8 THE CM AHA DAILY BEEs THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1903. Want - ads A4Trrtlatnata tar the mil n roleanaa will iHt takea til IS an. for fer the moral aaal liiiir o:i4ae. Task iaa( rtraitir all rJrn for waat aa aa ?r1lwml will ho arrratrd for IrM Iku lO fU for ilrat lasertloa. Rate apply to rlikrr Tfco Dally ar 4ir Re. Alwaya roaat alz worde ta m Ha. Comblaatloaa af laltlala ar aambera roaat aa oaa word. CASH HATES FOR WAST ADS. nE(il LAH CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, per llae, 1 crate. Twa ar more roaseratlTO Inaertleas, arr Has, rrata. Kara laaertlom male on odd data, 1U rrata arr line. 91. BO per line aer aaoatai excepting that BIHTH9 AND DEATHS. Blrths-Rert Wright. 141S South Fifteenth Street, boy and girl; Wtliam M. Freeman, 4617 North Fifteenth atreet, boy; Fred Ieefs, ZSft.1 Reese street, boy; Anton Ca-pek, 1227 South Fifteenth atreet. girl; Tillman Armflgelri. 2X12 Capitol avenue, boy; C. P. Wyman, 416 California street, Ctrl; Charles Bheeler, Methodiat hospital, girl; Frad W. Conrey, S407 Jackson street, girl; Albert Johnson, 2124 Amea avenue, girl. Deaths Mary J. Coats, 1626 North Seven teenth street, 47; Low C. Abraham. Motho that htmptal, months; Uonnyhr, fiOSHi Aorth Sixteenth street, 21; Samuel Reed, Fortieth street and Pormleton avenue. 53; I). J. Kelleher, 2414 Larlmore avenue, 69; Caroliiie Hold, 916 Dominion street, 48. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Nama and Residence. Age. John H. Llonborger, Mercer 31 Iluth Daniel, Omaha 27 John Mehl. Crelghton W Rosa Almendlnger, Omaha 42 Howard Woodworth, Clearwater, Minn., 23 Mary Harxke, Schuyler 25 Charles Ilawlaey, Omaha XI Nellie Mulr, South Omaha 18 James L. Kramer, Omaha 28 V'ecella Mergen, Omaha 23 James L. Hutchison, Chllllcothe, Mo 25 leva L. Ellett, Omaha 24 Orlgen Williams, Omaha 22 Edna Mae Chapln, Benson 20 T'aul Epenater, Omelia 31 Sara A. Otis, Omaha 26 William E. Long, Omaha 37 Anna K. U. Bennett, Omaha 46 Frederick C. Thles, Omaha 29 Nanna M. Chriatenson, Omaha 24 Bhlrl R. Palmer, South Omaha 31 'lelta Craven, Creston, la, 18 Albert Uloege, South Omaha 23 Uertruds Leeder, Omaha 27 John Bly; Omaha 21 Susie Flasnick, Omaha 21 Andrew L. Berggren, Woodrock, Wyo... 80 Marie Voudracek, Omaha 22 Narry King, Hubert, Minn 24 Jthel Hennon, Bouthport, Ind 21 uUther W. I.lngner, Oretna '.. 23 Cimlce M. Haile, Uretna 20 ANNOUNCEMENTS HOME-MADE! wine, fl years old. 1 per (Hllou; 80c with this advertisement. Cack ley Bros.. 121 N. 16th Bt. (1) M514 A1S SIGN PAINTING B. H. Colo, 1302 Doug las. O)-tf0u rilK CITY OAR BAG B CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1187. (D-801 M ERRT-OO-ROUND and other amuse mcnt features wanted for S days' festival of Westllcher Kingerbund at Omaha, Sept. 6, 6 and 7. Address proporals to A. F. Merteha, chairman of committee, South Omaha. (1) M222 13x WANTED Attractions for baee ball carni val. Slate what you have and terms In first letter, 8. B. McKenty, Ansley, Neb. (1) M255 14X AUTOMOBILES Do you know that there is a garage open until 12 o'clock where there Is an Al me chanic a your service? Leave your ma chine at p. m., and have a Btormbeig carburetor fitted and ready for you when you call next morning. HARRIS' OILS, HOLSMAN'8 AUTOMOBILES and STROM BERv Carburetors, BKICK P. KUHN, 'Phona Doug. 1153. Opposite Library. (2) M768 SEND for our list of secaatd-hand automo. bilea. DERIGHT, 1818 Farnam. (2 221 THREE: One ton commercial automobiles, prices $SU0, $850 and 11,2(10. Apply W. 8, Balduff, 1522 Farnam St. (2) 41 RAMBLER 20-H. P. Ttourlng car. Must sell at once. Bargain. Address, P-73, care Bee. (2) MJ08 18 MITCHELL runabout, 1908 model, almoat new, coat $1,06. Must sell at once. Ad dress 8 854. Bee. (3) M743J5ept l BARTER AND EXCHANGE WILL exchange my farm of 190 acrea, 85 . miles due south o, Kansas City; no bet. ter farm In eaatern Kanaaa; all fine, rich prairie land, well Improved and cloae to town. Would consider stock of merchan dise. Dell Gregory, Fulton, Kan. (3) M992 14z WANTED Automobile, In trade fpr a good income property, must be good car; state price and description In first letter. Write '. C. Anderson, Spencer, Neb .. . ; (3)-MSJ BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business of property that you wish to sell or ex change, write ua. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO. OMAHA. NEB. (4) Mitt A17 TO (SET In or out of businees call on UANCJESTAD, Room 408 Bee Bldg. t4)-S02 130 RCY8 6-room rooming house; rooms pay rent, wsler. llRht. besidee 1 living rooms. Apply ltiogit, N. 24th St. Telephony Independent B-19ul (4) Mil9 FURNITURE leas and fixtures for sale a money maker. Hotel Grand, Hertlng ton. Neb. (4 M433 AugH WILL deposit money In your bank; guar antee you 8250 monthly on 8500 invest ment. Miasourl Specialty Co., Omaha, N'b- (4-M0 ASOx tl5Li .or'!t.,or "very where. Knleet, N. V. L. Bldg. (4)-03 WANT a young man with ll.a.o eaah who la willing to Team the business and can tive best of reference for mv detective work, m R. Maple Ave., Oitumwa, la (4)-M2t)7 ill rX)R 8A I. E Restaurant and Ice cream parlor, railroad and factory trade; buai neaa 46 per day; must sell; cause si k ras. -AcWrea P, O. Box 41. Brush. Colo. ' - (4 M253 16x WANTED Man who la capable of filling position of secretary In an established wholesale bualnesa In Omaha; no special or technical . knowledge renulred- want a bualneaa mar. Our goods sold so i inai we nan to can in our salesmen until we could get caught tip. We want a man whu will Invest a few thousand dollars so that wa can Increase our ra pacity. Will pay good aalary and divi dends are very large. This enterprise far exceeded our expectations and la worthy of careful consideration. As an invest ment It is unexcelled. For Interview ad dress P 836, care Bee. (4-M2e9 1 WE WANT A COMPETENT STATE MANAGER AT ONCK. HE WILL BH HIS OWN HOS8 AND 10 OFFICE ""n JI L. J ItojtK MONKY KE Ql'IKED. WE Kl'RNISH EVERY TH1NU. S N. Y. LIFE BLDtl. . t4J-M22 FOR SALE Bakery, confectionery, soda l . i . : """"" imsiii uumiiffM. a oargaiu, If taken anon. Address. Lock Box 111, Manning, la. , (4i-M2o I7x fX)R BALE Account poor health, good pay- i cimi maraet. tiuiiaing lor rent. V. x F. Boyens. PlalnvHew, Neb. (4 Mtuti 14 MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sals in ear lota.-A. U. Vlibe.t, Council Blurts, (4-iUW BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued ) DRTTJ STORE FOR PALE Clean stock of drugs, new fixtures; town of 7K; east central Nebraska. All rlht In every way. Busy doctor with the store; will stand rlne Investigation. Addreea T-.M. car Omaha Bee. (4)-M175 18x 12-ROOM furrjlshert flat for sale. In heart of city. K. E. Rrown A Co., Room 7, Live Stk. Nat l. Bank Bldg., South .Omaha, Neb. (4) M162 rn EVIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN "PECIAl TIES Phot ngravurea, lithographs, but ton watch fobs, etc., either republican or democrat. ' Write for price list. Fonda Bros, ft Co., Omaha. (4 MSK2 15 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attoraeys. Judge C. T. Dickinson, 634 Paxton Block. (5)-4 DIL ROT, R. X 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 4OT. (5) 306 Creameries. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (6-37 Deatlats. r BAILET ft MACK, 3d fir. Paxton. D. 10R5. (6j Flarlata. HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. (6) 314 Detectives. CAPT. HAZE, 617 Karbach. Red 232. (5)-T OMAHA detective agency. 218 8. 15th; Doug. 2166. (5) 847 Dress'm aJtl a IN FAMILIES Mlaa Sturdy. Tel. Harney irS8. (5) 31 LADIES' tailor-made suits; aummer gowns and shirtwaist suits. Special attention given to out-of-town customers. 207 Old Boston Store Bldg. (5)-lU 623 tCacyclopedlaa. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS at less than one-half rice. New half morocco Americana. 718 Y. Life Bldg. (6)-M82 AZ1 Flaanclal. Money TO LOAN-LOW RATE, in sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phnna Tollplna 'Qi l! UNION LOAN COMPANY. (6) 31J WE WILL LOAN you money on your furniture or piano at a very low, reasonabVe rate. SEE US FIRST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade. 16th St. Entrance. (5J-S13 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (5) 315 Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, lth and Harney. (5) 817 BT. JAMES", 41 8. 13th, American, J1.2S a day, 25 per week and up; bath. (&) 313 tloTlnf and Storlagr EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. office &4 N. 16th St., warehouse 2207-t liard St. (6)-31 Osteopatky. JOHNSON INS., '418 N. T. U Tel. D. ldSi (B)-320 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolaa. 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. (5) 321 Ostrich Plames. BEAUTIFUL, heavy French droop ostrich plumes, 20 Inches long, $3.26, cost $7.50 In any store; 17-Inch plumes, $2.26, worth lL Address Importers, 1214 Harney St., or 'phone Doug. 2288 and our agent will call and show them. Experienced agents wanted. (16) MS39 Office Sappllea. OFFICE FURNITURE We have a com plete line of office fixtures, furniture, stationery, etc. Give us a trial. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., 813 8. 18th 8t Tels. Doug. bin'. Ind. A-2562. (6) M53S A17 Rectal Dlaeaaee. PILES NO PAY TILL CURED. examination or booklet free. DR. E. R. TERRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha. U)-M533 Safes, Shatters, Eta. maha 8afe and Iron Works, makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sates, u. Anareen, frop., 102 8. 10th Bt. (6)-S24 PlmtlaaT. GOLD, silver, nickel plating. Omaha Plat ing Co., 1220 Harney. 'Phones Douglas 2635 and Independent A-2535. (5) 322 Prlatlaar. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fail to see our Imported line. Lyng stad ft Jorva, printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. (5) S3 EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and first-class work guarsnteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 213 8. 18th St. Tsls. Doug. 6662. Ind. A-2663. (5) MU 17 Shoe Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst-class work. ItilSVi Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red W4 (6) 326 SHOES repaired right; called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7567. 5)-324 Shorthand Reporter and Notary. F. J. Sutcllffe. depositions. 628 Bee. Tel. Douglas 1905. (5) 827 I'adertakers. WILLIS C. CROSBY, licensed embalmer and fuperal director. 1524 N. 24th St. Tel. Webster 47. (5)-737 S3 Water Filters. MISSOURI water filters. Huber. 1310 Howard St. (S) MS 26 HELP WANTEDFEMALE Aajeata aaal Salesladlea. TWO salesladies at once; good pay Squaredeal Coffee Co., 488 Brandela. (7) M8M LA DIE make 3H monthly, apare time; only; pleasant occupation. Call 488 Bran dt is. tT) 202 Clerical aaal OSaee. Steno and cigar girl, for hotel, 250. faultier and bookkeeper $40. WESTERN REF. BOND ASfTN.. INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7V-248 IS WANTKD-Stenographer, Smith-Premier. $50, $A. Address N 7H4, care Bee. (7)-308 13 STENOGRAPHER (Smlth-Premlerl-TA Office Glrl-6 to $7 Stenographer, experienced In fire Insurance tir to $H0. We have the OPENINGS. Call or write. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO 73-1D-77 Brandela Bldg. (7r 213 12 Ho Beekeepers aaal Dantatlss. ' SUITE of cool housekeeping rooms every modern conveniences. 2tC6 California St (16 Ma50 lax ' WANT EI1 Girl, general housework, fam ily three. Uood wages. Apply 263 Farnam Bt. (T J M232 18 WANTED A housekeeper for a big farm no objection to one or two children. Ad tlress Y-54, care Boe. 7i MhoS 13x DR. WERTZ. dentist, 6th floor Paxton Blk. (7)-M7il GIRL for general housework; small family no washing. Ulj L'uruu g Si. (,7 Jo4 u ' HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaeekeepere aad Doasestlea st'4 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; references required. 4306 Dodge. Tel. Harney 14. (7) 871 14 WANTED Housekeeper without children, between and 38 years. T. Teller, Mc Cook, 8. D. (7) M184 14x WANTED Olrl for general housework; no wanning; good wages. Apply Tio n. stn Bt. 47) 180 12x HELP WANTED MALE Aareate, Sollrltaro aaal Saleamea. WANTED Educated men and women, capable of earning 1,000 a year. Call 718 N. Y. Life. () M827 A21 YOU can make 81,000 between now and November selling the New Bryan book; Just out: agents' outfit free; send 10c for mailing. . The Thompson Pub. Co., St. Louis, Me. (9) 215 12x AO E NTS make $20 to 850 a week selling William Jennings Bryan a great book, The Old World and Its Ways.'' Outfit freo. Send 25c for maMlivg. The Thomp son Pub. Co., St. Louis. (9) M256 13x STOVE SALESMAN WANTED An expert enced man to sell a complete line of stoves on commission In Omaha. Low prices and good quality. Address Y-53, care Bee. (9) M213 16 WANTED Men to act aa salesmen and learn the real estate business. Street car far paid. A. D. Butler, 1201 Farnam Su (9 768 SALESMAN WANTED Sell retail trade $75 to $175 per month and expenses or commission. experience unnecessary, v Hermingsen Cigar Co., Toledo, O. (9;-165 15x WANTED Solicitors, city, canvass; salary and commission. Call evenings. Smith, 2317 Harney. . w 233 14x Clerical aaal Office. . STENOGRAPHER, In bank-$60. Office Man, In creamery $75 to $100. Profit and Loss Clerk, wholesale $60. Stenographer and Biller $60 to' $65. We have many others. Call or write, CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., "13-75-77 Brandela Bldg. (91342 12 DRUG clerk's position. Knlest, N. Y. L. Bldg. 9)-329 Real estate man, familiar with city values, $100. Two bookkeepers, $70 and $76. Steno and bookkeeper, $70. Bright young man to call on business men, $76. Grocery clerk, who can speak German or Bweaisn. Call or write for a complete list. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ABS'N., INC 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-246 12 WANTED Experienced creamery man In office; good salary to right party. Ad " dreaa L 782, care Bee. (9) 244 12 sFactory aaal Trades. LEARN TELEGRAPHY-Position! guar anteed; booklet free. Boyles College Omaha, Neb. Official training school L P. R. R. (9) 330 WANTED Sober machinist operator; union man; scale $27; no transportation. Address Times, Twin Falls, Idaho. (9 M220 14 WANED Men to loam barber trade; will equip ahop for yoi or furnish positions; few weeks completes; constant practice; careful Instructions; tools given; diplo mas granted. Write for catalogue. Mohler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. () M860 13x PRINTER of four years' experience wants position at $12 per week: country office: r best of references furnished. Address Box 352, Tekamah, Neb. (9) M268 15x WANTED Shade maker, must have ex perience and reference from former em ployer. Apply Drapery Manager, Or chard ft Wllhelm Carpet Co. (9) 260 13 Dura. TWO blight boys; call 488 Brandela. (9)-M83S Bf lacellaaeons. ) ' BOYLES SUMMER SCHOOL IS NOW OPEN. Students Admitted Any Day. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Telegraphy and English. Official training school Union Pacific R. R. Telegraphy Dept. A postal gets full Information. Address H. B. Boyles, Boyles Bldg., Omauia. (9j 332 WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able-bodied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sta., Omaha, Neb. (9)-6B$ FREE employment dept. Business Men'a Ass'n; no fees. Call 626 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) 31 WANTED Young men, 1$ to 36. for firemen and brakemen; $90 to $130 pr month; rapid f romotlon to engineer and conductor at 160 to $'.00. For particulars address Na tional Railway Training Ass'n, 931 Central Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. 9) M529 31x WANTED At once, man for wholesales wagon: must furnish bond . Alamito San itary Dairy Co., 1813 Farnam St. (9)-161 12 8HINGLERS wanted at 84th and Wool worth Ave. 'Phone Webster 3O06. I (9-19S lix WHEN writing to advertisr remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Be LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aad Vehlolea. HARNESS, uaed as samples; will sell for the next thirty days at big discount. Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. (11) 769 18 ALL rubber tire surreys and buggies at cost Omaha Buggy Co., 1116-17 Far nam. Doug. 2086, A-20S6. (11) M867 BOY'S pony cart, $15. Road wagon, rub ber, tirea, $30. 1410 Jackson. Ql)-8(0 Sept6 WAGONS, carriages, buggies and harr.ess cheap to make room. Johnann-Danforth Co., aouthweat corner 10th and Jones Sts. (11) 240 Beptll LOST AND FOUND LOST Alpha Delta Phi pin, star and cres cent; name and college engraved on same. Reward for return to Charles I Saun dera, 211 8. 18th SL (12) 170 PHYSICIAN'S coupe, almost new. Ad N dresa, 2004 N. 19th. (12) M186 17 LOST Satcrday, between South Omaha and Court land Beach, bunch of key re turn to L. A. Williams, room 135 Ex change building, South Omaha. Reward. . 'Phone South 77. (12) M177 13 LOST-Pocketbook. between lth and Ames and 33d and Meredith; contains money, watch, locket, necklace, etc.; watch and locket engraved. Finder pleaae return ll but the money to 1916 Amea Ave. (12)-159 12x THE MAN seen taking alligator handbag containing money at Bennett a trading stamp window Saturday morning will be given trouble If not returned to Bee office at onee- (12I-M254 14x LOST Japanese leather cardrase; Con taina calling carda and money. lx)st be tween 27th and S4th St., on Farnam, or 2'h between Harney and Farnam Bt , between 3 and 6 p. m. Monday after noon. Reward for return to 444 Bee bldg (12-2i4 12 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crclghton Medical college. 14th and Dav enport Sta.; apeclal attention paid to con finement raaea; all treatment aupervleed by college professors 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls anawered day or night. (12) 1 28 ANY p.Kr girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the 8atvatlon Army Home for Woman at Sii N ?th at I Omaha. Neb. 02;-M5i2 ' MEDICAL (Continued.! BEST nerre brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pllla." $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman ft McConnrll Drug Co., Omaha. n8)-KS MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. P. O. NIELSON ft CO LOANS. 708 N. T. life Bldg. 'Phona Doug. S2h4. (14) S )Njrha ttcls, salary or note. 236 Bee Bldg. (14) M512 16 FOR VACATION MONET go lo the old reliable loan head quarters, where you will get a fair, square deal and avoid publicity. You get a low, reasonable rate and pay for only the time you have the money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 11$ Board of Trade, 16th Bt. Entrance. (14-37 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlae; aad Rooms. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Bchmoller ft Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. U6-337 LA ROW southeast front room: also single room; references required. 114 S. 19th St (15) 340 SUMMER HOME;' fine lawn: furnished rooms' and board. 123 B. 26th Ave. (16) MU1 16 GOOD board and room, cross in, $4 and $4.60. 606 N. 23d. - (l&l M26 19x NICELY furnished room, with board. 22i5 Farnam 8t. (15) M264 19x THE GEORGIA ROOMS ensulta, rooms single, rooms with private bath; table board. 1044 8. 29th St. (16) M679 A18x VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15) 341 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16)-342 MODERN rooms with beat board, $4 and up. 2639 California St Tel. Doug. 6161. (15)-198 17 Karmlahed Rooms. TO RENT To a gentleman, front room. In strictly modern home; private family; no other roomers. 222 N. 24th St. (15J M140 16x THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 810 8. 27th St. (16) M228 14 FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Cost you nothing. P. O. NIELSON ft CO.. RENTAL A GTS., 708 N. Y. Life Bldg.. 'Phone Doug. 2204. (15) M787 LARGE front room, furnished, modern house. 1914 Farnam. (IS) M260 19x FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 2011 Sherman Ave. (15) M1S4 15 VERY desirable front room; fine location; walking distance. 218 8. 26th Bt. (16) M130 ltx NICE clean front rooms, neatly furnished; reasonable. 1810 St Mary's Ave. ' (15) M890 SeptS BAST ROOM, strictly modern, eloctrlc light and telephone; suitable for a gentleman. . Tel. Douglas 3837. 217 8. 26th St. (16)-M660x LARGE front room; well furnished; mod ern. 117 S. 26th Ave. (16) M664 14x LARGE front room; modern; private fam ily; select neighborhood. 131 N. 31st Ave. (16)-343 ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 8. 13th St (15)-M833 FINE HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. $1.60 per-week and up. Also rooms 48 and 60 cents per day. 1811 chi i cago St. and 408 N. 16th St., third floor. T5-M786 A20X DESIRABLE rooms reasonable. 218 N. 19th. (15)-M719 Six NURSES' home, flat 4, Davldge block. (16)-84S 8ept6x 2409 HARNEY, nicety furnished front room. (15)-192 26x fafaralshed Raome. THREE unfurnished rooms. 1120 N. 17th St. (15)-790 S unfurnished rooms; modern. 1426 N. 20th. (15)-73 14x FOUR large rooms; modern. 624 8. 26th A-ve. (15)-20S 13 Apartments aad Flats. 6- R, FLAT. Qulvet, 1M Farnam. 16 r. fiat, Scargo, 6164 N. 24th. S. O. HALL. 217 First National Bank. Red 7406. (15)-34 6-ROOM modern apartment In the Dun- j . ivui ana rierca, o per montn. Conrad Young, Agt., 1518 Dode. (15) 345 -ROOM flat, modern, opposite Hanscom Park, $32. 'Phone So. 7. (1)-M3 FOR RENT Modern 8-room, steam heated apartment, at 214 No. 17lh St., $47.00 per month; neat $10.00 extra. A-No. 1 refer ences required. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge atreet (16) 163 THREE CHOICE FLATS. Six large rooms, full . modern, hardwood finish, new, done up; gaa ranges, shades, steam heat. Best in city -at .b, $Js and $30, summer rat. Better than houses or flats at $15 to $26 more. Must be seen to be appreciated. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. (15-11 15 6114 N. 218T ST., 6 r.. new, modern, except heat $26.50. 515 8. 26th Ave., 6 r., modern, mahogany flnish-$35. 2579 Harney, 6 r., modern, oak finish Owner furnishes window shades, gas range and gas hot water heater. 2212 N. 21at Ht.. 7 r., modern $21.50. 4 and 6-room, steam-heated apartments. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St, Ask for Rental Dept. (15) 2K 12 HoasekeeplaaT Raoma. $ ROOMS furnished, modern. 216 N. 22-1. (15)-M154 16x LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 21$ N. 19th. (15) M141 15x BI'ITE of rool housekeeping rooms, every modern convenience, 2026 California St. (15 M950 15x TWO nicely furnished rooms; modern; rea aonable. 815 S. 18th Bt. (15) 199 12 THREE modern rooms In 2-apartment house; nice lawn. 3119 California. See owner. (15) 234 lsx TWO or 1 nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping. JU18 Davenport 8t. (151-241 lux Haass aad Cottages. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, lin. 2507 Frank (15io46 8-ROOM modern house, new, 2702 California Ht. "lei. uougias 3610. 115) 163 8IX-ROOM all modern, except furnace. Small family. 2638 Davenport St. (16)-M464 FOR RENT 8-room modern, east front, best location in the city. li& a month. Ad dress H. S. Hyde. 417 N. 25th St. 'Phone atter p. in., Douglas 3025. (15) 786 2987 PACAriC ST. t rooms, modern, oak finish to. a. u. Elilck. b'JS Bee Bldg. llii 349 FOR RENT 11-room modern house, 2811 Pierce Bt., one block from 24th Bt. tar line. Inquire on premises or at houae, U'l 8. 25th Ave. (15) Mi25 FOR RENT 1 cottages at 40th Bt. and Grand Ave.. $18.60 each, and owner cares for water; on car line; t rooms and bath: new and modern except heat. Inquire of Frtnk Stirling at 1011 N. 33d 81. (la)-M217 14x FOR RENT Two excellent, modern, fur nished rooms for housekeeping ; 'phone Li huuse. -T4 Harnt-y Bt. U5)-U94 OFFERED FOR RENT Hasan aad (attatu Ce FOR RENT 9-room ALL MODERN house. Hanecom park district; bam, lawn, shade Vees; only $28.50 and water. 'Phone Web ster 1798. (15)-M261 lx FOR RENT ft-room cottage at 2S0J 8. jrth Ave., $12. O. B. Tsschuck, 17 Fsmam Bt. (15 M267 FOR RENT Modern brick houae on Far nam St., seven rooma and reception hall, $46 per month. Win, Dickey Reed, 421 N. V. Life Bldg. (IB) M221 14 $-R. 1418 N. 24th St., 430, partly modern; 8-room, modern, except heat. Mil Spnuld Ing. $30.00; 8-room, all modern. 2107 South 10th Bt, $J7.50 and wate.- rent; 7-room. second noor, iNortn Z4'n t., modern, except heat. $16.00; 4-room house anl barn, 409 William Bt., In rear, $14; 6-rooms, modern, except heat, 4309 Seward St., t-U Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (16)-412 HOUSEHOLD goods, packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. $94. (16)-$50 2-22 REES St.. 4 rooms, $8. 4174 jCass, rooma. modern but heat, $30. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. (15) M 368 DR. WERTZ. dentist. 6th floor Paxton Blk. (15) M756 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Blk. (15)-3oO 8-ROOM strictly modern house; extra fine heating plant; beautiful street; good neighborhood, In walking distance. M. J. Kennard ft Co., 310 Brown Block. (15)-M644 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., Pack, move, store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th, office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 166. (16) 848 1317 8. 27TH, 6 rooms, partly modern, $17.60. Haller, 641 Paxton. Tel. Douglas 6477. (16)-M523 HOUSES, Hats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Fnmam. (16) 361. MAGGARD VAN ft STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee movlrg pianos. H. H. goods. (16) 364 HOUSES ,n " prt of ,na c,,y LLWCjOjQ Crelgh Bona ft Co.. Bee )g. (15) 355 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. (15) 856 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, good repair, east front, desirable neigh borhood, 1306 Georgia Ave., $46 per month, Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge Bt, telephone Douglas 1571. (15) 791 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-47 MODERN 8-rcom house. 1121 Park Ave. (16)-846 12x FOR RENT Modern house, 6-rooma, be sides large reception hall and bath. 2413 Burt St., $30.00. Apply to H. B. Boyles, owner. Tel. Doug. 1984; Ind. A-3632, or call at Boyles college. (15) 166 FOR RENT All modern house. 7 rooms, be sides large reception hall and bath, east front, facing Central boulevard, which Is 175 ft. wide at that point; No. 712 No. 27th Ave., close to two car lines very desir able, $36.00. Apply H. B. Boyles. owner. Tel Doug. 1984, Ind., A-353J, or call at Boyles college. (1B)-155 FOR RENT Sept. 1, 6-room house, all mod ern; nice lawn. Inquire 726 8o. 27th St. Tel. Harney 3154. (16) 157 16 FOR RENT 7-room, modern house, near 'Hanscom park, $24. 'Phone Harney 1666. (16) 196 THREE newly papered rooma in 2-apartment house, modern; nice lawn. 3118 Cal ifornia. (15) 235 13x 1310 Park Ave., 8-room brick, modern, $37.60, 2723 8. 9th St., 8 rooms, modern, new, $27.60. 4328 Charles St., 9 rooms, electric light, water, gas, $22.50. 2820 Leavsnworth Bt, 6 rooms, modern ex cept heat, $26. 2051 N. 19th St., 9 rooma, all modern, on boulevard, $30. 2412 Burt St., 6 rooms, modern, $30. O'KEKFEt REAL ESTATE Op., 1001 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Doug, or A-2152. (lo)-348 14 Dmcea. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the bus corner of 24th and N fits.. South Omaha. Call at Bee office, 3. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (16) M577 TO LET Equal privileges of rooms, 6O1-602 Brandels, beat location In the building. Inquire at the rooms. (15) M2S8 Stores. SCARGO BLK., 8. O.-New. B20 N. 24th. HALL. 317 First National Bank. Red 740$. (16) 358 FOR RENT Large office room In Crounse Blk., opposite postofflce, on 16th St. Con rad Young, 1518 Dodge St. (15)-M183 Front office, Wead bldg., 18th and Farnam. (16) 369 SECOND FLOOR FOR RENT Outside en trance; suitable for retail business. Rldg ley Mdse. Co., 1417 Douglas, near 15th and Douglas. (15I-M521 Warehoase. WAREHOUSE For Rent Space In building located In wholesale district, with trackage at rear of building and electric elevator. Address W 225, Care Bee 15) 172 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. FOR SALE Household furniture. Includ ing oak dining room and bed room sets, handsome French walnut bed room net, leather rockers, etc., 2616 St. Mary's Ave. (16)-Mb05 15k NEW household furniture for sale cheap. Apply 15U6 So. 26th St. (16) 162 16 FOR SALE DresBer, large, genuine tuna, mahogany, French bevel mirror, serpen tine full swell front dresser, $10, coat $30. 2519 Bt. Mary's Ave. (16) M263 1'laaoa, Organs, Blaalcal Iaatraaaeats. $5o0 PIANO: Prescott Mahogany Upright, $200 cash. L. Miller, 630 8. 17th Ave. (16)-253 A?6x Typewrltera aad Sewing Machlnea. TYPEWRITER Cheap for Cash. We have a Remington machine, No. 146.560, which we would like to sell. It has been uaed a short time and la in good condi tion. Ask to see thia at The Bee office, 17th and Farnam Sta. (16) M231 TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Far nam. ' (16-M407 A2 FOX TYPEWRITER, No. 127420; only used short time and in A No. 1 condition; for sale at very reaaonable price. Call for Wright at Bee office, 17th and.Farnam. (16) 893 Mortgagee. WELL secured second mortgage of $1,609 on 720 acrea, for aala at a figure that will net Investor 8 per cent. The first secured mortgages combined will make a loan of less than $5 per acre on farm. Mills County Abstract Company, Glenwood. la. (16) 197 17 Mia Elevator for Sale For sale, second-hand Eaton & Prince hand elevator, complete; platform about 4x5; can be used in a building 60 feet high. Thia elevator is first-class in every respect and will be sold cheap. BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam. UJ-M223 x -1-1 t. OFFERED FOR SALE M tx-ellaaeees Coa tlaaed. FOR SALE Severs! handaome marble man tels, together with grates and tiling; these are In perfect condition; will sell st very mall price. R. W, Baker, Room 105 Pea Bldg. (1-ML'4 t-8 Rl'CKER ft WESTON news raaea and atanda for sale cheap. Call at Bee office, Omaha. ()) 91 ICE. ICE, MINNESOTA ICE in car lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. (16)-M374 SHERIFF'S sale of unclaimed household goods. Omaha Van A Storage Co., 1 l?S N. 19th St., August 26 and 26. (16) 194 26 AT A BARGAIN, two steam planta. one ?o the other 60-horse power. Weir Co., 1106 Farnam. (1)-M251 19x SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. boat mixed paint Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. (16) 363 BOME first class laundry machinery for sale cheap. G. F. Li lite, Trkamah, Neb. (16) BEND us your mall ordera for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dili. m Drug Co., Omaha. (10) 365 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free.' Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb (16)-3tn HALL'S safes, new, 2hand. 1818 Farnam. (16)-367 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sta., Omaha, Neb. (10) 366 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We . lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke Collendcr, 407 S. 'loth Bt FOR SALE Roller-top desk; also filing case. 648 Bee Bldg. Tel. P.-0. (16I-M219 14x WIRE CABLE. We have a lot of wire cable, suitable for light work, to sell at a bargain. Apply The Bee Building Co., 17th and Farnam. (16)-M2S0 A LOT of stone for coping, window and door sills; also fancv prensed brick, for ale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. ( 161-961 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117. (17) 369 LARSON ft CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. 417) 371' PATENTS THAT PROl ECT-Three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. 8. ft A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-33 Pacific Rldg., Washington, D. C. Estab llghed 1869. .- (17) 370 PERSONAL f AnNFnY"! treatment and fcath. Mme. -' f Bmitn, ua n. 15th, 2d floor. (18J-627 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webster 3559. (18-372 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; in fact anything you do not noed. Wet collect repair and sell at 131 N. 11 St., for cost of collection, to thu worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4136 and wagon will call, (lb) 785 A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 402 Bancroft St 'Phone Douglas 1921. (16) 36a SYRINGES, rubber goods by mail; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 373 MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, 620 S. 16th, Flat 6. 'Phone Douglas 6845. (18)-M83S B6x OMAHA Btammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18.1-374 f A SS A HTf. Weltmer. suggestive MAOOAlilj Therapeutics. 120 8. 16th St Old Boston Store, Room 308, 4th floor. (18) MtiZ2 Aa DR. WERTZ, dentist, 6th floor Paxton Blk. (18) M75a YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strararera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 15U Farnam Bt, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. J-MONTHS-OLD bright boy baby for adoption. Address N-634, care Bee. (18)-2o 16-c REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS, PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. j (19) 3i6 1C01 Farnam. Douglas 756. (19) 376 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19) 377 THORPE ft SON, 611 Paxton. Douglas 767. (19)-423 A28 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. On North 19tii St. Blvd. 9-room. all modern house; owner's former price $3,750, now reduced to $3,600 for quick sale, iet us show you this, 'as It s a bar bain. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug, or A-2152. (19) 347 IS IDEAL COUNTlt Y HOME Only 8H miles south of Omaha, well Im proved, good house, otchard. 20 acres, at only $250 per acre; surrounding land sold at $500; owner needs money; henra In vestigation. 220 8. 17th St. (19) Mi 13 $223, $10 cash, $3 MONTHLY. NO INTEREST NO TAXES Owner says sell his vacant lot, 50x135 ft., south front, just south of I.eav nwort h, near 64th. New car line extension will make It double In value. Buy it today. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781; Ind., A-11W (19)-M271 13 2015 BURT STREET I rooms, modern except furnace, renting at $30 per month; large barn; lot 51x132 $3,600. W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone D. 1294. (19) 236 14 Investments $ T.250 Five houses, one 8 rooms and the rest 4 or t rooma. Water, aewer and gas In each, eaat front, corner lot, In Bt. John's parish, near Creighton college, and oi block from Harney car. Renta $972. Thia nmk.s a sult n dtd home and Investment. f 4,000 Two houses near iMh and Cuming. One 11 rooma and one rooma. Paved atreet. Renta $616. All In perfect repair. Buyer can live lr. one and rent the other. $15,000 Beat down town vacant corner. On two car lines, splendid place for stores and flats, two blocks from Hotel Ixyal. $40,000 Brick building, covering full city lot, 66x032, only half block from Court House. This property Is wall rented and - had $16,000 spent on it In remodeling wilhln 2 years. In come and value will double In few yea re. $ 6,500 Oood per cent mortgage on Inside froperty, one block from Court louse and City Hall. $ 8,800 Good 7 per cent mortgage on $20 acrea Improved, Howard county farm, 1 mi lea from Bt. Paul. N. P.- DODGE & CO., ' 17U Faraxra U " ll)-195 U REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) WEST FARNAM DISTRICT One of Omaha's beet homes lG-rooms finished in mahoganj and quarter sawed oak, largt barn. Lot 147x177 feet, corner. Improvements cost about whal we are asking for whole prop erty. W. Farnam Smith & Company 1320 FARNAM STREET. Tel. Douglas 1064. Ind. 10& (19) M274;13. FOR SALE OR RENT Brick residence 21 rooms; extensive grounds; walktnj distance; suitable for residence, hospital or club house. C. II. Brown, 407 Urowi vBldg. (18)-I74 DANDY 5-roorh cottage; modern; KounUi place. Thone owner, Webster 10C9. Terms U9 M520 All LIST your property with Chrie Boyer, Si and Cuming Sts. (19) 63 FOR SALE In Bemie park, (-room at modern house, built 1 year; 3780 Llncolt boulevard. Apply at premises. (19) M178 16 REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1K56. Prompt service. Get our prices. 1710 Farnam St (l)-880 7-ROOM modern house on large corner lot ' 25th and Rees Sts.; room for three houses N. Fenger, 618 Bee Bldg. Tel. Red 3157. (lth $M tlx $16,000 Will buy brick business property rant4 for $2,400 a year. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room , New York Life Bldg. j (19)-494 REED ABSTRACT CO.. Bet, 1866. Prompt service. Get our prices. 1710 Farnam St. (U 296 5 1-2 ACRES $1425.00 Fine, high, sightly location; splendid fr suburban home or fruit farm; $209 cash. 10 ACRES $2000.00 South slope; all in prairie grass 8-room, all modern, house, brand new, furnace heat, fine water, bath and aewer. age; 24 acres in fruit. Easy terms, or discount for cash. Ask us to tell you mon about it. ' PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781; Ind.. A-11S8. (19M272 U A LONG WAY OUT, BUT A DANDY 6-room cottage, modern except fumaesi just built; large east front lot; 24th and Hlmebaugh Ave. Must be seen to be ap preciated. On easy terms at a bargain. ' R. H. LANDERYOU, , 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 2151; Ind., 2161. (19)-M273 P WANTED, 500 houses and lots to sell or rent: Have calls for more than we can furnish, Globe Land & Investment Co., 312 South 18th St. (19)-M 181 It REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST fn " CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. '- ()9)-293 REAL ESTATE FARM AND R A.N C H LA A D FOR SALE Missouri. 1,600 acres of timber land. 6.000 feet of saw timber pe, acre; 6 mllea of railroad town, $5 per acre. Other lands. L. A. Hudson, Hutton Valley, Mo. () M174 13x t , , FOR SALE 160 acres of well . Improved - land near Joplln, Mo., Is underlaid with line and coal; will sell for 50 per acre cash, or will go In with responsible parties and organise company to develop coal and ore mints. Will guarantee coa; and Kino enough to make a big Invest ment to any Investor. Write for full par tlculars. Globe Land ft Investment Co., 312 8. 18th Bt., Omaha. Neb. (30)-M224 18 SIXTY GOOD FARMS FOR SALE In Car roll county. Missouri, price, $46 to I ixr acre. Write J. H. Colllver for lieu at Tina. Mo. (20)-M2U 17s Aebraska. A SNAP. The financial flurry laat fall enabled ui to buy a l.ouo-acre alfalfa, grain and aloes ranch at a bargain; or quick aale wi offer thia ranch at a amall advance. C W. Bowman, Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. () M549 All roil BALE 140-acre farm, V mllsi from Orcharu, on route; (-room house, barn for 8 head, granary, corncrlb, hoi houae and chicken coop; good well ana pump; small orchard; all fenced; goo4 soil and level; 120 acres In cultivation. This farm will turn off $2,000 In crops thia year. Lock Box 2, Orchard Neb. (20)-Mh 17g I HAVE a square section, partly Improved. aw agricultural wiu, ' uniw i roro county seat, that I am offering at $1$ pet acre. Every acre of this can be cum valed and la a good level section. Will give easy terms. F. J. Diahner, O'Neill, Neb. (W-M369 lta FARM FOR SALE A bargain. 40 acres, 10 miles from iiourisning n. it. town; .1 acrea alfalfa; every aore tillable; well fenced, excellent water, fair Improve ments; 60 fruit trees. Price $12 per acre. B. C. Uraffl. Hturgls. 8. D. ()) M7 14 Ttui. $10 WILL give you a start In the world. Chance of a lifetime. We sell a farm ana twu nn .ivwiiib wen aie- trlct of Plmmlt county, Texas, for $214, payable $10 monthly, no Interest, no tax, for two yeara. Farmers are making from $- to $64) per acre. Choice land, eweet water, a California climate,- Writ for handsome Illustrated book free.' DENTON COUOMT COMPANY, Ban Auuiuo, Tex. AuglU T r