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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1908)
11 -3 Athletics Shut Out American Leaders; Cubs Don't Get Chance to Lose; Rourkes Defeat Boosters - TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1903. i i i 1 Udamps play , for charity St. Jame '. Orphanage GeU BeceipU "nd Omaha, tie Game. SA5DEBS MATCHES BIO SOUTHPAW XeUoa. lrav Cleven. Omaha Mea floor, ftoollf Wotk II Mi tut Dolif fr Owirr Hlgalas ' ' v Asralant Odds. (Omaha, ;Xs Moines, 1. . A sum H Tslsed for the benefit I Mnf Bt". Jam' nrph at the ball fame I 'Friday at yifi(cti street park, which the ', Rourke family wn by, the score of I lo C I. The grandstand was completely filled J wltlf people and the bleachers were partly h--Kf lied. with. tipae .deslrlbg to help In this t charitable mOT Box 14 waa set aside for Fit: -Rev. Richard rVannell. bishop of Omaha, but ha wa unexpectedly called to Cheyenne and could not occupy the box and seat .Father .Coin nerl to represent him-at th game. i -' About' J,00&"stmwed tlbttt the park, but It cannot iie' ascertained wjiat baa been realised .on '..tha- lint until those selling ticket! report. TM fume waa regularly cheduled In the Western league pennant race and both Rdurk anr Hlgglns. own era of the- Omaha, and Da Moines teams. I had given the entire rwrrlpts to the or i nhansre ' All ihe boxes were sold In ad- I vanccandwere-ioccupled before the game i started-. - Many -who desired seats In the 1 grandstapd. were.fofcea to find refuge In f the bleachers becAjiiHs, of ,tuo crowd. Sanders Held 'Kaa Dow a. ' Omaha had" etutned. 'from a successful trip to Sioux, City, having won two out of """Spur game-' without the -aid of either t Racsui or Ban errs. The latter was called iMTLpon to pitch" the ganie against Des r Moines .yssterday afternoon and while he 1 ""eld them down Irl til opening round it JT 0ked rather squally In the second, when three hlt anil two runs wre made, and i-npiairi r flieck Into the kinks Captalp Tranck had Oondlng take Hollen to the" corner of the lot to tike out of his irm. Hollenbeck has bees In thrsa game, already this week, but he- was 'rural rl ready If Sanders had not taken s brace, but he did and held the Boosters safe at at) times. Nelson, the giant aouthpaw, was doing the twirling feV-Owner 'Hlgglna and he had some very bad. Innings but pulled out lucky, all. things considered. Omaha had eleven men left-on ba, which shows the way Nelson saved . himself in several pinches,. He. was' not good enough to win, however, .after -Sandera took that brace. Omaha had blanked the Boosters one-two-three in the first. ,Th.en Nelson started out a"i f he Intended to last about a min ute. He passed Fisher and then he passed . Klnp.'Tlut tie braced and struck out ,Auetlnv.utrey hit one at Fitipat rlck, who Juggled the ball' and the bases were filled."; Welch hit grounder to Dolan,. on which Fisher scored,' and Franck popped one to Nelhoff. I)r Melnes Slips a ;. Des (olnes too'lt the pole In the second round and led by a neck. .Bader, th tieav- LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- ,. ,. , ..MENT. .m . Tb following proposed amendment to . the omsuvntton of ths msrH ef aTsaraaka, , aa aerolBaftsr set forth la fall. Is suh- 1 tamed to to aiectora or ui bum pr, Jis- i tsraaka, to bs'vetetf' npoa raaka, to b votxr npoa ar ia geasra oleetton to b bsld, voadajr, JCovsmber 3r, 4a. . sv , . ,,f, A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Bectioas two (2), four (4j, five (5). six (6) and thirteen (13), of, Article six ((), of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, t relating to Judicial Powers. Mm It aVesolvad by tlto. Xsglalatar of tha tats of Hebraskai Section 1. .Amoadmoatt proposed. That Section two U of Article six (). of the Constitution, of the State of.. Nebraska, . bt amended to read as follows: Section 2. (Sanxomo oomrt JnAgt JarlsdioUoav,) The Supreme Court shall consist of seven 7) Judges;- and a majority of all elected and qualified Judges shall be necessary to- constitute a quorum or pro nounce a decision. Tha Supreme Court . shall have Jurisdiction In all cases relatlDg to the revenue, elvil cases In which the 1 stats Is a party, mandamus, quo warranto, ' habeas corpus, snd such appellate Juris diction as may b provided by law. Section 2. (Amanil sssst proposed-) That Section four 4 of Article six (6). of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be amended to read aa Joliowa: Section 4. (Supremo court, lodges, election, term, resldeaoo.) The Judges of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the electors of the state at large; and their term of office, except as hereinafter pro vided, shall be six years. And said Supreme Court Judges .shall, during their torm of office, realde at the place where tho court 4. k.lM - Section 3. (Amendment proposed.) That Section five (5) of Article six (6) of the Constitution of the Btate of Nebraska be amended to read ae follows: Section 6. (Supreme eovrt, Judges, election, term chief Jostles.) That at the general eltctton to be held tn the state of Nebraska In the year 1Si, and each six . years thereafter, there shall be elected three ell Judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years: that at the general election to be held in the state of Nebraska tn the year 1U. and each six years therarter, there shall be elected three 3) Judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years; and at the general elec tion to be Held hi tb state of Nebraska In tho year ml, and each six years thereafter, there shall be leted a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who shall hold his office for the period of six years. Provided, that the member of the SUpremo Court whosn terra of offtoo expires In January, ltru, shall be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court dur ing that time sntM tho rxplratlon. of his term of office. And, provide! further, that upon the adoption of these amendments by the electors of -the. Slate, the Governor anall. Immediately upon Issuing me procla mation declaring aaid amendments adopted, appoint four (4) Judges of the Supreme Court, two (1) of whom shall be appointed to hold aid office until their successors shall he eleatod -at the genet al election in iivs. ana nsv jtiairrieo: and tne other two C, shall hold their office until their euc- ctssors snail '' eteorea at the general elc tion held la 1911. and have qualified. oemon s. tavmeaameat propoeed.) That Section six (Si of Article six ill. nf Constitution of the Piste of Nebraska, b amended to read as follows: Section (Caief Jaettoe.) The Chief Justice shall serve as sued during all tin term for which he was eli-cted. He shall preside at all terms of the Supreme Court, and in his abarace the Judges present nliaii select one o( their number to preside teaiDo- Orarlly. Section 5. (Amendment proposed.) That Section thirteen U). of Article six (4). of the Constitution o; Ntbratk. be amended to read as folios : Section . IX (Judges," salaries.) That Judges of the Supreme Court shall each receive a salary of I.joi, and the Judges of I the flat riot t'ourt si ill each receive a t salary cf 13,1)) per annum, payable quar terly. , , Approved April t ia7. 1. Geo. C Jmktn, Secretary of Stat, of the At ate of Nebraska, do hereby cortlfy that Me foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of t, tsi ct Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and etttroseed bllL ss passed &v the Thirtieth session f tho legislature of the Stste of - Neticaaka. aa appears from said original bill on file in this of Ice, snd that aald propnsu amendtrent la submitted to the qualified -voters of the State of Ne braska for ilicir adoption or rejection at me general !etion to be held on Tuesday iv uT ix nuvfmnfr a. ii ioqi 4 In testimony waereof I bars boreunto set my nand and afrivi-.l tm cr..i ... i ,k. t i fv Vof :fh',k- D'i at Uncom. this 1 X T 'V, - ,n tho ear of our lrnl . aJrie Ihousind Nino Hundred and Klht. a Snd t I ,m ... . . . nte lh On rfun.tred and Thlrty-ihud. u"1 tf. -""f JJtV tt r-orty-aecind ' 'OM C. J UN KIN. LJr secretary of State. lest hitter In the league, sccordlng to the records, lined out a three-sarker oter Welch's hesd as a curtain raiser. Cosey Jo struck out. but Walsh singled and Irought Bader home. Nelhoff hit for two and Walsh scored. Thus Uiey stood until the fourth Inning. when Des Mnlnes msde another, making the score 1 to 1 In favor of the Iowans. Austin missed a grounder from Dolan's bat and Jo was sacrificed to second. Ho went to third on Welgarts single and came home on the same hit when Belden missed the bound. Omaha lied the score In the last of the fojrth by hits and bases on balls. vi eicn opened with a. double, was sacrificed to second and came home on LeBrand's In field out. Belden chopped a single and Sanders followed suit. Fihr walkd. fill ing the bases. Nelson wss getting unetesdy snl s.ion passed King, In fact, he did not pitch him a strike and a run was forced . ...I., J ., hi, wci tint ! In. Witherup was warmea up, oui was noi called upon as Austin was an easy out. Omaha Keeps It V. Omaha kept on scoring In the fifth Inning. After Autrey had struck out Welch hit another double and after Fank had popped out to Neihoff he scored on LBrand's single, while LBrand went to second on the throw. Belden hit an easy one toward first and beat It nut, while LeBrand was scooting from second home. Franck's hit. followed by LeBrand's miss at a sacrifice, a stolen base and a wild throw by the catcher to catch LeBrand and Belden's long fly to' Flournoy brought in the last run of the game. A double-header will be rlayed this after noon and Sunday. The score: , OMAHA. . A.B. R. H. P.O. A. 0 Fisher, If King. 2b Austin, 8b.... Autrey, lb.... Welch, cf Frani k, ss ... 1eBrand. c... Belden, rf.... Banders, p.... Totals 3 111 1 1 IS i 1 s l 0 3 I 0 0 3 . 0 3 1 A. i. 1 1 0 7 . 0 0 0 ' 0 3 34 12 27- DES MOINES. ' ' A.B. R. H. P.O. Flournoy. If.... Fltxpatrlck, ss.. Dwyer. lb Bader. cf. ........ Dolan, 2h Walsh, rf. Olmslead ....... Nelhoff, 3b Welgart, c Nelson, p Totals .34 24 13 Batted for Walsh In the ninth. Omaha Runs 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 S Hits 0 0 1 3 4 1 1 2 Des Moines Runs. 0 201 0 0(r0-I Hits 031 100(006 Two-base hits: Welch 2, Nelhoff. Three base hits: Fisher, Bader. Wild pitch: Nelson. First base on balls: Off Nelson, 4. Hit with pitched ball: By Sanders, I. Struck out: By Sanders, 3: by Nelson, 2. Left on bases: Omaha, 11; Des Moines. A. Double plays: Austin to King to Autrey, Doian to Fltxpatrlck to Dwyer. Stolen base: Fltxpatrlck- Sacrifice hits: Franck, Walsh. .Belden. Time: 1:55. Umpire: Davis. Attendance, 2,000. GALQAIfO'S M'lLDXESS COSTS GAME Paeblo Loses to Dnver-by Decisive eor. DENVER, Aug. 7. Denver won easily from Pueblo today, flist getting a start LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND MENT. . The following proposed, amendment to the constitution of the Stata of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth. In fan. Is. sob. mitted to the electors of the Btste of Ne braska, -to be - voted -sipoa at- toe reaee-al election to be bald Tmesdny, Sovmbsr ard,. A. S. UH8. A JOIJIT BICSOT.ITTION to ornnnsa an Axiaendment to Section 3, Article S. of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. . So It aVesolved and Enacted by tho I.egla lator of too State of srebraakat Section 1. (Amendment.) That at the gwieral election for state and legislative officers to be held on the Tuesday succeed ing the first Mondsy in November, 1903. the following provision be proposed and sub mitted to the electors of the state as an amendment to Section . Arltcle a, of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska: Section . (Bdocatlonal Ponds, lnvsst-msnt-1 All funds belonging to the state for educaxlonaf purposes, tbe Interest and Income whereof only are to be used, shall be deemed truest funds held by the state, and the state shall supply all losses thereof that may In any manner accrue, so that the ssme shall remain forever Inviolate and undiminished; and ahall not be Invested or loaned except on United Stat or state securities, or registered school district bonds of this state, and auch other securities as :he legislature may from tlm to time direct. And auch funds, with the interest snd Income thereof, are hereby solemnly pledged for the purpose for which they are granted and set apart, and shall not be transferred to any. other fund .for other uses. Section 2. (Ballots j Adoption.) That at said election In the year lMd. . on the ballot of each elector voting thereat, there shall be printed or written the words: "For proposed amendment to the Constitution with referencs to the investment of the permanent school fund," and "Against said proposed amendment to the Constitution with reference to the Investment of the permanent school fund." And If a majority of all voters at said election shall be for such amendment the same shall be deemed to be adopted Approved April S, 1WT. I. Geo. C. Junkln. Secretory of State, of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bllT. as passed by the Thirtieth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on file In this office, and that aald propoeed amendment Is submitted to the quallfb-d voters of ths State of Ne braska for their adoption or relectlon at th general election to be held on Tuesday, the jra aay oi iNovemoer. A. l. lifctt. In teitlmony whereof I have hereunto my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the Btate of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 16th day of July, in the year of our Lord One thousand Nine Hundred and Eiaht and of the Independence of the United states me cm Munlrea and Tb.rrty-thlrd, and of this Slats the Forty-second. GEO. C. JUNKIN. (Seal.) Secretary of State. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING UUARTER- ii. aster Fort MacXenxle, wyo.. Ausust 4 lHuk. t-ealed proposals in tripilrste will be received st this office until lo a. - (mountain timet September 6, 1, for the construction of macadam reads, curbs. drains and Butters at Fori Mackensl. Wyo. Plana and specifications may be seen at otficea of Chief Quartermaster Denver. Oman. Lhliaao arid St. Paul Depot Quartermaster St. Louis, and at this office, at which latter place all Infor mation may be obtained. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or an proposals or any part - thereof. Proposals should be linlosed In sealed envelopes marked. Prcuoaala for Roads addressed L E Hofel. goeond Liutnant Nineteenth Infantry, Coualrui'itng Quarter master. . A 4-J 3-10 83-4. FROPOSAl. FOR CAVALRY HOB8KS and artillery horses fr light snd horse batteries Ch ef Quartermaster s Otf en. Omaha. Neb., July 14. lid. Sealed proposals In triplicate, will be received st this of:.e until u o clock in., central standard time, August 11. 1, and then opened in the presence of Intending bidder, for lOu cav. airy horses and 3j srtt.lery horses for PgUp and lvr batterua, for delivery at Omaha, NeT. or ether prominent raliroad roinia. 1 tie. annr.ais lo conform to speci f canons for cavalry and artillery horses. I nit. I States reserves the r.gUl to accept or leject siy or all proposals or any pare ii rirn ifiiikviaia ami oiauas lor pro rv.sua Will be furnished on applicatl n Knvelopes containing piopota'.s to t in dorsed "Proposals for Horses." snd ad rervd to Major D. E. McCAKTHV. Chief Quartermaster. JU-1S-HA J-a-li) Ever try The Bee Want Ad Columns? aot. do ao, and get satisfactory results. If Standing of the Trams WRST. LEAGUE. I AMER. AM N. W.UPct.l W.L.Pct. Omaha 1 41 .SMI toulsvtlte ...7 .sHS exiiix City. .41 44 .bxi Indianapolis t.W llncoln ...11 4 .(4 Toledo 4 .BTl renver 63 fc4.. 4 Columbus ...M 52 .M4 Pueblo ? .41T' Mlnheapnlls T .S I Kansas City. 61 41 .4U Milwaukee . 61 t 44 mTU H B N TO VX3 Bt. Paul 31 .r NATL. LEAGUE AMER. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct.1 WLPct Pittsburg ... 37 CIS! Detroit J7 ei New York.. 67 Bt. Louis. ... t . Chicsgo ... M 40 .MS Chicago 56 44 .6M Phils 61 41 .664, Cleveland ..64 44 .561 rttvrlnnatl Ml &1I TVill M 4fU Boston .....'42 54 .'4.W Boston 4 53 .46 I Brooklyn ... .371. Washington 37 59 .35 i. louis n .mi iew iora ...u iw . 1 v, i".,.. Western League res Moines at Omsha (two games. Lincoln at 8I0UX City (two tmMi PueNo st Denver. v-- . t i t - - 3. T , tmesi, PueMo at Ienver. National LeagueSt. Louis at Boston. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Chicago at New York, Pittsburg at Philadelphia. American Ies rue New York at Chicago, Boston at 8t. Louis. Washington at De troit. Philadelphia at Cleveland. American Association Columbus st To ledo, Louisville at Indianapolis, Ksnsas City at Milwaukee, Bt. Paul at Minne apolis. on Galgano's wtldness and coming after- I wsris wltn some rood hitting. Cbrhatt I Una, Nlcholls. Double plsy: E. Collins pitched fine ball and waa superbly sup- I t Davis. Left on bases: Detroit 3; Phil ported. In seven Innings Just two hits I adelphla. J. Base on balls: Off Donovan, were made off hts pitching. Pueblo getting 1 three in the eighth, the only Inning in which more than one was made. All of Pueblo's errors were costly and Galgano's bases on balls and wild pitches were enough to give Denver the victory. Score: DENVER. A.B. . H. P.O. A. Waldron, cf 4 010 Belden.- ss 3 3 10 8 Cassady, rf 4 113 0 White. lb. 1 3 t 14 0 Lovett, If 3 0 13 0 Krueger, 2b 3 1 I 3 t Klnnenlly, 3b 3 0 0 2 3 McDonough, c 4 112 1 Corbett, p 4 1 f 0 1 Totals 29 g t 27 17 B. 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 PUEBLO. A.B. R. IT. P O A. B. Hogrlever, Sh 4 0 3 1 1 1 Spencer, If 4 10 10 0 Patterson, 2b 4 0 0 S 1 0 Mattlcks. cf 4 0 1 2 0 0 Clark, lb 3 1 1 3 11 Miller. rf...u 3 0 0 3 0 0 Corhan, ss 4 0 1 3 3 0 Mltxe, c 4 0 0 3 3 1 Ualgano, p... 4 0 0 0 3 1 Totals 34 3 24 11 4 Denver 0 13 0 3 0 0 2 Pueblo . 0000001 10-2 Stolen bases: McDonough. Spencer. First base on balls: Off Corbett, 3; off Galgano, I 3 Struck out: By Corbett, 3; by Galgano, 3. Left on bases:- Denver. 3: Pueblo. 8. Sacrlfice hits: Lovett (2); Krueger, Kin- neauy. ppencer. iwo-Dase- nit: rteiaen. Wild pitches: By Galgano, 3; by Corbett, L Double play: - Belden to Krueger to White, Balk; Galgano. Passed ball: Mc Donough. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Black. FREEMAN WINS FOR SIOUX CTTT Green backers Shot Oat by Fin Work ss Ills Part. SIOUX CITY, Aug. T. Freemsn pitched his first rame In two weeks for Sioux Cltv and shut Lincoln out. The final score was 6 to 0. Only four hits were made off his twlrllnr bv the Grenbnckrs. . nnvldson getting three of them in so many times up. nasson, on ine other nana, was touched up rstner freely. In the second Inning he mi enea. neater inen singled, Dotn moved up a oae on f reeman s out at first and Campbell brought both over the plate on a two-bagger to right. Campbell stole third on Holmes' psss to first and scored when both men essayed a double steal, Holmes being caught for the final out. In the third Inning Weed walked and scored on hits by Granville and Welch. The final score In tha eighth was made on two hits and Thomas' error. Two games will be played tomorrow, one In the forenoon and one in the afternoon. Score: , . . SIOUX CITY. AB.(, R. H. O. A ...8 13-2 0 E. Campbell, lf. Solmes, cf......... reen rf ........... Weed, 2b... Granville, as Welch. Sb Shea, c Hester, lb ,. Freeman, p 0 ,. 3 0 15 ... 3 0 0 0 ...3 3 1 2 ...4 0 1 4 ...4 0-2 1 ... 1107 ...4 1 1 .6 ... 4 0 10 0 0 . 1 Totals. 29 t LINCOLN. I 27 AB. R. H. O. A. E. Jude. If Fox. 2b.... Oagnler, ss.... Thomas, lb:... Davidson, cf.. 4 0 0 0 0 0 ... 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 ' 0 0 0 0 I . o Prltchett. 3b... 1 Kelly, rf Zlnran. c Wasson, p 0 0 Totals 0 4 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 3 1 6 ... ..0 3 ..0 0 Sioux City-.... Lincoln 0 0-0 K . . . r-... V... 11 . ,1 O I f I nits: Green, Shea (2). Stolen bases: Camp- Dell (2). Double play: Thomas to Zlnran to Fox. Bases on balls: Off Wasson. 3: off Freeman. 1. Struck, out: By Freeman. 7; by Wesson, 2. Hit with pitched ball: Shea. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Haskel and Brennan. Attendance: 2.4'0. fjr" traMaain ssr - w l-sr ALL STARS AND ATCHISOX ETEX Oasafca Teana Bats Pitcher Jarrott Oat t tho Box. NEMAHA Neb.. Aug. 7. (Special.) The umrna Ail btars, a bunch of players con sisting oi some or umana a isstest ama teurs broke even In s double-hesder hers with the fast aggregatoln from Atchison, Kan. The gamea were played at the old settlers' picnic and a large crowd attended both games. The first game score wss 3 to 0 In favor of Atchison. Denny pitched great hall with .the exception of one In ning, having the old-time salaried bunch at his mercy after the second Inning. The second game score was 5 to 2 In tavor of the Omaha Stars. Matthews pitched an ex cellent game, being very steady with men on bases. Jarrott. the ex-Western leaguer. was knocked out of the box snd was re lieved by Page. Elliott's batting wss a fea ture, he letting three hits out of four times at bat. Trowbridge and Atkins performed a few .'professional stunts on the Infield Tike All Mara defeated Nebraska cur Thursday, I to 1 From here they go to Beward for a aerie of three games. First game, score: OMAHA ALL STARS. ATCH1SOS. 1B U 0.1I AB H.O.A B. Atkins, lb... 411 Dee, ef Parlor, lb... 1 I I 4Crklll. lb.. 414 4 111 Croft. If 1 4 -1 Doyle, f .. 4 C 4 I Tnnrbr(S. as 4 ft I J OrsM. lb... Klllott. ;b... 4 1J I (JarroU, If... st alien, ct... 4 11 4 Murhr. as., touts. If.... 11 4Wailr, rf... Spellmsa. .. t ft . 1 Price. 111 I I ft 4 11 4 1 lo J a boaor. 111 CUrbonraa, a t 111 ToUls ...II I 17 13 I Totals ...14 27 ft 4 All Btars 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Atchison 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Two-base hit: Jarrott and Trowbridge. Three-base hit: Price. Stolen bases: Denny and carhlll. Btruck out: By 1 lay bourns. 10 ; hy l'enny, . Base on Dana: nay bourne, 1; Ienny. 1. Time of game: 1:30. L mplre: Humphrey. St-cond game, score: OMAHA ALL STARS. ATCHISON. AB-H.OAg ABHOAK. TVssr. If ... 4 14 JDorU. If .. 4 11 Aibtns. lb... 4 111 :Cnrhlll. U...4 1111 tpollnua. a.. I 1 Janwu. -as. 4 12 14 Crott. If 4 4 1 tdiwi. lb ... ft 11 Trowb'ss. as. 4 3 4 1 Mrkr. lb.. 1114 Blllott, tb .. 4 ft 1 s 4 Waller, cf... 4 1 Fsiiar. lb... 4 7 Pca, as-p .. I 4 4 4 Mullea. cf... 4 1 4 Prtas, 4 ft 0 1 Matthews, p. 1 1 1 ICUjsurne, rf 4 1 1 Totals 4 17 1 1 Totals ...M 7 17 14 I All Stars 7T......f 31000400-t Atchison 0OO003OO-2 Two-baa hits: Elliott. Jarrott. Three- base hit: Carhlll. Horn run: Elliott. Sac rifice hit: Speliman. Stolen baaee: Murphy and Mullen. Double plays: Carhlll to Page, Elliott to Farley. Struck out: By Matthews. 5; by Jarrott, 1; by Page, 4 bases on balls: Off Matthews. 3. Time of game: 1:S. Umpire: Humphrey. tastes Iefeats Norfolk. STANrTON. Neb.. Aug. T. (Special Tele gram.) In an exciting game vt ball here today biamon defeated Norfolk. 7 to 3 Bunton i victory rs dus to Martin's ex cellent pitching and the fine batting of the home team, getting ten hits off Norfolk s pitchers, four of which wer for extra base. Bsoteries: At an Ion. Martin and Hopper: Norfolk, Bovee, Klrkland and Hvlfi B want ads are business boosters ATHLETICS BLANK TICERS American Lcayne Leaden Are Shut Out by Philadelphia. PLAITK TOO MUCH FOR DETROIT logaers froaa City of t r I ts Are laable ta Connect wltat Hla Carves fe Air AdTa taee. DETROIT. Mich.. Aug. 7. Detroit could do nothing with Plank and was shut out- gcor. PHILA.r.Bl.PHIA DETROIT AB.H.Q A.g. AB.H.O A. Hart1. If... i it 4 lores, ef :...4 411 Oldrlss. cf ..I I I Srhsefsf. H..4 1 I 1 I K rmilns. tb 6 1 trrsvfard, rf. I 1 Hunkr. rf... 4 I 1 0 4MrIntrr. It.. I 1114 PitIi. lb.'.... 4 14 Rnssmsn, lb. I I 4 J. Collins, lb 4 I 4 tCMftiliii, tb. ft S 1 1 v Ntrhnls,. Powers, e rlsn. .. 4 11 I Stmlitt. 3 1 ) 4 fTtinnas. c... I 4 4 4 111 llWit lb 14 11 DoaoTSB. p.. 1 119 Totals it 10 17 11 C Totals 4 II 11 3 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 Three base hit: Oldrlng. Sacrifice, hit: Donovan. Stolen bases: Donovan, FX Ool- 1. First base on errors: Philadelphia. 3 Btruck out: By Donovsn, 3; by Plank. 1 Time of game: 1:40. Umpire: Connolly. Senators Defeat Naps. ' C7EVELANT. O.. August 7. Ws.-hlng- ton broke Clevelsnd s winning streak to day by a score of 2 to 1. Score: WASHINGTON. CLEVELAND. AB H.O.A.E AB.H.O. A E Mllsn. ef I 1 I 1 9 J. CUrks. it. 1 10 -birks. Ik.. I 1 1 1 Brsdle. lb..l 1 . 1 S Tsrser. rf..,. 4 0)14 t SLslote. tb....t 1 $ t 1 O.nler. If ... 4 t'sslsnb. tb.. 1 Cstes. tb 1 IS t'oT.n. lb.... 416 4 11 Clsrke. c... 4 1 4 4 Freeman, lb.. 4 I Kdm'dson, rf. 4 1 Street, e I 1 11 AHIier. ef... 1 1 ft 1 1 T 1 Hlnrhmu. ss I 1 I MrBrlde, ss.. 4 1 110 Joss, p 111 Smith, p. ..4015 TeUls 24 Iflll I Touts.. ..'..31 tJIT I Cleveland 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Washington 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 First base on errors: Washington, 1, Sacrifice) hits: Bradley, Altlzer 2). Schlpke. Stolen base: Hinchman. Dbuble plays: Lajole and Stovall. Milan and Street: Joss, Lajoin and Stovall. . Base on balls: joss. 4; Smith, 3 Left on bases: Cleve land, 4; Washington, 7. Struck out: By Joss, ; ty smith, 6. Time 1:46. Umpire OLoughlln. ' , , Chicago Shots Oat Boetoa. CHICAGO. August 7. Only on Boston player reached second base todav and Chicagr won easily, 7 to 0. The Boston pitchers were wild and ontjr two of the runs were earned. W. Bulllvsn snd Mc- Connell wre forced to retire after being nit by pitched balls. Score CHICAOO. . BOSTOW. AB.H.O. A. E. AB.H.O A. E. Hshrj, rf 1 1 I 0 4 M'Connell. 2b 1 1 I Jones, rf 1 1 (I Lasorte. rh...l 0 1 Dousherty, If I 1 0 0 Lor. b..i..-4 14 10 J" J .? J $ i rsreni. as.... a i i 7 oTnoner, nr.... e 1 o o Psrent. as. W gollWaa. e 1,0. ft 1 Cuhl. lb .... 1 4 10 hearse, ....! ess ewaensr. SS...I s 4 1 Tannrhlll. lb 1 1 2 Carrisao. e.. I ft I waiab, p I 1 Barmen, p... e e o o Arellanos, p.. 1 0 3 t Totals... ...B 3 27 IT 2 ToUls 11 mi 11 : Jones out,' lilt by "batted 'bail. I Chicago ...3 1012000 7 ...0 0 0 4) 4: 0 0 0 0-0 i jjoston Hits Off Burchell. 2 in ono Inning; off Arelianes, 4 In seven Innings. Double plays: Davis, Parent and Anderson: Oes ler, Arelianes and McCormelL Left on bases: Chicago.- 3: Boston. 5 Base on balls: Arelianes. 2. Hit by pifched ball: By Burchell, 2; by AreHrfnes, ii- hy W'alstl; 3 Struck out-: By Walsh. 4: bv Arelianes. 2. T1me: 1:30. Umpires: SheTrflaa and EQran. GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION v.. 3T J Indlanapollaj Wlaaj Crwvar Loalsvtll by Seoro of Klv tQa. . INDIANAPOLIS.' Ind.. Aulrbst 1. Lools' vllle lost to tho looal teamjsoday, I to 1 Bcoro: . 4 'S iv T. . INDIANAPOLIS. ' tOrf?VtLLI!. AB.H.O A.-B AB.H.O. A E. Buak. ss 4 111 Perrtn. M. .. A Olid Cnck. ef I I a WondnisT. lb. ft 1 1 4 Harden, rf... 4 II SStssler. ef... 4 I 0 0 Csrr, lb I 011 0 Oftorall. rf -.,4 1 0 1 Coulter, If... 4 116 OtulllTsa, -lb . I 0 11 0 0 Llrlnsstoo. e. I 1 4 1 f Harley,. If '.. I 0 10 Williams. . I 1 II Quintan', 'as.. 4 1 12 1 Hopka. lb.... I 2 14 (Palta. c I 1 I 1 '.i Slaver, s I 1 2 Halls, ....... I 0 2 Totals M 10 27 12 Totals..... .11 4 14 14 1 Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 5 LoulsviJle 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 01 Struck out: By Halls. 2: bv Slever. 4. Sacrifice hit: Cook. Hit by pitched ball: Har- ley. lira case r.its: Pelts. Williams. Three base hits: Hopke. Home "runs: Living ston. Hayden.- Double plays: Hocke. Bush to t arr; Perrlne to Sullivan. Base on halls: Off Slever 3. Stolen bases: Stanley. Sto vall, Hayden. Coulter. Umpires:' Blerhal- .... n .1 U n- , . n uu jibcb. i line . Millers Wis frons Saints. BT. PA11 Aug. 7. Minneapolis bunched hits with St. Paul's errors today, winning tho first game of the series; o 1. Score: slINNEAPOLU. ST. PAfL. AB.H.O.A.C.. ' . AB.H.O.A.1C. Orlsr. ss I I eoeler.' If'.,.. 4 110 Kerwln, rf...t 11 0 Baker, lb.'... I 1110 O'Neill. ef...( 1 I Flood. 2b.... 1 . 0 Wtldsjr. It... i tit Tieler.- lb.. 4 111 1 r Buelow. e...4 1 1 0 Darts. TL....4 11 O Bri.n, 2b.. 1.0 4 I t J. Merer, e.4 0 1 1 l Smith, lb.... 4 4 11 tTlemrer. It.l 1 I ' t Clark, tb I II 1 N'oonas 1 0 0 0 Plena, p 4 I I Km. as I 2 1 2 0 rmaisarr, cf. i i oi Totals 14 I n 17 lOshrlag. p .. I 1 1 I C Totals..... .11 inii 1 B.tted for Tlemyer In ninth. Minneapolis 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 St. Paul 1 0000000 01 Two-base hits: Kerwln. Flene. Gler. Stolen bases: Ovler (21. Weldav. Doubla I plsy: Oyler to O'Brien to Clark. First base on balls: Off Gehrtng. 4; off Flene, 1. Struck out: By Gehring. 2- by Fiene, 1. Passed ba.ll: Buelow. Wild pitch: Oehting. Sacrifice hits: O'Brien, Smith.. Left on bases: Minneapolis. 3; St. Paul, . Time: i:ao. I m pi re: Kerin. Pitchers' Battle at Mllwaakee MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Aug. 7 Both Pape and Easirk pitched grand bail today, but I the former's support was better snd Mll- waukee won. 2 to 1. Randall's throwing was a feature, the Milwaukee oulfleldt-r throwing , out three men at the plate. Score: MILWATKKE. KANSAS CITY. HUOil AB.H.O A. E R-ibioaon ss. 4 1 1 4 1 Hallman. ef.. 11 Brown, lb .. . 4 t It ) e Crou. as I SHI Hoettnsr. ' c. 1 4 4 iulllvan, c .4 4 Randall, cl ... 4 1 I I 'Mais a bora. It 4 1 1 ') Clark, lb I 1 I Braaheax. Ik. 4 I I t Plras. rf.... 3 1 0 tHlll. It 4 I 0 s 3 Batamas. It.l 1 0 Pownlo. IB... I seal kcCcra k. tt t 1 I Backley. lb.. I I I Pape, p 1 2 gasirk. p I 1 I Totals It I 27 11 I Totals 4 24 17 2 Milwaukee 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Kansas City 0 0 0 4) 0 0 1 0 0-1 Two-base hlta: MeOormlrk. Randall Stolen bases: Hallman. Hill. Double plays Robinson to Brown; Randall to Hoeffner lid You Ever? Ho You Never Did Get any better bargains than w are of fering you for Saturday. A few of thsm: lie Prophylactic Tooth Brushes. Saturday only Sue 15c Whisk Brooms. Saturday only... 25c Swansduwn Powder, eaturoay only. at loo 2lc 3-incb Nail File, flexible : lc 50c Combs, Saturday 1 lie Pond s Extract Soap Ho 25c Armours Glycerine and Soap, box of 3 cakes lAa 50c oocietie Hyglenlqu Soap, ever day, at 8o 25c Graves' Tooth Powder 1 15c LeGrands Tooth Wash Xl Beaton Drug Co. lta AJTD TAMASC til. I -eft on bsses: Milwaukee, 5; Ksnss City, 4. Btruck out: By Par. 6; bv E sick, 6 Passed ball: Hoffner. Time: 1.36. Umpire: Kane. Toledo Defeats Colaatkan. TOLEDO. Aug. 7. Toledo son the second gam of the series from Columbus, scor ing seven runs In the first two innlnss. Msnager Clymer was put off the grounds for taiUkng back to Umpire iwns. Score: TOLEPO COLl'MSri ' AB H Oil AB.H.O. A E. Birttess. ss . 1 ft tb 4 1 1 4 Hmrhmsn. tb 4 1 4 4 (Vlwull. rf...4 1 Armb'Mer, if. I t I t K nicer. If... I 111 Stnon. rf ... 4 I I 0( otltos. rf I I 1 4 HictBua. II . 4 I I Jsmsa, c I -' Un4. t 1 1 PVM. e I I 1 List or. lb.... 4 11 Rai4r. SS....4 lilt Elwsrt, lb. .4 4 I 1 i Kihn. lb ... 4 1 7 f Olllen. s I 1 WrlitT. lb . 4 ft 1 Qerer. p 4 t 1 Tstals II 1127.4 Totals ' 11 14 IX I Toledo 4 3 10 10 10 10 Columbus : 0 000201014 Left on bases: Toledo, 6: Columbus, 10. Two-base hits: Klhm, Fohl, Qeyer, Con galton, Kruger, Barbeau. Home runs: Bmoot, Gillen. Double play: Hinchman to Barbeau to Lister. Hit by pitched ball: By Olllen, S; bv Oeyer, 1. First base on balls: Off Geyer. 6; off Olllen. 2. Stolen bases: Lister, Hinchman. Struck out: By Geyer. 3. Wild pitch: Gillen. Thne: 1:50. Umpire: Owens. Bankers to Coraoete. The Omaha National bank and the bank ers will play Saturday at Florence park. The Omaha National bank team defeated the team from across the river s few weeks asjo. Since theji, the Bluffitea have strengthened their sggregation snd stand resolved to wipe out. this defeat. Game called at 3 30. No admlssiori will be charged. The line-up: OMAHA NATL. BANKERS. Agnew First Peterson Johnson Second Faclnon Miller Third ..Rose Fd ison Short , . , . . Jergen s Nichols Left , Rempke Neale Center ,Bo'ne Rogers Right "ouh Clsrk Catch Bender Travis Pitch Hompach Rice Pitch Rod Cload Tarns Table?. RED CLOUD. Neb., Aug. 7 (SrecJsl Telegram.) McCook shut out Red Lloud Wednesday by a score of 1 to 0 In a fart fame. Batteries: Red Cloud. Clesg and choonovert McCook, Morehead and Ritchie. Struck out: By ClegB. 12: by Morehead, 4. Bases on balls: , Off Cleg. 1; off Morehead, 4. Umpire: Graves or Red Cloud. Today Red Cloud beat Mc Cook by a score of 5 to 1, by hard hitting. McCook getting their only run on an er ror. Batteries: Red Cloud, Gather arid Schoonover; McCook. Barr and Ritchie. Struck out: By Osrber. 7; by Barr, a. Bases on balls: Off Oarber, ; off Bart, 1. Umpire: True of 1 naval. Eateries Defeat All Stars. NEBRASKA CITT, Nb., Aug. 7.-(8peclal Telegram.) The All Stars of Omaha and the TEna-loa nlaved their second game this aft ernoon and the Eagles won by a score of 1 to 0. The game was a thriller from start to finish and only one -of the All Stars saw second base during tne entire gain. Thr wss a monster crowd Dresent. Score: All Btars ... ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Entries 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 1 Batteries: Fjaglea. Relchter and Baker; All Stars, Denners and Bpenman. Brooklyn Boys McMillan BROOKLYN. N. Y.. Aug. 7. President pviiwott. r tha Bmoklvn base ball club, an nounced' today that McMillan of the Jack- nnt.iiu -iuh or tha Hontn Atlantic leasiue win iha Brnoklvns tomorrow and will probably play In the Infield in one or both games of tomorrows owucie-nenuer wim Cincinnati. Two Conrt Hoase Trams, Ttie Cllffdwellers of the Douglas county court house will play at Diets park Satur day afternoon asalnst the Pottawattamie county officials. The people from across the rtver have been in years past a iat bunch and a good game Is expected. Two years sgo yie same two teams met inu in two rutin tha Cllffdwellers won one and the' other was a tie. Eraser and Primeau will pitch for the Cllffdwellers. Who Wants Giatt Owlnsr to a cancellation the Smith Omaha Countrv clob base ball team 1 without a a-ama foe Saturday aftertioon and would like to asrange'a game ivlth somsi local team. ' Any team wlhlnghe game call C. H. Marling. Douglaa 1157. Pierre Teasn on Tosr. TitiTTjmr o TV Ana- 7. iRncla1 'Tele gram.) Trie Pierre ball team started this evening lor a wees s tour oi me mv Hills to play at different towna and to boom the Gas Belt exposition In Septem ber. . . Cleveland Bnys Good. " CLEVELAND, O." Aug. 7 The Cleve land American league base ball club today bought Wilbur Goods from the Akron tO.) Ohio and Pennsylvania team. He is an outfielder with a good record as a batter and baserunner. Clob Against Clnh. The-Omaha Field club base ball team will play at the Happy Hollow grounds with the Happy Hollow team Saturday after rrfon. This Is a return game. FAST TRACK AT GRAND ISLAND Second Day's Races Ran fader Bet ter Conditions Than First. GRAND ISLAND, Nob.. Aug. 7 (Special.) The second day of the circuit races waa a successful one, with a faster-track than the first dav. owing to the absence of further rains. The program Is being carried out in good manner. The events resulted as fol lows: 2:10 PACE. Horses. Owners. Ginger, H. J. Brown , Lonls Mack, E. A. Nelson Fred H.. F. A. Robare Way Back, E. B. Hlggins Box Anna. E. Beeiiey Time 2:2, 2:20. 2:20. 2:3. 2:22 TROT. Horses. Owners. Luclnda, J. E. Willamson Freddy C, E. C. Kennedy Red Lander. J. H. Harrison.... Nathelle, Dleffenbecker Tlme-2:26H. 2:?V 2:21. HALF MILE DASH Horses. Owners. Bill Babble.. Frank Kirk Fox. G.. W. S. Kenrdy Frank James. J. W. Carmon... Lady J'e, William Tolhert Don Bonnette, M. H. Martin... Grandy. M. J. Ayers Nettle C. Frank Kirk Time-clV 2:19 PACE, Horses. Owners. Carter O.. William Jeffries , Heats. ...A 1 1 ...2 3 2 4 ....3 2 4 3 ... 4 t 1 2 ....6 4 3 5 Heats. ...2 2 3 ...1 1 1 ...4 2 2 ...3 4 4 Heats. Heat. ..1 1 1 Gypsy Wood, W. P. Evans 1 2 I Bessie Million. Aroon Bros a a J. H. A . J. H. Aliwtlre 4 4 3 Lady Weaver, Briiton Bros 5 S 4 Time 2:17. 3 (0 TROT. . Horses. Owners. . Heets. I Win 8, H. H. Smith 1 1 1 Elmore.- P. J. Moran 2 2 2 Gladloia. W. M. Mitchell 2 3 3 Veirgeneer B.. Earl Beesley 4 4 4 Fred Hampden, Iamb A Bottomfleld.5 3 5 Katie Dillon, Robinson. A Cox 8 t Time 2:23. RUNNING MILE DASH. Horses. Owners. Heats. George Young. George West 1 Swell Girl. Wallace FVoud 3 Young Molo, It. snieias Time 1:42. j Tha rsce for today were postponed to Mondsy on account of the heavy track, due to rain last night. Blrrrl Team Wins. The Omaha Bicycle company's team took three games from the Brodegaard Crowns last night on the Metropolitan alleys. Both teams were In good form, but the Bicycle team waa a little fast for the Crwns. Hinrtcks was high msn for the Bicycles mth Ml arid Voaa for his team with OA. The store: 13 ROD EGA ARD' S CROWNS. 1st. Id. 3d. Total Waleni 17 1x7 1Tb f1 Voaa 210 IS! 2o9 V. He ugh 117 VA IV 411 ftchults V47 K 217 . Ml Learn U l'l la 6J Total 24 32 91S tfl OMAHA BICYCLES 1st. 3d. 3d. Total C. Primeau lsd Hlnrichs 187 H. Primeau Drink water Martin 191 Is 167 419 2)0 24 47 5- 1 .13 11 t-1 21& ru 187 Totals. Jav th Olaslor Will Sarins. Jo Hlrachberc. th noted fancy swim mer. has arranged to glv a swimming . i. . . . i . 11. CtonKa frw4 mnA linn Iezmuiiiun ai . - " - - club txavcb Sunday afternouo. Jo, tb Olasier. as be. Is more familiarly known, has made quite a reputation ss a swimmer In all part of the world, lie naa tsuen quite an Interest In some of the local swimming experts st the rbih snd Is as sisting them la the an ot iancy ana i swimming. ATHLETE. TALK O1 OLYMPICS BBdoet of Oal rials Toward Americans Criticised. NEW YORK. Aug 7--Crltlci!m of the conduct of the Olympic games In Ixndon wa given today by Bay C. Kwry, the New York Athletic club broad Jumper, and C. W. Daniels, the salmmer. who arrived from IJverpool on the steamer Adriatic, after having participated in the games. ungllshmen treated us finely socially. said Daniels. "In fact, they were anxious to treat us a little too fine for athletea. We were Invited to tea dinners before and during the events. When the boy de clined to est or drink, doiens of young Englishmen '. cam . to our . quarters snd chlded us for not being sociable. We had every reason to drop our condition quickly If we had accepted their hospitality. s ni nietes,oju were treaieu. rotten. ' 'Rotten' floes not even exDres the sen timents of the American. Vou over here can't haif appreciate the difficulties we encountered. That Marathon was the worst athletic offense possible. The Italian was dragged to his feet and almost carried over the line. "Of course, the defeats In the endurance runs were a severe thing to the flngllsh tnen, but their romlurt was inexcusahle. We had much bntter treatment in Athens. The British showed their dlsnppolntment and Jealousy at all times. I was in the grandstand when the Marathon runners ere coming ard the women on all sides were exrlalminsr. I hone It Is not a Yan kee Anything hut a Yankee "The English started the unnlensAntness and kept It up. We were sorry thnt thev did this, for England Is the real home of sports, and ought to set a higher standard, they are good winners, but bad losers. "Personally. I had a kick, hut what wa the use of making one when I beat mv man 7 in every course a preparatory sig nal is given. A trained athlete loams to know, the words 'set readv" ss a snMUr does.- 1 was standing on the platform Just net'Te, my nig race wnen I heard an of ficial suddenly shout "go.1 I wss taken off mr feet almost. "I aw Hulmay. the Hungarian crack, hit the water and disappear. I waa onlv taking off mv oneater. I looked at the of ficials. They were smiling. There was no time to argue and I plunged Into the water aftr Hulmay. "It was a hard tussle, but I overtook him and won the race. My kick would only nave added one more to the general griev ances of our boys, and I refrrtlneO. They were the prrrt conducted set of games I ever attended." Ewry said: "Our treatment by other nations' repre sentative was friendly and fair. We could hardly say that for England. After th open Insult to our flag In the stadium we could not feel very kindly to the English men. The tug-nf-war Incident was onlv the beginning of a long line of affront's which culminated In the attempt to rob Hayes of the Marathon. "A constant attempt on their part to "do us," said Ewry, "was spparent. The pull ing over of the Italian In-the Marathon was an outrageous piece of work. That It was done was shown plainly In the kaleidoscopic views of the race now on exhibition." GOOD TIME AT KALAMAZOO Hedgevraod Boy Paces Fastest Two Heat Rnce of th Year. KALAMAZOO, Mich.. Aug. 7. Hedge wood Boy paced the lastest two-heat race of the season today at Recreation park, winning the first heat of the 2 05 pace in 2:03,, with Alice Pointer second, snd the second heat In 2:0.1. with Red Bow, the favorite, second. Hamburg Belle. In win ning the 2:11 trot In straight heats, gave the track a new record of 2:054 for trot ters. J.-rry B., the favorite, won the Hotel Rickman 5,000 purse for 2:13 class pacers in straight heats after a stubborn battle with the blind mare. Hal Raven. Ralp fell nearly all the morning, but there was not more than an hour's delay In starting and tbe course was fasL Save for the 2J1 trot every race was a stirring contest. Despite the fact that two of tho events became spit, best affairs, one going the flve-lieat limit, the program . was finished by :) o'clock and the big crowd had been carried back to th city by 7 o'clock.- Summary: 2:12 class, pacing, Hotel Richman purse, value tS.OtO: Jerry B.. ch. g. (Cox) 1 l'l Hal Ravin, b. m. (8now) 2 2 2 The Liar, b. h. (Cares) 3 3 3 Miss Castle, br. in. (McMahon) 15 4 Star Direct, ch. h. (Boone) 7 4 4 Prince A Rundle. br. h. (Geers).... 1 5 Phoenix, blk. h. (Durfee) i 7 ds Bob Ma nearer, gr. g. (Orendorf) 4 ds Miss Adbell. b. in. iShank) ds Time: 2:07V 2:07, 2:0V 2:11 class, trotting. Durse Sl.floO: Hamburg Belle, br. m. (Andrews) 1 1 1 Locust Jack, gr. g. (Mcllenry) 3 4 2 Othello, blk. g. (Fairbanks) 4 2 3 2 3 4 ds ds Octoo, b. g. (McLane) Mochester, b. h. (Geers) Just the Thing, br. ni. (Patton). Time: 274, 2:t9. 2:05. 2:17 class, trotting, purse 31.000: Sid Axworthy, ch. g. (Cox) 6 5 112 Queen of Woodcliffe, b. m. (Castle and Gahagan) 13 4 3 1 Black Silk, blk. m. (Dean) 3 15 2 4 Composer, b. g. (Benyon) 2 2 2 2 3 Dank K., b. g. (Burns)..., -4 4 3 4 ds Time: 2:lBi4, 2:12.. 2:12. 2:13. 2:134. . 2:05 class, pacing, purse fl.&O: Hedgwood Boy, ch. h. (Sweet) 1 1 Redbow, b. m. (McMahon) 2 Judex, b. g. (Farley) 3 3 Major Mallow, b. g. (Mallow) 4 5 liana Patch, b. m. tHersey) S 4 Princess Helen, b. m. (Sunderlirrt 5 7 R. F. D., blk. g. (Robinson) 7 Alice Pointer, b. m. (MeDevitt) 2 ds Blarklnck. blk. h. (Andrews) ds Reprochless. blk. m. (Shank) ds Alleen Wilson, blk. m. (Wilson) ds Time: tM. 2:03. Barkett Sold at Fancy Price. TECUMSEH. Neb., A:ig 7.-(Spet ial.) Charles E. Buerstetta of this city lias con tracted to sell his splendid driving snd saddle horse, "Burkett." to 11. J. Davey, a lumberman of Minneapolis. Mr. Buer stetta will exhibit the horse at the com ng Nebraska state fair, after which Mr. Davey will ship him to Minneapolis for his own use. A week ago Mr. Davey went from Minneapolis to Chicago, and from there to Kansas City snd St. Joseph, look ing for what he would consider an Ideal driving and saddls horse. He did not find what he wanted In any of the citiea men tioned, but at St. Joseph the horsemen, who had frequently endeavored to buy Mr. Buerstetta's horse, told of Burkett. He came to Tecumsnh and bought the animal, agreeing to pay 4-0 for him. and made a cash depos't. Mr. Buerstetta says the horse Is, without doubt, one or the very nest aii around animals ever produced In Nebraska. Collins aad Wlrk W la. CLEVELAND, O. Aug. 7 Dewhurst. Philadelphia, and Kerkover. Buffalo, who have been nlaylng sensational tennis In the itate tournament, fell victims to Collins snd Wick In the double today, by scores of 3-2 and 6-2. Little of Cincinnati easily defeated Thompson. Kid Parker Issae Challenge. OMAHA, Aug. 7 To the Sporting Editor of The Be: 1 hereby Issue a challenge to fight Gan. Nelson. Brltt. McFarland or Willie Fitzgerald at 131 pounds rln-slde. Winner to take all. , KID PARKER. Tbe slda Is an index to the quality of the blood. Eczema, Acne, Tetter, pirn pled, rasbes eruptions, etc, show that some unhealthy humor or arid- imnprity is diseaainr and con-upting the circulation, so that instead of supplying nourishment and strcngtS to the fine, delicate tisatiea of the akin, it ia continually pouring out its acrid and unhealthy accumulations. External applications of salves, wa&bea, lotions, etc., may relieve some of the itching and other discomfort caused by akin troubles, and for this reason should be used, but such treatment cannot reach the humor-laden blood, and therefore cannot cure, A thorough cleansing of the blood is five only cure for skirt discs set. S. & S., a purely vegetable preparation, is the best and quickest remedy. It goes down into the circulation and neutralize and removes the acid, impurities and humors, thoroughly purifies the circulation and permanently cures skin diseases of every kind. When S. S. S. has driven tle humors and taipnntie from the blood, and cooled and cleansed the acid-beated circulation, every symptom pasaea away, the skin is again nourished with rich, healthful blood and the trouble cured, a the causa baa been fXiaovtxJ. liook, on akia dite-e and any trie lical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA, OA, PILES CURES WITHOUT TNI snaranu. Ne mortal la b J ot Cruororoan, Ethsr or etrwr 1 TO-LAY tor Proa S4 DR. C. R. TARRY, 224 REDS WIN FROM DODGERS Game is Lat in Starting Owing to Wet Grounds. HTJGGLNS' BATTING A FEATTBB Jordan Makes Home Ran In .Seveatk, Scoring l.anl-p 'Otker Katlonal Lrae Game Pool . noacd. BROOKLYN. Aus. 7. After a late start, owing to deluged grounds, the Cincinnati team defeated Donovan'e men today, I to 1 Jordan's .home run hlt, scoring J Aim ley ahead of him In the seventh Inning, and the batting of "Hugging were tha fea tures: Score: . CINCINNATt. BROOKLYN. ' AB H.O.A. AB.H.O. A.M. Kane, cf ...4 4 f PatVe. Jb ...4.0 4 I Huacina. lb.. 111 "HimirssI, If.. 4 It e I ob-n. lb .. ft 3 Lutaisr. rf. rarkrrt. It .1 114 Jordan. lb... stiirhrll. rf .l 12 Lawla. as ... I I I I 4 144 toil 411. I XrlMi. lb . I 11 Ottenreo. e. . s.lwri. c I si csnei-bsn. lb I j n HuXitt, H..I I I I 4 Malnoej. cf.l . I Esins. p 1 0 Rn.-kcr. p I 1 4 4 'Barrh 1 0 Tetalt ft 27 II 4 Holme, p ... 0 01 Totals .,..J1 It It 1 Batted for Ruoker In elgtuhv.- Cinclnnntl 0 O 0 1 0 3 0 1 01 Brtoklyn 0 0 0 0 0 .0 3 0 13 Two base hit: Hoggins. ' Three base hit:. Huggins. Home run: Jordan. Hits: Oft Rutker. 7 in eight Innings; off Holmes, 1 In one Inning. Sacrifice hits: Hugging. Pakert 2; Mclean Schlel, Ewlng. ley, Lewis. Stolen base: Lobert. Ift on bases: Cincinnati, 1; Brooklyn. 3.' Bane on balls: Off Rucker. 2; off Holmea, t: off Ewlng, 1. Struck out: By Rucker, 4; by Ewlng. 2. Time oi game: 1:41 Umpire: -Rudderham and Johnstone. Games Postponed. At New York: New York-Chicago game postponed; rain. At Boston; St. Louis-Boston' game post- poned; rain. .. At Philadelphia: Phlladerphia-PHesburg game postponed; rain. EVENTS ON RONkNti TRACKS Mayfleld Wine f g.OftO Alabama Stake at Saratoga. SARATOGA, N. Y Aug. 7 John San ford's Mayfleld won the Alabama stakes for So.Onu at Saratoga today, which was run over a muddy track. The victory was . due to the disqualification of the favorite, Stamina. In the airetch Stamina bore In on Mayfleld, carrying lier to the inner . rail. Jockey E. Dugan was uspended for the remainder of the meeting and fined 2100 for rough tiding. Steeplechase Jockey T. O'Brien was suspended for his Incompetent riding through the field. First race, handicap, 3-year-olds; six fur longs: Banyan iVil, Shreve, 11 to 1) won. Fort Johnson (111, Shilling. S to D second. Delirium 11(9. E. Dugan. 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:1. Haif Sovereign and Ardrt also ran. 6econd race, steeplechase, handicap, 4-year-olds and up. selling, about two miles: St. Nick (14A, McKinney, S to 2) won. Ban ner (li. Davidson. 4.10 1J second. . Steel maker (132, T. O'Brien, T to 1) third. Tims: 4:33t- Carvas and Champa . Elysees . also , ran. ... Third race, tha Troy. 2-year-olds, selling, five and one-half furlongs: . Obdurate (101. Shilling. 8 to 1) won. Fore (108, Miller. 1 to. 1) second, Harrlgan (117, Notter. even) third. Time: 1:11.. Von.Laex'aod Clef also ran. . - Fourtb race, the Alabama, 3-year-old fil lies, mile and one-eighth: Mayfleld (10S. Shilling, 7 to 1) won. Anonym (lot, Notter, 5 to 2) second. Beckon (lit.-McCahey, 3 to 1) third. Time: 2:01. Stamina finished first, but waa disqualified. ... . Fifth race, for S-y ear-old and up, sell ing, mile and one eighth; Seelpango U03, Shilling. 4 to 5) won. Crackshot (M. Sweet. IS to 6) second. Complete (19, Lang. 10 to 1) third. Time: 2:00.- L'Ark,lo- and impart' also ran .-1 Sixth, race, maiden 3-year-olds, one mile: . Regal Royal (107, ShllrTrrsr;-?- ta t) -wort. Tender and True (105, Wolke. 40 to 1) sec-, end. Aranes Ray (106, Sweet. S td 2) third. Time: 1:47H. Punch and Florence II also ran. . . .. Chicago Cricketers "Win, CHICAGO, -Aug. 7-The ' Wsnderers' club of Chicsgo scored an easy, victory over St. Louis In the Intercity cricket match at Parkslrte today, winning by an Inning and thirty-six runs. St. Louis scored fifty-six runs In Its . first, effort,, snd followed with fifty-eight more after the local team had batted rmt 1H0. The bowling of Campbell and ' Walker was largely responsible for the result. Northwestern Tennis Tesrser, ; MINNEAPOLIS. Minn:. Aug. 7. John Adams of St. Paul. Traffofd Jaype of Mlnneanolls and Nat Emerson of Cincin nati will fight It otit tomorrow for the privilege of meeting L. H. Weldner for the northwestern tennis championship at the Deephaven courts. In the doubles tha survivors are Emerson and Waidner, Oraves and Adams, Roche and Strothman. Thompson and Greer and Jayne and GUL Golf at Country (Tab.'' Coif at the Omaha Country club Saturday will be for the club championship and also, for the fifth plav of the directors'; cup. The winner In the latter race will have his name placed on the cup. The champion ship will be medal plav with Iff to qualify snd In the plav off the final will be at 36 holes. The champion will receive a cup and the runner up a trophy. Telegraph Operator Killed. ABERDEEN. 8. D.. Aug. 7 (Special Telegram. ) H. E. Hughes. 22 year old, a telegraph operator employed by the .Mil waukee railroad, was run over and his body cut In two by a Milwaukee freight train at Roscoe, a town about forty miles west of here. Hughes left Beebe, near Roscoe, yesterday, and came here to draw his pay. Intending to take a trip to his home at Ellis Grove. 111. It Is believed ha waa re turning to Beebe for something he had forgotten and at Roscoe fell whit tO',n to bosrd a freight train. This makes the third fatality on the- Milwaukee road on this division within th last week. Labor Day at Sloax Falls.. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Aug. 7.-(8pdal. Preliminary arrangements already are be ing made for the proper ohservsnco of Labor Day by the labor union of Sioux Falls. The arrangements for the affair are in charge of tbe Trade and Labor as sembly. . The committee on speakers, which con sists .of B. Q. Taylor. H. 8, Bomar and Hlhbard Patterson, announce that It ha secured Dr. Frsnk Fox, pastor of the First' Congregational church, to make th princi pal address on Labor Day, which will fall on Monday, September 7. - 1 Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters, CURES. ECZEMA, ACHE.TETTER ETC KNIFC AD Rectal Dlaaass treated vpmm a poattre tsid till cured. A anus trantmant. a .lhaut tb us j aoarsl anaasthstM. Examination FEaV wnie tal Disoas with Taolianaalala. ' Deo Dulldlng, Omaha. Neb.