10 THE OMAHA DATLY BEE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER inns. -S 4 -4? i 4? 4 4? 4? 4? 4" ! 4? 4? 4? Store Closes Daily at 6 P. M. EXCEPT SATURDAY AT 10 P. M. Special Site Bnyt' School Slits A New York Manufacturer's Samples and Odd Lots HANDKERCHIEFS Almost 100 styles shown for the first time, fine sheer quality, lace and embroid ery trimmed; very elabo rate lace inser tion; beautiful handkerchiefs, worth to up 23c each, at, each. . , 5c Men's 15c Handkerchiefs at 6ic Men's all linen handkerchiefs, in all widths of hemstitch ing good sizes made from Irish linen and worth 15c each, at.. 0 2C SPECIAL IN WOMEN'S Fall Tailored Apparel Women's New Fall Suits In the nmtirt new fall ttyla which Bramlei hotc in advance of all Vie oihere $ New Panama Tailored Skirts In Vie new effects that button down the front and title etunnxng new features for ' tai f398 New Tailored Linen Waists Th favorites, among correctly $98 $139 A gowned women made to wear with iM new ( special at Heatherbloom Petticoats moro serviceable and Just as desirable as silk a complete variety on sale at Beautiful Silk Petticoats In white bitch and dtlicate $98 evening shades, many are elaborate M See the Five Great Window Displays of Women's Fall Tailored Wear. 4 BIG BASEMENT SPECIALS Denims, cretonnes, suitable for pillow tops, comforters, t " etc.; at, each, remnant. .. . JC Your choice of our men's light weight undershirts and drawers, worth to 50c... 13C Children's school stockings fast '"' black, worth to 12 He a pair, at, pair. . . Women's embroidered turnover collars, worth up to 10c each, at, each lc xh BRANDEIS 1610 Harney Street Across the Street from Bennett's Thousands of shrewd housekeeper have visited Omaha's greatest food mart arfd were delighted to have found a place where they could buy everything in high class eatables at astonishingly low prices. Specials for Wednesday, September 2d. CREAMER DEPARTMENT Good Eggs, per dozen 182 FreBh Churned Butter, lb.. . .25? Best Cheese in the city at lowest prices. MEAT DEPARTMENT Choice cut of Prime Beef, per lb., at 1 Country Sausage, per lb 5 Limit of five pounds. W. L. Masterroan's Excelsior Ideal Coffee, per lb .25? This is a favorite family coffee. Nothing better at the price. Out-of-town customers, send us your order. We ship promptly. on't Fail to See THE CALIFORNIA- AND OLD EU3EXICO Exhibit. One of the Finest Displays at the NEBRASKA STATE FAIR Situated, Main Street, between Poultry and Fish Buildings, State Fair Grounds. LINCOLN, NEB. m m a s i a a a b n n n uJ) A OmtUi'i Far TooA Cnttt M KIST1T7BAXT OH SECOND TX.OO. f Dainty mesla t modrt r"l" Own from 7 A M. to 7 P. M. Saturdays from 7 A. M. to F. M. vtnmoiri BPECXALS 4-lb. sack Whalal Breakfast Food.3 4-1b aai-k Wheatal Break fHst Food .BSO ISO . .BOO . .100 . . .7o . . .60 . . .60 . 76c .93.00 . .BOO . .950 . .100 40c Layer Raisin, per lb.... New Honev, rpr comb WaahliiRton Prunes, rer In... Quaker t'orn I- lakes, per pkg.. Korta Crackers, per lb C.lnRer Snara. per lb Tolorado J'earhea. per basket. Colorado fears, per box Coutry Butter, per lb Creamerv Butter, per lb 1)111 Tickles, rer doxen Sylmar OUT Oil from California. Grand Prlxe, St. Louis. 1904 . Highest Award. Portland, 190S. Highest Award, Jamestown, 1907. Per Bottle, A 20 ounce $1.00 J 10 ounce 60o S ounce 30c Gals. In tins $3.75 H Gala, in tins $1.90 e Recommend S 1 s i s s 1 s s s TTVT71T " "i ii. pvu on The Beer Yon Like Cases 2 dozen n'2 Q( Large Bottles iJpO.U Cases 3 dozen Qf Small Bottles tyO,Z7J An allowance of 11.20 will be made upon return to us of the empty case, and all of the empty bottles In good, order. Orders will be taken for Luxus In less than case lots at the follow ing prices: $2.00 per doz. Large Bottles $1.35 per doz. Small Bottles gourtney & Go 17th and Dootfla Bt. Fnon Douglas 647 Private Exchange Connect All Depts. WATTLES IS IN A QUANDARY Hla Aatonaabll) la Sinaahed la Avoid la; lollUloa wlta Oaa of Hla tract . Cara. Will Gurdon W. Wattir. president of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company, bring ajlt against that corpora tion to recover damage to hla automobile? This question arlaea from the fact that Tuesday Mr. Wattles' automobile was smashed In avoiding collision with one ot Mr. Wattles' atreet cars at Thirty-third and Far nam atreet. Mr. Wattlea frankly admlta he can't aee any good reaaon why th auto should have been damaged In this way. though tie will not go so far as to condemn the atreet railway company, nor Intimate what he proposea to do. In all human probability he will not sue the company. Mr. Wattle waa not In his auto whan th accident occurred. Neither waa anyone le except the chauffeur and he waa not burt. The chauffeur found himself be twixt and between ft collision with another auto if he continued in the path he was going, or a street car if he took the mott convenient alternative. There waa Jfist one route left to him and that led atralght and hard up against a telegraph pole. Brave and thoughtful man that he was he took thia route and Mr. Wattlea will have a f w repalra to make to his machine aa a reaulL KOSHLER AND VICTIMS OUT Former Freed oa Stabbing; la Self-Do. lease, Latter Hecover aad Leave Hospital. Arraigned 011 the charge of cutting to kill. Kred - Koshler. who stabbed Mck Moaher and Mat Burbash pn the evening of August IS, waa discharged In police court Tuesday .morning. Teatimony offered by witnesses was to the effect that Koshler cut the other two men In aelf-defense. Although the Uvea of the two men who were stabbed by Kostiler, were despaired of, almost supernatural vitality waa ex hlblted by the pair and they were released from the Omaha General hospital Satur day last. TRY OUR SCHOOL SHOES The Boys and Girls can now dust up their books, sharpen their pencils and get ready for school. There's one thing sure every one of them will want a pair of School Shoes. "We anticipated their wants and are ready for the rush with the best school shoes that are made. TOR BOYS Box Calf, Vici Gun Metal Calf, Velour Calf. $1.75 I? $2.50 FOR GIRLS Vici Kid, Patent Colt, Gun Metal Calf, etc. BUTTON, LACE OR BLUCHER FRY SHOE CO. Til SHOZBB. 16th and Douglas Streets. Red-Man CollarS TRADE MARK cents 2 for 25 Ask your Haberdasher. HAIR Ob a '".Vomaa'a Face, Neck, Armg or Shouiucrs . la Not Considered Attractlte. LA JEUNE DEPILATORY (LIQUID) will remove hair from any part of the body in from & to 10 minutes leaving the ekin soft and white no smarting or burning-: 76c per bottle. liy malL sealed, $1.00. Circulars free. CHEXXAV ft McCOWJBX.Xi DBT7Q CO, Cor. 16th and Dodge Sta.. Omaha. owl siua CO, TTT7TsfniFri.? a m Srnd for Sample of New Kali Dress tools and Silks if you live out of town. New Autumn Dress Fabrics After all, these are the tried and true friends; always welcomed, always sought for. True, we have a world of others the new taupes, London smoke, cedar, peacock, sapphires, canard, etc., that are attracting widespread atten tion, but the blues and browns are the favorites. Both in woolen fabrics and in silks we bring out almost every shade from the bright tans to rich golden browns, from bright pastel blues to navies. If your fancy leads you to plain fab rics or to novelty weaves, be sure you'll find them here. Windows numbers 1 and 2 should interest vou. Prices range $1.00, $1.23, $1.50, $2.00 to $4.00. Striking New Models in Broadcloth TAILORED SUITS Values lo $25; Wednesday for $15 UumlstaUably these suits represent the greatest values you have ever known at the price. Fashioned in the very height of style with new 36-inch length coats, beautifully pleated sklrta and wide loose fold of self materials. The coats ere lined throughout with sa tin and have two deep vents in back and button trimmed; strictly tailored gar ments of fine broadcloths in grays, greens, browns, navies, reds, modes, etc. Have every size to 4 2 in every color. We advise prompt action. It's the best offering of new styles thus far shown. On sale Wednesday for first time Another Extraord- a CT f inary Wednesday -OTSet OpGCial Hair price ior strongly hunt batiste corsets, high bust, long hip models, aainuiy trimmea witn Valenciennes lace. Among them some girdles that are well mude and stayed at waist line. All of them are excellent 75c corsets. Wednesday only, at U& UIJI SB 39c New Fall Quarterly Style Book Much larger and finer than before, illustrating all the latest patterns; now on sale for 5 when bought in connection with any 15c Ladies' Home Journal Pattern in other words, the Style Book and any 15c pattern for 20c. Wednesday Notion Sale Pearl Buttons, all sizes, worth 6c dozen, at 3 dozen for 5 Kcrby, . Bewd St Co.'s Steel lluir- Pins, worth, 10c cabinet for. '.Nainsook press Shields, worth to 25c; at. ,pair 5c Black lOO.Vard Spool Silk, worth 10c each, per dozen .20c Sum Hon Linen Finish Tread, worth 5c, at 3 for 5 Hope Shopping Bafl, worth 25c, Hooks and Eyes, patent, all sizes, worth 5c, at 3 for 5 Belt Pins, white and black assort ed, worth 10c, at 2 for 5 Satin Pad Hose Supporters, all colors, worth 25c, at 15 Amber Shell Hair Pins, worth 25c dozen, at, dozen 5 Feather Stitch Brnld, big assort ment patterns, worth 10c, at 5c Wednesday 15 The Best of the Late Books The Firing Line, by Robert Chambers; A Little Brother of the Rich, by Patterson; The Lure of the Mask, by Harold McGrath; The Circular Staircase, by Mary Rinehart; Mr. Crewe's Career, by Winston Churchill. Regular $1.50 i O editions for.I.UO Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens For college and high school students. Fully guaranteed and exchangeable any time. Pencil Box Free Containing pen holder, slate pencil and ruler with purchase of Bchool supplies amounting to 25c or over. Highly Polished J Colonial Glassware In a great sale Wednesday. Half P? price or less on the entire line. There H are beautiful Kods and at sale prices one of the best bargains this depart- P nunt has had. Cut Glass Water Bottle, OST ' worlh 60c, lor Mut f Colonial Glass Vases, worth -t fk-. L l'Jc. for 1UU Colonial Ola Cclary Tray, - B worth 3(ic, for XOC ? Colonial Glass, four-piece sets, oer B worth 7ac, ior itJKj Colonial Gloss Finger Bowl, -f fgt worth 2fic, for AUl El Colonial Ola Syrup Juga, 1 fr,, si worth l!9c, for XJ.y Colonial Glass Sugar and 1fn -M- V W -3 Creams, worth Hoc, for. Colonial Glass Candle Stick, OK,, u-nrt 1 hnrv fnr mmm-j Bennett's Big Grocery Capitol Baking I'owoV.r, 5-lh. can $1.00 and inn Green I'aplaol KakinK Powder, 1-lb. can 34o and 30 (Ireen Capitol Baking Powder, 4-lh. can 130 and 15 (Sreen Hennetf Hest Coffee, 3 pounda 81.00 and Ion Green Bennett's HeKt Coffee. 1 pound 35o and 30 Green Teas, assorted, 1 pound 68o and RU Green Tea Sifting, pound 15c and 20 Green Snlder's Pork and Beans, can lBo and 15 Green Beauty Asparagus, can 850 and 10 Green Advona Jama, assorted, 2 cans 30o and 10 Green Bennett's Capitol Wheat. 2-lb. pkg llo and S Green Bennett's Capitol Oats, 2-lh. pkg 110 and 6 Green Jell-O. assorted, 3 pkgs 960 ami 10 Green Red Cross Milk, can 10o anil & Green ir. Priee's Breakfast Food, 3 pkgs 85o and 10 Green Franco-American Soups, can 20o and 10 Green "'at;: '':& n n 1 o n i n d b m w b : Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stampa Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps a n a ,m:m rnnn FOR Weak and nervous men rUUL IUR who find their oower to NFRVF work and youthful vigor ilCIV gone as a result of over work or mental exertion should take GRAY'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will ake you eat ana sleep ana Do a man again. 91 Box; 3 box fa. 50 by malL BIIKH1S fc McCOVWELL DBOO CO. Cor. 16th and Dodge Stresta OWL DRUG COaUPABTT Cor. 16th aad Harney St.. Oiuaba. Btb. HOTELS. HOTEL MARTINIQUE BROADWAY AND 3SD STREET, HaltaLD SQL' A EE. N. T. C1TX. TRB MOST CENTRAL LOCATION IN NKW VOKK. T? TBBHIOHKST CLASS OV S'?of A(X-OMklODATIO.N trrJ AT MODKKATS r V 1 6f ilnent I imnnt Kw Tnrk hotaliit for J 5Slk ICVllMCS Of US VZnl. THB MiRTlNIQJjt Wj-isMTALSANT HAVR AN l- t'TRHNATIOSAL EK PUT AT ION. Mmxua ltaaasl as SL Ueni nun, educed ates to Lincoln ACCOUNT STATE FAIR ) Tickets on sale Ang. 31 to Sept. 4, aug. 3i-$ept. 4. f Return Limit Ssptembar 7tti. REGULAR SERVICE S 0:52 a. m. 1:20 p. m. 4:40 p. m. SPECIAL SERVICE Leave ) 7;45 Leave j B;0fl Leave j g omana v uncoui r umcoi Sept. 1-2-3 ) a.m. Sept. 1-2 ) p m. FURTHER PARTICULARS Sept. 3d ) p. Ml. I Station. lyaj 1323 Farnam St. Union BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOIl . PAXTON DLOCB Corner lOtb and Farnaia StrveU. Best equipped Dental otfic la Ui mlddl wMt H'tbest gradd Dentistry at lUaaonabU Prlcaa forcelala XHUou. lust Ilk Ua toota, Interesting Wednesday Special Bargains This Store Will Be Open Till 6 P. M. UiJZ'iU LUJLS.WS THB RELIABLE STORE This Store Will Be . n- t:ii . upcii I ill , 6 P. M. ,t New Fall Skirts Less Than Half ',7 Ht-- Several elegant new lots irom xno L. and E. Stern and Lehign vaiiey Lh" silk mills. Pnrr.Vin.sfi hrourht for ward for Wednesday's great sale. mm 39c-49c Your choice of richest hew weaves, in plain and nov elty silks; $1.00 and $1.23 values. Even hotter values than those offered Monday and Tuesday. The best bargains in new perfeet all silks ever shown in Omaha or the west. Just in Time for School Over 2,000 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, nearly all fall and winter weights, are offered to our customers at less than usual manufacturers' cost prices. The. greatest-lot of fall suit val ues ever offered here or elsewhere at our special sale prices. 175 for Boys' Suits, I n 7C for Boys' Suits, worth to $4.00. C'2Z worth to $6.00. 37K for Boys' Suits, worth regularly from liZ $6.00 up to $8.00 all sizes. See the New Fall Lines of HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX Correct Clothing. 4 The highest examples of clothes makers' art Haydons for Paint No question of quality here, you know the brands and what you tnunt v is A Uquid Vaneor, the famous furniture polish, 50c size on sale at 39 EloHric Wall I'apor Cleaner, regular 16c cans at 8 30c cans Hcreen Paint 2IiC Sapolin, the famous VarniKh Stain 75c quart cans . . .39 40c pint, cans 20i House Paint, guaranteed for 3 years; 6 colors, per gal . . . Special Grocery Sale Wednesday For the freshest goods, highest quality 10 bars best brand Laundry Soap. .2 5c Zest Breakfast Food, per pkg 5c The best Domestic Macaroni, pkg.. 8 Vic 2- lb. can fancy Wax, String, Green or Lima Beans 7 Vfcc 3- lb. can Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Beans, Squash, Sauer Kraut or Baked Beans 7 c The best white or yellow Cornmeal, per sack 15c Wheat Berries, per pkg Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, 714c 24 boxes Parlor Matches for. 25c The best Tea Sittings, per lb 15c Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb. ..16c Fancy full cream Cheese, per lb., 15c Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 19c Fancy Creamery Butter, per lb. ...21c Peaches and Pears for Canning. The balance of our two cars to go on sale Wednesday. and lowest prices, try llayden's firsts Extra fancy California, yellow Cra ford Peaches, per crate 95c Bushel boxes extra fancy Colorado nsrllult Dan fa 1 Q u. b.Lh , .aia ..... ......a.A.tfV Grapes for Jelly Large baskets fancy jelly Grapes 17 c Fresh Vegetable Prices for Wednesday Fancy Sweet Corn, per dozen . . ,.10c Fancy New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, three pounds for 10a Fresh Beets or Carrots, per bunch, .lc Fresh Parsley, per bunch 16 Fancy home grown Squash, 3 for.. 6c Two heads Fresh Celery Be Fancy ripe Tomatoes, small baskets. 5c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per lb. 5c Fresh Leaf Lettuce, per head lc Eight bunches fresh Radishes 5c -bushel basket Fancy Ripe Tomatoes for canning 26u m hayden's nm fclTitiillvBaaMiiti in L-4 BK1 TO RETURN UCOU THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, '08 B. Ol IY1. Station. 9:30 A. SV3. ROUND TRIP $150. Entrance to State Fair .50 Tickets on sale at Sherman & McConnell's Myers Dillon Co. 0. P. Kiplinger H. J. Penfold Co. rJ Reed and Rattan Suit Cases PRICES FROM $2.00 UP. They are Light, Roomy and Durable. Let us show you our line. Omaha Trunk Factory 1200 Farnam Street. Bee Want-Ads Business Boosters