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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1908)
THE OMAITA TUTLY BEE: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2V 1003. Special Bargain Hints Wednesday T I THE UST WEEK Sco-tlie S Great Window Display of Women's Fall Suits and Skirt. 10 na n - ! Bt bt" " w w tt'Wt m, J -8 ' 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6rt Sale Bay' Schaol Sain Salartfiy 1,000 PAIRS LONG KID GLOVES Daught from a New Vrk Importer at a Most Extraordinary Sacrifice 16-button length kid gloves, in black, cream and evenincr shades ; many are realf J? rench kid leather; all sizesT vj are included and every pair Fit vl is perfect. Thousands have admired the window dis play. Genuine $3.50 and 54 Quality Long Kid Gloves at, pair Big Sale Cartels aa Thars-Or 11 - New York Manufacturer' Samples anal Odd Lets of WOMEN'S WASH NECKWEAR 2,000 pieces in this big purchase. Ascots in -White and colors, Stocks in many styles, Bows of lace and embroidered .'effects, embroidered wash neckwear all the very latest style TK Worlh 25c !o 50c lv Special Bargains in Blankets strictly all wool, 11 : 4 s; size, gray and tan blankets, $6.00 values, T9fi at, per pair All; wool and half wool blankets, 10 i and 11-4 sizes, In , white, gray and ' Van 14 HO fl A , T r value, at. pair. $00 Cotton blankets, 11-4 and 12-4 sizes, gray. white and tan, worth 11.50 and $2.00 pair, at Fine cott'on blankets, In white,- tan and gray, 11-4 and 12-4 sizes, sells regularly at $2.60 and $3.00, lTJn?r $150 nalr 29c 36 and 54-Inch Infants' crib blankets, white with fast colored borders, 50c quality, at, pair. 11-4 and 12-4 sizes, single cotton blankets In white, gray, tan and mottled, for fall sheets, etc., at. worth $1 pr. .Hn at, each ..,." ISfrf-SKeets and Pillow Cases 81x90 hotel special rownd thread, best all around wearing sheet In the mar ket, at. each 59i 72x90 and 81x90 seam ed sheets, bleached and 'unbleached, gen erally sold T m at 60c. "J Sfi each 81x90 Utica bleach ed sheets, with 2 -or 3-inch hem, at, each .... 4 4- 65c I 42x36 and 45x36 plain or hem stitched pillow cases v.. a .i...t j 1 1 m . inui Diiuuiu urn fit 1 Slr an A Q fir AxrVi 3 j aiiu w-, cavu s 4 5x3 6-inch bleached pillow cases, that usually sell at - ' a 10c each; on sale V . . a rr TO MANT POINTS IN California, Oregon and Washington TICKETS ON BALE EVERY DAY September 1 to October 31, 1908. to Pendleton and Walla Walla. I to, Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. i A I . n t- , w . T a )lo Dan sranciBco, u Angeiea, cau uiegu and many other California points. to Everett, Belllngham, Vancouver, Vic ) torla and Astoria. W J I to Weed Calif.. Ashland, Roseburg. Eu- I gene, Albany and Salem via Portland. to 'Portland, Tacoma or Seattle. via UftSOft PACIFIC INQUIRE AT CITY TICKET, OFFICE 1324 Farnam St; 'rbonasi Ball, Boor. 1838, and Xnd., A-3931. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR, LINCOLN Monday, Aug. 81 Lincoln Day, Tue&day, Sept. 1 Governor's Day. Wednesday, Sept. 2 Bryan Day. Thursday, Sept. 3 Taft-Omaha Day. , Friday, Sept. 4 Parade Day. Best Agricultural, Live Stock and Machinery Exhibits Ever Shown in Nebraska. $30,000.00 in Premiums. $12,000.00 in Speed Fifteen harness and eight running races. Pain's stupendous spectacle ERUPTION OF MT. VESUVIUS and CARNIVAL OF NAPLES 600 people. Immense display of fireworks each night. Liberatl's New York Festival Military Band and Grand Opera Concert Company of sixty persons, eighteen of whom are Grand Opera singers of Rational reputation. State bands from Hebron, Beatrice, Aurora and at Paul. . Western League Base Ball , Athletic Meet Wild West Show Naw $3,000.00 cattle barn,- 174x265 to hold 636 head of cattle. Naw $10,000.00 steel frame Auditorium, to seat 4500 people, to b dedicated by Hon. W. J. Bryan, on Wednesday, September 2d. . Ask Your Railroad Agent for Rates. ' For praoilum Hat and entry blank, wrlta W. R. Mellor, Secretary, Lincoln, Neb. Of OUK StM OXFORDS $2.60 Ten styles of Men's $3.50 Tan and Patent Oxfords.. ..$2.G0 All our $5.00 Tan and In tent Oxfords.... $3.65 LADIES Ten styles "Women's $3.50 and $4.00 Tan and Patent Oxfords, now $2.65 and $2.95 All of Laird-SchoberV $5.00 Tan Oxfords now $3.50 FRY SHOE CO. THB 8HOSS8. 16th and Douglas Streets. BUTTER NUT BREAD Please the palate and filease the people t has the quality. TOM SAX.Z AT AX.Ii QBOCUM Bo Tbe label la on the loaf. NEW ENGLAND BAKERY 9317 X,eaTenworth St. FHOire DOUOXtAS 1607 HAIR On a x.Vomi'a Face, Neck, Arms or ShonWcr la Not Considered Attractive. LA JEUME DEPILATORY (LIQUID) will remove hair from any part of the body In from to 10 mlnutea leaving the akin aoft and white no amartlns or burning-; 75c , per bottle. By mall, sealed, 11.00. Circular free. BMBMAir ft HeCOXrVXiX.Xi BBTJO OO, Cor. 18th and Dodr Eta.. Omaha. owx smuo co 1 IAEL &WILS0N'S The above rame or trade mark together or singly stamped on col lar or shirt denotes highest grade of material, beet workmanship. n FUKK Any 15o Iadira Home loumal Tat- I II H IS tnn ith u,e XEW ALL STVLK 1KKIK R M P LbJr at 200 IJtaa H El rnnn rnD . Weak and nervoua men I UUU rUR who find their oower to NFRVrC work and youthful vigor 4" -'lt J gone as a reeult of over work or mental exertion should take GRAY'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will make you eat and sleep and be a man again. fl Box) 3 Bozea $3.56 by thmXL bzebma a Moooirnrzx.Xi ditto CO Cor. 16th and Dodge Sjtreets OWL X&UO OOKPaST Cor. 16th and Harney U Omaha. Sah. ROUND the WORLD Oct., Wot., Xao.' Bend for ltlnaraxiea. COLLVER TOURS COMPANY 436 Boylatoa St., Boa ton, Maaa. Call Us by 'Phone Whenever you want some thing, call "Phone Douglaa I3S and make It known through a Bea Want Au. a. ASOCTATED ADVERTISING CLVBS CAMERICA CONVENTION KMSAS CITY D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. Succeaaor to Dr. H. L. Ramacclottl) ASSXBTAVT BTATB TBTB BTlf a BIA Bj Offloa b4 HoapltaJ, 8S10 Kaaoa Btre. Calla Promptly Anawerad at All Houre. HOTELI. HOTEL MARTINIQUE BROADWAY AVO 15D STREFT, HBHALD SQl'ABE. N. Y. CITY. THB MOST CKNTKAX LOCATION IN NKW YORK. tf! THB HlOHBSTCtAMCF V-tV i ACOOMHOUATIONS iX f $ f AT MODERATE xifi) 6" ,tA V! . .ivJSeialnent sltV- ' ( among N . SiYork bouUl for -J 55-tb ellee of It fymnl. THB MARTlKigCB SS?BANt"baVB AM IK 1 vtSTERSATlOSAL Wt'OTATIOM Bxat VlftiijiaaBt M sU- botm. Wednesday S. & H. Green Stamp collectors, bring In your book and get $1.00 in stamps FREE.. ... RED LETTER DAY n i (a u i n 111. J I 0 C o m p 1 1 m e ntary stamps to all callers, $1.00 worth FREE. Bring in your book. Premiums on balcony. 300 Pieces Merchant Tailors Suiting for Women's Skirts and Suits 79c Best $2.00 and $2.50 Materials all pure wool at, yard : OIM SALE WEDNESDAY The best, most serviceable and smartest fabrics a woman can buy for suits or skirtsi We bought from an eastern tailor ing house all their short ends t, 4V-, 5, 5V2 and 6-yard lengths of their medium weight fabrics, tweeds, cassi meres, worsteds, etc. They are all pure wool, very nice patterns and mixtures right in keeping with fall styles. Not a single piece is worth less than $2.00 most are $2.50 goods; 54 inches wide. e bought them low g fk pnnnch to make a tremendous furore. M VLH Wednesday take your choice of 300 pieces jj at, yam Brilliant Display of New Tailored Suits a.t $25.00 We call particular attention to the broad variety of charming new models we are featuring Wednesday at $26.00. From a style view point they are supreme. While expressing the new directoire tend ancy they are Americanized adaptions modified to meet American ideas. The salient features being the close fitting lines of the coats and skirts. The materials are superb gray worsteds and other new colorings, the tailoring Is unsurpassed even in suits costing considerably more. Values that few stores would not hesitate to mark at $35.00. Wednesday at ;.. i Wednesday for Notions 3) Nainsook Drews Shields, any size, wprth 20c pair; on sale for .... 5 Black Silk Thread, 100-yard spools, best 10c quality, per dozen 20 C English Fins, 300 count, assorted Size, worth 5c, 3 for 5c Lace Pin Tablets, assorted, worth 10c, Wednesday, 3 for 5 Pin and Safety Pin Iiooks, worth 25c, Wednesday at, each. . .10? Wire Hair Pins. Klrby, Beard & Co.'s superior 10c quality, 2 for ,. .5 Hooks and Eyes, painted, worth 6c, at 2 cards for 5 ITusicry Women's imported lisle hand embroid ered hose, cregular 60c lines-; 25 c Gloves Best $1.76 quality heavy long silk gloves black and white only at 6Sc Shell Bark Combs, worth 25c, Wednesday sale for 5J Premium English Tape, assorted widths, worth 10c, 2 for 5 Tailor's Tape Measures, worth 1 0c, in Notion sale at 2 for 5 Fancy Garter Elastic, assorted col ors, worth 1 2 Vt c, yard ...... 4? Samson Thread, worth 6c "spool, at 3 spools for , 5 Handktrchiefa Women's all pure linen initial handkerchiefs, with embroidered corner lOc $1.25 Models Batiste Corsets On Sale Wednesday 79c It'3 not often you have such a sale on so 'staple an article as corsets, especially when the styles are so desirable. We have twenty five dozen on sale Wednesday fresh, clean goods in long and short hip models with hose supporters attached, lace trimmed, too; in fact, a3 gopd a $1.25 corset as one can buy. R.d Letter Dvy for Le,t"79)c All Sizes, But Come Out Early Double Green S. & SI. Stamps in Shoes All Day Also These Three Extra Specials on Sale While Lots Last Women's $2.00 vici lace shoes, with patent tips exten sion or light soles, 1 1.59 Men's 75c House Slippers, three styles, black, brown, imitation alllga tor, velvet 50c $2.50 lace shoes for nurses, etc., kid tops and rubber heels, very easy 1.69 Red Letter Day in Hardware Extra Stamp Inducements in Addition tp Very Low Prices for the Day. No. 8 Copper Nickel Plated Tea ENAMEL WARE. Imported Berlin Kettles, four coated enamel No. 20 Kettl?s, worth 98c for 30 No. 62 Kettles, worth $1.08 for 49? No. 24 and 2G Kettles, worth $1.28 for 59C Blue and White Water Pails, regularly $1.08, for 59c '30 Stamps with Each Pail. (Including 40 Stamps) . .$1.25 B. O. E. Sad Irons, 5 pieces (in cluding 30 Stamps for. , .$1.35 Beeswax, large pads (including 10 Stamps) IOC Whisk Brooms 10 d 10 Stp's Lunch Boxes, kodak style (Includ ing 20 Stamps) 24 Rice Root Scrub Brushes. . . . 10? And 10 Stamps. Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett's Best .offee, 3 lbs 81.00 and 100 Bennett'a Bent Coffee, pound 36o and 3t Challenge Coffee, pound 18o and 10 Tea, assorted, pound 69c and 60 Bennett's Capitol Sweet Wrinkled Peas. 1 cans....95o Galllard's Imported olive OH 35o and 21 Beauty Asparagus, can 85c and 10 Boston Brown Bread Klour ISO and HO Waldorf Chill Sauce, bottle lOo and 6 Maryland Cove Oysters, large can 1 So Bepper tiauce, Lottie 6o Pure fruit Jama and Jelllee ....... T9U. Snldar'a Pork arid Beana, large can 30c and 20 Rex Lye. three cans S5o and 10 Advona Jama, assorted, two cana 80c and 10 French Cut Loaf Hua-ar. pkg 86o and 10 Larse Seeded Raisins, two pound 30o and 20 Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, lb 84c and 20 Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green G reen Green Stamps Htampa Stamps Stamps Stamps feUampa Stamps Btarupa Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Haas B ! BAILEY ra MACH DENTISTS 1BIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOC 8 Corner lOtb and Farnam Street. Beat equipped Dental offlc in the middle west Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Price Porclala tUUaa. just Ukt Us tool. New Fall Rugs and Carpets at Special Bargain Prices THE RELIABLE STORE Special Offer ingsin New Fall Tailor Suits Great Sale of 50c Laces Wednesday 15c Fine Net Top Edges, from 3 to 12 inches wide, Baby Irish Laces, Venice Bands and Edges, ll,i to 4 inches wide, cream and white Cluny Bands and edges, etc.; thous ands of yards to select from the goods that have been attracting so much attention in our windows the past few days; actual Values to 50c a yard; on sale Wed-,-' fag nesuay, per yaru, at. y 2) Extra Specials for Wednesday FROM 0 TO 10 One case of 7 He white nei, 10 yards limit, at, 18c Flanneletts, 36-in. full 12 15c Flannelettes, fine style 10 15c French Percales. t 12H 36-ln. fine Percales at, j ard .10 A. M. Shaker Flan yd 3iM 1 FROM 2 TO 2:30 P. M. One case of 8 He dark Outing Flannel 10 yards limit, at, yd. 4944 FOR A LI j PAY 32-ln. fine Percales at, yard. 7H Amoskeag check Ging hams at 5 Best light Indigo blue Prints at 5 Best Shantung Prints at 4H 10c bleached Muslin at 74 8 He bleached Muslin at 6tt 7 He bleached Muslin 5c $1.00 Table Clotha 50 $1.25 Table Cloths 75 $1.50 Table Cloths 85 16 other specials. Don't Forgot the Boy's Suit School time will soon be here and we're closing our stock of .light and medium weight suits worth to $5, at, choice, $2.50 Skirts to Measure Select your goods from our tremen dous stuck and you can have It made to measure by First Class Tailor. Per fect fit and workmanship guaranteed or money refunded. Prices for making mean splendid saving. Enquire at Dress Goods department. Read the Big Grocery, Fresh Vegetable, Fruit, Gut ter, Cheese and Cracker Sale for Wednesday The. bst Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for preserving, at less than Jobbers' cost. 10 bars best brand Laundry Soap 25c The beat white or yellow Cornmeal, per sack . . , ....15c The best Domestic Macaroni, pkg 8Vc 1 -lb. cans Assorted Soups 7 Ho 1-lb. pks;. Corn Starch 4c 011 or Mustard Sardines, can.v 4c Large cans Condensed Cream 7 He Larue bottles Worcester Sauce and To mato Catsup .....Sc Peanut Butter, per Jar 8c BromangeloiL Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg., 7 He The beat Soda Crackers, per lb tie The best crisp Pretxels, per lb 6c Fresh crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb 6c Wheat Berries, per pkg Sc Toasted Wheat Flakes, pkg 10c Newport Flakes, pkg. ISc The best Tea Sittings, per lb IBe Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb 16e Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb lis Choice Country Butter, per lb 19c Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb., 24c Fancy full cream Cheese, per lb; 15c TKE8K VEOBTAB&B MtlOIB Fresh Beeta or Carrots, per bunch la Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per lb..... 6a Fancy New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb. (a Three Summer Squastiea f or, , bo Plant, each fio Two heads fresh Celery So Six Green Peppers , ,...5o Fresh Parsley, per bunch lo Fresh Leaf Lettuce, per head..... lr. Fancy Cooking Apples, peck. ........ Joc Two heads Cabbage 6e Red Cabbage, per head '. ,,.4o Fancy Sweet Corn, per dozen ........10a Tbs Blr California Bart let Paar Bala to Ba Continued Wadnasday. Bushel boxea fancy 'California Bar'leM Peara for 99.00 Vi-bushel baskets fancy ripe Tomatoes for canning 26o Orapaa for Jelly Large baskets Concord Grapes for Jelly, I7te per basket try fj PLY DEN'S ! Vacation Opportunities Via Rock Island Lines Mackinac Island! Mich., and return On sale dally. Petoskey, Mich, and return On sale dally. .f31.80 29.85 f 28.25 f 37.15 $38.40 ....$30.00 ....$35.00 .$40.53 Toledo, Ohio, and return... On sale August 27-30. Pittsburg, Pa., and return.. On sale daily. Buffalo, N. Y., and return.. On sale daily. Toronto, Ont., and return.. On sale dally. Montreal, Que., and return. On sale dally. Boston, Mass., and return.. On sale dally. Portland, Me., and return $42.85 On sale dally. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return .$17.00 ' On sale dally. Ogden and Salt Lake, Utah, and return ,.$30.50 On sale dally. San Francisco and Los Angeles and return .$60.00 On sale dally. Portland, Ore., and return ...$00.00 On sale daily. Yellowstone Park, Wyo., and return rla Colorado in both directions, Including expenses In Park $78.25' On sale daily. This Is only a partial list of the many low fares for summer tours offered by the Rock Iland. Above fares from' Omaha; correspondingly low fares from all Rook Island stations. - ,' For other information call or write. F. P. RUTHERFORD, DIs. Pass. Agent, 1323 Farnam St.. Omaha. Reed and Rattan Suit Cases PRICES FROM $2.00 UP. They are Light, Roomy and Durable. Let us show you our line. Omaha Trunk Factory 1200 Farnam Street. Bee Want-Ads BusinessBoosters ) y 9 I