Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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American Product Hare Tight Hold
on the Old World.
Osaahaa flrterae f rasa ikrwl with
Report that Eerepe as Mrork
Money Wtrlagenry.
In a trip through continental Europe
and England. Charles H. Pickens, general
vt manager of Paxton OeJlagher company.
who rMunxd W4n!tir. found scores of
products of Amnlrin corn, from roasting
rare on the streets of Naples, to glucoae
confectionery along the bank of th
Danube; front breskfast fuods at the hotels
f dear old London to corn cakes on tha
tranaatlantlc steamers.
"Theee corn products are netting a fat
hoM on Europe." ssld Mr. Pickens. "In
Oermany. gwltserland. France. Italy and
England American demontratora are In
troducing corn product and they are nearly
all made. In America or from corn grown
In the Cnlfed States."
"There la some corn produced In Italy
ind more In Austria-Hungary, but It does
not seem to be equal to the American
orn. The Italian corn Is not served at
tha hotels of Italy. bt we m w the people
cooking It on the streets. They string tha
ear still In the milk on wires and suspend
them In kettles of boiling water. The pae-
engera on tha streets buy an ear or
two and eat them on the sidewalk. In fact.
the people In one or two streets In Naples
almost live on the sldewalka. We saw
dealers selling alfalfa In little bundlea to
the drivers of carts, who drove up to the
curb an bought a lunch for themselves of
boiled corn and a bundle of alfalfa for the
horaea." '
Interest la Pall Election.
Mr. Pickens aald there was more than
nHlnirv Interest In fh. rnnilnf nrtftalffontla'
l election In America among the Europeans
" and erpeclally In France and England.
"The wocder of the financial Interests
In Europe Is the way In which American
securities have advanced regardless of our
financial' disturbance of last winter," he
j said. "They felt certain that our aecurt
I ties would go still lower when the 'panic'
" was heralded by the pres of Europe. Then
hen . tha country recovered quickly and
the prices of securities went onward. It
caught some of the Englishmen and
"EVenrwhere there Is Interest felt In the
American crops, and It requires no careful
observer to see how prosperity In America
affects the European world."
Coming through the east, Mr. Pickens
said he noticed how much business had
Improved since he sailed for his trip, and
as he returned to Nebraska has seen and
heard enough to Justify his belief th
Nebraska. Iowa. Kansas and Missouri are
the four beat slates In the union.
Trade has recovered in the west In
much better ah ape than In the eaet." he
said. "Our reports now are very satisfac
tory and I find business In Omaha has
Improved to an astonishing extent during
my absence."
While In Switzerland Mr. and Mra.
Plckene and daughter. Elisabeth, met Miss
Elisabeth Baum. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Baum and a party of young women
and Instructors from an art achool. Every
where the party met Omahana. Nebraska or
people of their acquaintance In the west.
Fit of ' Drupsadtaey
1 BTtrfrs Batata Tmm -
Head Off.
ELKHORN. Nb., Aug. ll.-fipecial Tel
egram.) Ferdinand Martin, a well known
and prosperoua farmer living four miles
northeast of hers committed suicide about
I o'clock thia morning by blowing the top
of his head off with a shotgun. Th deed
was committed at his home, with his fam
ily ntar him.
Mr. Martin had been In poor health for
loir.t time and It Is believed he took his
lfe In a fit of despondency over his condi
tion. He waa (8 years old and leaves a
sidow and five children. He owned 160
. teres of land and waa considered well fixed
Homage hy (Moras at Hast I age.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Aug ll- Special.)
Monday night's electrical storm was one
if the moet severe this city haa experienced
W a number of years. Three homes were
it ruck by lightning and several persona
rtunned. but not seriously hurt. At the
tome of Mrs. M. A. Thurmond two chlrn--
re shattered, the plaster broken in
wveral room, a number af pictures broken fragments and a streak burned across
r.e room. Mr. Thurmond saw a atreak
f lightning flash across the celling of her
Vd room. She waa atrunned. but s-Kin
rcnrerd eonec1ousns. Mrs. MrKenna
araa knocked prostrate t the floor when
lightning muck the torn of her father.
Ulcha"! McK.nna. in which ehe was cloting
1 window. She recovered In a few mo- I people of this section, contribute to a fund
aients. Heffathrr as a sttesk of light- j which would be sufficient to erect a hand
ring from the wrr.dow the ae closing aome church to coat not leaa than I40.0MV
uoaa to oo on th opposite aid of th
Th Xodestj of Women
Hatarallf Bakes tnem shrink from lb
Indelicate questions, th obnaxioa ex
amination, and unpleasant local treat
ments, which som physicians coamder
essentia In the treatment of diseases ot
women. vYat, if help ran be had. It t
better to submit to this ordeal than let
th di4M rrow and spread. The troubl
ts that so often th womaa undergo ail
the a r. nomine and sham for nothing.
Tbomwnd. t women who hav been
cured v Dr. nerea't Favorite Prescrip
tion wriCh ta iVpreeUtlon of the cure
which djpVrsfeSSb the exaatinattona
AM Weal tmauneni There is co ether
moflcir. lure an1 'e r
wy aien a Faor rreynytion. Jt1
cure acui.iai.iig aja.b. irntguurity im
fewiiU weak a was. It always helps. It
almoat awis cares. It la strictly noo
alcofeolle, do secret, all Its Ingredient
. being printed oa Its hoUle-wrap per; con
tains Be deltr.oaj or habit-fomlaf
drag, and every native medicinal root
entering into It oempoalUon has tt full
edorMneat of those moat em.orm la ihi
ever! school of awsiical practice, Soaa
f these nusMrrous and strongest of pro
fessional endoraem!. of Its ina'redient,
will be toned ta a pamphlet wrapped
around the bottle, also la booklet mat led
frwj on reqaealt by Vr. R. V. Pierce, of
Baffsjo, N. Y. These arofetiaial en
dorsements ahoald have far sxn weight
than any amount of the ordiaary lT. 0
BOB-profasional treumonfala.
The most Intelligent women now-w-dif
natal on knowing what they take as med
icine Instead of opening their meeto like
' a lot of yoong birds sad gajptng down
whatever hi offered them. Favorite Pre
rrtpUoB'as of exowst coarosmol. It
Ktkee weak women strong and sick
SUM weiL
lr. PWoe's Medical Adviser U aont frm
a reeelpt of eiamp to pay opens ot
(nailing only. Scad to Dr. R. . Pierce,
a buSaio. N. Y Si one-cent stamp for pa
Fi 11 stamp for ciotb-bound.
1 v If each eooault th boeior. tree of charge
k oby tetter. Ail such rommunlcatiuM are
1 held sacredly confidential.
r-r Pree s Plraasst lvjieu inrleorat
ftfad refuiat Stoanach, bver and bowels.
idem. The chimney ws shattered, the
all peper torn lonoe and the carpets werp
burnM. Minor damage wa rid by
lightning at the horn of Frank Kirk.
Electric Llghtlasl Systems Opera ted r
City Tata lee. CeneaBaere.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Aug. 11 tPpecial .)
Municipal ownership of electric lighting
and power service In Haatlngs has been
successful beyond the expectattona of thoee
who first proposed the enterpnae. The con
dition of the department and th enlarge
ment of tha plant sine it was established
In February. ehown by the re
ports of the city clerk for the official
year ending with July.
The plant was established with th pro
ceeds of a $ 31 ono bond issue and waa de
signed for street lighting only. A commer
cial aervtce was almost Immediately added
and now the plant represents an Invest
ment of approximately M),nnft. With the
exception of revenue averaging about tl.XO
a year from direct levy, sal operating ex
perts and all extensions and permanent
Improvements have been paid for from the
receipts of the commercial service. The
only debt of the department Is the original
bond lasue and outstanding warrants ag
gregating leaa than U.&'TX
Not only has the plant paid for Itself and
Its operation, with the exception of the
amount derived from the sale of the bonds
and the small amount f rem the levy, but
It haa fumlahed the city with street light
ing, which would have cost approximately
tK.WO per year. There are aixty-eeven
street lamps on the public circuit. Before
tha municipal plant waa Installed the city
paid til per lamp per month to a private
concern. At 119 per month theae lamps In
seven and one-half years would have cost
approximately 166,000. If the city had
chraged Itself for street lighting at thia
rate, or credited the lighting fund at this
rate, the department would now have a
balance of tlXODO after paying off all
bonded and warrant debt.
Rates for commercial service are much
less (than the average throughout the
country for towna of this site. The pur
pose of the administration has been to
give the consumer minimum rates, rather
than Impose rates which would give the
city a profit. Persons who have given the
matter careful thought are Inclined' to be
lleve that eventually the commercial serv
ice will support the entire plant and give
ample revenue for extensions.
Ceaatr Cowjwilttee Receive Reports
of Work Betas Dame.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Aug. li-(Spe-
clal. The republican county central com
mittee held a very Interesting meeting at
Syracuse today, which waa well attended,
LMattera of vital Importance to the rank
and file cf thia county were taken up and
fully dlscuaaed. Plana were adopted for
the coming- primaries and the fall cam
paign. A complete poll of the county Is to
be taken and work to be done In precincts
where It is thought the most good can be
accomplished. The card system, which
Judge William Hayward 1a using In the
state and will uae aa secretary of tha na
tlonal committee, haa been In uae In thia
county for years by the lepublicana and
fojnd to be very effective. This enable
the committee to ascertain Just how each
voter stands and his views and work can
alwaya be done In his neighborhood.
Reports were made to the committee re
garding the formation of Tart clubs all
over the county. There have been a num
ber formed and they all have a good meni
bershlp. Nebraska City haa the strongest
club and is Increasing- lla m err. bershlp quite
rapidly, as are tha other clubs. Cluba are
to be formed In each predr.ct and In soms
instances In each school district and will
hold regular meetings. Considerable inter
eat la being taken by the republicans of thia
county and they aeem to have awakened
to th fact that th county belongs to the
republican column and will remain there.
They report they have found a cumber of
democrats wl.o are faorable to the elee
tlon of Judxe Te.ft and a number of popu
lists who are willing to join the ranks of
the republican etaodardtxarer.
Body Foaad la River.
TEKAMAH. Neb.. Aug. II. (Spccla
Telegram.) The body of Jay Webster,
mho was drowned In the Missouri river
last Sunday afternoon, was found almost
east of thia place thia afternoon about
seven miles below where the accident oc
curred. The body was caught on a log
which projected out into the river and waa
almoat burled with rubbish. From the
condition of the body It is aupposed that
tit ha been exposed to the aun at least
two daya. However, the place where he
waa last seen was dynamited last night
and aome claim this Is the cause of the
raising. The body wai brought to the
undertakers here tonight and the funeral
will be held tomorrow morning.
Catholic raaa-regatloaa Merged.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb.. Aug. 11 (?p--cial
1 Pome time ago the moVe was made
to have both Catholic churches In this city
consolidate and the congregations, which
1 arv composed of some of th wealthiest
Th matter was taken up with Btahot
Boncum. prior to his departure for Europe
and he approved the plan, but permitted
the St. Benedict church to remain aa a
memorial to Vicar Genera! Emanuel Hartig.
who, after serving the church fifty yrara.
retired to a convent at Atchison, where he
will spend the remainder of his life, he
being very old and feeble.
Telecra.h Wires Ceaae Dewa.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Aug lS.-fBpe-clal.)
The Western Vnlon Telgraph com
pany waa ordered to move Ita lines from
the principal streets and take down all
poles. Suit has been instituted to enforej
the orW and eaterday th managers of
the company were here and compromised
with the city hy agreeing to comply with
the order If they were given sixty days'
time. This waa done and all poles and lines
will be placed In th alleys. This clears
the principal streets of wires and pna of
all kinds, aa the telephone eompanlc re
moved theirs som time sine and put
rablea In the alleys In condjita.
By uvlrg the various departments of Tha
Be. Want Ad Page you get best results
at least expert.
Marhlae t Cwt Weew a Track.
CENTRAL. CITT. Neb.. Auj. Spec
ial. Lon Tut tie of Palmer has perfected
a machine for cutting the grass along
railroad tracks, which haa been tried with
the greatest auccaa by the Burlington rail
road here thia week. It la built aimllar to
a mowing machine, with a five-foot sick.
and th wheela and axlea wer taken froi.i
a hardVar. On horse draws tt with eaae
and tt does the work of many mea with
arythea and will enable th section men to
keep the grass along the rati rut down
as haa never been don before.
Ed war Meet rrssrls Jeweph.
lSC'lfL. Austria, Aug. 11 King Edward
arrived her today from Cronbers; en a
brief vuut to Emperor Francta Joaeph. 1
raler of the dual monarchy met the king
of England at the railway station with full
military honor. This la th first tlm a
sovereign visiting to emperor Lr has
beee greeted In thia crmoaious naanr
Nebraska Commissioner to Centennial
Engagtd by Rock Island.
Maa k Waa Hlfkeit A war at
Philadelphia far Jlebraeka Cera
Will Proasete He Kaileaal
Measuring tip th sla of th National
Corn Exposition the Rock Island Railway
company has selected John C. Bonnell.
veteran exposition promoter. Industrial
agent, their leader In immigration and set
tlement work and said to be their Tery
best man, to promota tha expoaltlon on the
lines of th company.
Mr. Bonnell. with Hal S. Ray, aaalstant
general passenger agent, arrived In Omaha
Wednesday. Mr. Bonnell coming from Fort
Worth, Tex. where he haa given up im
portant work for the company during the
summer to look after the Interests f the
exposition along the lines of the Rock
I aland.
It waa John C. Bonnell whom Governor
Bilar Garber of Nebraska appointed as tha
Nebraska commissioner to look after the
exhibits for this stste at the Centennial
exposition In Philadelphia In 11174. And Mr.
Bonnell went there with th determination
of showing aome of tha other atatea what
Nebraska had In the way of com, winning
the first laurels for the state.
Bat Nebraska Wist,
When Mr. Bonnell arrived In Philadel
phia he found th longest ear of corn from
Virginia and Virginia waa vary proud of It
Then he aaw the heaviest ear from Mis
souri, the beat ear from Iowa and to
largest ear from Illinois. '
All these signs attracted attention. Four
great states were there ahead of him and
claimed everything in sight. But th Ne
braska commissioner put up his exhibit of
corn. Then he sought tha judges and with
them determined on a basis on which to
judge the beat ear of corn and. the best
collection of ear. When the Nebraska
corn waa Judged by the proper standard
It won the ribbons. Signs of Iowa. Illi
nois, Missouri and Virginia came down,
and the exhibitors expected the Nebraska
sign to go up. In his modesty, Mr. Bon
nell did not put up a sign, but allowed the
excellent exhibit of Nebraska corn to do
the bragging for the whole at ate.
Th man whom th Rock Island line
have selected to "boost" th National Corn
exposition waa formerly Industrial com
missioner of the Burlington at Lincoln, and
Is thoroughly familiar with the western
country. He Is well known in Omaha.
The Rock Island already haa a bulletin
out to tell every employe on the system
of th corn show. .Mr. Ray haa aent on
to everyone from Vic President George
Biddle to the section gangs In the eouth
west. He says the company will tolerate
anything but negligence in handling train
and forgetting the National Corn expoei
Ittkraska litwi te.
BEATRICE The Peward ball team will
play in this city Friday and Saturday
with a team picked from the Beatrice
city league.
WTMORE A large party from her went
to the San I.uis valley to be present at the
land drawing mere. About seventy-five In
this city have Invested in the land scheme.
BEATRICE Lightning early yesterday
morning set fire to five wheat etacka
belonging to 1. Cornelius, living
Pickrell. which were all consumed.
aboutt600, with no Insurance.
WTMORE Charley Snow returned from
LaPlatte. Mo., thia mornlnc with Conners.
G. Hulshlxer's horse, which had stepped in
a note ana injurea an anaie, so mat It
can do no more racing thia season.
GENEVA During a rainstorm yesterday
morning th residences of T. J Hill and T.
L. Wllllame were struck by lightning. The
former had a hole made in the roof. On
the latter the chimney was injured some.
ST. PAUL Several light shomers hav
fallen here during the day and evening.
Altogether the precipitation waa .ht of an
Inch and will be of great benefit to the
corn, which now promises to be a fine
M'COOK McCook'a base ball team &(
fcated the Arkansas Traveler In a hotly
comestea game Dy tne score or to I
The Arkansas Travelera are weatward-
bound on a tour to the Pacific coast and
BEATRICE Henry Frericha. proprietor
of the feed barn at the corner of Seventh
and Market streets, waa severely injured
by falling from the haymow. A cut three
Inchea long waa inflicted in the back of
his head.
WTMORE Barneston has challenged
Wymore to a thirteen event track meet, to
oe pulled oir oerore August zz. ana v -
more hmm accented. The event mill nrohahlv
oe arranged lor tnia city tne iirst ot tne
coming weeK.
BEATRICE A number of the republi
cans of this city held a meeting at th
city hall Monday night for the purpose
of organising a Taft club, but it was de
cided not to take any action until after
the prlmarlea.
PONCA Today waa held the axth an
nual Old Settlers'1 jubilee picnic at New
castle. Rev. J. W. Taylor of Newcastle
delivered the main address. A ball game
waa played between Newcastle and Allen
for a purse of $100.
CENTRAL CITY The member of th
First Christian church are preparing to
hold a big revival. The service of Hev.
11 G. Knowles. a noted evangelist of Col
umbus, O., and of Prof. T. N. Ridenour.
singer, have been engaged.
PONCA The annual harvest picnic at
Dixon will be held on Saturday. Prominent
vpeakera will address the people. Hall
games will be plaed by Laurel and Col
eridge for a purae of t. and by Plainview
and Allen for a purae of tTa
HASTINGS B. P. Bailey has resigned
the position of city electrician to accept
a place aa manager of an electrical plant
at Pasco. Wash. Clive Morey. who re
cently graduated from the Armour Insti
tute, has been appointed his successor.
M INPEN Three recent rains have put
the corn In the eaat two-thirds of Kearney
county into the bumper clasa. Enough rain
haa now fallen to Insure a yield of fifty to
aiaty bushels. Many spots In the western
part of the county have been Injured con
siderably by the recent hot wlnda.
WTMORE A light rain fell here this
morning and is welcomed by farmers. The
ground is so dry that plowing ia Impossible
In this neighborhood. Down on the Kan
sas tine, nine miles south of her. It is
too wet to plow. Corn In general ia In ex
cellent condition. Many fields with twelve
and fifteen foot etaiks are wrrtt.
NEBRASKA CITT James Carpjer and
Mlsa Cora Krelnier. two popular young
people, were married thia afternoon at
the home of the bride'a parents at Tal
mage. T'he wedding waa a veiy elaborate
affair. They mill take a trip through
Yellowatone park and on their rtiurn
make their home on a farm belonging to
th groom.
BEATRICE While In attendance at th
Methodist -Sunday achool picnic at the
Chautauqua grounda yesterday. Miss Haael
1'nderwoud ran into a wire stretched
acrovs a small bridge, caualng her to fall
headlong with considerable force. Sh
waa unconscious for several hours and for
a time It waa feared she could not re
cover. She waa reported better today.
M'COOK Inspector Grogan of the Post
office department a In the city making
a preliminary survey of the city for tha
city free delivery system to be Installed
In Mrook aa aoon aa the government can
perfect arrangement. McCook peseed into
A cherished
household word
In thousands of ho mea
"There's . ReieM
the dlM of eltle entitled -to free de
livery July 1, and th people of the city
are anxloua for the system to be estab
lished. PONC AThe reception given the teachers
last night waa a brilliant affair. The
musk- bv th Wood Pleter orchestra of
Lea Mntne. la., waa well received Mies
Grace Orevee rendered two aloe. and brief
addre- were made by Prof. H. H. Hahn
of Blair and Prof. T. 8. Purdue of Madi
son. The Institute promises to be one of
th best ever held In lixon county.
MINDEN Mr. end Mrs. John Grom of
Cosmo township celebrated tnelr golden
wedding on Monday afternoon and evening.
Several h-mdred of their nelghbora and
friends called and paid their respects to
the elderly couple, who are yet enjoying
good health. Among the many out ot
town guests mere one daughter from
Omaha and one from lenver. Mr. and Mrs
Grom are among the oldest sttlers In this
. LOP CITT A special seslon of the dl
trlct court was In serslon here todev and
the aaloon cases of John Heesch. M. C
Mullck and T. Henry Eisner coming up
for hearing on an appeal from the as Jon
of the city council In granting them for the present year Judge lloe
tetler overruled the contentions of the
Ant I-Rb loon league In each case. It Is
understood the cases may be appealed to
the supreme court.
NEBRASKA CITT The Chautauqua
which la being held here this week haa
proved a big success and tre attendance
is double that of last yer. Sylvester
A. Long drew a larja crowd yesterday
and the Dunbars last evening, and today
Rev. L. B. Wlckersham wan greeted by a
monster crowd and was ably agisted ny
the famoua Dunbars. who hold forth un
til tomorrow evening. Oovernor Haniy
of Ohio Is the attraction for Friday, and
there promises to b a large crowd here
ntRATTRlCTE At a meeting of the city
council last night Councilman Baer of the
light committee reportea mat me ga
company refused to remove any of its
lamps from Court street on the ground
that the company haa a contract with th
city attorney. The committee on parks
waa Instructed to complete ine rrmi
menta for the purchase of the ground se
lected for a park aome time ago. Oty
Treaaurer Jonee' report for the month of
July showed eollectlone amounting to
lr.4l I and disDurwemenis pi "
balance on hand. IU.740.BO.
1TWTH At. CITY Th preliminary hear
ing of Frank Smith and James Burke, who
are being held In eonn,-ctlon with a rob
bery at the reunion grounds last week, haa
k ma fnr Thurndiv mornint. The sum
of 163 wa atolen from a stand operated by
th women of tne i.nnvuan cnurcn aim
two watchea also were taken. Burke and
Smith were euapected and arrested while
they were trying to leave town on a freight
train. Sheriff Her followed the train In an
automobile, overtaking tt and inducing the
engineer to atop until he and his assistants
could capture the men. The sum of fi2
waa round in tneir possession, cui
BFiTPtrF Th democrats of this city
met laat nlht and orcanlsed what Is to
be known aa the Beatrice Bryan club. A
constitution waa adopted, one section of
which stipulates that the Beatrice Bryan
club shall be supported solely by popular
subscription and no donations shall b
accepted rrom corporations or
amounts. These orncer were eircieu.
Virgil McGlrr. president; n. . wnrmtr,
vice president; E. J. Shlnn. secretary; J.
W. McKlsslck. treasurer. W. F. Cramb.
editor of the Fairbury Journal and demo
cratic candidate for congressman from the
Fourth district, was present and addreased
the meeting.
ar Pil l, The Howard County Teacn-
ers' Institute began ita annual seaeian
Monday morning at tne nign scnooi ouuu
Ing. under the direction of County Super
intendent Vogt. and will remain In es
.1.. .11 thi week. There I already an
enrollment of about ninety and the num
ber will probably reacn 100. P"!"""
and effective cotr of Instructors has
been procured, being Pean Fordyce of the
state university. who Inatructs In
pedagogy; Miss K. LAiiy 01 ine rrru
mal. in charge of the primary work and
music, and Mis Carrie Jensen who con
ducts the work In several branchea. Mon
day evening a nice reception and enter
tainment was given to th teachers at the
Presbyterian church.
CAIRO Threshing has been In progress
here for some time and some fair yield
have been received on both wheat and
oats J. L. Tltterlngton. who leasee a
large farm, owned by John Dergans. a re
tired farmer of this place, raised and
threshed out tl.SiO worth of wheat and
oats from one quarter section of land,
there also being a few acres taken out by
I -L-Jr Thi. L.rt of land was bought
a few "yeara ago by Mr. irn
13 00. OtSher people are doing equally
well, though few have .0. large - body
of grain together. The ralne o
week or ten oayv. "s"l-."-'r ',.
of great benefit t othe corn and PfO'Slf
are good for a big crop of this grain
Altogether the farmer ar having a very
profitable year.
Owe Thlaw Dahlsaaa Dwea t Mo-
epallae Chair He Waa
Elected te Fill.
A new mayor every day In the week
That is the record in Omaha.
U B. Johnson, president of the council
was actlnar mayor Monday.
James C. Dahlman. th truly elected
msvor. officiated Tuesday.
Jeff W. Bedford, temporary president of
the council, held down the boards weanes
Mayor Jim was in Texas on Monday and
Mr. Johnson acted as mayor In hie atead,
but abdicated in favor of Mr. Dahlman
.h.n he returned Tuesday. Wednesday
Jim headed the Jim delegation to Lincoln
and Mr. Johnaon headed the Jack dele
gation to the capltol city and this left the
way clear for Mr. Bedford to sit upon the
throne, which he did with ail dignity,
handing out clgare-whether Us own or
Jim's he did not say with magnanimity.
Acting Mayor Bedford (and It was the
first Urn In the two yeara he ha been
on th council that h haa had the chante
to wield the acepter) Issued no pro
clamation. grntd no pardons, listened to
no petitions and did no official act during
hla short reign other than algn a few
salary warranta. which his two pre
deceaaors In the two preceding days had not
found the time to do,
"I am just here to loaf around and b
on hand In case a riot should break out."
said His Honor in explaining hla easy
existence, while safely ensconced In the
big office chair in the innermoat sanctum
of the office of the chief executive of
Take Waralsg.
Don't let stomach, liver nor kidney
trouble down you. when you can quickly
down them with Electric Bitters. fcv.
Beaton Drug Co.
aye "Let Repablleaaa Fight Oat Per
seeal Rights la Their Owa
"Republicans of foreign nationality,
whether they be Germane. Bohemians,
Swedes or Danes, will make the fight for
personal liberty right In the ranka of the re
publican party, not withstanding the claims
of certain democratic politicians to the con
trary." aald George Anthes, secretary of
the Personal Rights league during the first
prohibition campaign and now a candidate
for the republican rcmination for state
Mr. Anthea was speaking of democratic
claima to the solid foreign-born vote on ac
count of threatened hoatlie legislation and
he said be had been making quite a canvas
of the state and drew his, conclusions from
what he had obeerved In the state.
'While the great majority of foreign-
born republicana arv utterly opposed to
the propoeed county option bill advocated
by the Autl-Baloon league, they stand
ready to fight out thia and similar meas
ures la their own party in preference to
delegating this mission ro the democrats
for them to make political capital of. No
party has a monopoly on. ncr la the sole
custodian of the liberties of the people and
we know from past experience that the
republlcaa party Is In every way qualified
to deal wisely with thia subject and that
eur own wishes will have far mora eon
etdereUon than tf advocated through the
opposition. Te sum up In a nutshell, we
are aot rad to frcil eur UrlbrtatU far a
mesa of pottage.''
Federal Leader Ordered Bonfires for
Confederate'! Yint Born.
Wider f Ssstkera Oearral Wh Leg
Faaseae Charge at Gettysburg
Speaks ta Graad Araav
Mrs. George E. Pickett, widow of the
late confederate general. George E. Plcktt.
leader of th famous chsrge of Pickett's
division at the battle of Gettysburg, de
livered an a lress last evening at the Ben
son Grand Army reunion grounds on the
"Battle of Gettysburg."
"I did not become th bride of General
Pickett until shortly after the battle of
Gettysburg," said Mrs. Tlckett in sn Inter
view yesterday afternoon. "though
I waa familiar with every detail of the
battle from hla reports and Icttera. Gen
eral Pickett d,ed eleven years after the
war. We have one son. who is named
after his father. He Is now a major In th?
Vnlted Ptatea army, connected with the
paymaster's department and Is on duty at
tke Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. He has
served also In the Philippines snd It Is a
pride to me to know that when th op
portunity offered h proved himself worthy
of his father.
Graat Paya a Trlhate.
"Major Pickett, our son. was born July
17, 1S61. at Richmond. At that time you
will remember General Grant bad begun
the investment of Richmond and the two
armies were pretty close together. While
on his road to Richmond to see his boy.
General Pickett, who was very popular
with the army, was constantly con
gratulated by his soldiers and officers and
some of them built bonfires In honor of
the event. These bonfires attracted the at
tention of General Grant, who asked the
cause. Being told that General Pickett
was thus being congratulated over his new
son. General Grant remarked, 'Put a match
to some of the brueh heaps along out front
there In honor of Pickett's boy.' Iter a
set of baby silverware was sent through
the lines to our house with the donors
names attached to a card and the most expression of congratulations. The
signers were General Phil Sheridan. Gen
eral Meade and other old friends and West
Point classmates of my husband.
'I think I am one of the few widows of
confederate generals now living. Mrs.
Stonewall" Jackson is still living. She Is
quite aged and Is extremely bright and
vivacious for her years. She has a most
charming personality and she and I enjoy
a very dear and close personal acquain
Cordially Greeted la Narth.
'Everywhere I go I find that the bitter
ness of the was has completely vanished.
The Grand Army of the Republic and the
wives and daughters of union soldiers, ex
tend to me that same 'cordiality that come
from the confederatea. I love to meet
them. Thete Is a fraternity of sympathy
between those who passed through that
mighty struggle of nearly halt a century
ago, both north and south, that grows with
the years and which none hut they can un
How strongly this was manifested at
Appomattox, when General Sheridan, who
waa a claas mate of General Pickett, asked
him to be his guest snd entertained him
with the aiucereet hospitality for the day
or two following until the terms of the
dispersal of the confederate army could be
arranged. Only a short while before they
were engaged In the most deadly conflict.
and within a few short hours were renew
Ing the friendships of former years, and
were again boys at the historic old academy
at West Po)n, forgetting and forgiving
and cementing anew a friendship that only
ceased with my husband's death."
During the day Mrs. Pickett was visited
by a number of Grand Army men and aev
eral confederate veterans now 11 vine in
Omaha. A delegation of women of both
the Union and Confederate Auxiliary aaso
clations called upon Mrs. Pickett during
the ' afternoon.
Majer McCarthy Slays Report of Epi
demic at Casap Craw far
Is Mot Trae.
Major D. E. McCarthy, chief quarter
master. Department of the Missouri, and
chief quartermaster of the provisional di
vision at the army maneuver camp 01
Camp Emmet Crawford. Wyoming, stepped
in Omaha enroute to Evanaville. Ind..
where he waa called by the death of Mra.
McCarthy's mother.
Major McCarthy enters an emphatic de
nial ot the report that any considerable
sickness prevails at Camp Emmet Craw
ford, either of typhoid fever or any other
ailment. Neither haa there been any
deatha there, as indicated by some of the
! press dispatches from illness or any other
"A number of caaea of dyaentery srew
out of the change of water," aald Major
McCarthy, "but these are very slight and
none of the victims have succumb d to the
ailment, nor are there any serious ceei of
sickness at the camp. On the other hand,
the health of the command is exceptionally
Caa'd Haa Good Day at the
of tke Marriage Llceaae
June It not the only month when people
like to get married. Wednesday morning
at the fftce of Charles Pursy, marriage
license clerk, thirteen couples presented
themselves for permission to assume the
holy bonds of wedlock, and in the after
noon three more. This ia about three
time ss many as usual per day. They were
young people, most of them, gathered from
Omaha and suburb, but oae man hsd come
all the way from Missouri to meet his
bride, another from Wyoming, and one
couple came almost M0 miles. Harry King.
who took a license to marry Miss Ethel
Hennon of South Port, Ind.. came from
Hubert. Minn. Judge Leelle performed the
ceremony for John Bly and Susie FaJsnlck
of Omaha and for Luther W. Lingner and
Eunice M. Harle of Gretna.
Twenty Mlaatea Oaly Reejolreel to
Wlsi I p All the OBelal
Just twenty minutes was consumed by
Judge Crawford In disposing of the police
court caaea Wednesday morning, which,
according to the old habitues of the court,
waa one of the shortest seaalons in yeara.
One of the wlta attributed the lack of
police court business to the Influx of local
democrats Into Lincoln.
The police are making a persistent effort
to clean the town of street walkers, five
more of these women being arrested Tues
day night aad were all fined by Judge
By using the various department Of The
five Wast Ad page, IU gt teee retkltg
at saell exeaas
War against dirty bread...
Mrs. Harriett MacMurphy, in?.poetor of tho State
Food Commission, says there are 17.000 loaves of tlirty
bread each day put on tle market of Omaha.
Dirty flour won't
make clean bread.
The first basis of clean bread is clean flour. See that
your bakery uses
-Pride of Omaha
If you want to know for yourself that our flour is
clean as the new fallen snow, come to our mill and let us
show you the care taken by us to make clean flour. The
wheat is thoroughly washed before it is ground and no
human hand touches it after it enters our mill. The mill
is as clean as a Dutch kitchen.
The sign in a bakery, "This Bakery Uses Updike's
Pride of Omaha Flour," is the best guarantee of clean
flour for tlean bread.
Sixteenth and Charles Streets, Omaha, Neb.
Burlington's Midnight Pro -St. Joe
Bate Jmt Discovered.
laeartked by Shippers at Last la
Their Excltesaeat Over the
Hew TarlS of the "treat
Discovered! (Accent on "die," ala Stage.)
Probabilities of a "grain rate war" aa
a result of the new Great Weetern tariff
are apt to come to a sudden end by all
roads issuing similar tariffs, or became
more aggravated by their refusal to do so,
since the discovery that for almost two
years the Burlington line haa had a simi
lar tariff in effect for the benefit of Bt.
Joseph and Omaha grain shippers have
never known it until Wednesday morning.
The Great Western threw some of the
railroads into spasms and caused more war
to be predicted than Richard Pearson Hob
eon ever dared dream of by filing last
week tariffs to equallxe ratee between
Omaha and Chicago and Omaha and St.
Paul on gratn coming west of the Missnirt
river. The r.ew rates vary from t to 10
cents, the former charges being 11 and 11
It amounted simply to the Great West
ern giving a large number of towns west
of the river on the Burlirgton and Mis
souri Pacific lines an opportunity to ship
the grain to Omaha, have It stopped on a
market which haa been paying the high
est prices for com and wheat, and for
warded to Chicago or &t. Paul, the Great
Weetern agreeing to take the little end of
the rate.
When the Great Western Issued the tariff
the Burlington rail rod had nothing to say
no objection to make or other threat of
a rate war.
This led some of the curious to look
around a little and their sleuthing was re
warded by the discovery that the Burling
ton had issued, almoet two years ago. one
of the "midnight" tariffs, giving St. Joseph
the benefit of the same kind of a rate
which fpo Great Western haa Just, given
to Omaha.
Whethfr the Burlington will 'now lasue
a tariff meeting the Great Weetern rate
and other lines follow suit, or the Burling.
ton and Great Western be compelled to take
a stand against all competitors. Is a mat
ter of conjecture both wlfh railroad men
and grain dealera. It is almost certain that
the Burlington will be asked to lssu
tariffs equalising the ratea from Omaha
to Chicago and Bt. Paul on shipments
originating weat of the Missouri river, the
sa-ne aa the Great Western road has done.
Fake Repaete Dealed.
Reports published Wednesday that the
Great Western would cancel the tariff Oc
tober i are denied by both the Great West
ern and the grain dealers. General Agent
C. E. Ellis of the Great Western said he
had received no official notice about- the
cancellation. He htd heard from ao'meone
that the grain dealers of Omaha had re
quested that the rate be cancelled. Secre
tary E. J. McVann of the Grain exchange
said he had heard nothing of gra.'n dealera
making sjch a request.
Vialoa of the Wyomlaaj Tawa la View
of Proeese of Treatlas; Ore
la tke Moaatalae.
Laramie haa a bright vision of a large
reduction Iron works within Its borders aa
a result of the new process for removing
titanic acid from the ore In Iron mountain
and preparing vast quantities of this ore
When soup and gravy
are smooth and rich and
delightfully flavored, you
may rest assured they
were thickened with
Two of America's most famous cooks,
Janet M. Hill and Alice Cary Waterman,
say that Kingsford's Oswego Oyn Starch
is invaluable for improving the delicacy
and palatabtlity of the finest dishes. It
stands first, highest, best; the most
uniformly excellent corn starch on
the market. Read what these two
cooks say in
Tt,4Al leeifc aad Caeelaf Eclpc
Sent free on request.
Grocers, pound packages, 10c
T. KRorcn i ssi. enrm. i. r.
aTaasat Ha
for commercial purposes. The process was)
recently discovered In Germany and ! pro
nounced entirely practicable. The Union
Pacific recently tested several carloads of
this ore and .the test was satisfactory.
This leads the busfViess men of Laramie ta
believe a great reduction plant may be
erected there.
Oae Thoaeaaa si Them Released
from Jaak Heap Are
Councilman Bedford baa succfeed in get
ting the diacaided gasoline lamps released
from the Junk heap In the basetnent of the
city hall and wishus to let. rcsidenta In th
outlying districts know that they can have
a many of the old lamps aa they want
merely for the asking. There are over
l.l of the old lumps and most of them are
In perfect condkion. It is impossible to
place arc or gas lamps at every corner,
es-ccially in the suburb;, where the mains
have not as yet been laid. People living
In these localities can erect one of tile
gasoline lamps for their own conveuience.
though they must furnish the gasoline. Mr.
Bedford says he believes there will be
many calls for the old lamps, though he
dots not think the people will keep them
burning every night. His Idea is that when
the householder goes down town at night
he wi:i first light hia lamp to guide him
on his way home.
Raaaor Has It that Dlaaa-reemeat
May Arise at Probating;
of Will.
George J. Wilson of Dallas. Tex, and
John II. Hill of Carthage. 111., nephew and
brother of the late Lew Hill, are In Omaha
for the probating of the Hill will, which
occurs Thursday before Judge Leslie. The
other heirs at law who will receive a share
of the property from the special adminis
trator, Juhn II. Hill, Jr.. are James H. Hill
of Sidney, Shirley Wilson of Sidney and
Miss Elisabeth Siioll ot Carthage. They
have not yet arrived. The LCO.OO estate
will be divided equally among the heira
after a period of several years.
There have been some rumors of a pos
sible contest, but no definite action has
been taken in that direction. Some of the
heirs, including James II. Hill of Sidney,
filed a petition resisting the appointment
of John H. H:ll, Jr., as spr-lal adminis
trator, but as he was named in the will aa
executor the protest was overruled.
Are Tea
la Doabt Wkrre to Spend
Year Vaeatloa f
The Grand Trunk Railway System
(double track) offers the choice of many
delightful resorts. Special low round-trip
fares to many of them. If you will advise,
how much you have to spend for railroad
fare, a publication describing attractive
routea to the sections you can reach, to
gether wtih fares, will bo sent you. Geo.
W. Vaus. A. (J. P. & T. A.. Vi Adam
St., Chicago.
A Wllhelin
Branches Oat,
having bousht the t ntiie '.o k of O.l
lins Hoasiip Car;t company of Dei
Moines. 'Thete ROvd eonMst of carpe.a,
rugs, lace curtains and purtl'res. which
were bought far below th market value.
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet company will
offer part of this stock for saU on Mon
day next at a; pries less than any
ever made in Omaha. Note our window
on Thursday. Be Sunday tapers for
prices. '
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. 12 George B.
Ij.ngan. Jr.. city editor of tne Kansas City
Piar; Floyd It. S .: t of I'.iK S'.ar s edi'orial
department and formerly of St. Joseph.
Mo., and M. '. Nolan, a rumber of I lie
Automob'lf club of Kanui lily, left here
early today for an uverlaaid trip in their
machine to D nver.
a Sixty-six a
I Years
H Superiority.