10 TITTJ OMAHA DATLY HEE: FRIDAY, ATTOUST 14. 1903. mm r ' r n Ml I II i!V U HI Friday We Offer the Most Romarkable BARGAINS in REMNANTS and Odd Lots In Our Entire History Evry Item Mentioned Here) la Big Money Saver Friday we place on big bargain square one immense lot of plain, fancy and rough silks of all kinds that 1 iTX sold at 50c a yard and up your choice at, iC $2 Dress Goods at 25c Yard Fine imported broadcloth in every desirable color running in lengths from V2 to 2 yards in a piece, worth C $L50 to $2.50 a yard, all go Friday at, yard. 50c Dress Goods at 15c Yard 25,000 yds. of colored dress goods in remnants of 1 f C to 7 yds. each, the regular 50c goods, Friday, yd. . . . UC 39c and 50c Wash Goods at 15c Yard 5,000 yards of fine wash goods in nice, neat styles f C and colors, all go Friday, yard UC Remnants and broken lots of 18-inch skirtings, flouncings and corset cover widths also medium and wide edges and insertions-rail kinds, many to match worth up to 40c a' yard on three big bargain ' 10c 13c 40c All Over Embroideries at 19c Yard 18-inch allovers of nainsook and cambric neat designs in eyelet, Japanese and blind effects, worth up to 40c J Q a yard, at, yard JlrC Wash Laces at 2ic and 5c Yard Fine French, German and Filet Val. Laces and Insertions, edged footing and point de 'esprit, point de, g Paris, net tops, etc., worth up to 15c, at. 2C"aJC Friday in Linen Dept. Extra heavy 64-lnch table padding In mill ends of 1 to 5 yard lengths, worth 69c yard, for i JC 27-lnch Red Cross cotton diaper, 10 yard bolts, worth $1.00 bolt, for OJC Larger slse hemmed huck towels, worth 10c each. 30c heayy bleached table damask, yard 18c Big lot of 8-4 and 8-10 ready to use pattern table cloths, worth ..98c 114 and 1U yard , square flinch cloths with nice openwork Atop borders, each, for. ,.'..l J C .5c OMAHA Omaha's Fur rood Ciitu J I mziTAVBJjrT oh Mooirs rx.oo. g Dainty meals at modern prices, f The coolest, most airy Caf In Omaha, g Open from T A. M. to 7 P. M. 1 s Saturdays from 7 A. M. to P. U. TrTona Tea Tha Tea of Quality. at. per lb. . . r SOo Ankola Ooffss The Coffee of Merit, at. prr lb 3So Conrtnsy's The home of both, and and where the pureet of fooda are to be round, at prices trial mean a con tant savins- to the family mime"- fact attested by the economical hmousewlves of Omaha. Ask anyone who trade hera. TISH DEFAJITBCEITT Wo have the finest assortment of fresh caught fish to select from In Omaha. 1,000 pounds Babv Halibut, lb I (inn lbs. Dressed Buffalo, lb 600 lbs. Fresh Eel. lb 83c ,ake Trout. Salmon f. White, Perch, Crapples, Cat Fish, Pike, J We R S J Flounders, Live Lobsters, Smoked Whit Fish, etc ecommen s s leal s s 1 1 At TTv771 1 II Ml'-. S MjNNM AmTTniTTifnr Next Monday, DIa Lace Curtain Sale One Hundred Dozen Pretty J White Waists. Worth Upward 1J -A 4tT ""la 4 aT m io on special acvie c ri day at . . . .' '. . n 5c I BARGAIN FRIDAY Boy's Suits, all styles and sizes, 6 to 16 years, values to $5.00, at $2.50 MA7IRWI' L lil'A U LLULCb JS THE RELIABLE STORE Men's and Wo- men's Oxfords, a all leathers, val ues to $4.00, at .....$1.8D .M. U. SM The Beer Yon Like Cases 2 dozen 3 QA Large Bottles POZJ Cases 3 dozen '5 QA Small Bottles ipOsVU An allowance of 11.20 will be made upon return to us of the empty case, and all of the empty bottles in good order. Orders will be taken for Lurus in leas than case lots at the follow ing prices: $2.00 per dor. Large Bottles $1.35 per doz. Small Bottles (gacrtney & Co ) 17th and Dottf las fjts. Phone Douglas 47 Private Exchange Connects All Depta. MERCHANTS COME TO OMAHA teany Buyers, Not Waiting for Bates, Arrive at Wholesale Houses. TRADERS TO MEET NEXT WEEK Spatial Railroad Rates Will Bring JIaadreds, Who Will Boy Liber ally, Acrordlasr to Sise-Vp of Sltoatloa. Thoogh the "merchante" meetlnra" 4o not begin until Saturday. Jobbers and wholesalers have opened the new week with a better store trfjde and very fair assortments of atore orders from varloua aectlona of the country. Many buyera have arrived in the city early, regardless of the fact that rates are offered as a special in ducement next week. The sales of last week helped to increase the turnover of goods In this market, while at ths same time jobbers were able to book mora orders than has been the case . at any time since ths season opened. It is rapidly getting near the time when retailers must make their purchases to cover their fall needs. While much look ing around has been done, buyers are be ginning, to realise that the fall season In their own establishment will shortly open. Specialties Are Offered. Wholesalers are busy placing many spe cialties for the first fall merchants' meet ing. Already special offerings are bring mads in the wholesale dry goods houses, which Include hosiery, underwear and silks. The stocks carried in each department are larger than aver before and comprise goods which have ben carefully selected In both ths domestic and foreign markets. To take a general view of the situation at clase range Joe Kelley, sales manager of M. E. Brrrtth Co.. wholesale dry goods dealers, took a flying trip over the terri tory In western Nebraska and eastern Colorado. Mr. Kelley said on his return this week: -While I have traveled in the territory - more or lss tor years and am somewhat acquainted Willi Its .resources and buying power, I do not believe I ever saw such a possibility for trade as there la at present Oats tm Western Nebraska. "I was as far west as Julesburg, Colo., across to North Platte and took a general view of the situation. "Out in western towns where thera has been little money except that which was realized from stock and hay I heard men say to each other: 'Plant oats this year?' 'Ys, a few.' 'How many acres?' 'Oh, I don't know exactly, 160 or- 00 acres.' "And then they gave the astonishing In formation that the oats were threshing out well and running from thirty to thirty-two pounds to the bushel. This out where everyone thinks oats cannot be grown. "From all Indications western Nebraska will have a surplus oats crop, beside all of the grain which they can use on the ranches. "I found our best buyers getting ready to buy more than usual this year and every thing looks well for an enormous trade." HEW TRAIII llil TO IL NOW IN SERVICE LEAVES OMAHA DAILY 3:50 A. HAS PULLMAN EQUIPMENT HQ STOPS EH-RQUTE TIPIfTTP UNION STATION IIUIILIU 1323 FARNAM Do you know what It means? If you vould like to know, write Geo. W. Vaux, A. O. P. T. A., Grand Trunk Railway Bystem, 13i Adams St., Chicago, who will send you a beautifully Illustrated booklet, which tells, and at the same tlma describes the new hotel which bears ths jiama. MAN HURT DODGING AUTOS C. M. Amos Docks One Marhlae, bat Is Harled to too Grooad br Another. Dodging one automobile going at a good clip, C. M. Amos, 2621 Harney street, was struck by another automobile owned by Oscar Allen and driven by Chauffeur H. Murphy, who attempted to pass the other machine, and seriously Injured at Twenty fourth and Kamam streets soon after noon Thursday. Amos was taken to the Omaha General hospital, where lie was attended .by police surgeons. It wss found that the fingers on one of his hands were broken and he was seriously bruised about the head and on the body. The first automobile, which Amos dodged, was going straight west on Farnam street. The automobile of Mr. Allen was going In the same direction, but at Twenty-fourth and Farnam the driver of the Allen ma chine took a notion to turn north on Twenty-fourth street and to apeed up a little and pass the' other machine before making ths turn. Not expecting the second machine to speed up and turn Amos was caught and thrown to the pavement. To Cure DIARRHOEA Dysontory. CWora Morbus or Cho'.iln loiajstuna tako WAKEFIELD'S Blackberry Balsam Yw bstUr (at a bottW today. You may Mad it tonight It it a moat rsliabla rem edy for ail ioosa condition of tha bow el a. AU dnifgitts Mil it. Full z oottlg 56s. Dlagraeerol Coodoet of liver and bowels, in refusing to act, Is quickly remedied with Dr. King's New Ufe rills. 25c Beaton Drug Co. FOUR TOWNS' NIGHT AT DEN Blair, Ttksnts, Oaklaad and Lyons Will Be the Honor Cltlea ot ' Ak-dar-Ben. Arrangements are being completed for another big meeting at the Den Monday night. It will bo Blair, Oakland. Tekamah and Lyons night, snd bhr delegations are expected from oaoh of thoao cities. The Blair Tribune, -Oakland Independent, Tekamah Journal and Uyooa Bun have taken the matter up and are advertising the coming affair liberally. Several entirely new atunts will be per formed by Qua Hens and his marioos that will be winners. it Is again urged upon Omaha merchants and Jobbers to write their friends In these e'rl cities to be present Mcnday nlgbt, - Twenty-fire cents for a dainty white waist worth $1.25. Did you ever hear of anything quite bo unusual before? These waists are new, too, this year's best styles, new, fresh and crisp, direct from the makers. Our buy ers, now in the east, happened onto this lot and expressed them out specially for our bargain Friday sales. We cleaned up all the maker had at our own price. Just three yards of India llnon at 10c a yard would cost you more. You'll regret It if you don't buy at least half a dozen of them such bargains come but once in years. Friday, re member, for , 25c The Bia Black S11R Sale , Next Monday 6,000 yards finest grades black silk taffetas, paeu de sole, peau de cygne, armures, messalines, from the world famous Phoenix Silk Mills, in greatest bargain event ever put on by a western store. See the windows, Nos. 3 and 4. Watch the papers for fuller details. Friday Bargains in China Section Tin Top Jelly Tumblers, 1 fks per dozen..... AvfV One lot plain or Colonial Custard or Footed Sherbets, worth to fl.25 a dozen; aa long as they last. fw. each 4, Wine Glasses, plahVor banded, ea.Ie 15c Glass Cologne Bottles for 3o 10c Glass Teddy Bear Plates, ea.,.lo Bargain Friday in the White Goods Big lot remnants of the better grades white fabrics and sheer material, in embroidered designs, checks, stripes, etc. mostly ehirt waist or kimono $"in00hgraae2 HALF PRICE Xiong Cloth, 12Hc quality, for. . .7V40 Linen finish 8011104-, 12 Vic quality, for 7Ho Bleached or Cream Turkish Bath Towels 1 special ' 7 H o Bargain Friday in Corsets Very special offerings, with prices way below the regular are always features of our Friday sales. Note these: Batiste and medium weight Jean Corsets, long hip and high bust model, with two pairs hose supporters. These are unusually good 75c Corsets; A(f selling Friday for Light Summer Corsets, In high bust und medium hip style, also Ba- OOp tlste and summer net Girdles; Friday special. Women's Houso Shoes ON SALE FRIDAY 260 pairs Women's Juliet House Shoes, elastic sides, and rubber or Ef ff . . . . T leather heels, every pair $1.50 quality, Friday only, at pair Infants' Strap Sandals, in white, pink, blue, or red, slses to 6.V1. Friday Women's Boudoir Slippers, without heels, assorted colors, all $1 rrflf and $1.25 goods, Friday., H i 9c HAMMOCKS Clearing Out Entire Line Friday $2.00 Hammocks, reduced to ... $1.35 $5.60 Hammocks, CO (1Q reduced to O.JO Fflnli FftR Wea and nervous men a WUU VR who find thlr nnwor NFBVF work and youthful vigor liuniXJ - o-one as a result of mmr. work or mental exertion should talc GRAY'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will make you eat and sleep and be a man again. 1 Box 1 3 boxes 99.50 by mall. BXEBMAM KoOOinU DBVO CO. Cor. 18th and Dodge Streets owl siua coumtt Cor. letk and Harney sts., Omaha, Vsb, GREAT WESTERN A PUZZLE Stickney Road Hai Grain Dealers Guessing on Cut Rate. CAN'T ANNUL UNTIL IT IS IN Notice of Withdrawal Not Effective Sine the Tariff Was Xot Opera tive Intll the Fourth of September. Somewhat puzxled over the string of an nouncements that the Great Western Rail road company has cancelled the grain rates Intended to equalize things between Omaha and St. Paul and Omaha and Chi cago, grain dealera of Omaha say that though the company may Intend to cancel the rates, the tariffs cannot be withdrawn until the rates become effective. "The rates are effective September 4, and cannot be cancelled before 'that date," said the traffic manager ot a grain com pany. "Whatever these announcements mean at this time, cannot be taken to an ticipate what the -railroad companies will do before the rates'can be cancelled. The Interstate Commerce commission will not allow a rate to be cancelled until It be comes effective. The rates made by ths Great Western will then go Into effect September 4, and If the Great Western give notice on that day of desiring to cancel ths new rates, they will be in ef fect Just thirty days. "This Burlington-8t. Joseph matter may affect the situation during ths next six wui-ks. The Great Western may riot decide to cancel the rates when September 4. ar rives. "As the matter of fact tha rates made by the Great Western are the ratea which all roads will have to come to, some day and the grain men fesi that they just as well 'do It now." VT using ths various snparunefita of Ths Baa Want Ad Pages yp auluk returns at a suiaU aspens, Tm IrBennett's Big Grocery Bennett's , Breakfast Coffee. 2-lb. can 48c and 50 Green Stamps t. t 5 . . - Tetley'a India and Ceylon Teas. Sunflower Brands, 1-pound tin 70o and 50 Green Stamps Sunflower Brands, -pound tin .36o a.nd 25 Green Stamps Sunflower Brand, -pound tins 180 and 10 Green Stamps Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound 940 and 20 Green Stamps Bennett's Capitol Sweet Wrinkled Peas, S cans for 85 1 Queen Olives, large, pint 90o and 10 Green Stamps Cooking Raisins, large, two pounds for 16o 1 New York Full Cream Cheese, per pound BOe and 10 Oreen Stamps Kllen Sardines, two cans BOo and 10 Green Stamps Best We Have Sliced Pineapple, can ...30o and 20 Green Stamps Bayles' Boneless Herring, two Jars BOi and 10 Oreen Stampa Advona Jams, assorted, two cans BOo and 10 Oreen Stamps Jell-O. assorted, three packages S5o and 10 Green Stamps French Cut Loaf Sugar, package BSc and 10 Green Stamps Beauty Asparagus, can 260 and 10 Green Stamps Bennett's Bargain Soap, 10 bars for S5o Silver Label Bulk Gelatine, pound... 30o 25c bottle Grape Juloe for ISO fcKh RnantpH Peanuts, auart So CAXirOBKIA LEMOItS Fresh and Juicy, doren ISO WliWMmtlMiiWlliKsVIKB Eastern frt.s 2C TOLEDO , OHIO, AMD RETURN via ILLINOIS CENTRAL ACCOUNT FORTY - SECOND ANNUAL EN CAMPMENT GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC Tickets on sale August 27th to 30, inclusive. Final return limit September 15th, with privilege of extension. Tickets, sleeping car reservations and detailed in formation at City Ticket' Ofice, 1402 Farnam Street, or write SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. IT IT WILL PAY YOU.. to call and aee our MATTING AND RATTAN SUIT CASES before you start on your vacation. They are Ugbf, roan and neat. They rc strong and endurable. , PRICES FROM $2.00 UP. Omaha Trunk Factory 1200 Farnam Street. EI roxxow m rtAO" a 5 1 J T l A A I BM SBBBB SB I, CI W Round Trip Ratea E A S T Q. A. R.. Toledo, O . Aug. IT to 30 New England and Canadian Fulnts dally. Ths Cool Xorttkera sVoute. "Niagara Falls. Stopovers and boat trips without addi tional expense. -Illustrated booklets and all Information ax wiiaii crmr ticket orrio. uu and Farnam ts or address HAhlll U UvOhLti. U. A. T. D., Omaoa. NU Red-Man CollarS TRADE MARK cents 2 for 25 Atk your Haberdasher. Remnant Day in Our Famous Domestic Room Another full carload of new fall remnants direct from the mills at LKRH THAN' OXK-THIRU ItKOl LAU THICK. 10,000 yards of the new flannelettes, in large remnants, the prettiest rat- terns on the market, regular price Is 10c, 15c and 18c per yard; our price will . yard 10 and 7 Remnants of 10c fine unbleached mus lin, 39 inches wide at, a yard . . . 5 From 9 to 0:30 A. M. One ense of 30-inch fine bleached mus lin, regular price 7 He yard (10 yard limit) at, yard 3i From 10:30 to 11 A. M. One case of heavy combed cotton towels, 18x36, good values at g4c each (4 pair limit) at, each..34i 10,000 yards of sateens, suitings, wash goods and other goads, wortlj up to 60c yard; all will go at, per yard..io 8H( 7 5 3'c 16,000 yards of all kinds of wash' goods, short lengths, worth up to loo yard, at, yard C From 2 to 2:30 P. M. One case of 40-inch lnwns, regular 10c values (10-yard limit) at, yd..H From 3 to 3.30 P. M. One case of Lonsdale muslin, the gen uine article (10-yard limit) at, a yard 5J 20 other Specials not advertised. 25c YARD A big clean up of odd lots and short lengths f f of fancy and plain silks, big assortment of JF patterns, colors and weaves, all at one price Friday. YIKRD Notion Friday Wc are wholexale and retail Notion headquarters and have no notion of being outdone in bargain giving. Staple notions in Domestic room Fri day one-half to one-fifth regular price. Best Darning Cotton, per ball 1 3 pkgs. No. 3 Pins for 2s 16c Horn Dressing Combs 4's 15c rubber Fine Combs 4 26c Needle Books, each 3)i 6c Gold Eye Needles, pkg l Pearl Buttons, per doz 1 Hose Supporters, per pair 5 Cotton Tapes, all size, foil J 60-yd. Sewing Silk, spool 24 60-in. Tape Measures, at. , . .' l Other Staple Notions in proportion. GRAND LACE CLEARANCE. 1 2ttc -3tt best values ever offered. Furnishing Goods Another big sale day in Mhe Do mestic room 15 big squares piled high with men's, women's and child ren's furnishings, at most wonderful bargain prices. Ladles' Union Suits Jersey ribbed, lace trimmed or tight knee( long or short sleeves, 39c values; Friday, at 150 Ladies' Gauze Vests 15c values, reg ular and extra sizes, at 5d Men's Underwear In fine balbriggan, 50c values, all sizes, garment. .15? Men's Work Shirts Black sateen, black and white stripe, etc., regular 50c values, at.. 250 Men's Ties In clubs, tecks, four-in-hands etc. regular values to 26c; choice 50 Great Umbrella Sale, SATURDAY. AUGUST 15 We savs you from 15 per cent to 50 per cent on your housekeeping expenses. The Best Pure Cane Granulated tiugur. at leas than Jobber's cost. 10 bars Best Brand Laundry Soap.... 25c The Best Cornmeal, per sack 15c The Best Domestic Macaroni, per pkg.Slc The Best Corn Starch, per pkg to 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can 4c Large Tumblers Pure German or French Mustard 7V4c Bromagelon, Jellycon. Jello. per PK)..7ViC Large bottle Pickles, assorted kinds rer bottle 8!jc Large bottle Pure Tomato Catsup, or Worchester Bauce 8 He Quaker Oats Company's 8Toasted Wheat Flakes, per pkg ..5c Dr. Prices Breakfast Food, per pkg..6H Scheeps Cocoanut, per lb -0e The Best Soda Crackers, per lb 6c Fresh Potato Chips, per pound 2"c READ THE EXQ BTTTTEB IAX.B PRICES Choice Country Butter, per lb llje Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb. ......... .jOc Choice Creamery Butter, per lb......lc Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb.. 24c Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb.,..loc m HAYDEN'S EMI Children's Rings Plain, oval'and Tiffany fancy Rlnjrs set with Tur punlse, Garnets, Opals, Pearls, Signets ranging from SI 00 to 12.00 Spend a few minutes in our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler C3 me sovoz,AS itkzet S Some medium size office at reasonable rates If yon wish to create a good name for yonrself in a business way, find the best possible location, not only the most central, but one where you would be surrounded by successful business men. You don't have to put up with inconveniences and inferior eervice to have an office within your means, come to THE BEE BUILDING $20.09 $15.00 $16.00 $15.00 $12.50 $27.50 Room 644 has a good aast light and a floor space of 221 square feet, at the rate of, per month , Room 807 is 15x16 feet and has plenty of light, at, per month Room 642, on tha 5th floor, facing east. Is 9x19 and rents for, per'iuoota Room 620 is a nice small room, with a partition, making a private office and reception, at , Room 418 la similar to one above, without partl . tlon. at Room 214 la the cheapest apace we have for rent, 14-4x27, at, only Tho Boo Building Co. For offices apply to R. W. BAKER, Supt. Ream 105 Over 5,000 men's and ladies umbrellas Entire stock of an east ern manufacturer, secured for cash at practically our own price. Handles are gold and silver. plated, with extensive pearl mount ings, fine imported horn and fancy woods in immense assortment of styles, covers are heavy union taffeta with wide taped cile. Come with silk case and tasslc many in the lot worth up to $3 handles alone worth more than our sale yin MM1 OOs prices Saturday fOU dllU UOb 4 Hayden's, the Greatest Store in Omaha, for Fresh Vege tables, Fruits, Groceries, Butter, Cheese and Crackers , Fancy Full Cream Brick Chpose, per lh,.15o Fancy l.imburger Cheese, per pound.. 15c NeufchHtol Cheese, each t Si: Sap Sago Cheese, each 7 Ho BEAD THESE TEIK VEGETABLE AMD FRUIT FKICES A large CuciuhIhth for 5c 8 bunches Fresh ItHdlshes 6c 8 bunches Fresh Onions 6c 2 large Heads Celery 6c E heads Fresh I.enf Lettuce be 1 large Summer Huusslies 5c 2 large Heads Cabbage So Fresh Parsley, bunch lc Oreen Peppers 5c Fancy Wax or Oreen Heans, per lh....5u Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per quart 5c Large baskets, Fancy nine, Red, Yellow or Oreen California Plums, the kind that retail everywhere for 45c a besket, our price H6u Large baskets Fancy California Peaches, at i!5o Large baskets Fancy California Barlb-tt I "ears, at 25c Large baskets Fancy Ripe Tomatoes. . lc Ws discount aU competitors 38 to 60 oa aU rrssb Traits and Vegetables. r ) t