THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER B, 190 j 5 SOClEIi PROSPECTS BRIGHT Many Dinner Partie. Will Be Given, Majority Scheduled at Clubi. TAG DAY FEATURE OF THE WEEK eerl Hadr4 Society Wtmri Will Solicit Sabwrlptloas for Clark Mi Memorial Hospital Mast Wednesday Poker Proverbs. While the wife In away the husband will play. Too many dealers alack the park. A little bob la a dangerous thing. Tls a wine player who knows hla own hand. Never put off till next time the jackpot you can open now. A flush In the hand la worth two In the deck. A player la known by the cards he keeps. It's an 111 deal that makea no hand good. The four-flusher gathers no chlpa. Blufflnit covers a multitude of bad hand. If at first you don't succeed, draw, draw nn. ' The hand that holda the aces rules the Same. ' The called bluffer fears the bobtail. v The Knave, Tha Social Calendar. vnMniTiitnmnhii rluh nlcnic at Blair; vfi.. m.ii narnrnter. corn roaat for TUFJ8DAY Miss Nell Creedon, evening party; Miss Katherine Beeson, theater party; Mra. J. H Conrad, luncheon at Field club: Mra. W. H. Eldrige. lunr-h-eon at Field club; Iadles' day at Happy ' Hollow and Field club; mid-weak dance a. VTannv Vfollow. WEDNESDAY-Tag day for Clarkson horj t pttal; Balrd-MeHiigh wedding; Woods Bonnell wedding; dinner parties at Field club bv Mies Frances Martin, Dr. and Mra. Fherraden, Mr. and Mra. Charles rxmm Mr c r. Rrnwn and Mr. and Mre.'w. M. Oilier; mid-week danca at Country and Field cluba. THURSDAY Ladles' day at Happy Hollow and Fleia ciuoe; Mrs. noacn, cru """i Mm TnwniAnll. Comts club. FRIDAY Junior Bridge club. Mra. Oeorge Redlck; Mlaaea Fry, luncheon at Happy Hollow; Mra. J. H. Royce, luncheon at Uantw HrfcllnW. SATURDAY Week-end dinner and ,15.n?5 at Happy H01IOW, tjoumry nu - clubs. Above everything elae Tag day will oc cupy the attention of tho women of the f aahlonable set this week. . Next Wednes day has been dedicate by them to the task of raising the remaining $8,000 of the ,- 000' they are pledged to , raise lor t-iarti-son Memorial hoapifal and several hun dred will participate In this soliciting tarn A BDeeial badge is. being made for the women authorized to ask subscriptions and "as 'soon as these subscriptions ' are made a little red cross will be pinned to the coat nt the arlver. The women have been or ganised Into fifty committees, that wjll rival each other In their efforts. A special meeting of all the chairmen and .members of the committees will be held at 10 o'clock Monday morning in the chapel of Trinity cathedral. Mrs. Charles Thomas of Topeka, Kan., a granddaughter of the late Bishop Clarkson, who rejenny ci ,'rected a tag day in Topeka, will be present and give the women final Instruction re garding Wednesday's plana. All the women will meet at the city hall at 8:30 Wednesday morning before the soliciting begins, Mayor Dahlman will address the workers briefly and give them the liberty ot the city. ' t ' The women who attended a meeting of one of the parish aid societies were re cently thrown Into a flurry by the rumor that ona of Omaha's prettiest young ma trons had ordered a shiath. gown well with everything to match. It was alo stated that thegown had been ordered from one of the best . known modistes in the city. Unable to bear the uncertainty longer, a friend of the young woman telephoned the modiste, while the othera waited, but the reply came back that the young woman hud ordered a new costume, but not a Sheath gown, and the members of the parish aid society again resumed their routine of charity work. At tho Country dab. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bruce entertained the largest dinner party Saturday evening at the Country club for their daughter. Mies Elizabeth Bruce. The guests wera seated at a large table In the green dining room, where garden flowers wara used In pro fusion on the table. The invited list In cluded Miss Ruth Hammer. Miss Eliza beth Davie, Miss Menle Davis, Mies Mil dred Butler. Miss Katherine Beeson, Mlfs Helen Bcoble, Miss Pauline Bourke. Miss Gladys Hetherlngton of Washington, D. C; MUa Helen Rlnehart. Mlas Bertha Dickey, Mlas Daphne Teters. Miaa Mary Rlngwalt, Miss Ruth Hitchcock, Mr. Carl Fisher, Mr. Lloyd Lpmax, Mr. Blaine Young, Mr. Robert Mackay, Mr. Percy Hall. Mr. Don ald McWhorter, Mr. Hal Brady, Mr. John Daugherty, Mr. Louis Sweet, Mr. Robert Wood, Mr. Francis Gaines, Mr. Stanford Glfford and Mr. Victor Caldwell. Mr. Bourke entertained at dinner Sat urday at the Country club, covers being laid for Mra. George Voas, Miss Beasle Yates, Miss Bess Moorhead, Mlas Bourke, Miss Anna Bourke, Mrs. Bourke, Com mander, . Hetherlngton ot Washington, D. Ci Mr. W. H. Mo Keen. Dr. J. E. Sum. mers, Mr. Luther Drake, Mr. W. Farnam Smith and Dr. Lee Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Keller entertained at dinner Saturday evening for their son, Mr. Harold Keller, who is home on furlough from Annapolis Naval academy. The guests Included: Miss Caroline Congdon, Mlas Esther Byrne. Miss Alice Cary Mc- Grew, Miss Nannie Page, Miss Carolyn Harding, Mr. George Thummell, Mr. Beu Wood, Mr. Doane Keller and Mr. Jack Welsh. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe entertained at dinner for Mrs. Louis Nash, who has re cant ly returned from Massachusetts. Cov ers were laid for; Mr. and Mra. Louis C. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Westbrook. Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Smith, Miss Frances Wes sells and Mr. and Mrs. Swobe. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bruce were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love. Other dinners at the Country club Satur day evening were given by Mr. and Mra. G. I Hammer, who had eight guests, and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Deuel, six. ... At Happy Hollow. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Benson gsve the larg est dinner at Happy Hollow Saturday. Sanatorium Thlc lBaKtioB la the onjy oo hi b central wort with aeyaraU bunatftfa situated tm their owa gaupU gro anils yet CdlUrely dis tract aal wixtorlm It poMlbVa to eUju&T taaes, Tha on boJldinc beta tttfed tor mU derot6 to Um treatment o njoavoasjtajlama and oaaaMttal Ilium, bo ofbMS b i mOmttUA. Vh ottMV, Boat Ootto, botng 4otgBaxt far ad oovovmI to Um oxejaarro treoeasOBt of select BMtital raaaa, reqotrUf tor tiiao wotcbrei car aa4 spa da! mojoanj. Their guests were vested at the round ta ble and Included Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Web ster, Mr. nd Mrs. R. C. Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Euclid Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dempster, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Relden, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Selby, Miss Alexander, Miss Ada Alexander and Mr. Frank Alex ander. The dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lyle were Mr. and Mrs. John C. Howard. Miss Helen Howard. Miss Hasel Howard, Mra. Richards, Mrs. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Dale, Mr. Ptircell and Mr. George Fuller. The guests of Mrs. H. C. Vsn Gleson at dinner Included Dr. and Mrs. Henry B. Le- mere and Mlas Susan Rich and Mr. Walter of Canada. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Telser at dinner Saturday were: Judge and Mrs. Lee Eatelle, Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa, Jr., Mrs. T. L. Combs. Mrs. Langley. Mr. and Mra. E. R. Duffle and Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Rush. Mr. and Mrs. Millard F. Funkhouser en tertained at the club as their guests: Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Zackary, Rev. and Mrs. F. D. Tyner, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Brown and Mr. and Mra. W. P. Durkee. Mr. and Mra. E. D. Van Court enter tained as their guests st dinner Satur day evening Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Rl drige. Dr. and Mra. F. S. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Farnaworth of Ctmnoil Bluffa, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Van Court. Other dinner parties at Happy Hollow Saturday evening were given by Mr. J. W. Carpenter, Jr.. who had covers for six guests: Mr. Samuel Rees, Jr.. two; Mr. A. I. Crelgh, four; Mr. W. H. Gerhard, six; Mr. W. B. Saunders, six; Dr. J. P. Lord, four; Mr. W. D. Strode of St. Louis, six; Mr. J. C. Barnard, sight; Mr. W. J. Creedon, four; Mr. Edson Rich, three; Dr. A. B. Bomere, four; Judge Kennedy, five; Mr. J. W. Palmer, five; Mr. H. K. Burket, five; Mr. Albert Edholm, three. At the Field Clab. Very few reservations were made Sat urday evonlng for dinner at the Field club, although a large number of reser vatlons have been made for next Wednes day evening, so It seems the table d'hote dinners are much more popular than a la carte. Among thoso making reservations for Saturday evening were: Mr. A. Potter, four; Mr George Laier, eight; Mr. L. G. Horton, four; Mr. B. C. Rogers, four; Mr. O. W. Hoobler, two; Judge Leslie, three; Mr. C. D. Arm strong, four; Mr. ' 1 Tarry Steel, two. Weddings and EnsjaurenaeaUs. The wedding of Mlas Gretchen Patti Emery of Omaha to Mr. Roderick D. Scott of Los Angeles, Cel., formerly of Omaha, will take place some time In September. Invitations have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs. James Burt for the marriage of their daughter. Edith to Mr. Alfred Ellegaard, which will take place at the future home of the young couple. 8215 California street, Wednesday, September 9 at 8:80 p. m. Several school frlenda of Miss Hazel Con nell will arrive In Omaha about the mid dle of September to be her guests for her wedding to Mr. Edlo Crelghton, Septem ber 30. Among these will be Miss Wanda Estee of Montpeller. Va., who visited here last summer and who was one of the most popular guests who have visited In Omaha. Another guest will be Miss Eleanor Pierce of Fall River, Mass., who has also visited Miss Connell before and made many friends here who will welcome her again. Miss Clara Mitchell of Denver, Colo., will be another of the attractive guests. The wedding of Miss Ruby M. Gagnebtn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gagnebln, to Mr. Carl A. Fried, took place Saturday at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride, 3S54 Seward street. Rev. ' E. E. Housman, pas tor of the Walnut Hill Methodist church performing the ceremony. It was a pretty home wedding. The house decorations were green and white, with ferns and pulms. The ring bearer was Master Byron Gagnebln. The bride wore a wedding. gown of cream silk poplin, trimmed with cream eattn and cream valenclenea lace and car ried a sheaf of American beauty and brides' rosea. The maid of honor. Miss Mabel Drum, wore a gown of green and white silk' mull. Mr. Therm Fried,, brother of the groom, waa best man. The wedding march was played by Miss Oladys Lo beck. About seventy-five guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Fried left for an eastern wedding Journey, and will be at home after October 1 at ISM North Fortieth street. One of the first of the September wed dings wtll be that of Miss Adele Mc Hugh, daughter of Judge and Mrs. W, H. McHugh, and Mr. Claire Balrd, which will take place Wednesday at noon at the home ot the bride's parents on St. Mary's avenue, Rev. B. A. McBrlde officiating. Owing to the recent death of Judge McHugh's brother, Mr. James V. Mc Hugh of Minneapolis, the wedding will be a quiet one and the guests will be re' strlcted to the relatives and closest friends. The attendants will be the maid ot honor, Miss Edna Baker of Lincoln, and the best man. Mr. Edward Baird. One of the Interesting featurea of the wedding la that the bride will wear her mother's wedding gown, and the wed ding will take place on the twenty-second anniversary of Judge and Mrs. McHugh's weeding. Tho original plan was to have a large wedding and a family reunion, but all plans were altered and no invttationa will be Issued. The young couple will go Into their own home, which Is now being built. Prospective Pleasarea. Miss Katherine Beeeon will entertain at a theater party Tuesday evening. Mrs. Edward Roach will entertain the 8t. Patrick card club Thursday after fioon. The Misses Fry will entertain at luncheon Friday at Hpy Hollow for for some of their school friends- Mtss Estelle Brown will give an after noon musical at her home next Thurs day In honor of Miss Lltta Rohrbough whose wedding to Mr. C. Judson Chapman will take place September It. Pleaasjrae Past. Miss Ruth Miller entertained a few friends Friday evening in honor of Roger Shot- well of New Jertiey. Mrs. Henry Heitfeld entertained at dlmer Friday, complimentary to Mra. W. H Glllls of Sioux City. Ia. Mrs. Robert Purvis entertained luncheon Wednesday at her home, covera being laid for: Mra. Clark ot Milford Conn., Mra. C. J. McDonald. Mrs. L. H Korty. Mrs. J. H. McDonald. Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy, Mrs. Alfred Elrlck and Mrs Purvis. Mrs. George E. Mlckel gave a dellghtul children's party Saturday afternoon a Happy Hollow to celebrate the seventh birthday of her little daughter. Gladys Mlckel. The afternoon waa pleasantly spent with old-fashioned games on the porches and lawn. A luncheon was served during the afternoon, when the children were seated at the round table, which had a pretty decoration of yellow, an lm menae bunch of golden rod forming the centerpiece. Another feature wss the large birthday caks with yellow candles. Those present were the little Misses Esther Work man, Virglria Taggart, Josephine Plainer Harriet Walter, Margaret Getten, Julia Uetten, Virginia White. Frances Mathews Arlene Abbott. Mercedes Abbott. Margaret Reynolds. Katherine Hastings, Dorothy Hippie, Katherine Goss. Lytwi Stallard. Eleanor Osborr, Sybil Foote. Miriam Wls ner. Faye Price. Elolse Magaret, Mary Josel Oodfrey. Lillian Head. Helen Ict wller. Ruth Mlckuro. Katherine Hodges, Janet Hodges. Mnsters Morlyn Combs, Elton Combs. Winfleld Kock. Harvev Foote. John Detwller, Oliver Indoe, Gerald Wianer, Warren Ega, Emerson Adams, Oor. don Trimble, Paul Workman and Robert Perry Mlckel. lome ana Om Gossip. Mr. George Lsler left Friday evening for New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burleigh have re turned from Denver. Rev. T. J. Mackay leaves the first of the week for Boston. Mass. Mr. Arthur Gulou, who has been east for ten days, returred Saturday. Mrs. J. H. Royce will give a luncheon Friday at the Happy Hollow club. General C. F. Manderson expects to leave Monday evening for Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cameron have re turned from a three weeks' outing on the great lakes. Mr. Roger Shotwell of East Orange, N. J la visiting at the home ot Mrs. Alice T. Miller this week. v Mrs. C. M. Wtlhelm and daughter Fa ther will return this week from Lake Wequetonslng, Mich. Mlas Erma Gof f of Fremont Is spending a week as the guet of her sister, Mrs. Ftsnk Brown, In Dundee. Mr. Arthur W. Wakeley returned Thursday from Lauderdale Lake, Wis., where h e spent the summer. Miss Beulab Sharp has returned from an automobile trip in Minnesota with Mr. and Mra. Metcalf of Council Bluffs. Mra. M. A. Zanner has returned from a month's vacation at St. Joseph Island, Canada, and Lake Mlnnetonka, Minn. Mr. diaries B. Hammer of Pasadena, Cml., arrived Saturday evening to spend a few daya with Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hammer. Mlas Irma Phorman of Cleveland, O.. who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Dreyfoos, leaves Monday for her home. Miss Mayme Hutchinson, who has been spending the summer at the Thousand Islands and Mackinac, returned home Friday. Edward Ryan, Jr., returned yesterday from New York City, where he went to meet his mother on her return from Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Canfleld returned Saturday from their ranch near Sheridan, Wyo., where they have been spending the summer. Miss Gwendolyn White returned Thurs day from a two months' eastern trip which tncltided Boston, New ,Tork and the Canada lakes. Miss Lera Walker of Forest Grove, Oro., and Miss Bertha Miller of Crete have been guests of Misses Gertrude and Grace Ernst the last week. Mr. Hugh McWhorter will leave Wednesday evening for Geneva, N. Y., where he will enter his Junior year at Hobart college. ' Mrs. John W. Robblns and Mlas Mary Wyman returned Saturday from Hot Springs, 8. D., where they have been spending ten days. Misses Josephine Brady and Nellie Morlarty have returned from a vacation pleasantly spent In the mountains of Colo rado and New Mexico. Judge Lorenzo Crounse and Miss Marie Crounse have returned from a visit to Murray Lake, Canada, where they en Joyed a month's outing. Miss Blanche Stlckney of Minneapolis. Minn., who has been spending the past few days with Mrs. C. N. Dietz, will leave Saturday for her home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Millard, accom panied by their son, Hugh, are expected home Monday morning from a s'tay at Lake Beaumarais, Canada. Mr. William Brill of St. Louis, who formerly lived In Omaha, is spending a few daya visiting frlenda. Mr. Brill is return lng from a western fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ktrkpatrlck, who have been spending a few daya, guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wattles, returned Saturday to their home In Lincoln. Clement E. Chase, who has been spend ing the summer at St. Ixuils is now visit ing his parents in Dundee before going east for his third year In Cornell university. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyers and family will take the house at Thirty-eighth and Famam streets. which is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Updike and family. Mr. Osgood T. Eastman and children are visiting Mr. and Mra. Samuel Burns. Mrs. Eastman has gone to Holland, Mich., where We Are Disappointed . . ! At not being able to make important announcement of special interest to the ladies, as we intended. We will be all ready in a day or two bear with us, please. You know "The well laid plans o' mice and men Gang aft agley." Watch daily papers. Thos. Kilpatricic & Co. A Purchaser Remembers Quality Long After She Forgets Price. Prices mean nothing, It's Quality that counts. Price making Is the least of merchandising arts. Quality at a bargain price Is supreme evidence of super, lority. In this Tatter respect I excel. Yon buy something at La Book's, you know the La Book guarantee is In It. through It and back of It. It meana much to be able to say "I had this made at La Book's." It's the evidence of shrewd merchandising on your part and Its a positive proof of dependableness. I riarantse everything I make; as a matter of fact I will not makt anything cannot guarantee. , LADIES' TAILOR Wa hava not yat romovod from our K A' 'r ST- "A. ahe will be the guest of her sister. Mrs. C. T. Kountse, for a couple of weeks before coming to Omaha. Mra. J. H. Conrad will entertain at lunch eon Tuesday at the Field club. Compliment ary to M-a. H. D. Neely and" Mrs. C. C. Wright, who have recently returned from a trip to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ilaum and Mian Bess Bsuni. who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Cu'lahy and family at their summer home on Mackinac island, will return today. Mr. Charles Khlverlck will leave next week for New York City, where he will take up his permanent residence and will be connected with the dry goods firm of H. B. ClaTlln A Co. Mr. and Mra. Holmes Updike and chil dren, Laurence and Marjorie, will leave Thursday for Los Angeles, Cal,, where they will spend several months, returning to Omaha about next June. Mr. and Mrs. George Redlck, Miss Ruth Moorhead, Miss Elizabeth Congdon. Elmer Redlck and Frank Pollard left Thursday morning In automobiles for Lincoln, returning Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Alllaon. Mr. Ward Burgess and Mr. 8. A. Megeath of Frank lin, Pa., formerly of Omaha, have returned from a camping trip near Sheridan, Wyo. While at Dktz. Wyo.. they visited Mr. James Woodard. formerly of Omaha. Miss Nell Creedon will give a farewell party Tuesday evening for her cousin, Mlsa Stella Creedon. whl leaves Wednesday for her home in Denver, and for Mlas Tress Rofeblns. who leaves Thursday, September 10, for St. Catherine's academy at St. Paul. Mr. and Mrs. C. Will Hamilton and children, Charles W. Hamilton, R. N. Hamilton and Miss Marlon Hamilton, who have Just returned from an extended stay abroad, are staying at the new Henshaw until their home on Park avenue Is ready for them. Commander Hetherlngton, TT. S. A., re tired, and daughter. Miss Gladys Heth erlngton, of Washington. D. C, guests of Mrs. Bourke and the Misses Bourke, who have been much entertained during their stay, will leave the middle of the week for their home. Miss Katherine McCormlck, with a party of friends from Chicago, is now in Europe enjoying the cathedral cities of Italy, England and France and tho chateau country of France. Before re turning MJss McCormlck will take a trip up the Rhine and through Italy, start ing home September 16 by way of Na ples. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hynes left Thursday even ing for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they will spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Burgees will go from the Springs to Chicago and Pontiao. 1111., and probably New York City before returning. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weller, Miss Agnes Weller, Mrs. Ruth W. Flelshel and son returned Saturday morning from their sum mer outing at Chase, Colo. Mrs. Flelshel and son, with Miss Marlon Crandall will leave Omaha September 1B for Philadelphia and will sail on the steamaHp Haverford for Paris, France, September 19, where they will spend the winter. Ha hi A Johnston will show new fall Millinery on and after Tuesday, September 8. Cynical Heioarka. Forgive your enemies, and they won't be so apt to get back at you. Some people never know the! rown minds till it is too late to take advantage of the k-nowledge. The man who Is his own worst enemy Is sometimes more to be desired than he who is his own best friend. The man who fails Is worth two of the men who never try. No man can acquire money without mak ing sacrifices, even when he marries It. There Isn't anything much easier than making a bud matter worse. Don't cry over spilled milk. You never miss the water till the well rur.s dry. Even rfie man who puta up a good front may be talked about behind hla back. If there really were a fool-killer, the lawyera would atarve to death. It'a generally the easy mark who Is overworked. .Npw York Times. II Did. A dignified old Virginia gentleman who had bought a place In Florida had a pug' naflous neighbor, of rude manners, who made a point of disputing the right-of-way on every occasion. One dny the two met upon a narrow footpath, bordering a muoiiy, swampy grourxi, and the neighbor rudely pushed his way, compelling the Virginian to step aside to avoid going into the mini As he did so, he remarked, "I never gel out of the way for dogs. As he stepped aside, the Virginian quietly replied, I always do. Baltimore Amerl can. Kcbl A Johnston will shov new fall MUilnery on and after Tuesday, September 8. AND FURRIER old location, the Karbach block. L. FOX Fashionable Ladies' Tailor Perfect tit. FtrsCelaas work guaranteed. A Trial will not be regretted. t . Parlors. 2922 Leavenworth St. Cor. Park Avenue. E)(B(3H ll.IL Special Showing at $25.00 and $35.00. In this great display you have a splendid op portunity to study the style tendencies of the Fall Season for these suits are made up in the smartest models MONDAY'S A Popular Day at Beaton's Kvery Monday we have special sales which should interest every drug buyer. Our specials are always big bargains In staple goods. 5tlc C'asavera Crenie. the grcaseless cream for that summer tan: every package guaranteed by us; our price Monday, only . 3o 75c Ponmein Massage Cream 48o (Monday only.) 50c Woodbury's Cream 89o (Monday only.) 60c Malvina Cream 31c ( Monday only.) 50c De Merldor's Oreaseless Cold Cream 310 (Monday only.) 50c Hind's Honey Almond Cream.. 99o ( Kvcry day. 25c Beaton's Velvet Cream, limited two bottles to a customer, at... 180 iMonday only.) BEATON DRUG CO. I5th and Farnam CAFE LOYAL Special Sunday 'Dinner De Luxe This evening from 6 until 8 o'clock $1.00 per Tlate Tables 'May be Reserved. HOTEL LOYAL rrEpmoop OPPOSITE THB POSTOrriCE Barbara E. Belsley PIANO I,echetlzky Method. pupil of Besldeno Auirust M ' Studio Borglum and iTSStJf' 8406 North Wager Owayas, Twenty-first Paris. treat. TABLlTiVHOTE DINNER SUNDAY AT THE CHESAPEAKE 1508-10 HOWARD ST. 11:30 A. M. TO 8 P. M. Music by Potter's Mandolin Orchestra. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER TODAY AT Ghe CALUMET jLSlT FAXSNAM ST. AND As to rienty of suits that are no better will be offered at $35 and $40 later in the season. Modified Directoire lines are prominent, but severely tailored suits, in fitted and semi-fitted effects, are a very important feature of this great display and every suit possesses exclusive touches distinctive of the "Elite." As to (he Trimmings Silks, braids and satins are used liberally as well as a profusion of buttons. Plain gored skirts predominate though many plaited models are shown, and aro more practical for certain coat styles. ' , As to the, Materials Striped and plain chevron weaves are used as nov elties, but the rich lustre broadcloths that appeals to the majority, is estensively shown. The color range is so varied that we cannot go into details. A Word in Regard to Alterations Our garments are carefully and well tailored and need less alteration than suits shown elsewhere, but where changes are necessary, our Miss Chase will do them perfectly or we will cheerfully refund amount paid. "VISIT THE PRETTIEST CLOAK DEPARTMENT IN OMAHA." Just West of the .New Henshaw Hotel. 100 Sewing to be sold this week at 20 Per Cent Dis count from the regular prices. This stock of machines comprises such well known makes as Sold for cash or on easy payments. We carry a full line of parts for all ma chines. We rent and repair all makes of machines. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. GEO. E. MICHEL. Mgr. YOU KNOW PEROXIDE! Certainly you do. It'a a areat yet harmless hut effective antiseptic and bleach. Its full name Is Peroxide of Hydrogen. It's just the thing for dressing wounds, cuts, etc. It'a chemlntry's Ri-eat aolilevemnnt. When It comes In contact with a higher temperature It glvts off oxyg-en frexh, Ilft'-giving oxygen that's the secret A. D. S. PEROXIDE CREAM contslns Peroxide of Hydrogen (any of the druggists hehv can prove It) and is therefore the host and niowt efficient skin cream on the market. It's a bleach and a soothing emollient at the same time. No skin Is TOO DKLICATK for Its use; and Its use produces that delicate whiteness so much desired by the ladles. Ask any of the druggists below, they KNOW PZKOXISB. Boll Drug Co., 1218 Fnrnarn St. S. A. Berani'k, 1402 South IHtli St. Kmll Cermak. 1262 South 13th Ht. Crlssey I'hitrmacy, 24th and l.iike Sts. It. 11 Khleis. 2X02 l.f-avpnworth St. Foster & Arnoldl. 2 1 3 North 25th St. J. J. Fr-tHg. 114 North 24th St. Green's I'haimacy, Park Ave. and Taciflo. Hiinea Drug Co, 18th and Farnam StH. HmiKcnm Park Pharmacy, 1501 So. 2Hth. Unwell Drug Co.. 207-209 N. 16th Sta. W. C. Hayilen. 220 Farnam St. ller cirand Pharmacy, Cnr. 16th & Howard. jnliansnn Drug Co., Z4th and Spalding. H. S. King, 24th and Farnam Sts. C K. 1-athrop, 1324 North 24th St. J. H. Merchant, Cor. 16th and Howard. D. K. Peyton. 2401 I,eavnworth St. Prihnenow A Co, 1527 Vinton St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amos Ave. J. H Schmidt, 24th and Cuming Sts. And 8,000 other druggists In evsry yllliags and city all OTr the United States selling this wonderful preparation today. SHOWING OF NEW Fall and Winter Hats Announcement ol Opening Later. F. M. SCHADELL & CO. 1522 Douglas Street ,.t Styles Machines White Wheeler a Wilson Standard Singer New Home . Domestic 15th and Harney Sts. Schaefer & Son, 2631 North ltth St. Hchaefer's I'ut Price Drug Htuie, lith and louglaa Streets. Prhaefer's rut Price Drug Store, 18th and Chicago Streets. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and CumlnaT. O. II. Wtrth, 4 tnh and Hamilton Sts. Benson, Vsb. eiprague's Benson Pharmacy. onto Omaha. Vsb. J. L. Kubat, 110 North 24th St. Schaefrr's Cut Price Drug 8tores. 401 If ' St.; 24th and N Sts. Connoll Bluffs, Iowa. T Jno. W. Camp, 605 W. Broadway. Dell O. Morgan. 142 West Broadway. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 6th Ar and Main St.