THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: 'AUGUST 23. 1009. REAL ESTATE city rorEHTY ron sale. (CoDtlnusd.) REAL ESTATE city PRorr.nTt ron i.E. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKBTT FOI ALB. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SAin. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY FOR HALE. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROrr.RTY FOR ItlE. (Continued. CITV PIWPFHTY TOR MIR, tC'ontlnued.) 8 Two New, Modern Homes 1815 Grace Street, $3,500 Lars. 2-story house, 7 rooms, full brick basement, cement blork tountmion. concrete floor, coal bins and splendid furnace. The first floor has large reception liall, wUh aeat; nice parlor, separated from reception hall with large column; nice dining room, closets and good-slsed bath room on second floor, pretty open stairway Floors on first floor are oak, filled and waxed. Floors In kitchen and second floor are quarter-sawed pine, varnished. Porch 8 feet wide and 24 feet long. This house Is piped for gas and wired for electric light and has line com bination fixtures, the very best of modern open plumbing; nice sink In Kitchen. There Is nice shade In the back and the yard Is sodded. Cement walks and steps. Tnmplete In every respect, ready to move Into, and the price Is low. sy walk ing distance of the retail district and one block from the Dodge street car line and two blocks from the South Omaha line and on the boulevard, close to school and stores and In a good neighborhood. 4007 North 30th St., $2,850 This attractive -room, all modern house. Just completed by one of the best carpenters In the city. Is offered for sale at a low price, Is situated on a good ntreet, with the paving all paid for. House has basement, cemented floors; bnen walks', good reception hall, parlor, dining room, convenient kitchen, pantry ana rear entry on the first floor, three nice bed rooms and bath on the second lloor, nnA closets. ood bath room. All of the floors are of quarter-sawed pine, nicely . . ii i j ii,. Koat scrapea aim viniiKiiru, - - r ...... and gas. with combination fixtures; sodded yard. One block from car. I his house Is first class In every way, ready to move Into. The furnace has not been In stalled and purchaser win make his own selection. If you are looking for a home don't miss this one. Will sell on easy terms. Hastings & Heyden 1704 FAKNAM BTREKT. SPECIAL SNAPS $ 5007-room, darn, two full size luta, SOxlJi each; this property Is three Works from tlio Dodge car line, and Is a bargJtm for someone who wands a medlum prlcetl place with lots of ground. II, too ti-room cottage, electric lights, sewer, water and toilet; house newly painted Inside and out; all in first-class condition; on paved street and walking iHHHrjv; tf you waiil something low prlced, close In, don't fall to Investigate this, as It must be sold. 318 N. 30tb. $4,1 Mi New 7-rooni house, ak finish, com bination gas Mm electric fixtures, built for a. home hih) modern from top to bottom; tills has JiiHt been put on tkie market, and as owner Ih anxious to sell, has priced at a bargain; located on Harney car line, west of 3th St. ...... See mo about other properties and list with nie for quick sale. F. ( Best, 1008 N. Y. L. Ti l. Douglas 2241. Ind. A-4244. (19) Floroma Our New and Latest Addition AT 24TH ST. AND WEBSTER AVE. 3 BLOCKS NORTH OP FORT STREET. This part of the city Is improving very fast; 24th street Is now paved to Fort street; there Is through car service morn ing and evening on the Florence car line. OUR PRICK $230 TO $375 EACH; $10 Cash, $10 a Month. We are positive you can't buy a better lot In Omaha than these for the money. We have put In city water and cement side walks. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St. . Bee Building $3,250 BUYS The two houses. 2710 and 2712 Parker St., 6 rooms each, rroiiern except furnace, with 00 feet of ground, street paved and paid; rent, $432 a year. 14 INVESTMENT. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Doug. 287. 212 8. 14th. (19)- 25TH AND CHARLES Large corner lot with cottage, IS rooms and hath. The lot stands on southwest corner, fronting 1J0 f,-et on Charles St. and 6S feet on 25th St.; has building room for two or three more houses: price DDii; eiwlal tirmi. See owner, W. H. Oriffln, 2621 Chicago St. (19) 965 23 "RESTHAVEN" An attractive suburban home place of acres, with a 6-room all modern new bungalow, with living room, dining-room, kitchen, bath and 3 bed-rooms. Fur nace heat; private water system; 2'z acre orchard; ' acre vineyard; located 7 miles from the Omaha post office ami one mile from Benson car line, and accessible by paved road. For a country homo or for the fruit farmer and chicken 'raiser ,this is ideal. May we show it to youT Price, $5,750, $1,000 Cash Payne Pnvestnient Co. 1st Floor N. V. L. Bldg. Tels., Doug. 1781; L d. A-11SS. of mnriern nnen tilumhlng. electric lights BEE BU1L.IJ1NU. PETERS TRl'ST COMPANY. $ mo Five room house, between 31st and 3-l on I,indscy Ave. $2,200 Six-room house, piped for water and gas, has baih room; on south front lot, half block from Walnut Hill car line. $2,750 Nine-room house, all modern, w-ltn private lighting plant, and was- all built bv day labor; on laard street west of 40th. " $2,700 Good eight-room modern house, two vesrs old, with two fine lota, with fruit and grapes; on Izard street west of 4(ith. A nice home. $3,500 Quod six-room house and one acre of ground, on Florence car line: barn and shade; plenty of small $6 000 A "verv desirable corner 132x138, with eight-room house, partly modern; plenty of room on corner for flats or residence; located on South 11th street. VACANT. I 326 Fine corner lot near car line In north part of city; street paved and paid $1,100-Fiiie and sightly east front lot 49x VVi; one Dioca irom wiu ... ...... III.?! AM r.i-1 - rtnA 111 nek from 51. QUO r lie CiiiiiM -- .,. Hanscom park; all to grade and ready to Dinm on. DUNDEE. . , .. . , ,, u anA &iat afreets On tne Slope wiwcth uwi. - - : facing both Capitol avenue and Davenport itreet we have a number of very oirable lots that we aro oMering at 00 and 1.00 each. They have shade trees and perma nent walks: with water in the street. Can make terms on most oi mem. Facing south on Underwood avenue be- choicest building lots In Dnd- prle" range from x to ' " m. finer building sites than these In any desirable part of Omaha. Can make terms f -""PBTKBB TRUST CO Ground floor N. Y. Life Bldg. ON BOULEVARD, near Crelghton college, new and neat modern 7-rooir, ihoiise, with barn; snap; must be sold; $4,200. F. D. Wead. Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam CEMENT HOUSE Here Is a chance to buy a 7-room, all modern, cement block house, cheaper than a similar frame house; has re ception hall, parlor, dining room, finished in oak. S bed 100ms finished in birch, tiled bath room, cement floor on porch, full cemented basement, with laundry, stationary tubs and hot water heating system: ho;ise and two lots, $5,000; 1 lot, $4.& The Byron Reed Co. Phone Doug. 207. 212 S. 14th (19) Homes $1.600 -room modern home, S618 Dodge. $1,650 6-room modern home, 3620 Dodge. $2.200 10-room house, rents $5 per mo., 1511 Ohio St. $2,500 8-rooms, modern, on 25th an Clark Sts. $2,700-9 rooms, modern, 2412 Indiana Ave. $2,7009 rooms, modern, 2408 Indiana Ave. $2,500-9 rooms, modern, 708 N. 30th St. $2,0o0-9 rooms, modern, 710 N. 30th St. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Blk. (13) TEN good building lots in South Omaha in exchange for Improved property In Omaha F. D. W ead, lsol Faruam St. (19) D. V. Sholes Co. $ 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Tels.: Doug. 40; lud. A-201I). (19) SELBYC NAPO 3543 SOUTH 2GTH ST. A good 7-ronm 2-story house with bath, gas. toilet, sewer, rltv water and furnace; lot . 6127 ft.; fine shade trees; good bam; paved street and cement walks. Just the place for a South Omaha man. $3,000. 2862 OHIO ST. Five-room cottage with gas. sewer nnd city water; house. In fine condition; full south front lot, 50x125 ft; easy terms. $1,K0. 2714 SOUTH 20TH ST. Eight-room 2-story house; full lot. 4xl50 ft.; paved street; renting lor tut per nonth. $1,800. 709 SOUTH 19TH ST. Five-room modern cottage; lot BO ft. front; All special taxes paid. Oct a good close-In home. GEORGIA AVE. AND PACIFIC ST. On the southwest corner we have a choice vacant lot, 64x142 ft., with all paving taxes paid in full. Just the place to buid those brick houses. &250. 2215 WEBSTER ST. A good 9-room, all modern house, three fire places; new furnace; good nam; shade lot 60x132 ft.; paving paid. Must be sold tills month. Good buy at $4,750. 2615 P0PPLET0N AVE. A "nifty" 7-room modern house: furnished In oak downstairs; roomy porch. Sx24 ft. Good close-In location. Paving paid. 28TH AND POPFLETON AVE. Nine-room sll modern house; hot water heat; lot 50x166 ft.; east front; paving paid; fine shade trees; well built house and cheap at o,uw. If you want to buy or sell, be sure to S EE ELBY 16th and Farnam 8ts. 436 Board of Trade, Real Bargains IN VACANT LOTS East front on 28th St., second lot south of Shirley St., BoxloO ft $ 950 West front on 32d St. near Poppleton Ave.- all specials i4Ki6i)xl60 It $1,800 uiock o, Bi-mia i ui'K, norm iront on ltfayette Ave., between 34th and 35th Sts $1,250 Lot 11, Washington Square, 50x128 ft., south front, on Madison Ave $ 900 Thirty-fourth St.. second lot south of Dodge St., 50x136 ft $3,000 Corner of 38th and California Sts., 9xl2S ft., two full lots $5,500 Forty-first and Page Sts., in Poppleton Park, 60x110 ft $ 750 North side lake St., between 24th and 25th Sts., 40x130 ft $ 1 South side Lake St., between 14th and 26th Sts., 46x133 ft., two frontages $1,000 East front on 24th St., near Wirt St., 45x126 ft $1,000 Two adjoining lots, each 60x150 ft., on 34th St., In Windsor Place, near Cen ter St. Not a prettier building site In that part of the city. Can sell cither or both for $1,000 each; llberel terms; each $1,000 Southeast corner 3bth and Francis sts., in Windsor Place. 60x150 ft: liberal terms $ 700 Marsh's Addition, 27th St., near Mason, 60x124; liberal terms $1,000 American Investors Corporation 'Phone Douglas 2194. 663 Brandels Bldg. (19) ON TEMPLETON ST. Neat cottage home, with fine lawn and shade; near car line: if sold at once. $2,100. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam (19) 6-ROOM COTTAGE 1709 Manderson St, modern except fur nace; large lot; on easy terms; cheap. R. II. LANDERYOU, Board of Trade. (19I-M913 24 WEST FARNAM 7-room new modern house, laundry in basement, east front lot, paved street, Price, $3,700. 8-room new modern house, corner lot. east front, paved street, one block from car. frice, 4.zoo. THORPE & SON, 611 Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 767. (19) THE BOTTOM N PRICE For a Vacant Business Lot 22x132 ft., on north side of Howard St.. between 12th and 13th Sts $4,500 American Investors Corporation 'Phone Douglas 2194. 663 Brandels Bldg. (19) WEST FARNAM Near 25th Ave. and Jackson we hav an excellent 7-room, all modern house, 3 years old, " which we can sell for $3,5w. Good reasons for selling. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Doug. 297. 213 8. 14th. (19) NEAT COTTAGE on Charles St., near Harney car, with corner lot; owner very anxious to get money; $1,j0. F. D. Wead Wead Blk.. 18th and Farnam. (19) ' REASONABLE PRICED HOMES $1,860 for 2806 N. 26th St.. 6-room. two-story frame house, with city water, sewer and gas; some repairs to be made; lovk this over. $2.600 4304 Ersklne St.. 7-room frame house, strictly modern, nicely duo orated throughout with oak mantel and grate, g.od corner lot, within una block of car Una. $3.&, but orJy $750 cash, balance monthly, for X44 N. 27th St., 7-room. 2-story frame house, strictly modern, first-class repair, key at our office. $3,000 for 2-story. -room frame house, strictly modern, hot water heat, south front on 28th St., near Pupplton Ave. GEORGE A COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. (19)- A Cottage Home fix-room cottage on S4th St., Windsor Place, modern except heat; full lot, 50x150 ft.; fine walks and trees; coal house on alley; beautiful location; liberal terms $2,600 American Investors Corporation Phouc Douglas ;a4. 663 Braadels Bldg. D. V. SHOLES COM PAN Y, 110 Boaril nf Trsde nidg . 16th and Fsrnsm Sts. ' Tels.: Doug 40; Ind. A-204 CREIGHTON'S FIRST ADDITION 80 LOTS ALREADY SOLD St. TnhJr mZ'u ll'.l.?'I'",,l.n,n' ,ora,"? 'le of 32d Ave . between Martha and Arbor 'TL block south of Hanscom I'srk. ThlS BrOlinr1 1 McrH m r,A ,.i.. .4 . .. . I -1 . r n n , . . - . - , ",,, ..,, ,,-n,,(ii-i, ri'ixii .u" mi., everv one or walks to nearly all lots" " 11 tiTei Kradrd- i". t" and permanent 40 HOUSES neVghborholoJlt t'"r" brforc January 1st of a good class and exceptionally choice Eots $5110 to $1.nni. .r.!!' Vor 'Su",lB- P"y here and you sre bound to make money as prices Six n.?r c.r Lr.,'r1n,p lemis: One-third cash, balance one, two and three years at six per cent or a discount of five per cent for all cash. . OAKHl'RST PARK ,T.h,s.rT''u"r"' Rdditlnn lies between 3.1d snd SSth streets, between Poppleton and i..- n 1. -V .Held club section, handsomely built up and forms the connect ing link between this section of the city and the West Farnam district. PICK OUT ONE BEFORE THE CREAM IS SKIMMED OFF $l,2on1(toB$21ooobOUlCVal, 80mC f the tl"eni lo,s ln thc cl,y of Omaha at prices from . i,'no.p. 'l''a " St.. also facing the boulevard, $1,150 to $1,500, with new pav ing on ,.3d St.. all paid With sewer and wnter. $2 000 St" oppoalte tlle 1'"lcld club- v0 wll luy fiat will soon sell for MILTON ROGERS' PLACE K- 1" n, addition that will appeal to you as the choicest Inside property within three minutes walk of the theaters and heart of the city that was ever placed on ine market in Omaha. Inside property usually Is covered with or surrounded by In ferior buildings, but here Is a blork of 40 lots with no buildings. Insuring at this jime goon substantial brick Improvements. Inside property In a growing city dou bles and triples In value and this being so close In It Is sure to. BUSINESS LOTS ON LEAVENWORTH STREET 2x5 feet with 14 foot alley with sll specials paid, from $1,600 up. 30XR0 foot lots on Jones St.. now being extended through and paved, with sewer, water, gas and permanent walk, all paid for. $1,800. Terms, on any of these, one third cash balanco one two and three years at six per cent or discount of 5 per cent for sll cash. .i i ii''?!iy a.bollt September 1st excepting the planting of trees, which will be done tins rail or In the spring and this tract will be mado exceptionally handsome when finished. Don t delay, but make your selection now. THE BRIGGS TRACT 21ST AND MASON STREET Close-in lots of any size you want, with sewer, water and gas. $550 for 25x1.12 feet, facing west. 6i0 for 30x132 feet, facing west. 770 for 35x132 feet, facing west. 8S0 for 40x132 feet, facing west. 600 for 25x132 feet, facing east. 720 fur 30x132 feet, facing east. 840 for 35x132 feet, facing east. 900 for 40x132 feet, facing east. 42D AND HAMILTON STS. SPECIAL BARGAINS Four beautiful lots, with sewer, water, gas. permanent walk, all paid for; Ham ilton street paved and paving paid, as follows: $1,000 60x125 feet, S. E. corner 42d and Hamilton Sts. $ 850 50x125 feet Joining Above on the east. $ goo 50x150 feet, wept front on 42d. 125 feet south of Hamilton. Tries are bargains, right on thc car line and In a nice part of town. Will go quickly. SIXTEENTH STREET At the S. E. corner lth and Martha Sts. we have two special bargains: $p00 44x90 feet, west front, on 16th, bring 8S feet south of Martha, with all special taxes paid. u. $80050x132 feet, facing north on Martha St., 90 feet cast of lbth iSt. VACANT $300 N. W. corner 45th nnd Mason. 61x130 feet $500 50x120 feet, north front, on Van Camp Ave., between 1Mh snd 20th fits. $650 West front, on 21st. 100 feet south of Manderson. 60x1 2b teet. $1,000 South front on Mason, 45 feet west of 15th, 45x127 feet; paving and "U VlToo-ToPxT5VTeVttSo,?aDewey Ave., near Z8tl St., desirable, tor two flat, and the cheapeat lot for the purpose offered. RESIDENCE $1.425 $124 Miami St., 6 rooms, city water; lot 60x120 teet. Easy terms. This C$l!O0 s. W. corner 27th Ave. and Lake Sts., 7-room house, sewer, water and gaSi'4600l 9o"i31i0tfeet, east front on 20th St., opposite Mason, with old 2-story SSLSS fWSE Ko7t.Voat:atr'"fr,onrrw,tir-7l:Voom cottage; .,. m2 650-ro31t6f8niTst St.. one block south of Leavenworth St. brand new K-room ffAs& .wsrtt'jsa .5r,iss.s-s good investment. . . ,rrr,io p.riii nearlv new, 8-room, modern $5.250 3716 Lincoln n"'vr,ltl(m1lt ?nd irroundlngsr up-to-date plumb dwelling, oak finish own.tal utlful t nd U mik". quick" a". Get bv. Ing and llKhtln;; al apeclala paid. 0 "-room. modern dwelling, strictly up pi nnn 4808 Chicago St. ( uunuce;. "- H.i, .,. vtreet car. to datesouth front, beautiful view; lot -to-., vear-old brick flats, wll built and within ,9,750-Two thoroughly niodem -ycttr, "ear California; leased for $100 three minutes' walk from P r' ?" k account and draw 8 to 10 per cent per month and water rpni. x. 6 ROOMS, $100 CASH Balance $15 per month r. terest buys a home near 24th and. Man- S ,WiBEMIS. Paxton Block. CHEAP PROPERTY jX.650 Good five-room cottage 24x 36, oil finish, front and back porch, in good order, corner lot 50x160, well water, block and a half from Walnut Hill car line; terms, $200 cash and balance $20 per month. 1 8 00 A good five-room cottage on 33d St., near Davenport, east front lot 50x135. $1,900 Eight-room house and cor ner lot 108x137. lays fine, fruit and shade trees, barn, house is in good or der, located one block from Ames Ave. car line. ' $2,350 Six-room cottage at 2119 Maple St., modern except furnace; a nice location, on lot 50x122. $2,200 Eight-room modern house, with a good furnace, cistern, with pump in kitchen; house is in good or der, new roof, located north of Bemis park, on south front lot 60x127. $3,150 Eight-room new modern house, east of Kountze Place, 32x28, on south front lot 67x130. Owner very anxious to sell, or would consider trading equity for cheaper place. $3,500 Eight-room house at 2015 Burt St., modern except furnace, lot 51x132, large barn; renting at $30. $3,700 Seven-room modern house on Davenport, near 28th, a nice home; has a barn and good laying lot, on paved street. $4,500 Ten-room modern house on Lowe Ave., near Burt, some oak fin ish, two bath rooms, separate lavatory, laundry; a verv complete home, on east front lot 50x115. paving and per manent walks, granite corners and coping' around front part of lot; im provements on this lot cost about $6,000. VACANT LOTS. 50x121 On 29th. south of Lake St.. sewer, water and gas on street, $350. 50x128 South front on Pratt St., east of ROtn. 400. 60x127 South front o ranklln St.. near Harney car line. J400. Six-room cottage in rood order: hap rood, large born and lot .'3x125. or Miami, near 22d; flue location. Owner very anxious to sell; also has 160 acres of verv fine land. Both nronertles ninst be sol 1 soon, as owner Is leaving city. ' TV TT (; ATKS. M Room R17. Nw York T ife Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1294. MTTJUPAT?k"L()TS Ten fartig ard near MMIer r.ark: prices from $100 to $V; $5 cash, balance US rer month. , . Both 'Phones. BE.NilS. Paxton PJock. TRACKAGE 50x152 feet at south east corner of 20th and Pierce St., with old frame building renting for $30. Paved Sireets and Union Pacif tracks in alley. A bargain. Price 5.500. GARVIN BROS. " 1604 Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 952. (19) $37,000 Buys DOWNTOWN business block, $-story brick, corner lot 66x132. renting for $4.0 a year groM. About half cash required, bal ance I per cent. Get full particulars of C7K. GLOVER & SOX, Wl-i-t N. T. Life. - NEW LISTINGS 7 rooms, reception room,- parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry and refrigerator room on first floor; 4 good bedrooms and bath on second; attic; full basement; best of open nickel plumbing; combin ation fixtures; hot water heating plant. House built a year ago for a home; 2 blocks from car; excellent neighbor hood; east front corner lot, 49x132. Never before offered for sale, but owner must sacrifice for $3,200; certainly a bargain. t 7-r., lH-story; first-class repair; city water; 2 blocks from car; south front lot, 55x165; excellent neighborhood. Never before offered for sale. Price, $1,500. Better see this Monday. East front, on Florence Boulevard, near Manderson; 5 large rooma; 3 on floor and 2 on second. This ns near beautiful Kountze park and a snap at $1,800. Very easy terms. See our new addition, Glencoe Place, southwest corner of 24th St. and Fort St.; lots' 45x130 city water, sewer and cement sidewalks; $450; $50 cash, $10 per month; 5 per cent discount for cash. Nothing better in town. KLOKE-HEADLEY INV. CO., 801 New York Life Bldg. Ind. A-3245. Doug. 1160. -(13) $1,000 SNAP. 5-room cottage on Parker St. near 28th paving fully paid. F. V. WEAD, Wtad Blk., 18th and Farnam (19)- $8,500 9room modern house and barn; 3 east , front lots, with fruit and shade; paved street; permanent walks; 2 Mocks from car line; 1 block from Fir-Id club; the finest place for the money in Omaha. J. H. DUMONT & SOX, 'Phone Douglas 690. 1C05 Farnam .tro-t U9) DO YOU WANT A HUME IX IIAXSCOM PLACE 1 8 room; modern except electricity; good barn; fruit, shade; cimern; paved stivet; permanent walks; lut 75x150; ImiiieUlute possession owner has Just built new home; will sell house and 60 feet of ground separately If desired. We have three linuxes of 9 rooms each In the same district, ranging In price from $5,000 to $5,500. J. II. DUMOXT & SOX, 'Phone Douglas 690. 1605 Farnam atieet. (19) G -ROOM COTTAGE A XL) RARX On Lake, east of 24th St.; full lot, with shade and fiult; paved street; perma nent sidewalks; a bargain. Only 3,000 If sold at once. J. II. DUMOXT & SOX, 'Phone Douglas 690. 1605 Farnam Street. U9) 5 ROOMS, $100 CASH Balance $12 per month and 6 per cent Interest buys a home near 26th and Lalte: price. $1 100. Both 'Phones. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (19)- 6-ROOM cottage; a bargain if aold this monin, or will rent, ail No. 4Uti Bt. 'i'luiM Webster 2321. ilijil&i S A BIG BARGAIN Two modern houses and good barn at 1128 and 1130 South 31st Street. Newly painted and papered. East front, street paved, permanent sidewalks. A block and a half north of Hanscom Park. Eastern owner wijl sell at a bargain. See the property and make me an offer. Easy terms if necessary. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Building A Few Bargains $3,500.00 1413 N. 35th St. New 8-room house, strictly modern, with large room in attic, full cemented basement, permanent wiilks. fine conir lot with good surroundings. Just at the edge of Bemis Park. Might consider a trade on this property for good vacant building lots. Only two blocks to school and car line. $4,200.00 3314 Hamilton St. New S-room house, strictly modern in every respect, with oak finish on first floor, maple and birch on second floor, with large attic, full ce mented basement and permanent walks, beautiful south front overlooking Bemis Park, finest block on Hamilton St. 120 feet from car line. $4,250.00 2606 California St.. strictly modern -room house, Just completed, with oak fin ish on first floor, permanent walks and paving, south front with good surround ings, only one block to St. John's church. This property must be seen to be ap preciated. Call on owner. 0. W. GARLOCH, Phone If. 3079. 8310 Hamilton St. (18) M916 23x Do You Think You Can Beat These Values? L. A 5-R. cottage, part modem, fruit, full lot. zi'd and Meredith, $1,750. A 6-room cottage at 27th and Spauldlng, new, all modern except heat, $1,900. A fine, new, ready to move Into cottage, B rooms, modem, at 20th and Spencer. $2,600. A "rattlln" " fine 6-room cottage, part modern, full lot. fruit, and lots of agreeable things go Into It, 22d and Pratt. $2,400. A modern .6-R.. hot water heat, new resi dence at 7th and Pinkney Sts., for $3,0X1. A fine new 5-R. cottage at 24th and Hlme bau?h, with $200 cash payment, $2,260. , A new 4-room cottage, with bath and water, at 28th and Seward, $1,500; $200 cash, balance as rent. If you can beat these and many others I have you will first have to "show me." So call me and let's see. 'Phone Webster 1069. 0. M. UNDERHILL, 3320 N. 24th St. (19) M318 XI OX SOUTH 10TH Fine building lots, east front, near Spring St. Taved street, on car line, sewer, water and gas ln street. Prices, $523 to $S75. $1,100.00 For 6-room cottage and flats at No. 976 S. Slst St. $1,850.00 6-Room cottage, city water, sewer and toilet; almost new; close in; rents for $18 per month. $2,250.00 6-Room cottage, modern plumbing, with bath and toilet. Cemented cellar under entire house; almost new; close in. Terms: $3(0 cash, balance $25 per month. O. 0. OLSEX, Main Floor, 101 South 16th St. (19)- 922 N. 19TH ST. Nine large rooms and hal. front and back stairs, two cellars, cistern, all mod ern, new plumbing and new furnace, brick walks, paved streets, shade and corner lot terraced: all taxes paid. A bargain; price, $3,900; part terms. ' GARVIN BROS. 1904 Farnam St. (19l- FOR SAI.K At a bargain, corner lot and 6-room cottago on boulevard, close to the new Crelghton addition; excellent loca tion for druj or grocery inre. (19) M397 29x Virginia Place This addition of 32 lots is located south of and adjoining Hanscom Park. The Central boulevard runs through the center of the addition and enters Hanscom Park from the south. The Hanscom Park street car line on 32d street runs the full length of the addition. AVe have graded and terraced the addition two feet above the street and boulevard. We have jut in the sewer, water and permanent CEMENT SIDEWALKS. The pavement tax and permanent improvement taxes are paid. The purchaser, will get a deed for a lot with all improvement taxes paid. Th improvements on this addition have cost over eight thousand dol lars, and we now for the first time offer these lots for sale. The terms and prices will be reasonable, v For full particulars and information iinuire)f JEFF. W. BEDFORD & SON, Sole Agents, Phones Doug. 115j Ind. B1015. 2306 Cuming Street. (ii Hanscpm Park Home OWNER'S LOSS, YOUR GA1X A beautiful home. 7 rooms and reception hall, all modern, polished oak floors, all dmible. elegant mantle and grate, cleclrlo light, front nnd rear stairway, good bam, can be used for automobile, fine furnace, high and sightly, easl front, lot 60x15", cement walks, pavlngall paid, one block to car line. Owner leaving the city and has Instrjcled us to cut the price from $5,750.00 to $5,250. See us at once. Birkett & Tebbens 423 Bee Bldg. Phones Douglas 4754. Ind. A 1754. 119)- The Difference The difference lietween buying a lot in Boulevard Park, where all public improve ments are In and paid for; where houses are uniform distance from tlio street ami ull dwellings new and modern, and buying in a locality where tho Improvements are twenty years old, with no uniformity ot line or sidewalks. Is that tho former Is hound to advance in value, while in the latter caso you find yourself with a piece of dead property within a short time after its improvement, it Isn't necessary to buy in im old,' back number neighbor hood when you can secure a lot in Boule vard Park for $575. with splendid improve ments lining the, streets; with car service within one or two blocks; with the popular Twentieth street boulevard running along the entire west side of tho addition, and with the new east and west thoroughfuva leading from Twentieth street through the uddition to the lake and Ievl Carter park. There Is a reason why interest In Boule yard has doubled In the past few weeks. People lare beginning to realize the special advantages there over any other section of tho olty. Boulevard Park Is a well drained yet level tract of. ground, sightly, over looking the entire Missouri valley, and Is building up with a splendid class of dwell ings. Go and see for yourself, taking the Sherman avenue car to Sprague street, and turning west Into tlve addition. Kast front lot on Seventeenth, nor t ii of Sprngue. and west front on Eighteenth, south of Kprague, and north on lalrd, west of Seventeenth, $576. Need not be all cash If not con venient. Don't miss this opportunity to se cure a lot before your selection is gone. LARGE DWELLING AND FIVE LOTS Within walking distance of West leaven worth car; five acres; plenty of fruit; rea sonable terms; $2,600. DWELLING AXD ACRE OF GROUND Six-room house, barn, cellar, well: small fruit. Sightly place; easily accessible by car: $2,550. Part cash; balance on easy terms. 5 ACRES UNIMPROVED Five acres, fenced, only a block from car In suburbs of Florence at one-third fie price asked for adjoining property. Price, ' 6-ROOM NEW MODERN DWELLING Six-room, modern throughout, only built a few months. In neighborhood of new modern houses. Cement walks In front and on the property. Two blocks from car. Possession October 1. Terms reasonable. Price, $3,300. VACANT LOTS Full lot. near corner 33d and Marcy; $900. Int near 27th and Davenport, on paved street; $1JXK). lxtt on Kill St., north of Sprague; $575. Shimer & Chase Co. Free sites for mills, factories and ware houses. Kxcellent terminal facilities. City and suburban prvperty. Farm lands. iOO Karnam, Ground Floor. Doug. 38U7; Ind.. A2642. (19) CORNER LOT Northeast corner of 27th and Blondo; ee. mcnt walks, ecwer, water and gas. Price, $700. C. G. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) $3,650 " Buys a nobby one and one-half story 8 room cottage, rasK front, between Hans com Park and Leavenworth St. F. D. WLAD. Wtad blk., 1Mb and Farnam. 0i