The Omaha ' Daily Bee VOL. XXXVIII NO. 51. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1908 TEN FAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. S' hi i WILL TELL SHERMAN Republican Candidate for Vice Pres ident to Be Notified Tuesday. HITCHCOCK WILL ATTEND Chairman Leaves T Today After Holding Sever, .j fences. 1 ' BALLY IN VIEC i ' FRIDAY V ' Judge Taft Will Maki from Porch of Clnb 1 i . of "" J BRYAN TO SPEAK IN Dl JUS Khrakaa Will Make Address on Tariff Friday and Will Go to Chicago to Attrnd Con ference Saturday NEW YORK, Aug. lO.-Polltioal activity throughout the country will be quickened this week with several Interesting: events. Congressman James 8. Sherman will be officially informed of his nomination as vice presidential candidate by the republi cans In Utlca on Tuesday. Senator Bur rows, chairman of the notification com mittee, will deliver an address on behalf of the committee and Mr. Sherman will respond. On the same day In Chicago, E. W. Chafln. the prohibition candidate for president, will be formally notified of his nomination. Friday has been designated for a rally of VlrglrJo, republicans at Hot Springs, Va. Judge William II. Taft will make a political speech from the porch of the club house adjacent to the hotel. Brran to Speak n Dies Moines. William J. Bryan, the democratic nominee, will deliver a speech on the tariff at Des Moines, la., on Friday and will leave that night for Chicago, where he will attend a confreno of democratic leaders. Mr. Bryan expects to remain In Chicago for three days. Chairman Hitchcock of the republican na tional committee wfl attend the Sherman notification ceremonies on Tuesday, going from Utlca to Boston, where he will meet the New England republican leaders on Thursday." Chairman Mack expects to open demo cratic headquarters In New York during the week. He will probably go to Chicago the latter rart of the week to participate In the conference with Mr. Bryan. Minnesota democrats will hold their state convention In Minneapolis on Wednesday. Kaosaa Mas See Hitchcock. CHICAOO, Aug. 16. Chairman Hitchcock and other officials of the republican na tional committee spent a quiet Sunday. D. W. Mulvane, Ui member of the com mittee from Kansas, was the only political arrival. He will remain until tomorrow for a conference with Mr. Hitchcock and other prominent republican leuders now here. General Coleman Pupont, director of the speaker' buieau, and George R. Shel don, treasurer of the national, committee, left f6r "New' "Yo'ik. it'u'rlng' the 'afternoon. Mr. Hitchcock will leave here tomorrow afternoon for I'tlea.' N- Y., to be present at the notiriraUori of Mr. Sherman, the republican nominee for vice president. '- Mark Going- to toast. A fight to awing the northwestern states Into the democratic column Is being out l.ned by the democratic national committee, uml Chairman Mack Is contemplating a trip to the west to rally the leaders of the party along the Pacific coast to vigorous uctlon. Reports received at democratlo headquarters here, Indicated, the leaders bay, that Montana and other states In the mountain region form a promising battle ground for the democrats. John L. Wood, head of the speakers' bureau, said tonight that he would be prepared to send many well known speakers In to the western territory to wage a lively campaign In every debatable district. Chairman Mack expects to make his western trip during the. latter part of Sep tember. National Committeeman Martin J. Wade of Iowa left here tonight for Buffalo, where he will open the national campaign to morrow night In New York state with speech under the auspices of the national committee. STATES FOR CORN SHOW SPACE Minnesota and Wisconsin Among" First to Choose Places for Exhibits. The work of selecting space for the various states which will iiave exhibit at the National Corn exposition is now on and within a few weeks every state will know Just how much room can be secured and begin preparing tho exhibits accord ingly. Blue prints will be made of the Audi torium and plans for temporary buildings adjoining it, that those who want conces sions may secure them early. Already a pile of applications are on file for ton 'tefcslon space. Prof. C. P. Bull of the Minnesota Agri cultural college at St. Paul, spent Satur day In Omaha selecting the space which will be used for the Minnesota exhibit. This exhibit will be In Joint charge of the Minnesota State Fair association and the Ciop Improvement association of Min nesota, i Prof. Bull announced that arrangements had been made to give a "National Corn Exposition Day" at the Minnesota State fair and Tuesday, September 1. has been selected as the date. J. Wilkes Jones, manager of the corn show, will go to Min nesota during the fair and be with the visitors and officer on "Corn Show Pay." While In Omaha Prof. Bull received a telegram from Prof. R. A. Moor cf the Wisconsin Agricultural college, announcing Ids Inability to join him In Omaha as planned, and asking Prof, null to select space for Wisconsin similar to that se lected for Minnesota, which was done. The Minnesota agriculturist declared the Umaha Auditorium to ba an Ideal place for tile big corn show. JAMES J. HILL fS INJURED Great Northern Magnate Has Hand Braised In Mechanism of Aatomohlla. 8T. PAUL Aug. rt. -James J. Hill, chair man of the board of directors of the Great Northern railway, was ralnfjlly injured In an automobile accident near Duluth today. While Mr. Hill was under the car the chauffeur started the machine and Mr. HUl's hand was caught In the mechanism. Ha hurried to Duluth, where the hand was dressed, and later came to St. Paul. He said the Injury was not serious. OMAHA MARKET AIDS GROWERS Chance to "tor Wool Boosts Prices Three to Five Teats a I'aand. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Aug. l.-Speclal ) Wyoming flockmasters are In better spir its now than they were a month ago, for wool has advanced steadily and those who were wise enough to consign, store or hold for a later market are now enjoying the benefits of the advance. And there are many growers who feel thnt the top has not yet been reached, and are holding for a still further advance, and from present indications, their hopes will be realised. During the last few weeks, many Wyoming clips have been sold at from 15 to 1& cents, and one clip went for 17 cents. These same wools last year brought from 19 to 22M cents, showing that the growers of these wools have obtained within 4 and 5 cents of last year's prices, and this Is not all, for this year's wool Is much heavier than last season's clips, and In many Instances the flockmasters, owing to the Increased weight, have obtained fully as much per head for their wool as they received last year. Among the many fortunate flockmasters may be mentioned F. A. Hadscll of Raw lins, whose clip amounted In round num bers to 112,000 pounds. He receded 16 cents for this wool at Rawlins. The Had sell wool was much heavier this year than last, the fleeces averaging something like nine and a quarter pounds, and as Mr. Hadsell obtained within a few cents as much per pound, the . increased weight brings the net return from his wool clip up to practically the same -figures as he received last year. Only those sheepmen who were led astray by the wily talks of the buyers early In the reason, have cause to complain. Many of these growers obtained not more than 11 and 12 cents for their wool, whereas a year ago they received as high as 19 and 20 cents for the same wool, and, as a rule, all wools that were bought early In the season at the ridiculously low offerings of the buyers, were of light shrink, so that the growers cannot make up In weight for the difference In price. And In this Improved condition of the wool market the wool storage movement has been a potent factor. Indeed, the growers are becoming more convinced dally that but for the storage movement, coupled with the Increased consignment business, prices would now be hovering around 12 and 13 cents. The warehouse established at Omaha, as a result of the efforts of the officers of the Wyoming Wool Growers' association, and especially through the work of President J. A. Delfelder, had a great deal to do with the advanced prices, for there are aeveral instances where growers had even loaded their wool on the cars and were ready to bill out to the Omaha storage when the buyers on the ground In creased their offerings several cents per pound and secured the wool. And If there had been no place to which these growers could have sent their wool the buyer In the field would have obtained It practically at his own figures. So It Is then that the Omaha warehouse, even though It was small -In capacity and was established late In the season, proved of vast benefit to the growers, whether they shipped to It or not. JU offered to the grower "the avenue of escape" this season and enlightened him to the (.visibilities of the future. This storage movement had its Inception In the minds of the officers of the Wyo ming Wool Growers' association, who hove ever been ulert to the Interests, not only of the members of this splendid organiza tion ami the sheepmen generally of Wyo ming, but to the wool growers of adjoin ing states. At first Its officers received little or no encouragement and some of the largest growers said that the movement would be a failure, for the sheepmen would not store their wool In the warehouse, and It was only after much hard work that several million pounds of wool were secured for the Omaha concern. Like all move ments, It had to have a small beginning. However, the success attending this year, assures the continued success of the Wyo ming movement, and also the success of the national movement, which Is now In charge xt the executive committee of the National Wool Growers' association, which will meet In Salt Lke City August 26 to formulate plans. GOOD SIGN OF PROSPERITY One Eastern Rallrond Is Forced to Enlarge Facility hy Increased Business. The Lackawanna railroad has secured the largo double pier at the foot of Cather ine street. New York City, on the East river and will, effective September 1, es tablish a new freight station with dally float service to and from the same. This pier Is Ideally located for doing a large freight business. The section of the East side adjacent thereto, and In what Is known as the "Brookyn Bridge district," is filled with Industries, manufactories and business houses of all kinds.. As a result of the excellence of Its service the west bound merchandise traffic of the Lacka wanna railroad has shown an extraordi nary growth In recent years and the estab lishment of a freight station, aside from the opportunity of a largely Increased busi ness In that section, has been found to be a necessity as a relief to the large amount of traffic which It has been called upon to handle through Its pier stations on the North river. Considerable of the business which comes from east of Broadway will hereafter more conveniently use the new East rtver pier. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Kate G. Turner. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Aug. 16. (Special.) Mrs. Kate O. Turner, sister of the widow of the late Governor DeForest Richards, and one of Cheyenne's most highly re spected cltlxens, died suddenly Friday evening of heart failure. Deceased had been calling on friends during the after noon, and was taking a nap when death came. Mrs. Richards and her son, De Forest Richards, arrived from Douglas this evening to take charge of the funeral. De ceased leaves one young son. Mrs. Turner was one of the state's foremost business women. For many years she conducted the leading hotel at Douglas, but during re cent years she was engaged In the sheep business, making a success of It. Endaranr Hora Kace. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Aug. 16 -tSpeclal.)-Entrles for the horse endurance race, Den ver to Cheyenne, which will be run on Thursday, August 10, are coming fast, and there will be not less than fifteen starters, Among the entries to date are Sam Sco- vllle, Peter Dlckerson, Frank Smith, Harry Tipton of Denver, Norman Scherer of Gree ley, who will ride Jumbo, a roan horse weighing 1,110 pounds; W. P. Bluster of Fort Collins, who will ride "Nan Patter son," a sorrel mare, 4 years old; Miss Jane Bernioudy of Denver and others. ANSWER TO HIGH TAX TALK Increase ii Only $18,068.84 Deipite Rapid Growth of State. SHELDON AJID RIDER SPEAK State Republican Committee Plans Extensive Speaking 'Campaign for September and October Democrats for Taft. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. 16.-(8peclal.) The shouts of the democrats that the farm lands of Nebraska are assessed too high and that the people of Nebraska are being robbed blind because of the action of the State Board of Equalisation, is not borne out by the facts. The Increase In taxes this ycur over last year for state purposes Is ridiculously small and the smallness speik volumes for the able and economical ad ministration of state business of Governor Sheldon and his republican assistant. State taxes will be Increased by the In crease of the assessment only tlS.06S.8t. This Increase I divided among all the people In the state. Considering the marvelous development of the state, the growth of the state institu tions and the necessarily Increasing of business details to be attended to at the state house, the howl going up from George W. Berge and democratic news 1 apors looks like the yelp of faker or un informed persons. Th greater part of the Increase In taxes goe to the university and to pay off a state debt left by a fusion administration. The university will receive In excess of Its last year's receipts 102,283.32 and the re demption fund will receive th same amount. The Slate Board of Equalisation had nothing to do with either of these. Both levies are fixed by law. The univer sity has been receiving the proceeds from a 1 mill levy on the entire assessment of the state for many year. One mill levy on the entire assessment ha been going Into the fund to pay off the fusion state debt for several year. Even George W. Berge has had nothing to say about the money spent on th university. The state board can use Its discretion In making the levy only for the general fund. Thla levy was reduced of a mill and the amount of money which this levy will raise will be sufficient only to run the state In a most economical and business-like man nernot like the fustonista conducted It affairs when they left the enormous Illegal state debt. Sheldon and Rider Speak. The republican state committee Is get ting down to work In fine shape and, while some few good meetings have been held over the state, during September and October the prairie will be full of meet ings. The committee I making out a speaking tour for Governor Sheldon which will include most of the two months, while Senator Burkett and Senator Brown will also devote a great portion of their time to republican meetings. The committee ha on It Hat of speaker many good men who will be sent out during the campaign. Yesterday Governor Sheldon spoke at Union and Labor Commissioner Ryder spoke at Dixon, where a big meeting was held. Secretary Corrlck haa taken hold ef tho management of the campaign during the absence of Chairman Hay ward .and th work Is being kept right up to date. The Traveling Men's Taft club met last night at the Llndell with a large number In attendance. L. P. Sine of Lincoln is president of this club. The meeting cer tainly demonstrated that not ail the travel ing men are for Bryan contrary to the claims of the democratlo spellbinders. Democratic Farmers for Taft. "Many democrats up our way are going to vote for Mr. Taft for president" This Is the Information brought to Lin coln this morning by Fred Sonnenschlen of West Point. . ' "I attended a meeting of democrats the other night." he continued, "and while sit ting beside a prominent member of that party he told me he Intended to vote for Mr. Taft. "I accused him of Joking, but the man said It was a fact and he gave me the names of several other democratic farmers who will not vote for Bryan." Mr. Sonnenschlen gave the name of the democrats who had told him they In tended to vote for Taft. 'One democrat sajd," reported Mr. Son nenschlen, "the only reason any of us farmers would vote for Bryan would be because we could get cheaper labor If he was elected. We are paying a high price for labor now and It Is hard to get, but If Bryan were elected maybe we could get help cheaper. But my farm Is worth 11 IS an acre, my corn 70 cents and everything else I have raised In proportion, so why should I vote for a change even If I am a democrat?" Johnson Taken for Preacher. Joe Johnson, present deputy slate food commissioner, who has filled many posi tions In life, political and otherwise, passed the other night for a full fledged preacher, and as a result helped out two friends. The two friends, whose names are with held, because they would not work well when coupled up with a man mistaken for a minister, went out to the Epworth as sembly to hear Senator La Follette. When they arrived every seat was taken and they atarted to go back to town. Then ran into Johnson. "I'll get you a seat and a good one," Johnson volunteered. The two men consenting the three went to the rear of the auditorium, through the passage to the stage upon which the large choir was seated. They passed several door keepers without being challenged un til they stepped out In the limelight among the members of the choir. Here Johnson, who was preceding, calmly walked over and took seat without being stopped. Not so with the other two, they were promptly challenged. "Have you choir eeat?" they wer asked. Replying In the negative the door keeper promptly ordered them off the stage. Thla wo used th Ire of the two, because their host was calmly seated and paying no attention to them. "You let that man In and he ha no ticket," one of them remarked. "He's a preacher," wa tho prompt an swer. "Well, he Invited u to com her with him," said one of Johnson's gueats. "Well, pardon me," hastily said the door keeper, "walk right In. I didn't know that." All three got seats. HOTIKIsTS OV OCBAJI TBSSBLI. Port. NKW TOBK NKW YOa K PLYMOl'TH PLY HUtTH BOl LCOSg gl luKNSTOWX.... MOVILLC HAVIIE LONDON M tKlKHTn..,. OLASOOW BtrTTERDAM CHRlSTlANtAKD. SOUTHAMPTON... sal 14. . Karat. ..LnTeurmlM. , . ArUe It. Paul.... . Btrbftruaftft.. .Cetrurta .'kMsiu.V.V.' .Ol4oala.. . Sibarwa Slataadant. . Co urn bua. .Mtaaaarall. ..Oarar It. ..PaiiaeaiBsla. Sid you ever notice how absolutely water la th old wlmmiaf hoi De Moines Register ahd Leader. TO PREYENI LAW S DELAY Bar Association Committee Favors Eadical Changes. BAN ON TECHNICAL POINTS Preposition to Have Caea Decided Upon Their Merit arnat Restrict voa of 'Wrlt " ErrOrVt-.' ' NEW YORK, Aug. 16. Courts of appeal will no longer decide civil or criminal liti gations brought before them on purely technical points, (Ait will base their rulings on the merit of the cases if the recom mendations of a special committee of the American Bar association ahall become law. The committee was appointed by the asso ciation at Its last annual meeting to draft proposed law to prevent delay and un necessary cost In litigation. Its report will be presented at the next annual meeting In Seattle. August 25 to 28. It opens with a statement that the ex isting evil which seem most serious to the committee Is the disposition in many Jurisdictions to dispose of appeal or writ of errors, both In civil and criminal cases, upon technical grounds and not to decide them 'upon the merits. In the Judgment of the committee the rule for deciding ap peals and writs of error should not be based on reversible error committed In the court blow, but upon the merits as the case occurs upon the record. Trial Becomes a tin me. Continuing the report calls attention to the fact that the tendency , of courts In common law cases Is to construe adherence to strict legal rules as the right of each party, and to reverse If there has been any Infraction of these rules. "This make the trial of a case a game," declared the committee, "In which tho one win who play the most skillfully, the merits of the controversy having no part." The unrestricted right to a writ of error in criminal cases 1 characterized hy the committee a flagrant abuse in Judicial pro cedure. "These writs," the committee adds, "are constantly sued out solely fur delay. The punishment of notorious criminals thus is constantly being postponed In violation of every principle of Justice. This Is especially flagsant In the suing out of writ of error from the upreme court of the United States to review the decision of the highest courts of criminal Jurisdiction In the sev eral states. We recommend that no writ of error returnable In criminal cases to the supreme court of the L'nlted States should be allowed unless Justices at that court shall certify that there la probable causi to believe that the defendant was unjustly convicted." Criminal Methods a Farce. In support of this recommendation the committee quotes an address of Andrew D. White, In which he stated that while murders were increasing rapidly, yet the procedure against them wa becoming more and more Ineffective, and In the light of recent cases In New York and elsewhere was seen to be a farce, add ing that h favored preventing appeals based on mere technical matter and upon error of trial Judges In trifling mattres of procedure and the like which have nothing to do with the question of guilt or innocence. The committee declare that the re forms In civil procedure which It recom mends are not theoretical, but have bean tried and adopted In England to the sat isfaction of the bar and benefit of liti gant. "So far reform In criminal procedure I concerned," says th report, "the griev ance of which we complain ha nver ex isted In England, but the statutory pro visions there are similar to thos recom mended by us." Th commute will submit th draft of an act to amend In the particular con cerned the Judicial procedure of court of th United States. PLATTSMOUTH The city band gave a fine concert on the sireel Saturday even ing. These weekly concert are becomtr.g very popular and are highly 'lit ei-d by th clilxs' - . ' STRANGE BUT' TRUE harmlet tsa feet of NEWS FROM CAMP CRAWFORD Report of TJnnsaal Sickness Sent Oat ' Declared to Bo f. False. CAMP EMMET CRAWFORD. Wyo.. Aug. 16. (Special.) All of the militia left this camp on August 10. It con sisted of the. Third regiment. Wyoming Infantry; Flrat regiment, Utah Infantry; Flrt Field battery, Utah, and First reg Iment, Colorado infantry. Tho weather.-haa boea-nafavovabl since August 10 for field operations. August 12 there wa a hailstorm lasting fifteen minutes. It haa been very cold and fires have to be kept up during evenings. Stories have recently appeared In sev eral yellow sheets telling of the awful alcknesn In this camp and that many deaths have occurred. There 1 not the slightest truth In the stories. The sick ness of the command Is 3 4-10 per cent today and only two cases can be called bad cases. There have been no deaths and no accidents thus far and, all In all, the command Is In fine shape and working hard. " . ( ' Senator Warren and Major General George M. Randall, U. S. A., retired, were visitor In camp ojurtng the week. Company A, signal corps, from Fort Leavenworth, will stand relieved here on August It and will proceed by rail on August 20 for the maneuver camp at Fort Riley for duty. During the absence of the chief bur geon. Lieutenant Colonel A, H. Appel, Major Thomas V. Raymond of the medi cal corps will have charge as chief sur geon of the provisional division. During the last week the problem un dertaken were those of the "attack and defense of 'a rear guard." t The general situation was that the "brown" division had been defeated by a ''blue" force in the vicinity of Laramie and was retreat ing by way of the Happy Jack road to wards Cheyenne, pursued by Its opponent. The problems to be wrought out for the coming week, beginning Monday, Au gust 17, will be for "the disposition of forces for the security and Information of troops 4n camp or bivouac" In the first day' work special attention will be given by superior officers to pointing out to troop and company commanders the error and the advantages of the disposi tions made by them, having special refer ence to the character of the terrain; also to relieving outposts by a new de tail. The methods of posting outpost for a column In march will be Illustrated, and also the posting of outposts at night, and the necessary arrangement to resist attack both by night and day will be practiced. For the remainder of the week these exercises will be undertaken by squadrons, battalion and regiments, closing 'with combined maneuvers on Fri day with the solution of a problem In minor tactics. Illustrating the exercises of the first periods. A big program. Is contemplated for the closing week of the encampment, begin ning August H. This will be a colllalon of troop on the march by day, partici pated In by. the entire command, and will be virtually a aerie of trial battles of both attack and defense. Bryan at Mitchell Cora Show. MITCHELL, 8. D.. Aug. 16. (Special.) The corn palace committee have received notice that William Jennings Bryan ha consented through the national campaign committee, to come to Mitchell and deliver an address during the week of the corn palace. The committee commenced negotia tions with Mr. Bryan immediately after the convention at Denver and he assured them that he would come to Mitchell if the committee could arrange It, and all the atate candidates and member of the state central committee have been pulling for Bryan to come to Mitchell. Just what day Mr. Bryan will speak here has not been decided upon, although the committee hoped to secure him for the opening day, when special trains will very likely be arranged for from all parts of the state. It 1 possible that with the success of se curing Mr. Bryan that the committee might tart a movement to secure the presence of Judge William Taft for an address th latter part of the week, should th republi can eandidat for president decide to aoine west. you ( rY i li II l 0? Ill But what abject terror lurk la th depth of a half. Inch of water la th bottom of th wash baalat COAL PRODUCTION IN IOWA Output of Hawkeye Mines Nearly Ei;b.t Million Tons last Tear. GAS ENGINES ON WARSHIP Suggestion for New Motive Power for Fighting Machines that Will r Me Cheaper1 and Render Them Lea t'oasplenoas. fFrom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 16. (Speclal.)-Tho total production of coal In Iowa In 190" amounted to 7.57-1.322 Miort tons, having a spot value of 112,258,012, according to E W. Parker, of the United States geological survey. These figures, compared with those for 1906, show an Increase In the later year of aB.OO. short tons, or 4.21 per cent In quantity, and of $638,557, or 5.5 per cent in value. The coal production of the state for the fiscal year which ended June 30, 1907, as reported by Edward 8weeney, the Inspector of the third mining district of Iowa, was 7,615,525 short tons, which was slightly lexs than the production reported to the United States geological survey for the calendar year, but shows a gain of 279.301 short tons over the production reported In W6. Indicating that most of the Increaso in 1! 07 took place during the first six months of the year. The monetary disturbances In the latter part of 1907 had a comparatively Insig nificant effect on the cool mining Industry in Iowa, chiefly because the output of the mines goes principally to domestic consumers and. outside of the very con siderable quantities used by the railroads traversing the state, is not largely con sumed by Industrial operations. The number of men employed In the coal mines of Iowa In 1907 was 15.585, who worked an average of 230 days, as against 15,260 men working for an average of 224 days In 19us and 15,113 men for 20ft days In 1905. Tho average production per man In the last three years has been 449.9 tons In W5, 476.2 In 1906 and 46 In 1907. The average tonnage per day for each man In, the three years, was, respectively, 2.13, 1 13 and 2.11. A part of the decreased dally production In 1907 was probably due to the falling off In the quantity of coal mined by machinery. Thirty-four machine were reported In use In lOOrt, with a total of 193,6666 tons of machine-mined roal; In 1907 there were thirty-three machines re ported In use, and the machine-mined product decreased to 10S.O22 tona. As In the other coal mining atates in which operations are carried on under agreement with the mine workers' union, most of the mine of Iowa are worked on the basis of the eight-hour day, the mines reporting any other lergth of working day being comparatively unimportant. According to John Verner, R. T. Rhys and Edward Sweeney, Inspectors . for the three mining districts Into which the coal fields of the state are divided, forty-one men were killed and sixty-eight Injured as the result of accidents In mines In 197. On of the deaths was due to the ex plosion of dust or gas; three were due to explosions of powder or misplaced shot; twenty-nine were due to falls of roof or coal; two men were killed by being caught by cars or motors; four were killed In shaft accidents, and two deaths were ascribed to miscellaneous causes. The death rate -per 1,000 employes was 2.63. Gas Engine on Warship. The war vessel of the future will be a swift, smokeless, noiseless craft, lying low In the water, aith every vulnerable part below the water line, the entire deck being given over to the work of the guns. There will be no smoke, because there will be no smokestack. In the night time there will be nothing to betray the presence of this Invincible flghflng demon to the enemy. This prediction wa made today by Rob ert Heywood Fernald, mechanical engineer, who ha for aeveral years been connected (Continued on Second Pag.) MILlTIA ON GUARD Over Four Thousand Troops Patrol Streets of Spring-field, HI. SEVERAL INCIPIENT RIOTS Crowds Gather, but Are Quickly Scattered by Soldieis. NEGROES URGED TO REMAIN Complaints from Other Towns Against Tramping Parties. TWO MORE VICTIMS DEAD William Donnlgan and Frank Del' more Kiplre In Hospital Ahont Noon ondny Total Death Mat on Five. SPRING FIELD, 111., Aug. IS. With the arrival here toduy of the Second and Sev enth Infantry regiments, Illinois National guard, and two squadrons of the First cavalry, all from Chicago, the entire Na tional guard of Illinois, with the excep tion of the Sixth Infantry and the Eighth Infantry tcolored), was on duty in the rlot-rldden districts tonight. In all 4,200 guardsmen are In the city. Two deaths due to the violence of Fri day and Saturday occurred at St. John' hospital. William Donnlgan, the aged colored man whose throat was cut lat night, expired at 11 a. m. Prank Del- more, who was shot through the lunga on Frlduy night, passed away an hour later. This brings the list of violent deaths during the race troubles up to five. A council of war wa held wt the capl tol at 4 o'clock thla afternoon by Gov ernor Deneen, Major General Young. Ad jutant Oeneral Scott, General F. P. Wells and Colonel J. B. Sanborn. At the meet ing a plan wa adopted which it Is be lieved will render further demonstrstlons improbable. Colonel Sanborn was given command of a provisional brigade, con sisting of the First and Second Infantry regiments, with instructions to preserve the peace in the territory west of Seventh street. The two regiments established headquarters on the capltol grounds, their shelter tents bordering the state house on three sides. Oeneral F. P. Wells was placed In command of a second pro visional brigade, consisting of nine com panies of the Fourth Infantry, three com panies of the Third Infantry aud two companies of the Fifth infantry. Dla90ltlon of Troop. . General Well, with headquarters at the county Jail, Immediately posted guards to cover th city east of Seventh street. Troop B and G of the First cavalry were detailed under Major Frank Bush at division headquarters under Major Gen eral Young. Th Second Infantry reached this city at 3:30 p. m., under command of Colonel John Garrlty. The manner In which a line of skirmisher was thrown out as the guardsmen debarked from the train gained applause from th . crowd which had gathered at the railroad sta tion to watch the arrival. The khaki clad militiamen marched to the capitol to the beat of a fife and drum quickstep and then assignment to Colonel Sanborn's brigade followed. As It was nearly mid night when the Seventh Infantry and the First cavalry troopers arrived, no btigrfJe assignment was given them, they prob ably will be detailed a reinforcements to the two brlgadea already formed. Governor Deneen said thla afternoon that he wished to so protect the city that the negroes who fled will return. "We cai protect them here and we can't when they scatter about the country," said the gov ernor. "If they will com back we will give them food and shelter In government tents." Megroe Asked to Come to Arsenal. At the conferences In the governor office this afternoon step were taken to notify the negro residents of suburban district to come In to the state arsenal for the night. The scattering settlements around th out skirts of the city present too great a field for even the big body of troops here now. It wa the Idea of the military authorities that the most effective work could be done with the danger spots restricted a much as possible. Another factor In this con nection was the large number of warnings of Impending trouble. At all the principal stations word was received that attack) were being organised by the lawless e la ments who, with a complete day of rent, were expected to make torJght the time of supremo test between the mob and the troops. Several complaint were received from nearby villages and hamlet of the existence of the threatening conditions. Tho most Insistent came from Chatham, a vil lage twelve miles south of here. The negroes had become frightened at the atti tude of their white nelghlors and asked that troopa be sent. Their spokesman wa told that the best plan would be for them to come to Bprlngflold and seek protection at the arsenal. The authorities are a bit worried by theae condition In the outside sections. Scores of negro families have left Springfield either on foot or by trolley cars, the latter class riding as far as their mean permitted and then striking across country. These tramping parties, aimless and penrJ less, are causing sumo complaining from the communities through which they pass. The whltea assert that the presence of these negro paupers Imposes unnecessary burden and also argue that only the shiftless a.iA Immoral portions of the Springfield negroes are represented. Minor depredations, it Is said, have already increased In the farming districts because of this condition. The Springfield authorities are dolr.g all they can to reassure the negroes still here. Thus far they have been partially successful, al though the number of those who have sought shelter In the arsenal Is surprisingly small. Most of the refugees are advanced in years, too. The younger negroes, who might be expected to add fuel to the smoldering flames by rush acts, thus far have generally refused to become wards of the slate. Street anlcklf Cleared. Governor Deneen explained tonight that the disposition of troops ut the capital was not because of any apprehension of danger to that edifice but because the grounds have excellent camping facilities and a stragetic point from which Colonel Sanborn could control the situation w. st of Seventh street. An example of this was afforded late this afternoon when an alarm reached the arsenal for Hprlnx and Edward streets, where Wlllimn Donnlgan was lynched last night. A rapid-fire squad under Captain J. V. C'llnnln of Chicago wa sent to the placo on the double quick. Wtthlu five minute he had cjeared the (treat for half a mil from U threatened oeraar, thra