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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1908)
! i 10 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1908. n M H n ri p ri n n n n ri ri a a r n t 'v f n r"v r J n ros. (I BIGGEST BARGAIN KEGflirliaiKiTS 35c SILK ORGANDIES 15c YARD Arnold's Silk Organdies that larc-e ranee, beautiful floral round for party dresses and at yard 121c SCOTCH CLOTH AT 6ic YARD Positively fast colors, medium and light styles, checks, stripes and plaids, for dresses, waists, petticoats and just the thing for children's school dresses, dress f lengths,. at yard 0 2C 10c Munned White Goods, 2 He Yd. Plain and fancy white goods, odd lota and remnants from bolts of le andi 10c, '7-Xn at yard . m2 Mercerized Sateens, 7 He Yard. Dark colors, petticoats, made from same grade, retail at 2.00 and $2.60 each, ; P w n u p Ft n n n at yand 2 Dress Print. Standard dress goods and woven dress ginghams, will be sold at per . ; Tl yard. 2C I I ha'n. - 1 ' 1 4ft-inch Persian Lawn at 7 Me Yd. Mill lengths extra i wide Persian I.J lawns that would be cheap at 14 . 25c yard, at yard 11 MimiMHUMiiiifflr' 7ic f FORKNOON ONLY J Odd 'lots, all kinds cotton goods fj remnants, including unbleached -j muslin, at j per yarn MM v; "i ft f 1 ? 7 S 7 H ....... .i a for, yard . . . . , AN EXTRAORDINARY SILKS AT 19c YARD g M 5,000 yards of plain, fancy and rough Silks desirable col- P 1 ors and patterns have been selling at 50c, 1 f hi 14 75c and 85c all go Friday, at II .VB (T 11 per yard.. U P U H g BLACK JAPANESE SILKS at 39c YARD P Black Waterproof Japanese Silk, spotproof and TQ0 3 13 guaranteed to wash and wear, P fl ri JJfigS; Embroideries Ej 18-inch Flouncings, Skirtings, ri enes also insertions ana ueatungs, I I in large variety, worth up to 40c P yard, at per yard P P EMBROIDERY EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS P Narrow and medium width Cambric and nainsooks, all pret- 1 1 ty designs, on big bargain square, worth up to U 15c yard, at yard p .. . P WASH LACES AT Fine Val Laces and Insertions P chons, etc., many to match, P Vorth up to 15c, at , yard A SIGNET RING Is quite the thins these days with monogram engraved on It. One of these would be acceptable for a birthday gift. We have them ranging from 11.60 to around 12.00. Spend a few minutes in our store. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler IBIS BOUQLAS BTRXXT . () JIMS DEFEND JOHN REAGAN fcay He it Not Corporation Cormorant . . with Eantsm nd HowelL GOOD BfiY IN BAD COMPANY 'laklaaaa Crowd Win Vote for Him as I.oa as the Polls Hemalu ' Uprs om the 'Prlssary Day. . . . Pahlraan democrats are out with ten klinls of defenses for John E. Reagan, who has been lined up on the corporation material alate with Prank Ransom and Kd Howell. They say John Is a good boy and If he has been caught In the Ilanitom Jlowell web tt waa because he wa ott hit cuurd. , The Dahlman Democracy will stand by John K. Reagan to the last ditch." says Joe V. ' Uutler. the uncrowned king of the Klghth ward and one of the leaders of the mayors party. "I won't say anything about Mr. Howell or Mr. Ransom. bu I brow that Mr. Reagan Is all right. Jt makes no difference, anyway. We will nominate our man for tha senate." It transpires that C. 8. Montgomery. M. a Horton and W. 8. Felker have been left out of the reckoning entirely by the democrats, and Ed Howell and Frank Ransom have been picked as the nominee wlta either Joha E. Reagan or John M. , Tanner aa the third n-an. Omaha demo crat will be told that tha ticket la to be composed of Howell. Ransom and Reagan, while South Omaha democrats are to be told that HowelL Ransom and Tanner are to be "H." It) any event Howell and Ran some will be safe nd tha fight will be between Reagan and Tanner. Reagan haa been udoraed by the E-hth ward demo craU and Taster has tha undivided aup port of bta awn South Omaha democratic paper. , j- jt Maboaey, duaootatlo candidate for ri n Sli II ri ri ii li have sold as high as 35c yard, H styles. Desirable tne year evening wear, .' 15c Wash Fabrics and Huttings. Handsome Printed Sheer Rattstei mercerized rtlaln colord Sultlnc striped and ring effects. In Crisp ri Voiles, Kfryptian I. Isle Tissues, at per yard 11 p ra n n u u n n ri n M p Shaker Flannel, at Be Yard. 2 sample cases regular 10c grade bleached shaker flannef in 6, 8 and 10 yard lengths, C at vnrrl Outing Flannel, at 6 4c Yard. Soft and fluffy, checked and light colored outing flannel, with a firm warp, f4-C at yard Sample Cotton Blankets. From the best mills (trey, white and tan. with pretty borders, same grade win be sold later or i.o per pair, Friday, at each 35c Q ri AFTERNOON ONLY j Promptly at 1:30, 2 cases soft fin lshed bleached muslin, yard wide and long lengtns, VA-f innnnniiE&i p. BARGAIN n n at yard EI P P at 10c and 19c Yd n and Corset Cover Embroid- P 10c-19c p p p p p 1 1 5c p p n 2ic AND 5c YARD 1 also Point de Pans, Tor- u p n 22COC the water board, doos not expect to be elected, but hopes that his candidacy will result In the disruption of the board. "Everything that I have tackled hereto fore has gone to smash," aaya Mr. Mahoney. "The water board Is an abomination and no good comes from It. It certainly ought to be put out of commission, and, I thought that If I ran for the office. It certainly would dissolve. That la the sole reason for my filing." iBaac E. Congdon, member of the water board, says he filed again, not -because he wants the office, but because he does not want the people to think he Is afraid of It. Had he not filed again, he says, the people might think that he la ashamed of the board and of the work dor by It, so he decided to stay In the game. If possible, and see the finish. C. O. Lobeck, city comptroller, ,who Kas Just recovered from his gubernatorial cam paign, resents the effort to push him into a campaign for mayor. He says It la far too early to talk about the city election, next spring, and that the people, by that time, will forget all about tha candidate who come out now. "It my friends wan me to run for mayor, tell them to keep quiet and say nothlnf about It this early In the game," says M. Lobeck. Prohibit lea Rally. A prohibition rally Is being planned for the night of August a, probably at the Auditorium. Many churches and temper ance worker are co-operating In the plans. Mrs. Mary Harris Armor of 'At lanta will be the chief speaker, though there will be others on the program. Pr. Roea. LxmtUt. 414 Parker Block. FIVE NEW LETTER CARRIERS A4ltlons Mi4t Lvral Mall Deliv ery fercra by th ttt saaster. Postmaster B. F. Thorn aa announce. the appointment of five new letter carrier and collectors for the Omaha delivery service. They ai Phil A, Wliltt, Y. II. McCormlck, aOSZJnLla s s Omaha'a Par rood Cental KESTAT7BAJTT OBJ SXCOBT9 r&OOBV. Italnty meals at moderate price. The coolent. moet airy Cafe In Omaha, Take your noonday lunch here. Ttnm WTAMTmTDWr. The freshnens of the Fish we aell is what makes the satisfied customer. Ior rrlday We Offer i s 1.000 lbs. Dressed Buffalo, per lb.lOot KO0 lh. "Quality" Cod Fish, middles, f s s per lb Ho esh I Also a full line of strictly frei caught fluh. Including Black Rns. Salmon, Crapptes, Pike, Lake White, Live Lobsters, Trout, Etc, Etc s S We R ecommen II The Beer You like Cases 2 dozen fc OA Large Bottles pOZJ Cases 3 dozen QA Small Bottles 3Ja7S An allowance of 11.20 will be mad upon return to us of the empty cane, and all of the empty bottle In good order. Order will be taken for Luxui In less than caae lota at the follow ing prioes: $2.00 per dor. Large Bottles $1.35 per doz. Small Bottles j gonrtney & Co J 17th and Douglas Bts. J Phone BoaglM M7 g Private Exchange. Connect All Depta. s Attractive Health Scores of people Innumerable, neglect what are confessed to be a vital necessity to health, happiness and long life, viz., their teeth. Poor teeth as well as a lack of teeth cannot masticate food properly, hence poor health frequently results from this dls- Tour Immediate action make provis ions for both teeth and health. On an amurance that our operations cause con tinuous satisfaction, patients enjri to recall and tell their neighbor about the easy time In the dentist' chair at our office. It will pay you to call and have your teeth examined. Taft's Dental Room 1517 Donglan Street. "FOLLOW THE FLAG" Reduced Rates East Toledo, Ohio, account O. A. R. ; Boston, Mass., account K of P.; New England and Canadian points. The cool route via De troit and Niagara Falls, allowing stop overs and trip serosa Lake Erie without additional charge. Illustrated booklets and all Information at WABASH CXTT TICKET OWCS, 16th and Farnam Bts., or address HARRY E. MOORES, Q. A. P. D.. Omaha, Neb. EARL & WILSON'S The above tame or trade mark together or singly stamped on col lar or shirt denotes highest grade of material, best workmanship. -a. aSOCIMED ADVERTISING CLVB5 - CFATIERICA CONVENTION KANSAS CUT FOOD FOR NERVES Weak and nervous men who find their power to work and youthful vigor gone aa a result of over work or mental exertion should take GRAY'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will make you eat and sleep and be a man again. 1 Bos; 3 hose fa.BO by mall. imiujf m iicoojnrBi.1. raua oo. Oor. 16th and Dodge Btree OWL OB.UO OOhUPABTT Co. 16th and Barney Bts., Omaha, Veh. Phil P. Kelley and Arthur Asher, collector; and Ed J. Hynek, carrier. The new appolnteea will enter upon their work August IS. WHh thla additional force Omaha now has 116 letter carriers. Assur ance are given Postmaster Thomas by the Postofflc department that the force will be further Increased a needed, and the demand of the service at Omaha re quire. Tha Yellw Peril. Jaundice, malaria, biliousness vanishes when Dr. King's New Life Pills are taken. Guaranteed. 25c Beaton Drug Co. CHINKS MUST SHOW CAUSE t'hlnamea Arc Belsiaf Pressed by the Iassalsratlosi Department a , Right ia Comatry. Tha United State Immigration authorities for the Nebraska and Kansas district. with headquarter In Omaha, have again taken up the Chines deportation question and are getting after such Celestial as cannot furnish proof of their right to be in f.ils country. Flv Chinamen . have been arrested In Topeka. and will be given a hearing before the United Btatea courts there on. August 14. Two or three caae are also pending In Nebraska of a similar nature, and some thing will be doing to the Chinese deporta tion tine In the district before the leave begin to fall. which ease. TnYTFTvTTXTTI11 JJJ FRIDAY Annual August Cloan.Vp Dressing Sacques Entire stock of lawn Bacques and short kimonos marked for final clearing not ono reserved. 'Made of fine lawns and Swisses, with fancy border or lace trimming on sale for first time Friday. Friday in Muslin Underwear Midsummer undennasllns In two great lota, specially arranged for our Friday bargain day, The best values of the entire season, are con spicuous in these lots: Drawers, Corset Covers, Gowns and Skirts worth 75c M T and 89c. for f C All Linen Wash Skirl a Half Go through the whole stock, select any you like beet, and Its yours at Just half the regular price. There are many handsome tailored models that .will please you. . 13.95 ' Skirts now . $4.95 $5,95 $7.60 $10.00 Skirts SklrU Skirts SklrU now now now now 2.48 2.98 3.75 5.00 1.98 .White linens and colored duck sklrU, clearing put at Wash Goods We have assembled all the small loU, the odds and ends from a dozen distinct lines, all goods that sold at 10c, 12 He, 16c, . 19c and 86c, our choicest fabrics, mind you, and mark them at 6c a yard for Friday. . , v, Remnants, Too Desirable washable lawns, f lannellettes and ginghams for school dresses, house dresses, fall sacques, etc., 3 to 12 "CI yard lengths; 10 to 16c goods will go at, per yard JjC White Goods FIUDArS BEST BARGAINS: Striped and checked lawns and In dia llnons,- worth f 8 He, for , JC 40-inoh -lawn that regularly re tails for 16c Friday, ft for .....v...... - Friday for Corsets ; , , $1.00 .Values for 75c On sale again for our weekly bargain Friday a whole case of veryifine-Batiste Corsets, in all the best models, such, as high ,bu$t-and, long and short hip styles, hose supporters attached: .and nicely trimmed. As fine and mi m , as serviceable p dollar corset . as is made A "tk all new goods, every size. " Oxfords and Slippers in a 177 J great cut price clearing on ilw TlClSl Entire stock must go now the clearing must be decisive, and price Is the irresistible force that will move the goods. Women's $1.50 Dongola strap House Slippers, sizes 2 Mi to "7Ci 4, for JVC Women's $1.50 gray and white canvas oxfords, sizes 6 to r. 8 only, now , , OUC 500 pairs children's pink, blue, red or white strap slippers, TQ regular 76c and $1.00 values. Friday JJC Women's $1.60 Oxfords, sizes 4, 4V6 and enclosing out CQ 'OC lor Boy's Overalls Made of blue with riveted sizes 4 to 12 i Bennett's Tor on day only Twenty-five dosen trlnff Bsana, ISO i cy French String Ueans, Friday, lor Bennett' Best Coffee, 8 pounds for 91.00 and 100 areen Bennett' Best Coffee, 1 pound for SSo and SO Green Jos. Tetlow's India and Osylon Teas. Sunflower Brand, pound 70o and 50 green Sunflower Brand, half pound SSo and ii green Sunflower Brand, quarter pound .....ISO and 10 green Strait' Pineapple Cube, can 80o and 10 green Marshall's Fresh Mackerel, can 8 So and 10 green Bay lea' English Mustard, jar loo and 10 green Bennett's Capitol Sweet Wrinkled Pea. I can for SSo v mav" 1 iar 200 auamy. - Baylea' Cider Vinegar, bottle lOo and Pr. Price' Breakfast Food, t package.... Boo and Ellen Sardine, two can for aoo and N. Y. Full Cream Cheese, per pound ...SOo and Advona Jams, two can I6c bottle O rape Juice .15 Some medium size offices at reasonable If you wish to create a good name for yourself in a business way, find the best possible location, not only the most central, but one where you would be surrounded by successful business men. You don't have to put up with inconveniences and inferior service to have an office within your means, come to THE BEE Room 444 has a good east light and a floor space of 221 square feet, at the rate of, per month Room 07 is 16x15 feet and has plenty of light, at, per month Room 642, on the 6th floor, facing east, la Axil and rents for, par month Room 62Q is a nice small room, with a partition, making a private office and reception, at Room 418 is similar to one abova. without parti- ' tlon, at . . Room 214 Is the cheapest space 14-x27, at. only The Boo Building Co. Tor offices) apply to . R. W. BAKER. Supt, Rsom 105 Ei Till iJr i v a Our 60c White Lawn 98c and $1.19 Lawn Sacques, with color- Sacques, very nice ed borders, in materials and Tfk for ileC patterns JJC $1.48 and $1.69 Swiss 11.95 Lawn Sacques in and lawn Sacques . Japanese effect, man tastefully lace trim- darln sleeve dainty med, will go 7Cl-. Jap patterns, ClQ. at,... SVC will go at ... JOC i Drawers, Corset Covers, Gowns J and 8klrts worth 98c I and fl.19 69c worth $1.60, are now 79c Cutting down the stocks, goods fcl worth up to 26c a yard, for JC and 'Linens f Bleached and Cream Turkish Towels, best 10c quality i you can buy, for 2C Bleached or cream table damask, 62-inch, worth 89c, for ZjC i Women's $3 and $3.50 Oxfords, patent colt and patont Q I kid, small sizes l.U denim with bib well made, j at. pockets, years . . i good materials, Big Grocery on sale our reg-u- I5c stamp Stamp stamps stamps stamps stamps tamps stamp stamp tamps stamps stamps stamps ties t w e Have" lan- 10 20 10 10 10 green green gree'n green green SOo and Roasted Peanuts, quart rates BUILDING $20.00 $15.00 $16.00 $15.00 $12.50 $27.50 we have for rent, Splendid Saving Opportunities Special Lace Bargains Friday Is 60.000 vards of the finest HAMNs THE RELIABLE STORE styles of Amoskeag Mills, Lancaster Mills, Pacific Mills, and at V a trifle of their real values: WASH GOODS TO CLOSE Several thousand yards of all all kinds of spring "Wash Goods that sold from 10c to 25c yard, all at yard, 10c, 7c, 5c and 3c 86-lnch Percales, Side Bands and Trlnled Tercalcs, regular 12c and 15c val ues, all at, yard 7H5 Remnants of A. A. C. Toll du Nord, Bates and other 12 c Ginghams, at 5$ 7V4c Towels, for ,.4r 10c Towels, for . .G' I 12 c Towels, tor . .7, REMNANTS OF High Grade Linens 2.500 yards of all Linen, half Linen, and Mercerized Damask, worth from 39c to $1.60 yard, in remnants of 2 to 4 yards each, all In five lots, at per yard: LOT 1... 15c LOT 2... 25c LOT 3... 39c LOT 4... 49c LOT 5 59c Carpet Dept. Specials EVERY ITEM A ROUSER $2.50 PORCH RUGS, 4x9 feet, special Friday, at each $1.49 $2.00 PORCH BLINDS, 6x8 feett 08 $2.60 PORCH BLINDS, 8x8 feet, sale Price Friday, each 81.49 25c JAP AND CHINA MATTINGS, big assortment, yard 18 7 foot WINDOW SHADES, best quaf- lty water colors, at 23 C 7 FOOT WINDOW SHADES, best qual ity oil opaque, at 39 54 INCH EXTENSION WINDOW RODS, at each 5 4 FOOT WHITE ENAMEL POLEri, with fixtures, on sale at . . . 12H 50c REVERSIBLE MATS, 18x36, sale price, Friday, each 29 Send for Catalogue of Rugs and Linol eums. Big Oxford 1,500 pairs Women's Extra Turns, worth up to $4.00 a pair. fit the largest or smallest foot, all Two Lots. 11 ji AND Misses' and Child's tan ooze, calf worth up to $1.75, at pair Friday Is Cut Glass Day German Cut Glass Berry Bowls, at each 50 One quart Near Cut Glass Milk Pitch ers, each 90 Cut Bottom Sherbets, 6 for .... 190 One-half pint Jelly Glasses, 6 for 100 E14S At Sweeping Price Reductions INIOIIOIIS in Friday's Special Sales Kr Gnl.t Kva Needles, nackase . ..1 Pearl Buttons, all sizes, dozen.... 1 Darning Cotton, all colors, ball. ... 10 3 packages Pins, Friday 20 3 Aluminum Thimbles for 20 10c Fine Combs, each .4V40 15c Dressing Combs, each 5 Enameled Darning Eggs, for 2C Hump HookB and Eyes, card 1 Compare These Grocery Prices They mean a splendid saving with absolutely no sacrifice ot quality. Always rresh, Pure Tha best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar at less than Jobbers' Cost, tor this sate. 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap for SSo 10 pounds sacks best Cornmeal for 16c The best Domestic Macaroni, package 8Vi 2 pound cans String-, Wax or Green Beans, per can 7Ho S pound cans Pumpkin, Hominy, Squash, or Baked Ueans, per can 8Ve OH or Mustard Sardines, per can 4o Oocoanut Cookies, per pound THo vt Newton Cookies. Der nound TVsO BIG FRESH VEGETABLE SALE FRIDAY The best fancy 8weet Corn, dozen 8 Large Cucumbers, each 8 Bunches Fresh Radishes for . . . 6 Bunches Fresh Beets, for 8 Bunches Fresh Onions, for 6 Bunches Fresh Carrots, for .... 2 large Heads Cabbage, for 2 large Heads Celery, for 6 Heads Fresh Leaf Lettuco, for . Fresh Parsley, per bunch 2 large Summer Squash, for Fancy Home Grown Ripe Tomatoes, per pound Large Cauliflowers, each He lc .Be .Be .Be Be .Be .8c ,Bc .lc .5c , at .Be ,8c m hayden's um IT WILL PAY YOU.. . to call and see our ... MATTING AND RATTAN SUIT CASES -before you start! on your Tacatlon. They are light, rootr.y and neat. They arc strong and endurable. PRIOES FROM $2.00 UP. Omaha Trunk Factory 1200 Farnam Street. Special j Embroidery Bargains Remnant Day new fall remnants of all the latest I FALL WASH GOODS And Cotton Dress Goods.-. Ijong rfmn- 1 cnts, finest Flannellettes, made from 27 Inches to yard wide, worth from 12 c to 15c yard, will go at yard, 12 He, 10c, and 7V2c ) Muslin Underwear Some of the best lots resorted for Frt day's selling: LADIES' CORSET COVERS 10c Great assortment for selection, nons worth loss than 25c up to 40c at 10d LADIES' DRAWERS that sold to 7 5c, in two lots, at . ...10c n 390 LADIES' GOWNS that sold to 2.00, big variety, pretty styles, at each -OS 75J nd 49! Several other rouscrs. Lace Curtains & Portieres Clearance Sale Bargains without equals elsewhere. ALL SAMPLE PORTIERES, big as sortment of beautiful styles AT JUST HALF. $7.50 CLUNY, NOVELTY AND HAR NETT CURTAINS, to close, at per pair . $2.98 MADRAS CURTAINS, worth to 4.00, all colors, hlg assortment, on sale at, pair 81.89 RUFFLED CURTAIN SWISSES, and Ruffled Net Curtain Materials, at per yard 12 DOTT AND FIGURED SWISSES. In 2 to 6 yard remnants, on sale, at per yard ....20 18 15 "d 50 ODD LACE CURTAINS, big variety to close quickly, each 75 49 23 Sale Friday Quality Oxfords, in Welts and Not all sizes in each lot, but can leathers and styles : Two Prices: top, Blucher Shoes, Q 1 ft fl OIiIjU Genuine Colonial Water Glasses, wortt 10c each, 6 for- 25 One-half pint Jelly GlasseB, without covers, 6 for 7 0 Glass Fruit Dishes, 6 for 200 Two quart Glass Water Pitchers, at each 250 Cotton Tapes, all sizes, for c Linen Thread, per spool 2H? 15c Hose Supporters, pair.. )C 10c Tooth Brushes, each -3H 16c Hair Brushes, each 7s 15c Tooth Brushes, each 7s0 Many other staple notions at pro. portlonately low prices. Goods. Crescent Mapellne, 1 ounce bottle . ...BOo Peanut Butter, per Jar 8V50 Broinaselon, Jellvcon, or Jello, pkg. TvjO 1 dncn Fancy Nutmegs, for 80 24 packages Parlor Matches, for S60 Quart Hottle Welch's Grape .Hi Ice, for 30 Pint Bottle Welch's Grape Juice, for 800 Fancy Full Cream Chee, per pound ISO Quaker Oats Conipuuy Touitted, Wheat Flakes, per packaKe Fancy Pickles, assorted kinds. Worcester Sauce, or Pure Toumtoe Catsup, per bottle 8H 6 green Peppers for . . 5e Fancy Green Cooking Apples, pounds for 25a Fancy Blue Plums, per basket . . . ,83c California Peaches, per dozen.. 12 He Large Juicy Lemons, per dozen ..JSo 1'F.AItS PKAIW 1'KAIW Now Is the time to can California Bartlett Pears. While this oar lasts we will continue to sell them, per basket 81.05 MAPKLIXE SALK 2 -or. bottle Crescent Brand Mapellne, at, per bottle 200 a