Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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th high school, In order to enable pros
pective teachers to meet the requirements
of th new Isw regarding teacher' certifi
cates.' The manual training course, which will
At the Theaters
KinetyThre Per Cent of Taxes in
Tbii City Hare Already Been Paid.
Trtttirrr Anticipate So Ore Twi
rer Ceet Will Oo Into the Aires
tlwl Dllbjaeat LIMCaea
Art L!kU Wutfi,
Saturday the deputy dtr treasurer
mad the statement that ha ha4 already
collected M per eent of laat year' Uvy.
Two month still remain befer the new
levy become due. In that tlm ha expects
to brim the collections up to nearly tt
per cent. .Thl lndlcata a moat prosperous
condition of the people of Bouth Oroaha.
The date, on which the treasurer expects
to make 'up the delinquent lint will be
about September i. Parties not paying- be
foro that date wilt find their property has
been advertised under the state law for
taxes. 'The treasurer asked that this fact
be announced, aa the taxes which are de
linquent have In most caaea simply been
overlooked. "The owners of property often
neglect the psyment of taxes until the laat
minute," says the deputy, "not because
they cannot pay. but because they have
not been reminded of the necessity."
The law anticipates that 10 per cent of
the tax will nominally fail to be collected.
In South Omaha only 7 per cent remains
to be collected.
Other Indications of food times Is the
fact thst all Idle men have found work
If they' want It. The packers are short
handed with th Increasing live stock re
ceipts. Big Rons of Cattle Expected.
During the months of September and
October th rang cattle will be here In
large numbers, and th Union Stock yards
officials expect to close up the decrease
In ' cattle, which - was noticeable last
winter. ' This ' cattle decrease la In con
trast to the hogs, which have Increased
over all known 'records. Sheep will catch
up In one week' of good run. Then com
mission men are beglnnJnfg to feel Jubi
lant that th feeder season Is getting
well started, ami that with Increased re
ceipts, 1 prices of all livestock ar soar
ing. Nogs -were up 'again yesterday-; tfl.70 was
paid for many choice lots. Th bulk was
up to 18.55. Sheep and cattle wer up.
With this splendid condition of. the mar
kets the 'call of "hard times" falls en
ears far too easy to 'listen.
Berar Visits City
George M. Berge was In South Omaha
yesterday trying to harmonise the warring
elements of the South Omaha democratic
camp. He visited 'the offices of the city
clerk, the South Omaha livestock ex
change and several other points. He says
he has- been misrepresented by parties
favoring his opponents at the primaries.
He said: "I hoped that the question of
county option, or th enforcement of the
liquor laws would be mad a paramount
Issue In this campaign. I stand much In
the same position as Governor Sheldon on
th question. I shall endeavor to enforce
all laws In a Just and reasonable man
ner. Any attempt' t present to overthrow
present laws will,:. I 'think, fore many
radical measures.'. I should prefer that the
election la ' state polities be governed by
the principle Involved In th national
platforma." .
Mr. Berge accused . his opponents with
playing on th county option queatlon, and
and trimming to .both sides. He thought
ha had made .his position sufficiently
clear, but If forced Into a campaign on the
Issue he said he. would beat no retreat
from Us principles In the matter.
City Willi Cheaper Lights.
Mayor Frank Kontaky announced yes
terday morning- that, he expected to open
negotiations with th Omaha Electric Light
and Pawer company with the object of
reducing the cost of the public lights for
Bouth Omaha. At preaent the city paya on
181 light at the rate of W7M per light, or
an annual cost of tlT.104.4fl. The charter pro
vide an expenditure of tlS.000. Bo there
ha ben an overlap In the light fund. This
ha been made up by boosting the fund
from time tl tlm. It 1 th announced
policy to keep the expenditures within th
charter limitation this year.
Th Omaha Electric Light and ewer
company's contract In Bouth Omaha expire
In October, 1909. At present this company
furnishes light' In Omaha at the rate of
$75 per arc light. The mayor I hoping to
get the company to put South Omaha on
the same bsl.- Th proposition a out
' lined waa to aaaur the company of a re
newal of th franchise for five years pro
vided that from October of this year South
Omaha secure lights at 175. P. A. Nash la
expected to- be at the council meeting Mon
day night to discuss the proposition, and
to stat the position of hts company. It Is
hinted by the- mayor that such an agree.
ment 1 possible. If so. It will help out the
exchequer greatly as the cost of the llghAs
at 171 will be 113.575. Thla will permit the
city to Install twenty new light In places
where ' most needed.' Iff this contract is
aecured, the mayor assures the public that
his recent veto of the location of new lights
will be withdrawn.
City Wears Limit ef Debt.
A point not to be lost sight of by th varl
ous organisations which already have be
gun to make suggestions aa to charter
revision in South Omaha la that th city
la approaching th Umtt In the matter of
bonded Indebtedness. Th city clerk re
Cently Issued his annual statement of the
bonded Indebtedness, to which 196,500 was
Added during the year Juat closed. The
present bonded debt amount to 11,293,733.
Of this amount tl.2S2.S88 la the general
ponded debt and $41.06 ief the special bonded
4bl.' ' This amount does not Include the
100.000 Issued during th present month and
for which th city Will receive the cash
within two or three' day. The city I al
lowed to Issuer $30,000 annually for paving of
lateral atreeta. '
New Awnseaaeat" Park Plaaaeg.
It i reported that C. D. Ley ion propose
to convert hi farm, situated on th Bur
lltigton railroad south of Q street about a
mile. Into' an amusement park. It has the
advantage of a flna grove and other fea
tures. It I sstd the railroad will erect a
station at thla park and run a local motor
car for the accommodation of visitor. If
th final arrangement for thla and th In
terest of th public In th enterprise' war
rants, .the Albany ' Amusement company of
New York has agreed to assume the risk
and put In the amusement features ready
(or another season.
Netlee to High School Fepll.
Principal Wheeler of the high school an
nouuee that all members of the junior
and senior classes can call at tha prin
cipal' office Monday or Tuesday to regis
lex for the coining year. The locker key
will also be distributed on taeee days.
Puiil '- should attend to thla matter
promptly aa there win be no opportunity
to do eo again until Saturday.
Tb freshman class at th high school
promise to be a large on this year. So
far 135 pupil have expressed their Inten
tlou of tttlendlng. It Is expected there will
be a large eareUment of pupils from Sarpy
county, alno the free high school law
enables them to attend at the expense of
their homo district. Many of these pupils
com In to avail themselves of ths normal
sour whkife ha beta r.c.oiiy placed la
be offered for th fret time this fall. Is
also proving to be very populsr with th
Feeeral of Michael Flaherty.
The funeral of Michael Flaherty took
place Saturday morning under the aus
pice of the Ancient Order of Hibernians
and th Catholic orders. It was very
largely attended. The Hibernians marched
In line In front of the bier. Th Women's
auxiliary met ths cortege at the church.
The hearse was preceded by four little
flower girls, Oenevlve ' Rsfferty, Lucll
Kafferty. Cleo Smith and Isabel Flaherty.
The pallbearers were James Sheehsn,
Thomas Kane, Joseph Byrne, Morgan
Heafey, Pat CDonnell and Patrick Star.
The sermon and high mans were said by
Father James Ahern of St. Agnes' church
and Interment was in St. Mary's cemetery.
Maarle City Gosnlp.
A. I.. Berqulst for stste senator. Adv.
The Item of street time amounted to
$6t.3a last week.
H. O. Edwards resumed hi duties at th
packing house yesterday.
Jetter'a Goid Ton Beer delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone No. $.
Th mortality statistics for the month
show sixty-nine births and fifteen deaths.
Elsie Montgomery has returned from a
two months' camping trip In the mountains
of Idaho.
The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid society will
meet with Mrs. C. M. Kich Wednesday af
ternoon. Rmii James. 124 North Twenty-third
street, reported the birth of a daughter
Herman A Berry sellers of "quality "
meats, 24th and E. telephone 390; 24th and
A, telephone 117.
Call and set our terms when In need of
money. Confidential. Fidelity Chattel Loan
Co., 404 N. 24th St.
Unchurch lodge No. 2. Degree of Honor,
will give a free entertainment next
Wednesday evening at the Workmen temi
South Omaha lodge No. M, Ancient Order
of United Workmen, will hold a class T,..&,4 . u U.nt-mK 1 All m.m.
Hill,...,..,!, urp.u.u. , .i , .em
bers are requested to attend. Drill teams
are invited.
The Hiland-Taft Republican club has
endorsed T. W. Blackburn for congress,
Tom Hoff, F. 8. Tucker and Dave Shana
han for representatives, W. P. Adkins for
state senator snd Coroner Brewer for coro
ner. Steve Rale. 8. Youct, Mike Popp, Zwan
Bod and Val Petroff, five Ausliians, were
fined $10 and costs for disturbing the Peace
Friday evening. They were drink freely
In their boarding house at . Twenty-ninth
and R street. , .-.,
The churches of the city will hold a union
meeting this svenlng at the Baptist church.
The object la a discussion of the reason
able" temperance question by ' R. It.
Wheeler. All the, denominations are in
vited to attend.
The member of the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows are called to meet at their
hall at 1:16 thla afternoon to attend the
funeral of A., JU Qautreaux at Belllevue.
The Interment will be at Fort Crook ceme
tery as the deceased was an ex-soldier. He
held his membership in the Odd Fellow
In Kansas.
Mrs. Herman Orother. 2410 N street, wss
seriously lnlured bv falling from a street
car last Tuesday afternoon. The extent of
tne injury was not learned uniu nearly
two daya passed. She haa had the attend
ance of two physlclana dally and la atlll
in a precarious conaiuon.
A farewell party waa given In honor of
Edward Glass r.t the home of Frank Glass
Friday evening.. Edward Glasa leaves for
New Tork City September 1, to accept a
position aa government inspector of meats.
It is reported that the J. I Westward
Box and Broom company, an eaatern con
cern, is about to erect a factory at Thirty
ninth and Q streets.
Ed. Elsworth. a boy of 16. driving a
dairy wagon yesterday morning at Thirty
sixth and Q streets. In crossing the street
car track suffered an accident through the
fright of his horse at a red lantern, tnere
located. Tha rlc wss UDset and fell on
the boy painfully Injuring him about the
chest. The horse broke Its leg and was
shot by Claud Smith.
HUlcrest. South Omaha' new addition.
located between I and J streets. . 4 2d and
43d streets, goes on sale at 1 o'clock Sat
urday, September 6. Prices from $100 to
poa each. Terms, $29 cash and balance at
$10 per month. Price on these lot are
much lower than that of adjoining prop
erties Thl 1 your opoprtunity. For fur-
ter information aee w. rarnam ttmun
Co., 120 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 10K4, or
. . 1 L. nVl'ICBl WWW i . V. ... ..." MV.. UV.,1,
Omaha. Tel. So. 247.
What He Did for the Terminal Tax
BUI Daring Last Sesaloa of
During the last legislative session, at the
request of Mr. W. G. Ure, for the Omaha
Real Estate exchange, together .with Mr.
Victor Rosewater and Mr. Ure, the writer
attended all sessions at which the terminal
tax bill waa under consideration.
A I well known, the terminal tax bill
was In grave danger during ' It' entire
course. While It was passed on final roll
call with a margin of five votes, on the
preceding crucial ballot it passed by th
narrow margin of but two votes.
Mr. E. B. Qusckenbush, an attorney of
Auburn, Neb., now a candidate for ths
democratic nomination for attorney general.
waa then a member of th legislature. The
friends of the terminal tax mil appealed for
aid to Mr. Quackenbush, aa one of the
most Influential members of the' house.
After careful consideration, Mr. Quacken
bush gavs the bill his earnest support, and
in so doing csrrled with him several of his
democratic colleagues, thereby contributing
the balance of power necessary to carry
the bill to It passage.
Thar 1 absolutely no queatlon but that
every voter In Omaha, South Omaha and.
In fact. In every city and town In th state.
owes to Mr. Qusckenbush consideration for
his splendid efforts in behalf of the term
inal taxation bill.
Mr. Quackenbush I a man of the highest
integrity and of exceptional legal ability.
He would honor the attorney generalship,
nad has certainly merited the democratlo
nomination. Sincerely,
Repabllcaas Hotel Lars aaa Ea
thaalaatle Meeting".
A well attended and enthusiastic meeting
of tha Twelfth Ward Republican club was
held Saturday evening at Twenty-fourth
and Ames avenue, the various candidates
for nominations on the republican ticket be
ing present In force.
Speeches were made by A. W. Jefferis
Charles L. Saunders and Thomas W. Black
burn, candldatea for congress; T. A. Hoi
listsr, James C. Klnsler and Henry G.
Meyer, for county attorney; W. G. Ure and
George Ric. for county commissioner; Dr.
Grant W. William and Charles Hansen,
for tha Board of Education; J. E. Williams,
for th Slat Railway commission ; Willis
8. Crosby and 'A. J. Jackson, for county
coroner; J. T. Daugherty,-A. R. Harvey, C.
E. Fields. Gerard J. Smith, Dr. Harry A
Foster and M. Logosa, for the state legisla
ture. During th meeting someone suggested to
raise a fund to liquidate the Indebtedness
of ths club and put aom money In th
treasury, and within a few minutes this
wss accimpllahed by voluntary subscrip
President John T. Dillon presided and ap
pointed the following executive committee:
Robert Houghton. Fourth precinct, chair
man; Bert C. Miner. . First pteclnct; Ed
Robinson, Second precinct; B. 8. Anderson
Third precinct, and James C, Undeey.- at
large. Plana for conducting the eomlng
campaign -In th Twelfth ward will be form
ulated by this oommltte. which aees bright
prospects ahead for tha whole republtcsn
ticket thai will be nominated neat Tuesday.
Christopher Jr.' at the Bsrwee.
Burwnod Stock company, under the di
rection of Mr. Frank Bacon, In "Christo
pher, Jr.," a comedy lit four acts hy
M.dellne Lurette Ryley. Orenlng per
formance of the season. The cast!
Christopher Colt, an East Indian Mer
chant Llovd Ingraham
Mrs. Colt, his wife ....Clara Sibyl, Beyers
Christopher Colt. Jr.. their eon
William Grew
Nellie Colt, their daughter
Pearl Sterns
Whimper, their man servunt
William 8chrodo
Job, valet to Christopher, Jr
Lnyd Francl
Major Headway, a retired soldier
Edward Cllsbe
Dora Headway, hi nelce
Lorna Elliott
Mr. Ollbb, president of the Amateur
Theatrical club Jane Jelfery
Mr. Gllbb, Just Mrs. Glibb's husband ...
Frank Bacon
Burt Ballaby, a young lawyer
J. Lane Connor
Mr. Simpson, manager of Colfa branch
at Bombay John Todd
For the fourth time the Burwood theater
ha been opened by a atock company that
will be resident during th winter scsson.
In the audience last evening were many
who were present on that blistering hot
evening In 1906, when the doors of ths
house were first swung apart to admit lis
guests, and who have attended each time
since, and these were most emphatic In
their announcement that the present is
the most promising of all. The theater
wa crowded and It was more Ilk a fam
ily gathering, perhaps, than a formal
theater party. old friends recog
nised old friends, and the exchange of
compliments was cordial and persistent.
While each member of the company was
given a "reception" on entering, and the
strangers were made to feel that they were
among friendly people, t was for Miss
Elliott that the real demonstration waa
reserved. Her appearance we the occasion
of a long continued clapping of hands.
while she bowed and smiled, and bowed
and smiled again, the enthusiasm of her
welcome gaining until she came down to
the footlights and waved her acknowledge
ment. Clad In one of the very latest of
Parisian creation, a sheath gown of soft
gray material, with a hat to match, her
bright face glowing with the excitement of
the occasion, she made a picture that
brought her many compliments In the
course of the comment. Omaha folks had
not forgotten her, and she was made to
feel It. Mr. Grew stepped out of his rols
long enough to give a brief word of appre
ciation for the welcome extended him, and
the other took their greeting with sp
parent satisfaction. And when the first
act waa ended Miss Elliott was fairly bur
led in flowers, and at the close of tha sec
ond act she got more flowers, and ao on
through the evening. No woman ever had
more occasion to be proud of her hold on
the popular heart in Omaha. At the close
of the third act Mr. Todd "got his," In the
shape of a floral addition to the glad up
roar his entrance occasioned. Altogether,
It was a most enjoyable evening for aud
ience and actors alike, and the season is
fairly started under the best of conditions.
The play wo given with excellent pre
cision,' when one thinks of how much oc
curred to distract the attention of the
actors. Mr. Grew, th leading man, shows
evidences of ability which will produce
many a good performance during the .ea
on. He carrlea himself well, ha a good
voice, and speaks his lines well, especially
the more serious ones. Mr. Connor, also a
new comer, Is quick and vivacious, and will
be popular In the Juvenile rolee. John Todd
Is a year and aome montha older than
when he trod the boards of th Burwood
last, but h doesn't look It. His added ex
perience has simply made him a better
actor, and hi friend realise thl. Mr.
Bacon la a comedian of the truest type.
and In his silent role of Glib is an excel
lent oppoait for his voluble wife. The other
men are all well remembered, and all are
Mlsa Elliott enters on her new engage
ment with the same earnest determina
tion that marked her closing performance
at tne theater in Dcember, 1906. Many were
there last night who saw her play Camille,
and remembered the compelling force and
life with which she endowed that woman.
Dora Headway Is a widely different tvoe
of woman, but Mis Elliott takea her up
jusi aa enously, and seemingly enjoy
ths lighter scenes of the comedy a much
she did the more serious work of th
tragedy. Sho ha a dainty, deftness of
touch, certain of her reaults, holding
nerseir well in hand, but missing
no point that will glv light on
th action of the comedy In hand, and al
together satisfying her audience. Last
night she wa affected to aome degree by
the enthusiasm of her welcome, but not
enough to destroy her poise. Her' popu
larity waa well attested, and Is well de
served. Miss Jeffrey Is simply bully a Mrs. Glib.
and made a great personal hit when she
checked the demand for a speech from
Mr. Bacon In the role of Mr. Glib. "George
Is ao excitable." she aald to the audience,
and In the laughter that followed thl pat
ally the situation was saved.
' Miss Beyers Is a handsome womsn, with
evident capacity. She Is hidden in a minor
role this week, but will be heard from be
fore the season is over. Miss Stearns, In
genue of the company, 1 a pretty girl, with
a quick, snappy way, and ought to establish
herself very firmly during the season.
And last of all. Herr Director Hoffman
has his orchestra In hand as usual, and his
muslo I a It ha been ever since Em 11
first sat In the director's chair, the night
the theater opened of th best. If last
night Is to b taken aa an Indication,
Manager Johnson Is to be congratulated
In advance on a successful season. It waa
a record maker as an opening.
Reeeptloa at the Orphean.
Bright and clean from the front post of
th canopy to the rear wall of the stage,
the Orpheum theater was thrown open
to the public Saturday night and th pub
llo was on hand to Inspect the popular
playhouse over which W. P. Byrne will
preside s manager thla winter. Martin
beck, general manager of the Orpheum
circuit, instructed Mr. Byrne to go over
the theater from top to bottom and make
every needed Improvement during the
summer regardless of expense. Mr. Beck
does not care for the expense so he gets
result. Acting on this authority Mr.
Byrne ha had everything repaired and re
modeled until the theater will hardly be
The electric light t one thing' of which
Mr. Byrne 1 especially proud, aa the en
tire house has been rewired. The stag
Is a bower of light and I said by expert
to be the best lighted stag In th country
All wiring has been put In conduits so
there Is now no danger whatever of fire,
Th klnodrome box has been removed to
the top gallery and the apace formerly
occupied by. thla Is now open for a good
view aad a promenade. New carpets ar
everywhere In the house and half of the
seats of ths theater are new. The en
tire house haa been Veupholstered and
everything looks bright and clean.
Thos in charge of affairs at th Or
pheum this yesr are: W. P. Byrne, man
ager; L. C. St. Cyr, treasurer; Charles
K oat era. atatstant treasurer; Harry Walker,
head doorkeeper; Carl Clary, superintend
ent of building: Charles Gore, stag man
ager and stag director; Howard Howlsnd,
bead electrician, and Alfred Allan, prop-
j erty man. ........
YOUR HOME will be healthier when you keep bottled
Schlitz. The barley is food the hops are a tonic. And
the drinking of liquids flushes the system of waste.
Every doctor knows that most people drink too little.
On this account, their systems become clogged with waste.
There lies the main good of watering places. They
induce the drinking of water.
That is one reason why the drinking of beer is good
for you. It leads you to drink more liquid than you would
drink without it. And that liquid is both a food and a tonic.
The sturdiest peoples of the earth drink the most of it.
But be sure that the beer is aged, so it will not cause,
biliousness. And be sure it is pure.
Schlitz beer is all healthfulness.
(Continued from' Fifth Pag.)
been carried on with entering students In
nearly all of the stste and also, Europe,
Asia, Africa and South; America.
Summer Activity of the Farm and
Animal Departments.
Professor H. R. Smith of the Department
of Animal Husbandry returned form the
east August 18 and ha alnce been oc
cupying himself with ths regular cor
respondence of th depsrtment and mat
ters pretalning to the management of
the university herd.
While In the east he spent one week at
Ithaca, N. T., where a conference of ani
mal nutrition Investigator wa held. As
result of this meeting it was voted that
an American association of inlmal nutri
tion Investigator was desirable, and a
committee of flv waa. appointed to form
ulate plana for such organisation and to
outline plans for the work that is de
serving attention In this field of Investi
gation. The committee named consist
of Dr. Armsby of Pennsylvania, Director
Jordan of Nw York, Director Water of
Missouri, Dean Skinner of Indiana, and
Prof. Smith of Nebraska. It seemed
to be the general opinion that such an
organisation would bring about more con
certed action v among the varloua states,
and thst greater progress in feeding ex
periments throughout the country at large
would follow. The Importance of ev
tensive and thorough work along these
lines csnnot be overestimated.
While attending the conference of ex
periment station workers st Ithaca, N. Y.,
Prof. Smith attended the lecture of
Dr. Zunts of Berlin University, Germsny,
who Is one of th .world's most noted in
vestigators along the line of foods as
sources of energy and heat. While at
Ithaca, he also took occasion to make
the acquaintance of several candidates
for th position of asststsnt professor of
snlmal husbandry in th university. It
was finally decided to recommend Mr.
C. W. Pugsley as professor Magdanz's
successor. Mr. Pugsley graduated in the
University of Nebraska a few years ago
and ha icn been operating a large farm
In Iowa. He ha been unusually suc
cessfully in conducting short courses snd
farmera' institute work in Nebraska, and
his knowledge of animal husbandry sub
jects will unquestionably make him a val
uable man In the department.
A recent acquisition to the department
la a trio of mule-foot pigs, shipped from
Indiana. Thla new breed resembles In
msny ways ordinary Poland-Clilnas with
ths exception thst the foot consists of one
solid hoof, resembling that of a mule. Tliey
ar aald to be Immune from cholera and
from observations already made at our
station this claim seems to be Justified.
Dr. Peter of the Department of Animal
Pathology has recently completed th Im
munisation of th anttr awin. Iteid belong
ing to thla department. The work was
done by the new government process, and
the resulta would seem to indicate that It
Is a success. The entire herd Is now Im
mune from future attack of th disease
and but seven losses resulted from the ef
fects of ths process. There were of pigs,
most of Poland-Chinas. The reports from
other ststes ere equally favorable and It
Is probsble thst within a few years a
large number of farmers will be adopting
this method to eliminate the losses result
ing from th nvuti of this dreaded dis
ease. Several animala were very sick as
a result of the Immunising, but a number
showed no effect whstev.r snd did not
lose a single fee4 In consequence. How
'V t
' - '
The BeerThat
ever, there Is likely to be a considerable
shrinkage of weight during the process.
The Nebraska Corn commission will have
a booth at the state fair grounds and have
on exhibition samples of corn and other
thing Intended to furnish instruction to
farmer who contemplate making up an
exhibit to be shown at the National Corn
exposition, which will be held at Omaha
next December. A bulletin of the corn
commission has been compiled and wilt be
distributed during , the fair. The bulletin
contains many fine cuts and descriptions
which will be very helpful to all students
of corn production and particularly those
who wish Information to help them to
make, up fine exhibits for the exposition.
Joseph A. Roeen, chief of the agricultural
bureau of the governmental semstvo of
Eknterlnoslav, Russia, recently spent a
few days at the station studying agricul
tural conditions of Nebraska, and while
hero made arrangements for having shipped
to him samples of all the best types of tho
different grains grown nt the station.
Mr. Beni Madhav Chatterjee of Calcutta,
India, who has been attending the Cornell
Agricultural college the last year, visited
the experiment station August 25. He ex
pects to return to his native land some
tlmo this year, but will first devote a month
or two to visiting the various experiment
stations' and other places of interest to
agriculture in America. Mr. Chatterjee
expects to take an active part In establish
ing an experiment station in India, similar
to such- institution In this country, and
will take up some of the most Important
subjects In agriculture In hi own land.
His reference to the agricultural impor
tance of India may be noted when we con
alder hi tatement, "that India, while be
ing but one-third the area of the United
States. Is obliged to support 300,000,000 peo
ple. Much of the area Is semi-arid, re
quiring Irrigation and dry farming meth
ods." The university Is planning to send out
lady speakers and Judges to about forty
boys' and girls' county contests this fall.
All of these contests will be held before
the National Corn Exposition In Omaha.
The dates of the contests sre practically
all fixed and will be published In the rtext
Issue of Agriculture. In addition to the
regular farmers' Institute and boys' and
girls' contests, the department Is planning
to conduct two farmers' Institute schools
or short course. One of these schools wa
held at Pawnee City last year, during the
week of February 10-15. Quite a number of
committees were anxious to substitute the
short course for the regular institute, but
the authorities at the university decided
to hold only one or two of these schools
this yesr. Arrangements have slresdy
been made to hold one at Broken Bow. the
other at Hebron. It was especially grati
fying to see three boys who had attended
the School of Agriculture sign the guar
antee pledging 110 each to the support of
the short course at Broken Bow.
Edur-.tlonal otes.
Philadelphia barring married women
from the schools, and from this time will
permit only thoe to take positions In the
schools whose husbands are either phy
sically or mentally unfit to enpnort th m.
Women who have been deserted by their
husband for a continuous period of two
vears will also be permitted to teach under
the new rule.
W. W. Black, supervising principal of
the third division of the Wsshinrton public
schools, has rfata-ned to accent the profes
eorshin of the eelence end art of teachine;.
flrhool of Prritgosv, Trftver'ty of Indi
ana, at Bloonlpgton. Ind. He haa been
connected with th. Washington schools for
two year" and wa conaldered among tV
best of the supervisors.
Prof. Tred A. Barrett of th Vnlverslv of
Californ'a. who has charge of the anthro
nnlnaical work of the expedition sent out
bv Georse H. Hve of New Tork to studv
the ancient rtvlllxatlon of the Inras In
Ecnador and Peru. arrived at Guaya
quil and will soon mart for a year's ab
sence In the high Andean reaione of th.
Interior This l -ne rt h le known re
gions aX the globe, and the Indians there
I . . . ' r ' . --v I
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Ask for the Brewery Bottling.
Common beer is sometimes substituted for Schlitt.
To avoid being imposed upon, ses that ths cork or troitm is branded ScMtdM.
I ..... -
. Phone !naVM,AW. '
). Schlitz Brewing: Co. of Neb.
719 So. 9th St., Omaha
Made Milwaukee Famous
are said to be of pure Inca stock and to
preserve the religion and customs of their
lathers, who were so ruthlessly despoiled
and subjugated by Plzsrro, The scientific
data gathered by him and other of the
expedition will be published upon thf re
turn. 1
An Institution where work, thorough
work and constant work, is the key-note la
the Western Normal college at Shenandoah,
la. Dr. J. W. Hussey, tne president. Is a
believer In beginning early and utilising all
the minutes. The expenses of a normal or
business education at Western are about
the minimum. The tuition Is not high and
the cost of living la very low.
The Southwestern Gould scholarship in
the School of Applied Art and Science at
the New York university Is now vacant
and Is open to all college and high school
students In the southwest. It carries with
it IZ70 a year for four years, and Is well
worth seeking. Application, with testimon
ials snd certificates, must be made to the
chancellor of New York university before
September 10.
According to President Albert S. Hill of
Lebanon university, Ohio, the Influence of
that Institution since it was founded fifty
two years ago, has resulted in 10,000 wed
dings. It Is a co-educational suhool, and
Dr. Hill, who has strong faith In the sys
tem, says: "We believe that five women
will humanise at least 100 men." The insti
tution, which is quite h flourishing one, haa
boen conducted for lta more than half a
century of existence on the principles laid
down by Its founder, Alfred Holbrook.
An Institution for young women, which
combines college and home life. Is Cottey
oollege, Nevada. Mo. It is located In the
finest reaidence district of the city snd oc
cupies a very large and Imposing building
In the center of beautiful grounds. Mrs.
V. A. C. Stockard, the president. Is a
woman of many years of experience as an
educator and poasesses a strong person
ality and a kindly and motherly tempera
ment which draws to her the regard and
affection of the hundreds of girls under her
The report of the treasurer of Harvard
university shows that the Investment funds
of the Institution amount to 19.T7,911. and
the annual Income $945,176. an average of
4.75 per cent, which should be considered
very fair returns upon safe Investments. Of
this total the sum of $1. 800.639 Is represented
by advances to various departments and
funds. This lsrge endowment Is the ac
cumulation of years from a multitude of
sources and not the gift of a single Indi
vidual seeking to make a name for himself
Deadly Fright
posaesaes sufferers from lung trouble till
they learn Dr. King's New Discovery will
help them. BCc snd 11.00. Beaton Drug Co.
Screams Brings Another to Her
Reacae aa4 Assailant Is
Driven Off.
Residents In the neighborhood of Twenty
Second and Grant atreeta were aroused by
ths scream of a womar. late last night, and
Investigation proved that an unidentified
man had attempted to assault Minnie Wax
enberg, a 15-year-old girl who live at 2113
Grant street.
Miss Waxenberg, who 1 rather large for
her age, say that she wa approached by
a 'man soon' after alighting from a street
car on' Twenty-fourth street, snd that he
grabbed ' her by th arm and threw her
down In . a dark alley. Her screams pre
vented him offering any further violence,
and her assailant was almost captured by
a man ' who' appeared on the scene. The
girl .waa so frightened, however, that she
grasped her rescuer by the arms and Im
plored' blm to take her home, thus prevent
ing him from securing the tnsulter.
snro'jt to Niagara rails, Muskoka and
K a war tha Lake. Georgian Bay and Tuna
garni Iteglon. Ht. Lawrence River and
rlapida. Thousand Islands. Alonquln Na
tional Park. White Mountain and Atlantic
Sea Coast Resort, via Grand Trunk Rail
way System. Double track Chicago to
Montreal and Niagara Falls. Special low
round trip fare are In effect to many of
theaa resort during th summer season.
For copies of tourist publications, far,
and descrlptlv pamphlets apply to Geo.
W. Vaux, A- Q. P. T. A- 13 Adam BL,
Chicago. '
"' I"""ll
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and many other points in
Oregon. Washington
and Idaho
Tills low onp-wnv rnt in ffnf
i Sept. I to Oct 31, '
Through Daily Tourist Sleep,
ing Cars direct to Portland and
the Northwest.
Union Pacific
1324 Farnam Street. B.U Doug. 1B2S, and Ind. A-I331
Li.1-"". 'Jr--
cafne or trade marie
together or singly gt roped on col.
lar or shirt denote Llhet iro.
of material, best workmanship.