Tm: OMAHA PAILT BIX: WEPNXSDAT. AFGrfT 5. IS.?. Bad Day for Chicago, Sox and Cubs Both Losing; Pirates Take Tumble; Omaha in Second Place ! J -SIOCX (in GOES TO LEAD I A V. T r.. J e C 1 im VtfiMiii r kvwaw ""in ; ' law Taw-. ' rrrcr vcxx sugetlt err colcx r-iitjwt r -TIM rm, trlta Oart Tea! Mmmu WtXw Htbe- wt lw-a Owly y"".aj lr-A lam am T!f M: i"-Tier. .-. a baae Juc.. r-nt I fcac r' hi i Oniw. Tb'ir.a I i tt I.miht pay Hettfl-ii to "-T r la -.,.., T ATar tn ku-IVfi : Wi mcv ' ' Ist r t Ni'l"''!. fr:T-rck wf Ft rirt- irt. t r B- Bar I ti r baa rr, Til .. "t Hr.c I. cTf K r 4. T : 1 l'ji;f: Iv . Atrenenee: rirrrE to cue AsaiT detf Walclrt i. rf .. Ptov Ctaaacy. rt .. 't-Hf. ; I tnoCX CTTT. Ia- M. A Omaha bed rr at "! 0ms Tty n t wwf gam rf tbe at war was tr toed inte B orid pukr. tb locals winning easily by - fa" Kiicrti ml T't Tor." H'-iWi- ; Lrrrn if nrBr. Brtrt- b wan not mippnr-..fl , M(.rA,rit,ur!i, t tn tb ptntnt by ba tesra rcstes. Biow , . . . j,t ik a 4 the nnul tr. I ioiai or tMT hit ana th-H error ai.owed that ( "Jir ram. H-rtrrrr. 8t roRMfr tw Tn a uwi pioi' .i j,,,, . rlr t r men. A wot. Welch I'i;-' 2b a-fl adkh whiffed the ait uerrm-ir I r; tb a r towing After iw otrt to . j;!Vt rf tb ftftlt. WMrTi AosM Mid LErrfl CtThan. .. Jh otilT run m.3- ,M'i. c CI fHrx-r Tw mc- rt Obm tBPt arifl dtfl no flamfcre. Stfnz CT ccra in Er cm Camp- 1 . prmui. au 4 rhf rr-r-a ri-iMrf Irr tr tt i tr i. jFi' hit 't.-a trir"unirt anil iik tit hri .ut w rrTerrii-v wi. iwm tm ba and a JT,""' frr-ut uprTt TIGERS EEAT ATHLETICS ; Detroit VTint Gove ax I mtie Ginc Standing of the Teams WEST. LWCl't i AKER. ASr.V w UPi ! "w urn Ri-CX C1TT Ixni'wr.lir .. . .4 4 jmTKt a nrniEi is ftt eaib .i ....! h-a- j F'lHtI' S -3' 3liT.TM-4,-h fc4 PHILLIES USD 05 REULBACB Qicf ?itcler it Batted Eud ia TEEXE SUSS DECIDE TEE G1KX la Kieif'in har. Fnrfl Mi.v-.a r-r-n-ir-t IV. Hartlrrt ff Lrit R A-k... J r.u.Ciaa af tba raa rl 'I MaaBrci'u- 1 RALAHAZCO RACES OPEN tbr Fwnfc- ta Ltuvvly NATL. IJUOrE. 1 IB. E. i I u a w Gaiskna. h. pa a. 111 I 1 TntaJs m r. t t l- i I 1 -! H i I 1 Rfi3n. Hnc--r Z. F't- HTi-r-rlt thrm pti to two ror I bfcJw . ' H .ttrTy,.r ,:, TiiWf" tf-: C'inrk di IiulJ I'iBT: Hn7rev-r to Ciark. Hm run: fat'.em.m SacrtTH rETRrr. Au C In a rrmtte. rnt pt rac, r-'lrrr.t tmat U AUJtca to Bffflt rw o tt tuam rr Crawford tn tbc lkBrth h-.rlt.f waa main'y rnpoMlt few tbe kc-aJ vk-torj. Nrf-hrr riehrr u btt barA. arrwraJ f tb nrn-a tlr. flukrjr. TTi wnrk nf Bchaefrr at abnrt wa t: paal ftur ol ln otm- iirmr.rr ridJLi'EHiA. jlB H O A C H O I I f . . J I H-tirl. U . 4 J J : t t d . I 1 I t k a 4 i I i aiTTtj. it . I l 4 t '.miA :k .. 4 1 4 r 111 c nnim. l I I i t t Kit-totift 4 I I I 3 t1".. t.... 4 1 i i I VrkT a ... I t : "brrttui 1 r. n Tm.m at I M Bs.rt-fi for Vk-krr ra rlnta. "t4f. 4 1 4 Or-t-4, rf.l I I Hrlm-. Kill taniu. tb. I li i t Ik. Ill ' a umioi e .. I I In-vim Jt .11 I 1 7 trjui f6:urn:' ST .t'j Pr:t 6 N-w Tirk ...: r .4 Pv Lii W i rt.Kmro H a .fartt.'Mr&a ii 4 .ant rt Uo-:;.Jiia 4 41 it a rSn-fTinaa 4 4 Pilar.jit.ia .4 4 .4M B,:no 4 a 44 hn 4V 11 4 H-Mk;rii . ft T 4 utiiTTot a U'lUI L. a m Trk 43 J4i GAMU rODAT. "Wifra LufM Omaha at Piru CKJ, rfr at fxmUtu, Ira Unllicl at Usoom. ati.ira; L l"n--aliurf at taun. Ft. Laniu I rcx.f. i-o.. C'.n. u r..u al r lark, C H'uk at ft.ilad!tir.ia. Arrx"-" iMrur h'" t Ctii'-apn TCrir Tf at E-l. Ixiuia. dflrit" at iftroit. aar uitno t C"-.and AmcrH U jLKtt-iat.tctE Ml ;Ti?it"fcftl!a at C(ruTiitu. Pv Fau: at Tfixfla. ijiiwaoka at lndiaTiapoii. Kanaaa Cr.y at 1'Uimu.. a f-irmpr cartotiaJ chair.pitm. is a for-a-t I tnaich ta th f.nai rmjnd of tb Lktr.f - j 1 it aeort a i-4. J-a, -t. a-i. j A a remit lxur wiJ p.uj U". A ; Larma ia v:ie f v. ik-t i ruuttd KimitiTc afiTBTHm. J it. a louiid ki rva-ty a wiwia'TL 4 lacmli la HrrrlX Hlta ( m mr4 a fa4ali Well Krt. tml Otayr at lal La4rwr fcaaaa. bull a r baa fctt TclH Mta: Cra-T'-d. I'vl.5'r.- w-k but b ha t-t. nbntirj aa area fjoa iili. Mclctyre. Fuiaarriar-. frchniidt. i M vfnitrt. ho bat 6-latd until tb a lata, wbao Orar ril and yva twt-bar atrr HoUtrtwck bd paaaed a naa. and twa masra rwri rro:t4- Fnra it.M oa Lb way waa cy for tb Bums and o.y w Omaha. Pcrrr: - eiovx CTTT. Cmn yhnTi. U 4 Htta t : 4 a jrraaw. rf - t Ia 4 i Oracrllr'. wa I w kt a. Ca l I "H V. Khra. " 4 ' f hir. 1 - 4 K II P.O. A- 1 t 51 1 1 I Hi 1 I I 1 u r ll hrta: Corhaa. K.roi'rr. Struck rut: Fy iol Larmon. 4: Vy Ga..faxiu. 4 rta cm hal: Off tai-.ra. I . off Brhaiiia. 4. Tim: I. Hi. I'tiwe: iiiatk. AtmndaJK-' : Mat. CtlE It AMEK1CAX AOClaTIO r 4 Tti .B OatAHA. A-B. R- H. P Q. A, rtaKT. If 4 1 1 Kirai. Ih 4114 Aatrv. ib 4 1 J Ana tin. la 4 14 1 Fo. rf . 4 I 1 a rram-Jt. aa . 4111 lt rand c . Z 1 I I HuUrtibrck, I j Tt4a Wiai fr 1 laatat. I I Tr 1 TT-O O . Auit. 4 TbIi wot) tn th a fourth mbfta tb i. Patii ir'ttii wTt ta 1 i V'Kira. aciiririf thrw rum. r'unmavy J ntrhid i f f .rut (am ia tt. aoaooia'ton t4 l.f.ld t )ora r.lub to n- wta. t-ai k?pt i. hi: ararterrd Sorn: TOLEin rr nn. . O A K B. O.A.I m . 4 1 I i MMMnr. IT .... 4 1 1 I BlnmuLU. Il l : 11 IFIk4. 21 .. 4 t t Armr Mr. rt I i t WhmMt. at 4 I 1 I anfK., of ... i ( ; .:. rr 4 1 1 m XmM. 4 4 1 t fevanu. k 4 1 11 t lMr Ik ... 4 IIS Tirarar. la.. 41111 t-wn. aa 1 1 1 c 4 i rttir. I I I n I IwwUi e! . 1111 Wt, p I 1 I rlKiaaaT. ..! I 1 Cdnr,r. Murnrr F. tl-B baa: Jutiea CrawT.r4U Mclrtj-r O. tub play: Ir-wna to 6t-tiaf-r t ftoaamk.! L: oa baw: Iro:i, 4: FT-Xadlpr.ia. k Firm l.aa TO taia: C-fr fcuniTiwra. a. off Vlt-k-e-a. L Flrai baa cb rror ILrdit. . Fai!dc'pt.:a. 1. SHrui k nui: Py Bumaeii 1. by YuAera. a. Tiaw: lJi. Vmp-rfc. Ccmio'.Iy. taa Wlaa fraaa rkanta-av " " i CKXAKi. Auf 4 Forte t.i toflaa I. fail im lwmrth I (-tni from O.irtcr.. 4 tc. 1. Touna piu-n- men a H L iuii tirtt L l-erit, ir, and F. B. AiaaiidT. ECOXD Bib AI TO CXI BACK F'HI'LArEUKlA. Auc A-FbilarVlpt ia trwiay lan34 oa Ra:harb a t m ' a Iti tn a- iiLk tnt.iry and woe th pan frcna O.tcari. Seer: ah n .-.t 1 a r a e O-ant lb .... 1 1 4 tRIacM. (... Kmm. ... 4 114 IfiMaTt .. 4 4 4 I 1 T':-. rf ...41 IV -. Ik .1 ( I I I 11 t t 1 r- it. 1 t 1 t K-nf.(4 tk I 1 I 1 a--ntm.. It I 1 1 1 Owrm. rt . .. I 1 1 tn nnri rf 4 I I r Ih. iu. v ... I 1 I t ITirkn. a. . I 114 1 limn, t 1 4 I ! f .una a 4 I I t-nuim. c.l 4 t ltru:hara. a . I f I I atta k-ot-4 tt trwn ra Aa imiw-riarit it, tf :b a3vlrr board of tb FTtViati rrrf ara 1"M In Htnl Prtmawirk 4turit tb dav, attna4 hy Anna X. Tcri rt (.1, au Trm rt'.taf a tb Frtbiaii aia-rra. and a&ary 4Mb' oTrlpaa a nf tb aux.'.iary. Tri iKUn a aa arrc: Au arrai'4" mtit wr ootr.p-.d aocirM fnr th b lartdt of tb titular rank Wmnrfca iKUCik hue vrus 2 16 rici avrav Bra-41 la Irakfi la rtral avaw Tali-d Mwta aay Rr4 la S4 tti la nri a u AUTO GOES OVER HIGH BAKK Ft Fi a laataatly KIU4 Tar lajar-a r ftaa ad AJt rBAJSClJaO, Au 4 Tb af-P-wd Ciaaatroua awtmnobiw acc46i t Wiihtn f"rty-rfrbt bfnrra lTrro?rn rr-orr.liwrt Ban FYaitraar toi twn'urrrd thla morrnii - ln1l.Mm th T iv i.-TT M V. Bnikiur-Vi Tritk n XT : 1 Tmtll ...I illl t Ct.caro 1 1 f.l I Tt U rn;r- hnr'' tnrBlB - I t.i.iJ'pMa j a ; rcp3 by Tra awin and t rhDdrni Tr bta hr- Rf-ult atti. Knb Tt' I plunitad dpam a ? ambankmrct aa th ra-utt rf th aT.ari'in- of th brakfl at3 rauad th daaxha tf fir df th orrnjiaota baar b ; Hnward. Tairr Katrr.flt h.ta St-u.ftid:. 6.a'.. Z'wro (? Ma-- Lffl t bt ne. Ct.i'-aan. I IT.i.aa i; hia. A firuck nvt: by Ku tiarb, 1. by C'imwi. a. 1-o-bi I'.pti. Ikkhu. Km! and I'MMt: Ctik.uce. and Chaare : TiT;kr ad Fvf Uifejdt P:rrt hh on rrrr F.lia J't.a i F1r ta on bail: rfi B-n;r-n, 4, (-ff. Ctirrrjon. 7. Titnt: i.tL V&ptr. OIr and Koaflrrham raaaJra ah Bta ra at. Lala. BROC'KLTN. K. T-. A ut i r-nf-ac'a tii m-itrrd anothf-r ut cut ever th tn. Uui toatr tr-dar. Tf lc;a pnt up as -rrirlii rt 'nd Wt3li ioad onlT bl a TVi f--atT?-a w-r ' and tejarin c4 two pihra. Tb flad: Vf THMAf A 1rvT vi(ar !1a CLARA SC i.v-f:M:K. ara . BC'FFttT T. O 6RIEX, a;m of lira Ira J4 a O'FF.IFV JR aed t KF.S- IRA CJ. OFK1EX. Th lr.Jarf.4. Mlsa r. G MrCis'itT, bti r-m i--k'- Mia Th- Mcr.orm irk, hnnltJT utthtiM 1 ! l l Totaia "". ..W 1 I n 4 ..4 I 1 I 1 I 7 Omaba .... . a t Trt brta: Carr.pttl. Orativi:. "Word, FKJ. r"rajck. ftarrtfr- b ' Campbll. haaoa: Orasrui Ii. Hoim irn, LrttaAd Baa oa lIla off Ho!fl. a. Si roc oat: by "urt-.hbT, II. by Ho W.hrck, Wild rtvtJi4: HclwotiKCk. I F.k: Hc.rjmb-k.- jtoma: ! Vmpira: HaaarU aa hnau. Ailidaix- Uuu. C1HEI UirOLB - AKTBICI TWO Tatakt II i C U 1 Toaat at I ia H I TnWh t I r FatU t I 0 LaJt ob baaaa- Toledo, f; St Fanl. 1. Two baa hn : MrCari ry Hit by pneboi baii: by DucJrrT. 1. Banna on halia: off It.ary. J. barrrfir biia: Smoet, L.iror ftuM otrt: by Ir. ia i-y . I; by irrat, X. Vnijtr: Krrtna Tim: 1:H- lllUrn W tat traaaa Caaaatlaaka. COd-rMBTR. O, Auc 4 Catcher Jaima, wtki rnad two irmf tnjii off I"anraon, loat tla (ram fr Cotumbua In th ninth. bn b drrptd bb bail aftor harm ine at enjea. ataarra ana CrtuM n-ary ; in h n a H.D.a E every wxy rrMi kii t i bm. rt 4 i l uk iik a x j cr .. . li auilrma of 4 I i lwl. ...4 I I miata. rf . I I Inwhwi?. 1 I Thnnr. H... 4 I 1 l Imltuuua. ik. . 4 4 1 a-al. lb ... I 1 J J-rarrai. aa ... 4 1 1 4 aa .. I 1 1 4 2 w auillTan. cl I 1 Crirr. t .... 4 4 1 i a an 1 Tiiuaa. I I 4 1 IPurtalt. Ik... 1 111 ai. 1 a at I K J 1 Jumna, a- I I 4 uh ... i i i a 0a. n I 1 I a4rilt Cwa taarar Wt ( Oaaavba la TaUvrv Of. An offnrt j l.ti-.f tutd to pK up ic-i t ci.i.b. k-;r: oiottr (iud run ty tr. imaha Au:omcti:i BKouaTLrx . may mc iui i ii. 44 ( Jih rf . 4 1 I ( Cta-M. lb 111 NiniT. It. KALAMAZ' -". Hr: . An 4 -Tb d ft cT jack LJ-bm bv Ftrlm; McKlti hy Miihday irjTimoi t th trot aa U frturt c.f tb rrnii day tf Kalatr.a o a T:rat mr Ut al a it U. Oracd TTtMUrif n-t-utv. Tb itjtj., abut ia a rtm.blnation cf th Grrat "Wa:r and Gnni rirruua. waa uecvtfui;j lnaururatrd.. a!.r.iurb Infor a raibrr auau rrowd tkvi IM"' jn-raona. Tti :i trrj and tli pao v-tiia w? tb Iaiiira cf the aftwmwm. Ja;k ljtf burn a cm th oiiti brat j.f lb 2 tr? w:th Pit-riitit Mrkvinmy f.niKl.u fir.h. Tli vjran driver; Gwrs. lbcn jTLiril to drrv licKinnr) to yrUrj Lb nt ttjw lia.ji Minor Heir had xw troulMa ia lAAiii tt. tit pace ir, tbnt-e :ra.t:a, brraka tb iraik rrrord at BrcraatKia park la tb f:rl and tbird Leata. i-x L ba a ui In I-flS (aid lia'V The hardat-fourtt ra of tb day aal tb t:S tnt. wbirti went 11 full f v beats. af:r ahtw1ii4T'-'"'t.4t H tb li-an a:,d ac-utjd btiala. Nancy it -it tj aT- imil and fif-.s m tb neat tau beata bit UK'k firm DiChey ah.a lxiyal, driven ty Gra. brt-ke is ib laal beat Just brf.r racbiti( Ui wtrt and Xituaowd aoctmd. claw; Axrade Tupiairj c-iuh. Tti rfura ti.ia t:m U Vand"tbiit cup ' rourn wrt cf J Pirfc I? ( nr.i! jl. I-itj t. bav areti th Tu-: " oerhiil pup xura ay Uiat Ctnaha baa an ("LATHE. Kan.. Ana 4 J'-ar?i Kev Burrb'a lcii ' atth of L.uett a denmrxatkr candidal for a'-rff if Jnl'.rj- t r:v in tb fifth inning and Mnnliri mn ootirry. waa ianr-"un'T ir..iurr br ; liumc rt hit to ds irft fld in Lb , tiAav ww a tmrtti ear atruck' and o r- . . it !turnd ha bur- T aatnmohi, mi. I rum. fc. K': IT bona taiiw-d l-rra.i Kanaa City mn a he wer , M:tmit Heir b h.. tr Heir-al-L w 41 I OAK itnur Karama I .!t;v Cln . t.v Kdaid u'ucci MCki uivc irnntuTc! ai j n i kttn-i wii nniL nwwiULiiidiQ,,,, gtnl .4111 .4 4 1 4 14 1 oriura mturb 1 auiierlcr mi Ti linii'fl ciura lnclud-a Jnruan. Ik.... I 111 koi.r. Ik I 4 11 1 t brwia am I 1 i t J-fhauit HI I I I t lb Ontrr atr-t and bK.Qr B'.rt courae. I ci,nn. Ik" 112 r 1 1 1 a alalnu. at . I 1 1 Clikrv Ik ... I 1 4 I l .ih-im. p.. 1 l ( IKirvml a l I X I with a rrnaa road at fai-h rnd. Tbi ooura wduld bav fraer bad run-en t-'ian Bin-koat any oocra in tb ronmrr. Tb comi.n Ob Kaarka 1 f Wanaaaa fka-ara aal Baaa A wtT-T" Mtr ryrlina TwUldr. j tiran cf tt pai-ln on wt Brt;way friin J i Cmaha to Cpuim-11 X:!ulf matra that a --umi 1 l lfu 14 If I I oxj eaD rvetir wttt vebit ie. rli U Council Biufla or t Manawa. ( ! Buriow taa-aed tnxt. Hi wtdc throw pat ujs,tvBas- auaf K-thm irae Muiinar-:ia a run ta th . . . . . i arvOT-.a. riaTM-y. jvroTx ana uenn . Wltkaat Lack dm Blttlms. , AA fBnfmjJntj tWt!r. Scor: LITTOUt. b.. Aa. 4 Playtn Pr- ltlrwaa-;J tTibrfXt 1W4 ball babttid Bonos and Kendr'x today. U H.3.1.1 a 101 1 lb Orwri harkera alao awtliatied their j o-it. am I 1 4 ynn. Ik I 1 I I tpparijma by a aafc marmn and amai.y j m,ia. rt ... I III tiMal ob... I 111 tVtl- I Mottieaa is Aotn ram n a t'knii. at ... I J l ni. c ... a a ooubt liaadrr Tna boot wjt T to 1 ioay. at.-.a 4 lOniaanBa. K. 4 I 1 4 ai I ta a Unur rt i aoord frra rma i Uainw. a .. 4 I 1 Jbbjbb, ci 4 14 11 and mao Ml in tna tiitma. iw of nia ra bon-MT' trtrtaa. Ltnco.t pot botn I Btn iT.h out uf ImiM ta tb n tnninra aiij Ia Mntnaa rara hat ! aad Ikckvrd tna bark to bunch ttwtr htta Dtml aoc .nd STir funded brUiianUy. Tbc aocn aa i fir at fun: 9 r . A.B. R- H O. A Jade, - 4 4) 1 ram. n . I I 1 I I Gaa-atrr, aa ... . I t 1 I I ' a-;V..". - I - A vkva. n -I 4 1111 FrttrXieti, 10 I . 2 M iia. rf A till Z-iiitaa, e .............. 1 3 111 a.l 1 1 M kaiar. am. lb I 1 1 1 t Aibm. lu curaa. la II 1 4 a nciar. r-auiBau. a. . I 1 I 4 Baa. F-otiJ . Total. XI T 17 la k aai I I I 4 1 I 1 XI I 1111 Tmala It IFb Batiad fcr "W. Builrtan in nmtta. Barbed fur A (truck tn arventti. Cnitmaa-o t 1 1 Boaion 1 4 I 1 14 Two baa fctta: Craveth (r. Farent, Anderaon. Iouirrty. Three iiaae ut: CYavath. Hlta: off Airrnrk. In at inning-; off Cmt, 1 m tao iiminga. ttacniice i i. 4 t m Suuftt baaea: xabell C. Thon. Iiahrny. Batin. lrd Lfl im ba: Chicaia. a. Batuei. a. Baa oa kiail: off Tcur-c off Own, X. K by parhd bau: ry Tounc 1. Strurk out: by Atrcx-, 1. by loci.a. t Bfc.i: AJ-j-oca. j ln. 1.4 L.D.pji-. biirridan and Bean. Trail,. hobttr .JM t ST. ii i Carrw. a .. 1 I 4 I Tmala at 11? U I Batted for Balfiy In ninth. Baxtod lor Wriciry ia tuaOt, Colurcbua 0 1 I I 1 I 4 MliitMtajKdh. I a 1 S-t SiK-rlfio bita:. Wrlflry. JOCWfiO. Kruyer, -Krwa. Baa on bai. Off Keaa, 4. off m luyntni, a. j-wa-oaa xuia: r nei. auniui. B i J urtfcaA 1U.I . aiama tzi. iviw ml . n i aumf ma jaram. bttk-b m: t J ana, a. Tcrtalr ... .-. t A B. R. H. faniai'i. tt -I FltauatxH k, aa 4 11 1WT. 1. 1 1 ai.'r. 2 11 btadjxr, rf 41 I'.ftan. Zb -. ...:..'" raih. r? . 4 . rnmf. aa .1 14 Hincari. c 14 1 Ve.Bt'n. p . 11 O. 14 B 2 1H. L' ituylre : Oweosa. Biwm Ftlc t'p Btdt br. IXMASAK'UE. AH 4JtJwauka arm v lndlanapolia a erubbinx tuda,y. tna rtmilt balsa; U U) L bocir: ata.ararK.CX OX tt l .Ott AB B OAK 111! Ill Totaia .... 1 .TBI UVl! . . . . L JAolnea 'i nr- Uae nr. ' ..JB 1 7 14 14 tl3 T . a 1 a 1 Fox. Tbncnaa. Iiavidaon. Twa-tiaa iiita. TUaataa. FnxiiatrK'k Ba o-r, iaoa. rui pajr: 2anraa ta 1 1umu. siutae baaa: Tnnanaa U' Prtlrh. eit aacririo 4d:a . Oarmer, i.aano. Kiruck ont: By ;, by Xeiauc, 4, F'l-at baa on ba-ia: tff Buaibfi, t. off NciaKn. A Xiane. l.ak. Lbn-ira. Xarxa. An ri.i1air: 4.-"flll bpora, aaootid 4ta: LAXCOUS. AB. B.. H. O. A. K. Jad. . . 1114 4 4 Foa. lb 4.1.1 X 4 lMtir. aa. 11114 Thrin.aa. i. 1 1 1 4 4 IviHiaa. cf 14 4 4 11 Friutu. aK 1114 4 M.J-. rf . 1 1 i-bbu, e 4 14 11 .. 4 X 1 111 4 114 1111 111 4 14 4 111! 411 14 14 : AoMinti. at . I 1 I I Hi 4' Br a. ... Ill If.... 4 I i Xtaia. e 1 1 I I I araoa. rf 4 : KanOall. cf . 1 1 I ft I iaaar. . 4 ! Clara, la 4 I I 1 1 a !, Ik 4 X rivna. It 1 1 I I 4Br i . e ... 4 a amiaaiaa. rt . I 4 I Cmk. of .... 4 m. oc a. aa a naaaa. ... Xj itraerr. a. I I I 1 f liw, a.. I aw iaa. a I Tama la 41 li C IX 1 Tata- B T ST II I Indianapolis . 4 1 I I I 4 4 1 kUwauAee S v (J 1 I X -U Hrta: Cf Birrrr, i tn on inin-; off Bncra. 14 in aifht teninira. Baa c baba: Ofl Brara 1 ftoier iaa: JdoComuck, Flya. i mpira: Hart. Time: l.Sb. Crty-L a kar ie arasM poa puuud ; ram. FH. j I Irt Bta Peaaa 1 ta. EEATRJCE, Neh.. A us 4 iPperiaJ Tl grraJn ) in a botty om ue-.d ye me of baa ht i bora thta afuerntKin in Fk kreii mn 6eiaud the Irr.;:era of ibe Ci:y ja-u by a aovrc of I lu a. A li tree crowd was In attendant as the prctot a of the ame ia to apply la the near build . to be com rtructed for the fire ten of Lhe --l:y. The leatur nf tb a was the battl ri of tb laorn. IVoor. H.H..K. PlckreU I 12 ! wi.jtera ill Bail tt Ties : Pick reH, MrPtera-B and aier; 1 mjiai.rra, itHier ad Uaden. aldlaa-a W sua t Uaw. . T e ftpaldtriiT would 1 i to bear f-om any laat an leur team m tri c:-. iiy Traala laraa ral Qaaea. PEJir. X-b- Au 4 (Special. Plsy in tb tent.ia tourntmert aa concluded her today with tb Irf ttf reaulta: Hanna defeated Reimund, 4-1. fr-7. I-J btm l-FinaiHajii aefWatod Cariaon. 4-1 4-t; WUlia is defeated Meyer, -, !-. v Final Wiiiian ia oefeatpd Hajiiia, 4-1. (default p. lioubiea. Se-mi-Tnala Tilliama and Meyr defeat Fentr and HrncncAs by defauit; e-;;.nider and U'eaierlint ce leated 6pafford and, fiaxna. a-i, T-i. FmaJa W :u ins and Meyer df et ed Schneider and Veai-ei.,jr.. -X. 4-1 ccl ieider aon tbe ccnoiatUin ainAlea. iraa 44if Rrrarl III alii at. Tbe rtate record for i dura no roiflnc aa broken Sunday fternoon by ire frouth Cmialu jikjera F. M. fh era ood riayed H boiea. Jay Lfier. H holer, Haj-ry Cheek. 11 holes Ail were piayed In strict tibaervance rf t,e ru. of tiie contnan in ruv.h caaea . The detailed vu as follow-; - Sherwood. H. f.S. K. 85. 1 (4 bolet). 11; total. f4 hole, aror. 427. Jay -ler 11. 14. 111. 12 t t), II. tot 1. H; actvr. 41E ' Karry CheeA. 106. 100 I0. H (I bolea). 11; total, 11 bole. ajrt. tig. Aaae-riewa Xdotaw Bawl Wlaa HL'-VTIXCTOX, I 1- Aug. A The Amer ican MJtor boat Zjc.nt II. won the iriter- 1 I a i a " Turn Tm a I It I "Batted for Baymiitid in eisht . Pt. -uis . 4vl444 a Brwoklya 4 1 1 1 1 Two baa hit: Jordan. Horn nn: Malpn er. Hit: off Ray-Hind, t in aeven mrdri- ; eff Kartrer 1 in one ir.rtna. ftayTjice bit : Ba-ia. Mole tiaea: Burt a, ljl 1.-b J piar: L ewia, Bummei and J. oar.. Lnrt on ba . Su Lt.uiB. 8: Brooklyn i. Firat base n baua: off tViibeioi. 1. Flrat baa on errora: Brooklm. 1 trck out: or Wilbelm. H: by Kaynn, Tirae: l-fc. Uitpire: KJem . Ba lata Wla frwaa Plttabara;. BOFTON. Auc. A Lrtfleld'a wildr-aa In the fourth and errora by WapneT. Tnt-anae After aorlftent ally rtmnin Into of Twearty-oec-nd and S art - I j (V tb Omaha. i4 knock :n ber down In 1 Han attire paik about IT a clock Monday I eventr,. an urrtdemtlfed ntiruy man baatiiy rode away or bis bicycle wtthoct apolocrht -Inf or atoppir. la lewrn bow badly tb youht w ciman was tnyared. Mia Turnen, who is B years of aye. was ren ovfl to the home of Mra. El'.a NeUey at f F ctfie atreet and lr. T. 3. Schleier a-.jendd ta ber injuriea. which are a id not to be Berioua Khe was afterwards taken ta ber borne. A bead-on collision occurred about f o'clock Monday an-enlnc.. but ns Urea were h h . t y G-tme-ta WiAei (Ciiii ... Fau-ren. blA b Je Falc.'M-n iSac.i Jeee Jtmrt. b. -. by Fv-e- (Be. .u l Ir Bonney, blk. ., by J H. 1 Km Geer' Lyueec walnut. r. ia.. it a nui Hot tTaj l:i da Time: l-US irle.'V l:iV laiiir.. 1.17 c maa; l, niKiO: l.ineta. b. m.. by Baroine il Kimiai .. .1 Gotten Cott rti. g . be G-oid Hl'.i tK.tiinBin and liiajar.i 2 Tbe .;-rr ch. b.. t- Cod- manun tt"oloel pit an iei... 4 BroBiieib cb. b by Aicande Punderlm X Prince (.'r.aartt, b. y... ry Barmaid Fmey ) .. . - da. X 2 X Cs 1 2 I -a Tirae : and G-:'fcm rave Bomnn tit ran-i 4 i 1 I . . . . n,,. Mcrartby ptlrb well, but Injured U arm i , 7 " ZJ, 11 C siAiii.r lor home, t'ore: -kotorcycleay only -eoeaadtared tbe ra- BOfTOH at B Fiaasmimt. rf I 1 Kannifk M 4 Kulle . II ... X ft raisa. 3 4 titrher. Xto... X li a-Bft. rf . . . I laen, lb.. 1 GTanafk. c I ntr. .. I T btti uu, a. . I 1 1 r Tbntnaa. rt 4 tU ark. Ik.. : ( -ae. if... 4 awmirn . m 4 ui HI. I I 4 -ita i, rf . 1 at ae. ia . 1 3 biMwa. a... I P rifteiil. p. l I 2 yrrTTPritG al H O.A.E x , .... t,,r p a A t Vltul mm rti Vi rt Catmm I streets and Xr. J. P. Lord attesaej the 1 ; lttured BikL, who waa taken te Ciaraoc boerph a. TriwuriK. J..4 cli a, ur a. Sl.iitK'.- Nancy Boyce. b,a m. iiy Alien tm iM oOa .tyt .... X 1 t 1- yal. b. h by Boreal (Geerai S X 1 X Prmce Kohl. br. h Vy Fred Kohl lEaafTy) - I I 2 1 rtv y'reti i blk- TTi . bv tiring of one of them to tb repair srion. iUt Fairnrn Boy lLaoni. 2 X 4 (Icon r Ber.iamiB of TWtmtT -fourth and Boy BrwK h h . by S.ient TVin.lMi m -tm t rerred a pnt lm a I Brtk U'-'eaiil 1' J 4 X wrench no ana numeroni iner aii! M-phi .. t -a bruiaea. while tb other motorcTCIiiiT, v Tii Uaxn of 241 I) . Ktreet. Snulh I Omaha, was act bun at a. Tbe acct- it. 1 l Totaia.. -.-I 1 E 14 Tmala I at 1 1 Batted for Cs.rnr.hi i ninth. BoFtm V 4 a a I Pluaburr A I a X -X Two-baae tit: Clarke. Hlta: ff -. Ctrtby. 2 In four inmnpa: off Ijrineld. 2 in four ini littra. ftacnfir hit: frweeijem. ba otiai motor bobi ra oe today, defe tni I Ptoltn bane . Beach. t?tr -ke. Warner, the Br ir in tioat U ooaaejey enocieley by i.n j Iouble playat Clarke to G-ik on , Beach un- aeoona over a tbarty-mie wiurae. Th ! aa.iaia. iiumnui to ruicher. I-., on tlma aras 1 Lour 4 nunut. , ET baaes: jvton. 1. Pittaburr. fc' Baii or Oarka lmporia u Ttiephone led 4iV. after k.ia.' p. in. . N ' I . - breakaai Xarle ta uiw4. LTJC-'COD. Jitb., Aug. 4 iBpoPial. -Greena m playod ball ber y leraay. core 2 to 1 is favor til Great .m. Kt EJTTa OH TUB. mriaXISG TBACKI IaiArUB Wlaa tbe Mile Uamlkap at EARAT OGA T Aug. 4 Iiaoellon. tn favurita. eaaily won tue mile handicap at S taioga Muiid y and be a io ate;; d tint ij.c in 1 Jliha. tb taavteat hit- of the i - fcJe j Hurgan at t In preaent meeur.g Mohawk 11. from th n- 1 urd stable waa m kung hi first a;ipeara ut f t a year and aa lurcin c a terrific oe te the air c& turn when he was seen te au.ii. buiti broken djwn bad y. UK. rrsa face tmbib c i cial. tkt liendr l. f Totals -B B U it MOrXBA . AB. K. H- C A. at . I 2 X 14 11 He . aa .... ... 14 4 11 Ba ar. cf.. 14 114 baiaa. la. , 14 2 11 UmaiA, rf.. .. 4 I 1 I bletU-Tt. 2 4 4 X4 L8-var. .... 2 4 4 1 1 I 4) X 4 I I a Mua-aa .. .. Al f -A I w Fua MUia. II I 2 It 4 a Baa-trtx. LEGAL NOTICES wltb Tessas May Bo w en The Oitcare Cmba raacbed Phi .oeioh i ther faotdr the crucial test I I of e lev as games aa ay frti bum w:m I , first dre-in team, five with FT.tladei- pt a. four wltb ew Tot -k aad two wttb Pinabur. Monday they played and won I their first at F iiadeipbia. 1 . feanborn m to C bicajra Ttihiim. w41 says the Cubs are up aralnat a af i a ta a. Tbey will bare to piay a bole lot bettor hall than New York in crder to win. for i ti 1 1 furrua&ea s police pec teraoa to crr.ptrea and r ing urn jcis said Tut ors suffer from tb infiuvnoa of lb crowd oa l u nipire as a co eeque-ce, Oa their laat ri u. New Tors tb Cuba were tkail- b rateiy robbad and a ka feared wl'J be oa thta vuui hanTw a: , "T uae eleven games agabR first ivwan eluha. atx of the i a cm mat the Cubs' atrongea t oonts-der for in itennant, wUl t t ta xnetu of th wurtd s rti rr.pimia Moreint'er. they may BO a long war icward orx-tdng rr petmant. If iti Cubs can i lt-u up a at i ruj f tba ran bs with toe Fi.ii i tea tna Oiauta and get aa eyn break HL the Plra; ea. they will t In the riraiigeat k:nd id a ptiettioa . If the Cab lose a majority of itieir rem mine rfclladrlp Aa t rkr-etere le-A. T.T'H T; Anr 4 -k t. . Mtihlakentu.: tbt J?V? ?LU leading by one and a half ieurth. ta th. : 3 r a-t r-n t tit-n m rk I tuTi 1 KlTl TTl.TVaan lilt T .- - . . ... 1 T-.1a.rV4v titni runt, i fir tin "mrc -T k -ri-a, ma v MEDALS FOR PISTOL SHOTS Cot parol Rajaaaa- af Elarhth favalry MaAr Hls-e C Mark at yrt fkrriaaa, roRT ph-Ribax. ni, Ang -a- lt averaate eS was iti 7 naaii- I ba.l: Cff MrCar-hy. 2: off F-r-.",:iT 1 . j acapcemaait of tn awards of gnrtd. aiJ-ar the pistol sliooting corneals held here Barnrday waa made torlgtit. The winner of gold medala ttigetbtr with tbe sc re of race are as follow: CorrunriJ. Tt. JL RajT-ond. Etrhth cbt- lry, BP2 points; Corporal E - P. Xearna. Se enth cavalry . points. B D er medals were awarded to Sergeant O. Bo AT. Fourth cavalry, with l.i .4 point . Famer CbarVas 1 wia. Seoond cav alry, p.-ilnt. Sergiani Jerome Gralten- K points, and Ser geant R v T. Elder, Thirteenth cavalry, s- point-. Boocmd I euLvnat't Virgil J Peterson. r engineer ig oorpa, led the commissioned J offVers the ehtot. He acored W7 ptitnti I 1 and was awfcrded a aHver modal. Eleven 1 e-listed me and tl isp coranuaaioned of- econda. cal -a ley was se (inA. "the t'.-R. A tt-ird. and Hie I : Flttsbiirg. Hit by p!u -tied bah; By -on fourth- Tbe Britiab biat Iir ier ' Beifieid, Oraham . FtvnxJL out: Br Mo ll, with drew arter co r-Tag ejcli 1 no ea t anry. 1; by r eryunx 4. by came '.'a. 1 . r ' 1 PfcFSed ball: Fy Glbaon. by .Graham. Time; riiatraa La Bla Re A. !:&. t'mpirr: Johnstone. r'I"BL0X. 'Aug 4 -eitbert of tbe Olyro- j r l ark More- I s. piC team cornj ted lotSirbt to tb e-trx-s VEW TOKiL Au 4 Tit lrval Vartr-.! Of the B-ubiin Polie ai Ball . Wig,. The j tf. JvedTp Vie toT t.Th:Mp-ItaimTW,?, imtug both game of a doubieber of the hamrner by Jibn Flauaca-. . -bo I ..,, ,,--.. n. r-vi,.,. v... . . . . . .."it, v .... n.i. a , 1, .i .ni u ji i lo " " Fbbade.t.l. ia T, firm nn,. wpent tr, tl- "".,. , " . v taeirth inning. New 1 ork mavd 171 feet M Olympic reicord for i n, put th shot fet 1 rnchea. breaa- irig th Hfiut-n record 01 4 feet J inches. ftt Feier. 1.1. g.. ly Courier iMurph) i .. , t Ka.vnea. b. p. by S;m of F-d ViAos fTi'Ti T da. Time: f.ITV. I-llo. !.,. T:T7. 2:, Trotr.g. oiasa; American Hotel puree, Xi.wio: : ling McK iney, b. b by McKin nry, by D:rertor (Geerai S I 1 X Jak Lcybum. ch. g, ly ATto Bey burn i Grady 1 X t X 2 Nabma, b m.. by Peter Tb Great iBurgeoni X X X I " - MBy Earl. b. m by San Vatoo (BoweTtnu.n4 I 4 4 4 -'i Octiu. b. g.. by Great Heart t . . r lMclH-i .. S -1 'Oa inning. N Tork rur,g the anut run a-ith none out. The oerond game a as called at the c'loa of th eiarbtti score 4 tc 1 in lavor'of the locala. Score, I rourth rsvairy. limt game: KEW Tli K CSiKTrk-yaTl a t OA e -.1.01.1 TVnsef It... 4 1 li i i Kaae. at I X I -t f I I ano batted firat. scored W run In tfteir I Innii.g aa ag inrt 371 for tbe Fbnedeiphitna j In tbe aecond the' Inahmen has First race. 2-year-olds and up. selling. I . ", ,t ' furlonti: Befmed K. H. Smith, ati te li j " ZZ won. bugar Fin mt: JL. Buran. i to 1 . r w.k.fu eeoond. l-oogniui Nomet, to 1) t-ird. I "elo Caurwl-ml at WaAeflolA Time: 1 : T hey r Ofl and J. C Core alao AKEFIED, Neb, Ang. . gjiocial ) ran. j "VTaaefjeld li pre-pariig f r a big time Second race. toerle aae. handicap. 4-ITuday and V Todnesoay, Auyrjai 1 id Th year-oid and vn. about pr n ii)ea B nner , rrosram -lil rHinam of ball games between 'iH-jd. . - i !... r jii irv alio alt. fcaFT" ic c F TK- SIOVX CITT AND ' gaj aa m th ai and get bun,tJ m Pii -aVSkfTRJ KAli. A T OC' JfAXT." I burg, they wi lac a hercu. taac t O .alia . Nebra aa, AkigT t X. lb. I ""in out agi nat ibat handicap If tn Ta the anotkbo ara. ! Cubs get imifiiraii)' an even brek the nu. Btiadwe 4 ta fci won. Bums n O'Brien. 4 to X) aocond. Tin: 4 -X-V 1 larra fell. Onry three startera Third raoa. 1-year-o la. oeliin. fr eme balf furlongs: Court Bad iln hlUii:g. I te f won. Prudent a. a-eet, 1 to 1 oeoond. Von ever 1 Bruasol. V t li h.rd. Time: lrfT. Patriot Westmore.. Cnao. Ftrat Me aeiiger. Monoloarne, Abacy, Finn and 1. Tooca n aiao ran. Fo urtk race. X-year-old and up. Tia-denns CIA P-iiltng. I to lf arm. Far frsat Cla. Giin rt II 10 second- Iorant.e Kter. to X) third Time: ll-. Mayf lid, P-raelan e and Fond lit rt also ran Fifth raoa. X-rear-oida and up. Belling. ir.Iia and cruarter: riBohedint Mr Cahry. I U h wne Olorel Wb".e iliU, aBreet. 4 to 11 Bocond. Crackahrat . Oil a rt. ( te 1 third. Time: I-ir D Ark- a. a ran B'.a-th race. fles and geld:n-a. 2-year-oiAa, f've and one-half furlor.g: Maekette iHil. Norur 1 to 4 and outi a :m. Miaa Kearnev Of Scbl'.iin f to 11 secui.d. Louise Bell (K. Sweet. 2f to li thirA T;me : J ;V eland Piper Hel-E Man-ey. tre-rce VT Lebolt. rtroadTbtn and Bird of Flufl.t Bla ran. Louise Bell and BroaC-um coupled. EMEBaoS BET1III XTM TTTX-E Briimt b. t I Imaiia. rt . . .. I ? mr, . 4 lei:n. lb. . 4 -n-.urn: HI Britfa I., aa. . I kliKiBi.tTr. a 4 I 1 4 b ucnaa. uba . lb 1 kltckeiU tt. 4 arti wti. r 1 rwtbMi. ir . I r a l H . C iui ttt am. f-alit t. la 1I a .. 1Mb 47 14 14 I tttier. .. 4 14 I 1 1 let 4 4 t i. : 14 tit 4 14 1 H ill III 1 a 1 fioers were aaardad bronc medals. NEW MARK FOR BATTLESHIP tull, tei.Ta gatuea . bora ram, free street attractiotia etc. The lire oepartierit b a a t&Tigs in charge. rbll Aelmtbla a rt l-at Ir-labaa-a- rl"BLIN. Aug A Th c-kket mstcb be tween the Gentlemen if F iiadeljib ia an. d tbe Gem emeu of lrt'.and a aa cxmcluded here today and resulted m a victory for the v laiuara. NO ACTION ON EIGHT CADETS Step an Pre derat Ha 41 D -ta 4 lm gu taacate T a-aa Derlm d TiM 41 ! 14 2 Brifiwell out ; til Vy batted btll. None ou: a hen winning run wa made. Batted for Ewmg In the r.inih. CiTu-tnn-t! 0l41fit4 a New York I 1 1 ft 1 I I Tm-lietf r-tta: Br -snahan. Seymour Huggma -baa bit Oanaei. H:ur Cff . MnGiriril-y. 1 iti e'rbt and on-t lrd limit g. of! Ewing. 11 in eight reings; off CoaAiey. in tr.roe ir.r.inga. Sai-nfi: hlta: Irun. Mcl--aii. feioien baae: Itevltn. ImuI ie pi)': MrOtnnlty. Bndw,!) and Tnney. Left on baa-e: Nw Tor. 11: Crnc.nnatt 7. First baae on error: )! T -rk. 1. Cmctnrati. 1 S-.rurk out: Py Con-ley. Z Ba: MoGinnity. Time: 2. li. V n, j j-ea : Kigior and malie. Sai ore. see lid game: arrar Tout ClXCBH'.Tl 111.9 4 1 AS M O A K I sal table tram Alia tie at t Tar-Bty-T1ae katt aa Mawr. Bat Jtotio w erck given, thai tha anr.nsi Baaet .g f t a nTAhoa ra of Tb a saou City and Weebern Ka way ournpay w 1 be bawd at the off b mt tba ougaay ta Walk ! CUT Nebraaaa at tea (uu cl A a. 1.. aa Tbura ay, toi er t. Una. ta an rt directors tor tbe asv.i g j oar and I rt vpua lr ouaoutoa of an ig to rairi a ymprray aad tea rtn a t oosa Bay is lb Ci c -a. at yum cf b-a road omJi . t a rartaaA and prop arty af araaa id bwtag mow anaar iai 11 te aa 4 ii pas r. and tar the urana roa mt auc tehir b wain am as aiay at igay ooaae bofoa 1 tn BbiBTing try sard r of tb Board of lured a W. P. M'ha'EK, ba-re-.arr A 44 tut romainder of 1 1 a ay on tba trip, it er a lll b aa euciforLkitii vituaied a n lw aui is win out by a abort Bport at the f:ti ." OTFTEK BAT. N. T, Aug. A In latter of the dismu mal of the eight cadets from .the TTtiited Ptaies Military acaden .y for baaing. President Roosevelt b t ,ea no final at on, ooordu .g ta a Btatement issued today tbrougli his aa li itant aecretary Rudolph Foster. Set-retary of TiAr "Wright, after bis vU ut to the president last Saturday, stated I at tbe caa eta muc.d be rein stated to their clas.e al Went Point Tf ary Ih . tba , Imt ilia rl lk .. b ... 4 C. 4 run. I 4 Ik. 1 lib ktn nnr b. at I fr-iC-!,. m 4 at itbewBoa. a I 1 i tU at. 111 -. a , It 1 1.1 ru a.. 4 11 llo. t I41T atnrrii. Ik ill -en. K . at 4Couiniv. rr.. 111 Huttvin . am. Ill a . 4 4 1 lla.i l. 4 4 114 till! I 1 1 I I till I I I I 1 .1144 . I t 14 I 1414 .1 4 4 4 4 .. 4 - li : T aim 9 II I 1 To a Game caliod; fiaxk nea. Cincmnati 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 a 1 ! Nea Tork .. 1 ft 1 2 4 j Three-base hit: I'ciyle. Horn rims: fV-v- BidLi I hr.i: tiff i.'k,ev. I in a.x ln- I atdae-r After Hard rrb CHICAGO. Aug. I Nat Emerson of C5n- MOTVi of ruacr.-Tio3 To Who ea It May Conor-: Tbe firm of Bt I e aiiia Cu ail mm o a a ay i t tuttabi as 1 1 11 1 m u a day dtearved Tb 1 11111 m will b a Btiaued by W. W an,,,,, at to mm aarmtkai a. al Brandaaa Bice W. W. k: -in, jamas lAxxra. Imiad Aa g at 1, baA AM It anAa OCEAIi STEAlaEKS CANADIAN PACIFIC s tB mt tifcs g Ural 1 aa 1 run bat ax . tmmxmm BBt a s laa BE NNTN'JTOX. Kli A14 Special) In aa l ir-ru t:i.g ga m of ba.1 be; yes terday tb ln-p-r .. of . 1 , a a ere s,.. taaiod by the Alteuca Tb ftaLuiaa of th ga Bk were in hard bitting f in -c is a I th suparb ;,i.r!ii. of Peterson, n, t t i.l ' ' 1 tnaj al as is record new Bticw laa iknx' i.'i .. i 1,..., -. . . , wo - .' wirb rjteea airumeo-is and the 1 ta c ,-lut oied arS aalll lhal kept it tb touf-wea. oa ot abicn a a againa; i i. ,Ti,a of spectatora cbeerm s--ad;i . XAbora s rearaUkX Ink m Btigiian surucg : Wknin-r aaa li iavorit a ith tl crowd rn.nau succear;u.:y oitenoea 1:1 ti'ie a o os i em ten r.i t nyi uc against Har-y Wtidner of Or.ic go at th cnum of tn Ooujij-- cJub yesueroay Th ruti tn aaa otir of tbc 1 roe fdughl and n u I'hornT tor tool ad n the tttory of thea even a. The acore was a-lv. 1-4, i-4. k-1 : 7-4 1 I A f'-oi'aat of tb sierUi.g teanls that tbe ' 1 VflTUrR I PnDTr UrYCTCDV calth aaa lu jirooui came in tna f rat wiiiw ai4i ni aet Eiery fk aa irked by ra;,4 jr, vbortly after th cadets bad boea s-apenoed. announced that tt a preside I . bad aiij-roved tbe reooc enaation that lb s oa els be diamii inod and that tbe or. y paw aibi way far them to get baik to lb noade ,y aouid t t rough cong r,au action. CJV IX. Aug. 4 The battlenhip Indotn itabie which reached here Bririglng th pr 10 of Wara from Quebec. svorad S knot aa bour from land te land. Tbe I (To table Curing four hours In li early part of the voyage ma e 9b 4 knots an bony. Although for tbe trip from land to land It as beaten tb record cf tbe Cunard lmer ah ipa. tb Teasel waa not tripped to hstro Its racing powers, but camod Ka beary g-na, mars nines full of ammuxo tion and ail tb ogu lp 1 on t of actr aer -lee. Tbc long4st day s run was IX knots. Tba engineers eonaioer the feat of th Indomitable a splendid Tribal te tb par sons turb inea. Tlr prince of Wales took the keti iW. lnUreet in tbe speed tr d. H and all tb ofTlrer took a turn at t'.okli Dame Prosperity Is Again in Harmony with bngi-etw ctcditloiiA Clote? timt la limosT with the roy -uBi-e-i outJckie Are iorffort tn rdr. T-v-t ire to -er iiere tt lie fbilowtbC tfrnptitf iiricet: $30 SUITS TO ORDER r 1 By mir.g tb vmricu departz null of Trie Bos Want Ad page yon get beet rera'ta at aia t50 Saiti to order for $30 A lit reurtio on other j'rtce. perftrt fit rukfxtt,i- tocto-hy-AVilson Tailoring Co. S04eu3 S. 16th St, Keatr Iftih a-d Ymrmmta StnortA IbrtVatB , Tb jirtrelde I at re i ry. Wlllia i Loeh. I ninga Sacrifiot br : Bnawell. iitiri- sor.. t o t-iey t. .jr - t, : isrefci., 1 -ii on b ae : New Ti A 7: Cine mart. Bnaes on tie'..: Off Matbcaaor.. 1. off ! C'iev. I Ftrat b ke on error New Iiii. 1: CitHinnau. 1. i?:rua out: Fy i Ala '.hew aan. 7. by Irubec. 1. Ttaie ; 1 Ju 1 ! Vrr:; Fiig-ier and E-maiie gaa aut flva. akstre: Athletics 44424111 mVt lr-I-nria- - 4 2444441k- Barx me : Pexaroea and Maj.go 1; Er.j 1 .0 and .ng a . a aea oa Ubii : Off Fr- 1. cI Ang-lia , A uj la Aa ' AMf at 1, T. It. It. 2A Xraca Aamapa, Aug L la, 2a. 24. Befla- be A It. 21 Xktaa: bat sabre, tm a,; al oablB Mb 2k Oaaa -aaa. 1; Ti-bd 4-aaa. UAtb gti a y u 41 ae1 fr amrtn-uir ur wrlia 1 - J? 47 aaAlaa-w Mei ts Kaood y rfat h of ton mm at aa. tans and Ft al mrA xtu-ra a aten nd t John r.y oad- -m tn greal -1 rate or waa sisLer l.a yut oied in OrK-ianat Jon iut ly miathcT d id m t i n'.eea m ontbs ag aaa a a a mt tb awier wba aaa just died, was ao -tauaiiy Al 4 a few aaowi s ara. Oi t .itg mm from Cl rin a max b w 1 b box r Thursday igr.i. in tim tr mtsfsn worg hb in Cbau-ptot oa their rot-rn troac fcuoua dty. aft r si aa Tba ou LIUM i charge of tbe tew Ma iai 4 baa ba gams oa FriAay Tor toe Im r.l ic fat.. Jhm ki a been mc-naenao tl aw v m af a t it ba id by tho ua aa Mu - s uxma as. A au ia rt ooaoart wi b f-iv t aw fur ta gmt aad ta ir.- ga will ba tn -tot suaw aid wrtA sou te. TVaeu Ia b em takaa am b -aw tui Wee si! ever town la .d j mx tijo c amy. x on u r gab r apt. w mt Well Dieaard Man raikl It If lias brmit 1 rat af 2r. BowrlL ana when be fi ally won ttia ae lornih aaj wigiitee uta ganiea and tbe aei tli appla ,u was ge rr l Tn lb idn or suj urierw receied a abuck in tb aooond a4 r The local cab ram b ik oa 1 dug grave tit tw n wiu xnucc ta n is ; it: Bu.g - v . . . , , He waa wu ano waa . i "Alkches and oaniami-g lb deco ted at tb net. E nat laaiitg aia a ran 1 tkbr ,,f well droaoed an atu aged about games Tbon n waa the c wjikhi ira dt yoara. Las ar-uaed tbe authorttios te n' - 4BV. AA ill' W U UI WMJ UlUtQ lJUa-4. 1 PYTHIANS POUR INTO BOSTON aaat of t altaa-mw kaak mm leurelar aaa) Moot as ( Boat bbs 1 odg Tad a y . fKJTON, Aug 4 Py train and boat I j thou a ds of Frt ia ia attired tnta this i APC'RTK, 2nd, A ug 4 Tb fi. act -very city today in tim to take part In tb ex- j today oa tb farm nf It Br weS of a half erriaea or Im unary la the formal opening Wa-ones eax.y lead th third xre-ugL Ubror-r macs Uwugt.t after prtrvwd too grrat to iwercum and in keraua bi ning tbe body dot .red tb n.a bad loot tbe ral iU r ts a l TT X -at gagoBica waa rum l. aw taw eloaeiy ruuiettn d t J aa ino sr r uicicatea in after gut i weat ta tn, but ri ery cn:icai notnl was J eroon a a d a aid er won a ly aa .of ll avion gamea In laat aot was eaaliv aiubbor.y C(iU le-d. U aiditer tries hard ana w i a in a-or w aa at ve-a aa mod i bav a rood rt.ano ts aia But ber aera. in a a decide 1 bat and iy at or J ni cruaa oo rt auou iw (are. Hit art patch and tr c FT. tn Pioneer Press trr-m Siutlwai- aays: Fri- u ' w at afMort reeervod ber toiijrs.t ar to lbs effect tb t Hugh C. CamptetU. Mra. wk I ampbe- and Tien- arn and two 4aug- era of thla atr. and r. J. aemtiel. a br tbrr. a trarr a of c --gv ret-tt- of rjua-qus, ba reported among tl- tb wostern wumaa s rtibwaiwuty by a. - ' , - , ,.. f-aiin Mas Mtnaai aierw. r a At Ferr-a. B. are aafa. tagu. Tl t Boor la una n.aicu was -. i Word wa ae t by a-4 4-1 , covered by fence rails and tomurrow of tho twonty-fifth a Bum eoa- vr.ti:in of the aupre f lodge, th bum xu al ea.ri i pro en t ox the uniform rank of tba ; -nights of Frth and tbw usual son- ; v i oa of tbe Pythian suter Tl r.hitrf official artI of th oox.-velil.laa w as tb 1 formal dedwtat, late uiday. of Camp ' Ji ej.h H. Lyon on FraA im Field, one of Dakata Parry Safe. tb 1 rf eat p'jlic jut lygrounda la B.att u i PATTL, Mio... Aug. X A stcai J te j where 1 trots aoootrnaodai the graau r be ea s t rongfa the bead poru on cf i-h flic, ka buprem Beprtat-n i tacva H. flydney Woodworth. irt ide t of tat BtatJi ways and means coxxu i:U ' f .ir t is oo vetirlfbh. nat t-rrod tba cam i, ua C arlea A B maa. uprex s r'f !! af tbe order, via. ia t rn, Ira af mad tt ts Arthur J. Btobb rt. jr ganaral cox -X andmg tb tin 'nrra rat .. Al tb fct kg- W ar 1'vlT.g in an ag of apoCaliatn; aa age when llntin can bt be all. itied by the oonpentra-i-ion of even thtugi.l ufton the utifw rmx-g pursuit of a s:r.g. ot ject. "t ar jreoine'T such periai:tA Ws bav 4r.vei.i. rated and teaued all known rttethoos Jar tn treatntent ano cur tif d-aeaae c4 rtien. wticti g.'te ua the right te judge bet w en lb false and tt true between ah now r elenmou and solid w tirth bet ween oabei oea and anadewa Muaiy iLetirie cannu stand out aga mat our mode of treatment fur tr.e rut of the alii x enta. against progreaie mea- loal ocien oa. new Siaovteriet and lina- rtuied farts of dseaa es cured to stay cured our methooa Wa tr at saaa y aal af air aad ten awri y aad a rt m tuii x iTit. c a t Aaa a. x org btit-rrr o r-ouvov. bAiv villAIAa. K-iIlT aad 1LA91II bl- llttfcl and a i Baa rail bi s stsai tly. aowawt - 4 ).-. Cs-kalab! aad lllaiisslisa Ciffioe H:iur. I a m to p m burioaia, 10 to 1 only. Jf you cu tut ck.17. wme STATE FiIEDICAL INSTITUTE 1508 rarr.-TT) St, Betsreea 13th ivnd 14th St 0e, Neb. ours ia this taicii was a-w. i c,re was ae t by Mr. t binuae and waa ta tbc effort that, although tba ! iwiamg bold in Oijnneirsirai wiuh th is e-ieut. 1 1 rtr7.laaa w'rtabt. i nIi' 1U aa eampttely t irvyed. ail i tb r w-ers ad Ara a. at by -ovtn-or Curb BTyTC3S. Aug 4-B, XtUe , New pet pi, and Mr. Std;i-t j &tid and Mayor Ooorgw A. Hibard, mmimi Ln.1. cl A ria-w, . 1 an X l btvUker, ara awla. I Tba Crat t PILES. ttwaaal in s a pinWis w .L'.o.jt uae tmi iBTiati rr L i l nth TawtioiiBiBik, am ia a- a r aiaiw TC-LAT rat few Baak as ftewal D R. EL R. TARRY. 224 0o Dulldlnj:. Omaha, Neb.