Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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Governor of Kentucky Refuses to Be
call Troopi from Trifrj County.
property put to further risk of descrucllon.
he refuses to stlU-draw the trftops. Bwh a
step, he says, would remove what little
proteotion has of Ute been afforded and
leave ths district at the mercy of the riders.
Many Social Happening! During: Week
in Suburban Society.
R.lara af Lawlessness la Dark Toaaeea
District la Da ta Their Ra
faaal ta Da Tfcatr
ntAKKFORT, Ky.. Aug. . 3 -Governor
Wllloon today tnad public th text of a
scathing fPy to tatement by oounty
official of Trigg county, abating that
tha prasencs. f troop waa not deal red In
that oounty Trigg county, which 1 In
tha dark tebaceo district, near tha
T.nneasee line, ha been tha accna of
many night rider depredation.
Oorarnor Wlllsoti befor proceeding to
raply quote In full the latter and tha
raolutlona, which ara datad Auguat II
and forwarded from Cadis. Ky., and writ
tan on tha letterhead of tha Planter'
JTotectlT association tha organization of
tha dark tobacco grower. Tha signature
ar lad off with tha nam of County
Judge O. B. Bingham and Bharlff W. C.
Broadbant of Trigg county. At a mass
meeting attended by 100 cltlsena of Trig
county thoae present agreed to the fol
lowing;: "Without reciting tha varlou acta of
siolenr and without touching on any
acta of lawlessness on the part of tha
soldier, wa deelra to aaaura your excel
lency that we can do all or more than
aoldlera can."
The resolutions atate that the presence
of aoldlera ta a hindrance to the execution
of Justice) by the civil tribunals and de
clare that their withdrawal would be In
the Interests of law and order.
In hie reply Oovernor Wlllaon says If
such a pledge had been taken at the out
set of the depredatlona eighteen month
ago and carried out there would now be
no need af soldiers In the county.
"But,"' feays tjje; governor, "during that
eighteen rnttiths hundreds of people havo
been Intimidated by a aecret oath-bound
league, hrutal assaults and arson have been.
committed and a long list of crimes
recorded. And during all this time, not one
of ou who offer thla pledge haa caused
the arrest of anybody, although many of
the crimes were so open and shameless that
many of you who sign these resolutions not
only knew of the outragea, but knew where
officer could have laid their handa on the
perpetrator , You have not made a single
affidavit, caused a single arrest, or even
asked for a warrant. The people of your
county were made to feel that they eould
not rely for help upon either yourselves or
the peace officers. And while you did
nothing yourselves, you never asked aid of
the state government, but showed hostility
to the stats' government's measures to pro
tect life 'anil property;" '".'
Troop Will Stay
In conclusion the governor takes a parting
shot at the signers of the resolutions for
engrossing them on the stationery of the
Planters' Protective association, a name
which he ys recalls tha rutds on Prince
ton, Hopkinavllle and a number of other
places. On the ground that the lives of the
few brave men who have attempted to
prosecute night riders and have asked for
proteotion would ha -endangered and their
This is your oppor
tunity to make the
trip to San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles,
San Diego, " and to
many other points in
California, at this
greatly reduced fare.
SEPT. 1 TO OCT. 31, 1908,
low one-Tray colonist
rates will be in effect
to tho above points.
These tickets are
good in tourist sleep
ing cars and offer the
advantages of
Excellent Through Train Service
Union Pacific
For full information
. inquire at .
1324 Farnaxn Street.
4smi Ball. Dong, lsjg, aa4 lad, A -3311
Open Champion Doni'l I, Ike Home af
tha Provisions.
LONDON. Aug. 2S. Jsmes Bra d, the open
golf chsmpion, In glvli-g his opinion of the
new rules, said he did not think It was the
plat of professional to criticise the rules,
but 'he was prepared to confess that he did
not regard as a good move the suggested
abolition of permission to brush across the
line of the putt. Curiously enough, nearly
all writers on golf have viewed with ap
proval this proposed alteration; but Braid,
htna whom no man has had mora exper
ience In big stroke competitions, pointed out
that It was likely to work harshly on ceiv
tain occasions.
"Some men," ha said, have big nails In
their boots, and they are apt to wrench up
tufts of grass when taking up the position
to putt. It Is an easy thing to do, and It Is
done very largely-unknowingly, of course.
These tufts will come away If you brush
lightly with tha back of the hand, and no
body auffera. Under the suggested rule,
however, a man who went out late In the
day would be rather badly handicapped.
Moreover, it Is difficult to tell whether
a piece of grass Is loose or growing. ' To
move a piece of grass that happened to
be fixed would mean, In medal play, a loas
of two strokes, and ao the competitor would
not take the risk of touching the tufts. The
late starter In a medal round 1 already
often a big sufferer, owing to the crowds
that have tramped over the greens, and
things msy be bad Indeed, for him, under
the new rule. As to the alteration of the
penalty for driving from outside the limits
of the teeing ground. It is, of course, very
good. Nobody does such a thing purposely,
and It Is much too severe to bs disqualified
for the mistake. '
"I also liko the proposal that in dropping
a ball a man shall drop' It over his
shoulder Instead of from-the head. How
many players do you see drop a ball pro
perly under the present rule? Not one In
ten. Taken all round, the new rulea are,
I think, a great Improvement on the did
ones. They are much clearer and better
arranged than any coda we have had be
fore." Harry Vardon and Taylor were alao loud
In their praise of the advance which had
been effected In the direction, of clearness
of expression, although Vardon made ex
actly tha same point aa Braid In regard
to the hardships likely to arise from the
removal of permission to brush across the
line of the putt.
"You find a lot of pieces of loose grass
about near the end of a big medal day,"
said Vardon, "and on keen ' greens they
msy mean missing several putts . which
deserve to go down. I think it ought to
be allowable to brush them aside. '
"The proposed Increase of the penalty
for driving out of bounds" Is also a bit
hard. Sometimes out of bounds is the
only serious liaxard that a mart has to
face In playing a shot, and two strokes
are a lot to pay for what may be a alight
The proposed rules will be placed before
tha extraordinary general meeting of the
Royal and Ancient club on Auguat 31.
Program Shows av K amber of Depar
tures In Conditions.!
NEW YORK, Aug. 23. The program for
the fourteenth annual amateur champion
ship tournament of the country, glveji aut
by W. Fellows Morgan, secretary of the
United 8tatea , Golf association, presents
several departure In conditions. The blue
ribbon event of American golf will be held
over the links of the Garden City . Oolf
Club, September 14 and 19. This makes a
olid week of competition, and It I the
only tournament In the country that will
require six day to run off.
The conditions will Interest devotes of
the game chiefly for their novelty. On
Monday, the firat day. there will be an
eighteen-hole medal round, sixty-four play
ers to qualify. On Tuesday morning there
will be another eighteen holes of medal
play, and the thirty-two contestants hav
ing the best score for the thirty-six holes
will qualify for tha championship.
Match play will begin that aame after
noon, with a round of eighteen holes,- but
for the next four days matches will con
sist of thlrty-slx holes. This provision for
all-day matches In every round save the
first approaches nearer the Ideal system, or
rather the system favored and regarded aa
the beat by a majority of 'tha country'a
leading players.
In accordance with usual custom the win
ner will receive a gold medal, ths runner-up
a silver medal and the other aemi-flnalists
bronis medals. The contestants making
the lowest thlrty-slx-hole scores in the test
ing round will receive a special prise. In
the event of a tie or ties for the last place
on Monday or on Tuesday morning, ths
contestants so tied shall continue to play
until one of them shall have gained a lead
by strokes at any hole.
This ' competition Is open to all golfers
belonging to clubs which are members of
the L'nted States Oolf association, and
those foreigners visiting tha country who
may be Invited by the executive commit
tee of tho association. The winner of the
tournament will be known aa tha champion
amateur golfsr of the year, and ths Have
nieyer cup will ba held for a year by the
club from which ths winner shall have
Competitors shall enter for ths champion
ship through ths secretarlea of their re
spective clubs, and a fee of 35 must ac
company each entry and must be received
by tha secretary of the association not
later than p. m. on Monday, September
7. All entries are subject to the approval
of tha executive committee of the asso
ciation and all disputes shall be aettled by
the aame committee, whoas decision shall
be final.
The national amateur tournament last
year waa decided over the links of tha
Euclid club of Cleveland, and Jerome D.
Travers of Montclalr, won ths title, defeat
ing Archibald Graham of the North Jersey
Country club In ths final round. Law score
honors In the qualifying round went to
Walter J. Travis of Garden City, but the
latter met defeat at match play at the
hands of W. C. Fownes, Jr., of Pittsburg,
ths same player wha put Travis out In ths
national tournament at Chicago in 1906.
New National Baalc Authorised, to
Begin Baslnos at Adams,
WASHINGTON. Aug. 23.-Bpwial Tele
gram.) The first National bank of Adams,
Neb., ha been authorised to begin busi
ness with 13.000 capital. L. B. Howey,
president; P. B. Draper, cashier.
Postmasters appointed. Nebraska Wil
liams, Thayer county, Arthur Gurable, vice
A. O. Bogga, resigned. Iowa Llnby, Jef
ferson county, Floyd R. Gambell, vice L.
D. Dudgeon, resigned; Page. Page county,
Leon L. Jordan, vie S. J. Ogg, resigned.
Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes:
Chariton, route a, J. D Lanlg. carrier; Win.
B. Lanig, substitute, Shenandoah, route 1.
M. B. Dickinson, carrier; Nathan D. Rulon,
Frighten .lata Fits
by fear of appendicitis, take Ir. King
New Ufa PUla. and away goes bowel
ttvubia. Guaraulosd Joo. Beaton .Drug Co.
Hellerae I .as) taase a.asatloa la
Hoasehold by Holding Breath
latll He Faints H.
Miss Rose Crobv has returned from an
extended visit In t'tlca, N. Y.
Miss Adah and Miss Edna Rartlett havs
returned from a visit In Chicago.
Bertl. Trebllcock has returned home from
a visit to Archer and St. Paul, Neb.
Mrs. T. L. Combs hsd two guests at
luncheon at Happy Hollow on Thursday.
W. 8. Curtis and children had suppef
Sunday ewenlng at Happy Hollow club.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elllck entertained two
guesta at dinner at the Field club Thursday
Mrs. W. 8. Curtis and daughter. Helen
have returned home from a visit to Fuller
ton, Neb.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Noah Perry en
tertained twelve women In honor of Mrs,
Albert Gordon.
Miss Erma Rogers of Springfield, III., Is
me guest or her cousin, Mrs. W, A. 1'ixley,
of COOS Cass street. I
Mr. arjd Mrs. Brown of 4S13 Underwood
avenue have moved to Minneapolis to make
ineir ruture home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Plxley entertained
six guests at the Field club at dinner on
Wednesday evening.
Mr and Mrs. R. C. Peteis and two smaller
children returned from Chicago and Monti
cello, 111., last Bunday.
Mrs. C. W. Helnsle was hostess Thursday
afternoon at the meeting of the West Far
nam Kensington club.
Frank R. Shew snd family, who hav
been living at 4Si Davenport street, moved
into Orriaha during the week.
Rev. George Winn, who has a charge at
Charter Oak, la., was the guest last week
of Rev., and Mrs. J. J. Lampe.
Mrs. E. V. Heaford left again during the
week for Der.ver. Mr. Heaford accompanied
her, but will return immediately. .
Mrs. O.'W, Templeton was the Dundee
guest at a luncheon given at Happy Hollow
on Thursday by Mrs. G. C. Thompson.
Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Lemere were the
guests at dinner at Happy Hollow Tuesday
evening of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polcar.
Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Rich and Miss Susan
Rich were the guests at dinner Inst Satur
day evening of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Lemere.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. T. Bell were tho
guests at dinner last Saturday evening t
the Field club of Mr. and Mra. W. E
Miss Zora Shields was one of the member
of the Kappa Alpha .Theta sorority that
had luncheon together on Thursday at tha
Field club.
Mrs. H. W. Potter and Misa, Potter of
Weyauwega, Wis., who have been the
guests of Mrs. D. L. Johnson, left for home
on Wednesday,
Mrs. George Hoaglanri and Mrs. J. E.
Summers, Jr., and children have gone to
Atlantic City, where they will visit Dr. J
K. Summer, sr.
Mrs. 'A. H. Palmer, her daughter, Miss
Elisabeth. Palmer, and son. Ward Palmer,
left on Tnurrday for a trip to New York
and other eastern points.
Miss Mercedes Cauglilan entertained at
her home Wednesday evening in honor of
Miss Stella Creedon of Denver. About four
teen young people were present.
Dundee people dining at Happy Hollow
club last Saturday evening were: Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. W. L
Snlby, Frank Selby and Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
Miss Mercedes Caughlan and Vaughgn
Caughlan were the Dundee guesta at a
large dancing party given on Thuraday
evening at the home of Mrs, John E. Marsh
In honor of Mrs. Marsh s sister, Miss 'iress
Robblns, and Miss Nell Donohoe.
For the Misses Hatel and Helen Hurlbut
of Viillsca, la., who are -her guests. Mrs.
Noah Perry entertained at dinner Friday
ever.lng, her other guests being tha Misses
Mcculloch or south Omaha, a numoer oi
other young people coming In later In the
evening. ,
. Wast Ambler. '
Mr? Shkw of Eckerman Is contemplating
another trip to ths Hot Springs In search
of health. .
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and family have
Just got . settled In their new home on
Marcy street.
Mrs. 8. C. Campbell and son. Walter, left
Saturday for a fortnight a visit with horn
folks In Illinois.
Miss Resale Favertv left Thursday for
Orrln Junction, Wyo., where ahe will teach
school the tcmlng year.
Mrs. Ellsworth Garmen and children left
Saturday for a fortnight' visit to her
parent at Greenfield, la.
Mrs. Ledgerwood haa been 111 at har
home on South Forty-eighth street the paat
week. She la aome better at present.
Mrs. A. L. Rehtlef waa entertained Tues
day by the Mesdames George and Benjamin
Craig at their home here for dinner.
Mr. George Stone and daughter. Miss
Adallne. .returned Tuesday from a three
weeKS visu wnn nome ioiss ai inarvern,
Mrs. Edward Walsh Is expected home on
Saturday from Bertrand. where ahe haa
been the gueat of her aged friend, Mra.
Mr. Bowles of the Telephone company la
building a fine home on Forty-eighth and
Mason street, which will soon he ready
for occupancy.
Little Helen Aughe, who ha spent the
past month with her grandfather hero,
returned to ther home on Sherman avenue
on Wednesday. ' '
Mr. Charles J. Roberts left this week for
Trenton, N. J., to confer with the firm of
which he is representative In Omaha and
the west In general.
Mrs. John Long and daughter. Miss
Gurtha, gaw a fine dinner on Thursday
to their friend, Mrs. J. E. Aughe, at their
home in West Side.
Mrs. Fmma Wallace and son. Merrll. re
turned last week from their month' visit
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jsaac
Bya. at Loup City.
Mrs Lk Boyer entertained her sister, Mrs.
Bascom, and friend, Mrs. Hoover, at din
ner at her rooms on Forty-eighth street
and Poppleton avenue Tuesday.
Rev. R. M. Henderson, attended ths
banquet at the Rom hotel Monday, given
by the Ministerial union. In honor of ths
new Methodist blshlp, Mr. Nuelsen.
Mrs. Alice Smith, daughter of Mrs. Ij.
Pitman, will leave the first of the week
for a three weeks' visit with her aunt,
Mrs. Hartman, at Atchlnson, Kan.
Mrs. Sarah Evans and three children
arrived last week from Cheyenne, Wyo., on
a visit with her three brothers, the Messrs.
John, George and James Cunningham.
Miss Ruth Craig was entertained Tues
day by her young friend Miss Virginia
Forbes, at a tea party on 111 lawn of her
horn on Woolworth street, near Hanscorn
Mr. and Mrs. Canon and mother, Mrs.
Wyllle, were out from htelr home on
Twenty-fourth and Pleics street 'lhursday
with the view of purchasing the CarUen
home here.
Miss Addle Gants went up to North
Omaha on Monday to niak the acquaint
ance of her new niece, who arrived August
17. at the home of her brother, Mr. A. 8.
Gsnts and wife.
Mrs. Ernest Grover and little daughter
attended a linen ahower Thursday at ths
home of her former schoolmate, Mrs.
Guy Matsen. at their suburban home west
of Fort Omaha.
Mrs. LPage Is entertaining her niece, Miss
Mae Welch, who arrived last week from
Ponca, Neb., to spend the balance of the
summer at their home on Forty-fifth and
Marcy street.
Mr. George Blakely ha been entertain
ing her father, Mr. Dee. and alster. Miss
Ducretia Dee. of University Place, at her
country home the last week. They left for
their home Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Augh recelvsd an
Invitation Saturday to aitend the fifth
wedding anniversary of their friends. Mr.
and Mrs.- Bert Bardwell at their new how
on Soutli Eleventh street Wednesday even
ing Auguat 1ft.
William Freeman and wife, formerly of
West Ambler and Etkermsn, are rejoicing
over the advent of a little son at their
new home on Fifteenth and Ainss s Venus.
Mrs. Freeman will be remamoered her
as Misa Lcttle By as.
The Dadles' Aid society met at the church
on Thursday afternoon and nearly com
pleted a fin basket quilt for Miss Nettle
Cavender. In the evening they served a
fine lunch to their husbands, then all re
nialned la ths piaysr meeting. Thar wer
THE DOCTOR says "drink beer" to the weak and the
convalescent. To those who need strength need a food and
a tonic. If it is good for them, isn't it good fot; you?
is only
It lies
the hops a tonic and an aid to sleep.;, ;
'.'.' '..',
It lies, too, in the fact that the drinking of beer flushes
the system of wiste. So would water, of course, if one
drank enough of it. But you don't drink water like been; '
When beer is pure there is nothing more healthful. And N
' ,
Schlitz beer is pure. It brings no after-effects, no biliousness. ; b
... " . , .i i .
But better go without beer than to drink the wrong beer. - :
That is why the Doctor generally says "Drink Schlitz." ;
. .... ' .
ir i-!
. i , ,
fourteen guest .-.present. The receipt of
the evening amounted to 16.20. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. Goerge Blakely,
near Evergreen camatery.. when Mr. Blakely
will take them all out on the hayrack,
August 27.
Miss Maud Craig entertained her music
teacher. Miss Nellie Hollenberger at her
home here for dinner Wednesday. - Miss
Hollenberger leavts--soon for New York,
where she will sail for Europe to further
complete her musical education.
Mr. snd Mrs. Harry McVea moved Into
their fine new- modern horn in Walnut
Hill Saturday and had a their guests
Tuesday their mother,, Mrs. Mary 'Mcyea
of Chicago, and their friend. Mra. J. E.
Aughe, at a finely appointed luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. .George Cunningham of
Hanscorn Park Place and former residents
of West Ambler, announce the arrival of
a baby daughter at their home Monday.
This advent completes their trio of little
girls, which will be complete playmatea for
their brother. Master Bruce.
Mra. Theodore Smith was honor guest at
a fine dinner given at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Al.v Scott, at their home
nn Twenty-aeventh -and Hickory streets.
In honor of their other guest, a cousin, who
Is visiting them from Wyoming.
Miss Katherlne Skinner of Forty-eighth
and Marcy streets, who hss been 111 the
last month was taken to the hospital by
her parenta Sunday morning, where she
wss operated on for a severe abscess in
her side. She rallied, though she Is still
very weak and low.
Mrs. James Howard and daughter ar.
visiting In Ohio.
Th old settlers will hold a picnic at
Boiomon's park today..
Services will be held at all the churche
today at the usual hours.
Mrs. John Kurts left Saturday evening
for a week's trip to points In Missouri.
Mr. C. R. Wilson returned last Tuesday
from a two weeks' visit In St. Joseph.
Mrs. A. H. Heyden and children returned
Wednesday from a visit In Red Oak, la.
Mis Edith Carter returned laat Wednes
day from a two week' vialt In Seward.
Mr. ajid Mrs. L. I. N. Goodln entertained
laat Sunday for Ernest Relchart of Omaha.
Mrs. Dsv William returned home on
Tuesday from Gretna, kfter a ahort visit.
The funeral service of little Leona K.
Kelland, who died last Sunday afternoon
after a long alckness, tck place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Kellsnd Tuesdsy
morning. The pallbearers were little girl
friends of the deceaaed.
Misses Dena and Rose Boose of Stuart,
la., ar. guests at the horn of B. C. Peter
son. All books of the Benson school library
can b. retiu ted next Saturday from to 6
Mra. R. E. Bosworth gave a lunch laat
Thursday for Mrs. Plckard and daughter of
Omaha. . .
Mr. J. B. Carter waa a guest last Moo
day at dinner at the Carter home in
Mra. W. 8. Wardlow entertained laat
Wednesday at lunch for Mlaa Mahannah
of Omaha.
The Bryan club held a meeting at the
town hall laat Saturday to make plana for
a rally soon.
Mrs. Chris Johnson will entertsln the
Kensington club at her home next Thurs
day afternoon.
Th. forty-acre piece of land north of
Krug's park has been platted and will be
old off in lot.
Mrs. William Sprlngmyer entertained at
lunch laat Tuesday In honor of Mlaa Freda
Fulton of Omaha.
Messrs. Ernest and Will Tlndell left
Tuesday for Chicago, and will apend a
week on the lakea.
Mra. A. Z. I-each gav a o'clock dinner
at her horn laat Thursday. Cover were
laid for four guests.
A. B. Prior sold his new house on Rigga
street to P. J. Flynn for J.20O. who will
take possession at once.
Miss Ethel Bower left Sunday for Cen
tral City wher. she will spend two weeki
visiting with relatives.
Mrs. T. O. Degan and children returned
home on Monday from a two days' visit
with her mother In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rssmussen gav. a
dinner last Tuesdsy st their bom. for Mr.
and Mra Heisler of Omaha.
Ward Walsh left a week ago for a trip
to Ontario, Canada, to visit relatives. He
will return by wsy of Chicago.
Tha Misses Georgia ard Hasel M.-Mchael
entertained at a porrh party last Thursday
eventrg. th. guests being the Misses l.ia
Fry. Emilv Davis, lis Daly, Bertha Snow,
Djui. BcDlag, tdua But II, J cuius Gmiln,
The virtue of' beer does
per cent, of that.
in the malted barley a digested food.
The BeerThat Made Milwaukee Famous
Emma Chrtstlanson, Messrs. Ed C. Hansen,
Walter Sncll, Harold Chadwell, Ed Ander
son, Earl Martin, Russell Walsh. Maurice
McMlchael, Will Wilson, Robert Hall,
Lawrence Nelson and Mrs. Dr. McCoy. -
Miss little A. Smith left for ner home
In Plaitsmouth Sunday nfternoon after
vleltlng wjth friends In Benson.
Mr. Falrbrother entertained at Cut-Off
lake. Mecdame McCoy. Leach, Keller and
Horton of Benson on last Tuesday,
i Mr. W. U Mardl left laat week, with
her daughter, Mr. Jack Gleckner. for Chi
cago, where-she will visit a month.
Miss Jennie. Smith of Rock Valley, la,,
Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Kelland until tha end cf. the summer.
Mrs. 8. B. Zwelful left last Wednesday
for a visit in her old home in Dayton O.,
where she. will' visit friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. . William Culkins enter
tained Mrs. William Mahoney and John
Culkins of Omaha at dinner last .Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Truoky entertained
last Sunday at dinner for Mrs. Cosrove
and Miss Keeler of Omaha and James
Mr. and Mrs. F.' Or. Bloomqulst and Mr.
and Mrs. F. Frlnk went to Waterloo, Neb.,
where they spent the week-end fishing
ar King's lake. .
Mr. Letovsky gave a lunch on Thursday
for Mrs. Jensen and son. Mrs. Janda. Mrs.
i Armack of Omaha. Miss Tlets and Mrs.
Masenio of Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Raber and Mr. and
Mrs. William Zimmerman and son Lewis
returned last week from a month' trip to
New York and Pennsylvania.
Mr. L. I. N. Goodwin entertained the
Benson Kensington club at her home last
week. Prizes in the guessing contest were
won by Mrs. Rlcker and Mrs. Gallagher.
The Misses Snow entertained a party In
Omaha, a luncheon at their home for
Misses Woodhull and Rogers, a picnic
party at Hanacom park during the last
Mrs. E.VJ. Whistler entertained at her
home laat Tuesday evening. The guests
were Gesrge Shanahan, Mr. and Mra. J. N.
Dennla, Mrs. E. T. Wallace and daughter
of Omaha.
Mr. Covell and Mrs. Borshelm of Omsha
will hold an open meeting at the Methodist
church Sunday evening, August 30. In tha
Interest of th Women' Christian Temper
ance union.
The B. L. 8. elub met at the home of
Mra. John Oleaaon last Thursday after
noon, when plana were made for an Ice
cream social In th. Odd Fellows' hall, in
th. near future.
Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh entertained
during the week Mrs. Southard and
daughter, Mr. and Mra. Bryon Hopper of
Omaha, John McArdle of Elk -City and
Charlea Whit, of Elkhorn.
Mlaa Georgia McMichael entertained last
Thursday evening at a party, when about
twenty young people were present. The
porch was lit up with Japanese lanterns.
A lunch was served by the hostess.
The Misses Lancaster entertained at
luncheon on Thursday for Misses Georgia
Baxter. Grace Rood of Lincoln, Mifsns
Gertrude Miller. Helen Hudspeth. Mabel
Lowe, Margeret and Lisa Llljenstolpe.
The Wbmen's Christian Temperance union
of Benaon held lis first regulsr meeting at
the town hall Wednesday afternoon. It
waa decided to charter a car Sunday even
ing for those who wish to attend the Armor
lecture at th. Auditorium from Benson.
The Misses and Messrs. Stlger. ihap
eroned by Mr. and Mra. George Sttger. are
entertaining a number of friends at a
camping party at Cu-Off leke. The guests
Included the Misses Emma and Hlln.a Ed
ling, Lettle A.i Saiilh. Beasie Woodrulf,
Messrs. J., Cooke. Johnsen. Alfred Clorka
of Omaha. Mead&me Frederick and Wood
ruff of Benson.-Fred Slgnall and Herbert
Edllng of Omaha, with about ten visitors
last Sunday. , '
Mrs. Theodore Cboper was a Lincoln vis
itor Friday.
Mrs. H. H. Harntsh Is visiting friends In
Kansas City this week.
Mrs Charles McGlnley la visiting her
daughter at Auburn, Neb.
Miss Alice Leypoldt of La Piatt, was a
Bellevue visitor Tuesday.
J. H. Ocw and family are visiting at
Glenwood, la., this week.
Mrs. Walter Martin has been numbered
among th. sick tills week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Goss attended th.
Bryan notification at Ltncol.t.
The Roysl Neighbors visited tha' South
Omaha camp Thursday availing.
Merrit, the little daughter of Mrs. Mary
Hike, has been quite sick this week.
Kenaelh. son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Cooper, succeeded In frightening bis mother
not lie in the alcohol. There ;
Ask for the Brewery Bottling.
Common beer is sometimes substituted for Scklits.
To avoid being imposed upon, see that the tork or
Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. of Neb.'
719 So. oth St., Omaha
snd grandmother, Mrs. E. Fletchpr, Thurs
day by holding his breath until he fainted.
Dr. Bety was called and tha little fellow
was soon all right.
E. F. Stepp has completed his new home
and moveed his family Into the same.
Mrs. Charles Patrick visited her daughter,
Mrs. Talboa, In South Omaha Saturday. -
Misses Jennie and Vail McDermut wer.
visiting friend at LaPlatte laat Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox were among
the visitors at Cut-Off lake Friday evening.
R. 8. Calder, dean of the college, trans
acted business In Omaha the laat of the
Mrs. E. L. Chaffee started Saturday
morning for Columbus to visit her nephew,
Mr. Clark.
Mrs. L. N. Purcell and daughter. Ella,
are vlBlting at Mra. Purcell s old home at
Maryvllle, Mo.
J. D. Graham, who has been in North Da
kota In the Interest of the International
Harvester company, returned home Tuea
day evening.
Mr. M. R. L. Braden returned Tuesday
from a week's visit with relatives and
friends In Iowa. .
Misa Helen Fletcher tcok the. Avery Sun
day school scholars to Rlvervlew park Fri
day for a picnic.
Charley Fletcher of Wahoo la visiting his
mother, Mrs. B. Fletcher, and his tnsters
here this week.
The Bellevue citizen re making prepar
ation to build two mllea of cement aide
walk In the near future.
Mrs. Charlea Purcell and daughters, Dora
and Lula, of Los Angeles. Cal., have moved
to Ballevue to make their future home.
Mrs. George Curtrr of Superior. Neb., and
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Clark of South Omaha
were guests at the Braden home, Thursdiy.
Mrs. W. A. Wilcox entertained the Royal
Neighbors at her homo Saturday evening.
Ri-freshmenla were served and the women
report Mrs. Wilcox a royal entetainr.
I N. Purcell was given the contract for
the building of the new Fraynor school
house, west of town. The McChesney Lum
ber company will furnish the material.
E. E. Taylor, superintendent of the print
ing department of the college, and little
son. Gerald, have gone to Western Kansas
to visit Mr. Taylor mother and other rel
atives. They will visit at Oberlln, Kan.,
Mr. Taylor's former home, before return
ing. Dr. Sternburg hss about completed the
new addition and the many Improvements
he hss been putting upon his neat little
cottage, which Is occupied by Dr. Wilcox
and family. Dr. Sternburg and Dr. Adams
are two college men, who can not only
teach "the young Idea to ahoot" at the col
lege, but ran build houses and swim in the
Missouri river as well.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Talboa enter
tained their young friends of Bellevue at a
wstermelon party at their home In Soutli
Omaha Thursday evening. Those present:
France Msrtln, Mildred Stepp, Vail and
Jennie MoDermut. Marguerite Bradley,
Mabel Spanton, Edna Flndley, Anna Little.
Lticile Bets, Hertha Langbelne. Mr. and
Mrs. James MuGlnley, Hasel Wilcox. Ray
mond Stepp, Karl Langbelne, Ray Flndley,
William Martin, Mont Purcell. William At
water and Paul Wilcox. Mr. Patrick chap
eroned the young folks.
gqalres Waive Bissilsatlss,
8TCRGI8. 8. D., Aug. 23-(Speclal Tele
gram. Jesse Squires, rhargea with burg
lary In the third degree, who waa arrestsd
Tuesday' night, waived examination today
before Justlc Hunt. He waif bound over
to the circuit court in the sum of I1.0CO.
Squire also waived examination today on
a charge of grand larceny and waa bound
over in th. sum of 3V.
Red-Man CollarS
2 for 25
Ask your Haberdasher.
And in
:.. j ,
trown is branded Sthlitt,
' V
Mleaoar! Paclao- , ...
K. C. & St. L. Express. a i-M am a 6:45 am
K. C. c 8. I- Exprss.JUl.:16 pn . a l:G0 pm
tnloa Paolac
- Lesv. . Arrive.
i .
Overland TJmfted.... J:S0 I
Colorado Express. ......
am a :o pm
pin. a 6:00 pin
Atlnntlc Express al0:15 am
Oregon Express a 4:10 pm a 8:00 pm
Los Angeles limited. ...aiz:K pm a :io pm
Fsst Mall a :30 am a 6:46 pm
China & Japan Mall a 4:iO pm a 6:50 pm
North Platte Local a 7:2 am a 4:46 pm
Colo-Chicago Special. ...al2:lo am a 7:06 am
Beatrice & Stromsburg
Local bl2:y rm b 1:40 pm
Chicago, Rock Isiaa at Pacino
Chicago Limited I.flo am allpm
Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:S0 pm
lies Moines Passenger. .a 4:iO pm al2.0 pm
Iowa Local bll:40 am b pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex). .a 4 40 pm a 1:16 pm
Chicago Flyer a 8:10 pm a 8:36 am
Rocky Mountain Ltd...all:lS pm a 1:60 am
Colo. & Cal. Express. ..a 1:10 pm a 4:80 pin
Okl. & Texas Express. .a 4:40 pm a V:16 pm
Chicago Jt Nortavrestera-
Chloago Daylight .......a 7:26 am all:4S pm
St. Paul-Minn. Exp. .-..a 7:46 am aiO:'JO pm
Chicago Locsl aU:2t) am a 8:28 pm
Sioux City Passenger... a 4:a0 pm a :10 ana
Chicago Special a : pin a 8:21 am
St. Paul-Minn. Limttsda. : bin a 8:0 am
Loa Angelas Limited., a :ij pm atf:Jb pm '
Overland Limited al0;0t pni a :ZS am
Fast Mall a 8:86 pal
Sluux City Local ,a,l.60 pm a :U) am
Twin City Limited. .r... a 8:0 pm a 8:uu am
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am i:.0 im
Lincoln-Long Pin. a 7:40 am alO:36 am
Deadwood-Llncoln a 8:00 pm a 6:20 pm
Casper-Lander ,... I;0u pm aft: 20 pm
Hastings-Superior ...... .b 8:00 pm b 6:20 pm
Fremont-Albion b 6:80 pm b pm
Chicago Great Western
St Paul-Mlnn.apollsj.:.. 8:80 pm 7.30 am
8t. Paul-Minneapolis .... 7:3u am 11:36 pm
Chicago Limited (.06 pm am
Chicago Express 7:30 am U:U pm
Chicago Express ..-.v.. 3:30 pm 8:80 pm
Chicago, Milwaukee Wt It. laal
Chicago A Colo. Bp 1. a 7:26 am all :60 pm
Cal. Ik Pre. Express a oau pm a 3: pm
Overland Limited a l:6S pm a 8:30 am
Perry Local a 6:16 pm U:00 am
Illinois Central
Chicago Express a 7:16 am a 3:45 pm
Chicago Llmitsd.. a S:W pm a 8.30 am
Mlnn-St. Paul Express. b 7:16 ain
Mlnn.-St. Pajl Lim ..a:Wpm a 6:80 am
W a bask
et. Louis Express a 6:30 pm a 8:26 am
St. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am aU:U pm
Btandberry Local (from
Council Bluffs.) b 6:00 pm bl:18 am
Denver & California... a 4:10 pm
Northwest Special. a 4:10 cm
Black Hills a 6:1 pm
Northwasl Express all:60 pm
Nehraaka points a S:4s am
Nebraska Express ...,..a 8:16 am
Lincoln Fast Mall a 1:46 pm
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Bciiuyler-Plaltsmouth ,.b 3:10 pm
Kell:vu-Plattsmouth ,. 8:00 pm
Plattamouth-lowa b 8:18 am
a 3:46 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 8:io pm
a .( am
a 10 put
a 6 10 piu
a!2:U pm
b 8 0S am
a 7.60 pm
bio:) am
6:60 aut
b 1 80 pra
c 1:40 pn.
a 7 lifi a,..
Itellevue-Platlsinouth ...cl2:3i pm
Denver Llmitsd a 4:10 pin
Chicago SpecSai a 7:6 am
Chicago Express a 4:?0 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:80 pm
Iowa Local a 9:16 am
St. Louis Express a 4:46 pm
Kansas City & St. Jo..slO:46 pm
Ksnsas City & St. Joe. .a :16 am
Kansas City & St. Joe. .a 4 u pm
all. a pm
a 8 66 pm
a 6 80 am am
H:8o am
a6 80 am
8-10 pm
Culcaso, St.
Paal. Mlaa.apoll 4
Twin City Paasenger....b 8o am b 8:10 pm
Blnux City Passenger.. 36 pm a 10:60 am
Kmsrson Local C 8:46 am o 6:66 pm
Leave. Arrfr.
Missouri PaclaV
Auburn Local
b 1:60 pm bll:2t am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun
day only, d dally except Saturday, o Daily
except Monday.
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Th Beat Far Papa
uaa oolla 3" 1