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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1908)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE RATUKDAY. AUGUST -8, 1003. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Grain Marke. Steady and FaYorsbls , V- to the Dp Side. TXADEfa LIGHT. WITH NO LEADS General Iteatlaaer on rM of Both Fnetara Walla Waiting; far the Wovrrnanent Barl IMMt Close Low. OMAHA. Aug 7. 19n. . Oi a in market were steady and favored the up with trading light and no one leading tilbtr the buying nr selling side. .There waa a general heeltancy throughout ,the morning on the part of both factions, waiting Tor government report. .Wheat opened slow and ruled weak for tome , time, I.ter buying on the expected bullish government report sent values higher. Heavy receipt are offsetting the good demand, but cash grain is bringing good prlcea, September wheat opened at 2Hc and plneed at WSC. Corn started steady at yesterday's closa nd held firm, but trading was light and he market became dull and very uninter esting. Cash stuff was lively and sold higher today on good demand and light offerings. September corn opened at "Jc and closed at 72'c. . . ' t ' r ' Liverpool cloaed fed lower on wheat and ld lower on corn. .. Seaboard reported 24.0 O ' bu. of wheat tHken for export. Local range ot .options;. . - Articls. Opan. H1g: rvrrlv. I CIoe. Tii f Wheat- Hept. Corn Sept. Dee.. Oats Sept. May. em us 7!H!...t...i , 72'A 58V, v 58', 4f.J 1 46'i 4714 4 I 47H 46 M8 - " )-- Oanaaa Cask Prices. ' WHEAT-!. V'hsrd, 9f4fl92c: No. S hard. 69-g; No. 4 bard. STHVic; No. 3 spring, (("; " COHN-No.' . 72Vfl"7Se: No. 4. mac: N. i yellow, 73'jj'731-lo; No. 1 white. 75c; No. 1 wnitc, 75a - OAT8 'No.'. J' mlTfif. 7iyWc; No. S White, iVQm.ri No; 4 white. 47Hfi'48e. KYJE-No. J. 7SH75c: No. 8. TifsfTlVtc. Crlnt ttaaeiats. I ....!! Coin. Oa a. 138 ' 241 'if " Chicago .r...i.;. Minneapolis Omaha Duluth 04 28 CHICAGO GRAIX AND -PROVISIONS features of' tkt Trading; and Closing Prices oa Hoard of Trade . CHICAGfJ.: Aug.' . Thl government crop report for August had a bullish effect to lay on 'the local grain, markets, all of which clusid strong. Final Quotations on wheat for apKiiiitwr 'delivery were up Wi He. compared with yesterday's close. Corn was up Vie and oata were He iilgher. and irovlalor.s 7Ve to 22Vc lower. Tho government' report, showing the con ditions of the spring, wheat crop on August J, was Issued fifteen minutes before the end of the session and Its appearance was ; followed by a sharp rajly.' which carried prlcea from lc to thl above the low figures. According to. the official statis tics th. conditions of the spring sown crop deteriorated 8.7 .per; cent, during the month of July, Owing to excessively high temperature In the northwest and to In Jury by "black ruat." The condition was tlared at m.7. fompared- with 99.4 a month 'ago. Prlor to the Issuance of tho report (he market, had been nervous, with senti ment Inclined to be bearish because of cooler weather'ln the northwest and weak rcsbiea. In the final few minutes of trading there was liberal realising, which caused a considerable reaction from the top, nut Alia . market closed.- rtrong, l. 8cpleinber opened c to So lower at Mi4'&Wc, sold oft to 9hkC ana ' men aavanceo i snssc. ti,. in.. bu' it A.UtfftsVke . Minneapolis. 1 Duluth and- Chicago -.reported - receipts ot il cars, against 4:i& care-iast wren mn 470 cars one year ago. Primary receipts were as,or bu.. compared with 936,000 bu ii.a Mn'aannndlnff dev one vesr ago. n ' ' ... I- T - - XT.. Kra U n mwtA nenei mm mills 1I n 1 " . .. " ' Missouri, an enufhAr -Illinois, caused Weakness In the corn niarket early. In the day, but beYore the eniT of the first hour an active buying .by. shorts, all of tha Initial loss was regained.' fiulllstf sntlraeut became more pronounced as a result of the government report. Trie market' closed firm. September opened .IV lower at 78c. advanced to 7c and closed at 7tSc. Iocet receipts were 139 carf, ' with 31 care ot contract grade. " Oats were Independent!? ' strong 'through out the entire session. Septom4er opened M,(oHc higher, at 47'4a'47Vc. sold off to 47'4 (ft7o and then advanoad . to 48Hc The close was at 48c. Local feceipts were 242 Provisions were weak afl day because of extremely liberal receipts of live hogs at all western packing renters. At the close September pork. was off 22Hc at J15.5a,. wa"s down 10c af W.47H. Ribs were 7e lower at IH.90. Kstln I mated receipts foi 1 tomorrow are: Wheat. IS cars: corn. 122 cars; oats, mi cars; hogs, 14,000 hcad i Tne leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. CVe. Yei'y. Wheat Sept. aDec. blec. May. Corn Bept. Dec. May. Oats Sept. lec. May. Pork Sept. Oct. Lard Sept. Oct. R1 os Sept. Oct. 94H& 4f Wh'sdVR)! f.$i M . M I. Ml v, .mt'V'Tal TO7l i:i"i-jt 1 oKaii tr;v 11 w 1 v2 iivi' 76 ' I " 7h! 75 " 78 I ' 7r- . tV 4 M W7 B.Vi 6S'il ' 44 WV4I tVVH I 4SI, 48 47H 47M,aHI 47H! 4nV4l474tv v, 4 b'Sil 49 i&OtJ&OHi ' 4a'i lftt. 15 52 J 16 Ti I I 16 liW 15 67 la 7o 1(0.' ll 77M 14 (7Vi la tHi 15 8.H ijm 9 47V, 9 87H ( 0 H ) r w I W ' 3 KRfcl . I 7l I 8 w J ir."i ji so 1 sin 1 UiV No. t. , aOld. bNew. Cash Quotations were ai follows: FLOUR Firm: winter patents, 34.154? 4i; straights, fct.Si tj4.30:' spring patents, ti. 50(85 b; strights, fiM-'ai T"; bakrrs, ti iftf 4.0. . . , , . WHKAT-No. 1 spring, 31.149116; No. 3, 31.UMU-1.14. COHN no. z, ivt tW no. I yeiiow, koh (JKIC. OAT9-NO. 1; 4ct No.- white. 50t5mc; No. 3 white. new,. 4Vttl30c. RYE No. S, 7tk . hAHLEY Kalr to choice malting, 62'85&c. 8KE18 Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 31. Si. f'HOVISIONa Short ' nba. sides (loose), tS 7.V06.OO. Mess pork, per bbL, 31o.5u4j 16. Lard, pvr 1"-' lbs., 39 40, Short clear sides tboxed). 39.tK4i.ta. Followli were the reoelpts and shipments of flour snJ grain: . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats. bu.... Rye, bu ....,33,000 17.0 0 ..'...179.010 " 191.0 0 .'.... i7S.ouo :i.oo 272.0.U 116. COO XtX 1,0 0 11.000 1S.0U) Barley, bu. ou tne Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firm; creamery, lH21c; dairies, ITfjISc. Egga, firm; at mark, cases included. UilSHc; firsts, lt-V: prime firsts. 20c. Cheese, steady at llV-O'lJc. St. I.oals General Market. ST. LOCIS Mo.. Aug. 7. WHEAT Firm; track: No. I rd cash. 9tv; No 2 hard, MloWSc. Futures: September, 95 vc: -December. 97c. . CORN ilrra; track: No. 2 cash. 7S", 7SVc; No. 1 white, "ftji; Sfptember, 75V; December, eVtptke. OATS Firm; track: No. 1 rash, 498.Mc; No. 3 while. HVie; Sfptembe-, 47Sc. le cember, 4!S' RYE Finn; Kc. ' FLOCK Firm; red winter patents 34 SO C 4 85 extra fancy and straight, IJ.KOw t 4: clears. 33 1((40. SEED Tlmothv. stesdv. $J.0' i.00. CuRNMHAL Firm. 31 90. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. 31 05 6104 HAY Steady ; timothy, Sll.OOO M.Ot); prairie 7 60t 10. 00. iki'.-x tirnn.N Tiisa 31.00. RAGGINO 7fcc. HEMP TWINE 7c. ' PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing 31(16. Lard, lower; prime steam. IH02H 4J9 17H Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts, 9 74; clear rlhs, .7S, short clears, 310.0. Bacon, ateady; boxed, extra lions. 3102fc; clear ribs. 319 (Jfc; short clears. 310 7H- POULTRY Steady; chickens. 9H-; springs. 13c; turkeys, 14c; ducks, sc. "1 lTER-8teady; creamery. 170Jc. EutiS Wrm; HHc. esse count. Hvcetpts. Hlilpincnts. 5 000 k.0)0 ..113.000 74.0 )0 . . :.ou0 23 -too . . j)-.'U 57,0 )0 Hour. bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu..., Jala. bu.... Wt ATHKK 11 TMfi Oft All BKI.T Fair and ailahtly Warmer for aatar dar la the Foreeas. 14 - ' OMAH A.TNel1.. Xug. 7. IW. food rains r general from tTie' rntmn- talns east over Nebrsska and Karwa dur ing tho, past twenty-four hours, and con tinue in tde lower Missouri vauey tne morning, "bowers occurred In the middle and lower Mississippi valley and the east ern states. The weAlher Is much cooler from the upper Iskes west over the upper Miss sslnn and Missouri valleys into tnc mountains. No Important change In Tm nerature la shown In other portions. The outlook Is favorable for continued cool lr. this vicinity tonight, followed, by rising temperature Baturday, with fair tonight and Saturday. Omaha record of temDerature and precipi tation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 111 I5i. i:-v v.x. Mlr.lmnm temnerature ... t4 6s S9 62 Precipitation 1 1.1 T .00 Normal- temperature ror tooay 19 aegrers. Kxcess In precipitation since March 1, 5i of an Inch. ... , lfliency corresponding period In HOi, 4.2S of an inch. Kcficlency corresponding perioa ini lvn. 2 15 of an inch. . L. A. WEISH, Ijocai f orecaster. Cora and Wheat tiea-loa Valletta. For the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time, r riaay, aujuii l'JOS: Temp ain Btat ons. Max. Min. ran Sky. Cloudy Cloudv Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Haloing Cloudy t'loudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudv pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. clouly Clear Clear Cloudy Ashlanrt, Neb Wi 3 Auburn. Neb...... M 4 .01 T .?5 .(w m .h9 ' .29 .W .10 .9 .78 .3 .08 .IS .00 .0.) flrr.ken Bow. Neb. '5 PA 67 !1 ' 1 ' Hi K E i-(V,lumbus. Neb...l Cull-rtson. Neb. S7 Fairbury, Neb.,v ? Fairmont. Nen... Kl Or. Island, Neb.. 77 Hartlngton. Neb.. 1 Hastings, Neb.... n lloldrege. Neb.... 4 . Oakdale. Neb.... 71 .... R7 Omaha, Neb 7fi (4 Tekamah, Neb... 7T K Alta. Ia 7 Carroll, la (O . fi Clarlnda. Ia R3' m .05 Klhlev. Ia... 7 fi'i ; Bloux City. Ia... 78 "BS . ..00 , Clear Clear jioux iny, ia... is .. ,.w( .ici Not Included In avertJaea.' received late. Minimum temperature Jor twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. - DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain, r-.ntral. Stations. Max. Min. Indies. Chicago, III....:... 2S . 4 b W Cnlumhns. 0 17 W ' US .13 n... Mnlnes la 14 SO . : ' M -. T Inllanapolls, Ind.. 12 M -63 .It Kansas City. Mo.. IS 90 , . 4 . Lit lulsvllle. Kv 19 ;. .04 M;nneapolls. Minn. 31 7 48- ,oo Omaha, Neb IK 7 .66 .32 St. Louis. Mo- 13 86 . 66.. .23 The weather la much cooler In the cen tral and western portions of the com and wheat region. Kama occurred in all except the Minneapolis district during the last twenty-four hours and were excessive at points in eastern jvanaas ana weaiern jnia sourl. L. A-, WELSH., local Forecaster. NEW YORK GENKRAt MARKET Quotations of the Dar oa Various .Commodltlea. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. FIjOUR-Recelpts, 2.9(iu bbls.; exports, 15i0 bbls.; sales, b.tiou bbls. ; market unsettled; Minnesota pat ents, 3o.4t'06.73; winter - straights, $4.i!Kfr 34.26; Minnesota bakers, 340(4.60; winter extras, H. KS3.dO; winter patents, 34.4Wo4.J6; winter low grades. 33.3oii3.6o. Rye flour. quiet; fair " to good, 34.154.50; choice to fancy, J4.iixJj4.tS6. COKNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, 31-66(1.70; coarse, 31.6oei.ii6; kiln dried, 34.16. - RYE Dull; No. 3 western, 34c; nominal I. o, b. New York. WHEAT-Receipts, 101,800 bu.; exports, 162.400 bu.: soot market firm: No. 2 red, 3i.02fcgl.O3H, elevator; No. 2 red, 31-MH f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, uuiutn, 31.27" f. o. b. afloat: No. x nara winter, 31.07 f. o. b. afloat. The wheat market was nervpus and Irregular all day. An opening recovered on bad northwest crop news, hut nflcps weakened in the afternoon, again to rally near the close on Bullish" crop reports. Final quotation were to nei higher. September, closed 31.04; December, c1.H tl fwt Mav. closed 11.08. CtJRN Reoelpts. 1,000 bu. ; exports, 1.100 bu.; spot market firm; No. 2, 8sc, elevstor and nominal-r. o. : mioki upiiun. nurui waa without transactions, closing He net higher September,- closed tSc; December, closed Rtc. U lOAijayRefrlpts.ifio.SOO' h,u.; -apot, njarket rti-4y ; ' mixed, 2 to 82- pounds,;. fif?i natural white, V to ai pounos. Clipped white, sa to 4U pounas, nnw. HAY Firm ; good to choice, 80690c. vrnvs Onlet: state, common to choice 1907 crop, 4a8c; 1906 crop, 25o; Pacific coast, iferr .mr FhUn iron, adifec. ' HIDE-Bteady; Bogota, 28c; Central America, 27c. PROVISIONS Beer, steady; family, 31175 4517.60; mess. 314.5Oit15.50: beef hams, 328.00f 30.1O: packet, xiB.uiKgia.w; cuy mui-u f4 men 00. Cut meats, dull: pick led bellies. 3?.76'u1l.OO; pickled hams. 12H 13c Lard. easy; wmu-ni, o..vt.w, rfined easv: continent, 31006; South im.,iri HOTS- comnoimd. IS 12HI&S.S7H Pork, quiet; family,- 91. 0fW 18.60; short TAI.LOW-Duli; ctty ($2 per pMkije.), rnkaa. free). 64ddKfce. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3i fjOSc: Japan, nominal. ftl'TTER Steadv: creamery specials. 22; extras. 224f22Hc: third to firsts. 18' 21 He; state dairy, common to finest. 184 21o ; process, common to special, 15ftne. CHEESE Steady; slate lull cream, spe cials, 12fc312fcc; state full cream, email. colored or wnue, lancy, w, siais iui urn. colored or white, fancy. HHc state full cream, good to prime. UQllHc; atste full cream, common, 9fcfjlOHc; skims. irn-:aB(dv: atate. Pennsrlvsnla and nearby, fancy, selected, white, 26i&27c: fair to choice, 224326c; brown ana mixea, fancy t4c; good to choice. Hifi2!lc; western firsts 18'fr19Hc: seconaa. io-ioivc. irit. THY Alive, ateady; spring chick n .17c: fowls. 14e: turkeys.. Uo. Jessed. Irregular; western spring chickens, 18j'20c; fowls, wva i3-sc. . Kansas City Oral aad Provisions. VIKSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. V. WHEAT- Unchanged; September! 9ofcc; December, ft-it.--' Miv. 96j.c: cash. No. 2 hard. 9nffD6c; No. 3 hard. KNj; No. 1 red, 96c; No. 3 red. 891i92Hc. t CORN I'ncharated; September. 70c; De cember. 67fcc; May, 5SHc: cash. No. 3 mixed, 7M?74fcc: No. 3 mixed. 78vT'4o; No. 2 white. 75c; No. 8 white, ' 74HW76C. OATS Unchanged: No. 2 white, 51 (H 66c; No. 2 mixed. 47tj4o. HAY-Steady; choice timothy, 39.5OH1O.0O; choice prairie. r.Ou-gl.25. BUTTER Steady; creamery, Sc; packing sunk, ldo., ECMJ8 Easy; fresh rxtras, 19Hc; current receipts, UHc Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 34,0i0 249.000 Corn, bu. 26.0CO 32,000 Oats, bu i 14.000 4,000 Options at Kansas City: . Articles. I Open. I ligh. I Low. I Close. Wheat I I I September ...I V nfc December . . . . WVi'dV 9, Corn- I I Oecember ... ,H! &7H' May 67fc Sefc I 8Sfc 91SI 904 92fc M 57fctifc sTSl iefcA A asked. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 7 WHEAT Peptemher. I03t,: December, 31.02H; No I hard, 31-5t-s: No. 1 northern, 91 234rl.24; No, 2 northern. 1.15til.:0, No. 3 northern. 11S114 BRAN In bulk. 319.50. FI.Ol R Steady; first patents. 3d 15 ' JS se-vtml putento. 3 0fe 16; first clears, 3t.3aTi4.4&: second Curt, 3 hu 3 tiO. Liverpool tirala Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 7. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. t red western winter, 7s d; No. 1 California, 7s HHd. Futures, barely stead); September. 7s5Sd: December. 7s ifcd. CORN Spot, strong; prime American mixed, . 7s 4d. Futures, quirt; September, H " Peoria Market. " PEORIA. Aug. 7 -ORN-Flrm; No. 3 yellow, 79c No. S yellow, 73c; No. 3. 79c; No. 4. TS-; no grade, 77c. OATS Higher; No. 3 white. SOfce; No. 3 while. 4-U(n). ; No 4 while, 4Sc. WU16KV-I1.S7. Milwaakea Grata Market. -IuWaIKEE. Aug.- 7. WHEAT, Steady: Xu. 1 northern, $1 17 6 1 Is, No. i nortliern. I1.ISUI U; September, 96fce asked. Ualalh (irsia Market. IU'Ll'TH. Aug 7 WHEAT No. 1 northern. 31 1 S : No 2 northern. 31. 1J; Sitemher. Jl uS iH-cembcr. 3101H. OAi'J To arilw, 4j.-; on lrv.W, li-tc. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Violent and Emtio Price Fluctua tion 3 Are Features of Day. - NIW HIGH LEVELS FOR TEAR Rail Movement Overreaches Itself aad harp Setback Easaea Volania af ales Largest for Tear. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. It waj a day of speculative excitement In the stork mar ket and of violent and erratic price fluctuations. The bull movement started on Its way prosperously and reached a new high stsge of prices for the year with grett animation and buoyancy In the dealings. '.At the accelerated pace of the advance the movement overran 'tself to some extent and paid the penalty in a Sharp eethack. The market' was the largest In volume of the present year, the number of shares which changed hands rising to l.OOO.OOt shares before 1 o'clock. Extensive cov erings by shorts has been a recognised factor In the latter stages of the rise. i ne nistress or the short Interest in American Smelting and National Lend he- came so acute In the course of the day and disposition to punish them seemed so ruthless that the speculative temper be came discomposed and heavy unloading of .unu.c bcis were precipitated. The buyers raw a chance to regain an ad vantage and raided nricea H,inrir,l in a quest for stop loss orders. The two iincMiirira fiocks were conspicuous fea tures from the outset bv reason of the late bulge. When 7fc points had been added to yesterday's fc points' gain In Amer ican Hmeltlna ind lumn. r,t e,,n n between sales were made, the market took alarm. Considerable disorder resulted irom tnis episode in the market. The In creased volume of the transactions repre sented a substantial broadening of the Sartlclpatlon, although the concentrated uvlng from a few houses, which has been .?a,ur hroghout the movement, waa nil in eviaence. This we marie to n- pear like accumulation for account of some of the country's most powerful cap italists and was of corresponding Influ ence on speculative sentiment. There was a noianie increase in the attendance on the floor of the Stock exchange, manv brokers having returned from vacation absences to share In the dealings. Forecasts of the week's currency move ment pointed to another hnavv accretion to the cash holdings of the banks. The suhtre&sury has supplied over 85.000,000 aurmg tne weeg, tne continuing govern ment deficit reoulrlna heavv rilhnrs ments by that Institution. The movement of currency from the Interior, although on a diminished scale, is still sufficient to add between 81.000.000 snd 32,000,000 to the gain Of the hanka The riaclln In the condition of spring wheat durlmr July shown by the government crop report rep resented a degree of deterioration that disappoint expectations as reported by other expert estimates, especially as addi tional derllna In conrllHmt to K ,nn.,i for In the week elapsed since the date of the government's estimate. The firmness of wheat prices after the publication. In spite of the active speculation that ha preceoen it. waa regarded as significant The. relapse In nricea of stock wo mf flclentlv violent to lesve room for some rebound after the publication of tho crop report. The day's price changes are smau wnen tne wirtth of the day's ex treme fluctuation Is considered. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, 35.894.000. United States bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and leading quotations m iwii were as loitows InlH. Wlrfi l fins. Amaltasisteil Copper ...... rr.srn rat srnv V.. ; K p , ii.w o i Am. c. g r. i(d 4M insu io'i. lnta: Amsrlr-an Cotton Oil tiOO 5U 14(4 4ii Am. H. A L. pM n Am. Ire SecurlllM...., I, IK) nu, W . IRU, ni it 12 13 Am. Loromotlv 11.100 ht M . Mi .. UUtWIIHHITT PIQ lllfl Am. 9. R lSl.rOD W 101(4 IDS Am. s. a h. pli ton lieu, no Am. Sugar Rertnlnf I.K nil 1.1314 uiu Am. Tobseon pfn 400 93 3 ti American Woolen Hfn J Si tl,U Anaromla Mining Co 7,eno Sol, 4a ! Atrhlann 1.60 M KKu Atehhma pfH ,'. 401 94U H ' uj Atlantic Coaat Um l.v 11144 .114 oj,, floltlmora-A Ohio,. 1. 9.KKT -H4 2H Dal. Ohio prd R4 proedlrn Rapt4 -fiSH "M't ' Vi Canadian Paoltlo S.100 1T?(4 1T14 171 Central Leather i.TOft rMt 38 ti Central Leather pfH. V 100 7V 7( 7t Pntral of New 3etjr.'.,.;. '... XV, haaapeake Ohl6 7, M0 44(4 4'i 4.1'4 Vhloaso Ot. W l.fino $S , Chlrago a N. W. , ,nm nail Unu lelu M. St. P., 53.100 144 1414 143U C. C, C. A St. L Cnlorano F. a I Colo, a So. lat pfd Colo. So. Ill prd ConaolMated Oat t....... 1 S7'4 M'k Mu. T.900 S4'4 J3(i 32 MO K 2H 41(4 2O0 M(i 1.1(4 Mls T.MM 141 "4 11 l.-fflu l.Gttfl V) . iaa: -a Corn PToouita Pslaware A Hudann 1.S0O 171(4 194 IfixJ Ienrr Rio Orande t sail d. a r. a. pm jon 7'4 rrv 7( Plttlllfra' Serurttlta 1.7M) J(4 ITS 7(4 rle ; t.m ' ! 33 i.u Brie lat pit i.inn 40 Ji j Brie 3d ptd 100 JD14 JS'4 2H4 w..,., r-ivcirii- i.ito IIIV-X 111 JIB Oreat Northern DM M .100 l)W ink u Ot. Kortharn Ore ctfa .lou 111(4 7(4 7V Illinois Ctntral 1M0 14, ,3,4 m Interhoroufh Met 4.A) IS 11(4 nnj Int. Mat. pf 10,000 .1414 JS t! International Papar M0 11 104 lfl.4 ,.. rmvwr prn a, mt m R1U Intsmallooal Pump 1.11m r 2414 Iowa Central sno 17(4 1714 liu Kansas Cltr lo 35(4 sr,4 - Sa I7li Laulavllle A N 4.900 111'4 10914 114(4 m aisn vmini 4 Minn. A 81. L 1M 2 n n M.. St. P. B. S. M 3.31) 1IT4 11(4 11: Miaaoun racine (.nnn fyn (714 5714 . K. T I, toft JtS 11(4 JlS M.. K. T. pfn I K IS MI4 44 National Lead M.S00 S3 i SIV New Tork Cantrsl 4.m 11114 ltm i(4 N. T., O. W.. 4.410 4V, 4344 43si Norfolk A W l.ioo 7S4 74 7114 North American 100 M M Mii Northarn Pacific 41 loft 14414 14314 mu Pacific Mall , 4no 3(4 M(4 isZ PennarWanls r7,fio 14 lis iJ-.u. people's Oaa too 6(4 M , r., v... v. m Ol. ti I ,3 Praaced atesl Car 4.7O0 M44 KUj runiaui raiace jaf, Railway Steal gprlnf aftft u f,t 4a ""dint 191. K 12H 134 134(4 nIHVIIC l.HWf 7ft 24 Itapunilc stael prd i.vtl 1 10 1.114 Rock laland Co 4.7O0 It 11:14 )(, Rock laland Co. old 17 u. l. t. l. a t. r. 24 Prd n (4 arj bi. L,ouia p. w , IH4 St. L. B. W. pfd lftO 40(4 4"(4 40 Rloaa-Shofflsld 8. a 1 1. 4S J, v-aomc n.vw vnSi 9.1 S6U So. Parlflo pfd lftO 1U4 11SS 111 Southern Railway S.S"0 4 lav, So. Railway pfd 1,100 r'4 niV4 Tanneans) Coppar 17.700 3V 1 rju Taa ft P 311a :si, 264 !4 T.. St. L. ft W ; 400 84 Sn, nu t-nlon Paclflo m.i0 10444 1R(4 l:,7 L'ioi rsciuo pis sou a B7i- U. i. Ruhnar 4.400 STUj I44 ... n. nuoiirr in pis AUU I'TT-S, 1114 int I'. S. Stael UJ.tori 471a 41a 1 V. I. Steal pfd 7.100 1101, list's 104(4 I tatt Copper . ) 0 tn4 4.1(4 44, Va.-Carollna CheitilraJ .... 1) 2944 t LR(4 Va -Caro. Chem. pfd lift 107 107 lo,', Wauaah 401 14 11 i"4 naosan pra ?M4 Tt' Westlnahoua Electric 1.T00 7 74 Zt Weatarn Inlna 1 S"0 M4 M4 S unesnng a u a, ino 104 1014 ia Wlaronsln Central 2"0 11', 31I4 1! Total aalea lor lha day. ).Si.j0 ibarfa. Boatoa Itocka anal Boada. BOSTON, Aug. 7. Money, call loans, 1 per cent; nme loans, 31341, per cent 1 -losing quotations on stocks and bonds Atrhlaon sd). 4a. M Atlantle 1J14 so ttinfnaoi ao Ma Caniral 4s II Cal. ft Heels ' Atchlion R. R aSi Cenlsnntal :n do pfd '4 Copper Rang .. ., lo Boatoa ft Alhany....ill Daly Weat l Bnaion ft Maine IJH4 rranklla t Boton Elaralad ...IW Oranby 1 rucnours prd 211, Royal u n. 1., n. ar n..iii Maaa. Mining ... 1 nloa Pacific 1ST Michisan t:'4 m. Ams. into L'lt M0nawll 69 do pld Sp?'4 Mont C. ft C 77 Am. Pncu Tub Old Dominloa 47(4 wr. suiar i-14 -uareol 11 00 pro 117 Parrot k Am. T ft T U '40ulscy Am. Woolen .4s, Shannon 1.,: 00 pra 91 Tamarack ,i Pomlnlaa I. ft S IS Trinity 11 Rdiaos Else. IUU...1I t'uiisd Cnppar m Usnaral Elclrlc 114 V S Mialug 4j4. Mass. Rlactrlc 10 IV S. Oil do pfd ,1 I nk 4914 mmmm. us -,t virion 4. lolled rmlt UI winon I i suss a m ai wolvarln 141 pr U North Bun t siss , t, aaiu icantioe 41 do pld ir.a4 Naiada 1 Adrcmur !(, Cal. ft Artioa 177 Allouai Va Arlaona Com ICJ Amalsamatsd l4 cras Canines !:(, -01a. AHSl isk t'learlaaw. OMAHA. Aug. 7 -Bank clearings for to- aay mere n,c(;.o44.i and ror the corres ponding aate last year I1.67S.13S.48. Treasarf ttataaseat. WASHINGTON. Aug. T. Todav'a state. ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral- fund, exclualve of the 1150 00i aoir reeivt.-, rhuns. Available cash balances 3:,:.l1: goM rain and fuinrm. 343,- 0,73, certificates, 3l3.M.9i0. HBrORT or THE CLKANltn HOtC Iraaaaetloaa of tha Assoc I ate Baaka for the Week. NEW YORK. Aug.-T.-Rrsdstreet s bank earlngs report for the week ending Au gust shows an aggregate of 3.141.17,noa, is sgalnst Isel week and H 01. 49.0iio In the corresponding week last year. ne following la a list or tne cities: CITIES. Clearings.! Inc. J Dec New fork Chicago poston n.4S7.18.0nO.. 7$ 77 6 S 18.1 'u'.i 19.2 'ih'i 16.6 19.8 26.1 9.8 8 4 I. 0 .4 22.1 'ii'.i "i'.b 9.0 12.1 i.V4 2x2 13 7 2 4 20.6 13.8 .8 14. 16.1 'ii'.i 11 10.4 20.9 84.1 "i.i 16.9 23.8 2S.S iri 19.6 17.4 7.9 24.2 II. 4 si.i f IH.'I") . . l.TS0.0).. n9.5l9.oni.. M.TW enni S7 gonrrl., n.s'o.onni.. S4.i0rt 4.4M).Oil.. 22.C23.WV .. 15,141. ).. 10.0M,Ol!.. 16.99O.0nM.. 12.9t.Xt., 12.W,(V0., J0,90,0OO . 9vi8.(mo., 10.9IU.( 7.S2D.OOO .', 9.077.WV) ., 7. 799.0OO ., 7.461.0(10 ., ,K2.onO., 9.Z27.O00I.. 6.449.0"0 ., " a.wa.tmo ., ' 6.277.0OOI.. . 4.9oO.(10., .7M.0n0j.. B.fW.OCO ., 4.9M.OV., 4.1S9.0OO . s.174.000 i.n99.0-iOi., 4P10.ono(. . 494.0O0 . .tl7.O)0i. t. 742,0(10 . 4.SIo,000 l20,onn. 2.463 000 . 2. 179.0110 . 1.M4 0V) . 8.1X7.000 2.O11.010:. , l.T,0flo. l.wioooi. 1. 7O7.0O0 . 1.617.0001. 1.T75.000I. 2.125.0O0I 1.475,0001. 99.0001. 1.l35.onot. 1,591.000). 1.495.0001. 1.272.0001. 1.156,0001. 1.2R4.0COI. 991.0001. 1.019 0o 1.151.0001 1 241,000). h ladelnhla St. 1,0111s Pittsburg Pan Frsnclsco 7.0 Kansas City Baltimore 11.1 ineinnatt Minneapolis ivew Orleans Cleveland Detroit Louisville OMASA , Los Angeles Milwaukee 2.9 Seattle St. Paul Buffalo Denver Indianapolis Fort Worth Providence Portland, Ore Albany Richmond Washington. D. C.. Spokane, Wash Salt Lake City Columbus St. Joseph Atlsnta Memphis Tacoma 1.9 8avannah Toledo, O Nashville Rochester Hartford Des Moines Peoria Norfolk .6 New Haven 26.4 Clrand Rapids , Birmingham Syracuse Ploux City i Bprlngrield. Mass.. Evansvllle Portland, Me Dayton Little Rock Augusta, Ga 17.8 7.S S7. Oakland, Cal..." Worcester 7.0 Mobile 13.8 27.2 Knoxvllle , Jacksonville, Fla... 17.0 Chattanooga Charleston. 8. C..., Lincoln, Neb 9 6 10.01 Wilmington, Del... Wichita Wllkesbarre Wheeling, W. Va. Fall River Davenport Kalamasoo. Mich.. 18 1.994.0001 1,266.0001 l.9,0O0l 6.1 10.41 38.9 992,000. i 1.109.000 . .. , 1,079.000 1.044.000 . . S34.0C0 . 792.000). 639.000). 751,0.V . Bll.Ofinl. 74'),c0ill 614.0001 649,0001. Ml. 0001. 413,0001. 602 0001. dld.OOOI. ' 47,000. 4.000l . "41M.O0OI. : 41t.r-0I. 427.0001. . S9.O0iH. -- 642. 000I 7.5 12.3 .1.1 Topeka "i.s Helena .S 11. t 20.2 i.i Uprlngfleld. Ill 1 oungstewn Fort Wayne New Bedford .l Erie. Pa Cedar Rapids, Ia... 12.8 Macon Akron Lexington Rockford. Ill 4.' 20.7 20.8 24.3 13 0 Fargo. N. D. ...... Iowell 18.1 Hlnghamtnn 1 Chester. Pa Hloux Falls. 8 D... Bouth Bend, Ind... 19.0 16.8 29.6 Hloomlngton. III... 9.7 10.0 Canton, O., ......... i4.s 1 10.91 2.71 I 6.l oulney. Ill tprlngfleld O SM000I. ' R79.0O0I ' -.132 000! - 4O9.000I. e3.0O0) 1.049 0001. 17.4M.OOOI, il.SPO.nr0l ' 0OOI 879,0001, 301,0001. 'ii'.i Decatur. Ill i... ...I Mansfield, O Fremont. Neb 4.3 Jncksonvllle. 111.... Oklahoma Houston .1. .1 60.4 Galveston Columbia, 8. C.... 14.21. . 14.41. Sacramento Jackson Not Included In totals becausa contain ing other Hems an cajkigs7 , , . , New York loaaX-.&teaer. ... NEW YORK, Aug.7. SlONEY-On call essr. 101U Der cent: rtUInar rate. 1 prr cent closing bid,.' 1 pef crnt; offered at'l per TIME LOANS Firm and dull; slgty dsya, 2iT;2(4 per cent; ninety days, -tygS per cent; I w months ISiftff r,er lnl . . PRIME MERCXNTILE PAPEat-334 per cent. 8TERMNO' ftXCHANQBl-Steady, With actual business In bankers' bills at 84.8610 47-4.R620 for slxty-dsy bills and at $4.8656 for demand: commercial bills. 34.o4Va9H.84W. SILVER Bar, 62Vc; Mexican dollars, 46c BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on feonds were as follows: -' C. 8. ret. J. reg....lSs,Hock. Val. 4H.. do coupon 101 Int. Mat. 4(4.... lot 4744 V. 8. la, re;.. 10OSL. ,N. unl. 4.. .S(4 dO OOUPOB . ..1004 Man. r. g. 4a ,.l.'l)(i Mm. Central 4a.. ,.Ui4 do lat Ine .. 7!'4 M. A 8t U 4a. ..hl4'4M.. K. ft T. 4. V. 8. 4a, rf do coupon Am. Tobaooo 4s do a Atchlaon gsn, 4s.. . do ad). 4s do 4 do la Atlantic C. L. 4s. Bal. ft Ohio 4.... do S(4 Brk. It. T. e. 4 . Central of 04. M d lat tne do td Inc .. do 14 la St 1 to 97(4 do la 49 N. R. . Ot M. e 4 81 4(4 N. T. C. f. )(4 ., 91 10 N. t. C. (. la UIT4 14 No. Paclfle 4 iei'4 10) do la 7H4 1(4 N. ft W. e. 4 94V4 14(4 o. 9. U rfdg. 4.... 91V4 10 pna. . 1(4 lilt... M I 4 roe. 4 10 l Sendls sea. 4 44 4 . of Cubs U.....1044 Chos. ft O. 4(4. loiuest. L t L . I 41' Chlrago ft A. 1(4. 44(4 St. I. A 8. T. f. 4s. 1it C. B. ft Q. a. 4s.. 94tt. U. a- W. e. 4a... 71 C. R. 1. ft P. 4a... 57 Ssabosrd A. U. 4s 00 do eol. ft 474,80. Pacific 4s. VI do rtdg. 4a tVt do 1st 4 ink pre. ft St. L. 1. 4 4 so. Railway I I"l Colo. Ind. as Colo. Hid. 4a ... Colo, ft So. to.... Del. ft H. c. 4. !. r. a. 4... Erie p. 1. 4 do gn. 4 Japan 4 1 . to 44 do 2d aerie Bid. Offered. .. IS Teaaa ft r. la ll .. 43 T.. 91. L. ft W. 4.. 74 .. 1 'Union Pacific 4.. ..10144 . ,l"-(4 40 ST. 4 IMS .. II r. S- flteel 24 6a 9V14 .. M W.ha.h la .. 7 Wtsttarn lid. 4s.. W. ft L. C. 4a . .. H N. T. N. H. ft 91 .. MV, sctfa ...IOS14 ...74 ... ",1 e. ...1274 I.aaalea Closlag Stocks. LONDON. Aug. 7. American securities opened steady and H to H higher than yesteraay a new lorn closing. London closing stocks: Conaola. enonr M i-'.'l II., K. ft T 37T do account HI-UN. T. Csmral ill Acacond 10'j Norfolk ft W I44 Atcniann i.ik o pia tl do pfd H Ontario ft W A( Balttmor ft O Psnnar Irani It4 Lanaoian raciric iiaa nana Min Cheapek ft 0 44-", Reading , Chlrato O. W 7(4 Southern R V 1 ai., mil a st. r...if so pre 11 ) Beara :t 8outhrn Pacific 17(4 usnrar a mo a in ion pacific 141 do pfd 4 ... do pfd Krl list'. 8. gtoed 4H do lat pfd 114; do pld i'4 do 2d pfd il Wahaak i4'4 Grand Trunk ITifc do pfd . niinoia central H ,'.. spanun 4 T. Loulavltl ft N llJAmal. Copper V4 rii, tn-nir, steaay at Z4 l-ma per og, MONKY tfli per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1 5-1 (Mi IN per cent; or tnree montns hills is I4wt 7-16 per cent. New York Mlalagr tttorks. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. -Closing qjotatlon on mining atocka: A lira tadvllle Cos I Brr 4 Llllle Cblf I Brunswick Cos ( Mtiloan 43 Com. Tunnel atora.,.2? Ontario tOO Com. Tuanal booda.. 17 dphtr 23) Con. Cal. ft Va M Small Hopea II Horn silver to Standard It, Iron 8llr 1W Yalloe Jarkst a Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. METALS The London tin market was unchanged to 5 higher, spot advancing to HiS 15s. whll futures remained at tlS9. Locally ih maraet was quiet in tons. with iu quoted at 130 766 80 16. or about 6 Dolnti higher on the average. Copper advanced to 161 10a for spot and i2 for futures in tne London market. Locally the mar ket continued firm on a good demand, laae oeing quoted at n r0'0 18.76: elec troiytlc. 113 37H913 62S; casting, 81312Vs11337H Lead as unchanged, at 119 la Sd in London. The local mar ket waa firm, at 34 67 4.62 . Spelte advanced 6s. to 19 9s In London. Th local market waa firm hut unchanged, a 4 70454.75. The London Iron market was unchanged, with standard foundry yuotd at ss i ana Cleveland warrants at 41 lVsd. The local market waa unchanged with No. 1 foundry, northern, at 314 6043 17.00; No. 2, 116.750 18 26; No. 1 southern snd No. 1 southern, soft, at 114 6UO 11. 20. ST. LOUIS. Aug 7. MLTAIJ4 Lead firm, at 14.60. Spelter, firm, at 34.86 Teleao aeea Market. TOLEDO. Aug. 7--EEDf-Clover. Oc toler, $8 77: Decemker. 82.(; Msrch 3V72V4, AlMlke, prime, 89 o; IXtober, a.4c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Not Enough Cattle on Sale to Makt . Mftrket. HOGS TIKE A TTJUN DOWN HILL Varr Llgat Raa af Raeea . Lambs, with Na Qaelable t kaage rw Val- aa t'ataparedl with Tharaaar. BOL'TH OMAHA. Aug. 7. 1908. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheer). Official Monday 7.674 S.n7 9.912 Official Tuesday 8,719 7.6s 8.S99 Official Wednesday 2.163 1.119 9,573 Offlcal Thursday 2,lo9 7i'i n,iM estimate r rlday 494 U,wo i,io Five davs this week... 19 249 99.899 92.318 Same days laal week....l9.-':4 13.824 20.9K3 Bamedays 2 weeks ago.. 13.776 29.700 27,an7 Same days t weeks ago.. 11, 288 82.948 14.9' Same days 4 weeks ago.. 8.91'4 28.977 ,157 Bamo days last year 14.049 33,146 S1.2&3 The followlna? tahla ahoei tha reoalnt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tho year to date, cum Dared with last Xar: 190s. 1907. inc. Deo. -attle 601.994 !4.309 144.614 Hog 1.706.130 1.612.392 93.638 Bheep 821.194 9:4,402 1,20 The following table arinwa tba average price Of hog at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1808. 1907. 180.!llOt.lOt.19tW.lll02. July 2ft. i 07H 4 99 7 68 July 29. July 0. M IK S 4 uiy 31. AUg. 1.. 6 43 Aug. 2.. 9J 3314 7N Aug. 1.. Aug. .. Aug. 8.. Aug. 6.. f 4 Aug. 7.. 6 041 7 27 Sunday. The Official number of cars if brought In today by each road was: . . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r s. C. M. A 8t. P 7 Missouri Pacific 1 5 Union Pacific i x a C. A. N. W. (east) 3 .f tJ. ft N. W. (west).... 8 64 1 C.. fit. P., M. A O.... 1 4 C B. c Q. (east).... 11 8 y.. a. ft w. (west).... 1 S3 .. 2 i... rl 1. ft f. (eaat).. .. 1 C. R. I. ft P. (west) .. 3 Illinois central t .. C. O. W 6 " Total receipts 28 175 I 9 The rilsrmslrlnn f Ik. ,4 ma.ui. as follows, each buyer purchaslr the oum- ur-i vl iieitu inuicateu. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 6S 1.498 327 Bwirt and company 137 2,Wl 324 Cudahy Packing Co. ...i... 204 2,574 640 Omaha Pits- '.. tt c ini Cuday Packing Co., K. C... 128 Bchwaraehlld ft Bulgberger .. 1.090 1.1 , ii a a xbiii IK wn jj ..... ..... P. Lewis 6 B. Root ft Co....; 21 - H. Bulla i Cudahy Bros. Co 194 ouiuvan JBroa 2 , Lhmer Bros 22 H. Blandish 37 249 Boden Packing Co 2 Koy Packing Co 116 Other Buyers $7 isi Total- 76S 12.366 1.3,8 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning numbered only thirteen cara. which were the smallest reoelpts of any day alnca BStur- !, Juiy il, ana tne smallest lor a riday I since April 17. There were, even counting a few holdovers, not enough cattle of any kind on sale to make any teat. of values or establish quotations, buyers picked up the few loads offered at prices that looked about on a par with yesterday. There wss one bunch of cornteds good enough to bring 3H.86, which was the high price of the day. Practically everything in aight was disposed of early In the morning. As noted yesterday, the break on western beef steers the flrwt of the week had been practically all recovered, so that at the close ot the week the market Is about where It was ona week .ago. Cornfed steers on the other hand have been break ing all the week under the Influence of the light demand, packers apparently prefer ring good range steers to the kind of corn feds coming forwsrd at the present time. At the close of the week they are pretty generally 26c lower than a week ago. Cows and heifers, which broke sharply the first of the week, have firmed up a little until they are fully as good aa a week' ago and possibly a little stronger. Desirable kinds of feeders have been pretty fair sellers, there being a fair coun try demand, while the offerings have been rather limited. For the week cattle of that description are safely 10$ 15c higher. Quotations on rattle: Oood to choice cornfed ateers, 36.00rg7.00; fair to good corn fed steers, 35.40&4).00; common to fair corn fed steers, I4.2M?6.40; good to choice range steers, 9t.76i96.35; fair to good rango steers, i4.2fyft4.75; common to fair range steers, 3.K?t4.2S; good to choice fed cows and heifers, $4.0S4.75; fair to good cows and heifers, 83.0OiQ3.66; common to fair cows nd heifers, 2.00Sj 00; good to choice stock ers and feeders. 34.26'34.96; fair to good stockers and feedera, 83.50&4.Z5; common to fair stockers and feeders, 33.00rgl.50; stock heifers. I? 604, 10. HOGS Receipts of hogs were double or mora than Couble what had been antici pated for the day, 178 cars being reported In. That fact, together with a sharp de cline reported at other market points, caused a break here of 74fl0c. Tha bulk of the hogs sold st 34.86fra7H. with quite a sprinkling at 3S-40. and a top aa high aa 3S.60. Testerdsy the most of the hogs brought 38.42Hi36.46, with a top at 6.45. The trade was active at the decline, so that the great big bulk of ail the hogs had sold by lo o'clock In the morning. Represents Ive sales Ko. 9... 72... 99... 71... 11... 40... At 9k. Na. AT. a. Pr. ...14$ ...174 ...1S9 ...tts 40 4 : ... 4 21 ... 6 30 90 itla 71... !... 47... SI... 40... 14... IT... 99. . . 14... ... M... 17... S... 47... ... It... ... 10. .. .,. 14... 14 .. ..209 so it . 261 340 I eft i:i I it .247 140 M ' .111 t 4 IIV4 .IH 40 I n ..111 90 4 ..lit ... Ill 140 4 M 49... ...104 190 (11 ..221 49 i1 M0 9 It-, 4 400 4 IS ..2!4 r 31 S 31 ... Ill Iff) 40 I li tt 120 9 34 m 1 in 1M 10 Si 211 ... 4 SS 9M 140 8 U sei no is ill 240 I U .tea 1J 8 .141 120 J."s .I4T 40 1)4 .211 ... 4 U.a .190 ... IH .17 t0 6 IS Jll Ut lit ...147 ...Kl ...141 40 i U 90 U 40 St 40 9 IS 111 I ,..H7 ...JO) 40 9 U ..23 80 4 SS 90 9 14 to) 1W t M ...!9 t47 40 SS 2SI 120 6 Sv 2J SO 4 4.1 4: .94 4 SHEE Receipts of sheep today were very light, only five cars being reported in. The total for the five days, however, lis been the largest In a number of weeks. fooling up over 32.000 head, which ts also slightly larger than a year ago. There were so few sheep snd lambs on sale to day that it could hardly be called a mar ket. Ht ill the prices paid looked very Ill tie different from yeslerdsy. As compared with a week ago, the market Is safely Zfrtf 40c lower, the decline having been general on all kinds, but with lambs possibly suf fering the most. Old wethrrs have also experienced the full effects of the bresk. for the reason that they have been In auch large supply. The csstern market has been In very bsi shape. Chicago, as noted yesterday, suffering severely, in fact, much worse than this market. Quotations on range nr grass sheep snd lambs; (rood to choice lamos. 3SOvr?S15; fair to good lambs. I560fi.00: feeding lamb, 34.60i 10: good to choice light yearlings. 14 EMS 4. to ; good to choice heavy yearlings, 14. 04.15: fair to good yearlings. 83 -4'6-feeding yearlings. 83.75'tl.lil: good to choice wethers. 33.66O3.00; fslr to good wethers. 88 6086: f.edlng wethers. 3160 3 65: good to choice ewes. 93 60713.78: fslr to good ewes. 83263.60; feeding ewes. 82.5O4is.0O: culls ard bucks, Representative sles: No. 17 western lambs lot western ewes IT western ewes, culls 9T7 Idaho lamba 927 Idaho lamhs 116 Idaho lambs 190 Idaho ewes and wethers 149 Idaho lambs, feeders.... Av. .. 66 ..If Pr 6 00 3 !S 98 6 fl 6 5 01 3 sn 6 15 74 98 110 67 St. Lea la Lira Stock Market. BT. LOl'IS. Mo.. Aug. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.2O0 hesd. Including l.MO Texan Market for natives, steadv to 10c higher: Texans steady to a ahade lower: native shipping and export steers. H.TLfil 50: dressed beef and butchers utters. rS-COSY 6 76: steers under 1.&J0 pound. 8i08.50: stockers and feedera. 2?25tr4 16: cows snd heifers. 2.6oH4I.60; runners. 1 5"?r2.S; bulls I2.i04r4.50; calvea. 32 6UD6.7S; Texaa and In dian steers, 32.755 Jb; cowa and heifers. 316ft5400. vHOGU Receipts. 14.f00 head: market 10c lower: plga and lights. $3 6fi 9T; packers. 36 4vfM.ti0; butchers and best heavy. 94.70 690 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 2.200 4 461 I 61 6 19 6 041 1 6 60 16 11 6 06 I 37 I 08 I OS 7 6 01 6 321 S 68 6 02 7 62 5 92 8 15: t 69 4 Ml 4 W 7 41 4 li 11 Til 4 92 7 27 I 96 23! 6 621 4 94, 4 99 22 6 w! 6 04, I 02 7 9 6 93 6 751 5 W i 04 7 22 8 9&i 4 20l I 5 07i 6 OS 7 36 6 77 6 2l 5 79 I (If is S- at S V ! Commercial Tha rtrt National Bank of Omaha protecta the In trMti ol its denosttora and thus prove a grcrtt help to tha comnierflat devr-lopme-nt and credit of the community. It la aound and conservative in Iti principles, but always ready and willing to render obllRlng service to It customer. Your account and hanking buslneaa cordially Invited. FIRST NATIONAL P OF OMAHA ftj) f hirtenth and Farnam Streets . ti Capital $500,000: Surplus V ... . heud; native muttons, 34.OOft4.25; lambs, 36.7o4Ml.AO; culls and bucks, 33.26HH.0u; stockers. $1.606.00. Kansas I'lty Live Stork Market. KAN8AB CITY, Mo . Aug 7. CATTLE- Receipts, 3.600 hesd, Including 1.800 south erns. Market steady to 10c lower. Cows, strong; export and dressed beef steers, 36.0ivtf7.26; fslr to good. 34.0Wtf6.76; western steers, l8.7Vrt6.76; stockers and feeders, 82.8Vrj-4.70; southern steers, 33.ViH.50; south ern cows, S.'.JMcS.tO; ristlve cows, 32.fii 4.f); native heifers, 32.75fJ6.26; bulls, 8160 Q8.50; calves, J3.6"4i6.;j. HOGS Receipts, 9.4'iO head: market 10c to 15c lower; top, K82H: bulk of sales. t1.4ra6.7R; hesvy. W.TtvuAKH: psckers and butchers. 3.6Cr(j.76; light. .6.3etJti.5; pigs, J3.irVti6.6n. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 1000 head. Market steady. Umb. I4.50U 6.00; ewes and yearlings. 3S.9i'a4.''; Texas yearllrigs. I4.2M4.75; Texas sheep. 23.&09 4.26; stockers and feeders. 33.004.00. CHICAGO live: stock market Cattle, Sheep and Lambs Steady- Hoars Lavrer. CHICAGO, Aug. 7. CATTLE Receipts. 1.600 head; market steady; steers, $4.75"i?f 8.00; cows, I3.40W6.26; heifers. $3.26q) 6.00; bulls, ii. 0006.00; calves, 8 (00 to 7.60; stockers and feeders. 32. 60 W 4.60. HOQ8 Receipts. 18,000 head: market lower;, choice heavy shipping. H.80 1 8.B0; butchers, .806.90; light mixed. 34 60 6.70; choice light, 36.706.80; packers, 36.2046 6; pigs, 34 66(86.85. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5.000 head; market steady; sheep. 63 50V 4. 60; lambs. $4.76416.40 yearlings. 34.504J5.OO. loax Cttr Lira SJork. SIOUX CITT. Ia., Aug. 7.-(Cpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 900 head; mar ket ateady; beeves, 36.6097.00; cows and heifers, 36.006.60; calves and yearlings, 32.76fi8.76. HOGS Receipts. 6.600 head: good quality are ateady. others, 10c lower; range of prlcea,; bulk or saiea, 9t.;a.w. Stock la light. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday were as fol lows: cattle. Hogs, srieep 494 12.800 1,346 .... 800 6.500 Bmith Omaha... Sioux City Kansas City Pt. Louis Chicago 8,600 9.400 ... .2.200 14,000 1,500 18.0U0 Totals .7.934 60,700 11.616 Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 7. WOOL The Commer clal Bulletin will aay of the wool market tomorrow: There la further increase in tne amount of wool sold. Fresh contracts are In demand In some Inatancea. but sales ar In small lots. The market la far from ac tive. There la bo general revival and no ham Improvement In demand. Prices are strong, one-quarter blood fleeces showing an advance or lc. onto is sailing in amau ioia at 26c, while Michigan has been held at 24c. All the staple wools are firm and fine Mon iini and other kinds are.auotsd to cost 60c scoured. Foreign advices are firm and since the auction sales the Lonaon marnei nus ruled In sellers' favor. BT. LOUIS, Aug. 7. WOOI-Flrm; me dlum grades, combing and clothing, lflgJOc; light fine, lnwuuo; heavy fine, Utllc; tub washed, 2f327c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 7-COTTON-The market opened steady at an advance of mi points. Spot closed quiet; middling up land, 10.86c; middling gulf, 11.10c; sales, 3.900 bQALVE8TON, Aug. 7.-COTTON-Hlghcr, BT.'LOCia. Aug. 7.-COTTON-Ju.;t; middling, lOttc; sales, none; receipts. 47 balea; shipments, 110 bales; stock, 18,lo6 b NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 7.-COTTON-Bpot. unchanged: middling. 10,e: sales, 400 bales. Futures closed as follows: August, 10.10c: September, 9.85c; October, 9.51c; No vember. .47c; December, .4tc: Januery, .49c; February, .60c; March, .63c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 7.-COFFEE Market for coffee futures closed steady, net un changed to 8 polnta lower. Balea were re ported of 3.T60 bags. Including August S.65c September S.60c and January 5.60c; March 6.606.66c. May 6.56fi6.60c and July 6.40c. Spot quiet; No. 7 Rio ttc No. 4 Santoa Hc; mild dull; Cordova vlTUViC. VMAIIA WHOLtSIVt! MARKBT. CaaAltlan of TraAe anfl annotations oa Staple an Faaer Trodnco. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. dellveied to retail trade in tsrtons, 23c; No. in 8u lb. tubs. 32 Ho; No. 1, in 30-lb. tubs, 22c; No. 1. in 40-lb. tubs, 20Vto; No. 2. in 80 Ib. tubs, 21e; No. 2, in 1 -lb. cartois. Slot No. 1, In carioaa iota, unc; no. a, in car load Iota, 19jl9tto couiary. fancy, tub. 17o; common, 16c. EOOS Fresh candled. 15c doien. CHEESE) Wisconsin full cream, twins, 14 He; Young American, 4 la hoop, 16c, savor It. S In hoop. 16ic; Daisy. 2 in hoop, 15 "c; cretin brick, fail va. 18Vic; half case. 13c; half ttosen orloks, 14e. No quotations on Swiss uor llmtar.' srs until art' October. MEAT CUTS NO. 1 ribs, 17sc: No. 2, 13c; No. 3, ': No. 1 loins, 20u; No. 2, lSVao ; No. 8, No. I chuck, tH'-: No. 2. oc; No. 8, 4Vic. No. 1 round, 10c; No. 2 round, 7'Ac; No 8 round, 7c No. 1 plate, 6'c; No. I, 4Vic; No. S, SV1- VEQETABLEB Celery. Michigan, per dot. 85c. Iieana, new wis snd siring, one third bu. basket. II. 'A; navy, per bu.. No. I, 32.70;, 6o per lb. Cabbage, io pel lb. IJolatoea, new, per bu.. Tuma tjes. pur 4-basket crate, 9c. TVatermeloim, 8i4Hfo. Canlalopes, Calif urnia. 42.5t.u2 OU par crate. Asparagus, pur dux., toe. Cu cumbers, per clox., Suu. Onions. iermud,, 8160 per riaia; Texas yellow, ii.ib per Crala. Mushrooma, cultivated, par lb.. uc. Let luce, per doi.. 26c. Peepers, suuiham. ti per crule. FRESH FRUITS Apples. 32 76113.00 per bushel bo. Lutnons, 14.5036. Ot. Orangus. 64.ou4ta.00. Bananas, 4c per lb. Pluma, ik.j I-basket craw. Peaches, California. 1iXui4j box; t'exaa, 4-basket crite. taTx. Pears. II. &O 4-basket rrate. Blackbei rtes, ii. Kaap berries. 44. gu Cherries. t.lj. Currants. L.wO. Oooseherrltis. 4J.0U, SUOAH Coarae gran la ted, 5 60c: fin granulated. 6.100; cubsa, 4.nuc, powdered. 8.500 per lit. LlVai POOLTAY Hens, 9 'Ac; broilers, 17l; roosters, 6c; capons, 15l, uucks, Vc, geess, 9c; turkeys, 14c; plgeeiu, lu Aomta; squno. 32. UU dossn. DKEoSICD POULTR aquabs. IMI docen. DRIED FRUITS-Ralalns. loose Muses tel. 8Mc; fancy seeded, l-ib. canon, 10c. Cur rants, uncleaned, 4Vc; cleaned, to; carton, 9c per lb. Prunes, UX-iiM per sick; two rar lb. Apricots. 2s-lb. boxes. 9c per lb. aches, California choice. e; fanajr boa-a, lie ir lb. pears. Cslllornla. 11a. Dates, Peralan. Hc- Figs, layers, aiiolce, losc. Citron, 13440c Lemon tc. Oran peel. 13c. F18H Halibut. 9c; trout. 14o; pickerel. 10c. pike, 13c; bullheads, skinned snd dress!. "c; white perch, 8c; white bass. 17c: blatk bass. 2o; tratpl. 16c; while fish, 14c; red snapper, 14c; flounders, Lc; mackerel, 17c; oodflah. fresh froien. lie; shad roe. 4-c, smelts, 13c; frog legs. 44c; greea sea turila meat. 26c; caiflsh. lac. P 1D8 Quotations by J. 8 Smith A Co.: Careen salted. No. 1. 10c; No. 2. 9c; bull hides. No. 1. ac; No. 3. 7c; horse hides, 82.60; sheep pells, 26c to 31.60, dry pells, lv to 12c per lb.; dry flint butcher hides, lie; dry fallen bides, Uc; dry salted hides, 2c &4&4&L&''tty a. Development OS) and Profits $675,000. ft ve- UP-TO-DATE REPORTS Containing; late atithmtlc information ot Cobalt. Central FREE Copper, Curb and Mining Outloc 7S irinity I'littcr. New Vorl 4 Sample Copies Tree 831.00 pet? year S3 Farei Covers Tonorah, Ooldfleld. Ely. Butte. Cobalt, Yerlngton, Tintlo, Bingham, Park City, Beaver County. Rawhide, Canadian and other active camps. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Reports from All Cities Indicate Prog ress in Right Direction. BUILDING TRADES ' ACTIVE Country Merchants Are Making Large Psrekaari at Central and Western Jobbing . tenters. ... NEW .YORK, Aug- 7. Dispatches to Dun's Review of Trade Indicate further progress In the right direction, although Improvement Is slow. Boston reports thai cotton mills are still curtailing output, but larger sales of wool promise greater ac tivity In the woolen Industry. Dry goods lobbers are placing fall orders freely and the situation wilt be Improved by the auc tion sales. The dry goods trade Is quiet at Philadelphia, but' wholesalers report more Inquiries. The steel Industry and building trades are more Itctlve. Conservatism prevails in all lines. In dustrial conditions are slightly better at Baltimore. The Interstate Merchants' as sociation opened its first meeting at 8t. Louis on August 1. and country merchants are arriving In large numbers, making sat isfactory purchases In most lines. Kansas City reports that the first merchants' meet ing has brought a large number of coun try buyers, who are 'tlncln orders' freely In most lines. Retail trade et .S'ew Orleans and shipments by Jobbers hnv been Inter rupted by heavy rains, which also retarded harvesting of cotton and rice, but sugar prospects are bright. At Chicago country merchants attend the wholesale and Jobbing markets In large numbers, placing orders that compare fa vorably with those of a year ago. Business expands nt Minneapolis,, merchants plac ing brders freely now that bountiful harv ests are practically assured. Factories op erate full time, but payments are slow. Fall busineHS at St. Paul expands steadily. Im provement In the dry, goods trade la well sustained. Hit A nSTREET'S REVIEW OF TRADK Developments for Week In All Lines Mainly Favorable. NEW YORK, Aug. 7. Bradstreeta to morrow will say: Trade, crop and Industrial developments of the week are mainly favorable. The first of the fall merchants' excursions are re ported in leading cities, thereby enlarging sales by Jobbers and wholesalers. Indus trial reports sre generally ot Increased time run or enlarged output ar-d the leading crops have approached a week nearer har vest. In the Industries there is perceptibly more doing In Iron and steef. hardware manu facturing, - western coal mining and the lumber trade generally. The raroads are certainly buying more of rails, cars and also light supplies. 1 Business failures In the t'nlted Stale, for the week ending August 6 number i, as against 275 last week, lr'7 In the like week of 1907. 137 In 1906 and li6 In 1906. Wheat. Ineludlr.g flour, exports from the t'nlted States and Canada for the week ending August 6 aggregate 3.8r4.34ii bu , against 2.0O5.99R last week and 3.272,998 thla week last year. Corn exports f" ti w- are 114,t2 bu , agr.lnst 16,9:8 ' 107,6'l In 1807. hU ,:! II for. LONDON, Aug. 7.' Money continued abundant on the market today and dis counts were easy. Desrer French exchange and the reduction In gold rali-ed the hope that the Bank of Knglsnd mould get the gold arrivals due next we. k. Trading on the PtocU exrhange was dull and unlnter- sting. British aecurltles dropped on the lack of Investment buying, bjt foreigners were Inclined to harden on the better political outlook. American securities were supported by the professionals on tho more confident operations In Wall street yester. day. They opened above parity and ruled firm, with a hardening tendency In the afternoon under New York support. This msde the final tone strong. Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific etsed In the after noon. Conner shares were strong, espe- I daily Amalgamated, on New York support. British shares were firm on better trado renorls PARIS. Aug. 7. Prices on the Pours toilav showed a tendencv towards firmness. BERLIN. Aug. 1. Prices on the Bourse generally were firm today and the trr.dlng was quieter. Olla and Rosin. NEW YORK. Aug. 7 011.8-Cottonseed. easy; prime crude, 30c. bid; prime yellow, 41e. Petroleum, steady; refined, New York, JA.T6; Philadelphia and Baltimore, (J) 70; Phil, adelphla and Ualtlmore, In bulk, Tur pentine, quiet. 40c. RnfitN Quiet; siralned. common to good, 33 U.1V OIL CITT. Pa , Aug 7 -Ol 1,-Credlt bal ances. 31 7H; runs, M.'.J-9 bbls. ; average, 1I4.C42 Mils ; shipments, US.ttB this.; aver age. 1.7M lMs. SAVANNAH Oa.. Aug. 7. TI'RPEN Tl N K Firm. 364,4 Wc. ROSIN Firm: A. H rnd ('. ? W; tr, 2: E. 32 75; F. (; (J. 831": H, 87!. Jo: U ; K. S4 4X: M. 1515; N. 65.75; W. U., i:; W ,W Kk Hvaporatest A pules and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. Aug 7 EVA POR ATKD APPLES Market and spot quotation are more or less nominal In the absence ot buln-KS. Fancy are quoted at lOvitlHc; choice. SfiDr; pi line. 3 7 ic; common to fair. 64Q 6'c. Kngar aad Molasses, NEW YORK. Aug. 7 Hl'tlAK Raw. un settled: fair refining. S.tU1-; centrifugal. 9 test 4 3&Vc; mulaases sugar. 8 32ij3.37Hc Refined, quiet; crush" nusulered, iStc; granulated. 6- -1 MOLAiidLd 4sula4 ' 1