Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Little Change in Market Sitaation
nd Value Hanged Narrow.
MtiPMfiit ol Old Corn from toaatr
- Mpirn Continues to Bf 1,1 h
rrol and I Beta Well"
' -Takat.. .
. 1 . 'OMAHA. Aug. 31. 1.
There was very Httttr change in lle mar
ket eitUattrrri and values ranged narrow.
Tra.iqg ruled, o lewhst more active, with
selllpg or in near futures favored. Stocks
of are ,neree,lng and the movement
of olicovn trorn cmntry shippers " con
tlnue, liberal anvil la 'rn--.nK wail takan by
an active cwslt (Iftrwnd.
Wheat 'started lower on early selling,
hut UUT. developed strength owing to Ihe
ho v neat .iistl n the northwest markets.
Bu in became, geperal at the close and
covering by shorts rtt valuta higher, tsep
teinner wheat, Ojienerl at 91c and closed
.it W .c. ... '
Corn held Steady to'Btrnng on good cash
demand Receipts continue liberal and
tradb.g was lively with larger offerings
which were quickly taken. Tne cloaa waa
quiet and without feature, with values at
Saturday's , level. September corn opened
at 7.-and closed at 7-c ,
Prlmaiy . wheat receipts were l,-2a.000
bushel an sl.lpmeit wrre none on ac
count n holiday-, agafflst receipt laat year
of 6U,0"0 vwshels and ahlpmeiua ot none,
' on account 4f holiday.
Com receipts were. Sis.OOO bushels and
shipment- were none en eceount 01""'"
lay, against rerelpta last year of 44.000
Du'shels and shipments of none on account
of holldsy. . , ,
Clearances were 2,000 buahela of corn,
5.000 bushels of oala and wheat and flour
e.iusl to r,33 0h-. bushels.
Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd higher
on wheat and V,d lower on com.
Seaboard reported aalca of 144,000 buahela
of wheat for export.
Local range of options:
Artlclea l Open. High.! Low. I Cloa. Safy.
V heat
s' ept...
Sept... Dec...
Oat a
9HI 92V, 91 v
72 .'
4fi'a 47V, 46
49 49H 49
92 V
(42 "
49 S.
51 ;
91 V
Omika Caata Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, SWHc
No. S
hard. ISftBfc: No. 4 hard.
sprln. I8c..
37c; No. i
:14c' No. 4,
711i,2e; No. 2 yellow. 7-Vf7Sc: No. yellow.
7-:-fj73c; No. 2 white, 72'c; No. S white,
"nirn-W S mixed. 46A6 i4c : No. 3
while. 47JM7c; No. 4 white. 404c.
RYE No. 2. 7719 78c; No. S. "httfiC.
Carlot nacelpta.
Wheat. Corn. Oat 2S7 234
. itivei..
' .Minneapolis 0,"
(imatia ,4
lent area of the Trading; and lloalagr
Prlcea on Ihe Board of Trade.
rHICAUO. Aug. 3t,-The wlieat market
wan atn-nathened torlay by local purcbaaea
til tho Heptemrxr delivery uy i-i"
. 1 ..1. .w.l ui nut ualna of ",0 tu 7c.
torn, oata and provlaions also closed
r,i'.'l'.hot market was strong all day
with the exception of a alight decline at
the start, du- to liberal receipts in tho
northwest and to bearish weekly statistics.
h i. n-i.i'.. iiimnatiia for the week wer
ll.io2.WrO bit., nearly 4,0ti0, in excess of
Hie previous week's movement, and the
.mount on nassave 3.344.0IJO bu. Receipts
. Minn..aiinlla were bStt cars, while
? 144 csra were received at 'Dulutb. This
.. . k..w nnwnwnt tn the north west, how-
T ever.. ha.a little effect Inasmuch as It Was
claimed that all tne newiv arrival ....
waa eagerlv taken by mills and elevators
; at, the aarue premiums as prevailed Satur
nf tliA uiuin reasons for the
strength waa the purchase of about 1,0nO,O0O
' bn -tif September wheat by a leading ele.
vatof Interest -which led many traders t
... believe thst deliveries or wpifmurr i--i.-tracts
tomorrow were likely to go into
1 K.r,a Another factor that helped
"' to rauae. the advance waa the decrease of
642.COO bu. In the visible supply of wheat
.. In the Vnlted States and Canada ( ash
hoi-e were atradv anid offerings
from the Interior were very 1 Hinall. Sales
of cash wheat aggregated lo,0M bu. flesr-
ances of wheat and nour were nw n,
being equal to about 813.0( hu. The market
closed strong ut almost the best Pces or
the day. Primary receipts were l,.'J6.0t
bu., compared with a hnlidav last year.
Minneapolis, rnjluth and Chicago reported
receipts of 737 cars, as against 4i5 last
11 -week. ' ..
Continuance of good weather for the
maturing of the new crop artd reports that
offerings from Nebraska were Increasing
' had a weakening effect on the corn market
... early In the day, the greatest weakness
being manifested by the September de.
"' ' livery which declined lc on libet:il pront
r taking. The market rallied sharply on
(.. ' official prediction of frost tonight In Ni
braaka and. South Dakota. The December
M" option made a now high record for the
aeaaon, selling at tiTHc. The prices of cash
t. corn waa steady to ".jc lower and sales
of 165,000 bu. were reported. The market
closed strong and near the top at net alns
of 4c to lVfiri1c. Iocal receipts were :57
v.,,, cars, with f of contrart grade.
Oats were quiet and easier during the
first part of the day, but later they ba
' came .more active. Reports of small re-
celpts In Nebraska and an Improved de
v inand for cash oats here were largely ac
r" countable for the firmness. Cash onts
were unchanged to Vsc lower. The market
.,- rlosed firm al gains of Va'iiiC to .-.ft'c.
Lo al. receipts were 216 cars.
Provisions were firm, mainly as the re
' suit of "buvlng bv a local pecker, which
., , was baserl an a 10 per Cent advance in live
hogs and on a falling off of about ll.ono
head In the receipts of hogs at western
S packing centers. The market cloacd firm,
with prices up from VV to 17c.
Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat,
' 81 cars; corn, 43i cars; oats. S. car; hogs,
1S.W0 head. .....
V Wool Market.
1 . ST. 1H'l". Aug. Sl.-WOOL-Steartv;
medium grades, combing and clothing. la
2'c; light fine. l4c; heavy fine, lljlic;
" tub washed, amttCTo.
"' ., Leading futures ranged aa followa:
Artlcles.l Open. High.l Low. Close. Bat'y.
Wheat I I
Sept. I 94'!:
Dec. 94',HrAj:
May :: '',
Corn I
. Spt. I 77
Due. i66'ji6V
v Mav .Wfrm,
Sept. 48
liec. 49
Mav 504
Segt. 14 65
. Ik-I. 14 86
Jan. 16 20
Sept. 37W
. Jan. I37S
Sept. 7t,
Oct. iW
Jan. $ 40
No. 2.
94 V.
76", 7T, 77
64 6a IM'.vJH
49 48-r.4i49
14 72V.
14 87V,
16 27 Vi
14 75 I
4 87V,
14 GK
14 65
14 77'i
16 10
9 37
9 35
9 as
8 871,
8 95
8 X2V,
14 75
16 :74j 16 16
9 60 $ $7Vi
9 67V. 46
9 66
1 47S
197V.I J87W
9 08 8 97,i
I 42HI 1 37V.
$ 97V,
9 06
-. FLOUR Steady? winter patents, $4.10fli
i 4 ; straight,,, $3 $5f4 .35: spring patents.
' Io6.'ik6.70; straights. $4.0c(aS0; bakers. $2.70
t?4 A.
WHEAT No. S spring. stsftMc: No. 3
.priiig. 94i-JJlW4; .o. , tu. irTt.
nring. 94.-JJJ1 14; .o. , tu.
t.'OHN-No.- 2. 8'al?78Vc; N-
M "oAT8-jCo.2 while. 5C?f6M,c; No. 3
7ti;V4r.' 1
4SfifiOc. . -
RVF.-No. t. TV. ,
BARLEY tioo.l feeding, 6352c; fair to
'lioice malting. "&4c.
a-" SKEDS-kFlux. No. 1 northwestern, $1.27H
"' Timothy, prime. $3.66.
a PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides llooaei.
wtTS'ofK Pork. mess, ner bbl.. $14.7014 75.
k t r lird. per HO lbs.. $.47V. 8liort clear sides
tV- . tboxcdl. $90f 'J6.
' k Receipts and aliipmenta of flour and grain
were aa followa.
Recelpta. Shipments
K'oi.r. bbls
... Wheal, bu a.
', Corn, bu
7, Oala. bu
., live, bu
3tley. bu
440 8
4. CO
On the Product exchange today the but
ler market was steadv; creameries, 15V,t
?:ue; dsiriea. V.ifyr I'tP firm; al mark,
are. Included. l4S17c; firsts. IV; prime
firsts. Cheeae. steadv, llSlV.
- (Ma'agpt ads are buatness boosttrs.
(laotatlona of the flay on arloa
4 omntod itlr.
SF.W tUHK. Aug " HI -KL'M'R -Receipts,
24 f'1 bhls ; exports. 2.:' bhls.;
sales. J.liirt hbls ; market oulet ami bsrclv
steady; Minnesota pa'erits. t2a'a.fB;
w inter strsla-hls. $4 On 4 4. lor MlnneM.ia
bakers, l4.10U4 t0: winter extra. 3.4) T
30; winter rstents. 14 404 75. winter
low grades, 3 3" If ,1 V Rye flour, -inlet;
fair to good. )4.16lf 4 in: choice to fancy,
4.Rp 4 75
CORNMKAt-rirm; fine while and yel
1oa. 11.70 V 1. 75: coarse. II .3 4J 1.70; kiln
dried 4 2fi
RVE liull; No. 2 western, Me, f. o. b.
New York. .
BARLEY Quiet ; malting. fl70c c. I.
f. Buffalo; feeding. .;io. c. I. f. New -York.
WHfcAT Recrtpis 113.000 bu ; exp.rt.
MSI tin : Mlea 1,300,000 bu.. futures; spot
market Irregular; No. 2 red. Il.tilVi-al irs;
elevator; No. 2 red. ll.tirtj. f. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 northern. Duluth. $111 Si . f. o. b..
afloat; No. 2 hard winter. Sl.0414. f. o. b.,
afloat. In face- of a very low speculative
trade, wheat was consistently firm all dav,
reflecting steadier cables. . rain In the
Canadian northwest, light offerings and
good bull support. It rlosed 'kiftl'tC net
higher. eptemhr, $1 014ff10?N : Decem
ber. $1.02 1-I6H1.03H; May, 31.04Vp1.Ob,.
closed. $1 05V
CORN Receipts.' 24. 73B bu. ; exp.irts. 1.300
bu.; sales. Zo.Ol" bu., futures. SiHit market.
steady; 'No. 2, W-c. nominal, elevator, and
9fto, nominal, delivered. Option market was
stronger on predictions for colder weather
and with wheat, closing partly Tc net
higher. September, KVfcfnNc, closed,
Wc; December, 77ii678Hc, closed, 78'ac;
Mav. closed. 73c.
OATS Recelnts. 64.000 bu. : exports. 7,!M6
bu. : market, steadv: mixed. 2 to 32 rourarls.
'v. natural white, t to -31 pounds.
c nred Wh te. S2 to 40 nounds. iwiKC.
r tbU f irm ; middlings, -n.s; cny.
HAT Steadv; shipping, 606&c; gooa
to choice, 806r85c.
HlnKH on et: acid. !4V4I29C.
PRCivisiONH Beef. steady: family.
116. 75fi 17.50: mess. 11 4.50(8 1 5. BO ; beef
hams. 28.0O0.00: packet, $1 5.00 16.00
city, extra India mess. 25.00'U'25.50. Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies, luetic;
pickled hams. 1 1 H W 1 2c. Lard. firm;
western. 19.ft5ft4.7ft: refined. firm: con
tlnent. $10 10; Routh America. $10.75-,
compound, 78vc. Pork, firm; family.
$ 1 8.00 (ii 18.50; ahort clears, 1 1 .DU 'CM .o .';
mess, lis o(a i7.un.
TALLOW Steady ; city ($2.W per pkg.)
6e: country (okgs. free). SHfflS'aC.
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
34 IB 7c; Japan, nominal.
POULTRY Alive, quiet; spring chickens,
16c; fowls. 13c; turkeys, 12c; dressed, steady;
western spring cntcKerw, iuiuc; spring
turkevs. 2"foi:: fowls.
BUTTER Steady : creamery, thirds i
firsts. 18&22c.
CHEE8E8teady; state run cream,
specials. lJVi'SlS'ic: state, full cream.
small, colored -or white, fancy. lBc: largo,
colored or white, fancy. llc; large, good
to prime. Hitrllttc: large, common to rair,
1UM1I1H.C- akima. IVlttUn.
EflOB-Steadv: atate. Pennsylvania 'and
Pennsylvania fancy, aeiectea, wnue,
30c: good to choice, 243:J6c; brown and
mixed, fancy, 26c; fair to choice, 2326c,
Fair Taesdar After a Cooler Mitht,
ays the Prophet.
OMAHA, Aug. 31, 1908,
Light showers are general In the upper
Mississippi and Missouri valleys this morn
ing, and were general throughout the north
west during the last twenty-four hours.
An area of high temperature, with much
cooler, overlies the west, and this high
pressure will move eaat over the valleys,
causing cooler in this vicinity tonight, with
fair tnnla-ht and Tuesday. Killing frost oc
curred In Yellowstone park, and light frost
In northern Wyoming last night, and light
frost Is predicted as probable in the ex
posed localities in South Dakota and west
and central tveoraeaa lonigoi.
omaha record of temDeraiure and precip
Itatlon compared with the corresponding
day of the last tnree years:
y 1M08. 107. 1906. 1905
Minimum temnerature.... 71 74 61 67
Preclnltatlc.n 18 .00 T .00
Normal temperature for today, 71 degreea.
Deficiency in precipitation since March 1,
.34 of an inch.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1307,
5.18' inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1306,
4 66 Inches. L. A. WELSH,
Local Forecaster.
Cora aad Wheat Regloa Ballotia.
Fo the twenty-four hours ending st-1
s. pi.. 7bth meridian time, Monday, August
31. 1808: ' ' ,
I rill nam
Stations. Max. Mln. fall
Aahland. Neb 90 80 . 40
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Aiihurn. Neb 90 70 .00
. , -, r. xr.K OA 51 15
Diuarii 1 w " , ........ .- - ..
Columbus, Neb... 91 M .(o
Culbertson. Nfcb. 94 58 .to
Kalrbury. Neb.... 90 78 .07
Fairmont, Neb.... 89 05 .00
Or. Island, Neb.. 89 63 . 30
Hartlngton. Neb. 9K 7 .00
Hastings, Neb.... 89 63 .11
Holdrege, Neb.... 80 60 .15
Oakdaie. Neb 88 57 . 45
Omaha. Neb 88 71 .18
Tekamah. Neb... 88 67 T
Alta. Ia 86 68 .16
Carroll, la 88 71 T
Clarlnda. la 90 67 .1)0
Sibley. U 87 66 .06
8loux City. Ia... 88 64 .04
tRecelverf late, not Included In averages.
M'hlmum temperature ior iwnvt-uour
period ending at $ a. m.
No. of Temp. Rain,
Central, Stations. Max. Mln. Inches.
Chicago. Ill 2
Columbus, 0 1$
Des Moines, Ia.... 14
Indianapolis, Ind.. 13
Kansas t.'ll.v. Mo.. 18
Louisville. Ky 18
Minneapolis. Minn. 27
Omaha, Neb 18
St. Louis. Mo 12
90 66 .00
88 68 .00
88 68 T
92 62 T
90 70 .14
90 62 .02
86 6u .52
88 .13
M 66 .08
Heavy rains occurred in Minnesota and
lighter rains in all other portions of the
corn snd wheat region, except the Chicago
and Columbus dtstrlcts. VVsrm weather
prevailed throughout the corn belt Sunday,
followed bv much cooler In the extreme
western portion this morning.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
SI. Loals General Market.
ST LOUIS. Aug. 31. WHEAT Firm;
futures, higher; track. No. 2 red cash. :.7y
971-,.-; No. 2 hard, 96?Xsu; December, 95iJj
$Ci,c; May. Wc.
CORN Futures, higher; cash, lower;
track, No. 2 cash, 7 177 Vic; No. I white,
77Vig78c; December, 2-c; May. 63c.
ti a. 'I'd Future, higher; cash, lower;
track. No. 2 cash. 48v,o; No, 2 white, 5uvc;
December, 4Hc: Mgy. ou'c.
FIOUIv Firm; rea winter patents. tu
5H.76; extra fancy and straight, $;
clears, $3.l64l .
SEEDS-nmotny. steaay at j.tsB.o.
CORNMEAL-Steady al $3 80.
BKAN Weak; sacked, east track, $1.00
HA Y pteaoy ; nmotny, new, wi ij.uu,
prairie, $6 50tf 60. i
PROVISIONS Pork. higher; Jobbing.
$16 36. Ird, higher; prime steam, $9 30fg
9 So. Dry salt meals, steady; boxed, extra
shorts, 9 87V,: clear no, .; snort clears,
$10.00. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra short,
$10.76: clear ribs, $10.76; shun clears,
$10 874. " '
POULTRY Ixiwer; chickens, 8'c;
springs. 12Vrc; turkeys, lie; ducks, 77'c;
geese. 6c.
BUTTER Steady : creamery. 19$23c.
EXXJS Steady; lc, caae count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu .
Corn, bu ...
Oats, bu ...
21.010 U.Oiu
H,tlO 62.000
79.0UU 23,CiO
192,000 37,000
Kaaaas City Grata Md Provisions.
u-Ak'848 CITY. Aug M.-WHEAT-l'n
changed; September. 87V4i87Hc: December,
IsWibirVc: May. 9ivi93-Sc- Cash: 'No. 2
bard 9iti9oc; No. 1 hard. SWQTtJc; No. 1 red,
9rJ'S97c; No. 3 red. 935tic.
CORN Unchanged to Vc lower: Septem
ber, iOHe; Jiecember. 677ei May, 69V,c.
Cash' No. "2 mixed, 7':''; No. 8 mixed,
71St"Ic; t- 2 whjte, T:v,-7Sc; No. S while,
7 i.
"oATS I'nchanged; . No. t wh(t." 48'a5iV;
No. 1 mixed, 4iw.
RY K No. t.'1t4ib0e:
H A Y Steaay ; choice timothy, S9.5Ofjl0.0O
chilli' nralrle. 17 75 tj 8 10
BI T! KK-Firm; creamery, 23c; packing
atock. ibc.
(:i;03 Firm; fresh extras. 22a.
Receipts. Shipmentt.
Wheal, bu i3.f 146 Ono
Crn bu ;.3Hf' S9 04)
Data bu i 160 1.000
Cloaina- ouoiationa at Kansas City ss re
ported by Logan & Bryan, 113 Board of
1 raae:
,Open I Htgh.'l Low. 1 CI se
lspcember '.
Vav '
Da ember ...
- 1
-S 9i'S
5', atlV
Bull Farty Again Easily Demonitratei
Iti Control of. Market.
rotate of Positive atrenath Always
la Evidence to Saataln the
. Market Sew Leel for
tailed Rtatea Steel..
easily denionstarted Its control of the mar
ket again today but It showed a disposition
to use Its power with moderation. There
was nothing sensational annul me maraei
and dealings were on a restricted scale
Any ocCHslonal downward tendency or
prkes, however, was restrained and there
were sufficient points of positive strength
In the market to serve as adequate sus
taining forces.
There was s fair degree of realising con
ducted at various times during the day.
especially during the execution of buying
orders st the outset by eommislon houses
representing the accumulation of business
over the end of the week. There was a
good deal of curlmislty tn regard to this
ena-weeg eommislon house nusiness, owing
to the reliance placed upon it as an Index
of growth of public Interest tn the market.
There was some fear that the apprehension
growing out of the Investigation of stock
exchange methods by the board of gover
nors, now In progress, might have tne ef
fect of deterring outside Interest In the
stock market. Its influence was felt, It
wss believed In the small amount of the
new business coming from outside sources.
A growth of such busmess was not lacking.
Imwever, and it wss taken advantage 01
to' effect some realizing sales, marking the
conservative disposition of the controlling
bull movement. That movement was prac
tically unopposed In the day's transactions.
ine bear party being almost non-exlstant.
according to the common agreement of
the best Informed opinion about the slock
exchange. The punishment dealt to the
bears last week and the important failure
of a stock exchange house, short of the
rnntket, was not lost sight of, and served
as a continuing Influence of Intimidation
against operations on the short side of
the innlii Tjie dsy'a developments were
nof lmtjo,nt, but were generally on the
shle of keeping confidence in the specu
lative outlook.
' It Is taken for granted that the heavy
accumulations of reserves In European
banks are in preparation for forthcoming
government loans, especially a Russian
loan. No doubt Is felt, however, that a
rise, In Interest rates here by reason of
Interior withdrawals for crop moving or
Increased business activity or Indeed from
speculative employment of funds, would
draw gold from Europe up to the point
where Interest rates would come to a level
attractive enough to turn the tide of the
movement again. The coming outflow of
the country's crope raises the question
whether our foreign debtors will- not be
obliged to remit gold in payment, whether
our money market calls for relief or not.
The day's strength was shown mostly in
industrial specialties, Including the copper
group and the New York public utilities.
The railroad list was Inclined to lag. In
spite of the leadership of the Harriman
Pacifies. Southern Pacific raised Its high
record price again. United States Steel at
112V. sold practically at a record pries
since the dividend of 1H was deducted this
month. The mock sold at 11314 in Janu
ary of M06. The late advance In wheat
and forecasts of a severe decline In cot
ton conditions during August, without al
lowance for recent storm damage, contri
buted to the late reaction in stocks and
to the easy closing. The day s net re
sults were small.
Bonds were strong. The special strength
of Japanese bonds waa due to the adop
tion of the retrenchment measures bv the
Imperial Japanese government. Total
sales, par value, $4,,tmo. United Slates
bonus were unchanged on call.
Numbar ot tales and. Lading quotation
tn stocks were as follows-
!. Huh. Lew. Clua.
Amalgamated Copper
Am. c. A F
Am. c. A ,'. pfd
Am. Cotton Oil
Am. H. A U pfd
Am. Ice Securities
Am. Linseed Oil
Am. Locomntlv.
Am. locomotive pfd
Am. g. A R
Am. 8. A R. pfd
Am. Sugar Refining
Am. Tobacco pfd
Anaconda Mining (Jo
Atchison pfd
Atlantic Coast Liu.
Baltimore at Ohio
Bal. A Ohio pfd
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific
Central Leather
Central of New Jersey
Chesapeake A Ohio
Chicago Ot. W
Chicago A N. W
C. M? A St. P
C, C, O. A 8t. L.
Colorado P. A I
Colorado A So
Colo. A 80. tat pfd
Colo. A go. Sd ptd
Conaolldated Gaa
Corn Product,
Delaware A Hudson
Denver A Rio Grande
P. A R. O. pM
Dletlllere' Securities
Erie 1st pfd
Brie id pfd
General Electric
Great Northern pfd
Ot. Northern Ore clfs
Illinois Central
. 30, 83 It si
700 411, 4li 4Ui
M0 U 10S l"ti,
. 1.0O9 M Jfi j;,
. I.2'H SO', 29',
. w 11
.4,100 5 S7 .7
ii m 108A4 m
28.20S 100x4 1 ms )(.
. -1,4(10 110 losw 1IU
3,5VI 1874 186 i.ttv
4,4 4fc,
14, '!',
M4 W
4.110 M
10.400 55
5.1 '4
J.tfKl 1771 17'a 17
1,H . K'a a14 let
1111 ldv, UK,
LillO 42 4H4, 64 II 14 v.
15,100 14514 144H 144
J7.7'lO 3Si. am, Jt,,
i.t'in MS J
400 eg ir, ' mv,
,wo f i,T, 5;
l.e 147 144;,
ll 1V 19W
600 171 171
1.4 400 J7
1 n s
1.5H0 14
as '4
14414 14014
13.S00 13HS 137k U- i4 674 lii4
son his, iss Hoi,
Interbnrough Met
Int. Met. pfd
t.K 131, 11', 13
1.8.X) 364 14 144
& 16 ?4 1'4'4
1 17 17 17
KM t!. :5 .4
IUM 111 l(', li9i
m ii 16 11
I'KI 123', l:3' 121
1.400 H (TV) o7tj
1,000 33 S2 3;i4
1.700 87 M as
International Paper
Int. Paper pfd
International Pump
Iowa Central City 60
K. C. So. pfd
Loul.vllle A N
Meitran Central
Minn. A St. it
M . St. P. A 9. 8. M ...
MlMourl P.clfle
M.. K. A T
M , K. A T. pfd
National Lead
New York Central
N. Y-. O. & W
Norfolk A W
3.M0 .! I'-n
4.1 42S 4it,
1,000 75', 74 V, 75(4
t,3a) 144 143 ' 14,i4
t ,400 1!SS It L'-V 7"4 5i f!V
loo 73 73 72
4i0 154 15 14 S5
80.100 l- 12 '4 Mhv,
North American
Northern Paclflo
Pacific Mall
People's O..
P.. C C. A it. h
PreMed Steel Car
Pullman Palace Car
Railway Steel Spring
Republic Steel
Republic ateel pfd
Ruck I. land Co
Rock Island Co pfd
St. L. A 0. F. Sd pfd....
Hi. Louie 9. W
St. L. 8. W. pfd
Bloae tfheffleld i. A I ...
Souther. Paclflo
Mo. Paclflo pfd
80. Railway
go. Hallway pfd ('opoer
Teaaa A Pacific
t.. at. l. w
T., Et. L. A W. ptd
t'nlon Pacific
t'nlon Paclflo pfd
I'. S. Rubber
I'. 8. Rubber let ptd
i;. 8. Steel
V. 8. Steel ptd
I'tah Copper
V. -Carolina Chemical ..
Va.-Caro. Ch.m. pfd....
Waba.h pfd
Weatinghtmse Electric ...
Weatera I nloo
Wheeling ALE
l.V 24V, 24(4 Z4V4
43 V,
US s.'i
17. li4
M1, 34
274 21
17 , 17
MS ,4
3. OKI
71. 4 HIT V, 10fi, Mi,
3. 12 11 Uf
4'"l, IWj lto, 1,
400 4SS 4SV, 4IV4
. 20i S7"4 I7' 3S
4 2f 26
KU M14 Jl'4
7.11 67', 67', ' Us
01. 000 1444 IS314 1I..H,
ivo M1, Ml, e
:no 10.114 kxiv, 10.
4 i'tiO 474 41 4714
, 14.400 1121, 111S HIV.
, 1.300 4'4 444 l.'.ti
.7. WO
lis i-s
77 s
Wisconet. central
1,100 I4 ',
Tola! Mies tor th. day, 120,000 eharea.
l.oadoa rioalac stocks.
LONDON, Aug. 1. American wecuntles
opened steady today. First prices were
about unchanged from Raturday'a New
York cloning. Later St. Paul nnd Reading
advanced half a point, but the rest of the
market remained unchanged from the
opening level.
Lonilon closing stocks:
Censols. money Me-IIM , K. T -4
da account
I-;iN. T. Central lua
.. I Norfolk A VV ,',
. l do pfd ,1
.. i Ontario A W 44
. . M 14 Pennsylvania 4.14
,.lfHRn4 Mine. ,.. (,4
. 44 geading ,',.. a
t Southern Ry 1,
. .J4J do pfd f
.. US Souther. Pacific 1'4
'A In 10. P.cifl. iaaS
.. uas o pfd a at
.. .SV 9. Steal 41
.. 41 tn pfd J,.,,,
.. i Wabash 14.,
.. US do pfd i's
. 14jv,8panl,k 4a
..11H, Amal. Copper 4
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.,
t anadiau Pacific.
Cheaspeaka A O...
Chicago U VV
( hi.. Mil. A SI. P
Da Bears
banter 4 Rl. O .
da pfl
do let pfd ,
do Sd pfd
Grand Trunk
Illlnol. Central
Leut.viMe A N . . . .
SII.VKR-Bsr. steady at 2Sd per ounce.
MONEY S per cent.
The rata of discount in the open market
for short bills is 1 7-187)14 per cent; for
three months' bills
s, IV4V7 1 l is
per cent.
Bask flearlibgs.
OMAHA, Aug 31 lank clearlnga for to
day were ll.57u.Sr.S.85, and th roi reanond.
lug date las: year. as Labor Dav. a holi-
r lank clearings for the month of August,
lr. were $4.flr2.414 13. and for August. 1907,
$7.'4.TCKra. a loss of $'K2.Vi&M.
tw York May Market
NEW YORK. Aug. Sl-MoNEY-On call,
easy. ltl per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent;
closing bid. 1 per cent; offered at 1 per
cent. Time loans, excessively dull: sixty
davs. ! per rnl: ninety days. 2H per cent;
six months. 3',.1S per cent.
Closing quotation on rionfis were as
C S rf !s. r-S..!'' Int. Met. 4V .
aft .
(! fotipen
I'M 1. A N. ual
f. s 7. rg...
So cniifxm
V. a. 4k, rg....
6a roiiran
Am. Tnbirco
Alrhlton sen. 4l
da adj. 4s ....
no m. 4s
"In ti. M
..ill Man. e s 4 ...
. .l 'l lai. Central 4a
..l4 do 1st Inc
..l!lM. ft. L- 4a.
.. :t 1 M . K. T. 4...
. . I 'J do la
. .I'' N. R. R. nf M. t t IW
.. MVK. Y. C. I 3W
.. .' N. J. f. I s iffl
..I'M No. Pacific 4a I'HV
.. .V'a. do ta T4.
N. A W. r. 4
.. ':o s. U rfds. 41 ... .4
.. Penn. -v. .T, ill...
..le.'S do ion. 4a 14
.. Reading s-n. 4 ,S
.. 'ii,Ri. ot 'uf ta 1"4
.. iH t. I,. I. M. r. na ln
..w; st. u a r. t 4a j
... SI. I.. S W. c. 4s... i5l
At laniir r. L 4i .
Bal. A Ohio it
(In I1
Brk. R. T fv. .,
Central of (la. 5. . .
in Irt Inr
do M Inr
do Sd Inr
rhm. Ohio 4Wi .
t'hli-sgo A A. Jia.
C B. a . n. 4s..
C R. t. A V. 4t..
do cel. 6b
do rfdf 4s...
rcc. St. U. f . 4t
Colo. In4. 5a
Colo. Mid. 4
Coto. A So. 4s
Pel. A H. rr. 4...
P. A R. a. 4
Erla p. I. 4a
do gan. 4s
Hnrli. Val. 4. ..
Japan 4
do 4vi
. Sealxiard A. U. 4a
.. 7 "So. Paclllc 4a
.. SS'k do 1st 4a
.. HIV So. Railway 5a
.. 7
.. 1
.. M4
. 1H
.. Tv,
.. '
. .in
.. 74
.. 72
. i
.. K't Tmii A P Is
.. IJ'.T.. St. I.. W. 4a
.. 4 Inlon Parlflc 4a...
,. KH do rr ta
..inOKji'. a. st.rl Sd U..
.. K, Wihah l
. . StSWeitarn Md 4l ...
. . ', "W. L. K. 4a
..! Wis. Central 4s
. . ' -. S. Y.. N. H. A H.
.. I", rr. ta rtfs. l'i
do 2d serlea
Bid. offered. Kx- Interest.
Doatoa stocks aad Boada.
BOSTON. Aug. 11. Money, call loans, 16
1',4 per cent: time loans. 204V4 per cent.
Closing quotations on stocas anu oonas;
Atchison ad). 4s.
. . W Adventure ..
do 4s
Mei. Central 4s ...
. . Allotie,
.. SI', Amalgamated
. . )' Atlantic
. . Bingham
..! Cal A Heel.
.kU6'4 Centennial ...
..133 Copper Range
. U.t'4 Ilalv Writ .
.. Frsnklln
..141 Orsnbv
,. l7
.. 1
.. 14a
.. 4"
. . !.'
.. 34'
. . 1
.. 10
.. 141,
. 10a
.. a4',
.. ,'v,
.. 14
. . 7'4
.. 43
.. iT
.. It
.. K
.. is;
. . IS
.. a
.. tl4
.. 4IV4
.. 3T"4
. . 47
.. 5
.- 'a
. .148
do pfd 1
Rostnn A Albany..
Pniton A Maine.;.
Ronton r.tevated ..
Kltchburg pfd
Mexican Central ..
N. Y.. N. H. A H
Cnlon Paclflo IiU'4 Isle Rovale ..
Am. Arga. I hem fv Mai. Mining
do pfd
)34 Michigan
Am. Pneu. Tube.
Amer. Sugar
do pfd
Am. Woolen
osi Mohawk
. 13 Mont C. A C.
. .17 Old Dominion .
. . 34 Oai eola
.. Psrrot
do pfd
Dominion 1. A 8 14V Qulncy
F.dlson dec. Illu V. Shannon
flenersl Electric ,
147 Tamsrsck
Mass. Fleetrtc ...
do pfd
Msss. Gss
I nlted Fruit ....
t'nlted 8.. M
. do pfd
t". 8. Steel
do ptd
Bid. "Asked.
.. Pi-Trinity
. . 17 t'nlted Copper
.. 55V ' 8. Mining..
..ISJ14 l". 9. Oil
. . 114 t'tah
. . 'Jk Victoria
.. 47' Winona
..UK, Wolverine
New York. Mlnlna, Stocks.
NEW YORK. Aug. 31. Closing quotations
on mining stocks:
Alice tot) eLeedTllle Con 6
Breec. 6 'Utile Chief 8
Brunswick Con 7 Ontario 17'i
Com. Tunnel stock... 10 Ophir lou
Com. Tunnel bond,.. IT Smalt Hopea IS
Co.. Cal. A Va II 9tsndard 1
Horn Sliver 50 Yelluw Jacket 41
Iron Silver 100
Trras.ry Statement.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive ot the $150,000,000 gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balance
$190,899,628: gold coin and bullion, $.12,929,111;
gold certificates. $32,462,630.
Foreign Flaanclal.
BERLIN, Aug. 31. Prices on the Bourse
todav were firm and trading was active.
PARIS, Aug. 31. Trading on the Bourse
today waa dull and prices were iirm.
Motal Market. ,
NEW YORK. Aug. 31.-METAL8-The
Ixmdon tin market was lower today, with
spot quoted at 132 7s fid and futures at
JC133 2a 6d. Locally the market was weag
and lower In consequence at fSi.iyaa.ia.
Conner waa higher In the English market,
with spot closing at 61 2s 6d and futures
at 61 17s 6d. rne local margei is quiet,
and unchanged. Lake Is quoted at $13.$iV,&
13.75; electrolytic at $l3.6isra13.62H. snd cast
ing at $13.26513.37V4;. Lead was unchanged
at 13 6s In lndon. The local market waa
quiet at $4.57Hr4.6'.,ti. Spelter advanced 2s
d to 19 5a in tbe Lonoentwaraet. ljocauv
the) market waa firm and higher at $4.705
a 7K Iron waa hiaher In the. English mar
ket, with Standard foundry quoted at 61a 3d
and Cleveland warrants at 62a 6d. Locally
the market was unchanged; No. 1 foundry
northern. $16.6C4t17.36: No. 2, $16.0OW16.75: No.
1 southern and No. 1 southern, soft, $16.75fc'
1'sT. TriS, Aug. 31.-MBTAl.R-Lead
lower; $4.42y. Spelter, higher; $4.57Vi.
Cotton Market.
tures opened steady; September, $.3.Vfe8.40c;
October, s.aoc: iecemocr. o.eso; januaty
8,88c: March, 8.44c bid; May, 8.52c.
Snot cotton closed quiet; middling up
lands. 9.80c; middling gulf, 9.76c; sabs,
A Vfl hales.
' Futures closed steady'; September. 8.43c; 855c: November. 8.47c; December,
8 60c: January, 8.41c; February, 8.44c;
March. 8.48c: May, 8.55c. .,.mv.
OALVE6TON. Aug. 31. - COTTON -Steadv;
were quiet; low ordinary. 4"c: nom
inal; ordinary. 5',c. nominal; good ordinary.
67c: low middling. 8'v: middling. 9',iic; good
middling, 9 9-16c; middling fair. 10 I-I60;
fair. 10 l-16c nominal. Sales. 391 bales; re
ceipts. 1.443 bales; stock. 26840 bales.
ST. LOl'IS. Aug. 31. COTTON Dull;
middling. lHie: sales. 60 bales: receipts,
160 bales; shipments. 37 bales; stock, 9,77a
Visible supply of Grata.
NEW YORK. Aug. 3L The visible Supply
of grain Saturday. August 29. aa compiled
by the New York Produce exchange, was
as follows:
Wheat, 16.297.0o0 bushels; decrease. 642.000
bushels. Corn, 1.956.fO0 bushels; Increase.
184.(X)0 bushels. Oats, 3.3aB.00O bushols: in
crease. 4T7.f" bushels. Rye, Jfil.000 bushels;
Increase, 96,01,0 bushels. Barley, 839,000
bushels; increase. 229,000.
Minneapolis 4; rain Market.
tember, 974C: December. 9bV,ti9NH; cash.
No. 1 hard. $1.01; No. 1 northern, ll-Offa
1.003.4; No. 2 northern. 37c; No. S northern,
844.95c. ,
BRAN In bulk. $IS.(iOfcl8.50.
FlvOl.'R First patents, $5.66fi5."5: second
patents. $5.&0'ti6.r: first clears, $4.36sj4.45;
second clears, $3.50(68.60.
Rvaporated Apples and Dried Frails.
APPLES The spot msrket is nominally un
changetl. with fancy quoted at 9'4'gl04c;
chcice, 7V4ijjc: prime, 6'tti64C, and common
to fair at fv&")c.
DRIED FRUITS New crop prunea are
eaaler in tone, as holders have offered con
ces. Ions' In an effort to stimulate demand.
The local spot market Is unchanged.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
ket lower; No. 1 northern. $l.u3'nl.04; No. 2
northern, $1.0t!ifjl.03; December. 96VaC bid.
RYE Lower: No. 1. 66 72c.
CORN Lower; cash, TV'vSSOc; December,
87S,c bid.
BARLEY Lower; samples, 6Cyjic.
Llvernool Grain Market.
quiet; No. 2 red western winter. 7s Sd; fu
tures, stesdy; September. 7s ld: Decem
ber. 7s 6Sd.
CORN Spot, steadv: American mixed, 5c
$d; futures, quiet; September, 6s 9d.
Pearls Grata Market.
PEORIA. Aug. 31 .TiRN-l.ower: No. 2
yellow, 77V4yti78Sc; No. 1 vellow, TT'i-'SrSLge;
No. 4. 7'4c; no grade, 74c.
OATS F.asy ; No. $ white. tS'.fflSsc; No.
4 white. 4SVs'rr4S4C.
WHI8KY-$1 37.
Oils aad Hoala.
SAVANNAH. Ha . Aug. 31. OI Ir Turpen
tine, firm; 35VAi:i5i'. Sales, 711 barrels;
recipls. 868 barrels; shipmenis, 436 barrels.
ROSIN Firm; quote. A. B. C. $2.00; D,
$2.56: E. $2.; F. $2.80: tl. $2.8Vo-2 90; H, $3 36;
I. $3.60; K. $4 30; M, K60; N, $5.26, WXJ, $o.Sl);
' WW, $6.10.
Ualath Grata Market.
Dl'Ll'TH. Aug. 81. WHEAT No. 1 north
ern. $1: September. 96c; liecetiiher, 974c;
Mav. $1.t'l
siock la mailt.
Rrcriptg of live st k at the six princi
pal Wf .tern markets yesiernav:
6 non
4 4)
10, frtl
Pouth Omaha
rilOU ity. ...
St. Josph ...
Kansas City .
St. Louis ....
I h lea 10
Totals ,
,.. 7.0
, . , 1
...11 :
74. 0) li.7
Killing: Cattle of All Kinds Steady,
, with Feeden Lower.
Largest Receipts of shees) and l.amba
lore October Trices on All
Kind. . More or
Leas Decline.
BOl'TH OMAHA. Aug. 31. 1908
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Estimated Mondav 7.00O S.fsm 28.wiO
Same day last week 8.8S8 2. 7 17.1,11
Same davs 1 weeks sgo.. 7.9S2 2.8" 9.S28
Same dav 1 weeka ago . 4.0.13 ' i.f l"-7i
name days 4 weeks ago.. 7.6i4 s.sw
Same day last year 9.J43 8.444 13.311
The follow Ina table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
tor tne year to date, compared wnn iasi
year: l9os 107. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 670.538 ?'J3.724 144.1M
Hogs 1.819.177 1.748.440 70. .37
Sheep 9!6.640 1.063.457 B6.817
The following table snows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1908. 1907. 19o. 1906.!190l.jl903. 11905.
Aug. 14...
Aug. 15...
Aug. 1...
Aug. 17...
Aug. 18...
Aug. 19...
Aug. 20...
Aug. 21...
Aug. 22...
Aug. 23...
Aug. 24...
Aug. 35...
Aug. 26...
Aug. 27...
Aug. 28...
Aug. 29...
Aug. 30...
Aug. 21...
6 74
t 72
i 7
t 84
6 $3
6 t
6 Oil 5 01
S 82 6 02
I 11
I 26
6 8X
6 H
( S.s 4 98 5 H
6 941 4 f m 5 li
i 9S
6 81 4
5 7H
6 89 8 I'M 6 121 6 7.1
6 39
e in
a 62 OS
6 531 6 95
6 13 e 16 f
K tu s I 1 "41 a 47
5 65 1 5 91 1
6 64i 6 03 1 6 30 7 00
5 851 5 Rr,, 6 921 5 03 IH
6 S3 1 6 67 6 851 6 92 5 Oil 6 46
It I I Ki 5 9; 6 )? S 4oi 7 10
6 87'4j 8 771 I S S 5 22 5 Sli 1 Si
6 40-AI 8 77' t 95 I 5 24! 6 I3 7 21
46V.I 6 76 1 5 80 6 80, I 6 32, 7 27
6 4oV, 5 68 1 5 70 6 83' 5 3i, 6 3,i 7 18
I 6 Til 6 66' 6 77 1 6 27, I 7 2i
83H 8 73 , 8 781 8 72: 6 IS 8 33
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
cattle, nogs. Hneep 1-1 r s.
C. M. A St. P 10
Cnlon Pacific 40
C. Ai N. W.. cast,.... 4 1
C, 8t. P., M. & O. ... 3
C B. A Q., east 2
C, B. A Q , west 56
C, H. 1. A P., east 4
C R. 1. A P. west.. ..
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Ot. Western ..
Total receipts 257 44 110 2fi
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber or Head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
omaha Packing Co.,
77G 465 1,3-3
1.044 r,.;4 2.!H4
1.027 5N7 4.344
m 77' 2. .(12
211 18
h:i ....
' T
1j .... . ..
324 .... S.137
6,6ta 2,888 20,3jS
Armour A Co
Swift, from country
Cudahy, from Ft. Worth
Cudahy, from Denver...
8. A S
Vansant A Co
Carey A Benton
1-obnian A Rothclilld. . . .
W. I. Stephen
F. P. Lewis
Huston A Co
J. B. Root & Co
J. H. Bulla
L. V. Hubs
Iayton A Co
L, Wolf
McCreary A Carey
Sam Werthnner
H. F. Hamilton
M. Hagerty A Co
F. O. Inghram
Sullivan Bros
Iiehmor Broa
Smith & P
Kt-ngau Packing Co
Other buyers
CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning
while fair in point of numbers, were the
smallest for a Monday since August 10, and
with that exception the smallest of any
Monday this month. It will be remembered
that laat week 333 care were reported In on
Monday. The arrivals consisted almost en
tirely of range cattle, with very few'natives
of any kind in sight.- It was alao' a note
worthy fact thai beef cattle were In light
supply considering the size of the total re
ceipts, really desirable caitle especially be
ing very scarce. There was quite a sprink
ling of cows and heifers, eighty to ninety
care being In sight. The balance of the re
ceipts consisted very largely of Blockers
and feeders, with a very large proportion
of trashy stuff of all kinds.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn
fed steers, $tj.4(Hp7.25; fair to good corn-fed
steers, $5.26(66.26; common to fair corn-fed
steers, $40Vb5.25; good to choice range
steers, 14.76r5.40; fair to good range steers,
$4. 2634.75; common to fair range steers,
$S5'gi4.26, good to choice cows and heifers,
$3.50'64.25; fair to good cows and heifers.
fTOrvaS 60; common to fair cows and heifers,
$2.00flS.00; good to choice stookers and
feeders, $4.254 66; fair to good Blockers
and feeders, $3.50ff4.25; common to fair
Blockers and feeders, I2.78fg3.a0; stock heif
ers. $:'.50dT3.15.
Beef steers were In good active demand
and as receipts were light, as noted above,
the market waa fully steady and some were
even quoting It a little stronger. Anything
that would come under the head of desir
able feeders sold very freely and the bulk
of the offerings changed hands In good
season. There were not enough corn-feds
on sale to make a test of the market, but
It la safe to say that a few tlesirs e loads
would have commanded good stroi - prices.
Cows and heifers were also active sellers
at fully steady prices and the bulk of tho
recelnta soon changed hands, a clearance
being made in reasonable season. As waa
the case with beef steers some' salesmen
were ouotlna the market aa Btrong d com-
pared with last weeg
Feedera of good weight and flesh, the
kind that both feeder buyers and packers
competed for, commanded good steady
prices. On the other hand the yards were
full of common to medium kinds, whl'h
were extremely herd to move. Speculators
carried over 2.009 or more cattle from Sat
urday and they accordingly were backward
about taking on any additional supplli s,
excepting in esses where thtt quall'y Was
very good. Outside of the best gradi s the
market was at least 106jl5c lower and very
dull si that.
Av. Pr. No.
710 6 00 11....
1M4 6 M
1 ion i 75 1....
Av. Pr.
. 11F.9 I 10
940 3 J5
144 I 30
410 2 75
IBM 1 18
10SO ! 8fi U il I 90
343 I 10
10 cows 843 2 65
18 feeders.. 952 S 75
9 cows 1(145 S 26
3 cows 86 2 to
18 feeders.. 1036 8 so
1 hull ISM) 2 70
5 feeders.. 6:4 3 10
3 feeders.. 7:V) 3 00
6 calves... '.70 t 00
9 cows 777 2 80
3 cows 946 3 35
3 calves. . . IVi 2 50
7 cowa 742 I 75
2 feeder,.. 793 3 00
2 steers. ... 50 2 00
6 heifers... 906 8 60
3 heifers... C.V) 2 6S
1 bull lJilO 2 T5
24 feeders.. 731 3 45
4 feeders.. 7s7 S 50
1 bull 930 2 80
1 calf 180 6 00
1 cows 840 2 6
13 heifers... 3b7 2 40
10 heifers... 708 S 15
5 calves... 160 6 co
4 cowa 875 3 75
17 cows 824 S 10
72 fceilers. lK.ij 4 35
4 calves... 306 S .
6 feeders.
47 cows, . . .
6 cows....
415 3 25
817 3 15
676 2 65
Chdrlce 8chroger 8. D.
8 cowa ut5 3 25 1 cow 1000 ; 75
1 cow 1120 2 75 13 feeders. .1111 4(6
2 feeders.. 10KO S 75
t'pham Arnold H. D.
41 feeder,.. 12".) 4 30 25 cows 1077 3 40
1 bull 1410 2 76
William Smlth-g D.
9 coaa . .
2. cows..
1 hull...
4 rows. .
6 cow s. .
. 866 2 80 1 bull K400 2 50
. 94." S SO rows 9'6 3 20
D. Phelpg-S. D.
AM 2 50 1 bull...
.l'K 7 3 15 2 cows. .
.Jiso 1 Ml 1 cow...
.IUTU " 70
. 880 2 b
. 7UI 2 jo
.I11-..7 4 i
.977 95
69 steers. ...1129 4 10 3"siofis.
16 tows 915 3 i 4 tows..
24 feeders.. !i5 3 80
HOtiS Receipts of hogs, as usual on a
Monday, were very nionvrate, only forty
four cars being reported' In. SHU. tne re
ceipts were as large us any Mo mi ay of
recent dale. Under the influence of the
very good local demand and favorable ad
vires from all points the market advanced
54 loo a 11 J everything offered charged
hands al an, early hour in the morning.
The market was somewhat uneven, g od
nogs showing the most advance and selling
gent rally pk- higher. Quite a sprinkling of
the better loads brought $660 and on un
aa high aa $:.70 a top. The less desirable
loads were generally 5c higher. A consid
erable proportion nf the bog, brought $6.61
tj4 65. w hile on Saturday $i 48 5 50 bought
the bulk, with a dozen load, or mure at
$6 ;5i6.4:S.
The wek suns out with the general
market P. I igher than on Monday of last
Represent stive .ales:
No. A- Hn. Tr No. Ai Pr.
17 L ... I . fl .229 M I im 1
1 144 10 4 It r" 4 8 s
t ire m i. tr, t m
t j4 :, - 4 s, t Lie tw
8 :'.'7 lit 4 41V, 31 Ut ... t
t i ia 1 ;i, to J'"6 . .
4' ist et 4;"-, a ss I u
47 tea 170 I 7, 74 J54 1 6
7 .2i4 t t il 77 8 1 IM
'4 7,4 40 60 "7 14 M II
4 VI 4 t ta M '-' r si
7t JSO U) I () . 117 ! SJ
M 1i 40 I f A 7t l'l It" s
14 I! l 4 n't 74 ?S SH 5&
71 SVI ... !! 4'l ISO ... stlij
i 31 ... fS t :! 8 8
91 71! . . I , 14 ITS . AH
74 1? ISO I IS r J4 40 I
m i 4 1 i m 40 ai
.v is. in is 7 A 40 4 Sft
34o , a IH " ... '
75 1M1 tail, ; 14 4't IM
77 ... 9 U, 74 MO ... 70
SUkl, i t-i.. v.rv lib.'
ersl this morning, over lis) cars being re. ,
ported In. which was the largest run of
any nay since Isst lictoner. I ne arrival'
were nrettv well dlvldid between
and feeders and also between sheep and
lambs, although lambs seemed to predomi
nate. On account of the heavy I All of
rain a good deal of the stuff arrived wet,
some nf It very wet, which naturally had
a good deal of influence on the prk-e. Con
ditions all seemed to be against the selling
Interests. In the first place, receipts, as
noted above, were heavy and the flteces
wet. on the other hand Chicago alro re-
Corted a very heavy run, with a sharp
reak in prices, other markets were alao
liberally supplied.
Fortunately for the Belling Interests there
was a laige attendance of country buyers
looking for feeding sheep ami lsmhs. There
were also a good many orders In the hands
of commission men. Altogether the demand
for feeders was quite brisk and feeder buy
ers were the first to open the market.
The prices paid were generally steady with
last we?k and the trade was sufficiently
active to clea up a good share of the of
ferings at an early hour. 1m fact, the mar
ket on feeders was In about the same con
dition as il -as last week that Is. a good,
healthy and fairly active market, satis
factory to everyone.
On the other hand, the feeling on killers
was not so active, owing. In part, to the
fact that prices at this point last week
were too high as compared with other
sellli.g points and also to tho further fact
that Chicago was reported lower this morn
ing. As a consequence fat sheep were any
where from steady to 10c lower than last
week s close. The trade on fat lambs was
pretty slow throughout the morning, with
prices around 15c lower.
Quotation on range or glass sheep ai d
lambs: (.food to choice lambs, $5.oO'o6.75;
fair to good lambs, SS.f-otiti.gO; feeding
fHlr to good lambs. $5.5X35.70; feeding
lambs, STi.fl'Wtn.oii: good to choice light
yearlings, $4 404.75; good to rhclce heavy
yearlings, $4. It '&!. 40; feeding yearlings
$4.1604.60; good to choice wethers. $4.10
4 60; fair to good wethers. 3.8&1ij4 10; feed
ing wethers. $3.50$3.8t); good to choice
ewes, $3.7,V&4.0O; fall' to good evves. $3.25
3.75; feeding ewes, $2.2n'i:i.25; culls and
bucks, $2.avn2.60.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
912 Wyoming wethers 98 6 15
tattle gtronsr Hogs Five to Tea
' t'enta Higher Sheep Lower.
CHICAOO, Aug. 31.-CATTLE-Recelpts
about 2ti.tKiO head: itiHrket strong: steers.
$l.;ufj?.8C; cows, $3.40'a6.28; helfera. $.1.0t'
6.76: bjlls. $3.7.'i(05.i8i; calves. etUXen 7.60;
stockei-M Hnd feeders, $3.r?j 4.&0.
HOtlS Receipts about 23,(SiO head; mar
ket 5'yl0c higher; choice heavy shipping,
$7.iKl?i7.1'; butchers. $70ci7.1O: light mixed,
$6.6iif(ii;.7.,; choice light, $tL8tKfi-7.0O; packing,
$i.40ii6.S6; pigs, $3.7f(i6.i6; bulk aales, Sti.TWtj'
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receluts about
3VH head; market steady to 10c lower;
sheep, $i.5o'(i4.6i; lambs, $4.75J)6.26; yearl
ings, $4.45(94.55.
Kansas City Live Stuck Market.
ceipts, 26,000 head, including 3.6SIO southerns;
market steady; top, $7.26; steers, steady to
strong: cows, steady to 10c lower; calves,
25c higher: choice export and dressed beef
steere, $H.OOi7.2o; fair, to good, $l.26(Jl6.00;
western steers. $3.75(83.75; Blockers and
feeders, 1:1.00(64.25; southern steers, $3.26(9'
4.10; southern cows. $2.26fa3.66; native cows,
$2.45&4.0O; native heifers, $2.7(Vi;.00; bulls,
$2.70'fi3.50: calves. $3.6ifi6.75.
HOt IS Receipts. 6.000 head; market 10c
higher; bulk of sales, $6.5fVfffi.86; heavy,
16.85(36.90; packers and butchers, 16.60(fi6.921A;
light. 16.35fSivi.80; pigs. W.6flfo.38.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10,000
head: market steady; I'tah lambs. $6; ewes
and yearlings, $3.8rifo4.25; Texas yearlings,
$4.oik,'J4.5': Texas slieep. Btockers and feed
ers, $3.20(34.26.
St. f.oals Live Stock Market.
ST. LOI IS. Aug. 31. -CATTLE Receipts
11,200 head; market steady to strong: na
tive shipping and export steers, $3.7,Vn7.50;
dressed bef and butcher steers. $3.00(57.00;
steers under l.nno lbs., $3 008.50; Blockers
and feeders. 3.Oivfi4O0: cows and heifers,
$2.7666.uo; tanners. $2.0012.25: bulls, $'
4 50; calves. 14.Oftf77.3o; Texas and Indian
steers. $2.7iua.26; cows and hellers, $1.50'i
HOOS Receipts 6.4(10 head: market He
higher: pigs Htid lights. $3.5iKfii60; packers,
$6.656 Kj; butchers and best heavy, $6,903
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts 1.501
hend; market steady; native muttons, J4.C0
44 ;f; liirnhs, $5.6oi6.00: culls and bucks,
$3.26 '(( 4.00; Blockers. $4.50176 ("0
Bit. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 2.300 head; market slow and steady;
beeves. $4.00f7.25; cows and heifers, $..20-(i
6..T,: culves. 3.006.50.
IIOtiS-Recelpts. 6,700 head; market 5c
higher; lop, $6.924: hulk of sales, $6.6yo
SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Recelpls. 2,(i0
head; market weak; lambs, $3.25S6.8&.
loas City Live Stock Market.
SIOl'X CITY. Aug. SI. (Special Tele
gram. 1 CATTLE Receipts, 3.300 head;
market 10 lower; beeves. $4 50; cows and
i heifers, $4.00 6 5.00; feeders, 3.O(yfi4.50; calves
I "'.''. rlin"'. 2 7oQ3.50.
IIOOS-Rccelpis. I.6O11 head: mnrket 6c
higher; range, $6.25(fj6.00; bulk of sales, 16.45
Condition of Trade and ttaotattons oa
Staple and Fancy rrodace.
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1 delivered to
retail trade In cartons. 23c; No. I, in 61-lb.
tiiDs, a:',:; no. 1, in so-lb. tubs. 23c; No.
2, In 60-10. tubs. 2ulic; No 2, In 30-lb. tubs,
21c; No. 2, In 1-lh. cartons. 21c; No. 1. In
carload lota, 21V,c; No. 2. in carload lots,
liKB-iiiftc; country, fancy, tubs, 17c: com
mon, Inc.
KOOS Fresh candled, 19o per dozen.
CHEESK FlneM Wisconsin full t ream,
twins. 14V,c; young Americas, 4 In liuep,
lac; favorite, 8 In hoop, 15Vc; daisies, 2i in
hoop, li1,-; cream brick, full case, 13V,-;
half caae, 13:(c; half dozen bricks, 14c. .u
quotations un Swiss nor. Hmberger uniil
after October.
BEEF CUTS-No. t rib, 17c; No. 3 r b,
He; No. 3 rib, 7c: No. 1 lolp, 194c; No. 3
loin, 12c; No. 3 loin, 4c; 'i. 1 chuck, 4c;
No. 3 chuck. 4c; No. 3 cnuck. 4o; No. 1
round, kV,c; No. 1 round, tc; No. 3 round,
6'4c; No. 1 plate, u'u; No. J plate, 4V4-';
No. S plate. 3k,c.
VEGETABLES Cej.ry. Michigan, per
doz., .16c. Beans, new wax and spring, one
third bu ba.xke,t, $1.W); navy, per bu., No. 1,
$2.70; lima, 6V4c per lb. Cabbage, 2o per lb.
Potatoes, new, per bu., $1.10. Tomatoes,
per 4-batiket crate. 90c. Watermelons, tf
SOc. CantutopBS, California, $J.oOti3.'Xi per
crate. Asparagus, pur doz., 4oc. Cucum
bers, per doz.. uoc. Onion, Bermuda, $1.60
per crate; Texas yellow, $126 ier crais.
Mushrooms, cultivated, per lb., t,oc. Let
tuce, per doz., Xc. peppers, southern, $1
per crate.
FRESH FRUITS-Apples, $2.7563 00 per
bu. box. I-mons, $l.5"'So.00. oranges, $4.tsi
Jli.OO. Bananas, 4c per lb. Plums, ,1.26 per
4-basket crate. I' California, 70U8ic
ftr box; Texas, 4-baskel tu'.c. 6'a'iO'.
'ears. $1.50 per 4-baskel ciale. Blackber
ries, S4.0U per crate. Ilaspberrir g. $4.'aj per
crate. I'herrUs, ..'t. Currants. ..00 per
craie. Gooseberries. $:.00 per crate.
SUGAR Coarse granulated, i.ooc ; fln-i
granulated. 6.70c; cubes, e.iyc; powdeicd,
661st p,-r Hi.
DRESSED POULTRr-Squabs, $2.26
per doaen.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 9c; springs, 13V,c;
rooatets, 6c; ducks, young. 9c; old. IVjc;
geese, be; turkeys, 14c, pigeons, 66c pe,
dozen; s.iuabs, $..00 per dozen.
DRIED r Rl lTH-Rulsins. loose Muscslel,
O'ic; fancy seeded. 1-lb. carton. 10c. Cur
ranis, urn-leaned, 6Vjc; cleaned, 8c; carton,
Vc per lb. Fiunea, 4"&rc per sack; 7'.,-'
per lb. Apriciiis, 25-lh. boxes, kc per lb.
peaches, 4,'allfoi-nia choice, 4i:; fancy boxca,
11c ier In. Pears, California. 11c. Dale,.
Persian, 6'je. Figs, layer, choice, lo'-j, .
Citron. Wq'jW. Lemon el. 13c. Orno
peel, loc.
FISH Halibut, 6c; trout. He; pi' kerl, l:c,
pike, 14c; bullheads, t-kinnd and die, set,
13c; white perch. Be; white bass, 17c; black
baas. 'J6c: crspplea. 15c- while fiah. l.k;
red auapper, 14e; flounders. 12c; ma krei,
17c; rodriHh, freah frozen. 13c; shad roe. l. ;
smelts. 13 ; frog legs. 4.c; green sea Itiitl-:
meat, :Se; catfish. p,c; el. prr lb., lie.
HIDtS-Quutatlons by J. S. Smith A Co :
Oreeu , ailed No. I. 10c; No 3. 9c, bull
hides. No. 1. 8c; No. 2. 7c; horse hides.
; $ii"; sheep pelts. 26e to $1 50; dry pelts, luc
to I2e per lh ; dry flint butcher hides, 13v;
dry fallen hides, lit; diy salted hides, 9c.
Our Letter Box
Contributions On timely topics Invited
Write legibly on one si.le of the psper
only, Willi name and address append 'd
Vnusd contributions will not be re
turned Letter exceeding 4 words w'll
be Subject to bring 1111 down at the
discretion of the editor. Publication of
views of col respondent s docs not com
mit The Bee to their endorsement.
X re's Record In Office.
OMAHA. Aug. 31. -To the l.lllot of The
nor. in uie 1101 i'S". 1". tor v..-.....-
nilsslonership In the Fifth district between
fjrorge D Rice iniil William O l"re. It
would sppear by the naming he.i lline and
slugged articles appearing on mc iirsi pas
of the Junior yellow that Mr. I're Is suf
fcrlng as a martyr for his honest work
as a public servant In his present utile .
That the Intelligent republicans of this
district may be disabused of ibis Idea, th
many friends of Mr. Rice giving him their
earnest support, desire It to le known thst
they are neither "dishonest politicians"
nor "graftal s," but oppose Mr. l.'re fot the
following, among other strong and cogent
reasons: , .
1. Bt reuse he. claims all credit, of raising
the assessments of the nubile service cor
porations, when the truth Is eucli raise wns
made through the agnation created by the
newspapers and Real Estate exchange
long before he brcante county commis
sioner, or was thought of for that off lie.
2. Because he claims all credit for pul
ling the county on a "cash basis. w,th
$175,000 in the treasury." when the true
fact is that such happy result was pro
duced by the effect of the scavenger law,
the Inheritance tax law and the good busi
ness Judgment of his four associate county
commissioners in office. If thee Is $K.
000 In the county treasury today, why can
not the present salary warrants be paid'.'
3. Because Mr. I're Introduced a resolu
tion making the comptroller the purchasing
agent of the county, but was unable to f 'l
It adopted by the board. Had this resolu
tion carried It would have made this of
ficer the auditor of Ilia own accounts.
4. Because through Mr. I're hundreds of
dollars worth of prinling was given out
without bids or competition at exosMve
figures, one instance vf which was 1111
order that cost IhsI year $.".33 which this
year on competitive bids was procured
for $105.
6. Because through Mr. I're contracts f ii
road work were let at higher figures than
the bid of the same contractor for other
parts of the work, when the performance
of the contract Involved no greater cost
to the contractor,
6. Over Mr. I're's protest the boaid
recently readvetllsed for bids for road work
and effected a saving of severs! thousand
7. The new detention home recently ac
quired by the county was purchase I
through Mr. I're's own real estate offnv,
Mr. Graham of the firm acting as agent for
the owner In the sale. ,
8. It Is known that the literature to the
Swedish voters recently mailed by Mr. I're,
purporting to bear the signature of c r.ain
prominent Swedish people, was not author
ised, as .herein represented.
9. The economy of Mr. t're In county af
fairs is visible in the luxurious office of
clerk of district court, which Is soon to ba
demolished, snd his opposition to the pay
ment of fees of Judges and clerks of elec
tion, when at the same sitting of the board
he carries In the board an allowance of
$378 of the county's funds to pay the pri
vate attcrney of a litigant against the
10. You can fool some of the people all
the tjnie, all the people some of the time,
but you cannot fool all of the people all
the lime. ' R.' B." STEWART.
Is He a Republican f
OMAHA, Aug. 28.-TO the Editor of The
Bee: You publish In full the names of
candidates on the republican ticket to be
voted on at the primary on Tuesday next.
Theae appear under the heading, "Who's
Who on the Republican Primary-Ballot."
Permit me to call your attention to one
particular candidate who aspires to he a
state representative from this dUtrltt
whose name appears In your list, he calls
himself a republican, seeks to use the re
publican support to further his own ends
and at heart Is not a republican, but to
the contrary. When the critical moment ar
tlvea you will find him with the other
crowd. This man is Harry A. Stone, sec
retary of the Anti-Saloon league. 1
Having been associated with him re
cently in a business way and knowing hia
sentiments and views on political, matters.
I have heard him aay to me that he In
tends to vote the democratic ticket this
fall. I stand ready to verify this and sup
port what I say here by affidavit by
I am a republican: I believe in the prin
ciples nf this party and as such I do not
believe that any Individual pcslng as a
candidate on our ticket and who at heart
is otherwise should receive republican sup
port. I shall do all In my power lo defeat
Mr. Stone. HENRY H. GENAU.
"He Being Dead, Yet Speaketh."
OMAHA. Aui?. 30 To the Editor nf The
Bee: A great message of wisdom snd
warning comes lo the American people
from the f'.vsh made grave of Orover
Cleveland. "He being dead, yet speaketh, "
In the dying words of the greatest roan In
moral courage and righteousness who has
ruled over sny nation of people n these
generations of the Ang.lo-Ba.xori race, a pa
triot and a hero, "the noblest Romsn nf
them all." The voice of Cleveland will be
heard and heeded by multitudes of men.
without regard to party affiliations, all
over this broad land. As wss Intimated In
an Interview published In The Bee at the
time of his death, on my visit to him a
year and more ago, In a long conversation
with lilm on public men and affairs, I ha4
the priceless privilege of listening to a full
and frank expression from him. 'It was
that conversation that Inspired m to de
clare in the Utica (N. Y) Observer what
I repeat now, wllh unreserved emphaiis.
that a vote by any friend of hla for Mr.
Bryan would desecrate I lie grave and dis
honor the memory of Orover Cleveland.
Clarke Commends I re.
LINCOLN, Aug. 31 To the Editor of
The Bee: 1 was surprised to learn through
the columns ot The Bee that W. O. I're's
right to sU'-cecd himself as county tom
Uilssloner whi being seriously challenged.
With tho due rrfc;iect lo Ills opponent I
ay frankly, because It Is h!s due. that to
my mind. If ever a man's efforts Jn behalf
of the public "n his public and prlvstH
fFpacily Justified the lunfidence and ap
proval if Ihe public. Mr. I're's 4-erteiniv
shou'd. The time, thought and labor h-g-ve
ami gave freely in helping to secure;
the enat t'i e; t of tl o t' mil al tax law wi
of the greatest se-vi.t aril houlr! un r
be forgo, ten by the p;ibl1c, the greater
part of which 1 fe.-r will never appreciate
low Important nd flfeelut a pait he.
playm 1:1 Mat it rnjou, contest
HKNRY f. .1 A l(K K, Jr.
- I uffee Market.
Nl.W .OKU. Am. .11. 4'OV"FEE-Fu-ture
el-mcd atraiiy. irt incnaoged to
.Vol" p. in'a I tiket. Sites iepoiid of 6.' 2i-0
b-ips o' luil nc S- tit 11, ill. r 'i.'iV'i.) 7"i : D
is'i Ier. a i,'c: Mareb. r,..'6'i 7 V : Mai, 61-;
ar 01, : ,. ; t;io. ,', :'os No-
v. iib'i, V; mild dull: t' S'gfllZ's''.
Elala flatter Market.
ELGIN. 111.. Aug. .".I.-RU I TER -Firm at
. ! s 1'ji tiie aevk, U,U9 lbs.