1 10 TtTK OMAHA DAILY BETis XVEDXKSDAV, AUOUKT 12, 1003. CaKTTKJKSJH SPECIAL SALES WEDNESDAY $L00 and $1.25 SILKS at 49 Yd. i prpuiur genu- A Big Special Purchase from a Manufacturer and Importer Our New York buyer secured a big concession frpm an eastern house 100 pieces of fine Swiss messaline in fancy checks and stripes; also those very popular genu ine Tuscan pongees in a full range of colors. Every yard of tins silk is fresh and perfect. It should sell at $1.00 and $1.25 a yard- entire lot at, yard. OOOE30E30E3000E30E30EII SPECIAL! Greatest Bargain of the Clearing Sale Women's Dainty White and Colored WAISTS Worth $3. $1 Cvf ICC v Each, at . . . . This' big special group comprises hun dreds of fine lingerie and tailored '. " waists, white and colored effects, sheer lingerie styles with trimmed backt, frontB and sleeves,- many elaborately J trimmed also fine tailored waists In ' whites and colors pleated and tucked colored waists with white C finllapa At wnHIi nnol. I tlvely up to $5.00, at. . '139 Women's $2 Wash Skirls 69c Both whites and colors made of good materials all up-to-date styles and just the skirts for outing, at 69c (mm I nana a n a rid nunnii biji '" BIG SALE OXFORDS AT FRY'S Our big clean-up sale started off with a vim and everybody got a bargain, but there are lots more. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Johnson & Murphy's and Boyden's $6.00 and $5.50 patent colt and tan oafords, now $4.25 McDonald & Klley's $5.00 patent colt and tan Russia calf oxfords, now -83.65 Six lines of men's tan Russia and patent oxfords that were $4.00, now S2.85 Eight lines of men's tan and pat ent oxfords, our $3.60 staples now 82.60 FOR WOMEN Laird & Schober and Wright & Peters $5.00 patent and tan Rus sia oxford3, now ...... .$3.75 D. Armstrong's tan RusBia calf, ? button oxfords, formerly $5.00, now $3.25 Eight lines of best makes in tan oxfords that sold for $4.00, now for $2.95 Seven lines of tan oxfords that were $3.50, now, $2.65 FRY SHOE CO. THE IEOIII. 10th and Douglas Streets. WOMEN'S 75c QUALITY 1! tf IMPORTED STOCK COLLARS at izP C Dainty hand beaded and jeweled effects,. French knot; also hand braided and ribbon designs, neatly trimmed with medal lions and appliques of Princess, crochet and fine Val lace, edges with ruchlng, lace, etc. Very latest designs. The window display in vesti bule has attracted' thousands worth to 75c, at.' 19 Special Sale Sheets and Pillow Cases Kenutlful seamless sheet, size 81 by HO, rrmilc from the best grade MheettnK. all rouml thread, the kind tbHt Kerally sellB at 7ac; KQ Wednesday, t-nch JJKj FU 7 2 by Ml) anil 81 by 90 senmed sheets, well made, would be chf-Hp :it 3nr; Kale price. Wed- ls' ticsduy, each OtJv All the well known brands, Blie 42 by 86 and 46 by ' 36, plain and hemstitched pillow cases, -f 01 20c values for 45 by 3 Inch plain hemmed, bleach ed pillow cases that generally sell at 10c, will be sold at, er each -' 12ic Scotch Cloth at 6ic a Yard Prepare the children for school days. F"ast color Scotch, In cloth stripes and chmiKa, in medium and light colorings, suitaoiu ror noys waists. piuttoonts, houe drosses, .mris school dresses, etc. wouia he cheap at UVic a yard; dress lengths on sale at, a yard 64c IT WILL PAY YOU.. , ' to call and see our ) MATTING AND RATTAN SUIT CASES before jou start on your vacation. They are light, roorr.y mid neat. They frc strong and endurable. PRICES FROM $2.00 UP. Omaha Trunk Factory 1209 Farnam Street. Z3 NEW iF'iiTr LulsylbyiLiiv NOW IN SERVICE LEAVES OMAHA DAILY 8:50 A. C1. HAS PULLMAN EQUIPMENT HO STOPS EH-RQUTE TIPIfCTC UNION STATION I lUlVL I 0 1323 FARNAM y i i J y ,.'5 ! 1 I i i n i niMMiMiyiii Btor Closes vry Tuesday at 1 9. M., In Jnly and August. , Other days at o'clock. Satur days at 10 P. K. 0 Five Dollars Buys Choice of 18. $22.50, $25 and 35 Tailored Suits WEDNESDAY Have Just 52 or these suits to sell. We say frankly, they are last season's suits, but what of tbat? Those who must have the extreme of fashion will not be interested, but any woman who appreciates a good honestly made, handsomely tailored suit, one that will Just fill the bill for shopping tours, for rough and ready use, and general all around wear, will find here the very bargain she is looking for. The coats are mostly short, the skirts are the correct style of to day, and alone worth more than our price for the entire suit. The materials ar9 mostly light wool checks, some Panamas, voiles and wool batistes, some plain tailored, others exquisitely trimmed $18.00, $22.50, $25.00 and $35 00 valuta for Wednesday Is Notion Day Little Savings here anil there, how they do multiply, .These weekly Wednemlay notion sales are splendid examples for you to display your economical spirit and thrift: 29c 5c Black Bewliig- Silk, lOo qaull lty, best brand, per dozen Whits Tap, all widths, worth 6c, 4 pieces for Adamantine Pins, full count, 1 Ap worth 6c, 12 papers for .... s-VC Bslt Pin Books, assorted, worth 10c. 2 for at 5c Books and Eyes, worth 6c, 3 cards for Samson Linen Finish Tbrsad, -f Qs worth 6c each, dozen for . . Shell Hair Pins, plain or crimped, Kft worth 10c dozen, at dozen .... Psarl Buttons, all sizes, worth 6c, at 3 dozen for Jv Satin Bslt Hob Supporters, all - CJ colors, worth 25c, at -s.JVy Hat Fins, worth 10c each, . ft Wednesday, at z ror ........ - V The August Dinner ware Sale A week of great saving possibilities on dinnenrare of all kinds. The sale, as advertised for Monday, continue. Better bargains have never come your way: 100-piece Austrian Dinner Sets, very fine china. Our $18.00 Sets Wednesday, at. $10 12 8-piece finest French Dinner Set, in very exquisite dec orations and gold tracing, actual $125 value, at. ... , Havlland & Co., entire odds and ends of two pretty dlnnerware patterns. One lot fine white Austrian China, in Louisa patterns, at $75 HALF PRICE Next Monday a Tremendous Sale Black Silks 140.000 purchase from Phenlx Silk Mills, through their avlllnv agents, CJreeff & Co., tit New York. The bargains will be simply mar velous. I.,ook for the announcements later. See windows No. 3 and 4 Sixteenth Street side. 3 BAILEY O..MACH DENTISTS TUIRD FLOOR TAXTON BLOCn Corner 10th and Farnam Street. Best equipped Dental offic in the middle weV Hlfbeat grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices, Porcelain filllaca. Juet like Ui tooth. RUSn NOW ON AUDITORIUM President Nash Hopes for Completion in Sixty Days. TO EESUME CAMPAIGN FOE CASH Baya If Tern Persona Will Give Haa. .,dred Dollars Kaeu the Thins; is Done Ileal Estate E(. rki Will Par. "If ten persons will five $100 each we enn, 1 believe, begin work1 on the Audi torium and complete It In less than sixty days. I want to begin this work not later than September 1," said F. A. Nash, presi dent of the Auditorium company. "The Real Estate exchange will make good. Whervr the money la needed for the Auditorium or corn show I will take my committee and go out and get the amounta which the exchange thought wa could raise," said Byron Hastings, chair man of the committee appointed to secure the money. With these plans materialising It now ap pears the Auditorium will be completed In first-class shape for the National Corn ex position. J. Wilkes Jones, manager, said: "We would like to bave blue pUnts made at once and know just how things will be arranged, as there are applhailons for space and the concessions are to sell. I ' erould like to make these blue prints at or.ee." Mr. Nash said he had been very busy during the last week assisting In financing a H0,0u0 manufacturing concern for Omaha and hoped to get out and do active work vlearuig up the Auditorium proposition. "Can It be said that you wl!l let contracts within two weeks for the roofT" he was askeO. - Hopes Mo, at Least. "Well, I hope we can. But I am opposed to starting a thing until we have ail the tuooey U Uie bsuk will need. I do not If there is a High Grade Salesman wh0 desires to get The Maryland Club Whiskey Agency for Nelmaka and South Dakota Itt Aim address CAHN, BELT 0 CO. Biltimort, Mi. believe It will be long before this is done and we will begin just as soon as we can. With the Auditorium completed, it will make a beautiful "corn -palace" for the big national show and it is favored by the board of directors above any scheme to erc?t an exposition building. It Is estimated that more than 3U0.O0O per sons will attend the National Corn exposi tionperhaps SOO.OOO. This will be on tne averaga of 2. to SO.") per day. The reeclpts will be large and he concessions will bring another Jarge sum. The Audi torium company cen well afford to com plete the building, In the minds 0 those In terested. National Corn exposition Is being well advertised. It has attracted the at tention of the country from Boston harbor to the Ltay of San Francisco. It promises la every way to be much larger than was at first planned. Harrlsier Jamys iroam Trala. WlKNIPfcXJ.. Can., Aug. ll.-Thomss Robinson, one of the beet known barrister In Canada, arl counsel for the Wlnnipc Grain exchange, while In a delirium Jumped from a train en route from hen, u vt.mt real. He wae found dying beside the track. Advertise In The Bee; i homes wf the best peuile. sues Into the We appeal to the people who havn't tried BCTTKK NUT HKKAD to place one order. Once used it becomes a household necessity.. The Xiabel la oa the Z,oaf. FO SAZ.r AT ALL OSOCSBS Sfl NEW ENGLAND BAKERY 8217 Leavenworth art. PaOJI DOUGLAS 1507. Wednesday Corset Special 49c 1.25 Corsets for 79c, that's what the department has in store for Wednesday shoppers. Good, strong, shapely styles in coutil "ffv or light batiste, long hip and high bust effects, with hose f Butioorters. front and side, for w Summer Net or Batiste Girdle top Corsets, with supporters, . for, eafh , Bennett's Big Grocery STRING BEANS l?nyeleaCnasn8reroC"aeua?,Uttv 2 CaM f OP 15C Whole Pickling Spice, pound 35o and Snlder's Pork and Heans, can for BOo and Golden fantOH Coffee, lb. for S60 and T(as. assorted, per pound 38o and Three ritar Brand Salmon, 23c size for 150 Tea Garden Preserves. Jar 30x and Dr. Price's Breakfaxt Food, 3 packages for S5o and Polk Soups, three cans for 8S0 and Old Dutch Cleansnr, large package for ".....830 and Queen Olives, larw, quart for 40 o and French Cut Ixaf Sujrar, package 85o and Beauty Axparaftus, can for 8So and Wiggle Stick llluelns;. 3 packages for 860 and 25c Bottle Grapo Juice for ISO No Let Up to ilis Bargain Givinjj . a . .i i. m ' ' n r iriAM ' Men's Summer Suits, values to $20.00 to Close at $5.00, $7.50 and, $10 THE RELIABLE OTORE See Those- Men's and La dies' Shoe Bar gains', $2.50 to $4 values $1.93 10 Green Fttampa 10 Green Stamps 30 Green Stamps 40 Green Stamps 10 Green 20 Green 10 Green 10 Green 20 Green 19 Green 10 Green 10 Green Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Grand Lace Sale Wednesday . Clearing up our Laces preparatory to receipt of New Fall Stock. In order to do this quickly wo offer, regardless of actual cost, immense lines of fine Laces: APPLIQUES, IRISH CROCHET; ORIENTALS, ST. GALL'S, POINT VENICE, CLUNYS, PLAUSENS, ETC., in hands edges, insertings, galloons, medallion and festoons. IN THREE BIG LOTS FOR WEDNESDAY SELLING: Lot 1 Laces worth regularly, up to 00 cents, at yard ....1J)C Lot 2 Laces worth regularly up Lot 3 Laces worth regularly to $1.50, at yard 29c up to $.i.00, at yard 59c Sole Agents for Zion City and American Laces in Omaha. $30 Tailor Suits, Wednesday for $9.90 The greatest lot of Tailor Suit bargains ever offered in Omaha. An overstocked manufacturer shoulders the loss, and we give our customers the benefit for this one day: 150 HANDSOME SUITS in the lot. Serges and Fanamas, regular values to $30.00, choice "Wednesday, at $9.90 $15.00 SILK JUMPER SUITS $5.95 Plain colors, fancies, big assortment for selection. A clean-up of entire stock of values to $15.00, at choice $5.95 SEVERAL OTHER ROUSING BAR-GAINS. 51.00 Silks Wednesday 45c ALL OUR FINE SILK TUSCANS, 27-inches wide, the season's choicest colorings, browns, natural greens, crushed raspberry, greys, etc., the greatest opportunity of the season ri to secure choice silks at a fraction of their "lO value, per yard .., ifUU Extra Specials for Wednesday IX OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM FROM 0.30 TO 10:00 A. M One case of 30 Inch fine Muslin, just like Hope, . ten yards to a customer at per yard 8s FROM 2:00 TO 2:30 P. M. One case of Bath Towels, large, heavy and worth 12 c per pair, 4 towels to a customer, at each 3?4 FROM 8:00 TO 3:80 P. M. One case of Amoskeag Teazel Down, 12 Vic reg ular price, In 10 to 20 yards In piece, 10 yards limit, at yard 5 FOR ALL DAY ' EARL & WILSON'S sir- The above tame or trade mark together" or aingly stamped on col lar or shirt denotes highest grade of material, best workmanship. HAIR On a nmis'i Face, Neck, Arms or 8hOinlcr i Considered Attractive. LA JEUNE DEPILATORY (LIQUID) will remove lialr from any part of the body In rom 6 to 10 minutes leaving the kin soft end whlte-no smsrUua or burning; Tic pr bottle. By mall, sealed. 11.00. Circulars free. SIBsU ft MoCOlf STEtli DXtJO CO, Cor. iota ana uoas sis., vwkui. OWX. S1VO CO, Some medium size offices at reasonable rates If you wish to create a good name for yourself in a business way, find the best possible location, not only the most central, but one where you would be surrounded by successful business men. You don't have to put up with inconveniences and inferior service to have an office within your means, come to THE BEE BUILDING $20.00 $15.00 $16.00 $15.00 $12.50 $27.50 Room 644 has a good east light and a floor space , of 221 Bquare feet, at the rate of, per month , Room 607 is 16x15 feet and has plenty of light, at, per month Room 542, on the Cth floor, facing east, la 9x19 and rents for, per month Room 520 Is a nice small room, with a partition, making a private office and reception, at Room 418 is similar to one above, without parti tion, aC Room 214 is the cheapest space we have for rent, 14-6x27. at. only The Boo Building Co For offices apply to R. W. BAKER. Supt. Room 103 10c Bleached Sheeting for . ...5 7c Apron Gingham for 3H 8c Unbleached Muslin for 5 19c Bleached Sheeting, 4 5 Inches wide for 12 10c long Towels for 5 15c Long Towels for 84 12V4c Outing Flannel for G' 12 He Flannellettes for 7l 15c Fall Suitings for 10 25c Fall Suitings for 12H 6c Wash Rags for 1 , 6c Toweling tor 3H 1 10c Toweling for 6' FIFTEEN OTHER SPECIALS FOR ALL DAY. Special Sale of Art Squares Extra Heavy Quality Great Assortment of Patterns: $8.00 ART SQUARES, 9x12, size, sale Price ...$5.75 $7.00 ART SQUARES, 9x10 size, sale price $4.08 $3.00 IK)I)Y BRUSSELS RUGS, manu facturer's samples, size 27x54, on sale at ' 81.98 fl.OO VELVET AND AXMIXSTER HASSOCKS, special Wednesday, to close, at each 30c $.5.50 ART SQUARES, 7-6x9 size, sale Price 83.75' $4.25 ART SQUARES, 6x9 size, sale Price 82.08 $l.BO SMYRNA RUGS, 30x63, special sale price, each '. 75 ODD WINDOW SHADES, big lot for selection, values up to. $1.00, choice Wednesday, each ........... -25 HAYDEN'S THE GREATEST GROCERY DEPT. IN OMAHA Freshest Goods, Highest Quality and Lowest Prices; The Best Pure Cnne Granulated Sugar at X.ESS THAN JOBBERS' COST. The Best Cornmeal, per sack ISO Schepp's Cocoanut, per pound SOo Bromansrelon, JWlycon or Jello, pk. 7V40 Lr. Price's Breakfast Kood. packaKe SVio Pure Tomato Catsup. Worcpnter Sauce or Pickles, assorted kinds, per bottle 8l,0 10 bars Best Brands Laundry Soap for flSo The Brst Pomestlc Macaroni for ....8Vio OH or Mustard Sardines, por can lo Quaker Oats Company Toasted Wheat Flukes, per packaKe So Fresh Crisp Pretjsi-ls, per pound i So Flff Newton Coaklca. per pound 1...8N0 Puffed Hire, inr package BO Fresh, Crlxp Potato Chlpa, per pound.. SOo Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per pound 16o Omaha's Greatest Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Market: The beat Sweet Corn, per dozen. .8 We 6 large Cucumbers for 5c 8 bunches fresh Radishes 5c 8 bunches fresh Onions 5c 2 large heads Celery 5c 5 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce 5c 2 large Summer Squash 5r 2 heads Cabbage 5c Fresh Parsley, per bunch lc 6 Green Peppers 5c TOMATOES rOB CAWITXNCI One-third Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per lb. .5o Fancy Home Grown Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 5o Fancy Cooking Apples, 6 lbs. for. .250 Large, Juicy Lemons, per dozen. . ,15c Fresh Peanuts, per quart.... 5o Large basket fancy Plums, any kind, for ao Large baskets fancy Peaches 25o Large basket Bartlttt Pears 25o bushel baskets, fancy ripe Tomatoes 8S0 try HAYDEN'S EMI HOTELS UOTELt. HOTEL rJARTirMQUE BROADWAY AKD BSD 8TKEF.T. UttRALO SQL'ABK. K. T. UfJ. TH HOST CFNTBAi LOCATION . . II1AU ACCOMMODATION AT NUUCKMS RATi. Aloe fit Ian btiu ru cellroc Jf5liRYTAl'RAVr HAVK AM lit- .!'!" ff e (Etf.a' In the Shopping District In tha Shopping Ota trie I HOTEL KUPPER llth and McGea Sts.( Kansas City Mo. Tha most centrally located hotel In ths city for shopplnc and euslness. Only ens half block from Emery, Bird, Thaysr Dry Goods Co.; Dear ait tbsatsrs. Absolutely modern In every detail. Our osw "rich Cat la U baadsomest in ths city. Prices mooersts. European Plan, $1.09 per iij and up Writ for Illustrated booklet KUPPER-BENSON HOTEL CO.. Props. TOLEDO, OHIO, AMD RETURN iSi 2 o 5 via ILLINOIS NTRAL ACCOUNT FORTY - SECOND ANNUAL EN CAMPMENT GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC Tickets on sale August 27th o 30, inclusive. , Final return limit September 15thf with privilege of extension. Tickets, sleeping car reservations and detailed in formation at City Ticket Ofice, 1402 Farnam Stftsct, or write SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Bee Want-Ads Business Boosters 1 't 4) 4