Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Continued Selling Pressure of Last
Serenl Dtfi Causes Slump.
(Mm lower .ad with Rala
and rtrorikl Weather Gen
eral Llaaldatlaa r.ree
Market Dtwi.
Wheat and com take a very notieeabl.
lump, dua to the continued selling pr
eure which ha been n for several day
pan. Cables cam mm lower again to
day and heavy s-lllnn- at the utirt owing
to th raina and very fsvorsble weather
an4 proo condition, generally ovr th
spring whut anl corn belt. Liquidation
i general and prtcca were, .old down
much tower.
Wheat opened steady, but anan weakened
on aelilng induced hv lowar ctblt and re
ported favorable weather throughout the
spring wheat country. Liquidation con
tinued during the aetaton and valuea were
old considerably lowr at the cloae. 8ep-tcril-er
tvheat opened at c and closed
at Vtr.
Corn opened steady and valuea held
their own (n face of lower outside market
and a lower lash market.
Demand waa only moderate and little
Interest developed, with the selling fide
the moat favored.
Seotentber corn opened at 73c and cloaed
at 7oc.
Primary wheat receipts were V.OA,Ono
bushels and shlpmenrs were J Ooft bushels,
agsinst receipts last vr of 1 uM.nD bushels
s"d shipment of 446.000 buahela.
Corn receipts were 19.40 bushels and
hlnmrt were 5"1 o0 bushels, agalnat re
i tpts last vear of .'iSS.'WO buahela and ship-me-ita
of M4.W bushels.
Clearances were l.oofi bushels of corn.
on of oats, and wheat and flour equal
to 634. 100 bushels.
Liverpool closed 4 lower on wheat and
unchanged on corn
Local range of options:
Articles.! Open. HJgh. Low Close.! Bafy.
Wheat I
6epV t,
Oata "
May... j
t3 !.
73 I 71
usnaaja Caaai Prla.
WH EAT Ko. i hard, SMysTV; No. 3 hard.
Vt:; No. 4 hard. 8c; No. 3 spring,
.ORN No. I flV; No. 3. 71c; No. 4.
-C7'te;. No. 3 yellaw. -tgnc.
OAT&-XO. 3 mixed. 44S.fie: No. 3 yel
low, 464c-, N a 3 white, 46c; No. 4 white,
RTE-N9. 3. T467c; No. 3. 72C73C.
' C - Carlo; Rswelaita.
. - , - e Wheat Corn. Oata.
Chicago 177 38 liiS
Mlnneaoolla 1M
Cmha , - SS 34
uuiuth ;
real area et-ti TraeUac aag Xlaslag
. feieea aa Bosird ef Trade
. CHICAOO. Aug. 17. Expectation of an
early movement of new wheat in the torth
weei was the chief reason for free selling
of wheat today on the local exchange, wlilen.
resulted in declines of nearly 3c In all de
liveries. At the cloaa the September option
wa down lHOlsec. . Corn waa -c luwer
UlU were sao higher. Provisions were
unchanged to ;v lower.
1 With favorable weather for harveetir.
this belief that the northweatern movement
will be heavy 400 a strong hold on many
wheat traders on the local exchange and
mey early took roflta or aold for short
accoitnt. The offerings were too much (or
. a market without any great amount. of out
etaa speculative support and conseouer.tly
a decidedly heavier feeling prevailed from
Mart ta flnlah-. At the low point prleee were
iMom below the best marks for the
oay. MH.ln demand was moderate, wnn
' ofiertnts in the southwest ample. Extreme
weakness or the Minneapolis and uuiutn
- markets, whlelv apparently confirmed the
. gjjd. fip reports., gave additiorjsl npetus
tj tiie declining tendency here. There waa
a moderate rallying from the low point, but
tne cloaa was weak. September opened 3
lower to a aiiada higher at r4!S'c.
ueclined to Wc and closed at c. Pri
mary receipts were l.OM.i") bl., compared
stllh 10M.O bu. on the same day a year
aga. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago re
putted receipts of 3S2 cars, agalnat 462 cars
" .est week and MO cars or year ago.
' Ideal weather generalry for corn cauaed
free selling of that cereal at the start and
reaulued in a new decline. Tne slump in
wneat a!ao Inspired some selling, but a
number of damaae reports from central and
. soutr.ern IiliMls and from Missouri tended
U offset ihie Influence. The close was
weak. 8eptemter . opened V-' to Vac
lower at 7'4b'75V: to 7SHc sold betwn 76
to-TA'tjc and ,&vi and cloaed at 76ac. Local
ie.eipts were cars, wtth ninety-four cars
of contract grade.
Oats opened easy, in sympathy with wheai
and cota. but later tne market rallied on
a good shipping demand and on reports
that farmers are, stacking their oats rather
than selling at "prevailing prtcea. Oata at
the eampltng table were &-sjc higher. The
i u o7ir...r at iAdiae advanced to ;
h5j..ij;r.V tlLZfl "SStVZ
market etoeed firm. Heptemoer ipenea u
4ic and closed at krSc
were im car. -
Provialons were firm early In the day
but. waakaced. owing to tne break In corn
and wheat At the close September pork
was tmchar-ged at 3l6.0;v. lird was 2c
lower, at .isj. . Ribs were 6r7iic lower at
Kaimated receipts for tomorrow are;
Wheat. M cars: corn. 2M cars, oata, 31
cars: hog. ll.i0 head.
i i.e leacing futures ranged aa follows:
Attlcles.1 Open. I High. I Low. ! Close. I Sat y
h LUX.
, 'Corn. .
1' e.
1 Dt.
; i
Sl; SlSfSlf93'
Ji PlS'fi Mrs
97V, ;,
tC.4 ;
1 I
i l
7SS 75t?75'B
3V, o3b
st. ..
HH 73s,f a
T2S vin (i 7b
8fpt. l
4W -
li 17 15 3sj. 16 03 ; li "71 15 nTV,
16 36 , 1 Is 3. V 15 17Vi 16 22 16 iJ
IS IS 1116 ,lfl0 1"2, 14 0.U.
rt,t 35 ,
46 , 46 1
9 li 1 3 174,
I !
3 31 1 3 SI
9 I7Sj S !7H
9 37s 3s
9 W I 9 hi ,
9 r
9 17,
3 75
3 1
, s FAS' o W-SJ e " T "
f 3 II) I 9 174 3 7V; 3 07V 3 10
3 KSi K1
8 66
3 37V,,
Na,"f 0ld. k.Vew. :.
Caah enotationa were a follfewe.
FIXiCK-Steady: winter patents. 34.1ft
41: stra:hta. 3S-iJt4 9i: spring patents.
k6isSi.:ii; Bira.ghts, t4.Ui4r6.3U, bakers. 32.70
vTrlEAT-No. 3 spring. 31,C1.14); No. t
XV.y . .
1 1 1 Td k . , v.-. .1.1,. 4 .14-
1 4 . -t -i"v , . win,,, . ' 14 .
No. 3 white. 4aajsic.
RTE No . Tdc
BAHLETFair to choice malting, Mi4ic.
SKED-Flax No. 1 northwestern. 31
PROVISIONS Short . rlba. Bide il.Hsel.
31tUS43aB7v, Pork. mess, per bbl.. 3'.6.t'6'5
14 W. Uard. per ho Ina . 39.26. Short clear
ides iboxedt. 3 67,q.i24
Receipt and ehlpments of Tour and grain
were aa follows: a. Shipment..
JS 4t 4- nra,
233 222 "
34) . 42. Aim
34 .. 1.S6 "al
!'' I.'aju
10.tal . ...
Flour, bbl.
Wheat, bu
t orn. bu..
Oata. bu...
Re. bu
arley. bu
On the Produce exchange tndav ih hut -
fer market, waa ateadv; creameries. llrjrHe.
dairiea. 17Jie. Egga. steady; st mark.
caaea Included. lesjlSs: firsts lie; pnme
first.. k Cheese, firm. liSffT"1
St. Geaeral Market
444. , ,m-ic xa a., ,4, 1? VL' 111.- 1 T I
O 1 . LUl. 1.. !-. 44. '
Lower: track: No. 3 red cash. 93Mr6o; No
: t,r,,?o; S"ptCmb"'- -,C; tJV
iirlr BsV- . . . ...
CORN-l-oer; iraca .?.-T
77c: 210. wsuie. i.4j .Bc, or.o.. .
recef-. . , . . , . v
V'---' ,.' ..
K 1 f- Lrui' : aw.
);B-pTitntby. ateadv. 33 ea)AB
CORNMEAL Steady; 3.b9- -siRAN
Lower; sacked, eaat track. 31 0!
1 it -
HAT-Lower: timothy, lTOttU.00: praiHe.
s: A av a
wtVP TWINE-7c.
4T1.0L R Steady ; red winter patents. t z&
4 J. extra fsnry and IV 9T-GM. ,
ies. U ISai
PROVI.afONS-rork. steadv; Jobbing,
t -a . I-ard. higher, prime stesrr. 3 d
9 IS. Dry aalt meats, steady; bo-d. extra
short, 39 Yi; clear r bs. 30 5o. short clesrs.
"A baron. 'aly; honed. extra short.
3;137V ciear r.fc. l'.1.n"N, short clears.
P O I'l.TH Y Lower: chickens. Hc;
springs. I2v; turkeys. 14c; ducks. rStgtiy,
goee 6c.
Bl'TTER Steady : creamers- 17422c.
LGGB Higher; 15r. case count.
rieceipta onipm-nie.
Is.floa in (no
1 flos . . . ftn
Flour. brl
Wheat, bu
orn. b i ,
Oats, bu
; 03 . m 27.COI) I
l&.gnA to.1")
OMAHA. Aug. IT. 190S.
W'thln the last wepty-fonr noura .(towers
occurred throughout the eouthwen and were
scaMoped over the central valleys. Thun
derstorms prevailed In the lake region thle
morning, and fairly good raina are general
from the lakes eaat to the Atlantic coaat.
The preeaure is high over the upper Mis
souri valley and northwest, with lower
temperatures, and the weather will ht
slightly cooler In this v ictnity tonight, witn
probably fair tonight and Tuesday.
Omaha record of temperature anil preeip.
Itatton compared with the corresponding
day of the last three years:
130. 137. . y
Minimum temperature 71 75
Precipitation Oft .00 on . S4
Normal temperature for today. 78 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation since March 1
.11 of an Inch.
Deficiency corresponding period In ?977.
i t) Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1W.
1.1 Inches.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Cars, aad W beat Retrlo Ballarftw.
For the twenty-four iiotrra ending at S
m . 75th meridian time. Monday, August
Temp Fain
Statione. Max. M1n. fall Sky.
Ashland. Neh M . Cloudy
Auburn. Neb S3 .07 oudy
Brok n B w. Neb. Ml .m Cloudy
ColurnbiiS. Neb... U .00 Cloudy
Cuibertson. Neb.. 74 2 "0 Cloudy
Fa'.rbiirv. Neb....'M 73 Pi. cloudy
Fairmont. Neb... HI !S ."1 Cloudy
Or. Island. N'eb.. M Mi Cloudy
Hsrtlngton. Neb.. .on Pt. cloudy
Hastings. Neb ... is T Pt. cloudy
Hoidr-ge. Neb.... 03 4 . clear
Oskdale. Xeb.... Pt. cloudy
Orpaha Nei 91 71 .01 Cloudy
Tekamah. Neb.... M 3 Cloudv
Aita. Ia S7 wi on pt. cloudy
Carroll. Ia 1 2 .on Cloudv
Clannda. Ia M 73 Cloudv
Sibley. la.y. t f K Clear
Sioux City, !... i no Cloudy
tNot Included in averagea. received late.
MlntBsum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at la. m. v
No. of Temp. Rain,
Central. Stations. Max. Min. Inches.
Chlcsgo. Ill X
Columbue. 0 17
Des Moines. Ia 14
Ind anapolia. Ilnd. 12
Kansas City, Mo.. IA
Louisville. Ky 19 Minn. -
Omaha. Sob 1ft
St- Louis, Mo 11
4 70 .13
4 7 .0
73 .01
70 .01
4 70 .s)
H 04
D M ,H
9g 73 .00
Very warm weather prevailed throughout
the corn and wheat region Sunday. It la
much cooler In the western portion this
morning. Showers occurred In all except
the Si. Louis and Louisville districts.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
4ayatleaa of the Day mm Yarlams
NEW YORK. Aug. 17.-F1XIUR Reeeio.a.
16.000 bbls. : exports, lt.ODO bbls.; aales, i sOO
bbla. Market quien and barely a.esdy, Min
nesota patents, $5 4ffW 7: winter" stralgnts, Minnesota bakers, 34 106-4.t0; win
ter extras. 33.4O03.tV: winter patents, tl.totff
4.75; winter low grades, 3 3J.tW. Rja floor,
steady; fair to good, t4.156-t.ov; cnoica to
fancy, 34.45'4.8i.
CORNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel
low, J1.7il.75r coarse, 31 sol. 70: kiln dried,
34.50. '
RTE Steaoy: No. S w4ntorn, ee, nominal;
f. o. b. New York.
WHEAT Receipt's. 120.500 bu. : extorts.
2M.70 bu, sales. 2.000.000 bu.. future; 4e.i
bu.. apot. Spot, easy; No. 2 red. Kffwi,o.
elevator; No. i red. StfTsc f. o. o.; afloat;
No. 1 norhern. Duluth. 31.SSV f. o. b..
orioatt fOi .t hard winter, ji.iu'-. r. o'b
afloat. Heavy- unloalinsr occurred In wheat
today and prlcea dropped to tne iewest
point since the government report, due to
proepocte for an early, and large move
ment of new spring srheat. The cloe here
was IV&lc below Saturday. September
cloaed at 31.'H; December closed at el.ulX;
May closed at Jl.'HS-
CORN Receipts. 4.300 hu.; exports, U.i)
bu. r sales. 25.0W rm. Spor -market easy;
No. 2, Sic, nominal, elevator, and tSHo.
nominal, f. o. b.. afloat. Option market
waa quiet and easier hit reports of rain
and with wheat dosing SflSc rtt lower.
September. 8&mSs5Se. closed at SoV: De
cember closed at Wric: May cioeed at
OATS Receipts. 1SS.O0O bu. Spot market
easy: mixed. : to 32 pounds, ale; natunl.
3ri to 31 pounds. 62fii4c; clipped white, 3.
to 4" pounds. 63t7e.
FKED Firm. middlings, U7.10; city.
HAY Steady; shipping. eStyTOc; good to
choice. stwiSOr.
HIDES Quiet; Bogota. ytJ41c; central
American. 3'tc.
LEATHER steady: acid. 24H4S-TSC.
PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family. 31A7S
C1T 60; mess, f.tltu.s0: beef hama.
ao: packed. SlloU.00: city eatra me...
324.i'i6.'10. Cut meats, sready: pickled bel
lies. Vt,11o. l,ard. firm at Bovo": re
fined, steady: continent. ta). south
American. 3W S5; compound. TatJc. Perk,
steaov; tamilv. !.cioiB.!: snort elearav
317.6t4Tl 50: rneea. ir.Ofjt7.2S
TALLOW wuiet: city (32C per packsgei,
3 7-ltc; country tpackuges freei
RICE; timet; domes-tie. fair to extra,
J. p To, Japanese, nominal.
Pcjl'LTR Y Dreaafcd. eaay; western .prlng
chickens '2Hjle; fowls. SsfUirC.
BrTTER-F"rm: creamery apeclala. ZSW;
extras. 23c: thirds to firsts. l&g2S; state
dairy, common to firsts. lfc&21c; process,
common to special. 15e214o; western fac
tory, firsts. lSVaiSo; western Imitation
cresmerr. firsts. lJVc.
CHEE3E-Ftrm; state full cream, spe
cikle I'ValSViv rmall. colored or white
I fancy. 12c; large, colored or wnite. tancy.
I liHc: good to prime. HtdlHc. common, V
i '110se; sk'ms. 3ftHo.
I EtlGS Firm: state. Pennsylvania and
4AS 4t4( 4o7j7 4o nearhv fancy, selected, white. Tif2&e: fair
4s 443TH47i teSjt i choice. 22iIsV: brown and mixed fancy.
4&S1 ts1 4S 's ! 24c: aood to choice. 21v23c; western firsts.
lhSjlSW: seconds. lTSlar.
j Kaa-as City (irala tad Provlalaaa.
' Changed to lc lower;' tw-ptatnber. Sc: De- j
1 cemtvr ir: May. 2Sc: cash. No. 3
: hard. ts59ic; No. 3 hard. Sb4j94c; No. 3 red. !
9oi7c: No. 3 red. 944Sc.
CORN lfiSc lomer; September. So7: De- j
' cember. joc: May, S7Sc; caah. No. li
i mixed. TOsytTlc; No. 3 mixed. 7045; No. I j
white. 75c; No. 3 white. TliO'lHc.
RTF-Ax. - -
43ATS Vk'SIc lowet; No. 1 white, 4tJVt4j
47Hc: No. 2 mixed. 46SS-44TSC.
HAT Firm ; choice timothy, 39 SOejIO.g";
ehens prairie. 37 10.
rAJ4j8 Firm: fresh extras. JTc; cur.-cnt
j "cn. !
i Wheat, bu...
Receipts. Shipments.
42V 2f
30.(100 34. (an)
a.onn 3. out)
4 orn. ou-.
Oats. bu..
Option, at Wanaaa City:
Open. I High. I Low. Close.
Wheat I
September ...I
Ut lember
Corn I
December .. . .1
St I
Mlaaeaatsilla Uratat Market.
1 September Viot leceonber. 97c; No. 1
1 hard. 3126912. No. 1 northern. 3122
1 23; No. 2 northern. 31-194)1.20; N.
' 3 northern. 31 13 0 1 1
PRAN In bulk. 313 600 20.00.
! FLOVR Dull: first patents. 3169
'4126. aecond patenta. 34 0001; first
I clears. 34 2642( 4 46, second clears, l.u
3 4i
, , Liveraal bralai Market.
:uAilet. Nos red etrn winter. 7S1
I No. 1 C.iif.irnia. T. MAa Futures, ouiet
, B,,,,a-,, i..,.k., , 4-4
I CORN-Spol. firsnj- AsMncan mlAed,
Quiet: Hepteer,. M.
I D.laMfc iral Market.
portern. 3117 bid; No. 3 northern. 31 12
bid. Nix 1 northern, new. 4104 V: Meiv-
.tetr.ber. 99c aked. Lecmber. 9lc bid
ElfftB Batter Market.
I ELGIN. I!!.. Aug 17 tSCTTEF
.Firm at 2i4ij X-r. Vht rfk. 64. 7ue
J pounds.
Prices Rise and Tail Alternately
Withia Narrow Sang.
Aaaaal Resvarts mt Harrttaaa Lla
Make shawlng Market
Beeosaea Straag a ad Claae
Highest af Day.
NEW TORK. Aug. 17-Irrgularit aa
the moat conspicuous featur of today a
stock market. Prices rose and fell alter
nately, mostly within narrow range, al
though some of lha more active Issues reg
istered substantial gains at the opening.
The trading bore evidence of bear pressure
and tnerai prnfeseionalism. although close
observers expreseed the opinion that stocka
are gradually passing Into stronger hands.
This belief appears to be based iargly on
the operations of certain prominent banking
and brokerage house, as well as on the
continued ease of money, further prospects
of good crops and advices from the
railroad centers, which almost uniformly
report indications of awakening business.
At the moment, however, rt csnnot be said
that traffic Is more than holding its own.
but the trunk llns sre well supplied with
cars and are making ready for ihe proa
pectlve Improvement.
yuite the most important development of
the day In railroad circles was tne publi
cstion of the snnual reports of the Harrl
maa lines for the fiscal year. In both In
stances the falllna off was la-rely due to
Increased taxee, that item in the nion Pa- I
ciftc statement being 17.o per cent greater
than In 19f-07. and Southern Pacific S6 06
per cent greater. Both lines show material
Jains In net earnings for the month of
une. The pessimistic utterances of the
Rock Island- Frisco svstem. dealing with
general conditions. In which the statement
was made that tonnO men are out of em
ployment, excited some interest, hut did not
have a serious effect. The receivership pro
ceedings against the Pennsylvania Coal and
Coke company served to call attention to
the soft coal situation, but waa otherwise
ignored. As a whole, the coalers held com
paratively firm, thoiiarh Readlhg was fre
quently subjected to ptf-'seure. Smelting led
the industrial stocks. msKlnar s snarp re
covery from Saturday's close, and the cop
pers moved in svmpathy despite anoiurr
cut In the price of the metal. The declara
tion of a- M dividend, presumably ' for the
quarter, thougn not so stated, by the Stanu
ard Oil company of New Jerser. In place
of a previous disbursement of 39. waa the
only noteworthy feature of the Outside mil-
ket. The eagarlea of a well known market
manipulator from New England caused
some uneaainesa In conservative quarters,
but elsewhere they were the subject of
good-natured ridicule. Much the greater
part of the day a business was done in ine
early session, trading becoming restricted
In the afternoon, whiie the list developed a
heaw undertone. In the last half, however,
under the lead of St. Paul. Smelting and
Reading, the market grew strong and the
closing was active at the day's best prices.
Trading for European account waa nom
inal.. Our securities held well In London,
with a sharp advance for Canadian Pacific
on the crop news. The London market was
absolutely unaffected bv the reported 3o't.
UU0.00O loan to insure British naval suprem
acy. Indeed, the only Interesting news from
abroad waa contained In the semi-annual
statements of the British banks, which
failed to show the expected Increase of re
serves. The most noteworthy feature of
these exhibits was the heavy Increase In
deposits, which was attributed to dull trade
conditions. The local money market ruled
steady and dull, with no chaiige in the rates
for time accommodations and a very light
demand for call loana at 1 per cent.
Government bonds were unchanged on
call. The general bond market waa easy.
Total salea. par value. 31.134.oon.
Number of sales and leading quotations
en stocks war as follows-
aatss. H'tm. low. Cloas.
Amal(amated Copper 44.40 77o 75S i:
Am. r. a r 's
Am. c a r pfd t in; in n;
Am. rotton Oil M 4S U", Ms
Am. H AL. pfd SH
Am. Ire ftecuHtiaa t.Xt .
Am. Unseed Oil 11 ,
Am. Uocomotlra 4. 44 MS '
Am. Locomotlee pfd v
Am. 8 A k :..v S t4 4H
Am. P. pfd o 17 107 1 vjv.
Am: Susar Refining x 134V, Ui ltS
Am. TobBcro pfd !la
Am. Woolen 400 ISA, 14S -4S
Anaconda Mining Co .4on 44s 4F, 4,
Atckisoa t7 tS'a mv,
Auauoa pfd . V4v,
Atlantic Co at Use V3 SI 'a s-,
Baltimore A Ohio ,' ra S "tK
Bat. A Ohio pfd H
Broaklrn Rapid Tr m Ms 0Jr
ranadlas Pacine toon 17! 170 171
Central Leather son zt- m
Cantral Iaihar pfd 5 7 ST ,
Central of Sew Jersey "
Chaaapoake A Ohio ;.nnn 4-S 41 4'.i,
Chlcaao Ut. W 4-w 44 SS 4t,
Chicago A S. W 41 loss S
r.. M A St. P . M.ino 14SS 143S 141s
C . C. c. A Pt. L too sS :S
Colorado F A I v Jl 3IS rs
Colorado A so i.onn ts BS li
Colo. A So. lat pfd 4i :s 42 4.4,
Colo A So 2d pfd 4v its v;i, "4
Consolidated baa "7 1't '-t j
Com Producti 4.... 4"o -ss ' 1
Delaware A Hudaon ....... 7oo 104 ls
Denrer A Rio Urande l : 1 -4
D. A R. a. pfd 4s
Diatillen' Becurittcs s 3' S
Kris lat pfd
Erie td pfd
General Eloctrw
Orar Sorthera pfd .
Ot. Northern Or ctia.
Illinois Central
Jnter bo rough Met
Int. Met pfd
International Faper ...
lot. Paper pfd
International Pump ...
lows Central
Kansas it r so
K. C. So. pfd
beulartlle g N
Meitcan C Mitral
Mian A S' loai
. St. P Al t. M. .
Mlaiourt Pacific
M.. K. A T
St.. K. A T pfd
National Lead
New Tork Central
N. T . O. W
Norfolk A w
North American
Northern Pacific
Pacific Mall
Pennsylvania -
Paopla's Gaa
P . c . c. A it. L..
Praaa.d Pe.l Car
Pullman Palace Car ..
Railwajr tael Spring
Aefmhlfo Steel
Bepuhltc Stool pfd
Rock Island Co
Nock laland Co pfd .
gt. L. A f F td pfd
t. Loula a W
it. U. . W p'd
Sloaa Sheffi.ld i A I
Souther Pactfle
So. Pacific pfd
So. Hallway
o. Railway pfd
Tennaaaa Copper
Tcaaa A Pacific
T . St. L. A W
T . St. L. A W. pfd...
Colo Pacific
T. s. Rubber ..
t . S Rubber 1st pfd .
t'. S. Sieot
f g. gtoel pfd
Ttoh ar
Vt. -Carolina Chemical
Va -4-sro. l b, pfd.
viaut pre
Weotinghouaw Klectnc
Woatarn I'Binn
7.7H) 34
St 147S !4J
137S 174
1.7.1S M,
W 1.T7
no lis
l.yie MS
"S I".
24 S
10 S7
J) 1t4J
S 1",
io ! :
4ns 114S 11 V'K
1 jno an -it j f
t.71 US t 1
:o 44 M cs
. 10. MO 44 44 4 vis
. T1.70O loS I'HS l'S
. :. 42S 41S 4:
17.4:44 144 14!S 14i4,
10 34S 7S -4S
. 17.1' l.'4S riS U'
la) fc-S si's SS
... 71
Jcji 34 S.1S .4
5 44S 4JS -K
LS1.4fO "4S IM't I S
i ri r?s m 7i
tne 7? 7 ;s
J.Mt 17S ' I'S MS
1.1) .Si -T
ira rr s
5.lVO KS 4S lVa
4w 1S l 1
l.KW S "s AS
oa y ;4S
7KI 2S 24 J
inn sT 7 SaA,
17 KO lf 154S 1I4,
yvi 34 us -.4
7St 4T.S 44 S 4S
1. 11X1 10 loai, las
9..K 4IS 4S 14,
4O0 1S 2s 2'
fa 05 lOS 144
in !7S US I-'S
ir ST 74
1 4.11 af's 4s
. 41 .
to. 24 s :sl -:
Whsrllng A U C
Wiaronain Cantral ...
Total aala tor th day. 441 tharea
Laadoa Closiag Staeka.
I4ONOOV. Aug. 17. Closing tjuotations on
stocks wera:
raasola. money S . K AT
do account -
idt-SS V Central.
. 7
do ofd
SJaltinaar A Oat. .
Cauadiaa Pacific ..
Chaa. A Ohio
Cau-aaw Gt W ....
r .. M A St. P
Db Baer
D A R 0
d pfd
49 Is- pfd
do 74 pi
frBd Tmah
Ill.aota Contra! . . . .
4l Sorfoik A
Htm do pfd . .
J7 Ontario a W
34 Poanerlvania
ViVj Raad MinB .
. :'.
if Roadlng
So. Railway ....
l4aS do p(4
1 1 1 Southern Pacific
r?S I nto Pacific . . .
US da pfd
f S Stael
do !d
.3 Wabaas
la' da p:d
:t Kpaaua 4a
119 AM, Cnpoer .. .
Loutinllo A N
81! ATI-Bar. steady. Jt 11-lod per ounce.
mo.n r.T Sfl Per cent.
The rate nf discount in the open market
1 for short bills Is IS per cent: for three
i mont' s' hills. 1 7-llSi per cent.
si.w 1 srk Ml.lag Stocka.
NEW YORK. Aug. 17 Closing nuoiltions
en mining s:ot ka
Aucb SM BLBodeill Con 4
RreBCO 4 stu,, faiaf . ... 4
Bruaawicfc Coa 1 Maiicaa . . '.0
t'.ia. Tunnel atark. . . 3' tiniar o ..'i
4'oaa TubboI Boat. It Oeair
Cos. Cai A Vs. K Sniall Hopaa ...... . it
Nora guaar afl StaaMUrd r'
Icoa iilaor 1 Yailse Jaiket au
Trruary Sl.teaaeat.
WAiSHINGTON. Aua 17 Tndav'a
atatstr.nt of the treasury baianie in
th (envral fund. fc,uiU4 of the 160, -
son unit add reeerve shows AvSTiMa
raeh balances Sl0S4 4s. goid run and
bullion m.,54SO, gold certificates.
S33 " s.
sjew rk Moaey Market.
CANTILF, PAFF.R-.lt4 per cent.
actual bualnesa in bunkers bl'is t Sti I
mVd"' co..'buiM Mv,v"r d' !
1 1 j r. rv rr. ei . .uexican no'iars. c
BONDS Government, steady; rai.roaO,
HuNKT-On tall, essy; IfclS per cent,
ruling rat". 1 per cent, last iosn. l' per
cent, c'osing b'd. 1 per cent . offered at 1
per cent. Time loans, steadv stvl dull;
sixty days. 3 per rent; ninety days, lt per
cent; stx memhs i'-d per cen
Closing quotations on bones were at
O. f ref. . r .. !HS Ho vl . lit'.
4o csvpen
V 8. U. r
So rausos
V t. . rf..i...
do rouroa
An. Tbsc-o 4
:chlann ges. 4s..
do dl
.lolx lnt Me). m
Ttssj L a . uni 4s
!Sr, Vin. r t i.
Ui It lit mr . .17 si t, (, . .
t1. m . k t. 4 ... t
. s R M ''' !
4o cr. 4s
4o cr ha
ttlsntlr c L. 4s
Bl. t Ohio t. .
so I'll
R T ' 4 .
Cent-sl of Qe. 5s .-
to in lac
: lac
o it tec
Chea A Otilo 4m
klraao A A. ..
'".Bag n. a. .
c. n. i. a p. 4s
do rol 5
to rfns 4
crc. L. 4s
Colo Ini ts
.i-s, -n. j a. ss
'J No Plrlflc 41
do :
, M'l S. W r 4S .
nn l -ia 4 .
tT rm rv. 3'-n !I1V
r "i 0o f-oS. 4
54 KMOInt sen
.-'- k e.. .f r.b
St L. A I. vt f.
St. L A a r. fa
4H II L I. t 4 .
toSl stvnpi A. L. 4S. .
. 4 io Pirirlc 4n
a1 do lat 4s
W-v o IU!ir So . .
t TeTt a P ! t
' S T . St t.. W 41
! n nion Pscc 4t
e1 v do ct 4
-' f S Stoel M is....
" Watom i
r Wnfem S44. 4s
w l. 1 4s .
''S Wit i.ntral i . ..
. 4
" ,
' -?
Colo V'd 4
roio. So 4s
Pel. h
m n. o
Erie s. I.
.-, I
00 sen
Japan 4a
do 4 , .
do 2ii nf'.m ... .
Bid. Olferea.
atott Storka aad Bends.
BOSTON. Aug. 17.-M-ney, call loans. 2"d ,
3 per cent: time lo4ns. .'tH'i Pr cent, i
Closing quotations ou stocks and bonds
Atrtiiaon sd).
9 Allouej
do 4a
Ati-htaon g. R
do prd
Boatnn A Alhssr
Boston a Mstna...
Boston Eievafod . .
Ftfrnbum D'd ... .
N. T . N HAH
t'sion Pacific
A IB. Arse. t'aem.
do pta
Am. Pnen. Tube ..
Amar. Sjcar
do p'a .
An T A T
Am. fBiQ ..
do pld
Dominion I I
Edtaon Rler. III...
Genenl Klectrte ..
do p'd
Marie Ua
t'nlted Fruit
I tilted I. M
do pfd .
l". 8. Steel ....
do pfd
J'S Ama samaied
. . a,Manl:r
.. Bligliam
...'14 i al. a HatTla...
. ut
..MA topper Ranee .
. .12. Par WM ....
!41 f-a-ivilo
. ' !ta G-anhv
. 541 laie RoTsla ...
. - Ma-a Mlnins .
. . -1 4i ll'rn'.fan
. ..::7 ioiu c. g c.
..:AHoid rtonUB'on .
... -t' t-oia
... Parrot
, .. la (jiilni-v
, . IHi Shannon
... 1 Tajnarack
... 4 Tnnur
... 'i I n"4 Copper
...P4 V. . Mln'.ni .
... " V. S. Ull
. .. 2t-4 Itah
... 4i Vlirtorla
.. 1"j4 Winona
. .. i Wolranne
1 !" I
l"2 I
'- ;
"s !
. a
. t
. 431,
. 44
. i1
Foreign Klnanrlal.
LONDON'. Aug. 17 Money was plentiful
In the market todiav and discounts were
easier. Austria secured the bulk of the
326.6tn.ik In gold svailabl-. American se-
i unties had a steady forenoon, ruling well
above parity. Som? hesitation, with an
easier tendency, followed, but New York
buying In the afternoon recovered the In-
termedlate term or loss and finished
BERLIN, Aug. 17. Trading on the Bourse
today ass t rm on the advices from New
Tork. Prices were easier.
PARId. Aug. 17 Prices on the Bourse
today opened firm ajtd became steady
toward the close.
Staple and Faster Prsnleee.
BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. deilvaied ta
retail trade la csr'aoa. 23c; Vo. . In ;
lb. tuba. 22 Wc; No. 1. in 3-lb. tuba. 23o;
No. 3. In 0-ib. tuba. 2'ac; No. 7. tn 30
ib. tuba, 21c; No. 1 In 1-lb. cavrtosx 3lo
No. 1. In carload Iota. 314; No. 3. la car
load lota, 13 6 13 Vc; country, fancy, tuba,
11c; common, lie '
EGGS Fresh candled. 1 6c doann.
CHS Flfiast Wisconsin fuil creaoo.
twins. 14 hie; lounr American, . la hMi
15c, favorite. tn hoop. 16c. Daisy. 23
1. hiuin 1 A u.o- a-rMn tkt-tcu fn:l -
13oc; half case. 13ic; half dozen o ricks.
14c. No Quotations on 8wis nor Umctr.--
era until after October.
BEEF CUTS No- 1 rlba. 17c; No. 2 ribs,
11c; No. 3 rlt, 7c. No. 1 loin. 19S: No. 3
h in, 12Vc; No. 3 loin. c. No. 1 cnuck. 6lic;
No. 2 cnuck, 4ac; No. 3 chuck. 4v-. No. 1
round, 3Sj-; No. 3 rotjnd, tric; No. I round.
4c No. 1 plate, oc; No. i plate, 4c; No.
i plate, 3HC-
VEGETABLES Caiary. Mlchlraa. par
ioi. . 36c. Beans, new wax and atrlur. one
third bu. basnet, Sl.-X); navy, per bu.. Ni
' I 32.711; lima. eHo per lb. Cabbage, 2c pei
j lb. Potatoes, new. per bu.. Toma
! toea. per 4-basket crate. 90c Watermelons,
j t,45c. Camaiopes, California, K.iuH M
1 per crate. Asparagus. pr doz.. 40c. Cu
1 cumber. Der doz.. 0c. Onlona. Jjarmul
' SI. 60 per crate; Texaa yellow, ii.i par crate.
1 Mushrooms, cultivated, per lb.. aac Let
,rjta tuce. per do., J6c- Pepera. soutaern. 3;
I per crsue.
ti i FRESH FRUITS Art s. 32.;sJ3.9 per
usnei pox. umotiA -(teasi. oranges.
U.waa.X. Bananas. 4c V, 10. Pluma. li.M
1 9-baaaet crate. PeacOes. -Jadfornla. Urjjsgj
BUa, 441. W14B44IC, W , 44. 4. KU B,
ILov 4-bi.kt c.--. Blsvckbcrrte. . RaD-
i borrtaa. 34.t Cherrus, KMt. Curtanu. 3..UU.
liuOHOOl ricS Stt.Utl.
(i'JOAh-Coarsa gran lated. i.:oc; (In
granulated. .", ttubea, Autic, powdered.
S.JUC imt ib.
LIVki fOCLTnT Hena. Ui broliera,
17c; rooster, sc; capon, lie; duelta. SVc,
geese. o. turaey. Iwt: plgeoua, e iloacli,
quiie. 42 uu auger.
UHb.batu ruJ-TRT ajquat). 32
! dozen.
' DRIED FRU1T3 Raisins, loos. MuacstaL
Vc; tancy aeeded. 1-lb. carton. Inc. Cur.
j ran is. unreined, iAbc; cleaned. So: eau-ton,
9c per lb. Prunes, 4C4&.;c prf sack; 7"4e
I Der lb. Aorioot. 2a-lb. Boxes. Su rr ,k
! Peaches. California eoolce. 9c; fancy box-a
lie per lb. Peara. California, lie Da tea,
Persian. iSc. f igs, layers, choice. liAs.
Citron. l:4c. Leinon peeL lie. Oran.s
1 LF1SH Halibut. c: trout. 14c; picket el. 1 9c,
j pike. 13c; buliheada, skinned anu dreMeti.
I Ue; white percn. ', wnite baaa. 17c, bia,.g
, bass, Uc; cracp;es. lac. wnite nsn. lie; I
'red anapper. 14c; floundors. 12c; tnscaaraH,
. J.c: codiisn. frerh froxen. 13; sha! roe, 4c; '
srr.eits, 13c; frog Has. 4iC, are.n a lar.l I
1 goeat. 2uc: cat f las. Ms.
I p-IDEb s.ioi'.ona by J. S. Brrith & Co.:
j Green sglted, No. I, lcc; No. 2. He; bult
I hides. No. 1. e. No. I. 7c: aorse hides,
J 32.60; sheep pells. 2'c to 31 5o. dry pt-lis. !
I dry taiiun hides, -tie: drv salted hidesi. x.
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Aug 17. M ET A LS-There
II a very anarp deel ne In the London
i n market, wltli soot at 132 it and f
ture at 132 ir.s. Locallv the market was I
weak, with spot quoted a' 329 Oivti Js jc. j
CopLer was h alur i !tidoD. with siKt I
ouoted at 39 Kg d and futures at )
12s The linai maiket was ak. Low-
Til.. l,b4,i m-l4.t 4444 ,4.1,
ever, and a '-,aJe luster, with Lake ou led
at 313-6 w 13 oS'sj: le, trolyt'c at 6. 3 3; ltj 13 iw.
r.n.l tastii.g at 313 :."-iU.26. Lead was un
changed at 13 7s d in London. Locally
- "' or-1 .u,, mi a-a o. -sua o. nj4 i-
ttr wsa as lower in Loudon at ' 12s !.
Tie local mariirt was easv at 34 47a4.7!S-
Iron waa unchanged at 5o ttr Standa-d
ouuniy ano a si scje nigner at ;n 4wi ror
Cleveland warratua in the Ergllsli mitrkr;.
Locally no change mas rerKirted No. I
foupdrv northern. 3: rt 17.26. No. 2. 31VH
sojtnern. solt. 31o.5fl7.i5.
Evwperateal 4 pala aad Dried Fralts.
APPLES Market cntirues tojifl. Fatty
are uuott-d at lotii'iSc: ihjue gt Stj- :
nrlme at o',t7c; c.ouiinn i.j lair at ,S5
1'Rifc.D Fill ITJ-Prunes arc slow
n re-
, 1 pnndn.g to tlie reports of a a. 't' t-op
' tne cm;, wttn quoia.ions ra.igirtg ; 1 I
; 4c t 13- fur ( ijf.irim crop, and fro u 'tr 1
'H- 1 'r reira truii. .Apucnts arc t it
11 4iu.u. attit 1 non nunl'Ci at 53.)S; e
tra rooite. ?s0:,c fancy. 10 a lii . Peaches
are firm, witn choice uuoted at Sfissjc: v
tra choice Vft?1-!.- lancy. 9';47lOs'. ex'ia
fancy, lucjllc. Rt.a'r.t foutinue q net. wit.i
loose muanatel quoted at 4A.aoi4c; choice
to fancy seeded at Si7,c: add al 3tjic
and London layers at 31d0il r
tat tra Market.
VURK Aug 17 4-lTTN-8Dot
xloaed quiet: middling uplsnda. lOauc; m,d
mini guir. iu ,tvc saiea. ai naies
EdTUN. Aua. l7.-COTToN-8te 4v
ST IOCia. Aug 17. COTTON-Dull.
middling. 10S' 8a!s. none; re, eipts. nunc;
slii"o-tit iS baiee: stock. 11 750 bales
Bpoi. quiet and steady: low ordinary, fc'.-c
nominal : ordirary a o-!S,- nominal. goJd
ordinary. 7r : low mtddllnaj 9-: middlmx.
its-: good mldlllag. I.t 7-lc. mMdhna far.
1 10 16-14.-: fair. 11 9-.B,- non.i.oal. f-alc. 4I0
j bales. Kev'iias, 9ii bales, tt -ck, 36 4M bales
Large Ran cf Cattle, with Pri:ei j
Steady to Lower. !
Literal Rerelpta at beea) aad Laaaka,
bat T Maay let aaaly
rtemaad Prices Flfteea t
Dstrtrr Higher.
Receip's were C'tle Hoes theep
Estimate Mmaiv TJ t.h9
Psme dav last week 4.0.13
lerj I
: :
3 ;! i
7 .v I
no '
; Same dav 2 weeks sao.. 7 S7
; Same dav 3 weks .. S 7
, ?Hm day 4 weeks so.. .45J
Same day last year IC.CiO
The following tab!" shows tlie rce ptt of i
tor tne ear to ost. corooarea win ist
vear- r '"7. Inc. r'e ,
icattle xr we 7?.eia l'SSJ.
Hoo 1.764. Jf1 177 " tO .ioO
Sheep Sr:. 5T1.L0 S,.E4
The following table shows ts a erg
price of lioga at South Omaha fjr ih lai
several days, wtth lomrartfons:
Date. ! 1 1J17. :. 14. IKK. 13. 11
44V SH 'fl77?S
' -6S1 77 . :i i 7' S 0: 7 27
! 29 11 S k4 S tl, J 12. 7 14
I i i 4 i 07 T 15
I 79V 5 66, I M 5 m I 02 5 19
; t?1 5t S' 44 s 1 im
41 5 M I 5 M. 4 si 2i 7
Aug. 13 t 22 i 5 5 1 4 34 i l.i B .1..
Aug. 14. ..j 17 !6'4 5 4 $ ltH 4 .
Aug. 16 ... 5 72 S 4.1 S il i 01 li I
Au. ltt.,.1 H;4)l-:ti.;K " ',!!
' Aug. 17... I UH i 74. s 3C S S 4 93; 5 U
The official numbT of
crs of stock
hrn.i.hi ,n K .....
! "v
Cwttle.H-s Slieep.H'r s
C. M. St P ....
Cnlon Pacific
1 . N. W.. east..
, C. A N. XV.. west .
I C . St. p.. M. O
.. I
. . I
.. 3
.. !
1 C. B A u . easi
'.. R. (J . west
C.. R. t. A P.. east....
lllinoie Central
Chicago Gt. Western..
Total receipts .36
The disposition of th dav s receipts W4s
as folio, each buer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated;
Cattle. Hons 8hp.
omana racking Lo
3wlft and Company 1
Cudahy Packing Co 1
Armour A Co 1
Cudahy Pk g. Co.. Si. P .
fccnwartxchiid A Eulso g'r
V'ansant A Co
Carey A Benton
711 324
.77. 5. l. 1
.315 .443 2.'7 1
.441 352 1.102 :
314 3.0m
.12 2.461 iu.7t
! Uibman Rot lie hi Id
W. I. Stephen
Hill A 8041
F. P. Lewie
Hucton A Co...
I J. B. Root A Co
J. H. Bulla
L. P. Hun
McCreary A Carey
Sam Werthimcr...
j H. F. Hamiltor.
F. O Inghram.
Sullivan Brus..
Iehmer Bros...
Swift A P
uther buyers...
CATTLE Receipt, of catt a this morn-
Ing wera very large, j cars be.g reported
In. Over half of ail the receipts coaslsied
of cows and heifers, with quite a lib -rai
sprinkling of stockers and feeders. Tne
offerings of beef steers were not overly
large, but among the number on sale wet
some pretty fair killers, a con
siderable proportion of receipt, w re on
tn trashy order.
Aa might be expected with such largt
recelots in the morning was wrll ad.anc d
before the cattle were reaoy to ba snown
and before buyers were urepared to do
business. The feeder buyer W4ue the tlrst
I open the market ma villi libciai sup-
! Pl'" In sight their bids were generally.
i lower. While) some it ttia iv-at caUie
brought prions that were not very much
idiffeient from last week, the general m.r
j ket was around a dime lowvr, eKpcc-aily
1 the common 10 medium graaes. While tim
1 trade wad oy no means active, ,he most
of the desirable feeders changed handa by j
1 ac
nli: in ber steers as incunea to-
tvata dullness all the morning, although
lnere seemed lo be a pretty tair lnjU4ry
for good cattle. In fact tne dullness
Beemed to b- due more to the fact that
there tver.- so many cattle in that con
siderablt time waa spent In looking over
the otferinaa rather than a lack or ae-
man.l. Whu. ton trade was finally under
way the more desirable of the caale sold
uh prices WA-ak to 100 lower. u
Wyoming tattle sold up to T3.16. The fact
.hat Chicago a as quoted lower did nut
help conditions at this point.
Owing to the very large supply of cow
and heifers ouers took advantage to
pound the market ojuite severely. Prices
light from the outset were tully HsJUm;
.-" 1.4 .I,. ...M. ,. .lew even at the
ilne:'bu-.r. taking their Or,. In filling
UTU I 1 ., i , .
lor onie note u-,.4. - ' - ...... o------ .
. -.4 ...i n,. im-ki on that kind did not
, ow so much cr,s-"
.Quotations on came: oca ra i""ca
eom-fed sieers. W 2ia7 Ou; fair to g-od
corn-fed teers. 3o.4"ai5 common to fair
corn-fed meets. 34.25ea 40; g,x.d to choice
range steers. 4.,otia.ej: tair 10 a u ionr
steers. 4.ia;4J4..d; common 10 iir im,.,
steers. 33.jCii4. Jt); good to choice Cow. ana
l., -. a...; t.t.r u au.u uowa ih
tiif,.ra. 33.'4vn3.5ii; common to fair cows AntI
betters. 32.'s03.t': good to choice ;ock.r
and feeders. 34.2.r84.7.i; fair to good su;ct-
ers and feeders. W.6t4.i6. common lo lair
.tockers and feeders. 3U.'Jtija.j"; sl-Ck belf-
' ers. 12.-5.100.
i Keptcst ntatlve sale;:
' Niy
i n.
' 5
A. Pr. N.
. : 1 i i
. 57; : : .4 ....
. est : .1 i
li-J 2 7o
rtEIKr S.
. 74 " 41 S
. -..4 i;h i ...
. 7 5 ; .VI l ....
4-. ; n :4
. '4 J in
A' Pr
;.h t u
J .4
t i
Kjj 2 4.
. V
. 471 ! PS
. : i a)
. $o i
. :2. a ")
blOC ivLrtej :D FEEDERS.
t' 1 : i 4 : 9
454 : "f
14 3
7tx It'
42 40
! el
.lis! I n
i.; J ;i
i ohm : i-i ......
CI J se
11 toll
. SWi 2 76
. l'4u 3 1
. 2 2 9
1 DOS 3 10
i4 calves... :.0 4 1"
7u fei ders.. 7 3 .l
3 i.e fers... 40 2
19 oeifert .. 6f.' Z 06
14 ows f 0 1 74
: owa 77 2 9
i ta-ciers. . wJI 3 4o
is feeders. liiS 4 10
3 feeders. . V 3 t
2 con 3 to
13 ffo.Iers.. 3 "
14 calves ... I'.i 4 6.1
! cjIvhs... :9l 3 60
Ik feeders., fti.. 3 76
1 1 feeders . 644 3 y
;t feeders. . n-4 3 76
7 1 ows T.' S
.Va v. s .. Hit i ..)
'A rutl i;s 2 3i
11 feeder... tat 3 16
2 heifer. . 4-0 3 40
2 he fer... i.i 2 60
i . ' ,1..
hclf l s
'- ' 1 " '
6 I'.elrer.
:2 cow s. . .
4 t ows. . .
t . . 2
e2 3 1
! ' 6u
rt-g 3 '.'.I
: t' 3 .
w) 2 7 6
9 3 75
2i'3 H i--
re ucts.
. j r-
I 1 l.t ri
I iT rfV,dJ,V
' ' . ,
I . i i,,. . i ,
I ! :' ,, '"..5 -..
I ' ( .-."; I 1 A',
. 4 'oVs . .! t-'o 2 "
14 ht iftis. . 76 2 6"
1 i owa Kl" 2 '
2 t uilj 14m 2 t6
1 bull .'Ji 2 66
I i-clere.. : 3 ib
1 lie fer -u 3 1
.11,041 "it 2 6'.
i fed. II . t .it"
ie ders. . :t4 2 at
4 f.-i-uf in.. 3 i't
6 neif I.. -12 J -6
9 f. eiiera. . 7 , 2 xt
3 i d 1 a. . .! o fi
22 liciters.
I feeders
6 feeders
3 co s . .
af) 2 1 o
'.) 3 k)
(92 3 40
. 3 w
he fe, s
2. 1 ,
feeder,. u j tit
21 llclfel t .. Sit 2 SSI
:s ft filers.. 9 7 3 .6 2 feeders.. SjO 3 73
6 feeuera.. '' 1 si 4 feeders . ts7 2 9
11 f sfers.. 91: 4 ; .' 1ed rs. . S79 4 06
13 fe-ucis Ifi6i 4 9 feeuers.. u I IU
II. i Wcare-S. D.
1 s eers . .. 1 Los 4 4o 1 steer llio 4 40
2 steers.. . ICO 4 37 sieers. ...110 4 3u
11 su ets 4 33 1 steer l.Ju 4 3j
1 S.ecr !!! 46 1 Bieer. . .. L10 36
A K Mrllue Neb.
H cows 1"J. 1 '6 9 feeders. .1110 tut
t feccira ;: 3:6 1 bull itsu I 7o
J T. Snow A t o Wvn
L":'r" 7 " H steer... 4 29
luoo 3 4
I L. Herriik-Ner.
22 foMi rs.. ,:o 3 tl
Htsja Ke.-.iiHa cf .,i. aa usual
Monday, aer- eh'.remely light, only forty
cara !j-irg reported In. otner market
points wera alo po-irly supplied, with Ih.
reeult that mere wa. a general advance
all along the line. At int. DC 1.-11 t.ia in 44 rk at
advanced r416c and practically everything
in sight vnar.jjed tiand. n goud peaaoa
(( 3 cr
C!) PflnTinillflR
ts fiven to commercial account. " tne r iri
National Bank of Oruaha. Wo oxtcn-l to our i.t
rons every accommodation r.ivi facility con-i-trnt
with absolute security.
You will find that bavin . luvk with the
Kir?t National hkrnk is a tli-tinclive a-ivantae to
vou in busine?..
Thirteenth and Farnam Streets
Cpltal. 4.100,000; Surplun 4wl Profltm 407.VOOO.
(he morning The hogs told
M 4iVa 44. wltM a top at
largely a: I ,
. rjo
a. A. 1 r
TT M M 4tV
rt j s a
0 .... 11; t
4, . 1
14 l-' U 44
Ti tt e s .
14 1S3 4e
rr :4 t-e
TS 4S 4 4.,
: 31: 40 44
71 u '.so (
M .44 40 4 47 SJ
17 lot 11 llil
7 til ll 41a
7 2" 4-1 4 47',
41 n 40 4 4T,
44 ST . 4T
7t ?I4 44 4 4J1,
of sheep, though not
. 114
. its
40 4 W
; i
IP 13 4
7 ln r
:.-s n 4 '
1 as 4f
XI 1W 4 4S
.171 . IS
?n ie
lit :ss 4-141
.24 r at
i.4 . . I aa
1 o t u ,
ill to K
2i 4t-
I a.
wi -
li a
large ji .i week ago. were l'hernl The .
otiaittv waa verv i.n- rbere binar mite .
.. a liberal sprinkling of very desirable kill.-rn, I
-rercr?.-, sheep and .amb.
;.t openo car y and ti: iraac was verj' live.
so that the greater part' of the offerings
rhangrvt hands tn a short time In pl:a of
tne fact that early reports from Chicago ,
were all lower, the market here was lfi'a
jdc nigner man laat week, (jood lamoa sotii
up to 3S.2&. with choice yearlinga at 34.76
and very good yearlings a. high a. 34.40.
Old whetliers .old at and right around 34.W
All In all. It was a very satisfactory mar
ket aa viewed from a seller's standpoint.
The rupply of feeding sheep and lambs
waa miKlerate. ah lie the demand was very
Rood. Thua It happened that everything
In sight changed hands early in the morn
ing at prices that were a little hlaher than
last week. Feeders paid as high as 36. 4u
for good .ambs. The only drawback to the
market was that receipts were not large
tnough to satisfy buyers.
Quotations on ran a or grass sheen and
lambs: Good to choice lambs. 3.ts'iiA26;
fair to good lambs. S5.60feti.d0: feeding
lambs. 34.T6a6 4o; good to choice light year
ling.. 34.404j4.7I; good to ctolce heavy year
linga. 34.liaj4.40; feeding yearlinga. U.0S
4.26: trood to choice wethers. fair
to good wethera. 33.CtsT3.36: feeding wethers.
HVrtjJTS; (rood to choice ewea. 33.rXi)4.00;
fair to good ewes. 33.2fcfi.0; feeding ewes.
iJ&43J-(0. culls and bucks. 32.0ti3.0Q.
Representstrv sales:
A v. Pr.
. k m
.94 3 30
.101) 4 40
6 S
82 4 40
4K (OA
74 3 76
34 3 m
69 6 6A
4 i 40
. 62 6 3t
So 4 76
1 ! KJ
106 4 Oft
73 f
7 1 Oft
49 i 30
I 14$ Wyoming ewea, feeders...
31 Wyoming ewe.
' i'3 Nevada yearlings
; 140 Idaho lambs, feeders
, Idaho yearlinga
1 I" lilaho la nabs
3 Idaho veariinara. cull.
13 Idaho ewea
113 Wyoming iambs
77 Wyoming feeder.
64 Wyoming lambs, feeders..
104 VVvomlng lambs, feeder...
! 127- Wyoming ewes, feeders
, 1:1 Wyoming wethers
is Wyoming ewes, culls..
11 Wyoming ewe, culls
IS4 weste rn lambs, feeder.
( ,,
Lonrer Haars Hlghe
Steady tat StrAag.
CHICAGO. Aug. 17 CATTLE- Receipt.,
estimated. TS.flOft. Market, lift'" lower:
a e- s. 34.7rj7.W: cows. & l.elf, rs
33 fmtiiLM: bulls. 32.7S47o.t4: calves. Jtj.tK.
7.6": stockers and feed-rs. 32Wdr4.UO.
l-li'M.A RereirttB. eertm.led .M.
Market. lfl h gher: Choice hesvy snip-
ping, ;oia.i7iMp.- oufcners. n.sxiest: nan 1
niived K im ' rhnir, 1 ,h. tj. T4i i Sil
park nr. !.,: pijs. 34.4-aCji.; bulk of
; aales. ttViOiofi...
8HFEP AND LAM RS Receipts esti
mated. 2?.rt head Market, steadv to
stiong. Sreeo. 33.Afri$4.26: lambs. 34.76414:
yearling. 34. 06. to.
Kaaaae rtty Lire Utock Market.
ceipis. loin head, including lota s-Hitherr.s: I
market steady t., strong: choice .i.ti
1 ,nj 4.u4 K t,.
. hk, , 7,
I - --- . V4v , 4..i-l. -r. lu.l l I
. ..n,.ov, wuuinern CO wo. - . CI
T .1 .-. ratlva coo. ti e n,i.-. u . c-T Duns. j72.4,.g3.j); c.tlvs, 13. 0 i
s jj.
HfXIS Receipts. 4.74KI head: ma-ket 70-r
;,,. higher; top 3.86; bulk of sale. 3i.5tXi
ii. a . y. 3o.8fii.8": packer, and I-utt.-'ets
vi.stmn.ttt. light. 3.25i7n: p,a. 3-'. uji3.7'.
!t-tti.c AND
IAilBS Re eipts. 2i
t.esd; market 10c hialier: IitSh.
1 40: ewea and yearlings. 33-Kifi4 3; Tex -s
yearlings. 34.2644.;i: Texas nieep. )3.i
.tuckers and feeders. m.2iS54.tO.
, gt. Live Stock Market.
ST. LOI IS. Aua 17 -CATTLE-ne-eln s.
170f bead, including 4 luj Texans: markt
steaiy: native shipping and export se r.
It 7lnVr.nO: dressed beef and butthets stce s
! 3:.0u4io.f; steers under 1.00 lb.. 33.04jj.4u:
j stockers and feeders. 3?.50"o4 0 : cows aid
I heifers. 32.76Jft..V); csnneTS. tl 5ftj J.2S; b.l s.
lltyisjdiO: calves. 32.Stu.W: Tt xas am In
din sieers. j: ,35 26. tows and h ifei.
fit it Receipts. 2.iK hesd: market
i'c higher: pigs and lights. U.'WJ4.; p- k 2 northern. 31 4l l.l: Meptember. J14c.
era. $: H.60; butchers and be t hea.y.i CORN Uwr; No. 3. casii, 7c, Bep
S.7'ao S.'t,. ; lember. nominal.
8HEEH AND LA M Hf -Recein: . 4.yii
head; market steadv: native muttons. 34 o, : A I CTIU SALIC K ItAtK Hsl4 lamb J Otrtid cul's and bjtk4,
K 6oi4 tu; stockers. So oidlj 2.
j St. Jaiept I. Ire sitae k Market.
! ST. LOCI3. Aug IT.- ATI LE-Rec ph.
1 gfluO head. Including 4A1 Texan.; tuAiWe
'steadv: beef steers. 3i.7S'tj7 5i): stockers sod
' feeder. 32.6t'&'4.4i: cow. and heifrre. 3 .860;
I il.i: Texas steers. 32.766. 26, cows and
1 Vi;2- -oo ..... ,.
I n' io .in r 4 .,41., it . ' 1 , ina, an io:tj :
jj' nigner: pigs ana tignts. uu"ij4 .0; pack
: ers. e 4141.36; butcher and best h-avy.
1 36.1 4ja.3fi ,
I SHEEP AND I.AM B.l Receipts. S .501
I head: market steady, nt iv.), Lt-Jt(oi
i lambs. 34 tS.
I Slaaa Citp Live iax-k Mark. 4.
I 8IOI X CITT. la.. Aug. I7.-i Special Te.e
I f rani. 1 CATTLE- Re e'n, a. 1.40O haad.
i ket strad : beeves. sj.O??? ': ri and heir-1 au?U..n to the highest bld.tvr on tieptenibei
! era. 34 tcW,jro. feeders. 35.'l4.2i; calves and' .,, TUl. rk.llv sia.a
yesrlirjs. 32..a3 60.
HO;3 Receipts. !.3nn hsad: ma-ket iii
hlgrier; rane. IB 3ia6o bulk. K V-li.13.
Stark la tlsxht.
western markets y esierday :
Cati e. Hog. 8 V
South Omaha 7.91 2. oi 9.3
S'oux lllv 1 4'0
St. Joseph 2 3" .6' 1 '!
!t. I ou s 3 Tlo i. 4
Kansas Cily K Oi 4 Tin 2.A o
Chics go 3.'. :i0 4 22.01
Total '9.312 IS.t ) .J7J
agar ssd Molasaea.
NtiW TORK. A". '7 9r4;.4
dull, fair reft i m. 3 60T.3SV: entrfj'. 93
t-a-. 4oti4.3c: molassea sugar. 3 Kel :
Ref neti. quiet; No . 4 fut : No. 7. 4. 7s ;
No. 3. 4 :0-: Nc 9. 4 6c: No 10. 466c: No. 11.
4.!0r; No. 12. 4 4H-; No. 13. 4 41V; No. 14 IXr;
roiifat tiorei.' A. i A ; mould A. a.r6c. cut
loaf, tour; crushed. 6 90.-; aiwdersd. ( )v ;
arBnii.Bfed I 4j : lubea k 4uc.
.U OLA H31LS Uuli. ew Orleans tp,n
ket to . 1 w ia choice. 2.t'c.
Waval Market.
ST IXMMS. Aug I7.-WOOIF :m: mi
ll 1,111 grades combing and clothit g ,94a3:
A tight f'ne ntfUSic; heavy fine. 114j12c. tun
washed. .svij2,c.
market for'coffew future, etosed .tead
at ne ur changed prirss to 6 point.
mi higher. Saiea were reported of 17. 760
mo L
cx CaVsi j)
... . ft .
... v- &
Fourth Floor, 35 Congress St., BosIob, Miss
Investment Securities
ConamlsBioa orders fox atooka and boada
ta all markets.
and all otker Cnrt tocjta Bongbt aad told
Mines and Smelting.
Gcppsr, Curl) and Mining Outlook
72 Trinity Placp. .w Vork
4 Sample Copies 7 re
$1.00 par ysar 39 pogea
I I"i'Lv- 4.'.-...".' f"J ' "li":
""'Ji w ind Ra-hicl7 1
Ul1 Be' ty and Rawhide.
Reuben L. Butt, to Willi. J. Sploer.
half Interest in lot a, block 3. Bel
vedere 3
Elsuiore Place company to Sidney
M .-Jmlth. lot. 23 and 24. block
93. Dundee Place
George W. dprague and wife to
Charles H. Joens. lot 13. block A.
Saunders A Hlmebaugn'a addi
tion George O. Winston and wife to
Daniel Murphy. S40 feet of nBK
feet nf ot 2. block 1 K. V.
Smith's addition
Zena O. Rood and husband to Cath
erine Keenan. lot jbdlytsion
lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 and . block 1,
Washington Hill
Lvdia Beardsley to Prank Haek,
lot 14 block 4. McOavock A
O'Keeffes addition
County treaaurer to Caroline l-hue-hel.
lot. 1 to 23. Inclusive, and 24.
Buall P1ac-.
Caroline Schuebet to.-nra trVchue
beL lot 28. TuthlU'a aubdivloion . .
William '. ConJit and wife to Isa
bel E. Terry. lot 4. block 3. Hitch
cock's First addition
Francla Senion and wife to Joseph
.imon. 'o 13. bluck 3. Potter A
Cobb s addition
Kate Kenennev et al. to Alanson
I. Root. w30 feet of si 32 feet of
lot 11. Hlmebattgh Pla-e
William B. Melkle to Celine B
Ueikle. luts 1 and 2 aud e2i feet
t 600
of lot 3. block 7. Foret Hill.
i. Hustings tk Heyden to Jews 11
Stringer, lot 6. hluunv 3. Fort View
i I efface
I P'ltllP 1.. Pliilbin and wife t.j Elja-
aheth Chi. lot 4 block 1. Prttter's
Samuel MancusJ and wife to Joseph
Spatolo. lot S. bloi k 3.' faun's
iSecoml ad Itticn
".'''""' ""t',".lu-
1 , I . . L'. .... , . . . . .
' uecemuer. .i.juc Atii'ii.
it ''.k '.TSl
riaulo. t-it. uuid loitci-, uuli, Coruo.n,
. M. . , .
I 1 -
4 1 1 s aad Hoalt. .
CII. CITY. Pa.. Aug. 17. UHj Credit bal
ances. 31VI. Runs. ..ii..4i boa. average.
14i.19i bo.s , snipmcnis. 4"2. ",a ool. . aver
age. 1 S44 bbls.
cAA.VNAH, Aug. 17. OIL Turpentine,
firm; 34,c.
Ku81N r"lrm; A. B. C. 32.16: L. E. 3266
b'Mb; K. $2.cB..tsj; 4. t2.t4r2 : H. Xi
2.46: 1. 4U.U6, Al. 4v4.auiu4 .su; N. Ib-tuH 6-x.
W. G. W. W. 336.
Pearl Market.
PEORIA. 111.. Aug. 17. -CORN- Ste-:j
No. 3 veiloa. I7V; 3 ye-low, 7.s;
No 3. 77'-; No. . 7sc. mi, 7.ic.
tAT8 Higher; elandstd. 47c; No. 3
Willi. 47c; No. 4 white. kV04o1-C.
Mllwaakee ts.isi Market.
I Steadv : No. 1 norihern. 31173.120. No.
Tveeat -9et ra Tkttaaad Arree t.
Sold ial September.
W AS TA. 8. D.. Aug. 17. tatpecial. in re.
sponse to many inguirics as lo da method
of diapoting of slate laud la U;l vicinity.
! Commissioner Thomas fnrnislies the folios.
Ing synopsis of tne law:
"That by at, act of congress certain lands
of the government domain mere given to
liie state of Sjjtli Dakota tor the purpose,
of building up anil dce!iping ti.e s ate and
Us various Institutions. Approximately 27,
.' a res uf tlira land adtotning rt'ssts. S.
I", on the P. R. C. A N. W. railagy
1 Xorlnweaiern l.r.i. at!) be sold at pu'.lic
land. There are no retiuir.Mitents aa to occupancy, cultivation or im
provement. I might add tuat the lands to
be sold are the choicest lands of the slat,
of South Dakota, basing been selected by
commissiur. several ars agu prior to set
tlement, thus giving Oil a vast area of
land u select and I tel fit) hesitancy
In saying that it la p-titi.cly ine choicely
l.nd ti be found in tors se. t o of the country-
I would SUit- it ' lltsl 1T' tnt. Tested
par.les tM des 11 f.t- ;i.WfiniOtir- and
part Ci'ars rtgarding t ie 'an. I! ite terms ot
sa.e. end the various details tn connect. o.i
tliereait.', A.rtespond with !i cecirtary of
the Aasia Coinmrrclal cluo for fill de
tails." Eaiarslac tire trie riant.
STlROId. 9. An. 17 -.Special. '-Th.
o.urgis l.igm a.ia rjarr cumpany u ous.iy
engaged a. preseui lnaia!'in a new engine
which will i!e nc.casary piacr f',f
A daylight rUr als e.ecine power f..g
oiVer ciutrni teialruig m.iive prwr. tr-rsng-mrnta
l.a'- a, ready been mad
whereby the ii:ru:4 Roller Mills Bill tie
supplied witn electrical power In place ot
steam, heretofore used
be want ads ax. buslnasai booxx.