Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Office 15 Scott Street.
. I
Ausal Session of Tea-hen' Iaititate
Ee gist Thi. Xcixisg.
Cla aad Oa Utir Each M
la( L-rtare Masle la
tke UlmMa larf Ea
rwllaseat Eaee-ted.
A rtTb: f tachrt frrm tfc currrr
and ! ttf-Vrtt arrlvt-d in tt. ci:y j
j-'.ria -,o ii;-,3 t.- ar.t-al rr c-n el i
tta PoTiaaauanaie Co.riy Norrrjal mr-.i'.ut? '
ak& p-n thia n)rn!i ari cJom i
at non Ftu-'da) A umbr cf ttt ti'.y i
tcachra CTo!.r3 Saturday at the office !
nre!BBt of ahfut 2 la lockej fcr.
True tnoroir b taifn .p ana ttt P--r -.u " '
tro::Et cf t!.e tester. a4 axaouaoe- P' f f;- Air.-, a 3fte. Lo it a
for tfce eek arrca J be rrai al(r cf th r4r3 Jc,d r.beT cf
aj infoTT-..! imsMt to beii ia ttei''e nutte oa ruU. aJ Citr Eolxutor
aoitcrtam and at l,e teah?rt i:Mcm r- K.nLfcaH. - ho i trtrtct tfeptjtjr.
meet the aevera! l'.a:rar:cr. fcr th la- frejt for the ereioa of a Prth:
ai-u. Allhu.h tre mill ba tto ,a:f UP iret.r.. Thia
t-rr ihlf afternoc-n. the fonr.: acrk cf
tr in;.-ture a'l rot cmrer)C? ti:C to
nvn rjKHT,irif hen aa oa a.h iay.
a:'.l: ;h of SattrtSaj. the nvorc
!r lewioa mrj contif.i of thr
lrj:-4 of forty nr.a!i'.e each, ccrajrieoctr.f
at ara c.ot f at At wan eca i
m...jr.:r.p. inr:ac:r.i Siurtaf. ai the
lh m ,i; the uii'. -! ; ..rn let
the m'rn-rnc Jcf.urta
The af:ernc-n ixt.;?r)t ari! be (i'voted !
e .'irtveiv to f-.1cre a-d rr,i.a-. The j
i-ft Jecture D! tS:n at J cewt aalP'" "
it u p-iatinej t cKt prorrpi y 1 I aca !
4j..-invt. TLcre iU be do evenmg i
.l.r. and a t-achera aiU thui Jave their
,e l:-e Jr--e Supenntende nl Jafkaon. ia 1
ie.i..-n for -fi cmcewioB, ho that the
iiftJi. at the dai.y
faajjna li. kx
: f J ar.
-ic.i morr,,rg ao tlana aiH be beid
ar.d inatead tht- leachera aill meet in two
.; K-r riur.d '.a hie d.Kumon cf p'.ana
for th. r.e jeaj a work. AH teh-
r jn ii:y hc!k?1 win iseet in oce grojp.
wh?ic ii tr.-e tta-.hera :n rcral achoo. miij
cvsfiuuir the -cond gro-Lj. Th.e firt
groip : I in charge of the jjfnrttrd
ert ol i;y selhuia cf the county, it
Cute.) J?'j-. :ir;ttn3r.t Ji.kKn wI rut-jt
t fie u;i.r gTii-p. Thce meet.rgs are
-: stk c! to afford aa op r.rti;ti: y to
cuss U- of the comirg jtars wcik
ar-d tu any problem ol rout.r.t wcrk nay arise.
Prsgraa tor the Wek
Tfe folic mii, is ti gncral rfgrajij cf
3ex.ijres for the work:
Monday Afterncon "Pa ul Revere" i;l -
tratji. Pro! v. N. Ci fiord. Mvk l te i
ywtr.ers txJticatioiial l.Yeel. irvi. vroorge '
ri isetts.
Alomuut "The Schools of Yes- ;
lerday. Tciay and Tomurro
O-ota-e H. Betts.
Tuesday Aft-rnoon "The fton ard Its
Place.'- Miss Stella Lxvusa i ood Muik.
"The Motinty of aa ld. fe jptncvcnoict
J. H Bevernire.
Wednesdai alomir.g Story" Hour."
Sielia Iuiaa Wood-
Wednesday Afternoon "The Teacher
Cptonurr:j Prof H C lioljir.-gsw nr:.-,.
fusir. "Tbe Factors Whc-i ;i ij Make
J-era-Tality."- Prof. Ge-ge H. Btt
Tt.ursday Morning T' e Tew her Fourd
a "our-lefed Oover.'" Mrs. Hattte M.ore
M!U! e!)
Thursday Afternoon "'Expression m
Read rg. Prof A. A Reed. T Ir.r, '
Miss Hattie Moore-Mttc 1 ell
Kr day Mimmg " Th Concrete ia Education."-
Krof W. N. Clifford.
Frday Aflernnon " Stents from How."
Miss Stella Iun Wocd "In-.erpretatu t
Ktadirg " PVwf A A. Reed
Saturday Morrirg flur Friend, tht M -Te.
" Oeorge H. Beits.
These are the instruct r for the In
st lute:
Psvcholc-cy Prcf Ge-orfe H Betts .x
teasloo Securer. Teat hers colge. CoIj:--Lia
Read. t-Prof A. A. Red. ir.s;ct"r of
accredited schools and assoriaie profer
cf secondary e-duiatiom. Nebraska Stitt
Prtrcary Methods Miss Steila
vood. Mtr.nea;Kiis Kindergarten asstia
tien. Oeography Prof. TV. N CI ffcrd had of
f 'T C-ierciai department. Bf ' Hh ac-ooi,
Ptii aoe'ptaa.
H-.atcry ard Gram ar J. H. Eieveridge.
cltjr rjpenr.tendect "ounc-jl Bl jf f a -ria
Wiit.r.g and Pf. siok g -Proi. H. C. H..1-
! rgswonh. t x-Si,prir,ierjdtni of
K. .'i;-!i.
A i.- a. ia
Mastt Miss Grace Prr. -uper isor
ns.s)C. Cc-unc.i Biiiffa acikooia.
Ina.rtnai Work M. h. Crosier. upria
teftorti of A vox a sxhoal.
Mr. Araaar at Brass wa s Caarra.
An audirrxe wLrh fiiiei every ivjiliti
seat and moat or toe staitulr.g roorn in the
laigc audi'.onun listened last li ght at ih.
Eroadway Mellocjt church t Mrs. Mary
Ham Armor, trri.der.t if the Won ac
Chriclaa Timptranc union of Oecrsr.a.
tell m a most intercatirg meaner the story
of " How Georgia Went Iry.
Mrs. Armor told the ,ory of the pre hi
bitioo camiaigii and how the met orr was
i a .a,ai..n--laM.ll. ..
A. Nutritious Liquid Food
An Excellent Tonic
It Lrkigi wcxafJoful resJu to &e cvascect.
tKe n ng rootlw-f. tfe aigrxl and inLrm, the bnkx
-orl cr. tbote u5crias; boea iciersJioti.
i!xpsa, oerwotk or rruilnJintjofi.
bec-uae it buld Lcailty irtaaculif tiasu,
tieercby CHtfcoamf Ktess aod di-casc.
BOO rymri,m, k
aw Larfers a hUm
No Otist-t smiLai rxocjijet
o bigh with trie mrcLcal
For Sale By
Ai. 4. L4LAOI
SI' 'i
r. r 1 1 r. r. i -r.
mi uuui r I ii
Both 'Phones 42.
wen. and ttturH Jr ui fu thai th
sauxe could be ace- p . - :n Iowa it the
' pre per methods were and a
prrrrr i-al d',rlayej by lc7rrK? i
people i- tr. cor.r.ecti-s Mr. Arior i
sprke very parted y abou; th anatry of
many of fn church pot!e cr. the prc-hi- I
I t.rn ;..e:Jor.. Sue- spoke seething y of j
, - member wbi. W4h to have i
th.r.c done, bjt have ri t Ihe tin end j
J tf-T - T tf WD V- i
Kri. Arrnor ; h oph erred, that th day w .
n:t lar d.rtant when Iowa would b
the ra-.k. ft th "dr- " :i:tf
Mia n.r m.
rraal ta Erert Prtalaa Haaac
tvaara l tar trllaa.
i:r:t icif !ft );trfa for Cnki).t :
:o a'.;r.d the ltjara ;rand 4e. Kbh.M j
cf Pf .a Tf e kga;c ;t.ciac5Ml C. W. J
A!ocJ. H J -d Carr. Cbarira G :trt and
S. J. C!r frca 6u A.Um Ic-dfe; TA-
I mirj P:e-jy. B i. Bo urk-i- aad Brast
a a natter ia ahich the CcuncU Bluff
oLrt are i-er-;y If.ereated. the tnove-
m?rt a mri by St AibaJi'a Jfge.
Ancther matter of kx-aJ !aterf: t? ocme
before the rrand ) it the ret;t;oc fcr j
the rvd-'.rMirjmt of the prcprition to hoVd i
3. hch a the f-rrt ) ?ge of Ks jl'j of
Inhia eelafclh-fd cf the A;ghen:-
the ordr in Council BJuffK
:h thria f Orr.ara ard South
- " -
ttrtat ia the rrrpwea celebration r.d
,h Covrx-A B.aff 1ck5p- P'-an to be
J,r!" "f""' ' llt ctreoat aad
hdant f?-.iv jtie.
DI9TRICT roiBT rE Tt ED1T .rt,.- H. V. Ba.tex !
cietlei far eewaw Trial. 1
The Septerr.Vr term of d strict court i
orn to-ncrrow my J-jAt, v w Vao- of )
opn to-ntirrow. Jlge.x. . aiacy o: j
Hariaa. prcs.djrg The term, which Is the j
list over which Judg Wacy wi'! rres-de In 1
Couccil bluffs, as he w.ll retire from la i
t-ench at the eid cf the year, is a short I
one and will only lfc two months. The
cumber cf ca on the d:cket is above the
iv raf
tut it i dnuotfjl if many jury ,
' t'xvj T ouster action
aga.nst H. V. Estt.-y. crk of the d;f.rict
court, is scheduled for a s-cond traj at , Q?W lt,t ,f xtr fe VCIfrd fcr 1B-: I iaktalaa lun. Mmmr Tlrew.
this term and thia will take up. it is ex- j tO'ds or three-fourths of the rtubix-a j yj a P. ? H A l-LTOWS". la.. A u.g ZZ -5pe-Pcte-d.
a week of the ocjrt". fine. rHimir.ces. from j. resicential 4tora d..a ; r,: ..p, cl br j sht-irg Su-irg the
The grand ;ury will be impanelled tomor- to Bl 'neludir-g the noune. to tie iegi,- . .fT, ,.t wblch wr
row ainl w.ll probably te able to compete
its work by the end of t'ne week, as ther
ire r.ot mariT new criminal cases
to be
a lar: '
subrr.itte-d to it. aitrcurh there is
' nurr.btT perdrg frim the rrevioiiS term.
These are the members of the grand
Oeor-ge I.. Thorrs. R-Fn M tV ra"i.
Hardin. Hram ftW. Rockford: F. W.
trturen. f iver Crk: Philip Blintx Tork;
Juhu Mailer,. Cracnl: Adoipn Wunder.
Mmderi W. B Currv. Norwalki P. Wthl-
rrn. Garner, Sorrd rrecinct: PrM Mfu
wrnkl. Kc C-k: S G
I nd-rwoCHl. !
Kane. George Eians Wassinsrioo.
There is ro getting around tfce fact that
I the choicest and most beautiful derigns in
new fall shirt wa sts have been secured fcr
i Co. bluf.'a and ar new ca sale at Hunters.
cti t.'jt set-na :ocr.
1 affected as to seme cf those particular
A! hough ir.e arrangements t av cot te , miaea. N
cifl J'.Hm:. it is ann-.-urjc-e i that the cere-j The ticket down to ar,4 Licludlr.g Seg.sta
m.r. of iying the corriersu-r of the sew c nominee includes the cju-ne of eigr.f
.rur. n of trie H ly Facnl at the corner : ...
if Twer.ty-soond tret and Avenge s ( eet ciocilitei. There are tw a candidate
a ill take place next Sunday afttrnomn. for prrsidentiaJ elector-at-large. one fcr d.s-
P:m S I- T.'.omi of the high tncl ejector, one for governor, iieuter.irt
i-cIi mI si.1 be h-s oflK at ti.e h gn i ,vm,r screiarv of s-a-e treasu-er c.
u.c- i ttiro. gi.out today and tomorrow to . - prcTT o.
Kh.-duie huj.-i achoc.l student who were i fe. ajditor of state, thre-e caadsdate for
r..t s.-hed.lel uast spring, f-r M have j awpreme ourt Judges, one raiir.-a d c-:ia;m.s-
m.-e-a u.tu i.-.e 11.1 -.i..a ;
Mr. ari Jr K:ig-r ana son. tier- 1
gr-. I, yestercay by a Iergra.m aa-
:iv.n':rr the cWath cf Mr. Rogers nephew, ;
L,. MrGitj by drow-tir at Ranoolni.
y.T. MGarg-uu la li-e nver aad
in some manner rot beyond his dept.-. He J
..wT.i. !
T V . ... m I. Ul.. - , I I
nv:.v. iii;; Tv,n : h .t-
(S.t.rdav afieraoou will t taken today toi0' thing la the nund cf the voter ani
West PUnt. Neb., fcr int.-riiier.' Funeral '
service wt head estercay afiernewn at ,
tr reeidene. Ktv. James Mi cjfv-iat:r,g
Mtr K r g was T. y.r of age and a r.a-
n i- 1 Nrw York. Sne w iuivivm by her j
r.usiand ancs ai ty two trothers. resia
.n in New luiL
Mavor Malorey re-ce:v e-d vesteraay from
' . . Rtrji.n of Tarkvo. Mo. the ccntrac-i
for iw l-rg of ire city, dre-ige sig-iied
b Mr. F-ir.kJ. also a e-ek tcr tHi-. tr,e
first of ti,e 1 1 that re is to
ly f;-t tr.e use cf the machine up to Aisil
! cf ii-xt eir Tre credge. It is uaderst cd
s 10 1 uti in suiting a Cit.h t.:re
xing 1; r.i.h a c-i'rrr ol Mr. Rarkir a
farrr. yv is one of the largest in 1st
ii.iicie west.
f :
. j -c
.-.- r.
L' ' j
i ,
' Pita ia Ioa-a t Tote fcr Percentig
of Bepnblicaa Somitefi.
(irrMHii larr I taed as Hi
-eaal.f-fclp tfraaifff
Fight ta Ob.
(Frm a E:aft ,'c rrpc-T:!nt
t-rS MOrNES. Auf r -A Social -Tb
4 la'.t tuMVoo Icr atc-Ta.i.g tr-e irini.T
i la ? U at rtj-jMioana fas
cMrins" " n:'.til I
Tr.a .T r.iic - i. i --tuv..
tc -qu:re vw.rj for a cr.t of the r
puWiiaa ncrrlErt-a is cr3r to make the
role on aenator ui!-.
The 5r-imre rnet 1 -mcnow after-
; ncn at : o tkk ard crgarae. Tt-eiy it
j m-.y f-t Joaa to bua;r.e la eart ani
jit It believed theje W I repjb-jr,e
j Lean h er.tertajr.e acy to pro-
kr.g the . on or ho ha aaytai
aia by ? Aoing. Tt.t 3tilaturt ia cms-p-oae-i
of fcfty aerator, of born fourteen
art deirocrata. aid of Jf repreenttive.
of boo thirty-three are deraocxats. Ia
the republican cawcua St la alieced that
there are abot a-.ity-two rrorre!re to
forty-a;x ttaatfpattera. Ia the aecata the
taid;at:era aad p rore:vea are about
erer.!y dlv-.ded. though it i Chanel airx-e
the r.ara3ry coaferenc-e that there are o
e!ardptter axd progreaalve and that a!
are rr -bbcirs.
raaatatlaa far Caiaapramla.
The lda of requir.r.n the vote on a rxr-
certace t-f the Dora-.neef arr. quite tke.'y
to be the fouridatipa fcr a c-crr.prcriii
arac-rg the rertitlxara that w-il be aa'.ia-fa-toiy
to all. The idea in every &ody mind
it t? make the reu'rementa audi that dem
ocrata cannot partx pate ia the nermni'Ji
of th rer-uMJcan candxiate for ecalor
ia readily conceded that under the Au-
traliaa ballot voters have the privuege of ,
acratching their baiiot if they choce. and
urMJcijbtf-cily a great many do scratch their
ballots. It ia admitted that some stand
pa ittrs scratched two years a!. though
they c.aim the r'i'"lf D!w on
State, n.tor . , J
It is claimed that with the privileges of ,
i"tublt ruaraxtee-d by the AutrJia !
ballot it would be unfair to limit the J
,K.. v , , ,v '
votes on senator to those who to.t r .
repMbiican ticket straight and to re-tjune 1
vote oa any particular nominee, oa
republican ticket is a.mcst sure to Ut j
reruhlicao who. while ma i a tain: r. 2 ,
tnat te is a repubiKaJi. insist cn sciatcn-;
.... . t-v
lc P"" ""I,'"TT- 1 "
! 1 the suggestion that ia orovr lor
vo, on c-t,r 10 utt ,n must i T'
nominees, froni presidential .tora dca
to and includir.g the nomjnee to Ihe ieg
lat ure
rxlllr-a Attltade.
It S 1
fler ,b
reported last e.naior r'.i:iiver.
the oor.fererc cf last Tueday. said
ia private conversation that he akcti on.y
tha.t the ottr vote for the jrideniii
eiectrs and for the legislative noroiixes 1 ,
and not that he must vote for all bttweva.
It is conceded by everyone that it wou.d
hardly be consistent for
voter to par- ;
ttcipate in the nomination for senator and 1
then not vote for
the republican crJ.-!
dare to .h.
j A great many suadpatters have e x pr"r m J '
1 temtive as satisfied Jf tne amndrneai ,
j reejulrew a rote for presiieriiaj eltctor. g?v- '
( emor and legislator To require the vote
for two-third or three-fourth of the ticket
would go much farther than tJual and it is
claimed would be more of a test for republl-
g lor -Jir ir, '?jicil.l in If nL te C .1-
r. ,,.., jrrinte 3r r.f of c
cwjirtaxin. state srsiir am ::e repre- To a vote of two-third!
. ..... . .. t . .
" woum 1- 10 lej jrt a ro.e ir,
t v cf them. To reij u:re a vote f or three- j
ii.anr.i aouia rtyjuire a vote per lurtetn. 1
, ... .... 1
. but i,.a for
would ! complicate Uhe counting to- the
titcU0j judges fc luted Statea aettator.
advantage u that repuilx.n. wsul
: be bound hand and ft Is v:e for an.)
parucaiar nominee, oa tne txkt.
Larer the laadidavef
lac us 100 among tht pu..tiians
1 ' - w ""' '-"
gTesaman Ha-gen or CtngTesirnaa Smi'.a
w.ll be cand-ia:e
- ... . -
the standpatters and the er.t.r d.uss.'
la that ex-ccrgres m.a icey w.ii be tr
cax.d.ate aad the only ca.nd.dat. Tit
iaadpatttr. caa gain niXhing ry a mulu- v,
I pcity cf atandpai fir t--.a:'M
woud divide th.t :ndp; .trength.
Wnea Lcey was defeated for congress
'two yea.- ago he mace i-i...c hus intention
jt r.ii fir at r.a tor. tut he stepped aaiit
janea Alijson oecioed Xj c.-ntint and t a
. cari-ikle. It is unierstiKed tiat he new
j titnshag ir amtitna of iit da nti-g
I la U.e I' ailed S;;e nd having
j been probably ti-t mc-M o.ns;.iuou ..: i
', p.tttr in tht siait. cen. aaa th rigm l.w
'to b the Lac-ey is msre tyj.a
: a a standpatter pri.ap t.i.a any r..r. n,
' t.-.t scate ii:( the lea jer.
Wu! the Puaisciarger after many years
ci-r-1 me s.erjt u. ire pt nuttcnary f-ir rr. r
car o fie x. enieai prjctLg i-.t tut?
are urr. r. : ? They halt ii-i.e ap-pli.a-u
G-.'Vtrtior Cuaauss fcr a arcK-r.
aru the matter urj icr tht of At
;&4U.c ral Eera will not i-.vt to Ik
t,mnui tv tr.t leg-. aiurt as it has al
ready bt-en there. Tut g overs jr
ha seferrt-J the matter u the State Beard
cf paroie fr
The'.rargera were i.'.im in the
early da a. it being alleged lhat they went
horse thuvt and the f it Two of t. e-n
war !ytchei. Frank and Nathajj wtrt
tfeciklrd and aeat ta Lhe pcr.i". taiiary from '
Marshall county. Flank teing to.ti-.iutJ
March la. 1"7 aad Nathan Lectmter
Iv T.
It is new clai-tved that there was a so
a gang of toaattrf tilers operating ta that j
part of in ata'.e at the san.t luse a.. 1 J
that there a a war of more or sts Ui-
leraea between the las gang a tin the
ciuxtn at warfare agaiaat both of thtxa. '
It u even c.airr.ed some rtaptcied
citiae-n were itkenuiera cf Uv co outer- !
it. l. g gaiig The fau-tr-uvtaw of Franat j
P.ti-aiiatger. a man named Jonaaja a a
fvuad dead aad the RainaKrgera ware con- :
Tictad of the mjidrr oat th theory it a: :
Ju.Bsa a a about to turn states ertdetice
aatainst li e m. It la as c aimad trai '
Jnaaua a a about ta turn alataa e jdence
ag.inst tr tounterfeiung gang but not j
agate: his owa frWcd aad laat tb coun- '
tt fetters k.iiid hum. 1
li ia ucderatcned that cittxeei of Hard. a 1
I jbi y aad Grundy oounf y where ta
' F.a-uahargr m-.tly al real . I
t-e petition fr tardon Ft i.f S-ai.
Snif r J U Crrey rf Wirk: tca wi.l J
rejr'nr.t 1 Ki rrti-fn
Ftskt .aaa ( mirrlf.
W fc tnt l7.:rs:a-.e i worn cornrr.-
s on r-r-.t aca.n In Chicago. r- r-terr rer 7. ;
jrste. tvere will 1 renewed the f-grit lx-1
;" i n.t -eamere cf ia
and nine fliui The fre-e-M rate qjts-
tJfT: it i t it:mTj . rr.irlj a qu-Uoa b
tatn t T?a fria Tr raiaia arf
t tarriirg crm n j.rfr train at
crrHl (Una fr .f ra'.ra. Thr rt"" 'o
ra t r: Tr t: crimr!d wart
the tat lcfr) Thr aay lhT -!
to fs ojt pf bLiifs it l-?m-rra-T.1-
lnt! crainTTM Mr 1- at if K i Irw
frf t.fc crarrr t;n-
iratrf afar at. thocfh ai a ir.a:;r of fact
th In t cTeaTEra S net p a purvj
t.f ta by tail.
&.a:iere-d over the noil! em tart cf Icwa
tbere are hur.dre-d of I:tt(e c:eaTTrxt
hj-h je: thfir ti-rr: of cream raided in
ae:.r frcra the farrn ad.k'irirf Te t'
cr-tralj-d p:ar;;i are not j numerous acJ.
fc,r nt fn ln ,r aouthem half
rf .rt a:ate. Atvmt ''0 l.tiJe creameriea
c?rj; wt cj ba.r-ena m the laet few
j years. It i c",a rre-3 they have tea forxeJ
out by the cer.trahie-d
ln the ttit peadirg the creameries
have et.uone-d for a lowed rate. The lit
tle creatreries are lr.terresr. akirg that
th.e rate be tctoucae-d. The raulroadt want
to raisa the rate. The eases ttai claims cf
the small creamery men it that the cream
;s damaged by the mijca handling neces
sary when shrpyed by rail, and makes bet
ter brt;er !a the local creameries arvd can
be made as cheaply ia the mil! cream
eries. They claim that the bg plants vis
trttt methods and pv high prices for
rreara h!p;-d from localities where there
are saail creameries till the l;t".le fellows
are fcrc-od ojt. and then at one lower the
price to lca than to Jxal p.d to beg.-i
The WiKiors'n commission went deeply
into an investigation of the matter and
found aga:r the big companies. In its
repoTt of the iarestigatioa it says:
It would m that the cer.iral plants are
in a ntuation that it is almost necessary
to their existence to obta a more or Jess
complete control of at leas: a cons,o raoe
t'.'rtjtm of the various markets for cre-am.
The we.ght of the testimony, as weii a
th-e facts bearitg vron the s tuation. thus
r;ar to s-pport the contention that the
Plants are drn what te.eT can
iu,T n
10 g, of thr prrti's that liK-
rn-ar to have adopted towards this end
vc,r T trontly of the methods whHn
""uallr attributed to cap iaiistic mo-
r..poiis trkr t.mllar conditions That
many cf them are often in;rrk-al to the bet
Sl.Z "
r,,-i!f 'irf the d.ffcrerce
fin pncei rarfa as srSeiy as S to 7 cents.
- i yin. rm r- temii
iP"itI!i sek:r.e to destroy Wi coc-
Th- h'-.
or rrv.-e nVanbiy d:- f
the local I'lants are elim;- j
rwrtiT-ie after
: r-atod.
central Iowa Friday. sr.rTed much prop-;
erty and entailed a considerable monetary
One trndred head cf sheep and e ght j
h'id of horms were destroyed by the bem- 1
irg of a barn on the Roy Sanders farm
wir Fonda. A Urge barn and all It con
vad. was .track and totally destroyed by j
tire. 1 Tie nam sro a. outou.jding oa the
- . V-.4V. c-.. x-
.' . " . L. " -- ' --;
' ' " . ,. . " ' )
' rrn -rr - 3 I
of the amawtiseateT ia the Franklin county
fair grounds at Haatptoa. wa. destroyed I
vr w riKh was also caused by light- j
I n.r.g.
Marwkall (atr Rrwakllrwa.
cial. 1 Tht county republicaa convention,
which " here yesterday, endorsed the
car.d.dacy of Judge W. D. Evans of Hamp
ton for supreme Judge, to succeed Charles
A. Bishop. dVcetsed. and selected ..xteea
delegate and a many alternates to at-
end the republican tat convention S-
lembe-r . when a sucoessor t-i Judge B'.sho?
will be nom!ra:ed. Res-.:ut'.or.s were
adortd in memory of Vnited State Sen
ator William B. ATllson ar.d Judge Bishop.
Oata matker tklld.
MAR HALiTOWN. la. Aug H 'Spe
cial Smc.?red to death by oats, which
f -1 j,, mc,v-u ,nd ears
f... , s, ,v
,f '" R ' C l "
a th-e pe-culiar
fate of the Infant child of Mr. and Mr.
CMr Stulik. near Willi.maon. The babe
, p-jy;. in tre yard and fell head-
foremost into a barre' o oa"
cireai a.
; and before a phyk-iaa could reach the
home the child d.ed
la a a ale-s.
MAP.SHAL.L.T"'W3C-I. H- Dagg.rt.
f or-
mer.y cf Sac
was arrested vesrer- .
day at Grand Fork. N t . acord.r.g to
w -ri rceive-c at ?jic r'.y luiiv Darr I
, miT.'y . ' w . i-s.v- f - . ' ' -. . - - . .
" I T -y-- v ft -,.t f.-.r C'Vi- r- . rrwh. II .
.. . - . .. - v . ... ...v. . A ' j
j an t- return..! to sac .i".t tor arraign-
f T TT . V r . v ... ... . . .1 r: 1.
of tc;K m t:
liir.k at Kent '
Isn t cur.ty
n '-l,re.1 ha
. Tr.:
; ) atvut t of th rck
" t t he
id. cf
( irs'iiuiKT It
passes into the hands r.f
mere-lar ts ant :ir--re --: t-.t v-entv 1
o w ii" s".y strrr.g-hep th. nst tut; n. 1
A Wr-.ghu t--e h. er. who t-is vir -
f tuaily b-jili op b.ns r'Hrt or
scooust f his r. a 1 1 rs ni
r.l. met
laaafct la te et
and trre-st'd by It. Kirg Nea p ; .
I: io-s he.ia-i cuits ird iiie: and bcwe'.s
a t right. 2. B-ator. rr.g C
llasrrtr ia eer ia O,. prnw,r(
There Is tlaad aa
Earoaeaa llariiaa.
T I F.TKP.SBVP.G. Aug CI -At a hre tm ieri.-g Eoteror VT
. . rr.
n.a: "; re;--ice - ar.e to eP"s
r y i-t;s. irv r.ion tfat t e jcic
c f E-.r-'t : .-,- . in car g-r It res: tip .
f'.o s"i.d f i L"c'.t-s to r v-.m ty .al
.T.i.iei pjcv ke-f t tsvi -.s u-d ii d . -se-d
ird v i 5 . a
""firm s c.ri-y in the ii-st j art
j :a the iii.ninc-i ; tr.e- trw.i an"
i f.-t-sr en of t.rope sHi know ai d fe -1
that thrfy are re st-or.s b'e to Gi f r ij.t
lives til property cf t rr I'opl et-r.ft-d
to ire r Iraiersh-p Cic ihe ct tr h.rd. n
is the w 1 cf ir.e p ;'.t then a lei :,
silt tier s.;iei us-f ui r p'jrt.rg ihr
development f i tiviJratua
and ti tr.eir fetg-n in pe.cef.l
is athd h been for el jear th most
protrrx gr.d rttib" ejr f:r Drraoe,
Dyaessaery -. j Caoacra laa-t m. As
the csekses cftei cocr m tr r.fht.
B jxk berry Ea
r.-xr sao. a he prerrtd ta crca -" - f - - 1 ; , v , -. j.: 1 -"-
,.v:i . "" Oar I -eke la were -e h. hn . . f rv c 1 . - t. r 1 - - nn e 14k rs.
CrjEZV-S iJ IV Faul fca ISfls u fcr a mort... Mr J.i , re-ur-.ei i SMJlK9Ci.9!9A - VW.
, 75' a.?
Xo matter even if you are strusrdiri? aloe? to make loth end-? m-x-t there is a av to have
your home happy and cheerful at little expense and trcfuble. Jut read Bee want ads carefully
every day.
Todav someone must -rell some slihtlv ued furniture, ooks etc.. at a low price. They mu-t
leave town in a hum' or perhaps thev rih to buv a more expensive s?t.
.11. . 1
That means a chance for you to beautify your home and save
would have to pay the store.
You can always buy. sell or exchange mor-t anything through
realize the profits that are behind
, ,
Want a'lS tOday IOr prOI It.
it v .
saunes kronen, JCljro, Alicapu 10
Kill 0cer Jake Sna.lL
C. i. inarisr aad C. H. Marllaw Wi
freaal-rtaal Raaad far Clak (
alwaakla frwa Clyde Wal
iker aad Harry Balls.
Cffxer Jike Small -s ie rear meeting
hi. death at the hand, of an enraged
r.egro estday afT-rr.o'.r;. This rexro.
' Jams Crouch, fired a hot at h.m potnt
! Mark h i the officer wa tryirf to ar-
.rest Rosa a rcrre- crarfd
! var-arcr and tin te.rr a ut--i "': ci.r-
to see the re-sult oj his sret n T.rr" rf.n
away, with the rffer i'. pursu t. fir.n
j as he ran
He wa ciiasei "
ra-.lroad yatd aid lalr traced to Shely.
j He ha net been picked -J V-t. Th cff.cer
(went ba-;k and rre"e-d the wc-mm
I the help ' f Cff.c-r ;:! Giuchan.
I The j.olxe fn? a roi cs.rf.-- o th'
negro, as he wi arref.-; ?". ud.-y -n tr-
j charge of selling '.i- j r wr . ..t a l.fri:.
I He five
cas i r..r.4 .""j:itty -1 was
r - .
release-d. He was to have t;-"-.--! t; is
: . , . ,it r t. .r
" ' -
, . 1 ' . E I : ' ' ' . . .. .. -
bor.i. Ti.e Sou-h
t: s.t Crc u' h w .11 be r Y.
a r. tr.1 o-s"Ti--t
te-il-Flaals la .olf.
S , .t " - i 1 --. i r y
, t
' 1
tcurr a
it :-r. f ..-. el i i
tO th
ff : et
' t .-uni i
i S'.nc.y f r
H M.r : g f
f.T.t..l. a t .. h '
-. t 1
: J Fr.n
t ' ir... : .
e T' i e .t-
t i e "
2 Fr
; ij.i-0 ".: i t .'-r! w-.r. C.yo-i
i ty a sco- -.-f I irj . ". j ly
wen g-.. Harry P.;. la. ur s--cr.
rd ii. ti.e !-rks s a s-ron ;s-'.. i.;
ill M s-c-ri-g T:.rt is 1 -. 1 4
rcu'd S .r.isy follow .rg r v -.-trr.; -t..r. '!
! tr t 11 t." is ti -rr. . rt.
First It oa ad rt lenli.
' T ' '. rrt r.-i-rl cf f e r.r. i-: t- nr.::
: i.tu.tif r.f I "..-d vlf r j ..
, w t anci jee'eri-y sfim.rr. Tr. v--r.
lei'.i-'fi mir.r rg ; la.i :r. te oo'.t r 0 - r, .
re Kiiit. '"--I'-'J. I ..'.re,
!.. .-. I . ar z I
pair-d i jT t -:-.i-t-!."..d.
Ti.e- 4-f;-.r..!.
!t e.thtr L- '.
h.vt a t i- y-5 c ff
f 'r.r.e.l T:.- -ire
-ii in t 'if: i.r-trT
ii -f V. y.r.'.T.i w.l.
:r H-rl Sf.- ktr. w n
heir firs: rc-.-.l L- i
i off yn'.'-ri...
' urhi and f-1 1 he
r a -id Pir r. .1 j ia;
1-r --n I-- s-c"-r.i3
I rg
cr.d n-.
r' w-.r. 11. 1 t
J ega r.ct
Hr.r,:.n ::. a
Te w.i
, -;.!. ani tr.;
ty next c'-n.aj
-. v-s T-i :.. l: I a
Aali-falvva Leagae Mretiag.
' Tre a-.i-e. -:r .cig.e e.l the f.rm
t.oi'tf a: t e First E.p huiiK
n:g: 1 It wu t.t c, reefy ur.Jr :r.e ci- j
le-i 1 c a 1 f t t !c . g -t . hut E mtr E- Tt om ;
wa prternt lv r.frtsi.i that ar.d lj'.r-..
t t:. -.uri Us to t.t a b..l: j
:a Ln i..lerst o! tie rr , o 1 err.-r.t tr K 1 !
Whitl.r unt j a rrr..:.r. c r. civ., riir,!- '
j tv-i-. Trt rvi.: was aittndt-J tj
1 rr.errt.- cf a.l ttt congregate n in i.ut I
; On., a.
Magle City Ceala
A L. frQu t fr sia'e etna'
nator Afv
rc t .mei f r ,m
M s Elsie M .t f oTer has
a 4m;::g trp .n Idaho
A !rg s3ec.t a tf Odd FeLioa from
sV-uth Orr.a r.a e-: to fc-.tue
acter. The cff.cer w jr.akmg t:e arre t X V : " - " " ,r . rUl. . ' t k
in the VK.n Pacfic ra.lrc.i v.r'.s. when ; T.r nln .5 H 7tree,d" nr. UsY week h
the colored man ir.ttrftred. After acme i The H ind Taft club cr-.-. . -d Satur- 1 i,r-"' v: ir.g. to attract from
threaten rg word, the negro fired tre .tt. 1 iay ur i ivr. Ga.lvway was eiected ' w.e-thir J to one-ha.. o. the entire dtnomi
I,. rllW t c,r .r- x.'v th"ugh ! president. Otii hxhenha.i s-rttary ar.d r-at.on in this state tfore K 1 over. The
, ...j T. . ur. . jst orirm r as returned f ..-a 1 "r "l, 4 V f n j :i. jjiar
litest lasdhags iitedxMfe
A Happy
these want ads until you have
i frora 2:wa. whe-e he waj ir-ttruitor at a
j teac-.ert institute.
' Mrs PatrxX Walsh left Mrdajr for
' V V1, ,
, J!rs R. C. Haney ha rttumtd from a
with fritnd ta
Je-tlcr Gi
J Top
. ,.-.1....-. lf. b ....
;.'! cf the tity. Telephone No. k.
Mrs. Anna lidarui of L:a-x.ln is viu-
irg parent. ?r and Mr J M. Fow 1.
Mr ana Mrt S ep.-.en Millrer were the
fi M'' 'S
r- . . v . . ,
:r.g"':.:,t VJmmer at O.klani Net). 'tis re-
Mr. ar.d Mrs R T orr ps-vi arl da-ster
ha rtjm-i frcra a summer oj'ir.. spent
ia Canada. f
Ms Minnie Haas gis
braiia City to ;ae Lp
'i-'-.v 10 .-e-
cu-.k. in the
Htyman 4 Berry se-'iers of
. lth -ni
mtsiis. -4i h am C - ; r.cir.e ."'.
A. ttiepr.-oa 31"
The tilv couiic.l meet, ton.g
in ad-
;.o.rr.e-d svss.Lr.. 1 r e cjuejtion cf cr.ear.-tr
:.g:.:s t-r a iiS.vil cf d-sc-uysjR
r 1 . : if tue S-rcr.d ward passed a ressiuu-.-s
e-iiortirg trt candidacy of Mayor,
of .'x i f.r governor.
Th- Women iui itry t the Tourg
itrr. s . r.Tii":aa utx-it'.. :. w meet w ,t.-.
at.s I'.ir) mt u iueeij.y ; i . ni. l lie if tl" Xirk li.r.n.Ke'jBl i::e!
Tr.e Gerrr aa-Ar-ler-cn
m-i-t yesieniay afiero-'-g
d ti.rr..-u'. w.s f ii.-:.'
tails cf tc t rim.r) e,- t. ut-licar. club
:.-i hag hill. A
ar.i f.r ce
r. we -e i -sd
Spriens Rear Had t alli-ioa aa N e rt k -westera
ear kitxore, ek.
VALENTINE. Nr.. . .K.g T. - 5;t-:-ial
T-r.e frtx A ! riir-r.d'.on be-tm-a
a s'.c-ik train 1,a iiS sheep- and
: h- a-.y fre e t ' 1 ,.t K -g -e. N b
n the N f w-!. .-. r... r'.d. th. morn-
:r; ab-tt 1 o i i . k Ti- s'ock trii
t-:'g to g- it. .. r - '.i:-.f -shea .t
!:. n". .. 1- fr- ;:t T.e g te w
d--:-d ! f " r . w 1 tn trarh. lv-
tar.o -- v.;- n.i! -- krf'rf
and t Cir iaft cf shep wt't l.-J-red n
Xl V-a. Vv
iii mi niiir 1 "
Tbere sre ctrrrl-ia T-i-e-r;' meniicirjes wbicb will trrrxyi c tie cxtc-r.-O -fyrnpltotrr. ci
Cnvr. :-, Islo-ei Potsi-n, ai thtt the di--i5 tc? ta the tv-fttra rx a wiule, bclwbea
te trtitr-ix'rit is ':4'i c5 t .lijeic rurrly retirri. Then T"h 1 "tthK-me ircflrffll
rt u'lt-e-rile-.; 3 x:ub ir 1 tbrrk-.! cc pper-ni '. :trc-.i fr--.v, fil!:riff hur, s. eres and CeCiers, etc,
are ufui"r r. tTs t cc 1 -c C e c . -i.-e buvs ir.a"-e rri i trT.-jrrtsa en tie irlrraal
aa i W.i.kert-1 the csic.i-ratija n4 ptrjtrj heia ci lie riictr. 5. S. S. u the
cr' v re-nciy lb.:.: Cia be 1 tt-.Ui ttrtexl faiit'.y ia the trtif cnt cA Ccnlri '-us EJcscvl
Ici'-Tt a n a w. lb lh iM-irMit Ihuit a laslire ctire wi'.J rtrrilL This rnertixttte. rruvie v of rxn : z-i Lerti cf rrt-' tpttzei c
the prtmertti: cf lheci;seie, taii by
X i.a s-j i erne.-..-;-; tni urtr-r-nentng i.-.e circu-iU'-tt. renv-t everr svmpujoi c-i
tbe tr th!e. 5. St c -c r' l biie cr cover ttp tOie cifeae sa any wiy. bt enves it
enurtty ttt frtrji the leanrs; net the slighte: trare f r ftit-re rcthe Hoe
t-uiT: tnl !iX. .': brtlc-rmstic i" i tjar rre--!ir.l t.i-ice ei-tsoi serit free t-a
7t Pi I n. mam v m.
By the
l.ut. e.'e4 ia On.ej a
a I.J 1! C S t ." r-J
i.1.1 i iciiiista . r. t
l..'-ta 4,f tllil lit ,
- - 1 fx. ji ua.i.
I it)
We Cure
v't n .it
c . at. '. art 1
lept-Ui.' 1.
1. li- e-r..u
( - ?,-.J'l
! . W-'.ii. ' 5 k
t-r- .tT7ri,
e t : ' e -7;
T-V.v if., r 'v-t-'-rl .- aesaieity
cite ilisiiL
one - ha!f to one-third of what you
The Bee want ads. You cannot
investigated them, tart reading
j the caboose there wre four ttockT'r?
' ietrge Kennedy and Fc.ter S;ea loth te.
, k:!jed. and Makorr.b M Hawk'as b-ir.
trjured that it thought it
' . . ... , . , .
i T l" ui x. p.
I civ 't . aKj rn;'jnru. I. I is lOTuaai w.i:
l!e. although being bumed about ihe bxfy
nd hip. seierai calj mcx&s KitWitr,.
i cruste i. All of toe men w.- frc ja . .-
' ,.. Wyo. The dead and injured srere
brought here l".-s memtrg. the two liodie.
iirg tken to aa ur.d-rt.jier whii the
l'mo :T-:s.r4 men war taken to Mr' Sears
to "te taken ere of. The inqutsl will br
' ht i I u-nvvf rc-w at 14 o'ejjuk.
As-.crtu ia The Eee it goes- intw th
; v . , . . . u , . . k
i v" " -
t i.ieetiK Ose at Heanwell
Park with Large Atteadaae.
HASTINGS. Neb. Aug r.. Spev;aL-
. - - r . - i ' v r at K - - f . n-. . . . ..
; . , . .
heai. -arter are located here and the fa.
Cil.ii's for this year campmeerirg art
better tra ever rf-oj-a.
rt, &a:.atr
f the AdTenti.-. bri's
sunicwi. Jrtt.y
ar.d end with sundown
Satriy. Ycs".er-i.y. ax-ordingly. wa ob
served as a c.y of r--t and wor
'..p. Th-.- ue-al a: t v-.-.-.e-s were re-sumed
a data nee sett.t-1 i..wn on the uxp
las, r ig" ! ar.d ic-i.y wcrka-en are erap.o t-o
ir. tre cor.structjcr cf tf.e new Adi"cj.t.s:"
-r.itar.ura. wr.icr, is r.p.J y neari:.g c-om-p;etj:.n.
I-ait r..g-.t Elder Rusae-il ...f Lm
ccin presder.t cf l"akn c-o-f erence, cc-m-pn.'ing
t!.e state cf NtbrasKa.. Kansas. Mi (
S-'uri Cevloradj r-4 Wyoming, addressed u
large gathe-rirg en "I-atKr and Capt! trie
Co.t-f.iC. Etttea tie Messes aad tue
a 1 " T wight Eir ThMvpaoa cf
as Was h r gt on, D C. sp -ke oa "Sunday L. gia.
; a Urge for aervires
.n tit tl rd smaller ones for in
the German and S. a.-.dir.-. tar. language
- jrit: ve ar. I Vr.x. val-je, a-.i i :--.e gnc! trcn
t'intTtrg Ihe UciricJc ecrr ULT.xle erf the
Old Eliable Dr. Searles & Seiirlcs.
fr )-.ra Tl.t many t e.o-
i -? I . luotl taSMf
t s: ji. .i o.r; ar.d
-- .--t .1 w.-i es.
You, Thea You Pay Us Our Fee.
i...iij.- .
ii.-.i- .
..- k.
t 1 v.l
-- stei-nerta or offes
i.l. kj.: it. .ut.;.B ai.t
. Hel, 1 en irtftt o-l
tl'.t ,.!r au.d L11111....
f . i :
at :
tt.l III ;TS I.e. tatile . f e
" IX,C-.Oa-
11 -ft: u l..r i.f e: ,i. 1 .
AUX i ii.e t.r;aiIli2 .rvo.
.00 'waac, uus ee.scaa.. Zaae . s 1 1 1.
sua a a-iaaaw af Mm
aad dux. .lal ipa. tkrtt It
k fur atn tnatmnl
14th and DougTUs. Osuha.
? ii