Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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t re
tm Boot, Prist tV
Madeira. T. BwoVoda, rabUeAooeasSeat,
rhoahea W. Blaokbara (of Congress, adv.
. 11T H 1. Douglas shoe.
Hearts (or Quality cigars, Ill B. lit Ik
Blaekevrt, photographer, llth A Farnera.
fasaee C. Xlasler tot county atty. Adv.
sToaa X Blaree (or state auditor. (Adv.)
Boaglae mating Oo-, 114 . llth. TaL
Bealteble XAfs Policies, sight drafts at
maturity. II- Jttelr, fnanagor. Omaha.
B. W. Bls&eral 'haa removed hit liw of
fices to rootna ta and XI rtrst National
Sank building,
!Barger-OrBdla Oo-, lilt Howard Bt.
Oaa, electric floturee, elect rt a wiring and
repair. Reslo'tnce elecirie fens, 111 It
To the safe keeping of -iooy and
valuables the American safe depoelt vaults
ta the Baa SMlldln afford absoluta aecur-
"jJHr. 1esee Tent lor 14 par year, or II for
three snoettha
Tea jfaya for Big DoUara For pssslng
a worthless check for II on the Paston
. JHotel-cMnpany Tuesday 8. L. Rlshoe wai
f witencM lo ten days -ill jail by Judge
Crawford Wednreday morning.
Woman Asks JDlreree sad Child A pe
tition foiTafvorce has been filed by Haiti
trr, te) aaka Ukerty from her husband,
Arthur Dyer, and the cuatody of their
ahlld on the grounda of rrtielty.
" Otrla Start rire that Burma Shed A
bonfire built by two little girla In the coal
. ahed belonging to inline Weotron, 1706
Donglaa atreet, destroyed the structure and
contents, causing a loss of 56, about 1:10
Tueaday evening. 1
Will Celebrate CMdea Wedding Mr.
and Mrs. Newton J. Smith, parent! of Mr.
David Colo, will celebrate the fiftieth an
niversary of their marriage at the home of
their daughter. 1812 Wirt atreet, August 11
The affair will take place from I to 8
o'clock in the afternoon and from I to 10
In ths evening. It will be wholly Informal.
No special Invitations have been sent out.
Bavin ta reading Priaonera The board
k)ng of priaonera at tha county Jail during
' tha month of July cost the taxpayers just
m 1371.77, or 1483.28 less than during the same
period last year. The amount paid out for
prisoners' fara last year during July was
$8&s,0G. Tha large decrease Is due for tha
wmort part to the fact that there haa been
V' a much amalier number of Inmates at the
Jail and to the fact that food hat bean on
tha whole cheaper.
. radge Boasts Policeman Polios officers
'Were severely scored by Judge Crawford
"Wednesday morning, when " 'ls'oner" took
exceptions to tha methods of tha officers
who Insisted oa arresting men on tha
charge of being "suspicious characters"
and then falling to appear against them In
police court or leave any note of explana
' tlon aa to tha causa of tha arreat. About
twelve of such eases were dismissed by the
Judge Wednesday morning.
Warning; About tola Money Order -Chief
Poetofflce Inspector Vlckery of Kan
sas City haa telegraphed the Omaha post
' office department to be on the lookout for
a number of stolen poctofftoe money or
ders recently taken from ' Station IT, Kan
sas City Tha orders number from 10,644
to 10.WXX The Omaha postmaster la asked
to notify retailers and others to be on tha
lookout for orders bearing, any of tha atolen
numbers to refuse to receive them and ar
rest the parties presenting them.
Oorernmeat naeTfeoat Merheraoa Tbo
government ana bo at J. B. McPherson tied
.tip at the port of Omaha Tuesday night
on Ha return from Kansas City to Sioux
f?lty. It left for Sioux City at 8:10 Wednea
day morning and on Its way up tha river
will undertake to pull the big dredge barge
of the Pollard-Campbell company off the
aandbat e-aca .mllea-above Florence.' The
of-floera of the boat report that there were
fewer snags In the river between Omaha
'and Kansas City this season than for sev
eral years. There haa been very little
change In the river channel and the high
water of June did little or no damage
northward from Kansas City.
Coaaterfelt Dollars
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys
Dr. King's New Life Pills, for constipa
tion, malaria and Jaundice. Beaton Drug
From "ten dollars up -loaned on chattel se
curity. Reasonable rates Call snd get our
terms. Fidelity Chattel Loan Co., 4o4
Horth Twenty-fourth Bt.
Yoaaar Deanocrat from Bart Coaaty
Makes liaah State-meats While
la Omaha.
Last week N. C Abbott of Tekamah, who
aspires to the democratlo nomination for
the office of state superintendent of public
Instruction, Waa In Oi.iaha, and following
his visit the World-Herold published what
purports to be the report of an Interview
'.with him. In this Mr. Abbott Is mads te
ay that "Nebraska Is heaped up and
running over with republican who are
going to vote for Bryan." Other similar
utterances are credited to him. The Teka
mah Journal calls Mr. Abbott and chal
, lengee him to produce the republicans who
are going to. vote for Bryan. The Journal
ays none of the Tekamah Republicans Is
for Bryan, but, on the other hand, alleges
that many democrats of Burt county are
tired of the peerless leader and will follow
fclm no longer.
Are eald ofvrn to be burled stt feet under
(round. Hut many timea women call on
their family physicians, suffering , at they
Imagine, ouo from dyspepsia, another from
fcearl disease, another from liver or kid
ney disease, another from nervous proe
tratlon, another with pain here and there,
nd in this way they presont alike to
themselves and their eay-golng et over
, tmsy doctor, separate dUaos, lor which
lie, assuming them to bo such, presort
fcu pills and potion. In reality, they are
11 only rymjittmvt caused by some uterine;
eliseaae. The.'trh-vtlelan.tfriorunt of tht
xmM of suffer UigVsxept uprsa treatment
pMotil large biil
meat gets tio ueiu-r
t treatment, l
litf uUD4-illiK all lhoe tlbCrTMTiTF tymn-
Homt,.gml Instituting comfort Instead ot
4troloaged misery, ft has beca Weil said,
'4hatadieae known la half cured.' .
I. Plorre's Favorite l'rccriptlon Is a
clentifle medicine, carefully devised by
n experienced snd skillful physician,
nd adapted lo woman's drUc&io cvsicm.
t Is made of native American modlclnal
root and Is rTi-ctly htrrrlcM Jn
ffec-tl tr Wr"T ( T "T.Tc iL'jit'lT
Lial - -
iAl a powerful iDvWoratlns; tonic Fa
worlte Preacrlptlon impart strength to
the whole tjwm and to the organ dis
tinctly tomliiliM ta particular. For over
worked, "worn-out, run-down.", debili
tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers,
eainstreasea, shop-girls,' h0u-Wee per J,
Smrsluj saot hers, sod feeble women gen
rally, lr. Moire's Favorite i'ruscrlpuoa
ta the greatest earthly boon, being an
equaled as aa appetising- cordial aud re
storative tonic.
As a sunning and strengthening nerv
ine 'Favorite Prescription" is unvoualod
nd Is Invaluable in ailsTlng and sub
dying tvnrvoas excitability, irrtiabllitr,
nervous exhaustieo, nervous proetrclloh,
neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, St. Vitus'S
elaaca, and, other distressing, nervous
armpaMue aotuaaonly attendant upon
luDouabei and organic dlsAse of the
- kskrwa. - It ludaoa refreshing sleep sud
glxs4 Saenhsl aaslety and deewndeocy.
l-lsasee H.iiaaai FetWss IswMOraU
as seew srevlirer aad boerera, - 0e fc
fda T4if4ifTerinf
t nnTuahly orwT A
lumper medifWll
li're. flotion. 0 1 rn
p line iir i-irrf.-
Democratic Coancilmcn Take Ad'an
tag; of Miyor'i Abitnct.
Artie Mayer Jokaeoa lajwe the
ItrMlatlo sal Place Higher
Taxes lta the City
Due to the persistence of the democrallo
city council and In direct opposition to the
recommendation of the mayor, the tax
levy for 190 remains the ssme ss the pres
ent yesr-1.150.orV-from ISO.nW to liOO.OOO
higher then necessary-
Fearing the city council might change Its
mind for the fifth time on the tsx levy for
19o. President Johnson lost no time In ap
proving the action of the council Tuesdsy
evening snd spproved the meesure
v. r r. mr, mm Aiftn mivor Wed
nesday morning. The approval of the hlgier
levy puts a quietus to the controversy and
the taxpayers of Omaha will have to raise
from 150.000 to 100,0u0 more next year than
the mayor believes necesssry
The higher lvy was fixed upon last
Tueaday night, following the decision of the
vacllllatlng council the day previooe to
make It I&0.000 lower. Mayor Oahlman ve
toed the measure on the ground that there
will be no need next year Of large sums
In the general and sinking funds. The
veto wss sent to the council Tuesday even'
Ing and that body promptly auatalned Its
chief. Later, however. Councilman Elaasser
thought better of the action and reintro
duced the same old resolution calling for
the higher levy 490,008 In the general fund
and I3GO.0TO In the sinking fund and it pas
kfotlea for Delay Fatlo.
Councilman Zlmman, the republican mem
her who baa strenuously advocated the
lower levy, sought to have the matter re
ferred to the committee of the whole for
consideration, bur lost. By referring it
for discussion, action would have been de
ferred for one week and by that , time
Mayor Dahlman. who left Monday night
for Texaa, would be home.
In the final action Councilman Zlmman,
through a misunderstanding In a mlxup of
amendments. Inadvertently voted for the
adoption of the Elsasaer resolution for the
higher levy. He subsequently made a mo
tion to reconsider, which will set Mm right
on the record, even if the motion to re
consider was lost. Councilman Bedford.
Bridges and Punkhouser stood with Coun
cilman Zlmman for the lower levy,
Reaaoaa far Vote.
Mayor Dahlman vetoed the higher Ux
levy for the reason that It will place In
the sinking fund H75.000 more than enough
to pay tha I2TA0OO Interest. This year 146.-
w has been paid on old Judgments, 110,000
nas been taken out of the public works
fund, and 15,000 has been used In equipping
tne ornce of the gas commissioner. The
last two Items will not be duplicated next
year, and In the opinion of the city at
torney 110.000 will cover all Judgments next
year. This will mean a cut of 140,000 from
me general fund. Unpaid taxes Will In
crease the total sum In ths sinking fund
to I7S.000 by January 1. all of which. In
the opinion of the chief executive, will
maae an excess of HTB.0O9 In the funds
under the .higher levy.
The city comptroller was Instructed to In
clude In the next appropriation ordinance
the sum of 8.MT. for the taking np of a
iiumuvr oi oia warrants which the courts
have decided the city must pay. The old
warrants were Issued ten and fifteen years
ago ror sidewalk and paving construction,
cuy losing out lr, collsctlnf tjie tax
from tiie property. Ot the total amount, is tor interest.
llltlsaataas Creaa Water Comsasr
Tha Omaha Water company notified the
council that unless bills for water fur
nished the fire engine nouses between No
vember, 1806, and July, ISO!, are paid out
of the next appropriation ordinance, water
will be turned off. The notice was referred
to the water board, though President John
son tried to get the council to take some
definite action on the ground that the
water board never does any thine;.
councilman unniMueer s amendment to
the gaa ordinance providing for the deduc
tion ui jo per cent of the amount of the
gaa company's bills for every day during
the month that gaa does not com un ta
th ""
the test of 600 British thermal units, passed
me urai two readings. This deduction is
in addition to the fine of tioo a day for
failure to furnish gaa up to test.
councilman orucaer introduced a new or
dinance amending the pushcart ard lunch
wagon ordinance to Include newspapers and
periodicals. The ordinance passed the first
two readings. If it passes and Is approved
it will exclude the' sale of literature from
wagons or stands in the business district
of the city.
Flaaaelel gtatemeat.
According to the financial statement of
the city comptroller, there was H. 665.479. 40
In all funds of ths city at the close of
business on July XI. the statement being as
Cash In drawer
Checks for deposit
Balances in Baryta, City Funds
First Nat. bank 1334,747.11
Merchants Nat. bank.. 297,741.12
Nebraska Nat. bank... 111.4.VS.S2 '
Omaha Nat. bank U. mi ll
V. 8. Nat. bank 110.760.44
Kountse Bros.. N. T.. U.IM.M 0.438,032.05
ecnooi r unas
First Nat. bank I
Merchants NaC bank.. 48.19. 74
Nebraska Nat. bank
Omaha Nat. bank...... 66.483 14
U. a Nat. bank 13.44s M
Kounae Broe. N. T.. i.436.41-4) tOt.Hl.ll
Police Relief Funds
Merchants Nat. bank.. 1,640. 13
U. H. Nat. bank tJ8 7-l 1.104.10
aeaater and Daaa-hter Sail oa Basse
Veaael as the Aldrteh Camaty
Former Senator Joseph H. Millard, presi
dent of the Omaha National bank, and his
laughter. Miss Jessie Millard, sailed yes
terday from New Tork for Europe on tne
same vessel that carried the Aldrteh cur
rency commission, with Senator Aldrloh of
Rhodo Island at the head. It waa a coinci
dence that the senator and. Miss Millard
went on this ship, but the senator, having
been associated with the members of ths
commission, will derive added Interest from
the voyage.
The Aldrteh commission goes to Europe
to inveitlgate the financial systems of tha
various nations of the old world pursuant
to i provision of ths Aldrlch-Vreeland cur
rency bill passed by tbs last congresa
The vessel on which the distinguished trav-
elt-rs sailed was the steamer Kronprtnsee
sen Cecllle. It goes to Bremen via Fly-
mouth and Cherbourg.
Bar's S.lte Save.
My IHUs boy, 4 years old had a severe
attack of dysentery. We had two fhysW
clans; both of ihem gave him up. We
tbsa gave him Chamberlala'a Co'4e. Cholera
d Diarrhoea Remedy, which smrsd bios
and believe that saved his Ufa. William
U. etrollng. Carbon HUU Ala. There I
i doubt but this-rmc saves I he Uvea
t many children each year. Otv it with
eastor oil. acoordlng to the pUln printed
directions and a ours Is aertam. For asi
by aU. druggie . ,r.
DrBosa, JUsm!. 411 byketSlocJb
Our Letter Box
Centributlone en tlmelr topics Invited.
Write leatbly on one aide of the paper
only, with name end address ar-Pnded.
Vnuw-1 runtribuliona lll not re re
timed, letters exceeding ton wonts will
he aubect to being cut down at the
discretion of the etiltor. Publication el
views of correspondents does not
mlt The Bee to their endorsement
Party Pellelea Ret Hew.
CITT Of MEXICO, July ll.-To the Edi
tor of The bee: The one great erIJIcIsm
of the present rsmralgn In the states ta
the fact that both the old parties are
giving too much attention to the personality
of their candidates and not enough to the
principles that they represent. We are
constantly hearing of Bryan and Bryanlsm.
as If there was nothing before Bryan, as
If the great democratic party had not been
led by liberty loving patriots, had not
met and settled Important questions In
volving the rights of sll the people long
before Bryan was ever heard from. The
fact Is Bryan la preaching no new doc
trine. The writer a quarter of a century
ago heard General Weaver advocate most
earnestly every political Idea enunciated by
Mr. Bryan.
The same Is true of Mr. Booeevelt. We
are conattntly hearing of Roosevelt and
Rooeeveltlsm. Many so-called republicans
are saying I am for Taft because I be
lieve he will carry out Roosevelt's policies.
Borne are even saying they are for Bryan
because he will more nearly represent
Roosevelt than will Mr. Taft- The Amer
ican people are naturally hero worshiper.
They surround their popular public men
by a sort of divine halo, a dassllnc light
which seems to cloud their reason. They
listen to the enthusiast who deala in gilt
terlng generalities, and accept as true tha
grossest misstatements without stopping to
Inquire into the facts. Roosevelt did not
get his anti-trust Ideas from Bryan,
though all democrats and a very few weak-
kneed republtcana are saying he did.
Charlea H. Van Wyck waa elected to the
senate from Nebraska on an anti-monopoly
Issue while Bryan waa still wrapped In
his political swaddling clothes, and Theo
dora Roosevelt was still wearing political
knee breeches. The late Edward Rose-
water was flghtlnc the trust aa a repub
lican long years before Roosevelt had been
made collector of the port of New Tork.
A republican senate, led by the great Bher
man of Ohio, supported by a republican
house and a republican president, enacted
the anti-trust law, the enforcing of which
Is one ot the tblnejs which has made Roose
velt the Idol of the American people. Why
not give the credit where It rightfully be
longs, to the republican party and tha man
whom Bryan vllllfled and abused twelve
years ago because he waa one of the prin
cipal actors in the commission of the great
crime of 73." I would not pluck a single
laurel from the brow of President Roose
velt, but I must Insist thst the republican
party is older and greater than he Is. That
he Is great, not because he preached any
new doctrines, but because he enforced re
publican laws aa he found them, not be
cause he borrowed any political capital
from Bryan, but because he haa been a
good republican. The republican party will
gain much In the coming campaign If they
will dispel ths foolish notions , that Koose-
rel'.lem la not republicanism that Roose
velt got his . Inspiration from Bryan. As
a matter of fact, Bryan never advocated
a single political idea which Roosevelt and
the republican hive made an accomplished
fact. If Taft deserves election at the hand
of the republicans U la because be is
republican and will execute republican
laws, not because he Is the choice 01 Mr,
Roosevelt. . FRANK M. CURR1E.
Clalaa ler- Deoaoerata.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Aug. 4.-TO the Editor
of The Bee: I notice In a late issue oi
The Bee a communication from one Plum-
mer advising negroes to vote the republican
ticket. The writer might be mere correct
in some of his historical statements. He
credits the republican party with the
adoption of the thirteenth amendment
abolishing slavery. The present writer
would like to call attention to the fact
that the resolution submitting such amend
ment passed the house et representatives
with only two votes to spare and could
never have passed without the votes of
IS democrats (I can give the names If
desired) who voted for it. Sincerely yours.
win Erect Dwelllasc oa bote at
Thirty-Eighth Street, Jwst Soath
f Faraaaa.
J. F. Flack, president of the- City Savings
bank, has bought lots on Thirty-eigntn
street Juat south of Fsrnam atreet. where
he will later build a home. Mr. Flack sold
his residence at 2546 Chicago street last
winter and said at the time that as soon
ha saw something he wanted he would
buy lots for a new home.
The sits secured waa bought from Graos
Nell and from A. 8. Carter, each or wnom
owned email lots. Mr. Flack paid 13.900 for
the lots, which have a frontage of sixty
three feet.
Fred A. Mayfleld has bought a large lot
between Twenty-second and Twenty-third
si rests on Burdette, where he will erect
home. The sale waa mads through the
Byron Reed company.
Visitors to Maaawa May
lastraetlon la Aaeatlo
Fast I see.
The Manawa management wishes to
make an announcement to their patrons of
Omaha and Council Bluffs to the ffect
that starting today there will te two expert
swimming Instructors at the Kuraaal every
afternoon and evening.
Profe'sors E. V. Collette and O. R.
Smith, well known for their aquatlo pro
ficiency, will be In attendance at Man
hattan beach dally and will teach all appli
cants the art of swimming and also those
who wish to learn ths fancy strokes will
have a class of their own.
All those desiring to receive Instructions
may see either expert at the Kursaal any
afternoon or evening.
Mea's 915, SIS aad SS Sells from
Bt Farrhaa at . T. BO Chelae
Aay Maa'a Shirt la Oar
toek at 1.15.
Ths greatest sale of men's suits ever held
In Omaha begins next Saturday at Bran
dels. A New York maker, forced into the
hands of a receiver, sold us all his men's blue serges, fancy worsteda,
browns and gres. etc., In every slse. There
were l.KO of theee sulta and they were
made to sell at 111. Ill and Ui. This Is the
rarest good luck for you. It means that
you can select one of these 11 lo Ui suits
for 1760 next Saturday. All are finely
tailored and made In the best new styles.
Our entire stork of Tne Manhattans, Wel
lingtons, Griffons snd Curoks brands
very swell new style all s ses snd have
actually beea selling st tX 'A H ot and IJ.iJ,
choice ef entire stock. Saturday at 11.11.
. I, lm BRANDE1S 4k SONS.
Advertise in
boeaea of the
gees fate ths
beat aeopli
Democrats Leare $2,500 of Inherit
ance of 25000 from Bepublicani.
New Body TrylaeT to Untangle Affairs
aad Mat "eattered and I mel
lowed tie I me Aa-alnat
On the fece of the monthly statement of
the city clerk, leeued Tueaday, the funds
for general expense of the city governmen
enow an aggregate balance of I17.SJ9.0S.
This was a far greater balance than wss
hoped for. The largest amounts remain
In. the fire fund, which contains t3.0-Jl.4t;
the water fund. tVg:4.M: the Interest fund.
4.W.07. and the curbing and paving re
pair. 12, 2. 40.
However well this may look on paper,
the following note appended to the report
by the city clerk shows how the utter de
pletion of funds was averted:
Claims' for furniture, vault fixtures. Jail
work, architect, city hall balance, amount
ing to about 110,000, are yet unpaid and are
carried over.
The clalma have never been allowed, so
could not be taken Into account. This
amount represents most ot the tangled ends
of affairs left as a legacy from the demo
cratic administration. In addition, M0 of
the salaries and 1300 of the police claims
were carrrled over, as well as other bills
mounting to 15,000. So If the affairs of
the city were all squared up as they
should be. the balance left from the demo
cratic administration would not be over
The republicans left 2,000 to their demo
cratic successors two years ago.
Record ef the Democrats.
The following Is the report In full:
Statement showing condition of funds
from August 1, 1907, to August 1, 1908:
Ammmt r1 htv and collections to
Auguat 1. 1.-07 00 per cent) iik.mi.w
Beianfe of levy and a!i"0 collec-
fiAna tM Aiirmf 1 1907 (broiirht
over) 49,864.71
Collections reported by city treas
urer from August l, 1W7 to August
1. W08, arising from transfers, li
censes, fines, royalties. Intercut
on deDOSlts. county road fund
and scavenger tax collections, o-
m mi. tinker th general revenue
laws of the state of Nebraska.... 30.416.89
Total reeelnts frcm all sources
August X. 190T to August 1,
jJISDurse- tiaiances
Funds, Receipts.
Aug. 1 08,
Fire I Z1.01S.4S
I I7.99J Of
I 1,021.44
41. vie. 04
17,602 61
7.479 19
17.792. a
17.740 84
Public L4gnt..
Judgment ....
. 1X9.72
aStreet Rep r
h library
Curb and Pav
ing Repair..
rParks .t
dSoavenger ..
Total ....... 1243,122.11
1226.793.03 I17.S29.
a Includes nroceeds of
county road fund
but not moneys xrom
tha intersection
b All disbursements on these funds are
' made hv the Ijlbrarv or Park boards.
o Claims for furniture,, vault fixtures. Jail
work, architect, cuy nan, etc., amount
ing In the aggregate to about 110,000 are
yet unpaid and are carried- over.
d Includes only so much of the so-caliea
scavenger tax collections unaer un s""
eral revenue laws of the state as insy
have been transferred by the city coun
cil from time to time Into this fund.
lvy 1907-19O8. 1.2 mills for city purposes.
Valuation on all real -and personal prop
erty, 1907-08. 122,066.837.34. . .
City Jail lnhahltabk.
By dint of hard work Tuesday, and some
overtime, the contractors aqt the n" city
Jail In ahape so that the .'fojlce department
wlJl move In today. - ponil ine prisoners
will be in danger of getting .striped with
fresh paint. If they lean u0 against, the
bars; but it Is not thought so bad as some
of the contaminations they had been sub
ject to In the old quarters. The new Jail
should be the model ot neatness. Every
thing In It Is of steel and cement. The
cells can be washed out with a hose In
short order dally. The cell room Is pro
vided with a bath, where the unwashed
may break the water famine of years'
standing. There will be no cracks nor
seama aa breeding places. for pall vermin.
The heavier desks and the telephone
system were installed yesterday, so little
more than moving the prisoners will re
main. Judge Callanan will conduct his
police court hereafter in the new building;.
The court room la well arranged on ths
second floor. The prisoners are led up
back stairs to the court room and never
pass through the spectstors, as they were
compelled to do In the old court room.
The city prosecutor and the chief of po
lice have each a private office on the
second floor.
The vaulta of the old jail were cleared ot
their accumulations yesterday and many
curious articles were found. Many men
who were arrested left their effects at
the jail on being released. A dirk knife,
1th a deer foot handle, a needle book,
and a half dosen rusty revolvers were
found In old envelopes. Of all others the
'dope fiends" had the most motly collec
tion, bits of string, toy whistles, jack
stones, marbles, bits of chalk snd pawn
tickets usually made them up. Consider
able of the surplus property had been the
result ef confiscation and raids of the po
lice. This was left, for the greater part
to the janitor of the building, 8am Law
rence, who has been conducting a thriving
junk business.
Vital Statistics Incomplete.
The city clerk cells attention to the
great annoyance which has arisen to hi
department on several occasions due to
Incomplete and often missing reports of
deaths and burials from certain sources
ahlch have been discovered through urgent
IrqulrU s by outs de parties. The same Is
true of certain birth notices. He gave aa
aa Illustration ths record of a death occur
ring last March, the report ot which was
not presented until a few days ago. In ths
meantime several people had been seek
ay b4perrnanei oercatu by proper
f ertonal efort& vitk trie of sitxrtce
remedy, Srup oKgs eorvd Elu'r of Sciintt,
Ef crtaoies one tsjorm re Put or
tft a oily $c thai distance To no
may he gradudfy dispensed
vtten no lomr ne)c() dttliebcstof
reroed'ics.K'Ken required, are to assist
tture artel not te nupplant the rtattow
tv functions. vb'ictt mutt dertnl ulti
snatchy upon proper nourishment,
Vrtr rHotrt mii vi6rt liviai tesjerallv.
Ta t Us benejiciftl rjftcls, aixytK
Buy iue genuine
Fig Snrnup Co. only,
sur u nix, fff1 yr" Svl err fjoittsj
Ing the record of this death. On the cm-
pieteneas and promptness of there repns
often depend the settlement cf Insurance
nd estates.
Raat Kernel BeeelrM,
The feature of the South Omnha mnrket
Tuesday was the receipt of over 1AO range
orses. More will arrive In (time for the
ig snle of these animals In the ards
today. The cattle market waa better under
lighter receipts here snd In Chicago. Kan
els City got H.ono. Chicago had only "Axi
South Omaha had 4.000. The market was
quoted about steady, with slightly brisker
sales. Beef cattle went early and fast;
but the grass fed, unless very gooJ. were
Hogs took a rise, although 7,000 were
received. Top .t)0. Nearly 10.000 lambs
were received and prices were steady.
Magle City Gossip.
Jetters Oold Top Beer delivered to any
part ot tue city, leiepnone .no. a.
For quick returns lint your real estate
with A. I.. Bergqulst A 8on. Let us rent
your house.
Heyman A Berry, sellers of
meats; 24th snt E, telephone 390;
24th and
A, telephone 117.
Councilman John llasburch has erone to
Rxcelstor Springs to taks treatment for
threatened exhaustion.
The funeral of Mary Zallnakt. daughter
of Joseph Zallnckl, Fortieth and
streets, took place August 3.
Go hesr Prof. Franck. America's grestest
elocutionist, at Dr. McCrann's next Wednes
day evening, free. 8 o'clock sharp,
Thomas Conway was treating his friends
about ths city hall yesterday on the ar
rival of a son. Tbs boy was born Mon
Mrs. W. C. Lambert and Mm. Mann en
tertnined a larfte party of friends at the
Bouth Omaha Country club yesterday aft
Manager II. O. Edwards of Swift and
Company left last night for a short vaca
tion, wun tne nope or successiuny com
batting an attack of rheumatism, from
which ne nas Been a sunerer lor several
The following births have been re
ported: Jack Murphy, Forty-first and P
streets, a boy; Edward Outscheon. 100
North Twentieth, a girl.
Miss Lucv Rahn. Nineteenth and
streets, underwent an operation at the
Houth Omaha hospital yesterday morning.
She is apparently on the road to speedy
Good clothes for good boys, tough ones
for Tommy Toughs, glad toga for pa and
ma and work clothes that stand tne roughs.
See John Flynn A Co.
Ths Christian Kndeavor society of tho
Christian church will give an Ice cream
social Friday evening. August 7. at the
residence of the pastor, F. T. Ray, Twen
ty-third and l-l streets.
The death of Mrs. Bridget Hughes, aged
89. occurred at tne nome or ner nrouier
In-law, Bernard Hughes, Forty-fourth and
Sarpy line, yesterday at 10 a. m The
funeral will be arranged later,
Dana Morrill has purchased lot 3, block
4. Second addition to South Omaha. The
purchase was made from the Union Stock
Yards company and will bt the site for
Mr. Morrlu s new clay pigeon factory.
The sale of Frank Muller s block a
Twenty-fifth and Q streets was recorded
yesterday to E. B. Brown for a considera
tion of 110,000. This Is one ot the Urges
transfers In South Omaha this summer.
The coroner's Inquest over the body of
Christ Miller, who waa struck by a 1
llnrton train at Thirty-third and
streets last week, will be held Thursday
at 10 a. m. The runerai win ne today l
Omaha. He haa a son. Christ M. Christian-
son, living at Sixty-fourth and Dodge
An inclination to be constip
ated is a common symptom of
the American people. This is
due to indigestion, and indiges
tion copoes from indiscretion of
diet. Let foods be daily eaten
nd there would be no constip
ation. For Sale) by all Orooera M
cuts will sell your goods
strengthen your ad
increase your sales
make you satisfied. All
type and no cuts is bad
Baker Bros. Enoraving Co.
Barker Block. Omaha.
Through Coach
Overland Mail
Leaves Chicago 8:25 a.m.
Arrives Pittsburgh, 8:35 p.m.
L. W. Landman
Gen'l Western Pass. Ait
Frem Chic&g
WARREN J. LYNCH. Passenger Traffic Manager. Chicago
jfT'" isaawVssi
any man a
Straw Hat
in the store
$1.50. S2.
and $2.
Tremendous Cut
in Furnishings
Men's Garters, 10c grade,
Men's Shield Bows lOo
Men's Wash Four-ln-hands,
16c grade, 3 for 26c; each.
Bhawknlt Hose Never
less than 25c, for
Men's Solid Leather Belts,
86c grade ;. .
Men's Fancy Lisle Finished Hose
25c grade; I for 10c,
per pair . ,
Men's Silk Four-ln-hands, "KC
f. n frr.n. .............. .
Boys' Blouse Waist
60c grade
Men's Lisle Finished Un
derwear. 60c grade ...
Men's Fancy Lisle Thread Hos
60c grade; t for 11.00 35c
per pair.
Men's Combination Suits, KQa
$1.00 grade
Are You Looking
for a Good School?
Yos will be sUataa with las
Woman's College
at Jacksonville, III.
War to tsM to s Cell.t (of WoaMS f Here are
lull Collet. ao Prtpaniory Ceaian, asS 6as a.
Ttnui.i is Msilc, Art, - Doowttic Sclesca, ssS
Bssimioa. Iikiiki Sutraandlnsi
h.tlikral. Hom. Ills Mill. Locillon c.ntrsl Is Wnt. Vcn conTenltnl is ettr s.rt ol ih.
Mlninlppl Villcr. Susaniros met. laaa rs-fat?
tales. Catalogaa lra. A4it
Prealdefit Barker, Bos 1 lackaonHlla, III.
College of r v
Dsr anS Er.nlnt School. Pall Una bflna 8pt. t.
Botlr. bulldlnf Id a sul.l loostion, oslr tl. mis.
utws from cat.r, occupied br call's. Sia
deau aaalal Is obulslns .mplormmt. No otbor
city olfera aucb opoortunltlfs for atud.nta lo work war through collrga as Chleago: M pr eDt
ot atudeau aolt-auppurtlns whtl. atudrlns: 2S0 sta
s.Qla last r..r. Vioat eaporleDcM teaching faculty
la anr weat.rn law school. Proparra for bar of
aithr oommos law of cod. atatoa. Opportunity for
aiud.nts to mak. up d.fl.l.ncUa la preparatory
work and to uk. apeclal adirsDcl work Id hiatory,
political economy, logic, Me , without .itrs charge.
KlocutlOD and debating. Th. root thorough anS
compl.ts eeenlnf law oourae In Ibe ceuntry. Tor
caialogu. addrcM th. oan. Albert H. I'ulney, evl
But Brie St., Cklcago.
Through Sleeper
"Lake Shore Limited"
Leaves Chicago 5:30 p.m.
Arrives Pittsburgh, 6:35 a.m.
Salle Street
"On the Loos"
I ' i in i mum ins "mi I
t ,gtT7TWJssUUggi J
x" La
Where to Find
The Bee When
You Travel
Arnold'! Park, Iowa.
a Otis rerfcet.
Atlanta, Ga.
World Mews Co, .
Atlantic City N. J.
John A. atajeae, 10 Qootwtll Ave.
P.aa STsws Oo.
Skep Bres., Stll reelfle Ave.
Bemidji, Minn.
O. 9. Whittle.
Boston, Mass.
Yendome Betel.
Toaag's motel sTews Staaa.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Oenssee Hotel JSewa ataa.
otel Irosoels STsws Staaa.
Saaaael Ceka, 16e XUloett .
Chicago, HI.
AaeMSerinaa Stews . ' -
Aaaltorlaaa Aaaea Haws StaaA,
tou. ST ere a. Mews wSaaa, feekeoa M
Great Worth. ra Hotel Hews Itaaa,
roet Offtoe Kiwi Staas. ITS Beaisera,
raa Faclne Hetel Hews teas,
raises House Mews Snaas,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Tessa Hswg Oe.
Cleveland, Ohio.
Oolorado Springs, Colo.
m ..ti-.- sratl STswa gftaag.
Cole, Wholesale eweae Ageae.
. . M. BUar, Jr., aaa M. Chectaat Sk.
Denver, Colo.
a. lee.
Kendrlok Boek an Stat. Oe
St. T. Kaasea.
Brows raises XoteL
Oloke Hews Co. .
Z X. Bessmaa, ITta aaa WellesL
Westera Mews Co., 10M lTSa
Des Moines, Iowa.
Moses Jaeoss, SOS gtk -
TraS, M7 W. h Are.
Detroit, Mich.
ClySs Xitaa sTews Oa.
Excelsior Springs, Mo.
B. T. Asbby. 101 W. Broadsrar.
lak a Cleveager.
Hot Springs, Ark.
T. Marks, MS Central Awe.
Mrs. Kate Wall sc., 134 Ceatral ATS.
IV. B. wratt, mo Oeasral Ave
a K. Weavsc ce.
Hot Springs, S. D.
BasU Bargees.
Kansas City, Mo.
Tetaa Bews Co ttk aad Mala.
Blokaeeker Cigar Oe, Sth aad Walaal
Bioksecket Olgas Oe , IStk aad Walaas,
BaltlBsere Vetei Bews Staad.
Memphis, Tenn.
World Bews Co.
Manitou, Colo.
Mexico City, Mex.
Fortar's XoteL
Milwaukee, Wis.
Botel Vhistes Bews Btaad.
rraak MtOkera, Bread ATS. aad Ml
Minneapolis, Minn.
Csntorr Bsw CoM . Srd
M. 3. Xavaaaagk, 4 B. Sr t
BlooUstt Betel bobby Beers Staad,
Mt. Clements, Mich.
X. X. Xaoktig Oe.
New York City, N. Y.
Broadway Tksatet Bewa fJSMd.
Imperial Betel Bews tavae.
Kalokerkooker Betel Bews Btaad '
Xoffmaa House Bews Btaad.
Oread Valea Botel Bews Btaad. ,
Xollaad Bease Bews Btaad.
Murray Hill Bews Btaad.
BeUaeat Hotel Bews Btaad.
WalderiAsterla Bewe Btaad.
Maakattaa Hotel Bews Btaad.
Astor Xeaee Bews Btaad.
Barry g. Bokalta, B. M, Oe. S7k bad
Ogden, Utah.
W. J. Kloksy, MB SSth Bt.
B. X.. Beyle, 110 afitk Bt.
Oray Bews Oe Beeet Hews Btaad.
Z.ewe Bros- 114 tSU Bt.
Barret ft Oeddara.
Peoria, IU
0)se. Xartmaa, Mala aad Alaasa.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Bona Bews Co.
Bellsvas Btratford Botel Bear Btaad.
Waltoa Betel Bews Btaad.
A. B. Xesnhle, 37SB aVaaeaste Avs.
Pittsburg, Pa.
Ft. Fltt Botel Bews Btaad.
Portland, Ore.
Ceatral Cigar Btore, BTB Was a. cor-
ae 4th.
Sdwmu Bews Oe.
Or.goa Bews Co, 14? ft Bt,
Hose City Bews Oe.
World Bews Oe.
St. Joseph, Mo.
World Bews Oe.
St. Louis, Mo.
Bontksra Hotel Bewa Btaad.
Betel Jeffsreoa Bews Btastd.
B. T. Jet
St. Paul, Minn.
B. Bt. Maria.
Bwa. . ntsaatrUik, US Wabash.
Salt Lake City, Utah. ft Kansas,
Motel Kaatsferd Bewa Btaad.
San Francisco, Cal.
B. Wkeatley Bewa Btaad.
Valted Bews Ageats, 11H Bdd.
Betel Bt. rraaeia Bews BtaadT
Seattle, Wash.
WUsea, atT Bike Bt.
. wera
Sioux City, Iowa.
Wee Betel Bews Btaad.
Meadaaila Betel Bews Btaad.
Oeseld rttaglbkea Bews Btaad
Marakall Brea.
Spokane, Wash.
ska w. rakasa.
Stockton, Cal.
Tourist Bews Oa.
Washington, D. 0.
ralrfaa Betel Bewa Btaad.
aw Will srd Hotel Bows Btaad.
Bow Baleagk Hetel Bsws Btard.
ArUasrtau iaotel Bsws atnod.
Xtgfs Bom Kin ataib
Oeluiabia Hews Ca.