Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Off Day in the Western League; Leaders in American Both Lose; New York Crowds Pittsburg
Market ii Irregular and Kerroni
Most of the Session.
Amrrlraa Fnscltlng mm National ta
Lra Sharp, Devlin Waleh la Offset
by Hnvr Boylae; Oram
froaa Oat.loe.
NEW YORK. Auf. lO.-The tone of the
lock market was nervous and Irregular at
times today, but the sweep of the broad
ened demand wai aufficlent to dominate the
upward course of prices In spite of sjrni
uiharlia irnl anm obstacles opposed.
Within an hour after the opening there
n. break In price that approarnea in
lnce that of lat Filday. The ame stocks,
American Smelting and National ''
were cnnantmmia feature of the break.
which via suppoiied to be due to a phase
of a aenaatlonal advertising campaign ta
attract speculative Interest In the morket
now being waged by a Boston epeculntor.
The fervor of the appeals offered to the
reading public to come Into the market and
make their fortune was supposed to be
taken advents; of In a timely manner for
heav unloading; on thla account. The
heavy selling was otherwise attributed to
the act of professional operators who timed
with the morning's advertisements from
Boston on the theory that the similar out
breaks had marked the culmination of a
rising movement In prices. There was a
noticeable Increase In buying orders from
outside' sources to commission houses,
through the mall and by wire. The markft
was rendered rather feverish by the Influx,
many of the orders being- for execution "at
the market" without, specifying a fixed
price. Profeaalonal traders are quick to
Hatas-t auoh state of affairs, and will bid
up prices boldlv to get the benefit, of these
unlimited orders. The movements were
haralded In more than one case by wlda
nread tln circulated throughout the finan
cial district. The tlDB were sometimes the
anly apparent cause for a rise In prices.
frha Immediate news of the day was not of
much Influence.
Copper advanced again here and In Lon
Anwi fbrmni and Auatrla secured the
London supply of gold this week. Pari
saving withdrawn with Its requirements
satisfied. The production of gold on the
Hand for July was officially reported at
584.4W fine ounces, valued at $14.413,9X), and
constituting a record production for the
region. This broad atream of replenish
ment nf tha svnrlH'a auntilv nf money metal
Is one. Item of many making for the present
heavy accumulations or money euppura,
low rates and rising prices for securities.
Tha highest prices of the present movement
were, made, during the course of the day
and advances were well sustained at the
Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value,
14,6X,UK. . United States bonds were un
changed on call.
NuinLer of aates and leading quotation
on stocks ware as follows-
mim. Hlfh. Low. ClOM.
Amalgatnatwt Copper .....
Am. . a P.
Am C. r. pfd
Am. Cotton oil...
Am. H. A U pfd.
Am. loa Securities
Aaa. Unseed Oil
Am. Locomotive
Am. LocomotlT pfd.,..s.
Am. 8. R
Am. 8. 4V R. pfd
Am. Sugar Refining
Am. Tobacco pfd..
Am. Woolen
Anaronda Mining Co
Atihlaon pfd
Atlantlo Coast Line
Baltlmora 4V Ohio
U.ino "4 83 82
. 6.4U0
4 Hi
. t.Ono
. ll,i
. . 400
. t.4"0
ino lo
.. u.oo) ms
.. n.iuo lrr
. 800
99Vi I'lSS,
l'4 im
, S,K0
, 80.T0O
Hal. Ohto pfd
, Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Paclflo
Oaatral Leather
Central Leather pfd
Cantral ot Now Jersey...
Chaaapaak 4V Ohio
A Chicago Ot. W
" tthlcago N. W
C, 8t. 4V it. P
c . c, c a at. L
Colorado T. 4k I-...f
Colorado A Southern
Cola. So let pfd
Colo. Bo. 84 pfd......
ConaoHdated Oa 1
i . Cora Pradoeta
f Polawara Hudson
Danttsr A Rle Oranda....
D. R- Q. ptd
Distillers' Securities ....
4Erl 1st pfd...
Erie Id pfd
Geaeral Blaotrlo
Ot. Northern pfd
Ot. -North arn Ore ctfs....
Illinois Cantral
Inter borough Met
Int. Met. pfd
International Paper
Int. Paper pfd
International Pump
Iowa Cantral
Kansaa City 8a....
K. C. So. ptd
Lou 1. ll la N
Mexican Central
Mlan. A Bt. L
u.. tt. p. a. b. m...
Mleaourl Pacific
M., K. T
M , K. T. ptd
National Leas'
New York Central
N. T., O. A W
Norfolk A Western
North Amsrloan
Northern Paclllo
Paetfte Mall
People's Oas
P , C . C. A It. L
Pressed Steal Car ,
Pullman Palace Car....
Railway 8le-l Spring.. .,
Republic Steal
Republic Steal pfd.'.....
Ruck laland Co
Rook Island Co. pfd....
St. L. A S. K. 2d pfd..
St. Louis S. W
Bt. L. W. pfd
Slosa-Shsftleld S. I..
Southern Paoiria
o. Pacific pfd
Teenrssee Copper
T Tease A Pacific
V.. m. L. A W
1,8"1 171H ntUj
4.100 80 2H
100 07 07H
, 4,400 44 a?
U 7 44
710 1SJU. 134 1M
80, 400 147 144 1
100 64 (9 68
, 14.400 86 3'4 K
l,4"0 14 M
000 41 4 4.1
, i.eo m4 ta w
. 1.0(10 194V4 it ua'4
. 4,100 80 II "u
. I, 00 174 174
bOO 87 87
l.stv la 14
7,700 84 14
800 40S, '
8ft0 10 80
l 144 148
11.XO 110 114 1"
8.500 48 7V 7i
, ,tn 140 UK U
, 81.100 11 12 IS
Its 10
400 111 111
400 10 40 ' 88
400 119 114 11
1.4IS) 4s 67 48
8.e 13 11 HI
8.400 40 87 4s
1.100 110 108 110
8.100 43 42 4S
1,800 TS 74 74
tui) 44 44 44
U.400 144 143 144'4
SOU 14 t X
81.4 0 m l-.'c m
l,u0 PK tHI 6
100 7
1,000 14
I'. 45i
ins i".
14 i
l.M 81 81 81
700 18 is 1"H
. 4,400 87 3 47
100 14 28 11
100 17 17 17
800 44 40 40
600 44 44 444
. 88.8M 87 46 84
7I0 61 11 61
. 1,400 3 It J
k 2.1, 15 ii
. 1.400 16 33 44
. luw) 64 6S 67
.18.4i 1F.8 l.'et 1
. I.4U0 81 8? all,
. 1,104 87 84 34
T.. it. L. A W. ptd
t'nloa Pacific
Vnloa Paelfla pfd
V. I. Rubber
V. t. Rubber 1st ptd...
V. B. Steal
V. a. O'eel pfd
,. 1.0.M 1"1 11 101
84.100 48 47 4'
t.400 no ice lio
4.) 444 41 4.
80 1 t
3o 14 ft 13S,
1.104 14 37 !SS
57 67 47
l. 1U 10 10
1.400 US 31 r
Vlah uastper
Va--Caroiios Cbsmlral
Ve -Caro. Chem. ptd...
WeDaaa pM
Weattaghouae Klaclrlo .
West era lalo
Wheellug A L- B
wtBnilD tfcatral ....
Total aalea lor tb day. tll.A shares.
Hew Tork Money Market.
KEW TORK. Aug. 10. MONET On call,
10 14 Pr cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; clos
ing bid. 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent.
Time loana, vary dull and slightly easier;
sixty days. 2 per cent; ninety days, 2W2
per cent: six months. 8u4 per rent.
Der cent.
METALS Bar sliver, 62c; Mexican dol
lars. 46c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
rctual buslne tn bankers' bills at H84904?
4 85 for dt.niand. and at 4.cW tor sixty
day bills, c ommercial Dills, e4 e4S.-34.iC).
Cloalng quotations on bonus war as
follows: a
11. a rat. la. rag .. lot Hock. Val. 4a lot
4a aoupoa 1 Int. Mat. 4a us
D. a. 8a. raa 1 LAN. vol. 4 8
4a owusoa 1 Man. c. ( U W
V. g. 4a. rag 14 klaa. Central 4a 8
rk-Jt. T. cv. 4a.
. Tt0. 8. U rtd. 4a
.107 Pans. av. I 1415...
. ;l do roa. aa
. 48 geadlas 'a. ea
. 44 aH(D. ( cuba. as
.101 at. L A I. M a aa
. 44H at. L. A a P. f aa.
. r. at. u S W. a. 4a ...
. 4! Seaboard A L. 4a...
. 4 ego. facIHe 4
. 46 4 1st aa
. 44 So. Railway 4a
. 7lTaxaa A P. la
. 44 ar . . L. A W. as..
. 41 t'aloa Paciria 4a
liv do a. ta
.at l a ataal 2a aa.
Central at Oa. 4s..
4 1st la
4a 3d lac
4o 14 lac ,
rh.s. A Okie 4a...
ckicag A A. is.
C. m. A 4 a. as..,
C, it I. A P. 4a....
do cat 4s
da rldg 4a
fVC. A St. L. g. aa
Cola. U. 4a ,
Colo. Mid. 4s ,
olo. A So. 4a
Dak. A H. aa. 4a...
O A K. O. 4.
Kris p. I. 4a.
... 17 Wsbaa la
... ,4
... II
... ID
aa era. as
... 44V, West era M4 as...
. jmymm. sa
I va4a...
A I 4da 14 aertea
T K.d. Hj(tere4.
Japae 4a
TBS aw. A L. 4s...
Mr Vita. Central 4a...
t I 4a eotsp 4' a 1st inc m
i T 4m. Tobaaoo 4 71 al a at L 4a 80
I 1 da 4a 108 M., K A T. 4a 81
t 'I Atckiaoa gao. 4a do la M
t I sao adj. as. 4vt as. R. H. af M. c 4s aus,
i l do . as. se N. T. C. . 1....4 :
(I 4o ev. 4a 14J N. 1. C. g. 6a Ml
I I I , allaailc c. L. 4.... 44 No. Paclfls 4a It
1 . Mm SMI. m WIN v -w mm -
I ' la aa iw. M aw a W. a. 4a a
Treasarr Btatesaeat.
WASHINGTON. Aug. ID. Today' s:afe
ment of the treasury balance In the gen
eral fund. excJuatve of the l60,t).tu gold
reserve, anoaa. Available caah balaviice,
$yi1,51i.8fiO; ofa coin and bullion. $44,917,152;
old certificates, H3.714.2W.
BMtti atoekta aaa Boaa.
P08TON. Ati. 10 Money, rail loans, i
t per cent; time loan. ltj4V pr cent.
Closing quotation on siocks ana Donas
Atrhleon adj. 4i.
t"4 Atlanta
do 4a
Afhlsnn R. R
do prd
rVwtoa 4V Albany...
Boston a Main
Boston KiavetaS ..
rifhhur td
Mexican Cantral ..,
N. T., N. H. a H.
t'nlon Pacific
Am. Arga. t'betn...
do pfd
Am. Pneu. Tube...
Amer. Sucar
do pfd
Am. T T
Am. Woolen
do pfd
Dominion I. A 8..
E.ll.nn Eler. Illu..
Genersl Elartrto ..
Mata. Klectrtc ....
do sfd ..........
. m RInthani
,. Til. A Hecla...
. M Centennial
..lit Ctpper Rani ...
,.1(4 alr West
. . IS2 "Vanilla i..
. .li4H Graohr
. . is-ai Morale
. 14JH Mining ....
. Mi.-hisaa
.. Mohawk
.. M'4 Mont. C. C...
. . (4 OI4 Domlnloa ...
. IS1 Osceola
. . 1 Parrot
,.IU , Unlnrr
. . 21 Shannon
., S3 Tamarack
,. 14 Trlnltjr
..210 I'. 8. Mining
..1 V. 8. Oil
.. 10 t'tah
.. 4T Victoria
.. H Winona
..115 Wnlrerln .......
.. 67 North BtMte
,, . Rntte Coalmen .
.. 47 Neeada
..HO ci. Artnma .
... Axliona Com. .,,
.. It Uretue Cananaa
. &
. i
. so
,. M4
.. II'
. 7V,
.. is
.. n
.. 41H
.. 24
.. 44
.. 11
.. i
.. 7
.. Mt,
.. M
.. 141
Mssa. Oaa
t oiled fruit
Inllc4 8. M
do Dfd
V. 8. Steal
do pfd
.. 181
Bid. "A.kad.
London Stock ttaotatlona.
LONDON. Aug. 10. American securities
opened higher today and during the early
session prices ruiea rrom to l over Sat
urday a New York closing. Reading and
Atchison were active and lead the ad
MKTAIS Gold bar, 77s 10VU American
eagles, 70s &Hr.
London closing storks:
Consola, money ID 3-K M., K. A T Bi
da arrount M5-16N. Y. Central Ill
Anaconda 'f Norfolk W 7
Atchison 1V do pfd 13
do pfd V7 Ontario W 44
Baltlmora AV Ohio.... M4j PonntrlTanla 444,
Canadian Pacific 177H Rand Mloaa H
( heaapeaka 0 4t4 Reading
rbiragn a. w 7 Southern Rr zk
(.'HI., Mil. 4k St. P...!4fcU do pfd
De Beort li'l Southern Pacific
Ienar Rio O Ms Union Paclllo
do pfd im do pfd Hi
Erie : V. 8. Steal 4S
do Ht pfd 41t, do pfd 114S
do 2d pfd i Wabash 14
Grand. Trunk. . . .
Illinois Central,
la do pfd y
144 Spanish 4s M41
LouisyIIIs aV N.
11JU Amal. Copper UN
f i iv v r. K Hnr, steady at zia per ounce.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 1 MetfjU, per cent; for
MUINH.Y W6t per cent
three months' bills, 1-Vbl 7-16 per cent.
New Yrk Mtilii gtacka.
NEW TORK, Aug. 10. Closing quotations
on mining siocks:
Alice m Leadellla Coo.
Preeee b LIUIe Chief .
Brunswlck Con ID Mexican
Com. Tunnel atock... 23 Ontario
Com, Tunnel bonds.. 17 Ophlr
Con. Cal. A Va 80 Small Hope .
Horn Silver 10 standard
Iron silver 12 Yellow Jacket
Foreign financial.
LONDON. Aug. 10. Money was easy and
discounts firmer in the market today. Ger
many aecured the bulk of the 83.&W.O00 In
gold available. On the Stock exchange
better tone prevailed, and business Im
proved despite the commencement of the
settlement. Ollt-edged securities received
fair Investment support,, but home rails
were depressed by the disappointing- Board
o iraae return puousnea oaiuraay. awn-
lng shares ruled quiet, with Kaffirs and
diamond securities the . feature. Coppers
were all strong end active. American se-
curltles started above parity, and went still
nigner in ine xorenoon on prtrresnionai ar.t
light continental buying. Later New York
7"t.Jl""n' -"'".. It."';
later, but the market finished quiet. . For- secur iT.' e,peC,a',Jr AurK,,n an0
R,-L",n,5eCa:ll,e"nT,. ..- J
today waa f rm, on New Tork advlcea.
very active.
PARIS. Aug. 10. Trading on the Bourse
waa firm today, on advlcea from New York.
Bank Clearlnara.
OMAHA, Aug. 10. Bank clearings for to
day were 22.222,378.04 and for tha correpon
ding dale- last year .
"oath Dakota ISewa Notea.
SIOITX FALLS The first report of the
season of the destruction of a
threshing outfit as the result of
the . work of "firebugs" come from
the vicinity of Wesslngton Springs,
where the threshing outfit of James Q,
LaBau wag destroyed by a fire of mysterl-
ous origin.
SIOUX FALLS One of the oldest resl-a
dents of South Dakota, Mrs. Mary Dokkula,
lias Just died at her home on a farm In
Hamlin county. She waa 98 years eight
months and one day old at the time of her
j - -. v. ui,. ...a - t...i in c,,n, ruiint.
for a great many yearn and had a wide
acquaintance among the people of that
part of the state.
Anna Wllaon to Eta Rosa Mahco-
hen, lot 4, block vs, omana. . . . oio.ouu
Bankers' Savings and Loan associa
tion to Lvmn M. Hunt, lot 38.
block 8. Orchard Hill 1,000
S. D. Rynearson and wife to Min
nie R. Breed, lot 2. block 13.
South Omaha 1,000
William K. Patterson and wife to
Charlua W limn lot IS. tllOCK
8. Bedford Place 1,000
County Treaaurer to D. C. Patter
son, trustee, lots i, ana o,
block 2; lots 2. 4, 10, 11. 13
and 14, block 7; lots I to ,
block 8, Hanscom Park addi
tion D. C. Patterson, trustee, and wife
to Parkway Real fc-siaie com
pany, same 5
Henry A. Wilson to Henry C.
KatinrucK. iota o ana i, oiucs
1. Lake View i.700
Henry F. Klassen and wife to
Jeanette Hansen, part lot io.
Florence Heights I.H9
Carl A. Swanson and wife to
Charleg L. Hunt, part lot 81.
HIkmi' addition t0
Shlmer A Chase company to Gould
Diets, part bud lot oi lots s
and 8. Caoltol addition 4,000
Ella J. Shattuck to Jamea F. Shat-
tuck. eHj or n4 of lot IS, block
4. Campbell's addition 26S
John A. Crelghton Real Estate and
Trust company to Carl k.rlckson.
lot 8, block 8. Crelghton's 1st
addition 800
John H. Harte et al., administra
tors, to r. I), wead, lot to, diock
2, Kountxe's ' 4th addition 180
Esther Petrouske and husband to
Christina Thtelke. nS of lot 8,
block 86, South Omaha ' 800
Byron R. Hastings, trustee, tn E.
U Kllgore. lot 17. replat block
S. Military addition 150
Same to same, lot 7, replat block
3. Military addition 160
John II Harte et al.. administra
tors, to 1. V. Slioles company.
hit 11. block 8. S. E. Rogers'
addition 16
Same to same, lot 12, block 8, S. E.
Rogers' addition 206
Grace E. Neale and husband to
Gould Diets, lot 4. and part lot
3 block 20, Highland Place 4,000
M T. Martin to Security Land and
Trust company, lot 7, Houel A
flthhln'a ailhdivlulon 1
Douglaa Security company to Mary
E Hale et al., n of lot 49.
Windsor Place extension 200
Kenwood Realty company to Eu
gene B. Hall, lots 171. 172 and
173. Kenwood addition 280
James McClalr and wife to Edna
B. Ktrsthsteln. lots 1 and 2. Ep
worth Place 59
Ellen M. Reed et al. to Soren Jen
sen, lot li. Diock 8, Biienaan
Place 200
J. 8 Waugh and wife to Knudt
Thompson, lot 2, block 1, Bren
nan Place "50
William Blaser to Everett R. Hen
dricks, lot 11. Fort View 275
Hastings & Heyden to Elisabeth
Fried, lot 16. block 3. Collier
Place 63
MUiilaan Mutual Life Insurance
company to Oscar I.. Bergen, lot
6. block 11. Omaha View 121
Hastings & Heyden to Mary E.
Meaainore. lots 1. 2 and 3. Hast-
11 V
I s)
Inaa A Heyden's subdivision ....
Frank A. Hamilton to Kva Oliver,
sub lot 10 of lot t, Capitol add!-
Kenwood Realty company to O T.
Ha.viike. lot 355. Kenwood addi
Same to same lots 354 and 35s.
Kenwood addition
Harriet A Chase and husband to
Jennie K. Frey. I.. la 1 and
13. Davenport s aul. li vlon ....
Total .i. I0.
Mullin Passes Two Men with Bates
Foil in Eighth.
Han Made on an lel Oat by trt
Ulrea Game to Wssklsgtsa
Other America Leagae
rETROIT. Aug. 10.-Mnllln went wild In
the eighth and with the base filled on
three hits passeu two men. forcing In
enough to tie. Street'H Infield out sent In
tke winning run. Detroit could find John
son but one, a hit by Rossman, with
the bases full on two safeties and a pass,
scoring two runs then. Bchaefer, Coughlln
and - McBrlde'i fielding was the feature,
Milan, cf 4 4 0 Mclntyrs, If . 0 t 0
fehlpke. Jb..4 0 11 'Bchaefer, a . I 1 1 4
Osnlcr. It.... 4 4 19 Ocrawford. at. I 0
I'nalsub. ib . 4 III OCobb. af 4 1100
Freeman, lb J 1 II 0 OHoaaman, lb . 4 I li I I
Pickering, rfl 10 S Coughlln, Ib. t 1 I
Kahoe. e I I J CgrhmliU, C....4 t 4
Street, c 0 0 0 "Downs, lb.
McBrlde, as . I 1 I 7 tMullla, p .
Johnson, a... S 0 0Joneg ....
.10 4 14
. 1 0 0 I
.. t 0 0
t 17 10 "i
Smith, p 0 0 A
'Warner 1 0 t Totals...
'Tannahlll ...0 0 0 0 0
Koala, 0
Total II 37 14 9
Batted for Coughlln In ninth.
Batted for Kahoe In ninth.
Batted for Johnson In ninth.
Ran for Warner.
Detroit 00000200 01
Washington ........ 00000001 08
Two base hit: Schaefer. Sacrifice hits:
8chaefi-t Couglin, Schipke. Left on bases:
lctrolt, ft: Washington. 3. Base on balls:
Off Mullin. 4; off Johnson, I. Struck out:
By Mullin, z; ty Johnson, Z; Dy mim, i.
Passed ball: Street. Time: 1:46. Umpire:
Boaton Blanfca St. Loots.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 10. St. Louis could do
nothing with StecTe when hits were needed
"Pd Boston won the third game, 1 to 0.
Dlneen was hammered hard In the fifth
and seventh and waa relieved by Bailey
In the ninth, who fared no better than his
predecessor. Score:
AB.H.O.A.C. . AB.H.O.A.B.
Thoney. If.... 4 1(0 0 Stone. If 4 0 8 0 9
Lord, 3b 4 I 0 1 OHsrtsell. rf. .4 0 1 0
((easier, rf. ...41040 Williams, 8b. 4 8 8 8 ft
Stahl. lb 1 0 14 0 0 Wallace, aa... 8 14 8 4
La ports, Ib. .. 8 8 8 1 0 Ferris, lb 4 0 8 8 0
Sullivan, cf..l 0 8 0 e Hoffman, tl .l till
Wagner, as... 4 8 8 4 1 Jones, lb I 8 10 1 1
Crlger, e 4 8 8 0 o Smith, c...... 1 0 8 8 1
Steel, p 8 0 0 8 0 Dlneen, p 8 0 0 4 0
'Crlee 1 0 0 0 0
Totals 18 11 a 14 1 Ballsy, t 0 0 0 0
Totals 88 I 37 IT 8
Batted for Dlneen In eighth
fit. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Boston , t)000100 2-4
Two base hit: Thoney. Three base hit
Laporte. Hits: Off Dlneen, in eight in
nlngs: off Baliey, 2 In one inning. Sacrifice
I hit- ut.hi Bioiun h. - )e.aalpr. nmihle
plays: Ferris, Wallace to Jones; Wagner,
l.r,rrt tn Krolil Ift on bases: St. Louis,
Ig; Boston, 3. Base on balls: Off Bailey, 2;
nff Steel. 2. Struck out: By Dlneen, S: by
I Bteel, 8. Time:' 1:43. Umpires: Hearst and
white Sox Defeat New York,
CHICAGO. Aug. 10.-Bairs error gave
ch today . " Nrtlr.
enough to let Sullivan score from third.
Three hit. in a row brought In the local's
other tally. Only twenty-nine visitors iacea
wash. their rGn being due to Hemphill's
double, an out and Ball's single. Score:
Haba. rt 8 10 0 COonroy.MB.... 4 v "
i... a t 1 a 0 Kaeler. rf 4 0 110
l.bell, lb 4 3 13 1 OChsse. lb.... 8 0 11 0 0
. Anderson. If.. 1 1 1 0 0 Hemphill, of.. 8 3 3 0 J
AH, 3b 4 1 0 1 OMorlanty, o. v a t
Parent, SS....1 0 4 I ODetebanty, II. o a v v
Sullivan, e... I 1 8 8 (Ball, as 8 1 I T 1
TannehlUa, lb 1 0 0 1 0 Blair, e 8 1 4 8 0
Waisb, p 4 0 o a ut-'neaoro, p... s s v
Totale 81 87 18 0 Total. 18 6J 1 I
Two out when winning run scored.
Chicago 00001000 1-2
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1
Two base hits: Isbell. Hemphill. Three
baae nlt. j0nes. Stolen bases: Isbell, Ats,
Blair. Double play: Sullivan and Parent.
keft on bases: Chicago, ; New Tork, 1.
Base on balls: Off Chesbro, 4. Struck out;
ny Walsh. 6; by Chesbro, 2. Time: 1:36.
;mpres: Sheridan and Egan.
r. . . wlnI , Tlea.
CIeTelaBt wins ana lies.
CLEVELAND, O., Aug. 10. -Cleveland
shut out Philadelphia In the first game
today. The second game was a tie. li
.... ..aiiuri in the elehth Inning on account
of darkness. Hits by Stovalt and N. Clarke
and Nichols' error won the first game.
Berger was ineffective In the first inning
of the second game and allowed throe
runs. Ryan, who was put in the box y
the home team, pitched good ball and was
helped out by sensational fielding by La
jole. Ryan tied the soore himself on a
double and two sacrifices. Score, flrat
t n.rke. If. 4 1 1 0 OHsrtsel. It... 3 8 8 0 0
Bradley, lb.. 4 1 0 3 OOIdrlng. e,f...4 1 4.
Turner, rt....t 0 0 0 4 E. Collins, lb 4 0 3
Lajole. Jb... 4 0 8 3 0 Murphy, rt...4 0 I
Btovall. lb.... 8 114 0 OPavla.. lb 8 0 0
N. Clarke, c. 8 3 1 1 OJ. Colllna. 8b 3 1 1
Altlsar. ct.... 8 0 3 0 0 Nichols. SS...1 0 1
Hlnrhman, as 8 0 8 8 OS.breck, o.... 3 1 3
Chech, d 1 0 0 8 0 Bender, ....! 1 0
1 1
0 4
1 4
0 1
t 0
Total 18 8 17 IT 4 Total 88 4 14 II 8
Cleveland 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 -2
Philadelphia 00000000 0-0
First base on errors: Cleveland, 3. Btoien
bases: J. Clarke, Bradley. Bender, iwuuie
plav: Chech to Lajole to stovan. r irst
base on balls: Off Chech. 3; off Bender,
2. Left on bases: Cleveland, I; Phllndel
phla, 4. Struck out: By Chech, 3; by Ben
der. 3. Time: 1:33. Umpire: Connolly.
Score, eerond game:
I. Clarke. II. 8 1 4 I 1 Hartsal. It... 4 13 0 9
Bradley, lb... 1 1 3 3 OOldrlng. CI...1 0 3 0 0
Turner, rr.... s o i w vc. loums. u . . v
Lalola, 3b ... 3 I 1 4 1 Murphy, rf... 8 0 10 1
stovelf. lb... J 0 10 1 Ottavis. lb..... 3 4 11 0
N Clarke, c. 1 0 7 I tlJ. Colllna. Ib 3 4 0 I 4
Alllier. ct....3 4 1 0 CNIchols. a... 3 0 0 0 0
Hiochmau, sal 0 1 1 Schreck, ..... 3 1 3 1 0 p 0 0 0 0 OCoomba, p.... 3 10 8 0
R'"' ' -1121.1 Tot... talis "30
Totala 34 4 14 II 3
Cleveland 2 0 1 0 0 J $-
Philadelphia JOOOOOOO-8
Hits: Off Berger 2, none out; off Ryan
In eight Innings, 3. First base on error
Philadelphia, 2. Two-bitse hlta: Kyan.
Ijole. Three-base hits; Bradley, Coombs,
Hansel. Sacrifice hits: Murphy, Coombs,
Oldrlng, E. Collins, l.ajoie, J. Clarke, Brad
ley Slovall. Stolen base: Oldrlng. Double
plavs: Rysn to Laloie to Bradley, Hinch
ma'n to Lajole to Btovall. First base on
bslls: Otf Berg.-r, 1; off Ryan, 2. Left
nn bases: Cleveland, 1; Philadelphia, 4
Struck oul: By Ryan. 1; by Coombs, 8.
Time: 1:3S. Umpire: Connolly.
rttrhlng Wlsi for Bergs.
The Berg Clothing company team de
feated the new and fast Nskoma at Mil
ler park Sunday, acore to 6. Tha feature
of the game was the pitching of Ocander.
who struck out eleven men ana enoweu
but four hits, score:
Nakomas 0 0 4 0 0 0 o 9 1 s
Bergs "...1 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 08
Batteries: For Bergs, ucanasr and
Rathka; for Nakomas. Baker, Bonbach and
Llnrela Leag.ers at Frleaal.
FRIEND, Neb.. Aug. 10. (Special Tele
gram.) The most Interesting game of the
IHai amajrea-. e-
I -uT Af
Becauie of it fine flavor, perfect purity and absolute
uniformity, it ht been the favorite whiskey
"Since 1857'
Bottled in Bond in quarts, pints and half pint
I Standing of the Ttmi'
WTrlT. I.tTAflPTC.
W.UPct. - W.L.Pct
Omaha .....M 4J .amLouisviue .:. 48 .&.
Ploua Clty..fi3 .(MiToledo 66 41 .&
Lincoln U W .MJilndlanap s ...69 49 .b
Penver & M .4W Columbus ...f3 M .524
Pueblo 46 60 .CS'Minneap s ...of) 57 .bH
Dee Moine.S7 7 .Jt Milwaukee ..5S3.4f-T
IKaneas City .53 SZ .4c
liU Paul. .....81 11 .290
W.L.Pct. W.L.Pct.
Pittsburg ...80 IX .1J!Oetrolt 63 38 . 63)
New York.. .59 SS Louis 61 41 .o9J
Chicago M 42 .871 1 Cleveland 44 .560
Phlla 52 41! .653; Chicago 57 45 .559
Cincinnati ..61 52 . 495 Phlla 40 51 -4T4
Boston 44 65 .444 Bostoa 4s 54 . 471
Brooklyn ...87 60 .3M Wash 88 SI .384
St. Louls....a 65 .8J? New Tork. 7 .330
Western Leu guc Lincoln at Omaha, Pes
Moines at Pueblo. Bloux City at Denver.
National League St. Louis at Boston.
Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Chicago at New
York, Pittsburg at Philadelphia.
American League Boaton at St. Louis,
Washington at Detroit, Philadelphia at
Cleveland. New York at Chicago.
American Association Columbus at Mil
waukee, Toledo at Kansas City, Indianap
olis at St. Paul, Louisville at Minneapolis.
season was played this afternoon between
the Lincoln Western league and the home
team on home grounds, which resulted In
a soore of 7 to 8 In favor ot the league
team. Score: k.m.k,
Lincoln 00801801 07 15 1
Friend 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 1 1 S t
Batteries: Lincoln, Thorgy. Johnson and
Ztnran; Friend, Morse and McDonald.
Struck out: By Thorgy, 8: by Johnson, t;
by Morse, 4. Two base hit: Oagnler. Three
base hit: Fenlon. Double play: Friend.
Two GasatH Gathered 1st by Oae-Sldeal
The Merchants of Omaha ball team
played and won two games from the West-
side team Sunday, ine wesismes were
outclassed all the way, but put up a good
game. Tha heavy hitting and fast base
running of the Merchants gave them tn
game by the score of t to 0. White and
Welum pulled down hard drives with one
nana, whlcn was tne iieioing iemurrs oi
the game. Small, r ho waa in fine form,
allowed but two hits. McDonald and Melum
were the star hitters. McDonald got three
hits and Mclum a home run. Score:
Melum, tb .. 4 1 1 8 Rossalg, as. 4 1 1 0
White. 2b ... 4 1 8 1 OWIsler, If ... 4 0 1 4 0
Co, lb I 1 8 0 1 Hswley, lb . 4 0 4 0 0
McDonald, e. t 8 10 I OYouaen, e . 4 I 13 8 0
Small, n ... S 4 0 1 OOn-maer. cf . 4 1 1 0 0
Lrnmey, a, t 0 1 8 OF. Dru'my, 8b 8 0 8 3 0
Moeller, ct . 8 1 0 0 0W. Dru'my,! 8 0 8 3 0
VanCleav. Ill I 1 I OSCn'rwloa. rf 8 0 0 0 0
Ronan. it ... I 0 8 0 OKana. p .... 3 0 111
Total 47 8 17 U 1 . Total 11 8 XI M t
Home run: Melum. Two-base hits: Coe,
White, McDonald, Moeller. Van Cleave.
First base on balls. Lenny to), Melum,
White, Van Cleave, Ronan, Roesseg,
Vanaen, Kane. Hit with pitched ball : Coe,
Moeller. Struck out: By Kane, 12; by
Small, 9. Wild pitches: By Kane. 4. Stolon
baaea: Melum (2), Coe (2), Moeller CD,
Van Cleave, Ronan, Qrenner (3), Kane, F.
The second game went to the Merchants
by the score of 7 to 4, the Merchants being
too strong at all point of the game.
Howell and Schnelderwlnd opposed each
other In the box and were hit freely, with
Howell having the best, of it.. Manager
Ratekln worked out three new fielders In
this game, but they did not show up very
strong. Hits: Off Howell, 6; off Sthneld
erwlnd, 8. First base on balls: Off Schneld
erwlnd, 1. Hit with nitched ball: Hall. Coe.
Three-base hits: W. 'Drummy. Two-base
hits: McDonald, Roesseg. Stolen bases:
Coe, Harnett, Murphy, F. Drummy.
The Merchants are looking lor a game
for next Sunday. Address C. F. Ratekln,
817 South Fifteenth street.
Ideal Hostlers Defeat Famous Girl
Base Bait Team.
After a more or. less triumphal tour In
Nebraska, the America -Bloomer Girls had
trelr curls pulled by ethe Ideal Hustlers
Sunday at Hustlers' park, 4 to 1. But the
girls were not mad and did not threaten to
go borne or beg 'for special privileges be
cause they were ilrls.
Bogatts, the pitcher for the Hustlers, did
some gooa woi'.t, striking out, nine of the
girls and allowing one pass. But the girts
dayed well. A good crowd saw the game.
An automobile tour made by the Bloomers
attracted attention. The score:
doff, aa 4 111 Waaals, tb .... 4 113 1
VYooten. lb .. 4 1 11 0 0 roster, c .... 4 0 7 0 1
Schneider, lb 4 1 0 4 0 Dsnnle, If .. 3 0 3 0 0
Ferater, e ... 4 1 8 0 0 Pearl, sa .... 118 10
Peterson, ct . 8 3 0 4 0 Dells, lb .... 3 4 I 1 1
Hodga, tb ... 3 1 1 OMsud, lb .... 8 0 10 1
Powell. If ... 8 0 1 0 OEdns. ct .... 3 0 3 0
Hsln. rf 3 8 0 0 0 Marlon, rf ... I 1 1 0
Bogatts, p ... 8 3 3 8 0 Agnes, p .... 3 0 0 0 0
Allstadt, p . 1 0 3 4 1
Total. 88 13 87 13 1 -
Total 18 3 84 8 5
Fast Came of Amateurs at Fort Crook
Bandar Attracts Crowds,
The Union Stock Yards again got In the
same at Fort Crook Sunday, defeating
Bellevue in, a fast, snappy game by A score
of 3 to 0. The Yards boys found ''Andy"
Graves' spit ball Just right, securing a total
of fifteen hits. "Jerks" Cavanaugh was
In great form, allowing only three scratch
hits. Bellevue was strengthened by Ruf
fard Pike of Snringfleld and Nolan of
Peru. The Union Stock Yards want a game
for next Sunday.
Score: Union Stock Yards, 8; Bellevue, 0.
Struck out: By Cavanaugh. ; by Graves,
3. Bases on balls: Off Cavanaugh. 8; off
uraves, 2. Two-base hlta: Cavanaugh,
Ni'lan, Kennedy. Stolen buses: Union Sto'k
Yards. 7; Mel'evue, 1. Time: 1:15. Umpires:
Levers and Gelding.
. Liacola (or Three Games. .
For the next three days the Rourke
family Is scheduled to play Quy Green and
his Indians from Lincoln. Since Lincoln
was last aeen In Omaha Fenlon has left the
team and his place has been taken by
Wenger. Lincoln will be a hard proposition
for Omaha and lust at this time, when
the race for the pennant la at Its highest
pitch, the competition will be most ke.-n.
While Omaha la battling with Lincoln at
Vinton street park the Sioux City teem
will be playing with Denver in Colorado.
The lineup:
. Second
..Center ,
.. Right
.. Catch
.. Pitch
. Thomas
, Prlchett
. Gasnler
.... Jude
King .,
Franc k
Qondlng ...
LeBrand ...
Banders ....
hodes ....
. Wrg r
.. Zlnran
. Johnsjn
. . Wasnon
, Htndrlx
.... Jont.
Bartlett Defeats Ulrawooa.
OI.ENWOOD, la.. Aug. 10.-Speclal.)-Olenwood
and Bartlett played a very In
teresting goaie of ball here yesterdav aft.
einoon. Score;
Qlenwood 0 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 08
ri.nlett 0 1 1 I 1 0 0 0 M
Batteries: Partlett. Eyler and Clapper;
ren:WMaster. nd McW"1- tm'.
Ufflcera (or Teaals Association.
PEHU. Neb., Aug. 10. (Special.) Th.
Southeastern Nebraska Tennis asiocatlon
wpb organised Fridav with the following
offl.ers: Preai.lent, E. L. Meer of Au
burn: secretary. J. A. Hanna of Au'iuin:
treasurer, U. H. Williams of Peru: ex
e' committee, Miy r MeCartey of Au
an, 1. .nminllt, Mlvrr W Irl.w nf a,,
burn. Mot w. k. ovnneia.r ct feru.
n'tevt''!'" ' "
T ' . . in.- - f 1 i j. h , V . -
Leifield Was Driren from Rubber in
Sixth Inning-.
Magee Waa Pat Oat af tke
Game far Dlspatlagr Decision
Seoroa of Other
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 10,-Phlladelphla
defeated Pittsburg today by knocking Lei
field off the rubber In the sixth lnmlng,
Bransfleld and Grant each scoring two run
ners with a two-bagger. Magee was put
out of the gam for disputing a called
strike. tVore:
an u n A K AB.H.O.A.B.
Tkomaa cf . 4 1 0 0 Orant. lb 1 1 8 1 4
Leach, 8b 4 10 1 vKnabe. 3b... ..4 0 14
Clarke. If.... 8 0 I 0 OTItua. rf 3 1 0 4
Wagner, as... 4 12 8 fMsgee. If 3 1 1 0
in ilrhlo fh. 4 0 8 8 t. Rrsasf leld. lb 4 3 18 0
Wilson, rf.... 4 10 0 OOsborna, cf... 4 8 1 1
Storka. lb.
.430 VIoolln, aa.... 4 1 a
. 3 3 5 1 0 Dooln. c 10 3 1
.8113 OCorrldon. p... 3 0 0 4
Olbaon, c
Leifield, p
Camnlts, p
,0 0 0 0 VMcQullles, p. 1 0
0 2 0
Courtney ... 1 4 0 0 0
Total 81 10 it 11 0
, Totals 11 1 37 18 I
Batted for Corrldon in the sixth.
Pittsburg , 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-4
Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 6
Two-base hits: Btorke. Gibson, Grant,
Titus, Bransfleld. Three-base hit: Thomas.
Hits: Off ljeiriled, in live ana on?-iniru
Innings: off Camnlts, 2 in two and one-
third innlnas: off Corrldon. In six innings
off McQuillen. I In three Innings. Sacrifice
hits: Clarke, Camnlts. IoubIe play:
Orant and Bransfleld. Left on bases:
Pittsburg. 8; Philadelphia. 7. Bases on
4alla- Off I-elMeM. l: off Corrldon. 1. Hit
with nltrherl ball: Bv Leifield. 3. Struck
out: By leifield, 3; by Camnltx, z; ny Lor.
r Hnn 1 f.uml rn 1 1 I Ninin. Wlltl niii'ii
Leifield. Time: 1:53. Umpires: Klem and
Giants Wis Iron Cabs.
Kmw YORK. Aue. 10. Although Overall
held the New York team down to a couple
of hits today, Chicago lost the game, 8 to
2. A base on balls, Bresnahan's double, a
fielder's choice and a mtsplay by Evera
gave the locals all their runs In the flrat
inning. The teams will play a double-
header tomorrow. Score:
r?Hlr-nn. NEW YORK.
Slagle, cf 4 0 8 0 OTenney, lb... 4 0 11 0
Bhecksrd, If.. 4 8 3 0 OHertog. 3b... 8 0 3 3
Chsnce. lb... 4 0 1 4 t. Bresnahsjt, c. 8 1 T 3
Ever. 3b 4 113 1 Donlln. rf....l 0 8 0
Stelnfeldt, 3b. 4 0 3 0 OBeymour, cf.. 8 0 0 0
Howard, rf... 4 0 0 0 t' Devlin, 8b.... 8 0 1 J
Tinker, a.... 3 3 0 8 0 Barry. It 8. 0 8 J
Kling, o 4 1 8 0 nriawBll, ss . s j .
Overall, p.... 3 0 3 1 0 Mathawson, pS 0 0 1
ToUla 83 7 14 13 1 Total. 14 3 87 11
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12
New York S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Twobase hits: Bresnahan, Sheckard,
Threa.bnan hK: Tinker. Sacrifice hit: Sey
mour. Stolen base: Donlln. Left on bases
(hloasrn. 4: New York. 1. Bases on balls
Off Overall, 1. Struck out: By Mathewson
6. Time: 1:26. Umpires: Rlgler and U uay
St. Loala Bata Oat Victory.
BOSTON. Aur. 10. St. Louis batted three
Rnaton n tchera hard ana easily won to
day'e game, to 8. iKeiuy s nuung was
feature. Score:
t ttits BOBTON.
Shaw, rf 4 1 1 1 0 Beaumont, cf. 4 0 a u
Ch.rlea, 3b... 4 3 0 1 S Dahlao, a....4 1 1 3
Murray, CI... 4 3 8 o OKeuy, ll a j v .
Konetchr. lb. 4 8 14 1 SacOann, lb... 3 3 8 0
Dalehanty. If. 8 3 1 0 ORItrhey. 3b.. 4 0 S 0
Byrne, 3b 4 8 3 0 OBrown, rf... 4 0 3 0
Rellly, ...
Bliss, .....
Lush, p...
.4 4 0 4 v swoeney, so., s i a
.4143 OOraharn, C....8 1 1 3
.8114 vUowerm.n, e. 1 0 3 t
Llndaman, p. 0 0 0 1
.88 13 87 18 OBoultaa, p.... 1 0 0 1
Hannlfaa ...1000
Mahoney, p.. 0 0 0 1
Bataa 1 0 0 0
Total. 81 3 37 13
i 'Batted for Boultes In seventh.
Batted for Mahoney In ninth.
St. Louis 0 0 1 2 0 8 0 1-8
Boston 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0-3
Two-base hits: Murray, Konetchy (2)
Delshsntv. Brvne. Home run: Rellly
Hits: Off Llndaman In one and bne-thlrd
Innings, 4; off Boultes in rive ana two
third, innlnas. 11: off Mahoney in two in
ings, 3. Sacrifice hits: Charles, Bliss,
Kelley, McGann. Stolen bases: Kelley,
Sweenev. Konetchv. Bvrne. Rellly. Bliss
I j. ft nn haaea: Boston. 8: St. Louis. 8.
First base on balls: Off Llndaman, 2; otf
Rnultea. 1: off Mahonev. 1. Struck on
By Lush, 4; by Boultes. 1. Passed balls
Graham, 1; Bliss, 1. Time: 2:00. Umpire
Dodgers Defeat Reds,
BROOKLYN. N. Y., Aug. 10 Cincinnati
was beaten by Brooklyn today, 6 to 4.
The visitors got all their runs In the fifth
Inning, but Brooklyn raiuea in tne sixin.
Vols relieved Coakley In the last two In
nings. Bell was tn good form and won
hla game by batting In two runs, with a
triple In the sixth Inning. Score:
. AB.H.O.A.E AB.H.O.A.E.
nrch if 4 3 1 0 OKana. cf t 1 1 0
Hurnmel. ct.,4 1 8 1 OHus.lns. lb.. 4 0
3 3 C
8 1 0
sLumley. rt .. I s v ueotn. so
Jordan, lb.... 8 0 10 0 0 Paskert, If...
Lewis, ss 4 1 3 3 0 Mitchell, rf.,
Bergen, 4 4 0 5 1 COanisI, lb...,
Iheshaa. lb.. 8 0 4 8 1 McLean, c...
aieerman. ib. 4 1 1 3 0 Hulswltt. SS..
0 0
3 0
1 0
I 0
II 0
0 0
Roll a 1 10 4 OCoskler. p.... 3
Vols, p 0
Total 80 8 37 .8 :Mowery .... 1
Tutsi.. .
..85 3 84 3 C
Batted for Voli In ninth.
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0-4
Brooklyn t0OO13O0-6
Two base hit: Burch. Three base hit: Bell.
Hits: Off Coakley, 7 in six Innings; off
Volx, 1 in three innings. Sacrifice hit: Bell.
Btoien bases: Hugglns, Burch, Jordan, left
on baaes: Cincinnati, 8; Brooklyn, o. Base
oh balls: Off coakley, 4; on new. . tac
on errors: Cincinnati, 1. Struck out: By
Coakley. 3; by Volg, 1: by Bell. 1. Passed
ball: Bergen. Time: 1:41. Umpire: Rudder
Fast Ball Results la Score Against
Omaha Club.
BLAIR, Neb.. Aug. 10 -(Speclal Telegram)
In one of the best ball games seen l.i
Blair for several years the Blair Clothing
company team, defeated the fast Townsend
Gun club team of Omaha today by a score
of 4 to 1. The game waa characterised by
fast fielding and strong pucning. ocore;
Krause, as . 4 I 0 4 1 Eldaon, ss . . f 0 I 1
Wolff, Ib ..4 0 1
West. .... 4 t 4
Petty, p ... 4 1 0
Arnold, lb .. 3 0 13
Tarns, lb .... 4 8 3
McMurtrle. rf 4 8 0
Crispin, If ... 4 1 0
Dlion. rf ... 3 0 3
sjonnson, so . a e s . .
t DQuiglsy. If . 4 1 14 4
: Hill, lb .... 4 18 0 0
0 3 Brown, e ... 3 1 8 1 0
0 O'Connor, ef. 8 0 1 0
J fiGordy, rf ... 4 1 1 0 0
r u Route, 3b .. 3 1 1 1 8
0 0 Morearty, p. 3 0 0 1 4
eyoung 1 0 0 0 0
...14 lOSIliJ
Total. 35 4 14 10 3
Batted for Morearty In the ninth.
Blair 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 ! 4
Townsends 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i
Two-base hits: Tarns, McMurtrle (2).
Struck out: By Petty, 8; by Morearty, 8.
First base on balls'. Off Petty, 1. Hit
with pitched ball: By Petty. X. Umpire:
d Duraut.
Hangers Defeat fcuglee.
Th. Rangers, who played at Benson
Eagle park kiunday afternoon, were too
much for their opponents, the Benson Mer
chants, and took them Into camp by a
scors of 8 to 1. The first score was brought
In on a surprise by ncKeu, who maae a
- I a.-h from second to home on a high throw
- '. . . . i . n.i i 1. . . i
into center iisia. sua inini cjv ium
errors down to one. Bcore: RU E.
Hangers 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 08 1
Merchants 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 1 4
Batteries: For Rangers, woodward and
Nal; for Merchants, Larson, Johnson and
Hectare Wla Irons aanldlass.
Th. gpauldlnga were beaten Sunday aft
ernoon, 7 to 8, by the Hoclor of South
Omaha, at Rlverview park. The battery
work of the winning team was especially
noteworthy as a factor In winning th.
game. Score:
Hocturs 0 10 031 07
gpauldings 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 06
Batteries: McMahon and MUlett; English
and Kreigler.
The Hoctors will play Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of this week at Auburn, No.
Flfteea Innings o Beat.
In en. of th. fastest and most exciting
amateur game, aver played In Omaha the
Hoffmans of South Omaha defeated the
fast Aulier team ef Oiuaha. Th. gam. waa
full of sensational etnpa and catches made
by both aides. It was the second
of a double-header played at the Florvnce
grounds and went flft-en Innings. The
game was won In the fifteenth Inning after
two by a single, two wild throws and a
double, the Antlers scoring two In their
hslf. Score:
Hsuk. cf ... 1 I OLehr, lb .... 1114 0
Oorrnran, n. 0 1 4 7 ORaado, cf .... 4
Dnnstaio, lb. 0M I 1 Hsmlltmi. M I
a 3 i
8 14 1
13 10
0 4 0 0
0 14 1 0
0 11 0 0
0 13 0
Ift. If ...0814 Baker, aa ... 5
Colllne. lb . t 1 1 5 OGIlson. rf ...
Wetner, tb . 0 8 4 0H,hr. If ... I
ich. rf ... 4 1 t 1 Broam. lb .. I
Will lama, . ( I 10 I OOgden, a .. 4
MaauB. p .188 0 Keller, p ... (
Touts 47 0 46 18 3 Totals . .
3 43 17 3
Hoffman 000000010001004 6
Antlers 10000000000100 24
Two-base hits: Marsh, Gibson. Struck
out: By Mason, 21: by Kelley, 10. Time:
46. L'nirire: Corrlgan.
Aanoal Event oa National llaoge Will
Uvea Ttrith Guards.
CLEVELAND. Am. 10. The annual rifle
shoot by members of the stale guards and
the United States army and navy will begin
t t amp ferry, the national range, to
morrow. Lieutenant Colonel Robert K.
Evana, general staff, will be executive offi
cer In charge of the range.
un tne lttit the National Klfle association
contests will begin and continue until Au
gust 14, when the national match between
tate guards and the army and navy will
begin. All told there will be sixty-nine
events. Every stale, the Philippines and
Hawaii will send competing teams except
Florida, Idaho arud Nevada-
One hundred and sixty gold, silver and
bronze medals will be awarded to individual
shooters. Cash prizes amounting to 3l,7-'6
will also 1e distributed. In the rifle con
tejis there are three trophies to be
awarded: The national trophy, now held
ty tne navy; the soldier ot Marathon and
the l'alma trophy.
Council Bluffs Boys Lost by a Shutout
In Omaha.
The Diets association team easily de
feated the Phoenix teum of Council Bluffs
In a one-sldcd game by the score of 8 to 0.
Probst, the Diets pitcher, wss Invincible.
The visitors only secured three hits to the
ionus twelve. Score:
AB.H.O.A.C. Brown. Ib ... 4 1 0 4 I
Hall, tb 3 1 8 0 tt'tterbark, lb 4 0 14 C 3
Dlneen. cf .. 4 3 3 POoff. If 3 1 0 4 0
Eastman, aa . I 0 3 8 I Moeher. lb .. 1 0 1 1 i
Faber, rf ... 4 0 1 0 ORoae, c 3 0 0 4 0
Kennedy, c . 3 3 10 3 OHsndenon, sa I 4 I 3 0
Pterson, 1 .410 0 Crowe, n ..30111
Neetleb'sh. lb 4 1 0 3 OBrira. it ..8 4 3 0 0
Blglow. If .. 4 8 1 0 OSpellman. cf. 8 13 0 0
frobat, p. ..40010
Total It 3 14 .3 3
Total. 31 11 37 t 1
Dtetx 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 8
Phoenix 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Close of State Circuit Race..
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Aug. 10,-fSne
clal.l The Nebraska Kneed Association
circuit closed with the three days' event
wnicn en uca nere last evening. Jt is tne
opinion or tne leaning men in the osaoela
tlon that the races this year brought out
uch larger crowds, were better In many
respects and the Interest In general waa
considerably Increased over eventa In the
past. In this city the races have never
nerore attracted such large crowds and
horsemen remarked that it was a revival
of the spirit of fifteen years ago. The
circuit included tne races at W ymore. Te
kamah, Tecumseh, Beatrice, Fremont,
Columbus and Grand Island, aud at all
point, the attendance was good. The last
days' races here attracted over 2,000. In
the neighborhood of 100 race horses were
on the ground. From here they will scatter
to all points. Borne will go to the North
Nebraska circuit, a minor line of race
meets, the majority will go into Iowa,
while others will head for the west. Some
horses here came as far as California.
The work of Judge McCreary who offici
ated a. .tarter was highly commended
by the many who witnessed the events
Alamltoa Win Two.
The Alamlto. won a double-header Bun
day afternoon from the West Ends of
Council Bluffs by the scores of 7 to S and
7 to 2. Jensen was on the slab during both
games for the dairy boys and he pitched
great ball, striking out twenty and allow
ing only eight hits. Both teams fielded
superbly. The features of the games were
the hitting of the Alamttos and the two
fast doubles pulled oft by them. Sweeny,
who halls from the Americans, caught his
first game with the dairy boys and his
work was excellent, allowing no one to
steal and getting three two-baggers. Bat
teries: West Knds, Ladell. Dodds and
Bklt.ner; Alamltoa. Jensen and Sweeny.
O'Neill Defeats Plalnvlevr.
O'NEILL, Neb., Aug. 10. (Special.)
O'Neill opened the 190R ball season by trim
ming the crack Plalnvlew team upon the
O'Neill diamond yesterday afternoon. The
game was Interesting and was won by
vj ix em in me last nun or tne nintn. f rim-
ley was in lire box ror O'Neill and held the
Plalnvlew sluggers to three hits. Score:
O'Neill 3 1000000 1 4 84
Plalnvlew- 00003 001 03 8 3
Strike outs: Prlmley, 4; King, 8. Batter
lee: O'Neill, Prlmley and Wilson; Plaln
vlew, King and Chapman.
Signal Corps Beat Achates.
The 81gnal Corps base ball team defeated
the Royal Achates in a game marked by
batting and erratic playing. The visitors
Were unable to hit Wells, whose pitching
waa the feature of the game. Score:
Signal Corps 3 0 2 1 ! 0 3 2 IS
Royal Achates 0100000024
Summary: Base hits: Signnl Corps, 10;
Royal Achates, 6; Struck out: By Wells.
10; by Adams, B. Batteries: Wells and
Halbe; Adama and Clark. Umpire: Rlgsby.
Amateur Oaraiuen Regatta.
NEW YORK, Aub. 10. Most of the promi
nent rowing clubs In the United Stntes and
Canada wlll take part in the thlrty-sbuh
annual regatta of the National Association
of Amateur Oarsmen which will be held on
the Connecticut river, Springfield, Mass.,
next Friday and Saturday.
Secretary Fred Fort Meyer said this af
ternoon the entries exceeded those for any
previous regatta.
About fifty clubs are entered. They are
from points as far east aa Boston and as
far west aa St. Paul and St. Louis. Many
are from Canada.
Sterllna. Want tiame.
Manager Harry Sage of the Sterling's Is
lacking games and would like to hear
from managers in Nebraska and western
Iowa. Address Hlerllng Farlor, TJuu Cuming
sirem, or pnone iougiaa bmh.
The entire inner portion of our bodies is covered with a goft, delicate lining'
called mucous membrane; this is kept in healthy condition by the nourishment and
vital vigor it receives from the blood. So long as the circulation remains pure thia
membrane w ill be healthy, but when the blood becomes infected with catarrhal impure
ities and poisons this inner lininir of the body becomes irritated and diseased, and the
unpleasant and serious symptoms of Catarrh commence. There is a tight, stuffy feeling
in the nose, watery eyes, buzzing noises in the ears, often slight deafness, difficult
breathing, etc Tne disease canuot be reached by external treatment, though such
measures afford temporary relief in some instances. & S. & cures Catarrh by cleansing
the blood of all impurities and Doiaons. Then aa rich, nor hWvl rimilwtes br,rKl
the body, the inflamed, irritated membranes heal, the discbarge ceases, headaches are
relieved and every symptom disappears. Catarrlt, being a disease in which the entire
blood circulation is affected, can only be cured by a remedy that goes to the very
bottom and removes every particle of the impurity from the blood. And this is iuat
What & & & dota. Hook OH Catarrh and any medical advice free.
guaranta. Ne money te be
nl P.,. ,M., B,.-r n. a..
tTO-LAY lor Pre. leak
DR. C. R. TARRY, 224
Springfield Hegatta Already Eal
Luge Entry Lilt
fiest roun-TO-rourr alu nAcra
Noveltr I- Alr"4arerla. 9.
Palled 0 la Ma.a -
Papke-Maatell Trlaa
Fight. i
interesting sporting event ot th. '
b. the annual U'NwUToh will
sedation of Amateur 0"
be held at Springfield. Mm. . Ft 7
Saturday. The entry list for the
event, is th. largest and m -
tive in the history of the .-
The continuation ox ,
New Tork T.cht - y '
f0, the JVE" Th" Kin,', cn.
at Newport, the races M
will b. held, and Tueaday the tt
cru... to Vineyard Haven WedndA,
g from Vineyaru a -and
Thuraday to MrW-h.d.
Friday the race, for th . Pamou.
Game Cock color, will be sailed at i
blehead. ,. N,w
motor boats, a
r'or tne niu.u. vra ar-
York to the Thousand '"" AmwA
ranged under the au.p c- of the
,0 ii aa wer
ot tha Amerl
' 1" . ...oclstion. The cms.
rowrr v
gins Tuesday.
The program tor "" .i .i.,n.l
eludes competition, leading to .
championship "tlr Zr
eral state championships. Tne
rthe e?.rr wsT and th". aouth -J
"itnere Crescent Athletio clubcourU
, Brooklyn to ' ' namploB.
rounds in tne , wlll QUal-
-v.i Ths winners ot this event .
ifv for the challer
erlck B. Alexander and
holder, of the title, which will be piay.a
team will face their old foe., th. Maryl.
bones on Thursday and Saturday.
The first point-to-point
be held in the United State.
dav by the North Adam. (Mas..) Aero
club. Four, and possibly .1 . balloon., will
be .ent away during the afternoon. The
So o each balloon wiU be reaped o
n.m. hi. J.TLi
"huiXy night at Boston. Billy Park
th? middleweight wlll tax. upon
SmoTlf th. task of defeating on. after
The other Frank Mantel! the New
tne ner Donovan of Ro-
"Thought harnes. r.oer. of th. Grand
circuit go to Buffalo this we.k-
A golf tournament will begin at Poland
Sua lngs, Me.
Yacht Antta Wis. a
t- nf a series of yacht races at tha
RoS SS WM"5iB nda
ThiE wTsad breeie- 0. cour.
whTrt almost two mile, it, length. q H
WRf i third The "landing of th.
'"."..ent follows: Trio. .800; Iolo.
&0; Anita. i00; Mary Kill.. Ol Cathrine, u.
Plover Out at Genera.
.,. Thorns the noted Jockey nd
Charles porpe ine he n.ver
aVm-ny P.oVer Tn hi. life . .r.
ld Geneva thl. V'"' billed Plova?
-ts them from being kineo. f
t he shot in Nebraska until Bep-
saw si
may not be
" ,r re...- i.w wss Dassea oy ir.e
lalt legislature because to many hunters.
' Vr efne'Hgulse of shooting P'v"'n" l
fact slaughtering quail and chickens.
MrGrath Breaks Hammer Record.
DUBLIN. Aug. lO.-At the Gaelic Khletlo
meKIng held at Menagh yesterday M. J.
Xorafh New York Athletic club, broke
all hammer-throwing records with a dls
fance of 17 feet. In the weiKht throwing
euntt McOrath put the flfty-s x-pound
weight frorn a nine-foot circle thlrty-nlno
feet three Inches
Queen Stars Beat Monarcha.
The Queen Star defeated the Monarch,
in a flve-lnnlng, no-run, no-hlt game Bun
day afternoon. Johnson made a horn, run
Bavin three two-baggers and Miller two
doubles. The score was 11 to 0 and tne
batterle, were: Queen Bars Jh,nn Md
Gavin; Monarchs, Foley and Ball.
Cub. Play at Waterbury.
nriTi iiRrRT Conn.. Aug. 10. The Chi
cago Nationals won from Waterbury hero
r.Amv a to 1. score, ....
...4 10 1
...1 1
Swart, and Koch at Beatrice.
C - . anl VnCh MM Of the (trOng tn-
nis teams of the Ornsha Field club, are fig
uring on attending tne lennis hiuihsuisui,
at Beatrice.
Bee want a5 are business booster..
Oermaa School Vessel Cat. Boat ia
Two, Resulting la Death of
Nine Hea.
HALIFAX, N. B., Aug. 10. The Glonea
ter, Mass., fishing schooner Maggie and.
May. Captain Erlck McCathran, was run
down and sunk by the German achool .hip
Freya, Captain Haas, sixty mile, south
cast of Halifax at 11:80 p. ra. on Saturday
and Captain McCathran and eight of the
crew were drowned. Four of the men were
rescued. At the time of th. collision
dense fog prevailed. The drowned were:
cester, Mass., and eight men.
WIU sore yea (or 1113 atOsTXT tbaa any etaet gBeolaila
and accept the money ia any way yoa wish to pay.
Hereon. Debility, Blood oiaoa, Skla Iuaa.ea, SXldaef
eat Bladder Diseases, atowaoh, all Spec Lai Diseases aad All.
a? sate of Maa.
Established In Omaha 25 Years.
We make no misleading or false statements oreu
offer you cheap, worthless treatment. Examination 9 ft A
and consultation. Write for ayiuptom blank twirl HM
home treatment. I I U w
DR. McGREW CO.. 215 S. 14th St., Omaha. Neb.
KNIPK. All Rectal Disease treated upon a pctr
paid till eured. A pnlid traatmant. Without th use
. r a r.) anaastriatiz FhFL WrlUI
oa Heetal wltM Tetlsenlsls.
Uee Duildlne. Omaha, Hob.