10 TIITC OMATIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1003. ASKS FOR ANOTHER CHANCE Mother of Little Girl Fiend for Longer Time to Quit Liquor. PITIABLE VICTJM OF DUETS Hnaba Wkg la raratra trm Her nftr tm Take Her Back n Prabatlan It Ske Qalta. "5lv m on mora chanc. Judir. I can qi'lf. d)nltin If I hve Juit one more chance," was tha plea made by Mrs. P. J. Qulnn to Jud Et-lle of the Juvenile routt' Monday morning when tha case of her little daughter Mary came before the cnurt. Mr.:Qulr.n ii now In the matron'i depart ment af the county Jail recovering from the effects of a debauch which came near throwing her Into delirium tremens. When eha appeared In court he wai eo nervous her hand trembled and she could hardly letalo her composure ' Little Mary, years of age, was In the next room waiting for the court to decide what should bo done with her until her mother could make good her promise to leave drink alone. Mrs. Qulnn was In the Hood Bhepherd home and In the dlpso niantao ward at the Lincoln asylum taking treatment for the drink habit, but both tlTiaa she went back to her cups. Her hus band Is now separated from her and he announced In court u would take her back after a probation period of six months pro vided he left drink alone during that time. "All 1 wunt Is a chance to worn." pleaded Mrs. Qulnn. "I can leave drlna alone now; 1 Know I can If I Just have a. chance to work for six months then I can go back to. my husband." Rev. R. B. H. Bell promised to get her a position In a good family during that time and Mrs. Qulnn will be given another chance. In the meantime her little daugh ter will be pieced, in St James' orphanage. ! Elgkt Bars Break Into Train. Eight small boys from South Omaha lined up before Judge Eeielle of the Juve nile court Monday morning and collectively and severally admitted they had broken Into a Rock Island car In Albright and taken from It seventy-five bottles of beer. The boys were Just as unanimous In tell ing the court they got very little good out of the loot because their parents and their parents' boarders deeming It bad morals for the boys to have so much Intoxicating llguor took it all from them and put the boys OJt of temptation's way by drinking the beer themselves. fht lads promised never to break into any box cars and to quit running the streets at night, and with .this understand ing they were alowetl to go back home. ' peaperate Shootlns; pains in vthe chest require quick treatment with Dr. King's New Discovery. Prevents pneumonia. , 0c and I1.C0. Beaton Drug Co. ' ' " Grand Trunk-Lehlgh Valley, double track route, Chicago to New York via Niagara Falls; Grand Trunk-Central Vermont-Boston & Maine route from Chicago to Boston nd the Grand Trunk Railway System to Mcntrcal, Quebec and Portland. Double track from Chicago to Montreal. Kor particulars of special low round trip fines, descriptive literature, etc., apply to, Oso. W. Vaux. A. G. P. & T. A., 135 Adams 1.. Chicago. WEBSTER STREET DEPOT. Trains Chance. Sioux City pasNenger now leaves 2 p. m., Instead of 3:06 p. m. The Emerson local a new train leaves Omaha 5:45 p. m., ar rives Omaha :10 a. m., except Sunday. "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE." Greeley Wall Calendars for 10O9 will keep you In' the memory of your trade for an entire year. Several sizes and styles. Write today for samples and prices. Greeley Prlr.tery, Ft Louis. Dr. Ross, Dentist, 415 Barker Block. Prepare the Miss for School Fit her out with the right kind of shoes shoes that won't hurt her feet and take her mind from her studies shoes that will look neat as well as wear right. We've selected our misses' ' school shoes with great care and hare no hesitancy in offer ' Jng them to you knowing they are the best we could get and a heap better than the average school shoe you have an oppor tunity to buy. For children sizes 8 to 11..... $1.50 : For the. miss sizes 11 Vs to 2... $2.00 For young women sires 2Y2 to 6 $2.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 FARM AM STREET. See the Wines DUplayi Fall Csodi t mm Sec the Wamra't Sails Is Dooq'ai Sireel Windows TUESDAY'S SPECIAL SALES THIS STORE WILL BE Open Until 6 P.M. EVERY EVENING Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 1st. SATURDAYS Until 10 P. M. All Silk Ribbons at 5c i 10c- Great bargain squares of finest all silk ribbons plenty of blacks, whites, colors and fancies. All Silk Moire and Plain Taffeta Ribbon Nos. 12 and 16, worth up to lBc yard in one lot at, yard All Silk Taffeta Ribbon-In all widths up to 100; blacks, whites, all colors and fancies; worth up to 26c yd. at, yd 5c 10c 9 CA nnl M DnnnilAlnllin Cl ETA VA fJ.tJV U1IU 1 III " IU. French and Austrian chiffon broadcloth, thoroughly shrunk and sponged. They were manufactured in Europe expressly for a New York ladies' tailor should retail at $3.50 to $4.50 a yard. Colorings that will be most in de mand are here. Peacock, taupe, wisteria, ca- Qj "A tawba, cedar, London smoke, new French and V I Holland blues, morron, Bordeaux and the pas- I tel shades, at, yard 75c EMBROIDERIES at 35c Yard A huge bargain square filled with hand loom em broideries, new lots of beautiful wide skirtings and fine wide embroideries many are the daintiest baby patterns, others are more elaborate worth up to 75c a yard will go at, yard, 35c. MEDIUM AND WIDE Embroideries at 10c 15c Corset cover embroideries, skirtings, flouncings, gal loons, insertings and bands also medium widths, worth up to 35c a yard, at, yard, 10c and 15c. SRWRRHfc OMAHA on't Fail to See THE AND LP Exhibit. One of the Finest Displays at the NEBRASKA STATE FAIR Situated. Main Street between Poultry and Fish Buildings, State Fair Grounds LINCOLN, NEB. Ifs Quite Easy... at the proper time to give teeth ur gent care, vli., when decay first makes lta appearance. Not to know the ex periences that bad teeth cause. Is not to allow a decay to grow and become larger. JUST THAT FILLING that la needed now Is easily put in, and the expense is comparatively small, illllngs that I put in, give patients pride In their teeth. It 111 be a pleasure to tell you the ex act condition of your teeth as well as their real needs. Taft's Dental Room 1517 Douglas Street. deduced Elates to Lincoln account STATE FAIR ITickets on sale Ang. 31 to Sept. 4. aug. 31-sept. 4. I Return Limit Saptembar 7lfi, REGULAR SERVICE EL 8:52 a.m. 1:20 p.m. 4:40p.m. SPECIAL SERVICE k"v.. 1 W5 h2Z! 1 8:00 J-f i iq:30 Sept. 1-2-3 j a.m. Sept 1-2 ) p.m. Sept 3d J p. FURTHER PARTICULARS 1323 Farnam St. Union Station. m. AT SHE f 1 )f j FALL yi'ARTK.RLY HT1 I.K IIOOK, Be ' tw whe0 b"Rht in connection with any 16c J $r Ladles" Home Journal Pattern. STORE OPEN ALL DAY TUESDAY Summer half-holidays are over now. This is children's week. Special sales in all kinds of school apparel for boys and girls. Exclusive Con ceptions and Faultlessly Fashioned That "something different," that individuality and tone that always marks the Bennett suit display is more than ever conspicuous in our present exhibit. The real smart novelties, the highest ideals of New York's fashion creators are attracting the women of fashion. The new 36-inch coat is probably the most in evidence, but the long graceful lines and directoire tendencies of the three-quarter lengths are in high favor. Sheath and coat skirts predominate. The new taupe, cedar greens, sap phire and other late shades in connection with all the reg ular colorings make this a well rounded showing. fT m Bennett prices make this doubly interesting, for you can buy suits worth $50.00 for ii 1 i y ii Tailor Suits Advance Display Tuesday flooor Tailored Linen Waists Fall styles from Hagedorn & Merz, makers of the well known "Royal" waists, acknowledged to be the most per fect fitting waists made in America, strictly all linen, with wide pleats or pin tucks and real pearl buttons, either plain or embroidered linen cuffs and collars. $2.50-$3.50-$5 Stylish School Dresses For. Girls 6 to 14 Years Hydegrade Galatia, the best, most durable wash material made, choice patterns and absolutely fast colors; many charming styles, beautifully and carefully made and trim med $2.50 and $5.95 WOOL PLAIDDRKSSES and all wool serge sailor suits. In great variety of prices $1.25 $1.98 $2.50 $4.00 to $8.50 A big assortment of stunning gar ments of highest grade taffeta, mostly one of a kind, many makers' samples, blacks and all shades and colors to match your dresses Tues day only, to clear up r e T ZJ Silk Petticoats, Tuesday $8.50 Values, $4.95 the line quickly Mill Ends-Broadcloths On smale Tuesday, 54-lnch Broadcloth, In pastel and street shades, very fine qualities, bought all the short lengths from well Aflf known factory values to $2.00 yard, at nrOC BLACK TAFFETA SILK Full yard wide; heavy, brilliant lustre and great $1.39 value Tuesday, at Q'lt yard J OS WE WILL ALSO MAKE TO YOU MEASURE PETTICOAT FREE OF CHARGE Choice of three styles from silks bought, here. Black mercerized Sateen, also Apron vhwk uuikuoiu ui numumu Sprlnglass, black and all Bhades, 35c values I CA for a v quality, 8c kind, every good color Tuesday, " yard T"4V BEST AMERICAN TABLE OIL CHOTHS 5-4 widths, big line of patterns on sale Tuesday, at t varrt DENNETT'S DIG GROCERY "Best We Have Corn", 12 c value, 3 cans Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound.. Basket Fired Japan Tea, pound Bennett's Capitol Black Pepper, Allspice or Ginger, can Pickling Spice, pound Beauty Asparagus, can New York Full Cream Cheese, pound Schepp's'Cocoanut, pound "Beat We Have" Apricots, can "Best We Have" Beets," can . . . . "Best We Have" Wax Beans, 2 canB 30c 28c 3Hc 10c 25c 23c 20c 25c 25c 13c 25c and and and and and and and and and and and 30 Stamps 30 Stamps 30 Stamps 5 Stamps 20 Stamps 10 Stamps 10 Stamps 10 Stamps 20 Stamps 10 Stamps 10 Stamps COAL 100 S. & H. Trading Stamps with each ton this week. COAL t" Capitol Coal or any other kind, this in addition to our y special low summer prices. If you desire, and upon payment f, or coal, we win aenver hi any tune io sun juur uuuwmrm;:. H In this manner you get advantage of summer rates. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR, LINCOLN Monday, Aug. 31 Lincoln Day. Tuesday, Sept. 1 Governor's Day. Wednesday, Sept. 2 Bryan Day. Thursday, Sopt. 3 Taft-Omalia Day. Friday, Sept. 4 Parade Day. Best Agricultural, Live Stock and Machinery Exhibits Ever Shown in Nebraska. $30,000.00 in Premiums. $12,000.00 in Speed Fifteen harness and eight running races. , Pain's stupendous spectacle ERUPTION OF MT. VESUVIUS and CARNIVAL OF NAPLES 600 people. Immense display of fireworks each night. Llberati's New York Festival Military Band and Grand Opera Concert Company of sixty persons, eighteen of whom are Grand Opera singers of national reputation. State bands from Hebron, Beatrice, Aurora and St. Paul. Western League Base Ball Athletic Meet Wild West Show New $23,000.00 cattle barn, 174x255 to hold 636 head of cattle. New $10,000.00 steel trame Auditorium, to seat 4500 people, to be dedicated by Hon. W. J. Bryan, on Wednesday, September 2d. Ask Your Railroad Agent for Rates. For premium list and entry blank, write W. R. Mellor. Secretary, Lincoln. Neb. There Will Be P Several wetldlngs In September Ehould you be invited Ha would like to meet ) uu In our Mtore. m hen you can select a prenont for the bride. Look for the name. H. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler . 151S SOVOX.AI STBCST Does not Heal, Treat or Cure, but Is a Mechanical Science that adjusts the cause and allows nature to act normally, without the aid of Drugs or Knife. Call and Investigate. Drs. Twombly (L Twombly, SUITE 22-23 CONTINENTAL BLOCK. . Bee VJant-Ads Business Boosters The Great Silk Sale Continues, All the new fall silks from the Ii. and E. Stern find Lehich Vnlloy Killf mills nnrnlinKP. vnliips tn 1 ..)0 n vnrd. Ofl 4fl Ofl ' ' ' tHP.dHP.h" P Jr in three lots, at. Manufacturer's floor stock of men's and ladles' Oxfords, all leathers, worth to $4.00. $1.08 HAMEK THE RELIABLE STORE rc tl.e new fall styles In the Hart, Srhaffner & Man m e n's clothln. Extra Specials for Tuesday From O to :;10 A. !. Lonsdale (the genuine yards limit, at, per yard Amoskeag Apron Checks, yard 5 Arnold's 36-inch Flan nelettes. 18c grade, at, per yard 10 Amoskeag Outing Flan nels, yard 7H. 10 Indigo Blue Prints. Simpson's-- i . . . -34 One case of article) 10 5 From 2 to 2:30 P. M. One case Fruit of the Loom, (the genuine article) 10 yards limit, at, per yard 5 FOR ALL DAY Pacific Flannelettes. 124c grade 7M 16c double fleeced wrap per cloth, extra weight, at, per yard . . - 8 36-inch Fine Percales, bordered 7 Closing out summer wash goods 16c goods 7tf 12V4c goods . . . . 6C 10c goods 5? 10c goods 34 C 10c goods 2H? Special sale on Tow ols 3MS 5S 7H. 8HS 10. 150 nd 10 Wool Dross Goods Sale We have some of that 6th Avenue Broadcloth stock that Is sold at $1.60 a yard. Come and get It here at, per rd -81.25 Extra special on novelties and plain 75c dress goods -50c $1.00 dress goods . . 75 $1.25 drebs goods 89c $1.50 dress goods 98 $2.00 dress goods SI. 10 Skirts Made to Measure Select any material from 60c a yard up. In our entire dress goods depart ment and have your skirt made (a measure by a first-class lady tailor. who Is located right In our store. 24 new up-to-date styles to selec from, at $1.50. $1.75, $2.00, $2.2 9 KA onri 11 On Perfect fit guaranteed or money re- ( funded. i Bargain Day Tuesday In Our Cloak Department Women's Cravenettes Manu facturer's stock, made to sell up to $10.00; magnificent har gains at $3.95 Silk Braided Butterfly Jackets Splendid assortment for se lection, values up to $20.00; on sale at $7.50 FREE, FREE, FREE A Stylish Silk Waist Absolutely Free to each purchaser of one of our French voile skirts; splendid value $4.95 Either Waist or Skirt is fully worth price asked for both. $6.00 Silk Underskirts $3.95 $2.50 Heatherbloom Underskirts ' .$1.45 Better than ever CROWN JEWEL SUITS, $25.00. See the new fall styles. All Silk Taffeta Ribbons Extra wide, leading shades, many in the lot worth regularly to 25c, at ig Sale of Infant's Wear Tuesday, 1st Floor A big purchase of over fifty dozen Infant's garments, white and colored, dresses, jackets, wrappers, rompers, play suits, etc., values up to $1.00, go at, choice 25 Knit Underwear An lmmeuse line of ladles' and chil dren's fall and winter weicht under wear, all sizes, regular 25c and '39c values, choice 15 Fleisher Yarns We are Omaha selling agents for I these celebrated yarns and In order to 1 1' Introduce them are offering all at about half their actual retail worth. -, f i Knitting Yarns full weight skein, T vl? all colors, at 15 LS jj Shetland Floss worth 15e, large J V skein, at -76 NK, Imported Saxony, worth 12 He, all col- J j ors, skein 5 Iff Germantown Zephyrs, regular 16c val- ues, on sale at 7'C X '; J Imported Spanish Knitting Yarn, 20c j J value, at IOC l . ! Can Your Pears and Peaches Now We have one carload of extra fancy yellow Crawford, California, Peaches These are the finest grown for can ring, and tomorrow we will continue to sell them, per crate 05? Also one carload of extra fancy Colorado Bartlett Pears, packed in bushel boxes, tomorrow, box . .$1.05 FRKSII VEGETABLES TUESDAY Fancy Sweet Corn, per dozen ... .10c Fancy New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, three pounds for 10c Fresh Beets or Carrots, per bunch, .lc Fresh Parsley, per bunch lc Fancy home grown 8quash, 3 for.. 6c Two heads Fresh Celery 5c. Fancy ripe Tomatoes, small baskets. 6c i New Onions, per lb 2c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per lb. 6c Fresh Leaf Lettuce, per head lc Eight bunches fresh Radishes 6c. -bushel basket Fancy Ripe Tomatoes for canning 25c Monday's prices en all groceries butter, cheese and crackers. 1 m hayden's nm RENT This word is a terror to some people, but did you ever stop to consider the conveniences you receive in modern office building when you locate your business there? Janitor service, electric light, water and the comforts of a well kept building. For $10.00 you can rent enough space for one or two desks and suffi cient room so that your clients will not be crowded while waiting for your attention. The good OFFICE space in Omaha is limited and we would suggest if you con template opening an office for professional or commercial enterprise IN the near future that you call and see the space we have tr j, ,otract - 1 offer. You will make no mistake by locating in 'on run Apply R. W. BAKER, Supt. Room 103