THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1908. f Want - ads Advertisement for the want a eolnmn will be tike til ia ea. (or the rTrnint edition, anal natll . for tke mora Ins aad Bandar edition. Casta tnnt accompany all ordera for want ad and n advertisement will b aeeepted far lea thai lO cent for Mrst Insertion. Hate apply to either Tba Dally or Bandar Dee. Always eoaat ls word to a line. Combination of laltlal or nambera eoaat a oaa word. CASH RATE FOR WANT ADS. R ECILAH CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, per line, lO rents. Two or more consecutive Insertion, per line, ! cents. Kaeh Insertion made on odd dars, 10 rents per line. 1.60 per line per month excepting; that BIRTHS AID DEATHS. Births-Karl T. Salender, 2039 Spring street, loy; laaac Erickson. 118 Nortli Twenty-third street, boy; Henry Truelscn, , Twenty-fourth and Fort streets, boy; II. J. i Phnnky, 1 South Twenty-aeventh afreet, loy; Joseph Varna, 302 PopU-ton avenue. . Imy; Harry Gorman, 1JIW South Twtnty seventh street, boy; Fred Goodrich, 60S Ittouth Twentieth street, girl; Stephen, Bosl ' lnvle. 1412 South Twelfth street, arirl; John ' Kolar, 1412 South Fifteenth street, girl; Gltiseppl Rosano Faiiculllo, 1112 South KlL'hth street, girl; Vincent Arrthonia Ran tluzzo. 14 South Eleventh street, atlrl ; Michael Halev, 2312 South Hevenlh street, i girl; Max Nlppell. Rose Hill, girl; Everett Aluliatt, 3338 Corby street, girl. Deaths Morris 1.. Hurt, Swedish hospital, f!4 years; Peter Mancuso, 28 years; Edward , Ollbert Hicks, 319 Hickory street, 4 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Name and Address. Age. Sylvester S. Carlon, Omaha 24 Esther Wallander, Omaha 21 1 Herman W. Marquardt, Lyons 24 .Winnie Stephens, Lyons 19 ANNOUNCEMENTS HOME-MADE wine, ti yeara old, $1 per gallon; 90c with this advertisement. Cack Uy Bros., 121 Is'. 16lh St. (1) M514 A16 SIGN PAINTING-3. las. II. Cole, 1302 Doug-(D-3W WANTED Bids on concessions for amuse ments and refreshments for Labor day plinle. Address all bids to H. H. Farmer, 4J03 Commercial Ave. (1 M1S7 12 THH CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th und Leavenworth Sis. Tel. Douglas 13t7. (1) 301 MERRY-GO-ROUND and other amuse ment features wanted for 3 days' festival of Westllcher Klngerbund at Omaiia, 6, 6 and 7. Address proposals to A. F. .Mertens, chairman of committee, South bmaha. (D-M222 13x AUTOMOBILES Do you know that there Is a garage open until 12 o'clock where there la an Al me-i-hanlc a your service- Leave your ma I'l.lno at ti p. m., and have a Slormberg ciubtireior fitted and ready for you when i,i- call next morning. HARRIS' OILS, llOIJMAN'3 AUTOMOUILBd aid STROM HE11U Carburetors. ; BKiCK P. KUHN, 'Phone Doug. 2163. Opposite Library. (2) M76i SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DER1GHT, 1S1K Farnam. (2) 221 THREE One ton commercial "automobiles, puces i&M. ts and i..w. Apply W. b. Balduff, 1622 Farnam St. (2) 116 RAiMP.LKR-SO-H. P. Touring car. Must hell ill once. Bargain. Address. P-736, caie Bee. (.') M2I 18 MI'ICIIELL runabout, l'.'4)& model, almost itsw, cum vi.vro. aiua Hen m once. An di tf.:i S Kit. Bee. -') M743 Sept 8 BARTER AND EXCHANGE fOH llALc; UK tAl.n.V.(iK-io. SU2, an su-acii imm. 14 limes Irum Paetula, Ben muni), suuiu L.OKOU; jo acres laiuer juinvation; 40 acres of timber; house, burn, granary, cmctcen house, v.ajuu siied, ice huue; some farm tools, Price 13,0(10. Will give small discount for ian or will exchange lor stock of mer chundlse or hotel. No. 673 A first-class patent cultivator and harrow. It ia first-class money-making p.-opositlon If pushed. Price $3,000. Will exchange for good land and pay 31,000 cash. Alignt assume up to ja.ouo Incum brance, GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. 812 S. 18th St., Omaha. 13)-MS13 12 FOR SALE or exchange for good land, good, clean wholesale millinery at lo ert prices, in amounts to suit purchaser. This Is not trading stock, shclfworn ra tal! goods, or culls. Address Y 47, care Bee. (3)-MS07 12 WILL exchange my fsrm of 160 acres, 85 miles due south o. Kansaa City; no bet ter farm In eastern Kansas; all fine, rich prairie land, well Improved and close to town. Would consider stock of merchan dise. Dell Gregory, Fulton, Kan. (3 M992 14x BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business ot property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBt, LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA. NEB. (4)-M538 A17 TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. Room 4"J Bee Bldg. (4)-302 3130 BL'YS 6-room rooming house; rooms pay rent, water, light, besides 3 living rooms. Apply 16n9 N. 24th St. Telephony Independent B-190i (4) M399 FURNITURE lease snd fixtures for sale; a money maker. Hotel Grand, Harring ton, Neb. (4) M433 Auglt WII.L deposit money In your bank; guar antee you 3250 monthly on 3uU0 Invest ment. Missouri Specialty Co.. Omaha, Neb. (4) M4S0 ASOx DRUG store fur sal everywhere. KnlegL N. Y. L. Bldg. (4)-303 BEALED bids for the erection of a school building at Cretna. Neb., will be received by secretary, based upon plans and speci fications on file on August 6 with th sc Jeury of Gretna and the Builders' and Traders exchange, Omaha. Bids to rea.-h Secretary by 3 p. m.. August 15. 11-On. Certified check for 2 per cent of amount of bid required. Right to reject any or all M is reserved. E. 6. Nlckerson. tt retary, Gretna, Neb. (4) MSi9 12 WE WANT A COMPETENT STATE MANAGER AT ONCE. HE WILL HH HIS OWN BOSS AND DO OFFICE WORK ONLY. POME MONEY RE gl'IRUD. WE FURNISH EVERY THING. 33) N. Y. LIFE BLDG. 4)-M226 FlR SALE Bakery, confectionery, soda fountain, Ice cream buainees. A bargain. If taken soon. Address, Lock Box 111, Manning. Ia. (4) M209 17x COR SALE Account poor health, good pay-lt-sT meat market. Building for rent. P. 1 Boveus, Plainvlew, Nob. 14 MSu 14 MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sale In car lots. A. G. (illbe.t. Council Bluffs, Is. (41-M340 DRUG STORE FOR SALE Clean stock of drugs, new fixtures; town of 760; east ceiural Nebraska. All right In every way. R-.ixy doctor with the etore; will stand dote investigation. Addresa Y-62, care O'lHilia Bee. 4 M1T5 13x 12-ROOM furnished flat for sale, in heart of ilty. K. E. Brown at Co.. Room 7. Live Sik. Bank Bldg., South Omaha, Neb. it) M152 RESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN SPECIAL TIES Photogravures, lithographs, but tons, watch fob, etc.. either republican or democrat. Write tor price Usl. Fonda Bros. A Co.. Omaha. (4 M2 15 DtiQiftjree DIRECTORY UUrflllb ' Judge C. T. Dickinson, 61 Paxton Block. . tit- BUSINESS DIRECTORY tContlnued ) Chiropodist. DIt. HOT. R. 1 1509 Firnrnn St. Doug. M97. lo t'reamerler. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (5)-307 Dentist. BAILET MACK. 3d fir. Pxton. D. 10J6. (6) Sct FlorUt. HESS ft BWOBODA. 141S Farnam Bt. (6 ni Detectives. CAPT. HAZE, 617 Karbach. Red 212. OMAHA detective agency. 118 8 15th; (B)-47 Doug. 2K6. Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney LADIES' tailor-made suits; summer gowns and shirtwaist suits. special anenuon given to out-of-towu customers. - 207 Old Boston Store Bldg. (5)-3U B23 Educational. CREIGHTON INSTITUTE. Pvstemalic elocution, voice culture and dramatic training. I'rof Harry C. FrancK, A. M. E. M. ; Prof. Harry C. Franck. Jr.. E. M., America's greatest clocution'sis. We cultivate the voice for speaking and sing ing fit one time. To know how to use the volcn Is good health. One course Is nil you need. Terms very low during the summer. A golden opportunity. City rernronees. ClasBes afternoon and evening. The Francks are organizing an All-Star Dram atic club. For further information, nave talk with the Francks Wednesday or Thursday, Creightnn Institute, at 3 or 8 p. m. (&) i-x Encyclopedias. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS at less than one-half rrice. New half morocco Americana. 718 N. Y. Life Bldg. (5) M8 A21 Financial. Money TO LOAN tOW RATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (5)-SU WE WILL LOAN you money on your furniture or piano at a very low, rensonsble rate. SEE US FIRST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade. 16th St. Entrance, (6)-313 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (5)-S Hotels. THE SCHLITZ. European, 18th and Harney. (5) 317 ST. JAMES, 416 S. 1.1th, American. 3L2S a day, 35 per week and up; bath. (6) 318 Moving- and Storing. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 214 N. 16th St., warehouse 2-07-9 Izard St. (5)-319 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. I Tel, D. KiS4. (6)-320 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas. 508 N. Y. L. Bldg. (6) 321 Ostrich name. BEAUTIFUL, heavy French droop ostrich plumes, 20 Inches long, 33.25, coat $7.60 In any store; 17-lnen plumes, 32.26, worth 3o. Address importers, mt Harney St., or 'phone Duug. 2288 and our agent will call and show them. Experienced agents wanted. (16) MS39 Office Supplies. OFFICE FURNITURE We have a com plete line of office fixtures, furniture, stationery etc. Give us a flal. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., 312 S. 18th St. Tela. Doug. 5562, Ind. A-2562. (6)-M535 A17 Rectal Dlaeaaes. PILES NO PAY TILL CURED. Examination or hooklot free. DR. E. R. TERRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha. (6)-Mo33 Safes, Shatters, Etc. Omaha Safe and Iron Works, makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, fiQp., 102 8. lotn Bt. (6)-324 riatlng. . GOLD, silver, nickel plating. Omaha Plat ing Co.. 1220 Harney. 'Phones Douglas 2636 and Independent A-Z636. WUZ Printing. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don t fail to see our imported line. Lyng stad & Jorva. printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. (6) EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and first-class work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 212 S. lSlh St. Tela. Doug. 6562. Ind. A -2562. (6) M536 17 Shoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Firet-clas work. 161ktt Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 94 (6) 325 SHOES repaired right; railed for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1SU4 arnam Bt. Tel. Douglas 7W7. (5)-8M Shorthand Reporter and Notary. F. 3. Sutrllffe, depositions. Douglas 1906. S28 Bee. Tel. (5) 327 Undertakers. WILLIS C. CROSBY. Ilrensed embalmer snd fuperal director. 15.4 N. 24th St. Tel Webster 47. (5)-7S7 62 Water Filters. MISSOURI water Howsrd St. filters. Huber, 1310 t6) M526 HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents aad Salesladies. TWO salesladies at onre; good pay equareaeai oitee t.o., vss tsrandeis. (7)-MS3 LADIES make $100 monthly, snare time only; pleasant occupation. Call 4SS Bran dels. (7) 202 Clerical aad Office. Three stenos., Remington, $6. Steno., to act as secretary, $40 and board and room. Good steno. and bookkeeper, $6-. WESTERN REF. BOND AKS'N.. INC.. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. en-toi ii WANTED Stenographer, SmitruPremler. $itf. $00. Address N 7M. care Bee. (7)-206 13 INVALID young man with mother, residing at Koine hotel, wants young lady stenog rapher, some experience, to help care for hlui; no experience aa nurse necessary. Good home. Call between 3 ar.d 6. room 149. (7) M188 12 Housekeepers and Domestic. SUITE of cool housekeeping rooms, every modern conveniences. 20: California St. (13) M960 15x W ANTED Girl, general housework, fam ily three. Good wages. Apply 295J Farnam St. (7) M232 18 WANTED A housekeeper for a big farm; no objection to one or two children. Ad dress Y -60, care Bee. (7) MSi Ux WANTED Competent girl for general housework: references required. 4. Dodge. Tel. Harney 174S. (7) 87t 14 WANTED Housekeeper without children, between 2.S and 36 year. T. Teller, Mc Cook, S. D. (7) M1S4 14x WANTED Girl for general housework no wkung; good wages. Apply TW N. 3Stu s J o-i HELP WANTED FEMALE , . Hoaaekeener and Domestic Coat'd DR. WEHTZ, dentist, th floor Paxton Blk, (7)-M7M OIRL for general housework: small family; no washing. 8313 Cuming 8t. (7 64 12 HELP. WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor aad Salesmen. WANTED Educated men and women, capable of earning 32.000 a year. Call 718 N. Y. Life. (9)-M827 A21 TOU can make 31,000 between now and November selling the New Bryan book; Just out; agents- outfit free; send loc for mailing. The Thompson Pub. Co., St. Louis, Mo. (9) 215 12x CIGAR SALESMEN wanted. In your local ity to rpnr.RHiil us: experience unneces sary: 1110 tier month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monroe Cigar Co., Toledo, onto. ti ii STOVE SALESMAN WANTED An expert- enced man to sell a complete line of stoves on commission In Omaha. L,ow prices and good quality. Address Y-63, care Bee. (9) Mil 3 16 AGKNTB WANTED Men or women to sell a high-grade household specialty. Best repeat order getter on the market. Par ticulars free. Power City Specialty Co., Haxelton, Pa. (9) M171 12x WANTED Men to act as salesmen and learn the real estate business. Street car fare paid. A. D. Butler, 1201 Farnam St. (9)-7C9 SALESMAN WANTED-43ell retail trade. 73 to 3176 per month and expenses or commission. Experience unnecessary. Hermlnxsen Cigar Co.. Toledo. O. (9) 165 lSx Clerical and Office. HIGH school boy for office, 18 year old. 130. Two bookkeepers, 375; two stenos. and bookkeepers, $16. Receiving and shipping clerk, $60. Specialty soap salesman, $160. Call or write for a complete list of va- canoies. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-200 11 WANTED Bookkeeper, to take position at once; must be experienced. Kepiy in own hand; state age and salary expected and city references. Address s 78(. Bee. (9)-M227-12 DRl'G clerk's position. Knlest, N. Y. L. Bldg. (9)-32 Factory and Tradea. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Positions quar- anteed: booklet free. Boyles College. Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. R. R. ' () 50 WANTED A horseshoer and all around blacksmith at once. Fred Ntssen, Beres- ford, S. D. (9) M779 12x WANTED Sober machinist operator; union man; scale $77; no transportation. Addresa Times, Twin Falls, Idaho. (9)-M220 14 WANTED Optical workman, edger or rim less man: state experience and salary ex pected. Address, Sioux City Optical Co., Sioux City, Ia. (9) M210 12 WANED Men to learn barber tfade; will equip shop for you or furnish positions; few weeks completes; constant practice; careful Instructions; tools given; diplo mas granted. Write for catalogue. Mohler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. (9) M860 13x HORSESHOER floor man; good wages. M. L. Tobln, Huron, 8. D. () Mtw lzx Boys. TWO bright boys; call 488 Brandels. () MIS38 Itscellaneoas. BOYLES SUMMER SCHOOL IS NOW OPEN. Students Admitted Any Day. Bonkkeenlng. Shorthsnd. Telecranhy and English, orricisi training scnooi union Pacific R. R. Telegraphy Dept. A postal gets full Information. Address tl. t. Boyles, Boyles Bldg., Oraiiia. (9) 331 WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able-bodied, unmarried men between agea of 18 and 3o, citizens of United Statea. of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak. read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. (9)-68S FREE employment dept. Business Men's Ass'n; no fees. Call 626 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) i31 W A VTIPH .Vftiin men 18 tlx XV for firemen I . ' - . . I and brakemen; so to $130 per montn; rapid promotion to eng neer and conductor at 3160 to $200. For particulars address Na tional Railway Training Ass n. 931 Centrsl Bldg., Kansas city, mo. () Mo2 i,x WANTED At once, man for wholesale wagon; must furnish bond . Alamlto San itary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam St. 49) 161 U SHINGLERS wanted at 34th and Wool- . worth Ave. Phone Webster 3006. (9) 193 12x WHEN writing to advertiser remember it takes but an extra stroke or two or the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. HARNES8. used as samples; will sell for the next thirty days at big discount. Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. (11) 7b is WANTED Use of a saddle horse for about two months; good csre taken and reason able sum paid. U Bt2, care Bee (18)-M903 12x ALL rubber tire surreys and buggies at cost. Omaha Buggy Co., 1116-17 Far nam. Doug. 2066, A-2066. (11) MBB( BOY'S pony cart, $15. Road wagon, rub ber tires, $3u. 1410 Jackson. til) 810 Bept6 LOST AND FOUND LOST 320, by working man on 16th and Farnam, Sunday ajternoon. Tel. Webster 2t77. (12)-158 llx LOST Alpha Delta Phi pin, tar and cres cent; name and college engraved on same. Reward for return to Charles I Saun ders. 211 8. 18th St. (12)-17 PHYSICIAN'S coupe, dress. 2004 N. 19th. almost new. Ad- (12) M186 17 LOST Sat rrday, between' South Omaha and Courtland Beach, bunch of key re turn to L. A. William, room 135 Ex change building. South Omaha. Reward. Phone Suuth 77. (12)-M177 13 1JST COW Grayish color, had halter with long rope. J. L. Baker. 624 Park Ave. Tel. Harney-2635. tl2)-M218 12 LOST Pocket book, between 19th and Amea and 33d and Meredith; contain money, watch, locket, necklace, etc.; watch and locket engraved. Finder please return sill but the money to 1916 Ame Ave. v (12)-169 12x LOST Japanese leather cardcase; con tains calling cards and money. Lost be tween 27th and S4th Bt.. on Fornam, or on 29th between Harney and Farnam St., between 3 and i p. m. Monday after noon. Reward for return to 444 Bee Bldg. (12) 204 12 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crrlghtnn Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Pho.n Douglas 1167. Calls answerea uy or u.n.. (13) 121 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or rite to the matron or me onvim Home for Women at 38-4 r. sttn t.. Omaha. Neb. 3 M&ta) WKHT nerve hrae for men. "Gray s Nerv Food I'llls, $1 a box. poaipsia. rnrnmn 4t McConncll Drug Co., Omaha. 0$)-W MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. P. O. NIKLRON ft CO., LOANS. T03 N. T. Lif Bldg. 'Prion Dong. Hot. ONcha ttcls, salary or note. 336 Bee Bldg. (14) M512 16 TOR VACATION MONET go to the old reliable loan head quarters, where you will get a fair, square deal and avoid publicity, you get a low, reasonable rate and pay for only the time you have the money. OMAHA MORTGAGE IX)AN CO., 11 Board of Trade, 16th St. Entrance. 14) 337 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Room. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas lfi-e. Bcnmouer at Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1413 Farnam. 116) 337 LARGE southeast front room; also single room; references required. 114 S. 19th SU (15) 340 SUMMER HOME; fine lawn; furnished rooms and board. 123 S. 26th Ave. (15) M121 II THE GEORGIA ROOMS ensulte, rooms single, rooms with private Datn; taoie board. 1044 h. zstn Bt. (15) M679 A18x VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15) 341 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16) m MODERN rooms with best board, $4 and up. 2539 California St. Tel. Doug. 6151. (161-198 17 Famished Rooma. TO RENT To a gentleman, front room. In strictly modern home; private family; no other roomers. 222 N. 24th St. (16) M140 16x THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 810 8. 27th St. (15) M228 14 FURNI8HED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooma do not fall to get our list. Cost you nothing. T. O. NIELSON & CO., RENTAI, AOTS., 7U3 is. 1. iue mag., rnone Doug. z-tM. (15)-M787 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing, mil cnerman Ave. (iio-MUt n VERY desirable front room; fine location; walking distance. 218 S. 26th St. (16) M130 15x NICE clean front rooms, neatly furnished; reasonaDie. jfliu sc. Mary s Ave. (16) M890 SeptS 71AST ROOM, strictly modern, electric light and telephone; suitable for a gentleman. Tel. Douglas 3837. 217 S. 26th St. (16) M660z LARGE front room; well furnished; mod ern, hi a. zotn Ave. wt) MH64 14x LARGE front room; modern; private fam ily; select neighborhood 131 N. 31st Ave. (15) 343 ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 8. 13th St. (16)-M833 FINE HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, $1.60 per week and up. Also rooms 25 and 60 cent per day. 1811 Chi cago St., and 406 N. 16th St., third floor. (15) M786 A20x DESIRABLE rooms reasonable. 218 N. 19th. (15) M719 Six NURSES' home, flat 4, Davldge block. (15)-848 8ept6x 2409 HARNEY, nicely furnished front room. (16)-192 26x Untarnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished, rooms. 1120 N. 17th SL (16) 790 au 3 unfurnished rooms'! modem. 1436 N. 20th. 1 (!5)-S72 14x FOUR large rooms: modern, 624 S. 26th Ave. (15)-20S 13 Apartment and Flat. 8-6 R. FLAT. Quivet. 19 Farnam. 8-6 r. flat, Scargo, 616H N. 24th. S. O. HAlvU 317 lrat National Bank. Red 7406. (15) 349 S-ROOM modern apartment In the Dun- sany, lotn and pierce, 2 per month. Conrad Young, Agt., 1518 Dodge. (15) 345 l-ROOM flat, modern, opposite Hanscom Park, $32. 'Phone 80. 7. U5)-M3 DL-KfW , 1 B ' . i . . -" ncm-Jimn'rn rmi, icm nuu ted aparimeni. ai in jvo. inn or., ti w P' er month: neat $10.00 extra. A-No. 1 refer ences required. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge atreet. (16) 163 THREE CHOICE FLATS. Six large rooms, full modern, hardwood finish, new, done up; gas ranges, shades, steam heat. Best In city at $25, $28 and $30, summer rate. Better than houses or flats at $15 to $36 more. Must be seen to be appreciated. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. (15) 191 15 NEW 7-room modern flat, 606 N. 2oth St.; large reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor, and all rooms except kitchen finished in oak; second floor has four large bedrooms and tile bath: basement Is cemented and la divided for laundry room, vegetable cellar, coal blna and furnace room. Conveniences are gas and electric light, furnace, screens, window shades, eras rsnsje and got hot water heater. Rent. $50 per month; owner pays water rent. Haatlngs A Heyden. 1704 Farnam St. Ask for rental department. (161-190 11 Housekeeping Rooms. 3 ROOMS furnished, modern. 216 N. 23d. (16) M154 16x LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 218 N. 19th, SUITE of cool housekeeping rooms, every modern convenience, aco i anromia at (161 M950 16x TWO nicely furnished rooms; modern: rea sonable. 815 n. 18th 8t (lo) 199 12 Hons and Cottages. FOR RENT -room cottage, lln. 25(77 Frank (16)-545 7-ROOM modern house, 2703 California St. Tel. Douglas S. tu) 4U SIX-ROOM all modern, except furnace, Small family. 2638 Davenport St. (16)-M44 FOR RENT 8-room modern, east front best location In the city. -' a montn. aq dress R. 8. Hyde. 417 N. 2oth St. 'Phone after 6 p. m., Douglas 302o. (la) ,86 P EVEN-ROOM cottaae at 2414 Caldwell St Modern except neat, nair uioca irom car line. Knaulre at 3J1S v easier si., or leie phone Ind. B-1621. tl5)1001-15x 2967 PACAF1C ST. 9 looms, modern, oak finish $40. A. G. tinea, ouz uee mag. U6 3 FOR RENT 11-room modern nous. J511 Pierce Mt.. one D ock irom -'tin di, a line, inquire on premises or ii rwmie, 13ol 8. 25th Ave. (15) M125 FOR RENT 3 cottagea at 40th St. and Grand Ave.. is.60 eacn. ano owner cares for water: on car line: 6 rooms and Datn new and modern except heat. Inquire o Frank Stirling at 1011 N. 33d St. (15I-M217 14x FOR RENT Modern brick house on Far nam St.. seven rooma and reception nan $16 per month. Wm. Dickey Reed. 421 N. Y. Life Bldg. 416) M221 14 6-ROOM, partly modern. 2016 Grace St., $16 l-room. modern, except heat. Mil epauia Ins. $30 00: l-room. all modern. 2107 Bout loth St.. $37.60 and water rent; 7-room, second floor, 1104 North 24th St., modern. ictDt hest. 115.00: 4-room house and barn. 4) William St., In rear. $14; 6-rooms, modern, except hest, 4309 Seward St., ISO. Chris Boyer. 2Zd and Cuming bis. IIW 411 HOUSEHOLD goods, packed, forwarded i cheap rreigm rates; moving ana storms. pressmen Delivery Co. 11- i"u 11BJ OFFERED FOR RENT Hoaaea and Cottage Contlaaed. FOR RENT Two excellent, modern, fur nished rooms for housekeeping; 'phone In house. 2674 Harn.y St. (1S)-M948 2S22 REES 8t . 4 rooms, 3. 14H South Fifth St.. 4 rooms, 311. 4174 Cass, ( rooms, modern but heat, t-6. BEMI8, PAXTON BLOCK. U5 o DR. WERTZ. dentist, 4th floor Paxton Hlk. (lb M766 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) J50 l-ROOM strictly modern house; extra fine heating plant: beautiful atreet; gooa neighborhood. In walking distance. M. J. Kennard A Co., 310 Brown Block. (15) M644 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., Pack, move, etore H. H. goods. Storehouse, 11J0-Z4 N. 19th, office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. ll9. (161348 1317 8. 27TH. 3 rooms, partly modern, 317.60. llaller, 641 Paxton. Tel. Douglas w,7. (16 M623 HOUSES, l'lats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Fnrnam. (15) i MAGGARD VAN & STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee movlrg pianos. H. M. goods. (16) 364 TTnTT3'P,5 I" all rarts of the city iJ.V-UOIliO Crelgh Sons A Co., Bee ldg. (13) 465 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. I Bldg. (15) 3o6 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. good repair, east front, desirable neigh borhood, 1306 Georgia Ave., $45 per month. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge St., telephone Douglas 1571. (15) 791 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-847 MODERN 8-rcom house. 1121 Park Ave. (16) 846 12x FOR RENT Modern house, 6-rooms, be sides large reception hall and bath. 2412 Burt St., $30.00. Apply to H. B. Boyles owner. Tel. Doug. 1984; Ind. A-8632. or call at Boyles college. (lo) 106 FOR RENT All modern house, 7 rooms, be sides large reception hall and bath, east front, facing Central boulevard, which is 175 ft. wide at that point; No. 712 No. 27th Ave., close to two car lines very desir able, $35.00. Apply H. B. Boyles, owner, Tel Doug. 1984, Ind., A-3532, or call at Boyles college. (15) 155 FOR RENT-Sept. 1, 6-room house, all mod ern; nice lawn, inquire I. a so. sun tt. Tel. Harney 8154. Uo)-167 16 FOR RENT 7-room, modern house, near Hanscom park, $24. 'Phone Harney lSoi. (lb) 196 Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, S. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (16)-M677 TWO front offices on second floor of Con servative Bldg., 1614 Harney St.; oak fin ish, gas and electric light, steam heat, Janitor service. Hastings Heyden, 1704 Farnam Bt. Ask for rental department (15) 189 11 Stores. SCAROO BLK.. S. O.-New. 620 N. 24th. HALL, 317 First National Bank. Red 7406. tlt SDB FOR RENT Large office room In Crounse Blk., opposite postofflce, on 16th Bt. ( on rad Young, 1518 Dodge St. (15)-M183 Front office, Wead bldg., 18th ind Farnam. (15) 359 SECOND FIXJOR FOR RENT Outside en trance; suitable for retail business. King ley Mdse. Co., 1417 Douglas, near 15th and Douglas. (16) M521 Wi WAREHOUSE For Rent Space In building located In wholesale district, witn tracgage at rear of building and electric elevator. Address W 225. Care Bee- 15) 172 OFFERED FOR SALE Knraltnre. FOR SALE Household furniture. Includ ing oak dining room and bed room sets, handsome French walnut bed room set, leather rockers, etc., 2616 St. Mary's Ave. (16)-M896 15x NEW household furniture for sale cheap. Apply 1616 HO. 26th Bt. (lt 162 16 Pianos, Organs, Maslcal Instraments. $500 PIANO; Preseott Mahogany Upright, $200 cash. U. Miner, oju o. inn Ave. (16) 263 A26X Typewriters and Sewing Machines. TYPEWRITER Cheap for Cash. We have a Remington machine, No. 146.560, which we would like to sen. it nas Deen used a short time and Is In good condi tion. Ask to see this at The Bee office, 17th and Farnam Bts. ubi msji TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Kxcnange, i07 mar nam. (16)-M407 A28 FOX TYPEWRITER, No. 127420; only used short time and in A No. 1 condition; for sale at very reasonable price. Call for WrlCut at Bee office, 17th and Farnam. (16)-S93 Mortgagee. WELL secured second mortgage of $1,500 on 720 acres, for sale at a figure that will net Investor 8 per cent. The first secured mortgages combined will make a loan of less than $5 per acre on farm. Mills County Abstract Company, Glenwood, Ia. 110) 1SI II Bllacellaneoas. Elevator for Sale For pale, second-hand Eaton & Prince hand elevator, complete platform about 4x5; can be used in a building 60 feet high. This elevator is first-class in every respect and will be sold cheap, IJEK BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam. (16I-M229 FOR SALE Several handaome marble man tela; together with grates and tiling; theae are In perfect condition; will sell at very small price. R. W. Baker, Room 106 Bee Bldg. (16)-M124 2-3 RUCKER & WESTON news cases and standa for sale cheap. Call at Bee office, Omaha. (16) 193 ICE. ICE, MINNESOTA ICE In car lot. A. G. Gilbert, Council Blurts, ia. (16)-M374 SHERIFF'S sale of unclaimed household goods. Omaha Van Htorage Co., ll-K N )9tn St., August o ana Ja. uw-i in FOR BALE: One steam laundry washing machine, two pocaei luu-sniri capacit and 126 and 60; one Troy body Ironer. Is Inch roll: one neckband and cuff Ironer one Gem mangle. 36-inch roll, with Iron table. Gaa or gasoline. At very low fig ure. 2916 Cuming St. (it Mia ui SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. bet mixed paint. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co. (16) $61 SOME first class laundry machinery for sale cheap. G. F. Ullie, Tekaman, rnei (16) 44 a v vn us vour mall orders for drugs freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (io mm DRTJGB at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue rree. pnerman , McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (lCV-Wl HALL'S safes, new, Ihand. 1318 rarnanv tie) m OFFERED FOR SALE Mlaeellaaeeas Contlaaed. HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., Wn nd Dodge Sts.. Omaha, Neb. (101 366 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke Collender. 407 S. Wh St. (161 S5 FOR SALE Roller-top desk; also filing case. 648 nee Bldg. Tel. l.-s. (16I-M219 14x WIRE CABLE. We have a lot of wire cable, suitable for light work, to sell at a bargain. Apply The Bee Building Co., 17th and Farnam. (16 M230 r.OnO OF GRETNA school district bonds for sale August 15. rite for statement. P. J. Langdon, Treasurer, Gretna, Neb. (16) Mi8 12x A LOT of stone for coping, window and door sills; also rancv pressed brick, ror sale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. (161 1 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117. (17) 369 LARSON & CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. (17) 371 PATENTS THAT PROTECT-Three books for inventora mailed on receipt of 6." post age. R. 8. A A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-3 Psclflc Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1. (17) 370 PERSONAL f A 'M"iVTT", treatment and bath. Mme, iUAUlNriXAV emlth. 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. (18) 627 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24tu. Tel. Webster t69. (18 372 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In feet, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11 St., for cost of collection, to tha worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 413a and wagon will call. (18) 785 A HOME for women during confinement. W e. find homes for babies where motners cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 40K Bancroft St- 'Phone Douglas 1921. (18) 365 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut E rices. Send for free catalogue. Alyers Ullon Drug Co.. Omaha. (IS) 373 MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, 620 S. 16th, Flat 6. 'Phone Douglas 6046. (18) M838 S6x OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18) it f A CQ A CIV Weltmer, suggestive JUAOOAUrj ThrpeuUci, 120 8. 16th St. Old Boston Store, Room 306, 4th floor. (IB) til 3-4 AiW DR. WERTZ, dentist. 6th floor Paxton Blk. (i) aiioo YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strarjgers are Invited to visit the xoung Women's Christian association rooms, 161s Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATES DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. (19) Si5 GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. (19) 376 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. (18 3i7 THORPE ft SON. 611 Paxton. Douglas 767. (13) 4l AZ8 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. SPECIAL One of the finest vacant corner lots In the West Farnam district at a sacrifice If sold this week. Owner has an exceptional opportunity to reinvest the money. Bee us at once, if you want a bargain. J. H. DUMONT & SOX, Phone Douglas 690. 1605 Farnam St. O9)-205 11 Investments 7,250 Five houses, one 8 rooms and the rest 4 or 6 rooms, water, sewer and gas In each, east front, corner lot. In St. John's parish, near Crelghton college, and. one block from Harney - car. Rents $972. This makes a splen did home and Investment. I 4,000 Two- houses near 26th and Cuming one 11 rooms ana one s rooms. Paved street. Rents $516. All in perfect repair. Buyer can live ir. one and rent the other. 115.000 Best down town vacant corner. On two car lines, splendid place ror stores and flats, two blocks irom Hotel Loyal. 840.000 Brick building, covering full city lot, 66x132. only hair block rrom Court House. This property Is well rented and had $16,000 spent on It In remodeling within 2 years. In come ajid value will double In few vears. 8 6.500 Good 6 per cent mortgage on Inside property, one block irom court House and Cltv Hall. $ 3,900 Good 7 per cent mortgage on 320 acres improvea, nowaro. coumy farm, 2s miles from St. Paul. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam Bt. (19)-195 12 FOR HALE OR RENT Brick residence 21 rooms; extensive grounas; wanting distance; suitable for residence, hospital or club house. C. H. Brown, 407 Brown Bldg. UW DANDY 6-room cottsge; modern; Kountxe Plac. Phone owner, weDster lu.s. -verms, (19)-M520 A31 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 221 and Cuming Sts. (i) ttia modern nouse, ount i year; nat iincoin DOllievsru, Apijr bi yreiinnre. (19)-M178 16 REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1S56. Prompt service. Get our prices. 1,10 Bt (19) Sou 7-ROOM modern house on large corner lot, 26th and Rees Bts. ; room for three houses. N. Fenger, 618 Bee Bldg. Tel. Red 3167. (19) 834 21 X $18,000 Will buy brick business property rented for $2,400 a year. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Lite Bldg. (19)-49 REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1856. Prompt service. Get our prices, luu rarnam bl WANTED, 500 houses and lots to sell or rent. Have calls for more than we can furnish Globe Land & Investment Co., 312 South 18th St. (19)-M181 16 ACHE BARGAINS 81.2606 acres near Benson and close to new paved road. This Is th cneaptst 6 acre In Dougla county and we will buy any acreage closer to Omaha postoffice at the same price. We nave five, ten or fifteen acre in a body. $1,2604 acre near South Omaha at 46th ard county line; line east ana sruiu lope- W can aell five, ten or twenty acre In a body. $ 326 Acre lot at 44th and Harrison, only sio aown ana so a montn, only on or two lot left. 600-4 lots In 2d addition to West side a Min ana rierco ris. N. P. DODGE CO.. 1714 Farnam ft (19)-M18) 12 FINE new home, seven rooma all modern 33,5t. 301 N. tOtn AVI. lllj M10S Ux REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR HALS. (penuiiuoo) EAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST QQ. i CH AS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. (1?) S3 RF Al FSTATE FARM AJSD HANOI LAUD FOR ALR Canada. TRAMT1NG LAKE. Saskatchewan and Southern Alberta selected lanos, is to si per acre. Settlers secure farms on crop payment plan. Agents wanted. Writr Gundy Gundv, Dept. B, Union Bank Bldg., Winnipeg. (20)-8 Colorado. GOOD FARMING UND-Nur Denver. Greeley district; well 26 to 40 feet; abun dance of moisture; general farming, In cluding corn raising; . one crop pays for 'NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.l 662 Brandels Bldg. Omaha. Neh. (ZD) M COIiORAlK) COAL LAND. N. W. Sec. 4, Twp. 1 N., R. 67. near Dacona, $ an acre adjoining land Just sold for $70. Snap. Other properties. I K. MCLFORD, Sole Agt., 1631 Champa St., Denver. Colo. (30) M32 11 Mlsaonrl, 600 acres of timber lend. 6 Ooft feet of saw t'mber pe-" acre: 6 mile of railroad town, $6 per acre. Other lands. 1 A. Hudson, Hutton Valley, Mo. () M174 Ux FOR SALE 160 acres of well Improved land near Joplln. Mo., Is underlaid wttn sine and coal; will sell for $50 per acrs, cash, or will go In with responsible parties and organise company to develop coal and ore mines. Will guarantee coal and slno enough to make a big Invest ment to any Investor. Write for full par. tlculars. Globe Land A Investment Co., 312 8. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. (30)-M224 18 SIXTY GOOD FARMS FOR BALE In Car. roll cobnty. Missouri, price, $46 to $ !cr acre. Write J. H. Colllver for llsti at Tina, Mo. (20)-M311 17x .Nebraska. $50,000 In One Week This Is the amount of larfd we sold last week at North Platte, Neb. Every man Is satisfied that he has a bargain. Within the last ten days we have suc ceeded In placing on the market a num ber of other large tracts of land near North Platte, and have these now ready to nhow customers. We will conduct an excursion to North Platte every day this week. Irrigated lands sell from $36 to $t per acre; dry farming land from $15 to $30. Write, wire or telephone us when and 'here to meet you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., . First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. ir' Tel. Doug. 1781; Ind. A-1188. ""V ()-M7 13 A SNAP. The financial flurry last fall enabled us to buy a 1.000-sere alfalfa, grain and stock ranch at a bargain; for quick ssle w offer this ranch at a small advance. C. W. Bowman, Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. (20)-M649 A17 FOR SALE 160-acre farm, H mile from Orchard, on route; 6-room house, barn for 8 head, granary, corncrlb. hog house and chicken coop; good wall and pump; amall orchard; all fenced; good soil and level; 120 acres In cultivation. This farm will turn off $3,000 In crops this year. Lock Box 2, Orchard. Neh. (20)-M869 17x FARM FOR BALE A bargain. 480 acres. 10 miles from flourishing R. R. town; 25 acres alfalfa; every acre tillable; wall fenced, excellent water, fair Improve ments; 60 fruit trees. Price $12 per acre. S. C. Grafft. Sturgls, 8. D. (20) M867 14 Sonth Dakota. LOOK HERE, MR. LAND SEEKER. We can aell you land that will produce Just as many dollars per acre In corn. wheat, oats, barley, rye, flax, cattle and hogs for an average or about $20 per acre on easy terms ss you can produce on land selling at 37b to 311m per acre in otner lo calities, and on which you are paying $4 to $5 per acre in rent. mnnda counties. South Dskota, the. very heart of the great corn and wheat belt of the state, where crop failure Is unknown.' Oup next excursion leaves Omaha Aug. 18, and we want you to Join us. We will make every statement good or return your train fare. Write us for Information at once; a card will secure your passage. W AIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . (20)-M223 11 Texas. $10 WILL give you a start In the world. Chance or a uretime. we sell a farm and two lots In the flowing well dis trict of Dimmit county, Texas, for $210, payable $10 monthly, no Interest, no taxes for two years. Farmers sre making from $200 to $600 per acre. Choice land, sweet water, a California climate. Write for handsome Illustrated book free. DENTON COLONY COMPANY, San Antonio, Tex. (2) M422 Augllx Mlseellaaeoae. TIMBER AND TIMBER LANDS are bet ter Investments at this tlm than moat others. We want to tell you about them. Either large or small Investors will be Interested. Write us for particulars. The International Timber Co., Minneapolis. Minn. (20)-M531 Ail NEBRASKA-COLORADO LANDS. 100 000 acres of western Nebraska and eastern Colorado Improved and unimproved landa at $5 t 115 per acre. Any sise trace rtna rrons. Write or come and see us. Globe Land and Investment Co., 312 8. It to. Bt.. Omaha. t.i mh REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22)-4s7 PRIVATE MONEY CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. MITHKN. tt-3 1ST NAT. BANK BLDG. TEL. DOUG. 137$. (22) WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith ft Co.. 1320 trBm St. (22) eat FIVE PER CENT Money lo loan on Omaha business property. THdUlM WHK.NNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bid 3S $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wcad Bldg., lath and Farnam. (21) 34 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (22-4M LOWEST RATES Ben Is. Paxton Blk. (22) 396 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22)-397 MONEY TO BUILD. . $500 to at current ratea. W. H. THOMAS, e-3 First Nat. bank Bldg. (22)-4si? PAYNE. BOSTW1CK ft CO., N. Y. Life, private money, $ai lo $."..100. Low rata, (22-Vl PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. OARV1N BROS.. 14 FARNAM. u-'jra WHEN writing to advertisers remember It take but an extra stroke ar two of the pea to mention th fast taal you aw th ad In Tba Beet, 4 9 i if j i A 0 ' 1 I i I ! 1 V s I V X