.it HIE OMAHA DAILY nHK: SATl'HDAY. Al'M'ST ion?. Peters of Chicago Wins Finals in Mid-West Tennis Tourney; Des Moines Forfeits Game to Sioux 1 REAL ESTATE , FARM AND M AX H I.AXI) I'Oit Kl.U A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION In a Private Car TO THE NORTH PLATTE VALLEY, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25TH CHICAGO WINS FROM BOSTON Two of Lindaman'i Fanes Are Turned Into Runs. REULBACH DRIVEN FROM BOX Nine North River Farms s . v hare Just closed a contract with the onrrs of 4,'on acres of land In the N!Tth Plttt -valley. This land formerly i omprtsed lo bg ranches. The hus bai.'d In each case liavc died and the widow being urmhlc to manage the lnml have f . indented to allow tia to cut these fine ramlin Intd farms. We have divided the tract. Into farms varying In slxe from ltil Hires to acrr., hut will subdivide these' farm to ault tiurihutn. Intthl tract of land the homeseeker can purchase an ideal farm, lie can get 1rrlga.td land, bench farming land, hay Isnd and hill grazing Intnl. all In the aame farm. 'Or he can buy all Irrigated or al! grazing land or all bench farming land. There are Ms arts of fine Improvement on thin tract, which makes It possible for the hotrieeeeker to Duy a. well Improved place. The prices on these farms range from to $4 per acre, depending on the location and Improvements. For the rrtan who Is looking for a borne we don't know of a better thing to offer - him tha hese Platte valley farms. This irsct Is directly west oT the Hershey "Vlony. vf..ich Is one of the most prosperous seitioii of the state and which tndav ha fine iiropa grewlng on every farm and the owners don't want to sell their land. In a flitlon to these nine fine farms we have several other tracts which we can offer yii. We can aell you forty acres, eighty acres, a quarter section, section or a five (Umisand-acre ranch. Remember- that we leave Omaha at 4 : 10 p. m. Tuesday. August 26. In a private car. This car will be taken to the land by a special engine Wednesday morning over th new branch of the Union Pacific up the North Platte river valley and we will return to Omaha Thursday morning. This will be a fine trip to a fine coun try. Get ready and go with us. Write or wire - -....,, Payne Investment Company General Land Merchants, First Fl nor X. Y. Life Bldg , Omaha, Neb. ' " " ( 713 n ab Tnlrler la lilt Freely In First Tso Innings nnd la Succeeded liy Overall, Who Stops Ike aeorlna;. 4 REAL ESTATE CtTY property for sale. . - - i (Continued.) ( SAVE IT No Better Way to Start On Your Iloruc 110' cash, W.10 per month, without Inter est, are the- terms on which we sell tho very f meet reaWanee lota, with exception to none, for beauty of location, view, con venlence to car, stores,, general surround ing etc., anywhere to be found In or near the-city at the prtrts. Good eawt front lots. $0,' M0, M60.' 1400 and up to W0; also west: north and south fronts, same. You can't-make a- better Investment and cer tainly none so safe and the 111) ami and Vi lO monthly would scarcely be felt. This' la tho efcsteet-possible way to acquire, a choice home aite and at the same tlmo ac cumulate an -absolutely safe savings ac count. Take Benson car to Lynn Ave., then two blocks -south -and you are on tho tract, or call at office or 'phono Doug. V57 and we will meet you at any time. . Russell &,McKitrick Co., 432 Karn Bldg. 15th and Harney St. , ' - - (l)-744 a ' Jtib Fxuit.Fann . 1 On Dodge Street Road It la choice, well Improved and near the city; good C-room house, nicely finished; large barn, granary, chicken house and sheds; tw6. wells, 60-barrel cistern; tract consist of 86 acres of good fertile land, adapted to fruit, garden truck and poultry raising) one-aore' of fine grapes, 105 apple M cherry, 2o peach and a large number of plum tree; and blackberries, black and red raspberries: 10 acres of corn and 6 acres of pasture. This place must be aeon to bq ap preciated. It la on a Rood macadam road . leadmgtqlhe) ORy. thererry furnishing easy' access to a fine market for produce. If von are looking for something that Is first-class you should see us at once, PAYNE, BOST WICK & CO., Bole Agents, ' - Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. l)-739 21 31V1S3 1V3U FARM A M tt (.tl I. AMU FOR SAI.K M Iscel la neons Cant inned. NEBRASKA-COLORADO LANDS. lOO.Oot) acre of western Nebraska and eastern Colorado Improved and unimproved lands al )." t li pur acre. Any stxe tract, lime crop.. Writ or come and see Us. Globo Land and Investment Co., 312 8. 1Mb 8t Omaha. (20) M814 CHICAGO. Aug. 21. Two of Llndnmans parses were turned Into- rune today. Well placed drrvea, with the fumble of a hard hit ball, scored the other three. The vis itors found' Roulbach re.ther freely and he retired after two ouis In the third. Overall succeeded him and allowed but two safeties. Score: CHICAGO. BOSTON. AB - H .0. A . K. An. H. OAK Hofmsn. cf .. 4 1 f 1 "Beiker. rf....4 0 a I " Fherksnl. If . 4 I I ' OBstes, If 5 1 1 0 0 Chsnre, lb...l 1 I t llrsumont, cf 4 1 0 0 Emi, 2b I t 1 I evtcOinn, lb.. I 1 0 1 Sieinffldt. lib J 1 S l OKItihev, 2b . I I 4 3 1 Hnwiril, rf...4 1 1 0 opahlfn. . . . I 0 S 8 0 Tlnk T. .... 0 2 1 I Sweeny. Ib.. 1 1 ' 2 1nran, t...t. 1 tl cBmltti. r S 122" Kllnn. c I 1 0 0Llndmn. p. 1 0 0 2 0 Rettihaih. .. 0 9 0 I-Frruon, p.. 0 0 0 A i Overall. I 0 1 f i llrunrne 1 (1 0 11 0 K.'lley I 0 0 0 Totllt ) 27 S 1 Totuli n 8 24 13 2 Hatted for Llndaman In sixth. Batted for Ferguson In ninth. ChlesKo 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 -." Boston 01100000 1-3 Two-base bit: Rlti hlc. Thiee-bf.se hits Sweeney, Bates. Jilts: Off Meuluach In two and two-thirds Innings. S; off Overall In mx ami one-third Innings, ir; off l lniln inan in five Innhigs, 8; off Ferguson In three inlngs, !. Sacrifice hits: Stelnfeldt, Smith, Ushlen. Stolen buses: Rltclicy, Mrtlann, Double play: Becker to Kitchry. Left on bnses: Chlrftgn, 4; Boston, 9. First base on balls: Off R"tilbHch, 4; off Overall. 1; off Lindaman, 2. First bso on errors: 'Jilcngo, - 2; Boston. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Overall. Rltehev. f truck but: By Reulbach, 2; by Overall, 6; by Wllfon. rf. Oibnnn, c... fciadtlnx, p.. TotiH..., Ferguson. 1. Time: 1:15. I'mMres: Rud (b i iiam and RIhIt. I'lralea Defeat Downers. riTTPRFRtl. Aug 21 -IMttshurg won rt po.tponil game from Lrooklyn fdav by a score of 2 ly 1'. Score: riTT.'Ft HI. tinK)KI.VN AB H O A K AB.H.n.A.K Thnmtli. rf. .. 0 I 0 CPtte. !h ... I 1 0 4 0 Lfifh, 3b.... 4 1 1 1 M.umler. rf.-.H I 1 S lr. If ..101" Hiitnme, If.. I 010 Wisner. m... J I 1 1 CJnwtsn. .lb. ... 4 1 Ab Hi bin. Sb. 4 I) 4 ' bewlf. M....4 114 0 So.rke, lb .... 4 lid t 0Her-n. e ...4 1 1 l 4 I 0 ( d Sheehtn. Ih . I II I 1 4 I (1 n M. Mlllan. if. I 2 1 II' 1 I 1 J J Ru-k r. p . . . I o S 0 Alpermnn . . 1 e 0 0 f, SI 2T n Tol.l. SI 7 24 10 1 Patted for nucker In ninth. rittsburg 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -2 Brooklyn 0 0 o 0 o i o 0 0-1 Two-base hits: Leauh? Wilson. Thre" base hit: Maddox. Sncrlfhe l.lt: Thomas. Stolen bases: Leach. Warii"r, Tatte. Ijeft on buses: Plttsborr, !: Brooklyn, 6. First bnse on halls: Off Ricker, 3; off Maddox. 4. Struck otit: By Rtieker. 4; by Maldx. 2. Tim": 1:45. I'mplre: iVDny. Inrdinals Defeat Phllllea. ST. 1-OrtS, Aug. 21. -A donble. followed by two sacrifices In the ninth Inning, scored one run and gave St. luis the second game of the series with Philadel phia by a score of 4 to 3. Score: ST. l)t IS. ', PH1LADKI.PHIA. AB. HOAR. AH. HO. AC. fhw. rf .... 4 1 2 0 Xlnnt. Sh 5 2 9 2 0 I'hirlrj, 2b... 4 1 4 8 0 Knutif. 2h....4 1 6 1 0 Murrav. rf...4 ISO Titos, rf 4 I 0 0 vl Konetrkr, lb, 4 111 0 Mff. If 4 1 1 fl 0 !lrhnlv. If. S 1 0 0 0 Onborne. rf . 4 2 1 0 0 Nvrne, lh....t t i I 0 Hr.n-flelil. lb 4 ! t 1 O Relllv. m .... 1 0 3 1 Iloolln. M....J 0 2 i 2 l.udwlK. c... I 1 6 I 1 Orniln, 0 4 16 10 l.unh, p : S 0 0 1 il CurrMon. p .. 4 0 1 4 1 Toulii 3! 10 27 III J Tolsln M W:6 14 2 One out when winning run was made. St. Louis 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 1 1 o 0 0-3 Two-base Mts: Murray, rant, Konet hy. Threo-baso hits: T'liarles, Magee, Osborne. Sacrifice hits: Deleliunty, Byrne. Stolen bases: Lioolln, Osborne, Tltns. Dou ble play: Byrne to Charles Jo Konetchy. Left on bases: St. Louis, 1; Philadelphia, 7. First base on balls: Off Lush, 1. Struck out: Bv Lurh. 5; bv Corrldon. B. Wild pitch: Lush. Time: 1.47. I'mplre: Emslie. Standing of the Teams WfcST. LKAOLE I A MLR. ASS'X. W.UPct J W.L.IVt Omaha bt 4ti ,ii Louisville ...74 M .o'vt Sioux CHy... n0 .rxW Indian lis ...73 54 .MS Lincoln f .h Toledo 2 M 671 Denver ' M .&' Columbus ...71 M .!. Pueblo Ml xt .44.'Minneapolls .03 fij ,WH Des Moines. .403 .34t Kansas Clty.M RS .4it:i Milwaukee ..So 72 .413 St. Paul W S7 .310 NATL. LEAGUE. AM BR LtAUUE. W.L.Pct W.LlVt. Pittsburg ...65 42 6o7 Detroit 5 43 New York ..K4 4i .6i4 St. 1-ouls .... 4 .&T7 Chicago ... 2 4rt .574 Cleveland ... 61 49 .SM Philadelphia 67 47 . 64K Chlcagn 60 Mt .54ri Cincinnati ..54 M .491 Philadelphia ..M 53.5nO Boston 47 62 ,431iBolon ?S R7 4R2 Brooklyn ...41 61 .SiH) Washington. 44 fa .411 St. Ixmls ....RS9 .3MNew.York . 35 73 .Sl'l GAMES TODAY. Westctn League Omaha at Denver, Lin coln at Pueblo. Sioux City at Des Moines. National League Boston at Chicago, Brooklyn at Pittsburg, New York at Cin cinnati. Philadelphia at ' St. Louie. American league Chicago at Boston. St. Ixiula at New York, Detroit at Washington, Cleveland at Philadelphia. American Association Columbus at St. Paul. Toledo at Minneapolis, Indianapolis at Kimn City. Ixiuisvllle at Milwaukee. dlhMBRhouseOrp-H g,..N....8 ..ow the Western s.ot iiitli n. lodiiy disr1ri' of three players to the Luuisvllle te;im of the Am-'ili B-i association for Jl 'Ml each. Pitcher Pelby, Second Baseman' K Oleson ni'd Outfiilder ljtmlrelh. Cooh y also sold Pitcher Hapirinan to the Chicago Na tionals for t3.PV. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and ImnrK Lands fur Heat. FOR MKNT ACR17S. 15 to 20 acres just on edge ot city (northi westi for winter wheat or olhor small gruln. Real L'statn Title-f runt Co.. ground llour tT. 8. Nsllonul Bank Bldg., 1201 Farnam. (ilj M72i23 REAL ESTATE LOANS LEGAL NOTICES FOR SALE OR RENT Brick residence; 21 fooms; extensive grounds; walking distance; suitable for residence, hospital or club house. C. H. Brown, 407 Brown Bid. (19J-I74 DANDY (-room cottage; modern; Kountse place, -'Mion owner, Webster V9. Term. , . tl9)-M520 A31 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH W. FAR NAM SMITH & CO. WS DON'T LIST AND FORGET WE SELL, 1320 FARNAM STREET!., Tel." Doug. 1064; Ind, A-1064. (19 M519 25 116,000 Will buy -brie 1c business -property rented for 13,400 year. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. (!) 4S4 LJ8T your property with Chris Boyer. 221 and Cuming Sts. (19) C13 FARM AND REAL ESTATE it UA'fctTl UIHU FOR BALK ( ' , ' 3aloraao, - GOOD FARMTNO LAND Near Denver, Greeley distrust: wells 2 to 40 feet; abun dapu of moisture; general farming, in cluding corn raising; ouo crop pays lur tat in. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., iS2'BrapOi Bldg, Omaha, Neb. Cauaate. TRAMPlNO . LAKE, Baakatcbewan and Boultieru Alberta selected lands, $9 to (in pr acre. aWtllers secure farms on crop paynivui pian. Agents wantea. write Uundy & Gundy, Dept. U, Union Bank ; aildg.. vvianipvg, ta)-4ko - fliia, . SARPY COUNTY FARM 1 Near Fort Crook and only half mile from ' electrlu var line, about 160 acres, good Im : provemvrKs, 8-room house, large barns, or I chard. Price,. $a6 per acre for Quick sale. I A bargain.. AVM. DICKEY REED, 421 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. . 4M 70 a V100 TO lio.oou ltia.ie promptly. F. D. Wend. Weill Bldg., ma ana f arnam. (22) J'ji LOANS on improved Omaha property. O'Keefc R. ii Co., lwCi N. Y. Life Bldg. (i2)-Jl FIVE PER CENT Money to loun on Omaha business truperty. THOMAS BttENNAN, Room 1. XSew York Llm Bldg. I J)--390 WANTED City loan and warrants W. Fa "nam Smith U Co., 1UU 1- arnam St. liUl 4bf WANTED City loan. Peter Trust Co. (22-31 LOWEST HATEB Ben Is, Paxton Blk. (22 9ti MONEY TO BUILD. loOti to lAW.OuO at current rate. TV. H. THOMAS. J'J3 Firs ial. Bank Bldfc . , . . cm . PAYNE, BOBTWICK & CO., N. Y. Life. Private money, ooo to 15,100, Low rato. - (22 3U2 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co! (221-397 PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., WW FARNAM. . 2.')-3'XI WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for 2-hand furniture, car pels, clothes and shoes. Tel. Douglas 397L Ui;-39S RIGHT price paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, sbouf. Tel. Red 6401. ; 0)-i97 for the period of six years. Provided, that the member of the Supreme Court whose term of orflce expires In January, 1914, shall be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court dur ing that time until the expiration of his term of office. And. provided further, that upon the adoption of these amendments by the electors of th' State, the Governor shall, Immediately upon issuing tne procla mation declaring said amendments adopted, appoint four (41 Judges of the Supreme Court, two (2) of whom shall be appointed to b.olil said office until their successors shall he elected at the gene; a 1 election In 19ii3, and')ia"ve qualified; and the other two I") shall hold their office until their suc- cfbsors shall be elected at the general elec tion, held In 1911, and have qualified. Section 4. (Amendment proposed.) That Section six (6 of Article six (6, of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be .i ... wl ,1 tA rma A n m fnllnwar ' Section 6. (Oblef Instloe.) Justice shall serve as such during all the trm for which he was elected. He shall preside at all terms of the Supreme Court, and In his absence th judges present sliail select one of their number to preside tempo rarily. Section 6. (Amendmsni proposed.) That Section thirteen (13), .or Article six (6), of the Constitution of Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: Section 13. (Judges, salaries.) That Judges of the Supreme Court shall each receive a salary of 4,50ij, and the Judges of the District Court shall each receive a salary of 13,000 per annum, payable quar terly. Approved April . 1907. I. Geo. C. Junkln. Secretary of State, of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska is a true and correct copy of thi original enrolled and engrossed bill, aa passed by the Thirtieth session of tho legislature of th State of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on file' In this office, and that said proposed amendment Is submitted to the qualified voters ut the State of Ne braska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday the 3rd duy of November. A. D. 190. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Heal of the State of Nebraska Done at Lincoln, this 15th day of July, In tho year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hund.'ed end Riuht, and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty-second. GEO. C. JUNKI.V. (Seal.) Secretary of State. (JAMES IX THPl AMIOIIirW I.F.AGVE Waahlnsrton Donrhri tills and Wins from Detroit. WASHINGTON. Aug. 31. -Washington hurhed two hits and a base on balls on Wlllet In the first Inning today and defeated Detroit, 3 to 1. Score: WASHINGTON. DETROIT. AB.H.O.A.K. AB H O A E Milan, rf 1 1 J ! JMrlotvr. If.. 2 1 , 2 6 0 Plrkerlng, if. 0 0 0 0 0Srhier, 2b . 4 1 0 S 0 Bi'htpke, .lb.. 4 0 0 0 K'rtvforit. rf. 4 1 2 II 0 0nlfv. If.... I 0 3 0 Oobh. rf 4 0 1 0 0 t nslaub, 2b. , I 1 1 4 ('Kortmin, lb. 2 0 14 1 0 t'lymer. rf...3 1 1 0 eHrhmldt. c . . J 10 10 Preamin, lb.. 2 10 I Ceughlln, Jk. 2 1 0 1 0 Mi'Hflilf. .. 2 0 2 OO'Leary, M..3 0 12 0 Btreet. c 2 0 5 1 (I Willed, p.... 2 0 4 5 4 Johnson, p. . 2 0 0 i I Jonw 1 u 0 0 I Totals 2 4 37 10 2 Totals 31 5 24 1 Batted for Coughlln In ninth. Washlnston 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 Detroit 01000000 01 Sacrifice hits: 1'r.glaub, Johnson. 8tolen bases: Milan (2). Schmidt, Coughlln. Double plays: Unglaub, McBride and Freeman. lA'ft on bases: Washington. 3: Detroit. . Base The Chief on balls: Off Johnson, 1;. off. Willctt, 2. WANTED TO RENT BET. Sept. 1 and Oct. 1, 4 or 5 unfurnished looms, for light housekeeping.' Tel. Har ney 941. , (2S) M724 24 WANTED Furnished house for the win ter by responsible middle aged couple; can give best refeiences. Telephone Doug las 3i'05, between 2 and . (2)-M754 2Sx- WANTED SITUATIONS DENTIST experienced, wants " location In Nebraska. Address 2 tto, care Hee. . y (27) MZtiS 23x SITUATION warned by young man, 23 years, single, as aulu drl er, ejfpc lenred. B 37. Bee. (27) M756jg x STOVE REPAIRS BTOVE, rUKNACti, STEAM and hot water boiler lepaira; water fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 12m- Douglas Si. Telephone Bull Douglas 960. M-6T9 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND MENT. The following proposed amsndment to the constitution of th State of Nebraska, a Hereinafter set lortn ta mu, is sud mltttd to th elector of th Stat of Ne braska, to b voted npon at th general ltotion to b held Tuesday, Tovmbr 3rd, A. S. 1908. A JOINT RESOLUTION to propose an Arh'sndmrnt to Section 9, Article S, of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. Be It Resolved and Unacted by th legis lature ot th Btat of Hbraskai Section 1. (Amondmnt) That at the general election for state and legislative officer to be held on the Tuesday succeed ing the first Monday In November, 19W, the following provision be proposed and sub mitted to the electors of the stat as an amendment to Section 9, Arltcle 8, of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska: Section 9. (Xduoatlonal Funds, Invest ment.) All funds belonging to the state for educational purposes, the interest and Income whereof only are to be used, shall be deemed trust funds held by the state. and th state shall supply all losses thereof First on errors: Detroit, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Johnson. 1. Struck out: By John son), 4. Wild pitch: Wlllett, 2; Johnson, 1. Tlmei 1:3a Umpire: Egan. It row n a Win Close Game, NEW YORK, Aug. 2a. Errors at critical numentsmoments were fatal to the locals chances In a close game with St. Louis to day, the visitors winning, 4 to 3. Both Howell and Lake pitched good ball, but the former was steadier and his support better. Score; . ... ST. UH'IS.' NKW YORK. AB.H.O.A.B. , v AB.H.O.A E. Stent, It 4 0 2 1 nConrnv, 2b... 6 112 1 Jlsntsll. rf.. 4 0 0 ) OMrllvoen, rf. 2 1 0 0 n lieldrli'k, cf.. 4 2 10 t chase lb 4 0 16 1 9 Karris. 31).... 4 0 12 J rtpoiyhtll, ff. 1 0 2 0 0 Wallace, as . 4 2 5 2 tiMortarlty, 3b. 4 1 1 3 0 Williams, 2b; 3 0 0 4 ODMshantr, If. I 2 0 0 0 Btrphena, c... 4 1 I 2 OllaU, SS 5 3 2 I 2 T. Jonas, lb. 3 0 V2 0 1 Hl.tr, r. ...... 3 0 4 4 1 Howell, p.... 4 0 0 1 SKMilasl, ...! 0 0 - UKe. p.: 1 0 2 0 Totals 33 4 27 14 5 l.apone 1 0 0 0 0 Orttt 1 0 0 0 --i r; l - Td1b...,..35 9 2713 J Batted for Delehanty In ninth. Batted for Lake In rjinth. St. Iuls 0 O'O 3 2 0 0 0 04 New York 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 03 Two base hits: Wallace, Ball. Three base hit: Mcllveen. Sacrifice hits: Mcllweein Williams. Stolen bases: Heindrlck. Ball. Double plays: Ball and Chase;. Williams Wallace and Jones. . First on errors:- St Ijoula. 1: New York. 1. Ieft on bases: St. Louis, 6; New York, 5.-Base on balls: Off Howell, 2; off Lake, 1. Struck out: By Howell, 3; by Lako, 6. Time: 2:U. umpire: Connolly. Chicago Win from Boston BOSTON. Auf. 21. Chicago won an up hll game from Bostorj today, 8 to 7, each team using three pitchers, score: CHICAGO. . BOSTON. AH H O A K AB.H.O.A.E H.hn. rf .. . 4 2 10 OMTonnell. 2b 6 2 12 1 Jones, cf 4 11 1 tLnril. 31 5 1 2 2 C llavla. 2b 2 2 2 OThoner. If ... 5 2 2 0 0 DDUKhrrtv. If 5 2 1 0 0 Oeasler. rf....4 2 3 0 0 Donohus. lb . 4 0 14 1 Ogtahl. lb 4 110 0 0 Parent, aa 0 1 6 0 I'-rluiKviw. tit I I 0 t W Sullivan, c 1 0 1 2 0 Wsgner, as. . . 4 2 1 0 Anderaon ...1 1 0 0 0arri(an. v Shaw, i- 2 0 6 0 urliotle, p., Tannehlll, 8b 4 0 1 1 OSleele, p.... Smith, p 0 0 0 1 l-cravam .. . l l 9 v v Bartntii, p .22020 . 1 0 0 2 Totals..., .. 2 2 5 2 0 . 1 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 1 0 . 1 0 0 0 0 ..21000 .38 1 27 13 1 Ala Altrock, p.... Walsb, p Totala 37 12 27,21 I Batted for W. Viulllvan 'in fourth Batted for Smith In second. Butted for Steele -In sixth. Chicago 00070100 0-8 Boston 3 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 07 Two base hit: Jones. Thee base hits: Wan rjer. Davis. Hits off Smith. 7 in two in nltigs; off Cicotte, t In three and two-thirds M4.it Bl.lJ-HE MK.lt KOR l DY Fast Maryvllle Team aart orlalnals and Holl and West Knd. Pans need nut stay away from Vinton street paik Saturday nor Sunday Just be cause the Chumps are out of town, for there will be three fast games of ball there. Saturday the Ie-Glass-Andreesen OrmiiiHls, the local amateur champions, win play tne great semi-pros or aiaryvuie, Kan., the team from which Lincoln got Its crack pitcher, Hendrlx. Then Sunday the Originals play the Maryvllle team again, nut tieiore tins game me nouys hiio est End team of Omaha will play. These two Eames will constitute the double-header unday, the first game being called at o'clock. The game Saturday will be called at 3:30. The local fans are In great luck to have this opportunity. The Originals and Mary vllle teams are two or tne iastesi inue- tiendent teams In the entire west and tho Holly and West Ends are snappy amateurs. A certain Western league team I dicker ing with a certain member of the Mary f OMAHA GETS TtlE AMES CAN Metropolii Will Be Scene of UniTeriity Foot Ball Contest. DIRECTOR EAGER DECIDES . n (ornhnskers Probably Will Play Awn at Inlon Park Xpvember T Loral Sentiment Ktroaar far Match. ' The Nebraska-Ame foot ball game will be played In Omaha Novemben -7, accord ing to the present plan of both th Ne braska and Ames management. Athletic Director Eager was In Omaha Friday com pleting arrangements for the game, which probably will be played at Vinton treet park. The game Is scheduled for, November 7. with the place of playing left open to be decided upon by Manager Eager. While in Omaha Friday h vlalted many vine team for next year and other profess I people to see what the sentiment for th slonals are watching this great aggregation. ,ome wa. nd did not find a dissenting was the total of the Indians' hitting and thev suffered their first shutout this year. Past fielding by the Indians kept down the store. Tlie score: Oxford 0 0 fl 0 0 0 0 0 Cambridge 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Batteries: Oxford, Hoekenberry and Nun amaker; Cambridge, F"ugates and Lucas. Attendance, 240. GAMES IN AMKHICAN ASSOCIATION St. Panl and Toledo Break Even In Doable-Header. ST. PAUL. Minn.. Aug. 21 St. Paul and Toldo broke even In a double header today. Catcher Ijind of Toledo, who has been sold to Cleveland will loin that club August SO, and Catcher Fisher of Cleveland will Join Toledo on the same day. Score first game: TOLEDO. ST. PAUL. AB.H.O.A. P. AB.H.O.A.E. narhesu. ..( 2 1 ( Oeler, If 4 10 0 0 Itlnrhman. 2b 4 1 1 4 0B. Mvsrs. cf. I 0 1 0 1 Armh stsr, rf 2 0 1 t 0 Flood, rf 1 1 0 moot rf 4 2 0 0 OWhsrltr. 2n.. 4 0 2 6 1 Hli-sman, If . 4 1 0 CIistIs, rf-o...l 0 10 0 Ahliolt, c 3 0 o 0 OJ. Myers, c. . . . I 15 1 Llnter, lb.... 4 3 17 0 OTIsmyer, 3b.. 4 113 0 Mrf'srthv. .th. 4 3 1 1 0 Nee. ss 4 2 12 Prultt, p 3 0 0 1 0 Lauajhlin, lb. 3 114 1 0 West, p 0 0 0 0 ODunleavy, p.. 3 0 4 3 D Totals 84 11 27 12 0 Totals 81 T 27 II 3 Toledo 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 14 St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 04 Two-base hits: McCarthy. Lister. Double tilftvs: .Wheeler to I.anglilln: Hlnchman to Lister I2i: Hlnchman to Barbeau to Lister. Base hits: Off Prultt, 8 In eight innings; off Went, 1 In one Inning. Bases on balls: Off Prultt, 4; oft Dunleavy, 5. Struck out: By Prultt, 4; by Dunleavy, 4; by west, l. wild pitch: Dunleavy. aaormce nits: Hlnchman, Dunleavy. Time: 2:15. Umpire: Hayeo. ST. PAVU. TOLEDO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Geler, If 4 2 0 0 1 Rsrbrsu, SS..4 2 0 1 1 B. Myers, cf. 3 1 4 1 1 Hlnrhman, 2b 4 1 1 4 0 Wheeler, to.. 4 14 0 1 Armb'atar, rf 2 0 2 2 0 Davis, rf 4 12 0 OS moot. cf...i. 4 0 2 0 0 J. Miyeri. c..4 2 4 5 ulllrkmsn, If.. 4 0 1 0 0 Tlemyer, 3b.. 8 0 3 1 0 Land, c 4 15 0 0 Ns, ss 4 1 1 1 I Lister, lb 4 0 12 u Laugblln, lb. 4 2 7 0 II MrCarthy, 8b. 8 2 1 1 2 Hall, p 2 0 0 4 ONagle, p 2 0 0 2 0 Totala 82 10 27 12 5 Totals 32 24 11 I Score second game: Toledo 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 02 St. Paul 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -? Two-base hits: I-and, J. Myers, Oeler. Double plav: Nee to Wheeler to 1 .nil g hi in. Base on balls: Off Nagle, 1.. Hit by pitched ball. Armbruster. Struck out: By Naglc, 6; by Hall, 6. Passed balls: Myers, 3. Sac rifice hits: B. Myers, Hall (2). Time: 1:30. Umpire; Hayes. Goodwin 1 Wild. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 21. Goodwins wlldness forced two men acrosa the plate in the second Inning today and Klhni'e wild heavo over third allowed the deciding run to cross. Both the visitors runs came on errors, for Wilson was effective throughout. Score: ' MINNSAPOLIS. OOLUMBfB. AB.H.O.A.K AB.H.O.A.E. Oyler. SS 4 1 t 1 -uFrltl. 34 4 1 0 2 Qulllln. lb... 4 0 10 0 OOdwell, rf....4 12 0 0 O'Neill, cf..,4 1 2 0 fl Krussr, If.... 2 0 2 0 0 Klene, If 1 1 1 0 'jConialion, rf. 4 8 2 0 0 Krrwln, rf.,,8 1 4 1 1 James, c 4 0 5 1 0 Blnk, c 8 1 8 1 1 Haldy, ss 8 113 0 O'Brien, 2b.. 2 0 2 3 SKIhm. lb 3 0 12 0 1 Hmith. 8b I 6 2 1 PWrlslsv. 2b. . 4 0 0 1 0 Wilson, p 8 0 0 1 0 Goodwin, p... 4 0 0 0 Totsls 26 8 27 8 4 Totals 37 5 24 12 1 Minneapolis 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 -3 Columbus 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 02 Sacrifice hit: Klhm, Wrlgley. Double plays: Kerwln to Qulllln; Frlel to Ja.me to Kilni. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 3; Columbus. 7. Struck out: By Wilson, 6; by -Goodwin, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Goodwin, 1. Bases on balls: By Goodwin, 2. Tlmo: 1:20. Umpire: Kane. Distillers Pile I p Ilia Spore. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 21. Louisville over whelmed Kansas City today and won the game by a score of 11 to 3. Cross. Beckley Here are the teams for the Originals and Maryvilles: Lee-Olass-A. Position. Maryvllle. Lewis First Wolfe Dougherty Second llamlll Mlnikua Third Clark l,awler Shortstop Kolu n Casey Left Ptimma Olbson Center Flshhaek Henry Right Hawthorne E. Clair Catcher O. Vance Williams Pitcher C. Vance Moriarlty .Pitcher Merkel 4TREHT CATCHES HIGH BALL Washington Player Take One In from Toa cf lonment. W A SH 1 NO TO N, Aug. 21. Charles Street, catcher of the Washington Base Ball team, today Won a bet of fcon made with John Blddln of this city, by pernfrmlng the un precedented, though oft-attempted feat of catching a regulation btse ball dropped from the tup of the Washington monu ment. The ball was dropped from one of the small window near tho top of lh monument at a height of 5.V) feet. Street caught it on the thirteenth attempt, the failures being due to a rather brisk wind which deflected the ball In Its course. Same J, Emmet lleldrlck. When fans saw the name of lleldrlck In the lineup of the St. Ixnils Brown the other day many of them gasped and won dered If this was the same J. Emmet Heldrlck who played the outer garden for that team a few years ago. It Is. His re turn to the game after several years of re tirement I most -remarkable. He signed . two-year contract with tho Browns the other day In Philadelphia. He will be a great hrilp, as he Is a fine batsman, good base runnvr and fielder and corking thrower. He was horn at Queenslown, Pa., on July 9, 1876, He showed promise as a ball plaver while a student at the New York State college at Elmlra, N. Y. HIS debut as a professional was made with the Franklin, Ta.. team .of the Iron and Oil league. In IRMt be was a member of the Atlantic City Independents, composed of collegians, and In 1M)7 and 1898 with the Pet erson team of the Atlantic league. Toward the close of the 1888 race he was bought by the Cleveland club of the National league, which was transferred to this city by the Boblsons the following year: He deserted to the Browns in li)2 and remained with MpAleee until the eloso of the 1004 rnee since which time he has devoted himself io the lumber Interests of his family. Held rick's return to the game is as much of a surprise as his retirement. Ko. Man la Iot Ont OMAHA. Aug. 21.-TO the Sporting Editor of The Bee: . In your Issue of August 20 volt were asked the following question: "OMAHA. Aug. 19. To the Sporting Ed itor ff The Bee: Kindly answer the follow ing ftuestion In the sporting column of your paper and oblige a subscriber: If a base runner, atter ne manes a lair nil or in any other manner Is able to make first base, overruns said base and in returning to the base turns toward the left with no Inten tion whatever of going to second base, but walks straight back to first base, can he be touched with the ball before returning to first base and be called out?" Was the answer right? , Answer The rule says: The base runner In running to first base may ovverrun said base after touching It In passing without incurring liability to be out for being off said base, provided he return at once and retouch Uie base, after which he may he put out as at any other base. If after nverrunlng first base he turn in the direc tion of. or attempt to run to, second base before returning to first hase he shall for feit such exemption from liability to he put out. Two Game at Happy Hollow. The Happy Hollow club team will play two games on the club iliiimoruls Saturday afternoon the first game at 2.3u sharp, with the Kamos, and the second with the South Omaha Country club second teum at 4 p. m. The lineup, iirst game: TT. H. Club. ., Position. voice, all he consulted being in favor of, having It played In Omaha. For scveraJ year Nebraska b not played a largo game In Omaha, but rather has brought as strong teams a possible to Lincoln to build up the sport In the university town. This has brought such good results that a contest like the Ames game will draw a (3,000 crowd. It was with some misgivings ' at first that Mr. Eager decided to break away from JS.OOO sure money to try the experiment In Omaha. After his rounds Friday morning, how ever, Mr. Eager wa thoroughly convinced that Omaha people wanted the game and would support It. Not only did he get ex pressions from the people, but h also se cured the signatures of tome of the largest stores that they would decorate A foot ball window that the game might be thoroughly advertised, and ho, who walked the streets of the metropolis might understand that the Cornhuskers were on again going to play a strong team In Omaha. "The Ames game Is without dubt th hardest game we have on our schedule, with the exception of the Minnesota game," said Mr. Eager. "Wlien we decide to come to Omaha we want to give Omaha the best we have.' That team has bean forging ahead until It I no mean opponent for any team that wear a uniform. Ames ha given us a hard tussle for the last three years and hus made the Minnesota team look to Its laurels. "Nebraska will have as good a tram this fall, If not belter than ever, and we warjt more people of Omaha to become lnterstd In the team. Omaha has more student at the university than any other city except Lincoln, and the alumni list I large. W have felt all along that Omaha would sup port a big game here and r.ow we are In position' to give thai game. If th gam Is a success, there is no doubt In my mind it will be an annual fixture." FAST TIME AT MA VEX PORT Phi . Right.. and the bat boy were put off the grounds q McKltrlck Center tor umpire baiting, bcore: T.lnlrer Louisville 0 2 0 0 6 0 3 1 0-11 Weekea Kansas City 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 i Dow Earned runs: Louisville, 4; Kansas City, Wooster 1. Two-base lilts: Qulnlan, Hughes, Downio; J. McKltrlck Swaclna. Flint huso on balls: Off Halla', Smith 2; olf Carter, 1. Struck out: By Halla. 2; Lvons by Carter, S; by Hill. 1. Hits: Off Halla, emb 16 in tune minims; oir uaricr, ii in seven innings; off Hill, 1 In two Innings. Left on banes: Louisville, 6; Kansas City, 12. Double plays: Carter to Downie; Perrlnc to Swacina. Stolen base: Hughes. Sacril'ico hits: Sullivan, . Tughcs, Lamlreth, Carter. First base on errors: Louisville, 2; Kansus City, 2. Hit with pitched ball: 8. Biilllvarl (2). Time; 2:10. Umpire: Kern and Bier-halter. Kamos. ... Hnllne , . Moran Lady Maud C Win 2i04 race After Hard Struggle. DAVENPORT, . Ia., . Aug. . At the Great Western circuit races till after noon Minor Heir paced a mile In ;:02, falling In an attempt to rduc th track record from 2:01, net by Dan Patch. B a great spurt of speed Ding Pointer won "nit second race or f he Week. A bad brttak on the back at retch left him seven lengths behind Hazel Simmons. McMahon made a brilliant drive from the half and won. the heat by a nose: ..The IM pace -was a horse race In every neat. Aunt Jerusha made strohg bids, for each heat of the 2:11 trot, which went to Naraja. Sum mary: . ' Trot. 2:14 class, purso 11,000: La Maud won In straight heats. Best time: 2:11. Daffodil, Beauty Wright, Black Silk and Gratitude also started. Pace, 2:04 class, purse 1800; Lady Maud C. won second, third and fourth heats Citation won the first heat. Best lime: 2:034. Argot Boy also started. Trot. 2:11 cities, purse 11.000: Baraja won second, third and fourth heats; Aunt Jerusha won the flrnt heat. Best time; 2:iiK'i- Just the Thing, Charley T.. Clara Cooper, Dixon and Medium Line also started. , . Pace. 2:23 class. purse n0: Dlnf Pointer won second, third and fourtn heats. Best time: 2:0. Haael Simmons won the first heat. - Senator Clark, , Joe Hoy, Archllles, IiOtils Medium, Amtl nd Margy Wllke also started. . , I-ft. ..Third ( ..Short ..Second.... . First ..Cntch Pitch Pitch Kennedy Prlesimin liruiightn .... Danse .... Yitak that may in any manner accrue, so that innings; off Steele, 3 In one Inning; off the same shall remain forever Inviolate Burchell, 1 In five lnnlr.iga. Sacrifice hits: and undiminished; and shall not be Invested' Davis, Btahl. Btolen bases: McConnell ('), LEGAL NOTICES BEST INVESTMENT IN NEBRASKA. II will offer (or saJ for a short time only my t-acr farm,, lour miles rivm tuat beautiful town of Lodge Pole, Neb., a guod , house, baro. kueus and other buildings, i weiu sim pwuijr oi water na good wind mill on tbm, all fenced, goud soil, )n I aorue lo- crop; will soil at a brtigaln If taken at onoa. Inqulra luck. box S6, pierce, ! Hb - ' (iW-Mfio ;4x i 111 Dakota. Thl u'tV certify that I have 50 acres of corq on my piace In Hughes county, a D., that went'7 bushel per acre, peter Carlson. u about this land and join our excursion' up there next month. OTia LAND CO.. U4 Hrandvls Bldg. ' (20r Mi Sept. 1J NbMsrL FOR SALE Mt' a ore of well Improved land near jDilln. Mo., underlaid with sine and coal. Will sell for 560 per acre, cash. or. will go In with responsible parties and organn ; company to develop coal and or mines. Will guarantee eoal and rlnc enough to make a .-big investment to any Investor. vvnil urn lur mil (won umit. I QLORB1 LAND INVESTMENT CO., ! Ill 8. lath St. Omaha. Neb. X at laralla ). TIMBER AND TIM BKR LANDS ara bet. tr Investment at this time thamniost others. S want to tell you about th-m. Either large or small Investors will be Interested. Writ os for particular. Th International limber Co.. Minneapolis. Winn. . ,T0 ViU A3i PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND MENT, Th following propozad amendment to th constitution ot turn btat of Mbraka, as hereiuaiter set lertii lu tali, 1 sub mitted to th electors of tn a tat of Ne braska, to b voted upon at tu general lection to be held Tuesday, jfovembex 3rd, A B. 1908. A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Sections two (2j, four (4), five (. six (0) and thirteen (13), ot Article six tu),' of the Constitution of the Slat of Nebraska, relating to Judicial Poweis. Be It kesolved by th Legislature of th Stat of Xabraskai Section 1. Amendment proposed. That Section two l- of Articl six (b. of tho Constitution of the dtute of Nebraska, bj amended to read as follows'. Section 2. (gaprems court; juagse .urtidllntioni ThT Supreme Court thai f roll. and engrossed bill, a passed !tj Mfi'rS" 'Lh: I -atd -lnaf bft in "t.'o, .'oaa rRBAT BAU(1 Ir "UiUcrvat." 140-acr fruit and- etouk farm; apple, peach . cheiTWs. grapes. Prtoa, to, 000: -ay texoiav J. T. Camp ball, Litchfield. NeU - iW-uta ax narciiarv to constitute a QQorum or pro nounce a decision. Th Supreme Court shall have JurltdK tk n in all cases relating to the reverue, civil cases in which the state is a party, mandamus, quo wuiranto, linbeas corpus, and such appellatn Juris diction as may be provided by law. Section 2. (Amendment prc-foasd-) That Section four (4) of Article six ttO, of the Const ituikm of the Bute of Nebraska, bo amended to rtd as follcws: Section 4. (Sapreni eourt, udg. taction, term, riano.) I he Juukcs ut tho 5up:eme Court shall be elected by the electors uf the state at large; and their term of office, except as Hereinafter pro vided. Khali l-e 1 ytars. And said Supremd Court J,iUk'S snail, during their term of ot'icr, reside at the. plate a lter tne couit Is holden. . Section! (Amsadment proposed.)' That Section five if) of Article six (61 of th Constitution of thn State of Nebraska b amended to read as sfollow: Section 6. (Buursuae court, Judgss, lection, tarn; cnlet justloe.) That at the general eltctlun to be held in the s-.ate of Nehranka in the year It, and each six year thereafter, toere shall be elected thre iZ Judges of the Supreme Court, who (hall hind their office for the period of sit years; that at the general election to be held in the state of Nebraska in the year 1911. and each six ears iheratter, trer shell be elected three (3) Juilges of the Supreme Court, vho slia'l hold their offlre for the period of six years; and at th general eleo linu to be held tn the state of Nebraska It the year 11J. and each six year thereafter, there shall be ulcclad a Chief Justice of the Buprem Court, who shall hold his office or loaned except on United State pr state securities, or registered school district bonds of this state, and such other securlti-s as !he legislature may from time to time direct. And such funds, w!ih the Interest and Income thereof, are hereby solemnly pledged for the purpose for which they are granted and set apart, and shall not be transferred .to any other .fund for other Ufci"S. Section 2. (Ballot; Adoption.) That at said election In the tar lD-jb, on the ballot of each elector voting thereat, there shall be printed or written the words: "por proposed amendment to the Constitution with reference to the Ir-vtiiment of the permanent svnool fuiial," and "Against said propoi-ed amendment to the Constitution with reference to the Investment of the permanent school fujiu." .And if a majority of all voters, at said .election shall bo for such, amendment the same shall be deemed to he udjpted. App'ovcd April 5. lf-07. 1. Go. C. Junkln. Secrettry of State, of the StJte of Nebraska, do hereby certify thut the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of tl-.e State o Nebraska Is a tvu- and correct cupy of tne original by of Oil! and 1 thai sala proposed ainenduieiu Is Submitted to the-qualified voters of the Stato of -Nebraska f ir their adoption cr rejection ut tht general election to he held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of Nov mler. A. D. 1 s. In letimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraitka. Done at Lincoln, ti.in loth day of July. In the year of our I.oid One Thousand Nine Hundred and Kignt, nd of the Independence of the United State the One Hun ired and Thlrty-thlnl. and of thU State toe Forty-second. GRO. C. JU.VKIN. (Seal.) Secretary of State. OFFICB Or - THE SIOUX CITT AND WWfEHN ItAiLVVAl COMPANY. Omar-e, Nebraska, August 1. 14. Ta the Sio lfcliolders: Nolle Is I ereuy riven, that 'jj annua; moautib of Die stoc liioiders ut Iba Sluux City and Western Railway cun-.uny be held at the office of the company in 6ouA.il Clou City, Nebraska, at (id) j clock . m.. on Thursday, Ocloucr ii. Uu-, to ret directors for the ensuing year jr.a to act upon tl question of selling th nlltwd property and franchise of tisi com pany to th Chicago, fO-rllinrton fc (juiney Railroad compan, tba railroad and prop erty aforesaid being now under lea t9 aid company, and for the transaction of tu. a ethor buainesn aa may legally omi before the meottiut-' By order X the Board of Directors. .. W. P. DL'RKXE, gcrikr). A ad tt Thoney. Double plays: Carrlngton and Wag ner; Smith, Parent and Donohue. 1-ft orj bases: Chicago, 8 Boston. 7. Hase on balls: Off Cicotte, 2; off Burchell. 1; off Walsh, 1; off Altrock. 1. First on errors: Chicago, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Hahn. Struck out: By Cicotte. 2; by Burchell, 1 : by Walsh, 5. Passed ball: Carrlgan. Balk: Burchell.. Time: J:A Umplies: O Litilln and. Hurt I. Athletics Win from Napa. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 21. Cleveland played a great uphill gume today and tied the score three times, only to be beaten out in the ninth, when Phldolphia scored a run on four singles off ryan. Score: PHILADELPHIA. CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. Hsrtsel. If... 4 1 1 OJ. CtATk-e. If.. 4 2 10 0 Olortng. rf. ..5 1 4 t) Brsdley. 3b.. 4 0 1 K Collins. 2b 5 8 4 1 OTurnsr, rf.... 8 0 0 0 Murphy, rf... 5 10 0 Lsjele. 2b.... 4 8 1 5 u Davis, lb 4 1(0 (ititovsll, lb.... 4 I II M J. Collins. 1st 8 2 1 ' N. darks, c. 4 1 12 0 Niibuls. SS...2 1 2 J -C Btmls ,-..... 2. 1 i 9 8i hr-iB. - c . . . 4 2(2 "Quids. c( I 1202 CuoHlbs, p.... 2 1 0 1 C Perrlni. as... 2 8 10 0 PTisrt, p.... 9 0 0 0 i) Rhuailrs, p...l 0 0)1 Viiktrs, p.... I 0 0 1 v Herser, p S 10 8 0 Rsn, p 1 0 1 0 D Totals S7 14 27 12 fi,Hinctinian ..1 0 0 0 0 Totals 39 14. 12 2 Halted for Berger In seventh. Two out when winning run scored. Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 1-7 Philadelphia 0 U o o 1 1 l-B IiHSe hits: Off Rhoaces. 5 In two Innings; off Berger, 1 In four Innings; off Ryan. o In three Innings; off Coujiihs. 1 In six Innings; off Dygert, 1 in twu and one-third InniiiKs; off Yickeis. 2 In two innings. Two-base hits: Pern's, Berger, J. Clarke, Goride. Pel ring. Coombs flume, run: E. Collins. Sacrillce hits: Bradley, Stovall, Lyg rl. Stolen bases: J. Clarke. Bradley, Tinner (21. Struck out: By Ryan. 1; by I' nut, . 4; by Herser. 3, by Dygert, i. Lett on bases: Cleveland, 11; Philadelphia, H Bases on hulls: Off Rlmades, 2; o.'f Cooml s. 4; off Dygert, 1: off t ickers. 1. lilt by pitched ball: Uy Coombs, 1. Wild plt'h: Rhoadei'. Time: 2. IS. Umpires: Sher td.in and Evans. PlEBl.tr RALLIES IV THE MSTH Fonr Run Driven Over the Plate and Lincoln Lose. PUEBLO, Aug. 21 Pueblo turned th ta bles on Lincoln today and after Johnson had pitched great ball for eight Innings, the locals rallied In the ninth and drove him to the bench. Wasson, who relieved him, could not stop the hitting and Pueblo scored four runs. Errors were responsible for all the visitors' tallies except the flrsl. In the ninth Inning Hogriever singled, but was forced at second on Spencer's grounder, the latter being safe on fielders choice. Spencer scored on Patterson' two-bagger, and when Mafficks slnKlcd Johnson was taken out. Clark then secured a three-bagger, tying the score, and after Miller had been retired Curhau singled and wun the game. Score; LINCOLN. AB. R. H 6 1 Murphy, rf.... Fox, 2b J tide. If Thomas, lb Davidson, cf... Gagnler, us.... Prltchett, 3b... Zlnran. c Johnson, p Wasson, p Totals....... . 3 '. 0 .34 O. 3 4 A. E. 0 0 11 2 t 1 0 1 0 6 27 13 "Hogriever. 3b.".... Spencer, If Patterson, 2b Mattlcks. cf Clark, lb Miller, rf fmlth.- c Corhan, ss James, p PUEBLO. AB. R. H. O 3 1 . 3 '. 3 .29 A. E. 27, 14 Friend an i'.aay Winner, FRIEND, Neb.. Aug. ,21.-(S;HCiol 1 The second gume of base ball . bet a en S'-ward nnd the home nine, played on the Heaver Crossing ground yesterday, was a victory for Frli-Utt by the following score; , R II E. Friend S 0 II 0 O'l 0 0 0-7 19 2 Seward 0 O 0 0 1 tl 1 0 02 i i Batteries: Friend. Morse and McDonald; Fenard. Stewart, Weaver and Neff. Two base bits: Flnlen i"1. Callahan and Shlm or.r'o. Double p. ay: Friend. 1. Fntatrs Dors Orrnt Pitching;. OXFORD. Neb., Aug. IL iSpeclal Tele srani.i Pugnle fanned .eighteen Oxford irulans here today arvj the ('amh-ltli-luia won by a m-trt of 2 to f. A raica h i Into rlii lMld by Calvert In lha cinih City I.eaKue Champion ihlp, BEATRICE. Neb.. Aug. 21. (Special Tel egram.) In the series of three gumes to be played for the championship of the City lepgue the Blue Valley won the first game tiKlay from the Dempster ball team by the score of 6 to 1. The Dempsters did not score until t ha ninth inning. The features of the game were the pitching of Dealing and the fielding of Miller ami Lucke for the Blue aliey. The Pickrell and Oketo ball teams nlaved a double-header at Pickrell this afternoon. Oketo won the first game by the score of to o, and Pickrell the second bv the score of 4 to 0. . Pllger Shot Out Wlsner. PI LO ETC Neb.. Aug. 21 (Sueclal Tele gram.) Pilger defeated "Wlsner In a fast game of bull here today. Swartx' pitching was the feature of the irame. allowing hut one sera tch hit and fielding his position perfectly, but two balls being batted out or trie uiamona. Bcore: rl.H.E. Wlsner 0 0 0 0 0 0 f) 0 0-0 1 3 Pilger 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 4 1 Batterlea; Wlsner. Benslen and Felh- man; . Pilger, Schwartc and Za?ekl. Creaton Itnees Draw Well. CRESTON. Ia.. Aug. 21. (Special.) i Thursilnv was the greatest dav in the his- Bigger tory of the Creston fair. Never since the roil race meet has been In existence lias there ,nmlv I I. 1 .1.... ...Il..un.l ,1... ..ntt n) IK'eri H CIUWU Ull ri:niir..-ti in." in ll that day. To add to this feature of tho I'.uy, the track record was twlco broken and a new murk of 2:12i set by- Creston, the TMiclng horse owned by Wray Brother of this city. In the 2:o trot Red lender, owned by J. 11. Harrison of Oskaloosa, la., toolt first money, with Irvln S, ownd by H. H. Smith of David City, N-b., sec ond, and Captain Bird, belonging to-C. E. Bliss of Diagonal, third. Time: 2:, 2:18j, 2:i'.ii. 2:y. There wirt folir entfle Tir the 2:14 pace, which wss the feature of the day. The race was won 111 three straight heats by Creston In th fast time of 2:1a. 2:l.'l'i and 2:12',. Hater. owned bv C. W. Hill of Orient. I.,-took-second, with 8ilver Fox, owned hy F. 1'.- Butler of Des Moines, third. Ottawa Boy, owned by C. H. Samson of Tepeka, Kan., crossed the wire a winner In threo straight heals in the 2:3u pace; Little George, J,-.,' owned by Harry C. Wilson of Rockport, Mo, second, and Vanga, owned by J. H. Bot- 5er of Ollle, la., third. Time: I:!1!.' Ai. In the three-quarter-mile running race Irish Swede, owopd by L. 1. Pierce of Villlsca, toiik Irst In the time' of VII. Fred Swan, owned by Owen Qosh of Mem phi, second, and Jack Hardy, -. owned .by M. D. Allen of Omaha, thlrd Ilartlett Lose !y One Run. OLEENWOOD, Ia., Aug. 21. (Special. )- Base ball here today between Bartlett and Ulenwood resulted: R.H.E. Bartlett 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 01 1 g Glenwood 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 11 0 Battrles: Bartlett, Eyler ard Long; Glen- wood, Workman and LaChappelle. I'mplre, ueneon. Central Illy Does Well. CENTRAL CITY, Neb.. Aug. H.-fSpe-clal.) The Centtal City ba.l team returned this morning from a three days' lour, win ning a twelve-Inning contest at Ulyase by a score ot 2 to 1; losing Tuesday at Staple hurst, 3 to 0, and winning Horn Osceola Wednesday, 7 t6 0. Totals Lincoln 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-4 Pueblo 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 Stolen bases: Spencer (2). Two-base hit: Patterson. Three-base hit: Clark. Double plays: hox to Zlnran to Pritehett; Johnson in Gagnler to Thomas; Gagnler to Fox to I hotcis. Bucriflee hits: Gagnler. Zinrau Fox. Patterson. Struck out: B James, 1. Bases on balls: Off James. 1: off Johnson 3; off Wasson, I. Time: 1:40. Umpire Has kell. Attendance: 7) DES MOINES. Ia . Aug. 21 Umpire Brennun forfeited the game to Sioux City today by the usual B'.ore because Des Moines refused to play with Breunan aa umpire unless he showed his credentials. Positioned Game. At Denver Denver-Omaha game post poned; wet grounds. Two llinri at tnaley. AN8LEY, Neb . Aug 21 -(Speclnl )-Two good game of hull were played here yester day. Alerna beat Broken How by the score of 1 to 1, and Ansley heat. .Ravi-nu by the score of 1 to 0. St. Paul Don Two Men. ST. PAl'U Minn.. Aug. 21. Mansfr-r Ki! Iiy of the St. Paul Base Ball team to day announced the purcrasu cf Pitcher Dunbar and Third Basemen MeAuley from the Wausau team of tlie Wisconsin league and First Baseman Casey of the La Crosne team. Conrad to Hat Field Day. IOWA FALLS, Ia.. Aug. ll.-(Sneclal ) There Is at least one town In this part of the state that has made Its annual field meet such a success that It grows bigger every year and each recurring meet brings bigger crowds to wltns the (port provided rjy tne management. I ins ai.nual event Is held at Conrad every summer, and the date this- year Is August 27. Big purses have been hung up tor the base ball features which will Include games by the teams from Grundy Center, l-aurc-1, Llscomb and Union. A wrestling match has been ar ranged between Calkins of Spirit Lake and Billings of Omaha, for a big purse. Balloon ascensions, minor sporting events and other amusements are Included In the program Venetian Hall the lit, - The sun at noon Friday wa a welcomj sight to the ccmmlttee in charge of ar raiigemcnta for the Vnetlaf carnival at tlie Omaha Rod and Gun club grounds Fri day night. For a time It looked a though the weather man wouta tans a nana, nut he backed down on hi position and very- thing seemed lovely. The commute hat completed all plans and th boats have. been decorated ana in ugnis pung out nnd all is in readiness for ' the beaut ful festival. The cottager on the Vest (Id of the lake will Join In the fun to the ex tent of Illuminating their cottage that the lake may appear a bright, .aa possiDic. to those who are visitors. ... THE ON CIGARS Saturday Is th) laat day of the Big Annual Special Cigar Sale. Stock up now. A few of them. , 10c Teller ; .'. ..;... tve 12.60 per pot of. 80. 10c Preferenrla. r.-. .Se ta. 50 per boa of tl 10c Crown Special , .....Be $2.50 per box of 60 10c Palmer House. .. .'. ..'..;.. . '.6c $2.60 per box of 50 ' ' ' 10c Preco (Imported) ........... .5c $2.60 per box of 60 10c Commercial Boquet.,. .6c $2.50 per-box of 50 ' 15e Principe De Galea 10c Any 10c cigar,. 3 for 26c; All 10a cigars. $3.60 per bo of 60; all S fof l2lc cigars $3.00 per box of SO. ' BEATON DRUG CO. . .. lflTH A.M) FAilNAM STS. Pllrker llaas-rnsaa ioea ta Cob. TOPEKA. Ka".. Aug 2L M.mugrr Pick Cooley uX lb Tunel. IUa 1L.1I t.-arn i,f All Keetal DsasM trstd lipna petltt ur4. A mild trsstmsii't. Wlthirit th ut CURED WITHOUT TMI KNIFE. g-l.rr.ntst. No moner ta be naltf till m r ..I . ,.i.. i. , . . ... i Mnut.&,lM. t . . a, .....m. Uluh ie..,& MO-uat lor Pre geek on Reels! Biese wltn Tttrwenal. PILES DH. U. R. TARRY. 224 Uee Dullding, Omaha. Neb.