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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1908)
V THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: IT? I DAY, AUGUST 7, IMS. ( T, ie BRIEF CTTY NEWS ataes Bet Trljft n. Badolph F. InMt, rsbU-lMOiMiil TTaotnae w. Black burs frf ongra.' adv. Bowmaa, 111 J II, Douglas ehoe. It it Fa Beurke for Quality clgare. Ill S. ISth. Blaeasrt. t hotographer. llth A Fernam. fames C, Klaslsr for roucty ett'jr. Adv. Jo ha X Fierce for rtata auditor. (Adv.) XXmgUs BriatUg Oo 114 8- llth. Tat 144.- , Baaltabl life Follclea. tight draft at maturity. U. 1). Neely, manager, Omaha. S. W. Blsaeral liaa removed hi law of fices ta rooms 12X and 221 Flrat Mstional Bank building. Bargeas-Crraaola Cs, till Howard St Ou, electric f let urea, elect rlO wiring and repairs. Residence electrle fana. Ill II. wit for toefametloa Mra. Mary A. Kru-ger,- wlfa o Fred Kruger of Omaha haa filed a aulf In the district court against Charles raul for tVWO,. alleging defamation and dander. VsTsraska V A. M. Train to Toltd The Nebraska headquartera' train of the Grand Army of the Republic for the an Dual encampment at Toledo will leave Omaha at p. m. August X over the North western. " Bartender Baas for Wages Fred C. Car ter, a bartender, hai filed a milt for 1149.76, which he clalma aa Waff el due' him In the service of J&mea Barlow. Of the 111 week which he wa promised ha received only M week, he say. Xald ob Menslanghter Charge L.. A. Peterson, the saloonkeeper who atrurk John A. Hlbbard several blow Saturday night. July 25, from the result of which the latter died the following morning, waa arraigned In police court Ttiuraday morning on the Charge of manslaughter and bla caae waa et for hearing on August 13. He waa re leased on a 12,500 bond. Teachera Ask X.ava of Absence Mlsa Jennie Pyrtla, teacher in the- Lothrop School, aad Mia Eva Hamilton, teacher In the Lake, school, have each asked for a leava of absence for one year. Miaa Pyrtl will take a year's postgraduate course In the State- anlwarsity In Llnonln and Mlsa Hamilton will study In the Blate Normal school of California. Mlsa Hamilton la pending her- vacation In California. Tearing Down Cambridge Bookery The work of rasing the qld Cambridge hotel. Thirteenth street and Capitol avenue, waa begun Thursday morning. City' Building Inspector' Wlthnell putting six men on the Job. The dilapidated building la being torn down by the city following Ha condemna tion by the council aeveral weeks ago. One hundred and twenty old buildings have been condemned by the council this year and over half of them hare been torn down. ; Another Way to ' Oct Bioh Another amocrth grafter, answering to the name of O. B. Bills, la being eagerly sought (or by the police on the charge of defrauding a Mra. Albert Primaux, 1714 Clark atreet, of $3. Ellla claimed to Mra. Primaux that he waa an agent of the Be'ckman Piano com pany of Dee Moines, la., and stated that he waa In possession pf a piano upon which another customer had mado a few pay-m.-nts, and rather than ahlp the piano back to the factory he would sell It ''girt cheap." Mra. Primaux made a parent of 13 to Ellla and he waa to deliver the piano Wednesday morning, but the Instrument did not put In an appearance. Changes in Bella vua faculty Dr. Charles Khnball White, who left Bellevue Col.oge a 'year ago, will return In Septem ber to reaume charge of the department of English , language and literature. Mra. Delta Dterenber of the department of Latin language and literature haa resigned and Alonso McDaniel, formerly of the depart ment of chemistry and physics, who was away on a leave of absence, has resigned. The filling of these .vacancies, will be In the hands of the rjw executive oommlttes. Blackbird . Ues to lonx rails Tony Blackbird, the half breed Sioux Indian, who is charged with stealing a pair of horses, which he claims la" hla own roperty, waa . taken to Sioux Folia Wednesday night by Deputy United States Marshal Procter.' The complaint alleges that he took the horses from the Brule agepcy In South Dakota and came with them to a ranch near Gor don, Neb., where he was finally arreated. Judge T. C. Munger ordered hla tranafer to South Dakota, the alleged offense being Cfmtnitteed In that federal district. Mother aTaaAa Off Bnaeways A letter arrived at the office of the county judge Thursday morning - from some forlorn mother in North Topeka, Kan., warning the marriage clerk agalnat her boy who Insists upon getting married In aplte of parental disapproval. As the boy, Charles Bchwarti. Is only 17 yeara of age, and the girl, Florence Coffee, is only 15 years of age, Mra Schwarts expects the authorities to refuse to Issue the license. If the run away couple appear 'at the court house they will probably be disappointed In their matrimonial plans. ' tree Walkers J amp Bonds Another crusade has been started by the police agalnat certain women, who ply their voca tion on the trtreet after the sun has set, and who are known In police parlance as "street walkers, " and Wednesday night about twenty of these women were ar rested, many of whom secured bonds and forfeited the same by failure to appear In police court Thursday morning. Those who were unable to secure bonds and answered to the charges against them In police court, were each given a fine or a Jail sentence by Judge Crawford. . Three afoata's onsysaoom aad Sire roe -Married three months ago and deserted by her husband after alx weeks, and other more serious chargwe. la the story which is alleged In a petition (or divorce fllei Edward Cackley by hla wlfa. Daisy M. Cackley. Ill the papera deposited with the circuit court Thursday morning by her attor ey, 8. A. Searle. Mra Cackley declares that sha waa Mlas" Daisy Robins- of Pekln. 111., and that' Cackley and aha were married In Peoria, May 10, 1901. Before marriage, she says, he promised her that because of his wealth, which he aatd amounted to JlS.Ouu, she aheuld never have to work. She aaka for 1300 a month temporary alimony, and baa Toeea granud a restraining order which preventa Mr. Cackley from Interfering with her m any way and, from disposing with hla property so that she will have no Claim to It. She also aaka for 11.000 attorney's fees. Tas hearing of tbe case has been aet ay Judge Kennedy for August IS. r - ;.,-.r a Do jrou toll your rood became of their quality, or because) they rare cheep?. If you depend on the quality, do matter how 1 aineerO your aaiertkna of quality may be, the Uck of it ia your printed matter will weaken your claim. A.tsVses. mim AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Last Jail Delirery Comet in Old City Priion. JAMES ALEXANDER PERFORMS IT J. A. Morgan, Csjarrea with Her Stealing at rapllllen. Arrested at Seat , Omane Geese Casus Tree ale. James Alexsnder. who was arrested Mon day night charged with breaking Into a box car on the Rock Island tracks of South Omnha, broke out of Jail Wednesday morn ing by spreading some of the bare over the west window of the north cellroom of the old quarters. He will probably be the Wat of many, who have succeeded in getting out of the Pouth Omnha Jail; for tha prisoners will be In the new cells hereafter. The escape was made about I a. m. Wednesday. He had to pass through an area way and past the open door of the Jail office to get out, but he did this with out being detected. Hla escape waa dis covered toon and word was aent to Omaha. The Omaha officers picked him tip on the description of a negro, with a green cordu roy shirt, a big hat and a squint of the eye. -. . , He and his partner, Robert Riley, were given a preliminary hearing yesterday aft ernoon on .hla recapture and return. .Each one testified under oath that It waa tha other who had broken the seal of the car, and teach testified that the other had boosted him Into the car. In a vain hops of getting the better of the decisions of the court. Judge Callahan bound both over to the district court. It Is likely that they will plead guilty before the superior court, as they did In the preliminary hear ing on cross examination. Caaes of carbreaklng have been of almost dally occurrence during the last few months. This car waa loaded with wheat. Morgan Placed l ader Arrest. If. developed Wedneaday that J. A. Mor gan, who waa arreated on suspicion. Tues day afternoon, was wanted In Papllllon on a charge of horse stealing. It la aaid ha came to Papllllon from Richfield and hired a horse from Thomas Dooley, the city marshal. He brought the animal to South Omaha, where he tried to sell him at a ridiculously low figure to Tanner V Laugh tin. The firm became suspicious and called the police, when Morgan had made a- sec ond offer tc eell the horse for 130. Chief of Police John Brlggs mad tha arrest and notified the Papllllon authorities. Tbe sheriff of Sarpy county arrived In South Omaha Wednesday afternoon and took Morgan to Papllllon. Geese Caaae Big Itasissi. Judge Caldwell occasionally strikes an In cident in hla practice as justice of the peace which keepa the officers about Twenty fourth and N atreeta In a smile. The last waa a gooae race of International spirit. If not fact, which resulted In retaliations be tween th i owners of .the geese until seven warranta have vbeen laaued, with fifteen subpoenas haling) the principals and their friends to .appear, before the Judge Friday, August 7, to answer various charges of disturbing the peace, cruelty to animals (birds In, this case) and the malicious de struction of property. Mrs. Porkoskl and Mrs. Julia DeMorey, the first Polish and ths latter French, each have small flocks of geese. They live In the vicinity of Forty-eighth and L streets. Ths duck pond on which the race was matched lies near Fiftieth and L. atreets. RoumarHa Porkoakl made -A bet with the DeMorey boy that his gooae could awim from one end of the pond to the other. In the qukest time. The pond La narrow and the bays, armed with a pole, ateered the geeae over the course. PorkoskJ'a gooae appeared to have gone stale, and In urging It faster by means of the pole he hit it a blow on the head which killed It. Later he told of the merits of the goose race to his mother snd told how the DeMoreys were bragging over the swiftnesa of their gooae. Hla mother took, aa Is charged jn the com plaint, the same pole and attacked De- Morey's goose and In the killed It. same manner This was the beginning of a feud, and bad blood has existed for over a week In that neighborhood. Wltneasea to the race and to the aubaequent ancounterl have arisen by the acore. Blowa and harah wonls have been exchanged be tween the Polea and the French. Aa la their custom, the neighborhood will taks a holiday next Friday and, dressed In tbe beat and moat modish costumea of their native lands, they will all go to court to see justice done. Judge Caldwell said he would decide everything but which goose waa the winner, stating that. With this point left open aa a piece of strategy, ha expected to have practice enough to keep him through the winter.. Lyric Theater Fine. Continuous show, 7 to 11 p. m. Vaudeville every night this week. Illustrated songs. Beginning today, ws will use Swanaon's picture reela only. If you enjoy good pic tures, do not fall to see both performances. Changes Sunday and Thursday. Magle City GeaalcJ. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to sny part of the city. Telephone No. a, ine Eagle drill team la vanmhg to give a dance Inuraday evening at Eagle hall. The city council Inspected the city jail yesterdayprellmlnary to Us acceptance. ' Miaa Mattte Orime la the guest of Mr. and Mra Ed Buraon. Mlse Grime is from Chicago. . For quick returna list your real eatats with A. L. Bergqulst Son. Let ua rent your house. , Chief John Brlgga la aufferlng again from an attack ot lumbago and la haidly able to be out. Rev. Karl Hlller left Wedneaday night for Lincoln, where he expects to remain the balance of the week. Swift and Company la arranging for tho annual picnic, which la to be naid his year at Bennington, September 7. Henry 8. Noland and Miaa Eva Stowell, daughter of Daniel Stowell of Albright were married by Rev. Karl Hlller Tueaday evening. They will make their home in Omaha. The Pork Butchers' union of South Omaha la planning to have Ita annual dance at Barton ball on Labor day. The Board of Fire and Police Commis sioners will hold their regular monthly meeting this evening. August a. Heyman ft Berry, sellers of "Quality meals, 24th ajvd E. telephene fcO; 14th and A. telephone 117. The Women's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church held special aervlcea Wednesday night. A. H. Murdock gave an Interesting talk on the development of the lev; Philippine Islands. The Pioneer quartet rendered two selections. Mra M. Carl Smith presided. James Peters, a bov living i Thirty ninth and L atreeta, while climbing a tree after squabs, fell and broke hla left arm. The Willing Worker of the Christian church will condurt a heme bakerv sale at Paul Hennl s meat market Saturday aft ernoon. From ten dollar up loaned on chattel se rurlty. Reasonable rates Call and ffet Our terms. Fidelity Chattel lxan Co., e4 North Twenty-fourth PL The Sunday school of the Baptist church will have lis annual picnic at Htnnom park Friday. The apeoal car will leave Twenty-fourth and II at 1 p. m. The republicans of South Omaha have secured rooms for their campaign head quarters over the D. 8. Clark drug atore at Twenty-fifth and N streets. The following births have been reported: Joe Duffy, Fortieth snd 14, a boy; Frank Frederich, F.leventh and streets, a girl; Jamea Vondra, 2119 W street, a girl. SIXTH WARDERS AT MEETING Candidates for Office Agdreae Mem bers of Repskllraa Club. In spile of sweltering hent shout fifty of the faithful gathered at wenty-fourth snd Burdette Wednesday nljht for the meeting of the Sixth ward republican cluh. Candidate M. Logasa made two speeches, one to get warmed up and One to get cooled off, but he kept clear of the mar riage queatlon, refusing to divulge to the esger voters the contents of the compul sory marriage bill which he la going to introduce when he geta to the atate house. Other candidates who hankred for of fice and were willing to waste a collar or two In an effort t make an appearance before the voters were C. L. Saundera and Thomas Blackburn, for congress; James C. Kinseler and Tom Holllster for county at torney; Charles Hansen, for the School board; F. 8. Tucker, C. K. Flelde. J. N. Drake and M. Lgasa for the state legis lature. H. V. Plummer, also a candidate for the legislature, waa reprcaented by G. W. Hlb- blcr, who voiced the assurance of the negro voters that if their candidate la given a chance to represent them In the house they will be more thn ever the strongest supporters ot Tsft In the fall. Willis C. Crosby, who wants the nomina tion for coroner, spoke briefly and H. F. Ostrom, president of the club, urged ths members to maintain the reputation al ready established by the Sixth warders of being ons of the beet republican wards of the city. Next Wednesday night three of the re publican aspirants for congress will be present. It was also decided to arrange for a quartet of colored men, who will entertain the members at alt future meet ings. About twenty republicans of the Twelfth wsrd met at the home of C. A. Saunders, 1128 Wirt street, to prefect the organisa tion of the Twelfth ward club and arrange for further activity. It was decided that a meeting wilt be held at some hall late during Jhe week and the republicans of the north end are asked to attend it. FOR CITY CHARTER REVISION Committee Goes Over Doeeaaent sal Notes geetloaa that Will Need Chaaglag. The Omaha city charter was taken up section by section Wedneaday night at the regular meeting of the charter revision committee, which was held In tho city hall. A score of the delegates from the various organisations were on hand and after some preliminary skirmishing the regular work waa taken tip. Application for admission to membership on the charter revision oommlttee was made by the Fontanelle club. The credential committee reported that the club be not admitted, on the ground that It waa a political organisation. The report of the credential committee was sustained by vote of ths meeting. City Attorney Burnam was called upon for his report on the ways and means of brlnrlna about local self-government. Mr. Burnam reported that he had not had tAa time to Investigate the question aa fully as he wished, but from the Investigation he had made he was of the opinion that the only way to bring about full and complete local self-government waa by an amend ment to tha state constitution. The evening was spent In reading the charter section by section by title and any member desiring a aectlon changed would simply ask that the section would be noted and marked aubject to amendment. The merits of the changes were not dlscusaed nor the proposed change auggeated. The proposed changes for each section are to be submitted In typewritten form at future meetings. Msny changes will necessarily be made In the charter because of the con solidation of some of the county and city offices. OM AVIANS LAND IN FIRE RATH M. J. Oreevy and Others Have Vat nable Tlaaber In British Colansbla Eadaagrrti Tar Flaaaes. Three hundred and fifty acres ot the finest timber land lying directly In tbe path of the British Columbia forest fires Is ths property of the Lemon Gold Mlnlnf com pany of which M. I. Oreevy of Omaha Is the president. Mr. Qreevy received a tele gram Monday from hla brother, George K. Oreevy, who la at the Lemon company's plant at Camp Omaha, British Columbia, aayinc that the fire waa forty miles awsy and traveling westward at the rate of about ten rnllea per day. At Camp Omaha and Camp McKlnney tha company haa a aurface plant valued at 132,000, besides Its lumber holdings and the mines under ground. The surface property, upon whloh there Is no insurance, will probably be entirely de stroyed If tne raging fire does not change Its course In a few hours. 1 "Five years sgo," said Mr. Oreevy Wedneaday, "we had a similar fire and It got within five miles of our plant. By that time the lrXenae heat of the flames had generated such an upward current of air that there waa a thunderstorm, which swept tha flames off In another direction. We are two miles from a railroad and seveo miles from the nearest station, which la at Bridesvllle, B. C. My brother will probably wire mt from there tonight aa to the prog reaa of the fire. Bridesvllle la on the Van couver a Eaatern braixh of the Qreat Northern system. Mt. Clemens, the MrnevaS Bath City, la reached without change of cars only by the Grand Trunk Railway System. Time tables snd a beautiful descriptive pamphlet will be mailed free on applica tion to Geo. W. Vaux. A. Q. P. T. A., U6 Adams St., Chicago. LMk. Baa. Many an article yol have which needs re pairing and replallng. Kemper, Hemphill A Buckingham. Owners Omaha Sliver Co., Inc. C4 So. 13th St. All kiods plating. Balldlaa; remits. Asel 8-astedt. Twenty-fifth and Seward streets, frame dwelling. $:'. O; Will Peter son. Twenty-ninth and Msnderaon atreeta, frame dwelling. H.0, V. O. Mora. Thirty third and Martha atreeta, frame dwelling, ti juu; U. 3. grannell, ST1 Fowler avenue, repairs to dwelling. $: James Oldfleld, flit Fowler avenue, reia rs to dwelllvg. KCS; J. y. Jai-ksnn. Franklin street, frame dwelling. trauO; John tfullivsn. ca Harney street. U.Sio; C F. Wlberg. 17a Boulh Tenth Street, repairs to dwelling, Vxrt; Dr. A. F. Jonas, Thirty-first avenue and Dudxe treat, brick dwelling. pw.ewX CREAL SALES AT BRAXDEIS Big-stiit Bargain Event! of the Entire Year Take Place Saturday. KEN'S fl8 A1TO 25 SUTT3 AX $7.50 l heir e ( A sir Man's tatrt In the Mea-e at 1.15 Women's New SI 1T.SU Skirts at 8.04 flS-SO Skirts t S14.IM Any Pair Women's Oxfords In Stock at Sa.5 Fine s)10 Millinery for $ a. SO. JEWELRT SALE. F.TC. Saturday will be one of the most extraor dinary bargain days In Brandels' hlatory. Wonderful special sales have been prepared and up to date apparel will be sold at big ger reductions than ever before. 118 AND $3 MUM'S SUITS AT 17.50. We bought from a bankrupt New Tork maker all hla men's navy blue aerge suits. fancy mixtures, browns snd greys, etc. all perfectly tailored hlch-grade suits for present or later wear genuine $16. $18 and $20 values, at r 9. " Your unrestricted choice of any man's ahlrt In our entire stock at $116. These shirts are worth up to S3.G0. GIGANTIC SALE OF WOMEN'S SKIHTS. Hundreds of tiew aample skirts from two New Tork manufacturer, many are new- est fall models, worth up to $17.50, at fj.W; $1150 skirts at $1 98., Women's ti white and colored wash skirts at 69c. Any woman's oxford In our entire stock at 115. Special sale of $3.50 and $10 millinery at $S.50. A big special sale ot jewelry. Great sale of brushes at 9c All on sale Saturday. J. L. BRANDEIS, BON3. BELLEVUE COLLEGE BOARD Trnateea Are Elected by the Sur vivors Originally Named T wen- -ty-Foar Yeara Asro. The surviving members of the original board of trusteea, elected In 1884, who were within distance and still active in the affairs of the Institution, met yesterday st the college and elected a complete board for one, two and three years. These are the surviving members of tha original board: H. T. Clarke, Omaha. J. 8. BettS, Bellevue. Rev. J. T. Falrd. Plattsmouth. Rev. D. S. Schaff.- Allegheny, Pa. W. C. McLean. Omaha. Rev. R. W. Cleland. Loa Angeles. J. P. Kernehan. Delta. Colo. Arch Wright, Bellevue. Rev. Enoch Benson. Brooklyn, la. ' S. P. Davidson, Tekamah. Rev. W. J. Harsha, Kremmllng, Colo. Of theae the the following have since moved from this field Dr. Schaff, who was pastor at Hastings when elected; Rev. Mr. Cleland, then of Council Bluffs; Mr. Kernehan pf Grand Island; Dr. Harsha. Inaamuch as the new college law pro scribes that not more than seven trustees shall'be of the Omaha presbytery. Instead Of twenty, as before, It was necessary yesterday to drop aome of the old mem ten. The full" board, b now constituted by the election of yesterday is: One-year term: Rev. W. S. Fulton Rev. E. H. Jenks, D, D.; Rev. T. K. Hunter, D. D.; Dr. W. 8. Glbbs, Omaha: S Giadhlll, Fort Crook; Rev. Robert L., Wheeler, D. D., South Omaha. Two years; C. M. Wllhelm, H. D. Maxwell. Omaha;. C. L. Stauffer, G. S. Burtch, Bellevue; Rev. Enoch Ben son, Brooklyn,. Ia.; 8.. P, Davidson, Te kamah; Rev. J, T-, JPf Ird, Plattsmouth. Three yegrs: Rev.. R. Qraden. Belle vue; Rev. W..H. .Keafpaj Beatrice; Rev. J. H. Bala bury, Plattaraouth; J. B. Haskell,- Omaha; Rev. M- C. McClure, Council Bluffsi Frank .M. Hall, Lincoln; J. A. Cotton, Bellevue. The trustees will meet August is at f a. m. In the Toung Men'a Christian asso ciation building of Omaha to elect an executive committee, ,No other business was transacted yesterday. SUIT FOR DAMAGE OF GRAIN Nye-Sehneldev Wants Greet Western to Shell Ont Six Thonsand Dollars. A hearing In the matter of the Nye-Bchnelder-Fowler Grain company of Omaha agalnat the Chicago Great Western Rat. way company for about $5,800 damages In a grain storing transaction Is being heard before Special Master A. R. Moore In the United States court room Wedneaday. The Nye-Schnelder-Fowler company of Fremont alleges that during the year 1107 It shipped 104,099 bushels of No. 1 hard win ter wheat from Fremont to Omaha and had the aame temporarily stored in two of the big grain tanks of the Independent Elevator company until the elevator of the Nye-Schnelder-Fowler company could be made ready for the reception of grain, and that when the grain waa taken from the Independent elevators, owned and controlled by ths Chicago Great Western Railway company for tranafer to Its own elevators that he Quantity wss 804 bushels short, that a large quantity of the grain waa badly damaged, being bin-burned, moldy and caked, and that the aggregate damage thua sustained was 15,756. &3, for which amount damages are asked. The claim was sold by the Nye-Schnelder-Fowler company of Fremont to the Nye-Schnelder-Fowler Grain company of Omaha. The evidence In the caae showed that one of the grain tanks of the Independent Ele vator company was In a damaged condition and had been patched with burlap snd oil makeshifts. The hearing occupied most of ths day and the evidence will be submitted by the special master to the recelvera of theaGreat Western for Ita consideration and aotlon. WOMAN IS KILLED BY FALL Mrs. Catherlaa Corcoran Dies at Hos pital After Being Hart. - Mrs. Catherine Corcoran, wife of Michael Corcoran of ScC Q street. South Omaha, fell backwards Into a cellar way Wedneaday night and sustained injuries from which she died at the St. Joseph's hospital shortly after o'clock Thursday momlrg. Tha accident happened at the home of Bernard Hughes, Forty-fourth street and the Sarpy county line, where Mrs. Corcoran had gone In connection with the death of Mrs. Bridget Hughes. When ready to leave the house she fell through a cellar door In some way lnatead of going through the outer door, which waa next to the one leading to tha cellar. The Injured woman waa removed to SL Joseph's hospital In Omaha and attended by Dr. C. C. Allison, who wss at ths hos pital at the time. It waa discovered that Mrs. Corcoran had received a bad frac ture it the base of tha skull, a broken collarbone and other injuriea about the head and body. 6be had four grown children llvtr.g in South OtnaJta. Veatdly r riant possesses sufferers from lung trouble till they learn Dr. King's Kew Discovery will help them. 60o and U.OO. Beaton Drug Co. Hrsss l s. Kemper, Hemphill at Bucklngham. Aanythlng of metal made "Oood aa New." Owners, Omaha Silver Co, tit Bo. Uth BU The Wayne Normal Pome Of ths strong featurea of tho school to those seeking an education, are: A strong teaching force; a heaitn ful location; thorough and practical courses; moderate charges; wnolesome, moral Influence; splendid buildings and equipment; students may enter at any time; no entranee e laminations are required; students may take Just tne atudles they wish; graduates receive state certificates; students are assisted to good positions; superior boarding facilities; good libraries and laboratories; model school the entire year: excellent free lecture courses; graduates ad mitted to sophomore class of the state university without examination, an agricultural course the full year of 48 weeks; a winter term of agriculture or 12 weeka; a thorough course In manual training; review claefea in . ail branches each term; each department has Its special teachers and complete equipment. No achool enjoys a better reputation. Method classes each term. Normal trained students are always in Hem&nd The achool owna and occupies two large recitation hJlldlnge; rive oormi. torles; central hot water heating plant; dining room with seating "pailiy of BOO; libraries; laboratories; gymnasium; museum; atliletlc grounds, siock barns and various other equlpmenta which go to make thla achool the most complete of Its kind In the west . ,-..,.. All buildings have electric lights. Departments: Preparatory teacher s state certificate, scientific teachers, primary, review, agriculture .I"""" training, music, elocution, buslnee. vV( culture, fhort hn d anHJj writing drawing and penmanship Our catalogue and clrculara will interes you. A postal to me presmem ... in the school room. This accounts for the fact that just 80 of the students who have entered our school in July came to us from other Business Colleges. For information call, phone or write. MOSHER-LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Streets j J V - ' 1 '-" - "T 1 - - -in. i.r--T i i i.ainw .r.--.. m ' "' saassBsssaBasasssBBBSsssaBBsaaasBSBBBasBSSssBSBSssBBBB NINETEENTH AND FARNAM STREETS, Tbe leading business men of Omaha, over their signatures, have Indorsed this school; also hundreds of ex-students In our new CATALOGUE. A copy of It will Interest you; nothing like it ever published. Our TELEGKAl'U FOLDER will interest you. Both are free. Write at once. Address: ROimiiOUGU BROS.. Omaha. Nebraska. Zr&erfy Ladies Collegi 14 wiles from Ksnass Cltr. BeantKul SeUne. Art. Kacultr twolsllr train In I Sun I ProJ 11. ri Europe. AMERICAN MOZART CONSERVATORY ProfMaora. (radtuue with kiihwt honors of Ik Horl ConMrratoM at Bcrlla. Llp.t. Load, aa th snrtbodi of taa CuemMile. A Siyl H Cibinet Orand Modl Iminoi ris ITIU IB Mar WUnl Cootsst. Addnm Pmldtnt C M WILLIAMS. Libert?. Mo Wentworth Oldest and largest In the Middle (Vest Prepares for Unlv.rsu tlea Government Academlea or for Life. Active U. 8 Offloer at.5d !,,t "A". Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry orllia 'a. dividual Instruction for Lackward boya. Manual Training. Umo. arate department for amall boya Illustrated catalogue free. Address Secretary, Bos A. Lexington. Mo. THE LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE EITlBUgXED 18S4.1 ' LINCOLN, WESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY . iLr Aiion, Illinois Ideal location, near St Louis. Six modern buildings.. TUeproof Barracks. Larae arm hall, with gymnasium, bowling alleys and shooting gallery. Exceptionally strong faculty. Army detalL Tuition 140. Capacity 1.0. Waiting li.t la.t year, lmmeaatj application advisable, for boys of good characer above th sixth grade COI AXOMMT M. JACXgOB, A. ML, aperistendeat.' THE more careful you aro about what your boy learns and how he learns it, the more you will appreci ate our little book "The right school for your boy." We send it and our cata logue on request. Racine College Grammar School Racine, Wisconsin. a Kltaksill Ball American Conservatory rMc' 146. All knicUi W Mailt ' Dramatic Alt. aevaolr auncsl InMracttrs. L'RHrpMM I staSr. Taacaata' Training, sialic ScSaol Malic Vmrtsl4 fr jtdummimtis. Diataaaaa, Carntcalet. Tarau ao4craic. Taut lie acannl acini. siaSia ewai aa uiaaiaS snails 4 limn aaaanc. kVaauttc csartaMat saner eirccttaa el Sari CcsMay Tana Safin Tanitaar, !. U. 1W&. Cataloc. It., JOHN J. HATTSTAEDT. Preaideat. AND olios' os Wayjie Normal, which commend tne '"V'ii roB, Presiaea, Wayme, MSB. The Nebraska Military, Lincoln, Neb. A first class, high grade military boarding school for boys and ycaing men. Ideal location. ouUld? the city yet close enough to derive all city benefits; large, well equipped buildings, forty acres of campus, drill, parade and athletic grounds. Strong faculty: the best academic, military, busi ness and industrial training. Preparation for col lege, university or business. A clean and Inspiring school home. Careful attention g!ven to the health, habits and home life of the boys. Non-sectarian, but strongly religious. Special department for boys un der 12 years ot cge. THE NEBRASKA MILITARa ACADEMY, School will open September 1, 1908. For In formation address, or B. D. Hayward, Superintendent, Box 153. . Lincoln, Nebraska. is Did you ever tlninlc that any school can easily have "ex pert teachers" on paper! TheMosher Lampman Business College has them The direct route A atralght line Is the shortest distance between two polnta Why not taech your fingers TKI SimxOT KOVT7 The complete keyboard. Hmlth Pre mier, ts the WOaVLSg BZST TT1PE-WBITEB. Free employment barean Stenographers are furnished to bualness men without charge to school, stens" grnuher or employer. Write for particulars. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. x. o. rx.owKAjr, xgr. Omaha, Ms a. ana healthful location. Mlshert trad la Lattwt Indlu Collects nnd l'nlv.ri. of America and NEBHAsJKA. LEARN AUCTIONEERING Ana matte from 110 to fat per day. We you aaououcnjif in lour woekr time so that you cau step at once luto one of the best paying occupations in the la'id. and that without capital. We only require one-half of tuition down, the olner alter you have become a aucoeasful auctioneer. laO! Illustrated catalogue now ready. Beat Term Aug. S. Actual practice given. Miaautrxi ACCTioat bcxooi V. B. Carpenter. Vree, of Treatoa. Mo. HASTINGS COLLEGE BA1TIMOS, BXB. "Bear? Student aa Advertiser.' College Courses, Academy Courses, Teucners' Courses, New Conservatory of Music. Ideal location, New Science building, moderate expenaea. Write for hamAsoms catalog-as aad Illustrated soaveair. A. B. TUUtt, LL. D. VHBBlrjBaTT. renarlvaxlsj, Meroeraswrg. Mereercborg Academy ler Boys College VMTareor7 Coarses Personal Interest taken, with aim to Inspire In puplla lofty Ideals of scliulaxalilp, sound judgment and Christian wanltneaa. r'or catalogue address, William Kaaa Zrrlae, m. S, TFree. NOT A KINDER GARTENSYSTEM MUSIC MAbK &ASY The Ella Ellis Illustrated Music. Courses SAVE DRtTKiERY AND TIME. the ParrnU Investigate the Effa Ellis ' Illustrated Music Course before Ptavtlng your child ia music Child mn's classes are forming." EFFA ELMS IM.l'STRATED Ml'SIC SCHOOL 203-4-6 Old nrandtts Building, ' Omaha, Neb. BROWNELL HALL Under the combined Influence of serious work, kindly eourtesy, and youthful merry making the students ot this boarding and Day achool for young women and girl grow Into a . happy appreciation of the beauty and dignity of wholesome, aoclal re latlonships. Students - holding certificates ooverlng the full entrance reu.lrementa ot a standard state university are admitted without examination to Junior year of col legiate course. Certificate In college-pre- f juratory course admits to Vassar, Weliea ey, Smith, Mount Holyoke, t'nlverslly of Nebraska, University of Wlanonsln and University of Chicago. Exceptional advan taxes In music, art and domestic science. Well equipped gymnaalum, and out-door sports. Students mothered sympathetically. For Illustrated Tear-Book address Mlsa Mscrse, principal, Omaha. ,1, FALL TERM BEGIN S THIS aOBOOIi S)TAJrDs) TOM QUAXITT Buslnesa, normal, Preparatory Coarsen. A pleasant college town. Living expeim. j low. Places to work for room and board. Graduates assisted to excellent position If Interested, send for our handsome free catalogue, the finest ever published by any sohiol. wxsTEmar iowa ooluob, Council Bluffs, la. i. Consider your future The efficiency of an army is to the extent of its training. . Tour own efficiency and salary will be regulated by the extent and thorough nesM of your training. This school has never had a failure. Invetlgae for yoarsslf. Puryear's Commercial School KM Wsst Broadway. Council Bluffs, Xa, Write for Information. ' Where they hulld manly boys Send your hoy to a achool where tliey da more tnau give thorough Instruction. Our achool does this, but- it does a great deal more. Military training and exercise will give him a physique "which will avail hlra all his life. The Kearney Military Academy Is a school which gives thorough Instruc tion and military training and maintains a discipline, which, together, will give your boy the training lie needs to make him a well educated, well trained, manly young fellow. If thla la your Idea of the education and training you wish your boy to receive, write me for full particulars. Address, Merry v. Busssll, Bsad Blaster, jtaat y, Beb . v The Omaha School Supply Co. Publishers, Manaf aotorers and Jobbers. - Omaha, Bsbraska. School Furniture, School Desks, School Papers, Church Pews, Auditorium Seating. . - Write or Phone Us. 1621 HOWARD STREET Telephone Douglas 19X1. Lascll Seminary For Yofxacj Women. Aobatrstdala, Mass, Aa unusual school. Combines tliorourh Instrue. tlun in uaiinl Btuuieawith uiuqu rtonieaiie Inaliilnt thai fits fur Uvea of cultured uaefuliieas sad unm hnppiueaM. Kpnrial opportunities In Houaehuld Kmnmuir. Muilc, Art, etc. lxlltiitftil siitmrtn lucntlon. tn mite fruru Dielon. ( auuogueaiid full lu'orninilnii on application. Addrea LASfcL-I,fcMI."AU Y, Aakarasml, .Ha 1200 Students Last Year Owns and occupie sn-l tire builenif. - pmcia Trsiniof School U. P ft H. TcWfraph Dept. . - - - ki rotuions sacurea. writs! OMAHA. MtBRattCA eciTtaim, stsnihfT t' OMAHA STAMMERERS' INSTITUTE. School for the scientific treatment of voice and speech defect. Hammering and stuttering cured In a few weeka by our own natural methods. Enter at any time. Write for t.rmt. JTX1A A. TAOOaLAW, Frlaolyel, Bamge Building, Omaaa, Bsk. York College Hit 5rt pay" tor Tuition, Books, Board and Home for nine months. Collegiate, Normal, Business, Music snd Expression departments We issue aTtete Certificates. Over 500 stu dents each year. Year opens 8ept. 14. b. cxzx.Xa. s. to, nBirotvT, YOJtaX, BBB. A AUG. 31 mmm I 1 .'-J'" "IW'J I Todd Seminar for Bays list year. Tbe oldest school for Soys la ths Northwest. Located (0 minutes front Chicago and 1000 feet ahovs the ana la ths "bill country of Illinois. Our Ideal; "for every Todd boy a good citizen. ' denj for prospectus. VoMe mill T Anal ti. IlUaole, Woodstock. ,