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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDKESDAT. august 2$, i?os. 5 DMEF CTTY KYi'S HirCUCOCR AND JIM AT WAR OngrrruniiJi-EditPr Pefuri t Sup i iort Kayor ia World-Herald. aod fee ta War Oar. Mawa Mew Friz tv i r. avwwa, riis Aoeswstast, rasata W. Blacavnra f nr raTama 117 N. H lCTU-aS shae, MM. I a twti frr wumy ci-ar in h. nth. j SATS TO" TO JIM'S COMMUTE aUsafcul. hrtii!pl(fr. HUi & rarnara. I iuui C. aUnxlet for county att'j. Ad. Iwttee Aewepta Ute eaa Rr)wm Joa X Pierce Tift stato auditor. Adv. nobioaaa tall ts area Swad-la matin C lit 8 lth Tel. (. SaJSna Ufa fHtUnlm. slM draft at maturity. H I. Needy, tnaneaer. Owiaha. Csstf-s B. mkta0n fnr state rop reeewtatlve, TTuhllien. Vote for him rp innhw 1 Adv. Bairfwao-traaaUB Oa, 3111 Hnir4 t Gov. ehwtriv- fJrtorrm. electric wlrtnf and rrralra P.H6mrr electric fane, til. I. Pvttlar ta bm yas Tlx Omaha and Court) BlufT tTl Railway eoenpamr baa force nf -me at work en TV"'. Far naia street Twpla1ra; the old wooden trai ler potaa wtti feabular Inn potes. Far aa oaf keepta af snoaey aad vJ aolaa, the American m"S deposit vault In the He building afford aaaolut secur ity. Bales mat for M per year, or O for tnrea mo n tha. WU1 Sin at raUtteal Mwtl Fred C Harnr will sine. -My Own tnltad Statu" at the .Vventb Ward Republican clnb nwttnir tn Oiae t's lawn, at Hickory street and J'ark avenue. Saturday even-in-. . Too Muck OaraVess ZnuBBtaC Health CommlMiloiMT Connell announces that he win use the arrest or the person wln -Awmj-o MhM th cans or other refuse in East Omaha. The oflictal dumping plec tor refuse -of this character is the lower end of East Pierce street ' Woman CKrta Alimony Seventy-five dol lar a month temporary alimony was awarded to Mr. Daley M. Cackley by Judre Kennedy after a preliminary hear ing in her auit for divorce from Edward Cackley. Ehe waa arao allowed HM ault money and 3i for attorney f- uoa for Atoray Taoa Duncan M. Vln aonhaler haa nean ault In county court ecatnat HaJia D. Jurrena for 1500 for at torney fee Is auit ta wUich Jurgeni waa Interested. Judge Ylnoonhaler aaya he ae cured a aetUemant of the auit and hi aervtcea were worth the amount aaked, but Jura-ens haa refused ta pay it. ICMula"Bt Vasaaa ta Tialtrlali The Kari-ation Army haa barua m oertaa of mid night open a It meetings ta be held inj the Rudltght istrlct every Batnrdar night Noon prayer mnettnga. under the leader ahip of Adjutant W llUs and Captain and Mrs. Sherwood, are conducted at the Army hall. 1711 Davenport atreet, every flay. Oaiaaui Oa t Ad Keating" Omaha sent a large delegation to the meeting of the Adverttelng Wen s club at Kannai City. The delegate who went were Rohert Manle)'. R. J. Bkankey. Charles K. Black, J. D. "Weaver and 1. T. Dunlap. Other wha accompanied the delegation were William Peace, C. B. Brown. Stanley Hartman, Will Campbell of The Bee. John SrHert and F. W. Harwood. Vnu drats XMvoroa, leal an OaenV Mrs. BwotooCa fared well In her ault for divorce from Joaeph Swoboda. Judge Kennedy has granted her the divorce, ha aivrn her their oottage at M Cartellar street and the houaetiold furniture. M60 alimony and the custody of their daughter. Bhe charged extreme cruelty and non support. Inrortlrattna Voatoffio obary Pot offloe Inspectors FrayaeT and Thompaon hsve gone to Juniata to assist Inspector Forgan In the Investigation of the poet- o'flo sobbery at that place Monday night. Ttie aafe 'In tha poetof f loe was blown open and a email quantity of poatqfflce funds secured. it Is the third case of eafe- v,iii-jr in that 'office within three or four jeara. atan Sanies SMabtag Woamaa Vpon com- ntalnt of Matie Hurburt that he had stolen HE from her room Monday night, Tom Phillips wa arrested by Detectives Maloney and Van Deuern at h!e room, 2) Knrth Fourteenth street. When arrested Phillips had about MO and a diamond stud. In police court Tuesday morning he plesded not guilty to a grand larceny charge and hi case waa sot for Th un do". atemaiTF Two Year After aWworae Two years after a court decree had aeparated them. Frank and Mary Vlcek made up and decided to try married life once more. Mr Vloek secured a Horns to marry hla former wife Tueaday. They were married the first time Jn August. WE. but Mr. Vloek com plained of cruel treatment and secured a divorce tn district court June St. 1- A ehort time ago they made up their dlfler- enoee and decided to try life together once more, Thy have one child, a son. Ward Club aSMting John L. Kennedy will be the principal speaker at a meeting . tf the Eixth Ward Republican dub Weflnee Bay evening at Peteratm's hall. Twenty fonrtb and Burdette streets. All candldetea for office have been invited and will be given a chance to present their claims for support. A velored quartet will sing. Bsxrlara Tap Sateoa Tin By cutting rut a pan of glass in a rear window . f Joe Wegman a saloon, 14 Douglas street any Tueaday morning, burglars gained k entrance to the place and robbed the cash register of U., leaving ne clew to their identity. Shortly aftwwards the a-rooery tore of William Vom Weg. TwFenty-eeoond nd Leavenworth atreet was entered by ' burglar. "ho ala4 rear window and stole 1mi pennies. Victim of Qaiok Ooueuavptioa Reduced from a strong, healthy horseahoir to a pi-lplcss itivstid in less thsn eigrht months by i he ravvge of quirk conumptlon. Al CongreoemaT Hitchcock h thrown doan the gaunt H-t to Mayor Dahlman and the mayor ha accepted the challenge. Hence forth until election dsy n will he demo crat cut democrat. The World-Herald will not -Support Mayor Dehlman for the democratic nom ination a governor of Nebraska." This statement waa made "by Congrrws oian Hitchcock, the only democratic con gressman from Nebraska and editor of tht World-Herald, which is generally classed as a democratic organ, to a delegation of prominent Jlmaonians who called on him to eoltclt the oupport of his paper for the mayor in his r-re-primsry smpaign. Tiiese leaders put the proposition to the congressman-editor plainly and used every ar gument they could think of, but their solicitations were futile and the congressman-editor remained steadfast ia Ms de termination not te take the pert of the ma; or and the delegation left creetfalleu and deserted. We pointed out to Mr. Hitchcock that it would be a good thing for htm person ally te swing te the support , of Mr. Iah man, but be told us that his paper has Berge and Shallenberger readers and that he could not antagonise them,'" said one of the mayor's appointee who waa a mem ber of the sollulting committee. "The World-Herald does not claim to be s dem ocratic paper, you know; it ia supposed to be &n Independent journal, and aa such It editor says that he cannot take up the cudgel of any one candidate as against another. But while be aaya bis paper is independent, Mr. Hltohoock is a democrat and ia in oongreas by the grace of demo cratic votes. at, C. Hoot tr toe Point. "We were not alone in urging Mr. Hitch cock to come to the upport of Mr. Dahi- naaa, bat . C. Hunt, one of hie reporters who helped swing Hitchcock into congress test time on a local lasue, also put it up to liia chief. 'If you will support Dahlman and he is nominated, he will pull you through, and you can go fishing during tit camparn,' said Hunt. 'But if Dahlman is not nominated your scalp is lost and you can go fishing for the next two year.' And that 1 about right. If anyone can puu Douglas county and the Second con gresslonal district into the democratic col umn this year it la Jim and Mr. Hitchcock ought to know it. If Berge is nominated. Hitchcock's goose ia cooked, and the aa-iie will be true if Shallenberger la numlntted. "1 suppose that after the primaries the World-Herald will support the democratic nominee for governor, but if either Berg ' m or Phellenherger i nominated before elec tion diir the erfttor of that paper will wish migritlly that he had supported Mr. Iahl ms for the nomination." Tore Plea) Wfce tet Foe. Th-nra J. Flynn. street remmlesieneT and rresidn1 of the Dahlman Democracy; Joe r. Ptutier. aeaislant gat commissioner snd leader rf the grest unwashed In the Eighth wsrfl; Sam Rothwell and several ftliera composed the committee sent to treat wHh EOttor Hitchcock of the World Herald. Since the ill-fated interview the congress man and his city politics reporter have beea closeted with the mayor several times and at long periods, but these conference have been for iisught. aa la shown each morning and evening when the nohorta pick up the latest issue of that paper and dis gustedly lay it down again upon flndhng that nothing Is said that might by any js albUtty be construed as being a boost for Mr. Dahlman for the gubernatorial nomination. OYSTER SEASONJS AT HAND Bivalve Will Make Hla Bow to the Eotlog rootle Taoroday Moralog. Oyster season opens Thursday. Thf-re ia no T In August, but there is ia Thurs day. Why the season should open more than four days before September 1 is a matter of mystery. It is believed the oyster grow er hsve opened the sesson early because some of the planets are ahead of time in their courses, or else becsuee frost has been reported in Minnesota. Anyway, the dealers have announcements out telling the public that It can get a certain fat marine bivalve tnulloak of the genus oatrea for ao much per can. "The dealers also explain that "the presi dential campaign is going to make a big oyster season." This they refuse to back up with arguments, but figure that oysters will be a little higher in price. Farewell has btem said to the "bulk oys ter" the oyster who traveled around the world In pails and sat around on the saw dust floors of butcher shops. The pure food laws have been largely responsible for the bucket oyster hunting another country, where civilisation is not se far advanced The higb-claa dealers will sell on!-, im large and small -elsed caus. or from a sealed tin can holding one gallon. Instead of the modest old tin oyster cans used by the better class of dealers for the last quarter of a century, bright lithographs appear on the cana, which don't make the oysters any better, but those from some growers and dealers have a Ions; "guar antee," while others hare a few section of famous cook books printed on the labels telling how to cook and serve oysters. How much the retailers will charge for the cans is a matter of conjecture, but it is supposed the largest site, holding two pounds of bivalves In standarda, will sell for 46 to 60 cents per can; selects, S6 cenits, and counts, 6 to 6o cents. MALARIA AND WEAK HEART The following. Interesting story told by Mr. J. II. Riley, reriloned Fireman of South Boston. lia.Bg., it a sampla of tie thousands received from grate ful men and women who have been benefited by the World's great tonio tlmnUot. In an Interview Mr. Riley aald: "I joined the Fire Department of South Boaton In lfc0 and wag lately pensioned off because of a bad fall while in service, which telescoped my spine, "A little over a year ago I was taken sick while In the engine house, snd It developed into heart trouble snd malaria. I went to a number of doctors and to two different hos pitals and went through a course of treatment with each, but 1 did not receive much benefit from any of them. The doctors would not let me go in swimming, nor smoke, nor drink anything but water. 1 stopped both tea snd coffee. My rate was getting very serious when a friend said to me: 'Why dont job get a bottle of Duffy's Malt Whiskey I know a maa who was given up for all the time, and he took Duffy's Malt Whiskey and today he is as well a man as you can find.' So I com menced taking v Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and the result Is thst the doctors now say that 1 am all right, and 1 never felt better in my lite. Of course, I am very little good as far as heavy work is concerned, owing to my injury, but 1 am well, and that is a good thing to be able to say. I thank you for the remedy that put me on my fet again." Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is sn commis-Sb"oluttly ,ur dlUllktion of mslted sitner te Colorado Springs, where it isj"i. reai care being used to have hoped the progress of the disease can b j every kerne thoroughly malted, thus toj.j.d The board Tueaday morning voted destroying the germ and producing to pay Tiie ripeness of Mr. Kent's trait,- ;- pre-diartte-d liquid food In the form ponstion to Colorado Spring and frienos , f .,, ,, . . . "JUJ a. now taking up a collection to pay hi. f Bialt . h is the most buarj and espeneea rffl-ctive tonic stimulant and invig. CrUaa OaUs tbc Xule la V-ea Charged j orator known to science; softened by or. a a rrtm against a i-yar-oid boy i warmth and moisture, its palatabllity named Willie Myera. Peter Vlahadis. I lid frstdom fnn Inlnrlnm n(.t.. render It so that it can be retained by tha most sensl'lve stomach. Dose): One teaepoonful ia earh glass if drinking water during the hot weather will kill all germs. If weak and run soa, take a tea spoonful four times a day in half a glass of milk or water. It simulates tha heart action, causes the blood to course, mora quickly through the veins. snd builds more tissue. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is sold throughout the world by drupgista, grocers and dealers, or shirpd direct for fl. pe per bottle. If ia need of advk. write Consult ing Physician, Duffy Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester. New Tok. gtat lng your case fully. Our doctors will send you advice free, together with a handaoma Illustrated, medical book let, containing son f the many thousands of gratifying letters re ceived from me a and women la all walks of life, both old and oucg. who have beea cured and benefited by the uss X the World s greatest medicine. Kent will be sent by the oouhty SECOND MERCHANTS' MEETING Seirlee Wpesia ftatwraay, Followlaa e cessfwl Fall Boy-toe; Period rf Retail Merrkasta, The first series of fall merchants rmet- Ings held by the Omal.a Jobbers and Manu facturers' asaoclatiun closed Monday and the second aerla will open Saturday. The second sories will continue until September t. but the return tickets will be good for return to September 16. Wholesalers report that buying has been besvy during the first series of meeting and hundreds of merchants have been in he city from the country. Many of thorn do not register at headquarters as no rail road rate la given to those whe do net come from points more thon 100 miles from Omaha. As a result it would be difficult to tell the number on the Omaha market, but the Joint agent has validated more than ZaO certificate, which means that more than that number have been In the city from points more than Z miles from Omaha, since August 14. for the purpose of buying goods. Arthur C. Smith, president of M. E. Smith A Co., in writing to the Manufac turer and Merchant, say of the situation and outlook: From the Jobbing standpoint, the drv goods situation presents one very pleasant aspect, and another that is i.ot so satisfactory- The demand i brink, and trade is therefore esoellent. The feature of the business this summer has been the rather laie buying of the retail dealer. He haa h.ld otf placing hi order for tall and winter goods, In many instsnces. until the present time. The result is thst the market la now filled with buyers whe need goods, but who w tiled until sssured that busi ness would resume its normal aspect this fall.' before buying their storks. The weakness of the market during the last tew months seems to nave passed away, and there is a strengthening of prices in ail linea. Print have been advanced a quar ter cf a cent, the ftrt rise in price since last fall. The effect has of course been felt in other line, and the tendency is toward higher prltres. COURT HOUSE BONDsTo STATE Rate of lotcreat Coo a ted Oa Vs- Bowrd Is A Lf Tama Foor For Oat. Members of the county board expect to sell the C.OU0.000 issue of court bouse bonds at a rate which will pet leas than t per cent interest. This waa the statement made by Chairman Kennard to State Treas urer Brian Monday at a consultation held at Lincoln. Treasurer Brian Is figuring on ths purchase of tlie entire issue for the state school fund. Mr. Kennard reported the conference to the board Tuesday morn ing. The board favors selling the bonds to the state provided a satisfactory' rate can be secured. It dors not. however, want to pay 4 per cent interest. In case the state refuses te accept a smaller rste the county may advertise the bond and sell them te private buyera. Mr. Brian will prebab'y come to Omaha Monday te meet the bi. - w. - Cneck, waa arraigned n polio court Tues day morning, and after the bearing of the lesUnocy of the witnesses for lb stat Hie case was adjourned until Wednesday morning. The crime is allseed to have beea ccumliu-d on tlie evening of August U. at 4ts fiuYago street. The strongest witnesses for the state were the boy and the landlady of the rooming bouse at the waov number. The penalty for the crtm m hi imprisonment, and. in the ease of fomgacr. deportation. Rssse Oaxaivsi la r la a t roe-f or aa fight between three colored musician of a roaort on Kiatb street and three vis itors ta the hones at aa early hour this morning. Andrew Tniotrwn, one of the vtaitora. waa aerloualy out across toe doss and -upper lip by a raaor la the hand of Mia of tha ooloree mea. Will Deria. Davis' rff ort to arve a snuatcai bar oa Tual alrup'a faos ia reaponalbia (or bis arrest oa the chars of editing with in loot ta wound. The other partlripanta. Will Jackaoa and Janata Hams, oolurod. and Peter Jorgea oaa aae Haas WhXaon, the twe white -i ennajirtoiia of Tnalatrup. were all arroated sa the charge of alaoroerly eab4ut-t Thai traps waunos wore attended by the polio surgooa and the boa ring ut the case was -wot for 1'i.uroaay aaurnina by Judge ( tar5 Y. M. C. A. BOYS GO CAMPING Talrty 1 sssstlen Pttesi 1 Selr Teot at alley for Tea Hays' Uatlog. Thirty boys .Sound for the Young Men's Christian associativa "annuel encampmeut at Valley left over the Union Pacirc at 7:42 Tueaday morning. The camp alii be held for ten days, and the no; a will have their outmg their owa way all of the time, ! with all the sports and amusements they can aland The boys' secretaries, EL F. ! Dtnnison and S. W. Cunningham, had al- ready gone out with several boy s to pie- j var the camp and get accommodations lor ; tle camper. Tlie phy sician in the i-amp , will be It. U. H. King, who oill be on! hand aa a quick relief in case of acridenla. ' CETOOLS AM CO 114 ill PicpppnoflfW If IL flfl TWENTY - SEVENTH AMD SAINT MARY'S AVENUE In addition to our regular curriculum there is added a Kindergarten, in which the little tots are given the most careful atten tion. In St. Berchman's mm THE CARE OF THE SISTERS OF MERCY Tslo Extra Charge is Fancy Work, Singing, German or French. made for Elocution, Difference of Religion is not regarded in the admission of pupils. SA NT LOP Boys under ten years are admitted to our regular course. Private lessons in Drawing and Painting. Special Attention Given to Vocal and Instrumental Clusic. The course of instruction is the same as that fol lowed by Mount Saint Mary's Institution, which is accredited to the State University. Fail Term Opens Tuesday, September 1st. For further particulars apply to Directress. W B 9 mi ACADEMY TWENTY - SEVENTH AND SAINT MARY'S AVENUE Ttis Nebraska Militar, Lincoln, U). A first cl&fia. hit grade military board) n acbool for boyg and young men. Ideal location, outsitle the cicy, yet close enough to derive all city beneflta; large, well equipped uutldinga, forty acre of campua, drill, parade and athletic ground. Strong faculty: the best academic, military, busi ness and industrial training. Preparation for col lege, university or business- A clean and Inspiring school home. Careful attention given to the health, habits and home life of the boya. Kon-aectarian. but strongly rellgioua. Special department for boys un der 12 years of cge. THE XEBRAKKA MI LIT AK a" ACADEMY, School -Kill pen September 16. 16. For la formation address, or B. D. Hay ward. Superintendent, Box Hi. Llrcoln, Nebraska. The direct route A straight line Is the shTtest dlstaac tx-taeen too point Why r.t taocn your firrrrs TKX XtXaUECT aVOUTXt Th complete keyboard Htnlth fre mtrr 1. in WOaLDI BUT TTaV free cmploymeBl bcreai Stenorrapt'ers are furniaiiod te Duals Itirn wiUiout chart school. otaas aixpher or employer. Write for jiarucular. lbc Smilh-Prtmicr Typewrtler C. at. o. runii, atgs- OmaU, Va. EX NINETEENTH AND FARNAM STREETS taU TXXaf. opens fiept. : -vTaXOoMTB new reaAy l-'ul) i-f Illustrations and rood tiiinr '1,1 lntert-st you. lio jcu rt a copy? Free OvVasIt SuiImm f-t,t,rihtid T ,-rrr't'rn. Tfleeraph-, PenniarmMp, Public Prhnol tij Civil karvle TrUftnATat IOL9EB Pre to fnw DAT AaTS KIOBTT BXtBIOaTa. anltrsas. KOUIOD&I BSOt. Xta aad rasaaaa. 7 When you find a school srhers every student Is a "bsostor, you hav found a aool srhool to attend. Our students are ail "boostlnf" (or tb Mosher-Lempman Business Collei Manr stndonu who ars attenflln other suU neas oollea-ea are now "Boosting" for ta atosber-Laropman Coller. More Than Sixty Per Cent of those whs hsv attended the Meaner-Lama-man Coilevo, were rooammanded ta Ao e Br students or es-otudeTita of ether onllepes. Ther recommended tneir friend ts attend our etl- )er becauoe they found thst all our teacher r experts, that our courses la Bookkeelh( and Shorthand are the sesi. and that we save our students from twenty ta slaty par cent an their aeak and stationery. i Railroad companies, wboieealo houses, banks, and other buslne firms are anxious to employ our students TV ar not able to fill one-third of the positions offered as. Call and lBoastlaata. ar If yon cannot call, writ or nona v . at for a oataaoau. vim al C. A. tickets fro to student. MoEher-IaTjnpmavn Business Collect, lnk ILLUSTRATED MUSIC COURSES ta be taken along with ysar plana, violin, naadolla or guitar or volo ioosona. TWELVE DWTEBXNT CONSERVATORY C0UHSE3 Our aystora fs attracting attention of all music lovers. It saves yoa money and tim Results ar guaranteed. V r for partlcuiara. Ueotloa this ad EPTA ELLIS ILLUSTRATED MUSIC SCHOOL, BaUsUag. raaaa avaaglaa LiLsrty Ladies CoIefft fcr M Mlloa trow Kaasoj Cite, awaoi ttu us bealtMal loeotloa KIsMOl mh ts Imtun. IS gin i is. ini Snonltr aMflallr lmo la ImOIiis OolMsol iaton.M at tmnn miU - AME.KICAN MOZART CONERVATORY rmiMsis tniwui vita lMa souw of too aoal i.n.ti vaiorii of Borlie, LotsO. I olo, ao to BMto ft Bm. two rvaurioi a Strle a; Cobiooi Orao ISM.I an Plaa. a Iru W Sootlo! Coauot aaro liionl C at WILLIAM L,ilxm. St THE LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE, UNCOLN, NEBRASKA. FALL TERM OPENS AUGUST 31. Plan to enter at that time. DO NOT DELAY. KememWr tlie sooner you enter, the sooner you will be prepared to attain suceess. uiumi nciLttrr Oldest aad largest la the Middle ICsst, Prepare for Univr Tie Coversnnient cademle or for Lit. Activ V. K UtZtoer. Rotad IB tiaa "A'. liifai.t'v. ArilUery and Cavairp anna lav dtviaail Instruction for tarHa:a boya. Manual Traimns. asp arate departinent tor small boys Illustrated catalogue frea Adore fcocretary. Bus A. Lieungton. Ma WESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY Upper AJion, Illinois laaal location, near St Louia. aiz modern buiJCinc rtro proof atarracks. larae arm haul altta a mnantum, boa una alleys and anoouna aa.'ory. a.aopuoaaUr su-oaa faculty. Army Aetali. Tuitloa ft. Capacity lati. Viaiuca list iaat loax. immeOaL appiicatlaa advMtabia. fur loys of aood ri.rarrr above the siatb arada OOt. aUCtl at. .ACKaOar, A. au, oportoaaat. Dlsiee'l road art or Itvrr and boaels, in refuinj to art. i tiuickly remedied with Ir. Kinf's Kew Life Plies. Sbc. Beston Pr-..t Co. dro Vow ta DeaM Wateww ta Seo4 r Vaaattatat Th Grand Trunk sUilway system double trsek offers tbe choice of many deliahtful resorta. Bpacial Vow round-trip fares ts many of than. 1 you will advise now much you hav to spend for railroad (are, a uhlicatlo aowrrthina attractive routes ta the secticas yvu caa raacn. to aether wtib faroa. wtll he aeat you. Ooa. U'. Vaua. A- Q P. T. A, IX Adonis fa.. Chit a so. Zt Kuaa, Xjentiat, alt Barker Kljck Kearney Military Academy inorobfb Instrurtlon, military drill, refular eierrla, thorough 11b clpllne, tbe ntbt kind of boy com panions. .lenty of healthy fun It tha prerription vised by the acnool. Mrhere thry laM nranly boys" If you want ycr hor to be safe oomf ortabie and conti,ied a mt-li aa to reoeiv surh thoruuah tnstrur uoa and discipline aa wllj tnaar I. in a weil educated, meil tralnod manl) Luun( felioa. arcs i.lm to Kea.rue lil.tar' Academy Aodrovs M. KasseU. at aad Xrarasy, M. I r aawoa ou. m I 1200 Students Ust Year Owns snd accapies t ttio buuauif- Oluciall TiainiDf kciiool LI. fr a k. 7etcTaife feot. I-BUtiaat aocurod. U, rutJ omaM4. MaaaXAd P, ,y , Are You Looking for a Good School? To oill o kcal vita th Woman's College at JackMsavUlc. tH. Wh, s. Eon a Coltrs aw Wa f lcw art lull ClMf. Praosraawv Co fta. mn4 mm ao vaat9 a Mimic, an. Pnui acataca. aad karraMiioa, asca moaiia. Swaiaa oaaUhtal. Uoa ItM local. LiirHo aoottel la Miti Hon. Vatr auo.DM a ewe son o) ia. atMMiiatissi Valtc. atuacau troaawwamaa ovootf Cawst. aaaroa o -oovltl.. IU. Tciij Seminary for Bsys (1st year. Th oldest school for 'My t the Northwest. Located te nitautas frnta ClilL-as-o and IDOIl feet oUov the sea la the "hill country sf IllUola. Our ideal: -y or every Todd buy a guui dtiaen, dead for tjireopoctua. BT oaii One thouund typewriters arc manufaetared every twenty fur bwur. On t ban sand trained sumog rapbara arc required to operate tfcoae machiaaa. Tcu can readily oeeu-e a position and w wtll help you. If a araaaat of thla the only esetceive shorthand and tyewT-ltinc school la th city. Writ for particular Pnrye&r't OominerdiJ School UB W. Broadway. CWaaaU Banffa. la. York College tlC CI Py rT Tuitloa, Boaks, Board - id Home for tune snooLh Culies-'-ate. ivortual. Buslnosa, Muane and E-xiroaalur departmenta V) e laaue suu Ooisituiatoa Ln rr stu dents set it loor. lotr opea ftvpl. 1 B. BCXtU, B. FTBaiE-T liikl. atAJa. lorflnrettiri CDimslt BeoUl Schcol CnSaM. This school Is splendidly equipped for the eduiatlun of suitable youna men and women a dentists. Anions, its etsff ar men of world-aide fsme and rrputaUon as teax-hers and itnesUgstora Theory anj technic are tauaht thoreushly. Jn It froa tilrilc the practical uri.tii fcaill of siu Otiii I deteiopee as ei as ti.e LUalne.a sue of prff esaional life. J i ) t tt pr,.,Z aratii.n that tn j-uoiic dmai.d of th. uU to-0ai o.otl.t- A tuiliion puupl ars au c(l to uur pupulouan h jrai. Kumbr ot dontlal baa bat inrraa-u in fli, yaai. i hi -ie a .ron,ikii.a outluok. The jiet onuuai ooaslun hrin. ot 4. lit i4,r ctioauo and .further lnf ortt. tio au- reaa the scfv.try. Jiunhaoalera luu toroity bulidiiia. ti.hasu. iu FIIILAY " ' Trab- all brsnt bea -ne;inrr4nt; tu-dt-btc t-nroll any time; machinery la bpt-rtilou; aay and ultbl aeaalotis; no vacauon. r'lulay blU . 1 hia aad lias diana. Ave., Kavisaa Cllf, aiioaoujl.