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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1908)
TUB- OMAHA DAlLi Dhh: NA 11 iriliAY. AL'OrM'' K 7 BRIEF CITY NEWS FASEOFAE-SAR.BES SPREADS auf soot rrit it. Stadolpa r. Bwoboaa, Fnbllo-Aoeoantaai. Tkontl W. Blackbara for ronraa. ady. Stovataa. 117 N. 1. poula h. MO. S.vmaa, 117 y , rouiia aho.. II l F avoarks for Qualitr Hears. SI S. Blaakart, fhntna-raphr. Hth A Farnam. Jmm C XlaalM for county att'y. Adv. Joaa 1 Marca for tat auditor. A1t. SnflM matin Co, til S. lth. Tel. (44. , " ZltaBla Ufa-foll.. night draft at maturity. t D. N-ely. manager, (rninh. Bargass-Oranala C, J511 Howard 8t. Oaa. electric fixtures, electric wiring and rapalr. Residence electric fans, $1060. Keep roar money aad valuable under your own lock and key In the American Safe Deposit Vaults In the Bee building, which are burglar and fireproof. Boxes rent for 14 a year, or il for three months. Charles T. Jacfer Aaks Bl voice Charles 1. Jaeaer haa filed, a petition for a divorce from hia wife. Klla Jaeger, on the ground f desertion. Bryan Vetlflcatloa pedal The Vnlon Pacific will run a apeclal train from Ord to I,(ncol Auiruat 11,. to carry the people who desire to a-n to the Bryan notification. The uperlal w.ll leave Ord August 12 at I a. m. and arrive at Uncoln about noon. Xisafls Xorse from Faatura H McCub Nr.f, who led a horae belonging to John Orr from a pasture and converted the ani mal to Ms own use. was arraigned in po lice) court Friday morning on the charge of grand larceny and his caae was set for hearing next Monday. TorUiw.rUrn Merchants' Bate The Northwestern haa authorised a rate of a fare and one-half for the fall merchants mettlngs at Omaha. The first of these meeting at. Omaha. The first of these tickets will be on sale from all stations in Nebraska from August IS to 19. Caste liar Monday School Menlo The Sunday school of tha Cantellsr Presbyterian -church will hold Its annual picnic Saturday afternoon at Miller park. One of the fea tures ' will ba a ball game between the single and the married men. Special cats leave Sixteenth and Vinton at 1 o'clock. Bolt for Lumber BUI The International Lumber company of Ixmlslana haa filed suit la the district court Against the Cady Lumbar company of Omaha for S3.S6Q, al leging that such an amount la due for a part of a ahlpment of 7W.Oj feet of cypress lumber which waa sent to the local firm. Two AUag-ad Wife Beaters For getting drunk and abusing his wife, Ed Coyle was final 110 and coats. Coyle la an old offender, having been arrested numerous time for similar offenses. ' C. B. Carroll waa also charged with .wife, beating, but hla spouse waa afraid to appear In court against him and ha was discharged. CHllllaa Doe BO Improve The condi tion of S. H. Glllllan of Aahton, la., who suffered a dislocated neck during a friendly wrestling scuffle with A. House In Flnne gan's saloon, SC7 Bouth Eleventh street. Wednesday afternoon. Is anything but en couraging. An operation was performed on Olllllan at the St. Joseph s hospital, where he was removed, but he has not rallied as rapidly aa expected and it la thought that ha haa only a small chance to recover. Unique Work of Qnirera'i King Hailed in Distant Part. Turkish women want to rrifow away their sella let them go ahead. They haven't awton-ioMlee In Turkry anyway. EAT STATE PAPIS PXAISES IT II, 4e Park Jearaal Keel lea larldeats la the Kntertalameat of Ueaeral tarrlagtaa aa Ills Hewal Wcstrra Trip. Tha fame of Ak-Sar-Ba knows no bounds, as Is shown by the following from the Hyde Tark Uagt-lte of Hydo Tark, Mara., under date of August 1: Tha pre -m announcen e t ihat W. J. Pryan waa a guest ul tlie Kn.gtit of Ak-Sar-iten Una name is that t Nebraska reversed at Omaha. Neb., had no other political aig ni f n ance than urual whem vtr o d atln- gumhed a iliisen visits In his own sise. The order Itself, aa reported at lis mili tary fete, Jane 2f, n w numl 9 6 mem bers of the most influential business men of the city and its annual pursues and enler tamminta each autumn ar hardly to be p j r panted by the must brilliant anie'-edenta f the New Orleans Mardl Ura. - More than 2uu,u vlaitora have honored alngie annual entertainments. '1 he omaha papers of June 31 note In full the r apec'al reception of our fellow citizen. General Henry H. C'arrlnston, I 8. A., re tired, when lie alighted from the train at the Huriington station enroute to HiierM.m, Wyo., to attend, ua special guest of that city, a memorial celebration in honor of tho surviving veterans of hla command, when In conflict with Ked Cloud's 81011X warr.ors, ihoufani.s In numbers, he opntd that coun try for settlement. Healdes the veterana themselves, few In number, there were as pnr l Ir ants (Jeneral numler, notaLly -Samue Gibson. 8. 8 Pe.eis snd Siaurice l.arnes, iheie were as partici pants General Morton, commander Dpart- ment of the Missouri; city officials. Ouuld Uien and 11. J. i'enfold, representatives of the governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. to receive him as guest. At a military dinner a. most Immediately held at the Omaha club under their auspices ex-8-nator ana General Aiamleraon waa tnaslmasler, and the civil war veterana orcutiled the center table. General Man. lemon introduced their guest by the announcement of having received hla first commission In the e vil war at his hands In Ohio and that "no other one man had done more to open the west to civilization.'" In response General Carrlngton gave In detail his sccount of be ing ordered from the army of the Cumber land In liw to take command of the east ulstrlct of Nebraska, and that on the march from Fort I-avenworth to old Fort Kear ney, opposite Grand Island, there was not a white resident at that date, Qaotatloa from The Bee. The Or-iaha Bee said: "General Carrirg- ton s 86 years sit lightly on his shoulders. CAMPAIGN OF PICTURE CARDS IMMENSE SUPPLIES FOR ARMY quartermaster mt Mlaanarl Depart me at. Major I). K. McCarthy, chief quarter master Department of the Missouri, hss Is sued a call lor proposals for the aeml-an nual supplies of forage for the use of tho L'nited States army f jr the Department of the Missouri, bids for which will be opened af the office of the chief quartermaster In Omaha on August SI. The proposals con templates :5,719.w pounds of oats; 2.2S.fA pounds of brsr.; ii.3tt.000 pounds of baled hay; 4.'i0.0"9 pounds of loose hay and 7,9&2.04 pounds of straw or hay for bedding. The supplies are for the several poets of the department, and Include Forts Crook Omaha. Robinson and Omaha quarter master's depot In Nebraska; Forts D. A. Russell, Washakie and Mackenzie. Wyo ming; Leavenworth and Riley In Kansas Des Moines In Iowa and Meade In South Dakota. The proposals call for the delivery of the ' supplies not later than October 1. 190B, and permits the rutting of hay on the military reservation of Fort Riley for thai post under certain conditions. Bids must also provide for delivery in government storehouses and bins or other places on the military reser vationa as may be designated by the offi cers In charge at the several posts. Major James B. Erwln of the adjutant general's department, Washington. D. C, has been assigned to duty as assistant ad jutant general of the Department of the Missouri. His arrival at army headquar ters in Omaha Is expected dally. Lieutenant O. R. Allln, formerly of the Sixteenth Infantry, but now of the Sixth field artillery, is a visitor at army head quarters on leave of absence. Lieutenant Allin was formerly connected with the Department of the Missouri headquarters as an aide-de-camp. Eight applicants for position In the med ical reserve corps of the regular army are taking the examination at the army build ing. Omaha. Eleven applicants had ex pected to take the examination, but two of them failed to present themselves and m was disqualified because of physical defects. Of the applicants eeVen are from Bryan Hai Himself Photographed to i Appeal to ETerybody. i IN OVERALLS FOB THE "W0HKMEN Ilk Tile ta Catch the Arlstarrat and the Good Fellow and aaartl moalaas Are Holy It e-membared. A BUMMER PlHADIsH. . A Havra of Heat. No more Ideal sport can be found for a summer outing than the Star Lake region of Northern Wisconsin. Scores of beauti ful lakes, abounding In game fish, and surrounded by virgin forests, conveniently reached from Mlnocqua, Sayner, Star Lake and other stations on the Chicago, Mil waukee A BL Paul railway. Excellent hotel - ac.oomruoda.tlo na, reasonable rates. Complete Information free on application. Tickets 1534 Farnam street. F. A. Nash, General Wsstern Agent. Omaha, Neb. " -- - ' - ' ' ."" Bea page 12 for our final and greatest sale of the season. All - our high-class tailor-made suits, sold at tX.OO, HO. 00. $cu.ou ad up; your choice at IU.TS. Formerly O. K. Scofleld Cloak and Suit Co.. 1510 Douglas St. ORKIN BROS.. He gave a vigorous speech, historic, hu- Nebraska, two from South Dakota and two morous and then patriotic and closed with from Iowa. Such of the applicants as pass a reference to a piedxe exacted of himself the nrellmlnarv examination here will he and schoolmates at Torrlngton, Conn., in preliminary examination nere win be IKI by a visitor, who afterward proved to assigned to the medical reserve corps and be John (Oaawotomle) Brown, that when will be sent to the Army Medical school iney oevkiiie men iney wouia worn tor Unl' versal liberty. The speaker aaid with em phasis 'that pledne has shaped my entlra life.' Qeneral Carrington waa cheered to the echo when he added, 'John Brown's body is marching on, and Nebraska, among me earnest, took a stand in th movement that meant liberty for all the world and meant eventually universal peace. "General Carrington was given a special seat of honi r by the side of Grsnd Mufti Thomas and his address was a hlxh tribute to the progress and enterprise of Nebraska and to the magnmccnt spirit of fraternity and comradeship of the Ak-Sar-Ben." Mr. Diets placed the button of tne order upon the coat lapel of the general as a fully introduced knight, and General Man- deraon, turning as he gave the closing al drcss, tntormed his friend that now. in contrast with 18A5. the soil of Nebraska, then sterile, sent more crops abroad than the value of all the gold mined In the United Statea In a single yesr. In Washington for further study for eight months. Those attaining 80 per cent In their examinations will be commissioned as first lieutenants In the army medical corps' and assigned to duty at once. Captain T. B. Hacker, purchasing and chief commissary United States army, has been directed to Inspect a recent order for How many votes will a souvenir postal card t for presidentlsl candidates? The coming campaign will feel the effect of a new force in politics. It is the postal esrd. Omaha Is the center for these cards in the west and Omaha artists practically control the "Bryan cards." Though they hsve cards labekd "Our Next President" for both candidates. But en enterprising ph'tograrher saved the day for Mr. Taft by securing a photo graph of him when he visited Omaha last spr'ng and there are about as many Taft cards on the market as Bryan cards. It is aafe to say there will be more mailed from Omaha. This campaign with the pic torial postal card Is on. Mai! ?acR8 of them are going out of Omaha and the wholesalers have orders for something like l.fXO.fliO cards. They will be sent by one fr'end to another, reminding that friend of the preference of others In the matter of presidential ce-ndldates. Appeal ta Every Class. Bryan will be shown leaning on his plow on these cards and they will be sent to the farmer friends cf those-In the city. For the studious a card will be sent showing Mr. Bryan In hla library, while the poultry dealers and fanciers will be reminded that Bryan is their friend by a postal card made from the famous picture showing "Bryan and his son studying poultry culture at Falrvlew." Then for the aristocratic element there will be a picture of Mr. Bryan In a high hat, riding In an automobile. Others pro vided for this purpose show the home o the democratic candidate at Falrvlew and the famous Ouffey memorial window. There are Bry an postal cards on the mar ket for all classes. If the sender wants to entice a real goody-goody friend to vote for the Nebraskan a picture postal card of the candidate and a few excerpts from "Thou Shalt Not Steal" Is sent. On the other hand, if tiie friend wanta to have a candidate who is a Jolly good fellow there are poatal cards showing Mr. Bryan shak ing hands with Boss Murphy and standing on the end of a Pullman car with Mayor "Jim" Dahlman of Omaha. All the Taft postal cards are much the same. Just the sam? "Judge" or "Santo" Taft, without any frllla, memorial windows, automobilea. chicken yards or double-thoveJ plows as a background. Desperate Shootlag 180.C00 pounds of corned beef for the use of i "7, J " xc,".. ! . "I . ,!!! K. .I,l I C .1. i " ' ' ' It will be shipped from South Omaha ss soon as the Inspection Is com pleted to San Francisco. NAVY LOOKS GOOD ON PAPER pneumonia. 60 and $1.00. Beaton Drug Co. ricti BallOraa; rerailts. John M. Berger. Twenty-eighth snd Hamilton streets, frame dwelling, tl,2r; John M. Berger, Twenty-eighth and Hamil ton streets, frame dwelling, . 2TO; Hess A Swoboda, Twenty-fourth and Hlmebaugh atreeta; frame store. U.of"; C. F. Mander aon. Thirtieth street and Poppleton avenue, frame dwelling. 3.5n0; C. F. Manderson, Thirtieth street and Poppleton avenue, frame dwelling. 2 60O; C. F. Manderson. Thlrleth street and Poppleton avenue, frame dwelling, 2,Jn0; E. M. Mrsmsn, in North Thirty-second atreet, repairs to frame dwelling, t&ou. HURSE TELLS OF BABY'S SUFFERING Raw with Eczemi from Birth Fear ful Itching Lasted for Months Treatment Futile Walked the Floor with Him Night and Day Wasted Away and Got Little Reit PERMANENTLY CURED BY CUT1CURA REMEDIES "Tha first tUrn I went out aa a nurse was whan a baby boy was born. Ua waa perfectly raw aU over with humor. Tha doctor gave ua some ointment to ure. but be got no better. The baby soumed ta bo utTering terribly, and at times I had to walk the floor with hint night aad day, sending for my husband to carry hiru when I could not. Ilia poor little head became covered with crusts aad the doctor dortded it was acaema. The fearful itching went on for months, and the-little fellow waa wasted to a skeleton and oould get al most no rest. At last I decided to try tha Cuticur Btrnedie. bathing biro, with Cuticura &oep, using Just as little water aa poeaibWs; then I applied the Cutloura Ointment, and gave him small doses of Cuticura Heaolvent. This re lieved him almost at once and in a comparatively short time tha baby waa quite well. Now, thirteen years after, he la a fine boy. In the High rkhool, ana be has Bver had onr return of tho diseasa. I have since known cf a tim ber of oaaea of eczema which have teen cured by Cuticura, but uoue, perhaps, as severe as this oca. I have always recommended Cuticura most highly U r akin troublee, and shall continue to d so. Mrs. Elizabeth Howie. Nurse. 70 Urove Bu, Chelsea, Mass.. Nor. Id, '07." TURKISH VEIL IN AMERICA Mohammedan Womrsi Drsa It aad Fair Oaes of This Country Adopt It. "The laying aside, of the vt.U by Turkish women will no doubt work a great revolu tion there," said Emll Brandels. who vis ited the orient last winter. "Every Mo- ammedan woman wears a veil on the treet and in public places. The veil of the poorer women is black and made of coarse cloy v The avorn.byllje women f high class is of tine atlK . gauze ana usually white." Mr. Brandels, while In the orient, bought doll which In Its dress Is an exact model r the Mohammedan women. The veil Is fastened Just about on a line with the eye brows. It is of such material that the wearer can see out, though her features are completely concealed from observation. The back of the head and the neck are concealed by a heavier cloth fastened on top of the head and around the waist. A blanket-like robe fastened around the body omewhat above the waist and reaching to the ground completes the costume. Necklaces, bracelets and all sorts of ban gles and jewelry are much affected by the Turkish women. "In all the time I was In the east I never saw a Mohammedan woman without her veil,' says Mr. Brandels. "The Turks are extremely Jealous of their women folk and cannot aee that the action of the women DISFIGURING Humor, Eczemas, and Itching Cured by Cuticura. Tha agonising itching and burning of tha skin, as in enema; tha frightful scaling, as in peorlaais; tha lose of hall and crust. rig of scalp, as in accjled bead, all demand a remedy of extraordinary virtues to suoreiasfuliy crpewith thm. That Cuticura Soap. Ouifcura Ointment, and Cutioura Fiila are such stand proven by trettmonlai of retnarxabie cures when all ale haa failed. 1 t nwM IM Skta. Cw- m touwiMM i9o ) Is ami im Sua. ul CM miU BWv'HLl 1SOC LWU IS BTOI 0-0- M 1 la IV lee Book Too Allarlngt 1 for Yoanar Mea to Re- alat. ' Two young men, little more than boys. stood on the postofflce steps poring over a book.- They wore overalls and brogans. They looked as though they had lately tired of farm work. The book over which they were poring seemed to be of surpass ing Interest. Still It had no lurid cover and therefore waa not a chronicle pt the adventures of Deadwood Dick or Nick Car ter. A little eavesdropping solved the problem. The absorbing book was a de lightful and optlmlstio brochure entitled The Making; of a Man-o'-Varsman." It contained lovely illustrations and still more lovely word pictures of the perpetual holiday which falls to the lot of him who enlists In the navy. One of the boys read: There ta a fascination about being one of the crew of a ahlp of the United States navy, the navy that carries the Stars and Stripes, the navy that produced a John Faul Jones, a Lawrence, a Decatur, a Perry, a Farragut, a Porter and a Dewey; the navy that gave birth to auch expres sions as "I have only begun to fight." Don't give up the sag;." "We have met the enemy and they are ours, express ons that will live In tha, minds of men forever. According to the book life in t'ncie Sam's navy Is far better than the delights of owning a private yacht and. of course, less expensive. It Is Uncle Sam's one desire to show to the rising generation of men the sights of the world. Among the pleasures which Jack gets, according to the book. are fencing and boxing, music by the ship's band, dancing, minstrel shows, foot ball, base ball, rowing races, use of the New York and Philadelphia cannot be more pleasantly or conveniently reached than by the Grand Trunk-Lehigh aney oouoie iraca route via Niagara Falls. Solid through trains of coaches and sleeping cars. Magnificent scenery. For descriptive literature apply to Geo. W. Vaux, A. O. P. A T. A.. Grand Trunk Railway System. 135 Adams St., Chicago. By using the various departments of The Bee Want Ad page, you get best results at Small expense. In dispensing with their veils could result In anything but wholessle murder and sut- ,hip s boats at the vartoua points of Inter- clde. According to the oispatcnes tney vlaltad In foreisn landa. BDort with rod have thrown away their veils and are going about with smiling faces! I presume, of course, this action Is con fined to Monastlr, which Is the storm cen ter of the revolution. And probably there It la only a few of the women who are aklng thla radical action." While the Turkish beauties, whosu charms have been hidden so Jealously for ccnturlea from any ryes but their hus bands, are throwing aside their veils members of the fair sex In enlightened America are taking up the discarded ceuntenance concealers. Those of the feminine world who keep an eye con stantly to tha kaleidoscope of fashion know that the "double veil" la now the correct thing. It la aweeptng down upon the world of women with a force said to be seven times more terrible than that of the merry widow hat, which today Is and tomorrow is cut down and wlthereth. Indeed, the merry widow bonnet has already withered; It haa become a back number almost before a cigar could be named after It. It will not be so with the double veil, say the fashion oracles. At the up-to-date shops of Omaha, where the latest "creation" and "bonbons" are displayed before the longing eyes of the dear creatures the double veil is slready on view. Of course. It Is true that the double veil la designed for automobile wear. A demonstration made by en aecom modatlng young woman In one of the stores showed her, when the veil was ad Justed, a most charming creature. K1rt you put on a big broad brimmed hat, (cf course, girls, thla Is Just between us), then you place the veil over the top. draw It In loose, but graceful folds down and xlgxag across the face so that the folds Just rest against tho bridge of the nose Now the triangular opening formed by the brim of the hat and thejolds of the veil discloses a charming breadth of brow and two tantalising eyes, leaving the other features In that mystery which abounds In charm. One of thrse vella measures eight and a half feet In length by threo feet In width. They generally come In two shades such as brown and tan, black and white, bluo and green or brown aud white. Wbere did the double vU originate? If It la a Frenchman of whom you ask this question It Is his cue to purse Ills l:pa. shrug hia shoulders, throw out his hands and smtle. Who can tell the course of a woman's whims? Whst she wants she will have la It not so? Tes. The veil Is useful aa well aa beautiful. It keep duat and gasoline smoke out of mouth and nose and pore. And if the and rifle, rot to mention such s'.mple pleas ures as checkers, chess, csrds and reading In the shlp'a library. Who wouldn't enlist In the navy? The two young men at any rate did. They stopped reading In the book, gated Into each other's eyes as though they had dis covered a hidden treasure. Then they turned and hurried Into the federal build ing. Price of Paper Goes Up, WATEHTOWN, " N. T..' Aug. 7. An nouncement was made here -today by the International Paper company that the price 01 paper nas oeen advanced jo cents per ton td $2.36. The strike 'Situation Is un- changed. Toasted Wheat FlaKes Th IdaaJ Summer Feed Don't worry about tha high price of Beat III merely common sens hot to aat heavy, greasy meal en these hot summsr day. Sat KGG-O-SEE, toasted whose wheat flake. EGG-O-SEB 1 better than the beat meat bailer a th last aad asor aooriahiag. II' aaay to digest, sastaraiag and osii lug. Mack cheaper. Aeactixtog. Satfe friar, Whelesaiac All Grocers. 10 cents back to nature Double Through Daily Service to Pittsburgh via, "Lake Shore Through Coach Overland Mail Leaves Chicago - 8:25 a.m. Arrives Pittsburgh, 8:35 p.m. Throujjh Sleeper 4 'Lake Shore Limited' ' Leaves Chicago - 5:30 p.m. Arrives Pittsburgh, 6:35 a.m. Fare $9.50 From Chicat L. VV. Landman Gcn'l Western Piss. Ajt Chicago La Salle Street Station "On the Loop" WARREN J. LYNCH. Paaaanger Traffie Manager. Chicago Smt Bargains tor Young Men Your Choice of all young men's 2 or 3-piece suits in the store for Grades P5Q up to $13. SO These are small Uts left from the season's selling. They are nobby styles that will please any young man sizes 30 te 36 You'll be wise If yeucome early Saturday SPECIAL CLEARANCE BARGAINS IN OUR SHOE SECTION Women's While Canvas Oxfords Men's Oxfords Your choice of all our pat ent leather Oxfords, jrrade to $4.Qf), 15 liegals excepted. ... Women's Oxfords Your choice of all our wo men's tan and patent leather Oxfords, grades to $4.00, Kegals 195 exeected - a Broken sizes, worth Q $2.00 and $2.50, at..UaC Clearance Bargains In Furnishings 4c Men's Garter, 1 Oc grade . . Men's 811k Shield Hows, r 15c grade J C Men's Wash Four-In-Hands 15c gTade, 3 for 25c, each UW Shaw-Knit Hose, always adver tised and sold at 25c. Jq 19c Men's Solid Leather UeHa, 35c grade . . Men's Fancy Lisle Finished Hose, 25c grade, 3 for 9fl 60c, per pair a4VV Any IVIan's Hat in tho Store P c Principally Vina Sennit Braid $1.50. $2.09. $2.50 Grades Store Open Until lO F. M. Saturday Clearance Bargains In Furnishings Men's Silk Four-In-Hands, 60c grades. . . . President Susjemlor.i, always sold at 50c. .. . s Boys' Blouse Waists, . 50c grade Men's Lisle Finished Underwear, 50c grade. 25 c 25 c 29c 35c Men's Fancy Lisle Thread Hoae 60c grade, 3 tor L00, TP per pair JJC Suits, $1.00 grade. Men's Combination CO- ... Omaha's Leading Clothiers. It Tine Ml or THK I - -: 1 jSK (S0)lfii9fl!fi) The most picturesque resort in America. An ideal place to spend your vacation. This is only one of hun dreds of inviting va cation resorts reached by the Chicago .lilvokoo & St. Paul Railivay Before you decide definitely where to go for your summer vaca tion, call or tend for free books regarding the maay delightful lake resorts in Northern Illinois, Wisconsin, Upper Michigan and Minnesota. Iniormation about raiUoad fare and train service ( any resort on this railway free far -the ask teg. I Tickets, 1524 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. F. A. nasa. c. w. a I rs H 7 IB rw sssi si a ?a an m m s i c j i niH ar a r w a u 8 Noon Day Lunch. ..50c ll'ss tne Deait Lunch In Omaha Grill Room - HOTEL ROME lGtrt and Jackson Sts. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. r U Dt ft L WawaariotU.) tJu UOm aa au. ana Calls Promptly Aaaw.re4 at All. Hour,, aUa. Stiai iia. VbUIi 1.3,