Daily Bee ni VWVII! m OMAHA. TlKSDAY MOliXIC, Al(ifST 11. 1!0S TK PAUKS. S1XUI.K COPY TWO CKXTS. The Omaha ON Till', rAUH,sl,MMARY 0F TBE BHEJTAFT ACA1S AlHOT SPRINGS hi'lM fufM Af'nMni fi Improv In f WU ( nn-lif if ni '.iffNTrlY HMIlt NATION I" ith irnpoTnf i rMIAt, (OMMIiMOJI AiTOlNTKD I I ll U Atk4 t't l,k Into AfTm. nd Repotf h.V I"(fmfif. XrWIAl. Mr.WIAOr'. TO fO?lORF.S3 ''-Manl Mill fl.r (lM(Miimi-nil. Ilnm liana r naaeattona for I rililallmi Ihm Will Irn.l ) llrmrilt Nmirn. . i I l! I: I i m l.i i.miiih n a 1 if 'l ri mii'iiii,' f M P' I' I I'l' f ." I' ' '"I o f. 1 r i ( .1 I'i'i t"'ii. i. ..,, I I . I. In II . , .t . . ' r tin li I - 'I i i :,K : -,, 1 I (,. I I . ( ill. , l III, I .,T- ,11 III. ' H II II ., , i l,,i I . i, l, ,1 I ' f" ' " 111,1 K" I " W I, ill,' III I' I' l and I" , , i, inn,, 1 1 , 1 . i ' miis ,,.u t ,in, I i , .iiiiiM- ii I . I , .1,1 Hill Mil, III I.. N .1 I i , , n in, i, , i ,., 1 1 , i f i , I , i i hint ,niiii. nil, i If n'.i il' ! in iinik.'. III I.. ,i. i, ' ,i i'. ' in, ,. .1 lil i il.,l in ri 111" w . li. I I II ... ,t ' ,. I I II"' x f 1 1 II" i fi. .,...iii f C - v ,1 li in .i k. .1 I., a ' urn ,,n lln f'Pl IK ll l-ill I I. Ill ll' :l I Ill,' Ci .f i. ii 1 1. 1 I. -, i.f is,, v ,'i '',. ;. n- .,f Vmi ' ! H n l . Minn VN'.iil ,1 U ill i i, . I It'll' I. I Mninri. 1,1 . I 'I f I.J'Ilt h nv , I, II. Mr! f M4MHI ll'lf III" A Miiiiin .il intiiRi Miri.ii.l I'ln.i r tin- I 1 . 1 ' 1 1 H'n', 'irl H'liTH , .'Mil W.lllrl II I'm.' nl ii.i nf ilir ' I'l . k. s.iv V..ik I'rralilriit Onllliir I'lnii. In i li ii.-i in I'ruf l;.nW. .1"!- nx 1,1111 I" .....pi ilir . 1 1 ,i 1 1 ii i.i n -1 1 1 1 , i'l Hi I'.'iiimi."- j "II. II,.' ,i -ill, III mil ll'H'i iiW ,, -il'K in j i . ! i ii.ii nf 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 , v 1 1 1 n 1 '. i. ii Hi. f.ntns , III" ll'lrr fi.lli.ttH M I'l.ir l'i, if ll.ul. v li ii.it i 1 1 Lil" , it ,,nr".l pn IllHIl.'lll KUHM1.H- illllry "i KrHlii4M ftnH hiiHiil I'll llif w.-llli. inn ,,r 1 1 , r nr. ..it fMimrr i i.i.ms. Hi.- Mini wlm lir nil III.' -mil. fill il IK lip, HI Hull' W'l- f.ii.' ni.iirit.il mill inni.il. ip.ii ilir w.li. in' : l lh iril ..f tl'l- nil ' H,li lllllllliililv Irsls, ) III II.. I mini .MlHtrn. ills' rK. .lllin itIMiii I ,tt.ii Hiiil t.ikliiH Hr n.iii'iii if 11 Wlll'l,'. j I l,"l,lli, II III hr Inir Mill' Inr I.IIIII.IS 111 k"tirriil in' In :i: off l,uLi III. in liny . f rr a ri hrfnrr W'r A nn" u ;i ns inr milk- I f i ft BI'Hl piiKtrii In Mir t. .'Inpllirlll nf li xvririilt in nl rrr mi , r Ilul II l , ,iinllv 'it tllHl I tin Hoi'IhI mill i'l.. 11. 'Illir lllMltll- ' 'I'I'll 'f th I'pt'll i 1 1 II I r nil' II,. I k'riltl j iair Hitli Ilir ttv Inplli'ir ? nt tin n.itlnn j mm m liir Tlir f.irinrr, ai n nil. . ,s hrti.-r l, If IP'I'I ilN flTi'llP.!' - llMl llIM illll.'.IHl- 111 I wvlllvriiiff Ph no! krpl p.nr n'illi th:il nt' I ' n I'llillllr !IH Win, I.-. W lnlr 111.' i nllili- j ' 1,11 lf 111.' fril'lllrl 111 Hi'lllr III" mil Ih'SI j f4imln r.'KinliU .'MV' lit T 1 In lir ilrsiiril. ! rr fur fmm 'ni'liit: ii'.n ti, , s.i Inli ; h i".rl 111 .til p,u! nl t hr i-iiunttv In pin- ; l.nlin I.f Ilir ffiiiltll, f.n I'N.llnpli'. wh' lr I i.t. lyparunrn' rf Agrlmili m-.- thrtitiKii tlir lrmnt i-o-npmlivi ilriimn,.! r,it Inn wmk f I Hr K rrii .lirrrtl mi riH'IAnK Ptnir i'uii .Vn rirmi'tii in lirli.r inn Innln nf 1 t.l'lliH tliri 4 n' rrt lirlrfs mill ll 11- lr1f' IHff''IIIIK Htlll lll'I'llll'Ml. .,VS nf i f f ti'lMirj hu ftm farm A ii slrlini. who ; Mift.i n rAff il ti'ifnt nf f. irm lif.' in l i- h mrllip in in rr.'iiTl ntt tlir rnnrin- , trr"iitiiMr nf pr'.v ninl'lr ilmilM nf ; , 'iililrrn ilnr !, tlir 'HimiMl.irv .-nnilll m'l nf irljiln p.iiitP.r'i f.npi 14. in I 1 rrn,iii.t . f;,,tn M,r l..;.ilti p. mil f 'lt. I w.mlil --iirlirr iv ,,wti il .1, ik 1 ' ,-t . i. 1 1 .,.,1 n! wmk in i en' i , ii mill il'.m ' 1 .. In a ' II 1 11 1 "' ' 111" .1 1 I I V " -,l .'.', I 1,. " .!, I., f.lllll Till .IP M'.l'ln . I I tl !' I' .1 trmrtlt I h.l.,1 H:,!l I . li llf,' ,1111'iMK I' '''I 'I i"i' "T t pl' llrllrr I rnp. Thru, Hi-llrr l llnu. I tl-.'lhl f HI' nlilrl n.l' nil I ill I. il! ' til- f.- ll With , ,l ' . W 11 ill , lln .1 . Killlil "I .1 ' l.ti'tlil g,f ' ,IV . Mill -pi I", I 'i fr.l H ni.'l :,' 1,1 A ITI'li lilt : r ' I lllllt, : III I pt li ti, :i ii lli. w ill.- if fliiM.ffm. ii;is' P' l.i I n ,1 i,i I'. I :i,;ii.I ,11, l'.i.4 I'H i rn.ln.'l !..i, nl . r ," Imr .ittrntl.in li:'.. 1 i ,tr,l r, MliTti.l I'M'ill-iHil,' nil , f.-tt;t, K.t' fiinui'ie In ll" ii- tittiiiK i , .i iiim -1. l ,.,ii 1.1 v tin- riy ' 1 1 ' in llii in ! .1" fir i'.iiir-r nn,it fir-l .f .il urnw t..T i r,, ti ,.r,.r in nippul liim.ir'f anil w fli'll. H'll Wl.'ll lt.! I. IS nr. n Mr 1 ,'" I Ml. .;'!.. II Inr !,.'H-r f.ll'TllllK Mi,ll. . . I.- . nf.!-, . T-, I i:!1,! 1 r .! ,,, , ; - I . -I l, t ' ,'f,.rf- f,- I. -It. I i.'i.M llrss n I .l. r p. ,,,a: ,m in. f.ir'ii It N .m ir.i- ln r.'r"."t il'Ht Ilir I TNI r ",!' ll'il K t lirg.' I,.,.,!'.- i-.tiilii I i t i,ni't initi fm t,, ... ,.l , ,i . I .mr.-- ll mi I,. , , ,1 l, j'mm ",i p.- -.li,, i M jr. t lir 'gif. -I p.sil r rf t i-ti in ,'i,,p- li. nl iiii.i P. r.i. - ik 1 1 ,", 1 1 . 1 1 r' i ii i i , . .' , ,f . i ,,i ; . T , ,.' Ki ' 1 1 f , t i ' , ,, t i'. a ' I i ' . ' i'i i i r - ' ,i n.l u .. i .:,i .' ,.f !'!. ..Hllr I" ' , flllnr n.l ...r-i ' , .: ,,,r in .i t!' " i km, l .,, , i' ,. ." f irrn. '" n I , i , r, ' , i , ll I t , ' f ' i i ' I f'.'i a. ,iar . lull .ii prihi. m I i .in ."I- ,ii , r. , !. t ' I S !'" ',. 4ti I ..nl rn l.i I if III nil i-,! , I" us l I 111 . .ijt . : i.t vi i . i .i nl , r p. ,.. vt I ',.j.. W ' : I '- I'l r' ,f l'i, : 1 V ' I I - ,'.- . , t 'i' f it ti-' w,,rk'r -vl ),.r l4,inal Ull,i' HI), I 114! 4 I".- til ' I' ... , I . I "f fi-,,.- if Itifr,' A An.- l:i:i ' ,',,1,1 hi lll-l' 'I V if '. il l! f ir I 'Tlui- gntnpm r.f nil'. sm. mn.-T mi l r-",! 'ip'n ii. ("Lifirlrr .,! lis ininlfv lnr'll.t mil n,m 111 ID ll',i I . IV- '. ngj S. gi ii- t rf ncitili I r t r . ,, r f-jn ,iijr t:. l'. , a l,.ns III i h '!' ' ! ,i'iitili.r ! Id,' . 'i.i fill t. r if li f ;rm 'J fl.'Vlllltt Inn " liwrMVf twm tlfr. 'A -ai 'ri-AA In run intll' rii r f. p.l I i.l , In 1 1 1 ll ..f .til nir ' I .' ,i s . ' ,,i,.eti .llr'M ll'. A ni.l i'ulf nf inem. 1 el 1.1. I . tlie . It'itll f t ' i i . I , s, ,. i. K..ri n.l l.i n.al'it ill. mi fa: nit ft, I , I ' - ltf nf 1 e f-fll! t HO. I"' t- 1. 1 s I.,r f . ! r ,.f i I I' 'f . t tr.t . riil4,-r ,o,,f. nt, ; , i r . .1 . , : ' ,..,.., A ,,l tt.,r- ., n. live ' Sin h .1 '"t -l .. , iii.. .1. sit e I I in ' fn t.pl ...1 'hr I I i ,- ' iln I . . ' t.'t ' "ti "V -,l Mit't Itrln'il- l . 1 I p A , , I , , re I- I : I' I t. v . . .1. 1 H lis nt , ,-f I , tt , , t i ,11 - ,'U , It, ' ', g ,lr - I ' I . I "i r. It, , : 1 ll f I It X I I n, sr c . 1 ; ni t I .. . i nl ..t, , ,i ;. -I , .1 .. , t- ' ' p.. . v I . ll l 1 ''-I I . ,. t II. -1 l"", r ' ..w .in i I-... :'4 "t .1 l,r b'ln "I in. , ra f v ft 11 ..... , ... .le . : . '1 . ... , V ! nf t. 1 PH I'M 'i'l, p. a '' m .'.. .-nt , i - - it ti... , , i . .1 . i t .1 1 I ' I -t t ,.' 1: ,j I- . , i, . I lllpi-l'l .1 I I I ' , I ' I- ' '.'..' - ' "' 1 . fH ,, 1 '1. I .t ' ,l ! , - If. t I 11,. "Ill . i- tanil lit. -I e 1 1 1 :',. ! ' . AH- '. -t',,1 Ol . 4 ' ' I.I l- ,1 ,11" It' -11,1 1 1 i 4 t ; i I ! r.- s i. l. . '11. ,s,tl- 'l ic n, f iaf ii iiap.'i in. I it 1 l Waiea I I I Oiaiwta raanaeva. ' '' I III li' a-. "4 II f nrattfit. Inanaf II. Mini. Mi m; a 7 0 8 i 5 0 2 S 15 10 It IS 19 20 2 22 25 20 2Z 28 29 THE in 1 1: 1 1 i 1 1 i ( i i r simw . WEATHER. ill NCI I. HUFFS ASM j Tin s,I.i . rising triii. ii l'i 't' Ni:i;lt K I i ' I !.' s I i. ji,h wltn rising trim r.u M yi ,i- i i A Probable I' I ,..,( ,. Kiln : isitig : IT! I ml Mir h, m. i at i i iin,it',i i-iii.iy it. 1'' K to . 7 1, 1 1 VI I I I' 4 S! X . I i p. I LITICAI.. I,,l fll"W ii ml Until II sl rutin r.ll l' wi:l.i mm Ii ,nl sl;l tr mti"-t primarir.i in rr N'alri I'm s, n.i -I. Is i i I it Pa.?e 1 Tn I'l that f IJj.'Kin in Paff 1 l , I '3 I, If, Ml' " Si I,. I Til ft Will nti rlls .1 llil K" niii.i'ii ll y "(Ii, i -I V i' 1. 1 n in. DOMESTIC. liilnt ni.iinst ii i is m.'ii i.ifi)!' , ,'iiiuiiiissinn 'i.inp I'.lll " lllllll, I' ISr It) Itilei- rimiMii slillr r tin Faga 1 confidence t wi'iily -t wo Pa? 1 ml ten uliirr ilpl .i I n I '.,! 1-1 w 111 rXprrssi lii mil. In will list mn s .111 linlll n il' i llil'llrll wrir killnl i in i .iisniis Injiiii'il in ii trtn'nii'iit fiir In Nrw 1 mk Fag-e 1 Atlntni". ( ti' tin I'll I TlinlllllSntl in nil opt 11- iiui tn Sri i', t.u y iif St.iti'' Jun kill sustains pilliilp.'l In l lit Mlililr liV ii till II'IM'IMII'I a.. i HI N'rl.lr pintr-t. Twn pn snns arr Uillril anil in.pirnl in Ilir i'pliistini nf a I ,'ttml'il' t,, ill' I'llilirstnw p. O tw o unit e strum aii Pair 1 rOREIQN. I.iiviillsts :it Talili. sliiinl ilnwtl Allirl'i iii li llau ami w, niiiil mail s'.amlitiK in il'ini' .i nl A in, rii . m iiiiisuliitr. Faff 1 LOCAL. I'nliir .luilur I'rawl'iiiii in iipiisrx a siin- i is.- .mn t nl liravini; tlir i iliiiiik- in nrilcr that tli- ll'.lsi il l'i I'i'I',' wm k lllilli s. Tm ii i tr. i lnpr ti lls lair nl till S nl I.I 1 1 .-1 :l III I'm' the isrs of plain may be re Fag 1 f belated bid nt) printing. Fag a Western an whieli opens llrspilr ililinils 111" I! 1 ,'JI I nniinirs nrw tailtf mi (jraln llu- (Un.ilia inat'ki't furall Nrl.rask i towns. Faga 10 "nils nt' lh,, ImII tsiiliii's: Nrw "lllk VS. I 'tlH'llH!- J. - I'l.ilH.ir'phla v. I'll Labma --Hioikvn s. i 'iiu-tiinHti i. l, l.nuiw s. IH'Sliill J. I. Wasiniigtoii fl' Ml, in. 1 v i liii iigo is. I'.oston vs. s. I It'll oil J. ; I'hilllilrlpllia -n-:! Nrw York -I. SI Louis -i. '.i Si. I'aul vs. .Miniirapnlis-;! Faga 9 MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. 1,,.. Arnv.-J. .-"l'i"' ,)l I'Pf:,' BHI"1 NKW VIIKK. M.W Y'UIU t"lll.,MiKI.I'IIIA l.i t Kill', ml. Snl 1 ll I'lnN i'l i:kn.-ThWN lIKNiiV Monlrti-r. . . i ' . m rt. . Hint., hrr. . l.ifti-PtHiiil Mo I piltilli Pluli.i,'lMa. T.'i, una Kl'iri'ttf HAYWARD ACCEPTS NEW WORK l.mii'i for l;l 'Ihiirsilny liirnlii oilier villh Ibalrmnu lltelii'oi'k. lo M ii: , gi am I.K. Neb.. ("li.tiiTiiaii ,l:c;in slat. Aug. In - iSpceial Tt I Williani llaywaitl of i i nt i al ciiiiimittce w ill l'i. i.n,' Norfolk loinoirow morning for l.in .,'n and will start Tliuisilay niftht for Chl- :, s wheir In will nn I National I'hair ti i lli'.h, mk the latter part of the week i rnnl. r with itgar.l to bis new position is st i t.liv of til.' II. Hi, mill t llllinii'lrr. Mr. II. n waul w ill accept the new position t' "lie ,11'd .-intll our else will be chosen ini- ititil rt rlv In s ieci-ril him as chairman of I, s, i . i i. uin Hi, p. Flank I'lirritk. secrr ; i: .f thr stair commit 1 1:,-. reached here I lln, in. to go nil t'l ';,lt'llt .11'. to meet I !!! , .'Mil, it,.. I'll. lit UliiTl t li.'.nllilW i K I'MSKll. N ii . A iv I'V-Nnw tliitl I i , .t i ri n.l ll :lb:i:o li.nward of the N -i ' -k rep'llil ,! .li: , 111 liililr,' w ill step ,p It. an. r 111 the .Itcrpt.il f the srt lrlaH- i,,p ,.f ii. mi, !,.'! cinniit tre the many .1,, ii --. . im fie iiiliof lion. A. I'.. Allen W":.' i 1 1 - m s, r Ih.it i; 11 ! loin A n s'lt'tri .Is s! 1 1 . i ,, ,1 i : 1 1; ., II. STEAM AUTO EXPLOSION FATAL Ore a n a la tri Marled la M 111 rertlana. I V 1 . . I. e. . kwi . ,1 i i, r ,,tts A g Mrs .i i f Mary Rise is.alltlv obi. was . He. W badly mi of a es from I.". I I li.'S w , I, It lis. , I ,i ,i si ,-a'ii .ii', ft nttu' ! Kf k it ,i :.iw if, ' r in ! ' , i:' ill lg.lt 'he eipl, r s:n n nil at .la i d I'.s i ther-in- l- wai on hi wav "' ll. to t his c.ty .i.i,- at a r.iie of , , vs ii : ig h,s ni.e .i.i .;! s in 'i,n;- a; nits of ,r-t t ons. vt.' :l. It m ere FIRE THREATENS BIG TREES luiH.iaa Lrtnf al lwaaltrra la tali furaia ia thianer vt Ikratrae- ! lias. I J-'i't K it ' N I'ai. A K ',"-'l'h., fores' j ' t.s 'i I',.- . :.I.1 ,.f '',' tlin,US gl'llr of i ', ; r. s ..i i 'al.i . r.i s muni, li.ia or "km j t. .i''"ii .Hid ',a" l.teletl ihe s.nillil .-.. X I I'l '.in- lull '. bit lil.it the IIUIII ! - "I Its 1 .-, , II l.r j't.l M',1 v siiit;iii 4irf i r. hrtin-j i I j ! tt. l.i .i o . ll IkhI .I Hrt: t .'Hi ' I r i 'i-i.Sii iif i iiii '.I S i. :n (iai r ( tn lat J K. l-i 't.. i Hunii vAiit ,-t!, i-nipliiVf uf i i i ' ni f .!!. 1.1 ! In .I 'ir-f lull tm ti f li.-p- , I lull. 1 pl.l- I ' i-rtHUI i 11 -U I'U ll l at) . 4 l.'.'J.H t Receives Promise of Elkins for 38.000 ! Majority in West Virginia. I RANK AND FILE WILL GOVERN ! i halrmnn W ondrnff of r- nra. ( n m . mlllrr irnllinrnl or Party Will Deride loftlnn of tiot--f rnr Nomination. lluT HI'ISINUS. "ii . Auc 1".-Jin'mi W. II Tnft ami patty mrivnl li. rr thl morn 1 ii k frmii Vlillr Snlplitir Sprites. W. Va. Pratik 11. 1 1 ill lu ni k . i li.iirtnan of th -Pali, mill trplllilii'.in rnlillTllttri , Is oxprrtrd In inn h In rr Wrilnrstlay. whi n tlir Wrst Viminlii Mitiiatinii will Pi tiikrn up wilh thr Iradrrs fii in that stair. Mr. Swishrr. rrpiilillran i'iiinlul.itt fur finMimr of NVpst VliKinla. iniiin line nti tin- samp train Willi Mr Taft anil will ri'tnaiii tn Mn- Mr. Ilituli I'.ick. Mi'tialnr KlkitiM nf U.st Virplnla. who n ai lii'il lii'ic sla-nlay. hail an i xtrn,, J unfirriii'i' with Mr. Swishrr to, lay, aftrr whii li In- sal'l that, lit' hi'lirvnl Mr. .Sw;sh'f wntilil In rlri'tril Kii-piniir Py ii.nn ma im it i ami that Mr Tall Wii'ilil party his stair liv nun inajm ii i . II was nut. hr said, tlir ilrsiip nf thr Uailrts nf his slat t.i Mivnlrv Mr. Taft In any fflitional iliffi- I'lll! irS 111 Ills Stall?. WIIITK SI Ll'lll K Sl'lilMiS. V. Va.. ' Ann. in -Mr. Taft :ind patty 1,'fl In rr early tnilay inr lint Spring. Va. Nut In lug fa ! miliar with all (if tin' (Mails nf tile ar 1 i 1 1 m' mt'tit liv whii'h EltntT Dnver takos ! Hii' srirrt.ii ship nf thr ailvlsnry i omtnlt- ! i f tin- ri pulilli an naliiinal ruinnilllrr ' uml William Haywnnl nf Nrlnaska the Stl'lrtal vship nf Ilir full I'limillUtrf, Ml. Taft saiil lie hail uu siaU'ituiit tt tnnki- nt pi i.si'Ilt . II 11Kb. m ( imr to ItnnU anil Kile. NKW VOliK, Auk 1 -Thai lln- tank ami file iif New York 1 emlilirans will illr tair whrthrr Charles K. llughiH will h" reniiniinatril for governor was thr suli ftani'r of a statrment mad' by State Chairman Tiinothy I.. Wootlrnff. who re twrnt'il Imlay from the Ailirotnliu ks. Mr. Woodruff said: "Wr have been trying lu find out the real sentiment of Ihr tank and file of the republican nnriv of New York in a choice f a ' nndidatp for gnvernor, and i' are still sirklng what the sentiment may re veal. The orpanizat ion has every c6n fiih'iice in thr rank and tile of the re publican party of thi" state to act wisely in the matter, uml wr see no reason to think thai Ihc body of republicans shoulif not i lit wise have confident p In the orc;iini zatlon. Wr shall iie Riililed by what the fiai'ly wants in this matter." Chairmnn Wooilruf f announced that the temporary ch'iiruiau of the Stat' conven tion will lie either Klll'ii Moot or ,loS"pli H. t'hn.'i'.r. both iif whom have signif iert Ihrir williiiKness to sent- in that rapacity. Whichi ver of the two Is matle Icnporary cbab luan. the other w ill be selrcted as is'inianent chairman. The date of thp C(in intlon will be Relcctetl at a nieetinB al the republican club on Wednesday. 1'iynr l a tandltlale. Al Hl lUN. N. Y.. Aug. I'l.-t'oiiai'essma'i Sen no K. Pay nr. chairman of the housi committee on ways and means, ilmlcs thai he is a candidate for governor of N w York slat.,. I 'niigi issin.i n rayne said totlay: "I am not and shall not be a caiiillil.it. t for governor. My present ambition i be rt -elected to congress and to help revise Hit.- lui'it'f." WJI.SON MI STIMIS TO SI'KIK Inblurl Xemlieea Will Take fart la rriiimil I amiialitn. NKW VdUK, Aug. lU.-Sticretary Wilson Depart men tof Agriculture and Sec Straus tf tlie Department of t'mti and lilnii' have boiii promised to speeches in liie renublican cam ZZ make paign il. Vermont. The election In that state will be held on September 1. and Is the first in the list of slates. The fact that two cabinet members are to parilcipate In the campaign was unnoiinrcd tonight by Chairman Krunk H. Hitchcock of the re publican rational commit lee. Charles II. Keating of Mansfield, (I., has hern appointed assistant ilireclor of llif,j.rn nominati'd for lit ill. iiant cm ernor on speakers' bureau, and w ill have charge nf j ,'ir republican ticket, and that J. 1. I'd kei -the wmk at tiie Chicago headquarters'. ling has been chosen by the tlemoci at s as When Frank II. Hitchcock, chairman of I thel candidate for clerk of Hie niprenie the republican nalional eamniitlee. reaches pnurt. These wer tin- i lily ol fires m) which Chicago next Saturday, he will be met by lliemge It. ' eom m it t rr ; Sheliloi.. the treasurer of the Richard V. t ulnli.itl. director of the literary bureau. and C.t neral T. Cole- man Dupnnt lilertol' of the sp'dlvers' bll- reau. James 'I'. Williams, Jr., will accompany Chairman Hi' clie.-cl mi all of his travels, and will servr in the capat Ity of confltlrn ti.il srcictary, this apiHiinliiirnt havirg linn annoiini'iil to,la. RrprrSrlltatiVr J. Villi Veclilrti lilcoll of Nt w York forjsulteil witii iTiairman Hitch cot k totlay coicerning New Ymk state poll tics. Frank '. Williams, stale i hail in.ir. id Vt rinoiil, and several other political leiatl- j era from thaj state will arrive here tonight I for a conleVenee Willi Mr. Hitchcock. ! i ' ,II K Ttl.KM l AIIPAII.y Fl Ml 1 . j I kilrmiu Dltaranara Money Mattrra Heforr l eal las; for l.lueola. CHICAl.tl. Aug. 10 -1 .'bairii.au Mat k of the driiii.ci.itic national coniiiuUee Itd.iy confei r.'tl with National Comniilteeiiit n Wa.lr of Iowa and Wood of Michigan con cerning tl, political situation In their states mid the middle west in general. The j matler nf a . an paian fjnd wss again ; tak. n up wt'h (iovernor Hask, 11 ami i Cnl .ii I Mikih C. Wetmore. J. II. Alwrnul, chairiniti of the s jkers bureau. wtf e- ( pert, d here this afternoon. Mr. Mack 1 will leave for Unt t.ln. Neb, tonight . u i rtttnl lb" l.ryan notification on Wt dni- ! TEXAS COMPLAINT IS FILED Objretiaaa wf iklparri la Pronoaa-al larrfMe Haln la Be fare I waaiulaal.ia. WASHINi'.'I'ON. Aug. 1'" -The eoinlaint of the railroatl t oii'mlasion of Texan against tlie several railroa.ls tnat hac given notice of increase in freigm rates which heranie effnrive in that ate today lai filed with Ilia Inutitiie Cnmirrt co.Timl.sta, on tndav. Tha i l arg. -a cmtaUnad in the c'liiipl.iiiit arte aimiiar lo thoae nia.lti in the recent t'oium'iuteaMoii to Chairman Knapp by Allison May field, ctiairnian of 'he Texas Railroad i omaiaaiun, and sl rea.l mat!" pulih . T'ip Int. ri at" Comiiter.-e t miimission will torriorriw notify i atlrouij s ",,i. eriH-,1 in toe ll t-li-us.'. I l a!'-s. I as i ,.nnli,ii Lunula, to lepii' to Ihr milplan: t filed loda n lot Milro,l cuiiianspiou if T"X is wit bin fil tern da; 4. I: ia ti-tnal to give ta. i.i.t d.tya Lo' in.- f.bnj nl u 1 1. iv lo a t uaiioluini GETTING j this arAip ' V,' T- should cAori F rr- v rot 3eveiAi. Z VuR DEMOCRATS-! 1 , A LAIOH AVINa lUIMIITION TO MR. aNVAN. Fium enver Itrpiililiian. DINEEN HAS STRONG LEAD Available Returns Give Him Majority of 12,000 Over Yates. F0SS TO CONTEST WITH HOPKINS j Latter Una I'larallty. hut I'ornipr I'lalni til llnvr tarried lJorlly of Senntorlnl niatrlelft Oalraby for l.lt'Blenanl linirrnor, Cllb'ACSO. Aug 111 Such returns as wire avai'ab!' rally luday. in addition to tliosrt, obtained last night, continued the republican nomination of Charlps S. Deneen for governor antl Rive the republican rn tloi's.'inpnt for 1'nited States senator tn Albert J. Hopkins. From figures at band, which arc, hoWPVPi', Incomplete, the ma jority vote of Deneen over Yates Is prob- ably mil far from 12,0ou to ir.mm. I Tlie v ile for Cniterl Slates senator shows that llnpkinn lias n" j'. Hi.libil plurality over i ' Fuss, but it is no I certain thai this t man will hold. The returns from sonir- ' ' poiintles may reduce Hopkins' lead tnti- ! triully. II Is. however, eonsidt red c-rtaln by polliicians that Hopkins will receive r. strong plurality on th- popular vote. I It Is certain that I'tss will carry the I fight inl i the state legislature ami a warn; j contest will t nsue when that body inert s I next winl' i'. Koss anil bis managrrs 'Halm that he has carried n miiioritv of the senatorial districts, ami that tlie chief i itreiigth of the Hopkins vote, particularly I 111 lite city of Chit ago lias been if. ; the democratic wards. It Is claimed that i the votes In the senatorial districts I should be binding on the iinnibprs of! the legislature nnd then fore Koss and 1 his friends argue that If even defeated ! on the pnpuiar oio ne win nave a ! majority of the legislature under Instruc tions io him. Oitleshy for Lieutenant liovernor. The Hopkins managers ib r'de Ibis claim anil assert thai the vote of th state-at-larg. Is the only thing that carries with it the parly endorsement. Tim re.i'rns today seem to indicate that .1. ;. Osl-sby lias I I he result was la.il nigiit if. dtnibr. The returns from Hie country precincts 'continue to come In slowly Definite I figuirs arr most difficult In obtain on ! iminy of the votes, part ii nhirly those on 'the d.uiocratii lickit. H t ause of the gpi- eral Imprest felt i.i C bitter strunglcs for i the n publican E ibon. atonal iiominnlion 'and for the repulilii an Pmlorse'iu nt for senator, the election imlg's generally have 'i ountrd the votes of that party first, i Knough figures are obtainable, however, i to show- that Ijiwrence It. Stringer of l.in j coin lias received an ovcrw heiinilig pbir j alii y for tlie democratic ndt rsemenl for seiiBtor and that former P e rresiiieni Atllai K. 8tevfis.ui of riloomlngton has been nominated for governor. The republiidtis I liroiighoui the slate seem to buve turned out to vole al the primary eleclion in greater fort e than tile democrats. This is generally attributed to Ibe Interest felt hi the republican contest. William C. i Steen lias receivt d the democratic nomination for congressman district ami T. C. from the i hirly-loui til ! iSr itly the j nineteenth tlt-niocial ic district. nomination for the INSULT l.oallita TO AMERICAN FLAG' at Tahrla Fire on I on aulafr, Waand One and He at ror Fmhlem. WASH INi 1T X. Aug lu.- Thr flag ' al Tabiiz. I loyalists, a itl St the if th, 1'niteil Stiles ci nsulati has beer, shot down I ing lo a llspatt li ret ersla, " trd- i Stat I j '.llisill I ilep.'i tpr pt totlay Doty at II at pla im American I The eoiu.ul 1st. ,e. u lis that a mm standing near I lie door i Tlie I llil i - I of Ibe consular office was wound. tl blading Is siipuiisr.i to have Is-. n an tlrr.t of thr disturbances which have brrll ml ill going on at Tabid for some time, both i ase lo have been . evidcnlal. TWO DEAD CF FIRE DAMP I (arli la Keaalr aa Ola) Wrll at I kirakrr Praia Fatal tw aiaaaaoB. Hralkrra. I i'IIKKi 'K I.K. la . j Fir.- daniii in an old , r. paired kill '! i" lu i He death "f a I brill he! a Were rtl'4,l Aug In. Spet ial i a-ll aliidi was being men ami may result I'llrd Tiie ani.in i, g tb ,-ll and w. nl .own one afiei tna tther Hot n p.itahed Alh. rt lUui'-n folloaed andliird to rea i, II, am and aa elnmsl dead (Ulll y lli'd ....I It. aatu.a larm baling the ll, IT DOWN TO A RUBBER STAMP BASIS. Chicago flour firm fails! l'rliM'iial redllor Is I'lllsliury -W ash luirn Co in pan Now In llnntla of Iteeelvtrr. CIIICAiJO. Aug. 10. Judge liiihea today appuintetl Frank II, Jones receiver for Hie Millers' Proibicts companv. flour dealers. I 'whose assets are placed at about JStiihiO i and liabilities at $!i.tic.. The principal : creditor Is Ihc Pillsbury-Washburn Klour I Mills company, which wt t.t into tiie Hands I of A receiver Saturday and which has a I claim of $tK.Niii against the Millers' ''rotluets I company. j Ancillary recelers were appointed today for the property of the Pillsbuty-Washburn company's property In Chicago, valued al about $J5.ntie. The receivers are Albeit C. I.oring. Charles S. I'illshury and Albert Cobb. CINCINNATI. O. Aug. lo.-Anclllary re ceivership proceedings for the Plllsbury Washliurn Milling coinpai.y. for which re ceivers. .Were named In Minneapolis Satur day, were instituted In this city today. C. S. I'lllsbury. A. C. Ixirlng and A. C. Cobb apjsilntptl recelvera. M.MiiiX. Aim. 10. Mr. I'lllsbury bad a long conference here this afternoou with tlie Urltisli directors of the I'lllsbury-Wash-hum Klour Mills company, at whiih the financial situation of the mills were dis cussed. It Is understood that tlie ilircctois approve of Mr. I'illslmr y's action pending ia settlement -of the difficulties. Ni:W YORK. Ann. 10.-Judo Ward today In the I r.lteil States circuit court appointed Albert C. I.oring. Charles R. I'lllsbury. .1 I bert c. Cobb ami Henry A. Il.iblnson an 1 ciliary leceivers ol me I'lllsbury-W aan. burn Flour Mills company. MIMIC WAR OPENS AT FT. RILEY Five Thousand Men and Officers Tnkts I'art in ttaek nntl Defense Formations. FORT RII.KY. Kan., Aug. in Ten days ol' luiinic warfate began here today wit i l (lie opt'tiinf, of the annual riuuieuvers. I'ive Ibousaml men and officers, turning from posts in Iowa. Kansas. Nebraska Hntl Ar kansas, are participating, and Krigadic Cent ral John R. Ki rr, commandant of tin for!, is in command H.v actual i oi lit there are in camp 4 ti U enlisted men and officers. These in fill le the Solent h lavalry and Ibe Slxtn lield uriilcry from Fort Riley, the Thir teenth Infantry and two companies of the Third battalion of engineers from Fort Ijeavenwortli. a detachment of the signal corps from Fori Omaha, eight companies of the Sixteenth infantry from Fori Crook, Neb.; four companies of tile Sixteenth in fantry from Fort laigau II. Root, Ark.; light troops of the Second cavalry from Fort Des Moines, la.; three batteries of Ibe Fifth field artillery from Fort I.eaven woilii. Kan., and two regiments of the Kansas National (iuaril. All of the regu lar troops marched to Fort Riley. Brigadier lieneral Kt rr antl his staff moved into their lieadiiua rlei s yesterday and this morning orders wi re formally Is siinl rstabiis'uing "the camp of instruction and inam-iivt m." The program for tiie first four days will lie in formal Ions for attack and defense. Totlay the formation was by troops, balteiles ami rompaules. Totlay ami tomorrow the enemy will be im ugin.iry. but for the next two days follow ing lie will be indicated. KILLS MARRIAGE BUREAU WIFE Doniealle DIMtealt Ira Lend Womlut JutlKf tn Hkiiiil Wife antl Tarn llliuarir. .i rf I'liDY, Win., Aiii. I". li.ilncsli i ulties follmving a marriage arranmed tin ugh a mall im, in ia I agt m ) . ale assigned as the cause of a double killing in which Judge V V.. Swalison shot Ilia-W ife, Hose Browning Swan.son. as she lay sleeping, ami Hu ll il a bullet thioiig,i ids own head. The tragedy was enaelt-.I at Ishawoii. a remote mountain seitirm m near llu huundrv of tlie Yellow stone Nalitin.il ton al. Cm , mi II II. Ainswnrtb. who lis just I returned fr. t,t ", .1 i it t. Mur b r ar.tl sult'ltir. brought lint Hit' Imdlr of lllei I. i : i , .a and supplies tnr first authentic d. - l tula of Ibe otiiirience. Judge Smtllsnn had Irsnbd in I a' s a nt , l..r liiiil.t n vara and aa w.ll bk' ,! ii, i ..pular. Hr injiTird a Si. Ii. lis iiriiii i two liars ago jfl.l .1 t null tup bv en;- 1 l spoilt K' lit' . The pair ill. I not live bappi.y 1 I, . sethi r anil of lair ibtlll.allc l;f (null I. a ! had taua.,1 Haaiianil to tiiink li-vil. 1 Kwdrittly ti I roubles f ir up loa nun. I kill inma. if All Ihr tit Limited oi r nis home ks and tb bl iaiel made, inurd.-e bis aifr and I iril la a rriuir i tn thr 'I.,' .1 .llUl gll lllg I ll, aalr a t -irtlo.g ..f kill. I. g r a ..mi vt IH" rnaei in i.liiii' 4 I. 1 1 er st .i nig a aa i t t .k. pi n at pi niiiati BALDW1N IS SURE OF SPEED I Confident His Dirigible Will Test Twenty-Two Miles an Hour. ! j OTHER EXPERTS ADD TESTIMONY Mathematicians Figure villh Lota nf llnlf of Xprrtl Itnlloon Mioultl j fly Thirty Miles an Hour. WASHlNf'Tl IN. Vug. p-pled that the official In It is not px-spe,--ti test of Cap tain Thomas S. Raldwin's dirigible bal loon will bp held at Fort Myer today is l.as been annntincd. Ctbun H. Cnr,l. ti.e builder of llu- motor, who went to Hani moutlsport. X. Y.. on Saturdav In gel four rarhuretors for tiir mot ir. wired I ap nln ( Haldwln last nieiit thai be would prnb- I ably lie unable to start for Washington until today. Tlie failure of Captain Baldwin to at tempt the spt"d trial on Saturday. a lie had announced, wns taken by some to In dicate that he poiiltl not make ti e fp , reiiuli pment of sixteen miles an h u . When q.l''.l ini'rd Captain H.'ihlwbi said: "It has a', no time )t(iiir"tl to me that I would not fulfill the spied "(luiiPmcut. 1 am satisfied that we will make twenty two miles an hour n t'n official trial. "In our test of tlie motor and propeller ! at HHmmondsrsirl we found that we had a maximum pulling power of 2mI pound. The shape of mv gas envelope reduc. s the resistance to a minimum; In faci what ever head resist. nice there is Is eomt.rti- ' sated for by the tapering of the bag I iw ml j the rear end. The skin resistance and tin ' rcslst-itu'i if fried by the ropes, tiie frame i and th" operators is practically all that i remains to be contended with. ! "There are any number of other things which come into play, but not being a scientific man I cannot explain them. I have learned the theory from the practice." Fx lie ' la Figure Out Speed. rrof. Henry 11. Clayton, the meteorologist and aeronaut; John McCurdy of the A' rial Kxpcriment association ami Augustus Post, secretary of the Aero club, figured out thr speed which Captain Baldwin's air.-hli should make us twenty-two miles an hnii,-. The diameter of Captain Baldwin's gas bag is nineteen feet at its widest point ami the none or frame end is nineteen feet forward of the w iib sl part. This gives the forward end a conical shape, "According to I'tof. Zahm s theorbs and the generally accepted law which has be 'n repeatedly provt n." said Mr. Post, "the re sistance of a flat surface is reduced tine half when i he suiface is changed t,l the shape of a sphere. If elongated imo a conical shape It is reduced I.i less tlun ttlie-tblrd the resistance offered by th. Hat surface." I hen, said Prof. Clayton as he mad j aome ntattiematleal calculations. "Captain Baldwin's ship has a sectional area of l"S I stuare feet with a flat surface, but - m, i its present shape this js reduced to hlncty- five situate feet. This would requir,; a ! pull or r.i pounds to maintain a speed of I twenty miles an hour. With an avi rag pull of 240 ixiundn and with alliiKM in-. made for skin resistance ami other lions, ihr airship should develop a of t went y-t w i miles nn hour." Mr. Met 'i itly was nf the sain ..pint u "The theoretical spenl Is nearly k i x t in 1, s an hour." he said, "and if us mucii as ,,i 'per I'ent of this is lost, there would still , . , . a speed of tlilrly milrs an hour. In a.ldi- lion tl.e lest at which a null of 'S., no.i,,.i i ! was recorded was made in still air. but I . . !"'" " "P IH nitiving in the air great- r i ci i it leu. i it. a... i.r. i al int.- i iiit hit i' in. llintiHllv grasps new air." I HARVEST HANDS NOT WANTED Miaarsota Labor I OMalaaluurr aia Dakota la I lowtleg nllli lira Oat of Work. SI I'AI I.. Minn. Aug I" I iig is. I to ., i.l.. I'4.'a. l..si i ..... Williams ol Minnesota saia t..at la tail no will be luck' if Ihey tan tuni . mpl. , no n ; ' In I be liar 1 1 al fit Ida ! , "This tiling of raliroada asking f i 1. .ai 1 and i' nien t-ai li r f.,i- barvts a,..k I tn Nnrlb Dakota and Miniteaoia i a snatr i an. I a ib-liiBitiii It , flontlaiii Hi- t " a Hi a lot of bolsMvs ' I rn.tr from l'argo L ll.imai'k 11 " ' burio'tl almost in t,,r 1 lliive riu.i fl Ike lol.l me t ;:i ,t l itr f. an,. Wo ii an. I a imril ,ti 1 i .- nit'a d o at. lt A i PI t . t !,, Vl. I I lie Ilirll n.l .1. 1 hr . at 1 1. si a llil. I...I.K pitai'lona larii.ban.ls. Ili.-ie aas Veal liatl.l- I m t.g tot ul.l Im' . .-nis ax hwilia. ' PROTEST IS UPHELD Attorney General Rules Neble Protest is Well Grounded. MUST BE NOMINATED BY DISTRICT Law on that Point, Says Thompson, is Clear and Explicit. i OPINION HANDED TO JUNKIN Secretary of State Expected to Rule on Question Today. i METHOD OF COMPUTING VOTE l.n Niil I Ifir on This I'tulnl mill errrtiir- Wiml He l.ultlrH li thr KildrinT When II la Mnltuilllvil. ill 1.1 Nl nl ii f ( 'ni l i spoliil, l(i.-lS'. i l.il I 111 I -At loi iiey .N. Auk enrl.ll Tii'ilni Slut" . 1 . 1 1 1 k ill Vn t tr llu.s-w mi t,i whom Seci'Ptai y nf r.itfd the protest filed by It'l HKilltlst SeplltlS Neble Imhls Nrblr tun tri.'t. That is I be nntiiinaletl in the ills llie pupulL-tls must have pnlh',1 I I" --lit of the total Mile In the ; li- fnie lieing ti pre.apit"tl I le pointed out to I he m'l if 11 ft nil nt,- whether thejiopu , I per i t in. The ib'tlBlmi of nl Thompson is as follows: Set mid tlisiii 4ttl th' balliit. till". linW til llSlS pn III ll I I Attnl'nt tlir I I'.tM III' Olll' nutting opinion tin honor to acknowledge ifcelpl ciimtuiimi'uiliiii of tills ttntP. siih liriipiisititins antl i epiesling lliti nt" this ili-tiiii t ment flu'ieoii: 1. I'tidt i li lt I .1 1 i l district to ilie primary law is one prcsi 'I'lni' finni eacli congipsnioiial be nolllillMeil by tile electois of 1 alnnr ov bv the rlrclors of the the tlistrii state al huge'.' 1'. I 11 tlet I'lillll nig w In I ln'V I : ll al Ihr last (ft-neral ''let a polilii.il lion imlli il 1 of thr stair. S-r.." more of the Vole district in which ntliclati ks the nomination, what metnutl stiiii be pursued"' I Hi tin first question we have the fol lowing slalutoiy provision, the same being subdivision section Y primarv Isw - "A' I ne S'plember primary In If, and .vi". four mars t her.aft.'i. then shall be noinlnnteil In each politic. il party mi" rlltlilld.il" for piesiilt ll! hll eli ctot In eacil of iln congressional distiitts witliui the staie. uml two candidate, for presidential .Icetora-at-largf. I'antliilates for presiilen ti.il rirctms shall fil" nomilliitioti papers as i"iiiirr.l nf laiididatrs for nmnina I Imi for stair i .If it ,'," l.iinuiliiue la liiitle. In th.- i i ill s 1 1 u ' 1 1 h ' 1 1 nf ii s'.atule. wnnl sn.iul.l b given their comnion and ordinal ' mtaiiiiip 'I'be ligisl.riure has undertaken in simple language to piovltle 'now Pfsi- llent ill t I,.- pi', s pla uilv ouot'il W ilirll. I'bitors shall ot iinminitiro. f v.'" im.tl in have ini. iil.'d what II has expr. ssril '. inr Mil il fivd an, I ibe 1 1 - t In- means ny pill, f W ilef ' '.'alilrnt! ! iiomini I. Tin' time ia shall Ill's, end ev Hi. J 11 s 's is tn i n il venrs thrre ilirnl piirtv. cmgi esslons 1 i rlr'tiirs-at- S Mrrnorr al!'r. Th P I or plan if i dlsi i it :s. vi'pul :tf ti tw hug. tiers I think t: ' Inns'iagc ssonahly certain t i uployed nn- it the legisla ' til" nollliesl lure Ullellilell mai iinriit s o.' each cmigrei slon.il district, -lit i I tied to a candidate al the primary eietimi-. ! should nominal" n .l !. ili ntly oi' l he pre.-ldtTiiliil lertor 111 riertois of l',e state at ! "vbei is little. 1 any- ",lir" r'"' "jnalrne- 'i. ICS S, , tll.lt .t'.ntP. If ill" irgisi.imic i'-'i Ihev should be t"iiuinateil In f ...trli nolll it a! nil t v of ' ii" stale at t ON pi'"SSi w .n ils : liicts i large. It would ban d language r it' i li.il ii '."lit . Instead "f ' be in rach of Hie c .ngr.'sslmisl dl i th" state." it w.ni'il have cni- 1 plo'.-ed lh" wor.ls "from p.h n coiiRressiniia i lisirici in I 11' still". A ata'l' " ni sr. ii,.,, ,,,,,! I ,i I . i sta'.'iirs. defining whin anil how many officers ni '.ne general pl.ctlor,. ti ih" general eVotlou lsw la'olv nil I oilll'-es Hip place cbapler (IT,'. Will 11 sb-ill will be rlr how t wit ..rr tlK'V Shall 11' elelteil ni I"rl"" lion "in:" k. " 11 '""""".''', .."!!! , llllll- ties III. I"!' tow-Lamp ttigan.... lowiiship." "iii each sunerv. m. "in ear ' nil' district." i.i.. 'I'lits slums f! i'-'sl daiivp intetil to s"",". a! subiliil- limit the election ! i I..., I Th" nil, Hi in the ex- elusive Hglil nf 1il" etc. tors ... l.ir.f , ...1 .,lllvisl,.MS to elect Hie olfli'CIS named. far is I am ailviscu. ins ii-i.ns I. :,n-l I tliink l!'." s.tni" const 1 1 ii'-- concetl' tlor should b appi eu ;.i ! . i j,, Hirr. forr. of H iln. hi that I nd. i the pi in.ary law eacl, unabfi -1 political Inaiiv Is retiulreil I" nominaie a im-' par Hal i-i each c ,f th" Inr will-In an. t " i i" ",.s .... s ... .Pi'ifssional district, imlependenl l' oiher congress;or..-il ..is:-. Ids or uT the stale ill large The laiiMii iK" ' " .vn classes t'f "ln'tors siatntr shows are lo n' and bv Hi" otlit-.-larg". If all of im bug". ! nccess.1 ry .Not ,., ft"d; Int.'tl witliln .....reasional tll'iricts. anil w itbili and b,' the state a I. gisl.iiiir" hail Iniendetl that ,. s shniiM be nonitnateil at the I rl -cl, e!:isi-:''p:i would have heel! or mi'de. o tear on One Point. in vour sect. I pr 'i""i.:"". ' 'tlmi li. ptiai.ity law. n . ids as f.ill ir I "N i M.n snail b" en 1 1. n .1 lo or ullow-e.l In. tile a Humiliation c, 1 1 II icat' as provided I Inr ill i lis itcl. or IO I'ltie i".- 1 ll nil il pi lllll.l pi iniiiry . t nm t i btical pal l w I, in i (tavil in' a I l il'i'i' s 1 t let 'Hull 1" 'Ol'' HI fit It ' n ballot for any 1 1. I h. lil, unless tlie .po- tia.ts in said atn- wno. tiolhil al tue i.i- I'l inia i Irrtion lo In- cel. I tl lllire vote : ... ,.iv rn subtlnlsi ir .lis ' t ,1. i f,e wlu'vii 1." seeks li.e nmu'liatioll tor I ofl ice in." , , This is a pioli b.tioii against the pLi' ing of tlir p.. tine ot a . Miiit'iiate on me piout.. . bit'lol. unless at the last g I. IS neral eleclloii I In part v oi w bleu li .it ill, inii ilate pulled iii least I 111 colli ol rlltire Vole of Ihe in which be seek the method 'o be lie iiuestion of bow si a It . I'li'ino ni ""-' ' " ' ,,,,,,, ., v.; io iiiiisn.il in tl t' -rmli.ttw many vote .ih,. iiuiv iiolleti at me ihsi in in. it is difficult to state sin - i g.-nrra I ri"' : I long moi i than tn" general rut'' ii. .ui int. i mi i Ll In- il , ipiiiiuied hi yon from ii.iall thr ,'vl.b ii. olilaiiiaiii'. ami iron. ...... evidence 'mi slit. old find, as a matter of ' i f-icl whether Ihr pa 1 1 v i ha' the candidate j fiir nominal on r present polled the P-qm. i site inimi.tr or mts . .mmr 'a i all.li.l.ltr III Ihe district III whith the ..u...i,.i..i.. s. .ks the noinlna'lon. If V"u are unable to determine with resaotial.le c.rt:. int from lb.- wglil of the rvlden. hi foil- in" that Hie palli "f wlllrn per- , , , ,. ,,. to be C" eandblstr . uti.m ilul not at the last general election poll i bat I per cent ;" l..-. tttft of triST llisiriei ion rr ..,,,,0,,,v ,,, .,1... , ins i im. on the ottipisi same for that i.iitiiari rial tn t,i t.-itn. pm" i in viiiir rii'iiniiiii i e'i - ' . t .t.. t. rwpi.lr'a lllilrm'tin- . .i.. . hll ill. wsa no ,'Hiii.alal. oi i: nl i art at Hie lsi the Sic, m. I mf.nl" aanpral election in ial Vtrli t running nf that party : lb t' as.leli aa a . antl da' II, e 1". Is nf '.our .1" l.i.. niilu" ..f I1', slim partmeni show tnt ll, e cnlllt. alio ,n the bslh-tt de s , K n 1 1 r.l S s lieinot r t s ii . 1 1 1 I people ,1 III Ilia! ll Sni n.l". ii a , ..I.-... m 1" 1 1 1 candidal. r siitc' ?".. tnl'i: that Jo ,"! ., ,1 ,1 .1" for legent of H a -. u.ini, a- (''tred on i' a , i. i a ; i, an,l l r .p ie ln.. - ' . - n a 1 1 ,i . ., it, lid. ite f tl regent : a 1 -s,' i a i ne ppe t- ' I ,- ,, a. td'n candidal- , , ,' rS I I HP l-Srll. . ,,.,s i , . r I, i . o'.'li I it-a.' i. ,,j .,'ir ti ttMiatl,'-- ., , i..,i .1 w' t't -r , it. . i.. I. nl i .. i l v at 1 1 no t l.eli I . . , I 1 .1' I I " cent i'' I H f !' s ,,l ' le.,. e I.e. i I ml anv - d.s in I t n.M l . MS,, If t-ili,., . I . w . -i il "I p.l..1 I .' Us. i uc s-'tllsia aoiug I 111.