the cost of the outfit. v . Bell Doug, 618 -"4&3X tug to profit by unjustly riiscrimlnstlng rates and Illegal rebates hnvr been taught respect fur th law. Ztl and energy have been shown In tlie fields of governmental activity, and tha welfare of tha nation with regatd both to prefent neds and to the requirement of future development hat hfi'D th paramont concern. When w consider I tie Inevitable conflict of many opinions and the Importance of tha tuettlnn li.volved the record of pro gressive legmlatlon la extraordinary. The crentlon of the hurrau of corporation, the railroad rate bill, the pure food bill, the tntat inspection bill. the employer!' liability bill, and the lawn passed for the belter promotion of labor constitute a rec ord of lenlalatlon which no ,1ut critic can afford to mlnlmlce and which attests In a "r''c(l rinnrer the reaponae of the repub lican parly under tts f.u-ceful leadership toMhe dTnnnd of the peop'e: 3 Democratic Proposal. if till thai Mr. Bryan ha tuvuipj during tif, twelve years uad ue.-i t nuclei! lino It' we mioulu nave been overwhelmed vlln diniisier and would regard Jt at our i Mef busmcac in thu future to find a, way f, e-c.ipe troni tin- incslK-t of ill-considered IctiUlatlon In which we would have iiei.ii viilaiiK'eU. It la fortunate for li I m a will u fur us that l.e waa defeated, ni whatever muy be his present political ; isietiuMilty :r.: be ascribed to the fact mil I I. In rin he has not been permuted to Mri i y out hi program. No doubt much i (nulns to be accomplished In the may of mv(r.v retorni. but the record already nilpK hv the republican party Is a note worthy one and we mut make further ad 11 wilh tar and needed refleution. S ORG SIS A - lis J... I I III .11 I. - -I ... I I. , I - c Boot Styles for Fall All the new shapes and shales now being shtwn in 80rosis for Fall wear. The different shades of brown in both button and blucher will be popular for fall. Blkck in kid, calf ant enamel are shown in the proper 1908 If all shapes. Sorosis always lead, therefore, muit and do have the very latest. You and yours am oordially invited to look them over- Sorosis Shoe Store . Frank Wilcox, Mgr. ' ,r - .SOS S.l3tK St. Labor Day Our Store Will Close Monday Specials in Our White Goods Department. 1,000 yards of 20e and 25c White India Llnons, In Monday's Saving Sale at, per' yard 5c. Real hand embroidered tea cloths and scarfs, regular jirlce $2.50, Monday, each $1.39. All our 7Cc Huck Towels Monday, each 50c. Great savings on all odd Tableclotha and Nap kins Monday. Our 14.50 all wool plaid Blan kets 13.48 pair. Our $1.25 sllkallne Comforters at 79c each. Our 60c cotton Blankets at 35c pair. ' Our $1.65 cotton Blankets with . socalled wool nap at $1.19 pair. ' New Flannellettes. Beautiful assortment of new designs, in birds, butterflies, orientals, and sidebands; including new teddy bear border, suitable for dressing eacques and kimonos, prices 10c, 12 He, 15c, 18c yard. l--o-08 Both 'Phones Reach all Depts. (Kir progress will" be entrusted to safe" hands and we shall be fortunate In having a sailing master who knowa hi chart and who will take quite aa much account of reef and shoals a tha speed' of the vessel. V have got our direction, we have a most precious cm go and ws must have a safe experienced pilot. Mr. Hryan say that the democratic plat form "I binding a to what It omit a well a to what It contains." He might have added that It la a algnlflcant In tha one case a In the other. Lincoln said, "In the absence of formal written plat form the antecedent of candidate be en ma their platforms." It may also be said that In the presence of formal written platrorms the antecedent of cundidate cannot he forgotten. Silence is often elo quent. In the election this fall wa choose men, not abstractions. Platforms must be read In the light of history and they may be eloquent of past mistake and mis guided agitation which their sponsor would gladly Ignore, but which the nation will do well to remember. Candidacies Contrasted. . There are a -thousand exigencies in th affairs of this great nation wh'ch cannot be forest en or attempted to be cnntrollel I bv any platform. The sagacity, rteadlne or cnaracier, nrmneKs ana souna juagmeni ot the chief executive must be the feci:rlty of the nation in many a trying emergency. And It Is no InJustU 'u Mr. Bryan a at tractive personal qualities, to l,; effective ness as an orator, hi ak.ll aa a pnty leader, nor la It any disparagement of the purity of bis motives to say that the man who espoused free silver in 1S9, renewed Its advocacy In 1900 and later declared his at 1 P. M. and Comforters Our $2.00 Beacon Blankets $1.49 pair. Our $5.00 Down Quilts at $3.69 each. ' Our $3.50 Beacon plaid Blan kets $2.98 pair. Sale closes September 14. Latest News from Miss Steenstfup. Word was received Thursday from our Art int'ructor, Mis ijteenstrup, telling of her wife arrival in London, homeward bound. The letter tels of many beauti-r fid things that she has purchased while in Europe. Thcss will a' I be on e.tili tinn at our Art JJtpartmtnt tehm Miss C-henstrup arrives home, which will be about thi ISth of this mem, A. ilsit the Rest Room, Third Floor, Muni- curing in Connection. V Ind. A-1241, belief In government ownership of rail road cannot be regarded a a safe leader to whom may be confided the great powers of the president merely because those doc trine are omitted from hi present pi it form. The country need a man rook baaed In sound conviction and fundamental principle. In wliose good Judgment In any difficulty all may feel Becure, and such a man pre-eminently I William H. Taft. Our opponent aeem to regard the ques tion before ua aa simply involving a pio gram of legislation or of const itutlonul amendment. But first and chiefly we are electing a president, the executive of the nation. Nor should we In considering leg islative proposals forget this. Now there is no man In the country better fitted properly to preside over and direct the varifrd Dusinesa or the executive depart ment than Mr. Taft. He already know It thoroughly. He ha rare executive ability. No one I better qualified than he to do the work which under the constitution the president la called upon to perform. Election Laws. Governor Hughes discussed tha tariff, trust and labor. On election law he said: Mr. Bryan also has much to say with regard to corrupt practices and Cumpaign exienditure. But he omits to give cue credit to the republican party for what It has accomplished with reuard to thes Im portant reforms, an accomplishment the more noteworthy in the light of Mr. Uiyan's reiterated criticisms of contribu tions to republican campulgn funds. In the state of New York a republican legNlatura In lUOtf passed a statute prohibiting cor porations from making any pol c n trlhiitlona, directly or indirectly, and pro viding that officers, directors or stock holders participating In or consenting to the violation of the law should be guilty of a criminal offense. And 1 know of no more drastic statute In this country with regard to tho publicity of campaign contri bution and for the prevention of corrupt piacticea than that )asved In New York under republican auspices. These were n t promises of an opposition party seekinj power, but enactments by a party in power securing genuine reforms. Proper recogni tion must, of course, be given to the pa triotic democrat who supported these re forms, but they were enacted by a repub lican administration. Congress (las als) bviaiated aitaJnst political contributions by corporations. Purity of elections and free opportunity for the uneiirrupted ex pression of the popular will He at tne foun dation of ev'-ry reform and cannot bj to carefully safeguarded. And there should be fedeial legislation securing proper pub licly of and accounting for campulun con tributions In connection with federal elec tions. But It must fairly Te recognlxed that the klrt of neither party have been clean. If we search Mr. Bryan's following we hall find not a few who have sinned. and also those who, If we may Judge from their local activities, are still unrepentant. The democratic party cannot claim unsul lied virtue either with regard tj the source of Its revenues or its readinesa to rcielve them. And when criticism Is meted out t the republican party on this scre justice requires that It should also credit for the reforms it ha achieved. STRINGENT LIQUOR' RULES (Continued from First Tag.) Fremont Normal school; President George Sutherland of Grand Inland college; Prof. Albert K. Owens, department of education liaatinga college; President O. J. Jchnaon of Luther academy, Wshoo; President J. M. Pile of Nebraska Normal college at Wayne; Dean C. A. Fulmer and Dean W. R. Jackson 'Of tha school of education at the Wesleyan university; President C. C. Lewis of I'nlon college; President Wm. B Bchell of York college; and th state board cf examiner for Ufa certificate, conip ed of Superintendent E. J. lijd well of Beatrice. Superintendent K. 8. Perdue, of Madison county, and Miss Cora Q Cornell of the Ashland High sctiuul. Bet. want ads ar business booster. WEST VIRGINIA FIGHT ENDS Both Republican Candidates for Got ernor Agree to Withdrew. G0FF TO BE OFFERED NOMINATION Federal Jadae Who Ha Not fleen Connected with fctther Fac tion AsWed to Make Raft, NEW TORK, ftept. 5 Nnthan Goff of the United State circuit court of Parkers burg. YV. V., will be the republican can didate for governor of that state If an agreement between tha representative of C. A. Swisher and S. C. Schorr, the pn sent candidates for governor on rival republi can ticket. I carried out. A contest be tween thesa two faction for the approval of the national republican committee, which waa aaked to determine which faction was regular, today ended In the announcement, ot tha withdrawal of both Mr. Swisher and Mr. Scher'r upon condition that Judge Ooff be nominated. Judge Ooff I said to be willing to accept. It was explained that the Judge had never been Involved In any political con troversy and that he stood high In the estimation of republicans In West Vir ginia, regardless of factional affiliations. It was declared that the nomination of Judge Ooff, provided he would accept the honor, would Immediately clear up the situation and bring harmony In the re publican party throughout the state. Re publican leader had been greatly dis turbed over the possibility of continued strife In the party ranks, resulting in a democratic victory In West Virginia. But It waa asserted today that the harmonis ing of the two factions would undoubtedly once more place tha state In the safe ool umn. At republican national headquarters to day the statement was give out that both sides In the controversy had ex pressed their willingness to sacrllTce per sonal Interest In behalf of the republican presidential ticket. This waa an Indica tion that the Swisher and CcTierr forces were endeavoring to effect a settlement among themselves, and the announcement of their withdrawal in favor of Judge Ooff quickly followed. HITCHCOCK CALLS VPOS TAFT National Republican Chairman Pays Visit to Middle Baas Island. DETROIT, Mich., 8ept. S.-Chairman Hitchcock of the republican national com mittee, arrived here today from Indianap olis, and shortly afterwards left on Colonel 8. J. Hecker's yacht. Halcyon for Middle Bass Island, to confer with Judga Taft. He was accompanied by a number of Michi gan ' republicans, Including supporters of both Governor F. M. Warner and Auditor General J. B. Bradley In tha primary fight, In which Governor Warner, It Is now generally conceded, ha won. It waa expected that Chairman Hitchcock would use his efforts toward helping the two factors in the party to forget the differ ences which existed during the primary campaign. LL'NT IN ' COLLEGE! CAMPAIGN President of National l.easne Confers with Secretary Hayward. CHICAGO. Sept. 6. -Alfred E. Lunt, presi dent of the Republican National College league, arrived at national republican head quarters today and conferred with Secre tary Hayward and began the college cam paign for Taft and Sherman. There are ome 300 club In 'the league, L which was organised seventeen years ago and has worked 'actively In political campaigns. "The legue ha demonstrated Its worth," said Mr. Lunt, "by changing the political viewpoint of college undergraduates. It was formerly largely democratic, but has now become overwhelmingly republican." RETURNS COMING IN (Continued from Flrt Page.) Valley KB 34 70 Washington, S prec't ltd 2) 31 Wayne, 3 prec't i 4 28 Webater 24 103 32 Da we 76 27 29 Otoo 171 183 341 York 138 157 :"21 Madison 113 2"0 t Knox l' l.H lfS Pierce rt 99 125 Box Butte 38 83 45 Holt 7(1 71 6ti Totals 8J48 11,479 8,91 Flrat District Democrat. Fltsslmmon s. McGulre. Pawnee ... Richardson Johnson .. Nemaha ... 119 87 m 3 16 268 2.10 361 rS 257 Cass 316 Otoe 241 407 1.461 Total 1.790- Sccond District. Black- Jeff burn, eri. Douglas ...ltiw Ubl Sarpy 1-- l&l Washington ISO i90 Saune der. 2438 64 175 2677 Total ....1993 Third District. Hoi Wavne, one prscinct Burt Cuming Cedar '' Dodge Nane Antelope Thurston Knox L'ixon Stanton Platte Merrick S6'. ard. 71 II 177 17o 16 3.lo 160 83 44 198 ; R 862 1(2 Latta. 3 4 132 41l ao . i;ii ITT 21 2a 216 145 212 202 .74 Total ttM CHKKHV OLD COUPLE rind Qrp-Kut a Blalng Aftei one i aeventy, the question ot nourishment la a very delicate one. When old age cosines on we do not need so much food a during the more active year, but the digestive organa are very sensitive and care must be exercised In its selection. No food haa the strength giving pro- pertie and I so easy to digest by old and young aa Urape-Nut. "For years I have been troubled with dyspepsia for on period, V year" writes our aged minister. "1 finally began using Grape-Nuts and have had not trouble with my stomach since, feel perfectly well and strong, and though I am 71 yeara old t feel like a boy. Then, too,' my wlf ha been troubled for yeara with blllou and alck headaches. Since she began to uaa Grape-Nuts about I weega ago, sh haa no further trouble. "She la quit well and alrong, much mora cherry and happy than In other year. Grape-Nut and Fostum occupy an Important place on our breakfast table, and In our dally food. It would be bard for in to tell what we owe to Grap Nut." 'There' a Reason." Name given by Poatum Co.. Battl Creek. Mich. Read "The Road to Well vllle." In pkga. Ertr r4 ths aboys Isttsrt A. crw on appears front time to time. Tkay ars gea wla, tra, ul full f bamaa lutsceat. t The Best ol Furniture at the The values . . 1 very low isfaction SQUARE CHINA CLOSETS We offer you this ex cellent article without top mirror, very best construction, worth offer stered $-'5.00, $20.00; spec ial, at 12!f IRON BEDS Our iron bed values are the best in the city As a special we offer you a $3.00 1 98 bed at tar Fourth District, Repwbllcaa. Hlnshaw.Aldrlch. Jefferson IS6 144 York Ml I'M Oaga 1879 im Butler 123 661 Seward, majority 259 Fillmore 6 4 104 Thayer 660 Sv Saline N19 'M Saunders, 11 precinct 263 lot Total 6443 3112 Foartk District, Democratic, Gilbert. Jones. Cramb. Main Fillmore 15 46 114 it Saline 169 26 117 3,1 Vork 3.6 4s ii 14 fiutler 318 153 200 40 Baunder. 11 pet. 113 63 101 99 Polk 31 179 14 i iriiayer 1 17 210 . H Gugo 235 196 163 63 Total 1.515 724 981 669 Sixth Dlstr-Jt, Republican. Klnkald. Sibley. Grant, 1 pet 1 1 Box Butte, 1 pets 110 7 Cherry, 4 pet 91 4 Hoik, 1 pet 47 3 Keith 101 1 Custer 627 bi Hooker i 1 brown 23 13 Dawson 4ft Liii logkn 17 2 Thomas 34 2 Howard 237 23 Dawes 274 36 Sheridan 2A 30 Blaine 69 14 Kimball 4 16 Cheyenne 210 41 Scott a Bluff K-'3 1:9 bloux 99 1 Boyd 4i 39 Sherman 177 Do Garfield 79 2 Valley V.U 192 Greeley 197 16 Lincoln 271 11 Deuel 135 11 Total 1857 1,014 Sixth District, Democratic. West- Mc- Stew- John over. Neel. Ross. art. (on. Orant. 1 pet 3 1 hox Lutte, 3 ci. 51 cherry t 4 pc.s 1 Hoi k, 1 pet 3 Kellli 14 83 1 10 19 Custer 62 57 67 23 119 Hooker 6 s 3 2 3 Brown 6i) IS 4 1 19 Thomas 11 13 , 11 9 11 4 9 4 8 6 Dawson 6" 87 77 24 31 Howard 42 19 16 .. 126 Dawes 92 6 12 32 16 Micrulun 78 16 t .. 16 Blaine 1 1 Cheyenne 10 41 29 50 18 Scott' Bluff 26 12 12 60 t Sioux 4s 1 3 9 5 Boyd K4 22 .. 11 51 Deuel 12 7 8 10 13 Lincoln 27 148 .. 15 64 Greeley M 77 21 22 119 Vall-v 42 21 9 .. 56 Garfield 23 I J 20 Ionian 1 li J 13 44 Totals 902 676 245 289 760 Republican Contests. Return complete from eighteen countle show; AUDITOR. Alden Allen v . Ant he J1 Hrton .- Cook Hayne McKesson , ?i Pierce STATE SUPERINTENDENT. Bishop Carrlngton It-l. ll M? klartln i-lio LAND COMMISSIONER. Cowle llusenetter J'i7 Ssjii Shlvely " RAILWAY COMMISSIONER. Aaron Abbott tl Hedlund 'ii? Kan Van Wagenen Wallace .J1 William "5, The countle Included are Butler. Fill more. Burt, Cuter, Saline. Barpy, Keith. Hooker, Dougla. Oosper, Hitchcock, John son. Dawon, Thoma. Phelp. Thurton, Banner and Cuming. STANDING BEAR IS NO MORE Paiuoas Indian ta Dead at Mobrara KaploKcd aa Martyr to Unvarnment. NORFOLK. Neb., Sept. .-Standlng Bear, a famous Panca Indian chk-C. Is dead at Nlobara. Ha was onr exploited In Boston and other eastern cities by Thoma Tibbies, former populist vice president candidate, a a martyr to government persecution. Tibbie dressed Standing Bear In silk hat and corresponding at'.lr. Uaageroa Saraery !n the abdominal region is prevented by the use of Dr. King's Ne w Life Pills, the pain less purifiers. 36c. Beaton Drug Co. t if 5 ;1 1 J f Union Outfitting Co. is iu a better position to give you better for your money than any other store in the city. 1 .. ! 11.. 1 f..m expense huh ure eeuniiiiiLin is the very best of its kind, and is entirely that offered you by any other firm. Our service is of the best ami everything you purchase will be fully guaranteed. We guarantee sat- or no sale. It will pay you to ALL OVER. PARLOR SUITES We have given attention to our parlor goods line this you a mahogany finish velour three-piece parlor suite, worth at the low price of We Sell Folks Out of Town on Our Easy Payment Plan. Correspondence Solicited. SPECIALS FROM OUR CARPET AND RUG DEPARTMENT 60c Ingrain Carpets. large assortment, on choice patterns; special price, yard jJKj Tapestry lininsi-1 Carpets, good quajlty, made of aelectod yarn, $1 0(1 values; special, per tir:t, yard OOl IleNerslble Ingrain Ruga, can be used on either aide, large, assortment, room aixe; G0 OQ special P-,JO Tapestry Brussels Ruga, selected quality, many patterns, room aixe, 116 5(1 values; (Eili K.f special at pj.U.OU OUTFITT0INI& CO. 1315-17-19 FAR NAM ST. aa ivbb and comb to tmb bight htobb tki TO A Suite for Doctor's office on the 5th floor of the Paxton Block, best in the city. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. Tel. Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064. CENSOR'S BAN UPON TOLSTOI Russian People Bitter Against Activ ity of Government.. AGED AUTHOR GRIEVES AT HOME Iterent Circular of Holy Synod Aroose Storm and Martial Law Stops the Cele bration. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 8. Tha circular addresued by the holy synod to all be lievers appealing to them not to participate In tha celebration September , In honor of Count Leo Tolstoi 80th birthday on the ground that thu to praise thlg opponent of the church would be a stumbling block to person of weak faith, meet with approval from only a limited section of the pre, and th public, the latter being repre aented by the league of Russian people. This circular Is virtually a second ex communication of the aged writer. Th Znamla and other newspaper con demn it unstintedly and a scathing criti cism by the Novo Vremya, which usually 1 a. staunoh supporter of the government, furnishes a criterion of the temper of Rus sian society in general. Provincial Authorities Active. The administrative provincial authorities are bestirring themselves at the eleventh hour to check the observance of the count's Jubilee, and the governors of the provinces of Moscow, Warsow, Saratov and Sim birsk hHve resorted to the provisions of martial law to veto th celebration ar ranged by the municipalities. Further more, the censorship at St. Petersburg has prohlblttd the memorial performance an ranged for a local theater. A telegram received here from Yasnaya Pollana saya that the lnfluenxa and fever from which the count has been suffering has disappeared and that the Inflammation In hi leg ha aubaided. In the last few days, however, he has become extremely weak and greatly emaciated and he la scarcely able to speak. But In spite of this hi mental vigor I not Impaired. The count's wife ha Issued an announcement setting forth that even her husband' rel ative and closest friend will not be re ceived at Tasnas Pollana next Wednesday because of the patient's weakness. She haa requested all newspaper publishing commemorative articles of the count to forward copies to th Rumlantsoff His torical museum at Moscow for preservation in the Tolstoi room. The efforts ot the countes to prevent th new of the bitterness excited by his jubilee from reaching her husband have been fruitless. He Insists upon seeing all the tspapers. and his grief at the harsh sen ,n'nts expressed is pathetic. PITTSBURG BANKS CLOSED Federal and State Officials Take t'hirge of Two Smaller Institutions. PITTSBL'RQ, Sept. .Two financial In stltutlons, the Cosmopolitan National bank and the Mount Washington Savings and Trust company, were closed her today by orders from th federal and state banking authorities. While the Cosmopolitan Notional bank wa a fair sited Institution, th trust com pany was a small concern, and there win little or no excitement when th failures became known. The order closing the Cosmopolitan bank waa brought forth by the refusal. It Is aid, of Bank Examiner John B. Cunning ham to approve some of the paper and other securities of th bank for loan, ag gregating, it U alleged, over fl.OOO.OU). The Lowest Prices e are nt a Our credit, service nmmtru. uui wsu Bvw different and distinct from trade at the STORE THAT'S J special fall and uphol 14!! LET 1320 Farnam Street. official of the bank deny that 'worthless or insufficient securities have been ac-. cepted for loans. They say all the paper and other collateral held by the Cosmopol- Itant Is collectable and that the bank iiy solvent. f Further than to state that the bank is Insolvent, neither Examiner Cunningham or Judge Oldham, of the legal department of the comptroller cf the currency, whijl ar rived here from Washington early tpday, would commit themselves. According to tho bank's last statement It liabilities were $l.sei,S30.!Hi. The Rank's officials seemed to be Wdignant that the government should close the Institution. The cashier declared that the available cash on hand was nearly 60 per cent of the total deposits. Included In tho depos its are federal and state deposits of K 1100,000, each secured by bond. Robert Lyons, who is tha receiver for the Alle gheny National bank, which recently failed here, was appointed receiver of the Cos mopolitan. Willow Springs Stars and Stripes . i.-irCTT- ! mm, ii n k i hm urs in ) J Special val- i V r ues that can- V3 not be dupli- rated elsewhere. This Iweek we offer vou a $22.50 value I STEEL RANGES J You can get a $35.00 value here 50 for I a. N 1 P & ..,,1! 111 As Pure As the Bubbling Spring Made from pnre sparkling spring water from the celebrated Wil low Sprints, by skilled brewmas ters. Only the choicest malted barley and purest quality imported Bo hemian hops are used in Its msk Ine. It is the Ideal family beer. Order a case for your home today. Thirty (13.00) Green Trading Stamps with every case, (Z dozen large bottles) price $2.25 Fifteen ($1-50) Green Trading. Stamps with every case (2 dosen feniall bottles price... $1.25 WILLOW SPRINGS BREWING CO. OrnCX 140T aTaraej Street Phone Songlaa ISO BSZWI1T 3d aad Hickory . Fbone Doug-la lias Out-of-town customers must add )1.25 extra for case and bottles, whith will be refunded when re turned. , ' .4. r.