THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1908. NEWS OF COUNCIL Office 15 Scott Street. SCHERER TAKES OWN LIFE Body of Missinj Young Man Found by Searchers in Big Lake. DESPONDENT FOR SOME TIME I.nek of AUfli and Death of Both ( Ilia rarents Some Month Asa Had Preyed Hla Mind. That Edward Scherer, whose failure to return home Saturday night caused the members of hU family to fear that he had committed aulclde by throwing- himself Into Big lake, had adopted this method of taking hla life' was proven by the finding early yesterday morning of the body of the young men and a note In the pocket of hla coat, which he had left in the boat The note, which waa written in pencil on a half aheet of note paper, waa ad dressed to the young mtn'i brother and later. It read: Dear brother, sisters and nieces: Forgive me and Just think that I wanted to go. 1 can get no work. 1 am. going to father and mother. Ooodby, BROTHER ED. On' the reverse side of the paper was the name and telephone number of a well known farmer living near, the city, and It waa learned yesterday that the name of the person had been given to young Scherer by Rev. J. W. Jones, rector of St. Paul's Bplscripal church, as likely- that he might be able to give him employment. In addition to being discouraged at his failure to secure' worfe young Scherer had been despondent over the death, of his par ents, his mother having died last January and his father In June. He was, it Is stated, greatly attached to his parents and ha had brooded over their deaths which had followed within l lew months of one an other.' , - . From Arthur M. Rose and K. B. Sweet, who have charge of the boats at Big lake, young Scherer hired a boat Saturday after noon about 2:30, saying he would want It only for about an hour or so. . Towards evening some boys notified Rose that they had seen the boat tied to, the trestle of the Illinois Central railroad, which crosses one end of the lake, and that there was a coat, hat and umbrella In It. Rose did not pay any particular attention to the matter at the time, but later when some other boys who had been fishing made a similar report, he decided to Investigate and found the boat as described by the young lads. Rose then notfiled W. R. C. Mynster. a brother-in-law of young Scherer, and Mr. Mynster in turn notified the young man's brother, John Bcliercr, withwhom Edward Scherer made Ills home. A search for the body, .was made shortly before 1 o'clock Sunday mornlr.g and it was found but a short distance from thd boat and in but four feet of water. The young man's watch, which wan In his vest packet, had stopped . exactly at 4 o'clock, Indicating that Scherer was drowned shortly before that hour. The body was brought to tVoodrlng's undertaking rooms and after being prepared for burial was taken to the' residence of the brother, 'John' Scherer, at 410 North Sixth street, from where the funeral will be held this afternoon at 6:30 o'clock. Burliil will be in Kalrvlew cemetery and Rev. J. W. Jones, rector of St. Paul's Epis copal church, will conduct the services. Coroner Treynor stated that an inquest would not be necessary. In addition to the brother with whom he made his home, the young man Is survived by two sisters, Mrs. V. R. C. Mynster and Mrs. William Mynster, both of this city. W. C. T. V. AT PAIBMOINT PARK Open Air Baalueaa and Social Meeting Wednesday Afternoon. a The Woman's Christian Temperance union .will hold an open air meeting In Falrmount pnrk Wednesday afternoon. The seslnn will open at 2:30 o'clock with a business meeting at which the yearly re ports of the superintendent of the several departments will be read and delegates and alternates to the state convention to be held at Cedar Rapids, September 22-36, will lie elected. At the close of the business meeting there will be a social hour, and this will be followed by a picnic dinner at o'clock The committee in charge of the dinner Is Mrs. Maggie Frank, chairman; Mrs. Carrie M. , Young, Mrs. Nellie P. Evans, Mrs. Ellen I. Reynolds, Mrs. V. R. J. Morris and Mrs. Carrie Angstead. Mrs. Clara Whittlg, a member of the local union, but who expects to leave soon to make her borne In Minneapolis, will be the guest of honor at the meeting and dinner. PRINTERS GO INTO COl'RT Appllratloa for Receiver for Mon arch Com pa a y. Another round In the trduble among the stockholders of the Monarch Printing com pany, which a few months ago bought out the printing and binding business of the New Nonpareil company, Is booked for Wednesdsy In the district court. John C Small, manager of the firm, against whom his associates recently brought suit, has applied for a receiver for the company and the hearing on the application has been set for Wednesday. Small will ask the court to appoint Free man L. Reed, former clerk of the district court, as receiver. In his petition Small aKves that the business Is being conducted as a corporation when, in fact, he claims, the corporation has never been legally com pleted, and consequently hs,s no right to take charge'of the business. Small also charges his associates with attempting to proceed in disregard of his rights. Alleged Garden Robbers Arrested. Aa Charles Brown and Floyd Allen, box car tourists, with their appetites sharpened by the odor which arose from the big tin pot on their camp fire, were preparing a genuine "Mulligan stew" for their supper Detective Weir swooped down on them on KM m The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass is such that she looks forward with dread to the hour when she shall feel the thrill of motherhood. Every woman should know that the danger and pain of child-birth can be avoided by the use of Mother' Friend, which a . a renaers pnaDie an tne parts, y-T TT, assisting nature in its work By its aid thousands o women have passed this In roT..,, tl.00 Berbotueef . ll 101 ui oivi. a,u((ii. Vslosbt. book ef lafetmatkm t imi east rra. IUM BAADF1HD SOUlATOA CO. , AuaatajCa. INTEREST FROM IOWA BLUFFS Both 'Phones 43. his trusty bicycle. Drown and Allen were taken j the city Jail and the ears of corn, potatoes, onions and other Ingredients of the stew pot were taken along by the of ficer as evidence sgalnst the two men who are charged with robbing gardens near the Northwestern tracks. Owners of the gardens near the railroad tracks com plained to thi police that hoboes stole their produce and the arrest of Brown and Allen, the only two discovered by the officer with "goods on 'em" followed. SEW TRANSPORTATION MNE Residents of MePherson and Bennett Avenues Making; Plana. Residents of McPherson and Bennett avenues who are planning some mode of transportation for that section of the city etpect to file articles of incorporation some day this week. The name of the transportation company and articles of in corporation are being drawn up by A. V. Fllcklnger and J. B. Reed. It Is stated that It Is the intention of the Incorporators ss soon as the preliminaries are disposed of to apply to the city for a franchise over all . streets for the opera tion of automobile bus lines and street car lines. While the promotors of this project have ben planning to at first Inaugurate an automobile bus line some of the persons Interested are urging the construction of a short line of street rail way on Eawt Pierce street. ' Henry Sperling, who Is one of the most active promoters of the proposition says that he and his associates mean business and that It will not be long before some means of transportation is provided for the residents of these suburban districts. MINOR MK.NTIOX. The Board of Supervisors will meet in adjourned session today. Excelsior Masonic lodge will meet this evening for work In the first degree. All prohibitionists are requested to meet this evening at the Union; City mission on Broadway. Mrs. B. W. Whlttaker and children of South First street are visiting relatives in Fairfield. Neb. Mayor Thomas Maloney left last evening for Davenport to attend the Iowa conven tion of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, of wnicn order ne is state vice president. Burglars Invaded the Kimball Brothers' elevator factory at Ninth street and Eleventh avenue Saturday night and carried off machinists' tools valued at between 1160 and S.U0. The women of the Holy Family church, the new Catholic congregation In the west ern part of the city, will give a lawn social and entertainment Thursday, evening at the home of Mrs. P.. Uroderick,. Twenty-third street and Avenue A. The funeral of the late Mrs. Abble Bullard Taylor, who died Saturday, which will be strictly private, will be held this afternoon from the residence of her mother, Mrs. L.. S. Bullard. u2 First avenue, and burial will be In Walnut HIU . cemetery. Rev. J. W. Jones, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, will corjduct the services. Max Baumelster of 'this city has under taken the task of organising a Toung Men's Christian association orchestra, with the sanction and approval of Secretary Curtis. Co date twerjty-seven members have been enrolled. M. W. Raymond has been elected secretary and J. E. Greager treasurer of Uie organization. Rehearsals, however, will not begin until some time next month, as many of the young meiv are at present away on their vacations. Working; for lnterarban Line. LOGAN, la., Aug. 17.-(Speclal. Thurs day the business men- of Beebeetown and farmers of that locality held a meeting to pass upon the proposed Interurban line from Sioux City via Little Sioux, Magnolia, Logan and Beebeetown to Council Bluffs and Omaha, and appointed committees on stock and right-of-way. Friday evening the farmers of Boomer towr-alilp of Pottawattamie county, adjoin ing Beebeetown on the south, held a meet ing and appointed committees on stock and right-of-way. Saturday afternoon the business men of Magnolia and the farmers between Mag nolia and Little Sioux held a meeting with W. S. Cook, the Interurban promoter, and subscribed; $10,000 In stock and eight miles of right-of-way. As yet no meeting has been held fn Logan, but It is generally understood that Logan, when tho time conies, will do Its full quota. Iowa Newa Notes. WOODBINE The fall term of the Wood bine Normal school will open August 31. WOODBINE Wocdblne Is to havs a Carnegie library lu the near future. Counterfeit Dollars buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys Dr. King's New Life Pills; for consti pation, malaria and Jaundice. Beaton Drug Co. ATTORNEYS JSENERAL MEET Twenty-Five States Will Be Repre sented at Conference la Denver This Week. DENVER, Aug. 17. At least twenty-five states will be represented at the second annual convention of the National Associa tion of Attorneys General, which meets at the Colorado state capltol Thursday and Friday next, August 'JO and 21. Following is the program: Annual address of the president, Herbert S. Hadley. attorney general of Missouri. "The Results of Ami-Trust Legislation." Frank B. Kellogg of St. Paul : Discussion by R. V. Davidson, attorney general or lexas. Inadequacies or IJenclencles of the Crlm Inal Statutes In the Prosecution of Muni clpal Grafters," Francis J. Heney of San Francisco. Discussion by R. C. Stoddard, attorney general of Nevada. "The New Question of State Rights." Alexander M. Garber, sttorney general of Alabama. Discussion by W. E. Mullen, attorney gen eral of Wyoming. "Fourteenth Amendment," R. V. Fletcher, attorney general of Mississippi. Discussion by U. S. Webb, attorney gen eral of Csllfornla. "State Hegulatlon of the Liquor Traffic," Frank S. Jackson, attorney general of Kansas. Discussion by W. H. Stead, attorney gen eral of Illinois. "Experiments In Government." Charles West, attorney general of Oklahoma. Discussion by W. T. Thompson, attorney general of Nebraska. "The Duties of Attorney General," S. W. Clark, attorney general of South Dakota. Discussion by E. 8. Clark, attorney gen eral of Arlxona. I I s the joy of the household, for , without it no happiness can be 'complete. Angels smile at and commend the thoughts and aspirations of the mother bendinz over the cradle. PROGRAM FOR IOWA FAIR Length of Exhibition Hat Been Extended Three Days. MANY' NEW FEATURES ARE ADDED Band Concerts and Vaudeville Will Vie with Races and Pampkln Exhibits In Drawing; Crowds. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Aug. 17.-(Speclal.)-An-nouncement of the full program for the Iowa State fair, which opens Thursday, waa mads today by Seirs ary John C. Simp son of the State Board of Agriculture. The program of the days is aa follows: Thursday and Friday, August 30 and 21 Preparation days. Saturday, August 22 Children's day. Sunday, August 23 Music day. Monday, August 24 Des Moines day. Tuesday, August 25 Soldiers' day. Wednesday, August 2 Agricultural day. Thursday, August 27 Everybody's day. Friday, August 28 Old Settlers' day. Although the duration of the state fair has been lengthened by the addition of three days this year more la crowded Into the program for each day than In years past. Band concerts, horse races, judging awards and everything else starts on Satur day. There will be four bands employed throughout the entire week this year. Llberattt and the Fifty-sixth Regiment band of Fort Dodge will divide time at ths amphitheater this year. Llberattl, with a band of sixty-flvs people, with eighteen grand opera singers and fourteen male voices, will give two concerts dally, one beginning at 1 p. m. and the other at 7 p. m. each day. In front of the amphi theater at the race track. The Fifty-sixth Regiment band will give three a day, one from 9 to 11:30 a. m. at various places about the grounds and the other two in front of the amphitheater at the race track from 3 to 6:30 and ( to 10:30 p. m. Reed's Fourth Regiment band of Sioux City will give two concerts dally In the stock pavilion from 9 a. m. to 12 noon and from 7 to 10:30 p. m. Graham's orchestra will give two daily, one from 9 to 11:30 a. m. in Agricultural hall and one from 1:16 to 6 p. m. in the stock pavilion. The races will begin every afternoon ex cept Sunday at 1 p. m. The boys' Judging contests will begin Saturday at 9 a. m. In the stock pavilion and the girls' Judging contests at the same hour in the Rest cottage. Horse Judging will begin every morning at 9 o'clock and continue to noon and the cattle Judging will be held every afternoon in the stock pavilion. Swine Judging will be hekl every day, both forenoon and after-' noon, in the swine pavilion and sheep Judging every day, forenoon and afternoon, in a sent near the sheep sheds. Everv evening at the stock pavilion there will be a parade of the prise winning stock of the day and on Friday, the closing day of the fair, there will be a par-de of all the prise winners around the iace track. Evening Attractions. There will be two evening attractions. One will be at the race track amphitheater. wners, iJDeraatre band will play from 7 to , to be followed by Pain's spectacular "Sheridan's Ride of Battle of Cedar Creek." Thla will be given four evenings, beginning Monday evening. Tho other will be held at the stock pavilion five evenings, beginning Monday, nd will consist of a live stock hippodrome and vaudeville. , Race Track Vaudeville. Each afternoon of the races, beginning at I o'clock, there will be vaudeville and acro batic stunts In front of the amphitheater. This year these consist of the following: y,or!op octct; Parisian dancers, Kamzo and Arr.o, comedy act; Oscar V. Babcock, presenting his combination fest of looping the death-trap loop and flying the flume on a bicycle; Aerial Lloyds, aerial artists; three Voscarys. European acrobatic act, Jour Bards, world's greatest gymnasts; seven Grunathos, champion woman acro bats. Music by the Fifty-sixth Regiment band during the vaudeville. Saeclal Days. Special programs have been arranged for the special days. On Monday, which will be 'Des Moines day, all the business houses will close at noon and the entire city Is ex pected to turn out for the fair that day. On Tuesday, which Is Old Soldiers' day, there will be a special program at the sol diers' tent at o'clock, with addresses by numerous prominent army men and musi cians from the Second United States cavalry at the post will blow the army slgi.uU. Wednesday will be one of the biggest days of the fair, for :t Is Agricultural day and Secretary Wilson will deliver an ad dress on the grounds In the afternoon. In ths forenoon there will bo conferences and meetings of the various agricultural socie ties of the state. No special program has been arranged for Thursday, which Is Everybody's day and Is expected to rival Wednesday in the matte, of attendance. Friday, which Is Old Settlers' day. will be the occasion for old settlers' associations to gather. Raco Proa-ram. The , Des Moines Driving Cup race In wagon will be the feature of the first day's races on Saturday. There will also be the 2:35 trot for 3-year-olds and the 2:22 pace. Monday there will be the free-for-all for the 11,600 purse, the 2-year-old stake, the 2:1 trot and the elght-furlong dash. Tuesday the 2:30 trot for the Commercial club stake of $1,000. the 2:25 psce for 3-yeur-olds and under without hopples, the 2:1S pace and the six-furlong dash. Wednesday the 2-year-old pace, the 2:16 pace for the Capital Hill stake of 1.0u0, the 2:16 trot and the four-furlong dash. Thursday the 2:30 pace for the Merchants' stake of $1,000, the 2:26 trot, the 2:11 trot, best two out of three, for $l,0u0 and the flve-furlong dash. Friday, the last day, there will be the 2:21 trot for the Booster's stake of,$l,000, the 2:14 pace and the flve-furlong dash for non money winners. y Factions Elsewhere. I The republican party is not the only orgsnlsation in the state where there is a division through factional strife. Not to speak of the Knlghta of Pythias, Uie.-e is the Women's Christian Temperance union, which Is facing a doubtful mo ment because of the resignation of Mrs. Dunham, the president. The Women'j Christian Temperance union split In this state, as In all other states, on the ques tion of supporting the thlrJ party pro hlbltlonlsts. A year or two ago the so ciety united again on the election of Mrs. Dunham as president. She Waa a partisan and supported ths prohibitionists, taking a hand In polittca. The nonpartisan wing is said to have attacked the prohibition question mors from the pink tea side. The organisation will meet soon. It is united now and the doubtful moment Is over ths election of a president to suc ceed Mrs. Dunham, who has declared that she will not seek re-election. Mrs. Anna Edworth of this city, who was a non partisan, aeeks ths election, as also Uoea Mrs. Ida B. Wise of this city, who was a partisan. Mrs. Carhart of Cedar fUjius, also of the partisan wing. Is said to be a receptive candidate. . Campaign for Prohibition. Prohibitionist are counting on great things during the next two years. Rev. Mr. Barber, superintendent of the Anti Saloon league, believes that in two years Iowa will have prohibition. He believes that the legislature to meet next winter will either repeal the mulct law or will vote to resubmit the constitutional amend ment. He believes that the sentiment In the state for prohibition has become so great that the legislature cannot ignore It. If It votes to resubmit the amend ment to the constitution, the legislature of 1911 wilt also have to vote the same proposition before It can be resubmitted to the people at an election. In that event It would be of necessity some over two years before It would be possible to get prohibition. Can Com minion Raise Rateaf Can the State Board of Railroad Com missioners raise freight rates? The law says that It can lower them, but It Is claimed by some lawyers that the lan guage does not say that they can ba raised. An application has been filed with the board by William Ellis, com merce attorney for the Chicago, Milwau kee A St. Paul railroad, to have tho classification of stoneware In carload lots changed from class D to class B. That would mean an Increase in the rites. The commission will hear the complaint soon and must then decide whether or not it has authority to raise rates. It is claimed that crockery should go at a higher rate, because there Is so much breakage, and railroads would just as soon there was no crockery shipped. It is claimej that If a car is loaded with crockery and allowed to stand on the track a week without being moved and Is then opened it will be found that a lot of it Is broken because of the expansion and contraction of the stuff by the tem perature, and yet If any breakage occurs the railroad must pay for It. Sometimes the breakage amounts to more than the original charge for freight. Machinery for Fair. Fifteen carloads of farm Implement ma chinery Is already on the state lair grounds and being put In place for the fair which opens next Thursday. The tent and awning companies are already at work putting up tents for the fair. The work, In fact. Is starting earlier this year than ever before. RAILROAD MEN ORGANIZE Three Hundred Employes of Tea Roads In St. . Pool Form Political Association. ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 17.-Three hund red railroad employes met in this city to day to orgapixe an association to fight legislation hostile to the railroad Interests. The men are of the opinion that by stand ing by the railroads In their fight they will be benefitting themselves. The meet ing wns the result of a call by John Lynch, an employe of the Chicago, Grea: Western rullway. Wx representatives of the Ne braska State Railway Employes' Protec tive association were present. It Is the In tention to support only these candidates In the coming election who are favorable to the railroads and their employes. After considerable discussion an execu tive comn-lttee wis selected with two mem bers for each railroad, which will form locals on each railroad In the state. The committee is as follows: Wisconsin Central; George Phillips, Frank Luxon. ',. Burlington: M.A.iiBenedlct, John F. Col lins, Fred Can.ers;:; Northern Puulfd: ,R. H. Carr. J. Taylor. Great Norther i . F. H. Divine, W. P. Maher. ., , Chicago, Great Western: John Lynch, Ben Bledler. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul: George vnorneee. v. a. i.ang. Minneapolis & St. Louis: C. H. Barton, C. F. Fitzgerald. Dtiluth &. Iron Range: M. H. Bloke, G. J. Miller. Duluth. Mlssnhp & Northern: Fred Wat- Kins, George Dickson. The Soo Line: I. Morell. The Nebraska railway men who were here to assist in organizing the association will hold a similar meeting In Des Moines, September (t, for the purpose of forming an Iowa state association. RECORD CROWD AT MANAWA Thousands Seek Relief from Blister ing Heat at This Pope la r Pleasure Resort. ' Sunday's attendance at Lake Manawa far surpassed any Sunday In the history of the park, the Immense throng remind ing one of an exposition crowd. Manawa seldom before In Its history was patronized as It was yesterday, the "Midway" from the gate to the launch dock was. black with humanity, and there was a line a block long at the turnstile waiting to get across the lake so they could escape Old Sol's torrid rays by a refreshing plunge In the cool waters. The number of bathers was so great that a time limit had to be placed on each locker room, so the hundreds who clamored for a swim could he accommodated. Prof. Andrew made a fine bulloon ascension and the concert band rendered an exceptionally good program. The Badge of Honesty Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierce's Golden Modical Discovery berauso a full list of the Ingredients composing It l printed thcro In plain English. Forty years of experience lias proven Its superior worth as a blood purifier and Invigorat ing tonic for the cure of stomach disorder, and all liver Ills. It builds up tho run down system as no other ton'c can in which alcohol Is used. Tho active medic inal principles of native roots such as Golden Sell and Queen's root, JStono and Mandrake root, Bloodroot and Black CherrybarW tiro extracted and preserved by the uso of chemically pure, triple reGned glvcrlne. Send to Dr. R. V. Plena at Buffalo, N. V.. tor free booklet which quotes extracts from wcll-recocrnlited med leal authorities such as Dra. Bartholow. King, Scuddey, Coe, Elllngwood and a host of oiheKrf, showing that these roots can be dAfOndcd upon for their curatlva action It. all weak states of the stomach, accompanied y indigestion or dyspepsia as well ra lndll bilious or liver complaint nd In ftwasting diseases where thcra is losbrTlesh and gradual running down of tStfrhlrength and system. Th 'he "Golden Medical Discovery "makes n4Vt nil ra V 1 ij n1 ats InvlipririlA si Femflates liie sUmiar.h. liver and bowcla! sua, through tlierp, the whole system. Thus all skin affections, blotches, pimples and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel lings and old open running sores or ulcers arc cured and healed. In treating old runalng sores, or ulcers. It 1 well to In sure their healing to apply to them Dr. Pierce's AU-Heallng Sulva. If your drug gist don't happen to have this Halve in stock, send fifty-tour cent In postage stamps to World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, Dr. R.V. Pierce. Pre.. Buffalo, N. Y., and a large box of the" All-Healing rial vo w ill reach vou by retom post. You can't afford; to accept a secret nos trum as a substitute for this nou-alcobolle. medicine or i.iow.f composition, not even though the urgeut dealer nay thereby make a little bigger pro lit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels, ttugar-ooated, tiny granules, easy to Vsaa as Cattdj Filled with the Purest Candied Cream A delicacy for luncheon, for dinner, for between-, meal nibbles for afternoons "at home" and . AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Stock Tards and Railroad Agents Will Meet Railway Commission Today. OBJECTION TO SWITCHING RATE Company Insists that Present Rates Are tnfavornhlr Man Charged with Sulttlnar on Walk Resists Arrest. The representatives of tne fnlon Stock Yards' company and tho vurlous railroads which are Interested In the local livestock business will meet In Lincoln today with the State Railway commission. The object of tho conference la to come to some agreement whereby the present rate of switching charges by the Union Stock Yard's company may be changed. Tho company Irslets that It can no longer make a just and reasonable profit at the present rates. A raise Is therefore con templated. This will It Is anticipated, be resisted by the roads leading into Omaha. Con t lab Shoot. The South Omaha Gun ciub held their regular weekly shoot yesterday afternoon. The attendance was fair and some good scores were made, but no perfect ones. The shooting sweaters were put up and the first won by Gerup and the second by Wil son. Two sweaters are put up each Sun day. When a man wins one sweater he Is not allowed to compete for another. In tha coursa of the season the club members will be uniformed alike. Gerup's score was 19 out of a possible 25. Wilson made 8. The best score of the day was made by Dana Morrill, who broke 'Jl. The following Is the summary of the day's shoot: Name. Score. Name. Score. Way liljetter 17 Yost 18! Hoffman 8 O-rup lflFrnner 10 Clapp 11' C. Way 16 Hlunk lllOlovltsky 16 Morrill 21McCllntock 17 Morlll nirilncliard IS Gsso 10 Wilson IS Sokoloakl 16Trapp 7 Man' Resists Arrest. Sam Piper was arrested yesterday by Chief John Brlggs on the charge of viola tion of the city ordinance forbidding spit ting on the sidewalks. The announcement was made over a week ago that this ordi nance would be enforc1. Since that time the patrolmen have been warning people that they must stop the habit. Yesterday was the first arrest and the chief an nounces that the time of warning has paused and others may expect to be ar chlef set a limit to his efforts by knocking customs. Sam riper Is said to have become so en rHged when he learned that he was ar rest, d for simply spitting on the walks that he resisted the srrest with vigor until the rested if they InslBt on their former him out. The case will be tried in police court this morning. Warehouses to Be Moved. The Omaha Packing company has com pleted the contract for the removal of the several warehouses on Its old site at Thlr tlvth and P streets. Three were removed In accordance with the plans of the com pany and the largest 'was destroyed by fire and has now been reduced. The old beef house will be sold and also removed. It Is valjable only for old lumber, but In this respect It contains many thousand feet of maUrlal which will make over Into other buildings. Tno stables, the two re maining warehouses and the Ice plant are all that remain In use at the old location. No announcement Is yet made as to what will be erected on this site. Maicic City Uosalp. Mrs. G. C. Burke and children are visit ing in Ottumwa, la. Richard James Is entertaining his brother James of New Jersey. Miss Kate Robert has returned from her summer's vacation. Miss Marie Polisn has returned from a vacation spent at Atlantic, la - Miss Kate Ryan left Saturday for a visit In 81. Paul and Minneapolis. .letter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any part of th. city. Telephone No. 8. Word has been received that Mrs. I'M Munshaw is seriously ill at Elgin, 111. Miss Josle Flnnlgan has returned from a two-months' Molt In South Dakota. Mrs. K. II. Roberts Is taking a vacation out of the city and will be gone a month. Miss Lena ICUwood of Sioux City Is visiting with friends In South Omaha, this week. Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Bchseffer, 1618 y. street, will celebrate their sliver wedding August 2X. lleyman Berry sellers of "quality" meats. 24th and K. telephone 3K; 34th and A, telephone 117. Tlie Presbyterian Sunday school will have its annual picnic in Hanscom park Thursday afternoon. Mrs. M. E. Cruse entertslned a party of young peiple Thursday evening In honor of Miss Genevieve McNlchola. Markey's Mother's Bread Sweet and clean. Markey's bakery was given a clean bill by the Stat. Pure Food commission. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Towl and Miss Gladys Sullivan are tailing with rela tives in Nebraska City and Plaltsmouiti. , ills Nora Gilchrist Is Improving bar tllr pure 'Silk Veronique dainty sticks of crisp pastry, filled with a delightful candy-cream. Tempting in appearance delicious in taste. You can be certain that these delicious tidbits arc wholesome. Packed in attractive tint at your grocer'i 25c. "US. . Our other varieties of Sugar Wafers are Clover Leaf in 15c tins. Philopena in 25c tins. Perfetto in 10c and 25c tins. JOOSE-P summer vacation In Chlrago by taking painting studies under Prof. Herbert and Miss Esterhrook In Chicago. Jay N. Williams, city tax commissioner. Is recovering from a severe Illness which overtook him In his cottage at the Omaha Rod and Gun club grounds at Cut-off lake. , Stanislaus Mekook and Saman Torryos were arrested on a charge of disturbing the peace and fighting yesterday afternoon, jo. Thomas made the complaint. GIBBONS TO SWITZERLAND Befcre He t.eft Rome Pope Conferred Title of Mosilfa.r on Foir American Priests. ROME, Aug. 17 Cardinal Gibbons left here today for Swltaerland. He was ac companied by Monstgr.ur O'Connell. blihop of Washington; Rev. Jxml O'Donovan of Baltimore and Monrlgncr Germano Stranl ero, who. In 1886. as papal delegate, brought him the cardinal's red hat. A number of friends were at the station to see the car dinal off. Just before leaving he was In formed that the pope had granted his re quest and had appointed the following ecclesiastics as domestic prelates to the pontiff, entitling them to be called "Mon fclgnor:" t Rev. T. S. Lee, rector of St. Matthews, Washington. 1. C; Rev. James F. Mackln of Ft. Paul's, Washington: Rev. George Devine ot St. John's, ' Baltimore; Rev. Wlllam E. Btarr oi Corpus Chrtstl. Balti more. A higher honor. It was announced, has been reserved for the Rt. Rev. O. B. Corl' rlgan, vicar general of Bal'lmore. This be'ing the fortieth anniversary of the consecration of Cardinal Gibbons as bishop. Cardinal Merry del Val. papsl rnr retary of state, sent him from Castle Can dolfo a telegram warmly congratulating him on "the memorable day." WIRELESS TELEPHONE WORKS French Inventors Construct Apparatus Which Carries Human Voloe 310 Miles. PARIS, Aug. 17. The naval lieutenants. Colin, Jeance and Mercler, the Inventors of a wireless telephone apparatus which re cent tests have showr. to be superior to anything existing, achieved remarkable feats with their Instrument last evening, communicating with a station 310 miles dis tant. The transmitted words were some what faint, but could be plainly distin guished and the officers are confident that they can make great Improvements in the apparatus, which has been the result of enly four months' experimentation, enabling the exchare of conversation up to 600 or 700 miles. Lieutenant Colin, the chief Inventor, Is a well-known wireless expert, having Installed the wireless station In the Eiffel tower, which Is pne of the most efficient lr. the world. He Is now superintending the In tallatlon of sn Improved and more powerful plant, making possible the dispatch of mes sages between Paris and New York. New York Central Lines TO The "DIFFERENT" Route Why It Lands You "IN" Now York City Grand Central Station Only railroad terminal in New York. Right in , the heart of the hotel and residence district. Subway station under same roof. Fifteen minutes to Brooklyn without change. . . All you have to do it Get on the train "IN" Chicago or St. Loula Get off the train "IN" New York ;s Then you're there "LAKE SHORE" Y1A, CKICAOO Tha Boat of taa "80th Oenturr X.Imlt.d "MICHIGAN CENTRAL" XA OXXCAOO T. Mlafara Tall Sonte" "BIO FOUR ROUTE" YXA T. LQUIS AIB VXOBUk WARREN J. LYNCH, Paaaenfer Traffic Manager, CHICAGO 99 Omaha, Neb. FIGHT ON PENNY DREADFULS Durer Union in Germany Befina Fight on Pernicious Literature TRAFFIC BECOMES ENORMOUS Eight Thousand Dealers and 80,004 reddlers Are EnsnsTCd lav .Vend ing Sensational - Books nd Pamphlets. . BERLIN. Tuesday, Aug.' f "Twelve and a half million dollars .are- thrown away every year In Germany by the poorer classes In the purchase "of pernicious penny dreadfuls," according to a., statement Just published by the Durer union, which Is en. gaged In a campaign against the growing tendency :n Germany to. read trashy litera ture. . ' The secretary of the. union vouches for the astounding statement that, 8,000. book sellers and 30,000 peddlers are engaged In selling sensational books, giving complete tales of a low order: No fewer than 700,000, 000 of these wretched stories have been sold In the course of a single year.' They are hawked frOm house to house, from factory to factory, outside schools and among the peasants on every farm throughout the em pire. The peddlers always enter by the back door or the kitchen stairs. Servant girls and Ignorant peasants are the- most fruitful customers, but It Is asserted by municipal officers that even .people' who are In receipt of poor relief eften deprive them selves of necessities In order to save i cents for a vile rehash of the sensationally em bellished details of a notorious crime. Time after time young people are brought before the courts charged with crimes, to the committal of which .it la often proven In evidence that they have been Incited by reading the vividly portrayed recital of some noted crime. A student of the technical school In Kalserslauten, when charged with stealing a large number of gold bracelet and watches from a Jeweler, which h. melted ! down In an apparatus at the school he was attending, confessed that he had been fired with the Idea of becoming a clever thief by reading the life of a Jailbird. Dr. Ernest Schultz, secretary of ths Durer union, points out the paucity of good litera ture in school libraries and suggests the spending of considerable sums in providing really good reading matter so as to combat the spread of the evil caused by the read ing of the shoals of trash' spread over th. country. Skinned from Head to Heel, was Ben Pool, Threet. Ala., when dragged over a gravel roadwav; ' but Bucjtlen's Arnica Salve cured him. 25c. Beaton Prug Co. , 3