The Omaha Daily Bee jtou nivm-xo. 12. OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 1, 3:S-TEN PAGES. SINGLE O-PY TWO CENTS. RIOT VICTIM DIES RAINS EE01HEES ACCUSED TAFT TELLS OF PLANS ArrtiETTnert rf JCr QArprd 'nti Xtrder Tain Fltc. Tct lift 1 gyrisftt H, ii Jew six. ocrxri cnzniL a xjtlys Vmina Ecrre, "STLo V7tX Ehct ind Jettra, C&rarl Eoerrr. Cxd:dit.t Dirtt Citrt-rtfT tf Spmin Ee i te Xaxt. OS tECC ID CJ ALL ISSTES C3TE HUS AS AS ACC01CFUCZ SUMMARY OF THE BEE JSXImh'ZTZZ. kj 771' T .ST i . . 'T -r 29c? J 0 t 6 9 10 II 12 13 U15 16IZ18'19 20 21 22 25 26 2Z 28 29 Xirtfr of Frtrt Hrtf ta Pt 0rr fr T1T TOKK. Au : Ceia5n P-T C I t -dLLUMTET V7LL ILOT. VCZT 1ct?tj Tret JLp..Tiri Xra VLe TertLfy A-i--ri J-iotert, EXAIT. ELCT2.ES XUCZ IVltli-vlI rnWkra f rwatakatewt CfrwH rwwtttot Cedarr-a Tara Tfc- Ik City, fFf.:.vGrn.rj. riu Axe. it or mtw rtcttm wa added to th fleAth l.ft of th FplTiTieifl mob t light, a ber. G j "W. Snort aac imbed tp a g-unbrt wounS I 1t th lung-a. received Friday rtugrt. j R"orr ceath tiring- ttb lota, id bii and ur -Lb faunh chargeable tp rrfler Is th "Via: )t Bear Twelfth and lkioa BtreetA It Ri here iMt the tutted e re nifci their rtarifl Anothtrr death vpwrted tani. I "VT. H. Bcnrt tihlei .,tr k It th county' trMrcrrft offio And pi of xb Tnr.Fl I mmii .nC th btlTif; h rwreJ-refl I-om s rrc'i rf txifrrt Frlav ;ffc't tbmitie "I:r viU rcr.ra tnfl ttit fvnit rf hl 6etUi rtuw k r6PiiM:np rf lit vitriitaio nl lhr trofip' citimi.TiafT. thai liku ten jwmiwia artmnfl tnnra. ana TcTu.ziiig lh rt.rrtir"-h nff tt.e utifir.rrur rf;r.l 1' chv atifl tr-unty of?iBiai ar ta-fchtc rrT ulltt IP torn rirt-iic twiiu- IIlf'TlL. T'. ihE. rn Of"rTi"T tr-r. if in cnr.frr cint witb varn-u c!vr tmSm. trclulni i fiar aiiiK:luori Eriflfni ) nr: lat:-r-.f ihut roaTy cltaniia Irnrwi: tp h" ini- l3'r hi tt-it 6tvmi& Tmni offlL it iif'-auhf tf th--. t vwiifne ni apainrft till TD tTtClt-JUIti'T. 'T). rint rouifl ncarrr-!?- lft n-uu-a and Id tin! at; hm.f a Cirrar tp u'.t. "'tit rr.a2 Cmirrtioe co-m II 11 ruilTJ" tlit'Ka to th t.)-ijrn T ttif auttinntu. Sp it ctvie txiii t- rfciui' tB ur an frnoa r.ttl fTi tt rrtf-al htmn rf lpvtitnowy Xhry rr-.ry Ti,mntt. Our ntitfr ;:Ll rf -iaiii e i Ilk- t Y.r tl ti.rrutl! lt lf juflirr tit-r aiid rfikwjre ikimCikitir. actv:rdiiK to irn- pnline and oTiaiala. ! K rranwl. Tt f attmrtiit: of -vi6rjr bBpan in m- Kent ta aoarrh tb riouara or jirtaoattr a aac -va am aa a roaun ina auaia. laaron 1 it kf d 3!i:e a eun.l a;o anist. EU-rd- j a-, fT-Mirir. mer r and Krj t" anfl --omii a t iolhtht. 6Vrj"F(.fla and ho -w t-rt-r.- -r-fi in f-rtt tiuawrrrit. m t of thejc I ... w r. I.K hrlrv -.. rif 1 1 If .O- tlUai nun bountik Naturally many arr ta fal- )p-d Eif htr prmtmrra wort croa-6-d UK ! t nn.aH ff-U rofim at th voboa ataaon, i tht Ir.c of romf.-irt ht iri aurh that omiy 11. u; urn ficinr l avaiiabi for tii-rpj-.r I J '"'l.a: -am taa ar-m oi li nouns oui t! itic-.." waa tt cumroeot of or police man. In a.rrer; tcifiay ar ttinrl3era 1rr-p:Tt-a i '. liy tt pi'lice. It ar in tb home of tt.ct nn T: that mat of tb lo-t waa found A s:atb poraon i being Bought by tb jo 'ii hi. aver that wlioa h l a eared 1 act Ically all cf tti ring leader of the mob will be in cuntody Wr bait li thing on th run." acid Ei at Jont. chief of CetfWJv. and b aJdcd tiiat aurjiert ar leat-li.: tc -n to avoid arren. (ten ta iagt Ttm. Rev Toutik.oi.t of tlia imaorier taken J 7 tw.ray. ba cot.ftitefl to utartiT a rum- j it of rue, the jwiiict aay. Toung, wnp j i jta:- of agt.. cam ber from M:a-ati-i a ai.ort tin agn A ae.arcfc erf t.i i room at ZLfc Nortb Set etitb at a mult. ' a uu.uiy oi rveraiia. ioe.. ryt nir'. and iitiier artic:ie if apparel Tt a:enct of oj: br.ak iaat i ifi.i an ti.cty haf aet many citiaena lo tiiacuacing '. Ni ptiHOOiii: af an early evacuation of -. i city if tb troopa. It ia jrracflcaaf coria I. tuwfver, that tt niilrna a il: Tt .tan ber until tb ip-ial grana ury t.u.rruuH'! looay ha cumjiltted it repori anc "elu"i,fd ll.e iridic .n HOiia S aui a Art om y Hatch jireic-ta I J.a-c-i cm hand wl'.l not t added tc. liearver. Ti t.lfH. aoidiera tit ar mcairn. i j.tu; tram, tr.agrgt.-ea up lt a jKilitiamati here a;- BuffH-Jvni to oc-ier tb ci.y aoJt,, then fainted after leiimg hi tory ttH4-.-u tiiy iher :. rtuc for a , Xagl had carried th buncUc of naLt.gid in. U Jorm at try piU.t. I jMa j.1T .--0 tiUi.a in ar f:m ic find a A grratid jury a aa luinmimaC thia j ( rr ct. K had aTtejr.pUid tp 111111.11 ly Juag Jtniet A. Creug-niam at i board a laaeing fre cht t-tir.. but had tb featiaaaiot, cyuniy c:lrcuil oourt aa th reauh a coualtaun ! enercay af .e"n.c t:a-tia Gmemor Char S I- nat-s and Ptas a Attuny FraiA Hatch Beth the offtciai. wer ! th roi g i :ii t tm :ej' Aiouid be taken. Ti granu nary u 1 t..d in aeaaion ao liu.g aa the mi-b viumnc - Evidanu alii t bur:t.a lo th body Jron, Ct if cay t y wfTioera arid aoidiar aa.a mm in.eirt i-r"ri at aoitn aa a raj la am agkan an md: vidua-. Etlatatt laalatl Cltlaratav A iart amount erf in..iic-rir ' p-tiriouieed today by Jutg- CarAnd tif ti mat)' cusena of ilia c:: hat oV , Ini'.eJ State court n tt caw of G-org ia:red curing lh n iti:.g and tt.i ail! 1,!' Horraa. forrtaer caahler of th Hat auonjitud li in grand ju- Suatrt hav .ecu Arrtttiued i h da) : mgr. tf terror and a'tll I held aruui tt oe- U;ratun of lb offjria-' a b.cj iiead.uanar, b. Wn;,a at lt Nartt ivnt. aCTu oj ; -. -V -4uct- 1 1 tt ta- a arton. Tr tijmrt thai a-Ui a aubmrttac ir tt.t gran, jury will b ruiiaruid ai thia ji.a:-.. Ti pari-ia cf jf.tAbiiat.n: b adcua .r-tra At ttj pA u tc. facil.ate marnara in gaUi- ASHrNGTC'N. Aug 17 Th roaat arid trine th evidence from th noara ofjr. ge netic aumj ot atory at Cherinnha--.. otV'utasa ai.d eiucjera h n li. tt ld . n po-t an tocrtb.uak beg-Jir-mg at j.ura feirc cif it Iiiutioi NailonAi guarj I u ane te :ru? at 7.37 a m irida?. ul tmntrtil tuaay, evra.grfieid ag-aia la rtci Tr n,n:n ja j.t.a wa renewed at ti a a Arid au oei . Firty-fna tandxad arrrid a m Tt rtc-jd tnetc-ate that tt or,gr a au .ditr patri tt at aet and tn lever f:rr of tht '.remit a a about l mhea di hi.'ofi l.a anaied len trari:y al ieABi. tan- frrt aah-.triot. Am oia ti wild t.imL a I. i;L ruled tbt 1 atate o prJ fur f ort j -eigrnt ztaura -, i.- a c i- j-a-' eeir litii Cia- turbani aio tn iwc-iid U-iaotry fmm Cl.u ga saept U.roufb uat d f afrarnwA yeaaei- Tm la- f Ua com g a tn, of tr evenxk li tan: r and th Firat earairt . a. mi 'ir-ed at Wtug l aga. Tvr Omaha. Conorl Bluff and Vtrtnity Fair writ' it and Tuetfy; rxolcr tirnigT.t. For Jteihraafca Owt-illy f atr tnt-lfrrt and Tuwitf ; comer ton.grht aouth and ear: jicrtirirj: warmer TuenSiy. For Ira -a Oer.ieiral'y fair tnr.irtt And Tniaday; rooler torug-tt. Timt at Oi t Knur. f a rr t a. it. - "X f a -- a rr. T a in "H' 3(- a in S a, a .......... 4 U rr " 1 n rn .. 7i I Jl. IT ! re . ...77 Kai, S charf i ? onmc a ar-f a-rra-STfi or. it't "rii.E 'W-LI'.iaiii E Anr.-.f. rar i nrinpa the niob at A-ctb Fjirjcjrl ... .ifirr rortroi tna th arranfl . -r:: nrw itkr up nw prtM ln OLt cif T-h riota. Pace 1 -a-airr in tt Chip itpt p.oai Kh:). lTH'ntji by -atw ani piarj- miti tut at ut fln-n Fafa 1 Eoiif.r of lak nurow rxT-loflp near Trat-rrF Ctty. 14!rh.. anB one jirron i kllja arifl ruarr lr.turrcl 1 LH J Ka:Iar rorr.mitnili.B bt-arinf Twt'.tioi of ; iomrtit tp Nnr Tfrk froiti bft ) utota yarfia porriiarr io jnr-reaa? r- tc ti- bom in "WlTdhrnri. Ktn., ana TOt to it.f r.harr- T-rfublkiui laa but nad i Fort Hancork on fcanfiy H;t'k in an rT"r: : it pt,or; of :brka nw in ih;to am pomhbiod of ber thr rhaar. f iat J -nar. P-af I -abo l.tvt own Lrin "ith Gfwral at.4 ' I. OC it. Jtra Hunt Mra Hatna &ii not urtiea ' Alf-ffl Iarlp. mfrkti iSvftini.t 1 ta t, iniarion. and It -at tli-ia tbat i siatiarM- erf th Vr.ion Pacific- ra..rtiaa , ,v .y,t c!lr jor her f atbr a homa in Pin.jMLT.r. r-.:rn to lafc cbarre of , KapKac t nut-tta I aflveruiiii.r aftir?- bun-nf-af in mtry j rif Amt .-a m-na ! citira. Tt Ei'ot bvyrra bar acperr plitboa ihrir floFirn. fioft'li.f to tiiO rrr-a ra by Iwatiii tb jric flown tiariy in tb a non anfl thou anwaring lu-: onif.ti-4 a bn rriora uji. tnhjcb ttiy aaiB voula not tbt J-oar. T I City t:ount-i3 tliea tb ti6 Joriu thoory of "juib.ic afty flrat at-iii il )t out of a trbt r-a-o -aith . Ii. Morrrr tate. utich baa bruurbt fun t:taw tb oocticU xor atat oiB iiot.. rara It Karrtmaa linea oby oraw of Jrtrrftat Comrowo rommiKEion In th matter of rate from tb Pacric coavt ooxKncux ajts mrnuu. tor ir.a'ltM Gram markcta Si ock and lionfla. or tjBt -UJOE-. rw TOT.t inC . . . . t:uri . . . . ?HUIBUlt! . Wmr . -K lUhTlr. jU . T I a llimi i.T.;,. ' Jjf.lj'."' nii-rfaaatn-.-N EDITORS LOOK OVER PRISON jM attaa) arati Brgiaa la t. Paal ritk rirwa- r Trl. r'T. FAi1 Minn.. Aug 3.7. Ed ior f-om tli jn. Lt of tb fntted &-.ate ar tie- i(. a:tnS tt m r i:.g of tt Nauo.; Eii tor.i.1 ajo:iia Utt -ahlcb btxan tuciay it th-old capitol buildirig Gct enior Jot.t-tip-n. Mayor Laa ier arid lc: efiitr f roiceci wrier ae la th city Ji-erident Her.T-i B Tamer -of T-r-vh.r-vrrr.. Sr.. mad a limintrT rejiort and named th con .m:r-.eef afir t:ich th vwitor were liken :r. Kjc tal trout-y car to Siiliwater. Minn.. wtierc lt -at j ic wa mt ctd Tamorrcw Freident Carner will deliver hi r.nual add -ra r:irnier Fn-eaiflent E V. S'e;ihri of Ooiurrbua. Kn.. wili de- c-rit the world newirpapera iOflV CIDDirC CrvrBm IDU , bui ii li . w i. i .!. . n ii , ! 1 ma !-. after lajary Ckicaga fw-i-kilB fr ftltlrUa. CK3CAOCi. Aug. 37 A rrmarkabi ti- , hitiition of grit and nrrvi wa aitxieaiied today -a he.n Gorg Nagrit, Z. jtara of a, : car j-mg hi left arm. a hirb ha d been aei-ered by a Cuiut, Mllaeukr at 6t. ' I ei:pj cm tt wet rurura of th iadder and falien ti.e;i. tt truc ka H a a taken lo a;Vtl. : HORRAS GIVEN FIVE YEARS H a.ris- C.aeatliag Caakler atal leatraaarik lr Tr-raa ! ,f .,,. ' a-iri-x FA1-S E 1 j ear. impr.or.mvnt in ' a: leaver :.r-.l., Ktr a a tt aet tenc F;iniig bai.k rttt ci:f-d iaa: fall. Horraa pieaoed guli'.j t mak. tig fan rpirta and emtaAiitj; tr.xti , EARTH SHAKES AT WASHINGTON , . ' atf-tt Arr Ikark Cam irrel ta rail arttntt Tkre 1ka- , au Mlkra DHuah Helle-a raralntr i TFEkA tit. . Avg 37 J T- F EkA Lit. . Avg 37 J 1 I-ar p:t. a . ' ,,.m,,r' j,,r t J vi t an n,- n of at. ..i..iif ward, a ntip.t iia I tit 11 ir ir aita a nmnjul c ntiug i pier r.-m and r; toe a:ie.a .m iep. t h na 11 riM.rt. a ,tl cx ire it tii iiif ' no a rappn.g 11 aroL-nd -ti-:- a net ct.'4e 1 in, ta ea:i.. vitra nae n oe- r of ii ctjk, ai'lieAruj u.'ertr in I - Eain. Jr.. Ttn. a-mj-. wtif abn : anfi kili-S 'Wir.ifcrB E Ar.r.ia cm Ra:n-4i i at ti EijtiO' club. -a ird.T I arraifrx-f lr U f:-rt Crtc-trt court la Ztmtf j C-j rfn duiir.rai JCatthw J ' Smith Arrarti-a 1tb th rartam vu .t hrr'Vtif-r. T. Jit.fclr.a Kali, -wttv krt ick tt crrvfl -ith a rrTo.-rr. wti h bmttir car-tfl put l.ia -T.rrir on ty- ! be. b uwnrS. bai ru!nfS t-. 1,PT ! T. 3"-r kin Haina tr a f aa on 1 a cl.a-f nf tt,irjtffi felor.inua axsau't. ! . -a lat- cbaTfl -)tb twlr.f en r-wB"-T ' tp k.:rr:f rt Ani-ia Benr It arirrw ' rtifnt tVltT Han-rT G Rrwf:'.l. -tip bal ; Ik-'T a c:)or fruna of "W"Il!i-m Atmia, th? j bihb . imrt rr-r tp th eiFtntt n- i x-tmt-y tif Wu'1' t' a rarkacf I lfti"- iw'vJ rTrt:j' Arrta, In Tt.lrk I i iif- r'-nfie that hi i in Sanr- ' It t Baifl -"tiat tli lta )prt- r-tvr-fl 11 uti.incS :rr tfE'.i.rt vitntinr lhf BEJ-itl j ! It,l c.'uh on Rbturfliij- Fjtit t litioottTij 11 ba tv-m Varri'-fl T J-t.kiri Hatti a f-trfl tr. jRE ' m a htar.k'iot ft.ary hm b vu 9 , jfsrr t-ifl H -a tinMl t-J bsrinp rhrrt ' E.Sm-tra KariTi-Fi.n. a Irirntl. tn i-t th. j tt. f-p -verr out in a b-itl off Oia f'ti tn CciTT.fcirt. Ka-n a ac.Qut-.-.c3 j- a ! Jurr trn tb xlpa of a!f-fl.friiw. Gftifral Petw C. Eaina. fLb-r of tt i ysiuiif nrr.. aa to court toflar, ltitiiTic aft-r it intr-Mta of 1 1 arma. ( Ttpraj- jouTif Jitra. Kaiiia. -a-hp It la kjfl. bfn or. tprma of cln Trnt6ny :T , ith Itra. Annia. wlr of lb aials nun. jiifrtt tp t.i fonrrt-i bom In Clarpmont avt-Tiue. Karbattan. M.r aa t titn- Xilitp'r nriHrtretfa l-y t'i killing sf ta- ' buaband and if unflrr ti coiia-ant rar of Tihrt"! inna. After tb arrairninent of tb Elm brrtber vh. braring u put orr for , voek . ----- STEAWERS BOILER BLOWS UP , Dial aal Dtata Mlatm a tt : amlt f Eiaawlaa a Carai Lka Bmt. TRAVETiFE CJTT. ok Aug 37 J ;be ia knows to raa. a a rj zdutc a rr bunt i and aunjinand to - . . -i n. t e ar f atari- anjarrd an. a i r lh(,,. Vrr of tb t.trrrr Ilan. or. Carp 1-t today. j Tn ifTnr. pl) h-twt tt I r-r .t n Ct' lak a a on tt way from ; lr-ian to Fouch. or. it .r!y lomlng ' tr'.j. iiiM d thirty arid forty jfi rj -a 1 (rt on board. At 7 :V tb b:iiir of tb vtmfr biw up. hurlii.g rt.trj lntp tt i Itk. ati? rc-tldinr otht-ra. Th upjr j i 'ri-Lt we- entirriy hloa-n to pc-ea Ft'licwtng ia tb revised Hut of 6 6eaa ani tt.J urei : Tt oeafl: F.E 15 A r EL. 1AB0VTE. S ycara o,4. Traveri C'ty. Tt injured: John Ka-rutig l-.ria. Cjltig Kuawi M-.ii. Ann Arbor, ataidej; condj tior crr.irk. Ft'ar.iey Miiia. Art Arbor. aAi6d: aer. ue A E. Cook. Travem Cfy bady acaiQ Ata ood. iand. a.igrrit.7- vcaicie... I'.ici.ari Pieffan. lx-iana aiigrrtly mc-ti-j-A Xira Kaii't. K 7iaitra Cr.y. nac:y ttjuroa. RaJjifc Hajrtinga. ciiy trot rarer, Traveri C-.y. aligbuy iriuret. Ten oibera ar alig-fctrj- I urt. Aroorig tt n..a:r,g tr Kr. and J':- Aurt G-e'-erT. A panic foTicweS the tKiiioaiDn tnj tn! 'a tin lirti btlp could I g:en tboiw tip wt ttirrwo teto tb watr. ,;t thought that a rurribe.r of thot oeriaiiel by drc CAPTAIN BALDWIN GETS MONEY ir 4 tr A lp ltMir IVet-la -a ahla r alalia Cadttiua af ak 1 oak. Bit VTA-iLNGTON. Aug. 17 Th a cy air- I hip briara t-ay fita ided Captain : EaiSwit' d.-igriiii bailor had met all ! coiid:ti:n. entitiu.g hire, to tut Amount arr"a upon for it j.urct.aa. Tt buard j caicu.a-.ed tht tt ai-:.ip had n.amtiir.ea ' ax i-era-e !- of 3X71 mii jier hour at.: it. tht air two houra on rr.mut and fifty aer-oidf. tt.i beiiig tLghtly rourt that toe required 7 Jer petit of lh of Id C miiea per hour Ctpttin Baldwin ;, recei'' tLTITiifl. a ill! fc If ier crr.t ieat thai tt amount 1 wouid hav rat 'Vfd d t rcbee a n aximum speed of tarrry (.ilea. ' . EM ANSI. Franc.. Aug 77.-F.niUJj that ', tt fteia wkir b 1 contictg hi aero- 7 1 pin trail 1 t:o r.arrrw and toe- smkii H.. Aug FiviJr retjui-emei.ta. 'Wiibur -W-nrht of 1". fiV-r-i.) Tirmni. : . ; X'ay-.cir. c. ia neg-' g Irrr tr uat of a itrgt r.i'itary ground aeven rr.I,e from btre. -a t e-e h p. an to conduct e-ie of oi.g difita-iic fi.ght fEF.liN. Aug 37. A th Flfva tia -I'.or. waf appnar-rmg rta landing ji.ace t.e-e toiay. ft at forced audder.'y oewn aard by a curer,t cf air a hi at a te.gnt of a.ktf fee". Tb g"ntna of tt a' :p BrmA tha g ound violently, breaking tt left ar of Xajnaaa von Krogt MUUI HAFID CAUSES TROUBLE Ira rpri-tagr Aald ta r.r Way Dat ta Maa Maeklaa ti FAR3S. Aug 37-Rejnrt f-orr Aigria are 10 tr effect thai a rw urriaiig 1 uiifier a ay tie th Miu-nor-an froti". a :rt an Arab amy of 5. i men m'ilA.tig and pe ejririg te urrfi tt F-enrt TKitra 1 eica'ed tt Bectiar and BorAn. Genera! t Eauty 1 igc cammi lane of the Aige-ian- korrfiiaB rrii.--if tat arrtved at Colomt 1 Bw ha tnd 1 cirganatir.g frit r;iiun,t, cf borat smet. Tt adranot gr.are of tt Hietr y it itw-iTrif uar bemoenik Gore ment aavtor cVt iart tb uj.riBlr.g tr t it, rean't of tt agr tatara rt Muiai Ha'if axrm among lh triuaeauet at TiTnelt ba. Hau'cur. f! J T?T tc-r awra Acrordinc W tb FTon tb rmi r.fpnibcan. BOSTON WOOL PRICES L0W'NTHRAX PROi!5 A scourge Prcf la is Cfcuhi. . l ter larr Mra lt foM la OaaaUaa WIU Caita 1 Opt Flu t ia Bawt Frtc. j Ww rt n of Wytrmri.a and Mnniana 1 bo tKiid to Bcwtxm ttir tl:r earlj- In tb at-aaon aptinat tt ivn oi Omatat-iia aco the intt-rttitfd to or-anuanr larg eura bouac in tb a-eat. aur twaatmrKid -a-ltb their rtturna and "awe" at tbcmaelvea for j atom, fccoorfiuis ta C. H. itaniea t HtHn"- W rancber. wtie la in roaba. SHirton ouj -ra tnid tn t-rwvrr tbey i would ot f-l over 12 ta IS oent for tbetr j wto: inia yoar. aa inn -a no one ana. i aaid Jdr. Barnra. Barnoa. Ssm they art greua-g unTig hi lnt-e-tigratio- Xr Hick Cia- j t,DC tti buroau. bat th ajinounopiwni ta-Or.ataat- r-f- tr-d at -J rti-i wilh prMSf off z. oenia. i d ir aom a.rta of Clay Boumt' ir l'-t h "ut;h . . -t ta. la and 9C T ba lia-ce a.crm. wn-l in COn Willi gr frtan l te r ce m-r J ' l trtJ i Jor IL I utr-ind tb-- arr- .. nound-t to-t,a ta C aba. Tu m-na ih: wba ahirrpod nr win mak Sik.m to M.mft by tAkin lb advic of tht TyomUig "Wool G r a aaaoria-r ion and Cmai buklneaf men. Th Bonne buyt-r tiai mate tbeit lia cf iaat year g:ind by tieautg flp tti pric- jij tt grower a d rtpar'j from Borton ripw aay tt burr r vry much uTre t find that th Brio ia nuahtng ujward in fao of tt fa-t t!l ti tu; tm toid buncnec of wool gr cw rt taat It oouid not poaitibly go up' 3t i said tha: thru whp ptiF.;gnea wool wLi mak money, ti-'. they jy th commlKKiori a unua.. F.ejKir-.a Iro:T, Boi:.n aa: the b.jer, hart ral-med . n.ary of there ar vt-.rj Truer. cirunta wlifc their tfforj to tut th a no! aaay" from th g-roacra O.hert wtio aucoeebed m making grower believe the- wouid not get roor than to IE (r.ta. art a eii aatlefied DlaaatlaS ta Marataata. Ir a -jiecuti dutjiatc;!! tr.m iiuFtan ti Ntw To-k Commerciai Adviae from IdnntatJ ltiSlcti grc-aert an cisfcatiafied irr letter aaya uai tn aeafcor. it. tt. KT1 I I. . t,l ' ?,f. TTIIlK: unaa: iffacto 1 IP ti,e c:n of any in j etra Tt groa er l.liti tiai u- hav not moeiveid to tiiLTicei value l.r tbair or.; anc ot.. tb ft a who .! fr.m. 37 lo 3r"a for proiuct are a: a.i aatia fiecl 7 w buyer ha c ,timo a., ai.n.f that thej are otfer-.: ail u.a: ioe oouid afiuru pl; :n many caae ti grc aer cm- ; orratu.g t ajieiiBK at! taac t wa K-i. tiC -aitroet. and aa a rtuit. jnor ki! ha r-, etMeae of Ifc.IWiJKl. iir. the other haiid. the ho hav liei tlir wool bar and ciH not atU -.ben tr firat aalaried wool bujer apjitareo ii. c: z. i;rQ'ij:t 1.1'ir. . i .- nitur , Ti renter Ftanoh ccr jai:y oi iielcna ce - uu-e ( tier (till fi'noend lt a eek anC announced ttial I JJ cent more wi.l 1. Cl- I tributed at aeon at tt aettit menta --itt ! tt buy-r of tt aooi ar nma.. Thit ' will mak a igal of jer cea.t paid In : f ifttr. morth tt 00 paty waa or- ' raniaei I But tboa lntr-tea in th organdie tion j of tt wenter acioi mtrfcet believ tt tnmaii r' hick- tht buyer tav atvi. gr: were tt.i year, a-t ic h hat tiemmt a; 1 Tiarent a:- a:iti. alll react tramat ti, eatit 1 ntit rear arid th wart houaet at C laa.a , ar.d oi.her wtrtem citiea will i fiih d to ; t- erf u a n.g j Nt (tag at ali Ukt. j Tt tjerutu c-ommine of th t VtKii Groat-r' aaacKiiaUon n-et at &a:t ! lakr City ntxt MiRiday tc. der-ioe t.n a-her 1 the big aarenmia of tt aaanciaticn a ili W locetea Tt wil. I re,pre- aer.ied arid hav aiready fora aroed tttr Commercial club l.a receive a ho: 10 tr-. i Ct-iraer- $ . F'aul ana Ir-icr hi aiac thmirted nroiioattiriti Chir-aep unit tt trrumen: that mori a ill t fu-TiAtied on wool at S 10 IeT cert Ti On .aha luei met tilt it! o"y v.d by tiiOBt 11 '. erected m aecuritig : th war-ctiouh for Cr.icagp by replying I W a ill fu ai! tl m-iT.ry ti aoo. ' oen of tr aa: a ti t tt 5eritr ! lit i and mart el rare a t ir t. t-e a it a at a. j any cry in ti Vnned State 3t 1 tieiieved it Chi'.Art' t'ii tr furnrh m-rney at uch lea ra: and for motfirtte , Tl.. it fta- 1h jiu--j.:ia of getting tt ' a-arhoua and it"wa-d cha-g-:' tr ' rr ak-t rate for l Ar.a A ei-e-y man ia Ian mu; vidua', tranaat-iim tiera-eer tt tioioer and tb hank, tt Ct r age pmpoal- tior kt ldirulou tt. toarAera I anj ttit- refiiae try C"t.irk-c. j bar.ker a tiuii autiierria aucn a bid for oc." i 114m UaaH DMtdead. t arkaafeg. SEW TCf.K. AUI. :7 -The fe-.andtrd O" 'CPTTpar T tuaty bnrr. 4 a c.a-try ! C viden. of i per cent Ttii 1 tn ani a wt clf-d tt ot.r-ep.ring oua-ter It- yea- The lfr. 1 -1 Kua puti-t-'y tt:vi,d a a ax tit rat t f jt cent ' Aft Me. TVi rruj ri7rrta'" lit 111 poem br KWDrthmp likf thia. " ; I Brpona from tt ItKialitm in Clay ana ' arrtbrak at tp tti f?ct that ttitr lit- ti ciar.f ix tti ailuatioii. Tbua fai thounanfia of hoad of rartl bar- flmd it tb repion b tn Ainraar la ramjiant in tb Imr-fla anfl thi atrTtifaic Irm to larm- tr -a iil amount to mar.)' tbouaanCa of floi- 1 It T. H. Hicka. utat v-ter inarlan. rr .. . ... . w..r - vir, t j hT J1Ft cttu, acthra ba Tmiiti j t-.rcaati to li in tiititr fwlfla rrpop it0 rtTUt. ani. worm, of all. to human ! iinta. Tti anthrak baciliua if not im!v 0ontarioua. tut ia to m t thrTr tn m- j trtE kma- of aoii o that It -ry bara jtB enc.iual!r tcanin out flitwaae. The- at no knea-n cur for it. nut a a rr rrr.i- j,- ooublr vaocmation ia uiwa on to p par th -ay lor tti imconB ana I- f lual or-.. a aruhsLitut for -raocmatirm la ntim uard a ! tiat r a la- pm taa of ra ; ri rrrr ar -n lrorc ti ef-'f-f-a of i tb mrdifine. m-mturr artrita. m whtcn tt I man uf act arr of th moflictn win b th I Ot frnoat.t. may rotiult from thta 1 j Bo alar ia a th popl tn tb j flun-in tha: th rrttiaeni of Ontrrrtili.. j "akonfia. Vermilion and other town have practicaliy caaed eating meat. Kumora I hav com frcim mime ;nt of Hutchttiaor. ' county tt.Rt antb . lia appearod there, ; but at et the rtport hav not beer J corrfi ied i Ktrct.maon adjoint Ttnkinn cou.i; and 1 ia Iilie with he: da of cat'J.. amot.g wr.ioti , th d:eat ould 7'iey great havoc j , RAILRCAD REVENUES LOWER ( ; I aaoa Pee iei Aiaataert Tall lmg iM tm laaiat fr ikt letr. NEW TORK.. A ug 17 A otjcreaat of til -iC7Sf in revenue over ci;ieraiiiig ct peine t and take l et.n ty ti antiuti nient of to Vr.icm Ftrific ryaiem an. tii. SiouUiem IVcific ciorrpariy made public t p.l i- 1. tr.t t ... I... rjf .!. .,..,. V... s c;ur.;ifcry for u year endit .un lart waa H.r71.4f.. a fiec-eaa of t. tit.yii Tt o;ieratng trjne aet tSt6.-.Hu ar. mcrebH cf ttli..aS aiid taxea of K-.Bal,.:' an uic rviajw- on a... u . r revenut f Vmon Fai-.ific c . va tar a x . . a-v . a.. -;- waa Fl.03h.Zft a decreaa of tac'K. : opera ui.g ecpenat and taze a-aa tMKi- of CXlt.KS and take tl M 7 ax ,1 - ' - - " ..... - ' al- . u ekHaaa anc lake a ere ..aiiw,. &e.crJt oi fc.3 1 tin rrl 1 no 1 r.nror pinniiT JAr 0 AL rUA.nLn. .A.jni - tt-a Catt r An rtvea at I aga. Alaak a. It a rilj-ntf laaatrt FEATTIE. H'ait., Aug. 37 Cab ad-. r from Vaioea atate tt I'mtt-i ! State revenue cutler Bear ha krr.-i ed at T"r-ga AifcMka rm a ertv-fi ordered twerty-f' jiriBcrner held it tn federal grand Jury for exeniit.atmn (it , "I in capiurec arnoc.nera wa negro if , reaemh tt cutter McCulio: h. LOW WATER STOPS THE MINES t.fcta It Iter .t Ctaataula 1 k-aaagraj ta t"laat Cal target. F3TTFBrr.G. Aug 37 -rerg tu it Fuaprnued n. W ir rent of tr coai mine. ai-rrg ti Monor.gaheA rn and tnoua- aocif o: n.liier. are j& a a j- uji vi Lur icw aaur ir. tie Ohio rner. Practriraiy tl! the c.oai frorr. ditnrt 1 amppefi be r:-tr. but for aeve-tl tell tr aa'er hai twem an iow no ampment couid n 3"i.a rain Buffiriett 10 rain tr r;vr ft.A aonr enforced idienet U cauite Bufierit among :t miner CIRCUS TRAIN GOES IN DITCH n 1 1 a-vtl a f Riailiai Br a. akaar t reke at Tart KrIVa. Btrlttal k fa.laatk.ia. lELLlS'.HAM Wur.. Aug 37-Th1 , " ' ' I are-ted at Fort Keiia B C . on the Grea: Sort!, rallaaj.. tl.irrt mnea runt, cif I l-t yew err ty aftert it. And ha:f a doaea anenoant. a tun rr.iii. 1 a be - tr for tna wreck at x-ght Mt aU mumeg arn aaJ poacher from fetal -".arid I v. a-. .ml, tit i, ftt ucmoc-ratic tntliaate. Anotner nacunar it pria-.n. a tin a part ot tt of I h" k'-'UI' " '-i.cay called to vh !,..., u,f fact ttu but thrat of tl two Japanei c hocmera Jnti, ctp:ure. j r-t'-IM,m o! v Cie, t- ', l d-mccraut- CAi.aidaie.fcrr tb lella:rt Th Bear ha aaiied to brr.g tb remainder. fl"'J " U" Manufacturer aaanciauot;. . ,.,edrd ta tute Ir th Vnnttd ! t- a a...... T--!.. v.. Jh hici, Kr Vac .I.1.,rt,t.:i, randioau rtKieivrng th larre-t -T-v """"" E3D : mxeES A5D BORAH 10 TALK I Plara TonrilaUd for Efpublicii ; i"STCILZ SLGI33 JmSLE SLTTOCBIS Uakc't -aatr Will B Taita fraaa farakw't K srrt a aa Pi-r I pa lma faaaalra Catr1VtlM. i CH!rA'30. A a. 1" Tt mi np-tiT't iriiairr. in tti at on: 1 ! ot nd uiail almut f-t -rt miwr li. Thai 6tl k-rfd u;.on y at a oot.f-rniio ' "t pollUc:aJ )6frf - :U. Ctiair ian Hltc-1 rotk of tti rfrvhlitian natio&aJ commit -t Ti orrtn-ja'Kin c-f tt Btfm a;ak. ouroau oannm n tr.u oy ax. Xij . cncoi a iilii jir i raii u. ii u. about ten flaya. 3t hta tr. vrT-ia hat Senator "". E I.orah -of Idaho, would aorum tti flirec- a fltrtr iand for jam to fp-.Ak In All part ! T'- "r-ry xjiax n. aa- -- w wi-n-i he " Ttw " "" f"T "Tinf ri'rTr'' te admit cf hit tmg ti-d orti I lo t'-m work. laaa fr Br.ii ai CVm4l. ; T"n6er tb on naJ ji.tnt. Senator Borah An adviaiir;- p; rt.nei: rrig- of on ' waf to tier offior in Out-Agro and un6 - : member from each county wffl b twiectea ; take to block out th wtm-rn country ititP'.y m pretiioert Tb otijert of tti club j ara and ahep tt prieakinti pjr.llnef for w;r t to itt f:nr. voter f it. ach aertion acrorfling to tt iauea therein ! mtiir unfl-r tb 1 aft VajiTier. ' Gon-raJ T. Coleman Iuomt of Iwia-j Tt following oK'iPtn- vrt eieriad: Pra- ware, who haf hit tiff ice at ti New Td-ij Harry H miner. FYernont : vtr prea- beadauarMTt.. a ouid jook toe ma-, ., nt. Aiien Field. )r Lmcolr.. aece- t hioery of it bureau. fci.a:or Borah i ttv i Tar . Inm :ub-U. Linc-.oin; treaaurer, Jonn mak aeve-al w-r.he tr ti erly cam- . -r- tkeff. "Hart. i;ga. naifrt. m e:e-n atate. hut h ha ar-eid -r u jireaioert ppoi, th follrwHig ex to rema.r tier for a time ani pel the j ,:;, committt: Firat diFinct, H- G sjLke bureau o-gancd f-.r ti fit ! -w e'.iemeiek. Avoca ; Third flin'ric-l. George He wU! 1 a-Fiwed in thit o-k t y Coione: A :.,( ,t.. Kaning-on: Fourth dirtric-t. H C- -11 . E' or of Tevaa ;H ;lucaa. Fairbury; Fifth dun rim. A plan ftir it rk'herir.g tf camjo-irr. v day; Ptatb dmtricl. fuTitit in the runout atau-t wat f i-rru e3 T,.(,nar Batett at a cot.fe-nc tuday. The national c:rr- , m:tteemaT, in tort: at! will be n-iirrired tr at-) oct a treaturer for t.i tti.t. -a up t a! agent Thif agent it to aolicit and collect contrtbutiotia. wt.i: b tr to i tunied ovit to Mr Fild'-,, h na- i tmnai iraaurcr. c r Mr TTpiiam. th aamKt- ; at-. tretFur T. i I a;eiiraenienif : r,e v ,-, ,..,. ... tt state ctitirman. Mr. Kiicbcnck an crwn! of h.i aeti -1-i.n. t.-TT r'tiifcn fcl i 11 t.. rr, Trirli.v f.r j X'tica, N T.. here they wi.i a-:ei.d the : certniorue conoeited a :tt. 'he nntification . of Kr. Fhermir of hit nomi:.i.titin for the ! vio jire-tiidtncy. i Harkn Of f er .- tr a. X r-IX" TfiPt t. 1" lr,i.fniru.n.i,..: I wa made today by General Iup:mt, di .rector of tt rpeaker hre.a ai tht re- pu.icAa r.aticmal t.adc,uartera Guv. i eirnor Kughe lia of.'ered l.i atrv.c-et speaker turu.g tt cart paigm and that tl offer td been acoetjd Tt guvemur wl'J t-pttk at tt opei.tng rf ti Ohio ctm- j jAirt at TPUigatcm-n m fVTiemtr Kt will I undoutr.ed.y make aeverai Ejeecti m ' aaatert utile Ufor i.ia retm ncimt. III tt I 3OI 1 rr " - iwattt ! r.rr.i u i.irr rfeertea Ciet e for th Beeond time within a mot th aet 10 r. rettmi.t a ry tt nuBine met tf lh counirj tiiou.d rut vr tt f ir it oerti:- iratic Candida:- Kr I-j aL a ..aid n:: tttier nil try ietig-: ty cicme:.: regarci;r. the t.ur ba charged Kr Van Ciev vfb ah.fung ti cia.'UBBi:iTi "3 aiitil." at. a M Brian.. ' S.r;i j ti preatt.t rir.nti.. .ut. ti uucBtitina a hie t be y n-n-iaJ upon r t tt-iff ouea-i.r, t: 1-a 1 Minnit and t: jrutrtcty of liti.t o ;:.- ! ai 7:.fe ke " Vr ,.,,,,,,-..,,, H.rr' ref-m t. ir atn.aa-u.nai ltr !U.& a p rtanurg thia m:r.:i,g 1(. tr .,.. .... . m ,ii. x.. ,, a. Ccirr,- ; mit taeniae Jame Kerr had X'-ot .:ae nt a cam- otmiKiratic candidate liia.ltH. tt ing Cc ioritii Jamea M Guffty a hp f-rr mary jea-a a a ti demre-rttir l.a: iot a, nom rir'eeman from Fer.nrj .'var.A but that Kr. Kerr had not k4 hi part of me a.,eped prcTntaa " 1 never heard of ary u t, pfor or ag -ee-nnt " Kr-; tr ' .a"e. "and 3 dr. n-t hiiev there 1 ar.v t--t m : rpcrrt But tr pri.;! per. ! ti cotifu.t a oui 1 : i.e f-n r. :.- or creoi r.l ;a 1. arid : t.e tie.egtiet.. a tbey aer ti. c.r-e a he. oe- .tide, tut Pej-ni iiar.ia cotietr. " ! er Likl lktataal Meat Oat. TEEF.E HA'TE. 3rd. Aug v -R.-..1-.1 fron. it hi-ummou ct.a! fit.ri :oav 10 Cirt'i tt at tr jei nr of wr.a i.g n t- 1 i-aeer. t. aod if rn it t c ll A lean t tn s a ... 1 a it - g nt 1 a -x- t ' r-.- - -,.--. . . . . ..... i rjifn Itixcr CtMtcn. 'dCCTOLS lXTOLT TO 7TISE ippizfi tid rtxtiLt Aid Eim. WILL CIGAXIZL BTTDLTTS ratMkaa Clakw ta Fai t tat ia ( i rr V 111 Raara lrt 1 trr-a. HC'T prKINS Va, Aua 37 -Oiax-nw'irf i'iS:.j t.; rt.arrttr n! f;wwb to rr:i.kf e-.:-trr ibe Juflf Taft aaii bf l:inca b baa jj.."ra l.lnit-:f or r : o-a :n t! n-tir tw i.a aafiy maif or; n e-T cuuod lilt' J- tp tweam lm;r itatt i i the cLiriiHupi. "Bjt..." b aflafi. ! -. hfc vr;n nctl jirrvfr.t roe. 1 tJt IV frn ! u-kms ur at.v auttfrt ane ti!k-r"4 on Jt ::. t!i r;iw!rt 3 atiaH Ti:lJ-.r tc V. h : -irLit ot ifra iciriF irbo nit.v rorr t'P C:n- r:fw rtu-:::f 1 1 i-arr.palr. 1t aub.wia tn rtituwni a tti jiartaraiar rffr-vn: t. i if-fKt anfi tharantir of th partjrular 6-tinn tp iiom 1 abaU talk. 3n ti-.i j ?it n it jitpfw.l'if I ahal! mnrw mar? ! of thr iir.portaM anfl n.ltKiT lmr. tut I i hei t not iaid at.- Iilica lor takir f up In arr rmrt-it-tiitr orow ar.j- our rum " .J. TJST: fT tt TrMt-d fa-.t arnai and a pr ! rial fm-tid of Kr Tart, ram b-r tcay tm buKiTiwit of a pn anna?' nat ur t h tb 1 (antliaa-. F-efTf Jviti Ir. Rard - pTtw 1' tit-li.t that a r mrjnrrty of it libyFiriaTia of th cou-t. faorrfi ti rtocudbcr cf Kr. Tart TT r rrccrrd of Hr. TLf. in it ri.ilippioof anfl in Panama I far rf tn mefiliaJ -of t wion la OTiirrwl in fl. t. tt caua of thia ferj- mr of fTtidlitirsa I Thr -a-t a cor-frrrno toSar T".-n ' .ttii.i. Kayf HetnH.ona and HrrWrt 4 ' M ;-. a CoJumbua. Cv." attorr icy. bo ) t.-l6rt f.f tt Mo RrpuMitian Coilt-r iK-u. a hirh ia afftiiattid -a ith tb Na tional R'pu.;c:an Collt" loarua A r--aJ plan of ro.labOTa.tion 'aa dirurd , "Jt it our intuition." aaid Mr. Myrr. 'to orranir rTLhlioan t-iuba in rry rn.- lf-r and unli-erttltr in th oounTry. . u, .rh .j r,p r,ret vf,ter- ln tb coura of th catena im.'' T FT IEIOIG Or riBT VTE (From a -.aff Cai i-iautnv flentj y rK. A u TT f P-la TmagTaaa r 3w-wta Taf! Lar Twm. ren p-f .a, at tb lilnfl-Tl bote! today 1 at an crttiuaiai-Vc u-taiiig ail n6d .r at--oial f.rat voim froso out in tb na-. Following it m-:.:t.g aliort addreaat ac t delivered by Set.: or Eurkett. Orlando Ttfft. F H. Hetvry. C. F. Anfleri rr of Ki,j0. f;.t T-aaurr 1 C. Brain an.d berreiary C crrrick of tt aiaie cicmanHu.. Anx-ng toot in af.endarKi fro eu-.i6r p:.:n.a were; Ka-ry Houaer. Frt lont. Ray lcmg Au-ora: H. H Jd(3uB.. ra:rhu?y . ...M. tVy:koff. Ka-titig. F. A. Jone.a, Sou-, u C'nikha. Jamet Brciwt,. N-ti-atika Citj . and G-iitv N 3tUK4i, Iiaa-ai'n ccut.ty DEMOCR11 HUE IXT 1TK1IET X r r Prtaaary la -r la 1 aaktagtaa rta.a Ik eat Oat f Baaaiag. FEATT1.E vv aai... Aug 37 tfrjcial a . Tt fiT-at UHt of 11 dirrot p-imary it. aS jiarti of tt jtti and c eri&g try elec -ui 1 ft" ic outiiia of ti trutiu-inaltt ie a il; t 01. 6t jiteirtHir k Tt rcg:.:ratioB of cttidiua'e ci(d laat r lurdty and lb le ttlt for tt atatt ahow l.KiT candidate for numii.atii.r. fur every off 10 from governor 1 T-'u a "i-tor oow to wiia-a- t,H tr,a f,f U" I j Tl chief feature of th reg-ittratic aa6 from ti la' ge turn tier 01 i tn READY fact that not half tb office l-t demo rratir ciaimanta Een for tl aata offu-ea there tr vatitinet m tt otanocratic 111c. !!... m om cour.tie ther not a aib- t .Wr f,f vttM Tt.i apathy or. th j.a;t cf tt 6TiiOCTfcia ia taken to meat, tha: they hav but little Imp of gelling ar.- th:i.g C'Ut c-f tt tltHilor.. M t( k rr-nnrx-Tk HI PI A S laeaaarratlr ("Walra aa C f mtm M taaaart Leatera. CHICAGO. Ag. 17. CoiJttencea ItKikit g rt. ti jrf ect i:it. of detailed j.'.ah few tt c azr.paign m 11 middle a eat atw ben t i.roug nout tr daj ! Ct.alrmae Mack a .tt heaot (! tt varlou burnau of it cemr-ratic oomn.l'.ie and ji"nnii ner.t democrat aha tAiied at be. .jtrter : ? Ti.r.ay ft .vr Governor Iockir nf Mia aour and Cohgr. n.t C.a'k, koge'ba ai:t. Coi'ine: M itea C Wfjatirt of fti. Ecu, lead cf th com iitte of finance.. d.K-Bned at Bum iengt r, tr raa.T.g of ftr.a for pect.r th carrj,aTi m Ma-aour-i tr.d c-:.t.: le llt-t-. I'M.-n.n. KkA w:"l la tier Monday Jur ;nci.fct.ap..l,a is attend tb Ke- n:.::f-'a-i.rr. a:r t aiil X'teioeed it. Ntw T rk t M 't he a .,: opti, ti euaterr tieat i .cii-i ureit. t 1 arr a: tlrt ratal fall traa an ke. fATEJ'N N J, Aug 1A-A1 't Cif'.-n c Btad'Lira Inoay, "'wmni-" ti".cit S irit uid a niDtorrrciitr! and ' i--nie? lrtaeignt r-riht. U-fnri, f-on . It moiorryrie a I art ta lt , .1 tht tract ao.d iwam j