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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1908)
TITC OMAHA DAILY BEE; THURSDAY. AUGUST 6, 1903. CRAIS ASDPMDBCEMKEr Varuei ContinTie to Bit on Spring Country Eporti. KAtEBJAL DAMAGE IS KOW D05I Wltkeat isasaeaiatw mill ia ia RrtkM t Caaalac Crwtp, Hortt Bart Ba)) ta Ba Sltaa. OMA.HA. AarJt 1W. Grain' veliu wer again booted an n-atlonal crop reporta from th rprlng wheat localltlea. Material damage haa already ban In flicted and without Immediate rainfall In the northweat the coming crop will ba a total Ice. Fn n ajivir in much firmer and In duced hfurr buvlng until an advance of ovr fc wu ivgletered. Wki aimnr and hlsher. with veryon buying. Mm- definite nrl fro-) the northwest waa comflrmed aixl Liverpool cam strong and helped to etrengUien thla aide. tv nmfU in tha anting tjrheat torallOea are mora bullish than ever, and were made the feature. September wheat .onxt f eriff ij rinsed at 9pc. rora vhu UMir to aome higher, did not advance with wbL working alower against heavy sales and more doubtful crop damage, reports. Cah corn value are high and buyer are reluctant tn taking on any large ehlp- September corn opened at T2Vc and cloaed s TTTaj. Primary wTieat receipt were li..wu bushels and thlprnerits were H4.(W bushels, iralnet i-ecetpt last year of 1.110,000 bushels and ahlpmenta of tH.Wft buehel. Com receipt were 461.OO0 bushels and shipments were !. bushels, against re relpta laat year of W..WX) bushela and ship ments of IX.OrtO bushels. Clearance were 1.000 huahela of corn. 1.00 bushela of oats and wheat and flour equal to lJ7.0or) buohela. Lhrerpool closed Id hlftier on wheat and ad higher on corn Local range of options: Artcle, Open. Htgh. low. Ctoae.l Tes y. are. fill; X. I aorthara. ILllOLli. FRAN la bulk. 114.91. FLOUR Patent. 14c higher: flret rt-et-ta, tli); tescoad p tents, llfitt) t it; flrat clear, .14.1119 til; aeoond clear, H H0I" WEATHtK IR TUH CBAI BKLT Fair Hunter After a Wlejkt mt gltgktly Varan. OVAHi. Nek, Ana- 1 IW Tha warm wtn has reached the Atlantic, coast. The weather la atwnewhat cnnler this morning In the lake region. Ohio valley ar.d west to tha Missouri river. It la generally warmer weat of tha river, and will, be lightly warmer la thla vicinity tn-ilght. Moderately heavy shower were general throughout aouthern Nebraaka last night, and rain a were general within tha past twenty-four hours In the central valleys and throughout the eastern and southern statea, and continue In the lower valleys this morning. Tle weather will probably continue fair In tble vicinity tonight and Thursday. . . , rimihi record of temperature and precipi tation compared with the corresponding day of the laat three years: 15. irt. It m. UlrlmMm tam Mnl Mr ... -71 73 Prx-lrvllaJinn 00 .n .00 T Mnimvi tamneratar for today 7 dearer a Excess In precipitation sine March 1. " r9 m. Ine.h. Deficiency correepondmg parted In HOT, A am m n ln.h. Deficiency corresponding parted In 1S0S, 74 of an Inch. , L. A. WELSH, local Forecaster. Cara aad Waeat Beartaw Valletta. Tor the twsnly-four hours ending at I a. m.. 7Mh merMlan time. Wednesday. Au gust i. W. Temp Stations. Max. Mln. SEW TORS STOCKS AND BONDS Disquieting Reports Eiader 1m in About Crops Market, PRICES C03TI5TJE TO ADVAJTCI today were active and prices war vary firm. PARIS. Aug. . Price ware firm on the Bour today and the trading waa tjutat. Wheat-H Bept.. Cora Sept. ata- Bept.. May.. I I KT 9H 72H a ..... 4?, 44 4SS. 46 V " Vi "Hi Aahland, Neb Auburn. Neb. Broken Bow, Neb. Columhua. Neb... S Culbertaon, Neb., Falrhury. Neb..., Fairmont. Nab... Or. Island. Neb. Hartington, Neb. Haptlnas. Ntb Holdrege, Nab..., Oakdale. Neb.... Omaha. Neb tTekaman, iseo.. w Alta. la Carroll, la 1 ('larinde. Ia t Plbler. Ia M Sinus City, Ia.... H Not Included a a en M H as W M 6 M 71 a v H U M Rain fall .11 .41 .0 m . . i in .D T .: CO .00 T .00 00 ,s .00 .00 kv. Clear Oear Cleef Clear Clear Ft e'oudy CioiKiy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 46Sl In avaraaea. received late. Minimum temperature foT twelvehour per iod ending at a. m.- . DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Stallone. Max. Mln. Inches WHEAT No 1 hard. No. hard. BW0c; No. 4 hard. Hc; No. spring. lftc. CORW-So. S. Tc: No. 4. TIHA'TJc; No. yellow. 7Jc; No..a white. 7474c. OATS-No. 1 trJxed, ?Vti4:iic: White, 47He; No I wlilfe. 4fl47ia. RTE-No. t 71'374c;,Nq. . jlfT2c. . Oarlert fl.etata Wheat. Cora. Chicago 1S4 174 Minneapolis ....:rlr..:..Xt Omaha v. 7S -10, Duluth 71 IHICACO SHitlt AID PROVISIONS No. t Oata 141 Chlcag-o. Ill H Columbus. O - 1 4 Ds Mnlnea, ja. .. 14 n Indiana polls. Ind.. 11 91 Kansas city. mo., n jo Louisville, Ky 19 91 Minneapolis Minn. 1 81 Omaha, Neb ....... 18 8U Louis, Mo U . J The weather continued very warm throughout the corn and wheat region dur lug Tuesday, but Is followed by somewhat cxwler in the northern and central portions this morning. Rains occurred tn all except the MinneapoU district and were heavy In Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. w un, Kocai i orecasier. m m 70 i 61 74 (a .M .04 M .OH .a .90 i .1KW YORK GESBKA1. AXARKET Oaatatlaas mt Iks Day ' mm Varlaaa Caaaaaadltlaa. NITW YORK. Aua. FLOUR Receipts. I1.1M bbls ; exports. 10.100 bbls. Market waa firmer with auiet trade: Minnesota pat enta 16 6.7l; winter straights, U.l3 M.n; Mlnneseia paaers, HUJt.w; wrawr sxtraa, rs.axaa.g9; w'.stcr m:u, ; winter low grades. ttaVasU. Rye Hour firm: fair to good.. I4.uS4.bO: choice to fancv. M.S6e4.. CORNMEAL Firm: fin whtta and yel- for September delivery Waa up WfcV- Oata low, U.I&4J1.70; coarse, H.CL6; alia dried. Peatarea mt tke Tradlag as Clewtagj FHM aa Beard at Trad CHICAGO. Aug. I A fresh outburst of bullish enlhuntasm due to crop damage re port from the' northwest carried wheat ortrea on tha local exchange today to point more than ( cents above yeaterday' closing; quotation. Final price ehowed net rain a of fao for September delivery and ie for December and May optiona. Corn Nave High Level Reached la Several laetaaeea, Xetaaly Metal la daetrtale Boada Are traag. NEW YORK. Aug . The speculation for the advance m stocks wis hampered sgaln today by the disquieting buoyancy of tba wheat market. Bpecu'.atlve opera tions are discernible as partly responelble for the speculative lumps which have oc curred In the wheat market In the lant few daya and allowance la made for this tact tn estimating the significance of the price movement as an index of crop conditions. The financial district has not reltnouished It comfortable faith that prosperous crop for the year are already practically as sured. The new of the high temperature of the last few day, however, have not been without disturbing effect, coming at a penoo recogniseo as critical to the spring wheat crop. Private experts In the employ of speculative houaes both in grain and atocka have added the burden of alarming report of the extent of the harm done to spring wheat by rust. These In fluence were at work at full force In to day s financial markets. With the tem- ature at the exceaa of discomfort In ill street itself the professional oroflt speculator were mora than ever Impressed with the possibilities of burning up the green corn crop before It Is garnered. The government crop report to be published on Friday Is awaited with more than uaual Interest. The sinister Import al lowed for the rise in the price of wheat waa of effect In curtailing rather than in freventlng the advance. Prices in manv nstances In fact rose to new high levels for the preeent year, although yesterday's records were not rreatlT b-ttered In that respect. Of the storks which are fav orites with the profe1onsl trader this waa generally true. The irauo of metal Industrlala wss all notablv strong. Nation! Lead and American filmeltlra esneHalH' buoyant and outstripped their companlone in me group, gome or the railroads run ning through terrilorv In the southwest took up the advancing tendency after re action set in lor the spring wheat gran ger. The spurt In Rock Island preferred was given soma peculatlve significance as a poesiDie reriectlon of the entry Into the movement of the group of capitalists In control of that property. Among the fac tor making for restraint beside the wheat damage report were the preparation mak- m; By me interstate Commerce commis sion to investigate the nrooosed Increase In freight charges. The news of activity by the Department of Justice In seeking evidence to prosecute the suit against the narnm&n railroad merger a as regarded a possibly dteturblnc factor H shall develop. The resort to flamboyant adver- trength of wheat and the speculative furor In stocks waa looked at aak uir to day a likely to cause distrust rather than to Inspire a following. Th sustained strength of wheat and the scpculative tone or stock as the day wore on helped to make th closing easy. Honda were strong. Total sale, nar value, t3.sil.0oa United States I registered ad vs need He and the 4s registered 4 per cent bid price. Number of sales and leading quotation on stock were as follow - ealsa Hifk. Le. Cloea- Kew Vara. Meaey Meaey. NEW YORK. A.ig. S-MONKT-On call, easr. per eevit; ruling rate, 1 per rent; rinsing hid. 1 per cent; offered ! IH per cent. Time loans, dull and slightly firmer: s'xty days, ?62H per cent; ninety dava, 1V4 JV per rent: six montha. tiA per cent. 1'KIMB MERCANTILE PAPER MM per cenl STRRIJNn EXCHANOEe-Weak. with actual business in bankers' Mils at It 4 for sixty-day bMi and 94 .men for demand: commercial bt!ls. ft M4M 944j. SILVER Bar. Mexican dollar. V. TtONDS Oovemment, strong; railroad, strong. Closing quotations on bond follow: ...1SH 1st Met mt . . ...!( L. N. set. ...i Maa. t. g .... ...!",. Central ., 1at lac ...W.M. a t. l. ta ... . k at. r ...r to m ti e eoapna 4 ts. rf. 4o ees C. , , reg , se eoapea An Tttacce J... Alrktaoa gea. ta Mo mii. 4s rr 4a o e. ss. AtMatte c. L 4s. KI. A Ohio 4s... o Ui Se. k. T. e. ta "Central e Ga. no 1 let o N lix So M IM war a m ta f It e N T c. g !., . a-x "sj. I r. (. ia .li-t V hMIM 4 . t M . 4 W. . 4 . ?-' O L rM. 4m ... U reaa. rr. t Ml,. 4o eee. ta A Oble 4sa Cblusa m A. 4M . c . a Q a m . c . . i a r . w . , do eol &a 4o rM ta .. tTC. a gt. u I Cnl. Ind em...... i. Hi4. ta ... ola A an. , .. Pet A H. rr. ta D A R. 0. 4m... Rrlm s 1. ... 4o fi. ta Hark. Vtl. 4V1 . Jirsm ta o 4Wm 14 merlem . . B14. orrered. W. .let .... M am4lnf sea. 4a .... 14 at CM mm-.... st. u a t IA .11: "a Wd . tH . w . w .ls . M .VH St U I ft F. f. ta. rt ... t i i. w. t a... ... N Seavrmrt A. L ta. ... r Be. Palfle ta. iV ... tl to 1 ta. .- ... sss''. funvtr wa 4a. X Tetas m f .Is m ... m T . at. I- a w. 4.. tt ... Ut aMe rsrin as V' ... 4 o. ta ft'a V f SieH 14 ta.... ... M Vihuli :a ir .... ewteieni H4. 4s TI ... a a w g rs ...m 'M Ceetrai ta. U ... ! S. T. N H. A M. a ... es la eth) tV .... ' Boetea Stock anal Bead. BOftTON. Aug. l-Money. cell loan. It f.i per cent: time loan. 1Q4H per cent. v. losing quotation on storks and bond: adj. big bar. Pear for th spring; wheat crop, due to th aratraotad period of high temperature and to the spread of black rust" In tha nortkwest, kept the wheat market In an xtreesely bulUsa condition all day and en abled several of the leading longs to unload large line of wit at a steadily advanc ing scale of prices. Commission house bad been swamoed over nlaht with buying or der aod when the market opened the de mand for wheat wa ao great that price dvanoed by leap and bound, th Initial quotation on all deliveries showing gain of le or more com Dared with yesterday' final fj ga .'"" aneotpected advance of nearly Id at -Liverpool and a report that Franc, having - failed to raise sufficient wheat this eaon for It own neede. will have ta Imoort about 90.000.010 bushels, lent additional Impetus to the upward tread of value earlv la the day. A trading pro graaaed f reeh report were received telling of Inlurv to the growing crop In th north wt by ' nut and hot weather, which rauaed still greater aggreastvenesa among buyer. A a result prices continued to an Tama until all deliveries were more than 3d above last night's closing prices. Th high point, for September waa reaohed at Mike. Deeember aoared to and Mar at the nuii time sold at S1.0S44. Bullish enthusiasm arrowed little abatement aa th eaaloa draw toward th close, and at the finish price were only a trifle below th beat mark for tba day. September opened to Tt-fyid higher at 94Vj4c. ad vanced to 94o and closed at eV'oWNiC. December ranred between 9(Hc and 9a. and closed at 9"t.lo. May sold between tl 0nfrl.(K'4 and il.OSV and finished at ll.0Sc. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported rece'.pta of xw cars, against 449 last week and 496 a year ago. v The corn market wa also strong tba greater part of the dsy. although rain in th ijnia valley last night and Hgtit ahow er in a few plaove ia Iowa. Kansas and Missouri aartlv relieved the drought feara Th bullish aentlraent waa due to a large extent to the big advance In wheat and oata. , The market closed strong at the hlgH paint - of ta eloa. - aMmptamber onenad SA-H to Sc his her at 7aS9 . 7Ok aold off ta SluSV. advanced to 7rV. where It cloaed. Local receipts were 174 car, with 17 of contract grade. Oata displayed a strong tone throughout th e avion and cloaed at the highest point of the day. eVptember opened VQnto higher at 4f4&4mC. advanced to 47e and closed at the ton. Local receipts were 18 car. Provisions were buoyed up by the strength of grain and all ruled strong. Sep tember Dork wa bp 10c at U6 S0. Lard waa dvaneed 7c to 99 4TH. and rib war lOrg iytr nigner at iMriitei tax Bretlmaied recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat. fto care: com, lit car; oat. IK ear; hog a. M XJ bead Tta leading future ranged a follow Article. Open. I Migh t Low. Cteaaj Tea. RYR-Dull: No. I waatern. Ue: nominal f. o. b. Nsw Tark. WHKAT-Receiot. 1T1.900 bu. Spot mar ket strong; No. I red. L00HSl.04H, elevator, n.flfW. f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 nortbern. Du luth. 1105H. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. U o. I. o. b. asioax. Anotner ex cited advance took nlace In Wheat today bed on further sens at ion ai avunage new from th northwest, strong oaMee, higher outald market and heavy covering by shorts. The market cioeed ntTS,e net higher and within e of th tot. ateptem ber, n.eiHl uM. Cioaed at r.OC; Decera- Aiaalgaauted Copper .... - c a r Asm. Cap. mf , Am. Cottoa CHI H A U f4 Aev. lee errltl AsMrtcea Unaee4 Aau LoeotaottTe. n-41v Aam. Leconotlve pto, Asa. g. A A. AOL AAA. M f. Asisrtoaa Wooiaa .... at lain Oa . Atrbtaea Awhiana r4 AttmMM Coast use... amltlsasra A Okie Bsl. m Otilo M Broeklra Rmpi4 Tr... Caaaeima Pmctfle Ceatral LaatlMr ...... Omatral tamtker mt .. Ceatral ef New Jeeaay.. 4.M 100 t.40 o t.M M.U l.on ro n u.ern t. too tn , 1.00 , , 1.70S 1 Kli HS 7 9i 1S a 4 4 IS 91a 'ttii 17l Ka Ta e lot M4 KH av 4ta 97, U . 91i 9l 'iii, 171V, 94 Atrklaoe do Me. renlral 4m ... Alchlsea R. R. 4o fit Btaa Alhsny... rVxton 4 Maine Bristol! Elevated FlnhMrg '4 . N. T.. N H. g t nloo Parlfie Am. Area. Chew. da pfd Asi. Pan. Tabs.., Amer. lusmr do old Am. t a T Am Woolen o era PfttnlafoQ i. a g. Edlmea Else. Ilia leeerml Electric . Mmsm. Kioetne ... fd Mmsm Ooa t ailed rmlt Vailed . M do sfd C 8. Steel do fd Amked. Mw Ad-ontvre . I a AlllnM . a Amalemmated . I7S Allan tw . M Bingham .Ill rml. A Havla.. 1iH Centennial Ill Copper Range Dmlr Wast H...14I , rrmnklla .1.V.14 Oraabr . i4i Irte Royale .... . t , Mirhiama . IHMnhask .1W1 Mont. C. AC. .117 . OI4 DomkBrsa . .lit Oarmola . S Parrot . M tlulnrr . 114 ghannoa .Mil Timmrmek .1 Trinity . 14 I mlied Coseer . 4 V. . Mining... .. MHV Oil .1114 t'tak . ,t Vtrtorta . irwinoaa ........ . W , Wolrerla , .IOC, 9H . . 7l . -.M . . 7'H . 11 .1 a . At . 4a II4H . i . t . 1N .. . .. 17 .. J .. H ,. J .. .. . .. M OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of 111 Kindi Trc Seller, mt Strcnr Pricei. HOGS SHOW VIST LITTLE CHAKQE Pat theea aad Laaaaa ileve aad lewer Peed ere Active Seller at Priee tmmt Arm Steady Tew Ceate Hlgker. SOT mi OMAHA. Aug a. 19n Rece'pt wer: Cetti. Hog Sheep. Official Monday 7 74 7 9 91J Official Tuesdav 1,719 l.V A Bstlmated Wednesday... ton Moo It.w Three davs thl week. .UBS 19.1 B.G1 fme dav last week....lo. 14.r U7M Same day I week 11 069 1."H Same dav I weeks ago.. I W MOT 10.444 Same ctny 4 week ag.- T ' "4I Same day lt year... .fcVSfl E.3r7 M.0 The following table how tne receipts of eattl. bog and sheep t South Omaha for th year to date, compared with last yeart . 1907. Ino. Dec Cattle 4rd7a 441. 7 14J.061 Hog Lf.n4 J..t,H , ..... . Sheep B.7.t r9.M .- The following table Vw tb average price of hog at South Omsha lor th last several days, with comparison: 4Cee Date. lad. t9CT.1190.iya.)irH.l?o ilW. J-ily July July July July July Aug. Aug. Aug Aug. Aug. 94... I I S ! SOI C fj J 11 11 t 19 S ll! 109; 4 f ira t o.i 44 a w .1 ( 07UI lllllll! . 11V 04 I I Mi 41Pal I I S 1 s I i 11 t 7SI Wl yt4 I TJi tn I 1 M 4Al 4tTM K 7 M I os 7 w I Oil 7 it 7 41 7 r rs 1 1 n l m t rs in; i 4 Mi ! 10 I 01 I OR: I Ml Sunday. Th official number of car of stock brought In todkv by each road w: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'fa C. M. St. P Missouri Pactfio 1 I nlon Pacific 19 C. A N. W. (east) C. A N. V. (west).... C. St. P. M. A O.... I C. B. Q. (east).... C . B. A U- (west).... M C. R. I. P. least). 1 C. R. I. A T. (wcat). .. llllnola Central C. Ot. West Total 84 The disposition of the Car- receipt wai followa ech buyer purchasing th num. bar of bead indicated 1 24 is i 4 1 to ti 1 10 11.. 14 .. .. 4 .. 1 1 1 t 111 41 10 New Yark Mfniag Staekui. NEW YORK. Aug. t. Ooalng quotation on raining stocks: Alice -X Uttle r!f a "lemiTii)e Coo. t per, tl.o&jfl.tffi, cloaed at fLfr, May. 1X0 caemmseake A Ohio l Oni. Cloaed at 11.14. ... -V ; Chlaato Ot. w ; t9"S CORN Receipt, 1.1J9 bu.f agpofta, 19M Chio a K. w l M bu. Spot market Arm! No, 1 sac. nominal, C.. at. A at. r... t.M Wheat Sept. aDee. rleso. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oata Rept. Iec May Pk Sept. Oct Lard- - bk-l. Oct ' Rlfcw Sept. Oct. I I IMSfrHI I 97S u at" i i pSfr 4M,J4;-'.' isrtv 9s t4VV?s . 7k, 1 Sl Tt SHI aW 47 V 4Sri 94V 94HTS 9H tS aSti Tt4t4 II OOStfl I l ont 1 qh 1 ul A4H1 4Si l It H 11 45 IS 90 II 0 U 75 1$ 96 U 71 U 90 j U TIH 9 1 9 rn 9 irs rJ t v CW: 9 rs 9 in rrsi t ith I 9TV.I 9 00 9 16 tOsifSTt 9 US 9 07S: 9 (C4j U7Sk! I v si . u 4iWl C3S I I 7ii 4Mk 47 4ZV 47kjS No. t aOld. bNew. Cash quotation were aa follows: PLOCR Plrtn; winter , patents. It 154 4 A'; straight. CaVeM i. spring patenta. BlOfieK; straights, ft (;&.... bakers, ttltnj WHEAT No. t eprtng, ltvt.l?; No. I eyrtng, J1.1- COftN-No. 1, Tff7Sc; No. 1 yetlow. SOU OATS No. t 4Sc. RYE No. t 7c. BAHI-ICY Pair t cholc malting. f!'gc. SITED rial. No. 1 north 'ern. 11 It'A Fki.i VISION 9 Short riDa aides .loose). aVTHCfrtt Mess pork, per bhl . JliTSjiiw. Lard, per It ) It, p tt. Short clear aidea .boxed). 9?u8.a. Pllou.g mere th receipt and shipments h llour sad grain: Recelpta Shipments riour. bbls.., avouu r.ivni Wheat, bu ..A4iM tta.tU) rorn. bu sta tu) 9.1.UO Oata bu ai.iv Svj.joj Rva bu 41 l.OuO . tar ley. ba Stuw a.Oou Oa ta Produce exchange today the but ter aaarket wa flrsa: creamene. WCiJA;; dalrtea. id".e. ra, ateady; at mark. cases incluoed. 14Ijc; flrsis I.e: prime Uata. too. C'heeee. aieady ta firm, UVk&Uc elevator, and A4c. nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Tha option market was . without transac tions, closing fcc net higher, aa follow: Remember. IMemtai. Time. OATS Recelpta, ao.auD ou. : export, iia du. Snot market firm: mixed oat. HUB lb.. t'80c ; natural white, M to 41 lba., Ue4c; clipped white, a to 40 lb., ir70c. xvA i eieaxur ; arooo. xo cnoice, samn. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice. 1907 crop, 4&c: 1904 crop, 63c; Pacific coast. law rroo. Maao: I rum cror. anoo. HID Eo Firm; Bogota, Oc; Central Amer- 9ca,17a t kathkh erceaav. acta, inun PROVISIONS Beef, needy, family, V 75 4T17.B0: naaas. lltVtfH.W: beef hams. W K.00; packet. CoK)l00; city extra Indian mass. I24.uJirr3B.0O. Cut meat, auiet: Dirk- led belllee. TTMgll.eo; pickled ham. liVj enje Lard, firm; western. g9.7CsSja.SO; re- finad. eteadv: continent. 110.10: South Amer ica 1MV7&: ooraDound. Pork. steady; family. HI 01A; abort dear. 117.50 (fll.H; mess. i7.axaiT.ov. TALLOW eieaay; city tu per psg.1. Il-lte; country (pars, free), aAk&va RICE Steady; oomeavo. tair t exixa, t Ssw: J a ran. nominal. - BlTlbre-lira tremmmry, Alc; einm. Sc; third to flrste, iarfl"j: tat dairy. common to tint, uvanec; proueaa, common to special. lnraHc; western factory, first. MHsTlUe; imitation creamery, urmn. unac CHECT&-rirm; state run caram. pe- cials, u4'Ji,c; stat full cream, email. colored or White, rancy, wc; siaie iuii eeeam laiwe. colored or white, fancy. llVtc; state full cream, gooa to prim. uusc; tat full cream, common. rVitjlOSc; skims. !W7flUe Vf;aFlrm: atate. Penneylvanla and nearbv. fancy, aelected. white, lotdllc: fair to choice, KNfyJSc: brawn and mixed, faney, Ue: good to choice. nT!e; waatern first, lftrnevte: aecoada. 14V fi 1Tkc POITjTRT Arrve, steady: spring chick en, lie: fowl. 14c: turkey, lie; aremaea. weak; wee tern spring chicken. 11 B r ; fowl. 12rflle. . St. Loal Oeseval Market AT. IjOUTR. Aug. WHRAT Higher track. No. 1 red caah. 96W97c: No. I hard. kftoeel.OO: future. September, V46ieC; D- eember. 9T SkeW'. hue. CORN Higher: track. No. 1 eaah 7Se No. t white. 7sTW4yr; future. September, 7Hc: l.ecevnber. ur (AT5 Higher: track. No. I caan. efoQ IS; Ne. 1 wbtte, tt6ac; future, Sept ember, 4e: Decwmber. .- RYB Scarce at HfcSw. nOTR Steady: red winter -patent 14 4004(9: extra fancy and atraight. 1156 4 26: rleasa. II lttfl ' PEED Tlmotny. steaoy. i.vorto. CORNMEAL Steady, it ti. BRAN Strong; sacked. east track it oft. 01 04 HAT Fte-y: timotny. 411.00-i t oo; prairie. U now 10 00 I ft r.-N t . 1 1 . 'rs 1 I E. g a uvf. BAtVIINO 7 Sc. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing. 114 IS Lard, higher; prime ateam. I9 11S es 7Vt. Liry sail meats, ateaoy : ooxea. extra shorts. 19 71; clear ribs. It. 71: short clear. 110 00. Bacon. teady: boxed, ex tra shorts. 1S4JS: clear ribs. 110 ll rhnrt clear. I19 97H POT. LTRI l.'uii , cnicxen. -; sprmgs. ISHe: turkey. Icn4c; ducha 7rc: gee, ac. BITTER weaay; creamery, liaov. H:udT at ltVsc. rase count. Receipta. Shipment's triniir. bbla lti''0 11003 Wheat, bu pT?i Corn, bu i ? Oata. bu ..tio Mllwaakt Grata Market. MILWACKEE. Aug t . fAT Hgher: No. 1 northern.; No. 1 northern, 11110 117. September. 94 Sc bid BARLET Dull; N t. 70c; ampla 11 44H T, 11 H 1S 'tin in a CtH4 17a 4IH iw 142a to 1)4 14, 170 C. C . c. a at- L Cerorsde f. A 1 4.m) Colors 4s aostbrrm too Cele. A So. 1st erfd ... COM. A So. td ytd 1.44 Cenamlldmted Oaa l.e Cora Prsdueu 7. too Detm-rapa A Hsdsoa I.UM Denver A Rio Orande D. A A O rfd tMmtllkmre' gwsrUlas 4. H ITS rte 700 14i !4 Bjrle 1st ptt Brie 14 etd V l4 9H Osasral tlenrte K" 14H 144H Ot. Northera pit ll.0 IM 17 Ot. Narthera Ore etta 4 Tu 41 7a llllnola Central t ew lata. 11M lBUtrboro-ih Mac V 114 Int. Mat. pti tiS U laurnailoaml Paper 100 le 1"N Int. Paper fd 1 Mt Mt kateraatloaml ISms U.loe It 14 lows Contra! kjuam City to 10 1 M K. C. So 4 I") M 7H Ixmlarllle K 111 1(S Meiteaa Centrml Mln. A ti. Uvula f r4 10 at. P. A t. . ! 1.400 i;r !. KiamH PmaUta 4 en rre u St.. K. A T too W US at , K- A T. pfd...: r m ei ftatloaal Lm4 !. IVe TtH Nae Trk Cestral I V lfv 107 K. Y . O A W !. H Norfolk A Westere "IS S Nortk Amencaa ........... . s aa Koeihern Puttie lt,4T 141 141 Paetria Mall 9 tW Penaerlaasla I. i 1A"4 renew a Omm 7W) 14 - P., C. C. a t. u, em-eiT mod Stsel Car, SS-4IT... W 14 Pallmma mmlm- Cr ltmllvty tr eel Sprlns I" ItamdiB :..11.) U4 tniMM steal i.n 11 ReeuWIe Steel pfd IH 74 brl Imlan l t s i'"H tvock Uland Co. pfd M U. btmia a ft. P. M pcd... 1 s -a. Lea IS S. W m 17 tt. L. A W. pfd 41 gtoss-tkerrisid t. 4 1 1.40 tlV) o-utaera Paelflc . S to. Pm-lfl pit I-m 1'" to-rthsro Railvay 1 WS te. tuilear ' 1 ' M Taasamaas Cerper 1 Twos a P-lte. L10 T , A U 4 W n n T . t. L A w. pf4 I U Caloe Perlfie 11. me 1M Vatea Pscine pfd ! r. a Rmkame 4 W l T. A Kmbaar 1st pfd t. ll f. t tte.1 41 44 C. 4 Stsel pit M l") lira I tea CopDer IM Vs. Carolina Cheml-al t. Vs. -Car. Co am .pfd. 1.4-0 14 4 1SJ 12 74 II MS IS 1T ta 4S 4 1 ' 14 M U It a II u lo 44a in r 'ii Walis-a pf4 Waaaim(nema BNeeiru Weat-ra t'sima W A L. C Wlarsoala Cselrml Total as. ism lor the ear. TTt. 7-S 94 pa US 0 aharra. 11 71. e id Si r ii 54 107 S WA 4 17 1 11 tl fc. 17t 17 1(14 4 4 l 141 46 41 -s 111 1st ia 9 17 4 4 r 144 117 47 U 11 ie - 17 7 10 :t : 117 a4 1S . a hi s 73 s 141 14 m 7- ts 14 4 k. 11 l 40 ti l kn Xs 21 UW 111 . rt i 14 s 77 ." 14 21 Bmnw!ek Cos Com. Tannel aterk. . Com. Tunnel hondm. Con. Cml. A Va...... Mora surer Iron aurar Oftered. . 7 . M . 17 . St . M .109 Mtllraa Ontario Ophlr Small Rnpes .. gtasaard Talloe Jarket . it is . 10 Tresairy tateaaeat. WAJHINQTON. Aug. I Today' stste ment of th treasury balance In th geon era! fund, exclusive. f the 11(0,000 000 gold reserve, show: Available caah bal ance. 1101, Olt. 197; -mid coin and bullion, 144. 141. 701; gold certificate. 141. 049. ISO. Kaaaaa City Oral aad Pravlsleaa. KANSAS CITT. Aug. . WHEAT Hyc higher: September. 90e: December, MSc: tr.- nr-y. - w . w . . . . : st, fi-v, rain 00. a nara. su0-a)c: O hard, ratjsocj No. 1 ted,. Sagttc; No. I red, CORN Vnchanged -fd 14c Mgber; Septem ber, T3e: December, '4c; May. tc; caah No. 1 mixed. 74SeTeo: Ka I mixed. 74tt is'ec: ,-o. . wnue. .rcv,Tc; -so. whit, 7tSiTSc r OATS rnchanged; No. J whit. IMSMc No 1 mixed. 487J60C. ' RYR 73e. r , HAY' Steady; choice timothy, tajOrgio. 00 choice pralrte, new, 7 0067. S. BITTER-Steady; creamery extra, He: ftrrt. 19c; dairy, fancy, lfic. EGOS-Steady t tac lower; freah xtra.; current reoeipta, JSC. Receipt. Shlprrents Wheat, bu 127.000 111.090 Corn, bu 8.000 t.000 Oata. bu 11.000 1,000 uptiona mi -vansa city: Artlclea I Open. I High. I Low. CToee WTieat September .. Der ember ... Corn . December .. . May I 5S, OOH! I KSWVtSB 9oi UA f"S' MTi Hi ooa Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company. Cudahy Packing Co. Armour at to Krev Parkin Co Omaha Pat-king Compery (from Kansa inty).... Cudahy (from K. C.).... Carey A Benton..... Lobman A Rothchlld W. I. Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Lewis J. R. Root A Co J. H. Bulla L. - F. Hue Cudahy Bros. Co , Lay ton A Co L. Wolf McCresry A Carey Sam Werthlmer H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Broa Lerimer Bros St. Louis Pkg. CO Am. Pkg. Co. (St. Jo ) Hammond standard to. Other buyer Cattle. IT! -t 17 'i t XI 98 M 91 92 11 U n to 70 I I 'a iii Hor Sheep. ro 1.118 19-rS 1!7 rr ri ed 4) tit 'ia 4.171 () (u) CO ') H Every Financial Service It is our business to rvceivd (irul wifekfiirtnl do posits; to loan money on proper serurity- to tran mit money for our customers to other cities nnd countries; and, in general, to render every finan cial service within the scoi4 of a modern banking institution. We invite your banking business. FIRST HATIO.lAL.BAnR' OF OMAHA Thirteenth and Parnam Sirpets ' Capital $f 00,000; Surplus and' Profit 5675,000. 'WS' ssss-ss-r amaF-m-' packer had marie up their minis to buy little lower. V) nen n pecame arparrni. however, that ehlpplrg ordera were heavier than usual, the market took cn mn-e nie. closing active and atrorg. The hogl sold tirlnclpally In yesterday notches, tne bulk going at t-ktttS 40 with a top at .). Everything w t-leposeo 01 in very gi-ou season In the morning. Representative sales: Metal Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 8 METALS Th lorrdon tin market wa higher today, with spot closing at 4vll7 12 6d and future at 118 17 6d. Th local market waa quiet but higher, with pot quoted at O.SIStil 7S. Copper advanced over 1 In the London market, with (pot quoted at 51 7a td and future at 1 ta. Locally the market waa firm and a alight further advance waa re ported. Lake being quoted at UllTHla SIS. electrolytic at !ll.25611.50 ana ctlng st 111 1.S6. Lead advanced to 11 Ka In London, but while firm, waa unhanared at 14 fcj4,&6 locally. Spelter was quoted at 19 in the London market. The local mar ket waa firm and unchanged at 94.705471. Iron shared In the genera) advancing tend ency of the London market, with etandard foundry quoted at 4is 9d and Cleveland warrant at 61s USd. Locally no change waa reported In Iron. No. 1 foundry north ern. tl.8mjrt7.; No. 1 foundry northern. 11530fl.5; No. I foundry south err, and No 1 foundry aouthern, soft, HI at"rl7 . ST. LOC18. Aug. t MBtAIS Lead, higher; K SO; spelter, unchanged ; 14.60. Total I! 7,045 T.Mf r- irri.r nelolm of eattl showed a Urge falling off thl morning, only ynty. nine ear being reported In,, A agalnt a total yeterdy of 147 oar. Tber wa quite a liberal prtnkiing oi aii cattle, but not enough of. Any Kind to - . . . . n iflttfMiina market. It appeared that peckera war all In need of a few cattle, and they wer out. m in. yard In good season In th morning look ing for upplie. A th ottering war rather mall, th most of th aattl changed hand in good aon. with prices stsady to a little stronger In spot. In ather word, considering th light receipt, tt wa a good healthy and fairly acUva mar-, Tl.s fear tow and better In eight changed hand quit readily at price that were steady to a much a lo higher tn poU. Th demand wa uftlclently urgent to clean up th supply ta very good aeaeoti. There were only a few caUerln- loada ef stockers and feeder, but what ther were sold early at good, -rtrong prica. QuoUtlona on esttle: Oood to choks rornfed stesr. 4 flofll 0; flr to good corn fed teer, is.40-l nt: common to fir cornfed steer. N !; good to choto range steers. MAStfS : lair to good rang ateera, M0p4.: common to fair rang steers U a'-Bt.OO; good to ctiolce fed cow and b'elfera 14.Vfl7; fair to good cow and heifer. 0O451SS; common to fair ?ow. and heifers. ttOOfflM; rod to ehole. stocksrs and feeders. It m 71; fair to good Itockera and feeder. . A4 -omrpon JO fair stockers and feeders. .iC-90; stock pelf era. U.sfrtil 10. Repreeentatlv le: aaa,F gic-Lna. fa ... 11... ... y.. so .. I .. te. . . u... M . 74... U ... 7t... n... 47.., m... n... 17.. SO... 74.. 77... 1.. 19 to.. 1.. .. 41.. .. 4.. 79., a . 71.. V . .. .. 7.. It . 44 . It.. St.. ti... 71... 71... U .. ... rr... 91... 44... II... II.. ...l-e , ..941 ...141 ...14 ....111 ...MS ...171 ...IM ....141 ... n ...140 ,...1-4 ... It7 ....m ...MS ...m ...164 ....IM ...IM ....ll ...ll ...r ...thi ...,le ... til ...IH ....ll ...Ail ....171 ...111 ...1-4 .... ....1:4 ... Pt ....11 ... J4I ...H M ... .m lot ... mt.7 ... nl ....Ml ra ....IMS 14 m tn ... u .11 it Pr. I 10 I I M I i 4 I U 4 M 4 U 4 U I 4 4 II 15 4 U II H 4 H I M 4 II 4 at I H I H I H I IS I 14 15 I M tt 4 I IS I ml 14 4 It I K K 4 n I M 4 ri 4 r I t, r- 4 17, 4 V 4 r 4 17 I .71 I I7H 17V, i r-4 4 rrva 14 rr4 4 17)4 i I7V4 4 17 H I 17-4 4 11 W e H SO an 90 lie 4 19S 194 9-4 m i 14S 40 Na .144 . 144 . tu .. IM .11 Hi 4l M a..... 14 ... ..., 71... Te..., 71.... It .... at... ss... 77... II... 70... 7... 17... 41... 17... 61... 74... 11... II... 114. 7... ... a... o... 17... 1... 7... II .. ... 71. .. 74... 41... 14... 17... 41... 41... M... 70... 64 . SI... 0... 4... II... ...Ill ...141 ..til ..II ,. 'S ...1 ...141 ...III . . r? ...14 ...IM ...I4 ...HI ...171 ...121 ...IM ...M .. 174 ...X ...11 ...111 ..Ml ...111 .. m ...:k ..174 ...171 ...fM .. 11 .. Ui , .. IJ4 .. It ... ...m ...1.7 ...!I7 ...Ml .. X4 ...l"l ..til ..jta ...l-t ...IM ...171 ...l4 ...9M ,...IJ7 ....M7 B. 'to to too 'so 1 NO ii i 44 iii io to IM 44 o 4) 0 1M 140 40 IK) II SO 110 40 40 10 0 40 ') O Kt Pr I r4 4 4 r-t i I 174 4 174 4 171 I 17 H I7 I I1t 4 I7S i rv 17 4 I7 4 ITt 4 7 I 7st 9 rr 4 I7v 4 91 j 4 rv, 4 17V, 4 r 4 97 V I 40 40 4 I 40 I 40 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 40 40 4 M 4 I 4 ) 4 41 4 4 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 4S 4 I 40 4 44 9 41-4) I 41 4 44 a i a 4 k I 10 I 94 L4sta CloalBgr llorka. , ' LONDON. Aug. 1 American ftet-uiltie wer firm but quiet during the early trad ing today. Prk-ea generally were un changed to S over yesterdar'a New Tork closing. Baltimore A Ohio wa S higher. London cioina notii Ceaaota. soe M I 14 at . K. A T. . as aoeovat. MI-UN. T Central 4t 0 1. It.OOO CORN Higher; No. caih. 7ttylAe LlTtrmael Oral Market. IJVKRPOOL Aug. I.-WH FAT -Firm: Nn 1 red western winter. Is Id : No. 1 California. 7a lid. Futuree stead'; Wp te -- ter Ta d December. 7 Ad. OIRX-Ppot strong; prim mled Amerl ear. 7a 4d. Futurea. quirt; aeptember. l7V'1 AmareaSa Atcaiaoe 4a 4 Bsltmsr A Okie.. CmamSla PaatlM... Otsaapcaks O ... ratcm- Q. W Cat.. Mil. A It. P. r-s gaara Dmaasv Rl ... 4 B(4 Erie sVm mat '4 a 14 p4 Graat Track 1 1 li sola Osntrml Lostsr-.Vs A N BILVKR-Bsr. MONET rB ID 6rals Market tug 9 WHEAT NO. 1 northern. II II; 1.01V DalatA ' TDCLCTH. Aug stwrinwrn, f I 1 , . O. t novtneri aeptember. 110t; December. 1 ? Mleaeapall. Drat Market. MINN KAIt Lid. Aug . WHJS.AT fteady; W.emNer. tletS; No. 1 hard. No. 1 uoiUiera. 1 t:. No. I auxtw PEORIA. Aua . CORN-FIrm: Nfm, 1 vellow. :Vf ; V. 1 yellow. 7lc: No. t 7ue- No 4. 7-pc: ao grada. 7Wr-vje. OATS a earlv. No. 1 whit. eyvfsV. No. 1 wh.te. onnemie; j-, 4 ahUe. 7tf fc W HI8KT Bias Cleirtaaya. OMAHA Auc I Bank cearegs fnr ta rtar aere ll.TX-liT 4 '-r )t corre-,1-ontling date Ust year fl.4U.7UU. t Norfolk A . to 4o r'i . K rHiiariA a W . A Pea mar I van la ... . I7t ans Mln- . 4 Bamatrif , 7V oe-rn g .1 a of . U saVMitkera Pa-trtc . 1 I a 100 Pacit.e... . 1-. 4o ( . JiV, I', a ttsel . tit, 4 pli . I.v, a a bum . 1-V. U pli 11 Srsa.sH 4a .HI Aasal Cepper quiet at UA per cent. The rate ef discount la the open mart for short bills is IS per cent; for three months' bills, 1 7-ltVom per cent. .. 4', .. -j .. 1 .. K .. 17V, ..140, .. M .. 4.') ..llVi 2 si per ounce. psrctis -rtaaaeral. LONTON. Aug. i Money wss abundant on the market today and discount were a shade easier. Trading oa tne Stock ex change waa quiet and ur.intereittlng Ther waa a fairly tady undertone, although price (bowed some Irregularity. Consols wer eaay and gi't-edgJ aerurttle were dull. American aecunties benefited over night by the buoyancy of Wall street and opened firm, generally sbove parity. They improved further on German acd aontl nental buying. They then became easier, but oa the receipt of the New Tork opening tey raided quickly. TTie cloe ass flrru at tba beat. Canadian Pacific followed Americana Copper aharea a era in guod demand Foreigner wer steady. titHLIN, Aug. 1. -Price or. tb Bojrae Ka. I. .. ... II. .. 14... 94... 11... I... I"" I... 1 .. I... I... 14 .. If... -a... 1... I .. 14... I .. t... At. ... ...Kl ...14M .im .... 14 .... 114 .... Me .... a9 .... Ml .... .... Ma .... to; Pr. I ft I 71 I '10 t 0 ( I It 1 40 I 14 1 41 1 74 I 7 t 71 1 71 t n 1 M n. M.. COWS. I.... 7.... I . .. 11 ... II. .. 14... It... 4... 4 I AT. ..1141 ,.1114 ..1117 ..IM 9.1 Mt KX4 Ml t . 171 10 Crnttmm Maraet. NEW TORK. Aug fc-COTTON-Th cot ton market opened barely steady at a de cline of ltlt points. Ppot cioeed quiet and 1 points lower: middling uplands. 10 7ie; roldjlinr gulf. 11 floe. Sales, none O.tLVESTON. Aug. t-COTTON-Hlgher: mlddllrg, 10 t-lc;. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. l-COTTON-Fpoi easy and unchaated; middling. ltrSe. Salra. 15i bales. Cotton futures closed: August. 9 96c: September. 9&V; October. 9to; November. 9 1'e; Tecember. Ill; Jsn usry, 1 .; February. toc: Ma-ch, 9 Ac. ST. LOtia. Aug. I 4TOTTON Firm; middling, l"Sc. 6a lea. I'd baiea; recelpta, 34 bale, shipments, 145 biles; slock, UUt bale. IU Kvaporated Apple aad Dried Fralta. NEW TORK. Aug. 1 EVAPORATED APPLES Market continued quiet. but firm, with fancy quoted at l019Hc; choice, i09e; prime, 4 77V4C; common to fair. meiUr DRIED FRCITS Prunea are firm and a shade higher In the Intermediate and mailer aise. with quotatlona ranging I', J from telle for California and from C j t . -mjc ivr orrann iru.t. japricoto are alow, with choice quot-d at lt)c: ex tra choice. 9Vit3 19c; fanry. 10 VJ? 11c; Peaches are dull, with choice quoted at lH9c; extra choice. 9fli,c; fancy. 10 BIO'S, c extra fancy. lOmfllc. Raisins arc quiet, with loose Muscatel quoted at l4: choice to fancy seeded. t4 7 He: seedless, tfltc; Londos layers, 11. to ei is COWal AND HEIFKRav. ... til I at HEJFERS. ... 4M I M .... in it I .... ... 91 1 M 9 7 1 Ill 1 ... Ill 1 ... CALVES. t 1 t it t U t m 1 M I M I M IS 1 10 I u I r I 10 I M I M I II I li I It 1774 12 lout USD 124 470 4 4 A I M i M 140 Ill STOCKERS MO I o I It I 40 I t I M I 0 I M 1. I... 1... lf . 174 U4 It 71 7M AND it t 14 I 11 f 11 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. I M t I M 1 04 I It FEEDERS. m 1 tt Mt 1 44 S44 I 46 47 It Ml I SO ri in 11M I 4 SHEEP Recelpta of aheep all told num bered fortr-two care thl morning, a very liberal run for a Wednesday. It being 10 fact the largest run for this time ef the week sine th middle of May. While there wa a sprinkling of lambs and eaea. tha great big bulk of the lecclpl con stated of welhera and yearlings, tne same aa haa been the csve all tb week. There waa a very lair demand for feeder and buyer of that kind of stock wer out early in the morning and It did not ake them very long to get down to bul new. In fact, the market on feeaing anrep and lamb opened early and the offering for th moat part changed hand in a very ahort time. The pricea paid w-re Steady to Mo higher, aa compared with yeeterday. aome of the aame stuff aa waa here Yesterday bringing liic more today Oood feeder yearlings sold up to 13.96. Willi wethers sround 13 tr.oJ.7i. Ths market on fat sheep and lamns was low to Ooen. advice from other market point being by no mean reassuring, while here waa more or lea complaint regara hig the condition of th New York mutton market. lit consequence Duyer tor kin Ing purpose were disposed to be in no hurry to fill orders and some 01 tneiu an nounced right from the outset thst fhey mut have a very liberal concrssion from yeaterday' figure or leav the tuff alone. Tha trade ws a drag all the morning. seller flghrtng hard against a reduction In prices, and It wa midday befor very many of the killer had changed handa. Those thst did sell were safely 10&1SC lower than yeaterday. The cause for tne decline w, ninteo above, the condition of eastern market. In addition to the decline reported at Chi cago today the paper published st thst point yesterday quoted the msrket there on sheep lr-aiic lower than Monday, with many bid Re lower. Lam be were quoted ther l&tTVtc lower, or 40c lower then the high time last week. Quotatlona on range or gr heep Kna ambs: Oood td cholc lamb, te.ta'4! 3S; fair to good la robs. U IffrtM : feeding lambs. 14 Vmt 10; good to cholc light year, t-t rtil 6"; good to choice heavy yesr lings, 14 mi 4 40; fir to good yearlings, 14.00 1r4-S; feeding yearlings. 11.756 410; good ts choice wether. M.0?4.a; fair to good wether. CRMj4 0n: feeding wethers. IS So ITS; good to choice ewe. tXtAaifi; fair to good ewea. tSg'tftlt.: feeding ewea. 11.50 4M.00: culls and buck a. Il.flr-n 1.00. No. Av. r.1 Wyoming yearling, feeders. 70 IM Wyoming wether, feeder., n 114 Wyoming wether, feeder.. w V yomlng ewea, culls m 60 Idaho yearling and wether ft 17 yomlng wether, cull l"l J4 Wyoming wethert cull 1 125 Wyoming wether, cull 10 gt western lambs, cull at B0 western yearling! at .11 western yearlings T. 10 western eaes K 4C9) Wyoming ewes, feeders 15 Wol Market. BOSTON, Aug 1 WOOL fiamnllng rontlsue to be the feature cf the local market. Price, however, hold steady and slight Increase In the demand for me dium fleece Is reported. Manufactui en are aald to be waiting oa the men a wear situation, which haa not developed aatle factortly as yeC Receipt front th wst continue heavy. Michigan quarter-blood and Oregon attapls ar trie market leader ST. Lot I. Aug I -WOOL-Bteady; me dium grade, eamblng and clothing. 19 9 2 light fine. 14)ltne, heavy fine, 11 tji:e; tub waahed. .'Jl7c. Otle aad tteala. NEW TORK. Aug I- OIL Cottotuesed. easy; prime crude. . bid; prime yellow, 41c. Petroleum, steady; refined. New Tark. 171: Philadelphia and Baltimore, f 70; Phil. ad4phia end Baltimore, tn bulk. 19 AV. Tur pectin quiet. ur. - Rt"SIN 4ulet; ei rained, common ta good. S3 O' SAVANNAH. Aug l OIL Turpenttna firm. A".W. -- H- BIN- Firm Quel: A. B. C, Hli; D C Ti- : E. 17 H a: I M is, W. W mm Quel: A. B. C. Hli: D, F. k-C117va: O. Al4-i--a; L-K. JoL X. AV75; W. id feeder 11 cow... 19 cow... 1 cow... T cow .. I teer.. 1 row... ! bu is... 1 cows... 4 cow... 144 steers. 4 ste-rs.. 1 steer., a steer. t steer. li CO'.. I cow.. I cow-. 41 cow . II cow.. cow.. 959 1 75 17 feeder.. T71 IH .. 755 I 19 1 cow H IH .. VH 1 B4 1 COW I'll. 1 00 .. 774) S ti 11 cow 927 1 35 .. WI 1 11 15 teer. ...117 4 11 ..1H8 I IS 19 cow t 10 .. t t 4 calve... lit f .. i; 11 1 cow ; 111 .. 3 111 I cow 4 1 70 ..7 1 9 heifer... Ill 1 IS H O. Weare S. D. ..119 4 59 7 ter ...lt4 IV) ..tlM 4 A) I ateer. IM 110) 4 40 1 steer 1160 4 4u t tfrs....U07 4 Id West A Bean 8. D -Tex 1114 Dot H. , tit 901 frit D. 4 10 4 X) A. Smith Wye. J4j leeowa... 30 leows... 1 trow.. Brootnfleld 8 D ta 770 sTt f M cowa 914 ... Kl Hi 1 C3i kau Weare Cattlj Co.-S. V. ... 7 t 40 i cows Wit Wesre A Owens 8. D. I aietra. ...MSI 11 ateer.. ..1117 t 40 3 heifer.. UM I 90 Wood Collett-S. D. 19 steer .. ino 4 40 M. Ci. Wesr A Co.-S. 41 pd. hfs lnSl 4 K Kd McMihon Neb. 1 b-jll 1"" 17 1 bull..,. I cow 1 I IH -i cows... B F. Ankeny Neb. I better. ..WH I ti 90 feeder 4 UU F. Forbe-Neb. t St lsi... tv I ateer.. H Brapie Neb. t I feeder I td I 9 I 40 l to 4 44 t ateera. 19 coa.. 4 ateer. ..I'- W. .. 9 9 10!i c. B feeder.. 1")4 4 coa 111 II feeder.. 911 t 09 J N. Albright Neb. 4 heifer... 7 IM 14 cows.. .110 113 4 to 1 00 loT - 7t 1010 c. A hf tit 1 tow l' I 7i I calve... in 4 Tt I cow. 947 tit 1 71 I I K I W I 15 I D Brc-mrVstd S. D, M v... iM i 24 bull It) calve... A-4 t A. A- Haaaer tV D. M eow M I 00 U cewa HOGS Hog opened alow aad IKS IS M I) dull thla UP-TO-DATE REPORTS Containing laid anthrBtio infonuatlog) oa FOSTER FREE Copper, Curl) and Mining Quilcofc 2 irlnitjr iiMrt., ' . et XorK 4 SAitvpl Coclt Fra 1.00 per yea Itt ! Cover 1'onorsh, Ooldfleld. Ely, Butte, Cobalt. Terlngton. Tlntlc. Binghim, para City. Beaver County, Raw hide Canadian and other active camp. Kl; butcher and beat heavy, N TS 96- ... SHEEP AND ItMB8-,Recerpta. LVt head: market for sheep steady, lamba 10o lower; native tu tit I on a. U If -tit ,50; lamba. M.OMi-tU: culls and buck. la.axij4.QL); Block ers, 14.fru4i-4.75. St. Joaeph l.lve Stoctt Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo. Aug. I. CATTLE Re- ceplts. 1,' head; market elew and tedy; steers, t4.Vfj7.00; eows and heifer, ttl&tt i.00; calve. 13 t(tilO. -.' HOflfl Reeetpt,- lO.onn head: market mow, to K7I1- lower; top, td.70; bulk of sale. SHEEP AND LAMBS -e- Receipt , I CW bead: market alow and steady; lamba, M 60 A50. Sloax City Live Stork Market. SIOCX CITT. Ia . Aug. S. -(Special Tel. gram.) CATTLE Receipts 701) head; mar ket stco.iy: oeeves. wa 1 v: rows ana helfere. MOoaS W; feeder. tilC-84.16; calve and yearling. U 7Vrl-7l . HOOS Receipts, 4.4W hesa: market teadv; range of prices, KtfHa4.4Si.auUl of ale. MSODAfO. Stack la tgAL Receipt of live gtack at th principal western market yesterday were a follow: .Cattle. Hog. Bheep. 2.10 AOfO 10.W0 South Omaha Slout City ... St. Joaeph ... Kansas City . St. Louis Chicago Totala 7T0 . t0 n.oo i.70 KOu 4.AD lv.w.0 is") I0.0r O.OtO l.oro 1.000 4.91x1 10.000 19. 7)0 U.100 40,900 OMAHA WHffltrM,r ABKaT. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK -Skeep aad I tattle aad I.aanbk Lower Has Steady. CH1CAOO. Aug. i. CATTLE Receipts, estimated at !,(' head; market ltc lower; aleers, It,;6477.t9; cows. tij.. heifers Mfei.;.i, bulls. I" 5. P: caUea, Ki-njlfe. stockers and feeders, li ', HUtll-Keceiuts. estlmaied at a.O'JVI head; market ateady; choice heavy ahlpping. Msg r)V', buichera.'iX'; light mixed, t ri. choice light. KlfuAiO. packing. K.t'ri 4. iii. pigs. "4 W'o li: bulk of sules. tu.siti. i. Elittf AND LAMBS Kecelpts, estl moled at tO.CM) head; market for h-ep steady; lamlx, V lower; sheep. ti;"84&o. Iamb. 7i43 71; yearlings. MXi7 X. Caadltlaa mt Trade asia 4tatatla mm, Staait aad Faay Fradaaa. UTTER Oraamery, No, 1. dellraiad ta retail trade In cartons. 21c, No. , la I fr it), tubs, tmc; No. 1. In 10-lb. tub. lt No. I. In to-lb. tuba lOVtc; No. t. la lb. tubs, 11c: No. t. In 1-lb. cartots. tic; N. 1, la carload lots, llVic; No. I. tn oar load lots, ltlHc; couniry, fancy, tuba, lie; common, ltc EOOM Fresh candled. He doaen. CHEESKe Finest Wlaconaln full cream, twins. llVic; louug American, t In hoop, lie: favorite. I In boop, 11 St; palay. it In hoop, line; cream brlca, full caae, llVtc; half case, lle. half doaen orlcka, 14c No quotatlona uD Salaa nor llnibr; rs until after October. MEAT CCTS-No. 1 rlba. TTV: No. t llci No. A iV. Nu. 1 knna, Pt No. 2, Wipe; No. 1, ne. No. 1 chuck. Vc. No. 1 c; No. 1. fuc No. 1 round, 10c; No. 1 round, T'tc; No I round, 7c. No. I plats, lc; No. 1 4v4o; No. S, ISc VEGETABLES Celtry, lllohiraa. par dot. 3Sc. Besns. new wag and airing, one third bu. basket. tl.-X); navy, per bu.. No. L li.70; lir..a. tao per lb. Cabbage, Is per lb. PotatJea. new. per. bu.. . Toma toes, per 4-bssket crate, 9"C TVaiarmelons, t30u. Ckntalopes. California, .k4l 09 per erat. Aspaiagua. per do., 40c. ia. cumbera, per do avc. Oaioua. itarmudi, . 11.50 per 11 ate; Texaa yellow, ii.Ai per erat. Mushrooms, tiri)tl ated. per lb., uDo. Let tuce, per dot., be. Peppers, goutbein, 1 pr cr-aa : FRfc-SH FKUITS Apple. 1114X100 per bushel box. Lemon, ttsuica. Orange. 4.tAitra.0O. Banana, tu per lb. Plum, t-6Mt erat. Peaches, Caaforola. ioiAt box; Teaaa, 4-baaAat crate, t7oc. Paars, 11.50 4-basket crate. Blackberries, ti. Rasp berriea, 4.0 Cherrlt-, t. Curiam, l.wu, toosuerries. tv. - St'OAR Coara. granulated. i Wo; fin granulated, !.;; cubes, 4oc, powdered, tfruv per lb. LiNal PovLTRT Hen. 141 broiler, 11c; rooster, frci capon, Ifru, ducks, ; gee, c; turkeys, 14t. plgsaoa, le doaeai .uuaue. 11. ui) dozen. LHKt8ED JPOULTR Atjuaba. fttt DRIED FRUITS Raisin, loo Muacktel, frt-, fancy seeded. 1-lb. carton, inc. Cur rants, uncleaned. tvc; clsned. to; cart 01, 9c per lb. Pruisae, ttajauo pet sack; 7aa per lb. Apricot, fe-lb. boxes, itu per ib. Peaches, California choice, c; fancy k-jx-a, He per lb. Para. California, llo. Data, Peralao. Vipc- k iga. laycre, choice, 1o. Citron, 1 Lemoo -eei, lea. Orttnge 1C. FISH Halibut. 9c; trout, ltc; picker!. 10o; pike, 11c; bullhead, skinned and dressed, Uc; whit perch. Co; whit baas, 17c: black baa, lie; crappte. Uc; whit flan, Uc red anapper, ltc; flounder, l.c; maokrL I - M . ......... S . . IS... . , . . . . M A91KET j -ni,ll4i ujj.. frog ,5. arlt0 Ma. tutiii I meal. 2Sc; catfish, 'ec HIDES Quotations Dy J. 8. femlth Co. Green salted. No. 1 tc: No. 1. He; bull hides. ivc; green. No. L Hc; No. 1, tVsC; norse,, eacb; abeep pelt, greea nd salted.; dry Pell. 1 -iii Jo per li. Dry flint, butcher bide. IMj fajVso Wul. lOr; salted, tec. Pr 1 ' 1 5 X I li 4 4 1 m I t 4 7 t 75 4 r i a Kaaaaa City Live Stuck Market. KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Aug. A CATTLE Receipt. 11.0-) head, including 1.300 south erns, market steady; cows. shod, quetsn tlne caule luc higner; cnoice export and dressed beef steers. Sk-tfj!li. fa.r to goou, M syt- It, weatern steers. li.itiA); stockers nd feeder. K t-rQI tu; souinrrn steers, aw 04: southern cow. I(vgi.v; nitlv-e cos. IJ.iJ t it; native heiiers. U, UMi X. calvet. Iii. u-j-ou. Hotid Re-lpU. I.; head; market opened ic loaer. closed iteady; top, rose; bulk of sale. .Wu. u; heavy, -. iti ti at ; packera and butcher. W 5-0'. light, A) V4 Tt): pig, 94 .& 50. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, J'.O head; market for sheep, steady; lamba. loc loaer at 94 5t4 40: ears and yearlings 14 sj : 64 40; Texas yearlings. It io&fi UG. Tvxss sneep. Hltt4, stockers and feeders, li M 4-00. Cffe Market. NEW YORK. Aag. 1. COFFEE Mar ket ttr futurea closed barely steady at a no: decline cf it 10 point Malea were reported of JO lit" bags. Including Au gust at I 4-; September, i&iijltoc: Oc tober, i 10c, ttObttic: March. itlOsiOc: May. 1 lot, July. I luc. Spot, quiet; No. 1 Rio, tc; Bant- No. t, luc, wild, dull Cordova, 9 a if lHic, . Saga NEW TOfiK steady: fair refining teat. 4 20c: molasses 'fined, quiel; tru.-;d. ; granulated. Line. aad Melaamea. Aug. A-SCCAR-Raw, IT; centrifugal tai sugar, AtKaltlH.; ra 4 -jo 1 powdered, i 4k; NEGRO REFUSES TO PAY FARE la Resalllag 4eaerI Flgkl Oa Msvat Ij Killed aad Aaotker la Jar-d. t. Ll Lira llatk Market. ST. LOT "18. Mo . Aug. i CATTLE Re ceipt. i.70 head. Including 17.j Texana: market for native ateady. Texan loc higher; native shipping and export steers. $4 I-4T7 40; greased beef and butcher s'eera. tliuV7tu; steer under l.MO pounds. l.Sei ltd: tnrwer and feeders. 12 ti4 tt); roaa and heifera, tl " fcO; eanner. II i'ttZfj. bulla tAksAOir ralvea, O 017 u, Tesaa and Inittaa snaara, M t-8 40. cow and heifer. alAOtgAlA. HOCM4 Itaoeipt. now need; market tr morning al It looked very macA a if lower; pig and llgiita. H. Ot-a-jlTu, packer, FENSACOLA.'- Fl . Aug i n man fatally a-ounded and painfully In jured a the result of a fight early today between negroes and alie-t railway em ployee on a Buy lior9 lit. William JcUn aon. colored, waa si. of In the mouth rd abdon.en. while Chltf Insp:tor Mrlajrg i of the atreet railway -:ffrred a pslnful j wound In tl.e hnd The tiegroes had tt I p-ct.ic at Palmetto Beach. whkh lasted ! fsr Into the night. A speHal car -with half a dr-ae trail rs wa bringing them pack when one negro refuged td pay hi far A general flgtil followed belwoaa th eight or tea coed uc tore avail aomt) mt Lb nearrnea