Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Office 15 Scott Street.
Davis, dm a.
Stotkert ells carpet.
Ed Rogers, Tonr Faust boer.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phono 17.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tal.
. Bee the new,, art pottery at Alexander',
VU Mroadway.
For Rent Nice living rooma and one
tore building, lol W. Broadway,
t We know we hava the bent flour. Ease
la the nam. Bartall aV Miller. Phona 36s.
Fall term Western Iowa college upn
Monday, August 31. Bond for fine catalog.
The beat eeaaon for wall paper la right
now. Lt Berwick figure with you. ill
. touth Ma.n.
Eyes examined free. Work guaranteed
and prima reasonable. Jt O. Mauthe, U
' West Bradway, fit your glasses.
Lt us end you a One Minute wash mi
rhlne on trial. J. Zoller Mer. Co.. 1W-K'2-A-U4
Broadway, 'i'honea 3Jv,
Justice Cooper performed the marriage
ceremony yesterdny for Leon A. Schryv.r
and Emma M. Jackson, and W. If. H.
Mueller and Marie Auguata, all of Omaha.
F. C. Ilallentlne and Clara Bendorf, both
' of Omaha, were married In thla city yes
terday, the ceremony being performed by
Rev. Henry ItoLong at las office In the
court house
City Clerk Casady has advertised for
bids for the construction of a "re-enforced
. ateel concrete bridge for foundation and
. cellar for the engine house" at Ihe foot of
Bryant street. The bids will be received
tip to 4 p. m of August 31.
Fred Johnson, local aecretary at the
.Council Bluffs postoffk-e, denlres to call
attention to the fact that applications for
the Internal revenue examination to be
held t thla office for the Fourth district
v of Iowa, on September 2, will be received
c tip to and Including August 22.
' A large delegation of democrats Is ex
'' pectlng to go to Lincoln thla morning to
r participate In the aurprlse to be sprung on
W. J. Bryan when the committee notifies
him of his nomination. The newly orga
nised First Ward Hryan club, headed by
Councilman Younkerman, expects to have
, at least seventy-five men In line. The dele
gation will board cars for Omaha at Pearl
und Broadway at a a. m.
John Lennen, a farmer of Lewis town
ship, will have a hearing this morning be
fore the commissioners on Insanity, his
wife having filed an Information yester
day, charring him with being mentally
irangen. it is sam wiai jenner
actlna strangely lately and haa
ll haa been
r shown an
Inclination to abuse the stock on his farm
-and destroy the property about the place.
He Was placed In custody of a relative
, jesterdny, pending the, hearing before the
' commissioners.
Wanted A good girl for general house.
; work; two In family. Mra. J. J. Brown, Sot
Bouth "til and 5th Avea. .
. byholsterlaa".
' George W. Klein, IS South Main street.
Both 'phones. "Have tt done right."
Matters. In District Court.
Manli-d. on' the first of. April three years
' ago. Mra. Daisy Rehfeld now aeeka a dl
vorco from Bernard Rehfeld and the re
storation of her maiden name, Daisy Wel
ti rs. Mrs. Rehfeld accuses her husband
of being possessed of a violent temper
which at times he Is unable to control, and
, as a result she suffered, such cruel and In
. human treatment at his hands that she
was forced to leave him and make her
. home with her parents In thla city. She
k aik the court to grant an order reatrain
, Jug the defendant, from molesting her dur
ing the pendency , of the suit. The Reh
, felds were married In April, 1905, at Pa-
pllion. Neb.
t Alleging cruel arul Inhuman treatment
f and that her husband, on more than one
" occasion threatened - to shoot her with a
loaded shotgun, Mrs. Edna Kstella Corson
' yesterday filed suit for divorce from A. B.
Corson; to whom she was married January
3. lm. at Manilla, la. In addition to the
decree of divorce Mrs.- Corson asks the
court to award her the custody of their
youngest child,' whom, she alleges,' the de-
fendant secured possession of through
' fraud and misrepresentation. The Cor
f son, who have three children, separated
.' May 28 of this year.
John W. Busha haa filed auit for divorce
' from gellna Busha, to whom he was mar
ried August 5, 1U03. He aays the defendant
deserted him February 1, 1305.
: The -following petit Jury was drawn yes
lerday for the September term of district
r court in this city and summoned to report
v September SU
Nels Chrlatcnsen. Carl Jensen. D. M
Klllpack, Boomer township; J. P. Peterson,
it. i cnewau, L,ewis lownsnip; jonn Kim
: wood. Orescent town.'hlp; John Zohner
Itockford Jxiwnshlp; U'orga Wright, E. T
, U'ffiTt, Hazel Dell township; John J. An
derson, Uworge B. Bolton.- John Meyer
Norwalk ' township; S. J. Brown. Henry
BenllHge, U. J. Miller, txeoia lownsnip; D,
U Frlasell. Hardin township; William Al
corn, Silver City; Ueorge Thompson, W
II. Bean, A. C. Ranck, F. A. Fox, Ed Dal
ton. I. B.'Klssell, Andrew Johnson, K. E
Hoffer. Oi R.v Frank. C F. Brock, S. W
Beezley. J. C. Cooper. Roy Realey, John
Kroll. E. I -Damon. H. I. Hyatt. L. J.
Duv, N. J. Swanson. William Larson, C. B
A rb Vickie, WUIlam Larsen. Charlea Tracy,
F. StodmHster. Council Bluffs.
Tour best friends are your eyeglasses.
If you have to depend upon them for
your eyesight. They will be tried and
true tf fitted by Dr. W. W. Magarrell.
oi'tometrlat, 10 Pearl atreet.
.Our violin stock Is' complete, from $1.75
up to aa high as $36. . Bourlctus Piano
House, 1 . Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Where the organ stands upon the build
ing. .
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
the following:
Name and Realdenee. Ave.
I.eon A. Brhryver, Omaha 37
Emma M. Jackson, Omaha
W. F. H Mueller. Omaha
Maria Augusta, Omaha, ....
F. C. Ballentlne. Omaha ..
Clara Bendorf, Omaha
... 32
... 31
... 2S
Wo ) IVecbmmend
The Beer You Like
Cases' 2 dozen C1 QA
t Large Bottles SOi7U
Cases 3 dozen OA
Small Bottles J?J,7U
Aa allowance of II will be mads
upoa return to ws of the empty eae.
sua all of tae empty bottles la good
Order will be tikan tor Lutai
in U4 than mn. fcff at the follow
ing prlcefi '-
$2.00 per doz. Large Bottles
$1.35 per doz. Small Bottles
Gladstone Bros.
1301Q DoueU Btrot .
Both 'Phones 42.
Health Officer Threaten! to Shut Off
Water Under Certain Conditions.
Aathorlty to Do So Is Questioned 4
In Addition the City's Water Sap
ply la Believed to Be of
Good Quality.
If an analysis discloses that the water
contains disease germs, Dr. C. H. Bower,
the city "health officer" and medical ad
vlaor to the local Board of Health, haa an
nounced that he will close the plant of the
Council Bluffs City Water Works company
until the evil Is remedied or all the germa
are eradicated or exterminated.
Dr. Bower, haa, as ho aays. In accordance
with the state law, taken sample of the
water furnished lta patrona by the water
company and forwarded It to Prof. Kenney,
state chemist at Drake university, to have
a sanitary analysis made of It.
The unnouneement of Dr. Bower that
he might possibly find it necessary to shut
off the water supply of the city has not
occaaloned any widespread alarm as It
might be though it would. In the first
place city officials question the right of
Dr. Bower to take any auch arbitrary
action and doubt If he would be able to
enforce any such order as to shut off the
water supply and leave the city helpless
In case of fire. In the second place the
water furnished by the waterworks com
pany is drawn from the Missouri river and
repeated testa of thla water have always
shown It to be particularly free from vege
table or other disease producing matter.
"I do not think It very judicious on the
part of Dr. Bower," aald a member of the
Board of Health yesterday "to make such
an announcement aa that he would close
the -water plant If germa were found In
the water. Such a statement Is calculated
to alarm people and arouse . suspicion In
their minds that the water they are In
the habit of using and have Used for
nearly thirty years. Is seething with dis
ease germs of the deadliest character. To
my mind, It would have been better for Dr.
Bower to have kept silent until the analysts
of the water la made and If the dlseaae
germs are. discovered,' it would then be
time to make the fact known and recom
mend some action by the Board of Health.
may not be fully conversant with the
law, but I doubt very much If Dr. Bower
on his own way, so could close the water
plant without "being so instructed by the
Board of Health."
,We ship lumber anywhere and pay the
freight. If you are In the market for a
bill of lumber or hardware, let us quote
you prices, delivered at your nearest sta
tion. We pay the freight, guarantee our
goods, and will save you money. Itemize
your lumber wants and let us figure with
you. C. Hafer Lumber company. Depart
ment "D." Both 'Phonee, 201 Council
Bluffs, la.
Line to Ron From Council Bluffs
to Slonx City.
Another Interurban electric line with
Council Bluffs aa its terminus or starting
point is being projected. This, the latest
of the several projected Interurban lines,
Is to connect Sioux City and Council Bluffs
and Is proposed to tap a section of country
between the two cities several miles from
ihe railroad.'
The proposed new line, after leaving
Sioux City, will pasa through Blencoe, Lit
tle Sioux, Magnolia. Logan, Beebeetown
and Crescent Into Council Bluffs. This
route haa been selected, It Is stated, with
a view to securing a shorter line than could
be had by following the river, and will
trlke points which are without railroad
W. 8. Cook, a contractor and builder of
Interuban railways, from Pennsylvania, is
said to be the chief promoter of the line,
and eastern capitalists. It la stated, are
back of him and ready to finance the en
terprise. A portion of the propoaed route
south from Sioux City, It Is said, haa been
surveyed and the promoters hope to be
r.eady for construction In the spring.
Fred L. Beebee of Beebeetown, who was
In the city yesterday In the Interest of the
proposed interurban line, said that the peo
ple of his section of the country were tak
ing a keen Interest In the project and stood
ready to assist It financially.
Km Diamonds.
Yes, new dlamonda. A new Idea, Isn't It?
We get In new dlamonda regularly. Just
as we get In other new goods. If we had
nothing you liked the last time you looked,
look again. Sec our new diamonds. These
we bought to advanage, and are prepared
to share that advantage with you. We
bought m advance of the Increase that is
sure to come In diamond prices. Aa fine,
pure white, flawleaa brilliant gems as you
will find anywhere on earth. Leffert's.
4C! Broadway, Council Bluffs.
(Inly Two Bluffs Representative.
Council Bluffs will have but two repre
sentatives at the annual meeting of the
six state associations, which open In Water
loo today and extend over Friday. The
state association of auditors, clerks of the
district court, recorders, treasurers and
supervisors and the Iowa Good Roada asso
ciation will meet today In Waterloo and
Colonel W. F. Baker cf the Boaid cf County
Bupervisora of Pottawattamie county and
County Auditor W. C. Cheyne will be tho
only representatives from Council Bluffs In
attendance. ' . -
Colonel Baker la on the program of the
supervisors' meeting Thursday for an ad
dress on good roads and Supervisor Spencer
of Neola Is down for one on drainage, but
It la understood he will not be able to at
County Recorder O. O. Balrd of this city
la vice president of the recorders' state
association, but will not be present at the
meeting. None of the other county officials
ill attend ar.y of the meetings.
County Auditor Cheyne expects to visit
at his old home In Peoria, III., before re
turning to Council Bluffa.
Firemen Mill Not Exhibit.
Requests that the team of the Council
Bluffs Fire department which participated
in the recent atate tournament at Clinton
give exhibitions at the Shelby county fair
ai iianan and the Pot'.awaaamW county
tair at Avoca were turned dowa tat nigh
by the Board of Fire and Police Coiumts
stonera. Ttie management of both county
fairs offered 1X0 each to have the Council
Bluffs tram give the exhibition. The com
mlasloners duclded that the fire department
of this city was maintained by the tax pay
trs fur practical purposes and not fpr ex hi
bltton stuat at county fair.
Fire Chief Nloaolaon na granted per
mission' to sttend the annual convention of
the National Fire Chiefs' association at
Columbus, O.
The balance of last night's sessions of the
Board of Fir' and Police Commissioners
was taken- up with purely routine matters.
Closing out our entire atock of Flreless
Cook stoves at less than coat. Petersen
Schoenlng Co., hardware and furniture.
N. T. Plumblns? Co. fl. . Night, Um.
No DredKlnaj of Creek.
It has been definitely decided that no
dredging will be done on Indian creek
this year, but the sediment In the channel
will have to be cleaned out again next
The only work being done at present
on the creek la to cut the weeds which
have overgrown the banks, especially on
that portion where the channel was
widened and deepened two- years ago
under the direction of Mr. Maloney. A
force of men is at present at work cut
ting the weeds and this has been done aa
far aa Fourteenth avenue. It Is expected
that It will require about tw6 weeks
more to complete the work to the mouth
of the creek.
Councilman McMillan, chairman of the
committee on health and sewers. In com
pany with City Engineer Etnyre, took a
trip yesterday morning along Indian creek
from Bryant atreet along Upper Broad
way, with a view of determining how
many dams would be necessary to pre
vent the high waters of the creek from
washing out the bed.
It Is proposed to construct a number of
rough dams at Intervals to form a series'
of catch basins for the mud that other
wise would be washed down the creek.
The construction of theae dams, the cost
of which would not be great, would. In
the opinion of City Engineer Etnyre, do
much to prevent the possibility of the
creek overflowing Its banks at Tenth,
Eleventh and Twelfth streets aa has been
the case In years past In tlmea of heavy
Real Estate Transfer.
Thla transfer was reported to The Bee
August 11 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Carrie E. Blade, single, to E. H. Low
rev, lot 8, block 2. Evans' Bridge
add to Council Bluffs, w. d $
- Card, of Thanks.
We wish herewith to return our sln
cerest thanks to all those kind friends
who not only extended their deep sympa
thy, but proffered assistance at the time
of our recent bereavement and for the
many beautiful floral tributes at tlio
funeral of our brother, Peter A. Boytien.
MRS. H. L. NEHLS. Chicago.
Girl on Lone; Anto Trip.
FORT DODGE, la., Aug. 11. (Special.)
miss tvisie LAurerswclier, of this city, a
girl about 20 years of age. Is driving a big,
touring automobile 3,000 miles across tho
country and back. When heard of last, she
had reached Bucyrua, O., a distance of
800 miles from this city. Miss Laufers-
weiler'a mother, past 72 yeara of age, two
sisters and a brother are with her on the
trip to New York City and back. How
ever, she Is the only one In the big car
that understands Its mechanism and who
Is able to drive It. The party left this city
three wecka ago and have Teen proceeding
leisurely across the continent. Two other
owners of machines In ths city have each
made trips of over 1,000 miles in length
thla summer.
Flreless Cookstove Sale-rrin stove.- now
11 ; $10 stove, now M.75; $12 stove, now $9.
Petersen & Schoenlng Co., hardware and
Tractlan Franchise Voted.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Aug ll.-fSpeclal Tele
gramsThe Sioux City Traction company
franchise proposition at a special election
today 'carried by a majority of about 1,500.
The franchise waa defeated on May 28, but
In the new ordinance the company made a
number of concessions. As a result of to
day's election the company's rlffhts to the
city's streets are extended several years.
Fall term Western Iowa college opens1
Monday, August 31, 1908. Send for our
fine catalogue.
Letters Delayed Iorty-even Years.
SIOUX CITY, Ia., Aug. 12.-(Speclal.)-Colonel
A. D. Collier has just received,
after 47 years, a packet of letters which
were written and mailed to him in 1861.
The letters were sent to Colonel Collier
while he was a private In the union army.
Ue was a member of K company of the
First Iowa infantry. He enlisted In littl
and It was while his regiment was at Keo
kuk that the bunch of letters was sent An
him. How they became mislaid -and finally
lest probably never will ba known. It Is
a enrious coincidence that most of the
letters ,were postmarked on datea in tho
middle of May. '61, and that on May 2S,
Colonel Collier waa given an order on tho
army postmaster by Lieutenant Stlnson to
ask him to get the mall for the company
on that evening. Some of the lost letters
evidently should have been In the packet
which Mr. Collier received.
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters.
Iowa Narva Notes.
ATLANTIC Up to date there h. hfwtt
no word received aa to the whereabouts
of voung Fred Draper, who
from his home last Tuesday. Every effort
iwing mane to locate the missing boy.
FORT DO DOE The hio- mm. r,t .k.
Great Western Cereal
started operation today after a three
months' Shutdown, due to the ahsenra r,1
oats. Three hundred Df-onle are emnl ,ve.l
representattng a weekly payroll of $.',5.
IRLeTON Mrs. Frank Pow!l nee
Eleanor O. Hicks, who last year toured
England with Ellen Terry, and who haa
spent the summer with her parents at this
jice, leri xor London last nlht to resume
her place In the same company. Mr. Powell
la also a member of the company.
IOWA FALLS The vrar-and-a-halr nM
baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Honan
died yesterday following severe burns
caused by an accident about a week ago.
The little one pulled a tea pot half filled
with hot tea off the table, arllllng the
contents down her back and shoulders.
CRE8TON One of the largest audiences
that ever assembled at McKinley park,
marked the close of the Chautauqua aeason
or le, Bunday, Dr. Frank Dixon and
Father Clary were the speakers In after
noon and evening, while Mrs. Beatrice Hub
ben Plummer. a former I'nlon county girl
who haa achieved wonderful success In the
musical world, furnished that part of the
entertainment. Platform Manager Bryan,
announced that the Chautauqua would be
continued next year, and that this had
been the most - successful one ever con
ducted at this place.
IOWA FALLS The Chinese laundrv of
Ting Fong Lee waa raided last evn-lng
and his stock of "hard stuff and suds"
confiscated unto the state. The Informa
tion that led to the raid was filed by
George C. Dunsmoor, who accused the
Celestial of retailing both hard and aoft
goods. The mayor found him guilty of
maintaining a liquor nuisance and re
manded him to the county jail until such
time as he can furnish $300 ball. A few
week ago Lee was taken to Fort Dodge by
the federal authorities. presumably f jr
violating a federal statuta.
t'REBTON Word received hera by rela
tivea, tells of the Instantaneous death sus
tained by Orr Thompson, the famous engi
neer who made a record-breaking run a
few years atto between Pueblo and Denver.
The accident occurred laat week, while on
his run. lie waa hurled from the cab of his
engine In some way and Instantly killed.
Ur. Tltuntpauii waa aa triia lnsi- wut of iiiia
city on the Burlington bWore the strike of
'U and has many friends here. Ha leaves
two children, a son and a daurhte,r, hta
wiia uaving aita several year ago
State Chairman Pranke Sends Oat Call
for Meeting" at Dei Moines.
General Opinion Free Expression of
Opinion Will Tend to Clear the
Political Atmosphere In
the State.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, Aug. 12. -(Special. )
Carle Franke, chairman of the republican
state committee, today announced that
there would be a general conference in
this city August 25 of all republicans of
the elate, and especially of the state,
congressional, legislative and Judicial
nominees on the republican ticket "to get
the expression of party leader on matters
of recent development In political affairs."
Mr. Franke is today sending out to all
the state, congressional, legislative and
Judicial nominees Invitations to the con
ference and to all other republicans who
care to attend the conference the Invita
tion' Is sent in a general invitation
through the press. It la understood that
at this conference there will be discussion
of the conditions of the party and that the
United States senatorshlp will be dis
cussed at that time. Many of the nominees
to the legislature are menvbera of the leg
islature now and It Is believed that by
this method a good expression of the
party wishes can be had.
Special invitations to the editor of
republican newspapers are also being sent
out today to attend the conference and
participate In the discussion.
The conference will come during State
fair week and will thus give those attend
ing the benefit of the excursion rates to
the State fair.
There is understood to be no program
to be sprung on the conference as to the
senatorshlp. It will be a free and open
discussion as to the senatorshlp as well
aa all other political affairs affecting the
Interests of the party. It haa been ar
gued by some that nothing should be
said on the senatorshlp for fear of caus
ing dissension. The view that most of
the leaders are now taking la that dis
sension will come more fey silence and
that a frank, open discussion by represen
tatives of all sides will do much to clear
the atmosphere. '
One of the leading newspapers of tho
state in an editorial claims that Cum
mins, Congressman Smith and Congress
man Haugen are known to be candidates
for the position. It Is believed, however,
that the statement is made on well
grounded supposition more than on in
formation. Indict Carl Clemens,
Carl Clemens Is under indictment by the
Polk county grand jury, and application
was made today to Governor Cummins for
a requisition for his return to Iowa. The
charge Is assault with intent to commit
manslaughter, and Is based on an attack
that he made on Clarence Dosh of Stuart,
Ia., In the state house about a year ago.
Governor Cummins refused to Issue the
requisition for the present because it was
shown that Clemens Is under bond to re
turn to the atate on a similar charge filed
In police court here, and that he Is willing
to return and stand trial at any time.
The assault. grew out of a college ro
mance which Dosh claims to have for
gotten. Dosh and Mrs. Clemens were col
legemates In their younger days. , Com
mencement day aeparated them and the
little love affair between them was quickly
forgotten. . But Mrs. Clemens retained one
of Dosh's love notes. Mrs. Clemens now
Is the wife of Carl Clemens, a wealthy Sno.
homish, Wash., lunmber merchant, and her
husband, stumbling onto the note, thought
It of recent origin and became Jealous
It Is claimed that his Jealousy caused him
to lay a trap for Dosh. Signing his wife's
name he wrote to Dosh, seeking to make
an appointment at the Elliott hotel In this
city. Dosh did not recognlie the married
name of Mrs. Clemens and was mystified
by the note. He did not go to the Elliott
hotel, though a room was reserved there
for Mrs. Clemens. Mrs. Clemens was not
In town and did not know of the affair.
Accidentally meeting In the state house,
Clemens attacked Dosh, and later on the
way down town attacked him again and
knocked him down. Doah was quite badly
Injured and for some time was confined In
one of the hospitals here. Clemens In his
college days was a noted foot ball player.
Money Plllns; Up
None of the public service corporations
of Des Moines are drawing any compen
sation from the city treasury for service
to the city. The city reduced the rates on
all of them and the refusal of the corpora
tions to draw the reduced rate is under
stood to Indicate a fight in the courts
against the reduction. The Light company
had a contract with the city for Wela-
bach burners that, was more than tho
ordinance allowed. The new council re
fused to recognize a contract for a price
not fixed by ordinance. The city today
served notice on the Water company that
It was to file Its report of earnings with
the city at once or the city will publish
the new ordinance reducing Its rates
Mntoal Insurance Men.
The American- Assoctutlon of Mutual
Insurance Men met in this city at 2
o'clock thla afternoon and the convention
was opened with an address of welcome
by E. H. Ohlendorf of Council Bluffa.
The annual address of President CharU-a
F. Danforth of Boston was the main ad
dress of the afternoon. This evening at
the Savery hotel there waa a reception
and banquet at which Governor Cummlna
and others delivered addresses.
Will Teach Men tookln.
Adjutant General W. H. Thrift haa
ordered the colonels of the Fifty-third
and Fifty-fourth regiments of the Iowa
National Guard to detail three men from
each regiment to accompany the Fifty
fifth regiment to the army maneuvers at
Fort Riley. The men ure to be taken
through a course of army cooking lcaaons
by the government. The cooks of the
Fifty-sixth regiment were in tamp r
cently and got lessons there. The Iowa
soldiers uho go to Fort Riley leave
August !9.
- I Porter of Kansas City Institution Who
! ... ... .....
fM.Suo la Jail.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. li-Gorge Wilcox,
a negro formerly employed ts a Janltoi
In the National Bank of Commerce, tonight
tonfi-ssed to the theft of a package con
taining $&,5fi0 from the bank on A pill 20,
WUc jx was arrested' Monday. The evl
dn,.' against bin. was luld before t!io
grand Jury and an Indictment returned
against him a few hours before he con
fessed. After the .confession Wilcox led
the officers to his home, where ha dug out
of the cellar im box said to contain
$1,000 of the missing money.
Immediately after the disappearance of
the money from the bank. Wilcox waa
suspected, but for a long time no evidence
was. found agalrat .him. He waa more
frvgal In his bablts than before, and even
borrowed money from the loan sharks. In
September Of last year he left the service
of the bank, and since then, has worked
only one week. He bought a few lota and
built a modern home, furnishing It with
elegant furniture, even to a costly piano.
This extravagance led to his arrest.
Vlalta Indian Heaerratlon and Opens
, Sapply Bids Dnrlna- I
His Tonr.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. K.-tSpeclal Tele
gram.) Francis E. Leupp, commissioner
of Indian affairs, returned to Washington
this morning after an absence of two
months upon official business throughout
the west Inspecting various Indian agencies,
reservations, schools and superintending
the opening of bids for Indian fupplles.
He Is well tanned, and to far aa complexion
Is concerned, looks like in Indian.
During his trip wert Mr. Loupp visited
the Flathead Indian reservation In Mon
tana, which Is expected to be opened to
white settlement sometime within the next
year. Many thousands of acres of rlc.i
agricultural lands are said to ile within
this reservation, and after the surveys by
the general land office and various prelimi
naries are arranged, always necessary tt
"an opening" of an Indian reservation, a
proclamation will be Issued setting the pre
cise dite for the opening. It la not thought,
however, at the land office that preliminary
arrangements can be completed within the
next twelve month.
The secretary of the Interior has author
ised the construction of a highway exten
sion from the Shoshont dam site In Wyo
ming along the north side of Shoshont
river to Kelly' ranch, a distance of about
five or six miles, above the upper end of
the new reservoir and also the construction
of a bridge across Shoshont river at I nmar
Point. This pad extension Is neceaary,
as the Shoshont reservoir will overflow
lands extending up both the north and
south forks of the 8hoshonl river and will
Inundate the present public highway from
Cody, Wyo., along the north fork to Yel
lowstone National park.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Forks,
Lincoln county, Pearl A. McCall, vice M.
Johnson, resigned. Iowa, Hastings, Mills
county, Nellie M. Furlong,' vice F. A.
Cary, resigned.
Rural carriers appointed for Iowa
routes: Walllngford, route 1, Christian C.
Agerbeck, carrier; Lewis B. Nelson, sub
stitute; Whltten, route 1. Walter W. Long,
carrier; C. R. Long, substitute.
All Basements Inalde Loop Flooded
and Damns by Lightning; Is
CHICAGO, Aug. 12. Chicago was half
flooded tonight by a heavy electrical and
rain storm, the first good soaking rain which
this vicinity has received In weeks. Light
ning struck In many places within the city
limits. In some cases deatroylns; electric feed
cables and cutting off light and power. In
the downtown district practically every
basement within the Loop was flooded,
sewers being inadequate for the rush of
Guests at the Auditorium Annex hotel
were frightened and the lobbies and cafes
on the ground floor were flooded by the
breaking of a skylight. A heavy drain
pipe also gave way and allowed a stream
of water to gush into the offices of the
establishment. Moat of the basement cafes
nd restaurants In the Loop district were
abandoned by their occupants because of
the water, which flowed Into the places
from the streets or backed up through the
sewers. The storm lasted bdoui two nours.
All the street lights from the river to
Twelfth street on the south were put out
of commission, and those thoroughfares
which did not contain a thorough sprink
ling of all-night restaurants, were In dark
ness. The worst feature of the storm was
the damago to electric cables. It Is re
ported that the entire lighting and power
system operated by the drainage system
through streets was heavily damaged, and
that the city bridges are likely to be with
out motive power tomorrow. In this case
no boats can enter or leave the Chicago
Fact That Execntlve Clerks Work
Far Into the Mabt Attracta
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., Aug. 12.-The un
usual activity at the government executive
officea here, which has been apparent for
almost a week, both during the day and at
nulght, haa become the subject of consider
able curiosity. Acting Secretary to the
Prealdent Rudolph Forster and the force of
clerks under him recently have been the
hardest worked men in the village. Their
duties begin early and at times have con
tinued far Into the night. The executive
office ataff has been augmented by the ar
rival of two clerks from the Washington
executive offices.
Secret a. y Forster makes two trips almost
every day to Sagamore Hill and each time
upon his return brings with him a mase
of correspondence. His first visit, made In
the forenoon, usually consumes two or three
hours. Recently he began making the night
trip, leaving the offices about 9 p. m. and
remalr-ing with the president frequently as
late as midnight and aometlmes after that
hour. Just what is the occaalon of this
extraordinary activity cannot be learned.
Inquiries are met with the reply, "Official
business " It Is believed not improbable,
however, that political matters form a con
siderable part of the business transacted.
Not a single official visitor has been, at
Sagamore Hill since Friday and no state
ment of any kind has come from the presi
dent In several days. The president was at
home all of today.
Headquarters Tent Blown Down and
'uuilrr of Soldiers Knocked Down
by l.lKhtutus;.
JCNCTION CITY. Kan., Aug. 12.-The
camp of Instruction at Fort Relley was
dr.Mi.'hed with a hard rain tonight. During
the storm many tents were blown down
and a flood of water raced down from the
hills to the north of the camp, running in
streams before the tents, stretching for
two miles along the Kaw river.
The headquarters' tent of Brigadier Gen
eral John B. Kerr, commanding the camp
of Instruction and the maneuvers, waa
struck by lightning. Several men were
knocked down and one was badly burned.
The federal troops fared worse than the
state troops, being nearer the river. All
oter the ramp the soldiers had to hold to
their tents to keep them from blowing
away. In some of the Infantry and ar
tillery camps the water was ankle deep.
Today's maneuvers constated In formation
for attack and defense by battalions and
Oh, What
Turtd at lastl Oh, what Joy to thin
that I have at last been cured of that
awful bowel trouble." are the words of A.
C. Butler of Cold Springs, Tex., who suf.
fered off and on for twelvs months with
a disorder of his bowels, and finally, after
Imost giving up In despair, was cured by
Cuau.bci Uln'a Collo, Choiera. .nit Diarrhoea
Remedy. No one need suffer from roll
r diarrhoea, for this remedy always gives
prompt rellat For sU by ail j-a,sta.
jj ' " ' "" ft"'' ' IfrMTiTIf is I' . ..-r.n i . a ...aaaa..1an-iiMin
Wmmr Beer of v5I:
M&$nlll7K ExguUite Flavor yWlL
wf ti't w
nave been brewing au
ity beet for thirty-live years.
Our product has won highest
awards and gold medals at
two international exposi
tions, placing it in the front rank
with the leading beers in the world.
represents our crowning achieve
ment. We hare brought this
brew to the highest point ot
perfection i
'Prion Webster I860.
.rncrae Antomatio mai.
Legal Department Has Ordinance De
signed to Help in Electric Tight.
License Fee of Circuses to Be Raised
No County Jail In City Hall, bnt
County Can Dulld Addition
to tho City Jail.
Be It ordained, That all the ordlnnle
giving or granting to the Omeha Llectru.
Ught and Power company or any otner
firm, person or corporation any r'Kii'
llcenae or permission to use or occupy
the streets, alleys or public ground" f.
the city ot C-maha with poles, wl res oi
conduits for the tranumlsslon of electr'
currents lor light, heat or powel are
hereby repealed.
And be It further ordained, That any
permission, license, grant, power or pn -lege
heretofore granted by any resolu
tion or ordinance of the city of Omaha
to any person, firm or rP0ra'o" ,,
use or occupy the streets, alleys or pub
lic grounds of Bald city with poles, con
dull" or wires for the transmission of
electric current for light, heat or power
he and the same ia hereby revoked;10w11lt"
drawn, set aside and held for naught.
At the request of the legal department
the above ordinance, Introduced by Coun
cilman Zlmman, passed the first two
readings In the city council last evening,
the ordinance being Intended by the legal
department as an aid to It In the trial
of the cases against the public aervlce
corporations. Mr. Zlmman explained that
he Introduced It at tho request of the
legal department, though he falls to see
what benefit It will be, Inasmuch aa a
person or corporation cannot be held ac
countable for tho commission of a wrong
not declared by law to be a wrong at the
time the act waa committed.
Clrcna Fee Italaed,
Another ordinance was Introduced
amending the one governing circuses and
wild west shows, the amendment raising
the license fee. Under Its provislona cir
cuses charging more than 25 cents ad
mission must pay $300 license, those
charging less than 25 cents and more
than 20 cents must pay $150 license and
those charging less than 20 cents admis
sion must pay $25 license fee.
The council voted to take $200 out of
the Intersection fund for the paving of
that portion of Jackson atreet in front of
fire engine house No. 7. The original
resolution calhd for the payment to be
made out of the general fund, but this
was lost for the reason that that fund
Is being rapidly depicted.
The Omaha Cold Storage company was
granted permission to build a corrugated
Iron shed at Tenth and Jackson streets, thu
building to be a temporary structure and to
be torn down upon the completion of Its
four-scory permanent brick building. This
resolution was lost on the first vote, but
carried on reconsideration.
. Jail In City Hall
The building and property committee re
ported against the feasibility of using the
basement of the city hall for a Jail and
recommended that the commissioners be
asked to build an addition to the police sta
tion for use while the new court house Is
In course of construction. Councilman Bed
ford sought to amend this report by appro
priating tho market house for Jail purposes,
but Chairman Bridges of the building and
property committee explained that If the
commissioners could be Induced to build a
JJ0.0U0 aJdltlon to the city Jail the city would
Look for ihe word
Woodford Co.. liy.
We make no
sffer you cheap,
and conaultalloo.
home treatment.
Brewing Gorz
- MtO -
be ao much ahead In the end. The commit
tee report was adopted.
The council decided that the city could
appropriate no funds for Rev. C. W. Sav
Idge's "House of Hope," but instructed the
city clerk to advise the minister that tho
members of the council would Con tributa
Individually. ' ...'
Street Commissioner Flynn's communlca.
Hon asking that the council take steps this
year towarda procuring street cleaning ma
chinery for use next season was, placed on
file and no further action taker.'
Councilman Funkhouser advised the coun
cil that the condition of funds in the light
ing department aro such as to warrant each
councilman to Install eight arc lamps after
September 1. ' ' ' ;
The gas company presented ,tho council
with a map showing the location ot all gas
mains. .''
Fearful Slaughter
of deadly microbes occurs when throat
and lung diseases are treated with Dr.
King's New Discovery. Wc sad $1.09.
Beaton Drug Co. .
Bvrnson Endorsed for Senate sy
Swedish Garfield Club;
At the meeting of, the Swedish-American
Garfield Republican club which met at the
court house Thursday evening, N. P. Swan
son was endorsed for the senule and Gust
Hamel for member of tho water board.
A movement was also started for tho
amalgamation of tho club wlUi, ..oflier
Swedish organizations.
Thirteen new members were addeM to the
roll of the Foraker Republican club at a
meeting held at Twenty-first and , Clark
streets, lost night, the membership how
numbering firty-five. Resolutions were
adopted endorsing Judge Taft and reaffirm
ing the belief of the members In republican
principles. The next rneeting will be held
Tuesday evening at Twenty-first atreet and
Patrick avenue.
The Lincoln Republican club held a well
attended meetlrjg last nlpht at 2W! Chicago
street. Fifty or sixty of the members were
out. They listened to several' speeches by
members and some of the local candidates
and endorsed Charles H. Lewis as a can
didate for the state legislature.
Appointed Assistant Secretary
Democrat (o Committee.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. 12.-(Speclal Telegrams
Henry C. Richmond has been appointed
assistant secretary of the democratic na
tional committee. The announcement of
the appointment was made by Chairman
Mack of the national committee, tonight.
Mr. Richmond's headquarters will be
with the committee In Chicago and his
principal business will' be to represent
Mr. Bryan and Vice Chairman Hall at
the committee headquarters.
Richmond la a Mlssourlan by birth, but
moved to Red Cloud, Neb., when a boy.
He did his first newspaper work In that
town, and then for a number of years
represented the World-Herald at South
Omaha. For two years he edited the Fre
mont Herald, and Juat recently severed
his connection with that paper. He waa
one of tho assistant secretaries at the Den
ver convention. For the last year he has
been president of the Nebraska Press as
sociation. He was prominently mentioned
as a candidate for the democratic nominee
for congress In the Third district, but de
clined to enter the race.
YE. '
fclD CROc
"RYE" In red on label
Riloy Bros. Co.. Omaha
WUl core yoa for LIU MOsTZY taaa aoy other sp.sUUst
and U. ines.y ia any way yoa wish to pay.
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and kUaa.r Ktomaca, ail Special fils.aats aaa i
wants of aa.a.
Established in Omaha 25 Years.
misleading or false statements or
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