Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily. Bel
' Enteted at Omaha poitofflco m second
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Slat of Nebraska. Douglaa County, aa.:
Oeorfe B. Taachuck. treaaurer ot Tha
Bee Publishing company, being duly
worn, aaya that the actual number of
full and complete copies of The Dally.
Morning. Evening and Sunday Bea printed
during tba month of July, l0g, waa a
1 SB.TB0 IT SS.400
I. S8.740 II S0.SBO
I SB.T10 It 36,000
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84,400 22 86300
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t 88,860 26 '.. 88,860
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Daily average. 88,788
Subaciibed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 1st day of August, 1908.
Notary Publlo.
whbit out or TOWH,
Saaaerlaote laavtag too etty ta
erarlly skoal have Tae Baa
tailed to tkem. Agarose will aa
caaaged aa aftea aa rao.aoat4.
Those suspended West Point cadets
are etlll up in the air.
Isaet Pasha has been dismissed by
the Turkish sultan,' Irzet Pasha la now
Waizet Pasha. '
(The New York World has an edi
torial on . "Cheap Hypocrisy.". No hy
pocrisy Is cheap; ,
' The Washington, base ball team Is
pretty' oed 'proof that all. men were
not created equal.
Chinese tea Importers hare formed
a combination, but they are trying to
keep-' It on the Q. T. v
..;;i'.'v.i i T I ' , - " -
; Work ;prr theT arnegle "peaos 'palace
si Honduras ha been delayed by the
revolution' In progress, ', ' " '
' :-' '
There- ir pevfsf any" lack of excite
ment when'tlie. leaders of the demo
crat to , party . get 'together. '
.-Haytl lias sold Its nary for $l,7o0.
Sorry, we cannot, give the name of the
purchaser of the gold brick.
Half of Omaha's bakeries are pro
nounced . dirty and unsanitary by the
state food Inspector. Clean up I ."'
How does a Lincoln excise commis
sioner come to be exposing himself in
Omaha wearing; 1160 diamonds?
That Columbus power canal Is about
to be built again providing the city of
South Omaha furnishes the money.
The wife of a street car magnate in
Chicago is seeking a divorce, giving a
long list of reasons for her request for
a transfer. - ,'
The easiest way for the sultan of
Turkey to induce the women to begin
wearing the veil again la to supply
them with automobiles.
It is asserted that the best cut glass
is now made In America. The minstrel
stars and hotel clerks have been wear
ing (that kind for a long time. '.
, I ' ' - , "
Colonel Bryan will now have to put
that Joke on the shelf, about not know
ing whether the -Denver convention
really nominated him for a third try.
The people have been ruling In Ne
braska right along these last few
years, but they have been ruling
through republican state officials and
Mr. Harlraan admits having heard
the rumors that ha was to secure con
trol of the' Gould railroads. It seems
impossible to keep news of that kind
away 'from Mr: Harrlman. .".
William E.- Corey wants to know
who John Worth Kern Is. That's the
most complimentary thing that has
been eald about Mr. Kern since the
nominating,' Speeches at Denver.
Mayor "Jim" la back from Texas
with new supply of ginger for the
democratic- primary-campaign. Those
who want something stronger than
ginger shbuld go to the aide door.
The Society for tha Suppression of
Unnecessary Noises will probably agree
to suspend operations for a little while
if Queen Wllhelmlna decides to ad
minister that spanking to Castrq.
"The floors of hell are paved with
champagne, -autoaiohlles and chorus
llrls," ays an eastern college pro
fessor. Still, thai' dcx,s not appear to
5s the right kind cf argument to use
:o induce oing tueft 'to mend their
Friend and fo alike will concede
one great merit to Mr. Bryan's ac
ceptance speech that of brevity. Mr.
Bryan Is willing to run for the presi
dency for a third time and does not
hesitate to say -so. He does not even
ignore the fact that he has twice be
fore been through campaigns "which
ended In defeat," nor hide from the
public his Intention to inflict a more
lengthy and formal reply to the noti
fication later.
In selecting only a few subjects for
discussion in his speech Mr. Bryan has
shown a wise discretion, because it has
enabled him to avoid discussing a num
ber of subjects equally pertinent and
timely In the nature of two-edged
swords, which It would be difficult for
him to handle without cutting both
ways. To Justify this discrimination
he sets up one Issue as "overshadow
ing" and makes his speech revolve
about what he conceives to be the lat
est paramount, "Shall the people
The Inconsistency of any democrat
prating about popular rule when the
only saving clause to democracy as a
factor in national politics rests on the
'solid south,'.' where the rule of the
people la unknown, is self-evident. Mr.
Bryan has simply taken up this slogan,
'8hall the people rule?" as a catch
word, Just as he took up his other
'paramount" issues In succession, de
manding 16 to 1 free coinage "with
out waiting for the aid or consent of
any other nation on earth," and later
denouncing Imperialism with the cry,
'the constitution and the flag, now
and forever, one and inseparable." The
people saw through the flimsiness of
his other "overshadowing" Issues and
are not likely to be fooled by the third
Mr. Bryan's Intense partisanship a
partisanship which led him to embrace
Parker four years ago after denouncing
him as a tool I the money power, un
fit for any position of honor or trust
is signally displayed in his attack upon
President Roosevelt's administration.
While' charging the republicans with
responsibility for all the abuses that
have developed with the growth of
the country and the Increased com
plexity of our industrial life, he gives
no credit whatever for the reforms
that have been accomplished and th-s
checks that have been put upon the
misuse of corporate power. , A person
unfamiliar with the achievements of
the Roosevelt administration, listening
to Mr. -.Bryan's acceptance 'speech,
would 'imagine , that it had proved an
utter failure, when as a matter of fact
even Mr. Bryan. has been compelled
from time' to time to- approve and ap
plaud' the republican record.
It was to be expected that Mr. Bryan
would thrqw bouquets at himself on
the score of oampaign publicity, but
everyone knows that here, too, he has
been simply posing for effect. The
stealthy distribution of that 115,000
pot contributed by Ryan four years
ago and planted In Nebraska in flag
rant defiance of our Nebraska cam
paign publicity law comes altogether
too close home to Mr. Bryan to be
comfortable and offsets all he may say
about devotion to the principle of pub
licity. V .... .
The promise of additional addresses
on the various subjects embraced
within the Denver platform means that
we will have the whole acceptance
speech on the Installment plan and will
likewise have to comment upon it on
the Installment plan. i
The fame of Ak-Sar-Ben la spread
ing far and wide and, like the good
name of long-established business In
stitution, it is a cumulative reputation
which grows bigger . and, better each
year. New evidence of . Ak-Sar-Ben 's
spreading fame ' Is ' to be found' In a
communication recently printed In the
Boston Transcript from some well,
posted friend of Omaha writing from
Lowell and signing only Initials, ,
In thle letter the writer describes
the origin of Ak-Sar-Ben during the
dark days of crop failure and industrial
depression fifteen years ago In the
form of "a secret society whose mem
bers should be pledged to work for the
common good." Quoting further from
the Transcript:
Gradually, with an atr of great secrecy,
three men Imparted their Ideas to otbers,
and the publlo soon became aware that
there was a mystery afloat and were( eager
to learn more about It. And when autumn
came and the coronation of King Ak-Sar-Ben
I took plane, several hundred knights
were ready to pledge, him, loyalty. The
organ 'gallon has prospered, and through Its
Influence tha bualneas men of Omaha have
learned to co-operate with each other for
the good ot the city and atate. Nature,
too, haa been kind and given tha needed
rains each year. Bo, although tha knighte
may have discovered no cities paved 'with
gold, .they have witnessed the Ingathering
of golden harvests by a prosperous people.
Each autumn they have held a carnival
week, that of 1904 being unusually elaborato
and brilliant; aa befitted their tenth anni
versary and also the seml-centennlal of tha
admission of tha territory of Nebraska to
the union; tha conditions on which It was
admitted having bad much to do with the
advrnt of tha republican party. . When
King Ak-Sar-Ben X and his loyal knights
made their triumphal entry into the city
one feature of tha accompanying pageant
waa a aeries of twenty floats, from each
of which wsa displayed, with brilliant alec
trlcal effects, a typical acena In "The 8tory
of Our State," tha whole constituting a
panorama of the varloua epochs In Ne
brasksn history and witnessed by over a
hundred thousand people.
What Ak-8ar-Ben has accomplished
and the tribute to its success by imi
tation Is likewise set forth; .
Other towns in Nebraska have caught
Omaha'a trick In 'orthography, and those
which have thrived by the conversion of
sugar beets lntb sugwr hail St. Eebragus
aa their, king; while In another section of
tha "Antelore state" they how ' to the
scepter of Queen Epoletna. ,
Omaha Is the gateway' of thla great com
monwealth, and Its' gate. Ilka Its spelling,
has learpe.4 to awing both ways. Situated
midway betwrea the twa oceans H no
longer looks toward the Atlantic alone fur
Its markets, but la becoming a center of
supply for that other cast beyond tha
So. also, with the stste. Mortgage have
been lifted from the farms and every little
town haa Its bank, filled with the savings
of the people. It has the smallest percent
sge ot Illiteracy of any atate In tha union,
and the people aa some one has aa id-
have few Isms, but many purposes and
achievements. The horixons are broad and
things are done on a Urge scale, and the
Jubilant note of the meadowlark seem to
be a fit expression of the optimism that
We do not believe any loyal Omaha
cltiien longer questions the benefits
which spring from the maintenance of
Ak-Sar-Ben, but if there be any doubt
ers they should be converted by such
a free advertisement In one of the best
New England papers.
. The comptroller of the currency haa
prepared a number of recommenda
tions of changes In the national bank
ing laws to submit to the currency
commission, appointed by the last con
gress, when it - meets in Washington
in November to formulate Its report to
the next congress. While the comp
troller, has declined to make his recom
mendations public In advance of the
meeting of the commission, It is known
that three ' of the recommendations, at
least, bear directly upon Ills and abuses
that have grown up under the existing
currency system, and all of which are
promised the approval of bankers and
business men generally. ,
The comptroller will urge that ef
ficiency In bank examinations be In
creased by establishing an entirely new
system of appointing examiners. It is
proposed to have them paid by salary,
Instead of by fees, as at present, and to
have them make examinations more
frequently and in more detail. The
bank examiner has often been a skilled
politician, Instead of a skilled account
ant, unable to discover mismanagement
in the affairs of a bank until after the
Institution has closed Its doors. It Is
proposed to have the examiner paid by
salary, placed under civil service In or
der to render him Immune from polit
ical Influence, and to 'require from him
roost complete reports of the condition
of banks in his charge.
Another recommendation Is that
clearings house associations be invited
to co-operate with the government In
exposing mismanagement or mal-man-
agement of banks either within or
without the memberships ot the asso
ciation. The third recommendation provides
for the complete publication of loans
made by all national banks to officers
and directors of the banks. It Is
charged that most of the failures of
national banks have been due to this
system of allowing officials of the
banks to become heavy creditors of the
institutions, without proper securities.
Each of these recommendations ap
pears to be reasonable and needed for
the improvement of government super
vision over national banks. It Is de
sired by the Treasury department of
ficials that these proposals be consid
ered apart from the general financial
legislation under consideration by the
currency commission and an effort will
be made to have them embodied in a
special bill and urged for passage at
the coming short session of the con
gress. The recommendations appear
to be eminently proper arid entitled to
prompt consideration of the commis
While the country has been naturally
optimistic over business which' suffered
a severe setback last October, and has
welcomed each step toward the restora
tion of normal conditions, . in a meas
ure; perhaps, exaggerated, the improve
ment of the last ten days has had such
a . substantial basis as to indicate Its
continuance. . . i
The real foundation of national pros
perity, the season's crops, shows un
mistakable stability, the cereal , yield
promising, to be. . largely . in excess of
that of last year, the home consump
tive demand greater than ever before
and the demand for export in excess of
that ot last year, which was something
of a record maker. The country haa
shown an Increase of about 24 per cent
In population since 1896. In that
time the corn crop , has increased 25
per cent, the wheat crop is 40 per cent
larger and the cotton crop has in
creased by 80 per cent over the pro
duction of 1896. The total value of
all agricultural products for' 1908 li
estimated by the Department of Agri
culture at $8,000,000,000, or Just about
double what It was in 1896. 'In the
same period the volume of money in
circulation haa about doubled and the
country's foreign trade shows an In
crease of nearly 100 per cent.
Under such conditions, the restora
tion of normal business and industrial
conditions cannot be delayed. The
work of furnishing money for the crop
movement has not caused a tremor In
the financial market. The merchants
are ordering goods for future consump
tion and nearly all of the mills ot the
country are resuming operations With
an average force of employes. Inter
est rates are reasonable at all ot the
financial and commercial centers, and
practically every bar to commercial
progress has been removed. The trans
portation lines are better equipped than
ever for the prompt movement of com
modules and the distribution of goods
to meet the requirements of local trade.
Railroad earnings are below the high-
water mark of last year, but the im
provement is Bteady and persistent.
Tha number ot Idle cars has been re
duced from 413,000 In April to less
than 300,000 in the closing days of
July and the crop movement. Just com
meocing, is certain to Vend the num
ber of lii cars down to a very low
figure before November. -
Ou the hole, prospects point to
stronger business conditions this fall
and winter, and to complete retrleve
ment before the end of the present
year, from the effects of the late crisis.
The ridiculousness of the double
party affiliation which haa been twisted
onto the ballot in Nebraska is seen' In
one of the filings with the secretary
of state, listing the candidate 88 both
a democrat and a republican. It would
be Just as sensible for a man to assert
that he Is a cltlxen of Great Britain
and of the United States at one and
the same time.
The democratic organs are careful
not to make any comparisons of as
sessment of taxation' in Nebraska now
and under the fusion four years from
1897 to 1901. The comparison would
not redound to the credit of the fusion
assessment and equalization boards.
We are waiting for the offer by
Adolphus Bosch ot $50,000 toward a
Oermanlo museum at Harvard to draw
out another protesting shriek against
the acceptance of tainted money for
educational purposes. Is there a dif
ference between beer and oil?
A Montana railroad man has been
fined $800 for getting a pass in his
wife's name and then giving It to an
other woman. The fine will appear to
be a small part of his troubles when
his wife learns of the transaction.
The ultimate solution In the city
Jail problem Is the building of a work
house, and , the sooner Omaha has a
workhouse the sooner will It be given
a wide berth by the petty offenders
who dislike work. '
The dispatch stating that twelve
democrats were. Injured In Pennsyl
vania by the collapse of a grandstand
must have been an error. Democrats
do not get together In that number in
Pennsylvania. .
The former crown princess of Saxony
Is suing for a divorce because of her
invincible aversion" to. her husband.
Excuses are sometimes formed with
out the Aid ot alienists and high-priced
Mr. Bryan prefaced his speech of
acceptance with the statement: "I can
not accept the nomination which you
officially tender" and then spoiled It
all by going .ahead and accepting it
Clyde Fitch says the chief criticism
of his plays abroad was the absence
of cowboys la them. Clyde might make
overtures to-. Mayor "Jim," who will
probably beopen to engagements next
season. . .
Another attempt Is under way to
manipulate the city ordinance fixing
license fees for circtises and tent shows.
Why not'a outright Just how many
free tickets.r'e required for. the city
hall? t". '
Fixed for the ratare.
Washington' Post.
Mr. Bryan Is being Initiated Into so many
societies thst he ought to be able to give
the sign of distress In a doien different
ways next November.
War Reaubllrane Shoald Jollify.
St. Paul Pioneer Preaa. .
It is announced that many republics n
joined In tha festivities attending the
el-.-. .. nAfifuatinn t T.lnrnln' Neh. Whv
shouldn't they? The republicana have no
reasons to be downcast over the third
nomination of Bryan.
Recovery from a Fright.
New York World.
Thirteen banks and trust companies, with
twice as many branches, closed their doors
last fall, locking up S9,000,000. All are now
reopened or merged, and every dollar of tha
money la safe. If this fact could be as
widely read aa was the panic news seven
months ago It n lght be well.
Foolish Fears.
Boston Transcript.
Tba reported opposition to Secretary
Taft on religious grounds recalls the story
of the New England dames who hid their
Bibles behind the wall In the Jefferson
campaign In the fear that his success
would .mean the book's complete banish
ment In spite of such apprehension Jef
ferson was elected, more than a century
Preparing; for tba Rasa.
Philadelphia Record.
Ten million dollars' worth of steel cars
for the Gould tailroads Indicates that there
la an expectation of Increased transporta
tion. All these cars are not going to be
delivered at once, but the Northwestern
has ordered a thousand cars to be de
livered as soon as may be, and Instead of
leaving its damaged cars until they were
needed the company haa kept all Its cars
in repair during the past months of dull
ness. The Northwestern knows that theru
are some crops to move. ,
i ,
Tha latest beverage in New Ttrk la
called the aviator. Preaumably a dirigible
Ona prophet says that the country will
not need good roads because everybody will
be flying aoon.
New York is said to expend $25,000,000 a
year in useless salariea, thla, however, not
being tha view ot the salaried,
John Erlccson, the city engineer of Chi
cago, has been Invited to return to Sweden
to become tha director of publio worka at
Stockholm. The position paya a salary of
17.000 a year and a house.
Tha prince of Walea took with him U4
trunks when he went to Csnada for a
week's stay. It Is alarming to think of
what might have happened if George had
been invited for tha aummer.
May Murray, a successful actress In
New York, has forsaken tha theatrical
field to control the coat room privilege in
a big hotel, paying U.000 a year for the
buaineaa. She expects to receive at least
tlO.Owo a year In fees snd tips.
Ona of tit victims of tha president's
order to army officers to ride fifteen miles
or retire wss Colonel William L. Marshall
ot the corps of engineers, who hss dona
much good work for a long time past In
th Improvement of New York's harbor.
When it was known that he wasslsted
for retirement because of Mr. Roosevelt's
order much pressure waa brought to bear
and an exception waa made in hie behalf.
Nn the president alcta Conanel M ar
ahall to be the new chief of engineers to
fill the plaj-e caused by the cellremeot of
tirueiai Matkt
it was DirrrmcxT thk. 1
Hove Oeaeral Taylor Waa AetlSea af
Ilia Xonslaatlon Slaty Yeara Ago.
Nowadays political parties observe all
tha formalities In the matter of officially
notifying their respective nominees for
the presidency. The republican and demo
cratic nominees have each received th
news officially, wlih solemn formality and
appropriate theatrical setting, tenders of
the -nomination have been made and ac
ceptance received, coupled with keynote
speeches by the candidates. Decorations,
parades, bands, crowds and cheers gave
each the plrtueresque color.
How different urh events wers con
ducted In bygone days Is strikingly shown
by the recollections of the notification of
General-Zschsry Taylor In 14S. Captain
Wilson H. Daniel of Jasper. Ind.. Inventor
and author, now nearly 85 year old, par
ticipated In the' affair and relates In the
New York World how It was possible to
spring a genuine surprise on the whig
nominee sixty years ago.
The national convention of whlgs met
In Philadelphia some time In June, IM8,
and on the third ballot nominated General
Zachary Taylor. "Old Hough and Bady."
as their candidate for the presidency over
Henry Clay. Daniel Webster and General
Scott. And some time later' during oats
harvest, while thwt frontier colonel, who
had not voted for forty years, waa work
ing In his oats field and talking to Captain
Daniel ot old 'days and of happy days
he had spent at Camp Salubrity, the noti
fication committee, aboard the Major
Ringgold, landed near where "Old Rough
and Ready" was working and talking, and
really notified him, that Is. gave him the
first Information he had of his nomination.
The raptaln tella the story ss follows:
"In -the aummer of 1848 I was a passen
ger on board the Alhnmbra. Before land
ing It had been told by the captlaln that
we would land at Taylor's plantstlon, Just
below the town of Rodney, In the state
of Mississippi, to toko on wood. We were
there for several hours, and aa soon as I
landed. I saw General Taylor, with whom
I had got acquainted at Camp Salubrity
aome years before. Juat across the road In
an oata field, where he and several negroes
were at work cradling and binding oats. ,
"The general wore a broad brimmed, low
crowned, white felt hat. blue blouse, no
shirt, and blue pants. His feet were en-
cssed In homemsde boots. His hsnds and
faee were covered with dirt and black from
oata When I called out and said. "Hello,
general,' ha at once recognized me, and
as was his question hailed me by saying,
'Hello, Wheelsman.'
"He came over the fence and for quite
a time we talked of the days we had
apent together when Taylor was stationed
at Camp Salubrity, and of the second day
of July, 1846 In particular, when we broke
camp, and I,' as pilot, or wheelsman,
on board the Yasoo, began steering General
Taylor's entire garrison, heavy artillery
and ammunition from Orandecoro (mean
ing high bluff) landing to the famous bat
tlefield of New Orleans, six miles below
the city, from which point sea-going ves
sels conveyed the soldiers, artillery and
ammunition to Powder Horn, then a land
landing near the Rio Grande In Texas.
"It was while we were slttlna there on
the fence recounting our many experiences
tnat a large boat, all decked In holiday
attire, and flying flags and bunting rounded
Into sight. Aa It 'came nearer we heard the
band playing and General Taylor remarked
that It must be a circus boat. As It ap
proached a salute waa fired, th hand
rtruck up ,'The Star Spangled Banner.' the
oen oegan to ring and the steamboat,
which waa Major Ringgold, began round
ing to land. When the general and I aaw
the boat waa going to land we got down
otr the rence and walked across the road
to witneaa the landlnr. neither k
or even surmising the mission of tha boat
and us crew.
"When the landing had been made and
(the stageplank run ashore, the people
by the score began crowding out. The vast
crowd was led by James Guthrie and
George D. Prentiss of Louisville, Ky., who
were followed by a Mr. Bluford. No
sooner had Guthrie and Prentiss Introduced
themselves to General Taylor than Bluford,
who had been a former schoolmate of Tay
lor's shouted 'Hello, Zach.' and with an
oath or two ran up and embraced 'Old
Rough and Ready,' who recognised Bluford
with delight.
"When Invited on board the ship, Taylor
begged to be excused on account of his
dreea and appearance, but Bluford, Guthrie,
Prentiss and others with loving arms
around the sweaty, old general, hurried
him aboard where he was officially notified
In his evry day working attire, that tho
whig party In convenlon assembled had
nominated him aa a candidate for the
presidency. He made a few remarks, thank
ing the committee for the honor and as
suring every one that If he was elected he
would do right If God gave him the power
to see the right.
"A reception was then held and the
dirty toller of the oata field was intro
duced to the hundreda on board of tha
boat.. On of the features which Im
pressed jne most forcibly was the fact
that every woman, regardless of her llk,
satin and Jewelry, wanted to kiss the
dlrty-faced old warrior.
"Before the reception was over the bell
on the Alhambra rang and the 150 or 00
of Its passengers who were aboard tha
Major Ringgold had to leave the festive
scene and hurry back to the Alhambra
That boat was soon on Its (way north,
leaving the notification committee and
the presidential candidate of the whig
party, enjoying the music and refresh
ments which the committee had brought
"Thla." said the captain, "waa the most
Miikiinnvi ac-ene or my whole life. Truly
It wss one Instance of the nominatlou
seeking the' man and one Instance where
the notification committee really notified,
the ateamboat then being- tha fasteat
mode of travel as well ss the fastest
means of. communication, the telegraph
not having attained general iise. Genersl
Taylor, who had not voted for forty eara
and who very probably did not know that
a convention had been held, waa thus
officially notified, and in the campaign
and election which followed waa tri
umphantly elected, but died on July t
U50." , '
Aaaerlcaae la Ballooa Race.
- Springfield Republican.
America may be behind Europe In per
fecting dirigible batloone, but in the de
velopment of the hravier-than-alr aero
plane our Buckeye Wright brothers are
allowing their tall feathers, so to spesk,
to all the world. Mr. Wright's machine
at Lemana. France, lias brilliantly mads
good all the claims in lis behalf. The
danger now may be that the Wrlghta wl!l
be Europesnised like that down-east Yen
kae, Htlram Maxim, who want abroad with
a rapid-fire gun. The Wrlghta should not
lack for encouragement at hpmt.
Schools aaa loaapaleory Vaccination.
Minmapolla Journal.
Tha supreme court of Illinois haa de
cided, that compulsory vaccination is un
constitutional, and that children cannot be
denied adnrtaalon to tha public suhoola be
cause their partnta oonoaa that form of
prevention of amallpox. Will somebody
kindly aettla tha vaccination controversy
snd save furthtr trouLla.
The good
is chiefly due to the large residue and the natural wheat con-
tamed salts, both acting physically on the Dowels, imparnnjz
the necessary constant stimulus, inese, wim
vigorous daily exercise, are the valuable natural
factors in overcoming constipation. You will
never crow tired ot Ut. rnce s rood, as it is
made from the whole wheat berry healthful
and satisfying.
Record Achlevemeata In Finance In
Neve York City.
Holland Letter In Philadelphia Press.
That tha times are really better and the
financial situation sound to the core the
big bankers of New York believe Is Indi
cated by an Incident Which, slight In It
relf, la yet significant of so much that it
is considered a record achievement In
finance. This Incident was the resumption
of business by the Mechanics' and Traders'
bank this past week, under the name of tha
Union bank. With a new set of officers
and thoroughly rid of the Thomas In
fluence, this resumption marks the cul
mination Vf an unprecedented terles of
financial rehabilitations on the part of sus
pended bhnka and trust companies.
.It meana that though thirteen) banks
and trust companies closed their d ora
In the panic of last October and In th
flurry at the end of January, not a
single one of the 31,000 depositors loses a
dollar,, . every penny of the .-iggregnte
deposits of 839.837,313 being already paid
back or ready for payment.
Of the thirteen suspended Institutions
ten have already resumed business and
are prospering more than they ever
prospered before. One, the Mechanics'
and Traders', is ready to resume. Another,
the International Trust company, had
practically no deposits and there la no
reason for Its resumption. The Oriental
bank, the remaining one of tho thirteen,
can resume If Its stockholders so desire.
Every penny of the 86,250,000 due its de
positors has been paid, tta capital of t760l.OOO
la unimpaired, and on top of that It haa a
surplus of $750,000.
TWO' national banka, which failed In the
latter part of January, and , not Included
In the thirteen, the National bank of North
America and the New Amsterdam Na
tional, both have funds sufficient to pay
very depositor In full and give the stock
holders a substantial yield. They were
both owned by Charles W. Morse. Their
funds 'are sufficient to warrant resumption,
but the comptroller of the currency la op
posed to It.
Gross irregularities existed In the man
agement of several of the banks which suc
cumbed when the pinch of the panic came
In every case the. men responsible have
been driven out. Several of them are under
Indictment; others are dead. In some cases
self-killed. The house-cleaning In each of
tha tailed Institutions has been severe and
Tho rejuvenation of so many banks with
such large Interests In such a short period
Is regarded aa a most forceful example
of the wonderful recuperative power of
financial New York, and the fact that not
a single depositor has lost a penny ot
the stupendous sums, at ataka Is a record
which banking men say has never been ap
proached the world over.
Jones Is thst cheese goodT
Shopkeeper Good! Why. It's unapproach
able. Philadelphia Inquirer.
"Have you made any important discov
eries this year?"
"I have," answered the scientific,
searcher; "I have discovered a new finan
cial backer." Washington Star.
"What made Jones spesk so dryly to
Miss Betty sbout her misfortune?"
"Because she wss worried about getting
her bathing ault wet." Baltimore Ameri
can. "Tiresome preacher, that Dr. Ninthly."
"My goodness, yea! Why, the veetry
men had to advertiae for somnambulists to
act as ushers." Cleveland Leader.
"The path of true love is running smooth
enough for us," fondly rsmarked the young
You will hear its call It you visit tha A. Hospe Co's. rtor ana
see th wonderful offerings of this greatest August piano sals
Besides scores ot used and exchanged Pianos, which are ths
accumulations of many months, we offer prodigious bargain! in
thoroughly trustworthy new instruments.
We must sell these pianos because our business demands that
our stock be decreased.
Here Is one of the Special Bargains In used pianos:
; , i mi,. This slightly used Ilinze up-
right piano, walnut finish, in ex-
f. I cellent condition in every way,
S.300 I'sed KCHOKNINGRK upright piano, walnut rase
$3AO I'sed WHITNKY upright piano, mahogany case
MOO lied CONWAY upright piano, mahogany case K2G5
$87B I'sexl KMEItSON upright piano, mahogany rase 8185
450 I'sed KitANICH A HACH upright piano, rosewood case. $205
, . Terms Monthly.
Again we call attention to the remarkable bargains In NEW up
right pianos. A few of the special ones we will now mention. At
extra large upright grand Burton Is a special value at $250 uu
monthly. Those brand new upright grand, latest design, Cramer
pianos (quoted throughout the United States at $250) are going at
8100- H-00 monthly. The beautiful $600 Bush Lane pianos are
selling at $375. $8 00 monthly. We have Just received, also, a
special shipment of Kimball pianos, our prices are $200- 530O-$355-
8400 Da UP- In thl( shipment there are not simply one
or two pianos but quantities from which to make a selection.
The special bargains in square and grand pianos are on a line
with the above. Grand pianos of splendid character and condition,
$490 and up. Squae pianos In beautiful rosewood cases and to
thoroughly good condition from $23 and up. Uaed organs, that
have been overhauled and put in best condition $10 and up.
Special attention given to Inquiries by mall. ; ,
A. HOSpe CO., 1513 Douglas Street.
We do expert-piano tuning and repairing
f l i . aBBw V-
effect of
wife, as she klaed first her spouse anc
then their lovely babe.
"Perhaps so, replied the young hue
band, doubtfully, aa he eyed the waiting
cradle, "hut 1 must confess I see rockt(
ahead." Philadelphia Press.
"Prisoner." said the Judge eternly, "l(
looks a little suspicious when you hesl-,
tste before telling the court your name."
"Well, your honor," answered the msr
who waa arrested for speeding, "I havi
been pretiy busy learning all the number!
on my automobile. A man can't remember
everything." Washington Star.
Rlpson Take your umbrella out of my
eye, you blundering Idiot!
Hnnrt Mava vottr eve awav from mv
umbrella, you laxy hound! Chicago Trlh-j
tine. )
"I do not think." said the syndicate
director to his associates, "that we ought
to chII this plsee where we meet to join
our Interests against competition, a meet
ing or a board room.".
"What name would you give It, then?"
Immlred one of his listeners. , -
"I should call It our pool room." Balti
more American.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox in St. Loula Time.
How doea Love spesk?
In the faint riush upon tha tell-tale Cheek,
And in the pallor that aucoeeda it; by
The quivering lid of an averted .eye
Tha smile, that proves the parent to a Sigh,
Thus doth love apeak.
How floes txn-e tinea k?
By tho uneven heart-throbs, and the freak
Or bounding pulses that atand atill and ache
While new emotions, like strange barges,
Along with channels their disturbing
Etlll as the dawn, and With the dawn'f
swift force.
Thus doth Love speak. .
How does Love sneak?
In the avoidance of that which ws seek
The sudden silence and reserve when near
Tha eye that glistens with an Unshed tear
The Joy that seems the counterpart of
As the alarmed heart leaps In tha breast,
And knows, snd names, and greets Its god
like guest. f
Thus doth Love speak.
How does IOVe speak?
Ir. the proud spirit suddenly grown meek !
The haughty heart grown humble; In tha
And unnamed light that floods tha world
with splendorl - 4
In the resemblance which the fond eya p
In all fair thlnga to one beloved face; t
In the shy touch of tha banda that thrill
and tremble; a, - I
In looks and Hps that "tan no more dls-
Thus doth Love speak.
How does Love speak?
In the wild worda that, uttered, sesm
They shilnk, ashamed, to silencej In th
five. i
Glance strikes with glance, swift flashing
high and higher. J
Like ltghtnlnga that precede tha mighty
' storm; I
In the deep, soulful stillness; In the warm
Impassion-d tide that aweepa through
throbbing velna,
Between the ahojes of keen delights and
In the embrace where madneaa melts in
And in the convulsive rapture of a kiss.
Thus doth Love speak. r
We Are
Through Vith You
When you buy glaass from us, they
must aatlsfy you. Wa guarantee
our work absolutely.
Our vast experience of 10 yeara
aa axolaalve Eye Sight Specialist.
la at your service.
Opp. Feoplee Stora. raotory rrsmlsao.
complete with new scarf and 6tooi
and instruction book, for ,
Payments $5.00 monthly.
Ten year guarantee.
'1 .