Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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1 W . a . . . .
I' IT l M M
I V-
1 -i.?- vf jn
lVlount St. Joseph College
and Academy
Aboardlng school for young ladlca
Dubuque, Iowa
" " CoHetrlaxo IVgrc Acixlrm'c Department accredited to the. UbU
TrHy v low avueeUewit facilitle); offered for tho education ot
. yon ay woww t Vmservatory of Music and Art.
On mil from thibuqiM. Four hours' rids from Chicago. tlreet rail
road hoihoCodi with omaha, irt. Paul and Pt. Louis. Eutenatve grounds
J'larls. Normal Course. Grammar Department, Business Course.
' , For Cataloffue.addreds Sister Superior.
II he
- - f .
Cuscaden School
1313 Faraam St., Bchmoller & Mueller Bldg.
.' Fall terra begins Tuosiiay, Sept. 8. School for stringed
instruments, harmony and theoretical branches. Large
school orchestra. Monthly public recitals. Apply early, as
orchestra membership is limited.
Robert Cuscaden. Director
Your boy's school
TIIEquestion of the best school for your boy is an im
portant one; your selection is going to have an influ
ence on all ins future life. You want to choose wisely and
you are anxious to get all the help possible in making
your choice. The little book. The Right school for your
boy," waa written to give our ideas of the manly devel
opment, mental and physical, of a boy.
-. W will be clad to send this book and our Illustrated
catalogue If you will send ui your name and address.
RacirteCoHee Grammar School .
Racine, Wisconsin.
ln'wrlting for booklet pleaae state where you saw this advertisement.
LPolfnonf Oollogo
Parents whs realise that education la
fluenced by every peraoa the girl aneeie
be especially Interested In Belmont Collrire,
Eleven schools eoinorme the Collnre,
sltlra. College pact-graduate courses leading to drree of n.A. and M A
Art, Physlcaltulture and Language. Director ef Music fcDOUASD HESSKLHfcRG,
the eminent Russian Diaalst and comDowr.
Beaulllullv located in a Dark ti n acres :
trolley from the center of Nashville. Climate
school year, (.elf, Tennis, Hockey, Honeoark Hiding aad Automonnmg. Many northern
I - , I . -1 ! -. ,1.. k.n . ( a tn 1 ririv,l frMM .hp. ln..lilM - nil Illlr
educated nailer southern Influences, are sending Ihcir daughters to Belmoat. Applications
are therefore so numerous that early registration is necrHsary. Catalogue on request.
sv. IltA LANVKlTB. asH M-Bt..
Oldest and largest In
ties Government Academics or for L.lf- Active V. 8. Officer.
Hated in elaes "A". Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry drills, in
dividual Instruction for backward boys. Manual Training, riap
arate department for small boys ' Illustrated catalogue tree.
Address Secretary. Box A. Lexington. Mo.
ITnder the combined Influence of
work, Christian courtesy, and youthful
merry-making tho students of this Board
ing and lay school for young women and
girls grew Into a happy appreciation of the
beauty and dignity t( whuieaoms, social re
lationships. Students holding certificates
covering la. full the entrance requirements
uf a sUi.dM.rd state university aro adtnltted
without examination to junior year of col
legiate course. Certificate In college-pre-
aratory oourse admits to Vassar, Welles
ey. Smith, Mount Holyoke. University ol
Nebraska, VniveTslty of Wisconsin and
University rof Chicago. Exceptional advan
tages in music, art end domestic science.
Well equipped gymnasium, and out-door
sports. Bludents mothered sympathetically.
For illustrated Year-Book address Miss
Macrae, principal. Omaha.
College of JS- "A VV
Da; ea Kaia Schoal rail tsrm eoslns Sspt. T.
H.iir bttliaius la a iet looaiiou, only lla asm.
ia Iran bn.iuss esatsn occuplsa by vollsi. tUu
i.uu tMisua la etHaialDg euiplrs- N Mtaei
Kit. offn. n,:!i oDrariauiues tur stvnlsnts 10 .war
thslr i dj.1i tUff sa Ctlcto; ss .r esoi
si stufcntU aalufsvnia( whils studylas; .m slu
' nia U.. ih. host totung Ucuuj
la ear west.ra U sciiool. prsaars lor bar ot
Itksr tossmu law sr co4a stats, itpnortualir ler
siufleals t niaa u dantini'ls in prepario.
vsrk a4 ts tak snrclsl saaua arark it kNMWjr,
oliiwtsl scosomy. lugie, etc., vithoat astra ckars
klscutloa ana eoAtus Tl atoal thorougk ani
nlta muni law eonrw la tke swivi. Fu
(aialnaa '.tdrra ilia twa, AikNrt U. ruiacr. 4
Bast Erie St., laicas.
fiinux f ella, with a DODUlallon of li 000
Is one of the must beautiful towns In the
borthwetl. . Xha aihuol occupies a com
manding alt overlooking tue town, nix
treat rallrvad systems have depute In the
Besides -careful inaf uotlon In all the
brancliea rguirvd for a Klate Teacher'a
Certificate and for entrance, the
school fer spevlkl advantages In music
and art under the best instructor and tro
vtdee in a decree quite unique the atmos
phere, )f .a refined and happy home.
SIOUX TAUs, a. B. ,
Bishop Hare. Trea.
Miss Helen aV Paabody, rrlncipaL
I ram uicklr. tonpltelr and atratmili ika
BMt ttabeura c ot staiaawflns.
Mr 'apeeaalty Is role aaa saeh 4lar wfclcfc
a. ti.ra tall l tur My nieth la Ik ajoat auc
cMful la Ui rrlS. K la.lur la S yr' Kc
txat, -Wnla at " tor paxtitiilara.
t. aV Vauaha, Pr,, laatuut far gtaaiau
iiiil -. baiaka, ta
fir? tj
" H U
1 jf , ' ;t
For Young
not all from books, that character Is in
aad by aU her surroundings, should
'reparation for alt Collfrri and TJnlver-
tnstcie tnecitv limns ana only to ml nates B
Invites to opea air recreation two-thirds of
aUaa aowu aa MtasBtKON, rrlapU
the Middle rVesL Prepares for Universi.
Co m blue a home school for
boys with seinl-mllUarf dlsclp
Mue. It Is school where they
bnlld pianly boys by thorough
Instruction, and halthfnl Ualn
iag of both mind and body.
Your boy will receive apeoial
attention In his studies and be
made to feel thoroughly at
home. It Is not too aoon to make
application. If you would like to
bars him enter next fall. Oar
new fireproof building will re
lieve you of any anxiety about
your boy. The location of our
school is most healthful. Our
dlclpllne tends to build charac
ter, while the course of instruc
tion is thorough and complete.
Special attention is paid to
each boy's physical develop
ment. Separate department tor
boys from eight to twelve years
of age. Write me for a cats- ,
logue and full information.
Harry X. RusselJ, H cud .Master,
Kearney, eb.
Todd Seminary tor Csys
ilst year. The oldest school for oys la
the Northwest Located 0 minute from
Chicago and 1000 feet above the sea la
the "hill country" of Jlllaol. Our ldai:
"Kor every Todd boy a guod cltlaea. ' ctaol
for prospectus. STebie SUU. l(lawial
UUaeta, Weeastoea,
Tendency Toward Vocational Train-
in; in Public Schools.
I'rlvtleae of Higher Edarallo . It
Prussia Graated to Women. Prep
arations for Fall Work
Kdacntloaal oe.
The first of a series of papers on "The
Truth About the Public Bchoels," begun
In the September number of the House
keeper is an analsls of present tendencies
by Elmer Ellsworth Brown, national com
missioner of education. Mr. Brown In
terprets the signs of the limes as pointing
clearly In ths direction of vocational train
ing;. "The greater part of this movement,"
he writes. "Is still In the stage of talk, and
we cannot altogether foresee how H will
work out In practice. There Is fear on the
one hand that the new trade schooling may
be swallowed up In the ordinary schooling,
and fail to make for Itself any distinct
character or field of usefulness. On the
other hand there is a fear that the trsde
schools, in the endeavor to make their
place and calling secure, may break away
too sharply from our main system of edu
cation; may even take some pride In an
open revolt against that system. In this
respect the present educational system is
rather tlckllen and uncertain, and calls for
the exercise of cool judgment.
"I think It not unlikely that In some
quarters this new vocational training will
have to go through a period of alienation
from the main body of our educational
practice, in order to find itself and get itself
fully recognised. That may not be a bsd
thing if the alienation does not become
chronic. Young people sometimes find them
selves smothered at home by an established
routine which does not make way for their
growing needs, and their best hope of keep
ing In harmonious relations with the home
life Is to go away from home for a while
and then come back on a new and better
footing. In much the same way It Is good
for a man who Is out of patience with tils
own land to spend a time in lands beyond
the sess. For the most part our travelers
come back better patriots for their tem
porary exile. Bo I have no doubt .that the
permanent Ideal in our American education
is an ideal of unity. It may not be Incon
sistent with that Ideal to have school of
the newer type spring up In a kind of sep
aration from the older Institutions, but I
think we ought not to plan for permanent
separation. We ought rather to expect that
the separate schools, In so far as they
prove to be good schools, shsll soon find
their way into organlo connection with the
general system of schools and make their
contribution to our educational life In con
nection with that system and not In lasting
alienation from It."
Plaa of lrlaar Credits for Itelta-lasis
., Ilsdr Ostllaed. ., t
Following the . announcement of a 1 ten
tative plan endorsed by the authorities of
the State University of Iowa, at Iowa
City, to give limited credit for religious
study, five courses have already been
offered by the pastors of several Iowa
City churches and more courses are ex
pected shortly. It Is proposed to allow
a student credit for religious study the
limit being two hours each week. A
course epproved by the university com
mittee Includes lectures by pastors of
the Presbyterian, Methodist, Christian,
Baptist, and Vnltarlan churches.
The Newman society, which Is con
pesed of Catholic students, la expected
to have a course arranged by the opening
of the second semester while the Young
Men's Christian association and Young
Women s ChiiBtlan association Iwll also
have courses prepared for credit. The
other denominations are expected to have
courses prepared for students In a short
time as It has only been about a week
Women's Christian association will also
This tentative plan, which was adopted
in the Btate L'nlveislty of Iowa, Is a new
one and has never before been tried.
The Religious Study ' committee, which
University of Illinois
College of Dentistry
splendid opportunity to men and women
to pursue a course of Instruction leading
to the Doctor's Degree.
The college building Is modern and com
modlously equipped. Lrg and well ap
pointed clinic rodms. Technical. I'hyal
cal and Chemical laboratoues complete
in every detail.
Dentistry preasats en ef tke beat op
portunities for the practice of a raaasar.
atlve vocation, beoaase of tke few dent
tsts la comparison to the numbers engag-ed
la other professions. Tke following sta
tistics from the national OOMaUaaiOXZat
OV SBUCATIOK will show the number of
persoas la eaalt member ef tke Frof s
sicasi PcpuUlloo to on! pTijsiclia id. surgeon 57S
PopuUtloa to 003 l.wjer 6S5
Population to one dentist .... 2,565
For particulars relative to the entrance
requirements and to the next course cf
Instruction, which opens OCT. Ith. 108.
O. W. COOK, B. It. S. ., Dsan. BIS W.
Harrieon St, Cor. Xonor St- Chicago.
AaI'G. 31st
Conacil Bluffs, lews.
A business and sformal goliool That
Btaads for QUALITY.
The best and moat tiioruujfh College in
the Wt-st. Good board reaaonablc. 1 lacis
to work for loom and board. If Interested
send for Catalocuc, the finest ever pub
lished by a school.
ConieU Staffs. la.
for the education and training of
Mentally Deficient Children
Individual instruction given In courses
outlined especially for backward children.
Large building with every modern con
venience. 26 acres for outdoor exercise.
Every child made to feel at home. Write
today for catalogue
Ytluw B. feweU, SL , See Oak, lews.
In composed of representatives from every
denomination In the student body both
C'atho'lc and Protestant, proposed a plan
by which a student should be given
redlt for religious study to the limit
of two hours per week. Not more than
eight credits for such work can be ap
plied toward a university degree. Any
person ran offer a course in religious
study but before university credit Is
given for same the outline of Ihe coursa
must be approved by the university re-
llglou. study committee. The committee
in recommending the action stated above
made the following point:
"In conclusion we would point out that
It is Important that any student who
makes a special study of sociology his
tory, philosophy, government, literature,
should be able to make some study of
religion; and that It Is unfortunate that
the student's time st a state university
Is so filled with other required studies
as to make It practically Impossible any
systematic study of religion. We believe
that If the university would adopt some
such plan outlined above, that the various
tellglous organisations of Iowa City would
gradually provide such thorough courses
of religious study as would give the
students some of the same opportunities
for studying religion as they now enjoy
in the largest American universities such
as Yale, and Chicago, and Harvard, In
all of which institutions there are many
courses In religious subjects which are
counted toward a degree of B. A."
1'rwMlaa Ueveronseat Graata Prlv.
Uee of Hlaher Caseation.
The question of equal educational rights
for women has long been under discussion
In Germany; but It Is not probable that
even the most advanced champions of
emancipation have honed for so remark
able a victory as a Berlin dispatch an
nounces. The Prussian government, sup
posed to be the citadel of conservatism on
everything relating to the sphere and ac
tivities of women, has Issued a decree"
granting higher education to the fair sex
and justifying Ita Step In a most remark
able document.
The change brought about by modern
Industry and life, the disinclination of up
per class men to marry, the growing "sur
plus" of spinsters are among the argu
ments mentioned In the decree, reports the
Chicago Record-Herald. The state recog
nises It as a duty to train young women
for professional careers, since marriage is
out of the question for so many of them.
Women are henceforth to be admitted to
examinations for matriculation at the uni
versities. They will study with the men
and under the same conditions, receiving
diplomas and degrees. Those who do not
care to attend universities will be enabled
to take special training for the teaching
profession or courses in modern languages,
music and domedtlo accomplishments.
There Is no doubt" that this concession
marks or rather la the result of new cur
rents and Influences. In German life. The
example of Prussia, will assuredly be fol
lowed by other, German states that have
not. yet opened the. doors of their higher
Institutions to the women seeking educa
tional facilities from choice or necessity.
At present Saxony. Bavaria and some
smaller states adrrjU women to universities
with full rights of matriculation and grad
uation. Other states admit women as vol
untary students or "hesrers," but give
them no degrees or dlplpmas. Others still
have strange compromises, such as gradu
ation by special permission, but no matricu
lation. Last year, it appears, there were
t.064 women visitors or voluntary "hear
ers" In the German universities and only
KO matriculated women.
Vacancies Left at Time of Printing; of
Year Book Filled.
Miss Emlle Gehring, pupil of Ccsare Rossi
of Milan. Italy, throughout the season of
190O-M, and of Madame Reglna de Sales
of Paris, France, the seasons of 1904-03 and
1905-08, will have direction of the work
in voice training. ,Mins Gehring has at
tended the Grand opera regularly through
out three seasons In Munich, Germany.
The special characteristic of her method
is Us simplicity, and Its result Is a re
markable ease In. singing. v
Mlas Augusta Knight has been engaged
as director of the art studio. Miss Knight
Is a graduate of the normal art course
Consider your future
The efficiency of an army is to
the extent of its training.
i'oeur own efficiency aad salary will Je
rngulated by the extent and thorough
ness of your training.
This aekool kaa never hi
ZaTevcigate for yourself.
Puryear's Commercial -School
B8S West Broadway, OooaoU Staffs, la.
Information concerning the ad
vantages, rate, er.ent of cur
riculum and other data about the
beat schools and colleges can be
obtained from ths
School and College Information
Darean of TUe Omaha Bee
All Information absolutely free
and Impartial. Catalogue of any
particular school cheerfully fur
nlaned upon request.
Pennsylvania, Kereersburg.
Mereersburg Academy lor Boys
College Preparatory Coaraes
Personal Interest taken, with aim to
inspire In pupils lofty ideals of
scholarship, nound Judgment and
Christian manliness. For catalogue
William Mana Imu, Vh. B- Pres.
Ifcbraska City, Hb.
Today .T7 graduatte In fine positions
Kree use of Text Books,
We have very fine teachers. .
One month's tuition free to those who
enroll witliln tn days.
Send postal for enrollment blank and
t '
Whan yon know what to ao suppose
J yea a It.
of Pratt Institute. PrOoklyn, N. T. She
was under the Instruction of the leading !
artists of New York City for ten years j
among; whom are. Arthur W. Dow, Walter
B. Perry, and William M. Chase. Miss
Knight has taught art ten years with
marked success. Mr. Perry, director of the
department of fine and applied arts, Pratt
Institute, writes: "Miss Knight Is one of
the flneet students In every respect that
we ever had In the school. Every In
structor she had while a student here will
endorse this statement. I could not recom
mend any one I know more strongly. 8he
does excellent work and Is a fine type of
women with a delightful personality."
Preparation far the Fall Opeaiag
Well Advanced.
The Wentworth Military academy at
Lexington, Mo., is looking forward to a
very successful opening and prosperous
year. The government has approved of
the standard attained In Infantry drill and
has authorised the introduction of and fur
nished the equipment for artillery and cav
alry drill. The school has also been sup
plied with a new set of equipment for
signal corps work, including heliographs
and telegraph Instruments.
The academic work prepares for univers
ities, government academies or for business
life, and each year sends out Its graduates
to enter the leading schools of the country.
A new tract of land adjoining the city of
Lexington, comprising forty-eight acres,
has Just been purchased for the academy.
On this a new athletic field and regulation
half-mile running track, with large lake
In center, will be constructed In the near
future. The cavalry and artillery drill
ground will also be on this property. This
purchase gives the school ground and
equipment second to none In the middle
west and starts It on a broader field of
usefulness In educational lines than It has
ever before held.
Mr. H. Overstols of 10S North Broadway,
fit. Louis, has Just entered his sons In the
academy for the fall term.
Mr. K. Hoefer, a cadet in Wentworth In
1888. now living in Deadwood, 8. D., visited
the academy August If.
Mrs. Gertrude Davis and son of Mound
Valley, Kan., visited the school August 17.
She made final arrangements for the en
trance of her son, Earl, for the fall term.
An Imposing; Groan of Twenty-Severn
The group of twenty-seven buildings con
stituting the University of Notre Dame,
near South Bend, Ind., make an lmpoa
lng and beautiful secene, lying for the
most part along both sides of a wide are
nue of trees, shrubbery, flowers and
walks, with the large administration build'
lng at the head. There are other buildings
located outside this central group on the
more than ftfl acres of college grounds
Last year 821 young men lived within
the grounds. The university has SO pro
fessors, and besides the College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences there are departments
of electrical, mechanical, and civil en
glneerlng, Journalism, science, phnrmacy
architecture,, law, commerce, phonography,-typewriting
and physical culture.
The ideal la a complete series of graded
schools extending from the elementary to
the most advanced, with work on a par
with the best universities in the country.
There is a special department for boys
under 13 years and one for boys between
11 and 17. It Is the most original school
in America, and though Cathollo in its
control, draws students of all denomina
tions and from every state" in the union.
The president Is Rev. John Cavanaugh,
D. D., C. S. C, a man of high educational
qualifications and great executive ability.
Fall Term Aboat to Opea Under
Favorable Aaaplcea.
The Iowa State college authorities have
completed preparations for the opening- of
the college this week. They report that
prospects for a large attendance were
never brighter. The advanced guard has
already arrived and reports that young
men and women almost without number are
making plans to enter college.
During the summer, correspondence has
(Continued on Eighth Page.)
us about
Wc will send you cata
logues and school infor
mation of any kind which
you cannot obtain so
easily in any other way.
This service is abso
lutely free. No charge
now or at any other
time. The following
classes of( schools are
included in this offer:
A Colleges. Universities
B Schools (or Young Ladies
C Boyt', Military
D Music, Art. Oratory
E Professional
a7 TechnicaljTrsde
C Business, Telegraph, Norms '
H Kindergarten, Nurse
I Correspondence
Educational IniormaUon Bureau
SIS laus-Goail BstiMlafl. St. Loaila, Met.
SS7 Flit Avenue. New York. Room liM
Affiliated with the University of JT-
braska Comprehensive courses in all
branches of Music under experienced and
competent Instructors.
Catalogue anu terms.
WIUAtD IIUJUL, Director.
lltn and B kUreeta. XUaoola, Sen.
York College
tiff Cfl Py for Tuition, Books. Board
vlfcl.vV and Home for nine months.
Collegiate, Normal, Business, Mualo and
Kxpresalon department.
We laaue State Certificates. Over 500 atu
dnts each year. Vear opena Sept. It.
wn. b. scnu, . d, rsBsioEirr,
Teaches all sranches engineering; stu
dents enroll any time; machinery In
operation; day and night sens ion a; no
vacation. Kinlay bldg., 10th and In
dtana Ave., Kansas City, Missouri.
Lincoln, Nebraska
An educational home for boys where tnind and body
aV uic nj unu t ucteiuinru. Jiiirui 4iiiuiu just uuioiua itt3 j
S large, well-equipped buildings; forty acres of eatupus, drill
and athletic grounds.
Strong faculty headed by Colonel George R. Burnett, retired
U. 8. Army officer, late superintendent ot Blee's Military .Academy
and one of the best-known military school educators lu tte country.
Junior department for lioys under twelyo.
Special attention given lo each pupil: Ma personality Is studied,
his class assignment Is adapted to bis special needs and changed as
often as his attainments demand. Through th military training
he learns obedience, neatness, puntuality, regular Habits, and re
spect for authority and law. The object of the school is to develop
tho good In boys and to resratn the evil; to equip them physically,
morally and educationally for tho best citizenship. .
For information address
B. 1. HAYWARI), Superlntoiulcnt, Box 15S, Lincoln, Neb.
t City Office SH-tH Security Mutual (br)Wy Burr) Block.- u5o. pVine tlli
FALL TERM OPENS AUGUST 31. Plan to enter at that
time. DO NOT DELAY. Remember the sooner you enter,
the sooner you will be prepared to attain success '
ifi Ladies CoIIegi
I Bun
I 1 Ptei
..v-Li. -7Tw ' "
HL?,.V!T . ""tor,
given parallel credit
a 1 1 a vuiirsir s uniVFriuv irsinnii ..... . . i -
. - ' ATCmiBOW, XAirSABJ P
Co-Educatlon, Academy. College, Musla Military Taetira.
Tall Opening. Wedneaiiy, September ' . loi Inrolf now
, , Upper Alton. Illinois
Ideal location, near SL Louis, six modern buildings.. Plreproof Barraeki i .,,,
application advisable, for boys of good character above The sixth sjrae?
r Ctocatn triad Call.r. Hniidta. l--. , V .T w- a
uah curwe.
la Povltlona now pn. Kali Term ooana hn la -.,.r" '"F"" "v
application to Or. TWSlrsfSOT.- i" ffli'Jg aSTK-''!!.:
naUoa sent free an
Tabor College I
is arowlna
We prepare students to live
$ our College courses; for Business
la our' Commercial courses; for
Musicians In our Conservatory; for J
t College In our Academy; to teach J
in our Pedagogy course; to see J
and enjoy beauty in our Art
Tare new departments of in-
this year. H
of the College receive J
year state certlrlcates without
bend Jtor Catalogue and otbor
literature. Ask for the new lllus- $
t rated bulletin. Fall term begins
September lBth.
$ Address TABOB, OOriiSirE, Tabor, Xa.
coax.xspoxrsxsoa cosoeii op
Illustrated Music
Omaha elasaea personally supervised
by Miss Ellla, Uorlays and Thurs
days at 0-4- Old Brandels Bldg.
MUSIC BY MAIU-les than 1
""VuU course in music riven by this
method and whether a flnlstisd per
former on the piano, or a beginner,
Lou can not help but be benefited by
iking One of these Illustrated muslo
courses. This method will be found to
It of the greatest easlsennce to those
who may be taking ollwr muslo In
struction. Effa Ellis Illustrated Music
CO.t-t-3 Old Brandels Bldg.
northwestern Uniwiltj Omta! School
This school la splendidly equipped for
the education of suitable young men and
wornea as dentists. Among Its staff are
men of world-wide fame and reputation as
teachers and Investigators. Theory and
technic are taught thoroughly. In its great
clinlo the practical operative skill of stu
dents Is developed a a ell as the business
Hide of professional life. It gives the prep
aration that the public damands of tli up-tn-date
dentist. A million neoule are ad
ded to our population each year. Number
,t dcntlbts liaa not Increavd la five yr
This gives a promtning outlook. The next
annual session beainn Oct. S. I tot Knr
catalgun and further Information ai
dreits the secretary. .Northwesicrn L'til-
verslty building, Chicago. 111.
" ln"" snns usitwr ill sn
The direct route
A straight line la ths shrlt dlataace
between two points. Why pnt taeeh your
fingers TK1 DlaVBCT SOVTBf
The complete keyboard. Smith Pre
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Free employment bureau j
iographers are turnlalied to business
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VVrlte for particulars.
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Oaaahs, Beo.
woysi uenstrratorte t Berlin,
- , i. Strl 12 Cabit Orsi.H Modal
ll.l.l ,
Liberty. M.
Hardin College and Conservatory
hv iha, YV.i "i'i iieiary worn
standard. Courses" In ArlKrlvZ,
bmo. A. at, Sap.riBttalshL
Send your .daughter to
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School days, when Hf habits
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portant In a woman's early Ufa
You can entrust your girl to a
school which combines the com
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struction, careful physical develop
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Th earns of taaoa rs Is atretic, and the
eauraa at Inatnat loa xnlta. Par.
tlcular aa.aatas n adr Karapaaa lealnM
Uackra ar ollaraa In mualiT
The achool has spelndld buildings,
surrounded by 11 of n."s
attractive Brounds. There are
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slum. For information, address.
J. B. JONKS, A. M.
Fulton, Mo.
Virginia College
F"op Younn Ladle
Opens fctpt ft, not. One of the
leading schol for Young Uadl's In
the South. Modern bulidtnaT Ci"r,i!
. te !-'r'- yraad mountain sceneiy
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ers. Conservatory advantage In Art
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ceived at Weliesley. Students t.o:n
10 states Moderate rate. rr oai.
-logue. address? .
MATTIS P. KAmjtIS, President
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Mrs. Certrase aVarrkv BaatMTiibt, Vlcc-Prea.
VJaterman Hall
Sycamore, Illinois
Kf miles from Chicago, efferir.a a!vr.
ages of the city.
A Boarding School for rlxtv rlrla
Twentieth yr. Preparatury. Academii'
v.iir.' iirji.i.iiijt i.iit;uv . i.ourae
.i.iuiui!i lunuineu. AOdres
L. 1. . - Vv . . .
Uv. B.
The Wolcolt School for GIrU
OAPrroi. sixx,
Deaver, Colorado.
A mil aboye sea level la a climate
a llien has i superior
Boarding and t' Fthool cf ,Uh
rat liana. Illom admilii to l fKitiitr
tias'oru collegrs f'ir ini- wuniri,.
Kie'lal advantaa'S li n-nsl;, m.
- I
j uooi anu uiiiuuur s.' nina .lics g