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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1908)
THE OMATTA DAILY BEEi FRIDAY, ATTQUST 7. 1908. Omaha Takes Two of Series with Sioux City; Browns Win; Chicago Loses Two to Philadelphia i) I ( 5 1 i i ( ! t LAb'T'OrSERIES TO OJIADA Hhodei Does Some Beal Pitchicj and Gets Support. . ' FISHES FIELDS IIAGNITICENTL? Fares-her t 'a steady Wlifi Haas Wr t Blake-'aad McKay No Better Llnrola and Dearer SIOUX CITT, It., Aug. 8-Omaha spilt even on the four games with the locale by taking. todaV contest,' T to 2. The Duck ling could ot solve Rhodes' curve when a hit w needed, wlille on the ether hand Furchner iru unsteady In the pinches. A trio rf- ntta, noine loose playing apd an error "flpWedtne Jtnnrkes to win the game In tha.;flftl) Inning. Flshf-r saved severat runa By magnificent .catch In lpft field. After MeCay went In In the sixth the game waa AVtit o,far a the locale were con cerned. Til re tittle- -they had the base full, dncw With no one out, but Rhode traced aod no scores -were made. In fact the hlttttig-of Sioux City In the last two gamp has been light and they had no chance to wJl ;fitherj Score: 4 7 SIOU CITT. ' ' A.B. R. II. P.O. A. E. Cmr4l).. If. 4 0 1 0 0 Holmes, -frf - 4 112 0 Qrwn,.i(..,.,..... I 0 10 9 WW);. H, b, ...... 6 0 1' 1 4 Granville, ,.., i 6 0 1 t Welch-, aan.t. ...... 8 1 0 2 2 Bha.-(ti.).,,iA.A. 4 0 1 7" 8 Heater, bw.....n. 4 0' 1 18 ' 0 Furchner. p.r.....,4.. 1 0 . 1 0 I McKay, p 1 0 0 0 2 Total 36 7 27 19 OMAHA. . 'A.n. ....... H. P'A A. E. Fisher, )f.'.V.... King, ZD Autrey, ltr. H. Welch, c?.t... Austin, Sb. Blden, - rf..'. Franck, ss........ LeWrand, o Rhode, p ... Totals...,..,..' Bioux tyty-V Omaha i 0 0 ;.V.W , 0 1 , 0 0 7 ' 0 0 0 0 8 27 12 0 0,0 6 0 2 l- a 0- 7 Two-baae lilts i.Jfsanck. U. 'Welch. Three base fcUi.y Autrey. BMrlflce hit:. Rhode, LeUrand. Stolon fcas: . Oroen, King, H. Welch. -Virnt, base on balls: Off Furch ner, 3;.off.McKy..tLcif. Rhodes, a. struck out: By Furchner, 6; by McKay, 4; by Rhode, 6. Wild pltoU.1 Rhodes, lilt with nltched ball: Welch of jBlotix City. LeBrand. Time: 2:15. Umpires:' Haskell and Bren- nan. Auenaance, 4,ow. I DENVER ASU .f .rrtt PilEOLO 8EE-8AW llearr ' nrtdiia; and Poor Fleldlnsr Characterlse Session. UEBt.O, Cok:,"Augi 6. In a aee-saw game which wa !haraclerled by heavy hitting Denver wort the. last game of the aeries by making a Ourrtson finish In the eighth aftd -ninth Innings after Pueblo had apparently won the game twice. Olmstead arid UCnnoallyi'.'wene ordered out of the f:ame and -the park for disputing decision n tho seventh, and Fttsgerald succeeded Jarm-s In. the same Inning. With Pueblo two ,run to the good Ienver aoored one run and' Fttggerald purposely passed Wal dron; filling the. bases: Miller then dropped Bnlden'a easy fly and three run came In. Fitzgerald wa htt:hard"ln the ninth, five runa being mted TheViure: DENVER. A,BR.- IT. P.O. A. Waldron, cf. Belden, ... CaaBad."' ff,. . White, In..,. ? Ixivett. lft... XruogeVAEb. . 4 0 .4 2 1 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 1 1 : A ....... 3 Klnneally, Jb., 2 Irwin, 8b..; 1 McDommgh, o.. 4 REAL ESTATE fAHU AND RANCH LA MI J FOR SALE 0ontlnued ) ,-' J TIMBER AND TIMBER. LANDS are bet . ter Investments at this ttifie than Vnoet others, W want to tell you about them. Either0. Urge or srnall Investors Will be Interested. Write us for particulars. The International' Timber Co., Minneapolis, Minn. t y ' (20)-M531 A31 NEBRASKA-COLORADO LANDS. 100,000 acrea of ' western Nebraska and eastern Colorado improved and unimproved landa at 36 t.v tit per acre. Any else tract. Ftna crop,-' Write or 00 me and see us. Glob Land and Investment Co., 312 S. leth St.. Omaha. . . (20) M814 ,, REAU, ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved Omaha oroperty. O'Keefe R. E. C'O-, 1X1 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' ' ' . . M , (22)-3tf7 PRIVATPi MON E Y CA 8 H ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. M1THEN. 8 2 I9T NAT. BANK BLDG, , TEL. DOl'G. 1S78. '" (22)-SS8 ' ' 1 ' ' ' WANTEDt-Tlty " loari and warrants W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1320 i'aniam Bt. . . - - -. -. - " (22-39 ' 'FrVE I 'MR CENT , . Money 1 to loan' on :" ' Orrraha business property. ' THOMAS BRKNNAN, ' -Room 1, Nvw York Life Bldg. ' ' ' ' (2a-30 3100 TO tln.ono Wade promptly. "F D. Wcad, Weed ' Kltlg:, Ihth and Farnam. (22)-3i WANTED City loana. Peter Trust Co. t22)-3H6 LOWE8T RATES Bea la, Paxton Blk. MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Investment Co. (22) 397 MONET TO BUILD, tsn !tn tanl.tsli) at currrnt rates. ' W. U. THOMAS, eoS" First Nan Hank Bldg. ''' (22) 957 PAYNE, fKWTWlCK A CO., N. Y. Life. Private money, S5u0 to S6.0OO. Low rate. (22)-2 PRIVATK MONEY NO DEIAY. UAKV'IN BROS., 1H FARNAM. ... (22)-H8 f VANTEDTO BUY HIGHEST pxtces for 2-hand furniture, car peta, cloths and shoes. Tel. Douglas S71. WANTED SITUATIONS RELIABLE man wants position aa watch man, night or day. Telephone Douglas &3. V . . . . . ' , . , , tjfT)--7St 7k ".. STOVE REPAIRS STOVE, FURNACE. STEAM and hot water boUer -repairs,; water, tronis. . - v 12utl-8 rKHigUs St. . Telephone - liU Douglas 900. C. i ;. M-678 LEGAL, NOTICES 3FF1CE OF, THK 8IOUX CITY AND WESTERN it AlLVv AY COMPANY. Onislia, -Nebraska, August 8, 1908. To the bUKkholdera: Notice Hs hereby given, that the annual , m, meeting of Hi stK.JoJdera gf The Bloux L'lty and Western Ksllmay company will be held at the office of the company In south Slous City. Nebraska, at ten (lo) 0 clock a. m., on Thursday, October) 18, lsus, eleot director, fot the- tiisulBg yr an Bt upon the Question of aefllna th rsll4 property and franchise of this com. tiany to the ChlaH burilngton A Qulncy Kallroad oompany, the railroad and prop erty aforesaid aetna now -under lease to aaia eompaay, anf gyrltbe) traasaclloa of ;vh miw wuwrn mm a may iegsuiy com rf r U,y aeBig - j, , . 4 armm M.Ut vwt of D4retvr. J-i :i7v vhVee. Olmstead. p.. Adams, p Total S5 IS PUEBLO. A.B. R. 12 n il p a a. , 0 0 0 St. Hogrlever, 3b 4 Fpencer, If ... 4 1 att' r in, 2 m. t slattlck. cf I Clark. Jb 4 Miller, rf. Corhun, an. lll'ie, r James, p. . . Fllxgerald, I Totale 3 7 10 27 12 6 Denver 00001116 615 pueblo 040000800-7 Stolen basest McDonotigh, Spencer. Two bum hit: Mltse, Fllsgerald. Cassady. Three-base hit: Miller, Klnneally, Pat terson, Waldron. Home run: Beld.n. Unite given for hitting batter: Olmstead, 1; James, 1. Ruilfue hit: Klnneally, Miller (2), Belden 2, Krueger (2). Irwin. Htruok out: by James, 6; by Fitzgerald, 3; by (-mislead, 1; by Adams, 2. H' on bulla: Off olmstead, 2; off James, 1; off FlUiferald, 3. Time of game: 2.06. At tendance: 1.00J. Umpire: Black. - I.ICOLrt PLAU -IJI GOOD LUCK Ueta la Only no of (lame iu Math lnalasr. . , LINCOLN, Aug. . The Grecnbacker defeated lies Moines today, 3 to 2, In a thrilling nlnth-lnnlng rally. Wltherup was the wltole show until the final Inning, when a triple, by Jude, a gift to Fox on balls, another triple by GagnHr and Thom as' lung sacrifice (ly sent three runs across the plate. 1 he Boosters had previously pushed In two scores, and Wltherup, who had pitched a remarkable game, looked to have a cinch. Johnson also was In good form. The fielding feature wa a one- hanund catoh by Davidson, the greatest outfield play pulled off In Lincoln In year. Fltxpatrlck played a fine came for the vis itors at snort. Sullivan split his thumb In the first Innlna- and urobably will be out of the game for two or three weeks. The first few Innings were played in a anszung rain, score: LINCOLN. An. R. H. O. A. B. H. 1 1 1 , 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Jude, If 4 110 0 0 0 2 li 8 0 1 0 I 0 Fox. Zb Oagnler, ss Thomas, lb..,.,. Oavlrlson, cf mtchett, Jb Mills, rf Sullivan, c Zlnran, c Johnson, p Totals... 28 8 DES MOINES. 4 27 10 AB. R. O. 0 3 12 0 2 0 0 ( 0 A. 0 0 0 1 . 1 , 0 0 if Flournov. If .. 8 .. 4 .. 3 .. 3 ,. 8 .. 4 .. 8 .. 4 .. 4 Fitspatrlck, as... uwver, 10 Bailer, cf Dolan, 2b Walsh, rf Nlehoff, Sb Welgart, 0 Wltherup, p Totals.. ...31 4 2 Two out when wlnnlnj run scored. Lincoln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 Des Moines ....1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ,0 0-2 Three-base hits: Ji", Gagnler. Two base hits: Flournoy, Dwyer, Wltherup. Double play: Wltherup to Fltzpatrlck to Dwyer. Left on bases: Lincoln, 2; Dcs Moines, 7. Stolen bases: Dwyer, Nlehoff. Sacrifice hits: Thomas, Prltchett, Flournoy. Struck out: By Johnson, 8; by Wltherup, 6. Bases on bnlls: Off Johnson, 4; off Wlth erup, 1. Time: 1;45. . Umpire: Davis, At tendance: 400. All Stars Win from Ragles. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Aug. 6.-(Spe-clal Telegram. V The All Stars of Omaha and tha Eagles of this city played a nine. Inning game here this afternoon In the presence of a large crowd. The game wa snappy and good ball was played. Iletchter of the" Eagles fanned out fourteen men. The batteries were Rtichter and Baker for the Eagles and Young axd Spcllmoa for the All Star. Tlie sec re: All Star 20100100 16 Eagle ... 0 00001. 1 00-2 Detroit nays Shortstop Bash. DETROIT, Mich., Aug. 6-rPreeldent F. J. Navln of the Detroit American league team today announced the purchase of Shortstop Bunb from the Indianapolis American asso ciation team. The price la said to iigjva beeiv 4600a,'- --1 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER masier Fort Mackenxle, Wyo., August (. llmts. Bealed proposals in triplicate will be received at tnis crrice until 10 a. m (mtuntaln time) September 6. 1908. for the construction of macadam reads, curbs, drains anil gutters at tori' Mackens e. Wyo. Plana and specifications may be seen at offices of Chief Quartermaster Denver, umana, Chicago and St. Paul. Depot Quartermaster St. Louis, and at this office, at which latter place all Infor mation may be obtained. United States reserve the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Proposals should be inclosed In sealed envelopes marked, Prcpoaal for Roads. addressed L E. Hohl, Second Lieutenant Nineteenth Infantry, Constructing Quarter master. At-1-8-10 S3-4. FROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY HORSES 11 n (I artillery horses fur light and horse butteries e nter ujartermaster a Off ca, Omaha. Neb., July 14, 1903. Mealed proposals In triplicate, will b received at this of lice until 12 o'clock nn, central standard time, August 11, 1908, and then opened in tlu presence or intending Didders, for iuu cav airy horse and 2ou artillery : horses for Hgnt and horse batteries; for' delivery at Omaha, Neb., or oilier prominent railroad pointa. The animals to conform to apecl f. cations for cavalry and artillery horses. Uniteu States reserves the right to accept or 1 eject any or all proposal or any part tnereor. particulars-ana Dianas ror pro Dosals will be furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals to be in dorsed ' proposals lor Horsus. and ad dreaxed to Major D. E. MCCARTHY, Chic, Quartermaster. . J14-16-18A7-8-10 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS W. F. Ferrand and wife to James P.t' Bailey, lots 19 and 20, block 4. Haw thorn add w...., 8 Winifred A. Gallagher to George N. Peek, part lots 1 and 2. block 22. . West Omaha - MO Ellsubeth Kountxe Real Estate coin- -, pany to Mary Rowxle. lot ft, block 9lt UAiml.. nl.... AAA .w, f.uvv ........ spvj Richard Scannell, bishop of Omaha, ' - to He ml Bablaln, hit 4. block 1, St. Mary's add 2M Caroline L. Poppleton and husband trustee, to Roy A. ludge, lot 17, block 2. Sultihur Stirhias add SCO Impoilal In v-tmna tumuuny to Henry O. Krauz. wV, lot 7, block 6. 1st sub-dlv. of Griffin V Smith's add 1.124 George T. Morton and wife to jullua G. Glorshoff, lots 9 and It), block 4, MoCormlik's 2d add 830 Mary A. Wilson to Georgtana C. 1CI1- gore. kit la, block 1. Lakevlear add. !VO Peter Gosling and wife to Robert Houghton, lot 24, Burdette Court Annex ioO Belle II- Dunham and husband to ! Gerald M. Drew, lot Kl. Kpwortlj Place 200 Emit J. Scholl to Annlv A. S'holl. lot 4. block 1, Hastlnga 4. Heydun s 1st add 1 Elina L. Jaynes and husband to An drew J. Whlto, lot 13. block. 25, Kountxe uluce 6.000 Marie Louise Lamphear to Andrew J. White, lots 4, s, 19, 20 ana zi, piock. 8. North Omaha 3.C00 Julia A. Miles and husband to Nellie C. Coffey, lots 8 and 9, OUxk x, Yatea & Hempel's add 700 Elisabeth Kerner et al to Omaha Brick company, lot 14, block 479, Grandvlew add 75 Total 314.0UO OCEAN STEAMERS CANADIAN PACIFIC Empress Z4as of ills AUaatlo t-Xaa TU.A.M tQ3M DATI AX Mg, Bailln, tiucbax. Liverpool. '10 Lui ops, ' ,-'. August 1, T, 18, 31.' 31 f-rom Europe. Aug. 7. U. 21, ft. Seplmbar 4, 8. 18, 23. Rates: 1st cabin, 8 up; 2d cabin, 148 78. One class, i-ii; , Third clans. t2v7. Ask any tu-kut aent f r particulars r write, 0. E. BENJAMIN. OKJrSaVAX. AQTr. -3fl 8V ClsJtX aueet. i ajalcaTO, ' XU, I The Twentieth Century Faraer BROWNS BEAT HIGHLANDERS Louis American Take Straight Game. Third HITS ARE" BUNCHED IN THIRD Tare aiaarlear a Paaa sal an Errwv Otre tae Home Team tbe Game Visitors genre In the First. ST. lyOVIS, Aug. . Three single, a has on ball and an error In the fourth Inning, after two men were out gave the local American throe run and tha third s'rai(ht game, from New York. Score I to L Tha visitor got their lone tally In the first on two singles and a sacrifice. Score: T. Vnvit. NEW YORK. AB H O a K AB H.U.A.B (ton, cl 4 0 1 0 ONI lea. lb 4 1 I I S I OCnnmr, In.... I 1 t I 1 14 11 Kaaler. rf.... 4 I t 1 i 1 0 Chaw, lb 4 I T 3 0 2 1 0 Hemphill, Cf I I J 1110 Delrhantr, If. I t I 0 T-1 Rail, aa 1 O 1 t 1 1(1 v-ener. ... I 0 3 lie Ho,,. v tilt Hartioll. n. . I Williams, lb. 4 Wallace, M. . I rrl, lb.... Hoffman, c(. . S T. Jones, lb. I Speneer, e... I Hawaii, p.... I. - Orth 1 0 . Totals n. 17 14 l.'Ulalr 1 0 t a Totals 1 14 It t Batted for Ball. Batted for Sweeney In ninth. St. Lou! 0 0030000 i New York 1 0000000 0-1 Two-base hits: Hoffman, Conroy. Sacri fice hits: Conroy, Hemphill. Blolen bases: Nlles, lelehanty, Williams, Ball. Left on bases: Bt. Ixiuls, 6; New York, 7. Base on balls: Off Hogg. 1: off Howell, 11. Struck out: By Howell. 4; by Hogg, 4. Time: 1:44. Umpires: Evans and Hurst. Nape Baaea Hits. CLEVELAND, Aug. 8. Falkenberger was effective against his former tem matos today. Cleveland now has eight straight victories. The home team bunched Its hits today and with Washington's er rors. obtained five runs In the second In ning. Score: CLKVBI.AND. WASHINGTON. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.E. J. Clark, It, I i 0 0 Milan, cf 4 0 I 0 Bratll.r, lb.. 4 10 0 Srhlpka, Sb... 4 till Turner, rf... 1 1 1 lOanler. It ... 4 110 0 Lajnle, lb.,.. I 1 I I It'naiaun, h..4 1 4 1 StoY.II. lb.... 4 OS 0 Freeman, lb. t 1 t 1 1 N. Clarke, e. I t 8 0 0 Edm daon, H. 4 1 0 1 Alflier. cf... I 14 0 OKahne. s i 0 6 1 ttlnrhman, aa I 0 1 I tMcRrtde, as.. 4 I 3 Valkenbars. Il 00 3 0 Johnson. ... I 1 I Tann-'hlll 1 s V 'I u Totals.. I IT 8 KMley .. 1 0 t Totals. ...It t 14 10 1 Batted for Kahoe In ninth. Batted for Johnson in ninth. Cleveland 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Washington , 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Base on errors: Cleveland. 3. Two-base hits: McBrlde, Johnson. Three-base hits: Bradley. Sacrifice hits: Turner, Ljoie, Altlzer. Rtnlen bases: N. Clarke. Turner, Bradley. Base on balls: Off FaikenDerger, nfr jnhnmn. v i.ert on oases: e.iev' land. 4; Washington. 8. Struck out: By Falkenberger, by jonnson, . iuiw 1:27. Umpire: O'Loughlln. White Bos Wla la Thlrteeata. CHICAGO. Ana. 6. Chicago won a -spec- taculnr thirteen-irvnlnc aramet from Boston tandav. 1 to 1. Harm drove Sullivan in Willi the winning run after the latter had hit aafely and been sacrificed aneaa oy uuvn. Riiatnh scored in the fourth on a single, an out and Cravath'a double. The locals tied it up In the ninth, when Davis nil. went to third on White s sacmice ana sc-reu vu Wasmer's wild throw. Two stop oy mc Connell and White's steady pitching were the features. Score: r.Mirarin . BOSTON. ..AB.H.O.A.K AB.H.O.A.B. Haha, rf t t 1 0 0 MT01n.ll, lb t 1 1 1 Jnnea, rf t 1 1 Itbell, lb.... tOt U a lArfl. .D. ..... . V 4 1 D. Sullivan, cf I 10 0 pmighertr, III I o Donnhua, lb., t 0 II Parent, aa.... J 0 1 s artranth. rf... 4 liO 0 0 Thonay, If... 8 ' t 1 agtahl. lb I 1 II a 0 0 Wasosr, ss... 4 114 0 1 trrlser. ..... 4 111 Anderaon ... 1 0 Tan'hlll, aa2b 10 1 W.SulUran, il I I 3 Omsala, p t 0 0 1 I 0'Laporta .... 100 3. 1 Clcotte, p.... 0 0 1 0 a a Purtall, lb... I 0 I t)aia, aa t 1 1 White, p 4-0 0 - Totals..'... .41 134 t t tf-oul. 44 tttil I Batted for Parent In eighth.- Batted for Steele In tenth. Two out when winning run scored Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 012 Boston . . oubiuuuuuuvv w a flacriflca hits: White. Wagner. Davis, Stolen baso: D. Sullivan, labell. White. Diiuhle ulavs: Crlger to Wagner; wnite, Hntlivnn to Uonohue. Left on bases: Bos ton. 8; Chicago, 6. Baaes on Dans: uu White. 8. Struck out: By Steele, 4; by White. 9: by Cloorto. 4. Wild pitch: WhlLa, Time: 2:28. Umpires: Sheridan and Egai At- Detroit Jotroit-pniiaaeipnia game postponed, rain. GAMES IN' AMEItlCAX ASSOCIATION Toledo Wlaa from Colatuboa by Score of Eighteen to Three, Aue. ft Toledo opened on Good. win In the first inning and knocked him out of the box In the sixth. Farrls, who aurni.ri him. succumbed to the home bat tra In the next round, and Odwell, an outfielder, was sent to the box. Prultt was liivlnultilR In all but the third Inning. Hick man was the star at bat. getting four hits out of free time 'Up. score: Tm.Enrv COLVMBVB. ABjrl.O.A.r.. A8.H .O.A.TE. Barbaas. as., t 3 I I Prlel. lb I 0 1 Hlnctman. :bt I I I OOdwall, cf-p. 4 1 1 Afmb'ater, jrf I I t 0 0 Kruger, If.... I Bswot, cf t t 1 0 OCongalton, rf I Hlrkman. If . I 4 t 0 0 James, c t Abbott, c t til sroni, ....,..! Ll.ter, lb..., 4 11 4 Raldr. aa... El wart, lb.... I 10 4 AKIhm. lb... Prultt, p 4 1 1 OWrlsley. tb l UDWWIII, V Totals 43 It IT i3 t Harrla, Kanl, Totals II T 14 14 Toledo ... Columbus Left on ....3 0 0 2 0 5 7 3 18 0 0 3000000 : Toledo. 7: Columbus. I bases Two-base hit Hickman. Raldy, Elwert Artnbruster. Tliree-baae hit: Kruger, Dnnhla ulavs: Elwert to Hlnchman to Uster; Wrigley to .Raldy to Klhm. Hit with pitched ball: Lister, Congalton. Bases on balls: Olf uooowin, s: 011 narna, oft Odwell. 2.: off Prultt, a Stolen bases Rirtwan F.lwert. Struck out: By Prult 4: by Goodwin. 8: by Harris, 3. Hits: Off Goodwin. 9 In five and one-third Innings ,ff Harris. 8 In one and one-third Inning off ndwell. 1 In one and one-third Inning. Wild Ditches: Goodwin. Odwell. Time; 8:t. Umnlre: Owens. Kaasaa City Wins la Eleyentav. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 6. Brashear came all the wav-Lome from aecond base In th eleventh on an Infield out. scoring the wlnnlna- run of a close Ditching duel be (ween Swarm and Manuka. Manske did not allow a hit after the fourth. In both the ninth and the eleventh Innings Milwaukee filled the bases with but one out. out could not get a run over .the plate.. Score: KANSAS CITT. HlLWAl'KITK. AB.H.o.a B. AB.n.u.a.s Hallman. cf., 4 0 4 Roblnaon. ss. t Crora. ss 4 1 I 1 Brown, lb ... t RulllTaa. c.,.4 0 t t tbe-Mlla. ....t Nallhbora, rf. 4 Randall, cf... t Braahaar. tb.. t I I 1 Clarke, lt....4 Mill. at-..'... 6 I 1 riran, Ib-rf.. I Downla, lb. ,1-1 I t 1 Batatnan. If.. I Becklar, lb.. I 111 0 SMcCoriBk. tb 4 Saiann, p..... 4 18 4 0 afaaaka, p.... 4 Curtla, rf 0 Totala II 4 U 1.1 1 koth 1 1 I 4 1 10 0 1 0 t 4 1 I t 1 4 0 0 McCbeanar . 1 Totala I II 14 I Batted for Brown In ninth. Batted for Curtis In eleventh. Milwaukee 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Kansus City ...0 020000000 1-8 Two-base hit: Randall. Sacrifice hit: Brown, Clark, Hallman. Brashear, Manske. 8tolen bases: Flynn. McCormtck, Brown, Brasliear. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 13; Kansas City. 1. First base on balls: Off Manske, 4; off Swann, 5. Struck out: By Manake. 8; by Bwann. 5. Passed ball: Se ville. Time: 2:16. Umpire: Kane. Distillers Wla trout llooalera. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 4. Indlanapoll was defeated by Louisville today, I to 1 Score: UUl'lBVILLg. INDIANAPOLIS. AB H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A . P rrlne. tb. .. 4 t 1 Bush, aa t 1 I I 0 Woodruff, lb. 4 St.nlt-jf, rf... 4 Slorall, rf ... 4 ulllras, 1.. I 13 1 laidaon. cf. I to 4 t Cook, cf I 1 111 Hardan. rf... I I I t 10 ItaJT. 4b I 0 4 0 1 (oultar. It.... I 4 Harley, If 1 t 3 1 I i t a -i Wulolaa, 4 P.m. c Adama, p..., Totals ,4104 Ltvluaaloa. c. 4 . I I 4 ( William, lb. 4 . I 1 0 a 0 Hi.pka, .... 4 karmaar. p.. t .It 10 17 1 4 Purhaa. a .. 1 , Vtaktel Biavar, p.. 8 4 8 8 ....': Totals IT t n 14 t Batted tor Durham In eighth. Indlarvapolla 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 03 Louisville ......0 1 1 1 3 3 0 0 1-8 Hlta; Oft Manjuitrd, S'ln five tunings; off Standing of the Teams WEST. LBAQUE. AM ER. ASS N. - 'W.UPd.l WUPct Omaha 41 .6!H Ijoulavllle ...7 46 Mi Bloux City ..n 44 .577 Indianapolis W 43 i t Lincoln 57 47 .54 Toledo hi 44 ',674 lenver 62 54 . 4S1 Columbus ...82 61 '51 Ilieblo 43 59 .4-1; Minneapolis M to le Moines .3S S3 .34 Kansas City 61 60 .4,- I Milwaukee ,.51 2 .4ol I St. laul 31 79 .as NAT L. LKAOCE. AMUR. LKAUUE W.L.Pct.1 w L.Pct riltsburg ...J& 87 .I5I Detroit 0 M 2j New York ..57 38 .rtWSt. Louis ...;.60 39 .04 Chicago ,...M 40 .ftSi; Cleveland ....54 43 5oI PhU delphla 51 41 .6S4 Chicago ......54 44 661 Cincinnati . .49 M .4KS Philadelphia 45 49 479 Hostftn 42 54 . Boston 4 62 Brooklyn .. .SR 58 .37ti Washington 34 59 .379 St. Loui ....82 S3 ..WJNew York ...32 66 .330 GAMES TODAY. Western League les Moines at Omaha, Pueblo at l)enver, Lincoln at Sioux City. National League St. Louis at Boston, Cincinnati at Brooklyn, Chicago at New York, Pittsburg at Philadelphia, American League Boston at Chlcaaro. Ne iorg at Bt. Louis, Phllsdeluhla at Detroit. Washinsrton at (Vlvolnn,! American Asanclaf Ion rnlumhii. m TA ledi, Kansas City st MUwaukee. Louisville i. inumnapous, Minneapolis at St. Paul. Blever. 1 In one Inning. Struck out: Bv arquard, 4; by Durham.' 1: by Adams, i. lid Ditch: UflrnnaM me m.iih ball: Coulter. - Two-base hits:' Pelts, Wll- iii. DMcruice una: varr. t'errlne. Hul- van. Bases on balls: riff u. rr r....x i ;r :l v:. Woodruff, Stovall. Time: 1:46'. Umpires Hayes and Blerhalter. WOI I.D REL STATE PLAYER American Association Clab Owners Act In Case of M. J. Kelly. CHICAGO. Ana. 8. -Action vhlh it la tated means th relnatntemnnt rr pia. M .iK"y of the st- 1au' f'ub. expelled In 1908 for umnlre baiting, was taken by club ownera of the American asanclnflon at a meeting held here todav. TRonreapnt. VCS Of the Cnliimhna Tl,l.i T nH fu II. Milwaukee and St. Pau rlubs'were nresent! All but . one, the name of whom was not iVUlKed. Voted In fftt-tir nf rnlnalallntf Kelly. One more vote would hv mo,i,. tha ,.,n., , . ---- ... ..... . - - ...c .ciiiBimt-iiivni an Hccom pus ilea xact. Ansley Again Beaten. BROKEN BOW. Neb.. Aua- 8 tSneclal oroaon bow waiiopon Ansley again yea- lerimy oy tne score or 7 to 5. The final outcome or the game Wa contrary to ex pectations, as the Broken Bow team was somewhat crippled from the ' heavy series of last week, by reason of the fact that Pitcher Anderson Is suffering from a wrenched finger and ' Iltcher Xanders Is doctoring a sore shoulder. Bwope pitched the game and made a creditable showing. The features of the gitme were the home runs by Smith and Xanders. Score: Ansley 00000220 16 Broken Bow 1 2 2 0.1 0 0 1 7 Batteries: Broken now. Rwnnn and Smith; Ansley, Scott, Crojithors and Laird. Umpire: Roecker. Attendance, 600. Alnsworth Meet Waterloo. VALENTIN E. Neb.. Auor. A rsneclal Telegram.) The Alnsworth base ball team, which has been considered the best team In the northwestern part of Nebraska, met its Waterloo -when It, played the Valentine team here today. It was the best game of the season, and the Alnsworth boys were simply outplayed. The score: R.H.E. Valentine 01002010 408 Alnsworth .... 00102.0000 858 Batteries: Valentine. Luke and Mclntvre: Alnsworth, Deeylvla and Herre. "Struck out: By Luke, 6; by Desylvia, 8. Time: 2:00. . Bin Valley Wins. BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug:' ft 8peelal.)-Tn loose) V - nlaved a-attia lant even'rior tha Blue Valley ball team oV the cltv leaarue defeated the Nurseries by the onesided score of 18 to 8. Score? . R.H.E. Blue Valley , ......18 23 2 Nurseries ,....,,-. 8 7 7 Batteries: For Blue Vallev. Daarinar and Clark; for Nurseries, Davidson, . Qulnn, Conn and Davidson. Ty Cobb. 4a Married. ' AUGUSTA. Oa-.'-Atege.-Tyrus Raymond Cobb, the 'heavy-hitting ball player of the Detroit American leugue team, was mar ried today to Miss'' Charlotte Marian Lom bard, daughter of one of Augusta's wealth iest citizen. EVENTS OS ntXKtJfa TRACKS James . R. ' Kernc'i Maskett Wlaa Splnaway Stake. SARATOGA. N. Y.. Aug. 6. Jame R. Keenu'a horses raft flrst'titid second In the llO.Ouu Bplnaway stakes at Saratoga yester day when hi two ftlliss, MusKette and Wedding Bells were easy winners. Th vlo- tory of Maskett stainoa her as tne best 2-year-old filly In training, and when' the time, 1:06, waa hung out for the five and a half furlontrs. horsemen said it was a marvelous performance, because tha track was net at us best, tne rain or last nignt, having made It slow. The Keene entry was quoted at the prohibitive price of 2 to 7, while the Madden entry waa second choice at 7 to 2. Maskette dashed to the front soon after the start, taking a lead of one and a half lengths, with Wedding Bells second and Miss Kearney third. She showed tne way to tne stretcn ana tnen drew away an easy victor. A heavy storm, broke Just before th fourth race and turned the truck Into a sea of mud. Summary: First race. 3-year-olds and up. selling. seven furlongs: Kenneyetto - (118. Miller, to 61 won. The Suulre (111. McDanlel. 2 to 1) second, Jacobite (120, Notter, 6 to 2) third. Time: l:irt. Astor u or also ran. Second race, the Saratoga steeplechase, handicap, 4-year-olds and up, about two miles: Billy une (lo2, toaawe,. to 2U) won. Bat (132. O'Brien. 8 to 6) aecond. Time: 4:25. Two atarters. Third race, tne Bplnaway, z-year-oid rn lles, five and a half furlongs: Maskette (112, Notter, 2 to 7) won. Wedding Bells (112, Dugan, 2 to 6) second, Lady Hubbard (U2, Sweet. 7 to 2) third. Ttme: 1:06. Miss Kearney and Wallflower also ran. Mus kette and Wedding Bolls coupled; Lady Hubbard and Mis Kearney coupled. Fourth race, handicap, all ages, selling. one mile: Orphan Lad (113, Schilling, 8 to 6) won, George G. Hall (108, BrusseU, 6 to 1) second. D'Arkle (100. McCarthy. 6 to 2) third. Time: 1:43. Greeno and Campaigner also ran. Fifth race, Kentucky handicap, 2-year- old fillies, selling, rive ana a naif furlongs: Helen Harvey lo. Notter, 7 to 1) won. Bummer Night (115, McCarthy, 1 to 4) sec ond, flume din, Miuer, iu to l) tnird. Time: 1:10. La Tosca III, Harry Glfe. Albania. Chaperone, Court Lady ana Fair Messen arer also ran. Sixth race, 8-year-old and up, selling, one mile: iionnie tsar a u o, i- jnigan, ao to 1) won, Golconda (VI, 'Yorke, 20 to 1) second Colonel White (100, Sweet, even) third. Time: 1:44V. Kentucky Beau. Hard Fast Bugar Pine, Earls Court and Thomas Cal houn also ran. EMERSON DEFEATS bMITHEHS St. Loals TeaaU Crack Defeated by Western Champion at Deep Haven. MINNEAPOLIS. Aua. 6. Melville Smith ers of St. Louis went down lu in third round of th Northwestern Tennis tourney at Deep Haven today , before the western champion, Nat Emerson, but not until after the hardest fight and beat tennis of the tourney to date. Emerson took the first set, but Smlthera made a hard fight for the second, forcing It to duce. and then losing through the superior passing of the champion. Score: 6-4. 7-5. 'In the doubles Emerson, Cincinnati, and Waldner, Chicago, defvated Pouer and Woodcock. Minneapolis. 4-1. 8-0. 6-2. In the third round of Blngles Emerson Cincinnati, defeated Smlthera, SI. Louis, 6-4, 7-8. Play Is In full swing, with th single rapidly approaching the semi-finals and the doubles and consolation events well under way. Eadaraneo Horse Race, An endurance horse race from Cheyenne to Denver and return Is planned to be run In connection with the Front er lav festivi ties at Cheyenne. Charle Workman and hi "Cody horse" Teddy and Frank T. Wykert snd his little roan Sam, the win ners In the June endurance race, have al ready entered and other ara preparing to enter the great race. It Is arranged to nave me race start In front of the arand stand on the opening day of the Frontlet-, reieoration and to finish la front tit th oig grandstand. alelropolltaa 1) tree-tors Meet. There will be a meeting of the board of directors at the Metropolitan 'alleys Satur day, August 8. at 8 p "m. The new. board consists of Sutton, Huff, patlsrson an Collin. Thursday night, August I. th Brodegtard crown win play a DialCQ (aui with the omana tiicycie team. . . .. .... ,. CHAMPIONS LOSE BOTH CAilES Philadelphia Nationals Outplay Cubs at All Pointa. HOME TEAM BUNCHES HXIS It Also Takes Adraatage of It Aapo a rats' Errors, Besides Dot as; asatloaat Work la th Field. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 1-Chlcago lostt both game of a double-header thl after-1 In each game Philadelphia made f timely hits and took advantage of Ha op ponent error, besides fielding In sensa tional style. Score, first game: PHILADELPHIA. C11ICAOO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A E. Orant, tb.: Knabe, In. Tltua. rf.. Xu, If.. Branafleld. .4111 0 flails, cf .. ...111 ..402 ... 4 lb 4 1 II 1 Otl-rrksril, if. 4 tChano, lb... 4 0 Krara. Ih 4 0 ftelnfaltt. Sb I tbnward. rf... 4 (iibflmi, cf. , t 1 1 lot III lioniin, ss Pooln, o.. Sparka, p. Totals.., 1 Tl", as... 1 Kilns, c 4 t Overall, ft... I 0 1 Limit gran, p. 88 t i: :t 1 Hofman ... Zimmerman Totals 34 10 34 ll 4 Batted for Lundgren In ninth. Batted for Slagle In ninth. Chicago 0 010100081 Philadelphia 0 0 2 0 8 2 0 0 -i Two-base hits: Steinfeldt, Tinker, Ever, Dooln. Three-base hlta: Howard, Osborne. Hits: Off Overall, 4 In five Innings; off Lundgren. 2 In three Innings. Sacrifice hits: Tinker, Kllng, Sparks, Doolln. Stolen oases: magie, Tinker. Double play: Brans field to Doolln. Left on bases: Chicago, 4 Philadelphia. 1. Bases on balls Off Over all, 1; off Lundgren, 1; off Sparks. 2. Bases on error: Chicago, Time: 1:45. Umpires: ham. Score, second game: PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A B. 1: Philadelphia. 1. O'Day and Rudder- AB H.O.A.E. Orant, 3b 4 1 1 I t dla'.le. rf 1 0 4 t V Knabe, lb.... 4 Oil JKIIns. It 1 Tltua. rf t Magee, If Branafteld, lb I I Otkackara. If.. I 1 0 Zirnm'man, rf 1 4 tHntman, lb... t i Krars, 2b 4 4 0lelnfeldt. lb 4 1 t Howard, rf... 4 1 1 Tint er. ss. . . . a 1 4 11 t 0 o 3 t I 4 1 0 Oaborne, cf... 4 IXoltn, .. 4 fiootn, c. Poxen, p.. , 4 , 4 Moian. a I Totals.., 12 17 14 lRcuibach. p.. I Totals. 31 t 21 It I Chicago .-...0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 08 Philadelphia 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 Two-base hits: Evera, Heulbach. Magne. Tltua. Sacrifice hits: Branafleld, Magee. Left on basse: Chicago, 6; Philadelphia, 7. Bases on balls: Off Reulbach. 2: off Foxen. 4. Base on errors: Philadelphia, 1. Struck out: By Reulbach. 8: by Foxen. 2. Wild pitches: Reulbach, 2. Time: 1:84. Um pires: O Day and Rudderham. Cardinals Blank Dodgers. BROOKLYN, Aug. 8 Rain interfered with today's double-header and after six Innings the first game was called, with the score 2 to 0 In favor of the visitors. Lush pitched a no-hlt game for St. Louis. Score: ST, LOtir. brooklvk. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A B thaw, cf t 1 I OTat tea. lb ... 01 Byrne, aa. .... I :urrar, . rf... I Konatrhr, lb. I Dolehanty, If. I Hoainier, lb. 3 Bllaa. e 4 Oilbert, lb.... I Luah, p 2 S 1 1 0 1 ! i 0 I 0 2 tHummal. It.. I 9Lumlar, rf OJordao, lb.. C Lewla, aa... OBercen, .c. OBheehan, lb OMalooar, cf CBell, p ToUI......2l 8 II t t St. Louis....'. Brooklyn ats.flr,A hlta. V,ill Totala It 0 11 l 1 0 0 2 0 0 0-2 ...0 0 0 0 0 00 (2). Stolen baaea: Pattee (2). Left on- bases: St. Louis, 2; 'h plendld thl year. how Brooklyn, 4. Bases on balls: Off Bell, 1; Ing that the work of the commissioner has off Lush. 6. First base on errors: St., Louis, jot been, wasted In planting liah In tli L Struck out: By Bell. 2; by Lush. 3. nd hill atream. Mr. O'Brlert said h did Time: 0:58. Umpire: Klem. ' J,0 15noLw,r ,h. wLul.d .Kave.'.ome. ".""n . . f lah for Cut-Off lake,, but thought not until Boston Easy for Plttsbartg. next nring, when he expects to plant an- BOSTON, Aug. 8. Pittsburg won from Boston today, v to 1, by batting Llndaman and Boultes hard. A double-header was scheduled, but train prevented) the -aecond game. Manager Keiley and Browne were put off the field for disputing wltn tne um pire. Score: BOSTON. PITTSBrRO. AB.H.O.A K, . , AB.H.O.A.E. Beaumont, cf I 0 t 1 1 t Thomaa, cf. . . t 1 Leach, lb.... t Clark. If I t Wasnar, la .. I OAb'ttchlo, tb. 4 tWIIaon, rf.... 4 3 4 8 1 an'faa, aa-lf 4 filer. If.... I 0 1 0 0 0 ll 1 0 1 1 t 0 1 1 1 8 1 0 1 1 0 ahlsn. aa. ... 3 MoOann. 11).. 4 luher. tb.. t Browns, rf. .. 1 0 Storka, lb, SOIbaon, o. 0 Maddox, p 0 Leaver, p. 1 0 Totals.., . 4 0 11 Batea, rf I 0 I 2 0 0 1 Bweaner, lb.. I raham. e.... I 1 4 Llndaman, p. 0 0 0 uultaa, p.... 10 1 .16 10 It Toula 80 4 17 If : Pittsburg 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 08 JD OH0n U 0 V V X V O W I Two,base hit.: Clarke, Wagner. Thomaa. lngs; off Boultes, 4 In seven Innings; off Maddox, 4 In two and a third Innings; off Leevojr, 2 in four and a third Inning. Sac - riflce lilts: Clarke (2),- Wagner, .stolen bases: Wagner. Gibson, Bate. Doubl play: Wagner.. Abbatlchlo to Storke; Han lfin, Mcuann to uranam. ijeit on Daaes: lttsburg, 3; Boston, 2. Base or balls Off Maddox, 6. Base on errors: Pitts burg, 2; Boston, 1. Hit by pitched ball: ribson. Struck out: By Maddox, 2; by Boultes, 1. Time: 1:4. Umpire: John- lone. Reds Shat Oat Giant. NEW YORK. Aug. . -Cincinnati ahut out the local today, ( to t The field waa muddy after a violent thunderstorm. Bpade was very effective and errors toy the New York player aided the visitors In run- gettlng. Score: CINCINNATI. NBW TORK. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B Kans. cf 4 I 1 u OTannar. lb... I H-umlna, lb.. 4 1 2 m J Doyle, lb 3 Lobert, lb.... 4 0 f 0 1 Braaoahaa, e. 4 Saakart, If... 4 0 19 0 Don I In, rf.... 4 ucheil, rf.. I 111 kSarmour, cf.. 4 M,Lan, lb... 4 111 0 (Devlin, lb.... I gonial. 4 1 8 1 Barry, If I Hul.wltt, as.. 4 0 I I Hanoi, aa....l Bpade, p..... I 10 4 OMrOlnnltx, p. I actormica . l Totals.:... .14 0 37 14 Una, ...... Totals...). . if! 11 I Batted for McGlnnity la eighth. Cincinnati 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hit Mitchell. Hits: Off McGlnnuy, k lu elgUt tuning: off Ames, 1 in one inning. Sacri fice hits: Hugglna, Lobert. Double piaya: Devlin, Doyle lu Tenney; Hulswltt, Huggln to McLean. Left on base: Cincinnati, 7; New York, 6. First baae on balls: Oft M.C- Gtunlty. 8; off Spade, L First base on errors: Cincinnati, 1; New York, 1. Struck out: By MuGinnlty, 6; by Ames, 1: by Spade. 3. Wild pitch: McGlnnity. Time I: J). Umpire: Klgler and Emails. Huron Gun Club Shoot. HURON. S. D.. Aug. 4. (Special.) Th Huron uun club Held it lirst annual state tournament In Una city Tuesday and It was a great success in every particular. The day closed with a smoker held In the Commercial club room and to which all visitors won welcomsd. About thirty mem. bars of clubs from otner cities were pres ent, many of whom showed themselves to be crack shots. The special featur of th dav was the Merchandise shoot, in which merchant of tne city onerea ten prise to the ten high men. Thl wa a hotly con tested shoot, nearly every prtxe being tied, which necessitated much extra snooting, Besides the Merchandise shoot, the four equal money system was shot off, with Bills, representative o n incnester rnma, aa high gun, who hit 190 birds out of 200, but aa he was a professional n wa am barred from receiving th prise. All pres ent reported an enjoyable time. Raelaa Matlaeu at Huron. HVRON, 8. D., Aug. 4 (8pclal. Th Huron Driving club gave tnelr annual rac ing meeting al the state fair ground Tues duv afternoon. A larare crowd had gathered tn witnea horses now In training for the coming state fair. September 7 to 13. and wers well pleased wan me prospects, tia-aM-a th naclna and trotting races, a run ning race was given between a Dead wood, a n. horse and Bularer Dick, owned by J. C. Bchneller of Iroquois, thl tate, and resulted In a victory for th Deadwood horse. Cricket, Match a Draw. , ' CHICAGO. Aug. 6 Ano'her drawn match resulted from Ihe fourth contest of th Inter-clty cricket tourney at th Parkaide grounds of the Wanderers' Ath letic club. i'HTHDurg nn Winnipeg -were today ronteatants, the former scoring 266 for saven wickets and then declaring. H. Livingstone again distinguished him self, getting lit, not out. Winnipeg hsd only two 'alcttei down WuSjQllUVgKr drawn and had scored 139 runa. Ilaaburg batted out seventy-five r the-. BFAII( ai ER " MTin R ACE Favorite -Takes Rig Parse aa Kla- mum Trash. 1 KALAMAZOO, Mloh., Aug. Sptilh Queen Justified th confidence of her friends yesterday when h won th Durdlt k House purse of 310,000, th banner ortsrlng of th Kalamaaoo grand circuit meeting. Her- nearest competitor waa th mar Alceste In the Oeer (table and Alceste mad the winner equal her pecord of 3.07 to win the second heat The big race wa marred by the unex pected unsteadiness from every horse from which any good work waa expected and thl account for th slow time made in three of the four heat that were noces- ary to' finish the contest. But for the break made by Spsmlsh Queen when ah was leading down the back stretch In th .first beat there would undoubtedly hav been but three heat. Th real race of the day was-furnished by thre of the atartera In the 2:18 class for trotter, and at the end of five hard fought, though ' not fast heats, Lou Mc Donald' mar Marvelletta Was ret urged the winner, Alcella had an easy time of It in the 2:20 pace, and waa not -compelled to step within' two seconds of her best record to win. Local follower of the sport were given a big lurprlse when the Oklahoma pacer Shamrock easily defeated Mayblrd and Minnas M. In tha 2:14 class, for which but four horses atarted. Summary: Pacing. 2:20 class, nurse tl.OOO: Alcella, b. m by General Forrest- Aiice Lmiicr Dy .eniian tuenyon. i Pender, Jr., ch, h. (Geers) 2 Jerry Patchen, br. g. (Wilson) 6 Joe Oans, b. g. (Cecil) 8 Prince Onward, h. g. (Douglass) 4 Time: K:14S. Z:ll4. 3:13. Trotting. 2:16 class, purse 810.000: Spanish Queen, b. m., by Onward Silvr-E fin Dance, bv Wilkes Boy (Mary) 111 Alceste, br. m by Jay Bird, ' Kastmorn, by- Byron Wllke (Goers) 1 2 4 2 3 Atellr, b, m. (Thomas-). ( 8 Frlnce C, b. .n. (McHenry) 4 7 Munlc, chl g. (Murphy) 2 4 Aquln, b. C (Titer) 8 8 Raffle, br. g. (Burgess) 3 8 8 8 3 1ir Sdr Charlie Thomas, ar. . (Gahagan). 8 8 Vandetta. b. h. (McCarthy) 7 d i'lmel;l(.- 2:07'4, t:12H. Trotting, 2.1B class, purse 11.000: Marvelletta, b. nt., by Grand Baron, dam by Guy Wllke (Lou McDonald) ,.8 E 1 Cereal, b. m by Boreal-Eglan 1 3 4 2 tine, by Hambrlno (Andrew). 4 12 Mllhgtn, b. g., by Prince f.xum tuougiass) its Robert L, Jr., b. g. (8telle & Geers) 1 2 4 Joe Astral, blV. h.' (Cares) ds Redette; blK. h. (McCarthy)..-... 5 3 6 Id Time: 2:13!4, 2:lftt, 2:134, 2:16, 2:144. Pacing. 2:14 Class. DUrse 81.000: Shamrock, ch. h., by Chamois, dam bv Elk Nutwood (Loomln) 1 Burlington Maid, b. m. (Sunderlln)... 2 Minnie M., ch. m. (Hoffman) 3 May Bird. b. m. (Cornell) 4 Time: 2 14, 2:104. 2:13. DASS AND CHAPPIES DO WELL Fish Planted In Northwestern Part of Slat Ara Healthy. W. J. O'Brien, deputy fish commissioner or. iNenrasga, waa in omana inursday en route from Cherry county to the state fisheries at South Bend. Mr. O'Brien says they have been remarkably successful with the bass and crapples, which were planted tn the waters of northwestern Nebraska after being hatched at th auxiliary hatch "J" " cnerry county. He says tne iisning other large supply or baa ana crappie. Teanl Tournament at Friend. FRIEND. Neb.. Aug. 8. (Special.) The seventh annual tennis - tournament at Friend will be held here August 11 and 12. Drawing win be arranged so tnat play ers from the same town will nut play against each other until the final rounds. LiOVing cupa will oe awaraea to tne win ners in both elnxles and double, also to winners of singles and double In the con solation round. The court or tn Frtenn Tennis ciuo have been used for a number of years, are well located and in splendid condition. They can be used within a few hours after a heavy rain. Olenseood Clab Shoot. OLFNWOOD. la.. Aur. 6. (SDeclal.) At (she monthly, shoot of the Glenwood Gun Iclub the following score were made: wool- 1 1"" VO, OUIli, i , 1BHBM1, no, aamiuiii, w i nyn.y. "1 Bmi.n f iwaros . , ' r -gpL - it f M A-. ttK l; x ZZVXl'Z't.' Z I. ,T,V 4,'Pm' " ' " ' 1 Collins and Wlclt Win. . , , clevi!.uaij. w.. g. ?-'-," ". XIN LUrif 11'., .iiu j . . v, . , . , ...... v,a va h,nn nlavln'sr sensational tennis in the state tournament, fell victim to Collin ind Wick In the double tooay, Dy scores of 8-2 and 8-2. Little of Cincinnati easily defeated Thompson. Sporting; Goaalp. Old Jake Beckley la back In th game again, Detroit continue to win Juet a If Ty Cobb hd not gone on that honeymoon. That' not showing much deferenc to greatness. Peaceful old Philadelphia has been guilty of the pop bottle crime. Borne Irate fans hurled a few at overau ana lioiman tn other day. Jackson made his debut In Denver against Pueblo, one of hi old teams, and Bueblo made Sixteen hlta. Jackson will be kept busy making debuts at that rate, Halt deserves no small amount of credit for holding Sioux City down to two hits Wednesday, after the. rate at which this bunch has been going. Slim can pitch and It I gratifying to ee mm do it. Manager Chance ha given both Pitcher Mack and Bponberg their unconditional re lease. Ha aot the former from tha Syracuse university and the latter from Utah and Dany. The Lniougo management is sun dickering with St. Louis tor Pitcher Kar ger. Ban Johnaon set us a good precedent when he Indefinitely suspended Clymen and Delehantr for cursing Umpire O'Laughlln. Nothing will bring a foul-mouthed player to time quite as quicx as to taae nis pay check away from him. And then it a a wholesome lesson to teach playera, once In a while, that law meana obedience. Pardoa to E. M. Hilton. PIERRE, S. D.. Aug. . (Special. - Governor Crawford has granted a pardon to Erwln M. Hilton, aentenced from Law renc county laat February on a larceny cfiarg. The application fo rth pardon was signed by th court officers and Jury and many other cltlxen of Lawrence county. Advertise In Th Be; It goes into th tome f the beat peopla. rnV -V -iJri!LJo., - . . Ja4VU r- It", Bottled " Since 1 857 M tKe Standard Rye Whiskey of America. nil r"aT CURIO IWfTHOtfT TNI KM I Pa". AH fUesxl Dissasas traatad upen 8 positlr r I I ff" Na guarsols. H menay I b paid nil eured. A itul trtmnt. MiMioul tbaua 1 lamLa"J S Chin r.tarm, Birr er ether gansral snaathtibs. Biarrunstlon FHKt. Will fTO-DAY tor r kook oa tftl Disesse tsrllh Tt'""a. ' Dn. C. n. TARRU4 Dee Dulldlnc. Omaha, Neb OFFICIAL AID. FOR-. ORPHANS Acting- Mayor' Calls on Business Mei to Promote Jjeneat. ASKS THEM TO CLOSE AT 3 P. ML Proceed of the Pes Mnlsia-Osiskt a Devoted Little . Oaat Friday Will to Help the . One. Acting Mayor" Johnson ra taken a ham. In the promotion of the beaeflt game for the St. Jamr Orphanage- Friday nt Vinton street base ball park whn the Omaha'and Dea Moines management - will contribute the entire proceeds to the Htfie onea who have nd home except that provtdVd by th good people at this Institution. Her la tht proclamation Issued by Mr. Johnaon: OMAHA, Aug". 8. To the Cttliens ol Omaha: On" Friday, August 7. the Omahl and Dea Moines league- teams will play . regular scheduled gam at Vinton street park, the entire proceeds of which will be. given to the Bt. James Orphanage. In order mat an may nave an 'epportunuy to ouy one or more tickets and lie nresent at tho game I would earnestly request aa many of our business houses arid public office a can conveniently do so to close at 8 o'clock. on that day and all Join In helping along the worthy cause so generously started hy Messrs. Rourke "and Hlgglna or the Omaha and De Moines teams. Respectfully, L. B. JOHNHON, , , . . Acting Mayor. The orphans crowd out the "ladle." Harry Welch has promised thg orphan a bushel of applet). If lie dor not knock. th ball over the fence for their delectation Friday afternoon. Ownera Rourka and Hig gtns of tbe Omaha and Dea Molne team, respectively, have agreed) tij glvo the pro- " ceeds of a regularly scheduled gam to tho orphan. So the- fang who gt tn the park Friday afternoon will hot only see a ball game for their money, but will also have the satisfaction of knowing that their money 1 going to help a, good cause. Evan the fair onea will hav to pay. De Molno Is scheduled for fonr games, two of which will be played Sunday, tha first game being called at 2:30. The Des Molnss have had a .little shakeup and have added a aecond -baseman .In tho shape of Jelley, who 1 Working hard foY Jo Do lan' Job, but the hitting, of the veteran is keeping him In tlve gaaue. Olmstead. the new pitcher De Moines got from Chicago Americana, will be In the Omaha game for the first time sines Joining the team. Ho aliownd lit form In holding Lincoln to four hit Wednesday. The lineup: , ' 7 v. Omaha. Position. '- . Dea Molne. Autrey first..., Dolan King Second..... i... Kelly Austin Third Nlehoff Franck Left u.......i Flournoy Fisher ifienter. Bnder Welch.... Right. ..4. ..-,.'. Walsh Gonding ach Wlegart IjrBrand...., iCatch... Dexter Handors Pitch Olmstead Hollenbock i'ltch. Kelson Hall Pitch.. Withrup Ragan Pitchy. Bnmar Rhodes.. Pitch Vr Ollmore ARBITRATION IS A FAILURE Rival Rag- Dealers Have to Trouble in Court After , AIL '. ..,.. Settle Aaron Ferer and. L. ' Harding, rival rag dealer, hav learned to their orro.w that legal difficulties must, be settled by law-, yers. ' ' - I Th two men became involved In a dis pute recently which svus finally reduced to two very simple contentions. Ferer claimed 31.C18 from IJardlng 'and Harding claimed 8250 from Ferer. ..'They decided that It would be cheaper to establish a board of arbitrator than to hire -lawyers and pay court coat, so L. Harris, 8. Ravits, J. La vine and -A. Cohn were appointed a board and both men agreed to ablds by the de cision. The result was an award to Ferer of 3466.60. Each man had deposited a check for the amount which the ' other man claimed and Ferer Immediately tried to cash Harding' check' drawn for 31,018. Ha wa refused payment and has Deei driven to bringing suit in tho district court for 31,000, enough to cover the award of the arbitration committee and hi cost besides. By using the various departments of Tha Be , Want Ad page you get best' results at small expense. - ' t 14 J It's Leap Year i . and you can dress nicely . ith little money while our great clearing sale lasts. .' ; . $30 SUITS TO : QEDER , $50 Suits to order for $30 Perfect fit guaranteed. V MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. v 804-800 S. 16th St.. Near 16th and Farnam Streets. Tn rvrv home where p-ood whitkev PPcciaiea mere tiiouiu uc ouiuo hi v tri-gT in Bond J