B HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 9. 1008. o) r- n nn A lO' UJ BSBSQ D) Omgable Lands in the Famous Pecos Valley Pecos ourrty, Texas Including Perpetual Water Right and Proportionate Ownership of the Immense irrigation Works Now Under Construction What Those Lands Will Produce Every crop known to Irrigation can bo succoatlully grown on this land, and wo glvo bolow tho valuation of crop raised por aoro In this vicinity. Alfalfa 4 to 8 tons per acre Sweet Potatoes, 15,000 to 20,000 lbs. per acre Broom Cora 1 to 2 tons Cane 4 to 8 tons Wheat 20 to CO bush. Oats X 50 to 100 bush. Corn 30 to 60 bush. Maize 50 to 75 bush. Kaffir Corn . .50 to 75 bush. Fodder ..... 4 to 6 tons Onions 5 to 7 tons Cotton 4 to 1 4 bales 8ugar Beets $100 Celery $500 Asparagus $500 Lettuce $250 Cantaloupes $300 to $500 rumpklns & Kershaws $100 to $200 Irish Potatoes $75 to $150 Pears $800 to $1,200 Apples and Peaches. . $300 to $600 Soft Shell Almonds. .$250 to $500 Lemons $100 to $500 Figs $300 to $600 Grapes, all varieties. . $150 to $400 Radishes $150 to $400 Cabbage $300 to $500 Strawberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries, and all kinds of berries $250 to $300 Tomatoes $200 to $400 Elevation, 3,000 feet. Temperature, mean in Summer 67.7; mean in Winter 51.0 345 days In the year are sunshiny. Over eight hundred miles of this new International Highway is now built and in opera tion between Kansas City and Topolobampo on the Pacific coast of Mexico. In a few weeks the line will be completed from Wichita. Kansas, to Sweetwater. Texas, and only 96 miles of grade is now necessary before the Pecos Valley 'is reached and this should be completed within twelve months.and trains running in close preximity to these lands. The "Orient" road is expending vast sums to open up and develop these lands and you are now offered an opportunity to buy land ahead ef the railroad and thus share in this enormous enhancement ef land values which will be created by the building and completien of this great line of road. NO HOMESTEAD OR RESIDENCE REQUIRE MENTS AND NO RESTRICTIONS You can tnttr from 40 to 160 acres of this land NOW at $35 per acre which price includes a. perpetual water rifht and proportionate ownership in the immense irrigation works, now under construction and which when completed and water appropriated are to become the property in fee simple of the purchasers of lands under th ditches. TElIRIVIS OF" SALE: $280 cash, balance in 4 annual payments of $280 each, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent, or $280 in cash and the balance in 47 monthly payments of $23.35 each and one payment of $22.55 without interest, and FREE from taxes, these terms apply on each 40 acres, for 80 acres double the above payments, ete. WHAT MR. PRESIIAW, CASHIER OF THE WELLSVILLE BANK, VELLSVILLE, KAIL, THINKS OF THESE LANDS T. B. Cone. Fresldeot. Vim. H. Monet-Baa, V. Pres. Tho Wellsville Bank WELLSVILLE, KANSAS J. F. Frrsaaw, Cashier. B. L. Maetie, Asst. Cashier June 30, 1908. Board of Land Commissioners, ' Kansas City, Mo.: Dear Sirs I have been thinking some of writing you since my return from the trip through Texas, thinking that you might be interested in the impression received. Before going down where your lands are, we made a trip over some of the irri gated lands farther up the Pecos, around Barstow, Pecos City and Grand Falls, feo that we might see what were the results of irrigation in the Pecos Valley. We found that the lands at those places run from $100 to $600 per acre, and raise fine crops of alfalfa, milo-maize, cotton and all kinds of fruits and vegetables. From the above points we drove down over your 25,000-acre tract, driving diag onally back and forth across it in several places, so as to give us a good idea of the entire tract, and I am frank to say that I never was on such a tract of land before. It seemed to me that a man could shut his eyes and pick out any piece and not miss it. It all seems alike, in fact I am of the impression that a plow could be started at one corner and plow the whole tract in one great field. I found the soil to be a dark, chocolate loam, of great depth, and largely free from rock, in fact so little rock on it that I should not have mentioned rock at all. We drove around one side of your natural reservoir and were surprised to find such a condition as existed there. Had man planned this it could not be more perfect in relation to your plan for irrigating this tract, and taken in connection with your regular system of ditches from the Pecos river should furnish ample water for the entire tract. I regard this soil as more desirable than that farther up the Pecos on account of its uniform quality and depth. This country will make an ideal place for a man of moderate m6ans to acquire a home where the conditions will be as near ideal as pos sible. The climate is fine. I hope to be able to go over these same lands after a few years of development and see the change, for I know that it will be wonderful. Respectfully, Signed J. F. FRESHAW. P You Want to Make The letters herewith reproduced ABBSOLUTELY PROVE to you that the land we are offering is the finest body of irrigable land in the United States, and are only a sample of many other letters from equally reliable sources, from men who by thorough investigation of these lands do not hesitate to say that NO OTHER LAND CAN COMPARE WITH THE LAND WE ARE NOW OFFERING YOU. Mr. Rockwell says that our contracts provide for nearly double the amount of water necessary to irrigate these lands. . We are offering you an opportunity NOW to secure a home of your own and at the same time make an immediate profit of $200. If you have the character, courage and judgment to grasp it, you can make this $200 profit NOW if you act quickly. How You an Make $200 WowS On August 15th, the price of these lands will be advanced to $40 per acre but all applications for entry made on or before that date will be accepted at the present price of $35 per acre, provided you send in your application, post marked at your local postoffice on or before midnight of August 14th next, accompanied by a post office or express money order, or bank draft on Chicago, New York or St. IiOuis for the sum of $20 for each 40 acres you desire to purchase, according to the terms stated in the printed applica tion below. On receipt of this application and remittance, we will select and allot you the number of acres applied for, sending you a full and complete description of same, or, if you do not want to trust our judgment you may select your own land on the ground, by signing the application for stage transjortation below, and send ing same with your application for land. William L. Rockwell, Government Irrigation Expert, says this is the finest body of irrigable land in the West. Also that our water contracts provide for nearly double the amount of water necessary to irrigate these lands. Read his letter. WILLIAM L. ROCKWELL Irrigation Manager Offlc of Experiment Stations V. S. Dept. of Agriculture, WASHINGTON. D. C. Barstow, Tex., 7-14-03. Board of Land Commissioners, Kansas City, Missouri: Dear Sir At the request and through the courtesy of Mr. D. Zimerman, I have lately visited the location of your contem plated irrigation system in the Pecos valley. I feel that you ought to congratulate yourselves and your engineer for finding such a natural reservoir so closely located to this exceptionally fine body of land. If you were to hunt the length and breadth of tho arid west I doubt if yon could find as large a tract of land lying so nearly ideal for irrigation. In the Pecos valley the question of water supply Is one of very great importance. However, it is , my opinion that when irrigators are trained to the proper use of water, and the available water in the valley is conserved, there will be sufficient for all needs. I understand that you contemplate allowing one second foot for each eighty acres of land. Judging from experience and observation in different sections I would place the intelligent economical duty of water on these lands at 150 acres per second foot. With the natural resources at your command, wisely used, we look forward to see where is now sage and mesquite, hundreds of prosperous, happy homes. We trust you will make MANY blades of grass grow where ONE grows now. Yours truly, Signed W. L. ROCKWELL. YUKI MK! BUY L&KIDI NO AGENTS. NO COMMISSIONS. ENTRYMEN MUST MAKE APPLICA TION DIRECT. Never before in the history of railroad building or the development of the South' west have the public had an opportunity to share in the enormous increase in land values that inevitably follow the opening up of new territory by a new railrtad. An opportune ity such as this may never come again. These lands now offered you at $35 per acre will in a few months, when the rail' road is completed, be worth from $100 to $500 per acre. You are now offered the great' est opportunity for profitable investment ever brought to your attention. It is yours to grasp if you wilL Send in yur application for entry now. If possible go down on the big excursion August 18th. Send in your application today, and thus be sure of your land. If you are not satis fied with the proof given you in this advertisementif you want more evidence if you want more information regarding the "Orient" road and these lands, write us at once, en closing 10 cents in silver or stamps for booklets, maps and all information, address BOARD OF LAND COMMISSIONERS - Kansas City, Missouri USE THIS BLANK IF YOU WANT FORTY OR MORE ACRES 716 VICTOR BUILDING APPLICATION ROARIt OF LAN'U CO.MM1SSIO.MiRH. 71 Victor Bldg. Kansas City, Mo.: SIRS I hereby make application for th purchase of acre of land and appurtenant perpetual water-right contract, issued by those whom you represent, relating to such lands, altuated la THE PECOS VALLEY, PECOS COUNTY, TEXAS, for which I agree to pay the full sum of Dollars, una being at the rate of $35.00 per acre for the total number of acres and water-right appurtenant herein applied for. I enclose herewith the sum of Dollars, same being 20 on each 40 acres applied for. upon re.eipt of which you are to select and allot me the full number of acres herein applied for, and.are to have executed the neceaaary papers Mnd forward same to the Bank at (City) (StatO draft attached for an amount equal to one-fifth of the total purchase price, less the amount sent herewith Vwva t . . , . t k . , i FORTY-EIGHT EQUAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. I further agree to pay the balance of the purchase prloe in j FOUR equal ANNUAL PAYMENT8. My full name is Residence: R. F. D ' Street Town County Stale IKK THIS BLANK IF YOU WANT TO iO DOWN OX AUGUST IS, 1808. Board of Land Conunittsionerii, 716 Victor Building. Kansas City, Mo.: SIRS As I desire to make my own selection of land In the PECOS VALLEY, PECOS COUNTY, TEXAS, I enclose herewith the sum of FIVE DOLLARS for stage transporUtiou from Pyote, Texas, to the land and return, for the excursion of August 18, 1803. In case I purchase forty acres or more, this sum is to be refunded to me. Name ,........ Local Addrees R. F. D Town State , .