TJTEtofAiiA DAtLV BLTv. TIlCnsDAY. AIT, r ST 13. 190ft. 1 lie vjE""t) 1 Jack vPfeister Pitches Great Game for Ghicago Cubs; Denver Sets the Sioux Back ( I OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Liberal Beceiptt' of Cuttle of All Kindi for Weaeiday. HOGS SUP BACJS A FEW NOTCHES d I.m)m. ! Large Receipt, hat All Kinds Are Artht Sell Slrirr Prleoa. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 15. '.So. Receipts wera: Cattl Hog! ehp crucial sronaay 4.M. Official Tucsdsy 4.33 t.stlraated Wednesday .. ,) r? : j Thee days thla week-.K. Same day's last rffk 11 44 Same dwysx weeV ago.'. HVlM Bam days I Vrrkt ao..ll.u4 l.mim 6.7,1 11W i,s6 1.22 14.S? Kta 114..31 M.H41 J.l 12.79I 2.uJ7 4-rf pom days 4 wnki ago.. ,'.' Kama diiy "last year !.'! 22,1; in loilowing tabl anow the receipts ' cattla, hog and hoeo at utli Una ha jr the Year to date, cimutrid wuh last, rear: io. iwrT inc. Da Caul .. H4.K 6A7.K71 143, Hog ..'...:;.i;fTi.ri l.&io-r. io2.:70 ; Sheep .." 106.15 94H.171 9L037 Th following labia shows in avriag price of hog at South Otraha lor th last several day, with eompar:on: Data. imr. iK4.iws.iun. Au. l.. Au. t.. u. I.., u. .. Au. I . Aug. .. tut. 7.. Au. . Aug. a. aua.. 11 S 2 U I ( 4 , 4 ta. 7 41 I 1; 111 Til, 4 W I 1 i t HI (KitUli IMiiHi I7S ( a, i i i . t Wl 7 ITS, I 3 i 7S I M I 04 T t: f 44V to! f H (Hi I 0t T 3a J.r Tn xir thi t V4; x ' V' niHii;) mi 11, U, 7 u a r ..' a i i .. at . li KV i K I M. IS I "2, t IS Au, Au, i m. I 3i 4 III 26 7 C3 13.. .1 I K), I II I I tt 1 S W, 4 kl! t -t 7 Sunday. CATyt-lV-RrelpU of rattle war very IKx ral foe V eOnrnday, 176 car being, re ported drtr'ln fact (Wag'tha largeat run for tlila Ttrae In thfweek of any day lm-e June 10, Ooiiw of the train were a llttl late in ratting ftarted, and aa there wu guite a"IHtb- )inlnng Up to be don, tho mornlag Waa TXetty Well advanced before the trade n- beef ateer waa under way. Feeder buyer! got -to work early In the morning and -anythlrg that would do for ihem ra ery readily at good, ateady .to trong brtcea.- I,lg-ht catile, which were dull ami did; xyht li6w any Improvement 'at wVekV firmed tip y eater day and to Jay under, the Influthce of tne good de mand. rYetty much everything that would do for. feeder changv4 hand arly la the morning.- jAjyer.'vJr.Ina; .tome , that would do for .kfilnra. - Cow ktid heifer were In pretty good demand, put there . waa an undertone of weakness to .tha' market on. the better kind Veairrda and thai waa naiinuhi. again today.. The fact th better grade ) of cowa' and "heifer have been ealng off a little amr today mot looked around I toe .. i... .r. . .7 7i hnrf iiniJu. ...I... li - t I W ... v. v . i iciitc prurri anu nave bean all th week and they, ar a littl stronger thanks, aeek ago." Tha supply or beef steers proved to b quite meager considering the large receipts oi oiner ainn or rattle and most of those on sale did" hot 4rlve'unlll Tate Iri the fore noon. 'wh,fK naturally delayed the trade very malerTaJly. Owing to tha moderate receipt-, tha market-did not show very much change In spite of the fact that ad vices from Chicago were generally unfav orable. Some-pretty gnod crpfeds sold at 16 85. which waa the tup price of the day. Quotation on cattle: ilood to cholc cornfed ste,' KjX.'ml 0 fair to good corn Vd steers. 36.4Ofl6.0O; common to fair corn ed iteer, 44 JS'o5 49;-good 40 choice rang steer, fair to good rang steer. 14 STM.TX; common 4a fair , range steers. W 4oi&4. 5: gord to choir fed cow and heifers, t3,8f.a4,TTij fair to good cows and heifer.' 65; -common to fair cows and heifers,; good to choice stock ers and, feed-e. U.tf4t i fair- to good tockera and feeder. IS SoetS; common to fair atocker and fdera. .33.0033-60; atock heifers. t2.5Ofi3.10. Raprasentatl ve sales : BKEF STEERS. Ka. . H. r. 4 ' III 44... ...... ...1177 it 41 Hit 4 ' 41 1101 I U , 7 104 I t lu ..lUi I ti . cowa. 4 S 4 - I -.. M IS 1 Ml III ( UWt I o I IM1 I M I ldtt 06 ft III 4.. SM It i 1 7i u m iu ft M IIS . COWS AND TlEIFERB. , -n i si v HI 114 He.IFf.RB. 1 ... to.... 2 ... 4 ... I. ... II.... 1.... 1... 1 .. ........ 1 t M Ml I l I .. 711 t M ... lit on ,.! I M .. 115 4 y ., im in . . 744 I it ..11M 2 .. 410 .1 On ..1375 I SO l I 40 Ill IM I"4 II U 111 i BULLS. ...l. ... 2 7r I.....'. ...... .1K 2 7. ?..lv40 3 W 1 REAL ESTATE FARM A .ID HA.NCH LABU FOR SALB (Continued.) ! 11 1 toaad. TRAMPiNO LAKE. Saskatchewan and Southern Alberta selected lands, 39 to S:I per acre. Settlers aecui farma on crop payment ptafl-'' Agents, wanted. Writ Ouody A Gundy, Dept. B, Union Bank Blllg.'.' Winnipeg. ' (30 3M 1 . ' Colorado. 30OD FARM I NX! LAND Near Denver. Oreetey district; well tt to 40 feet; abun dance of moisture; general farming, In cluding corn raising; on ctop pays for NATIONAL- INVESTMENT CO.. S3 Brandeis Bid. Omaha, Nth. UW &4 Seatk Dakota. LOOK " HERE MR. LAND SEEKER.-"' Wa.can sail you land that will produce aist aa-tnanr do.llara rr acre in corn, aheal. ots barley, rye. flax, caul and logs for 'an average of about 2o per acre n easy terms as you ean produce on land telling at 27S to SH per acre in other lo calities, and on which you are paying 34 to per acrs In rent. Thla land fs located In Brown and Ki nonds' coUnpe. South Dakota, the vry leart of the great corn and wheat belt of lie state, wher Crop failure la unknown. Our next, ercurilvn (eaves Omaha Aug. 6. and We Want you to Join u. . We w.ll nake every tatemenl good or return your rain fare.. Write us for information at nee; a card win secure your pasaag. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bed bldg., Omaha," Nth. ' 130-Mi3 11 aataoeltastoowa, , TIMBER AND TIMBER LANDS a re bet ter Investment at thla time thsn moat other. Wo asant to tall oa about thtm. Either -largo. orwiati ln-tor will be Interested. Writ us for partirulara. Th International timber- Co..- Mlnneapotla. Minn,- ? p . -Ml AM NEBJLA&K-A-COLORADO LANDS, 100. M. aaras , erf woswrn Nobraska and wstern-Oujarado Improved and unimproved snda irlili 1 15-par aare. Any stae track, "in a rap. Wm or. com and e ua Hob La rl ans! lavearnjent Co , 112 a nn K.. Omaha.- - ' ' ';. t20 Ms;t REAL ESTATE LOANS UAN8on Irtiproved Omaha, property. ri ., - --. , ir-l7 10 TO tio.009 inad promptly. F. T. Wrad. Weed fcldg.. Uth and Far nam. 22 3u4 - FIVE PER CENT r- Mnney to loan -n .. Ontala buaijieas iroprrty. r ' 1UOMAI BMENNAN. ltom L New Vork JUfe Bldg. ' AANTBO City loans and warrants. W. Farnaiu Bniil di Co.. tea) Farnani St. l22- .'ANT4 Ot -ioiauk Plr - Trust Co. t -OWiJiT. HATaJr-onta. Paxton Bik. V .' IONJU UHM-k ki BO- lav.slmeet Co. v x. vE;-rl CALVES. I id Ik 1 4 I I m im i i l t m a , l. l l )i I Jl STOCKKR" AND FEEDERS. i i4 i . i t in n T!a i I KM 1 3. 14 M I W I : I 1 s I 7 7 71t I 4 I 474 I 71 I 4l IM ri I IN II " II , 471 I li. 7 tM I ) 4 ; :l in i 4 I 1 . . 7i 4 4 7 IM l t K 4 K 4 77 I 4i I Ml 4 U WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 19 hrlfrrs.. 4441 i 75 2 ccwi I 00 3 10 4 i i i t o 1 r 2 o . J 70 5 4 01 3 2S 2 to 3 1 2 on 3 7S 4 " 2 50 2 10 I JO I f 3 2i : u6 4 00 3 80 I & IS h-lfer - HI I 22 cowa... rw.., 5 coma., t cow. . 3 cow lsi ...ll' .. ! .. .0 ..U'll 32 row .-!? 1 feeders. I'c.7 I heifers.. 513 1 corn s ( 11 heifers.. 4 12 heifers.. 61 6 f.vders.. Ml 1 li 4 W J H 2 t 15 2 5 I i . 2 trntfrn. IM" . 170 II rnt... I bulls... t nifr, tPWI... II fecd.-r 7 htferf . 1 bull.... 4 cnwi. . . .1173 . ,. VI . 4b7 . 4t ,.V. heifers. 7 I 1.5 6 cnwi Ma 9 (own . .; 7K6 7 t-Slves... 237 S cows 12il SI cow s ;K1 1 heifers... 70 1 hull 10 2 1 2 Co 4 2 4" 2 ! : 90 2 Ti H .112) 2 catvu... 230 4 rovi.,,,. ")( 1 bull lib Coy Wvo. 1 row 1110 1 atfer 100 1 aterr 91 IK row I7 2 4fi I Kjfl I l 1 aterr n 2 4") 1 rtter 70 2 1 bull 146j B. Johnaon Nfb. 3 f-pdera..l'K 4 15 7 frerlrri.. JM7 1 fedora. 774 2 7i 2 feeder. . 2 ro J 23 t betferi.. 7C 17 iol 127 2 Diamond Catlla Co.-Wyn. 74 hlfm.. IM 22 atefr...l'l 4 50 3 7i 4 helfern.. Wt 4 So calve. .. 24C 1C calve... m i r C. Morgan Scb. feeder . HIS 3 60 IS fetrder.. a I .3 70 2 feeder.. 51 3 00 A. L. Hodge Nrb. 23 cow K3 3 oo n cow ;C S OS 3 feeler.. I.'i I -4 heifer., ail 2 7a 1 bull 133) 2 75 WYOMING. .1 55 calve... ill 3 50 T. Soper Wyo. 4 25 1 bull 1W 2 70 37 cow f 61 eow. . . I calve. 81 im E. 170 . S3 4 n calve. 10 cows... 1 TI 3 U 4 8 2 70 3 35 4 00 3 41 3 ;'5 M urr.iv 2 3 o (tr.2 2 70 SM7 3 70 BOITH It 8-Wyo. 10 calve... ?f 1 cowa 17 13 cow SIC DAKOTA. 2 teer....1073. 9 cow 7i 4 feeder.. 175 S calve.. !1 cow 17 cow 11 feeder.. 1140 4 50 t tow I' AO I 0 2 teer....1205 4 f-0 9 heifer.. 631 2 0 HOfJIu It wa a ea of put on yesterday and take off today. The market this morn- lr. with liberal receipts and with nothing reassuring from other selling points, til generally 10c lower. This means that the ho- sold largely at. and - right around SC. 40. whereas yesterday over half of all the hogs brought K.50. Choice hogs sold up a high a s 46 today, as against a top yes terday of 6.Co. Tha trade was not very active at the decline. In faot. It wa slow and dull, with the tendency . weaker a the morning progressed. . Representative sales: t. " !; Sh. Tr 140 H III 40 I IS 8k. fT. ... I 40 ... 4 40 170 4 40 4 ' I ! 4 I 40 IM I 40 i:i . 42i 14 44j .', IM I 4J-, 4 I 41 40 4. 14 I IIS, 14 I 4?v, ... 4 41 ' t 4 I 44 . -III o i a M 4 4i ... I II 110 I 41 ... I 4714 4 471, -..! K) 44 I 60 .... C 44 44. . 41 . 17.. 1.. M . . ....A4 ill ... 141 ....HI ...W7 ....144 ..-.111 ...114 ...HI ....141 ....lil ... U ...too ....Kl . ...7 . .'.-I3 ....7 ...144 ...tM ...4 ....iri ...107 Itt M 2 J7 tM I il 1 44 4 TTwj 1K4 120 I iT, 117 M I 1714 71. II. J7 iei 171, tit .14 I 4U 47... 7 X ... 7a.... li li.... it. ... 71 ... 71.... M. ... 40 I 10 HI Ml .: I .in 1A ..r- , tit ,.Jo7 ,14k ..4 ..S37 .114 ..:14 .-.10 Kl ..U ..ZT ..IM I 44 I 4U in I 4 4 4 n I 4 4 4u 10 m 'in 44 17 11... 70... H ... 4 44 ... " 71.,.. 47... 4.... 11.... 11.... 4W.... 40. . . 4 .. SI... M 40 0 1' -40 I 40 I 41 I 40 I 4 I 41 I 4 I 44 IM .4 40 40 4 40 4 I V) tHLLP-Keoelpta of sheep were sgnln very large this morning, makln the run for the week to date the heaviest I ft om time, it win c remembered that the mar ket yesterday and the day before showed more or less dullness dua to liberal receipts and the bearish tendency of buyers. This morning there wss a decided change. Jn the situation. k in., preax that has taken place In- tha slictp market this week seemed to make buy era feel mora Ilk taking hokfc wlill tha liberal receipts have brought In more buyers, inus It happened thi morn ing thai with the receipt very larye, the craae an en ainaa waa active, ana the greet big bulk of 4 lie offerings chatared hands before 10 o'clock In the morning. Parkers all seemed to want additional supplies of fat sheep and Iambs, especially sheep, and the trade on desirable kinds was brisk, with prices anywhere from steady to lou higher than yesterday. -Operators on the market, aa a rule, were summing It up as a good. trot4r. active market. Pretty decent kind of lambs brought 35.30, with yearlings up to 34.30. .- Feeders were very active sellers at prices that were a little stronger than yesterday. Tha tendency on feeders this week has REAL ESTATE LOANS iCuntinued 1 MONEY TO BL'ILD. 3500 to tauO.WO at current rate.- W. H. THOMAS. 603 F1rt Nau Bank Bldg. 2-9J7 PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. N. Y. Life Private mony, tBuv to 35.iX. Low rate. (t3r-M PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 11SU4 FARNAM. tJ.'l 3W REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to buy five to forty acres, improved or vacant, near Omaha. Must be cheap for cash. Address O 835 care Bee. . (23)-Mro 15 WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for 2-hand furniture, car pets, vlolbts and shoes. Tel. Douglas 3471. tio m WANTED TO BUY. On Urge and on small gasolln nglnj also small upright boiler. Must be In good condition and cheap. Addresa O, 74. care Bee. (2Sl Milt It WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position a sesmetreaa, maid or nurse, try capable young lady with good references; can do facial tnassagt, mani curing, soalp treatment and embroidery. Mrs. Jensen. 1 S. 11th St., Omaha. BOOK KEEPER F1rt-cl accountant familiar with modern methods; nuriladi aouer ana teiiaui. AOJlens W-,w ctu STOVE REPAIRS STOVE. FURNACE. STEAM and hot wstr Doner repairs; water rronta. OMAHA. BTOVE ft E PAIR WORKS, 1204-1 Douglas tel. Telephone Bell Dougia 330. M 671 LEGAL NOTICES OFFICE OF THK-SKH'X CITY ' AND Wl jSTERN KAIL" Ai COMPANY. Omaha. Nebraska. Auguat L liaja. To the Siockholdars: Notice I hereby given, that tha annual meeting of the toi kholdera of Th Sioux City and Weslorn Railway oompany will be held at th office of tha company In a.....w . . . . . vt. ... . . cuuin oiuui v . i . . unjrfiii, I len tll w'cluck . m.. on Thursday. October li 1 a u el4:l d:recloi for the ensuing year and to l upon the uuestion of celling th railiwad property and franchise of thla com pany to th Chicago. Burlington A Qulncy Railroad company, th railroad anri erty aforeaald being now under leaaa to aid compaay. and for tha transaction of uch otaer bualneaa a may legally eom before th meeting By order of Its Heard of Directors W. p. DLRKEE. Secretary, : ' Aid Sot RAD THE BEST PAPZB Tko Qaaavka, (MUly stoo. kn upward, aa a mult of the active com p41tlon amon buyera. Eeedr buyer paid 14 10 fur anod - yearllrira and around iiaa.70 for rood wethere. It . In fact, a rery aatlafactory market throughout. Quotation on itrrt or T liccp rd lamb: tiood to choice lamb. lo.Sia"'1; f.ilr to good lamb. I SrSsi, femllnf lamb. $4 1m; good to choice light yearling H l.v4 Ja); good to choice heavy yearling. UtMU lO; fair to pood yearling. WN6A4 U; feeding yearltna. 35 734. 1; good to choice wet!ira. S.yl.K; fair to gid wether, I3K-pJKi; feeding wether, til 4"lt7o, good to rholce ewee, B 4Oi3 H0; fslr to good ewea, REfll.1; feeding e. U SOfea OO; cull and b'jck. U.onsj.oo. Rcpreaentatlva aalea: Ko. A v til titho aether 99 M Idaho yearling S J ldha wether K Pr. 3 3 5 4 rw 4 30 247 Idaho wether V! Idaho yearling i S3 Idaho Ytr'.'.ng W IHItAGO LIVK STOCK MAflKKT rattle Steady lloaja. Sheep aad l.a m ba Lower. CHICAOO. Aim. U.-t'ATTt.K-RecelpI. ertlmsted 17.""i head. Market aleady; tte-r. 34.7K7; rnw. li.ii.A: heifers. tS.iT'flS.COi bull. 3:.75I(5flO; culve. 36.7. SC; tocker ana feeder, u.hw". HiKiftRerelnta. etimated at C.oDO bead. Mirk M lie lower; clio:ce. heavy hlpping.. ruW; butcher. 367irfj.o; light mlied. tfifc'ffj.oo; entire llgrlit. eSO.i.7o: n.'lrig. i.4"ti 1(5; pig. $4.i"u6.JO; bulk if rale. .0 IHKCr AXU LAMHH-RfCf Ipll, cll- nisled abojt .6i lied; market limjlec higher; eheep. Ut"ii(l'; Iambs, l..t'oi. yearling. M.l'ti4f0. St. Loala Lli Stork Market. ST. lOI'I3. Ms., Aug. 12. CATTLE Re ceipt. 5.SO0 head. Including I.HOO Texsna: market steady; natlv" ehipping and export wieers. S4.7Vov7 50; dressed beef and butcher steer. t3.00H3.T5: steers under 1.0 0 pounds. S3.WfrS.50; utockers and f-eders. K.Jiii.ib; cowa and heifers. S2 754i6.50; canners. 31 50 liR: . bulls. S2.KXs4.6u; csjve. Si5ii.75; Texas and Indian steers, SJ.TS'gs.&o; cows and heifers. SI.5iV&4 00. HOGiS Receipts. T.SW head: market 10ft 15c lower: pigs snd lights. tXauTiii.lU; packers. S6 347i; butcher and beat heavy. fci.tiS fjO-tJ'V sHEEP AND LAMRP Recelrs. 7.700 head: market for sheep, steady; lambs, WQ 15c higher; native muttons, S4.rtt4.2S; lamb. S5.TM6.00: cull and bucks, H.25-&4.00; stock ers. S4 5"o 00. Kansas Clly Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Au. K. --CATTLE Receipt. 14.000 hed. Including 4.ono ,ruth rn; .market Xeady to a shade higher: choir export and dressed beef steers. 3600 vi m: rir to goon:. n.Sfic no; western teera, tStoCaO; stockera and feeders. S3 0(34.50: outhern steer. t3.4(i4.7t: routhern cows, 32.2.Vg3 40: native cows, 32 fto'4 O; native heifer. 3.6.50; bulls, 2.5t33.a0: calves, 33V'1.Ot. JIOOS Receipts. ll.Cro hesd: market 110c lower: top. 36.724: bulk-of sales. S6.S54i 85; hesvy, JC.65i 7?H: packers and butcher. 3fi.2f7'); light, .t 00176 61; pigs. t3.T56 A). BHEEP AND LAMB&-Ri-cIpti. 8.5u0 heSd; market lftfTlic higher; lamb. 34.251 tOO; ewes and yearlings. tX604.2t; Texas yearling. 34.0034.50; Texas rheep, U-hCt 400: Blocker and feeders. 36.35690. St. Joaepk Un Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Aug. 1! CATTLE Rect-lpts, 2,ti0 head;' market steady; beeves. l4'a7.2S: Texans, 32.503475: cows snd heifers, tt.25fr.M; calve, $3006.50; s'.ocker snd feeders. 32.7WI-4 5n; bulls and stsg. 12.234.50; wagtem. .Of7j5.. HOGS Receipts. 11009 head; market low nd 10c lower; top, 36 70; good heavy, 36 .70: medium mixed, t6.40fr6.s0: light.. Si.sOe .145: bulk of sale. 36 3.Vri 6v. BHEEP AND LAMK8 Receipt. 4.&no hesd; market strong to 10c higher: Ismbs. t3.5?;.26; wether. 32.754.00; ewe. S2.60 J. 55; yearlings, tZ'XS-i.7i. Slows: City LIto Stork Market. SIOUX CITT, la., Aug. 11 Sreclal Tele gram.! CATTLE Receipt. 400 head: mar ket weak: heeVe's, J6. 50117.00; cows and hetf-' era. S4.05.50: feeder. 3.10a4.; calve snd yearlings. 32.754375. HOGS Receipts. 4.000 head: msrket 54J10C lower; rnnge of prices, C309.Oi bulk Of tales, t'j.35'6.40. Stork la SIsrfct. western mnrkets yesterday: 1 Cattle. Hor. Sheep. South Omaha 4.31 2.6i 10.72U Sloiix Citv 4i 44) Pt. Jcaeph J.500 11.000 4.500 St. Lout 5.0 1.I 7.700 Kanaa City 14.0f 11.ti.rt 5.500 Chicago ....17.C0O 2?.rM 26.000 Total ,....,..... '.(00 68.419 63.4!5 PRAIRIE CHICKRKS INCREA8IXG Irda Alaaoet Exllnct la Iowa for Yeare Are Xov Pleallfal. LAKF CITY. Ia.. Aug. i;.-(Special.V-Good new to the sportsmen of flit and nearby states come In the announcement that not for-- year have there been an many prairie chicken In the north and central part of thf state as there are this year. Sportsmen In Calhoun county are relolclng over the proaneets of lull baas this coming month, when the season opens. For a number of year past the prslrls hen ha been almost extinct, but either bv the klndi.rss of nature or because of the pientirul amount of rood th prairie hen has seen fit to inhabit this state In grot numbers again. Farmer who have big fields of small grain are n'.t w-lllinr that the bird should be shot this year, because they welcome the sight of. the slow-flying game bird. There arc acres and acre ot,; lana wnere tnere i no lurlsilietlon main tained hv the farmers and the sporting mn are already planning to invade the domeln of the chicken. The increase in the num ber of quail Is noted nnd they are often seen near this city 1n flocks of from thirty to 240. The low. brushy timber and the willow hedges ring every day with their boo hlte and merry whistle. FIREMEN'S TOIRMET AT LEIGH Ifenapkrey Win Rotk Ike Hose' Race Kreats, ritmii Grove teeoad. LEIGH. Neb.. Aug. 12-ISneclal Tele gram.) The opening day of th Leigh fire men a louroamem wa a nummer anrt s good -si ted crowd wss In st'endance. The free attraction were rood The H'nnnhr.v department won both the hose races, while in ii urrvf w a a ci-1 e second, lime ' Humphrey. V9 and SM,: Newman Grove. 1 and 6. The hall game between Howell and Newman Grove was a one-aided affair. Howell lost the earn bv making wild throes at every critical moment. Howell 3. Newman Grove 1.4. Has hit: Howell 3: Newman Grove. S. Struck out: Wleae 3: Provo. 10. Passed hall- Helm., t'. Mcintosh.. Frror: Hnwells, 14; Newman fox Grove. 6 Umpire: Price. Gagnler, ARMEY OLDFIELD IN XEW MATCH Aaloauoklle Rarrr Sign Agree arat for Raro Wltkoat Rales. CINCINNATI. Aug 12-An agreement for one of the moat desperate automobile match races ever run was aia-nai tr.A . by John J. Ryan, the widely known tore. man. and Barney Oldfleld. the automobile rarer. The ronrtat. which I to be held en September IS at Lalonia Cleveland or De troit, according to where the track ean be aeeured. I to he th heat two out of three pet. to be from three to five mile each, for a bet of 2.5u0 a (id. There are to be absolutely no rule, the mn who get through first being declared tha winn.r. There will be no right of protest, no f ula will bo allowed and generally all rules hav been eliminated. BRITISH TEN.wfg TEAM COM It O It Will Coaa pete tor Rlgkt to Ck al iens tor Darts Cap. NEW YORK. Aug. 12-New confirming today's cabl dispatch from London to ta Associated Press regarding th visit of an English lawn tennis team to this country in connection with the competition for th Dvi cup and giving further detail regard ing th romlr.- matches, was given out to night by President James Dwight of th United Slate National Lawn Tnnls asso ciation, A announced, the Engllah team will come her and play a team of Ameri cana to decide which ihall go to Auatralia aa challenger of Australasia for th pjaaea aon of th Davl cup, the emblem of Inter national supremacy la tn lawn tennis woria. i auiograjn nave been passing be tween Prestdeat Dwight and the Erllah Tennis association for several weeks and now me matter is settled. Th English tam. M J. Rttehare 3 r Harl and K. Powell, will sail fur .America lat thla month and th International match ill k-a playad on tho court of tn Long, wood Cricket dub about tha mlddl of Sep tember . Tha team winning th match wll bo sent to Australia and th challenge round will b played thra beginning JSo vw ruber 3. TU Anitrican ttam tuts gt toen earned. LINCOLN CUT OF TONE. LOSES FUjen Get Hid at Each Other, Omaha Scnrei Game 4 to 2. rA'S CHAMPS TJSE BUNTINO BAT ruar Sr4 of I'lak Fvoled Oreea barkera, W koae r lay ere Tkrew Wild ill rerist Tbere Was si First Baa. Omshs. 4: Uncoln. t King mode fhree hits In Wednesday's game snd Fisher, who preceded him in the bsttlng order, made three runs, nnd Omaha won from the Orelnbackera by the score of 4 to t In a game lively enough, but which was 1 so filled with Interesting features to a rloee observer of the play. Internal strife wss noticeable all the while in the Lincoln team and from the time Bon no made lit wonderful two-bao throw in the first Inning until, the finish the entire Lincoln ttarr. aeemed to lack that harmony which should txit to win tall games. , Msd Anthony Bnnno wss pitching for Lincoln, and although he has been quite a puisle to the Rourke- family at times, he wss easy yesterday, as the big fellow from southern Italy dM nt seem to rare whether school kept or not. Lincoln made a run In the first Inning snd then that tantalising Fisher came to bat. He bunted one at Bonno and had ! ally beaten, but the tig fellow threw It anyway, th ball soaring over the head of JacK Thomas, riid Fisher was snoir on third.- That wa the-first cause of groi-rhlness In the Lin coln team. The second csme a short time afterward, when Austin beat out a bunt and on one covered 'first. Quite an argu ment wss raised as to whether Bonno should not have covered the sack, and thU did not tend to promote. .harmony. If any thing tends to upset a team it Is when the opponents get to bunting successfully, and thst Is what the Rourke family did yes terdoy. Tha f!rt three hits msd by Omaha were safe bunts by Fisher, Austin snd King. Banting; Cashed la. King had on his batting clothe snd field ing as well for that matter. He made a bunt, a clean single and a triple, and took all his fle'dlng chances, one of which wss a hard start of double rlV- Fisher, Welch and Austin each made two hits and Austin stole three bass and tnen was hot able to cash any of them In for a run. Captain Franck has been a lck mn for couple of days, being confined to his room. Ho would not quit the game, how ever, nnd although h had Eddie LawUr play short for him. h directed the play ing from the bench. Lawler took several hard chances and made a sacrifice, but made one low throw to first which cost him an error. ' Sanderf tried to work quick return on Jude and hit him, the first man up In the game. Fox made a clean single Into Fisher's garden and Jude stole third. After Gagnler was out from Sanders to Chicken Tbomas hit a long fly to Welch and Jude scored. That was tha first run for Lin coln and the second was made in the seventh Inning, when singles by Prltchett, Zlnran and Bonno scored Prltchett. Last Innings W'laGame. Omaha got back that rwa in the first inning and tied th score. Fisher bunted safe and went to third. oi.Bonio-s wild throw. He scored on Autrfssr grounder to Fox. Th score remained "-s'e until the fifth Inning. when..fwlth two out Fisher singled to Juda. He- stole second and came home on King's single to right. The sixth Inning also brought forth a run. After 'Autrey had flown out to Wenger. th new right fielder, Welch hit for two Austin tried out the new bat which Pa has secured as bunting bat and made a safe hit, putting Welch,.-! third. Bonno was afraid of Beldcn and deliberately passed him, preferring t tcke his chances with Lawler and Oondlng. King had stolen second and Lawler hit a long fly to David son, Welch scored from third, but a good throw caught Austin at third. : The seventh Inning waa somewhat of a re-petition of the fifth, for a run was made in each after Gonding and ' Sanders had been put out. Fisher walked and then came little King. He had made two hits and was ready for the third. Picking a good one he drove the ball over Pritchett's hesd. It bounded out of tho reach of Jude and King went to third, scoring Fisher. With Austin's two hits and three stolen bases ho was not able to score. Wenger is a cut little fellow. His nam Is Carl and he la about as big as a minute. He did not set. the world oa Xlre at bat and had plenty of exercise In the field, shagging hits which were sept tn " that direction. Sanders . pulled off a neai coup when he trapped a ball from Bonno'o bat and then started a neat double play. The ssme trams this afternoon. The score: OMAHA. - AB. H 3 3 H. 2 3 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 O. 13 A. 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 Fisher. If King. 2b Autrey, lb.... Welch, cf.... Austin, 3r.... Belden, rf.... Lawler, ss... Gonding, c... p.... Sanders, Totals 21 I LINCOLN. 27 H A.B. R H. 1 P.O. 1 1 A. Jude, If. 3 2b. 3 0 0 0 1 4 2 1 Thoma. lb Davidson, cf.... Prltchett, 8b.... Wenger. rf Zinran, c Bonno, p Tot sis .32 7 24 12 Omaha- Runs 1 0 Hits 1 1 1 -4 -9 0-2 0-7 Lincoln Runs 1 Hits 1 0-2 Two-bae hit: Welch. Three-base hit Kina. Wild Mich: Bonno. ' Bases on balls: Off Sanders, 1; off Bonno, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Banders. 1. Struck out: By Bin der. 3; by Bonno, 1 Duubi play: San der to Lawler to Autrey, King to Autrey, Davidson to Prltchett. Left on baae: Omaha. 6; Lincoln, A Stolen base: Austin ). Flsber, Jud. Sacrifice till: Austin, awler. Tbomaa. -Tim: 1:40, Umpire; Davl vnd Brennan. Attendance: 70U. PUEBLO BATS OUT A VICTORY 4 Drs Molar Tie Ike Sear la lklrd, kat laaasl Keep Up tk Gall. Pl'EBIXi. Colo.. Aug. 12. Pueblo won again from De Moines today by bunching hits off Bntnar in the first and srvenlti inning. It waa a close gam until the seventh Inning when a twobagger by Gai gano and singles by Hogriever, Spencer and Patterson, won the game. Honska was hk hard by Des Moines anrl ha was re lieved by Galgano in the third Inning, sfter the visitors bad tied the score. Galgano was effective In the pinches. Tne feature of the game was tha. -fielding of Niehoff who accepted eight hard 4'hanre-a at third without an error. Sew: DES MOINES. AB. R. H. O. 4. E Flournoy. If 4 110 0 0 Fnspatnck. I I . 0 0 4 Dwyer, lb i 0 1 14 1 Badr. rf 1 1 1 1 0 0 Irxtr, rf 4 1 I 0 o 0 Walali, 2b 42210 Kethoff. to 4 0.1 3 it Wfcie-ftA. c , 10 0 4 2 0 Standing of the TVams WEST. LEAOfE I AMER. APS N. W.I. .Pet ...70 4 ,5l V I.Prt.l Omahs 66 4! .or 1.dilvlle Sioux City ..63 47 .572'Toledo .. m 47 .4 Lincoln 56 51 .537 Inriiananoll 70 50 .363 renver 55 56 .45 Columbus ... 64 54 .f-43 Pueblo 47 .49 Minneapolis 5 5 .46 De Molne. . 37 C .2li Kansas City 53 63 . 467 (Milwaukee ..MCA .449 St. Paul 34 52 293 NAT. LEAGUE. I AMER. LEAGUE. W LTct l W I. Pet. Plttahnrg ...61 J9 .gioi Detroit 30 .614 New York ...59 40 .606 St. Louis ....61 43 5!t Chtearo M 42 .r. Chicago 5S 45 .rvl Philadelphia 53 44 . 546 Cleveland . 46 .563 Cincinnati ..M (2 .416 Philadelphia 47 53 . 470 Boston 46 56 .4.M Boston 4S 54 .476 Brooklyn to ..IMS! Wsshlpgton 3 61 .SO St. Louis ....33 16 .Xiti New York. . 33 61 .3:7 GAMES TODAY. Western Iesne Lincoln st Omaha. Des Moines at Pueblo. Sioux City st Denver. Nstlonal League Boston at Philadelphia, Brooklyn at New York. Cincinnati at St. Lou's. Chics go at Pittsburg. American league No games acheduled. American Association Columbus at Mil waukee. Toledo at Kanaa Cilv InOianan- olls st St. Psul, Louisville at Minneapolis. Bomar. p. ...'...:.; 4 0 1 1 2 0 Tutals 33 4 24 15 1 PUEBLO. j A.B. R. H. O. A. B I Hgrievr. Sh 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spencer. If 4 0 2 2 0 0 Patterson, 2b 4 1 2 4 5 1 Mattlrk. cf 4 13 110 Clark, lb 4 0 3 10 1 0 Miller, rf 3 t I 3 0 0 (Vrhan. a 4 114 3 0 Mllse, c 3 0 0 3 2 0 Honska, p 10 6 0 10 Oalgano. p 2 1 1,0 0 1 Totals 33 6 13 27 14 l ' Des Moinea 20200000 04 Pueblo 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 Stolen bae: Bader, Dexter, Hoarrlever. 8encer. Patterson (21, Clark, Corhan. Two tae hit: Galgano. Left on bases: Des Moines, S; Pueblo, I. Sacrifice hits: Ftta patrlck. Miller. Struck out: By Honska, 1; by Bomar, 3. Base on halls: Off Honska, 2; off Galgano, 8; off Bomar. 1. Time: 1:40 Attendance, 1,200. Umpire: Haskell. JACKSON PITCHES A GREAT GAME Holda Sloax City Dowa to Tkree Singles. DENVER. Aug. 12 A pitcher' battle today waa won by, partly by hit ting the ball In the fifth Inning and partly because of an error by Grtin. One run was really batted In, the other two coming on the error. Jackson had the better of Fiec-man until the latter gave way to Starr. At that time the a-ame was won, so the. charge mado no difference. Tha only fea ture was the excellent pitching by all three of the men who went Into the box. Jack son was 4b star, having marvelous con trol, and making tho hit that sent In the first run. Score: DENVER. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Waldron. cf 3 1 2 1 0 0 Pelden. ss 3 0 1 3 4 0 Cassady, rf 3 0 110 1 White, lb 4 0 0 9 0 0 Lovett, If 4 0 0 4 0 Krueger, 2b 3 1 0 3 0 0 Klnneally, Sb 2 0 0 2 S -0 Zalusky, c 3 0 0 4 1 0 Jackson, p 3 110 2 0 Total v.... H 1 i 17 10 1 SIOUX CITY. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Csmpbell, If 2 0 0 3 0 0 Holmes, cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 Green, rf 4 0 1 2 0 1 Weed. 2b.- 4 0 0 1 5 0 Granville, ss 3 0 113 1 Andreas. 3b 3 0 0-1 2 1 Hester, tb 3 0 0 12 0 0 Henry, c 3 0 0 3 1 1 Freeman, p 2 0 1 Q 3 0 Starr, p 1 0 0 0 3 0 Totals ....."o I 3 ll 4 Cassady hit with batted ball. Denver 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Sioux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - S 0 0 Stolen base: Belden, Lovett. First base on balls: Off Jackson. ?; off Freeman. 2. Struck out: By Jackson, 2; bv Freeman, 1. Ijett on bases: Denver. C: Sioux Citv, 4. Double play: Belden to White, Time: 1:40. Umpire: Black. GAMES IN AMERICA LEAGUE Cleveland Wlas from Pklladelskla la . tke Twrlftk Inning. CLEVELAND. Aug. 12. -Cleveland todaV defeated Philadelphia by the score of 4 to 3 In a twelve-Inning' game. After Hinchmin' errors had allowed Philadelphia to tie the score he led off In the twelfth Inning with a triple. Vlrkerc passed N. and J. Clarke purposely, but Bradley's long fly to left tenttr let Hlnchman home. Score: . CLEVELAND. PHILADELPHIA. AS. H O A G. AB.H O.A E J nark. If. 4 Bradley, lb - 4 Turner, rf t Lajol.. TtK... 4 f israil, lb.... I Bam la, c t A liner, cf.... I Hlsekmaa, sal Llebnanlt, p.. I N. Clark....! 1 1 Hartsal, If.... i. lOMrtn. cl... I It Collins, ss I 0 Murphy, lb... 4 OBerbola. rf... I 1 Bander, lb... I 'Klahola, lb... I 1 Powara, ..... I D)Srt, p I IVlckara, p.... I II II I 1 I Total! 41 11 M 16 4 Totals 41 r4 If I One out when winning run scored: Batted for Liebhardt in the twelfth. Cleveland 10000100000 14 Philadelphia 000003000000-1 Hits: Off Dygert. 4 In five and two-fifths Innings; off Vlcker. 7 In five and two thirds Innings. First bsse on-rrrors: Cleve land. 1; Philadelphia. 3. Two-base hit: Power. Three-baae hits: Murphv, Hlnch man. Sacrifice hits: Bradley (2), Lieb hardt. Beybold. Stolen base: Murphy. Dou ble plays: Nichols to Bender to Collins. Lajoie to Stovall, Lajole to Hlnchman to Stovall, Dygert to Murphy to Bender. First base on balls: Off Liebert. 4; off Dvgert, 1 Left on bases. Cleveland. 9; Philadel phia. . Struck rut: By Liebhardt, ; by iygen. s. fasseo pail: Bemls. Time Umpire: Connolly. Gam Postponed. 2:25. At Detroit Detroit-Washington postponed; rain. game -NATIONAL LAWN I EN .MS MATCH Sontkern aad Eaatera Player Meet la Preliminary Hennd Tkaraday. NEW YORK. Aug. 11 -Th draw for the eaat against weat tawn tennis preliminary maae iouay oy A. Jioatana, cr tary of the United State Lawn Tennl as sociation. The matches will be played at the Crecnt Athletic club. Bay Ridge, The east and south ar to meet on Thursday next in the first round. The west players have a bye and will meet the winners of the first round on Friday. The victor In these matches Is entitled to cnalleng at r.ewporr, ror tn national title. Tha southern players. Whitehead and Winston of Norfolk, will tomorrow meet Raymond D. Little and Heal C. Wiignt. who won the eastern tin at Longwood. Th western pair, Nat Emerson, th sin gles champion of tha west, and Louis H. Waldner, will arrive In thla city tomor row. GREAT WESTERN CIRCUIT RACES Fleming Boy W la Maaafactarcr'a Sink at Gale bars;. GALESBURG. 111..' Aug. li Fleming Boy won th Manufacturer' atake. tne prin cipal event of th opening day of the Great nraiciu vutuik race Ln. a erw were seven starters in ins big ctenu nummary Manufacturer alkea, t.jt trot, purs ll.iwK: Fleming Boy won th aecond, third ana fourth hoais ana race. Alary Have won the first heal. Bracaglrdl third. Best Line: 1 111,. pacing. 1:2 class, purs t500: John Waed won three uccealv neat and the race. Bonner second and Achillea third. Beat time: 2Xw. FTca-fur-all, on heat, purse 81,000: Cita tions rirst, Anglola second. Tun: l.lf-s. Two starters. CONTEST IN SKIRMISH FIRINg) Sergraats MeNabk aad Cos Mako Slewg Searoa at Fart Skorldaa. CHICAOO. Aug. 11 SklrmUh firing com- prised tn program of th army snoot at Fort Sheridan today. Th two beat ehou In the northern division red th field of 147 contret&nta. Sergeant Juaeph McNabb, troop K. Eighth cavalry, and William C. Cox. M. Twnty-tvnth Infantry, tieing lur l.isi place nun a poinia ou of a poaalble Tl.slr nearrai comptl tor wera. P. P. Hernandra. artisan, At lantic diviaion. and Pmai Claranc Bur rninl.i Pflmunv two. Ta enlv-aa-venth Ih faniry. Cuban dlvisiob, sacii cf whoal j scorad 3H. I CHICAGO' BLANKS PITTSBURG Firatei Are Unable to Hit Brown and Axe Shut Out. CT7BS BAT OUT VICTOEY Tkree Jilts ta Seeead, Coapled wltk aa Error ay Witser, Glrr The a Two Rao Otker National Leoao Scores, PITTSBURG. Aug. 11 Brown was In- vinvlbl today and Chicago won from Titts- burg by a score of 3 to 0. Three hits and an error by Wagnr In tha second Inning gar tho visitors two runs. Th locals' hits were well scattered. The gsme was re plete with sensational fielding, ths players of both trams making some wonderful catches. Score: CHICAGO PiTTiniR 1 AR H 0 1.1 HUM t ll. cf ... 4 3 4 Thomas, rf. ..4 I 4 fhchtri. If . I trh. Ih ... 4 t I I t J Ociarke. It ... I 1 2 I 0 I 4Wanr, ...! I I f 1 I f Stork. Ik I 0 11 l Ab'tlfhlo. a. 1 I I I I t WHmmi, rf... I t I 0 taikeon. e I 1 I 1 1 lKM 10 00 CMaee. lb... 4 Krer. lb I cein'elat. Ik 4 1 1 I 1 4 t- I I 1 I Birt. rf... 4 Tinker, as. Kiln, e.. Brown, . Touli.. Winta. U I 27 10 Initiation ...1 aO I 6 "ip. e I 4 4 krr, s 1 .1 Total M I 17 14 t Bttd for Gibson In eighth. Batted for Willi In lghth. Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Chicago 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 O-i Three-base hit: Clarke. Hit: Off Willis. T In eight Innings: off Leever. 1 In on in ning. Sacrifice hits: Ever. Tinker. Ptolen bases: Kllng, Howard. Ift on bases: Pittsburg. 4: Chicago. 1 Base on ball: Off Brown. 1; off Willi 2. First base on error. Chicago, 1. Struck out: By Brown. 5. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Johnstone. Even Break la Pkiladelpk la. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 12.-Boton broke even whh Philadelphia In a double-header this afternoon. Score, first game; BOSTON. rHrLAPKl.ntlA. AB H O A E AB H O A C. nmwn, rr... a i eursat. ss t I 1 x 1 Bates, If 4 kMinoau at. 4 McOans, lb.. 4 Rlteher. Sb... I Dahlen. sa. ... I Sweeney, 8b.. I Orabarn, c... 1 1 I 0 Km be. lb.... I I I 13 CTIim. rf I 1 1 t I 3 Mase. If f 1 . I 1 1 I 1- BransrtoM. lb 4 1 I 3 .111 lowborn, el... I I 1 M .III) vDnolin, as 4 4 ft .141 noeln, t 11121 111 VFoimi. I 1 1 8 Cearlney ... 1 0 t 7 17 II I Ferguson, p TsUls Touts 10 T 11 il 2 Batted for Foxen in ninth. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 13 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1-1 Two-base hit: Titus. Three-hase hit Bates. Home run: Browne. 8n critic hits: Graham, Titus (2), Magee. Stolen bases: Grant. Knabr Magee, Doolin. Double plays: Knabe to Doolin to Branafleld. Doolin to Knabe tBransfleld (2. Left on bases: Boston, 1; Philadelphia, 9. Bases on balls: Off Ferguson, i. Hit by pitched ball: By Fox, L Struck out: By Fergu son, 2; by Foxen, 2. Time: 1:63. Umpires: Rlgler and Rudderhsm. Score, second game: PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. AB H.O A f AB B. O A S trast. lb . knabe, 2b. Titus, rt.. Macae. If.. 4 BBrrtwM. rf... 4 I 4 4 i-Batea. II 0 Baaaaiont, ct 4 1 MeOann, lb,. 4 Rltcbey, lb... 1 I Dahlam. aa ... t 4 Sweeney, lb.. 1 0 Bowaeaua. . I ILIsaaataa, p. I Branaflelt. lb 4 Oaborae, f... 4 foolln, aa.... 4 Doom, e I ktrQalllra, p. I Tolalt Boston a 14 17 la 1 Total! M I 34 11 I 0 0 0.0 0 2 0 0-3 1 0 tl 1 0 0 - Browne, McOann, Os- Philadelphia Two-base hit oorn. ot-cruir nits: Knaoe, Doolin. Ktolen base: Bates, Magee. Double playa: Magee to Doolin, Doolin to Knabe to Bransfleld. Left on bases: Boston. 2; Philadelphia 1 Base on balls; Off McQulllen, 1. Struck out: By Llndaman, 2; by McQulllen, 2. Passed ball: Bowerman. Balk: Llndaman. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Rudderham and Rlgler. Dodgers Win from Gloats. NEW YORK. Aug. 1!. Brooklyn set New York a peg In the race for first place In the pennant race today by beating th locals, s to 1. Mucker waa in tine form and held tha home team when they had men on oases. Dcor: BROOKLYN. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A B. AB.H O.A K Burck. If ... Harnmsl, rb. Lam ley. rf.. Jordan, lb... 9 5 4 Tenner, lb... 4 I I 0 4 1 Hersoa, 2b... i 6 2 0 4 Breanahaa. . 4 It ODonlln, rf 4 t 1 6rn04U-, el . 4 111 IDerlln, lb.... 4 13 1 4 Barry, it 4 IIP IBrldwell, as.. 4 111 trrandall. p.. 1 1 4 I 1 Iwis. as... Berrefl. c... Shaeban. lb Maloner. cl, . 4 Huckar, p 4 MoCormlck.. 1 Totals., ...17 9 27 I CMalarker. p.. .Naedhara ... 1 Totals U Batted for Crandall In aeventh. li: I : Batted for Malarkey In ninth. Brooklyn 0 0 110 110 O 5 New oYrk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 Two-bae hit: Barry. Beraer. Sheehan. Hit: Off Crandall. In seven Innings; off Malarkey. 0 In two Inning. Sacrifice hits: Hersog, Crandall. 6tolen base: Burch, Humeb Double play: Tenney to Crandall to Bresnahan. Left on bases: Brooklyn. 7; New oYrk. 10. Base on balls: Oft Cran dall, 3; off Rurker, 3. First base on errors : Brooklyn. 2. Struck out: By Crandall. 6: by Malarkey, 1; by Rurker, Z. Passed ball: Bresnahan (2;. Time: 1:50. Umpire: O'Day. GAMES IX AMERICAN ASSOCIATION LoalSTllIe Wlas from Minneapolis la Sevealk on Errors. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 11 Errors by Smith and Fienne gave Louisville two runs and tha game In the seventh today. Both pitcners were nit hard, although Putt nam kept the slouts scattered better. Score; LOriSVILLE. MINNEAPOLIS. AB H O A.E. AB.H.O.A.R ttorall. rf ... 4 II OCn-lar. m I I I I 0 Woodruff, rb. I t t 1 1 Kerwln. rf... 4 t 1 1 13 9 SO'Nelll. rf... 6 10 9 0 17 1 IWeldar. If. ... I X 113 SBuelow, e.,.,4 t 7 C ll to Brian, lb... I Ilia 1 dSralih, lb 1113 1 114 1 Clark, lb t t I 1 1 4Quillln, Ik. ..II T aianler. rf .. 4 twaetna. lb. rk. lb... f-alta, c Hansy, If... Quinlaa, as. Fullmana, P- riana, p 4 0 I 41 11 27 14 2Hecblar ..! ToUl Total! ... Battde for Kerln In ninth. .19 11 17 I 4 Minneapolis 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-S 0 2 0 0-4) Louisville e 0 110 Two-bas hits: Burke. Puttnam. Stolen baaea: Woodruff. Stanley, Harley. Left on bases: Minneapolis, l; Louisville. n Doubl play: Pelts to Vulnlan. Base on ban: on Kiene, 3; off Puttnam, l. struck out: By Flene, $: by Puttnam, 4. Time: 2.10. Umpire: Blerbaiter and Ksnn. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 12,-Tokvlo and Kansas City broks even in a double header bro today. Score first game: TOLEDO KANSAS CITT. AS H O A C AB.H.O.A E. Barbeau. ss . I 4 I IHallmaa, d.t 1 I 1 I Hlnrkmaa. lb I 3 4 1 IBackley. lb.. 4 1 11 Annb'star, rf. I evaickkora. rl I I I I t soot, tl 1 1 t sBraaaear, lb. I 3 t SwoUeB Elands about tha neck, -weak eyes, pale, way cxrmplrxiona, runninr gores snd ulcer, skin diseases, gnd g-mrrxJ poor health, are tha usual wars in which Scrofula is manifested. The disease being- deeply intrenched in tha blood often attacks the bones, resulting in White Swelling-, or hip disease, and the scrofulous and tubercular matter so thcaroujrhly destroys the healthful properties, oi the blood that Scrofula, sometimes terminates ia conaumpUon, an incurable cUkams. The entire circulation being- contaminated, the only way to cure the trouble is to thoroughly purify the blood and restore the circulation to s stron. healthy state. & & a is the very best trtatrnen; for Scrofula; it renovate tbe enure blood supply and drires out the scrraSilcms and tubercular deposits, a & Sl is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and It sot only croc right down to the very bottom of the trouble and removes the cauea, but it aaotUiaa the weak, diraed blood with the healthful properties it is ia need of, and ia thiVay builds up weak, frail scrofulous persons and makes them strong; and healthy ail is a gentle, safe, vegetable preparation. Book oa the blood containing infonaatioa about Scrofula and any medical advica fro. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.," ATLAH TA. OA, nil rOW'HWITHOWTHIIIIIFt AH Recta Dlswase. bwabsd .roe a p-alrie 'TO-DAY lor fro Seek n tfesUl O.a witk YsslisaonlaiaT DR. E. R. TARRY. 224 Dee Dullciinc, Omaha, Neb. Iims IM eww.av ad 0 sT f L)Me. lh.M It IfM, I is w-4. 111 sr!. twt It rruti, 1 t i ir-wi 11! TMakv.wBl 9X7 11 Total ....ft) Hill I FattH fop Bxnkiay in ninth, Hrtd for EXrwnto in ninth. Toledo .... 01SS1001 0-4 Kanaaa CHy 001S02000-3 Famed runsl Toledo 1. Tr baiw. hit- Carlisle. Base, on ball; Off ITolt. 7; off tMtck. A wruck out: By Prnltt. 4: bv Ka- sick, L lft on base: Tntodo. B. Kansas City, t, Tamble play: Hlnchman. Bar beau to uster. hacriflce h Is: Prultt. Cross. Insula 111. Pa seed ball: Abbott. First on errors; Toledo. 1. Time: 1:10. Umpire: Owens. ccone second gams: . KAKtAS rtTT. T04.ITDO 41 H O 1 g II M O A a Hallmaa, tl., I 1 I I BarnM. as . 4 1 lit Brwn. lb 1 J t Hlachmaa. fk I I Arab star, rl. I Nsishlors, rf Braabeae, Ik. talllras, a.., ramus. II... rroaa. as . ... Pownl. Ik.. Swsls. f Total 4 1 SnMH. c 4 I t HMkwaa, If.. 3 tLaaa. a-lk...4 1 1 I.mer. Ik ... I I 1 1 k tRIwaet. lb... 4 4 10 3 9 AkbMl. I , f 1 H II M II ISnltb, t Nasi.. S 1 Total tl fJ 12 1 Two out when winning run scored. Toledo 4041000 0 0-1 Kanaaa City S0010000O-T Earned runs: Toledo, I; Ksnsaa CHv. 1. Two havso hit: Smoot. Armhruster, rirjis hear. Three base hits: Braahear. Hlnchman. Base on balls: Off Nagle, 2: off Steen, 4; off Smith. 6; off Swain, 1. Struck out: By Stern. 1; by Smith, 3. Hits: Off Nagle. 2 In one. Inning: off Steen, t In three and one-third Innings; off Smith, C In five'and two-third Inning. Ieft on base: Toledo 3; Kansaa City. 14. Double plays: Braahear to Ooa to Brown (2); I Jeter to Klwart. Stolen base: Mailman. Scrlfc hits: Smoot. Hickman, Cross, Carlisle. Wild pitch! Swain. First base on error- Toledo. 2. Hit by pitched ball: Brown, 3. Time: 3:10. Um pire; Owens. Ckaataloas Blank Brewer. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 11 -Taylor wa In vlnclMe with men on the base and Co lumbus won easily by a score of 2 to 0. Pap pitched a beautiful game, but slow fielding behind him and his wild throw were responsibly lor two of the runs. Sours: COLl'MBl-S MILWAt'KKE. AB H.O A K , AB.H.O.A B. Frlel. lb 4 1111 FeMaaoo. aa. I 0 I 4 I OSwvll, cf. ... I 111 SBrowa. lb.... 4 1 11 1 I Krusr. If.... I SSI 0 Hoefrner, C...S 041 (onaarton. rl.l 1 1 I t Randall, ct... 4 1 1 Jamat, c 4 1 I Clark, lb t 0 I i Rainy, as I 1 t 1 Pirns, rf 4 1 I a Kikra. Ik I 1 9 t Batman, II. . 4 1 4 I W rnlT. lb.. I I 4 I Mt ena'k. s4 I t Tsylae, I I c rr. I 0 12 1 Twtala a initi Totals II 4 17 10 Columbus 00000 021 01 Milwaukee 00000000 0-0 Two-base hits: Randall, James. Rsidy. Sacrifice hits: Odwell, Krugsr, Congalton, Raidy, Klhm, Wrlgley. Stolen base: Klhin. Double pl: Brown (unassisted), Taylor to Wrlgley to Klhm. Left on bases: Mil waukee, ; Columbus, 4. First base on balls: Off Tsylor, 4. Hit by pitched hall: Odwell. Struck out: By Pap. 1; by Tay lor, 5. Time: 1:50. Umpir: Hayes. ALL STARS DEFEAT SEWARD Loral Unable ta Flad At kta Wken Hits Were Needed. - SEWARD, Neb.. Aug. 12,-The All Star of Onihi defeated Seward in a fast and exciting game, 'by a score of 4 to 2. Both teams played fast ball, but the Inability of tho horn team to find At kln with men on base prevented them from scoring. Phenomenal catches In tha outfield by Mullen. Qulgley and Murphy wera , tha feature of tii game. Atkins pitched a great game for Omaha, allowing but five hit and striking out six. He w-aa strong with men on bases and at no time was in danger. Kissel sls pitched good luil), but was week with men on bsses and Omaha's hits camo when they meant runs. This makes two games won for Sewsrd and one for Omaha out of the set lea. The score; OMAHA SEWARD., AS. HO. AC Penny, as,... 4 1 6 Peeler, cf.... I 1 1 Trowb g. lb 4 I 4 Uurphr. II ... I I If. Ltng. lb.. I 1 Bwarti. as.... I 'Karl, tb , I 0 E. Uns. e... I IW'sar.r. rf ... 4 Browalnf, lb 4 a Kissel, p 4 9pliman, Elliott, lb... Oaiflrr, II.. Mullra, cf.. rarley, ' lb... I'roaa, rl... Aiklns. p.... t U Tata!. .M I B 1 Total.. M 111 il I Omaha beward 01000000 24 ' 0 00001 000 0-1 : 5 1 Two-base hit: Brcwrlng. Sac'rlflc hits: Sealey, Neff. Stolen base: (Jul. ley 12). Double play: Dejiny to Elliott to Karley. Baees on ball: Off Atklna, 6 Hit bv pitched ball: Alklnsf 3- Struck out: B Atkins. 6; by Kissel, 7. Time: 1:6. Umpire, Stewart. No-Hlt-No-Raa Game. PLAINVIEW, Neb.. Aug. 11 (Special Telegram.) On of the beat games of bsli ever played In northern Nebraska wai Played here this afternoon between th Bterllngs and the fast O'Neill team, tin locals winning by a score of C to 0. Duna way twirled for the Sterlings and achieved the record of pitching a no hit. no rue game and striking out half a dosen bats men. He wa given gilt-edged support ant. was never in a tight place during fho gam Chapman carried off tha batting honor, but was followed closely by Kelley an? trciena. Score: Biprllngs 00020200 5.' i B, ON ...0 0 0 v v v v e j 0 0 '00 0 4 TMsaseh Wlaa Slow Game. TECUM8EH. Neb., Aug. 11 iBpecia, Telegram.) Tocumaeh defeated Sterling li a alow gam today. Score: Btertlng "l 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 21 Tecumaeh 10000(10 11 Batteries: Sterling. Olffln. MeCulloch and Emmen; Tecumaeh, Parries, Stewart ant Martin. , - EVENTS ON THE HIXNING TRACK! Darante Wlas Hlatorle Trarers Stake at Saratoaa. SARATOGA N. Y., Aug. U-On a ven heavy track Dorante, oaj-rylng top weight, Ut pounds, won the historic Traver atakea worth 9o.5a2 to th winner, at Saratoga to day. Dorante, who ha Improved wonder fully lnce coming here, ran the best rac ! haa shown this year and J. Lee put up a perfect rid on the Foreythe colt. Kins James was aecond, with Beauooup third The time, 2:0!r,. for on mil and a quartet was good conaiderlng th track conditions Bir John Johnson Jumped away Into a two lengths lead, followed by King James and Beauooup, with Doranta bringing up thi rear. Sir John Johnson continued to ahow the way to tha uppar turn, where ShUllns aent King Jam to tha lead, but almo7 Immediately began to send Doranta ut on th outide. At tha final furlong poli h was on even terms with King Jatnei and In th drlva bagaa lo draw away to wis by thr-quartrs of a length. King Jatnei wa ten Unartha Ufor lmcoup. Bum Claelaaatl Natloaala ta Lakau CINCINNATI. O.. Aug. 11-Aftor th. Close of th regular baa ball season In this country, the Cincinnati National jeagua club will play In Cuba, contract4 having been lgnd today. It I plannaa to hav tho Cincuuiati regular team play with all the leading teams of Cuba. 1 mm j 1 a THE CUHEJr OH