Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 13

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Tnif Wtbi of TiakicttaDie Set
Will Help Child! EetpiUl Tiai.
Taaata Toaraasseat at field !
feoa tl reatares of
'v if. I rrarr'ed th" widely alaicne
Nfer g-je.rrn' the Itmpfr sn d own
- rn"ilf lesm-d. too is..
tT7 r fiey my. One rosn tnsie
' It another man's poier. ' ocron'
The Henpecked.
Tha aortal Calendar.
K.V'DATMn E. H Fprsgu. supper at
the Country club.
UON'DAY Children s dancing party at the
Field club: Mn. Georg Shield, enter-
is1ts Inf orrr.slly.
Tt'Kf DAT Miss Bernioe Edward ges a
etrerier at Happy Hc!i": Ladie' day ai
J H.ppv Hn'i anfl Field club: midweek
lnV : Happv Hollo.
I E.D.VESDA'i Lsdi'- rtv a: fo'i'liv
. ub; midmeek Sane at Cojr.t and Field
Til"F.Tl AT Ladie oay a- Hanr-y Hic
arid Field dutw. rli Gmin reunion
nd heu pany at Rirgmah cottage near
r ""!) ..
VftTTiAT J jni- Brida
gaTVRPAT Week a f nd d nner and rtsnce
Htppv Hoik. Co..u:i and Fieid
. Una.
tor.eiT ha br-ri romii.g it enitu.iaain
tnlr n ouoop- afroria by artendinf
lnnii leurt.aiwnt at th Field club.
Tbfre there been aji enthua'atie jal
;rx all wek. tii out-of-town men rivaling
tlta h!n.e leaver. At leaat one Omaha bor
t.a becotti nuite a hero for h1 apletidld
fiaytnc and the gallery ! bopinc that one
CTnaha man mill be able to rapture th cup
Bej; year. Thurada- on of the b
eat aay of the meek, and certainly the
,1rllieat. the Country lub and Happy Hol
Irw rertribjtinj some of the't moat tal
ented atllelra und fjnmik'r and fern
JnaiJeria more coy and da;n y ( a be imt
inad than the hJk att.'.eta milh their
golai. locka and feminine autre.
The ' Vanrtian carnival at the Hod and
ajjn cuh Friday exr'nine rroxed one of
tht bflajuful irffaira of the summer, at
i ' actinic hundred of o-ople to the lake and
f ffcra,in a moat delightful ever.lna; arter
sue rrjort Vrrenuou affaiva of the meek.
: -
! Omaha i to have a "Tag da in tba
ear future, m hen aocietr momen. matron
aMt mill lend them-Ke to an all
' ran-aia:n for fund for the Clarkon
!5pitC' TP momen are already frritan
CtO 4 little iiroupf have been aaaiftie
aZtuf uinrtm and other
1 1 - 1 1 . ... v. uw
bwei Tfrtc. mhere they mill pin little red
ew-w-s on all the pasaersby in exchange
ae? ny subscription they may care to make j
tXlI.e a;fj.MJ fund. The rd ms which
iil serve a a tac mill protect the meurer
wm- ir eeorid ro.u-t for a . otitribinion.
CS. --r., wftm r tve entered into the
i3r-ti.f.f the undertaking aid are planning j
tS rt.kke ' fheir rrrtrrtitM-m so
CS,t r.e" for fund mill n-ed
's car-ied no further ac far as tuc picogc
made by the women is oenctrnea.
At tkc mmrr Clmfc.
Miee EJtrabcnh Pick-ni- entertained the
irC-Ki dinner party at the Country club
kiuria: evening pre.--ding 'be mek's
t,j danoe. . Covers m-etc Inid for Mir
Loui. id. Mis Alice Carev Mi-Grew,
M;: Dorothy Morgan, Miss. Bern ice Kd-
. warcU. Miss Martret Lec. Mr. Frentis
Lord. M. Kenneth Pa'.erson. Mr. Mylrs
adi;t. Mr." Jack Wt-leh. Mr. L'oyd
8icith. Mr. F.oger M'.Kerrte and th.
Mr. aud Mr. M. C. Peters had a familj
,rtv. covers hr:ng laid for the Mtsacj
f faphne ati Gladys Peters. Mr.
Balph ;
PeVrs and Mr. and Mrs. rvters.
With Mr. and Mrs H. Bullet w.rt
Ilss Sue Brcmn. Mis Milcired Butler. Miss
Kitherir.s Be-son and Mr WUlsrd Vtmle-.
' . . . i k r-
iV.her dinner parties mere given by Mr.
U B F.fbert. who had th-ce gues:. snd
Mr. John Kedio. who entertained fout.
At.sie rtel C las. !
A number of dinner parties were gnen a! J
Uit Field tub Friday evening. Mr. and j
Mrs. Frank Caniphel! ertciained s nurr-t-er
M out-ef-tomn guts at their table, covers ,
"strig Ud for Mr. ard M-a. Garrett Lamb, i
. T-. t tr V Touna sd
Mr' Fred King, all of dmton. 1st Mr.. !
.' . ,ir- ti' Mrs Ch.rk- l
lirci.r o. l ... -
Marsh and Mr. anu Mr. Campbell.
AL Captain and Mrs ft. i- nsra-non s
table cvm mere laid for Miss Anna Cnad.
MiM Thomas. Mr. Tl sid Palmer. Mr. H. 8
riiiel an-1 Captain and Mra. Hamilion.
Mr.-and Mrs. F J Moriarty entertained
for Mis Murr-hy or Chl'-ago. coverr b.ite
Igid for Viss Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. M. P.
Murpfcy. Mr and Mrs. C. J. Prr. th. Mrs
TalOikW Hajcicn and Mr. arj Mr.
Moriarty. .
Among lh smal't dinner ii:is give::
at. the club Saturday were there enter
tamed; fry Mr. W. II EUdrige. who had
four a-iiests: Mi. George Proudfit. four.
Mr. T. C. Van Purer., ftv; Mr. Gea-g-
-'oohier e; Dr. Oman, four: Mr. i?org
-V three- Mr. w. A. P.ilev. eight: Mr. 1
, - 4 ll. four.
' ai Hamas H4lamr.
Mr. aad Mr. IV A. Saund'-ts entei tamed
.-l:urer Raturdav cverir.g at Hapry Hl-
om- then' guest including Mr. sud Mia.
T". A. SsundT. lr and Mi T. t
l)Ctthnr. Mr. and Mr. J. N. Mri. Mr.
icl 'Jr. C. K- Pmlth nd Mi. and Mi
..;'A. ScwtL
f'rrOr mltli li. C. H pollard Saturday
-ntng Tere Mr and Mr. Joim Briainn
Mr. and J4ra. Harry B!bin. Itev. Dr. and
IJrm. Brown and Mr. Henry A!kn.
TJinrng with Ir. and Mra. J. M. Keys
urt In. and Mr Men-tell and .M
ula.ri of '. Joseph. Mj ; Mr. and Mr.:
f.n Merhatn of Kana City and Mia
JTes Key
Mia lid) Riu.c eiiieriaiiied at dinner in
b.onw f her brother. Re . F. X. Rial.
other guest heu.g Mr. and Mik. C. T.
aI-Cnire..alt. and M- E W. Gan her and
Mi. PitttrgT.
fining with Mr. s:d Mr IV. G. Shrnar
were Mr. nd Mra. E. P Betiema and Mr.
and Mra. Edward Wr!lman.
"Cthei dinner partie mert given i. Mt.
B ras to
km Vs cm'
( I v-l - .. i
CtaBsjB, to tka ta aM
taai mhaW mrttyamaW U
aar aaajaaaaMeiaaa
and W-. IT. H Gern.rt. w h h.d (t.frt
sH for fir ju'H't. Mr R W. st- ker- j
T'-dgv four; W. M' II. Gate, three, D:.jh: bom :n New 1
A. B hon.e-s. r.,it. Jd r . ' W P,.w'-. ; l-. and M- lVlwsrd PilMjr of I .
three. Dr. TV. F. Jsilro;. four. Mr. M F i M .run ... It. w ,o tit mk t,.WOttsJls Trade UBICD Lfgpue ZiU
ruuh,i- n.w; m -..-.ns. t,:-
i rial kt-4fcat.
ataaaru Fe k ! t'.c-j!- ;': i ; ..e 1 cine
) nf her mon. ilr. Kdmatd Poter v k
: Mr. Vir-lor er.d tlume'. JJ.
j Rre '."offira n. t takn one of the hi-k
houe a: Th -rty-e:f nth nuf iDd Fat
i lam mit. tetentix hu,lt by Mr. t VV.
; Brge
Nem ma ieened-ji Ohm TLurdy
trim Deaier of the o-Ui of Mi 'e;;f-
Hyde Arueron. nhe ma a r.ietf of M:
Ar.tia foot of tl.i -lty and formerly
taught :n t. e Omaha j.irh'nr naola.
Tne jb'ripron mt for the concert
aeiie to be irivn tin aeaon under the
mtnkg Tniit of Ms E'.urn Hopper t
pi t-ci eamc ry Uafa torily TltU the
excellent list of artirt acd the assurance
given h a lint of representative patron
eaae thi feature of the coming season
should be melcotned by all music lover.
A Jolly meek-eno house party Is being
entertained thi mek at the Algonquin
cottage and the Len.iogage cottage at thf
Rod and Cu:i cluh. The guests aaremhtetl
Friday fcr l tie Tenttian carrixal and in
iorma! affair t;n been planned jp to
Pjnday even ng, m-.en the guest depart
for tre:r home TKerr m-il' b launching.
sil:ig and canaerng partie and Batutday
evening ar. informal dance vii gven. The
party include Mr. and Mr Leonard Mc
Kenne. the Mivae Marion Aktoid, Haiti
MI if. Hazel Oartaaori. Carry Bierman.
Sie'la Chase. Slaoge Banop. Ellrab-th
Hamling. Caaae Bierman: Messrs. Wilson
Bmritilsr. Ira Moore. Hugo WJeasn. Wil
liam Craighead. K. W. Klir.baU. Roy Hjur
berg. John Smanson and Byron Hart,
Praetim Pleasmr.
Mrs. George Shields will entertain Hon
oay evening at her home in Kountse Plac.
The Delta Gamma sorority mill hsve a
reunion and botts paty of the locxl rr'ir-t-ers
Thursday at the ceittage of Mr. and
Mr Rlngwalt. nesr Florence.
Mr. and Mra K. H m-,11 en:.,-
tsin at supper Bunds v e-ening at thel;"'e 1,p vitt hetoT rturnm 10
Country cluh in honor of Mr. Bprague s I 1"'r :iom'' in HoW1,! ' Scotland,
sister. Mrs. Francis rem, of Cbfago. I Mrs Jhu T'- T?1',r n1 MlE M,lr
. TaxloT lefi Friday for a fern
Pleameea fast.
Mr. Robert Dinning entertained a num
ber of the tennia players at dinner, m
clJdirg Mr. Drumn-Kmd Jonea. Mr. William
Warfiel. Mr. Cednc Poller and at-veral
of the sther players.
One of the enjoysbie arfa-rs of Satur
day mas the IsUf. clsss reunion of the
Omaha H:gh achool. A 6 o clock basket
sjpper maa served in Riverview paj-k. most
of the entertainments planned msre rates
and out rto r im.i-ts i
Mrs. Alfred Gary gae a luncheon
Thurdv at her home for Mn T4,.m.n :
pf p.HtUf. th, rue, incja-i lr. i
vhitehousr. Mrs. rnderm-ood. Mrs. Wy- i
p., tllf Margaret Latex. O'tve !
Mjnwn. Gertrude
Miller and El-nabeth
Mrs. F.dmard limhofer entertained Satur-
,nformi afternoon at r,r home
I complinw-ntarv to her daugliter. llrs.
H-l,,, Chartera of Chicago, mho bat re
trem , 1rlp lbroJli. Abput
ten guests were present, most of m hora
mere old friends of Mrs- Chartsr. who will
be rsmembered as Miss Olga Ltmhofer.
Mrs WiUiam Bindemp entertained the
Qninto Luncheon club at her summer
borne. "El Viento," Lett e Manawa. Thurs
day. At the card game in the afternoon
Mr. A. r. Vndeland and Mrs John
McCreary wan the prises. Those present
were: Mesdames Eitward Wellman. A. D.
I'ndeland. Edward Clay. Robert Bchaeffer.
John McCreary. A. F. Hewk. C. A. Wood
land. Frank Holt. Datus Shren".:, Ell
Fulier. Guy Hooper and William Bindarup. F. N. Pgic ia visiting relatives in
Turrel. ar. ,n I
Mr. ana Mrg. W. H
Miss Carmflita Chane is vlBiting friend
in Charitcr.. 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Joint LionLrgei aie in
Coloraoo Spring.
Mr. Etigar 11. trti: h returud from an
extended trip abroa4
jjr. .nJ Mrs. A. L Mrr left Saturday
evintng for Mackinac.
Mrs M Xtm,lt an(1 dtugnter ha.e re-
tL.rI1.j Mnt? frorn the rt.
Mr rrummond Jones of ti. Lfu.. U the
. . .,
rTcV, turned ;
Saturday from Like Okaacoi.
Mr. Charles Martin mill arrive
home i ei ening from
Mr. R. C. Home is home from a two
j meeka' fisaing trip in Colorado.
j Mrs. E. P. Goodrich !-.s . nj tc the
I Pacific coast fci a two mont'.ir- -.
Mis M.vna S-i.netder and Mr. Clarence ',
Be hneidcr rt en.ioying a trip en th. Pa- !
rif tf r.iftKt ,
Vr. Gusi.v an.l h., re-
turned frem their summer home at She-
boygrsn. TVis.
Mr. A. GulOglabor lefi Paturclay for a
two weeks' trip to New Tork ar.a ti'L.T
" "'"' "'- "k...-
returned from a four weeks' trip!
through Colorado.
I Mr. and air. J. . itJiolsun are ft-
' peiteu home the latter part of .the
from lake OkuU.ii.
I K U. Barrom. and bob. Rnnald. are
; at Hot Springs. 6 I mbeie tbey bse
; rp: t.i last ten day
' lira. Burke end The Mirrt Anna and
i Pauline B'ltke Uae reiurnd from a stay
of e'craj nwmtl s ji Europe.
Mii Marion Howe and Mr. Robert Howe
l.s e retttined fiont CmcVgo. whet tiiey
visited tor a momn with relatives.
The M:.e Blanc-he and Mab"! Haucy
lettrpeo Tl.uraday fioni a three wsekr-
i'li fri--no a.t Evanavilit. led.
J. g Kenntdy and son Frank of
! Port Ouiaha aiJ Mr. Warren and son
l.kve liM-n . aiLDint &t l.k 1
Mrs. Paul Stantoa. accompanied by her
:stei. M'T-owell, has gone to Belvi
crre. Nb.. to attend a family reunion,
Mrs. i. T. (ru shy ha as ner guests her
tuother. Mis Jenks of Hanoi sr. Kan., and
her c.e-.e M:s Beulat. Haf! of ftoe'..nd.
Mr and Mr. Fiai.k He'.lei. wt.o hava
been taking the trip on the Great like
ai.d the E:. I-amrence. mill return home
Mi. N. ). te.u.-td from Te ml.e:-e st.e ma called bv tlie
nvk and d'tli of l.ei limit. Mt ft l'i.
.,, i. .
. Mir Neiie I'at.tvn Vl rutt Mrode will
I arrn tlii meek to be tue guest of Mm
Uuir Kcnneey at nti hem in Fort (
urai.a ,
Mr. Geoige A. Cra-ier o: t'hicijo ar
med Sa.urda.v io join Mi. Cuarter. who
ia th gaeti of her parttii. Mr aud Mrs
Lev arc Laanofri.
r" 3t-pr.y i.a r.tuinea rtoir.
Coluix.bijs. m nere she has apet t l 0 we ks
ctmpiug with Mr. aed Mr lies at Ciar ke
at twasilka lodge.
Mt. Frank L Bromn i. returned tram
tlie east afiss Ella alae Brown, who ac
ouaupnid t:an. reu.aiijed and is v.i.tji;
reLne ana triei.o
Mist di Bemnji had a her guests
for t e!i th j week Mrs Leaa 8g
m Ad af IV. Maine, a ad alias Berth
mt lincaia.
Mrs Hiiga Frneafsat, ww Eat Veen th
iuf: of Mr t. A it, st eta. Ci Sou
Tm ei t -n hit h str;. mil! )t M .nuy
j.t o' tll": rer. Mr C. Slle Wffft
f'eM, Wi Fti1 for tnir hme
M- le0rg E. MiV and Vttie daugh- i
! sve at f jndar satol (rmp. !
laVe G'tiera. Ty mn i i.t friend and
liT.t io Chicago for nanhei mefk
Mr. Itsri. Pollard of Beikelej. t "a .-f-jtnietly
of tr.; i:. arrived Tue:iy ta
be th giie: for a meek of 111 mothar. M:a
R4e ro'.mrd and Ui v iH among lu friend
Mt. and Mr. 'W'.li aiH T. Burn mil take
the l.ouce for the minter cn Weat Harney
street now occupied by Mr. sr1 Mr X. I
P Twi.. Th.v mill t.l. m....,nn .t-oii- i
Cictober L
Mr. Lee W. fpratler, ge a dinner 8at
urdv eeiung ta the Tieid club, his guests
being Mr. E. Bolle of Xem- Tork City.
Miss Mane Butts and Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
The Minss Burterfie'.d has returned
from tbir trip by steamer up th Miasis
ainnl friai St. Loui to Pt. Paul and have
taken ti.arttr.enis at tne Stream- on Shcr-
man vmu.
iwm V S 4b thv mnd ilui.f lir (. Ruth
! are the guest of Mr. ar-d MrV Ed- f"nd- ,oi' "r " 7" r'r" 1
! mr.dhel.n. WD North rYrtmb ttrt. until for t ie actttf tie, .
j 1. dne.d.v. , hen thev lea for tae.r home ! not rv,3' U'T 'h U" if- wt,c"
I . tvencna mut r. eet T he l'Bg..t i- mid up
I in Fairmont. Xeb .wi
... T, , 'of working momn and frieno mho b'
I Mr Edma-d F. Peek and M'.s' ' .
. , . . , ,. m; thti a young m-cimeti earnrng htr cm i
Feck ate expected home the first of tne) " ' !
mek from New Tork m nere tftey mere the
gues't of Mr. and Mra Henrj- Estabrock.
formerly of Omaha.
Mr. Ldia Morrison. Mie Ethel Tukej,
Mr. "Ward Palmer snd Mr. Everett have re
turned from a house party at Ashland.
Neb., where they mere the guests of the
MlRes Von Mansfeld.
Mr. G. L. Hammer and daughter. Miss
Ruth, who have be-n spending the sum
mer in the east, return home Sunday mom
tr.g M.s Hilda remain ear several meek
)(.isi visitrng college friends.
Mis Snombal'i. mho ha been for ome
time trie guern of Mr. and Mr. Robert
I'-mrwtei . Irrt today
for Toronto. Canada.
'meeki' Visit. ia Michipan snd. Indiana
Chicago on the
n.n.kit.g the trip fititn
strainer NertLlarid across lake Michigatu
Mr. and Mr. Kirkendall. Maater Bur
dene Kirkendall. Mr. and Mr. A. L. Reed
and th. lr little daughters. Ernt Pegg- and
Elir.abrth. mho motored to Estes Park,
Colo., will start for home Monday morning
in their cars.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Baum left this
ror 1 orK lo MmT
Baum on tier return from Europe. Befote
coming back to Omaha, they
the gutsis of Mr. and Mrs. E
mill all he
A. Cudahy
' M,ckhl,r foT trw
Miss Dorothy Toung of New Tork has
for a visit of several weeks lni"H meoai contesr ,na om-r i-ui-f
Rhe i. rjH-m the siient of Miss ! that should be an inspiration to young
i Oman.
I Fafth Porter, after which she will visit
Mrs William Baiter, and then her brother.
Mr. Conrad Toung. at the Madison hotel.
Mra. Gurdon W. Wattle return this
morning from North Pcltuate, Mass , where
she ha been visiting her sister. Mrs. Mt-
Hugh, for several days since arriving in
this country from a trip around the world.
I M'ss Harrietts C. Jones of Seattle. fuen
I erly of Omha. is the guest of her
I brother. Mr. Fred H. Jones, for a fern
! day, enroule home from Beversi weeks"
visit in the east. She will also visit in
Denver. Palt Lake City and Ban Francisco.
Mra. Charlea Martin returned Saturday
from Estes Park. Colo., where she aecom- j
panied Mis. Frank Martin and children
last week. Mr. Frank Martin leaves Mon- I
day for Estes Tark. where he will Join
Mrs. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. George !
Mr. and Mrs. Garrea E. Lamb Mrs J.
..- t-j
D. Lamb. Mr. E. A. Toung and Mr. Fred
, ,, . . , ... t, j
King, all of Clinton, la., and Mis. Richard ,
er of Jack.onviHe. 111., were the gus.t. ,
Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell. ,
The partv are enroule to the ranch of Mrr
Frank A.ikeny in western Nebrsska. !
Mr. J. M. Metcalf hs returned ftom '
five wee-ks- visit in Spokane. Ssttle. Port-
land and other Pacific ooast citie. ajid a !
trip through ti.e Tellowmon National park. !
Her sister. Mrs. Ads C. Hertsche. who ac- :
companied her. remained In Portland, where !
she will be at the Portland hotel until
January 1. when she will return to Orr.kha
t. be with Mrs. Metc.'.f.
The Hian Prmeetm
ta at 4 ilamtle I
'Vt here
galsT ew
Philadelphia j
BreeMt. '
Lf-ok who's here there, ratt.-r, corning j
l out on the boardwalk rrora the arcsae
' that leads back to a block-wide Intel,
j Only in dream or on the vaudeville stag
or the broaciwalk are visions like this
:,ol:n m,n rd h :rl P;
j fcit1-
1 At l.ori'e c.u ne'er na tun any vn-s
i that would think of dressing like these
oreatny side of the foot-lights si
Pol! .
mer of Msir. snd Market taki.-
P.agweed Junction car fro'n Ptiblu
I square and transfer st Washington and
State- Tranftxed. you watch tlie tic
meige into the thousjnd. and the tin
canny part of it all i that the young
couple aeeni not to grasp that they're
both dressed up srowoff On. would
farcy ftom their nonchalance that, they
Imag.Ijed fixed up 3irey
borne folks! Whereas they are wearing:
One sea lei four-ln-hird
One cream colored sack coal fa.nt!y
sirir-d with light blue.
fine flaring white p.oue s-irt.
One butlerfly era. at of pink Cht'a s.Ik.
One softboiltd yellow shirt mith em
bossed psttern of light green fil.gree o' er
lay. Pair mhae tana
Pair Vr.ite kid slipper
One pertorated shirtmai'. of blue
One kwrber rxi paraao'..
Ore pair blje ailk hone co .ibed lock
ing. On.- pa.i Scoicn pleid uk l.alf-!.oae
Hals, walking -sticks fob, bracelet
ting, stickpin, lace, libber and trtrg
and stuff to taste.
They circle a ptrti of thrre
; wotiitn from ti e ireej in n.e
faat.ten of two yun igo aid I'e. .
I gone a;.u aiuio. forgotten ire moniei i s
wide pern cotne m neelmg :i a micker
roll r g-c hn tr from the otiier o. rectum j
I Trr on- i dree l.k a rcnit ii"! .11
1 ripp: aid billcm ol flurfy mi.ue good;
- spattered mub biack polka dot the a:ce !
of a Quart.;, and with hair gleaming like
t..e diaalai in ti ncm ess of aocer-
lisii.g dentist. f:- has just be-n rrgiloett
Even -body s M.g.aine
lrria.a by Electrtrtt.
; T(t ,jC(.e- ot nny drlien prcpa
. for .upp.ym maier for Irrigation purpose
on laud. )yu.g aior.g transmiasioti lines of
.jbutbaa ral:wvs t.avn bean demon
strated by the Pug! Bound F-Jway and
pomer company betmeen Seattle and Ta-(-(...
i he irrigation in that way of such
.alios rmgatioti would be an im
portant lelp t. fannir.g. i. being augge.ted
as a ntm and pi' field tor cen'rvl
s at.on managers t. eaplett fsr prossoting
'he as s of elect-Hi energy is tsTTitory
1 irih.ra'j l ttieir Lse.
jnjtti ci Girl Lirin; Expenses.
mill HH irt lMir
ta st lmlerH riare
lt mt Tkla mt eek.
fl.e ui : r,inr.I cen-
"v'r " lo " moving jr. ga.r.i on u-
l;,on - the Vr.tted S'.al- More thai
in per cent of these m-pmcn at tret time ,
mre tancjr .'4 year of ?? and the aerag-. ,
ma m-a. 1 than IJT a yat . Tr j
Wttu-n's Trade I'nion 1-ag .e i ieu inj'tt j
that mroinen have a living mage and th j
question i horn- la-g" r.njt this mag hp
As estimated by. the Chicago branch, it !
ahould ailom- t; for room rent. . cent for I
car fare. t'. K ftr breakfast. 7m cmt for '
I J" t-r dinner-
'.-ei' tor
iiunar. a rcr c'otniiig
Z nt aavir.g.
H cents for dtief
cef.t :cr vBCutiin
livirg mag Tns Brit.s.1 so ietv ha v.n I
n opeietion for more then years and '
the National Women's Trad 1'nion l-ane
of the Vnited States was o-ganifd in l 1
Mrs. F.aymond Robin of Chicago is 1t
preldnt snd slo president of tli Chi
cago btanch. Among the othtr well knewn
women connected with the Chicago branch
is Mis S F. Brckenridge of the woman's
Oepa.rtment of the Univeristy of Chicsgo
Miss BreckcnriUge Is a mmbcr of the
executive board. l aio Mr. Ellen M '
Hn'otin. forme" pteidcnt f the Gncis;
Federation of Women clubv Jane Addar:?.
Mary McDomell and other mom-'n a:c also
member of the kt.gj.
W. C. T. I, llalemvlva.
Nearly son membe-s have been a-add to
the Women's Christisn Ten:prance uninr.
of Nebraska the last month by the organ-
! iaatiob of n" union, and a a r.-sult of
me ceaoquarnrs morn cerric-a on si iiie
Lincoln Epmcrth assembly. Twlve nem
unions wre organised during the moult,
at Richfield. Satpy county; Taylor, Loup
oounty ; throe in Custer county. Cherry
county. Mission Creek in Psmnee county.
Homestead in Groeley county, Horace In
Greeley county. Ruck county. Benson in
Iougla? county and Petersburg In B'jone
The lvyal Temperance lejricn of Ne
braska mill hold itsaft annual convention
at University Pis re. Augur. 2 and IS. A
f-n program lias been srrar.g-d. includ-
temperance workers.
Mrs. Xltkll K. Adams.
Tlie Omaha Woman club lot anott'i
of tlie faithful workers mho he help!
( to make it mhst it is in the uth of Mrs.
Nathan E. Adams, lust meek. Mr. Acltnis i
waa a charter member of the club, and
though illness had often prevented hr par
ticipation in club work, when she was able
she td untiring and unselfish of Jier tin e
and means. A- member of the member- j
ship committee and at times holding other
responsible commissions in th club. Mr
, Adam was recog-nired for htr judgment '
! ,n) UI,fa!iing coneldersiion of all that made :
her gvnersny popular. Tor several month
eh bad Wn t.Pnfine(j to h-r home,
but owint , tv summer adjoi'.rnmert this
hsi pt tw.en jeneraliy knom c amorg the
, . , . .. , . ,
The department of ph.iosopliv snd Mhlcs
. . , ' ... .
of the M oman 6 club mill no.d a "pecal
' ,
, .n l''' .
" - -k J
Nfwton. TlO Park .venue. The
outUr!e for work lh' """'"S "08r in t,v
and all members of t;,e Llub
interested in the study of psychology are
invited to be present.
Mr- Mary Harri-- Armour and M:.
France? B. Heald. pr-iU-ni of the N-
braska " oman I Christian 7errr
union, are guests at the hom of Mr.
Loui A. Eorshe;m during their nay :n
Omaha. j
The ann-al conxenLicn of the Synth ,
kM "T'T,? "
open Tuesday of this
omen' "lub m il! '
open Tuesday of thi meeli st Pierre pnd 1
continue tarough Thursday, the ptogiarn. ,
which ts moat liberal in tt range, m ill be
prviented by the bright women of the I
state and m ill be supplemented mitn ?v-
"'ai social aftairs in con.plimc-nt to t!
vtiting won.en.
hhlaaaeats frasa Callferaia Threagh
Oaaaha Praat.e ta ale Large
TkU Fall. j
Thousand of cats of fruu m.ii suon be j
mov.t.g easi thro"gh Omal.a from Cali
fornia, according to reports recen d by
"he railroad from their traveling repre
sentative. The movement will be es
pecially l.etvy this fall wnen tiie dried
fruit, r.o's and other varieties are picked
and dried. Tne claim i made that the
average of th.c year will equal if not ui
pass the he vie: -aaan business in liie
htory of th railroad. I'lah mill also
late an eiornou -tor. to market in Uie
eal and Idaho and Nevada m.ii also
count ir. tne shipment, aliiioug.i Cahiomu. '
and Oregon mill lead a usunl Mo: ul i
the frull from Wasl'.ir.gtun will move ea I
by the H':".l toad and will not p. through It ir estimated that I'.jim cat mill
be required tj handle the California fruit
alone. Th- road fumialnng tne p-eciiest
i :r.njoiiat:on mil", naturally get the bulk o! .
tj-. bus:ne j
Imrelre aaahera M 111 ( sae ike
Upe Ale ( maeert fraadag
Tm;e compoae the program to
be gr cn Sunday si Hauacom purk l y
George Gieen and hi band. Tiie prt.gran, j
i in part and include e,ecic.n '
'from nisny fsmou compose It it it ft.;..
aiarc.ii Sm.p.. x auue. t so
Itnerr.ieszj The f si'y yueen Weiru-i, .
i.:ie J f'i.ipouni Kiing '.
Ti e f as ng Regiment Coi eri
J'ATtr H !
al.rci. The Pt;'. if ' ..e Ga' le K r. f
feietior. frc.m tlie oira t snj ... Mor
VNI Heana Courageous
ru tike
on T.iaer '
... VVeiir.d.
.M i Donald I
Tm o Popular Me.oaiet
ill Hour.
i M Sm'eetniei
part in
isiCoaati A No..
I . t .Two-Step i " oliege Yell
. .i.nn k i
Toit I
Bi-Siept-greil ;
L- l
.1 tiaracte.-ist ic i
Im;oi oaa Piem a Ai.k.ui
Cnerture The Bilvei Bel.
National Airs
. 1m Bri4 tm Ills I
A pathetic .ig!H in se.n iu the county
rierk s office it. Ntm-porl. Ky.. Aug. f.
when a young mar. carried in his srm
a legless oung mon, an Io the lice:ie
counter and re lied fur a marriage licena-.
The pair gat e their names ss Jot. n R F.ii J
of Seattle. Tub . and Pearl Ruppell ef I
Portland lad
They went from Oncii.nati ui a cat tc
tb.- ttt. across the Ofc: mei and wbtn
Havr jour Fl'KS i cnilrl-l and rrpir-1 in reliable r-Mallj.hrtint
w Iw-re ihrrr is no dmicrr .f ub-titntion. for l ui-. It nm-t ! ren-tiilHT'cl,
come )b niaoy quslitic. and w1n' they will re-if the finish and j1e
that only tailor ran urivr.
Ar hate nut j rt rcmoYed from our
H e bouchi the entire men k of A. .).
Sberret Ci&ar Co. 'is 1 'c Straipht Wind
ier BaDqnet Cipar m-hich we will jilace
on tale Mondiy at 5c Btraipht. $l.i'5
per box of 5M cipare. a? long us they
last. Otber well knomn brands at tut
Joe Straight Herman Cortei...
$2.T5 er box of 5t'
15c Straight Principe DeGaleB.
. .S
. 5c
12.35 per box of "5
Hc Straight Palmer House
2.50 per box of 50
loc Straight Preco i Impoited.i . .
tA cigar that Havana Stuokere
appreciate )
$".50 ier box of So
10c Straight Commercial Boquet . . . Tc i
12.50 t-i box of 50 I
10c Straight Cromn Special .V j
$2.50 per Ikix of 5 0
A mild Domestic )
10c Straight John Pace
$2.50 jer Ikix of 50
Every Day in the Week
Cut pri -n ,.T.-vfa .l at tn t :iw9 et n..! ;
Blurt p No vf ronst.Ittr.c im '
both in ir. t coiidurt of our 'vjMivr t
",'oc Audit..! niti Tticuiii
I ! ('! Bi'ti.' Hioinei. f.r
85c t
... c
bOc &&4 Kc
Borasepio in1 ant i'pt ic .
Chase Cniiplci- !'. 1'ani
at cut price
Imported Bav Ftuni . S&c &0c aad T&c
Boraen Cciidfiih-d Mtlk f..i 15c
llluett.g out trHk .. . 10c 46c. g7o and
W.hmI Ale. .ill. pirt iK.ttl- tor 16c
1'T.c 1'c.rou rlaterj. cm: 10c
$l.i CarinhaO ;ruu-i 1. fi'r . .
B-oino Se'ts--i 10c, 83c, 45c and Bc
Caini.or ice f.'i 10c
tie Grave 1,...f. for 14e
;tr r...ciete Higien i;icerine S.itp . . . Bc
lir Mantol iTfpaiation fot lse
li'-rti lue .cciivun-i 4Sc and gre
i...nM 1..r Sit. 45c aa Be
s p '( c and gl 66
Ktuarf fuspetis.fc Tablet. ft 4Se aad ge
Hl lei '41.Uief. fie..
B.;- at K'-'i
Cor. 16th and Dodge Streets. ,
Cor. 16th and Harney Streets.
li.e man steppea iron, me cuo nu "
our:g moman in hi arm l.e attrait-d
a cromd In me clerk office he placed
her or. liie counter m Mie the do;-utnt:t-maa
tir.g prepared by Clerk Mofimtl dtir
iiig mUi'-h tune sue cha'ted nierrtiy
her fiance.
Tiie ouig moman lg mere n. pj
rated as the itaa.t of s railroad act.o-nt
Afur getting the li.-enae the sent to a
ptr.ot.age nd were i..-re
1517 FAR NAM ST.
A Generous Showing of
New Suits
AMONG llu' niakt'r vi' liidi f'a suit- wc have the
reputation of leimr the "koM exaetin.' eritit."
We dfrnand jerfeetin in every d'tail in iuakintr. in
Tye. in trimmins JiU'l ail the minutest joints of work-inau-lii'.
Tli' most imtieeahle featuie in the NVw Fail Suits i
tlie niotlilie;! I ire-toil c. i!i-'irel '' Flelifli. hut
adaj'tetl t the more -nu t i a 1 Amoriean tate. In tliis
sty'o thj coats are from '.'0 to iiirin- in lentith. in
niMition to tlie u-ual plain niatci ;; l. ( hevrm effort
l ii! he in popular lonKiiid. a!-o ii;c .h ik -tiiH-.i luan-ni-h
materia!-. The now CIO CA tg Q.P7Z
ruit- ramie in price fiom vlvDU Ivl VlO
B argains Extraor din ary
In Oar Heal Clearance ol Samiaer Apparel
We actually not ej.rry over any merrhancti-e.
w;ioli th fiiliowinv: ofiVrini;- wiii atte-t :
- Wash Suit-, foniieriy ttlJ." M,.n,Jay. at S3. 75
- Lare ToMt-. formerly Monday, ai $5.00
C Fiijen Skirt-, lonncrly -.7'k Monday, at.... 1.75
Linen Skirt-, formerly so.To, v7." and 1U.
Monday, at S3.95
0 liajah Silk Suit-, formerly s4-i. Monday, at. .10.00
- Siik .)um-r Suit-, formerly :". Monday, at $7.50
1' Silk -Junior Suit-, formerly Monday, at 12.50
1 White Wool Jumper Suit, formerly ;o. Monday $10
Several AMiite Lingerie Dre-es roiu-ed aooordinclv.
old location, tlie Kartiach Kl.x k.
Leather Seeds
Half Price
AVe .urrha.-ed the entile fcamiile line
j of a wfli-l.novti Uerniiiti niannfcturc: .
'The lot comprises 4 T ti itcius. tonsi.i-
tup, v.. ui . ....',.1..
Prices ranpp from 15c to I5l'.
If vou want a traveliiig caw, i(t kel
book. et'-., don't cuhs ihi chance.
There are many iifu.f; t-uilable for
Sift?, hnd the price i ?.. cheap it will
pay iciu I'tiy them i" snd jut
them stiii.
The ntire lot go ud saie
1. I.ii.j..-
i n..
4 .. in i
... t
i. u i c!
1' Fiud 'j'.. t
h '1 T hi -linc ( ' n K
1 Al:rroTf..
ir, v ,k t, ,x.K
1 Fiarl..
1 : r. k -ra i "up
1 tw.i.c:n- I'fiM-.
''lfcM '
-i C'lChr-!!..
1 r'igir Veciicin. .
f.I Letter i ae- .
l.'i (': d l
... .
thr.i I'a.sp
! 1 "luiatct.
'T .! ,-i i '.. t
T M r -tit.g .;
; I . i;;ii' ' ill .; !.
1 Mtfn I'.cl..
1 f .o.. K . ,. - .
! 1 ;. I., jH,
4 I .Hit i.-s Se f ' I
Mll.c M , liu.arl
tc : c ; .,. f Ci, ,,,
16th and Farnam Sts.
i ga.a
i rami. I'm!
v n
p-"in it.:-' ...i l.avinst
P.i-k.-U by
TaTC V. T. BASTUro co
From 6 until 8 o'clock.
$1.00 PER PLATE.
In Hotel Loyal.
! :1
J I lat- clthnre .f the mrork h
a the trim Wion for lirummond.
I h.itf only he-rr eictitv-n
jeiair. If j.u nt any clcth
or leather work on your anto.
fliohile nr ji rri w jp I -mm t.ll ....
jou an snout h. i iiutkc n.-i
(. -n-liioti-. Mtie- or torrn
and hd-. Sma-h up your lop
and tall and -w me.
AL h.llkh:k.kk.
' 11 I 1. ! II
-ii mm r . mi. mi ndS aaaw ihm mi. S
Hate jug ever wm-ii am !. Ji
fci lT pauue-d autitnohile1., carr-i-
age r luittci'- in th- lily? I
am imm ii-otin ana mut hr
5 -Ik.h ii. ! !ii.c chart- of all
C i liru'iiinoncJ - paint -hop, haie
i lM-eii hriv lor year., and
i LnoH wIihI i- wan u-d. I use
rwt niatefiaN and unrknuui-
j -hiji and u-lcnnr- who haie
4 O'lne hei-f for llu- nasi twenty
I Jems ar- Mill eoiiiii.i:.
-I WILLIAM K -.-.!,.
f-4 kind or auioniciinle .r mte
I J iron nork., -pi ing i-cpnir, axle I
j work. fotuMii: of nj kind, rub-
I . : ... 1 ... .1 :. . .
-f- ij.-t iii-a. ".i.iii ii vim. M
uny !-( run ion. , We et your
j IIUALOll tll-o- for iill) (Cut nliilc-
jou nuil. I 'ii.ninioDd if
ttic- work.
Ill.l Vi K'lTKM.KL,
liILL ljil'..t.
What'- iIm nirtticr nitli jrur
aui oiiiobilc cl.M.iv' . ii...
2 WMicl-Moi kcr at Hi uiimioiMl'..
"1 I repair eplit panels, sill, or any
I Lii.c) of fram- moiL. fit wind
.I.ieiflt. in (. li I .1 i ti n v fr
frame-. el-. I luiie bc-en doinc
: ilii suii lwie for twenty year
I and Liioii of bo iu;rc vatisfa-
lory uorW In tlie c ity.
j Al t. I T WOLTLIiS.
flWVf fwmaas
liaie 4 luirtie of Ci liiiic-.
.i clenart ii.cut li i I iruiumond I sr.
J rike- (ii. Ik all kind- of har
c uc's rcjiairin; irciii.ij or eil
inu any kind of a hain-.e, aJo
elahic b I . ii L e t t. -:i--l., lap
; rolK?., wjiiji-, lt. Lficlle, eu-.
1 I I will 4lcew out any iJti ix
biKk in tlie lioue r
i coming i
tom i:i:m.!hi"i;st.
. i.tkW:
I IjooL liere. I rm I lie man
5 ou want to at Iruiiinxiid'K
5 fcr a iHijijj, i:uii or lirn-.s.
What I- the u-e of Hujinj a
clicap licgsy lnii you can buy
a jfood one at tueli a l' pne?
Haie .old iu the la-t few day-,
tlw I uion Ku k ard 1 u.. K-lie-.iiiaB'e
Ii li I V ( u., Joe
J JciliiiMin, the plun lN i, John
J Hc.u-La. the huuh'-r; Al-k.
f Mudmm', tlx t:u--niitli. I Hj you
1 think th4' folk- would buy it
itx-y did not fiud pine- and I he
I gMKl- riftit? I will tell ki the
tr-th shout an) hucey or liar
I ne- iu the lu-e wln-th-r n w
f f or wHiiifl hsiid, mil 11 ou come
I aud M-i me.
till I III! I-TI V llllMl
I j-"''" ''BHWtVat imii iH i " -1 .!!' a. i tj
111 e "'ff ,,M' "olid on amy f 1
- fr;
. k