Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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Twenty-Five Hundred Persons
Down to the State Fair.
Bryaa ' tVlres from Bfaax rilr
Hold the Trala far Hlia, bat
riaallr la I'nable ta
Make It.
cepted the
sgement- of
to go to
Omaha day.
hundred Omaha people ac
Invftatlon of the man
tha Nebraska State fair
Lincoln Thursday Tor
This Invitation had
been seconded by 4he board of governors
nf Ak-Bar-B-"n, that urged all who could
get away to turn out to make 'a grand
showing Omaha day. llncoln knew
that Omaha was In town when that crowd
reaches the capital city, aa all wore badges
pinned on them by the governors. The
badgea were In the red, gTeen and yellow
of Ak-Bar-Ben 'and Omaha people will be
seen all over Lincoln today.
The Ak-Bar-Ben special, which pulled
nut of the Burlington station at 8:30 con
sisted of twelve coaches of the first class,
loaded to the guards. The board of gov
ernors had gone down on earlier tralna and
left Ooul Dteta .as th only member of the
board to look after the merry makers on
the special, ould Diets was equal ta tha
emergency and with his pockets filled with
the Ak-Par-Ben badges which he . freely
distributed .-he was tha most popular man
on the train. The other members of the
bosrd went earlier to prepare for tha corn
Inn of the large concourse.
Besides the Ak-fJar-Ben special the Bur
lington carried thlrtee coaches on regular
train No. S and the flock Island carried a
large number of extra coaches on Its regu
lar morning trains and had a special train
of elghtvcoaches. .
Kan tears, real estate men, joDOers, mer
chants, public office holders and all classes
of busy men of tha metropolis dropped their
regular occupation to go to Lincoln to help
swell the Ak-8ar-Ben crowd to the state
fair, and to'ahow the people of Lincoln that
the heart of tne people of Omaha were In
the right place.
The Omaha people who went on the spe
clal will return on the regular and special
tralna which tha Burlington and Rock Is
land will run this evening.
William J. Fryan wired from Bloux
City that he had six people with him and
would like to have one of the. morning
trains on the Burlington for Lincoln held
for hi arrival. The merrymakers appre
ciated the honor of having Mr. Bryan tide
on the Ak-Bar-Ben apeclal and that train
-was held for five minutes when It was
learned that Mr. Bryan had changed his
route when ha aaw that the Sioux City
train would be late Into Omaha, and had
cut across from Missouri Valley to Fremont
to catch a train there to Lincoln. He evi
dently did not want to take chances on
all the morning tralna from Omaha having
pulled out so that be would have to hire
a apeclal to get to Lincoln In time to help
Omaha celebrate. Mr. Bryan Is a full
fledged member of Ak-Sar-Ben and was
billed to speak at ' Lincoln, Wednesday,
but the; date- waa changed to Thursday,
when t was found ha could not arrive on
time for Wednesday.
Store Open Until 6 P. M. Daily
Saturday Until 10 P. M.
Mlil 171
Butts la
, Cared flay Fever and limnrr Cold,
A. J. Nusbaum, Baiteaville, Ind., writes:
"Last year I suffered for three months with
a summer cold so distressing that It In
terfered with my business. I had many of
tha symptoms of hay fever and a doctor's
pre-scrlpltno did not reach my case, and
I took several medicines which seemed to
only aggravate my case. Fortunately I In
sisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar
In the yellow package and it quickly cured
me. My wife has since used Foley's Honey
and Tar with the same success." All druggists.
of the Most Desirable New Fall Goods
High claasgaods were never before eold at such prices as these
25c Embroideries at 10c Yard
Medium and wide widths of fine embroideries,
including corset. covers, skirtings and flounc-
ings, worth to 25c yd., on bargain square, yd.
Remnants of Narrow Embroideries
Edges, insertions and headings all kinds, "T 1
and many worth as high as ten cents a yard jDjf
at, per yard
40c Allover Laces and Nets at 18c Yard
20-in. wide all overs, plain and fancy filet, dot-- 1
ted and figured net, English allovers, white, I
cream and black, worth up to 40c yd., yard
Remnants of Laces at He a Yard
Val Laces, lace headings, black silk galloons, fl . 1
; pi l y
ehased la connsotlon with any
Journal Pattern. i i t i
When Par.
16o Ladles' Soma
insertions and torchons bargain square,
at, per yard
Big lot of sample pieces and
kinds of lace, at, each
remnants of all
Broadcloths at 25c Yd
Three cases of fine broadcloth, Amazon and Victoria
Suitings 54 inches wide, mill ends 2 to 10 yards long
in brown, navys, grays, Copenhogen blues,
black and mixed suitings, at just about 20c
on the dollar your choice, yard . . .
. $1 and $1.50 Dress Goods at 39c. Yard
Accumulation of o.ur recent big dress goods sales nov
elty and. plain weaves that we are offering at one-fourth
Their regular value, fancy serges, batistes, covert cloths,
fancy poplins and Armures, cheviots, in all TY
the leading shades your unrestricted choice g "
of $1 and $1.50 dress goods, bargain square
50c Fall Novelty Suitings at 15c Yard
In medium weight fall novelty suitings, Jamestown and
Laporte mill dress goods worth fifty cents, fl C
at, per yard . I
$2 Chiffon Broadcloth at 9Sc a Yard
In thirty-two different shades, including the new blues,
greens, taupe, catawba, peacock and canard
combinations an unusual offering, at, yard
. ,.!. . 1 - I 4
September Sale of Blankets
. September pricc3
nre always the low
est. Purchases .spe
cially planned for thl-a
month's selling have this
year been very tortunate,
for we today own upward to 1,000
blankets a full third less than pres
ent market values.
All Wool riald Blankets, largest
11-4 and 12-4 sizes, and heaviest
weights, values $5.50 to $9.00,
Friday on sale at per pair
$3.9S $4.39 $5.48
Largest size all. pure wool white
Blankets, very fluffy and light,
pink and blue borders, worth
$8.60 and $10.00, pair $5.48
Cotton Blankets, full size and good
weight, the best blankets on sale
anywhere, at pair 490
100 pair gray wool Blankets with
pink and blue borders, selected
stock, and good values, at $4.00,
special, pair $2.79
Tan All Wool Blankets of very
fine quality, pink and blue bord
ers, $7.60 values for. . . .$4.48
11-4 Cotton Blankets In gray tan,
or white, finished with a new
Qernian process, good value, at
$1.39, Friday at '-95
Broadcloth Ends 1 56-Inch Tailor Suiting
at per
Men's Suitings for skirts and tailored
gowns, chevrou worsteds In very
choice patterns, $2.60 goods, tSQit
vard SJOV
More Short Lengths of Fine Cloths,
worth $2 50 and $3.00 a yard, all the
best colors, desirable lengths, ,Q
yard at per yard
600 remnants In the beat shades for petti- -fl nn
coats, the regular 35c. at vard .B.(UV
Mercerized Sateens or black and col- I Silk Remnants, big assortment, styles
ors. 25c Spunglass, 35c and 40a I and colors for all purposes, yd. 880
Luccnta and Kakana,. Satins, -f Kg I One case Ginghams, plain and fanrv.
at per yard j rare bargains, at yard So
' Manufacturer's Samples $25 and $30
Women's Tailored Suits For $19.50
A sale as unique as it Is Interesting in as much as the saving In price
comes almost before the season has fairly begun. Fifty suits in this
lot, In most accredited modes nnd colors, some
tailored, ' others embellished with silk braids,
satin bands and buttons.) Maker disposed Qf
them at 33 per cent reduction, now you get
suits worth' $26.00 and $30.00, for
Bargain Friday Special Dress Skirts
Wool Skirts In light check effects, full pleated styles, with folds, worth
to $6.00, a whole rack full of dark Worsted Skirts,
dressy gored models, right in style and suitable for
fall and, winter wear, Friday, at each
CKXLDBEH'fe. DRESSES Closing out'EHIBT WAISTS S5e More Of the $1.00 nooi ureases or uingnaini ang . waists, white and colored.
rmy suits in mis
and waists, white and
and MadrfitC odd lots, all choice KOn added to fine for Friday. neV-
worth to $B.00, Friday, for .."'v er before had auch bargiana
r $1 SILKS Bargain Square 39c
Hundreds of pieces of this season's fashionable silks.
Fancy messalines, all kinds of shadow stripe and check
taffetas and peau de cygnes, plaid and check
silks, Habutai silks in black and colors, black
taffetas, etc. your choice, per yard vtv
Omaha's Far Tood Oeatas
. Painty meals at moderate prices.
Opsn from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M.
Saturdays from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M.,
1.000 lhs. Baby Halibut, lb ,...UH
1.000 Iba. Dressed Buffalo, lb.... 10c.
top lbs. Fresh Eel, at, lb Mo!
. AIL our fish are fresh caught. Not '
froxen. AUo a full Una of smoked I
arid salted fish. Including:
Flounders, i
Channel Cat,
I.lttle Neck Clams.
Dysters In cans. I
Oysters in bulk.
Lake White.
iJlack Buss,
L'vH's Food Cakes, large square
rakes, at Mel
Half rakes, each B6o'
Dellrat Cake, each 35o
I'uund Cake 86o w
Hunshine Cake 16c
Angsl Food 800
Del clous, leaver Lakes, tan nav-
ors at 30o
Our New Milk Bread, per loaf ,...o
The Beer You like
Cases 2 dozen 1 Cf
Large Bottles j?J.7U 1
all Bottles fJ.VU
Aa aJtowaaoa af 11 M will b mad
apoa return ta us ol the empty ease.
. and all e( tba empty botilea la good
Orders will ba taken for Luxu
ta leas than owe lota at the follow
ing prloes:
$2.00 per doi. Large Bottles i
$1.33 per doz. Small Bottles
jgoartney & Go j
Private Exchange Coaneeta All Depta
s s -s ssssskggavsaatt
The above came or trade mark
together or elngly stamped on col
lar or ahlrt denote highest grade
f material, beet workmanahln,
Mill enda of huck towels some of
these are full size, other half
towels if perfect would be
worth up to ten cents, Friday,
choice, each IV10
Heavy weight table padding iu
long mill remnanta worth up
to 39c yard, at, yard....l5t
Great aample lot fine all linen pattern table clotha two yardg wide
and 2 and 2 yard long tome are slightly eolled, but worth up
to $5.00, at. each 31.98
64-inch heavy bleached table
damaak the 29c kind, at, per
yard . .. 18
30-ineh hemstitched squares
with openwork, worth 39c, will
go at, each
Mill seconds of mercerized napklng
a dozen, Friday, each
-if perfect would be worth f 1.25
Special Low Prices and Double C 1 C l
Green Trading Stamps, Friday, on 3CI001 OllOeS
Every Child's Shoe we carry Is ALL SOLID LIATEEl. Don't lose slaht of
that ract. There are no cui on vamps, Din leather right tlown under tip to toe.
tinoes we Know positively,
shoeu we know of. Friday
Children's vcl. kid but
ton, regular 11.50 values,
8H to 11, Including 24
stamps pair
Vlcl Kid and Gunmetal
$2.00 Shoes; patent tips;
2Vi to 6; including 35
stamps pair
. 100 Green Stamps on
will lant longer under hard usas;e than any other
bargain day. lowered prices and double stamps.
Little Boys' Calf Lace
Shoes, extra solid soles,
regular tl.lh; 9 to 134;
Including 30 stamps
SI. 48
Mlssea' $2 80 Box Calf
Button Khoes, sewed
soles; foot-shape lasts;
sizes to 2; Including 40
stamps pair
Boys' genuine Box Calf
$2.00 Shoes; sizes 2H to
7; stylish Blueher cut;
Including 35 stamps
Boys' Casco Calf $2.50
Shoes, also Gunmetal;
sizes 2Vi to 7: Includ
ing 40 stamps Friday
all Women's Shoes at $3,60 and up. Friday,
AT 6 P. M.
AT 10 P. M.
AT 6 P. M.
AT 10 P. M.
Famous Domestic doom
In .
Over another carload of Brand New Remnants from the mills,
Outing Flannels, Flannellettes, Suitings, Dress Plaids, Ginghams,
Muslins, Sheetings and in fact everything wanted in Fall Dress
Goods at a third their actual value:
HannelleUes, 18c grade, yard . . 10
Flannellettes. 15c grade, yard.. - 7 He
Flannellettes,. 12c gradei yard ...5
Outing Flannels and Teasel Downs
16c quality, yard . . . ; 8'
12c quality, yard 7Hf
10c quality, yard 5
Suitings in Mixed Cotton, 25c grade,
3-lnchea vide, yard 12H
Suitings In Mixed Cotton, 19c, grade,
30-lnches wide, yard v; IOC
Suitings In Mixed Cohon 15c grade,
30-lnches wide, yard 74
Suitings In Mixed Cotton, 12c grad.
28-lnches wide, yard .'.
12c ChevloU, yard
10c Romping Cloth, yard .5
12c Percales, yard ' ...v..;-
26c Fancy Sateens, yard 10
$1 Black Taffeta 49c
8 TILL 9 A. M. Friday we will
sell l7-inch Black Taffeta, 24
inch Shadowed Black Satin
Twill, 36-inch Taffetaline . in
red or Navy Blue, and 20-inch
Black Satin Dutches, ev-IQ
ery yard. worth $1, at. . ."wC
BEGINNING AT 9 A. M. plain
and fan'cy"Silks, figured Hab
utais, . Taffetas, Louisienes,
etc., some 27-in. wide, QQa
values to 59c, yard uUU
OR TAFFETAS A beautiful
line for selection, on sale all day',
main Silk Depart- , IQp
ment, at yard Hwb
Wool Dress, Goods
In Domestic Room
Broadcloths, Henriettas, Pop
lins, Serges,. Plaids, and other
goods worth, from 75c , up to
$2.98 per yard
LOT 1...25C LOT 3... 49c
LOT 2. .. 39c LOT 4... 59c
Remnanto from our high grade Wool
Dress Goods In our popular Dress
Goods Department.
Broadcloth worth from $1.60 to $5.00
Serges, Cheviots and remnants ' of
various kirtds of fine goods,
all at one prlc. per yard. ..
75 b
From 9 to 10 A. M. One case of
SVijc unbleached muslin, 10-yd.
limit; at, yard. 4C
From 10:30 to 11 A. M. One
case of 9c bleached muslin, fine
soft finish, 10-yd limit 5c
From 2 to 3 P. M. One case of
7 Vic Shaker flannel, 10-yd.
limit, at, 44c
From 3 to 3:30 P. M. One case
of 12M:c huck towels, 3-pair
limit; at, each 5c
From 4 to 4:30 P. M. One case Amoskeag outing flannel, 10c and
12M:c grade, 10-yd. limit; at, yard 5c
Several Other Sales Hourly.
Remnants of Linens, Sheetings, Etc.
Remnants of Scotch, Irish and German linens, also mercer-'
ized linens,, worth from $9c to $1.50 yard in seven large assort
ments sold by the yard, at
Lot 1....12V&C Lot 2.... 15c Lot 3.... 19c Lot4....25c
Lot 5. . . ,39c Lot 6.
One case' of long remnants ' of . wide
sheetings, worth from 20c to 27c
at 15
One case of remnants of unbleached
muslin, worth 7 Vic yard 3'J
One case of 18x3C honey combed
towels, seconds, best goods. . . .3
One case of 6 Wc cotton toweling
at 3K
..49c Lot 7.... 59C
One case of 15c and 19c white goods
at ....:......... 5
Rrmnnnts of Wash Gool 2,600 yards
of 12V4c, 16c, 19c and 25c printed
wash goods at 7 W
1,200 yards of 10c wash goods. , . .5
1,500 yards of 10c wash goods. .3H?
2,500 yards of all kinds of short
lengths in cotton goods, worth up to
,15c yard, yard 1
Several Rousing Furnishing Goods Bargains
"Manufacturer's sample stock of knit underwear on sale at
about half actual retail value.
The Greatest School Sc'.lt
Ever Offered in Omaha
$5 Combination Suits, $3.50
Made specially for school wear re
lnforced seams, every suit guar
anteed, two suits for the price of
one as every coat baa two pairs of
nants one Dalr ot knicKerDocaer
and one pair of straight
rants. A Dosltlve t
ftve dollar ault fl
Boy' Short Pants for School
On sale 2d floor Boston Store Bldg.
$1.00 and $1.25 Knickerbocker Pants
$1 00 and $1.50 straight panta,
blue serges, heavy black a
and blue cheviots, on sale AMI
second floor, at
Sarvleaabla Bull for C 4 ft
school I.tO
200 suits ages 6 to 14 years In plain
and fanrv cheviots with straight
pants, taped seams and double breasted coat In our bar
gain clothing department. In basement
1 1
To straight knoa
pants at lo al&4
of axtra atroag
ct lots a
Scotches .
75c and 11.00 K. and
K. Bluuss Waist
Black aataen, an
fancy madraa, AMI
to., at
60c Mother Friend
Waists broken
stses, will go Jfjg
White Coods and Linens
Bargain rriday's Bast Offsrlngs:
Arnold's White Madras, also Sheer
Materials In checks and stripes,
worth 39c, at yard ISHo
Huck Towels, plain and colored
border.our regular 12Hc line, 8V.0
70-lnch Bleached Table Damask,
heavy weight and quality, worlli
60c; Friday, per yard 39o
Napkins, 20-lnih, all linen, splendid
welKht. worth St. 60 a dozen. 8
for 65o
Spaolal Full size, heavy Colonial
shaped Water Tumblera. for Fri
day only 6 for 30e
ranoy China Big lot Salad Bowls.
Chocolate Pats, Plates, Bon Bons,
etc.. worth ibo to 60c, Friday, your
choice, for each loo
rOHFXXAJT 50c size for 89o
7fie size for 4So
HASSAOB CKXAM f 1.00 size at 660
lllia H. IiOwvAlmoad Cream, 83o
Lowe's Liquid Green Soap, for
Shampoo, for , 8 So
Pond'a Antiseptic Cream for . , . . fioo
Turtle Oil Shaving Stick, for ..lOo
Colgate' Dental Cream, tube for 80o
6O0 Samples Tree, Lazell'a Bocadla.
the perfume used In Maxlm'a
scene In "The Merry Widow," to
women calling at perfume counter.
Corsets for 39c
For bargain
Friday wo
have put on
sale a spe
c t a 1 pur
chase of 50
dozen ba
tiste corsets
in French
bias gored,
high bust,
long hip
s t r o n gly
boned and
d alntlly
trim med
with lace
nd ribbon.
all sizes, 18
to 0; a regular 75c
garment; Friday
Another lot short French model
corsets, with short hip and high
bust styles, front hose
supporters attached.
Priced for the day at. .
(Corset Section, Second Floor.)
ch model
and high
Men's aud women's heavy fleeced un
derwear, all sizes, regular 75c values,
at ..-390
Ladies' combination suits, 50c and 75c
values, at 390
Men's and boys' sweaters, many fine
wool garments in the lot, worth' reg
ularly to $2.50; choice : -690
Ladies' and children's underwear
, vests and pants, in all sizes, 25c val
ues, at . . . ; 15c?
Boys' coat sweaters, regular 75c val
ues, on sale atf.'.". 250
0 to 10 A. 31. Men's heavy fleeced
shirts and drawers, 69c values. In
blue or gray, all sizes, at 290
10 Till 11 A. 31. Infanta' sacques,
kimonos, bonnets, bootees, etc., 25c
to 50c values, at. . .' IOC
Men's and Boys' Tie1 Samples and
odd lots, manufactured to sell at 25c;
choice .5
YZBRASKA OSOWI FlEI STOHB PEACHES 18o A large purchase of fine
Freestone Peaches from a Nebraska fruit farmer, fine luscloua fruit, about
alx dozen to the basket, per basket ISo
Large Size Market Banket full for BOo
.(1.70 and 60 green stamps
..48o and 60 green stumps
,.46o and 40 green stamps
..10o and 6 green stamps
, ..llo and 10 green stamps
. ..lOo r-and 10 green stamps
,..10o and 6 green stamps
..90o and 10 green stamps
. 80o and 10 green stamps
Bennett's Excelsior Flour, sack
Bennett'a Breakfast Coffee, i pounds for
Teas, assorted, per pound
Pure Black pepper, per can
Bennett's ' Capitol wheat or Pancake Flour, s
Oatmeal and (5 rah am Crackers, per package
Ilaarman's Vinegar, per bottle. '.
Llmburger Cheese, per pound
New York Full Cream f'heetie. per pound ..
Hennetl a Capitol Baking Powder, 6 pound can for ai.OO and 100 green stamps
Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, 1 pound can for 84o and 30 green stamps
Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder pound can for 13o and 16 green stamps
Triplets for Laundry, package for ISo and 10 green stamps
Tea Garden Preserves, Jar for 30o and 10 green stamps
mmum lapioca, per pauaage oo ana o green stamps
eauiy Anparaxus. per ran Boo ana iu green stamt
Granulated Sugar, 19 lbs for 914)0 , I Roasted Peanuts, per quart ...
rxCIAX. raiSS nsa SPECIAL On Bale Friday new shipments strictly
Freah Fish: Freah lake Trout, per lb. lie I Fresh White Fish, per lb. ISViO
Imported Holland Herring, per package 75c and 10 green stamps
100 . Bt. Trading-
Stamps wltb. ev
ery ton Friday and
Saturday. i i
This in addition to bur special low summer prices. : Deliveries to all
parta of Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Florence and Benson.
Wholesalers as well as retailers. Our notion sale leads all in big assort
ments and lowM)rlces. Friday, in the domestic room, we win sen:
5c fast blafcK 'darning cotton, ball l
200 yards machine thread, spool.. 2C
6c gold eye needles, package
Good pearl buttons, dozen l
Cotton tape, all sizes, roll. ......
10c enameled darning eggs 20
25c needle books for.. 30
100 yards lined thread at 20
15c netal back horn combo
3 packages best pins 5
3 dozen nursery pins at. . .5
6 yards skirt binding braid 5
15c hose supporters 7M0
75e Embroideries, 25c Yard.
Corset cover and. 18-inch skirt
flouncing embroideries, the greatest
snap of the season.
Cut Prices on Window . Glass
- . '
Our paint business is getting so large that we must have more room for
it, so we will close out all window glass at once
90 Discount on Glass
Headquarters for Alabastine, Jap-a-lac, Woodshine, Enamelet Paints and
Johnson Floor Wax.
Haydcn's, Tho Greatest of all
Grocery Dcpts. in the West
We sell the Best Pure Cane Granulated
Sugar at less than Jobber's Cost.
10 Bars best brands Laundry Soap....So
The best White or Yellow C'ornmeal, per
( pounds choice Japan Itlce 860
Beat Breakfaat Food, per package So
OH or Mustard Bardtnea, per can 4o
The best Domestic Macaroni package 80
Large bottles pure Tomato Catsup or
ixira fancy yellow era antra cajirornla
Freestone Peaches, per crata ....... S6o
Bushel boxes extra Colorado Bartlett
Pears, per box i.fl.BS
Fancy Kweet Corn, per dozen, , . , v , io
ouij nmuri turn, " ""... - J US
ancy Denver Cauliflower. ' per, fH ;..10o
heads fresh I'af Let tuae . n.
f ancy jersey oweei rotaits,per lb. y.a
Worcester Sauce Vo u.ncy Wax or .string iieaas, per lb..,.fia
een or , neaus r resu ; eiei y , , ga
O.IK . u . 1 m ITuiiif W a Htrlnir llrot
Lima Beans TVo I Fresh Beetx, Carrots, Parsnips
1-lb. can Golden Pumpkin, Sauer Kraut,' Per pound
Hominy. Squash or llaKed Heans. , . ,7H z neaua t ammgo Bo
Fresh Crisp Pretsels, per pound So J Good Cooking Apples, per peak BOe
Fresh Criap boda Crackera. per pound 0 ! Hsiunner Miuaali
Fresh Crisp Ginger anaps. per pound... bo r ru . v..,,.. ...10
Frsh Crisp Golden Nugget Cracknels, Hed t al'ltag;'. per head . . . . . . . . , , ; . So
poun(j iavta J Fancy ltl Onions, per pound ...80
Fresh Vsnllla Wafers, per pound ..... 14a 1 l-art;e .luloy Leniona. per loe ISo
Fancy Oatmeal or Graham Craekers, peri'i'e"h Boaated Peanuts, per quart. ...So
pound Cocoanuts. euch . , ....,,.,,,.00
Oyster Crackera, per package Ho QBAPEI FOB JltLT,
Lit. Price's Breakfast Food, per pkg f ViO I Large Baakets Pancy JtUy Urapes. .1TV(