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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1908)
12 TTTF. OMATIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST P. 1003. s s Saturday Extra Specials ! s I M LONG SILK GLOVES AT 69c PR. 5 fit Very fine Milanese silk gloves with double tipped finflrera 16-button length, black, navy, brown and tan worth up to $2 a pair, at, a pair S 69c Elbow Length Silk Lisle Cloves These gloves are in white, black or tan and they are worth as high C i as 1.00 ft nair ms9 f S Scotch plaids, checks, polka dots and solid colors- regular 25c quality Windsor ties at, eacn S 2SS&m SILK WINDSOR. TIES at 15c 15c i S S s S1.50 UMBRELLAS, at 98c Ladies' Silk Warp Taffeta Umbrellas made with gun metal, silver trimmed and natural wood handles, paragon frame Qf2 .worth $1.50, at .OC $3.00 UMBRELLAS at $1.98 Ladies' and men's black and colored silk Taf feta Umbrellas with tape edge handles of d fancy pearl, silver ana goia ana nat- ipa nral wood, worth as hieh as $3, at 1 S S S S Two Gre&.t Hosiery Specials .Women's tan and black boae, Hale thread double sole heel and toe, fancy embroidered and fine black cotton, alao men's black and fancy hose worth up to 85c pair, at . . S 19c "Women's, children's and men's fine cotton hose, black lace and plain split soles also fancy f J colors, worth 25o. . I 2C Underwear Women's Low Neck Sleeveless Vests Light summer weight undervests a big special for fl , A Saturday, at 2C Formerly sconnD m 15 iO DOUGLAS ST. Formerly' r.sconiaD LCIMISUIT6 tor EMM and : .Greatest Sale All Our High Grade Tailored Suits That ssld at $35.00. $40.00. $45.00. $50.00 and up your choice Saturday at Never in our entire business career haVe we made such an astonishing offer as this. This will be a sale that will be commented on and remembered. by, our com petitors as well as by every one who will visit this great cloak and suit house Sat urday, as the greatest sacrifice sale of high grade tailored suits ever held in Omaha. ' Not one suit from entire stock reserved, all our cloth suits, all silk and all voile suits, nearly 200to choose from and every one a good fall style. Either the 6kirt or jacket alone is worth a great deal more than $12.75. And" just think of buying a whole suit for that price, that will be good for fall wear.' 7! ur choice of our entire stock J of Suits that sold for $35, $40 and $45,00 and up, will go at S S r s s s s BSV. f i A Great Special Sale of JAPANESE GONGS We bought a traveling man's sample line atv J a great reduction. To close them out quick- I ly we will sell every gong in stock at exact- ly half price. No dining room is complete J without an oriental gong, and there are some beauties in this lot &4 ft &4 A J prices Saturday will be $1 10 vlv 15c Large ice writer pltchera, made of fancy atone, good, atrong, durable pltchera, at , ST" BOYS' CLOTHING gtf ! Boys' W.h Suits IBsys Wfcsh Suits In sailor. Buster Brown and other A 1 a siyies, worm up to $2.50, at Boys' Wash Suits Smartest little styles of the sum mer, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 98 values at ...i- 98c Your choice of hun dreds of odds and ends, in. all sizes will go Boys' Knickerbocker Q0 pants, wool mixtures, ivt Children's Rompers, ages 3 to 8, at c 39c j S SATURDAY In order to make Saturday a busy day at our Clearing Bale we decided to give the public a bargain feast Here are a few samples of what you can get: Men 'a light colored Worsted BulU that formerly sold for 97.50, Sat urday, I!. 98. Men'a Panta, actual $3 value, 1.45. Men'a Shirts, worth $1 and f 1.3S. your choice 48c. Men'a 20c Hose, 9c. Men'a 60c Suapendera, 25c. Men'a good Black Sateen Shirts, full else,-S 9c. . Men'a Union Suit, worth 91. 3f, pink or blue. 69c. Men'a 50c Underwear, pink. 25e. Men'a Suits that aell moatly anywnere aa high aa 111.60, sale price, 95.00. Boys' Over- alia, age to 8, aale price 16c Men'a fancy Haudkerchlefa, 9c. Boya' Knick erbocker Suite, worth 9S.50, marked down to 91-9.' Boya' Knee Panta 36e. Boya good ahlrta, S9c Boya' Black Hoee,;9c. Alao great big re ductions in men'a fine Sulta in the late ahadea. auch aa brown, olive and ele phant color. Try and come la the morning bo aa to avoid the afternoon and evening rush Guarantee Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Douglas St Boys' and Misses' Day Saturday Saturday wjll be a harvest for the parents that want the best Oxfords ever made at the price of the very poorest. 25 PER CENT OFF. Boys', misses', and children's $1.50 Oxfords Sat- ' f 13 urday for. Boys', misses' and children's $2.00 Oxfords Sat- 50 urday for Boys', misses' and children's $2.50 Oxfords Sat- 8o urday for Boys '.misses' and children's $3.00 Oxford3 Sat- 125 urday for This is a genuine cut price sale on our regular line of boys', misses 'and children's oxfords. Drexel Shoe Co. J 410 FARNAM STREET. (TJl A . Ji 3 Omtht'l hrt rood Center For the Children A beautiful rain Book ftToa away froe with every loaf of Ouster Drown Bread Dxt Wednesday 'iAsaJ your gro cer for Buster Brown Bread and the paint book. These books are Just the thing- to arausw the little ones. Order early. U. P. Baking Co. " HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Plager roghene4 by eedleworfc catch eery aula and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapelio remove not only ; the dirt, but also the looeeoed, injured cuticle, and rcttorct th tiagen tm itctr nmturnl besuty. Ill cMi iKt and D&uo&irrt ROUND TRIP TO COLORADO WITH STOP-OVER FOR THE Frontier Day Celebration CHEYENNE, WYO. August 20, 21 and 22 Tou will remrrt it If you mlse the Bucking and Pitching Contest. Indian War Pances and Races. Wild Horse Races and many other contests and ceremonies to be seen at this festival REACHED VIA Union Pacific Inquire, at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Farnam Street. Tfeoaees Bell Song.' 184, and lad. A3 831, I mZSTATTBAirT OTt BECOITD nOOS. j Dainty meals at moderate prices, f 1 The coolest, most airy Cafe In Omaha, g J Take your noonday lunch here. . m SATURDAY SPECIALS ( 1 Wheat Berries, pkg Bo t g Quaker Corn Flakes, pkg '....lof f Standard, Vanilla, 2-oz. bottle lOo d Evaporated ' Apricots (new) lb., 13o 1 (Wooden Shoe Tomatoes, can 100 Maine Corn, per can . . . lOo ft d 5-lb. can p6 re Food Boups lfte 1 2-lb. can stewed and strained To- i rmatoes . , lOo 1 I Soda Crackers, per lb to g W Qlnger Bnape, per lb Bo 1 Fresh Mushrooms, per lb 8Bo ' 1 Hot House, Grapes," per lb. 3 So, SOo I g Head Lettuce Bo, lOo) Cucumbers,,. for, ..Beg J Plain Lettfjao, 1 .for Bol I Orangea.) V' doa 30o, 40o W Eggs. pertfdPZ 23e ) Country gutter, per id.; aao Majisanilla,, Olives In bulk, qt.....8Bo g Imported rgardlns, per can lOo a Auk ola QolU; per lb 3Bo F Three pounds for $1.00 4 , The only real fresh roasted coffee aold In Omaha. We roaat dally In ' our Coffee Dept. alt the coffees we I sell. J 1 Tryona Teas, all varieties, lb 60e ( The talk, of the town. A genuine tea surprise. Don't forget the name. ' MEAT DEPARTMENT J It Is not economy to buy the cheap-1 est grade meats. Others may offer , lower prices but the quality of the. meats offered at our market Is not to' be compared with the cheaper meats, o extensively used In other markets, i If you wish meats or me rinest Uty, tender and appetising, con- -: our butchers. i Knr Saturday we have: ' f 1,000 lbs. Swift's Winchester Bacon, 1 ier lb. loo C 600 lbs. Sweet Pickled Pork Putti I nr lb 18H 1 1,000 lba. choice Pot Roasts, lb. lOo 4 Veal Breasts, per lb IH I Veal Shoulders, per lb 11 HO I Veal Loin or Rib, per lb 140 g 600 pairs fall Lamb Legs, lb...l8Ho - a . AA 1 t m or will -.11 trrum p mm m. w w " "... -' j t w.rt aKa I a m K CfAvr nf lh Aa x.vvw awH. Mail., fc....., -.v- - - - r. If y quail 1 suit rVc Recommend n, r s s s s The Beer You Like ) S3.90 S s -- Ul. Ml Cases 2 dozen Large Bottles Cases Small Aa allowance of II. SO will be made upon return to us ol the empty case, and all of Us empty botUes la good order. FINAL CLOTHING CLEAlMICEf Examination will prove the superiority of the . J remarkable bargain offerings at I' " I u ) J . mi if tulous , THE RELIABLE STORE MEN'S SUITS ' sold repularly to $20.00, Voinjilete assort-' .nent of styles, patterns and sizes, in lots 55.00, $7.50 and $10 Eilon's Pants Kiniil'H. inuiun uuu iuv;j ma- a- s uii terials, on sale, at pair M UU" YOUTHS' LONG PANTS SUITS Values to $15.00, in two lots nt S5 and $7.50 Boys' Knoo Pant Suits Very latest style in Sailor Blouse, Russian Blouse) Knickerbocker, etc., all sizes, G to 1G years, scores of patterns for se- QQ Pfj lection, values to $5.00, choice Ot.uU Children's Wash Suits Sailor and Russian Blouse styles, big assort ment of colors and materials, QC values to $2.50, Saturday uOC Try MEN'S First WALK-OVER NETTLETON w ran Brla la OXFORDS ZSHOES J3.50, $4, $5, $6. $7 Absolutely In a class by themselves iw innracier, worxmanshlp and service. YOUR CHOICE of many lasts,' at .'' Walk - Over Shse Store I 14 South lath Street. (Four doors Sov Beaton Drug Co.) ED. 8. TKOKTSOir, Walk-Orer Mas. Lithla Ginger Water Qj Ale 5 Gil. Pe!ivered 85c ' : Rl in O m.h. Anywhere Branch Office, Barry X. Culver, Mgr. 304 Paz ton Blk., TeV. Bonf. 3368. HOTBL8. Orders will be taksn for Lurus in lesa than case lota at the follow mg prices: - I $2.00 per doz. Large Bottles J $1.35 per doz. Small Bottles S toartnev & Go. ) nth and SouTlaa Bta. Fbone ponglaa 84T Private Exchange Connects All Depta A Paper for th Horn THE OMAHA DEC Best . West Oood butter on good bread Is ex cellent; goud butter on ' BUTTS B) BUT I1E1D IB VAJk-BXCBI.X.BX01ii. TOM 8AX.B AT AXX. OBOOIII Be The Zhel la oa ths Loaf. HW ENGLAND BAKERY . . aaiy utruwtru at. 3B03TB SOVOUI 1MT. READ THE BEST PAPER , jTst . Vpaha Dally Dee. u Comfobt Without Extavaoanc. HOTEL WOODSTOCK V.SirSSSNEWYORX 1 a IT V 'a 'VUtsrfrN-)jLM WsVV4 lilll NEW ( TWELVI 8TOR FIRS ' PROOF TRANSIENT HOTCL QUIlT AND IN THE HEART Of 1HINS8 Rooms with runnino water, and u With ath, $t ano up. suites, t and up Write for particulars. WR for reservations, our expense. W. H. VALIQUETTE, Manaoer, also TH6 BERWICK. Rutland, vt. HOTEL MARTiniQUE BROAOWAT AKD S8D 8TREWT, HtBALD Mt'iU. N. T. C1T(. LAiaalSES TRB MOST CKHTEAL LOCATION IN NKW TOHa. TH8 HIOHRST CLASS OF . . ' .jiSssriaeal ' . ,m-, V- ion sw"i k J .eik eiorllMxe ol lt i-V TH1 MARTIN MY3 BRTAl'BANT8 HAVR AM i- TBRNATIONAA PfTT,?"aj iun. Uuumxl M at &rsle Hotel. I x Fry Shoe Go's Clean-Up Sale of Oxfords Our big Clear-up Sale goes merrily on. For Saturday we will add some more lines that have become broken, and you will find bargains in every department. See the grand display of bargains in our show windows. For Men Johnson & Murphy's and Hoyden' patent colt $6.00 Oxfords to clean up $4.25 Boyden'a Tan Russia 2-hole ties, were $6.00, now $4.25 Johnston & Murphy's kid Oxfords, American $5.50, now ..$4.25 McDonald & KHey'a patent colt, Mc Kl last, $5.00, now. $3.65 McDonald & Klley's patent colt, O'Brien last, $5.00, now.$3.Q5 McDonald & Klley's gun metal blucher Oxford's, McKl and O'Brien lasts, $5.00, to clean up, at ..,...$3.65 McDonald ft Klley's tan Russia Oxfords, on' the Feck last, were $5.00, to clean up $3.05 Six lines of Men's Tan Russia and Patent Oxfords that were $4.00, now $2.85 Eight lines of men's tan and pat - ent Oxfords, our $3.50 staples, now $2.60 For Women Laird ft Schober and Wright ft Peter's hand sewed, patent and dull, regular $5.00 Oxfords, to clean up $3.75 Zlegler Bros, and other good makes, dull and patent, regular $4 lines, wo clean up at. $2.05 Five lines of dull and patent, this season's styles that were $4.00 and $3.50, to clean up . J52.65 Several lines of $3.00 paftnt and kid Oxfords, to clean up. $2.25 56 pairs patent colt Fltz-you ankle straps, were $3.50, now. $2.65 Laird's Imported tan Russia Calf Oxfords, regular price, $5.00, to clean up $3.75 Eight lines of best makeB In tan Oxfords that sold at 94.00, we now clean up at $2.05 C5 pairs D. Armstrong's Russia calf, 3-button Oxfords, formerly $5.00, now $3.25 Seven lines of tan Oxfords that were $3.50, now ...... .$2.65 White Canvas Oxfords and pumps, $2.50 and $3.00 quality, clean up at $1.65 Fry Shoe Co, 16th and Douglas Streets. DO YOU KNOW That we run an exclusive meat market, and that we are doing th largest business of any market in Omaha? Our facilities for buying gives you the advantage of lowest prices. Our long experience gives you the advantage of quality. Choice Spring Chicken this week 18c CENTRAL MARKET 16th nd Capitol Am Phone Doug. 1786; IndBMl 1IOTKLS. In tUm Bhoppli District In the ' Shopping District HOTEL KU1PPER ltth and McGee Sis., Kansas City, Mo, Tb moat centrally located hotel In the rltr for shopping and bualnaaa. Only ana-half block from Emery, Bird, Thayer Dry Good Co.; near aa theater. Absolutely modern In ev.iy di-tall. Our new French Cats la the haadaomeet in tba city. Prices moderate. European Plan, $1.09 per day and up T Write for Illustrated book. lei KVPPER-DENSON HOTEL CO., Props.