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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1908)
TTTK OMAHA DAILY REKt FRIDAY, AUGUST 7. 19(R V K V.. ( CRM AND PRODUCE MARKET Dptioa Ilolderi Unload at Top Price on tat Advancei. r&ormxri causes a setback Tat I Oalr Tmprirf, However, . It .-Ha Been a Ball Wk Tfcrengaeat, will Little Attention ao Lall. OMAHA, Aug. fi. 19. The advance. In all urtin value fi r th taut week vu the cause for bug" ton. holder on all option to unload their holding! at top prices. Tli! prof 1 1 taking eauaef iomi tnmiiorary setback today, al thougn very lit t lu change has b-e:, no ticed in the crop reports. It ha been a bull-week thronKhoiii an.l little attention W h-at opened easier on heavy selling and luV..W .r.r.nrl hoMeTa llf iOtlg "'ml. who began taking profit on yesterday's bu la 1 .It t e or no change, i rin.ou t In ..l.irna In th Fl I1T I h W I, t and T I O-l it, ih ftitom nf today's maiki'l. September wheat opened at ittVso and closed at frJ4c. .- Cm-n opened very untedy at1 fluc tuated wildly for ome time, only to v.U.r. In I or In vmmtllV With WllC III !'! rener.l. selllnaT on report of l.owtri over the belt. Dullness Izeri the cinema market, wnn scattered arat ter- iraiiers ri'il'l- s holts, 110 624; clear, fio.174. Flour, bhl.. Wheat. bu...... Corn, hu. ...... . Oats, bu clear rlba. B0.B2H; abort Receipts. Shipment. .... -.. ." " M.l..nno M.X) 37J , 60.000 O.OJO WGATnER. IN TUB GRAIN BELT Shower, Followed ay Coler for la the rronhesy. OMAHA. Aug. . II Tlaln were quit general In the mountain district within the last twenty-four hour and extended eastward over the rnWMle and lower portion of the Missouri and Missis sippi vallevs and throughout the eastern and southern siatcs. Some very heavy fail occurred in eaiern Iowa and Missouri isst i Ik ht. The weather I generally cloudy and threatening throughout the central valley I hie mornmg and the outlook la favorable for shower In th's vicinity this afternoon, followed oy far and cooler tonight and probably Friday. . . . Onval a lecntd of temperature and precipl tation ompared with the corresponding day .f tho last three year.: Minimum temperatura ... 71 74 68 67 Pre. Epilation T .08 . . temperature for today, 7 d gree. Kxtess In precipitation lnce March 1. 0.6f if an Inch. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 4.1s inches. Deficiency correpondlng period In 1906, 2.91 Inctie. 1. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Ing tsck walling for further-development September corn opened at 7-Hc and clo.-e.l Primary" wheat receipts were frWAiO bu. and htpmefita were 64.?."0 bu.. against re ceipt. . Ust. tear oM.'M.OOO Lu.und ahlp rrtr.0i M tttjim bu.- . ' - . , . e;nrn rerelrts vero 2.3.if'0 bu- nd slilp .ment were 259"0 bu., against receipts lat eaf of 384,P"0 bu. and siilpments of 3Ho.(W Clernce were .noo hM. of corn and 5,00") bu of oata nd wheat and flour equal to WJl.i bu. . . . Llveipool tlfisad ld blazer on wheat and i un.-hitniCexl on corn. , Seaboard .reported "2.000 bu. of wheat taken for eaporl. Does) rang of options: Artlcl.OpnT lllgh. Lot.'. Qo I Ye y. Whest-1 oept, Corn Bept. . J Dec, May 63 Aj I, 43 V 47V.I 1 2wj 4V 4','t.i 724 44 ' Oiuatta Caau mess. ' WHEAT No. 2 bard, s9Vj9-': No- 3 hard -4G90c; Ni 4 hard, S.Vriic; No. 3 spring 0foic; Ho. 4 uprlng. hoi-. fllllN-Nn. a. 72i,.-.i72.c: No. 1. .K(.C No. 1 ylkw. . rcVtrtJ'Mi-: No. 3. white, W (74Hr OATS No. 3 mixed, 47!i47H': No. 4 mixed. 47o; No. White, 4rya4!c; No. 4 white, 4i Q47M 2. 73'V'i75r; No. 3, Cwrlnt Hecelpt. Wheat M In5 ti Corn. 1113 14 Oats Corn and Wheat Reilo Balletla.' For the twenty-four hour ending at ' a. m., i.t n meridian iim, inuraaay, u iut 6. 1LIM i emp Max. Mln. 71 70 bo Station. AsniunJ, Neb 1 Auhnru, Neb SI i-.roken Bow. Neb. K. olumhus. Neb.. SB it ulVertjn, Neb..l"l 6 j'aimury, eu..,, . Fnlrtnoni, Neb... Si t (Jr. Islaml. N.'b.. fti Hartinglon, Neb. 9f 5 HastinKS. Neb.... 93 "0 Huldrege. Neb.... W 64 Oakdale, Neb 91 W Omaha, Neb 91 71 Tekainah, KeS... K i AltH, la M 62 C'rroll; la 9 t4 ( lailnda. la t-5 64 Hli-ley, In 87 f.6 Sioux t'lty, la... fc8 W Bain ' fall .00 .00 .08 . T T ' T T T l.Kl .00 .( .45 T .17 .01 . .-1 .16 .00 .62 ftky. Cloudy Pt. cloudy C'lnudv Cloudy Raining Ft. cloudy Cloudy Cloud Ft. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Kalning Clojdy Cloudy Ft. cloudy Ft. cloudy l liutiy Clear Cloudy tNnt inrluded in averages, received late, Mitiimam temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Station. 24 17 13 in 21 IB -Temp. Rain, Mln. inches. K8 ri .02 M 62 .0 90 64 .62 tS 62 T ii ".0 T t8 m .10 p2 62 .00 Pi W .14 92 W .U Ints In Iowa and NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Riiei Again on More Faror able Crop Ee ports. TRADERS LOOKESG FAS AHEAD Nearer Posalbllltlea of lafaToraal Developsneat laaered on Qroaad that They Are Bat Tem porarr. IHmwM rnpiwe I.KO M H M T.i. rnri V K4 K t5 T . St. U W H ft !l UH T . St. LAW. M 1 Ono MUM lnl-e Pififir 1H.") IS74 lis fnlon Pintle pf4 l.ta W M ?H V. S. Ruhhw M K H P. MuMaer 1st pM ll ll1' IM t'. S Steel M 47 4S V a. Steel pti. e-4lT li,7. Jiowfc US '."'-4 Ptah rorper 4 5w 4 s " V -Citn niemtr! .... 4 tv iH V.-rr. Cheia. f " vnwh ' us ; W.hsph M I.") f4j S Wrtlrhoo Kleetrlc .... "0 77 tl T7 Wrurra Vnle r M BH ' Whellnt L. B... W 1014 ln,4 1 W. L. B 1 l1 l"" WlM-nniln central Ht XI IIH Total Mies tor III 4r. ITt.lO) share. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cow and Feeders Steady to Strong, with Cornfedi Slow. HOGS FIVE HIGHER AND ACTIVE area aad I .a mix la Light Reeelat Today, bat Large for Week Trade Very Dall aad Price Losrer. RYE No. Chicago i Minneapolis , Omaha Duluth A I CHICAGO bltAlV AND PROVISIONS Featarea ot the Trading; and closing Prices on Board ot Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. . Lower temperntures In the northwest and unresponsive cables had a weakening effect lodiiy on the local wheat market, ths September delivery clos ing a net loss of 1V IV. Coin was off o, oats Were Vc hlnher and provisions were unchanged to 5c lower. Th wheat market opened weak, owing to the Improved weather conditions in the northwest for the maturing crop and to th fai.ur of foreign grain markets to respond to the. here yesterday. There wa 'liberal realizing at the start and during th-j first hour sentiment con tinued docidodlv bearish. Toward the mil die of the day a much firmer tone de veloped ; becausa ot-a sharp advance at Winnipeg, -said to have been duo to fresh report of damage to the weather crop in th weirn pryvince. A 2c slump at Wlrriltegf .1at ,,ln tUe session caused re newed wfcivkirr If he local m(irkt;t and the rloeM t aluiost the pwet -point of rh daV-. kptam i.. 4iStrac'iiS.v: to lHQlWLiower'al WVu. sold, f U to Sc and closed at W.1W". Minneapolis, Tniluth and Ch'cago report -d receipts of 41 cars, a egklnst 474 lst week uud 459 one year aao. Rain In Illinois. Iowa nd Nebraska In duced, frc proflt-t:ikliifr In 'coin early In tb da vr, 'which resulted In sharp declines In all deliveries. Thero ws uctlve buying ln'hortsl howtver. pn .the break which caused 'a steadier ten, during vhe last half of the day. The close was fairly steady. September opened 1(5 lc lower at 74'4'fr Top, advanced to 75V: and closed at BVc. Lofel receipts were iw cars, with U of contract grade.- Oata were firm tha greater part of the dv. . September opened c lower to ! higher at 4n4jc,f sold t and then advanced to 4KVe. .' The close was at 47c. Local receipts were 212 ears. Provision developed moderate weakness after a, firm opening. At the close Sep tember pork .Was off So 4t Ili.TS, lard w:s unchanged at !t.57V and ribs were a shade lower, ai, $S.9TV. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 181 earn; corn, I'M can; oats, 223 curs; hoc, 17.0O1 head. Toe leading future ranged a follow: Central. Chlcugo, 111 Coluiniius, O lii-i; Moinea, Ja... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Louisville, Ky .viinneapolls. Minn. Omaha, Neb 18 tit. Louis, Mo...... 10 Heavy rains fell a Missouri last, night and lighter shower oc curred In all other portions of the corn and wueut region except the Minneapolis dis trict. It is slightly cooler In th eastern alstrlcts. L. A. WELSH, LocsJ Forecaster. Artlcle. Open. High.j Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I I Kept. &Sb9 96 a Dec. 97V t: bPec. 97TV8SwV May 1 oi '8H 02 k 1 02H Corn Sept. 74'S75 777, Dec. 4 tfiVS'Vn7i May itU'jrH'sl ti4 Oat-- I I - -I Sept. 47 I 4HI Dec. 47 (a ,) 4i May 4874111 4B'! Pork- ' I Sept. 15 774 15 85 Oct. 15 87S 15 95 I Lard- I Bept. 60 '-'H' Oot. I 64 I 70 Rib- . I I Sept. t 00 ft 05 Oct. US I l-'Hi 95 97 97 9S'V94- 974,! 99 ,1 PI 1 OlVul !' T4' 64 63 7.V- 641 64V, . tfi 4 47M J7.1 1.. I 49S 16 trrtii 15 75 I 15 (C) li STMii 9 55 62V I 8 9S Oj 9 57 9 60 " 8 7m .9 071,1 1 0314 76 6r',4 - 471; ii'H 15 SO 15 90 9 574 074 9 00 9 074 NEW YORK UHNHHAI. MARKET Quotation of the Day oa Varloa Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. FLOUR Receipts, 14, 406 bbls. ; exports, 1.400 bbl. Market wa steady, with fair Inquiry; Minnesota pat ents, i;..-t"o6.7.i; winter straights, S41" J4.2S; Minnesota bakers, H.WttM; winter txtrus, ;i. Kj'g3.riu; winter patents, I4.40rs4.76; winter low grades, $3.303.50. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, e4.15te4.50; choice to fancy, 4.Cm(u4.65. COHNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, l.b&u;..u; coarse, SI.00&I.6&; kiln dried, 34.15. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, (4c; nominal f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipt. 84.000 bu.J export, 1:u;.'.mi bu. Spot market easy; No. 2 red, J1.01f(jl.03, elevator, I1.03T4. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, Jl.274. f. o. b. afloat: No. 3 hard winter. S1.0tf"4. f. o. b. afloat. Several reaction occurred In wheat today through liquidation, more conerva tlve snrlnir wheat new, a very bearish prl vate estimate of the total crop and a lack of outside support. Last prices were 14tf l7.o net lower. September closed tl.lWV December closed tl.O&S. May closed W.o4. t:C)RN ReiH-ints. 8.600 bu. Soot market steady ; No. 2. Mc, nominal., elevator, and MPV, i. o. b. afloat. The option market wa V'iuW. --n ciuilut.- -elosln WW higher B -ptemher. 83Vjti!3e,' elyd 8314c; Decemher closed 74C. OATri Receipt. 63.CO0 bu.; export, 6,uw hu. Spot market steady; mixed oats. 26 to 32 lbs.. &stno; natural white, 26 to S2 lbs., t,Vf!4e; clipped white, to 40 lbs.. 631370c, hay firm: gooa to cnoice, suaiwic. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 117 crop. 4'fK-; 1,6 crop, 260 Pacific coast. 1907 crop, Rfrixc; lts crop. isBtc. - HIDES Firm; Bogota. 28c; Central Amer ica. 27c. I. RATHER Rteadv. acid. 24UT29 PROVISIONS Heef. -steady; family, $16.75 f; 17.6.1, mess, I14.5oral5.90: beef hams, VX VYlt 30.011; packet. $15.0t"ti 16.00; city extra Indian mess. XLM.Ooro'ifi.OO. Cut meats, steady: olck- led bellies. 9.76'B'll.OO; pickled ham, 12H til3o. Iard. barely steady; western, f!-6Mj 9.75; refined steady; continent, 110.10; South America. 110.75: compound. 8.12Vfcffl8.S74. Pork, steady; family, $18.0018.50; short ch ur. 17 1(1S 50; mess, $17.2.V(f'17.50. TALLOW Quiet; city per pkg.), S7-16c: country (Lkrs. free), B5140. RICE-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, V sjt.He; Ji'i-nn, nominal. POt'LTRY Alive, stealy: spring chick ens. lftc; fnvls, 14c; turkeys, lie. Dresrd Irregular; western spring chickens, 13rjfc Rl'TTER Firm creamery specials, 2J't fi-22c; extras, 22(02'.,V4c; third to first. lSrjf 21'4c; slate dairy, common to finest. 18 2lM process, common to, special, lotfflc. CHEESE Dull; state ' full cream, spe cials, UlSle: stats full cream, small, colored or white, fancy. l!c; state full er.-am. Inrge, colored or white, fancy, HVc tnt fu',1 cream, good to prime. Ur&imc stte full cream, common, 9Vi810Hc; skims, liT.)V.c. j;r(i8Flrm!- state, Pennsylvania '. and nearby, fancy, selected, white, 2fi'62ic: fair to choice, 22-22Kc: brown snd mixed, fsncy ?4c: good to holee. 21?23c; western flrta, 1811)i4c; seconds. PVvS'MHe. NEW YORK. Aua. 6 The rrln weakened today and the stock market rose again. Yesterday's daman renorta were so portentous and backed by so violent a rise in grain prices tnat the leaders of the stock pecuianoni were fairly Intimidated. At this critical period of the crops, sensational reports for speculative purposes are looked for and guarded against as far as possible. Their effect we resisted fairly well even yesterday. The measure of the relief foit oyer todsy's better news was unmistakably Mown, however, by the renewed activity i.u Birnam 01 me stock market tone. It is admitted In many quarters of the present participation In stock operations that a long look ahead Is being taken and nearer possibilities of unfavorable develop, menu are being Ignored on an assumption that they must prove but temporsry. The msln tendency toward betterment Is counted on In spite of occasional setbacks, but a curtailment In the crop yields such as would radically reduce the year's produc tion of wealth from that source Is not printed a factor that could be Ignored. There was no disguise of the satisfaction, therefore, with which today's news was re celved of abundant ralna In the Mississippi valley, where the corn crop Is reported to te most In need of moisture. Spring wheat continued the subject of discussion as to the probable deterioration. A sharp fall from the figure of the July government report Is counted upon In tomorrow's gov ernment report on the crop, opinion Inclin ing to some five points decline. The early market was not without considerable Irreg ularity from the remnant of the Influence of yesterday's crop scare. The advance gathered force unevenly and was hampered by some weak futures. Canadian Pacific was hurt tiv the extenalve strike of Its employes. The sympathetic erreet on subsidiary companies was aggra vated by the serious Illness of the executive head of some of these companies. London afforded no assistance to advance stocks, the weak return of the Bank of England weighing somewhat orj the market. The Bank of France, however, made a very strong return, thus nmmiiinr ...ti of Its drain on the lindnn onM .nni.. The growth of general internal Interest In ne stock market Is still small and the bulk ft inn uuyinr is aiirinuieo to th anlpulatlve sources for nm tin. ... he profit taklnr of tha rinsi h,, digested and wa followed by a recoverv to near the best. Bond were firm. Total sal. 13.864.000. United State bond changed on call. Number of sale and leadtnv mmtitinn. on atocks were a follow- Lew. Clot. 74 07, New York Meary Moaey. NEW TORK. Aug. . MONEY On call; easy, ltil1 per cent; ruling rte, 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per rent; offered at 1 per rent. Time loan, strong; sixty day. 24 per cent; ninety dsys, 14 per cent, six months, 4 per "fRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-SSI pr cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual busine In bankers' bill t 14 WHf 4R5 for slxty-dy bills snd at 14 Wi far demand; commercial bills. 14 S44'g 844. SILVER Bar, 52c; Mexlcsn dolisr. 4c. BONDS Government, steady; ra.lroal, firm. Closing quotation on bonds were follows: t. I. ret. K reg....lMH Int. Met. 4H ao eoupoa Wk L N. unl. 4 V. S. ta. reg ! Ma. r g. 4 da coupon 104 Mr. Cantrel a l.'fli do 1M Inr ...Mi M. A St. L. 4a. .... rt M , K. A T. . ....l."'l flo ia .... ' N. R. R. of M .... N. T. C. (. IHI ... .... M N. J, C. . ta ....iru No. Parltlc 4a ....( do .... V."t N. W. c. 4a .... i Si 0. g. L. rfrt. 4a . a... .t Perm. r. Ia HU ....I1 do roa. 4a .... 4 Readins gen. 4a. ....Irfl Rrp. of Cuba 5 .... 74 .... tS .... a .... i .... o .... i a3Uj e 4a I. .... 1 mi .... :? .... A ? ir.j ..114'4 d Provision. Aug. 4. WHEAT No. 2. aOld. bNew. Casl quotations wtra a FLOUR Firm; winter 4 Au: straight. I3 8(rri4 3e: (traigtit. follow: patent. spring patent. baker, 12. iiCj 6.o3&.6& 4'- WHEAT No. 2 spring. ll.lR'al.l?; No. 3 spring. Il lOTfl. 15. CORN No. 2, 78(8784c; No. 2 yellow, sc.'tf 804 . OATS No. 2, 4S4c; No. 2 white, I4'.ia0c. RYE No. I. 76c. B A K LEY Fair to choice malting. 62iiV'e. SEEDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 1130. Prime timothy. $3 W. PROVISION) Short rib, aides (li-nsr. 8.7Vp4).06. 51ets pork, per lbl., i5.7toi ln.7. Lard, per lm lh., D.i0. Short clear side (boxed), f9.ClKli9.25. FJilowlr-g were th receipt and shipment of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipment. Kansas City Grata VAVHA9 CITY. Mo.. Unchanged: September. , 8V: December, 92c: Muv. 964c: cash. No. 2 hard, 9ftf(i64c No. 3 hard. M"&S4c; No. X red. 934944c No. S red. 909240 CORN Unchanged ; September, . 71e; De- cemln r. Mc: May. 594c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 7iic: No. 3 mixed. 74u744c; No. 2 white, 7bc No. 3 white. 744ii5c. OATS-Unehmiged;' No. 2 white, 8:SC No. 2 mixed, 4.4c. RYE 7i;.iS..c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.tS10.00 elioleo nralrle. new. I..0Oa,.25. BUTTER Steady;' creamery extra, 21c ftrt'. 19c: dairy, fancy, 16c. E'j4iS 4r lower; freU extra, 19t4c; cur rent receipts. 1.14c. F.i ce l.ta and slilpment of grain were a follow s: I Wheal, bu. Coin, bu... lut. ..bu... Flour, bbl... Wheat, bu.... Corn. b Oil, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu.... Si','0) . .2t'o..i.. ..l'..ia ,. 3,ua) .. 17.000 On the Produce exchange tod iv ter market wa trong; creameries, dairies, 1719c. Eggs, str.:ii(; at case Included, 15(1 UV: first. IS4, e-0 112.0M ' li.f 2-2. 'MO 1 () 14.U-0 the htit-Iv4'u2v; mark, prime firt, toe. Cheese, steady to firm, 114-jl3c. Receipts. Shipments. ... 19.'a) 16. 000 ... 12,'J 17.0IO ... 18,000 4.000 Option at Kansas City: Articles I Open. I High. I Low. Close Wheat- I I, I. I B-Hember ... W4 - D 'ember ....'9399241 1 1 92 Corn- pi ptember Do ember , 71V 5841 71B UB It bid. A akrd. a. St. Loala General -Market. 8T. I.OUH5. Aug. 6.-WH EAT-Lower; track. No. t bard, nCii'.w; tie leuiber. 914c; December, MS-'. COKN Lowei ; track. No. 2 cah. 7c; No. 2 mhlte, 7V4-jhw; Sepieinber, 764t4 .5'i. , De cember, o-tu61c. I OATS Film; track. No. J cash. 494c; No. I S white, 514c; Siptember, 474ii474c; De cember, 4tc, nominal. FLOUR Higher; red winter patents. 14. 50 64.86; extia fancy and straight, 1.1 .u 4.4c-. clear, 13 ld 60. BEElS-Tlmothy. tedv: 3.0(54.(I6. CURNJIEA L Steady ; 3 8"). BRAN 4t rung: (acked. east track, 11. Off HAT Weak; timothy, til fjtxfj 16.00; prairie, 17.60ft 10.U). IRON COTTON TIES-1 09. BAOOINO 74c HEMP TWINE 7a, RYE Higher. 82c. ' , ..' POC LTRY Weak; chl. ken. Hc: spring. 13c; torke. Unite: dcks. an-; eee. 5c. bUTTER-F rui. erniery, 17i:ic. I-Jirt t4(a.1y, 144e, case count. PKOVlkMuNd Pork. steady; Jobbing. W Si. Lard, steady; prime steam. 19 l-4o ar?V Lry aalt meat. iead ; tn.xed ex tra short. t.7&; clear rlt. Jj.TV shoit dears, IliXM. Bacon, tdy; boxed extra Bllnaeapotl Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug .WHEAT Sep tember. Si (41: lieceniner, xi.u;,: ISO. northern, 3122; No. 2 northern, fl.2btil.30 No. 8 northern. fl.lS'.i 1.15. HHAN-ln bulk. tl9.. Kl ul'R-Dull: first patent. IS 154(4.25 vetoed patent. t6.i6.15; first clears, t4 35 tj4.46, second clears. I3.5"ij3.65. par value, were un- malcamated Copper .... . e r C. r. pM Cotton Oil H. A U alt Am. tee gaeurltles American Unaaeil Oil.... Locomotlv Locomotive pfd m. S. A R A R. pfd mer. Busar Roftnlnc... Am. Tobacro pfd Amerlran Woolen Anaconda Mining- 60 Airniaon Atchlano pfd Atlantis Coaat Line Baltimore A Ohio Pal. Ohio pti... , Rraoklrn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leathar Central Leathar pfd , Central of New Jersey... Chaaapeak A Ohio Chicago Ot. W , Chicago A N. W C. M. A 8t. P C. C. C. A Bt. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern.... Colo. A So. let pfd Cole. A Bo. Id pfd Consolidated O Corn Praducta Delaware A Hudaoa..... Danvar A Rio Grande. ., A R. O. Dfd PI itinera- Bacurltlaa ... Erl ICrle 1st pfd Erie td pfd Oaneral Electric Ot. Northarn pfd Ot. Northarn Or ft fa... Illnola Central Intarborougb Met Int. Mat. pfd International Paper Int. Paper pfd International Pump Iowa Central Kanaaa Cltr Bo K. C. Ba. pfd Leulavlll A N Meilcan Cantral Minn. A Bt. L M.. Bt. P A 8. B. M ... Mlaaouii Pacific M . K. A T M., K. A T. pfd National Lead Now York Central N. T., O. W Norfolk A W North Aniarloan Northarn Paclflo Pacific Mall Pannarlvanta People' a Oaa P., C . C. A Bt L. aaed Bteel Car Pullman False Car Railway Steel Spring.... Reading Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock laland Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. L. A B. F. M pfd... St. Lou I 8. W , Bt. L. B. W. pfd Bloaa-Bhaf field B. A I.., Southern Pacific , Bo, Pacific pfd , Southern Railway Bo. Railway pfd Mix. High. 4.40.) 11 l.too "tori l.f.00 . 4.S00 ti'400 10 , . , 10. K . lt,H ! 500 , 1.400 . V-n. iob . . , IK) too 100 . 1.100. '. " w . 11.100 no . .ry) . 1,804 100 ton too . f,Q0 but) """in .' 4.C10 . t.jori . ion ! ii.ino . l.v . l fi too . l.too a) . I o . l.too 4.1 101 54 1 574 'm 111 1344 34 !4 4S4 us '4 4 t24 14 ' M4 I7IS it 1M 4IA iii" 143 M 44 324 2H S3 13 W4 170 'a" 4 44 404 404 ia4 414 140 M'a 104 67 4 ' 40 103 I4 ri 114 b 8H 10914 1834 3 tf.4 i"i 874 M 24 (14 ' 24 1704 rt M 18 41 is4 142 67 U II H 51 (b 134 i 1484 174 134 404 30 iii" 474 1194 114 S24 104 67 244 C 8. 4a. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a... do ta Atrhtaon gen. 4a do d). 4a... do cv. 4a. , do cv. be Atlantic C. L. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a.. do ISta Brk. H. T. ct. Central of Oa. b do lat Inn..... do Id Inc do 3d Inc Ti. A Ohio Chlrano A A. C. R. A Q. n. C , R. I. A P. 4a do rol. Sa do rfl. 4a rcc. A St. L. g. Colo. Ind ta Colo. Mid. 4a.... Colo A So. 4a.. fl. A H. cv. 4a. r. A R. O 4a.. Krts p. I. 4a do gan. 4a Hock. Val. 44a.. Japan 4a do 44a do Id aeries.... ' Bld. Offered. Boston Stocks and Bond BOSTON. Aug. . Money, fall loans, ift JH per cent; time losr.s, S'StH per cent. Closing quotations on stocks and bond: St. U I. M. c be.. lot 4Ha. .101 81. L. A B. P. fg 4a. TI4 IHta.. 74 St. L. B. W. e. 4a... 71 4a.... Seaboard A. L. 4a ... (04 4a ... I.'4 to. Pacific 4a 144 do tat 4a M4 ftlvi So. Railway ila 1M .'.4 'Teiaa A P. la 1104 t4 T , St. L. A W. 4a.. 1f4 4a. . 41 In Ion Pacific ta.. .. 14 do cv. 4a .ltv) V. B. Steel id ta. . ! Wabaah la . f WMtern M 4a... . (I W. A L. K 4a.. .'0! Wla. Central 4a.. . . N T N. H. A H . 0V, ctfa . '4 ....Wl'4i .... 4' .... tt't ...111 .... T44 t'lH . a. ....1.-74 Atchlao adl. 4a si Btnxham do 4a SI 4 Cal. A Heel. M?l. Central 4a " Ontannlal Alrhlaon R. R 14 Copper Range .. do pfd 4 Daly West Boaton A Albany ill Pranklln , Roaton a Maine ix'iV, Oranby Boaton Elevated M. Ila Rovale ... Pitrhburg pfd l.'4Is Ma. Mining .. N. V.. N. H. A H....141 Mlrhliran Union Pacific 1.5 Mohawk 100 M4 25 00 1.100 too 1.700 10..0 l.tOO it. ton 1.700 l.x 500 1104 l4 04 111 ( 33 4 144 loa 414 744 1434 4 4.400 100 500 M.OM , 11.700 1.700 1.700 l.too , l.lon 10 ton , 11.030 ', i.ina too 364 14 444 lib f4 74 14 ir. 214 II 44 t34 M "jo" 504 lot it It lit 114 .44 1074 414 734 1414 144 'is" '.44 1(4 4 it?4 114 .74 14 sr. 4 24 it 404 24 H 'itii bt4 404 lo:4 344 S7U, 107 4 10S4 14 !! 2''4 4-4 M4 't 111 14 II M4 U!4 r t74 so 434 'i 1(1 143 Uj 67 Vi s r?4 139 14 J4 t ' M4 74 4 40 4 14.4 1374 1 Lit 4 .14 i.24 f74 J 671, 109 4 & 1174 61 1114 "4 84., 104 J" 74 H 1434 .i J 24 fa 73 35 -1SS 44 124i 234 ' 1H t'vj lb 40 634 N4 1184 to 504 Am. Arg. Chem do pfd Am. Pnen. Tube. A mer. Sugar .... do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen .... do pfd .'. Dominion I. A 8 Oenrl Klectrle Maaa. Electric .. do pfd Maaa. Oaa United Frutt ... United g. M do pfd U 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Allouaa 14'i Mont. C. A C i Old Dominion ... f'.0la Ill Parrot 127 Qulncy Ul li Shannon tS4 Tamarack OT Trinity i United Copper .. 144 1'. S. Mining.... It V. 8. Oil lb Utah H Victoria 1S3 Winona 6 4 Wolverine . :-4 North Butta .... '44 Bona Coalition . ll.i Nevada , 4Cal. A Arlton.. it Arliona Com. Amalgamated 0 draen Cananea Atlantic lfll Asked. h - at . . t -4 . X4 . 114 .1011 4 . b . Tb . 41 .1 . 114 . b7 ,. 1t4 . 71 . 14 -. 4 . 434 . 44 .. 74 ..iu .. 144 ..111 .. 124 .. 114, Ry. London Closing; Stocka. London closing stock' Conaola. money... .14 "- . M , K. A T do acceunt tlt-ltN, Y. Central... Anaconda Norfolk A W... Atchlaon 90'' do pfd. do pfd..... tM4 Ontario A W.., Baltlmor A Ohio. ... 44 rnaylvpla .. Canadian Pacific l.'.'l Rand Mtnea , Cheaapeake A 0 444 Reading t Chicago O. w..,, 4Bouthern Chi.. Mil. A Bt. P..14 do pfd Da Beer A.J I14 Southern Pacific Denver A Rio O t74,l!4oq Paeifla...,, do pfd -.....' t4 do pfd Erl J44T. 8. Steal , do lat pfd t4 ia pfd , do Id pfd It, Wabash , Grand Trunk U 60 pf4 Illinois Central. t4l4anlah 4a Loutavllle A N llISAmal. Conner.... SILVER Bar, steady at 24 i-ld per oa. MONEY WiMll per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 14 per cent; for three months bill, i 7-1614 per cent. .. 764 .. u .. M4 .. 44 .. '4 .. 4 .. r4 .. k14 .. 4 ..14 .. sa .. 4'4 ..1141 .. 14 .. UH 1.4 New York Mining; Stocks NEW YORK. Aug. .-Clolng quotations on mining atocxa: Alice Breec Brunewlrk Con Com. Tunnal atork.. Com. Tunnal bonda. Con. C1. A V Horn Silver Iron Silver Offard. ...58 , a , 7 , 13 , IT , It bt .100 Little Chief ... Laadvtlle Coo. Mexican Ontario Ophlr Small Hopea ... Standard Yallow Jacket . . I . t . U .400 M . 14 .lib . M SOUTH OMAIIA. Aug Receipts were: .Cattle. Official Monday 7.574 Official Tuesdav .71 tfflclel Wedneday J.lt3 Estimated 1huiday 2. M0 Hog Sheep. Loo? 7.506 (.119 f.:w l TJ M , i!tr. 4 ; 9.S7J J-;;; 27.4S3 11.544 44 1S.970 l.4f 47 U.721 26.J43 4J...., 29.421 14.56,( " 24.347 ls.134 !! h,i-i 26.S67 Four days thla week.. 15.656 Same days last week. ...11.431 bame days I weeks ago..lS. Same days 3 weeks ago.. 10.575 Same days 4 weckt ago.. f..b Sams days last year l?.0uS The following tahle anowa tb reoeipt of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for tho year to date, compared with lat year: . IJor. mo. D.v Cattle 501.101 641.5 143. 19i Hogs 1.693. fS 1,0I.2"3 f9,8TO Sheep J0,42J 9:,7) .3S. 1 he following table shows in aveiagr prlc of hogs a South Omaha for tha last several day, with eompariaona: D.M. I IMS. 1907. 1190S.il90.l04.119t.;li02. t 96 4 : 7 J I 06j 7 55 Julv 27... July is... July 29... July SO... July ... Aug. I.... Aug. t... Aug. I.... Aug. 4.... Aug. ..... Aug. (.... b 131.1 8 071 44' t m 3 11 t 0741 461 5 61 6 1 a ivJ im 5 but 5 11 I (4 t (XI I 17 I t 061 6 06 4 01 t 32 58 I I 02 43V S 2 t IS ( 691 4 Ml 4 18 I 6 H 11 I Tal 4 9l I 3341 ( t J3 6 63: 4 94 i 4 991 37S I Ui 5 661 i 06! I 1-2 ( 87S 5 3 I 6 7S I 0 5 04 44 6 W 201 6 071 I 06 Ifi T 41 V' 739 7 3i 7 31 - Distilled Goods Advance. CINCINNATI. O., Aug. ,-An advanc of 1 cent a gallon In the day's price of distilled finished goods, or spirits, became effective today, making the baala 11.87 a gallon. This Is the highest price that spirits ever touched In this market. Sunday. The official number of rars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hoan. Sheen, nfl. C. M. A St. P 4 Wabash 1 .. Missouri Paclflo t S Union Pacific 7 18 10 C. A N. W., east 5 U. A N. W., west 40 3 C, St. P., M. & O 7 1 C. B. A Q , east 6 C. B. A Q.. west 33 23 1 I C R. 1. A P.. east i .. .. C R. I. A P.. west i Illinois Central Chicago Qt. Western.. .. t Totel receipts 93 113 1J 3 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer the num ber Of head Indicated: Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy. Pscking Co Armour o Co Krey Packing Co Bchwartachlld A Sulsb'g'r Vansant A Co Carey A Benton Lobman A Rnthchlld W. I. Stephen Hill A Hon F. P. Lewi Huston A Co J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla Cudahy Bros. Co McCreary ft Carey Sam Werthlmer H. F. Hamilton F. O. Inghram Sulrlvan Bros Lehmer Bros United Dreed Beef Co.. Layton Packing Co Other buyers Totala CATTLE Recelnta of cattle this morn lng numbered eighty-nine cara. the arrlvala consisting largely. of cow stuff and west em steers on the feeder order and corn fed beeves. , Feeder buyer, aa has- been the esse all the week, were anxious for cattle and were out In good season In the morning. p that the orrering ot such cattle mat nappenea to please buyers changed hands In pretty good season at prices fully steady with yesterday or In unit cases rcslbly stronger. The feeder trade all this' week has been good and the market Is right around XCglbc higher than last week. There was also a pretty fair demand for cowa and heifers, and they generally sold at steady prices, with some of the mors desirable killers a Utile higher than yes terday. Th most of the deslrabls killers chsnged hands early In the forenoon. There were only A few western steers that would do for beef. The feeling on that kind was about steady. Corn-feds were more numerous than on some day of late, but the demand wa extremely poor. A few bunches of cattle that have been for warded from this point to Chicago and aold for a good deal leas than was ' bid here for them, has apparently seared buy ers to such an extent that they are afraid to take hold of the corn-feds. The result waa that the trade on that kind was very elow and weak all the mori.lng, It being hard work for holdcra to Induce buyers to get down to business. The forenoon wore sway with very few cornfed selling and those that did aell looked 10(ffl5c lower. Tho cattle trade tor tne weeg to cats may be summed up as lirg-IBc lower on cornfed steers, with rsnge beeves steady. Cows and heifers are steady to a little m 1.4S.1 6o 477 1.H95 230 693 1.356 603 1,-S l.Ml SS 206 9-SJ 73 S3 110 70 118 38 16 92 3 488 36 I3 30 1 1 38 14 100 3.010 in 3.453 B.19J , 4JT ..l4 . . 144 , 11 .It . Ill ..rt . 144 . ta . I?l .I't . It .11 . M . . iim ..1I .111 .III . rt . r .133 .Ml ..1M ..Wl ..rt ..! . I I . 1M .304 .tat tot 141 T41 M 10 1 tea 14 b 4 I on to tin 10 t o 10 i to ) It 4 4A to 40 IV) ltl ta . It t , M., 44. TJ. IV fl. ., 40. .. l. 74. 51. ,. tfl , r" t-s . 114 ,.rtt ,.is ..Jbt t4t .tfl ts . ai ..1st ..rt . ..! . J7 . !1 ,.m . . :--.7 . tit . t.T ..177 .141 .. ..171 . 14! ,.t4 . l .Vf . 1 .13 . 241 ..m SI fra in iao it lh to l? i a i o) at o IK to -4 113 to 10 t 4a t t t 43 t tb t 41 t 44 I 43 I 4b t 13 t .3 t 4 '. t 43 t 4.1 t a I 4b t 43 t 4b t U t 41 . I 44 I t 474 t 41S t 47 4 I 474 t 414 t 47 t 47 t 474 t 47 4 t 47, t 4T' t 41H I 474 t 60 I t o t 30 t 31 t S24 I to t 3 in tr t n nt ri m t to r t 40 T4 ;oo t t 73 f t 4 tb It I 40 74 14 lt t 414 77 t 414 II IU 13 t 4!U Tt .... I II , 71 I T t "4 tl I 4T4 tt .... t 4.' 4 7 t 41 II .... ttii Tb t 41 4 t 4?H 74 t 4: J7 1 41. n t 44 I 41, 70 ... t 42 . IS as-, 71 ... I 4i Tl 1(1 1 I) t 41 t 44 t 43 I 43 t 43 t 4'. t 1.1 I 4b I 41 I 43 t 49 t 4b I 4.1 t 4.3 SHEEP As noted yeterday, eastrm markets are in verv bad shape on bun sheep and lambs, especially lambs. Tilt morning Chlvasro w red ear v. sheep irxtiJio and lambs Vfi70c lower than last week. A report of that kind was not cllculated to Improve the condition of the trade at this point. On top of that was the further fact tht receipts at this point for the f.nir days foot up 31.500 head, as sgslrst 16.40) heed last week snd !6.oo head a year ago. Packers, having been free buyers early in the week, were very well tilled up snd not In need of much additional stuff todsy. It would he hard work to Imagine condi tions more unfavorable for the miking tf a good market than those noted sb v. Hence It was bv no meahs surprising tht the market here waa extremely flow end dull from start to finish, with prices : 11 lower than yesterday. Buyers, In faot, were so Indlfrerent thet it was hard work In some esses to get them to b'd on oil wethers which have Keen especlslly plen tiful this meek. When the market la breaking. a It la at the present time. It Is rather a dl'f'eu't matter to figure Jut how much lower prices are from dsy to day, but as cm- psred with a week ago It 1 safe to quote a decline of tS4j35c. Quotation on range or grass sheep and Ismbs: Good to choice lambs, I6.0f66.26: fair to good lambs. S66Ofr6.00: feeding lambs, I4.60ii6.10; good to choice light yesrllngs. 34 K?4.40: good to choice heavy yearlings, I4.0054.1: fslr to good yearling. $3.94 15; feeding yesrllngs. I3.7fsn4.i0: good to choice wethers. f3.GrVR8.90; fair to good wethers. 3860X1365; feeding wethers. t350fl3.65: good to choice ewes, H.508 3.76: fslr to good ewes. f3.2fVff3.60; feeding ewes, f J.Wigis.oo; culls and bucks. K.fOtj' Representative sales: No. ion Nebraska lambs 13 Nebrnekft ewes 10 Nebraska Iambs, culls.. 14'' western lambs, culls.. 214 Wyoming ewes, feeders 7 Wyoming ewes, culls.. 90 Wyoming ewes 4 Wyoming ewe and wether 172 Wyoming yesrllngs. wethers 44 Wyoming lsmbs. feeders.... 23 Wyoming wethers 561 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 4S0 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 249 Wyoming ewes US Wyoming wethers, feeders. 46 Wyoming wethers, feeders. 335 Wvomlng wethers snd ewes. 100 136 Wyoming wethers and ewes. 100 M Utah wethers snd ewes log 226 Utah wethers end ewes lot K8 T'tah wethers and ewes V. 41 Wyoming ewe, etills. fdr.. R7 HO Wyoming ewes, feeders 96 Wyoming, ewe, culls, fdr.. It western Ismh. buck It weetern lamb, culls, fdr... 66 western ewes, eulls. fdrs... 300 Wyoming yeerllng. feeders., tfl" Wyoming yearling, feeders lat Wyoming wethers. Mrs 73 Wyoming wethers, frtrs lot Wyoming wethers, fdr IT Wyoming wethers, fdrs...... ?! TTsh Ismha 47 Utah lsmbs. feeders Av. ..... f Ill 63) MS 87 104 ..108 . 90 . 76 . K . 8? IW 53 106 96 96 R6 76 76 46 7 fit 9t 9 ot m 62 Pr. 5 TS 8 M 4 26 6 00 t 26 2 3 3 75 8 75 t on 8 75 5 50 E 50 I 75 70 X At 9 60 II 60 X Ml 5 66 8 86 t SS t 76 1 76 t 00 4 40 1 J6 3 9 It Bt X T6 X Tt X 76 X T6 6 16 B on vsnce of I t-i IS points. Pale .er reported of 9.3.V b.. Including September at I Drvemlier at 5 5-e. May at c sn.l June ! 5v. Kivt. stoedM. Rl No. 7. 4e. fan'o No. 4, 4o. Mild. d ill. Cordova. 94,Mle. OMtllA wTltl7.r:S5JV MiflKKt, feaduloa-'atf Traee ant rtaotstloa BUT I" KM Crinrncry. No. 1 drllttied la retail trad In tlrntn,' ?3c: No. . in lb. tubs, ii 4c; N.v 1. I: 10-lb tubs. I.'c, NO. I. In 10-ib., 34 4c, No. 2. In 10. lb. tub. 21c; No. 2. In l-lb. '.iilmn. lie; No 1. In ii load lots. 2tbv; Nu i.- In car load l't. IMUIsVkc; country, (amy. tub, l'.c, eimutiau. ltc. EOO" Ffesh mndled. 15c deben. CI1EESK Finest Wi.Ct.nsln full oresra. twin, 144c; oung American, 4 In hoop, lie, favorite, t In tioou. I34C; Daisy, it In licou, 154c; vream btlcit. fuii caso, 114c, hslf care. 134.-; half iioien arlcka, ltc. No quotations on Swia nor llmtra r until after tictober. MEAT CLITS-No. I rib. !74e: Ni, I. 12c; No. 3, i4f. No. t loins, 20c; No. 3. llSe; No. 3. 94c. .No. 1 chuck, bbtc: No. t, bo; No. 3, 44c. No. 1 round. 10v; No. 3 round. i4e; No. 3 found. c. No. I plate, 34c; No. !. 44c; N.i. 3, 34c. , "'. VEGETABLES Celery. Mlohlran, per dns. 35c. Bean, new waa and atrtug. one third bu. liaaket. 11 ; navy, per bu.. No. 1. 12.70: lir.10. (4c per lb. Cabbage. 2o Dot lb. Potatoes, new. per bu.. Toma tie, per 4 bosket crate, 90e, Watermelon. IIOc. Car.taiope. California. bj.oitBfOt per crat. Auiravu. per dot., too, t u curaber. per do., 6110. Onion. Bermud. II 50 per crate; Texaa yellow, f Lib per crate. Mushrooms, , cultivated, per lb., boo. Let tuce, per doa., &C Pepper, aoathetn, fl PFRtE8i FKUlTS-ArP'e. Il78fi3,00 per bushel box. Lurrmns. f4.50it76.PL Orangea f4.ot6.00. Bananaa, tc per lb. Fluma, -baket Crate. Peaches. California, 7U4BbOa box; Texas, t-basket ertte, 664370c. Pears, 11.50 l-bkt crate. Blackberries. 4. Rasp lerrlea. 14.00 Cherrlca, i.3b Currants. f:,oft. Uooal)rrle, U.uu. SUUAR Coarse granulated. 6.50e; fin granulated. 5,70c; cub. Aevc; powdarad. t.ioo per lb. ' LlVai PO'C LTRY Hen. 4e brollere, 17c; rooater. 6c; capona, 16o; ducka, 4o; gee. 6c; turkey, 14c; pigeons, tba dosn squau", ft 00 doaen. DRESSICD " POULTRY Cquab. f2 21 docen. DRIED FRUITS-Ratslns. loose Muaetat r,jc; tancy aeeoea. 1-10. canon, luo. cur rai.ta. iincleaned. 640; e leaned. 4o; Oarton, per 10. prune. 40inwo per sack; 7 40 -er lb. Apneot. Zb-it. Boxes, c per lb. ache. California choice, 9c; fanoy box -a. 1c per lb. Pears. California. Ilo. Datev Persian, 6 4a. . Fig, layar, choice, I040. Citron, lOtjAX), Lmon peel, 13o. Orang peel. 13c FISH Halibut, ftc; trout, 14o; pickerel. 10a; plk. 13c; bullhead, gklnnad and dreaaed, ISo; whit perch, fc; white baa. 17c: black ass. 36c; crap.iles, lbc; White flan, ISc; red snapper, ltc; flounder. 1-0 ; mokrel. c; codfish, fresh froaen. 13c; (had roe, too; melts, 13c; frog leg. 46c; green sea turtle iet, 2bc; catiibD. lie. FIDES Quotation by J. $ Smith A Co.: reen salted. No. 1. 10c; No. X, re; bull Ide. No. L So; No. X 7c; horse hide. 32.50; sheep pelts. 15c to 1140; dry ielts, ! to 12c per lb.; dry flint butcher hldea, 16c; dry fallen hides, 11c; dry suited hides, 9c. Kvaporated Apples and Dried Frolts. NEW YORK, Aug. EVAPORATED APPLES Market is firm In tone, although very little business Is reported. Fancy are uoted at lOtjilieWc; choice at Mivc; prime, 64W4C; common to fair. irrWH'. DRIED FRl'ITH Prunes are firm, witn uotatlons ranging from 4c to 18c for Cal ifornia.- and from 64c to 7e for Oregon fruit. Apricots are In gohd demand for hlpment from th coast, but the spot mar et continues (inlet, with choice Quoted at 844c; tx'ra chtle, 4M0ci ftney, 104Pllc. Peaches are ateady. with choice quoted at 8HW4e: extra choice at 9jj94e; fancy at l!ul04c; extra rsncy, n4rrrno. rtaisins are uiet but firm, with loose muscatel quoted t 44tM4c: choice to fancy seeded at 6' 74c; aeedless at 6fJ4c; London layers, fl.ftO 165. CHICAGO LIVE . STOCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep Steady Hogs Ten Cents nicker. CHICAGO. Au. .CATTLE Receipts 6.000 hesd. Market, stesdy: steers, 4.75rfp 8.00: cows. M.45ra6: heifers. fS.6.00; bulls, f3.00ifr6.oo: calves, t6.00i87.50; stockere and feeders. 12.60414.50. HOGS Receipts. 17.000 hesd. Market shoot 10c higher: choice heavy shlpnlng, f 907.00: butchers. 16 9orf?7ii0: light mlxd. 16.60(64175: choice light. f6.80fl6.90; pigs. 84.50iffi 6 36; packing. f6.tOS.K5; hulk of aales, 86.600 Aft. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 17 of) head. Market, etesdvj sheen. 13 6OC4.60; lamba, f4.754J6.60; yearllnga. f4.SlMre.25. Treaanry Statement. WASHINGTON. Aug. 6.-Today'a atate ment of the treausry balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the fl60.000.0iX) gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, f'joa.009.128: gold coir., and bullion. 343.607.915; gold certificates, f35.944.130. Porrvzn financial. BERLIN, Aug. . Trading on the Bourse today wa weak and prices lower. PARIS, Aug. Trading on the Bourao today was Irregular. Dun's Report of Bank Clearings 1 Ftartaer lmprovsmaat la noted la the report of bank eJearinc, a aumber of altlot In tb Interior mow reportlsf a sutarlal Uereaae, and more than oa kuadred elrlea, all that report ta tt TJnltaa Butaa, show total exobaiige for July, aa tabulated by B. Q. Dux A Co., f fl 1,04,003,206, only ll per cent leas than for July, last year, and 3 3 per cent under the oorrespoaAtag meata of 190, when trade waa Tory active and payment prompt. Payments through th Ranks are apparently nearly back to normal, thong h atlll backward la seab tioDa, partienlarly ta tha South and Waat, at polaU where crap conditions hey not been wholly aatiafaetstry, and oa the Paeifla slop. Th Improvement ta alearly reflected in tha Mmpariaoa wtth earlier month this year, aa jhown In th atatament of average dally bank tarings, July flgnrea exceeding four of the ix preoedlnp; months, and being doe to the highest, Instead of at th low point, aa la generally tha case, as they were In 19C6 j also la 1907, with th exception ot one month. Normal condition at mldaamrner refl.t a material redaction In th volame of basin and a large reduction in the velum of payntenta through tha banka, and th atatamut of bank clearing for July suggest that trade la now more early aerxoaJ than at any time in tha preceding eight month. Th Improvement ia notable at a aomber of gatm points, among them important mannfaotnring eentsra, aueh aa New Haven aasi Mew Bedford. Maeoa, Galveston and Fort Worth report a eeaalcerabl lnereaaa eter lat year and there are a few galas la th West. Comparison la mad below ot bank exchange by sections covering three years; also average daily figure for July and th preac ding saoiath thu year: Milwaukee lirala Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. . WHEAT Firm No. 1, $1 1MM in; No. 3 St l-li lnl..-r, :r.4 bid. BARLEY Dull; No. 66c. CRN-F1rm: No. 3 ttmbcr. 7.'4c, bid. northern, fl.lHipi.i !, 70c; ample, 54 2 cash, 7lt3"V ; Sep- l.lver!ool tiraln Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug 6.-WHE AT-8pnt. firm; No. 2 re.! wriicrn winter, 7 6d; No. 1 t'ul foinia, 7 D4d; futurts. steady; flep 7 74d; Ibecember, 7 6d. CORN tSput, strong; prim mixed Amerl an. 7 4.1, future, uuWt; beplember, 5 7d. . Peoria. Market. ' PEOr.TA. Aug 6 -COHN-Lower; No. 3. 7 . ii'i grade. 7i 1 77c. OA'I S-l.oer; No J white. 494tjrj0c; No. 3 white, 4;-u4i4e; N.j. t wlille, 474043c. Bank Clearlaa. OMAHA. Aug 6 Hai k clearing for to .Inv nut f'.i I llM'; a .d f -l the cvl ltl.ui,'.ill,g datw I ..--.l )i.i Jl. 71i,l In 17. JPLT. 109, 1607. T.C ISO. P.O. Kew Bd14 a74t.948.74S R173679A 09 a747.tM9.004 07 Btlddl StWJSb.OU 1.0--J, 1K5.116 -2o 0i3..ITA71 15 eVauUi AblaaUO 917.6oA'23 10.141.774 -lil 20 4ji;l -6.9 beutbera 491.lbtl.Oe4 6AO.fHjb.121 -10.4 4.1,114.17 4- 4.1 Cnaral Waal V495.XM 246 1.674.627,044 9 5 1J94.SS7.V70 1 Vfeelera 4ue4o7.4l 425.ti20.7tM 41 iU4".fcjU 174 Pac.Oc So3.MM63 4O6.02ii.876 13 J H1J2JH6 -b S.I Total B4.44A.016.449 b ,060,4 71. 724 11.9 (4 41. 164.140 4- Naw lark City 6,ei.Oo7.7M 7 jll,7ti.4o4 -5 7,256,bV.lob A United State 1 L.OtU.OOJ. tug 1 9.362,6.1 24 - 10 iTTo75.oBO.vU It Araraji oatlr: July B4 76. 6 tfl .000 $175,471,000 -10.0 0467.017.000 0 0 use 77A6Aia) 446.1.72AK) -10.4 4711,ijO Stl.O Mar 4il!i.ul9.u.0 4:tiM'V U"0 " 110 III l,d".7.000 14 9 Apnl 74.7,26XHSJ 4s.',.7'.'4.leJl -92 8 61.1Jb4 17 4 MarvA S7l.lb3.utMj brto.H:!.-, js) iM T 4slii4.ix -9A1 FeUuary I79.73SuoO 6--ia.01I.imsi 99.11 SS7.0l4.fssj -S4.0 Juiiwry 4W6.910XSJO 677.073.tkMJ -94.S 44JS.irtl.ooa SA. In the Far Waat the Improvement is not so marked aa In prevtotts month, ptlly at points whore crop ooadltiona hava not been entirely tifctory. Kanaaa City sad Omaha report a gala aad this it also true at aom amalier centers. The Igura la detail follow i nr. MlaimtMU.... bit haul D Mute..... feme I oty iJevaosort ...... CW haflil . tiuaautf bl Jueph.....M Oiaab ....m yreuiuat ....M Llucwla ......... wici.ita 1 epeb .T. Dever Oiurwl 8p g.. P.iruw yaigu ......... tuuua yu Waebcra ........ 1SOS. 100T. TO, ISO. 70.4- 52T an6.8i6.l94 27 1 074.437 6S bS.bu4.3J6 4I74.16 S S4.U4J)'Jt llAlb,l21 1-.4 71 17 lOJUO.HO Alo-.j.: p. a. 4.007 19 Ltiijisa) 3 80.1.917 3.tto7e47 4- li t.lvu.boS 8.300.274 2 74b,bl3 4217 2.4)0446 144.447.9tM 1S04.7 J 10 4 106.1 IS tut VJ !l-'ti.4oJ H4.t"MI.(71 01 IS VtOABO 46. 1st. " 6 7H1 f II lul ili--i4.' l.oco.o-m -4-14 1 l.utMteae ,7oi),ihii 4.btr9.1o4 4.1.i7 Jo7.'...'..t I.eebJtbO 3-1 b.i'A44 .ai6 .'si i inf. iii 14 3 .11.4 S3A2. 71 0 1414 6b lo.)S4Ul ll.BSII i; I J, 1.4 St. J 8 S44e.4-33 1.U7-4...II 2-1.44 140 ' -Jbti 3174.UI..I a.ois.u;t 4 is ljv-4 t..Blj-17 o; J 4 10. lAuA.UT t4O,i07,bl 04J5.tJO.7uO 6.1 034S,1J3 rllA -tl7A St. Loala Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 6. CATTLE Receipt 600 head, Incdludlng 200 Texans. Market for natives, steady to a shade lower; for Texans. strona: native shipping and export steers, f4.3067?35; dressed beef snd butcher steers, t3.6Oru7.0O; steers under 1.000 lbs.. 13.50 46S0; stoeiters and feeder. l2.5tKg4.50; cow and heifer. t2.40ra$45; canner. fl.5Og2.O0; bull. f2. 6006.00; calves, f8.60tii6.75; Texss and Indian steers, f3.0Oig6.oO; cows and heifers, ll.E0tfi4.25. HOGS Recelpta, 7,300 head. Market Be I . . 4 X II.Ulu i AJLl-Jaafl tT. . n a w a f .tronger. and feeder, are lOfilBc higher than J 1 bu,cher.nd be.t"h..Vyr W Tsg 6.9S. SHEEP Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Aug. ,-COTPON-8pot lo.ed nulet and 10 points higher; mld- nnd uplands. 10 86c; middling gulf. 11.10c. Bales. 900 bales. GALVESTON. Tex.. Aug. . OTTTON Steady. 10 6-lOc. ST. LOUIS. Aug. . CXJTTON uteaay- middling, 104c; sales, none; shipments, 1 bsl; receipts, 1 bale; stock, 13,2l bales. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 6.-COTTON Spots quiet snd easy, with quotations un changed: middling, lrJ4o; sales, 364 bales. Futures closed steady; August, lo.soc; Bep temher. 1.78C-, October. V56C; November, 42c; December, .41c; January, 9.43c; Feb ruary, 9.45c; March, 9.47c. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. Aug. .OILS Cottonseed, eay; prime crude, sec, Did; prime yellow, 41c. Petroleum, steady: refined. New York. IS 75; Philadelphia and Baltimore, If 70; Phil. adelnhla and uaitimoie, in bulk, 19.46. Tur pentine, quiet, vk. RtlSIN Quiet: strained, common to good. f3.0033.15. SAVANNAH, Ul., AUg. 6. UlLe-TUrpen-Ine, steady: 354c. ROSIN Firm. Quote: A, B, C, f2.Sf3 2 56; D, 2.0(ft2.fiB; E, t2. 702.75! F, t3.10; O. 13 If,, H. f3.4lrfS 50; K. f4 .totj'4.Bi M, to. 16a. B.25; N, 15.75; WB, fS.25; WW, 56-25. a week ago, Quotations on cettle: Good to choice cornfed steers. P10efl7.80; fslr to good corn fed steers. t5.40fl6.00: common to fair cornfed steers, f4.25fl6.40; good to choice range steers, 14 655.25; fair to good rang steers, t4.oofi4.65: common to fair rsnge steers. 13. 4034.00; good to choice fed cows and heifers, f4.r084.75; flr -to good cow and heifer. I2.n0jj3.66; common to fair cow and heifer. f2.O(VrT3O0: good to choice (torkers and feeders, f4.2MM.76; fair to good atockera and feeder, 13. 60 4 26: common to fair Blockers nnd feeders. 33 0033.60; stock heifers. f2fXVB8.10. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ve. Av. pr No. Av. Pr. It Ifltt 4 40 1314 I St M 1105 4 50 IT 131 t 50 to urt l it U. isi t 7a XI 1X) I 55 II 1497 7 00 COWS. 1 r3 I 33 1 141 I Ot 5 t 1 Wl 4 1000 I 0 t 3 1 M I IMS I lb T l It 4 t I 36 a I w 10 (wa I H 1 Mt 1 T -I tin t in I ir4t I as 14 1031 I to 4 M7 I at 140 I an 1 91 I to 10 4t t M t til 1 IS t;OWS AND HEIFERS. 41 Ill I 30 HEIFFRS. 1 4Tt 60 t 431 t IS 1430 I n II Tea t 11 t 42 1 4 M IB g Tl I 60 It 4 I J6 1 1ST I 00 1 453 I SO BULLS. 1 03 1 30 t ISM t I ir I at 1 140 I M t loo I an i t:o i oi 1 I a l tm I be 1 143) S 00 CALVES. I 4 r l ii a ? t in ii l no i so It 227 4 Tb 1 130 I (0 I . t . II.. 10.. 6TOCKER" 4 I S43 t tb aae I 4-a w AND 10... I. .. II. .. 4 FEEDERS. f6 4 06 4 1 ma 4 t 'IV, 4 K 1 hull steers.. 1 bull 4 feeders, B cows... 3 cows... WESTERNS NEBRASKA . .1130 .ion.) .140 . goo ..1033 2 76 4 00 ! 90 8 66 2 76 8 10 t calves. n eowa. ... 4 feeders. B hull.... 3 calve. 4 cow. ?J0 fOt , 604 m 11JJ g av 3 t0 41 ( (A t 01 8 81 AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,800 hesd. Market 10315c lower; native muttons, fS.'fj446; lamba, f4.00f1.26; culls and bucks, f2.50tg3.00; atockera, f4.60ti4.75. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. . CATTLE Re ceipt, 9,000 head, Including 8,000 southerns. Market weak: choice exnort and dressed beef steer, f6.00rg7.25; fair to good. t4.0if S.75; western steers, fS.75rff6.B0; Blockers and feeders, f3.t&M).75; southern steers, f3.40ri 4 ; southern cows.; native cow, f2.25irj4.25; natlv heifer. f2.9O-5.50; bulls 12 5xii3.50: calve. f3.50fi6.00. HOGS Receipts. ll.CXl head. Market B 10c higher; top, f6.90; bulk of sales. f6.607 6 80; heavy, t6.8CKH 90; packers snd butchers, is rtrVftvl Mb llcrht 18.3fp'fi 70: nias. 14 lVu-3 50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, B.000 hesd. Msrket 10iS3oc lower: Ismbs, l4.2.- S.26; ewee and yearlings, f3.90ru4.5o; Texas yesrllngs. t4.2fir6o.00; Texss sheep, fliyrf 4.36; Blockers and feeders. ts.ui"B4-W- Market. 18. CATTLE St. Joseph Live Stock ST. JOSEPH. M0.. Aug. Receipts, 1.000 head: market slow week to 10e lower: ba-eves. 14 50a7.00: cow and heifers. t2.2f36.00; Texsns. t3.764.76 calves, 3. 0046.00; stockers and feeders, f3.0u tit 60. . HOGS Receipt,-. 11.500 head; market strong to be higher: light. f62ya6.b0; heavy f6 66680; packers. f.5.jrfl6.60; top, f.80; bulk Of sales. fti50rT.5. SHEEP A Nl LAMBS Receipts. 250 head market 10rgl5c lowerj lamba, t4fi6.?5. Bloax City Live Stock Market. SIOITC CITY. At g. 6 (Sre lal Tee ran.) CATTi.K Receipt. J) head; market 'earlv. beeve. to 5WI7.00: rows ard heifers 4.uKn5..'0; . feder ' f .Kil.25; calvee and vearPns. f 2. 71.41 3 75. HOGS Recein . 5.A head: msrket shade hlsher: range of prices, f6.257.60; bulk ot tie, lB.- ob 4). Stork In Sight. Receipt of live stock at the aix prlncl western lows : markets yesterday were as r. J O. Asplnall-Neb. 11 feeder.. IOiS 4 10 T. I Aplnall-Neb. IB feeder.. 876 4 26 J H. Monahsn-Neb. 13 feeder. .1173 4 40 t feeder 11:0 4 40 1 feeder.. 120 4 40 J. D. Klme-Neb. 52 feedera .1004 4 15 I calve... 10 ro Forbes Bro. wyo. C cow 1291 4 00 1 calf 8W 8 75 1 clf 230 X 75 teer....llbS 4 60 HOGS Th trade 3 cowa 106 40 4 calve... 237 B f. 11 heifer.. 766 4 21 4 ileer.. .1130 4 0) thia morning was In very satisfactory condition. Beceipt war moderate, while tha demand wa fully equal to th aupply, with the rult that the trade wa reasonably active, whlls prices were Be higher. Tha bulk of tha hogs sold In good season in the morning st t6 4tti6 46. as agalnat f6 UAi 10 yesterday. The best hogs sold up to 56.15 today, at against tAOU yesterday. Today'a advance, together with the strength ahown yesterday, makes up for th decline of Tuesday, leaving the mar. ket about where it waa on Monday, or a had higher than the cloa of laat week. Representative alea: Me. Av. sb. Pr. K. Av. tb. Pr. il lab M IS 44 tat ltd t S to let 110 t4 t t4 la 46 14 114 9 t 4 It kl Kl 4i Kt IM ;2Q t 40 44 " 40 t 46 bt U ... 4 bt M 10 f tb South Omaha.. Stoaix City Kitni.ii City.... Bt. Joseph St. Louis Chicago Totals .....1 Cattle. . 2.200 4-0 .. l.raO. . s.o .. tvo ,, ,' ' Hog. 8.200 6.000 11.0.1 ll.Vrt 7.) I7,Uv0 Sheep 8.360 B.frt) m 4 3"0 17.t ,21,200 60,0(0 29.910 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. . ME.TALB Th- London tin market wa higher today, with spot quoted at 136 lu and future a A 139 16. The local market wa quiet an ur changed on the average at t30.5UrnOl.oo. There wa a reaction In the Lend in copper market, soot closing at 00 15s snd futures at 61 lis td. The local market wss firm snd unchanged at Il3.3.'4tt 13 b.'U for Lake 118 26 for electrolytic and HI. u 36 for casting. Lesd was higher at 13 12 6d Ix.ndon. The local market wa firm and higher alo at M 674-04 624. Spelter wa uncharged at 11 In Londop. Th 1-x market wa I!rm at t4.7iifl4.ib. iron wa u i changed la th English market, with aland ard foundry quoted at 49a 91 and Clevelan warrant at 51 14d. No Chang wa ported locally. No. 1 foundry northern 16 bog 17. u0; No. t foundry northern. la.7b 1626; No. 1 foundry southern and No. foundry southern, soft, f 16.5orJ17.26. ST. LOUIS. Aug. t. M EiT A LB Lead Strong; S4 60. Speller, higher; 4.V -Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Aug. . XrTBIJ Market for coffee future) cluetd steady at a net ad- Wool Market. BO8TON, Aug. 6. WOOL 8ampllng continues to be the feature of the local market. Prices, however, hold steady and alight Increase in tne demand for me dium fleece I reported. Manufacturer are said to be waiting on the men'a wear situation, which ties not developed satla- factorlly as yet. Recelpta from the west continue heavy. Michigan quarter-blood and Oregon 1aple are the market leaders. ST. LOl if, mo,, Aug. . wuul r irm; rmdlum grade, rombllng ana doming. 19i20c; light fine, 16ijln4c; heavy fine, ll.fji 12c; tub waahed, tj27c. Saner and Mclaaars, NEW YORK. Aug. e.-SUGAR-R w, ateady: fair refining, 1.624c; centrifugal. 98 tst. 4.1.4c; mnlaaaea augar. 1.3243.87; refined, oulet; crushed. 6.00c; powdered. 6.40c; granulated, 5.80c. Dnlnfh Grain Market. DULUTH. Aug. .-WHEAT-No. 1 north ern, 11.18; No. 2 northern, 11.11; September, fl.04; December, fl 024- OATS To arrive, 467c; on track. 48c. FUNSTON GOES TO KANSAS Assigned to Command of Cavalry aad Infantry Lino School at Leavenworth. Brigadier General Frederick Funiton, now In command of the Department of California, has, been relieved of that com mand and ia assigned to the command nf the Cavalry and Infantry, Line achool at Fort Leavenworth. He will enter upon his new duties Anguat- IB. -.-.. Lieutenant Ce-lonel Frank '-' Eastman, chief purchasing commissary of the De partment of th Lake, haa been appointed to Succeed Capxaln Theodore B Hacker as chief purchasing commissary of ' tha De partment of the Missouri,' with, headquar ters In Omaha;' Captain Harksr ta to b transferred chief purchasing commis sary at Kansas City, ' Mo.' The new ar rngement will go Into effect October 1. T. P.Mahoney, clerk In the of flee, of the chief qurtermaler, , Department of tha MIourl,'goe to Camp Emmet Crawford. Wyo., for temporary duty mlth Major D. E. McCarthy, chief quartermaater of th provisions! dit-lslon operating from that camp. Three carload of potatoes hv bee) hiiped; from Omaha Camp EmmeJ Crawford, Wyo. Several car of mlicellaT tieoua corrmlssary supplies have also been shipped to the .same point from this city by Chief Purchasing Commissary Captgln T. B. Ha.kef for the use of the troop t In the field there. ; Advertise In Th Be; It go Into thf bomta of th beet peopl. UP-TO-DATE REPORTS Containing late authentic inforiiMttlon on ' Trethevey FREE ; : Copper, Curb aad Mining Outlook Vi Trinity Place, New York . Btunpl Coniam Txm 11.00 per yajr St 3ragg Cover Touopah. Goldfleld. Ely, Butte, Cobalt, Yarlngtoa. Tlntlc, blnghatu. Park City, Sbeavar County and Rawhide) tor, 16th and Uarney Sla,