4 rnr nfH DAILY HK.E: TUESDAY. AUGUST 1. 1W I : t i V .0 STOCK YARDS HEARIGN ON I- ! tint! on thl l r.lW. t"T ten month'. on month the r-durt'on wmiM he Kl.W 7. For th. rr. r twelve mTrths. the "saving ti the fatnfri nr shipper I K. 15 . Penniiiion Asked to Kaiie Charges iwn m the table hov. C 1.. t;. CtV I The total ticket sab- for tn monh t for Switchiai Lire Stock. . 2 ppnt m mivin,. to M.riKa.w f, I the stste only. Half of that haa been saved B ATT ROADS ABE . MATE PASTIES i e"1 "f '"" ":,"! 1,7 ra!",n "f ,h 1 poprtment of the J-cent passenger hate, the In the ealcu- greatest nun m the country, asserting he i populist in ail but name. llai of hat Re pa HI I ran Leale latlna Haa laved the Praala af Nebraska Darlas Past Year. ijrom a Staff Correspondent 1 L,IN''tjLN. Au(. 17. (Special.) The ap plication of the I'nion Stock Tarda mm pany nf South Omaha to Increase lta rate Tor unfading live stork anrl switching la on before thee State Railway commission. Numerous, railroad lwyir?, though tile railroad were not nnmil In the appll'F tion. were present and took an artlve part Iti the proceedings. They protested against tne laiae unless It wa specifically Set out that the railroads would not hae to ab- .rt the charge aa tiler- do now. Lawyer r the Llxe Stock exchange objected to he rata If they had ti pay the increase. Neither objected If neither had to pay the Increase. The attorney for the stork yarda !nMtd that the yards were almply em ploye, of the railroad, while the railroads ontended that their duty ended when the !ie eto k was shipped Into the yards. After Sufficient argument was made to i rate formerly hnf 3 rents. i 1st Ions, however, only 5 per cent la cred ited to th saving column, leaving 6 per J cent for ahort line rates and excursion rates. Tola savin is r.!7.yi i ror Tt busines. The state pr-portlon of the lntr atate business for the ten months was fc.240.SU. 44. Taking credit for only 3n rr rent of this and leaving 30 per cent for short lino rates and excursions the savins; Is T2.m 4a for the ten months. The total r.t-npiii wife nnK! Hr.r3 .rear. Release from Jail. Oimel4 ftta aad Rlapee Aajala. PLATT3MOVTH. Neb.. Aug. 17-Sr-rtal. t About two wka ao Perry Marsh, a wealthy slock dealer residing a few mllee south of Plattsmouth. left his wife and family and eloped with Mrs. M. W. Pratt, a neighbor s w1f. and her 3-yar-old daughter. Thev wept to trand Forks. N. D.. where he rented a room for her. and then rtumed to Plattsmouth and dispoaed of quite a quantity of property and then r'tnntsl to Mrs. Pratt. The husband of Mrs. Pratt traced htm back where hla wife waa and cauad her arrest and confinement In jail until hla arrival. After what ap- ta n. r A.I V. a Vam .. KannT p,np! I. Inn air- a savin, of Al .VH f th. er , ' . mrh she ronsented to return to Plattsmouth with her husband and waa rleased. on both state tnn imersiaie nuHnna. The express savlna- and the savlna; on coal from Hana. Ho. k Sprlnaa and other western pHnta are fttrures J'tst the ame on the official reports In th office nf the rallwar commission. The records in the office of the comm-a-slon do not show that the effict of this savlna and reduction In the pevenuea of the railroads has had any had effect on any one. Traffic, both .freight and paaaen ar. Has been greatly stimulated by the reduc tions In rates. rVmorratlc spellbinders and democratic newspapers In trh-tna" publicity to their "paramount lasue." "Shall the people rule"' are saying nothing of this example of the get the matter prtty well hailed up. the way the perple are rulina; through repub- cnmmlsainn made the railroads a party to the raae and gave them ten days In wlilth to tile an answer. lican officials. Ryder Haa Warm Time. The chief engineer of the stock yards v as put on the stand to show where the stink yards tracks began and the rail road fraf ks left off. J. C. Sharp, set retary treasjrer. testified aa tothe cost of opcrat 'ng t.ic fnrnier. T!i- fnlloainit attorneys were present: James Kidhy of the Burlington. W. D. Mc Hugh of Uie Rock Island, V. H. Orr of the Missmii'l I'arific, Kiisou Rich for the Union raciflc, Frank Ransom of the stock yards .nnd Jainea Van Dusen for the Live Stork exchange. The Northwestern was not rep resented. Klsares on Land Valaes. Tax Commissionrr Pollrys of the Chicago, . 8t. Paul. Minneapolis Umaha railroad today filed a tabic with the State Board of Assessment, showing the assessed value and the' sale value of lands for the years 1903. l'.K4 and 19-S in those counties through which his road runs Cuming, Washington, BurC Wifnc, Stanton, Madison, Thurston, Dakota, Cedar, Dixon, Pierce and Knox. In tita letter he says he knows the board has completed the assessment of land, but lie desires the table read by the mem bers anyhow. The table shows land In H04 was equalized by the state board at $; 6 an acre, or tJ.13 lesa than the sales vaiuein 1?0, UI.Z3. The board tliia year capitalized the value of lands In thae coon ties at .1. while if the aame standard bad been used by the 19o8 board as used by the iy board the land would have been valued at S65.77. The dif ference this year between the board's value ar-d the sales value the table shows Is 17.26. Mr. Polleya also contends the values fixed by the board In the different counties, com parea with the sales values, have not been properly equalized. For instance, the ratio Labor Commissioner Ryder has Just re turned from filling a speaking date at Dixon, in the northeastern part of the state. Ha was to represent the republican side of the argument at the annual har vest picnic, while Attorney Mike Harring ton of O'Neill was slated to represent the To properly celebrate their reconciliation she persuaded her huahand to buy a fine diamond ring and other valuable presents for her. The next day they were to start f,r hnm Hut h plnimpH to H. Ill and tntit 1 her husband that she would be unable to make t ie trip ti Plattsmouth. but would remain thor and receive treatment and let him come back and sell his farm and re turn to his loving wife. Pratt bade hla wife and little daughter good-bye and took his departure for home. Mrs. Pratt packed her belongings and secured a llverv rig and with her little daughter and Mars they drove to a town on the Northern Pa cific and went to Winnipeg. Mrs. Pratt informed the ritiztns that she would never return to Nebraska with her husband and considers herself fully revenged for hr ar rest and Imprisonment. The parties have resldpd In this vicinity for many years and are well known. sioner started in to make a speech about Nebraska. Intending to touch on politics only incidentally. In outlining the pro sperity that haa come to the state aa tha result of good markets and high prices, ihe commlasloner mentioned the democratic appeal to the people for funds to elect their ticket. P. A. Nelson, an old-time populist, at present affiliating with the democrats. Interrupted the speaker to assert that he rrusts are paying the expenses of tha re publican campaign. Mr. Ryder directed Nelson's attention to the law passed by the republican congress forbidding any aort of contribution by trusts or corporations to funds for poli tical purposes. Still Nelson Insisted that there waa no guarantee (that the corpora tiona would not contribute, and unless ha could be given that guarantee he would not believe in the effectiveness of tha law. His attention waa called to the fact that many prominent democrats have been pil loried as truat men by the democratic leader. The running debate' then switched to the present condition, when middle-of-the-road popullHts cannot vote for their candi date in Nebraska. "Well, we can vote, for the theory," retorted Nelson, and the demo crats present cheered lustily. Colonel Teep, a Grand Army veteran, took a hand In the debate, recalling strongly some not verv creditable democratic hls- of the assessed value of the group for ljng Mr feXtmn at o-ce cut loose on how One Board of Eqaallsatloa. BEATRICE. Neb.. Aug. 17. Special The County Board of Equalization, after democrats-. Mr. Harrington failed to put i D,nf. In session nineteen days, has fin in an appearance, and' the labor commis- Bhed Its work and adjourned. The com plaint of M. L. Rawllngs of Wymora against the assessment of the Morrell property was heard and the board decided not to make any change In the Morrell valuation. Mr. Rawllngs, whose valuation ld been raised 2.300, declared he would take an appeal to the district court. Tha complaint of the gas company against the electric service company was heard and the board voted to let the assessment stand. Five citixens of Wymore, whose valuations the city council had recom mended' for a raise, drew an Increase In their assessments. The parties are C. B. Rodgers. Sherman Taylor. Mentgen's gro cery store. Julius Neumann, S. C. Cole and H. W. Dlmmett The board equalized the assessments of live stock In the several townships. The highest average value for horses was found In Holt township and the second highest in Riverside. The clerk was ordered to prepare an abstract of the assessment from which the board may make the county levy. &vA of Hamm's Beer ls iust ,ike every J2 PwWFv ther bottle of Hamm's.Beer, which NlP lJSivW means that a uniformly high quality ' is constantly maintained. TIM), mm BREWING CO., ST. PAUL J. E. DAVISON, Manager Omaha Branch, N asked to sr. his family before being taken WRIGHT WILL COME TUESDAY to jaa, and while the officers waited ai l' the true value is 7S.U per cent. In Cedar county the ratio is S8.S0 per cent. In Knox courJy t3."9 per cent, while In Thurston county the ratio la if,1. 1 1 per cent. Cuming county, the table siiowa. has the greatest increase of any county in the group, in the average sales value from 1!X3 to 19oS. but at the same time shows the least Increase of any of the counties in the group In the I equalized actual value per acre for 1!V over l'JM. Iteaalta of Repahllraa Un, While tiemo ralic newspapers ar-d demo cratic .spellbinders are lamiuisitng the re publican Stale Board of Equalization be cause the general fund tax will be Increased trjine $IV!J over last. ear. they are keeping ilixcrtlly llent about what tile republican liglslaluro and railway commission have saved til" peiple of Nebraska in freight rales. The following table shows accurately wlial has beer- saved through republican legislation: Two-cent passenger law S3.1t.lfH.t Aldricii law reducing freigtit rate 16 per rent on grain, live stock. and Iiiniiwr : iw9.!S!.4S Sibley law latate traffic onlyi 179.111. OH Loal rau? reduction, western points lKi.a.ai the people are robbed by the tariff. In stancing a purchase of a hat, years ago that had opened his eyes, he said, to the iniquity of the tariff. Ryder tried to show that both parties are now committed to tariff revision, but Nelson couldn't see it that way. A listener Interrupted to say the trusts were notd, getting any of the money e waa receiving for hla crops, and Nelson Cien told of the low prices of tha years immediately following the war. Then Colonel Teep took a hand again, and In stanced the Cleveland administration, which stirred Nelson to wrath. He jumped on Cleveland's coffin, while half way apoli. Travellaa; Mai Attempt. Suicide. HOLD R EG E. Neb.. Aug. 17. (Special Tel egram.) F. L. Zelgler. a traveling man from Lincoln selling MeCaskey credit reg isters, attempted suicide at the Hampton hotel in this city this morning by taking laudanum, but failed in his purpose through the timely assistance of physicians, who pumped him out. He registered here on August 1-. and the manager for Nebraska came here this morning and discharged him, and tills, coupled with domestic truubles, ls alleged as the cause for his act. He gave the check for his baggage, which consisted of samples, to N. C. Jones, manager of the hotel, and told him to keep It until he received the amount of his hotel bill, and while Junes was looking at him he took the laudanum. Physicians were at once summoned and the man's life was saved. He says while the doctors foiled him this time, that he will yet finish the job. the front door of hla home, Reed escaped through the back door. Tlewa of Sckraika, AINSWORTH A Taft and Sherman club will be organized here in the near future. AINSWORTH The Democratic Bryan club completed Its organization last night by electing officers. SEWARD The big railroad cut near Pleasantdale. is being widened twenty feet to admit of more tracks. COLL'MBl'S At the sangerfest here yes terday singers were here from many cnles outside. Sports of all kinds were Indulged in. MILFORD The man. Hyde, who was in jured at the Grand hotel during an assault on young Dawson is improving rapidly and will soon recover. UNWOOD One and an eighth Inches of Oue of Famoas Brothers Will Heach Waahlaaiton with Arroplaae for Trial. WASHINGTON. Aug. 17. Today the board of Signal corps officers who have been conducting Uie aiistilp tests at Fort' Meyer will pass finally upon the Baldwin motor balloon, which fulfilled the endurance requirements yesterday. Orville Wright ia expected to arrive here Tuesday witii his aeroplane. It Is expected that on-e or two preliminary flights will be made during the week. The Wright brothers' contract with the government ls for a heavier than air flying machine. For a sreed of forty miles an hour, twice that required of the dirigible, the Wright Charles Gadwln at the office of the super- I tion. from Rear Admiral Sbr, com intendent of the Bartonvtlle asylum last mander of the second division of the Pa- nirht. "We stamped him in the face, we n:gn tlnr, 'y,.Pt, rdv afternoon ana repaired cut his tnroat, and then put a rope around ! to the Bremerton navv yards to go Into Ins neck. That's what it took to kill jiim. ' j dry dock for examination. Gauwin said that he formerly was a member of the Thirty-second L'nited Stales volunteers in the Philippines and lias a siH'er at the asylum. He waa placed under guard. i AMERICAN KSTRAXT 1 RACE Three Will Compete at Berlin la I -trrnatlonal Balloua Coaaaetlttoa. BERLIN. Aug. 17 The American en liaiits in the international balloon competl ui'ii ; be held October Hi and 11 are Lieu tenant Frank Lahm and Captain Charles L'e F. 'handier "f the signal corps of the T'nued Siai.'s army, anil Major Henry B. H. rsty of the went'her bureau. Bealdea t!ie..- there are twintv other entries for the race for tiie James Gordon Bennett . up. n'l'.uw them Prince Scipio Borgest of It.ilv. Ir. Up (Jiiervaln. the Zurich meteor- cure a law through which the power of I "lon-st. ami ap.am aimiruiu. auju...... . . I the kiiin of ciiam. l.iei-e are luirty entries in tne interna- LIMIT ON FRAUD ORDERS Advertlaina; Claba Propose to Have Power to luae Them rated la Federal Coarts. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 17. An effort to s- the postmaster general in issuing "fraud ' MUchalrk Tries Aaiala. BEATRICE. Neb.. Aug. 17.-(Special Tele- Ing that nothing bad ought to be said of gram.) August Mischnick. a prominent Total saved the people $i.t. tu5.38 Th. above Is a recital of Tacts. The fig ures are not ewlmates. They were com piled iu the office of the State Railway commission, where any one can see Uiem, from reports made to the commission by station agents of the railroads. The railroads admitted that the Aldrch reduction law affected 64 per cent of their business. Slx:y-four per cent of all freight revenue f jr ten months. July. 1!7 to April, lyos. Is H4.17.71? 5. Fifteen per cent reduc- the dead, with the grand old atatement that the late president had made J60.ttfO.00O by dealing with Wall atreet in the bond matter, and there were one or two men present who applauded even this atatement. There were a good many, however, that It did not appeal to at all. Still. Mr. Nelson let It be plainly understood that he was glad Cleveland waa dead. At one point in the debate the labor com missioner told Mr. Nelson he did not be lieve the Savior of mankind oould convince him the people are better off today than they ever were before, and the populist ad mitted he would have to he shown pretty strongly before he would believe anybody (ibut the "money power" waa enjoying any rirosperity. Men in the audience laughed at Nelson's extreme statements, but the populist was not abashed In the least. He assured them he had made a atudy of the matter for several years, and knew Just where the weak apota were in our form of government. Next to Mr. Bryan, he said, he considered Senator La Follette the farmer living at Cortland, who was taken In by a matrimonial bureau at Indian apolis. Ind.. some time ago to the tune of li.4-0. today secured a license to wed Miss Louise Kness. In h:s first matrimonial venture, Mischnick went to Indianapolis, where he round his intended in Jail. He secured her release on bond and later mar rfei her. Mischnick and his mail order bride came to Gage county to live, and a few weeks after tbtjir arrival In Nebraska the woman disappeared with her mother and his money. Mischnick followed them to Lincoln, where they were arrested for operating a marriage bureau with intent to defraud. They were taken back to Indianapolis, where they were founl guilty aa charged ajid given a heavy fine and jail sentence. ia.1! i uui-one ana an eigni-n incnea oi j. , ,,, .i.-a real & in r cent H r;iire are iinny cuiries in mr miri u- water fell nere last evening, wnicii Insures ! Orouurs win rei e.i . ,,, . .v io pci cent or0r;,-. ttgajnat publications may be cur- i tional endurance c intest representing the the corn crop and places the ground In f Iu ' bonus will be p.iid for each additional mile. snap for plowing, and helps the pastures. . While the machine will be rejected if the HEBRON Hebron defeated the Superior ' maximum speed is less than thuty-slx base bail team here Saturday by a score ,. of 7 to 1. Out of nine names played Uur- m"6 ing the Chautauqua the Hebron team won Orville Wright will fly the machine in the seven. ; official trials at Fort Meyer. An endurance HEBRON Frequent rains have benefited tcs w,n be required in which tiie machine the corn crop in this vicinity beyond I ...; . n, r ... r. v..,,,.- .i tailed is to be made at the convention ml principal , ' .w-'' ! Pk.m. I is pr'nm.ne (-.Jat iie-i in, ' j .,..... v. .. Kansas City. August 2ti to 3. ot the Asso- large and small, will participate In the air ciated Advertising Clubs of America. The cruises. Arrangement are being made to i..... f .,..,,,...;.,.. K..u.... .. acruiumoilate .i.Vi.ow spectators oil the law Is among the vital needs of the pub j Ushers. A resolution has been prepared by the Cincinnaii Advertising club for pics- staitinn li' ld near uie gas worae at me sumirb of ijcinnai -geiidorf. exnectationa. The local arain dealers sav I 1 Thayer county will produce more corn unuar pcrtect coniroi. Orville Wright will entation at the convention outlining the Alamito. Defeat West Side. A meat same of ball was played be- Taa Levy at Haatlaa;. HASTINGS. Neb.. Aug. 17.-Srecial.l The supervisors of Adams county have ordered a levy of 6 mills for county pur poses. Notwithstanding there haa been a large Increase in the valuation, the su- j pervisors made the levy the same as a I year ago. The reason for thia Is that this year than In any one year in the last UBe a track from which to start his flights. decade. i -p;,, track la transportable, In accordance PLATTSMOl.'TH The Cass county teacn- ' , , .. . ers' institute convened In Elmwood Monday. , wlt;1 ""c- provisions. The county superintendent. Miss Mary U. i The speed trial will be made over a five Foster, started the session under the rarnit mile course, with and against the wir-d. favorable circumstances for a successful j To(Uy ,.aptain BalUwin worked upon two HARVARD Harvard streels "resent P''"ical balloons, which he built for the him lively appearance this morninn. aa several , Signal corps, buj which have not been ac amuaement companiea ars busily engaged ' cepted. One is a captive balloon, having in getting themselves in readiness for the j c .u of 54 cubic lneU.. while the carnival to be held from the lsth to :0th. ' ' . ,, . ,. , inclusive. (other 1. a free balloon with a capacity of SEWARD H. Weigart of 8tarlehurst j l.uM ruble meters waa Daralvzed bv injuries recc .oaa. while 1 needed legislation in part as follows: twee n the West Sides and Alamitos. re suiiiti in a victory for the Dairy Boys bv of the torn of - to l. on tne west aides Tile Associated Adverl isinir "lnh America believe that it Is dangerous to th.. I ciou.n1 rfimUav afternoon. It was a rights, liberties ami property interest of i pit' hers' batile from start to finish. Jen nie people and business community lo ; en twwlcd for the Alaniltos. while Nle plave in Hie handsa, of anv one man the. hart v a oil the slab for the locals. Jen- nower now placed bv law in the hands of i sen it ttmg mem ill diving Saturday. He thought i..- water I RRTCU TFAMFR flVERnUE was deep, but It was shallow and lie struck j Dni lion O I LAWILn UVCnUUC witn such force that the injuries mentioneu Hie postmaster ueiieia-. to issue so-called I and striking out fourteen .i.nart fraud orders on evidence "satisfactory to ! stnu k out sixteen and aloiwed fly. nits. it to decide what in ins Judgment I Sweeny (.aua.'it a great game ror ina Is proper for admission to she mad. Tiiat 1 Ainmitoe. A feature or tne gam. was -i especiailv It Is dangeroiiB to allow one man difficult cat. h made by Callahan in the to have ihe power to exclude a publication j 'UKt ,lillf "l ",p ninth, saving the from second class mail privileges after It i Score: R. H-E. lias once been admitted thereto, sine- to. Alamitos . . . . 0 1 1 it 0 i) n 0 0 i a 1 confer such rower on one man m:iWea it ! West Sides...'! II I (1 (1 11 H 1) fl I 4 OLD above were received. MILFORD The excessive rains in Butler and Folk counties lias sent tne Big Blue out of its banns again. It is reported that a.n.. i. ...... ro.n rlt ..t f arvavillu an.l I ivsae. Friday night and seven inches of ' Surprise, Saturday night. HEBRON The Hebron chautauqua closed with two good programs yesterday. Tlieee wer given in addition to tne regu lar ten days program. Trie talent selected tnis year was ot a high order a.i.i petpie showed their appreciation by constant at tendance. The chautauqua will be perman ent in Hebron. HERMAN Some one last night entered the barn of Charles Arnold and stole one of his large draft horses, and also stole Freiahter which Sailed far tarklaad Forty Days ko Had Amerleaa Women for Pnaaenrrs. possible for him. through mistake or otherwise, io ruin the business of any per son, firm or corporation, and t.-nds to en able him to curtail the libcrtv of the press Be It resolved. That the aforementioned power now reposed in the posimastfr Ken Batteiies: Jensen. Sweeny and Cmis; Nlehart and Gr'enor. I'lalstlrn vvl la Twelfth. O'NEILL. Neb., An?. 17 'Special I- errn bv O'Neill ill the first, tllll'd and eral snoui.j lie taken troni mm and vested twelfth iniii,ss gava Plainview a warmly tn the federal courts, and the law confer- co!.;est-d t weive-iuning game on tiie O'Neill Lnng the power upon tiie courts should he d'amod iliis afternoon. O'Neill onthit and A- rru.M.u'.u. oj. i...... ",v- , rrama as to requne tnat neither the ' ,,itrlaye,l t ,c visitors, hut the error cama tWn Willi tiie arrival of inn Hritisu sterner.; u" "i me nmna nor iiw seeono ciass man mL rifiia umu fr Plainview to core. An-kland forty days ago. it has been learned that it was carrying as passengers Mrs. William Riddle, wife of Lieu;enant Riddle of the battleship, .Maine, and Chap lain and Mrs. Patrick of the l'nited States navv. The Aeon is a freight ship and has no charter to carry passenger. The anxiety of tiie navy people to reach their destina- affected. 4o..n which sailed from this port for riV'"' ? T' " "I- .U"J" ",ar- I Donowav. who pit.-hed a no-hit. no-run '- " , ,ing soau imie ueeii aceoruea me person , a;,,. .vNeill In.t week waa on to- rubber f ir Plainview ar.rt was touched up for ten hits. Score: R.ILE. it Neill 2 it 0 iro 0 0 e (J: 10 i 1 i 1 'I ' ( 0 0.0 0 t 1-4 1 t I Ha Mrs stranttlrd by croup, roughs or colds are instantlv I Plainview relieved and quickly cured with Dr King's New Discovery. V and ti Beaton Drug Co. when, the levy was made a year ago I a saddle from James Harrison s barr- This j tion was the caute of their shipping on there was a balance of $19,000 In the ; makes the second horse mat haa been I this vessel. Mrs. Riddle waa bound for I Aula. Samoa, where her husband is at atreasury remaining from the delinquent j stolen irom i ns piace in ine " . v paia aner tne ! hlir anrt k vears oid. but No old sore can heal until the cause which prod ace it has been removed. External applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc, may reduce the inflammation and assist in kacptng the place clewiL but cannot cure the trouble because they do not reach its armrce. 'Id sores exist because the blood is infected with impurities and poisona which are constantly being discharged into the place. The nerves, tissues and fibres of the flesh are kept in a state of irritation and disease by being daily fed with the germ -laden matter through the circulation, making it impossible for the sore to heal. S. SL S. cures chronic sores by its purifying action on the blood. It goes down into the' circulatioir, I $13,no greater than a yea.- ago and removes the poison-pmilucing germs, impurities and morbid matters which are responsible for tiie failure of the place to heaL S.S. S. makes the blood pure, fresh, ; Storm U reeks fhaataaaaa Teat, and healthy j then as new, rich blood is carried to tne spot the healing procesa begin, ; PAWNEE. Neb.. Aug. 17 tSpecial T all discharga ceases, the inflammation leaves, new tissue begins to form, the place nils I grain.1 This vicinity was visited by a hard in vmh firm, healthy flesh, and soon Uie sore is permanently cured. S. a. is purely egetable, the aai'est and best UIixhI purifier lor young or old. Book on Sores and Vlcers and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. verv active suits were finally decided by the supremo i animal. There Is no clue to the party doing court- This year with the same levy, but I the stealing a yet. with the tncreaaed valuation, the Increase In direct revenue will be about equal to the delinquent railroad taxes available a year ago. Although the state levy is of a mill less than a year ago. the present. Chaplain and Mrs. Patrick are accompanied by their three children. Balldia; Permits. Dr. J J M. M ilieu. Thirtl-eisiuh ami Hci'ney stieets. brick veneer and cere-u biock dwell. ng, J7.j; Nels Jensen. Th'. niv.'i :ind Arbor streets, frame dwelling, !.'. Kiprrlrnre Drives Man Insane. PEORIA. Ill . Auk. 17. "1 am one of WE CURE EN FOR I Dr. SearlesXS ' ' ' TABLE KtX'K There was a heavy rain storm here last night, a high wind ,ani a vivid electrical display. i ue lariie barn, j tlW w helped to lynch William Don ?;,r" au-oneVal? ml. we.t ..f Vown was , neSan at Springfield, and I believe I am leveled to the ground, but nun" of the going insane.' was Ihe statement of amount derived in this county because , 'Zr' S! - . th Increase in valuation will be about! waa nut out of buBiness. Sliuoe ;re-s and fruit trees were txown over, ana in some j I Instances uprooted. ( ! SEWARD A cloudburst of eleven inc hes , of water at Marysvilie, Neb., raised tne ! Blue river here aa higu as did tne recent i floods. People living along it banks had to move to higner ground. Two jiintry I bridges were fastened to prevent their I going out. Three inches of rain fell here. Crniaer i oloraao l.lttle Damaged. WASHINGTON. Aug. 16. The cruiher Colorado, wniiii ra:i aground at Doubl Foe tonatry Clab thamaloa. i W. J Foe won the championship of the Omuha Country club at golf Sunday. wHn h" Ot.it Ulain Young in the tlna.s by lue score .if I and 3. Young had a complete reversal of T irtn from he game he played Salurdav. when he best E. H. Sprague la the semi-flnais; in fact, he practically blew up under tiie attain of two such matches in succeeding oays. Philadelphlana Regis Matefe. PKRHY, Aus. 17 The Gentlemen nf Philadelphia cricket team began its match Blulf in Putrei sound yesterday was not here today against the Derbyshire eleven, seriously ilxmageu. according to a tele-, tiv lunch time the Pliilalelphlans had dia gram receiver, here todav by Rear Admiral'. minBvil tie w liole of the county eleven for Pillsbury. chief of the Burean of Navign- I a total of 78. By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles. Kstahlished In Omaha for 15 yemra. The many thous ands of cases cured by us make us the most exper ienced Specialists In the West. In all diaeaaeo and ail ments ot men. We know juat what wilt cur. jou and cure you quickly. We Cure You, Then You Pay Us Our Fee. We make no misleading or false elatment. or offer you cheap, worthless treatment. Our reputation and fame are loo fawirabiy known, every caae we treat our reputation is at stake. your health, lif and happineaa is too serloui n ,,ttr to place in the hands of a "AllBLESr DOCTOm. H nat doctors of abllitv una ineir w w aa aaa 11 TH1IB 1U1IIB1S nini rain storm at about 4 o'clock this morning accompanied by high winds. The large aa aemhly tent of the Redpath chautauqua was almost totaUv wrecked. Tiie wind was so strong aa to snap off the center rxilej. Iiss, ITjO. flo far as learned the only other serious loss waa sustained by Fred Woods, hla 'arge. new lrn. Xh0 feet, on hia farm four milea north of this city, being blown off the foundation and completely wrecked. 1iss. $1.5 about half covered by insurance l.lvea nflterra the llp. PEATRH'E, Neb.. Ajg. 17 'Special Tele gram. I John H. Reed, who was arrested ibis morning at Wymore and bound over to the district court on a charge of boot legging, escaped from the officers. He Debility, a load Poison. Bkia Siaaaaea, Kidney aad Blad aex Diaeasas, ail Special oimsms and AUmaata ef Mem. FR tmnation and consultation. Writ, for Svmpton Blank for hum trMtmnt earlea, 119 S. 14th, Cor. 14th" and Douglas, Omaha. WE CURE HEM" Win .ar. yow for UttVS MOIaTT thaa aay nin -y .n. ad accept U. moaey ia aay way yea wis a ta pmy. Bsrvuas De.Uity, Blood Po4ua. St.ua SiMuat, stlda.t ad Bladder Siaeaaata. Stomach, all Special Otaeaa. aad aVIi maata of Kea. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Established in Omaha 25 Yean. W. mak. aa misleading or fals. atatement ar fa ffar you rhaap. wortbiaa treatment. Exunlutlor.L f A rt and consultation- Write for symptom blank fr IHH home treatme.il I IUU Tooth Povdor Cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth, and Purifies the breath A superior dentifrice for people of refinement Established ia 1866 by Tne elevator at Staplt hurst was struck by lightning, as waa a number of barns. The lightning surpassed any dispiay of f!re worka ever witnessed any place. HARVARD I baerver Fleming reports ten rain rince August came, witii suffi cient rainfall for measurement, the total aggregate being 2.11 Inches. With no destruc tive storms and favorable weatner a large corn crop seems assured. Plenty of rain has made fall plowing for wheat about ail thai could be desired and moat of the farmera have fully completed this line of work and are waiting tne time for seeding, when a large acreage will be aeeded. I TIt'A M. W. Leonard, an old jind re spected citiaen of thi city passed away last evening at tne age ot on em. m , hardening of tne brain, a aisease wmcn ne haa Buffered with for the last two years. He came here about twenty-four years ago and conducted a blackamith and machine sii.m for a number of vears and later went Into the plumbing business. He was also Interested in tn gaa conu-any. which pot I In a piant In thia city some vears ago. He leavea a wife, two boys and two girls. He waa a very prominent Mason and this organisation will have charge of the j funeral. He waa also a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. PLATT8MOt'TH The Cass county chau- , tauqua ia in "full blaat " tnis week in Elm wood. I'nion church services were held Bur day and the song service wa by tn i Christian rnurch chorus and the morning I mrtnon. suojen. "The livine Purpose in th Churcn, ' bv Dr. U. K. oungan. in the evening Senor Ramon Reyes Iaia gave , descriptive lecture on "The Philippine . and Their People." Monday evening Raip'i , PwrteMe gwve a. lecture on "The l"niversity j ot Hard Knock. ' Tne program i uea-iay will be an Introductory concert by the Chi cago Lvceum Laaty quartet; reading. Wini fred V1nter: "L-t It Go." Rev Uither P. Ludden, ' "With an Inanman Through th. I Jungle of Africa, ' Gabnel R. Marin- assesses IT"--"- - "I" IU. .'. ' T I I I. ... ,. n il j .1. n. . I - .. ... "sa- J Mr71r' miwlwMiwi-e-a. i.,.-u, ,. liir ii MZZasB7 t , III , 1 as, .. 1 ... ... I II Advent, in The Bee It grj into thej DR. McGREW CO, 215 S. 14th St, Omaha. Neb. ot thoe you ar. trying to reach, I