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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1908)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY KEBi TTTTJRSDAY. AUOTJST 6, 1908. SEW SOIES Mil LIKE OLD Aldrich-Vreeknd Billi Do Hot Changs Money Eadically. OMAHA HAS HOKE UP TO PXESE5T Da. f Krrr Maklaa? Kr infr rrrrf Oat Tl, ars Cuklrr Barbels, f . Oaa Katlosml. B far the bTikrl of Omtha know none of th nw currency Ibwik? undrr th AldrWrti-Vrsrlanfl currency act Is In cir culation In Omaha. thouh almost every banker has swn Km of ths not and de clares thr la auch a llsht dlffrranoa that vran a trained eye could hardly tell tha nrw Mils from tha aid currency. Tha old Issues aald "secured by the United State bonds depoalted with tha trsasurcr af tha United Btatea." Tha new note read "United Stale banda srvd other eearUleav" If It ever becomes necessary to Issue "emergency currency" there will be no change In ttie appearance of the money. It Voce) now and will go If another October 27. IHT, eomee along; ta disturb the country. Banker say the government haa made something Ilka 13.0.000 of tha notes and wHl erna th; out aa tha hanks send In their old circulation for redemption, or rather to be replaced with new money when tha old bills wear out. fe Caiaaieo for Emergency. "There is not one chance In a thouemnd of aver Issuing th Aldrlch-Vreeland bills as emergency currency under tha pro vial cms of ths recently enacted law," aald W. H. Bachols. cashier of tha Omaha National bank, '"and there is leas chance than that of tha bankera In and about Omaba organ ising a currency association and calling for some of the new circulation secured by ether than government securities." Tilers is absolutely no Intereat In tha or ganisation of currency associations, though tha -law haa permitted their organisation sine May 1. The only ana organised Is the National Currency association of Washing ten, D. O, aecordln to the National City Bank circular for.. August, which has Just been received In Omaha. In Omaha the reluctance to organise is because there is absolutely no necessity for a currency association. Then the bank er say there Is no provision in the law authorising individual banks to withdraw voluntarily from an association when all the obligations of an association shall have been satisfied. Maaey Tf Kaaler. Be money will not be any easier for the average person to -get than It has been In tha" put. Tha "secured by government bonds and other securities" will not affect th average man or woman. The money will be Just aa good t all times. There ar hundreds of securities which for all practical pnrpoees are Just aa good aa tha government securities. If there Is any doubt about the new money beina; good, those wtMf have a lot of money In cash can get gold eerttfloafes. Gold certificates will not be changed In any way by the new currency law. They are simply backed by gold in the vaults of tha United States treasury. CMi is worth C0.S7 an ounce the world over and will be for generations to come from all present Indications. Tha government wilt pay almost an ounce of gold for a ta gold certificate at any time, so those who ar lucky enough to get the certificates, have something, but moat peo ple will take Aldrlch-Vreeland currency at par In )S. $10. $30, $60. and $100, and. In an emergency, accept $1,000 or $10,000 bills In bunches of five. YOUNG MEN BALK AT SLATE Deneerat Sore at PIet to Head Cor rattosi Ticket wltsi Raasasa and Hewell. long before the primaries let alone the November election war cloud are hover ing over the camp of local democracy and whatever semblance of harmony ever ex isted Is now In total eclipse. This is due to th fact that Ed Howell, Frank Ransom and John K. fteean have lent them serves to tha formation of a senatorial slate to head a corporation' legislative ticket. The younger democrats ard the few that wanted to get away -from th old hide-and-seek game of corporivtlon-bos-politics are girding their loins for battle and declare 1 they will support the republican ticket be fore they will vote for th Ransom-Howell combthe. 'How can we go before tha voter and ask for the support of thsse men?" com plains one. young democrat. "Reagan might have been all right, but he got Into bad company. Tha idea of Ransom and Howell running for office in this day of political reform and promising any revision to the charter to Omaha I How would they revise it? Anybody who remembers how Ed Howell fixed on Omaha the Incubus of tha anti-terminal taxation law can anawsr. Will Mr. Hewell begin his charter revision by fighting for the repeal of the taw . enabling Omaha to tax Its most valuable HropertyT Ji took Omaha several sessions of the hardest kind of fighting to gat this law on the statute books. What Is the use m the democratic party lending itself to any such plot ss thlsT Doesn't It know the people can't be hoodwinked on aurh men? I do not believe these fellows can be nominated. "Frank Ransom fixed the slste. He told . Ed Howell to file and Ed Howell told Ftank Ransom he would file If he. Ran som, would. So they both filed. Then they went to Reagan and got him to file, completing the slate. They are corporation from the ground up and, everyone knows It." goitfh Omaha Jiaa always before been considered entitled to a member of the state senate, but th democratic slate does not recognise tbat city. MISS LYF0RD JAKES UP WORK Head Reeldeat t rial Bettlemeat ' Assesses Her Datles 1 tk Ossafca Coleay. Miss Wlmfred Lyford. who is th head resident of th Social Settlement of Omaha arrived In tha city Tuesday to tsks up her new duties here. The board of directors of th Soda! Settlement held a meeting at M o'clock 'Wednesday morning to hear th report of the cemmlttee on location and house. It was previously decided to try to get a house on th south side of the city near William - street. Arrangements have been completed for th house at 156 South Fourteenth atreet, and tha house commit tee composed of Mrs. Edgar Bcott- Mrs. Shannon and Mlaa Faith Potter, has gone to work and will have th house furnished and ready for occupancy within a week or ten days. Flee at War few " Daya. Oraad Trunk-Lehlsh Valley, double track route, Chtcag to New York via Niagara Falls; Orad Trunk-Central Vermont-Boston lCam route from ChtcaTO to Boston snd ths Grand Trunk Railway System to stent real. Qabe and Portland. Double track, front Chicago to Montreal. For particular of special low round trip far, descriptive literature, Wo., apply to Oe. W. Vaaa. A. U. P. A T. A-, US Adams mm li A Tremendous Special Purchase of Women's Elbow Length Silk Gloves WORTH UP TO $2, at 69c PAIR. These are pure Milanese Silk Gloves, are in 16-button lengths. They are made with double tipped fingers, and coir vfsr 7 - TV . GRAND CLEARING SALE Of Exquisite Hand Loom EMBROIBER'ES rLOUNCINGS and SKIRTINGS, X Actually Worth up to $1.50 Yd., at.O Q- French Batiste Corset Cover Embroideries, 18 and 27 ins. wide embroideries in this season's newest designs English eyelet, Japanese shadow, Grecian and combina tion effects. "We make this extraordinary offer in order to clear away our finest goods Thursday. Positively worth as high as $1.50 yard, at, yard This is positively the greatest season. The window display has Fine French Batiste and Nainsook HAND LOOM EMBROIDERED INSERTIONS Insertions, bands and galloons, to 4 inches wide, large, assortment, high grade needlework, worth up to 45c, yard 65c ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES at 39c YD. 30-inch extra fine Swiss embroidered Allovers, dots, squares, clover designs, drawn work, etc., worth up to 65c yard, at, yard onac LOiporiS scan Tj OMAHA' A GREAT SPECIAL SALE MUSLIM UNDERWEAR Odd Lots From an Eastern Factory at a Big Sacrifice aa ,iv l .lilil bhq at mm .ve.i . " n n i , Pretty White Petticoats at 98c, Worth $2. You would regularly pay as high as $2 each for these skirts, plain effects, cut wide, with full k f . flounces, also fine embroidery and lace trimmed skirts, at JfJ mmmfo OMAHA OMAHA MUST FIGHT FOR CUT Local Jobbers Hot la on Fifteen Per Cent Sate Seduction. WILL HAVE TO GO INTO C0UST CosaaitaalOBer Dark Says Rehearing Is I allkely sal Advises tklcaco Association t Briar; Aetiea. From all indications Omaha wholesalers and jobliers will not get the benefit of the reduction of 16 per cent ordered In the freight rates from the Atlantic seaboard to Missouri river points, until after a hard flrht In tha courts. E. E. Clark of the commission, who wrot th decision In the Missouri river rat case, la quoted as saying In Orand Rapids. Mich., Monday that the commis sion would not likely grant a rehearing In the C9sc. Hs sdvlsvd the Chicago Com mercial association either to appeal to the courts on Us own account or join the rail roads In dulng so. Ths reduction meana a saving of tSO.ona per annum to the wholesalers and Jobbers of Omaha. It means about fl&u.OJO saving the colors are tan, brown, navy, black. One of the most famous makes of strictly high class gloves. They have been much admired in the window display Positively Worth up to $2, at... 69c Long, mercerized Lisle Gloves, 12 and 16 button length m white, black and tan, worth up to $1 pair. . . w embroidery bargain event of the attracted thousands., all choice new designs, 1 19c at, 39C 11 ptM, FINE $2.00 GOWNS at 75c Also Chemises and Combination Suit Beautifully made gowns of fine materials, newest styles, high and low neck, long and short i i i r t i i i eieeves, emoroiaery ana lace T trimmings, all good, full gar ments Also daintily made chemises J ! comDinaiion suits, gar , o- 75c ments that are worth up to $2.00 CORSET COVERS and DRAWERS Lace and embroidery trimmed, cut wide and (all, ribbon trimmed drawers, wide trimmings of lace and embroidery the finest SI 25c lota ever offered In Omaha at this price, worth up to fl.00, at to the Missouri river dealers. Chicago has been profiting by the dlspropotionste late against the Missouri river cities, as wtll as Minneapolis and St. Paul. The latter cities stcnued out of the fight, when the commission held thet the Twin Cities were entitled to a rate lower than the Missouri river cities. But Chicago steppod In when the reduction was made, as a Urge amount of the cut fell between the MUannrt river unit Chlc&KO. The Chicago Commerical association Is quoted In special dispatches as telling Commissioner Clark that the result of the commission's ruling would mesn that minion, nf dollars in - trade would be transferred from Chicago to Missouri rhrer cities. Ballatac Permits. Prairie Trust company, Z&U Fowler ave nue, frame dwelling, 1X600; Prairie Trust company. X560 Fowler avenue, frame dwell Ing. II.W0; PraJrl Trust company, KM Fowler avenue, frame dwelling. U.fc; Eva Oliver, le Howard street, brick store and flat, ts.000; A. P. Stanley. Thirty-first snd Ohio streets, frame dwelling. (3.000; F. C. Jlowles. Forty-eia-hth and Maeon streets. frame dwelling. l.Zbo; r. tJ. uowiee, mnj. mithih nfl Milsob streets, frame dwelling. 11.260; F.sther C. Hill. Forty-second street n.i BV.UH, kv.mi. frame dwelling. 12,01X1; Mrs. M. U Hoghes. Forty-flrat and Dodge streets, frame dwellln. Rjo, W. B. Ling. Twenty-fifth snd Chicago streets, brlc-k flacs 116000; Alfred Brisbsns. 1430 Rvsns irwt. fram dwelling. 1.W: A. V. Brndv. S3I5 Meredith avenue, frame dwelling, M.. J ' W elee at 1 V. M, Tuesdays during Jnly IT 1 M J and Anrnst, other day at T. X. Saturdays ft M hi Thursday Hosiery Day Three extremely fine specials for our weekly snle. Summer Hosiery for women and children at prices seldom equaled for goods of such merit. Children's Imported Stockings Fine ribbed, full fashioned kinds, well worth and al- f ways sell for 25c, all sizes Thursday, pr. C Women's Best 50c qual Imported ities, in allover Lisle lace and lace Hose boot effects ;' on bargain tables j? n Thursday only, at . . w J C One Day Clearance Under wear and Hats for Men Eun in here Thursday if you have an Underwear need and you wity be well repaid for your trouble. Thursday you take your pick of our best 50c underwear, including fine sea island cotton and Egyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers, long or short sleeves, knee or ankle length drawers; also the popular Airsel mesh 50c 5Qrt srarments each JrC Choice of all the 25c underwear for men each. SOFT FELT About one hundred only, in new tans, browns, HATS grays pearls, odds and ends of our best and most staple lines, selling up to $2.50 all sizes f ft choice. . . , UwC BOYS' BLOOMER AND Sizes 4 to 14 years, strongly WTT"w av afwiwita aa ssasanM - Xs.jNiujvJSB.uuuii.xiK rAJMTSS mere materials, good patterns values ; Thursday ANOTHER Bid PURCHASE LONG SILK GLOVES ON 8A1.E THURSDAY REST fl.75 QUAJJTV...O 16 button lengths, beat quality, all have double tipped fingers and 2 clasp fasteners, black or white. Remember sale Thursday, pair. . 65J 1 Bennett's Big Grocery Orrtpr ,vonr tahln delir.AClM hern. Tha trnmenilniia huslnosn Anna daily keeps stocks constantly on the move, assuring you pure, whole some goods at all times. Cleanliness, polite service, prompt deliveries and always lowest prices are other features that make it a real object for you tO trade at "BENNETT'S BIO GROCERY." Bennett'a Capitol Baking; Powder 6-pound can. t-pound can.,:.(;. . , U-oound yoan Golden Haatos Coffee, nound Teas, ne.todrtd, pound TeA ilftlnK. pound "ure Black iprpper, ground, can Konton Brown Bread Flour, pkg Snider's Pork and Beans, two cans Kllon Sardines, two cans Delatour Olnser Ale, two bottles for Pure Fruit Jams and Jellies, glass.'. Bayle's Ersxlish Mustard, Jar Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, three pkgs iMew lorn run urenm neese, pouna 2Se bottle GraDe Juice 15o Oyster Shell for chickens, pound..... Bone Meal for chickens, pound Chicken Feed, per pound Thursday Pee ent fff On Coys', Misses' 2nd Children's Oxfords "We have taken ten complete lines of our boys', misses' and children's Oxfords all of them this season's goods and put them on sale for Thursday at 25 per cent off. $1.50 Boys', Misses' and Children's Ox- fl 1? fords $2.50 Boys', Misses' and Children's Ox- 1 OO fords ..: I.OO Why should you pay the full price when you can come here Thursday and save 25 per cent? i Ppeiiei Shoe 1419 Farnam Street. An Anniversary Gift of a piece of hand painted china would please any lady. we have high Art Goods In hand painted plates, cresnis and sugars, vases, salta and peppers. Xpmd a few minutes In our store. Look for the Name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler IBM XOUai.A ITBBIT COMMERCIAL CLUB CETS HOOK Goes Alter Many I'romlnemt Baslaess Mem Who It Thlaka Oaat Jola. Not all the business nun In Omaha belong to the Commercial club nor participate In Its work, as shown by a booklet Just pub lished by the club which bears the title. "Get Out of ths Ellslbles Into the Roster." The membership committee of the club sent out the booklets Tuesday evening. Wednesday morning one application came In. It waa accompanied by a check and was from J. U Uvesey. chief clerk In ths offices of th American Smelting and Re fining company. Th membership commit tee believes it has csptured the first one of about 4 members It Intends to secure. Ths booklet shows those who do not be long whom the committee believes should Join. Much la th astonishment of many business men there ar eight wholesale grocers In ths list who bavs nvr affili Women's 75c These are Imported h a n d e m Lisle Hose b r o i d ered lace boot and allover lace lisle; special f3C 1 ' Thursday only. . . 19c made or serviceable cassi- and regular 75c ; , 38c -guaranteed pure $1.00 and 100 Oreen Stamps 8o and SO Oreen Stamps aoo ana 15 Green Stamps 10 Green Stamps 40 Green t? tamps 10 Green Stamps 6 Green Stamps iO Green Stamps 10 Green Stamps 10 Oreen Stamps B8o and 380 anl lBo and 100 and 15o and 30o and 80o and fl&o lHo lOo and Sfto and 10 Green 8tampa 10 Green Stamps wto ana 10 Green Stamps 21c can Diamond 8 Salmon 16e lo 9Vio So $2.00 Boys', Misses' and Children's Ox- r fords lijU $3.00 Boys', Misses' and Children's Ox- fords t3 ated with the Commercial club. Beginning alphabetically there srs fourteen sutomo bile dealers for whom the committee Is looking, sixteen architects, five brick manu facturers, fifty-four retail coal dealers, fifty-eight druggists and twenty Implement dealers. "The fields are truly white unto the har vest," said L. M. Talmage, chairman of the membership committee, aa he looked down a list of lawyers a foot long.. "Ther ar eight Ice companle and two column of physicians, a column of retail butchers and thirty printing houses. The basis of membership Is an ad mis ston fee of KX and 130 a year dues. . Timely Advice. Never leave heme on a Journey at this season ff the year without a bottls of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, u good advice for young and old. No one can tell when It may' be required. It cannot be obtained on board th eara or steamships. Buy It befor leaving bom For sal by a'l druggist Unusually Interesting Thursday ' Specials.-,' THE -RELIABLE STORE Greatest Undermuslin Bargains Ever Nothinir to eaual the oualitv or variety of Thursday's offer. o - , " - imrs ever nreviouslv offered, here or elsewhere in Omaha. You must see them to appreciate their OVER 500 Regular 10 TILL 11 A. M. Children's f ants' Dresses, sizes 1 to 6 years, 75c and $1.00 values, on sale, at 25f Several Rousing Suit Department Bargains Their style and quality cannot be duplicated at our Thursday prices. Enough for all, disappointments for none, come early and secure the choicest. DAINTY WASH SUITS That H AND S OME LI NGER I E sold to $3.00, several hundred for selection, all colors ' and sizes, on sale at 69c ALL SUMMER WAISTS Fine Lingerie, Swisses, 'India Lin ons, Jap Silks', Nets, etc.,' on sale Thursday, at LESS THAN HALF. See the New Fall Models in ments now on display. 69c Silks Thursday 25c A choice line of patterns in sea sonable Silks, including big as sortment of weaves and color ings that sold regularly, to 69c, at-yard 25c Several other Special Bargains during the day. Extra Specials For Thursday All Day 10c Bleached Muslin, yard wide, QM 7 Vic Bleached Muslin, yard wide 5 7c Apron CheckB, yard 3H 10c Summer Prints, yard 3H 15c Wash Goods, yard 5t 19c Wash Goods, yard 7H 15c White Walstlngs, yard ....7H 25c White Walstlngs, yard lOi 26c Scotch Suitings, yard 18c Wrapper Cloth, yard ....12tti 15c Wrapper Cloth, yard 10 12 Vic Outing Flannel, yard . . . .8't 10c Bath Towels, each 5 12c Bath Towels, each 7H 16c Bath Towels, each 10 6c Light Shirting Prints, yard . .39 12V4c Percales, dark or light, 7H4 Everything Just as advertised. Mail orders filled. August Invoice Sale We took Inventory the first of the mouth and find the largest stork we have ever inventoried. We re going to reduce tlvo stock one-half, the sale will commence Thursday morning. Tha best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar at less than Jobbers' Cost, for this ssle. 10 bars best brands laundry Soap for 8 So 10 pounds sacks bent Cornmeal for lBc The best Domestic Macaroni, package 8Vo 2 pound cans String, Wax or Oreen Beans, per can 7Ho I pound cans Pumpkin, Hominy, SquHKh. or naked Deans, per can 8!iO OH or Mustard Sardines, per can 4o Cocoanut Cookies, per pound TH Fig- Newton Cookies, per pound 7h BIG FRESH VEGETABLE SALE THURSDAY: The best fancy Sweet Corn, dozen 8 ftc Large Cucumbers, each lc 8 Bunches Fresh Radishes for ....Ac 5 Bunches tf'reah Beets, for 5c 8 Bunches1 Fresh Onions, for lie 5 Bunches Fresh Carrots, for . . , . 6c 2 large Heads Cabbage, for ......5c 2 large Heads Celery, for 5c 5 Heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce, for . . V Fresh Parsley, per bunch lc 2 large Summer Squash, for 5c Fancy Home Grown Klpe Tomatoes, at per pound . . . . : 5c Large Cauliflowers, each 5c M HAYDEN'S EMI 7 H0VE)Y0UR FACTORY -fTl To "Omaha. Chsasi power I 11 I i V B f means blsr profits. V 7 I i6" A H j DmrnaAn. " 1 fiiw. E ( OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT &a g AND POWER CO. I Sv TlplMs-oilas ij I4- Alg78 tJy""-J-. a 'N OR. BRADBURY, Dentist 1500 Farnam. 17 Years Bamo Extracting. . . 25c ( op. Crowns.... 92.60 up. Plates y--00 up. Bridge Work 92.50 up. Porcelain Fillings up .from. . . . . $1.50 HOTEL ROME jtm sj jisissjuBianonsw jwt COO LEST PLACE IN TOWN NOONDAY from la till a Sea Our Men's Clotting Clearance ..Bargains. , matchless bargain worth: DOZEN CORSET COVERS values to 50c, trimmed front antl back with deep lace and embroidery yoke marvelous bargains, at sale price 10c $1.00 GOWNS Cut full and long, great as-,, sortment, prettily trimmed, at choice 40c ' LADIES' $1.50 GOWNS, choice, at... 75c LADIES' $2.00 GOWNS, choice, at . ;08c V SKIRTS A handsome line that sold up to $5.00, in 3 big lots 1.98 $1.50 98c LADIES' DRAWERS That sold up to - f9c, choice Thursday, each . . . . . . . .25c DRAWERS AND CORSET COVERS .Worth to $1.50, choice, at ........ . .49c 9 TILL 10 A. M. Ladies' Hose, fine im ported 1 isles plain, allover lace or laoo boot effects, values up to 75c, sale price, per pair ,25c or In 11 A. M. TILL 12 M., Men's 75c Madras and Percale Shirts, good patterns 25c DRESSES That sold to $5.00, Jumper and Princess styles, trimmed with pretty laces, in sertions and, tucks, at $1.98 FINE LINGERIE DRESSES That sold regularly at. $8.90, $10.00 and $12.50, splendid as sortment for selection, match less values, at $3.98 Tailor Suits. Splendid assort- The World's Oast Wash Laces Zion City U American You save the 60 per cent duty imposed on foreign laces by buying them. We have sole agency for Omaha and vicinity. Rugs and Carpets DON'T MISS THESE SNAPS 50c INGRAIN CAJtPETS- Half wool. extra heavy quality, 20 patterns for selection, at 37 H 1U G SAMl'LKS 1 yards long Ax- minsters, Wilton Velvets, etc., nicely 7 - bound, worth to 12.50, on sale, 'at each 08t ijllS.OO TAPESTUV HUGS 9x11 su. worsted face, on sale at choice, earh .$9.98 HASSOCKS One big lot, worth to $1.00, choice, at 39 IiOt us measure your windows for Shades and give you an estimate of V I tout. Will cost you nothing, may save I of Groceries Thursday Crescent Mapellne. 2 ounce bottle. ... .aOo . . .aus rrtnui nuuer, per JUT Bromaifelon, Jellycon, or JUo, pica;. 7Ho l ' UDHn r ancy uimeRa. lor ..00 24 packages Parlor Matches, for 96 Quart Hot He Welch's Grape Jules, for 30 Pint Rotllrt Welch's Grape Juice, for BOo Fancy Full Creum Cheese, per pound lftfl Quaker Oats Company Toasted Wheat Flakes, per puckaire 5a Fancy Pickles, assorted kinds, Worcester Patice, or Pure Tomato Catsup, pet bottle SV C green Peppers for 5 Fancy Green Cooking Apples, 6 pounds for 25c Fancy Blue Plums, per basket . . . .85o California Peaches, per dozen.. 12 H Large Juicy Lemons, per dozen . . 154 I'KAItH PEAIIH PKAR8 Now is the time to can California Bartlett Pears. While this car lasts we will continue to sell them, per basket 81.95 RIAPELINE SAI.K 2-oz. bottle Crescent Brand Mapelino, at, per bottle 20 Office. Phone, Douglas 1750. - Alveolar Deiitistry a specialty. Loos teeth made solid. Nerves removsd wlthoat pain. Work: guaranteed tea tears. Grill Room LUNCH 50c loth and Jackson Strt i i (