Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Sioux Gain One on Omaha; New York and' Chicago Nationals Win Two and Pittsburg One
cm Mati
, up ft notcn.
He Allows Only Foir Hits, bat
Wllil at Tlmr rr of
Other t.amea la National
8T. LOUI8. 8opt. 8. By defeating Chicago
today In .the Xourth game of the series, Bt.
Loula regained aecond place In the pennant
..race. The score was 4 to 3. Score:
V T. Lorts. CHICAGO.
ton. H 4 A 1 tl MUtin, rf
.. I 1 A
Hantll. . 4 I I I OP. Jrmea, e1..t t
Heidrtek. cf..4 1 I 0 Miouhmr, If I 0 8 0 1
Ferrle. Ih...,4 t 4 t I kwltrwin, lb. 4 t 1
Pchweltaer. rf 4 141 OeTia. lb 1 I
Wll llama. 2h. 4
1 t I OPirenl. aa .... 1 I I 1
T. .Ion., lb.. 4
1 ( t "millla, e... 1 0 1 I
k. 4 C Tannehlll. lb 4 0 I I 6
I Hmlih. e. .. I
Waddnll. .. I
A 4 4 P. Rmllh, p.. I A t I 0
Shaw, a 1 I 1
Totala 14 10 17 JJ 1 Manual, p.
. AttV-
'. .' . Totala...
0 0 0 0 9
1 0 0
. 4 34 10 I
Batted for Manuel In ninth.
Bt. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 4
Chioairo 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 J
Three-base hit: Parent. Hit: Off Smith.
In alt Innings; off Manuel, 1 In two In
ning. Bacririce hlta: Parent, Davis. Stolen
banes: Dougherty, hehwrltxcr. W'llllama.
Double play: Williams to Hartxcll to Jones.
Left on bases: St. Louis. 6; Chicago, 7.
Bases on bslls: Off Wadded, B. Hit with
pitched bull: By Waddell. 1. Struck out:
By Waddell, f: Hv Smith, 1; by Manuel, i.
Wlld plr-W-WalIeM. Time: 1:47. Umpires:
O'Loughlln and Hurst.
Detroit Win. I Ninth.
DETROIT. Sept. 3. Mullen had Cleveland
almt out until the ninth Inning, when a hit
and two errors filled .the hanea with no
. one out.. One, run on Perrlng's secrlt'lce fly
resulted. Crawford, opening Detroit- half,
hit for three bases, and completed the cir
cuit on Purrlngs wild throw to atop nun
from going tlw full route. Both pitchers
did fine work In the pinches. Score:
. . Afl.H.O.A E. 1 AB.H.O.A.B.
Mrlntvre, ' If,. 1 2 I OOnnde. If 4 1 1 (1 i
i-haefer, -aa.. - t t -I Bradley. 3b.. 3 0 1 2
Crawford, cf. 4 I 4 u fcr'll.k. rf I 0 I 1 0
Cobb, rf 4 10 0 OLalole. 2b.... 4 lilt
Rnaamaa, lb.. 4 17 I Suivall. lb ... I 1 I J t
a, c... I ..0 I ; OHrmla. e t 0 10 4
Couahllo; ,1B. I 1 2 -J Btrm'bam. cf. (I 8 0 0
Downs, itt .t.4 0 4 J ti P"rnn. an...l 114 1
Mullln, p.,'... 1 10 1 1 Rhoadea. p .. 4 1 1
. ... . 'Turner 1 0 0 0 t
Tatalt.'.'.C.U II it'll I L i'
Tatars. SO J4 11 I
None' out when winning run acored.
Batted for Birmingham In ninth.
Detroit 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2
Cleveland ..:,.-. V 0 0 0 0 0 11
Two-base Tilts: Schaefer, Cobb. Three-
baae hit: tawfnrrt. Sacrifice hits: Schmidt,
Cotiahllh. 'Tiradlev. Flick. Stovall. Bemia.
Double play: -Klicle to Perrlng. left on
bases: I)etrlt. lli Cleveland. 8. Bases on
balls: Oft Mullln, 1: off Rhoadea. 4. Flrat
baae on errorat Cleveland. I. Struck out:
By Mullln.' ; by Khoades. 2. Time: 1:40.
t'mpirea; Kgan and Sheridan.
Highlanders Heat Athletfra.
NKW YORK. Sett. 3. The locals won
from f iilluflelnlila. ny a sore or 1 to 1
Hogg ivilcbcd, good game and also helped
; - '"ftEAL ESTATE
,' (Contmuer)
In .nort port of city, three blocks from
car. Here is a fine place to raise chicken
and garden and keep a cow. Prlca re
duced from $2,360 to 12.100 for quick sale,
'alius Is your opportunity, so do not delay.
Pavne, Bostwick & Co.,
- Bole Agents.
1 Maiit-Floer N. Y. U Bldff.-
IW-708 3
For Sale
New and thoroughly modern 11-room resi
dence In the West Farnam district, only
$13,600. Can give quick possession.
21 Board of Trade Bldg.
(W)-70 3x
LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 22d
and Cuming flts. (19)-272
We will sell four of the choicest lots In
Florence, within two blocks from car
and .macadam road, on the east slope,
west of 3Uth St.; elegant view; about IS
large applu trees on the lota. Price. $1,100
If aold at once. Several single lota tor
$250 and- $3N each. Will make terms.
HASTINGS at HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St.
. . . . 1S 610 8
Three-story brick warehouse. 06x200. lo
cated at 2d and Pine Sts. ; excellent track
age facilities. Plica only $17,000.
ii n. r. Lite Bldg. (19) eau 6
Is bulling 'seven 7-room dwelling housos
on FOWLA AVENUE, between 25th Ave.
and 27th. SU. one block from Ames Av.
car Una, Id a first class neighborhood.
Thesa houses have sewer, water, gas, eleo
trlclty, cement walks, cement cellar and
up-to-date In every requirement; street Is
to be paved and parked this fall and
trees and shrubbery planted.
These houaea are for sala on terms of
one-fourth cash and balance to suit pur
chaser. Offices) 00 Ware block; Z70S Fowler Av.
(1) M3II7 4
3ll u.K STREET.
BeautlCul new " 6 -room .and bath, full
bricked basement, a,:-tctly modern except
furnace,, two full alseu iota, paved street,
permanent walk, block o car; selling
account no a non-resident; 12,400, u.;
caan, balance $16 per month. Inquire 3101
La lk. or 'phone Webster lft) evenings.
FOR SALE-' Eight-room house for two
families; oak stalra in hall; hardwood
floors, S bath rooms. 3 kitchens; a cellar;
aivet paved and paid for. Inquire on
premlsea evenings. Miami.
U9)-Mt6l Cx
REED ABSTRACT CO.. Eat. 1856. Prompt
service. Get our prices. 1710 Farnam St.
Half block tn Hanacom Park; one block
to car; east front, lot 60x142; paving paid;
7 rooms and bath; $3.2u0.
1001 N. X. X.U: Doug, or A 216?.
. ; ll'tMJlL.-
Ureeley district; wells 25 to 40 feel; abun
dance of moisture: general farming, in
cluding corn raising; one crop pays for
Rot Brandsia Blug. Omaha. Neb.
'. . f t3o)-27S
et a. i highly improved; large barn and
rooms, K.sua
U a. one-half valley, balance rough;
barn 1& stalls; mow 16 tons hay; i-room
house. $.u0ut ' , , lA
aa a., highly lnp. ; In fruit; expensive
Imp.. 4$,6ijl
lit) an. fair improvements; 100 acres till
able. $6.0uu.
ALVA SMITH. Council Bluffs. Ia.
... - , - (( M731 6x
UHEN wrltlna to advertisers remember
. It take but an extra stroke or two of
(i pen to mention tha fact that you
i aaw lU ad In The Bee.
to win with a timely alngle. Morlarlty
played first base In place of Hal Chase,
who haa quit the team. Score:
AB.H O A S. AB H O. A B.
''nnrne. 3b . . 4 0 A I OHanael. It... 4 10
MrllT-en. rf. 4 0 1 OOldrlnf. rf...4 1 1 T
Laaort.. 2h . 4 1 t 4 OBarrr. 2b .... 4 I i 9
mnr!rit. lb. i i i i;Morp. rt...i m vi v
O'Rourk. II. .1 Oil CIXtI. lh...
. 1 1 I
Fen. m
1tS Barr. lb.
. I a i
I t 0
1 I O A
1 t 1 1
Blair, rf..
Hots, p.
, 7 t 0 9 Nb hola. aa.
.10 1 1 0 Blue, t
.11110 .-hrrl. c.
Bander, p..
11 4 17 14 0
Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0
New York 0 0 110
, 2 4 14
0 0 0 0-1
0 0 0 -2
nielli,., hlta- Hirr. O'Rourke. Stolen
baae: Ball. Double play: Ball, La ports
Mnrianiv Left on haaes: Philadelphia,
4: New York. 6. First on balla: Off Hogg.
ntt Ur.r,,inr First base on errors:
Philadelphia, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By
Pender 1. Struck out: Hy Hogg, 4: by
Bender. II. Passed balla: Blue, tS.) Time:
1:45. I mplre: Connolly.
Boston Bnnchea Hlta.
WASHINGTON, Fept. J. Boston bunchedj
hits and two bases on nans in tne lounn
innlr todv off Tannehlll and defeated
Washington. 6 to 2. Feature playa were
muln by l.ord and Wagner at critical
points of the game. Score:
AB.M.n.A.i:. AB.H O A K
M'Cnnnalt. lb 1 0 1 4 f Plrkurlna. cf. 1 L I 1
Lord. b I 1 I 4 lErimo'dion. cf 1 1 0
TTth. If... 4 1 1 1 OOanler. It ... 4 110
Onaalar. rf.... S 1 1 0 Ot'nalaub, lb. . 4
Rtahl. lb....'. 4 10 0 OUelrhantr, lb I
Wagner, aa...4 114 ocirmer, rf...'. 4
fnlllvan, cf.,4 t 10 ! rmmin. lb.. 4
nonnbuc. e... 1 0 0 1 OMcHrlde. aa..4
Burchall, p... 4 0 1 OStreat. n 4
Tannahlll. p.. 1
112 0
1 1 0
1 0
0 1 TJ
0 0 i
Totala 34 7 27 14 i
Totala 14 r II 1
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0-J
Moaton u o o u u l o v o
Stolen base: McConnell. lefton bass:
AVaahlngtnn, S; Boeton, S. Baae on balls:
Off Tannehlll. S; off Burchell, 1. Baae on
errora: Boston, 1. Hit by pitched ball:
By Tannehlll. 2. Struck out: By Tanne
hlll, 2: by Burchell, 4. Time: 1:35. Um
pire: Kvana.
Aaatrallan la Ontgeneraled by A mer
lon a la InflKhtlns.
MELBOURNE. Thursday. Sept. J
"Tommy" Burns, the Arnr1can heavy
weight pugilist, today defeated "Bill" Lang
of Australia in the sixth round..
Lang was outgeneraled by Burns In the
Infighting, and after the first two rounds
the American had It all hla own way.
Honora were comparatively even In the
first round, and In the aecond Lang
knocked Burns off his feet with a heavy
Burns came baik In the third and put
the Australian' on the floor several times
before the latter was counted out In the
Squires haa Issued another challenge to
Marahalltawn Golf Competition.
MAHSIfALLTOWN. la.. Sept. . (Spe
clal.) The twelfth annual golf tournament
for the George R. Morse champlonahlp
cup, emblematlo or the handicap ohanv
plonshlp of the MarshaHtown Country club,
will ue piayea on tne chid s course Men
day. Labor day. The match will be a
eighteen holes, mednl play. The cup was
presented to ine ciuo in hswj ny ueorge K.
Morse of New York City, a former secre
tary of the Iowa Centeral Railroad com
Lindsay Takes Fast Game.
HOWELL8. Neb.. Sept. .-(Sneclal.V
Lindsay defeated Scrlbner here today in
Irrigated land, bench- land, bottom hay
land, hill grazing land, $S to $50 per
acre. The garden spot of Nebraska, Can
ell you any slse you want, from forty
acres of beat land to a 1,600-acre ranch.
Excursions every Tuesday.
For further Information address,
First Floor, New York Life Bldg.,
(20) M72D
Buy a farm In Baudle county, South
Dakota. 'nt-nt ia yielding 15 to 26 buahels
per acre, oata 36 to 60, barley 26 to 40, corn
prospects of SO to 60, and good farms at
enly $26 to $50 per acre. '
For particulars call on D. K. McMonies,
Huron, 8. D. Office over James Valley
bank. (20) M87S
An honest man offers 640 acres, good, fer
tile and smooth land.- near main line of
the Union Pacific railroad In Nebraska:
near school; near neighbor; good farm
oluae by; telephone near; is on public road;
only $S50 per acre; terms; values advanc
ing. Write Y4M, car Omaha Daily Bee,
(20)-M714 fx
8lx, 10 or 20 acres, Starr's Place, south
west of city, 61st St., aouth of Grover;
Joins new Lane Cut-Off, $2(0 per acre;
terms to suit. J. A. Starr, 1310 S. 31st St.
(20) M 710 6x
FOR SALE 040 acres unimproved wheat
land In Trego county, Kanaaa; a snap;
$16 per acre. Must b. jsold. lkx l, Oi
tumwa, la. (34 M67 4x
1 HAVE 10 Improved farms In' Kansas that
must be sold at once. Sell cheap. Box
3uu, Ottumwa, la. (20) M674 6x
oath Dakota.
A FEW bargains In South Dakota land.
Raising In value very fast. No better
land in the United States. See us about
this and Join our excursion up there next
month. Oils Land Co., 402 Brandela Hlk.
(20) M296 SeptlS
" Wyoming. .
160.000 acres of rich Irrigated land, in the
Eden Valley -of southern Wyoming; per
petual water rights furnished stttiers
. under Carey act of congresa. The great
est opportunity ever offered cldxena of
the United States by the federal govern
ment and state of Wyoming T own u
rich irrigated farm. Cheap ra'e excur
sions. Fur full particulars write or se
the Globb Land and Investment Co.. 312
S. 18th til.. Omaha. Neb. 120) M915
100.0011 acre of weatern Nebraaka and east
am Colorado improved and unimproved
landa at $6 to $16 per acre; any ixe tract.
Fine crops. Write or come and see us.
Globe Land and Investment Co., 312 S.
18th St., Omaha; ()-?7
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O'Keefe K. E. Co.. 1001 N. Y. life Bldg,
money to loan on
Omaha business property.
Room 1, New York Life Bldg.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith & Co., UZ Farnam St.
WANTED City loans.
Paters Truit Co.
t22) 2ao
Private money, $&U0 to $6,0uu. Low rate.
t22) 2S3
22 286
$l(i0 TO $in.(Si0 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
W.'id Bldg., lath and Farnam. (22j 2Sa
one of the fsstest games ever rlayed on
the Howell's diamond. Score:
Lindsay 0 000010000 -T
8, rlbner 0 0040100000 0-1
Batteries: Scrlhner. Casle and Jenson;
l.lndsav; Buckmaster and Herman. I'm
nlr. rivnrak Time: 2:00.
Buckmaster atruck out If men, while
Casle had i to hla credit. Each side Is
credited with 10 aafe hits.
Beaedlet Defeats Waco.
BKNED1CT. Neb.. Sept. J.-Benedlct de
feated Waco on the home grounda thla
afternoon by a score of 7 to J. Score by
Waco 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-3
Rensllct S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 X 7
Thrce-baae hits: Baastnger, Myera. Two
base hit: B. Oelger. Hits: Waco, 6;
Benedict, 7. Struck out: By Wlnneaecker,
6; by Bavstnger, 10. Umplna: Karrer and
Feature of the game was the three
aa.'ker by Bnsalnger, with the bases full
In the first Inning.
Ilnyea Withdraws from Athletics.
NEW YORK, Sept. 2. The withdrawal
from amateur athletic ranks of John J.
Hayes, winner of the Marathon race at
the Olympic games In London recently, was
announced today In a letter wfltten by
I Hayes, resigning hla membership In the
Amateur Athletic union. Hayee' engage
ment in appear on ine vaunevme aiage in
thla city and elsewhere In the near future
was announced last night.
D. Grant la Beaten.
NEWCASTLE, 8ept. 3-D. Grant, the
Amerlifan golf player, was beaten In the
fifth round of the Irish golf championship
contest today by R. G. Graham, S up and 1
to play.
Games In Thrre-1 l.eaaae.
At Rock Island Rock Island, 6; Peoria, 3.
At Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids. 9: De
catur, 1.
At Dubuque Dubuque, 4; Springfield, 3.
Another BUy Wanderer la Foand hy
Prof. Morehonse of Drake
t nlverslty.
LAKE GENEVA, Wis., Sept. S.-Dlrector
Edwin B. Frost of the Yerkea observatory
tonight announced the discovery of a new
comet through photographic observatlpns
made by Prof. D. W. Morehouse of Drake
university of Des Moines. The presence
of the comet was revealed today upon de
velopment sf three photographic plates ex
posed In three cameras last night. It Is
clearly defined and has a tail several de
grees long, and was found In the con
stellation Camelopardus. remaining above
the horlson throughout the night. Its
position was three hours and twenty min
utes of right ascenalon and 67 degrees
north declination. The visual brightness,
Prof. Morehouse said, could not be
stated until after further observations
had been made, but will probably be vis
lDie tnrougn an opera glass. The new
comet, he said, had no connection with
Halley's comet. Prof. Morehouse has been
engaged during the summer In graduate
work at Yerkes observatory In astronom
ical photography under direction of Prof.
Bee want ads are business boosters.
Paxton Block.
- t22) 281
MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co.
(as) as
$600 to $200,000 at current rates.
W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat. Bank Bldg.
(22) 282
WANTED Farms for cash customers. W.
H. tturke, Ulilton Springs, N. Y.
. (23)-MS86 4x
HIGHEST prices for 2d-hand furniture, car
pets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Douglas 3971,
(25) 398
WANTED To buy for cant!. Ice and coal
Dusineas in gooa town in lowa or .Ne
braska. State price and equipment In
rirat letter. Address U. is. Farnswortn,
Cresco, la. (25) M066 6
RIGHT prices paid for 2d-hand furniture,
carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red
64U1. . !) 097
WANTED Upright piano. Send descrip
tion and lowest price for csh. Address
i tz, nee. (i) Mi S3 x
FURNISHED room desired by young gen
tleman, with board, vicinity postof:loe.
Address C 126, care Bee. (2t 687 4x
By man and wife, 6 or 7-room all modern
house, In gooa location; reasonable rent
Address D 126, care Bee, tai) 6io 4x
BOY 20 years, would like place wltn re
sponsible house to learn trade. Tel. Web.
isu, can evenings. . i-j ow box
LINOTYPE operator, newa or Job; union
W. H. oarunar, 4U . ran, inaepena
ence, Kan. (21) MObs 4x
YOUNG Japanese wants position In saloon
as porter; experienced; speaks good En
gllsh. Fred M. Uato. 723 8. 9th St.
(27 )-M730 Jx
STOVE. FURNACE, STEAM and hot water
boiler repairs; water fronts.
1206-8 Douglas Bt. -Telephone
Bell Douglas 960.
Omaba, Nebraska, August $, 190$.
To the Sto k holders:
Notice Is Lereby given, that fhs annual
meeting of the stockholders of 'Abe Sioux
City and Western Railway company Will
be held at the office of the company la
South Bloux.Clty, Nebraska, at ten (lu)
o'clock a. m., on Thursday, October 16, 19os,
to elect directors for the ensuing year ana
to act upon the question of selling ths
rsllivad property and franchise of this com
pany to the Chicago, Burlington at VJuincy
Railroad company, the railroad and prop
erty aforesaid being now under lease to
said company, and for the transaction of
such other business aa may legally com
before the meeting.
By order of the Board of Directors.
' Secretary.
A 4(1 tot
' maater Fort Mackenzie, Wyo., August 4.
ISO. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be
received at thla office until 10 a. m.
(mountain time) September 6, 19, for the
construction of macadam reads, curbs,
drains and gutters at Fort Mackenxie,
Wyo. Plans and specifications may be
sn at offices of Chief Quartermaster
Denver, Omaha, Chicago and St. Paul,
Depot Quartermaster St. Louis, and at this
office, at which latter place all infor
mation may be obtained. United States
reserves the right to accept or reject any
or all proposals or any part thereof.
Proposals should be Inclosed in sealed
envelopes marked, "Prcpoaala for Roads,"
addressed L. E. Hohl, Second Lieutenant
Nineteenth Infantry, Constructing Quarter
master. - A4-7 6-10 fcUM.
OF Vara inijma
l-ow rates; zaai time; excellent service. Aak
any ticket agent for particulars or write.
39 to. Claik Ml. Chicago, ZU.
Fits Strong and Well Supported in the
Tifht Places.
HogrleTer Is Batting Hero, Making;
Three lilts Omaha Rallies la
the Math, hat All In
Pueblo, 5; Omaha, 4.
Omaha lost yesterday's game to Pueblo
chiefly because it didn't play the right
sort of ball at the right time. Six errors,
some of them costly, are chargtd against
the Champs. The Champs didn't hit Fits
gerald a time or two when hits meant
runs. That was bad. Sanders passed the
first man up in the fifth Inning and three
others hit him safely, one for a two
bagger, and Harry Welch stepped on his
foot and bit his chin in an altercation with
the ball In center field. All these liUlj
things had a deleterious- effect
Three members of the Champs did not
make an error. They were Meacrs. King,
Bclden and Sanders.
This man FltxgeraJJ had a big lien1 In
the offense. And that iBn't all, he did the
same thing to Pa's Champs the last time
he faced them on the home lot. The fact Is
Fltr. is some pltoher, although he did wulk
five men, agalrst Sanders' two, and fanned
only three, against Sanders' six. The bad
part was that both men Sanders walked
got over the 'plate.
Pueblo ran a little wild at that. It was
minus its long manager, Patterson, who Is
nursing a spiked leg in a Denver hotel.
Hogrlever covered second and Mltze third
Smith, who with Patterson. Is sold to the
St. Louis Browns (In a pig's eye), had a
lump over one eye as big as a turtle, but
he staid behind the bat anyway.
How It Happened.
Omaha winked out gently In Its first
round, but In the second not so gently
It came near scoring. Austin opened with
hit and, much to. the amaxement of
those gents from the west, went to third
on Belden's neat little sacrifice bunt
Franck poked a harmless little affair down
to Hoggy between first and second and It
looked like Jimmy might have scored, but
he was beaten by Hoggy's throw easily.
Pueblo started the thing1 off with a score.
Sanders passed Spencer after disposing of
Hoggy. Spencer stole second and went to
third on Gondlng's throw and home on
Mattlcka' single after two were out
Omaha got busy a little In the third.
After Sanders want out Fisher hit safe to
left. Fltx got a little groggy and passed
King and Autrey, filling the buses. Autrey,
by the way, was passed three times. Welch
scored Fisher on a fly out to Spencer and
Austin sent King over the plate on a little
grounder to Hoggy, which Hoggy fumbled.
Chick was thrown out trying to score on
the play also. The Champs were able to
get man on bases In every Inning follow.
Ing, but could not score until the ninth,
when they assumed an air of real peril
to Pueblo. Sandera had gone out from
Hoggy to Clark when Red Fisher sent a
fly to left, which Spencer let get away
from him. Red took second on the muff.
King then laced the ball out through Mr.
Hogrlever so furiously that that venerable
gent didn't know whether he had been ahot
or Just stabbed. Fisher crossed the plate
in a trot and King sped on to third. Autrey
failed at hitting safely, but put one down
to short on which King scored. Welch
walked, but was forced at second by Aus
tin, Hoggy to Corhan.
King and Fisher scored two runs each
and King helped Red over the plate once.
Franck made a double and a single, but
was unable to cash either in.
Pneblo Cinches It.
Pueblo cinched the game In the fifth
with those three runs. Fltx was walked,
Hoggy hit safely, being the batting hero of
the day with three corking singles; Spencer
fanned and Smith drove the ball to center,
scoring Fltx. Welch should have got the
ball and held Smith at first, but he played
William Trlmbletoe with It awhile, finally
throwing It somewhere and Hoggy scored.
Mattlcks sent Smith across the plate with
a hit. Banders held the Indians at his
mercy after that, which was too late.
The same teams play today. Game called
at 3:45. Attendance, 700.
The score:
AB. R. II. O. A.
Fisher. 1f
King. 2b
Autrey, lb....
Welch, cf
Austin, 3b....
Belden, rf....
Franck, ss...
Gondlng, c...
Sanders, -p...
36 .
27 12
Hogrlever, 2b..
Spencer, If
Smith, o
Mattlcka, cf
Clark, lb
Miller, rf
Corhan, ss
Mitie. 3b
Fitzgerald, p..,
Totals 37
8 27 10
Three-base hit: King. Two-base hits:
Frunck, Smith. Sacrifice hlta: Welch. Bel
den, Miller. Stolen bases: Austin, France,
Spencer 2. Bases on liallB: Off Sunders,
2; off Fitzgerald, 6. Struck out: By San
ders. 4; by Fitzgerald, 3. Left ort bares:
Omaha, 6; Pu?blo, 4. Double play: Auttn
to Autrey. Passed ball: Gonding. Time:
1:40. Umpire: Davis.
Wltherop's 1'ltcblntr Too Much for
Greenhat-kers to Solve.
LINCOLN. Neb.. SeDt. 3 . Wit heron's
pitching mystified the Greenbackers today,
and the taileuders grabbed a closely con
tested game by a 3 to 2 score. Lincoln had
a splendid chance to pull the game from the
fire in the ninth, when, with one run in.
the basis full and only one out, Weigart
hit Into a double play, and the expected
rally failed to materialise. One-handed
stops by Prltchett r.d Fitxpatrlck were tho
iteming reaturea. A great crowd of slate
fair visitors saw the game. Score:
AB. R.
Murphy, rf 4 0
Fox, 2b 3 0
Jude, If 2 0
Davldaon, cf 4 1
Henry, lb 3 0
Gagriier, as 4 0
Prltchett, 3b 4 0
Wlegart, c 4 0
Jones, p 3 1
Totals 31 3
H. O. A. E.
110 1
0 2 0 0
0 3 0 1
0 2 0 0
0 10 0 0
113 0
12 3 0
0 6 10
114 0
4 27 10 2
H. O. A. E.
110 0
0 3 4 2
2 1(1 0 0
115 0
2 10 0
3 3 0 0
10 10
12 10
10 4 4)
U 27 19 2
0 0 0 0 1-2
0 0 0 0 0-3
AB. R.
Fkmrooy. If 4 0
Fitxpatrlck, 2b 4 0
Dwyer, lb 4 0
t'hjulnard, as 4 0
Olmatead, cf 4 3
Dexter, rf 4 1
Niehoff, 3b 4 O
Heckimer, c 4 0
Witherup, p 4 0
Totals 30 3
Lincoln 0 0 1
lMm Moines 0 2 1
Two-base hit: Wltherup. Double plays:
Jones to Henry; Wltherup to Heckimer to
Dwyer. Stolen baae: Olmstead. Sacrifice
hit: Fttspatrick. Left on bases: Lincoln
(; Des Momes, 8. Struck out: By Jonea, 4;
by Wltherup, L Base on balls: Off Jones,
2; off Wttfverup, 4. Passed ball: Hecki
mer. Time: 1.40. Umpire: Black. At
tendance: 2.600.
Lincoln won an exhibition game from
Standing of the Teams
W. I Pet
.M 69 .RSI
W. L. Pet
Omaha 7 : '. Iiulsvl!le
4ioux Cit.74 t4 .";u!nd'n-polls -M Ml
Lincoln ....H 86 .511 IColumbus .10 3
Denver Hfi M .RtiViYtedo 7 51 M
Pueblo 69 6 .4K!Minneap's .9 70 .!,
Des Molnes 48 S3 .36; K n s Clty..M 74 .471
Milwaukee 4 -l
St. Paul. ...41 99 .SO
W. L. Pet. AMER. league.
M w York. 7.1 'l!lDetrolt ...." 49 .fix
Pittsburg ..71 47 .612 St. liuls..6S Hi .667
I'hU'Hgo ...14 4K .;, Chicago ... o3 .b3
FhU'elphla . 62 .6.V, Cleveland .R7 65 .649
( ineinnutl .6 61 .4r.'t'hiia rp a .t t .
Boston 60 71 .41-1 Koston M
Brooklyn ..43 70 .H2iW hngton .60 7 .427
St. Louis. ..43 77 .369Nuw l'otk.40 ttl Ml
Western League Pueblo at Omaha,
Denver at Sioux City, Des Moines at
National League Boston at Brooklyn,
New York at Philadelphia, Chicago at
1 Ittsburg.
American League St. Louis at Chl
caao. Detroit at Cleveland. Washington
at New York, Philadelphia at Boston.
Des Moines fn the afternoon by a score of
6 to 0.
I amble to Connect with Hla Curves
to Any Kxtent.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Sept. 3 Pitcher Al
derman, the Sioux's new lefthanded re
cruit from the Ohio and Pennsylvania
b-ngue, whs very near tho who)..- works
todav and Sioux City had little difficulty
In defeating Denver by a Uecwive score.
Adams aa ineffective and was hit hard
In five of the innings. There was no ques
tion of the outcome of the game from
the start and it was Indlf terently played
on both sides. Score:
11. H. O. A. lv.
110 0$
1 0 (I 0 0
1 2 8 0 0
S 2 12 1 1
2 2 0 4 0
0 0 14 0
0 1111
0 19 10
0 1110
1 10 27 12 3
R. H. O. A. E.
0 0 2 1 0
0 10 2 0
0 110 0
(I 0 1 0 1
0 0 6 0 0
114 10
0 10 10
112 0 9
0 2 9 2 1
0 0 0 6 0
2 7 24 U
0 2 4 1 0 0 8
0 0 10 0 1 02
Campbell, If ..
(Tumi, cf
Green, if
Weed, lb ....
Oranvillu, as
Andreas, 2t .
Welch. 3b ..
Shea, c
Alderman, p
, 6
Waldron, cf ...
lielilen, 2b ...
Cassady, If ...
W hhe, lb ,
Zaluxky, lb .....
Irwin, l
Bohunnon, rf .
Klnneaily, ss ..
McDonough, c
Adajria, p
.. 4
.. 4
Totals 35
Sioux City 0 1
Denver 0 0
Two-base bits: Granville (2). McDonough.
Sacrifice hiti: Andreas. Alderman. Stolen
bases: I'rum (3), Green, Andreas, Campbell
(3). Leiden. Basis on balls: Off Alder
man, 3; off Adams, 2. Struck out: By
Alderman, 2: by Adams, 7. Wild pitches:
Adams, 3. Hit by pitched bail: Weed,
Crum, Belden. Time: 2:06. Umpires: Bren
nan BJid Haskell. Attendance; 41,000.
Maakette Wins the Great f illy Stake
at Sheepahead Bay.
SHEEPSHEAD BAY, N. Y.. Sept." $.
James R. Keene's entry ran one, two In
the Great Eilly stakes, six furlongs, today
when the futurity winner, Maskette, won,
with Wedding Bells second and Lady
Bedford third. Maskette displayed a won
derful turn of speed. She carried top
weight, 127 pounds, and after being out
run to the bend, took the lead and won.
Mediant broke away in front, followed
by Wedding Bells and Lady Bedford.
Mediant continued to show the way for
the first half of a mile, when she began
to tire, and Maskette saving ground on
the turn, took' the lead and won by a
length. Wedding Bells was three lengths
before Lady Bedford.
Dorante ran a grand race when he won
the Twin Citv handicap, one mile and a
quarter, in the fast time of 2:03. He
was badly cut off and knocked back at
the far turn, but Lee put him under the
whip, and saving ground .on both turns,
won under a drive by half a length.
Stamina went Into the lead soon after the
start and forced a fast pace. At the far
turn she was leading by a length and con
tinued to show the way to the stretch.
Dorante, coming through on the rail,
won by half a length from Master Rob
ert, with Stumlna third. Trance won the
Autumn Maiden stHke. Summary:
First race, Brookdale Nymph handicap;
mares all ageB; 15)0 added; S1 furlongs,
main course: Jeanne D'Arc (102, McCar
thy), won; Notasulga, this, Notterl, sec
ond: Brookdale Nymph (120, K. Dugan),
third. Time: 1:1!H,. Six O'Olook, Kond
Heart. Number One and Tea Leaf ran.
Second race, the Autumn, 2-year-olds,
$2,0ii0 added; C furlongs, futurity course:
Trance (109, McDanlel), won; Sea Cliff,
(1(10, E. Duganl. aecond: Bobbin, (112.
Butler) third. Time: 1:124. Edward and
Sehlesswlg ran; Seacllffe and Bobbin cou
pled. Third race, the Great Filly: fillies 2-year-old;
$.i,0uo added; furlongs, futurity
course: Maskette (127, Notter), won; Wed
ding Bells (119, K. Dugan), aecond; Ijdy
Bedford 1. Schilling), third. Time:
1:124. Lady Hubbard end Mediant ran.
Fourth race, Twin City handicup. 3-year-olds
and up; guaranteed cash value. $3.0o0;
mile and a quarter. Dorante (107, J.,
won; Master Robert tl03. Butler), sec
ond; Stamina (107, E. Dugan), third.
Time: 2:03. Frank Gill, Philander,
Dandelion, Angelus, Monfort and Homo
Again ran.
Fifth race, the Morello handicap, 3-year-olds
and up; $ added; mile and one-sixteenth,
turf course: Zienup (90, Upton),
. . n i. 1 , r ... ...... v. ., , .......... .
XiLady Winifred l:'f7, E. Duiian), third.
a I time: 147. Miss Crawford and D'Arkle
Sixth race, the Delhi, alt ages, selling,
$f0o added: mile: Sea Wolf (113, Schilling),
won; Bad Newa (116, Notter), second;
Black Oak llfl7. I-each). third. Time:
1:40. Engler and Gilding Belle ran dead
heat. Sea Wolf and Bad News rn.
TE.M 11, A Y
Heaver and Hank Defeat Ramsey aad
Cordea la Doubles.
CINCINNATI. t., Sept. 3-In the morn
ing play of the Tri-State tennia tourna
ment yesterday in the men's singles, Ernest
Oubray, practically unknown 111 tennis, de
feated E. P. Garrison -S. 7-6, 6-3.
In the fourth round of the men's
singles C. Lockhorn defeated Guido Gores,
6-3. 4-6. 7-6.
Owing to the sudden death of his
father. W. D. Breed defaulted In the fifth
round to H. H. Bates.
MUa Natallle Breed, Ills sister, also de
faulted In tho women's singles to Miss
Ruth Kinney.
P. B. Hawk of Philadelphia beat Earl F
Little of Cincinnati in straight sets, 6 1,
6 3.
In the men s doubles, the let game
was that of Beaver of Massachusetts and
Hawk of Philadelphia, agalnxt Rainey and
Corfles. The out-of-town by wonderfully
good tennis won, 713, 0-2, t-3.
Cole, who was to have muted with
Breed In the doubles, failed to find a
partner In time and defaulted to Tyler and
Btickert, too, failed to find a partner
in lime, and defaulted to Brasher and
In the ladies' singles, Adele Kruse, a
little girl, beat Mrs. S. M. Hanisey, 6-4,
Miss Martha Klnsey, who was runner-up
to May Button tor the championship last
year, defeated Miss Ruth Sanders, t-2, 4-4.
In the mixed doubles, Mlsa Martha Kln
sey and Will Hopple defeated Miss Doro
thy Matthews and Harry Pugh. 0-4. t-S.
Jeremiah W( Wins 3i85 Trot front
Twins In fast Tim.
LINCOLN, Sept. 3. The largest crowd for
many years saw the state fair racea yes
terday. Chief Interest centered in I lie 2:36
trot, purse tl.uuo. which was won in the
fast time of 2:lo' by Jeremiah, with Twin
8. second and Captain Aubrey third. Elsie
H. waa first in the 2:30 pace, for a pura
of tl.uoo. Gomsko, second, and Lucy Mary,
third. Best time: 2:16V
The best time of the race meeting was
made by Bird H. in the 2:18 pace, which
won the race. Ottawa Boy was second,
and Queen of the West was bird. Best
Overall BUnks St. Lonii in. First
Game, Allowing- Bat Three Hits.
Tero raaaea la (Hath Inalnat Allow
Only Rana Made hy Yleltor
cores of Other .National
Leagne Games.
CHICAGO. Sept. 3 Roth games were
easy for the locals today Overall blanked
the visitor In the first, allowing but thr?e
scattered singles. Pfelster would have
duplicated the act In the second game had
he not been a trifle wild in the sixth in
ning, two passes, a low throw by Stelnfeldt
ard a single saving the whltewtiKh. The
locals hit all four of the visiting pitchers
freely and generally for extra bases.
Score, first game:
AB.H.O. A.K. AB.H.O A. B
Hoiman. cf.., 8 II Shaw, cf 1 I I J
ghactars. II.. 4 2 I 0 Charles, lb... 4 1 I 1
fnanrs. lb... 4 4 10 0 t.udwls. C....4 4
ETra. Sb 3 0 1 Murray. It.. . 4 0 I U I
Stolnfalilt. lb. 4 0 1 t e Kunatrhr. lb. I
Srhulla. rf . ... I 1 I C 0 tlelrhaiitr. If. I
Tinker, aa.... I I 1 Hvrna, lb. .... I 0
4 1
0 1 0
0 1
0 0
0 0
Klna. c I 0 " Mnrr:a. 3b
Overall e 3 0 V 2 0 Halllr. aa.
iMtit. p.. .
Total 1 to !7 11 rWh. p..
.MurdiX'k ,
. I
, 0 0
. t 1
. 0 0
. 1 0
Totala SO 4 34 U 3
Batted for Morris In eighth.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 -6
St. Louis 0 00000000-0
Two-base hits: Chance (2), Hofman.
Three-base hit: Shaw. Home run; Chanv.
lllla Off Lush. S m seven nnj one-third
Innlucs. Sacrifice bit: Slinw. Stolen buses:
Scliuite. Chance, Evers. Double pluy: Lud
wlg to Morris. Left on buses: Chicago,
3; HC Ixiuls, 4. Bases on balls: Off Lush.
3. Base oil error: Chicago, 1. Struck nut:
By Overall, 6; by Lush, 3. Wild pitch:
Lush. Time; 1.25. Umpire: Itigler. Score,
sveond game:
AH H O A R. AB.H.O. A.K.
lala. cf t 1 t il OShaw. cf 1 1 1 0 0
theckard, If.. I II OCharlea, b...( 111
Chance, lb... 4 1 11 1 I Monn. e 6 0 6 0 1
Kvera, ib 4 I 1 0 Murray, rf...l 1 0 0
Btelnleldt, lb. I I I I I Knnatchy. lb. 4 I 1 0
Rohulta. rf....4 t 0 II 0 Palahanty, If. 4 0
Tinker, aa.... 4 let hyrne, lb.... 4 1
Kilns, c 4 1 t 0 OMorrla. aa.... I 0
Plalatrr. p.... I 12 1 7) Raymond, p.. 1
Oalter, p 1 0
Totala U It 37 It :Murdock .... I
8 0 0
0 1 1
4 V
0 4 0
1 0
o it e
0 0
1 0
36 T I il 2
Batted for Galser In ninth.
Batted for Shaw In ninth
Chicago 1 0 2 0 0 3 1 1 8
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 2 u 0 0-2
Two-base hits: Konetchy, Scliuite, Shaw.
Three-base hits: Eve is (2). lilts: Off Ray
mond, 8 in six and two-thirds innings.
Sacrifice hit: Morris. Stolen bases; Shtck
ard, Schulte, Pfelster, Slagle. Double
playa: . Ruyuiond ' to Morris to Konetchy,
Morris to Charles. Left on bases: Chicago,
St. Louis. 10. Bases on balls: O.f
Pfelster. 3; off Rsmond, 2; off Oaiser. X
Buses on errors: St. Louis, 2. Struck out:
By Pfelster, 6; by Raymond, 1; by Oaiser,
2. Wild pitch: Raymond. Time; 1:57. Um
pire: R'.glcr.
Giant Take a Pair.
BOSTON, Sept. 3.-New York repeated its
feat of Tuesday by winning two games
from Boston today before a small crowd.
Both games were hard fought, but the
timely hitting of the visitors enabled them
to win. There was some spectacular play
made by each team, the New York men
having four double plays to their credit
In the first contest and Boston one. Mc
Glnnlty pitched the first game for the
visitors and his good work with men on
buses wul a feature.
In the second game New York found
Dorner easy and he was taken out In the
third. Chappelle, who succeeded him,
pitched Well and was taken out In the
eighth to allow Bates to bat, when it
looked as though Boston had a chance to
tie the score. Ames waa Invincible up to
the seventh, but three hits and a base on
balls off him In that inning caused his
retirement. Mathewaon went lit to save the
game, but after the visitors had scored
three runs In the ninth through Ferguson's
witdness, ' Taylor was substituted. Man
ager McGraw was put off the field for dls.
putlng with Umpire Klem. Score, first
NBW TOR. boston.
. AB.H.O. A. B. AB.H. O.A. 3.
Tannay. It... I I It U 0 Becker. rf....4 14 0 0
DoVIa, Ib 4 0 1 8 0 Bates. If 4 3 1 0
Br niban. 0. 4 1 3 0 0 Beaumont, cf. 4 2 1 0 0
Donlla. If.... 4 1 4 0 MoOann. ib.. 4 I 10 II 0
Sevmour. cf.. 8 til 0 Hannlfan. ib. I I I 11
iwrllh. 3b.... 4 3 0 3 tmahlaa. BI....3 12 10
MuCorm'k, rf. 4 1 0 0 0 Swaaner, 3b.. 1 0 1 1
Brldwall, aa.. t I 4 i OOraham. c... 8 0 13 0
MiQInnltr. p. I 0 0 i PUndaman. p.. 8 1 0 4 0
-Hrowne 1 1 w u w
Totala It 117 14 0 rerguioo, p.. 0 0 0 0
totala 80 t 27 13 1
Batted fur Llndaman in the eighth.
New York O 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 03
Boston .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hit; Beaymont. Hlta: Off
Llndaman, 8 in seven Innings; off Fergu
son, 1 in one inning. Sacrlfca hit: Brld
well. Double plays: Seymour to Tenney;
Doyle to Tenney; McGlnnity to Brldwell to
Tenney; Brldwell to Tenney; Graham to
Dahlen. Left on bases: New York, 4;
Boston. 5. Base on balls: Off Llndaman,
1; off McGlnnity, 2. Struck out: By Llnd
aman. 1; by Ferguson, 1. Wild pitch: Llnd
aman. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Klem and
8core, second game:
Tannar! lb... 6 tit 0 0 Becker. rf....4 1 0 ') 0
Dona. Ib 4
Uraanahan. e. 4
1 1
1 0 Hrownr. 11 4 1 z a u
0 0 Beaumont, cf 4 1 4 0 )
1 0 MrUann. lb.. 8 0 11 2 0
0 0 Hannlfan. 2b. 4 0 2 4 0
4 0 Dahlan. aa.... 4 1 6 6 0
0 0 Sweeney, lb. . 4 3 2 1
8 0 Hmith. e 4 i 1 1 0
t t Dornar, p.... 0 0 0 8 0
0 1) owarmaa . . 1 0 0 0 '0
0 I
Donlln. rf.... 4 t 0
Seymour, cf.. lit
Davlln. 8b.... 8 11
MK'nrm'k, rf. I 1 1
Brldwall .aa.. 4 t t
Amea, p 3 0 0
Mathawaoa, p 1
Tar lor. p 0
1 A
OtOt Chappella. p. 1 0 0 1 0
Batea 0 0 0 0 0
Total! 84 17 ll 0 Perxunon, p.. 0 0 0 0 0
Orih.ra 1 0 ft 0
Totala 3t 8 27 11 ,
Batted for Dorner In the third.
Hatted for Chairpelle In the eighth.
Batted for Ferguson In the ninth.
New York 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 38
Boston 0 000008026
Two-base hits: Donlln, Browne, Sweeney.
Hits: Off Dorner, e in three innings; off
Chappelle, 1 In five Innings; off Ferguson,
3 in one inning; off Ames, 6 In seven In
nings; off Taylor, i In three innings. Sac
rifice hit: McCorrnick. Stolen bases: Mc
cormick, Beaumont, McGann, Bates. Left
on baaes: New York, 4; Boston, 6. Base
on errors: Now York. 1. Hit by pitched
ball: By Chapelle, Devlin. Slruck out:
By Ames, 8; by Mathewson. !; by Taylor.
1. Time: 1:80. . Umpires: Johnstone and
Brooklyn Loses Pair.
PHILADELPHIA, gept. 3 -Philadelphia
made a clean sweep of the keiles of tlve
game with Brooklyn by winning today's
double-header. 1 Score, first game;
AB.H.O. A C. AB.H O.A. i
Grant, Ib I I I ! Burrb. rf 0 I 3 0 0
Knabe, Ib ...I Oil "McMillan, cf.. a 130
Tltua. rf 3 8 10 1 Hummel, If... 5 10 0 0
Masee. If 4 3 10 t Jordan, lb ... 2 1 0
Branaflel. lb 4 8 8 i OAlpermaa. 2b. 4 I 8 I 0
o.borna. cf... 4 2 1 0 bewte. aa 4 0 14 0
Doolln. aa....t 0 18 0 Rhehan. 3b . 8 8 2 1
Doom, c 8 I 4 1 Oilmen, a.... 4 0 4'4
Poien. p $ 0 1 0 Holmea, p.... 8 0 0 0 t
Mr.Qullleo. p. iMaloney I I 0 A 0
Lumiay 1 0 0 0
ToUla II ll 27 14 1
Tola la 87 10 24 13 4
Batted for Holmes In ninth.
Batted for Lewis In ninth.
Biooklyn 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-1
Philadelphia 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 -7
Two-base hits: McMillan, Titus. Dooln.
Three-base hit Mugee. Home run: Ma
lum y. Hits: Off Foxen, 9 In eight Inn im;
off McOutllrn, 1 in one Inning. Sacrifice
hits: Alperman. Titus, Dooln, lon.
Stolen bates: Mugee, Branafield, Giant.
Double plays: Iewis, Alperinan to Jor
dan; Grant, Knabe to Bransfie'd. Left
on baaes: Biooklyn, 10: Plillalf lphla, 6.
liases on bulls: Off Holmea. 3; off Foxen,
t; off McQulllen, 1. Struck out: ly Holm, a.
$; by Foxen, 3. Bases on erors: Brooklyn,
4. Hit by pitched ball: By Foxen, 1. Wild
r ff eUREO WITHOUT Tttl ttnirC. All Reetal Dims treated upon a pel
J II M wh. (uevrantae. he money te be paid Cll aured. A solid treaimant. Without the uae
I ILLlJ el Ghisraaorai, Ither or otliei general anaatthatica, laaminatioa KRtS. Write
tTO-DAY lor free keek en Heotal Oieestae with TwatMnexkiaia. .
DR. C. R. TARRY. 224 Dee Dulldlng, Omaha. Neb.
Time: Umpire: E-n-
Hiote. 1 nml game:
! Grant. h .... 4 I
1 .' c nr rf .lilts
4 4(1 MrMHIan. I f. 4 S t
It I .1 Hummi-i, If... S t
II Jordan. Ib 4 0 II
o OAlenrman. IK 11 U I
4 S a Urvla. aa. .... 4 I t 1 0
Ktiaha. ;b. . . . 4 2
Tiiua. rf I
Maare. It ... 4
linn. Ill-Id. lb 4 I
Oleoma, cf. .. 4 I
3 14 2 0 snhan. Jb . I o t I i
, t S . t I l'"rn. r .. I A I I
. I 4 . 1 Partorlua. p .t 1 t 0
i,,jntlv I 0 0 I
31 10 57 10 1 harnirr t 0 0 0
Prmln. c.
Richie, p.
Total ..
Totala it 14 14 I
Halted for Rergrn In ninth.
Patted for Pusiorius In ninth.
Brooklyn 1 O 0 0 0 0 0 ft ot
Philadelphia . 4 1 O 0 1 0 9 0 -
Two-base hits: Alrernisn, Bvansfleld
(! Three-base hit: Knae. Sacrlf ce
hits: Hummel. Time. Triple play: I'hs
torlus, Alprrmnn to Jordan. Lclt cm buerst
ltrooklyn. X; Philadelphia, . Pases on
bails: Off I'asti'ilus. S. off Richie, 2.
liases on errors: Brooklyn. 2; Philadelphia,
1. Ptruek out: By Psslorlus. 1, by Richie,
6. Puased hulls: Dooia. Tune: 1:32. Um
pire: Emsile.
Pirates Wlm from Peda.
81NCINNA1I. ScH. 3.-PIHhurg tiled a
new pitcher named Brande.t. late of Kan
sas City American association team. He
held Cincinnati to one run. Krrors were at
the bottom of all runs scored by the vis
itors. Score:
AB.H. Q.A E. . . AB.H.O A. E.
Shannon, cf . 4 1 4 Palrr. ft 4 1 0
Clarke. If 4
krach. 3b 4
t I A 4nutsl. :th. 3 t
0 I I CK.ur. c 10
0 3 2 3 1-nrM.rt. aa 4 0 3
i 0
(I A
A 0
Wanner, ai. .. 4
Ot II. lh.
.3 0 10 1 uOantel. In ... I 1 II
Ah'ttchlo. 2b. 4
Wllaon, rf.... S
Oltwon. c 8
Brandon, p... 4
0 1 I vMnwret. It... 1 1
10 0 1 U.:Lan, r.... 4
0 1 1 OC'niilann. If... 8
t I
0 t
t 1 i ) thihur.
--ischial ...
Totala 13 6 27 10 I
Batted for Dubuo In ninth.
,.M 4 Sf lo 3
0 0 0 0-1
Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 0
Pittsburg 0 0 10
2 0 0 03
Two-base, hit: Coulaon. Sacrlf leb hits:
Di'buc (2i. Ganzel. Stolen base: Gansel.
Double plays: Gibson to tesuh: Hoggins to
(Innxel. Bases on balls: Oft Imbue, 3; of
Brandon. 8. Struck . out :: By Dubuc, 3; by
Brandon, 3. Hit by pltche dhall: Hy Dubuc.
1; by Brandon, 1. Wild pilches: Brandon, 1;
Dubuc, 1. Time: 1:&3. Umpire: O'Day.
Marqnartt "hats Oat Colniiihns Wlth
ust n lilt.
COLUMBUS. V. Sept. 3. Marquard
got rid of Columbus this nflrrnnon with
out allowing a hit. Fast l'ldlng by
Hopke and Bush turned the two best,
bids Into outs. Four Columbus men
reached first, but none got to second.
Singles hy Davidson, Carr ami Cook
gave Indianapolis tho game In the first
Inning. Score:
AB.H.O. A P.. AH.H.O.A E
Buah. aa 4 3 1 0 trial. 3b 4 0 3 3 0
ravtdon. cf., 8
Harden, rf... 4
Carr. lb 5
Llrlnitaton, c. 6
Willlama. 8b. t
Hook. 3b.... 4
Marquard. p.. 4
13 0 OOdwatl. rf..,. 4 A 8 0 v
OOA 0 Kruirar, If.... 4 A 1 0
8 13 0 .0 cnnsalloa, rf 4 A t 0 0
8 6 0 0 Jama, v 2 0-8 0
8 4 k 1 Raidr, a 3 O I I 0
t 1 i C Klhm. lb 1 0 l 0 t
1 V 1 OWrlsler, :b..l 0 I 4 1.
Merer, p I 0 6 A 0
Totals 38 II t7 41 J Fairbanks ; I ' 0 2 0
Tot ad t 0 27 U 1
Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Indianapolis 20003110 0 7
Stolen bases: Williams. 2. Sacrifice
hit: Davidson. Firm baae on. balls: Off
Geyer, 3; off Knlrbank, 1; off Marquard.
2. Two base hit: Bush. Three baae hits:
Hppke, Livingston. Hit by pltchod hall:
James. Struck out: By Geyer, 3;e by Fair
banks, 2; by Marquard, 4. Hits: Off Gey
er, 10 n 6 innings; off Fairbanks, 3 In3.
Time: 1:3a. Umpires: Blei halter and
Brewers Take a Pair.
MILWAUKEE. Sept, 3-The home club
'kk1 little difficulty In winning both games
iliy. In the opening game the home club
imclied its few hits with pauses and the ,
visitors' errors. Though Pape was touched
up for nine hits, he waa invincible with men
on bases. In the second game Giencke, a
Northern league recruit, was driven from
the box in thH fourth inning, when he was
touched up for a total f seventeen baaes.
Bateman and Randall getting home, runa
and Brown a three-bagger. Manake was
unhltable all the way. Score first game:
AB.H. OA. 6, AB.H.O. AC
Bateman. 3b.. 4 12 4 ARelar. 2b t 2 8 1 A
Brown, lb.... 3
M'Chesnejr. If 4
Randall, cf... I
0 I 0 0 B. Marar. rf. I I
0 8 0 enunlravr, U. I I
8 0 I
3 0 II
0.2 0 .tliavla. rf I 0
1 A 0 ftUuahlln. c,. 3 0
1 0 t
Manuach. rf..
Flvnn. aa 4
McCnrm'k. lb 1
1 1 1 OTIemyer. 3b.. 4 t
I 3
1 S 1
0 3 :i 0 Nee. aa 4 3
BeTllle, .... 8 110 0 0 Hall. lb.
.'. 4 0
11 1 1
Pape, p....
.3 0 0 8 0 Theobald, p.
'J Meyer ..,
. 8' A
1 1 V
1 0 0 0 0
.28 4 27 11 0
Totala K 24 11 3
Batted for Theobald In ninth.
Milwaukee 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
St. Paul 0. 9 1 V 0 1 0 0 02
Two-base hits: Bevllle, BatemanJ Sacri
fice hits: B. Meyer, firown. Stolen bases;
Kateman, Rantlull. Muntiseh, McCormlek,
Bevllle. I.eft on buses: Milwaukee, 4; St.
Paul. 10. Basis on balls: Off Pane,. 3; of
Theobald, 4. Struck out: By Theobald, 1;
by Paie, 9. Time: 1:4b. Umpire: Kerln.
Score second game: ,
Milwaukee 0 1 0 8 3 0 0 10
St. Paul 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 35
Two-base hits: B. Mcycra, McCorrnick (2).
Three-bane hits: Brown, . Manusch. Home
runs: Bateman, Brown, Rarxlall. Hits:
Off Giencke. K In four innings; off Tle
meyer. 4 In four innings. Stolen bases;
Brown, Davis. Double . plays; Buteman.
MoCormlck and Brown; Nee, Geler and
Hall. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 6; St.
Paul. 9. Banes on balls: Off Giencke, 6;
Manske, H. Struck out: By Giencke, 1;
by Tiemeyer, 1; by Manske, 6. Passed ball;
J. Meyer. Time: 1:30. .Umpire; Kerln.
Goose Egtr for Millers.'
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 3.-Carter was a
puzzle to the visitors today and shut them
out, allowing but three hits. Score:
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Kansas City a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Baaes on balla: Off Byurs. 7; off Carter,
3. Struck out: Ry Byers, 4; by Carter, g.
Left on bases: Minneapolis, 6; Kansas City,
6. Double play: Byers, Oyler and Clarke.
Stolen bases: gulllcn, Hallman, Braahear.
Sacrifice hits: (Julllen, Cross. passed
ball: Brown. Flrat baae on errors: Kan
sas City. 2. Hit with pitched ball: 'Hall
man. Time: l:io. Umpire: Hayes.
Toledo W Ins front Louisville.
TOLEDO, O., Sept. 3. Toledo won from
Louisville In the early Innings. The vis
itors made a brave rally in the eighth
and hit Gillen for two of their three lilts
of the game. Both Adams and Oillen were
effective. Score:
Toltdj .1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1
Deft on baaes: Toledo, 3; Louisville, a.
Two-base hits: Hickman, Adums, Wood
ruif. Hit with pitched bail: Purrlne.
Bases on ball: Off Adams, 1; off Glllon, 3.
Sacrifice hits: Gillen, McCarthy, Burke.
Stolen bases: Barbeau, McCarthy, Dand
reth. Struck out: By GUIen, b; by Adams,
8. Tlme: 2:10. Umpire: Kane.
.Noticeable Reduction In the u saber
of Hoks Meat to
CINCINNATI. O- Sept. $.-(SH-clal Tele,
gram.) Price Current says; There has
been reduced luaiketitig of hogs the lat
week. The total western packing was 3o6,
(M), compared with 4u0,ofO the preceding
week and 4tM,000 last year. Since- March 1
the total is 12.750,0iO, against 13,b7o,0O0 a
year ago. Prominent -places compare aa
follows: '
.. 724.0!
.. b4n,0iO
.. Slb.iMiO
. 3i,OM
. .
.. ii7.0j0
. . (Hi)
1.8 , 6. If Hi
814.01 X)
31 6.1 O
, 27.IK.II
' 446 (j
Kaiibus City .
South Omulia
St. Iouis
St. juarph ....
Indianapolis ..
Milwaukee ...
Cincinnati ....
Cedar R'ipiua
Sioux City ....
Si. Paul
Cleveland ....
To Dlaevlvo the Inlon
of stomach, liver and kidney trouhWa and
cure blliournees and tnalstU. laka Electric
Bitters. Guaranteed. 5 . B'.' tton Drug
pltrh: Holmes